import numpy as np import os import warnings import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F from ..wdtypes import * from ..initializers import Initializer, MultipleInitializer from ..callbacks import Callback, History, CallbackContainer from ..metrics import Metric, MultipleMetrics, MetricCallback from ..losses import FocalLoss from ._wd_dataset import WideDeepDataset from ._multiple_optimizer import MultipleOptimizer from ._multiple_lr_scheduler import MultipleLRScheduler from ._multiple_transforms import MultipleTransforms from ._wdmodel_type import WDModel from ._warmup import WarmUp from .deep_dense import dense_layer from tqdm import tqdm,trange from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from import DataLoader n_cpus = os.cpu_count() use_cuda = torch.cuda.is_available() import pdb class WideDeep(nn.Module): r""" Main collector class to combine all Wide, DeepDense, DeepText and DeepImage models. There are two options to combine these models. 1) Directly connecting the output of the models to an ouput neuron(s). 2) Adding a FC-Head on top of the deep models. This FC-Head will combine the output form the DeepDense, DeepText and DeepImage and will be then connected to the output neuron(s) Parameters ---------- wide: nn.Module Wide model. I recommend using the Wide class in this package. However, can a custom model as long as is consistent with the required architecture. deepdense: nn.Module 'Deep dense' model consisting in a series of categorical features represented by embeddings combined with numerical (aka continuous) features. I recommend using the DeepDense class in this package. However, a custom model as long as is consistent with the required architecture. deeptext: nn.Module, Optional 'Deep text' model for the text input. Must be an object of class DeepText or a custom model as long as is consistent with the required architecture. deepimage: nn.Module, Optional 'Deep Image' model for the images input. Must be an object of class DeepImage or a custom model as long as is consistent with the required architecture. deephead: nn.Module, Optional Dense model consisting in a stack of dense layers. The FC-Head head_layers: List, Optional Sizes of the stacked dense layers in the fc-head e.g: [128, 64] head_dropout: List, Optional Dropout between the dense layers. e.g: [0.5, 0.5] head_batchnorm: Boolean, Optional Whether or not to include batch normalizatin in the dense layers that form the texthead output_dim: Int Size of the final layer. 1 for regression and binary classification or 'n_class' for multiclass classification ** While I recommend using the Wide and DeepDense classes within this package when building the corresponding model components, it is very likely that the user will want to use custom text and image models. That is perfectly possible. Simply, build them and pass them as the corresponding parameters. Note that the custom models MUST return a last layer of activations (i.e. not the final prediction) so that these activations are collected by WideDeep and combined accordingly. In addition, the models MUST also contain an attribute 'output_dim' with the size of these last layers of activations. Example -------- >>> import torch >>> from pytorch_widedeep.models import Wide, DeepDense, DeepText, DeepImage, WideDeep >>> >>> X_wide = torch.empty(5, 5).random_(2) >>> wide = Wide(wide_dim=X_wide.size(0), output_dim=1) >>> >>> X_deep =, 4).random_(4), torch.rand(5, 1)), axis=1) >>> colnames = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'] >>> embed_input = [(u,i,j) for u,i,j in zip(colnames[:4], [4]*4, [8]*4)] >>> deep_column_idx = {k:v for v,k in enumerate(colnames)} >>> deepdense = DeepDense(hidden_layers=[8,4], deep_column_idx=deep_column_idx, embed_input=embed_input) >>> >>> X_text =[5,1]), torch.empty(5, 4).random_(1,4)), axis=1) >>> deeptext = DeepText(vocab_size=4, hidden_dim=4, n_layers=1, padding_idx=0, embed_dim=4) >>> >>> X_img = torch.rand((5,3,224,224)) >>> deepimage = DeepImage(head_layers=[512, 64, 8]) >>> >>> model = WideDeep(wide=wide, deepdense=deepdense, deeptext=deeptext, deepimage=deepimage, output_dim=1) >>> input_dict = {'wide':X_wide, 'deepdense':X_deep, 'deeptext':X_text, 'deepimage':X_img} >>> model(X=input_dict) tensor([[-0.3779], [-0.5247], [-0.2773], [-0.2888], [-0.2010]], grad_fn=) """ def __init__(self, wide:nn.Module, deepdense:nn.Module, output_dim:int=1, deeptext:Optional[nn.Module]=None, deepimage:Optional[nn.Module]=None, deephead:Optional[nn.Module]=None, head_layers:Optional[List]=None, head_dropout:Optional[List]=None, head_batchnorm:Optional[bool]=None): super(WideDeep, self).__init__() # The main 5 components of the wide and deep assemble self.wide = wide self.deepdense = deepdense self.deeptext = deeptext self.deepimage = deepimage self.deephead = deephead if self.deephead is None: if head_layers is not None: input_dim = self.deepdense.output_dim + self.deeptext.output_dim + self.deepimage.output_dim head_layers = [input_dim] + head_layers if not head_dropout: head_dropout = [0.] * (len(head_layers)-1) self.deephead = nn.Sequential() for i in range(1, len(head_layers)): self.deephead.add_module( 'head_layer_{}'.format(i-1), dense_layer( head_layers[i-1], head_layers[i], head_dropout[i-1], head_batchnorm)) self.deephead.add_module('head_out', nn.Linear(head_layers[-1], output_dim)) else: self.deepdense = nn.Sequential( self.deepdense, nn.Linear(self.deepdense.output_dim, output_dim)) if self.deeptext is not None: self.deeptext = nn.Sequential( self.deeptext, nn.Linear(self.deeptext.output_dim, output_dim)) if self.deepimage is not None: self.deepimage = nn.Sequential( self.deepimage, nn.Linear(self.deepimage.output_dim, output_dim)) def forward(self, X:List[Dict[str,Tensor]])->Tensor: r""" Parameters ---------- X: List List of Dict where the keys are the model names ('wide', 'deepdense', 'deeptext' and 'deepimage') and the values are the corresponding Tensors """ # Wide output: direct connection to the output neuron(s) out = self.wide(X['wide']) # Deep output: either connected directly to the output neuron(s) or # passed through a head first if self.deephead: deepside = self.deepdense(X['deepdense']) if self.deeptext is not None: deepside = [deepside, self.deeptext(X['deeptext'])], axis=1 ) if self.deepimage is not None: deepside = [deepside, self.deepimage(X['deepimage'])], axis=1 ) deepside_out = self.deephead(deepside) return out.add_(deepside_out) else: out.add_(self.deepdense(X['deepdense'])) if self.deeptext is not None: out.add_(self.deeptext(X['deeptext'])) if self.deepimage is not None: out.add_(self.deepimage(X['deepimage'])) return out def compile(self, method:str, optimizers:Optional[Union[Optimizer,Dict[str,Optimizer]]]=None, lr_schedulers:Optional[Union[LRScheduler,Dict[str,LRScheduler]]]=None, initializers:Optional[Dict[str,Initializer]]=None, transforms:Optional[List[Transforms]]=None, callbacks:Optional[List[Callback]]=None, metrics:Optional[List[Metric]]=None, class_weight:Optional[Union[float,List[float],Tuple[float]]]=None, with_focal_loss:bool=False, alpha:float=0.25, gamma:float=2, verbose:int=1, seed:int=1): r""" Function to set a number of attributes that will be used during the training process. Parameters ---------- method: Str One of ('regression', 'binary' or 'multiclass') optimizers: Optimizer, Dict. Optional, Default=AdamW Either an optimizers object (e.g. torch.optim.Adam()) or a dictionary where there keys are the model's children (i.e. 