from torch import nn from pytorch_widedeep.wdtypes import * # noqa: F403 from pytorch_widedeep.models.tabular.mlp._layers import MLP from pytorch_widedeep.models.tabular._base_tabular_model import ( BaseTabularModelWithAttention, ) from pytorch_widedeep.models.tabular.transformers._encoders import SaintEncoder class SAINT(BaseTabularModelWithAttention): r"""Defines a [SAINT model]( that can be used as the `deeptabular` component of a Wide & Deep model or independently by itself. :information_source: **NOTE**: This is an slightly modified and enhanced version of the model described in the paper, Parameters ---------- column_idx: Dict Dict containing the index of the columns that will be passed through the model. Required to slice the tensors. e.g. _{'education': 0, 'relationship': 1, 'workclass': 2, ...}_ cat_embed_input: List, Optional, default = None List of Tuples with the column name and number of unique values and embedding dimension. e.g. _[(education, 11), ...]_ cat_embed_dropout: float, default = 0.1 Categorical embeddings dropout use_cat_bias: bool, default = False, Boolean indicating if bias will be used for the categorical embeddings cat_embed_activation: Optional, str, default = None, Activation function for the categorical embeddings, if any. _'tanh'_, _'relu'_, _'leaky_relu'_ and _'gelu'_ are supported. full_embed_dropout: bool, default = False Boolean indicating if an entire embedding (i.e. the representation of one column) will be dropped in the batch. See: `pytorch_widedeep.models.transformers._layers.FullEmbeddingDropout`. If `full_embed_dropout = True`, `cat_embed_dropout` is ignored. shared_embed: bool, default = False The idea behind `shared_embed` is described in the Appendix A in the [TabTransformer paper]( the goal of having column embedding is to enable the model to distinguish the classes in one column from those in the other columns. In other words, the idea is to let the model learn which column is embedded at the time. add_shared_embed: bool, default = False The two embedding sharing strategies are: 1) add the shared embeddings to the column embeddings or 2) to replace the first `frac_shared_embed` with the shared embeddings. See `pytorch_widedeep.models.transformers._layers.SharedEmbeddings` frac_shared_embed: float, default = 0.25 The fraction of embeddings that will be shared (if `add_shared_embed = False`) by all the different categories for one particular column. continuous_cols: List, Optional, default = None List with the name of the numeric (aka continuous) columns cont_norm_layer: str, default = "batchnorm" Type of normalization layer applied to the continuous features. Options are: _'layernorm'_, _'batchnorm'_ or None. cont_embed_dropout: float, default = 0.1, Continuous embeddings dropout use_cont_bias: bool, default = True, Boolean indicating if bias will be used for the continuous embeddings cont_embed_activation: str, default = None Activation function to be applied to the continuous embeddings, if any. _'tanh'_, _'relu'_, _'leaky_relu'_ and _'gelu'_ are supported. input_dim: int, default = 32 The so-called *dimension of the model*. Is the number of embeddings used to encode the categorical and/or continuous columns n_heads: int, default = 8 Number of attention heads per Transformer block use_qkv_bias: bool, default = False Boolean indicating whether or not to use bias in the Q, K, and V projection layers n_blocks: int, default = 2 Number of SAINT-Transformer blocks. attn_dropout: float, default = 0.2 Dropout that will be applied to the Multi-Head Attention column and row layers ff_dropout: float, default = 0.1 Dropout that will be applied to the FeedForward network transformer_activation: str, default = "gelu" Transformer Encoder activation function. _'tanh'_, _'relu'_, _'leaky_relu'_, _'gelu'_, _'geglu'_ and _'reglu'_ are supported mlp_hidden_dims: List, Optional, default = None MLP hidden dimensions. If not provided it will default to $[l, 4 \times l, 2 \times l]$ where $l$ is the MLP's input dimension mlp_activation: str, default = "relu" MLP activation function. _'tanh'_, _'relu'_, _'leaky_relu'_ and _'gelu'_ are supported mlp_dropout: float, default = 0.1 Dropout that will be applied to the final MLP mlp_batchnorm: bool, default = False Boolean indicating whether or not to apply batch normalization to the dense layers mlp_batchnorm_last: bool, default = False Boolean indicating whether or not to apply batch normalization to the last of the dense layers mlp_linear_first: bool, default = False Boolean indicating whether the order of the operations in the dense layer. If `True: [LIN -> ACT -> BN -> DP]`. If `False: [BN -> DP -> LIN -> ACT]` Attributes ---------- cat_and_cont_embed: nn.Module This is the module that processes the categorical and continuous columns saint_blks: nn.Sequential Sequence of