""" During the development of the package I realised that there is a typing inconsistency. The input components of a Wide and Deep model are of type nn.Module. These change type internally to nn.Sequential. While nn.Sequential is an instance of nn.Module the oppossite is, of course, not true. This does not affect any funcionality of the package, but it is something that needs fixing. However, while fixing is simple (simply define new attributes that are the nn.Sequential objects), its implications are quite wide within the package (involves changing a number of tests and tutorials). Therefore, I will introduce that fix when I do a major release. For now, we live with it. """ import warnings import torch import torch.nn as nn from pytorch_widedeep.wdtypes import * # noqa: F403 from pytorch_widedeep.models.tab_mlp import MLP, get_activation_fn from pytorch_widedeep.models.tabnet.tab_net import TabNetPredLayer from pytorch_widedeep.models import fds_layer warnings.filterwarnings("default", category=UserWarning) use_cuda = torch.cuda.is_available() device = torch.device("cuda" if use_cuda else "cpu") class WideDeep(nn.Module): r"""Main collector class that combines all ``wide``, ``deeptabular`` ``deeptext`` and ``deepimage`` models. There are two options to combine these models that correspond to the two main architectures that ``pytorch-widedeep`` can build. - Directly connecting the output of the model components to an ouput neuron(s). - Adding a `Fully-Connected Head` (FC-Head) on top of the deep models. This FC-Head will combine the output form the ``deeptabular``, ``deeptext`` and ``deepimage`` and will be then connected to the output neuron(s). Parameters ---------- wide: ``nn.Module``, Optional, default = None ``Wide`` model. This is a linear model where the non-linearities are captured via crossed-columns. deeptabular: ``nn.Module``, Optional, default = None Currently this library implements a number of possible architectures for the ``deeptabular`` component. See the documenation of the package. deeptext: ``nn.Module``, Optional, default = None Currently this library implements a number of possible architectures for the ``deeptext`` component. See the documenation of the package. deepimage: ``nn.Module``, Optional, default = None Currently this library uses ``torchvision`` and implements a number of possible architectures for the ``deepimage`` component. See the documenation of the package. head_hidden_dims: List, Optional, default = None List with the sizes of the dense layers in the head e.g: [128, 64] head_activation: str, default = "relu" Activation function for the dense layers in the head. Currently `tanh`, `'relu'`, `'leaky_relu'` and `'gelu'` are supported head_dropout: float, Optional, default = None Dropout of the dense layers in the head head_batchnorm: bool, default = False Boolean indicating whether or not to include batch normalization in the dense layers that form the `'rnn_mlp'` head_batchnorm_last: bool, default = False Boolean indicating whether or not to apply batch normalization to the last of the dense layers in the head head_linear_first: bool, default = False Boolean indicating whether the order of the operations in the dense layer. If ``True: [LIN -> ACT -> BN -> DP]``. If ``False: [BN -> DP -> LIN -> ACT]`` deephead: ``nn.Module``, Optional, default = None Alternatively, the user can pass a custom model that will receive the output of the deep component. If ``deephead`` is not None all the previous fc-head parameters will be ignored enforce_positive: bool, default = False If final layer has activation function or not. Important if you are using loss functions with non-negative input restrictions, e.g. RMSLE, or if you know your predictions are bounded in between 0 and inf enforce_positive_activation: str, default = "softplus" Activation function to enforce positive output from final layer. Use "softplus" or "relu". fds: bool, default = False If the feature distribution smoothing layer should be applied before the final prediction layer. Only available for objective='regressor'. fds_config: dict, default = None dictionary defining specific values for FeatureDistributionSmoothing layer pred_dim: int, default = 1 Size of the final wide and deep output layer containing the predictions. `1` for regression and binary classification or number of classes for multiclass classification. Examples -------- >>> from pytorch_widedeep.models import TabResnet, Vision, BasicRNN, Wide, WideDeep >>> embed_input = [(u, i, j) for u, i, j in zip(["a", "b", "c"][:4], [4] * 