import warnings import numpy as np import pandas as pd from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler from pytorch_widedeep.wdtypes import ( Dict, List, Tuple, Union, Literal, Optional, ) from pytorch_widedeep.utils.general_utils import Alias from pytorch_widedeep.utils.deeptabular_utils import LabelEncoder from pytorch_widedeep.preprocessing.base_preprocessor import ( BasePreprocessor, check_is_fitted, ) def embed_sz_rule( n_cat: int, embedding_rule: Literal["google", "fastai_old", "fastai_new"] = "fastai_new", ) -> int: r"""Rule of thumb to pick embedding size corresponding to ``n_cat``. Default rule is taken from recent fastai's Tabular API. The function also includes previously used rule by fastai and rule included in the Google's Tensorflow documentation Parameters ---------- n_cat: int number of unique categorical values in a feature embedding_rule: str, default = fastai_old rule of thumb to be used for embedding vector size """ if embedding_rule == "google": return int(round(n_cat**0.25)) elif embedding_rule == "fastai_old": return int(min(50, (n_cat // 2) + 1)) else: return int(min(600, round(1.6 * n_cat**0.56))) class Quantizer: """Helper class to perform the quantization of continuous columns. It is included in this docs for completion, since depending on the value of the parameter `'quantization_setup'` of the `TabPreprocessor` class, that class might have an attribute of type `Quantizer`. However, this class is designed to always run internally within the `TabPreprocessor` class. Parameters ---------- quantization_setup: Dict, default = None Dictionary where the keys are the column names to quantize and the values are the either integers indicating the number of bins or a list of scalars indicating the bin edges. """ def __init__( self, quantization_setup: Dict[str, Union[int, List[float]]], **kwargs, ): self.quantization_setup = quantization_setup self.quant_args = kwargs self.is_fitted = False def fit(self, df: pd.DataFrame) -> "Quantizer": self.bins: Dict[str, List[float]] = {} for col, bins in self.quantization_setup.items(): _, self.bins[col] = pd.cut( df[col], bins, retbins=True, labels=False, **self.quant_args ) self.inversed_bins: Dict[str, Dict[int, float]] = {} for col, bins in self.bins.items(): self.inversed_bins[col] = { k: v for k, v in list( zip( range(len(bins)), [(a + b) / 2.0 for a, b in zip(bins, bins[1:])], ) ) } self.is_fitted = True return self def transform(self, df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: check_is_fitted(self, condition=self.is_fitted) dfc = df.copy() for col, bins in self.bins.items(): dfc[col] = pd.cut(dfc[col], bins, labels=False, **self.quant_args) return dfc def fit_transform(self, df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: return class TabPreprocessor(BasePreprocessor): r"""Preprocessor to prepare the `deeptabular` component input dataset Parameters ---------- cat_embed_cols: List, default = None List containing the name of the categorical columns that will be represented by embeddings (e.g. _['education', 'relationship', ...]_) or a Tuple with the name and the embedding dimension (e.g.: _[ ('education',32), ('relationship',16), ...]_) continuous_cols: List, default = None List with the name of the continuous cols quantization_setup: int or Dict, default = None Continuous columns can be turned into categorical via `pd.cut`. If `quantization_setup` is an `int`, all continuous columns will be quantized using this value as the number of bins. Alternatively, a dictionary where the keys are the column names to quantize and the values are the either integers indicating the number of bins or a list of scalars indicating the bin edges. cols_to_scale: List, default = None, List with the names of the columns that will be standarised via sklearn's `StandardScaler` scale: bool, default = False :information_source: **note**: this arg will be removed in the next release. Please use `cols_to_scale` instead.
Bool indicating whether or not to scale/standarise continuous cols. It is important to emphasize that all the DL models for tabular data in the library also include the possibility of normalising the input continuous features via a `BatchNorm` or a `LayerNorm`.
Param alias: `scale_cont_cols`. already_standard: List, default = None :information_source: **note**: this arg will be removed in the next release. Please use `cols_to_scale` instead.
