/* * Copyright (c) 2020 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "samgr_lite.h" #include "broadcast_interface.h" #include #include #include #include #define TEST_LEN 10 #define WAIT_PUB_PROC 1000 #define BROADCASR_TEST_SERVICE "broadcast test" static uint32 g_callbackStep = 0; static void C1Callback(Consumer *consumer, const Topic *topic, const Request *request) { (void)consumer; (void)topic; printf("[Broadcast Test][TaskID:%p][Step:%d][C1 Callback]c1 is being called data is :%s \n", osThreadGetId(), g_callbackStep++, (char *)request->data); } static void C2Callback(Consumer *consumer, const Topic *topic, const Request *request) { (void)consumer; (void)topic; printf("[Broadcast Test][TaskID:%p][Step:%d][C2 Callback]c2 is being called data is :%s \n", osThreadGetId(), g_callbackStep++, (char *)request->data); } static BOOL Equal(const Consumer *current, const Consumer *other) { return (current->Notify == other->Notify); } static const char *GetName(Service *service) { (void)service; return BROADCASR_TEST_SERVICE; }; static Identity g_identity = { -1, -1, NULL}; static volatile uint32 g_broadcastStep = 0; static BOOL Initialize(Service *service, Identity identity) { g_identity = identity; (void)service; printf("[Broadcast Test][TaskID:%p][Step:%d][Reg Finish S:%s]Time: %llu!\n", osThreadGetId(), g_broadcastStep++, BROADCASR_TEST_SERVICE, SAMGR_GetProcessTime()); return TRUE; }; static BOOL MessageHandle(Service *service, Request *msg) { printf("[Broadcast Test][TaskID: %p] msgId<%d>: %s \n", osThreadGetId(), msg->msgId, (char *)msg->data); (void)service; return FALSE; }; static TaskConfig GetTaskConfig(Service *service) { TaskConfig config = {LEVEL_HIGH, PRI_ABOVE_NORMAL, 0x800, 20, SHARED_TASK}; (void)service; return config; }; static Service g_testService = {GetName, Initialize, MessageHandle, GetTaskConfig}; static void Init(void) { SAMGR_GetInstance()->RegisterService(&g_testService); printf("[Broadcast Test][TaskID:%p][Step:%d][Reg S:%s]Time: %llu!\n", osThreadGetId(), g_broadcastStep++, BROADCASR_TEST_SERVICE, SAMGR_GetProcessTime()); } SYSEX_SERVICE_INIT(Init); static PubSubInterface *CASE_GetIUnknown(void) { PubSubInterface *fapi = NULL; printf("[Broadcast Test][TaskID:%p][Step:%d][GetIUnknown S:%s]: BEGIN\n", osThreadGetId(), g_broadcastStep++, BROADCASR_TEST_SERVICE); IUnknown *iUnknown = SAMGR_GetInstance()->GetFeatureApi(BROADCAST_SERVICE, PUB_SUB_FEATURE); if (iUnknown == NULL) { printf("[Broadcast Test][TaskID:%p][Step:%d][GetDefaultFeatureApi S:%s]Error is NULL!\n", osThreadGetId(), g_broadcastStep++, BROADCASR_TEST_SERVICE); goto END; } int result = iUnknown->QueryInterface(iUnknown, DEFAULT_VERSION, (void **)&fapi); if (result != 0 || fapi == NULL) { printf("[Broadcast Test][TaskID:%p][Step:%d][QueryInterface S:%s]Error is NULL!