3, [8] * 3)] >>> column_idx = {k: v for v, k in enumerate(["a", "b", "c"])} >>> wide = Wide(10, 1) >>> deeptabular = TabResnet(blocks_dims=[8, 4], column_idx=column_idx, cat_embed_input=embed_input) >>> deeptext = BasicRNN(vocab_size=10, embed_dim=4, padding_idx=0) >>> deepimage = Vision() >>> model = WideDeep(wide=wide, deeptabular=deeptabular, deeptext=deeptext, deepimage=deepimage) .. note:: It is possible to use custom components to build Wide & Deep models. Simply, build them and pass them as the corresponding parameters. Note that the custom models MUST return a last layer of activations (i.e. not the final prediction) so that these activations are collected by ``WideDeep`` and combined accordingly. In addition, the models MUST also contain an attribute ``output_dim`` with the size of these last layers of activations. See for example :class:`pytorch_widedeep.models.tab_mlp.TabMlp` """ def __init__( self, wide: Optional[nn.Module] = None, deeptabular: Optional[nn.Module] = None, deeptext: Optional[nn.Module] = None, deepimage: Optional[nn.Module] = None, deephead: Optional[nn.Module] = None, head_hidden_dims: Optional[List[int]] = None, head_activation: str = "relu", head_dropout: float = 0.1, head_batchnorm: bool = False, head_batchnorm_last: bool = False, head_linear_first: bool = False, enforce_positive: bool = False, enforce_positive_activation: str = "softplus", pred_dim: int = 1, fds: bool = False, fds_config: Optional[dict] = None, ): super(WideDeep, self).__init__() self._check_inputs( wide, deeptabular, deeptext, deepimage, deephead, head_hidden_dims, pred_dim, ) # required as attribute just in case we pass a deephead self.pred_dim = pred_dim # The main 5 components of the wide and deep assemble self.wide = wide self.deeptabular = deeptabular self.deeptext = deeptext self.deepimage = deepimage self.deephead = deephead self.enforce_positive = enforce_positive self.fds = fds if self.deeptabular is not None: self.is_tabnet = deeptabular.__class__.__name__ == "TabNet" else: self.is_tabnet = False if self.deephead is None and head_hidden_dims is not None: self._build_deephead( head_hidden_dims, head_activation, head_dropout, head_batchnorm, head_batchnorm_last, head_linear_first, ) elif self.deephead is not None: pass elif self.fds: if ( not self.deeptabular or self.pred_dim != 1 # or self.wide.pred_dim != self.deeptabular.output_dim ): raise ValueError( """Feature Distribution Smoothing is supported only with deeptabular component without deephead with single output neuron. If used, wide component must have pred_dim == deeptabular.output_dim """ ) if fds_config: self.FDS = fds_layer.FDS(**fds_config) else: self.FDS = fds_layer.FDS(feature_dim=self.deeptabular.output_dim) self.FDS_dropout = nn.Dropout(p=self.deeptabular.mlp_dropout) self.pred_layer = nn.Linear(self.deeptabular.output_dim, self.pred_dim) else: self._add_pred_layer() if self.enforce_positive: self.enf_pos = get_activation_fn(enforce_positive_activation) def forward( self, X: Dict[str, Tensor], y: Optional[Tensor] = None, epoch: Optional[int] = None, ): y_pred = self._forward_wide(X) if self.deephead: y_pred = self._forward_deephead(X, y_pred) elif self.training and self.fds: y_pred, deep_features = self._forward_deep(X, y_pred, y, epoch) if self.enforce_positive: return self.enf_pos(y_pred), deep_features else: return y_pred, deep_features else: y_pred = self._forward_deep(X, y_pred) if self.enforce_positive: return self.enf_pos(y_pred) else: return y_pred def _build_deephead( self, head_hidden_dims, head_activation, head_dropout, head_batchnorm, head_batchnorm_last, head_linear_first, ): deep_dim = 0 if self.deeptabular is not None: deep_dim += self.deeptabular.output_dim if self.deeptext is not None: deep_dim += self.deeptext.output_dim if self.deepimage is not None: deep_dim += self.deepimage.output_dim head_hidden_dims = [deep_dim] + head_hidden_dims self.deephead = MLP( head_hidden_dims, head_activation, head_dropout, head_batchnorm, head_batchnorm_last, head_linear_first, ) self.deephead.add_module( "head_out", nn.Linear(head_hidden_dims[-1], self.pred_dim) ) def _add_pred_layer(self): if self.deeptabular is not None: if self.is_tabnet: self.deeptabular = nn.Sequential( self.deeptabular, TabNetPredLayer(self.deeptabular.output_dim, self.pred_dim), ) else: self.deeptabular = nn.Sequential( self.deeptabular, nn.Linear(self.deeptabular.output_dim, self.pred_dim), ) if self.deeptext is not None: self.deeptext = nn.Sequential( self.deeptext, nn.Linear(self.deeptext.output_dim, self.pred_dim) ) if