'wide', 'deepdense', 'deeptext', 'deepimage' and/or 'deephead') and the values are the corresponding optimizers. If multiple optimizers are used the dictionary MUST contain an optimizer per child. lr_schedulers: LRScheduler, Dict. Optional. Default=None Either a LRScheduler object (e.g torch.optim.lr_scheduler.StepLR(opt, step_size=5)) or dictionary where there keys are the model's children (i.e. 'wide', 'deepdense', 'deeptext', 'deepimage' and/or 'deephead') and the values are the corresponding learning rate schedulers. initializers: Dict, Optional. Default=None Dict where there keys are the model's children (i.e. 'wide', 'deepdense', 'deeptext', 'deepimage' and/or 'deephead') and the values are the corresponding initializers. transforms: List, Optional. Default=None List with torchvision.transforms to be applied to the image component of the model (i.e. 'deepimage') callbacks: List, Optional. Default=None Callbacks available are: ModelCheckpoint, EarlyStopping, and LRHistory. The History callback is used by default. metrics: List, Optional. Default=None Metrics available are: BinaryAccuracy and CategoricalAccuracy class_weight: List, Tuple, Float. Optional. Default=None Can be one of: float indicating the weight of the minority class in binary classification problems (e.g. 9.) or a list or tuple with weights for the different classes in multiclass classification problems (e.g. [1., 2., 3.]). The weights do not neccesarily need to be normalised. If your loss function uses reduction='mean', the loss will be normalized by the sum of the corresponding weights for each element. If you are using reduction='none', you would have to take care of the normalization yourself. See here: with_focal_loss: Boolean, Optional. Default=False Whether or not to use the Focal Loss. alpha, gamma: Float. Default=0.25, 2 Focal Loss parameters. See: verbose: Int Setting it to 0 will print nothing during training. seed: Int, Default=1 Random seed to be used throughout all the methods Attributes ---------- Attributes that are not direct assignations of parameters self.cyclic: Boolean Indicates if any of the lr_schedulers is cyclic (i.e. CyclicLR or OneCycleLR) Example -------- Assuming you have already built the model components (wide, deepdense, etc...) >>> from pytorch_widedeep.models import WideDeep >>> from pytorch_widedeep.initializers import * >>> from pytorch_widedeep.callbacks import * >>> from pytorch_widedeep.optim import RAdam >>> model = WideDeep(wide=wide, deepdense=deepdense, deeptext=deeptext, deepimage=deepimage) >>> wide_opt = torch.optim.Adam(model.wide.parameters()) >>> deep_opt = torch.optim.Adam(model.deepdense.parameters()) >>> text_opt = RAdam(model.deeptext.parameters()) >>> img_opt = RAdam(model.deepimage.parameters()) >>> wide_sch = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.StepLR(wide_opt, step_size=5) >>> deep_sch = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.StepLR(deep_opt, step_size=3) >>> text_sch = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.StepLR(text_opt, step_size=5) >>> img_sch = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.StepLR(img_opt, step_size=3) >>> optimizers = {'wide': wide_opt, 'deepdense':deep_opt, 'deeptext':text_opt, 'deepimage': img_opt} >>> schedulers = {'wide': wide_sch, 'deepdense':deep_sch, 'deeptext':text_sch, 'deepimage': img_sch} >>> initializers = {'wide': Uniform, 'deepdense':Normal, 'deeptext':KaimingNormal, >>> ... 'deepimage':KaimingUniform} >>> transforms = [ToTensor, Normalize(mean=mean, std=std)] >>> callbacks = [LRHistory, EarlyStopping, ModelCheckpoint(filepath='model_weights/')] >>> model.compile(method='regression', initializers=initializers, optimizers=optimizers, >>> ... lr_schedulers=schedulers, callbacks=callbacks, transforms=transforms) """ self.verbose = verbose self.seed = seed self.early_stop = False self.method = method self.with_focal_loss = with_focal_loss if self.with_focal_loss: self.alpha, self.gamma = alpha, gamma if isinstance(class_weight, float): self.class_weight = torch.tensor([1.