whitelist = "articlelist,putyuyin,paylist,wappayarticle,deletearticlecomment,getuserarticles,getnewlist,getbycatidanduid,posttopicreward"; parent::__construct (); $this->load->model ( 'topic_model' ); $this->load->model ( 'topic_tag_model' ); $this->load->model ( 'articlecomment_model' ); $this->load->model ( 'category_model' ); $this->load->model ( 'question_model' ); } // 文章点赞 function ajaxhassupport() { $answerid = intval ( $this->uri->segment ( 3 ) ); $supports = $this->topic_model->get_support_by_sid_aid ( $this->user ['sid'], $answerid ); $ret = $supports ? '1' : '-1'; exit ( $ret ); } function ajaxaddsupport() { $tid = intval ( $this->uri->segment ( 3 ) ); $article = $this->topic_model->get ( $tid ); $this->topic_model->add_support ( $this->user ['sid'], $tid, $article ['authorid'] ); $answer = $this->topic_model->getcomment ( $tid ); exit ( $answer ['supports'] ); } // 添加文章评论 function ajaxaddarticlecomment() { $tid = isset ( $_POST ['tid'] ) ? intval ( $_POST ['tid'] ) : 0; if ($tid == 0) { $message ['code'] = 201; $message ['msg'] = '文章不存在'; echo json_encode ( $message ); exit (); } $aid = isset ( $_POST ['aid'] ) ? intval ( $_POST ['aid'] ) : 0; if ($aid == 0) { $message ['code'] = 201; $message ['msg'] = '文章评论不存在'; echo json_encode ( $message ); exit (); } if ($this->user ['uid'] == 0) { $message ['code'] = 201; $message ['msg'] = '请先登录'; echo json_encode ( $message ); exit (); } if (isset ( $this->setting ['register_on'] ) && $this->setting ['register_on'] == '1') { if ($this->user ['active'] != 1) { $message ['code'] = 201; $message ['msg'] = "必须激活邮箱才能评论!"; echo json_encode ( $message ); exit (); } } $touid = isset ( $_POST ['touid'] ) ? intval ( $_POST ['touid'] ) : 0; $content = $this->input->post ( 'content' ) != null ? strip_tags ( $this->input->post ( 'content' ) ) : ''; if ($content == '') { $message ['code'] = 201; $message ['msg'] = '评论不能为空'; echo json_encode ( $message ); exit (); } if (strlen ( $content ) > 300) { $message ['code'] = 201; $message ['msg'] = '评论不能超过100字'; echo json_encode ( $message ); exit (); } // 获取当前的文章 $article = $this->topic_model->get ( $tid ); if (! $article) { $message ['code'] = 201; $message ['msg'] = '文章不存在'; echo json_encode ( $message ); exit (); } // 检查评论内容 $mywords = checkwords ( $content ); if ($mywords [0] == 2) { $message ['code'] = 201; $message ['msg'] = '评论包含敏感信息'; echo json_encode ( $message ); exit (); } if ($touid) { if ($touid == $this->user ['uid']) { $message ['code'] = 201; $message ['msg'] = '不能@自己'; echo json_encode ( $message ); exit (); } $this->load->model ( 'user_model' ); $touser = $this->user_model->get_by_uid ( $touid ); $userspaceurl = url ( 'user/space/' . $touser ['uid'] ); $tousername = $touser ['username']; $content = "@$tousername " . $content; } $data ['tid'] = intval ( $tid ); $data ['aid'] = intval ( $aid ); $data ['authorid'] = $this->user ['uid']; $data ['author'] = $this->user ['username']; $data ['content'] = $content; $data ['time'] = time (); $id = $this->articlecomment_model->addarticlecomment ( $data ); if ($id) { if ($touid) { // 如果有@别,发私信过去 $this->load->model ( "message_model" ); $subject = "您的文章评论有新回复"; $title = $article ['title']; $aurl = url ( "topic/getone/" . $article ['id'] ); $contentmsg = "您对文章[$title]的评论,对方回复:
$content" . "点击查看详情"; $this->message_model->add ( $this->user ['username'], $this->user ['uid'], $touser ['uid'], $subject, $contentmsg, 'questioncomment' ); //发送邮件通知 $quser=$this->user_model->get_by_uid($article['authorid']); //如果作者开启文章评论邮件通知,且评论不是作者本人 if($quser['notify']['comment_reply']==1&&$quser['uid']!=$this->user ['uid']){ $subject = "文章[".$title."]有新评论![评论回复通知]"; $sendmessage = $content. '


