from torch import nn from pytorch_widedeep.wdtypes import * # noqa: F403 from pytorch_widedeep.models.tabular.mlp._layers import MLP from pytorch_widedeep.models.tabular._base_tabular_model import ( BaseTabularModelWithAttention, ) from pytorch_widedeep.models.tabular.transformers._encoders import SaintEncoder class SAINT(BaseTabularModelWithAttention): r"""Defines a `SAINT model `_ that can be used as the ``deeptabular`` component of a Wide & Deep model or independently by itself. Parameters ---------- column_idx: Dict Dict containing the index of the columns that will be passed through the model. Required to slice the tensors. e.g. {'education': 0, 'relationship': 1, 'workclass': 2, ...} cat_embed_input: List, Optional, default = None List of Tuples with the column name and number of unique values and embedding dimension. e.g. [(education, 11), ...] cat_embed_dropout: float, default = 0.1 Categorical embeddings dropout use_cat_bias: bool, default = False, Boolean indicating if bias will be used for the categorical embeddings cat_embed_activation: Optional, str, default = None, Activation function for the categorical embeddings, if any. `'tanh'`, `'relu'`, `'leaky_relu'` and `'gelu'` are supported. full_embed_dropout: bool, default = False Boolean indicating if an entire embedding (i.e. the representation of one column) will be dropped in the batch. See: :obj:`pytorch_widedeep.models.transformers._layers.FullEmbeddingDropout`. If ``full_embed_dropout = True``, ``cat_embed_dropout`` is ignored. shared_embed: bool, default = False The idea behind ``shared_embed`` is described in the Appendix A in the `TabTransformer paper `_: `'The goal of having column embedding is to enable the model to distinguish the classes in one column from those in the other columns'`. In other words, the idea is to let the model learn which column is embedded at the time. add_shared_embed: bool, default = False The two embedding sharing strategies are: 1) add the shared embeddings to the column embeddings or 2) to replace the first ``frac_shared_embed`` with the shared embeddings. See :obj:`pytorch_widedeep.models.transformers._layers.SharedEmbeddings` frac_shared_embed: float, default = 0.25 The fraction of embeddings that will be shared (if ``add_shared_embed = False``) by all the different categories for one particular column. continuous_cols: List, Optional, default = None List with the name of the numeric (aka continuous) columns cont_norm_layer: str, default = "batchnorm" Type of normalization layer applied to the continuous features. Options are: 'layernorm', 'batchnorm' or None. cont_embed_dropout: float, default = 0.1, Continuous embeddings dropout use_cont_bias: bool, default = True, Boolean indicating if bias will be used for the continuous embeddings cont_embed_activation: str, default = None Activation function to be applied to the continuous embeddings, if any. `'tanh'`, `'relu'`, `'leaky_relu'` and `'gelu'` are supported. input_dim: int, default = 32 The so-called *dimension of the model*. Is the number of embeddings used to encode the categorical and/or continuous columns n_heads: int, default = 8 Number of attention heads per Transformer block use_qkv_bias: bool, default = False Boolean indicating whether or not to use bias in the Q, K, and V projection layers n_blocks: int, default = 2 Number of SAINT-Transformer blocks. 1 in the paper. attn_dropout: float, default = 0.2 Dropout that will be applied to the Multi-Head Attention column and row layers ff_dropout: float, default = 0.1 Dropout that will be applied to the FeedForward network transformer_activation: str, default = "gelu" Transformer Encoder activation function. `'tanh'`, `'relu'`, `'leaky_relu'`, `'gelu'`, `'geglu'` and `'reglu'` are supported mlp_hidden_dims: List, Optional, default = None MLP hidden dimensions. If not provided it will default to ``[l, 4*l, 2*l]`` where ``l`` is the MLP's input dimension mlp_activation: str, default = "relu" MLP activation function. `'tanh'`, `'relu'`, `'leaky_relu'` and `'gelu'` are supported mlp_dropout: float, default = 0.1 Dropout that will be applied to the final MLP mlp_batchnorm: bool, default = False Boolean indicating whether or not to apply batch normalization to the dense layers mlp_batchnorm_last: bool, default = False Boolean indicating whether or not to apply batch normalization to the last of the dense layers mlp_linear_first: bool, default = False Boolean indicating whether the order of the operations in the dense layer. If ``True: [LIN -> ACT -> BN -> DP]``. If ``False: [BN -> DP -> LIN -> ACT]`` Attributes ---------- cat_and_cont_embed: ``nn.Module`` This is the module that processes the categorical and continuous columns encoder: ``nn.Sequential`` Sequence of SAINT-Transformer blocks mlp: ``nn.Module`` MLP component in the model output_dim: int The output dimension of the model. This is a required attribute neccesary to build the ``WideDeep`` class Example -------- >>> import torch >>> from pytorch_widedeep.models import SAINT >>> X_tab =, 4).random_(4), torch.rand(5, 1)), axis=1) >>> colnames = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'] >>> cat_embed_input = [(u,i) for u,i in zip(colnames[:4], [4]*4)] >>> continuous_cols = ['e'] >>> column_idx = {k:v for v,k in enumerate(colnames)} >>> model = SAINT(column_idx=column_idx, cat_embed_input=cat_embed_input, continuous_cols=continuous_cols) >>> out = model(X_tab) """ def __init__( self, column_idx: Dict[str, int], cat_embed_input: Optional[List[Tuple[str, int]]] = None, cat_embed_dropout: float = 0.1, use_cat_bias: bool = False, cat_embed_activation: Optional[str] = None, full_embed_dropout: bool = False, shared_embed: bool = False, add_shared_embed: bool = False, frac_shared_embed: float = 0.25, continuous_cols: Optional[List[str]] = None, cont_norm_layer: str = None, cont_embed_dropout: float = 0.1, use_cont_bias: bool = True, cont_embed_activation: Optional[str] = None, input_dim: int = 32, use_qkv_bias: bool = False, n_heads: int = 8, n_blocks: int = 2, attn_dropout: float = 0.1, ff_dropout: float = 0.2, transformer_activation: str = "gelu", mlp_hidden_dims: Optional[List[int]] = None, mlp_activation: str = "relu", mlp_dropout: float = 0.1, mlp_batchnorm: bool = False, mlp_batchnorm_last: bool = False, mlp_linear_first: bool = True, ): super(SAINT, self).__init__( column_idx=column_idx, cat_embed_input=cat_embed_input, cat_embed_dropout=cat_embed_dropout, use_cat_bias=use_cat_bias, cat_embed_activation=cat_embed_activation, full_embed_dropout=full_embed_dropout, shared_embed=shared_embed, add_shared_embed=add_shared_embed, frac_shared_embed=frac_shared_embed, continuous_cols=continuous_cols, cont_norm_layer=cont_norm_layer, embed_continuous=True, cont_embed_dropout=cont_embed_dropout, use_cont_bias=use_cont_bias, cont_embed_activation=cont_embed_activation, input_dim=input_dim, ) self.use_qkv_bias = use_qkv_bias self.n_heads = n_heads self.n_blocks = n_blocks self.attn_dropout = attn_dropout self.ff_dropout = ff_dropout self.transformer_activation = transformer_activation self.mlp_hidden_dims = mlp_hidden_dims self.mlp_activation = mlp_activation self.mlp_dropout = mlp_dropout self.mlp_batchnorm = mlp_batchnorm self.mlp_batchnorm_last = mlp_batchnorm_last self.mlp_linear_first = mlp_linear_first self.with_cls_token = "cls_token" in column_idx self.n_cat = len(cat_embed_input) if cat_embed_input is not None else 0 self.n_cont = len(continuous_cols) if continuous_cols is not None else 0 self.n_feats = self.n_cat + self.n_cont # Embeddings are instantiated at the base model # Transformer blocks self.encoder = nn.Sequential() for i in range(n_blocks): self.encoder.add_module( "saint_block" + str(i), SaintEncoder( input_dim, n_heads, use_qkv_bias, attn_dropout, ff_dropout, transformer_activation, self.n_feats, ), ) self.mlp_first_hidden_dim = ( self.input_dim if self.with_cls_token else (self.n_feats * self.input_dim) ) if mlp_hidden_dims is not None: self.mlp = MLP( [self.mlp_first_hidden_dim] + mlp_hidden_dims, mlp_activation, mlp_dropout, mlp_batchnorm, mlp_batchnorm_last, mlp_linear_first, ) else: self.mlp = None def forward(self, X: Tensor) -> Tensor: x = self._get_embeddings(X) x = self.encoder(x) if self.with_cls_token: x = x[:, 0, :] else: x = x.flatten(1) if self.mlp is not None: x = self.mlp(x) return x @property def output_dim(self) -> int: return ( self.mlp_hidden_dims[-1] if self.mlp_hidden_dims is not None else self.mlp_first_hidden_dim ) @property def attention_weights(self) -> List: r"""List with the attention weights. Each element of the list is a tuple where the first and the second elements are the column and row attention weights respectively The shape of the attention weights is: - column attention: :math:`(N, H, F, F)` - row attention: :math:`(1, H, N, N)` where *N* is the batch size, *H* is the number of heads and *F* is the number of features/columns in the dataset """ attention_weights = [] for blk in self.encoder: attention_weights.append( (blk.col_attn.attn_weights, blk.row_attn.attn_weights) ) return attention_weights