$class ) { $this->$var = & load_class ( $class ); } $this->load = & load_class ( 'Loader', 'core' ); $this->load->initialize (); $this->load->library ( 'form_validation' ); if (PHP_VERSION < 7.2) { $this->load->library ( 'encrypt' ); } if (strstr ( trim ( config_item ( 'mobile_domain' ) ), $_SERVER ['HTTP_HOST'] )) { defined ( 'SITE_URL' ) or define ( 'SITE_URL', config_item ( 'mobile_domain' ) ); } else { defined ( 'SITE_URL' ) or define ( 'SITE_URL', config_item ( 'base_url' ) ); } // 检查是否安装了程序 $this->isinstall (); $this->init_cache (); // $this->checkurl (); $this->init_user (); $this->banned (); $this->canviewpage (); $this->time = time (); $this->ip = getip (); } /** * * 检车访问url是否正规,防搜索引擎抓取非正常网址 * * @date: 2019年11月17日 下午9:39:07 * * @author : 61703 * * @param * : variable * * @return : * */ function checkurl() { // 获取当前页面路由规则 $regular = strtolower ( $this->uri->rsegments [1] ) . '/' . strtolower ( $this->uri->rsegments [2] ); global $setting; $url = $_SERVER ['REQUEST_URI']; $p = pathinfo ( $url ); // 获取访问页面的后缀,可能是html,php或者别的后缀 $_fix = $p ['extension']; // 如果网页带参数,提取参数前的后缀 if (strstr ( $_fix, '?' )) { $_fix = substr ( $_fix, 0, strrpos ( $_fix, '?' ) ); } if (strstr ( $url, 'index.php?' ) || $this->uri->rsegments [1] == 'rss' || $this->uri->rsegments [1] == 'user' || $this->uri->rsegments [1] == 'appstore' || $this->uri->rsegments [1] == 'custom' || $this->uri->rsegments [1] == 'pay' || $this->uri->rsegments [1] == 'ebank' || $this->uri->rsegments [1] == 'api_user' || strstr ( $this->uri->rsegments [1], 'app_' )) { } else { // 判断是否是首页 if (strstr ( $regular, 'index/index' )) { // 如果是首页只允许后缀是 php或者后台配置的后缀 if ($_fix && $_fix != trim ( $setting ['seo_suffix'], '.' )) { // 同时后缀也不等于默认的php if ($_fix != 'php') { show_404 (); } } } else { // 判断如果不是后台seo设置得网页后缀或者不是分类栏目地址就返回404 if (strstr ( $regular, 'seo/index' ) || strstr ( $regular, 'ask/index' ) || strstr ( $regular, 'category/view' ) || strstr ( $regular, 'topic/catlist' )) { // 去掉文章栏目和问题栏目的url尾巴 // 栏目白名单 ,如果有后缀就返回404,和后台配置相同除外 if ($_fix && $_fix != trim ( $setting ['seo_suffix'], '.' )) { show_404 (); } } else { if (strstr ( $regular, '/index' )) { // 排除首页分享 } else { // 非栏目页面判断网址后缀是否是后台配置默认的网址后缀 if ($_fix != trim ( $setting ['seo_suffix'], '.' )) { show_404 (); } } } } } } // 检查是否已经安装 function isinstall() { if (strtolower ( $this->uri->rsegments [1] ) != "install") { if (! file_exists ( FCPATH . 'data/install.lock' )) { header ( 'location:' . base_url () . 'install/index.php' ); exit (); } } } /* 一旦setting的缓存文件读取失败,则更新所有cache */ public function init_cache() { global $setting, $category, $badword, $keyword, $usergroup; $this->load->database (); $setting = $this->setting = $this->cache->load ( 'setting' ); $category = $this->category = $this->cache->load ( 'category', 'id', 'displayorder' ); $badword = $this->cache->load ( 'badword', 'find' ); $keyword = $this->cache->load ( 'keywords', 'find' ); $usergroup = $this->usergroup = $this->cache->load ( 'usergroup', 'groupid' ); } function init_user() { global $user; $user = array (); if(!