'; sendmail ( $quser, $subject, $sendmessage ); } } $message ['code'] = 200; $message ['msg'] = '评论成功'; echo json_encode ( $message ); exit (); } } // 获取文章评论的回复 function ajaxgetcommentlist() { $tid = isset ( $_POST ['tid'] ) ? intval ( $_POST ['tid'] ) : 0; if ($tid == 0) { $message ['code'] = 201; $message ['msg'] = '文章不存在'; echo json_encode ( $message ); exit (); } $aid = isset ( $_POST ['aid'] ) ? intval ( $_POST ['aid'] ) : 0; if ($aid == 0) { $message ['code'] = 201; $message ['msg'] = '文章评论不存在'; echo json_encode ( $message ); exit (); } $commentlist = $this->articlecomment_model->getarticlecommentlist ( $tid, $aid ); $message ['code'] = 200; $message ['msg'] = json_encode ( $commentlist ); echo json_encode ( $message ); exit (); } // 删除文章评论回复 function ajaxdelartcomment() { $id = isset ( $_POST ['id'] ) ? intval ( $_POST ['id'] ) : 0; if ($id == 0) { $message ['code'] = 201; $message ['msg'] = '文章评论不存在'; echo json_encode ( $message ); exit (); } // 获取当前评论 $comment = $this->articlecomment_model->getoneartcomment ( $id ); if (! $comment) { $message ['code'] = 201; $message ['msg'] = '文章评论回复不存在'; echo json_encode ( $message ); exit (); } else { if ($this->user ['grouptype'] != 1) { if ($comment ['authorid'] != $this->user ['uid']) { $message ['code'] = 201; $message ['msg'] = '只有作者本人才能删除评论'; echo json_encode ( $message ); exit (); } } $this->articlecomment_model->delartcomment ( $id, $comment ['aid'] ); $message ['code'] = 200; $message ['msg'] = '删除成功'; echo json_encode ( $message ); exit (); } } // 删除评论 function deletearticlecomment() { if ($this->user ['uid'] == 0) { $this->message ( "你还没登录!", 'user/login' ); } $tid = intval ( $this->uri->segment ( 4 ) ); $id = intval ( $this->uri->segment ( 3 ) ); $viewurl = urlmap ( 'topic/getone/' . $tid, 2 ); $article = $this->topic_model->getcomment ( $id ); if ($this->user ['grouptype'] != 1) { if ($article ['authorid'] != $this->user ['uid']) { $this->message ( "非法操作!", $viewurl ); } } $this->topic_model->remove_by_tid ( $id, $tid ); $this->message ( "文章评论删除成功!", $viewurl ); } function ajaxviewtopic() { $tid = intval ( $this->uri->segment ( 3 ) ); $topic = $this->topic_model->get ( $tid ); if ($topic ['price'] == 0) exit ( '-1' ); include template ( "viewtopic" ); } function posttopicreward() { $tid = intval ( $this->input->post ( 'tid' ) ); $topic = $this->topic_model->get ( $tid ); $readmode = $topic ['readmode']; // 用户没登录 if ($this->user ['uid'] == 0) exit ( '-2' ); // 此文章不需要付费 if ($topic ['price'] == 0) exit ( '-1' ); $cash_fee = $topic ['price']; if ($readmode == '2') { if ($this->user ['credit2'] < $topic ['price']) { // 用户积分不足 exit ( '0' ); } } if ($readmode == '3') { if (round ( $this->user ['jine'] / 100 ) < $topic ['price']) { // 用户账户余额不足 exit ( '7' ); } } if ($this->user ['uid'] == $topic ['authorid']) { // 偷看的是本人 exit ( '-3' ); } $readuid = $this->user ['uid']; $authorid = $topic ['authorid']; $one = $this->topic_model->getreaduser ( $readuid, $tid ); if ($one != null) { // 已经付费过了 exit ( '2' ); } // addtopicviewhistory $id = $this->topic_model->addtopicviewhistory ( $this->user ['uid'], $this->user ['username'], $tid ); if ($id > 0) { if ($readmode == '2') { // 阅读的人积分扣减 $this->db->query ( "UPDATE " . $this->db->dbprefix . "user SET `credit2`=credit2-$cash_fee WHERE `uid`=$readuid" ); // 作者获得积分 $this->db->query ( "UPDATE " . $this->db->dbprefix . "user SET `credit2`=credit2+$cash_fee WHERE `uid`=$authorid" ); $this->load->model ( "doing_model" ); $this->doing_model->add ( $this->user ['uid'], $this->user ['username'], 15, $tid, $topic ['title'] ); } if ($readmode == '3') { $paycash_fee = $cash_fee * 100; // 阅读的人金额扣减 $this->db->query ( "UPDATE " . $this->db->dbprefix . "user SET `jine`=jine-$paycash_fee WHERE `uid`=$readuid" ); $useruid = $this->user ['uid']; $time = time (); $authorid = $topic ['authorid']; // 作者获得金额 $this->db->query ( "UPDATE " . $this->db->dbprefix . "user SET `jine`=jine+$paycash_fee WHERE `uid`=$authorid" ); $this->db->query ( "INSERT INTO " . $this->db->dbprefix . "paylog SET type='topayarticle',typeid=$tid,money=$cash_fee,openid='',fromuid=$authorid,touid=$useruid,`time`=$time" ); $this->db->query ( "INSERT INTO " . $this->db->dbprefix . "paylog SET type='payarticle',typeid=$tid,money=$cash_fee,openid='',fromuid=$useruid,touid=$authorid,`time`=$time" ); } exit ( '1' ); } else { exit ( '-4' ); } } function search() { $hidefooter = 'hidefooter'; $type = "topic"; $this->load->helper ( 'security' ); if ($_GET ['word']) { $word = xss_clean ( $_GET ['word'] ); } else { $word = xss_clean ( $_GET [0] ); } if (isset ( $_SERVER ['HTTP_X_REWRITE_URL'] ) && $_GET ['word'] == null) { if (function_exists ( "iconv" ) && $this->uri->rsegments [3] != null) { $word = iconv ( "GB2312", "UTF-8//IGNORE", $this->uri->rsegments [3] ); } } else if (isset ( $_SERVER ['ORIG_PATH_INFO'] ) && $_GET ['word'] == null) { $word = iconv ( "GB2312", "UTF-8//IGNORE", $this->uri->rsegments [3] ); } if ($word == null) { if ($this->uri->segment ( 3 ) != null) { $word = urldecode ( $this->uri->rsegments [3] ); } } if ($word == null) { $word = trim ( $this->input->post ( 'word' ) ) ? trim ( $this->input->post ( 'word' ) ) : urldecode ( $_word ); } (! $word) && $this->message ( "搜索关键词不能为空!", 'BACK' ); $navtitle = $word; if($_GET['pageindex']){ @$page = max ( 1, intval ($_GET['pageindex']) ); }else{ @$page = max ( 1, intval ( $this->uri->rsegments [4] ) ); } $pagesize = $this->setting ['list_default']; $startindex = ($page - 1) * $pagesize; $seo_description = $word; $seo_keywords = $word; $topiclist = null; // 定义空文章数组 // $rownum = $this->topic_model->rownum_by_tag($word); // $topiclist = $this->topic_model->list_by_tag($word, $startindex, $pagesize); // if($topiclist==null){ $topiclist = $this->topic_model->get_bylikename ( $word, $startindex, $pagesize ); // } $rownum = $this->topic_model->rownum_by_title ( $word ); foreach ( $topiclist as $key => $val ) { $taglist = $this->topic_tag_model->get_by_aid ( $val ['id'] ); $topiclist [$key] ['tags'] = $taglist; } $pageurl = url ( 'topic/search' ) . "?word=$word"; $departstr = cpage ( $rownum, $pagesize, $page, $pageurl ); include template ( 'topictag' ); } function cancelhot() { $id = intval ( $this->uri->segment ( 3 ) ); $this->topic_model->updatetopichot ( $id, '0' ); $this->message ( "取消顶置成功!", urlmap ( 'topic/hotlist' ) ); } function pushhot() { $id = intval ( $this->uri->segment ( 3 ) ); $this->topic_model->updatetopichot ( $id, '1' ); $this->message ( "推荐到首页成功!", urlmap ( 'topic/hotlist' ) ); } function ajaxpostsupportcomment() { $message = array (); $cmid = intval ( $this->input->post ( 'cmid' ) ); $this->load->model ( "articlecomment_model" ); $this->articlecomment_model->updatecmsupport ( $cmid ); $message ['state'] = 1; echo json_encode ( $message ); exit (); } function ajaxpostcomment() { $message = array (); if ($this->user ['uid'] <= 0) { $message ['state'] = - 1; $message ['msg'] = "登录后可发布评论"; echo json_encode ( $message ); exit (); } if (isset ( $this->setting ['register_on'] ) && $this->setting ['register_on'] == '1') { if ($this->user ['active'] != 1) { $message ['code'] = 201; $message ['msg'] = "必须激活邮箱才能评论!"; echo json_encode ( $message ); exit (); } } $content = $this->input->post ( 'content' ); $title = strip_tags ( $this->input->post ( 'title' ) ); $tid = intval ( $this->input->post ( 'tid' ) ); $this->load->model ( "articlecomment_model" ); $onecorder = $this->articlecomment_model->checkhascomment ( $tid, $this->user ['uid'] ); if ($onecorder != null) { $message ['state'] = 0; $message ['msg'] = "您已经评论过了!"; echo json_encode ( $message ); exit (); } // 检查评论内容 $mywords = checkwords ( $content ); if ($mywords [0] == 2) { $message ['code'] = 201; $message ['msg'] = '评论包含敏感信息'; echo json_encode ( $message ); exit (); } $status = 1; $supports = rand ( 1, 5 ); $id = $this->articlecomment_model->add_seo ( $tid, $title, $content, $this->user ['uid'], $this->user ['username'], $status, $supports ); if ($id > 0) { $message ['state'] = 1; $message ['msg'] = "评论成功!"; $state = intval ( $this->setting ['publisharticlecommentcheck'] ) > 0 ? 0 : 1; if ($state == 1) { $topicone = $this->topic_model->get ( $tid ); $message ['msg'] = "评论成功!"; $this->load->model ( "doing_model" ); $this->doing_model->add ( $this->user ['uid'], $this->user ['username'], 14, $tid, $content ); //发送邮件通知 $quser=$this->user_model->get_by_uid($topicone['authorid']); //如果作者开启文章评论邮件通知,且评论不是作者本人 if($quser['notify']['comment']==1&&$quser['uid']!=$this->user ['uid']){ $subject = "文章[".$title."]有新评论!"; $sendmessage = $content. '