-class_weight, class_weight]) elif isinstance(class_weight, (List, Tuple)): self.class_weight = torch.tensor(class_weight) else: self.class_weight = None if initializers is not None: self.initializer = MultipleInitializer(initializers, verbose=self.verbose) self.initializer.apply(self) if optimizers is not None: if isinstance(optimizers, Optimizer): self.optimizer = optimizers elif len(optimizers)>1: opt_names = list(optimizers.keys()) mod_names = [n for n, c in self.named_children()] for mn in mod_names: assert mn in opt_names, "No optimizer found for {}".format(mn) self.optimizer = MultipleOptimizer(optimizers) else: self.optimizer = torch.optim.AdamW(self.parameters()) if lr_schedulers is not None: if isinstance(lr_schedulers, LRScheduler): self.lr_scheduler = lr_schedulers self.cyclic = 'cycl' in self.lr_scheduler.__class__.__name__.lower() elif len(lr_schedulers) > 1: self.lr_scheduler = MultipleLRScheduler(lr_schedulers) scheduler_names = [sc.__class__.__name__.lower() for _,sc in self.lr_scheduler._schedulers.items()] self.cyclic = any(['cycl' in sn for sn in scheduler_names]) else: self.lr_scheduler, self.cyclic = None, False if transforms is not None: self.transforms = MultipleTransforms(transforms)() else: self.transforms = None self.history = History() self.callbacks = [self.history] if callbacks is not None: for callback in callbacks: if isinstance(callback, type): callback = callback() self.callbacks.append(callback) if metrics is not None: self.metric = MultipleMetrics(metrics) self.callbacks += [MetricCallback(self.metric)] else: self.metric = None self.callback_container = CallbackContainer(self.callbacks) self.callback_container.set_model(self) if use_cuda: self.cuda() def fit(self, X_wide:Optional[np.ndarray]=None, X_deep:Optional[np.ndarray]=None, X_text:Optional[np.ndarray]=None, X_img:Optional[np.ndarray]=None, X_train:Optional[Dict[str,np.ndarray]]=None, X_val:Optional[Dict[str,np.ndarray]]=None, val_split:Optional[float]=None, target:Optional[np.ndarray]=None, n_epochs:int=1, validation_freq:int=1, batch_size:int=32, patience:int=10, warm_up:bool=False, warm_epochs:int=4, warm_max_lr:float=0.01, warm_deeptext_gradual:bool=False, warm_deeptext_max_lr:float=0.01, warm_deeptext_layers:Optional[List[nn.Module]]=None, warm_deepimage_gradual:bool=False, warm_deepimage_max_lr:float=0.01, warm_deepimage_layers:Optional[List[nn.Module]]=None, warm_routine:str='felbo'): r""" fit method that must run after calling 'compile' Parameters ---------- X_wide: np.ndarray, Optional. Default=None One hot encoded wide input. X_deep: np.ndarray, Optional. Default=None Input for the deepdense model X_text: np.ndarray, Optional. Default=None Input for the deeptext model X_img : np.ndarray, Optional. Default=None Input for the deepimage model X_train: Dict, Optional. Default=None Training dataset for the different model branches. Keys are 'X_wide', 'X_deep', 'X_text', 'X_img' and 'target' the values are the corresponding matrices e.g X_train = {'X_wide': X_wide, 'X_wide': X_wide, 'X_text': X_text, 'X_img': X_img} X_val: Dict, Optional. Default=None Validation dataset for the different model branches. Keys are 'X_wide', 'X_deep', 'X_text', 'X_img' and 'target' the values are the corresponding matrices e.g X_val = {'X_wide': X_wide, 'X_wide': X_wide, 'X_text': X_text, 'X_img': X_img} val_split: Float, Optional. Default=None train/val split target: np.ndarray, Optional. Default=None target values n_epochs: Int, Default=1 validation_freq: