# Copyright 2018 The MACE Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import enum import hashlib import inspect import re import os import six ################################ # log ################################ class CMDColors: PURPLE = '\033[95m' BLUE = '\033[94m' GREEN = '\033[92m' YELLOW = '\033[93m' RED = '\033[91m' ENDC = '\033[0m' BOLD = '\033[1m' UNDERLINE = '\033[4m' def get_frame_info(level=2): caller_frame = inspect.stack()[level] info = inspect.getframeinfo(caller_frame[0]) return info.filename + ':' + str(info.lineno) + ': ' class MaceLogger: @staticmethod def header(message): six.print_(CMDColors.PURPLE + message + CMDColors.ENDC) @staticmethod def summary(message): six.print_(CMDColors.GREEN + message + CMDColors.ENDC) @staticmethod def info(message): six.print_(get_frame_info() + message) @staticmethod def warning(message): six.print_(CMDColors.YELLOW + 'WARNING:' + get_frame_info() + message + CMDColors.ENDC) @staticmethod def error(module, message, location_info=""): if not location_info: location_info = get_frame_info() six.print_(CMDColors.RED + 'ERROR: [' + module + '] ' + location_info + message + CMDColors.ENDC) exit(1) def mace_check(condition, module, message): if not condition: MaceLogger.error(module, message, get_frame_info()) ################################ # String Formatter ################################ class StringFormatter: @staticmethod def table(header, data, title, align="R"): data_size = len(data) column_size = len(header) column_length = [len(str(ele)) + 1 for ele in header] for row_idx in range(data_size): data_tuple = data[row_idx] ele_size = len(data_tuple) assert (ele_size == column_size) for i in range(ele_size): column_length[i] = max(column_length[i], len(str(data_tuple[i])) + 1) table_column_length = sum(column_length) + column_size + 1 dash_line = '-' * table_column_length + '\n' header_line = '=' * table_column_length + '\n' output = "" output += dash_line output += str(title).center(table_column_length) + '\n' output += dash_line output += '|' + '|'.join([str(header[i]).center(column_length[i]) for i in range(column_size)]) + '|\n' output += header_line for data_tuple in data: ele_size = len(data_tuple) row_list = [] for i in range(ele_size): if align == "R": row_list.append(str(data_tuple[i]).rjust(column_length[i])) elif align == "L": row_list.append(str(data_tuple[i]).ljust(column_length[i])) elif align == "C": row_list.append(str(data_tuple[i]) .center(column_length[i])) output += '|' + '|'.join(row_list) + "|\n" + dash_line return output @staticmethod def block(message): line_length = 10 + len(str(message)) + 10 star_line = '*' * line_length + '\n' return star_line + str(message).center(line_length) + '\n' + star_line ################################ # definitions ################################ class DeviceType(object): CPU = 'CPU' GPU = 'GPU' HEXAGON = 'HEXAGON' ################################ # Argument types ################################ class CaffeEnvType(enum.Enum): DOCKER = 0, LOCAL = 1, ################################ # common functions ################################ def formatted_file_name(input_file_name, input_name): res = input_file_name + '_' for c in input_name: res += c if c.isalnum() else '_' return res def md5sum(s): md5 = hashlib.md5() md5.update(s.encode('utf-8')) return md5.hexdigest() def get_build_binary_dir(library_name, target_abi): return "%s/%s/%s/%s" % ( BUILD_OUTPUT_DIR, library_name, BUILD_TMP_DIR_NAME, target_abi) def get_model_lib_output_path(library_name, abi): lib_output_path = os.path.join(BUILD_OUTPUT_DIR, library_name, MODEL_OUTPUT_DIR_NAME, abi, "%s.a" % library_name) return lib_output_path def check_model_converted(library_name, model_name, model_graph_format, model_data_format, abi): model_output_dir = \ '%s/%s/%s' % (BUILD_OUTPUT_DIR, library_name, MODEL_OUTPUT_DIR_NAME) if model_graph_format == ModelFormat.file: mace_check(os.path.exists("%s/%s.pb" % (model_output_dir, model_name)), ModuleName.RUN, "You should convert model first.") else: model_lib_path = get_model_lib_output_path(library_name, abi) mace_check(os.path.exists(model_lib_path), ModuleName.RUN, "You should convert model first.") if model_data_format == ModelFormat.file: mace_check(os.path.exists("%s/%s.data" % (model_output_dir, model_name)), ModuleName.RUN, "You should convert model first.") def