import os import numpy as np from gensim.utils import tokenize from ..wdtypes import * # noqa: F403 from .fastai_transforms import Vocab, Tokenizer __all__ = ["simple_preprocess", "get_texts", "pad_sequences", "build_embeddings_matrix"] def simple_preprocess( doc: str, lower: bool = False, deacc: bool = False, min_len: int = 2, max_len: int = 15, ) -> List[str]: r""" This is ``Gensim``'s :obj:`simple_preprocess` with a ``lower`` param to indicate wether or not to lower case all the token in the doc For more information see: ``Gensim`` `utils module `_. Returns the list of tokens for a given doc Parameters ---------- doc: str Input document. lower: bool, default = False Lower case tokens in the input doc deacc: bool, default = False Remove accent marks from tokens using ``Gensim``'s :obj:`deaccent` min_len: int, default = 2 Minimum length of token (inclusive). Shorter tokens are discarded. max_len: int, default = 15 Maximum length of token in result (inclusive). Longer tokens are discarded. Examples -------- >>> from pytorch_widedeep.utils import simple_preprocess >>> simple_preprocess('Machine learning is great') ['Machine', 'learning', 'is', 'great'] """ tokens = [ token for token in tokenize(doc, lower=lower, deacc=deacc, errors="ignore") if min_len <= len(token) <= max_len and not token.startswith("_") ] return tokens def get_texts(texts: List[str]) -> List[List[str]]: r"""Tokenization using ``Fastai``'s :obj:`Tokenizer` because it does a series of very convenients things during the tokenization process See :class:`pytorch_widedeep.utils.fastai_utils.Tokenizer` Returns a list containing the tokens per text or document Parameters ---------- texts: List List of str with the texts (or documents). One str per document Examples -------- >>> from pytorch_widedeep.utils import get_texts >>> texts = ['Machine learning is great', 'but building stuff is even better'] >>> get_texts(texts) [['xxmaj', 'machine', 'learning', 'is', 'great'], ['but', 'building', 'stuff', 'is', 'even', 'better']] .. note:: :obj:`get_texts` uses :class:`pytorch_widedeep.utils.fastai_transforms.Tokenizer`. Such tokenizer uses a series of convenient processing steps, including the addition of some special tokens, such as ``TK_MAJ`` (`xxmaj`), used to indicate the next word begins with a capital in the original text. For more details of special tokens please see the ``fastai`` `docs `_. """ processed_textx = [" ".join(simple_preprocess(t)) for t in texts] tok = Tokenizer().process_all(processed_textx) return tok def pad_sequences( seq: List[int], maxlen: int, pad_first: bool = True, pad_idx: int = 1 ) -> np.ndarray: r""" Given a List of tokenized and `numericalised` sequences it will return padded sequences according to the input parameters. Parameters ---------- seq: List List of int with the `numericalised` tokens maxlen: int Maximum length of the padded sequences pad_first: bool, default = True Indicates whether the padding index will be added at the beginning or the end of the sequences pad_idx: int, default = 1 padding index. Fastai's Tokenizer leaves 0 for the 'unknown' token. Examples -------- >>> from pytorch_widedeep.utils import pad_sequences >>> seq = [1,2,3] >>> pad_sequences(seq, maxlen=5, pad_idx=0) array([0, 0, 1, 2, 3], dtype=int32) """ if len(seq) == 0: return np.zeros(maxlen, dtype="int32") + pad_idx elif len(seq) >= maxlen: res = np.array(seq[-maxlen:]).astype("int32") return res else: res = np.zeros(maxlen, dtype="int32") + pad_idx if pad_first: res[-len(seq) :] = seq else: res[: len(seq) :] = seq return res def build_embeddings_matrix( vocab: Vocab, word_vectors_path: str, min_freq: int, verbose: int = 1 ) -> np.ndarray: # pragma: no cover r"""Build the embedding matrix using pretrained word vectors. Returns the pretrained word embeddings Returns pretrained word embeddings. If a word in our vocabulary is not among the pretrained embeddings it will be assigned the mean pretrained word-embeddings vector Parameters ---------- vocab: Vocab see :class:`pytorch_widedeep.utils.fastai_utils.Vocab` word_vectors_path: str path to the pretrained word embeddings min_freq: int minimum frequency required for a word to be in the vocabulary verbose: int, default=1 level of verbosity. Set to 0 for no verbosity """ if not os.path.isfile(word_vectors_path): raise FileNotFoundError("{} not found".format(word_vectors_path)) if verbose: print("Indexing word vectors...") embeddings_index = {} f = open(word_vectors_path) for line in f: values = line.split() word = values[0] coefs = np.asarray(values[1:], dtype="float32") embeddings_index[word] = coefs f.close() if verbose: print("Loaded {} word vectors".format(len(embeddings_index))) print("Preparing embeddings matrix...") mean_word_vector = np.mean(list(embeddings_index.values()), axis=0) # type: ignore[arg-type] embedding_dim = len(list(embeddings_index.values())[0]) num_words = len(vocab.itos) embedding_matrix = np.zeros((num_words, embedding_dim)) found_words = 0 for i, word in enumerate(vocab.itos): embedding_vector = embeddings_index.get(word) if embedding_vector is not None: embedding_matrix[i] = embedding_vector found_words += 1 else: embedding_matrix[i] = mean_word_vector if verbose: print( "{} words in the vocabulary had {} vectors and appear more than {} times".format( found_words, word_vectors_path, min_freq ) ) return embedding_matrix.astype("float32")