SAINT-Transformer blocks saint_mlp: nn.Module MLP component in the model output_dim: int The output dimension of the model. This is a required attribute neccesary to build the `WideDeep` class Examples -------- >>> import torch >>> from pytorch_widedeep.models import SAINT >>> X_tab =, 4).random_(4), torch.rand(5, 1)), axis=1) >>> colnames = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'] >>> cat_embed_input = [(u,i) for u,i in zip(colnames[:4], [4]*4)] >>> continuous_cols = ['e'] >>> column_idx = {k:v for v,k in enumerate(colnames)} >>> model = SAINT(column_idx=column_idx, cat_embed_input=cat_embed_input, continuous_cols=continuous_cols) >>> out = model(X_tab) """ def __init__( self, column_idx: Dict[str, int], cat_embed_input: Optional[List[Tuple[str, int]]] = None, cat_embed_dropout: float = 0.1, use_cat_bias: bool = False, cat_embed_activation: Optional[str] = None, full_embed_dropout: bool = False, shared_embed: bool = False, add_shared_embed: bool = False, frac_shared_embed: float = 0.25, continuous_cols: Optional[List[str]] = None, cont_norm_layer: str = None, cont_embed_dropout: float = 0.1, use_cont_bias: bool = True, cont_embed_activation: Optional[str] = None, input_dim: int = 32, use_qkv_bias: bool = False, n_heads: int = 8, n_blocks: int = 2, attn_dropout: float = 0.1, ff_dropout: float = 0.2, transformer_activation: str = "gelu", mlp_hidden_dims: Optional[List[int]] = None, mlp_activation: str = "relu", mlp_dropout: float = 0.1, mlp_batchnorm: bool = False, mlp_batchnorm_last: bool = False, mlp_linear_first: bool = True, ): super(SAINT, self).__init__( column_idx=column_idx, cat_embed_input=cat_embed_input, cat_embed_dropout=cat_embed_dropout, use_cat_bias=use_cat_bias, cat_embed_activation=cat_embed_activation, full_embed_dropout=full_embed_dropout, shared_embed=shared_embed, add_shared_embed=add_shared_embed, frac_shared_embed=frac_shared_embed, continuous_cols=continuous_cols, cont_norm_layer=cont_norm_layer, embed_continuous=True, cont_embed_dropout=cont_embed_dropout, use_cont_bias=use_cont_bias, cont_embed_activation=cont_embed_activation, input_dim=input_dim, ) self.column_idx = column_idx self.cat_embed_input = cat_embed_input self.cat_embed_dropout = cat_embed_dropout self.full_embed_dropout = full_embed_dropout self.shared_embed = shared_embed self.add_shared_embed = add_shared_embed self.frac_shared_embed = frac_shared_embed self.continuous_cols = continuous_cols self.cont_embed_activation = cont_embed_activation self.cont_embed_dropout = cont_embed_dropout self.cont_norm_layer = cont_norm_layer self.input_dim = input_dim self.use_qkv_bias = use_qkv_bias self.n_heads = n_heads self.n_blocks = n_blocks self.attn_dropout = attn_dropout self.ff_dropout = ff_dropout self.transformer_activation = transformer_activation self.mlp_hidden_dims = mlp_hidden_dims self.mlp_activation = mlp_activation self.mlp_dropout = mlp_dropout self.mlp_batchnorm = mlp_batchnorm self.mlp_batchnorm_last = mlp_batchnorm_last self.mlp_linear_first = mlp_linear_first self.with_cls_token = "cls_token" in column_idx self.n_cat = len(cat_embed_input) if cat_embed_input is not None else 0 self.n_cont = len(continuous_cols) if continuous_cols is not None else 0 self.n_feats = self.n_cat + self.n_cont # Embeddings are instantiated at the base model # Transformer blocks self.saint_blks = nn.Sequential() for i in range(n_blocks): self.saint_blks.add_module( "saint_block" + str(i), SaintEncoder( input_dim, n_heads, use_qkv_bias, attn_dropout, ff_dropout, transformer_activation, self.n_feats, ), ) attn_output_dim = ( self.input_dim if self.with_cls_token else self.n_feats * self.input_dim ) # Mlp if not mlp_hidden_dims: mlp_hidden_dims = [ attn_output_dim, attn_output_dim * 4, attn_output_dim * 2, ] else: mlp_hidden_dims = [attn_output_dim] + mlp_hidden_dims self.saint_mlp = MLP( mlp_hidden_dims, mlp_activation, mlp_dropout, mlp_batchnorm, mlp_batchnorm_last, mlp_linear_first, ) # the output_dim attribute will be used as input_dim when "merging" the models self.output_dim: int = mlp_hidden_dims[-1] def forward(self, X: Tensor) -> Tensor: x = self._get_embeddings(X) x = self.saint_blks(x) if self.with_cls_token: x = x[:, 0, :] else: x = x.flatten(1) return self.saint_mlp(x) @property def attention_weights(self) -> List: r"""List with the attention weights. Each element of the list is a tuple where the first and the second elements are the column and row attention weights respectively The shape of the attention weights is: - column attention: $(N, H, F, F)$ - row attention: $(1, H, N, N)$ where $N$ is the batch size, $H$ is the number of heads and $F$ is the number of features/columns in the dataset """ attention_weights = [] for blk in self.saint_blks: attention_weights.append( (blk.col_attn.attn_weights, blk.row_attn.attn_weights) ) return attention_weights