parse_device_type(runtime): device_type = "" if runtime == RuntimeType.dsp: device_type = DeviceType.HEXAGON elif runtime == RuntimeType.gpu: device_type = DeviceType.GPU elif runtime == RuntimeType.cpu: device_type = DeviceType.CPU return device_type def sha256_checksum(fname): hash_func = hashlib.sha256() with open(fname, "rb") as f: for chunk in iter(lambda: f.read(4096), b""): hash_func.update(chunk) return hash_func.hexdigest() def get_model_files(model_file_path, model_sha256_checksum, model_output_dir, weight_file_path="", weight_sha256_checksum=""): model_file = model_file_path weight_file = weight_file_path if model_file_path.startswith("http://") or \ model_file_path.startswith("https://"): model_file = model_output_dir + "/" + md5sum(model_file_path) + ".pb" if not os.path.exists(model_file) or \ sha256_checksum(model_file) != model_sha256_checksum: MaceLogger.info("Downloading model, please wait ...") six.moves.urllib.request.urlretrieve(model_file_path, model_file) MaceLogger.info("Model downloaded successfully.") if sha256_checksum(model_file) != model_sha256_checksum: MaceLogger.error(ModuleName.MODEL_CONVERTER, "model file sha256checksum not match") if weight_file_path.startswith("http://") or \ weight_file_path.startswith("https://"): weight_file = \ model_output_dir + "/" + md5sum(weight_file_path) + ".caffemodel" if not os.path.exists(weight_file) or \ sha256_checksum(weight_file) != weight_sha256_checksum: MaceLogger.info("Downloading model weight, please wait ...") six.moves.urllib.request.urlretrieve(weight_file_path, weight_file) MaceLogger.info("Model weight downloaded successfully.") if weight_file: if sha256_checksum(weight_file) != weight_sha256_checksum: MaceLogger.error(ModuleName.MODEL_CONVERTER, "weight file sha256checksum not match") return model_file, weight_file def get_opencl_binary_output_path(library_name, target_abi, device): target_soc = device.target_socs device_name = device.device_name return '%s/%s/%s/%s/%s_%s.%s.%s.bin' % \ (BUILD_OUTPUT_DIR, library_name, OUTPUT_OPENCL_BINARY_DIR_NAME, target_abi, library_name, OUTPUT_OPENCL_BINARY_FILE_NAME, device_name, target_soc) def get_opencl_parameter_output_path(library_name, target_abi, device): target_soc = device.target_socs device_name = device.device_name return '%s/%s/%s/%s/%s_%s.%s.%s.bin' % \ (BUILD_OUTPUT_DIR, library_name, OUTPUT_OPENCL_BINARY_DIR_NAME, target_abi, library_name, OUTPUT_OPENCL_PARAMETER_FILE_NAME, device_name, target_soc) def get_build_model_dirs(library_name, model_name, target_abi, device, model_file_path): device_name = device.device_name target_socs = device.target_socs model_path_digest = md5sum(model_file_path) model_output_base_dir = '{}/{}/{}/{}/{}'.format( BUILD_OUTPUT_DIR, library_name, BUILD_TMP_DIR_NAME, model_name, model_path_digest) if target_abi == ABIType.host: model_output_dir = '%s/%s' % (model_output_base_dir, target_abi) elif not target_socs or not device.address: model_output_dir = '%s/%s/%s' % (model_output_base_dir, BUILD_TMP_GENERAL_OUTPUT_DIR_NAME, target_abi) else: model_output_dir = '{}/{}_{}/{}'.format( model_output_base_dir, device_name, target_socs, target_abi ) mace_model_dir = '{}/{}/{}'.format( BUILD_OUTPUT_DIR, library_name, MODEL_OUTPUT_DIR_NAME ) return model_output_base_dir, model_output_dir, mace_model_dir def abi_to_internal(abi): if abi in [ABIType.armeabi_v7a, ABIType.arm64_v8a]: return abi if abi == ABIType.arm64: return ABIType.aarch64 if abi == ABIType.armhf: return ABIType.armeabi_v7a def infer_toolchain(abi): if abi in [ABIType.armeabi_v7a, ABIType.arm64_v8a]: return ToolchainType.android if abi == ABIType.armhf: return ToolchainType.arm_linux_gnueabihf if abi == ABIType.arm64: return ToolchainType.aarch64_linux_gnu return '' ################################ # YAML key word ################################ class YAMLKeyword(object): library_name = 'library_name' target_abis = 'target_abis' target_socs = 'target_socs' model_graph_format = 'model_graph_format' model_data_format = 'model_data_format' models = 'models' platform = 'platform' device_name = 'device_name' system = 'system' address = 'address' username = 'username' password = 'password' model_file_path = 'model_file_path' model_sha256_checksum = 'model_sha256_checksum' weight_file_path = 'weight_file_path' weight_sha256_checksum = 'weight_sha256_checksum' subgraphs = 'subgraphs' input_tensors = 'input_tensors' input_shapes = 'input_shapes' input_ranges = 'input_ranges' output_tensors = 'output_tensors' output_shapes = 'output_shapes' check_tensors = 'check_tensors' check_shapes = 'check_shapes' runtime = 'runtime' data_type = 'data_type' input_data_types = 'input_data_types' input_data_formats = 'input_data_formats' output_data_formats = 'output_data_formats' limit_opencl_kernel_time = 'limit_opencl_kernel_time' nnlib_graph_mode = 'nnlib_graph_mode' obfuscate = 'obfuscate' winograd = 'winograd' quantize = 'quantize' quantize_range_file = 'quantize_range_file' change_concat_ranges = 'change_concat_ranges' validation_inputs_data = 'validation_inputs_data' validation_threshold = 'validation_threshold' graph_optimize_options = 'graph_optimize_options' # internal use for now cl_mem_type = 'cl_mem_type' backend = 'backend' ################################ # SystemType ################################ class SystemType: host = 'host' android = 'android' arm_linux = 'arm_linux' ################################ # common device str ################################ PHONE_DATA_DIR = '/data/local/tmp/mace_run' DEVICE_DATA_DIR = '/tmp/data/mace_run' DEVICE_INTERIOR_DIR = PHONE_DATA_DIR + "/interior" BUILD_OUTPUT_DIR = 'builds' BUILD_TMP_DIR_NAME = '_tmp' BUILD_DOWNLOADS_DIR = BUILD_OUTPUT_DIR + '/downloads' BUILD_TMP_GENERAL_OUTPUT_DIR_NAME = 'general' MODEL_OUTPUT_DIR_NAME = 'model' EXAMPLE_STATIC_NAME = "example_static" EXAMPLE_DYNAMIC_NAME = "example_dynamic" EXAMPLE_STATIC_TARGET = "//mace/examples/cli:" + EXAMPLE_STATIC_NAME EXAMPLE_DYNAMIC_TARGET = "//mace/examples/cli:" + EXAMPLE_DYNAMIC_NAME MACE_RUN_STATIC_NAME = "mace_run_static" MACE_RUN_DYNAMIC_NAME = "mace_run_dynamic" MACE_RUN_STATIC_TARGET = "//mace/tools/validation:" + MACE_RUN_STATIC_NAME MACE_RUN_DYNAMIC_TARGET = "//mace/tools/validation:" + MACE_RUN_DYNAMIC_NAME CL_COMPILED_BINARY_FILE_NAME = "mace_cl_compiled_program.bin" BUILD_TMP_OPENCL_BIN_DIR = 'opencl_bin' LIBMACE_DYNAMIC_PATH = "bazel-bin/mace/libmace/libmace.so" CL_TUNED_PARAMETER_FILE_NAME = "mace_run.config" MODEL_HEADER_DIR_PATH = 'include/mace/public' OUTPUT_LIBRARY_DIR_NAME = 'lib' OUTPUT_OPENCL_BINARY_DIR_NAME = 'opencl' OUTPUT_OPENCL_BINARY_FILE_NAME = 'compiled_opencl_kernel' OUTPUT_OPENCL_PARAMETER_FILE_NAME = 'tuned_opencl_parameter' CODEGEN_BASE_DIR = 'mace/codegen' MODEL_CODEGEN_DIR = CODEGEN_BASE_DIR + '/models' ENGINE_CODEGEN_DIR = CODEGEN_BASE_DIR + '/engine' LIB_CODEGEN_DIR = CODEGEN_BASE_DIR + '/lib' OPENCL_CODEGEN_DIR = CODEGEN_BASE_DIR + '/opencl' LIBMACE_SO_TARGET = "//mace/libmace:libmace.so" LIBMACE_STATIC_TARGET = "//mace/libmace:libmace_static" LIBMACE_STATIC_PATH = "bazel-genfiles/mace/libmace/libmace.a" MODEL_LIB_TARGET = "//mace/codegen:generated_models" MODEL_LIB_PATH = "bazel-genfiles/mace/codegen/libgenerated_models.a" QUANTIZE_STAT_TARGET = "//mace/tools/quantization:quantize_stat" BM_MODEL_STATIC_NAME = "benchmark_model_static" BM_MODEL_DYNAMIC_NAME = "benchmark_model_dynamic" BM_MODEL_STATIC_TARGET = "//mace/benchmark:" + BM_MODEL_STATIC_NAME BM_MODEL_DYNAMIC_TARGET = "//mace/benchmark:" + BM_MODEL_DYNAMIC_NAME ################################ # Model File Format ################################ class ModelFormat(object): file = 'file' code = 'code' ################################ # ABI Type ################################ class ABIType(object): armeabi_v7a = 'armeabi-v7a' arm64_v8a = 'arm64-v8a' arm64 = 'arm64' aarch64 = 'aarch64' armhf = 'armhf' host = 'host' ################################ # Module name ################################ class ModuleName(object): YAML_CONFIG = 'YAML CONFIG' MODEL_CONVERTER = 'Model Converter' RUN = 'RUN' BENCHMARK = 'Benchmark' ################################# # mace lib type ################################# class MACELibType(object): static = 0 dynamic = 1 ################################# # Run time type ################################# class RuntimeType(object): cpu = 'cpu' gpu = 'gpu' dsp = 'dsp' cpu_gpu = 'cpu+gpu' ################################# # Tool chain Type ################################# class ToolchainType: android = 'android' arm_linux_gnueabihf = 'arm_linux_gnueabihf' aarch64_linux_gnu = 'aarch64_linux_gnu' ################################# # SOC tag ################################# class TargetSOCTag: all = 'all' random = 'random'