'; sendmail ( $quser, $subject, $sendmessage ); } } else { $message ['msg'] = "评论成功,等待审核!"; } } else { $message ['state'] = 0; $message ['msg'] = "评论失败!"; } echo json_encode ( $message ); exit (); } function paylist() { $navtitle = "付费阅读文章专栏"; $typename="pay"; @$page = max ( 1, intval ( $this->uri->segment ( 4 ) ) ); $pagesize = $this->setting ['list_default']; $startindex = ($page - 1) * $pagesize; $readmode=$this->uri->segment ( 3 )=='money' ? 3:2; $rownum = returnarraynum ( $this->db->query ( getwheresql ( 'topic', ' readmode='.$readmode.' and state=1 ', $this->db->dbprefix ) )->row_array () ); $topiclist = $this->topic_model->get_paylist ( $startindex, $pagesize,$readmode ); $departstr = page ( $rownum, $pagesize, $page, "topic/paylist" ); $sublist = $this->category_model->list_by_cid_pid_all ( 0, 0 ); // 获取子分类 include template ( 'topic' ); } function hotlist() { $navtitle = "最新文章推荐"; $typename="top"; @$page = max ( 1, intval ( $this->uri->segment ( 3 ) ) ); $pagesize = $this->setting ['list_default']; $startindex = ($page - 1) * $pagesize; $rownum = returnarraynum ( $this->db->query ( getwheresql ( 'topic', ' ispc=1 and state=1 ', $this->db->dbprefix ) )->row_array () ); $topiclist = $this->topic_model->get_hotlist ( 1, $startindex, $pagesize, 12 ); $departstr = page ( $rownum, $pagesize, $page, "topic/hotlist" ); $sublist = $this->category_model->list_by_cid_pid_all ( 0, 0 ); // 获取子分类 include template ( 'topic' ); } function weeklist() { $navtitle = "热门文章"; $typename="hot"; @$page = max ( 1, intval ( $this->uri->segment ( 3 ) ) ); $pagesize = $this->setting ['list_default']; $startindex = ($page - 1) * $pagesize; $timeweekstart = time() - 7 * 24 * 3600; $timedaystart = time()- 1 * 24 * 3600; $timemonthstart = time() - 30 * 24 * 3600; $timeyearstart = time() - 365 * 24 * 3600; $timeend = time(); $query = null; $rownum=0; // 先看一天内文章是否超过10条 $dayrownum = returnarraynum ( $this->db->query ( getwheresql ( 'topic', " state=1 AND `viewtime`>$timedaystart AND `viewtime`<$timeend ", $this->db->dbprefix ) )->row_array () ); if ($dayrownum >= 10) { $rownum=$dayrownum; } else { // 看这一周是否超过10条 $weekrownum = returnarraynum ( $this->db->query ( getwheresql ( 'topic', " state=1 AND `viewtime`>$timeweekstart AND `viewtime`<$timeend ", $this->db->dbprefix ) )->row_array () ); if ($weekrownum >= 10) { $rownum=$weekrownum; } else { // 看这一月是否超过10条 $monthrownum = returnarraynum ( $this->db->query ( getwheresql ( 'topic', " state=1 AND `viewtime`>$timemonthstart AND `viewtime`<$timeend ", $this->db->dbprefix ) )->row_array () ); if ($monthrownum >= 10) { $rownum=$monthrownum; }else{ // 看这一月是否超过10条 $rownum = returnarraynum ( $this->db->query ( getwheresql ( 'topic', " state=1 AND `viewtime`>$timeyearstart AND `viewtime`<$timeend ", $this->db->dbprefix ) )->row_array () ); } } } $topiclist = $this->topic_model->get_weeklist ( $startindex, $pagesize ); $departstr = page ( $rownum, $pagesize, $page, "topic/weeklist" ); $sublist = $this->category_model->list_by_cid_pid_all ( 0, 0 ); // 获取子分类 include template ( 'topic' ); } // 获取最新文章 function getnewlist() { @$page = max ( 1, intval ( $this->uri->segment ( 3 ) ) ); $pagesize = 6; $startindex = ($page - 1) * $pagesize; $wzrownum = returnarraynum ( $this->db->query ( getwheresql ( 'topic', '1=1 and state=1 ', $this->db->dbprefix ) )->row_array () ); $topiclist = $this->topic_model->get_list ( 2, $startindex, $pagesize ); echo json_encode ( $topiclist ); exit (); } function getbycatidanduid() { $pagesize = 