List with the name of the continuous cols that do not need to be scaled/standarised. auto_embed_dim: bool, default = True Boolean indicating whether the embedding dimensions will be automatically defined via rule of thumb. See `embedding_rule` below. embedding_rule: str, default = 'fastai_new' If `auto_embed_dim=True`, this is the choice of embedding rule of thumb. Choices are: - _fastai_new_: $min(600, round(1.6 \times n_{cat}^{0.56}))$ - _fastai_old_: $min(50, (n_{cat}//{2})+1)$ - _google_: $min(600, round(n_{cat}^{0.24}))$ default_embed_dim: int, default=16 Dimension for the embeddings if the embed_dim is not provided in the `cat_embed_cols` parameter and `auto_embed_dim` is set to `False`. with_attention: bool, default = False Boolean indicating whether the preprocessed data will be passed to an attention-based model (more precisely a model where all embeddings must have the same dimensions). If `True`, the param `cat_embed_cols` must just be a list containing just the categorical column names: e.g. _['education', 'relationship', ...]_. This is because they will all be encoded using embeddings of the same dim, which will be specified later when the model is defined.
Param alias: `for_transformer` with_cls_token: bool, default = False Boolean indicating if a `'[CLS]'` token will be added to the dataset when using attention-based models. The final hidden state corresponding to this token is used as the aggregated representation for classification and regression tasks. If not, the categorical (and continuous embeddings if present) will be concatenated before being passed to the final MLP (if present). shared_embed: bool, default = False Boolean indicating if the embeddings will be "shared" when using attention-based models. The idea behind `shared_embed` is described in the Appendix A in the [TabTransformer paper]( _'The goal of having column embedding is to enable the model to distinguish the classes in one column from those in the other columns'_. In other words, the idea is to let the model learn which column is embedded at the time. See: `pytorch_widedeep.models.transformers._layers.SharedEmbeddings`. verbose: int, default = 1 Other Parameters ---------------- **kwargs: dict `pd.cut` and `StandardScaler` related args Attributes ---------- embed_dim: Dict Dictionary where keys are the embed cols and values are the embedding dimensions. If `with_attention` is set to `True` this attribute is not generated during the `fit` process label_encoder: LabelEncoder see `pytorch_widedeep.utils.dense_utils.LabelEncder` cat_embed_input: List List of Tuples with the column name, number of individual values for that column and, If `with_attention` is set to `False`, the corresponding embeddings dim, e.g. _[('education', 16, 10), ('relationship', 6, 8), ...]_. standardize_cols: List List of the columns that will be standarized scaler: StandardScaler an instance of `sklearn.preprocessing.StandardScaler` column_idx: Dict Dictionary where keys are column names and values are column indexes. This is neccesary to slice tensors quantizer: Quantizer an instance of `Quantizer` Examples -------- >>> import pandas as pd >>> import numpy as np >>> from pytorch_widedeep.preprocessing import TabPreprocessor >>> df = pd.DataFrame({'color': ['r', 'b', 'g'], 'size': ['s', 'n', 'l'], 'age': [25, 40, 55]}) >>> cat_embed_cols = [('color',5), ('size',5)] >>> cont_cols = ['age'] >>> deep_preprocessor = TabPreprocessor(cat_embed_cols=cat_embed_cols, continuous_cols=cont_cols) >>> X_tab = deep_preprocessor.fit_transform(df) >>> deep_preprocessor.embed_dim {'color': 5, 'size': 5} >>> deep_preprocessor.column_idx {'color': 0, 'size': 1, 'age': 2} >>> cont_df = pd.DataFrame({"col1": np.random.rand(10), "col2": np.random.rand(10) + 1}) >>> cont_cols = ["col1", "col2"] >>> tab_preprocessor = TabPreprocessor(continuous_cols=cont_cols, quantization_setup=3) >>> ft_cont_df = tab_preprocessor.fit_transform(cont_df) >>> # or... >>> quantization_setup = {'col1': [0., 0.4, 1.], 'col2': [1., 1.4, 2.]} >>> tab_preprocessor2 = TabPreprocessor(continuous_cols=cont_cols, quantization_setup=quantization_setup) >>> ft_cont_df2 = tab_preprocessor2.fit_transform(cont_df) """ @Alias("with_attention", "for_transformer") @Alias("cat_embed_cols", "embed_cols") @Alias("scale", "scale_cont_cols") def __init__( self, cat_embed_cols: Optional[Union[List[str], List[Tuple[str, int]]]] = None, continuous_cols: Optional[List[str]] = None, quantization_setup: Optional[ Union[int, Dict[str, Union[int, List[float]]]] ] = None, cols_to_scale: Optional[List[str]] = None, auto_embed_dim: bool = True, embedding_rule: Literal["google", "fastai_old", "fastai_new"] = "fastai_new", default_embed_dim: int = 16, with_attention: bool = False, with_cls_token: bool = False, shared_embed: bool = False, verbose: int = 1, *, scale: bool = False, already_standard: List[str] = None, **kwargs, ): super(TabPreprocessor, self).