Int, Default=1 batch_size: Int, Default=32 patience: Int, Default=10 Number of epochs without improving the target metric before we stop the fit warm_up: Boolean, Default=False Warm up the models individually before starting the joined training warm_epochs: Int, Default=4 Number of warm up epochs warm_max_lr: Float, Default=0.01 Warming up will happen using a slanted triangular learning rates ( warm_max_lr indicates the maximum learning rate that will be used during the cycle. The minimum (base_lr) learning rate is warm_max_lr/10. **WideDeep assumes that X_wide, X_deep and target ALWAYS exist, while X_text and X_img are optional **Either X_train or X_wide, X_deep and target must be passed to the fit method Example -------- Assuming you have already built and compiled the model Ex 1. using train input arrays directly and no validation >>>, X_deep=X_deep, target=target, n_epochs=10, batch_size=256) Ex 2: using train input arrays directly and validation with val_split >>>, X_deep=X_deep, target=target, n_epochs=10, batch_size=256, val_split=0.2) Ex 3: using train dict and val_split >>> X_train = {'X_wide': X_wide, 'X_deep': X_deep, 'target': y} >>>, n_epochs=10, batch_size=256, val_split=0.2) Ex 4: validation using training and validation dicts >>> X_train = {'X_wide': X_wide_tr, 'X_deep': X_deep_tr, 'target': y_tr} >>> X_val = {'X_wide': X_wide_val, 'X_deep': X_deep_val, 'target': y_val} >>>, X_val=X_val n_epochs=10, batch_size=256) """ if X_train is None and (X_wide is None or X_deep is None or target is None): raise ValueError( "Training data is missing. Either a dictionary (X_train) with " "the training dataset or at least 3 arrays (X_wide, X_deep, " "target) must be passed to the fit method") self.batch_size = batch_size train_set, eval_set = self._train_val_split(X_wide, X_deep, X_text, X_img, X_train, X_val, val_split, target) train_loader = DataLoader(dataset=train_set, batch_size=batch_size, num_workers=n_cpus) if warm_up: # warm up... self._warm_up(train_loader, warm_epochs, warm_max_lr, warm_deeptext_gradual, warm_deeptext_layers, warm_deeptext_max_lr, warm_deepimage_gradual, warm_deepimage_layers, warm_deepimage_max_lr, warm_routine) train_steps = len(train_loader) self.callback_container.on_train_begin({'batch_size': batch_size, 'train_steps': train_steps, 'n_epochs': n_epochs}) if self.verbose: print('Training') for epoch in range(n_epochs): # train step... epoch_logs={} self.callback_container.on_epoch_begin(epoch, logs=epoch_logs) self.train_running_loss = 0. with trange(train_steps, disable=self.verbose != 1) as t: for batch_idx, (data,target) in zip(t, train_loader): t.set_description('epoch %i' % (epoch+1)) acc, train_loss = self._training_step(data, target, batch_idx) if acc is not None: t.set_postfix(metrics=acc, loss=train_loss) else: t.set_postfix(loss=np.sqrt(train_loss)) if self.lr_scheduler: self._lr_scheduler_step(step_location='on_batch_end') self.callback_container.on_batch_end(batch=batch_idx) epoch_logs['train_loss'] = train_loss if acc is not None: epoch_logs['train_acc'] = acc['acc'] # eval step... if epoch % validation_freq == (validation_freq - 1): if eval_set is not None: eval_loader = DataLoader(dataset=eval_set, batch_size=batch_size, num_workers=n_cpus, shuffle=False) eval_steps = len(eval_loader) self.valid_running_loss = 0. with trange(eval_steps, disable=self.verbose != 1) as v: for i, (data,target) in zip(v, eval_loader): v.set_description('valid') acc, val_loss = self._validation_step(data, target, i) if acc is not None: v.set_postfix(metrics=acc, loss=val_loss) else: v.set_postfix(loss=np.sqrt(val_loss)) epoch_logs['val_loss'] = val_loss if acc is not None: epoch_logs['val_acc'] = acc['acc'] if self.lr_scheduler: self._lr_scheduler_step(step_location='on_epoch_end') # log