6; $muid = intval ( $this->uri->segment ( 3 ) ); @$page = max ( 1, intval ( $this->uri->segment ( 5 ) ) ); $startindex = ($page - 1) * $pagesize; if ($this->uri->segment ( 4 ) == 'all') { $topiclist = $this->topic_model->get_list_byuid ( $muid, $startindex, $pagesize ); echo json_encode ( $topiclist ); exit (); } $cid = intval ( $this->uri->segment ( 4 ) ); $topiclist = $this->topic_model->get_list_bycidanduid ( $cid, $muid, $startindex, $pagesize ); echo json_encode ( $topiclist ); exit (); } // 获取用户相关的文章数和关注数 function getuserarticles() { @$page = max ( 1, intval ( $this->uri->segment ( 3 ) ) ); $pagesize = 8; $startindex = ($page - 1) * $pagesize; $userrownum = $this->topic_model->rownum_by_user_article (); $topiclist = $this->topic_model->get_user_articles ( $startindex, $pagesize ); echo json_encode ( $topiclist ); exit (); } function index() { $navtitle = "最新文章专栏推荐"; $seo_description = "推荐问答最新文章专栏,热门文章和最新文章推荐。"; $seo_keywords = "问答文章专栏"; $typename="new"; @$page = max ( 1, intval ( $this->uri->segment ( 3 ) ) ); $pagesize = $this->setting ['list_default']; $startindex = ($page - 1) * $pagesize; $rownum = returnarraynum ( $this->db->query ( getwheresql ( 'topic', ' id>0 and state=1 ', $this->db->dbprefix ) )->row_array () ); $pages = @ceil ( $rownum / $pagesize ); $topiclist = $this->topic_model->get_list ( 2, $startindex, $pagesize ); $departstr = page ( $rownum, $pagesize, $page, "topic/default" ); $metakeywords = $navtitle; $metadescription = '精彩推荐列表'; $sublist = $this->category_model->list_by_cid_pid_all ( 0, 0 ); // 获取子分类 include template ( 'topic' ); } /** * 获取文章列表根据分类 * @date: 2019年5月19日 下午1:38:33 * @author: 61703 * @param: variable * @return: */ function articlelist(){ $catid = intval ( $this->uri->rsegments [3] ); @$page = max ( 1, intval ( $this->uri->rsegments [4] ) ); $catmodel = $this->category_model->get ( $catid ); $navtitle = $catmodel ['name']; $cids = array (); $pid=0; // 如果这是顶级分类 if ($catmodel ['pid'] == 0) { // 获取当前分类下的子分类--二级分类 $catlist = $this->category_model->list_by_pid ( $catid ); // 把顶级分类id写入数组 array_push ( $cids, $catid ); // 循环获取顶级分类下的子分类 foreach ( $catlist as $key => $val ) { // 子分类写入数组 array_push ( $cids, $val ['id'] ); // 获取子分类下的三级分类 $catlist1 = $this->category_model->list_by_pid ( $val ['id'] ); foreach ( $catlist1 as $key1 => $val1 ) { array_push ( $cids, $val1 ['id'] ); } } } else { $pid=$catmodel['pid']; // 如果不是顶级分类,先将分类id写入数组 array_push ( $cids, $catid ); // 获取该分类下的子分类 $catlist = $this->category_model->list_by_pid ( $catid ); if ($catlist) { // 遍历子分类写入数组 foreach ( $catlist as $key => $val ) { array_push ( $cids, $val ['id'] ); } } if ($catmodel ['grade'] == 3) { $catlist = $this->category_model->list_by_pid ( $catmodel ['pid'] ); $catmodel = $this->category_model->get ( $catmodel ['pid'] ); } } $cid = implode ( ',', $cids ); $pagesize = $catmodel ['template'] == 'catlist_text' ? 40 : $this->setting ['list_default']; $startindex = ($page - 1) * $pagesize; $rownum = returnarraynum ( $this->db->query ( getwheresql ( 'topic', "articleclassid in($cid) and state=1 ", $this->db->dbprefix ) )->row_array () ); $trownum = returnarraynum ( $this->db->query ( getwheresql ( 'topic', " articleclassid in($cid) and state=1 ", $this->db->dbprefix ) )->row_array () ); $topiclist = $this->topic_model->get_bycatid ( $cid, $startindex, $pagesize ); $departstr = page ( $rownum, $pagesize, $page, "topic/catlist/$catid" ); /* SEO */ $seo_keywords = $navtitle; $seo_description = $this->setting ['site_name'] . $navtitle . '频道,提供' . $navtitle . '相关文章。'