$_SESSION){ session_start(); } $sid=getip(); $uid=0; $password=''; if($_SESSION['loginuid']){ $uid=intval($_SESSION['loginuid']); } if($_SESSION['loginpassword']){ $password=$_SESSION['loginpassword']; } $this->load->model ( 'user_model' ); if ($uid && $password) { $user = $this->user_model->get_by_uid ( $uid, 0 ); ($password != $user ['password']) && $user = array (); } $baseUrl = 'http://' . $_SERVER ['HTTP_HOST'] . '/?' . urlmap ( $_SERVER ['QUERY_STRING'], 1 ); //$arr = parse_url ( $baseUrl ); //echo $baseUrl;exit(); if (! $user) { $user ['uid'] = 0; $user ['groupid'] = 6; if ($this->setting ['needlogin'] == 1) { $method = $this->uri->segments [2]; if ($this->uri->segments [1] != 'account' && $this->uri->segments [1] != 'plugin_weixin' && $this->uri->segments [1] != 'pccaiji_question' && $this->uri->segments [1] != 'pccaiji_catgory' && $this->uri->segments [1] != 'api_user' && $method != 'code' && $method != 'login' && $method != 'register'&& $method != 'ajaxsendpwdmail'&& $method != 'getsmscode'&& $method != 'getpwdsmscode'&& $method != 'getphonepass' && $method != 'getpass' && $method != 'resetpass' && $method != 'checkemail' && $method != 'getsmscode') { $url = url ( 'user/login' ); header ( "Location:$url" ); exit (); } } } if ($user ['isblack'] == 1) { exit ( "您已被网站管理员拉黑" ); } if ($user ['uid'] && $user ['invatecode'] == null) { $this->user_model->sendinvatecodetouid ( $user ['uid'] ); } $user ['sid'] = $sid; $user ['ip'] =getip(); $user ['uid'] && $user ['loginuser'] = $user ['username']; $user ['avatar'] = get_avatar_dir ( $user ['uid'] ); $user = $this->user = array_merge ( $user, $this->usergroup [$user ['groupid']] ); if ($user ['uid']) { // 如果用户登录,且携带邀请被邀请注册的邀请码,则自动成为被邀请人 // frominvatecode if (! isset ( $user ['frominvatecode'] )) { if (isset ( $_SESSION ['invatecode'] ) && $user ['invatecode'] != $_SESSION ['invatecode']) { $this->user_model->updateinvatecode ( $user ['uid'], $_SESSION ['invatecode'] ); unset ( $_SESSION ['invatecode'] ); } } }else{ //session_destroy(); unset($_SESSION['loginuid']); unset($_SESSION['loginpassword']); } } /** * * 通过传sql脚本获取返回值 * * @date: 2018年11月4日 下午3:05:25 * * @author : 61703 * * @param * : variable * * @return : 返回一个数组,查询不到返回一个空数组 * */ function getlistbysql($sql) { $mlist = array (); $query = $this->db->query ( $sql ); foreach ( $query->result_array () as $md ) { $mlist [] = $md; } return $mlist; } /* 从缓存中读取数据,如果失败,则自动去读取数据然后写入缓存 */ function fromcache($cachename, $cachetime = 3) { $cachetime = ($this->setting ['index_life'] == 0) ? 1 : $this->setting ['index_life'] * 60; if ($cachetime == 'static') { $cachedata = $this->cache->read ( $cachename, 0 ); } else { $cachedata = $this->cache->read ( $cachename, $cachetime ); } if ($cachedata) return $cachedata; switch ($cachename) { // 用户模块 case 'userauthorlist' : // 首页右侧推荐作者 $this->load->model ( 'topic_model' ); $cachedata = $this->topic_model->get_user_articles ( 0, 5 ); break; case 'headernavlist' : $this->load->model ( 'nav_model' ); $cachedata = $this->nav_model->get_format_url (); break; case 'cweixin' : $this->load->model ( 'weixin_setting_model' ); $cachedata = $this->weixin_setting_model->get (); break; case 'duizhang' : $this->load->model ( 'duizhang_model' ); $cachedata = $this->duizhang_model->getlastpaylog ( 0, 10 ); break; case 'nosolvelist' : // 待解决问题,网友正在问 $this->load->model ( 'question_model' ); $cachedata = $this->question_model->list_by_cfield_cvalue_status ( '', 0, '1', 0, $this->setting ['list_indexnosolve'] ); break; case 'solvelist' : // 已解决问题 $this->load->model ( 'question_model' ); $cachedata = $this->question_model->list_by_cfield_cvalue_status ( '', 0, 2, 0, $this->setting ['list_indexnosolve'] ); break; case 'rewardlist' : // 悬赏的问题 $this->load->model ( 'question_model' ); $cachedata = $this->question_model->list_by_cfield_cvalue_status ( '', 0, 4, 0, $this->setting ['list_indexreward'] ); break; case 'shangjinlist' : // 现金悬赏的问题 $this->load->model ( 'question_model' ); $cachedata = $this->question_model->list_by_shangjin ( 0, $this->setting ['list_indexreward'] ); break; case 'yuyinlist' : // 语音的问题 $this->load->model ( 'question_model' ); $cachedata = $this->question_model->list_by_yuyin ( 0, $this->setting ['list_indexreward'] ); break; case 'attentionlist' : // 关注问题排行榜 $this->load->model ( 'question_model' ); $cachedata = $this->question_model->get_hots ( 0, $this->setting ['list_indexnosolve'] ); break; case 'weekuserlist' : // 达人飙升榜 $this->load->model ( 'user_model' ); $cachedata = $this->user_model->list_by_credit ( 1, $this->setting ['list_indexweekscore'] ); break; case 'alluserlist' : // 总积分榜 $this->load->model ( 'user_model' ); $cachedata = $this->user_model->list_by_credit ( 0, $this->setting ['list_indexallscore'] ); break; case 'newtaglist' : // 最新标签 $this->load->model ( "tag_model" ); $cachedata = $this->tag_model->getalltaglist ( 0, $this->setting ['list_indexhottag'] ); break; case 'hosttaglist' : // 热门标签 $this->load->model ( "tag_model" ); $cachedata = $this->tag_model->gethotalltaglist ( 0, $this->setting ['list_indexhottag'] ); break; case 'categorylist' : // 首页左侧分类列表 $this->load->model ( 'category_model' ); $cachedata = $this->category_model->list_by_grade (); break; case 'topdata' : // 首页顶置缓存内容数组 $this->load->model ( 'topdata_model' ); if (! isset ( $this->setting ['list_topdatanum'] )) { $cachedata = $this->topdata_model->get_list ( 0, 3 ); } else { $cachedata = $this->topdata_model->get_list ( 0, $this->setting ['list_topdatanum'] ); } break; case 'notelist' : // 首页右侧公告列表 $this->load->model ( 'note_model' ); $cachedata = $this->note_model->get_list ( 0, 10 ); break; case 'statistics' : // 首页统计,包含已解决、待解决 $this->load->model ( 'question_model' ); $cachedata = array (); $cachedata ['solves'] = $this->question_model->getallsolvequestion (); // 已解决问题数 $cachedata ['nosolves'] = $this->question_model->getallnosolvequestion (); // 待解决问题数 break; case 'doinglist' : // 首页动态 $this->load->model ( 'doing_model' ); $cachedata = $this->doing_model->list_by_type_andquestionorartilce_cache ( 0, $this->setting ['list_default'] ); break; case 'topiclist' : $this->load->model ( 'topic_model' ); $cachedata = $this->topic_model->get_list ( 1, 0, $this->setting ['list_default'], 10 ); break; case 'weektopiclist' : // 一周热点文章 先看天,在看周,在看月 $this->load->model ( 'topic_model' ); $cachedata = $this->topic_model->get_weeklist ( 0, 10 ); break; case 'hottopiclist' : $list_indextopiccat = isset ( $this->setting ['list_indexcommend'] ) && $this->setting ['list_indexcommend'] > 0 ? intval ( $this->setting ['list_indexcommend'] ) : 6; $this->load->model ( 'topic_model' ); $cachedata = $this->topic_model->get_hotlist ( 1, 0, $list_indextopiccat, 12 ); break; case 'topiclistinphone' : $this->load->model ( 'topic_model' ); $cachedata = $this->topic_model->get_list_bywhere ( 2, 5 ); break; case 'waptopiclist' : $this->load->model ( 'topic_model' ); $cachedata = $this->topic_model->get_list ( 1, 0, 8, 8 ); break; case 'expertlist' : $this->load->model ( 'expert_model' ); $cachedata = $this->expert_model->get_list ( 0, 0, $this->setting ['list_indexexpert'] ); break; case 'link' : // 友情链接 $this->load->model ( 'link_model' ); $cachedata = $this->link_model->get_list (); break; case 'newuser' : $pagesize = $this->setting ['list_default']; $this->load->model ( 'user_model' ); $cachedata = $this->user_model->get_active_list ( 1, $pagesize ); break; case 'onlineusernum' : $this->load->model ( 'user_model' ); $cachedata = $this->user_model->rownum_onlineuser (); break; case 'allusernum' : $this->load->model ( 'user_model' ); $cachedata = $this->user_model->rownum_alluser (); break; case 'adlist' : $this->load->model ( "ad_model" ); $cachedata = $this->ad_model->get_list (); break; case 'activeuser' : $this->load->model ( 'user_model' ); $cachedata = $this->user_model->get_active_list ( 0, 6 ); break; case 'hotwords' : $this->load->model ( 'setting_model' ); $cachedata = unserialize ( $this->setting_model->get_hot_words ( $this->setting ['list_hot_words'] ) ); break; case 'articlelist' : if (isset ( $this->setting ['cms_open'] ) && $this->setting ['cms_open'] == 1) { $this->load->model ( "cms_model" ); $cachedata = $this->cms_model->get_list (); } else { $cachedata = array (); } break; } $this->cache->write ( $cachename, $cachedata ); return $cachedata; } /* IP禁止 */ function banned() { global $setting; $ips = $this->cache->load ( 'banned' ); $ips = ( bool ) $ips ? $ips : array (); $userip = explode ( ".", getip () ); foreach ( $ips as $ip ) { $bannedtime = $ip ['expiration'] + $ip ['time'] - $this->time; if ($bannedtime > 0 && ($ip ['ip1'] == '*' || $ip ['ip1'] == $userip [0]) && ($ip ['ip2'] == '*' || $ip ['ip2'] == $userip [1]) && ($ip ['ip3'] == '*' || $ip ['ip3'] == $userip [2]) && ($ip ['ip4'] == '*' || $ip ['ip4'] == $userip [3])) { exit ( 'IP已经被列入黑名单' ); } } } /* 更新用户积分 */ function credit($uid, $credit1, $credit2 = 0, $credit3 = 0, $operation = '') { if (! $operation) { $operation = strtolower ( $this->uri->segment ( 1 ) . '/' . $this->uri->segment ( 2 ) ); } if ($credit1 == '' || $credit1 == null) { $credit1 = 0; } if ($credit2 == '' || $credit2 == null) { $credit2 = 0; } // 用户登陆只添加一次 if ($operation == 'api_user/loginapi') { $query = $this->db->get_where ( 'credit', array ( 'uid' => $uid, 'operation' => 'api_user/loginapi', 'time>=' => strtotime ( date ( "Y-m-d" ) ) ) ); $m = $query->row_array (); if ($m) { return false; } } // 插入积分表 $data = array ( 'uid' => $uid, 'time' => time (), 'operation' => $operation, 'credit1' => $credit1, 'credit2' => $credit2 ); $this->db->insert ( 'credit', $data ); // 更新用户积分信息 $this->db->set ( 'credit2', "credit2+$credit2", FALSE )->set ( 'credit1', "credit1+$credit1", FALSE )->set ( 'credit3', "credit2+$credit3", FALSE )->where ( array ( 'uid' => $uid ) )->update ( 'user' ); if (2 == $this->user ['grouptype']) { $currentcredit1 = $this->user ['credit1'] + $credit1; $query = $this->db->query ( "SELECT g.groupid FROM " . $this->db->dbprefix . "usergroup g WHERE g.