self.deepimage is not None: self.deepimage = nn.Sequential( self.deepimage, nn.Linear(self.deepimage.output_dim, self.pred_dim) ) def _forward_wide(self, X): if self.wide is not None: out = self.wide(X["wide"]) else: batch_size = X[list(X.keys())[0]].size(0) out = torch.zeros(batch_size, self.pred_dim).to(device) return out def _forward_deephead(self, X, wide_out): if self.deeptabular is not None: if self.is_tabnet: tab_out = self.deeptabular(X["deeptabular"]) deepside, M_loss = tab_out[0], tab_out[1] else: deepside = self.deeptabular(X["deeptabular"]) else: deepside = torch.FloatTensor().to(device) if self.deeptext is not None: deepside = torch.cat([deepside, self.deeptext(X["deeptext"])], axis=1) if self.deepimage is not None: deepside = torch.cat([deepside, self.deepimage(X["deepimage"])], axis=1) deephead_out = self.deephead(deepside) deepside_out = nn.Linear(deephead_out.size(1), self.pred_dim).to(device) if self.is_tabnet: res = (wide_out.add_(deepside_out(deephead_out)), M_loss) else: res = wide_out.add_(deepside_out(deephead_out)) return res def _forward_deep(self, X, wide_out, y=None, epoch=None): if self.deeptabular is not None: if self.is_tabnet: tab_out, M_loss = self.deeptabular(X["deeptabular"]) wide_out.add_(tab_out) else: deeptab_features = self.deeptabular(X["deeptabular"]) if self.training and self.fds: deeptab_features = self.FDS.smooth(deeptab_features, y, epoch) deeptab_features = self.FDS_dropout(deeptab_features) wide_out.add_(self.pred_layer(deeptab_features)) return wide_out, deeptab_features elif self.fds: wide_out.add_(self.pred_layer(deeptab_features)) else: wide_out.add_(deeptab_features) if self.deeptext is not None: wide_out.add_(self.deeptext(X["deeptext"])) if self.deepimage is not None: wide_out.add_(self.deepimage(X["deepimage"])) if self.is_tabnet: res = (wide_out, M_loss) else: res = wide_out return res @staticmethod # noqa: C901 def _check_inputs( # noqa: C901 wide, deeptabular, deeptext, deepimage, deephead, head_hidden_dims, pred_dim, ): if wide is not None: assert wide.wide_linear.weight.size(1) == pred_dim, ( "the 'pred_dim' of the wide component ({}) must be equal to the 'pred_dim' " "of the deep component and the overall model itself ({})".format( wide.wide_linear.weight.size(1), pred_dim ) ) if deeptabular is not None and not hasattr(deeptabular, "output_dim"): raise AttributeError( "deeptabular model must have an 'output_dim' attribute. " "See pytorch-widedeep.models.deep_text.DeepText" ) if deeptabular is not None: is_tabnet = deeptabular.__class__.__name__ == "TabNet" has_wide_text_or_image = ( wide is not None or deeptext is not None or deepimage is not None ) if is_tabnet and has_wide_text_or_image: warnings.warn( "'WideDeep' is a model comprised by multiple components and the 'deeptabular'" " component is 'TabNet'. We recommend using 'TabNet' in isolation." " The reasons are: i)'TabNet' uses sparse regularization which partially losses" " its purpose when used in combination with other components." " If you still want to use a multiple component model with 'TabNet'," " consider setting 'lambda_sparse' to 0 during training. ii) The feature" " importances will be computed only for TabNet but the model will comprise multiple" " components. Therefore, such importances will partially lose their 'meaning'.", UserWarning, ) if deeptext is not None and not hasattr(deeptext, "output_dim"): raise AttributeError( "deeptext model must have an 'output_dim' attribute. " "See pytorch-widedeep.models.deep_text.DeepText" ) if deepimage is not None and not hasattr(deepimage, "output_dim"): raise AttributeError( "deepimage model must have an 'output_dim' attribute. " "See pytorch-widedeep.models.deep_text.DeepText" ) if deephead is not None and head_hidden_dims is not None: raise ValueError( "both 'deephead' and 'head_hidden_dims' are not None. Use one of the other, but not both" ) if ( head_hidden_dims is not None and not deeptabular and not deeptext and not deepimage ): raise ValueError( "if 'head_hidden_dims' is not None, at least one deep component must be used" ) if deephead is not None: deephead_inp_feat = next(deephead.parameters()).size(1) output_dim = 0 if deeptabular is not None: output_dim += deeptabular.output_dim if deeptext is not None: output_dim += deeptext.output_dim if deepimage is not None: output_dim += deepimage.output_dim assert deephead_inp_feat == output_dim, ( "if a custom 'deephead' is used its input features ({}) must be equal to " "the output features of the deep component ({})".format( deephead_inp_feat, output_dim ) )