__init__() self.continuous_cols = continuous_cols self.quantization_setup = quantization_setup self.cols_to_scale = cols_to_scale self.scale = scale self.already_standard = already_standard self.auto_embed_dim = auto_embed_dim self.embedding_rule = embedding_rule self.default_embed_dim = default_embed_dim self.with_attention = with_attention self.with_cls_token = with_cls_token self.shared_embed = shared_embed self.verbose = verbose self.quant_args = { k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if k in pd.cut.__code__.co_varnames } self.scale_args = { k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if k in StandardScaler().get_params() } self._check_inputs(cat_embed_cols) if with_cls_token: self.cat_embed_cols = ( ["cls_token"] + cat_embed_cols # type: ignore[operator] if cat_embed_cols is not None else ["cls_token"] ) else: self.cat_embed_cols = cat_embed_cols # type: ignore[assignment] self.is_fitted = False def fit(self, df: pd.DataFrame) -> BasePreprocessor: """Fits the Preprocessor and creates required attributes Parameters ---------- df: pd.DataFrame Input pandas dataframe Returns ------- TabPreprocessor `TabPreprocessor` fitted object """ df_adj = self._insert_cls_token(df) if self.with_cls_token else df.copy() if self.cat_embed_cols is not None: df_emb = self._prepare_embed(df_adj) self.label_encoder = LabelEncoder( columns_to_encode=df_emb.columns.tolist(), shared_embed=self.shared_embed, with_attention=self.with_attention, ) self.cat_embed_input: List = [] for k, v in self.label_encoder.encoding_dict.items(): if self.with_attention: self.cat_embed_input.append((k, len(v))) else: self.cat_embed_input.append((k, len(v), self.embed_dim[k])) if self.continuous_cols is not None: df_cont = self._prepare_continuous(df_adj) if self.standardize_cols is not None: self.scaler = StandardScaler(**self.scale_args).fit( df_cont[self.standardize_cols].values ) elif self.verbose: warnings.warn("Continuous columns will not be normalised") if self.cols_and_bins is not None: # we do not run '' here since in the wild case # someone wants standardization and quantization for the same # columns, the Quantizer will run on the scaled data self.quantizer = Quantizer(self.cols_and_bins, **self.quant_args) self.is_fitted = True return self def transform(self, df: pd.DataFrame) -> np.ndarray: """Returns the processed `dataframe` as a np.ndarray Parameters ---------- df: pd.DataFrame Input pandas dataframe Returns ------- np.ndarray transformed input dataframe """ check_is_fitted(self, condition=self.is_fitted) df_adj = self._insert_cls_token(df) if self.with_cls_token else df.copy() if self.cat_embed_cols is not None: df_emb = self._prepare_embed(df_adj) df_emb = self.label_encoder.transform(df_emb) if self.continuous_cols is not None: df_cont = self._prepare_continuous(df_adj) if self.standardize_cols: df_cont[self.standardize_cols] = self.scaler.transform( df_cont[self.standardize_cols].values ) if self.cols_and_bins is not None: df_cont = self.quantizer.fit_transform(df_cont) try: df_deep = pd.concat([df_emb, df_cont], axis=1) except NameError: try: df_deep = df_emb.copy() except NameError: df_deep = df_cont.copy() self.column_idx = {k: v for v, k in enumerate(df_deep.columns)} return df_deep.values def inverse_transform(self, encoded: np.ndarray) -> pd.DataFrame: r"""Takes as input the output from the `transform` method and it will return the original values. Parameters ---------- encoded: np.ndarray array with the output of the `transform` method Returns ------- pd.DataFrame Pandas dataframe with the original values """ decoded = pd.DataFrame(encoded, columns=self.column_idx.keys()) # embeddings back to original category if self.cat_embed_cols is not None: if isinstance(self.cat_embed_cols[0], tuple): emb_c: List = [c[0] for c in self.cat_embed_cols] else: emb_c = self.cat_embed_cols.copy() for c in emb_c: decoded[c] = decoded[c].map(self.label_encoder.inverse_encoding_dict[c]) # quantized cols to the mid point if self.quantization_setup is not None: if self.verbose: print( "Note that quantized cols will not be turned into the mid point of " "the corresponding bin" ) for k, v in self.quantizer.inversed_bins.items(): decoded[k] = decoded[k].map(v) # continuous_cols