\n", osThreadGetId(), g_broadcastStep++, BROADCASR_TEST_SERVICE); goto END; } printf("[Broadcast Test][TaskID:%p][Step:%d][GetIUnknown S:%s]Success\n", osThreadGetId(), g_broadcastStep++, BROADCASR_TEST_SERVICE); END: printf("[Broadcast Test][TaskID:%p][Step:%d][GetIUnknown S:%s]: END\n", osThreadGetId(), g_broadcastStep++, BROADCASR_TEST_SERVICE); return fapi; } static uint32 g_addTopicStep = 0; static uint32 g_unsubscribeTopicStep = 0; static void CASE_AddAndUnsubscribeTopic(PubSubInterface *fapi) { Subscriber *subscriber = &fapi->subscriber; Provider *provider = &fapi->provider; static Consumer c1 = {.identity = &g_identity, .Notify = C1Callback, .Equal = Equal}; static Consumer c2 = {.identity = &g_identity, .Notify = C2Callback, .Equal = Equal}; // add topic test printf("[Topic Test][TaskID:%p][Step:%d][Add Topic]: BEGIN\n", osThreadGetId(), g_addTopicStep++); Topic topic0 = 0; subscriber->AddTopic((IUnknown *)fapi, &topic0); subscriber->Subscribe((IUnknown *)fapi, &topic0, &c1); subscriber->Subscribe((IUnknown *)fapi, &topic0, &c2); provider->Publish((IUnknown *)fapi, &topic0, (uint8_t *) "==>111<==", TEST_LEN); Topic topic1 = 0x10000; subscriber->AddTopic((IUnknown *)fapi, &topic1); subscriber->Subscribe((IUnknown *)fapi, &topic1, &c1); subscriber->Subscribe((IUnknown *)fapi, &topic1, &c2); provider->Publish((IUnknown *)fapi, &topic1, (uint8_t *) "==>444<==", TEST_LEN); printf("[Topic Test][TaskID:%p][Step:%d][Add Topic]: Success!\n", osThreadGetId(), g_addTopicStep++); printf("[Topic Test][TaskID:%p][Step:%d][Add Topic]: END\n", osThreadGetId(), g_addTopicStep++); // unsubscribe topic0 test printf("[Topic Test][TaskID:%p][Step:%d][Unsubscribe Topic]: BEGIN\n", osThreadGetId(), g_unsubscribeTopicStep++); LOS_Msleep(WAIT_PUB_PROC); subscriber->Unsubscribe((IUnknown *)fapi, &topic0, &c1); provider->Publish((IUnknown *)fapi, &topic0, (uint8_t *) "@@@222@@@", TEST_LEN); LOS_Msleep(WAIT_PUB_PROC); subscriber->Unsubscribe((IUnknown *)fapi, &topic0, &c2); provider->Publish((IUnknown *)fapi, &topic0, (uint8_t *) "@@@333@@@", TEST_LEN); provider->Publish((IUnknown *)fapi, &topic1, (uint8_t *) "@@@444@@@", TEST_LEN); printf("[Topic Test][TaskID:%p][Step:%d][Unsubscribe Topic]: Success!\n", osThreadGetId(), g_unsubscribeTopicStep++); printf("[Topic Test][TaskID:%p][Step:%d][Unsubscribe Topic]: END\n", osThreadGetId(), g_unsubscribeTopicStep++); } static uint32 g_modifyConsumerStep = 0; static void CASE_ModifyConsumer(PubSubInterface *fapi) { Subscriber *subscriber = &fapi->subscriber; Provider *provider = &fapi->provider; static Consumer c1 = {.identity = &g_identity, .Notify = C1Callback, .Equal = Equal}; static Consumer c2 = {.identity = &g_identity, .Notify = C2Callback, .Equal = Equal}; // modify consumer test printf("[Topic Test][TaskID:%p][Step:%d][Modify Consumer]: BEGIN\n", osThreadGetId(), g_modifyConsumerStep++); Topic topic2 = 0x100; subscriber->AddTopic((IUnknown *)fapi, &topic2); subscriber->Subscribe((IUnknown *)fapi, &topic2, &c1); provider->Publish((IUnknown *)fapi, &topic2, (uint8_t *) "==>555<==", TEST_LEN); LOS_Msleep(WAIT_PUB_PROC); subscriber->ModifyConsumer((IUnknown *)fapi, &topic2, &c1, &c2); provider->Publish((IUnknown *)fapi, &topic2, (uint8_t *) "@@@555@@@", TEST_LEN); printf("[Topic Test][TaskID:%p][Step:%d][Modify Consumer]: Success!