; if ($this->setting ['seo_category_title']) { $seo_title = str_replace ( "{wzmc}", $this->setting ['site_name'], $this->setting ['seo_category_title'] ); $seo_title = str_replace ( "{flmc}", $navtitle, $seo_title ); if ($page == 1) { } else { $seo_title = $seo_title . '_第' . $page . "页"; } } else { if ($page == 1) { } else { $navtitle = $navtitle . '_第' . $page . "页"; } } if ($this->setting ['seo_category_description']) { $seo_description = str_replace ( "{wzmc}", $this->setting ['site_name'], $this->setting ['seo_category_description'] ); $seo_description = str_replace ( "{flmc}", $navtitle, $seo_description ); } if ($this->setting ['seo_category_keywords']) { $seo_keywords = str_replace ( "{wzmc}", $this->setting ['site_name'], $this->setting ['seo_category_keywords'] ); $seo_keywords = str_replace ( "{flmc}", $navtitle, $seo_keywords ); } include template ( 'topic' ); } function catlist() { $catid = intval ( $this->uri->rsegments [3] ); //相关分类标签 $this->load->model ( "tag_model" ); $relativetags = $this->tag_model->gettaglistbycid ( $catid ); $is_followed = $this->category_model->is_followed ( $catid, $this->user ['uid'] ); $followerlist = $this->category_model->get_followers ( $catid, 0, 8 ); // 获取导航 @$page = max ( 1, intval ( $this->uri->rsegments [4] ) ); $catmodel = $this->category_model->get ( $catid ); $navtitle = $catmodel ['name']; $cids = array (); // 如果这是顶级分类 if ($catmodel ['pid'] == 0) { // 获取当前分类下的子分类--二级分类 $catlist = $this->category_model->list_by_pid ( $catid ); // 把顶级分类id写入数组 array_push ( $cids, $catid ); // 循环获取顶级分类下的子分类 foreach ( $catlist as $key => $val ) { // 子分类写入数组 array_push ( $cids, $val ['id'] ); // 获取子分类下的三级分类 $catlist1 = $this->category_model->list_by_pid ( $val ['id'] ); foreach ( $catlist1 as $key1 => $val1 ) { array_push ( $cids, $val1 ['id'] ); } } } else { // 如果不是顶级分类,先将分类id写入数组 array_push ( $cids, $catid ); // 获取该分类下的父亲级别的分类 // $catlist=$this->category_model->list_by_pid($catmodel['pid']); if ($catmodel ['grade'] == 3) { //$catlist = $this->category_model->list_by_pid ( $catmodel ['pid'] ); $parentcatmodel = $this->category_model->get ( $catmodel ['pid'] ); }else{ // 获取该分类下的子分类 $catlist = $this->category_model->list_by_pid ( $catid ); if ($catlist) { // 遍历子分类写入数组 foreach ( $catlist as $key => $val ) { array_push ( $cids, $val ['id'] ); } } } // var_dump($catmodel);exit(); } $cid = implode ( ',', $cids ); $pagesize = $catmodel ['template'] == 'catlist_text' ? 40 : $this->setting ['list_default']; $startindex = ($page - 1) * $pagesize; $rownum = returnarraynum ( $this->db->query ( getwheresql ( 'topic', "articleclassid in($cid) and state=1 ", $this->db->dbprefix ) )->row_array () ); $trownum = returnarraynum ( $this->db->query ( getwheresql ( 'topic', " articleclassid in($cid) and state=1 ", $this->db->dbprefix ) )->row_array () ); $topiclist = $this->topic_model->get_bycatid ( $cid, $startindex, $pagesize ); foreach ( $topiclist as $key => $val ) { $taglist = $this->topic_tag_model->get_by_aid ( $val ['id'] ); $topiclist [$key] ['tags'] = $taglist; } $departstr = page ( $rownum, $pagesize, $page, "topic/catlist/$catid" ); /* SEO */ $seo_keywords = $navtitle; $seo_description = $this->setting ['site_name'] . $navtitle . '频道,提供' . $navtitle . '相关文章。'; if ($this->setting ['seo_category_title']) { $seo_title = str_replace ( "{wzmc}", $this->setting ['site_name'], $this->setting ['seo_category_title'] ); $seo_title = str_replace ( "{flmc}", $navtitle, $seo_title ); if ($page == 1) { } else { $seo_title = $seo_title . '_第' . $page . "页"; } } else { if ($page == 1) { } else { $navtitle = $navtitle . '_第' . $page . "页"; } } if ($this->setting ['seo_category_description']) { $seo_description = str_replace ( "{wzmc}", $this->setting ['site_name'], $this->setting ['seo_category_description'] ); $seo_description = str_replace ( "{flmc}", $navtitle, $seo_description ); } if ($this->setting ['seo_category_keywords']) { $seo_keywords = str_replace ( "{wzmc}", $this->setting ['site_name'], $this->setting ['seo_category_keywords'] ); $seo_keywords = str_replace ( "{flmc}", $navtitle, $seo_keywords ); } // 如果分类模板没有为空,就应用新模板 if ($catmodel ['template'] == null || trim ( $catmodel ['template'] ) == '') { include template ( 'catlist' ); } else { include template ( trim ( $catmodel ['template'] ) ); } } function convertUrlQuery($query) { $queryParts = explode ( '&', $query ); $params = array (); foreach ( $queryParts as $param ) { $item = explode ( '=', $param ); $params [$item [0]] = $item [1]; } return $params; } /** * 将参数变为字符串 * * @param * $array_query * @return string string 'm=content&c=index&a=lists&catid=6&area=0&author=0&h=0®ion=0&s=1&page=1' (length=73) */ function getUrlQuery($array_query) { $key = ''; foreach ( $array_query as $k => $param ) { $key = $k; break; } return $key; } function getone() { $topicid = intval ( $this->uri->rsegments [3] ); $panneltype = "hidefixed"; $useragent = $_SERVER ['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; $menu = "topic"; $topicone = $this->topic_model->get ( $topicid ); if ($topicone == null) { header ( 'HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found' ); header ( "status: 404 Not Found" ); echo '404-您访问的页面不存在'; echo "



'; exit (); } if (intval ( $topicone ['state'] ) == 0) { $this->message ( "文章在审核中", "topic/default" ); } $readuid = $this->user ['uid']; $haspayprice = 0; $one = $this->topic_model->getreaduser ( $readuid, $topicid ); if ($one != null) { // 已经付费过了 $haspayprice = 1; } $topicone ['describtion'] = $topicone ['describtion']; $cat_model = $this->category_model->get ( $topicone ['articleclassid'] ); $taglist = $this->topic_tag_model->get_by_aid ( $topicone ['id'] ); $cid = $topicone ['articleclassid']; $category = $this->category [$cid]; // 得到分类信息 $ctopiclist = $this->topic_model->get_bycatid ( $cid ); $cfield = 'cid' . $category ['grade']; // $questionlist=$this->question_model->list_by_condition(" "); $questionlist = $this->question_model->list_by_cfield_cvalue_status ( $cfield, $cid, 'all', 0, 8 ); // 问题列表数据 $topicone ['tags'] = $taglist; $views = $topicone ['views'] + 1; $topic_price = $topicone ['price']; $this->db->query ( "UPDATE `" . $this->db->dbprefix . "topic` SET `views`=$views WHERE `id`=$topicid" ); $navtitle = $topicone ['title']; $this->load->model ( "favorite_model" ); $followerlist = $this->favorite_model->get_list_bytid ( $topicid ); // 收藏的人 $tagkeystr=''; if ($taglist) { $tagkeystr=''; foreach ( $taglist as $tag ) { $tagkeystr .= $tag['tagname'].","; } } $seo_keywords =trim($tagkeystr,','); if ($topicone ['price'] != 0 && $haspayprice == 0 && $this->user ['uid'] != $topicone ['authorid']) { $seo_description = "付费后可查看文章内容"; } else { $seo_description = cutstr ( trim ( clearhtml ( $topicone ['describtion'] ) ), 240 ); } $member = $this->user_model->get_by_uid ( $topicone ['authorid'], 2 ); // $is_followed = $this->user_model->is_followed($member['uid'], $this->user['uid']); $topiclist1 = $this->topic_model->get_list_byuid ( $member ['uid'], 0, 8 ); // $topiclist3 = $this->topic_model->get_list ( 1, 8 ); $is_followedauthor = $this->user_model->is_followed ( $member ['uid'], $this->user ['uid'] ); $this->load->model ( "articlecomment_model" ); $tid = $topicone ['id']; $isfollowarticle=$this->favorite_model->get_by_tid($tid); // 评论分页 @$page = 0; if (strpos ( $this->uri->rsegments [5], 'a' ) !== false) { @$page = 1; } else { @$page = max ( 1, intval ( $this->uri->rsegments [4]) ); } $pagesize = 5; // $this->setting['list_default']; $startindex = ($page - 1) * $pagesize; $commentlist = $this->articlecomment_model->list_by_tid ( $tid, 1, $startindex, $pagesize ); $commentrownum = returnarraynum ( $this->db->query ( getwheresql ( "articlecomment", " tid=$tid AND state=1 ", $this->db->dbprefix ) )->row_array () ); //更新评论数 $this->db->where(array('id'=>$tid))->update('topic',array('articles'=>$commentrownum)); $departstr = page ( $commentrownum, $pagesize, $page, "topic/getone/$topicid" ); // if(is_mobile()){ // include template('getonetopic','wap'); // }else{ $this->load->model ( "paylog_model" ); $shanglist = $this->paylog_model->getlist_bytype ( 'tid', $topicone ['id'] ); $totalmoney = $this->paylog_model->gettotalmoney ( 'tid', $topicone ['id'] ); // 获取全部的钱 $totalmoney = doubleval ( $totalmoney ); $message ['type'] = 'article'; $message ['touid'] = $member ['uid']; $message ['content'] = "给" . $member ['username'] . "的文章打赏"; $_SESSION ["type"] = json_encode ( $message ); $desc=$topicone['describtion']; $newct = $this->get_img_thumb_url($desc,SITE_URL."static/images/pcload.jpg"); $topicone['describtion']=$newct; //定义熊掌号推送的url数组 $tuiurls=array(); $_url=url("topic/getone/$tid"); //此问题的url array_push($tuiurls, $_url); //推送给熊掌号 xiongzhangtuisong($tuiurls); if($cat_model['articletemplate']&&$cat_model['articletemplate']!