back to non-standarised try: decoded[self.continuous_cols] = self.scaler.inverse_transform( decoded[self.continuous_cols] ) except AttributeError: pass if "cls_token" in decoded.columns: decoded.drop("cls_token", axis=1, inplace=True) return decoded def fit_transform(self, df: pd.DataFrame) -> np.ndarray: """Combines `fit` and `transform` Parameters ---------- df: pd.DataFrame Input pandas dataframe Returns ------- np.ndarray transformed input dataframe """ return def _insert_cls_token(self, df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: df_cls = df.copy() df_cls.insert(loc=0, column="cls_token", value="[CLS]") return df_cls def _prepare_embed(self, df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: if self.with_attention: return df[self.cat_embed_cols] else: if isinstance(self.cat_embed_cols[0], tuple): self.embed_dim: Dict = dict(self.cat_embed_cols) # type: ignore embed_colname = [emb[0] for emb in self.cat_embed_cols] elif self.auto_embed_dim: n_cats = {col: df[col].nunique() for col in self.cat_embed_cols} self.embed_dim = { # type: ignore[misc] col: embed_sz_rule(n_cat, self.embedding_rule) for col, n_cat in n_cats.items() } embed_colname = self.cat_embed_cols # type: ignore else: self.embed_dim = { e: self.default_embed_dim for e in self.cat_embed_cols } # type: ignore embed_colname = self.cat_embed_cols # type: ignore return df[embed_colname] def _prepare_continuous(self, df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: if self.is_fitted: return df[self.continuous_cols] else: if self.cols_to_scale is not None: self.standardize_cols = ( self.cols_to_scale if self.cols_to_scale != "all" else self.continuous_cols ) elif self.scale: if self.already_standard is not None: self.standardize_cols = [ c for c in self.continuous_cols if c not in self.already_standard ] else: self.standardize_cols = self.continuous_cols else: self.standardize_cols = None if self.quantization_setup is not None: if isinstance(self.quantization_setup, int): self.cols_and_bins: Dict[str, Union[int, List[float]]] = {} for col in self.continuous_cols: self.cols_and_bins[col] = self.quantization_setup else: self.cols_and_bins = self.quantization_setup.copy() else: self.cols_and_bins = None return df[self.continuous_cols] def _check_inputs(self, cat_embed_cols): # noqa: C901 if self.scale or self.already_standard is not None: warnings.warn( "'scale' and 'already_standard' will be deprecated in the next release. " "Please use 'cols_to_scale' instead", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) if self.scale: if self.already_standard is not None: standardize_cols = [ c for c in self.continuous_cols if c not in self.already_standard ] else: standardize_cols = self.continuous_cols elif self.cols_to_scale is not None: standardize_cols = self.cols_to_scale else: standardize_cols = None if standardize_cols is not None: if isinstance(self.quantization_setup, int): cols_to_quantize_and_standardize = [ c for c in standardize_cols if c in self.continuous_cols ] elif isinstance(self.quantization_setup, dict): cols_to_quantize_and_standardize = [ c for c in standardize_cols if c in self.quantization_setup ] else: cols_to_quantize_and_standardize = None if cols_to_quantize_and_standardize is not None: warnings.warn( f"the following columns: {cols_to_quantize_and_standardize} will be first scaled" " using a StandardScaler and then quantized. Make sure this is what you really want" ) if self.with_cls_token and not self.with_attention: warnings.warn( "If 'with_cls_token' is set to 'True', 'with_attention' will be automatically ", "to 'True' if is 'False'", ) self.with_attention = True if (cat_embed_cols is None) and (self.continuous_cols is None): raise ValueError( "'cat_embed_cols' and 'continuous_cols' are 'None'. Please, define at least one of the two." ) if ( cat_embed_cols is not None and self.continuous_cols is not None and len(np.intersect1d(cat_embed_cols, self.continuous_cols)) > 0 ): overlapping_cols = list( np.intersect1d(cat_embed_cols, self.continuous_cols) ) raise ValueError( "Currently passing columns as both categorical and continuum is not supported." " Please, choose one or the other for the following columns: {}".format( ", ".join(overlapping_cols) ) ) transformer_error_message = ( "If with_attention is 'True' cat_embed_cols must be a list " " of strings with the columns to be encoded as embeddings." ) if ( self.with_attention and cat_embed_cols is not None and isinstance(cat_embed_cols[0], tuple) ): raise ValueError(transformer_error_message)