`grouptype`=2 AND $currentcredit1 >= g.creditslower ORDER BY g.creditslower DESC LIMIT 0,1" ); $usergroup = $query->row_array (); // 判断是否需要升级 if (is_array ( $usergroup ) && ($this->user ['groupid'] != $usergroup ['groupid'])) { $groupid = $usergroup ['groupid']; $this->db->set ( 'groupid', $groupid )->where ( array ( 'uid' => $uid ) )->update ( 'user' ); } } } function send($uid, $qid, $type, $aid = 0) { $query = $this->db->get_where ( 'question', array ( "id" => $qid ) ); $question = $query->row_array (); $msgtpl = unserialize ( $this->setting ['msgtpl'] ); // 消息模板 $message = array (); foreach ( $msgtpl [$type] as $msg => $val ) { $message [$msg] = str_replace ( '{wtbt}', $question ['title'], $val ); $message [$msg] = str_replace ( '{wtms}', $question ['description'], $message [$msg] ); $message [$msg] = str_replace ( '{wzmc}', $this->setting ['site_name'], $message [$msg] ); if ($aid) { $query = $this->db->get_where ( 'answer', array ( "id" => $aid ) ); $answer = $query->row_array (); $message [$msg] = str_replace ( '{hdnr}', $answer ['content'], $message [$msg] ); } } $message ['content'] .= '
点击查看问题'; $time = time (); $msgfrom = $this->setting ['site_name'] . '管理员'; $query = $this->db->get_where ( 'user', array ( "uid" => $uid ) ); $touser = $query->row_array (); // 1,3,5,7 允许站内消息 if ((1 & $touser ['isnotify']) && $this->setting ['notify_message']) { $data = array ( 'from' => $msgfrom, 'fromuid' => 0, 'touid' => $uid, 'subject' => $message ['title'], 'time' => $time, 'content' => $message ['content'] ); $this->db->insert ( 'message', $data ); } // 2,3,6,7 允许发邮件 if ((2 & $touser ['isnotify']) && $this->setting ['notify_mail']) { sendmail ( $touser, $message ['title'], $message ['content'] ); } // 4,5,6,7 允许发手机短信 } // 访问控制 function canviewpage() { $controlname = isset ( $this->router->routes [$this->uri->rsegments [1]] ) ? $this->router->routes [$this->uri->rsegments [1]] : $this->uri->rsegments [1]; defined ( 'ROUTE_A' ) or define ( 'ROUTE_A', $controlname ); $regular = strtolower ( $this->uri->rsegments [1] ) . '/' . strtolower ( $this->uri->rsegments [2] ); $flag = false; $querystring = $regular; // isset ( $_SERVER ['REQUEST_URI'] ) ? $_SERVER ['REQUEST_URI'] : ''; $querystring = str_replace ( '.html', '', $querystring ); $querystring = str_replace ( '/?', '', $querystring ); $pos = strrpos ( $querystring, '.' ); if ($pos !== false) { $querystring = substr ( $querystring, 0, $pos ); } /* 处理简短url */ $pos = strpos ( $querystring, '-' ); $pos2 = strpos ( $querystring, '=' ); $pos3 = strpos ( $querystring, '/' ); if ($pos !== false) { $tempmaparr = explode ( '-', $querystring ); // 拆分参数 // 如果不是标签方式就进行判断 if ($tempmaparr [0] !== 'tag' && $tempmaparr [0] !