\n", osThreadGetId(), g_modifyConsumerStep++); printf("[Topic Test][TaskID:%p][Step:%d][Modify Consumer]: END\n", osThreadGetId(), g_modifyConsumerStep++); } static uint32 g_reUnsubscribeTopic = 0; static void CASE_ReUnsubscribeTopic(PubSubInterface *fapi) { Subscriber *subscriber = &fapi->subscriber; Provider *provider = &fapi->provider; static Consumer c1 = {.identity = &g_identity, .Notify = C1Callback, .Equal = Equal}; printf("[Topic Test][TaskID:%p][Step:%d][ReUnsubscribe Topic]: BEGIN\n", osThreadGetId(), g_reUnsubscribeTopic++); Topic topic3 = 0x1000; subscriber->AddTopic((IUnknown *)fapi, &topic3); subscriber->Subscribe((IUnknown *)fapi, &topic3, &c1); provider->Publish((IUnknown *)fapi, &topic3, (uint8_t *) "==>666<==", TEST_LEN); LOS_Msleep(WAIT_PUB_PROC); Consumer *retConsumer = subscriber->Unsubscribe((IUnknown *)fapi, &topic3, &c1); if (retConsumer == NULL) { printf("[Topic Test][TaskID:%p][Step:%d][ReUnsubscribe Topic]: Unsubscribe Topic lead to NULL return value\n", osThreadGetId(), g_reUnsubscribeTopic++); } retConsumer = subscriber->Unsubscribe((IUnknown *)fapi, &topic3, &c1); if (retConsumer == NULL) { printf("[Topic Test][TaskID:%p][Step:%d][ReUnsubscribe Topic]: ReUnsubscribe Topic lead to NULL return value\n", osThreadGetId(), g_reUnsubscribeTopic++); } provider->Publish((IUnknown *)fapi, &topic3, (uint8_t *) "@@@666@@@", TEST_LEN); printf("[Topic Test][TaskID:%p][Step:%d][ReUnsubscribe Topic]: Success!\n", osThreadGetId(), g_reUnsubscribeTopic++); printf("[Topic Test][TaskID:%p][Step:%d][ReUnsubscribe Topic]: END\n", osThreadGetId(), g_reUnsubscribeTopic++); } static void CASE_ReleaseIUnknown(PubSubInterface *fapi) { printf("[Broadcast Test][TaskID:%p][Step:%d][ReleaseIUnknown S:%s]: BEGIN\n", osThreadGetId(), g_broadcastStep++, BROADCASR_TEST_SERVICE); int32 ref = fapi->Release((IUnknown *)fapi); if (ref <= 0) { printf("[Broadcast Test][TaskID:%p][Step:%d][ReleaseIUnknown S:%s]Error ref is %d!\n", osThreadGetId(), g_broadcastStep++, BROADCASR_TEST_SERVICE, ref); goto END; } printf("[Broadcast Test][TaskID:%p][Step:%d][ReleaseIUnknown S:%s]Success\n", osThreadGetId(), g_broadcastStep++, BROADCASR_TEST_SERVICE); END: printf("[Broadcast Test][TaskID:%p][Step:%d][ReleaseIUnknown S:%s]: END\n", osThreadGetId(), g_broadcastStep++, BROADCASR_TEST_SERVICE); } static void RunTestCase(void) { PubSubInterface *fapi = CASE_GetIUnknown(); CASE_AddAndUnsubscribeTopic(fapi); CASE_ModifyConsumer(fapi); CASE_ReUnsubscribeTopic(fapi); CASE_ReleaseIUnknown(fapi); } TEST_INIT(RunTestCase);