# Integrating Modem Vendor Library - [Compilation Information Configuration](#section142111565210) - [\(Optional\) Commissioning and Verification](#section114621643195220) ## Compilation Information Configuration The modem vendor library can be compiled into a dynamic library by using **BUILD.gn**. When the RIL Adapter is started, the dynamic library is loaded to the system in dlopen mode, and then the modem vendor library is initialized \(for details, see [Initializing a Modem Vendor Library](initializing-a-modem-vendor-library.md)\). The following is a compilation example of **BUILD.gn**: ``` import("//build/ohos.gni") RIL_ADAPTER = "//base/telephony" ohos_shared_library("vendor") {// Name of the modem vendor library sources = [// Source files to be compiled "vendorlib.c", "xxx.c", ] include_dirs = [// Header files "$RIL_ADAPTER/ril_adapter/include", "$RIL_ADAPTER/ril_adapter/interfaces/innerkits", "include", ] deps = [// Internal dependencies "//drivers/adapter/uhdf2/osal:libhdf_utils" ] external_deps = [// External dependencies "hilog:libhilog" ] part_name = "ril_adapter" subsystem_name = "telephony" ``` ## \(Optional\) Commissioning and Verification After the compilation is complete, check whether the **libvendor.z.so** file is generated in the **out/ohos-arm-release/packages/phone/system/lib** directory. If this file is generated, the library integration is successful.