and check if early_stop... self.callback_container.on_epoch_end(epoch, epoch_logs) if self.early_stop: self.callback_container.on_train_end(epoch) break self.callback_container.on_train_end(epoch) self.train() def predict(self, X_wide:np.ndarray, X_deep:np.ndarray, X_text:Optional[np.ndarray]=None, X_img:Optional[np.ndarray]=None, X_test:Optional[Dict[str, np.ndarray]]=None)->np.ndarray: r""" fit method that must run after calling 'compile' Parameters ---------- X_wide: np.ndarray, Optional. Default=None One hot encoded wide input. X_deep: np.ndarray, Optional. Default=None Input for the deepdense model X_text: np.ndarray, Optional. Default=None Input for the deeptext model X_img : np.ndarray, Optional. Default=None Input for the deepimage model X_test: Dict, Optional. Default=None Testing dataset for the different model branches. Keys are 'X_wide', 'X_deep', 'X_text', 'X_img' and 'target' the values are the corresponding matrices e.g X_train = {'X_wide': X_wide, 'X_wide': X_wide, 'X_text': X_text, 'X_img': X_img} **WideDeep assumes that X_wide, X_deep and target ALWAYS exist, while X_text and X_img are optional Returns ------- preds: np.array with the predicted target for the test dataset. """ preds_l = self._predict(X_wide, X_deep, X_text, X_img, X_test) if self.method == "regression": return np.vstack(preds_l).squeeze(1) if self.method == "binary": preds = np.vstack(preds_l).squeeze(1) return (preds > 0.5).astype('int') if self.method == "multiclass": preds = np.vstack(preds_l) return np.argmax(preds, 1) def predict_proba(self, X_wide:np.ndarray, X_deep:np.ndarray, X_text:Optional[np.ndarray]=None, X_img:Optional[np.ndarray]=None, X_test:Optional[Dict[str, np.ndarray]]=None)->np.ndarray: r""" Returns ------- preds: np.ndarray Predicted probabilities of target for the test dataset for binary and multiclass methods """ preds_l = self._predict(X_wide, X_deep, X_text, X_img, X_test) if self.method == "binary": preds = np.vstack(preds_l).squeeze(1) probs = np.zeros([preds.shape[0],2]) probs[:,0] = 1-preds probs[:,1] = preds return probs if self.method == "multiclass": return np.vstack(preds_l) def get_embeddings(self, col_name:str, cat_encoding_dict:Dict[str,Dict[str,int]]) -> Dict[str,np.ndarray]: r""" Get the learned embeddings for the categorical features passed through deepdense. Parameters ---------- col_name: str, Column name of the feature we want to get the embeddings for cat_encoding_dict: Dict Categorical encodings. The function is designed to take the 'encoding_dict' attribute from the DeepPreprocessor class. Any Dict with the same structure can be used Returns ------- cat_embed_dict: Dict Categorical levels of the col_name feature and the corresponding embeddings Example: ------- Assuming we have already train the model: >>> model.get_embeddings(col_name='education', cat_encoding_dict=deep_preprocessor.encoding_dict) {'11th': array([-0.42739448, -0.22282735, 0.36969638, 0.4445322 , 0.2562272 , 0.11572784, -0.01648579, 0.09027119, 0.0457597 , -0.28337458], dtype=float32), 'HS-grad': array([-0.10600474, -0.48775527, 0.3444158 , 0.13818645, -0.16547225, 0.27409762, -0.05006042, -0.0668492 , -0.11047247, 0.3280354 ], dtype=float32), ... } where: >>> deep_preprocessor.encoding_dict['education'] {'11th': 0, 'HS-grad': 1, 'Assoc-acdm': 2, 'Some-college': 3, '10th': 4, 'Prof-school': 5, '7th-8th': 6, 'Bachelors': 7, 'Masters': 8, 'Doctorate': 9, '5th-6th': 10, 'Assoc-voc': 11, '9th': 12, '12th': 13, '1st-4th': 14, 'Preschool': 15} """ for n,p in self.named_parameters(): if 'embed_layers' in n and col_name in n: embed_mtx = p.cpu().data.numpy() encoding_dict = cat_encoding_dict[col_name] inv_encoding_dict = {v:k for k,v in encoding_dict.items()} cat_embed_dict = {} for idx,value in inv_encoding_dict.items(): cat_embed_dict[value] = embed_mtx[idx] return cat_embed_dict def _activation_fn(self, inp:Tensor) -> Tensor: if self.method == 'regression': return inp if self.method == 'binary': return torch.sigmoid(inp) if self.method == 'multiclass': return F.softmax(inp, dim=1) def _loss_fn(self, y_pred:Tensor, y_true:Tensor) -> Tensor: if self.with_focal_loss: return FocalLoss(self.alpha, self.gamma)(y_pred, y_true) if self.method == 'regression': return F.mse_loss(y_pred, y_true.view(-1, 1)) if self.method == 'binary': return F.binary_cross_entropy(y_pred, y_true.view(-1, 1), weight=self.class_weight) if self.method == 'multiclass': return F.cross_entropy(y_pred, y_true, weight=self.class_weight) def _train_val_split(self, X_wide:Optional[np.ndarray]=None, X_deep:Optional[np.ndarray]=None, X_text:Optional[np.ndarray]=None, X_img:Optional[np.ndarray]=None, X_train:Optional[Dict[str,np.ndarray]]=None, X_val:Optional[Dict[str,np.ndarray]]=None, val_split:Optional[float]=None, target:Optional[np.ndarray]=None): r""" If a validation set (X_val) is passed to the fit method, or val_split is specified, the train/val split will happen internally. A number of options are allowed in terms of data inputs. For parameter information, please, see the .fit() method documentation Returns ------- train_set: WideDeepDataset WideDeepDataset object that will be loaded through eval_set : WideDeepDataset WideDeepDataset object that will be loaded through """ # Without validation if X_val is None and val_split is None: # if a train dictionary is passed, check if text and image datasets # are present and instantiate the WideDeepDataset class if X_train is not None: X_wide, X_deep, target = X_train['X_wide'], X_train['X_deep'], X_train['target'] if 'X_text' in X_train.keys(): X_text = X_train['X_text'] if 'X_img' in X_train.keys(): X_img = X_train['X_img'] X_train={'X_wide': X_wide, 'X_deep': X_deep, 'target': target} try: X_train.update({'X_text': X_text}) except: pass try: X_train.update({'X_img': X_img}) except: pass train_set = WideDeepDataset(**X_train, transforms=self.transforms) eval_set = None # With validation else: if X_val is not None: # if a validation dictionary is passed, then if not train # dictionary is passed we build it with the input arrays # (either the dictionary or the arrays must be passed) if X_train is None: X_train = {'X_wide':X_wide, 'X_deep': X_deep, 'target': target} if X_text is not None: X_train.update({'X_text': X_text}) if X_img is not None: X_train.update({'X_img': X_img}) else: # if a train dictionary is passed, check if text and image # datasets are present. The train/val split using val_split if X_train is not None: X_wide, X_deep, target = X_train['X_wide'], X_train['X_deep'], X_train['target'] if 'X_text' in X_train.keys(): X_text = X_train['X_text'] if 'X_img' in X_train.keys(): X_img = X_train['X_img'] X_tr_wide, X_val_wide, X_tr_deep, X_val_deep, y_tr, y_val = train_test_split(X_wide, X_deep, target, test_size=val_split, random_state=self.seed) X_train = {'X_wide':X_tr_wide, 'X_deep': X_tr_deep, 'target': y_tr} X_val = {'X_wide':X_val_wide, 'X_deep': X_val_deep, 'target': y_val} try: X_tr_text, X_val_text = train_test_split(X_text, test_size=val_split, random_state=self.seed) X_train.update({'X_text': X_tr_text}), X_val.update({'X_text': X_val_text}) except: pass try: X_tr_img, X_val_img = train_test_split(X_img, test_size=val_split, random_state=self.seed) X_train.update({'X_img': X_tr_img}), X_val.update({'X_img': X_val_img}) except: pass # At this point the X_train and X_val dictionaries have been built train_set = WideDeepDataset(**X_train, transforms=self.transforms) eval_set = WideDeepDataset(**X_val, transforms=self.transforms) return