== 'topictag') { // 判断最后一个值是否为整形 if (is_numeric ( $tempmaparr [1] )) { $querystring = urlmap ( $querystring ); } else { // 如果不是不做处理转换 $querystring = urlmap ( $querystring, 2 ); } } else { // 如果是标签方式就进行处理 $querystring = urlmap ( $querystring ); } } ($pos2 !== false) && $querystring = urlmap ( $querystring ); ($pos3 !== false) && $querystring = urlmap ( $querystring ); $andpos = strpos ( $querystring, "&" ); $andpos && $querystring = substr ( $querystring, 0, $andpos ); if (strpos ( $querystring, '/' ) !== FALSE) { $querystring_arr = explode ( '/', $querystring ); if (is_array ( $querystring_arr )) { $querystring = $querystring_arr [0] . '/' . $querystring_arr [1]; $regular = $querystring; } } $isajax = (0 === strpos ( isset ( $querystring_arr [1] ) ? $querystring_arr [1] : $this->uri->rsegments [2], 'ajax' )); $isapi = ('api' == substr ( strtolower ( isset ( $querystring_arr [0] ) ? $querystring_arr [0] : $this->uri->rsegments [1] ), 0, 3 )); $isapp = ('app' == substr ( strtolower ( isset ( $querystring_arr [0] ) ? $querystring_arr [0] : $this->uri->rsegments [1] ), 0, 3 )); if ($this->whitelist) { $whitelist = explode ( ',', strtolower ( $this->whitelist ) ); $flag = in_array ( isset ( $querystring_arr [1] ) ? $querystring_arr [1] : $this->uri->rsegments [2], $whitelist ); } if (config_item ( 'dir_name' ) . "/index" == $regular) { $regular = "index/index"; } // $regular if (strstr ( $regular, 'from=singlemessage' )) { $regular = str_replace ( 'from=singlemessage', 'index', $regular ); } if (strstr ( $regular, 'from=timeline' )) { $regular = str_replace ( 'from=timeline', 'index', $regular ); } if (strstr ( $regular, 'from=groupmessage' )) { $regular = str_replace ( 'from=groupmessage', 'index', $regular ); } if ($this->checkable ( $regular, $querystring ) || $isapp || $isajax || ! empty ( $flag )) { // 如果允许访问,你还可以增加别的代码 } else { if ($this->user ['uid'] > 0) { $this->message ( '您无权进行当前操作,原因如下:
您所在的用户组(' . $this->user ['grouptitle'] . ')无法进行此操作。', 'index' ); exit (); } else { header ( "Location:" . url ( 'user/login' ) ); exit (); } } } /* * 中转提示页面 * $ishtml=1 表示是跳转到静态网页 */ function message($message, $url = '') { if(trim($url)=='index'||trim($url)=='index/index'){ $url=''; } $seotitle = '操作提示'; if ('' == $url) { $redirect = isset ( $_SERVER ['HTTP_REFERER'] ) ? $_SERVER ['HTTP_REFERER'] : base_url (); } else if ('BACK' == $url || 'STOP' == $url || strstr ( $url, 'http:' )) { $redirect = $url; } else { $redirect = url ( $url ); } $tpldir = (0 === strpos ( $this->uri->segment ( 1 ), 'admin' )) ? 'admin' : $this->setting ['tpl_dir']; $panneltype = 'hidefixed'; $hidefooter = 'hidefooter'; $seo_title = $seo_keywords = $this->setting ['site_name'] . '提示'; include template ( 'tip' ); exit (); } /* 权限检测 */ function checkable($url, $querystring = '') { try { $this->addsitelog ( $querystring ); } catch ( Exception $e ) { } if (strpos ( $url, '?' ) !