=''){ include template ( $cat_model['articletemplate']); }else{ include template ( 'topicone' ); } // ob_start (); // include template ( 'topicone' ); // // $content = ob_get_contents (); //取得php页面输出的全部内容 // $fp = fopen ( "./article/$topicid.html", "w" ); // fwrite ( $fp, $content ); // fclose ( $fp ); } function get_img_thumb_url($content="",$suffix="") { $pregRule = "//"; $content = preg_replace($pregRule, '', $content); return $content; } // 打印输出数组信息 function printf_info($data) { foreach ( $data as $key => $value ) { echo "$key : $value
"; } } function userxinzhi() { $uid = intval ( $this->uri->rsegments [3] ); if ($uid == null) { exit ( "非法操作" ); } $member = $this->user_model->get_by_uid ( $uid, 2 ); if($member['isblack']||!$member){ show_404(); exit(); } $is_followed = $this->user_model->is_followed ( $member ['uid'], $this->user ['uid'] ); $navtitle = $member ['username'] . '的专栏列表'; @$page = max ( 1, intval ( $this->uri->rsegments [4] ) ); $pagesize = 5; // $this->setting['list_default']; $startindex = ($page - 1) * $pagesize; $rownum = returnarraynum ( $this->db->query ( getwheresql ( 'topic', "authorid=$uid", $this->db->dbprefix ) )->row_array () ); $topiclist = $this->topic_model->get_list_byuid ( $uid, $startindex, $pagesize ); $pages = @ceil ( $rownum / $pagesize ); $catags = $this->topic_model->get_article_by_uid ( $uid ); foreach ( $topiclist as $key => $val ) { $taglist = $this->topic_tag_model->get_by_aid ( $val ['id'] ); $topiclist [$key] ['tags'] = $taglist; } $departstr = page ( $rownum, 5, $page, "topic/userxinzhi/$uid" ); $metakeywords = $navtitle; $metadescription = $member ['username'] . '的专栏列表'; if ($uid == $this->user ['uid']) { include template ( 'myuserxinzhi' ); } else { include template ( 'userxinzhi' ); } } /** * 语音文字合成处理 * @date: 2019年1月3日 下午4:37:59 * @author: 61703 * @param: variable * @return: */ function putyuyin(){ set_time_limit(0); require_once FCPATH.'lib/apispeech/AipSpeech.php'; $str=$_POST['content']; $tid=intval($_POST['tid']); $paystr=$_POST['paycontent']? $_POST['paycontent']:''; if(!$this->user['uid']){ $message['code']=201; $message['msg']="游客先登录后在生成"; echo json_encode($message); exit(); } $strword=strip_tags($str); $len=strlen($strword); $maxlen=200; $pages= @ceil ( $len / $maxlen ); $result=''; for($i=0;$i<$pages;$i++){ if(($i+1)>=$pages){ $result .= $client->synthesis(substr($strword,$i*$maxlen), 'zh', 1, array( 'vol' => 5, )); }else{ $result .= $client->synthesis(substr($strword,$i*$maxlen,$maxlen), 'zh', 1, array( 'vol' => 5, )); } } // 识别正确返回语音二进制 错误则返回json 参照下面错误码 if(!is_array($result)){ $yuyinfile=FCPATH."data/weixinrecord/free".$tid.".mp3"; file_put_contents($yuyinfile, $result); if($paystr==''){ $message['code']=200; $message['msg']="语音生成成功"; echo json_encode($message); exit(); } } $strword=strip_tags($paystr); $len=strlen($strword); $maxlen=200; $pages= @ceil ( $len / $maxlen ); $result=''; for($i=0;$i<$pages;$i++){ if(($i+1)>=$pages){ $result .= $client->synthesis(substr($strword,$i*$maxlen), 'zh', 1, array( 'vol' => 5, )); }else{ $result .= $client->synthesis(substr($strword,$i*$maxlen,$maxlen), 'zh', 1, array( 'vol' => 5, )); } } // 识别正确返回语音二进制 错误则返回json 参照下面错误码 if(!is_array($result)){ $yuyinfile=FCPATH."data/weixinrecord/pay".$tid.".mp3"; file_put_contents($yuyinfile, $result); if($paystr!=''){ $message['code']=200; $message['msg']="语音生成成功"; echo json_encode($message); exit(); } } } } ?>