== FALSE) { $url = explode ( '?', $url ) [0]; } $this->regular = $url; if (1 == $this->user ['groupid']) return true; $regulars = explode ( ',', 'api_user/registerapi,user/checkemail,api_article/newqlist,api_article/list,api_user/editpwdapi,api_user/loginoutapi,api_user/bindloginapi,api_user/loginapi,index/taobao,question/searchkey,pccaiji_catgory/addtopic,pccaiji_catgory/selectlist,pccaiji_catgory/list,topic/search,user/search,category/search,buy/buydetail,buy/default,download/default,user/regtip,rule/index,user/login,user/logout,user/code,index/help,js/view,' . $this->user ['regulars'] ); return in_array ( $url, $regulars ); } /* 增加日志记录 */ function addsitelog($guize, $miaoshu = '') { global $user; $uid = $user ['uid']; if ($uid > 0) { $username = $user ['username']; $miaoshu = ''; $guizearray = explode ( ',', 'index/notfound,user/ajaxloadmessage,user/code,admin_setting/ajaxcaiji' ); if ($uid > 0) { if (! in_array ( $guize, $guizearray )) { $data = array ( 'uid' => $uid, 'username' => $username, 'guize' => $guize, 'miaoshu' => $miaoshu, 'time' => time () ); $this->db->insert ( 'site_log', $data ); } } } } /** * 令牌验证 */ const FORM_TOKEN_KEY = 'form_token_key'; const INPUT_TOKEN_NAME = 'input_token_name'; /** * 生成令牌 * * @return string */ public function gen_token() { $hash = md5 ( uniqid ( rand (), true ) ); $token = sha1 ( $hash ); return $token; } /** * 生成session令牌 */ public function gen_session_token() { // 生成token $token = $this->gen_token (); // 删除session中原来的token $this->destroy_stoken (); // 将新的token注册到session $this->session->set_userdata ( self::FORM_TOKEN_KEY, $token ); } /** * 生成隐藏输入域表单 * * @return 表单 */ public function gen_input() { $this->gen_session_token (); $token_input = "session->userdata ( self::FORM_TOKEN_KEY ) . "\" readonly=\"true\" /> "; return $token_input; } /** * 停止执行程序,给出错误信息,并写入错误日志。 * 所有参数由helper提供 * * @param $error_code 错误代码,用于区分错误类别 * @param $error_level 错误级别 * @param $error_message 错误提示信息 */ public function stop_doing($error_code = '', $error_level = '', $error_message = '') { $this->load->library ( 'slog' ); // 写入日志 $error_url = $_SERVER ['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER ['REQUEST_URI']; $this->slog->process_logs ( $error_url, $error_code, $error_level, $error_message ); $rediret_url = 'http://' . $error_url; header ( "Content-type:text/html; charset=utf-8" ); die ( "" ); } /** * 检测token是否合法,如果合法则继续执行,否则跳出 * * @param string $token_input * 页面提交的token */ public function token_check($token_input) { // 检测session中是否已注册token if ($this->is_stoken ()) { if ($token_input) { if ($token_input == $this->session->userdata ( self::FORM_TOKEN_KEY )) { $this->destroy_stoken (); } else { $this->destroy_stoken (); $this->stop_doing ( error_code ( 'd' ), error_level ( 'ce' ), error_message ( 'd_add' ) ); } } else { $this->destroy_stoken (); $this->stop_doing ( error_code ( 'v' ), error_level ( 'ce' ), error_message ( 'v_null' ) ); } } else { $this->destroy_stoken (); $this->stop_doing ( error_code ( 's' ), error_level ( 'e' ), error_message ( 's_check' ) ); } } /** * 销毁token * * @return bool */ public function destroy_stoken() { $this->session->unset_userdata ( self::FORM_TOKEN_KEY ); return true; } /** * 检测token是否存在 * * @return bool */ public function is_stoken() { if ($this->session->userdata ( self::FORM_TOKEN_KEY )) return true; else return false; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Get the CI singleton * * @static * * @return object */ public static function &get_instance() { return self::$instance; } }