train_set, eval_set def _warm_up(self, loader:DataLoader, n_epochs:int, max_lr:float, deeptext_gradual:bool, deeptext_layers:List[nn.Module], deeptext_max_lr:float, deepimage_gradual:bool, deepimage_layers:List[nn.Module], deepimage_max_lr:float, routine:str='felbo'): r""" Simple wrappup to individually warm up model components """ if self.deephead is not None: raise ValueError( "Currently warming up is only supported without a fully connected 'DeepHead'") # This is not the most elegant solution, but is a soluton "in-between" # a non elegant one and re-factoring the whole code warmer = WarmUp(self._activation_fn, self._loss_fn, self.metric, self.method, self.verbose) warmer.warm_all(self.wide, 'wide', loader, n_epochs, max_lr) warmer.warm_all(self.deepdense, 'deepdense', loader, n_epochs, max_lr) if self.deeptext: if deeptext_gradual: warmer.warm_gradual(self.deeptext, 'deeptext', loader, deeptext_max_lr, deeptext_layers, routine) else: warmer.warm_all(self.deeptext, 'deeptext', loader, n_epochs, max_lr) if self.deepimage: if deepimage_gradual: warmer.warm_gradual(self.deepimage, 'deepimage', loader, deepimage_max_lr, deepimage_layers, routine) else: warmer.warm_all(self.deepimage, 'deepimage', loader, n_epochs, max_lr) def _lr_scheduler_step(self, step_location:str): r""" Function to execute the learning rate schedulers steps. If the lr_scheduler is Cyclic (i.e. CyclicLR or OneCycleLR), the step must happen after training each bach durig training. On the other hand, if the scheduler is not Cyclic, is expected to be called after validation. Parameters ---------- step_location: Str Indicates where to run the lr_scheduler step """ if self.lr_scheduler.__class__.__name__ == 'MultipleLRScheduler' and self.cyclic: if step_location == 'on_batch_end': for model_name, scheduler in self.lr_scheduler._schedulers.items(): if 'cycl' in scheduler.__class__.__name__.lower(): scheduler.step() elif step_location == 'on_epoch_end': for scheduler_name, scheduler in self.lr_scheduler._schedulers.items(): if 'cycl' not in scheduler.__class__.__name__.lower(): scheduler.step() elif self.cyclic: if step_location == 'on_batch_end': self.lr_scheduler.step() else: pass elif self.lr_scheduler.__class__.__name__ == 'MultipleLRScheduler': if step_location == 'on_epoch_end': self.lr_scheduler.step() else: pass elif step_location == 'on_epoch_end': self.lr_scheduler.step() else: pass def _training_step(self, data:Dict[str, Tensor], target:Tensor, batch_idx:int): self.train() X = {k:v.cuda() for k,v in data.items()} if use_cuda else data y = target.float() if self.method != 'multiclass' else target y = y.cuda() if use_cuda else y self.optimizer.zero_grad() y_pred = self._activation_fn(self.forward(X)) loss = self._loss_fn(y_pred, y) loss.backward() self.optimizer.step() self.train_running_loss += loss.item() avg_loss = self.train_running_loss/(batch_idx+1) if self.metric is not None: acc = self.metric(y_pred, y) return acc, avg_loss else: return None, avg_loss def _validation_step(self, data:Dict[str, Tensor], target:Tensor, batch_idx:int): self.eval() with torch.no_grad(): X = {k:v.cuda() for k,v in data.items()} if use_cuda else data y = target.float() if self.method != 'multiclass' else target y = y.cuda() if use_cuda else y y_pred = self._activation_fn(self.forward(X)) loss = self._loss_fn(y_pred, y) self.valid_running_loss += loss.item() avg_loss = self.valid_running_loss/(batch_idx+1) if self.metric is not None: acc = self.metric(y_pred, y) return acc, avg_loss else: return None, avg_loss def _predict(self, X_wide:np.ndarray, X_deep:np.ndarray, X_text:Optional[np.ndarray]=None, X_img:Optional[np.ndarray]=None, X_test:Optional[Dict[str, np.ndarray]]=None)->List: r""" Hidden method to avoid code repetition in predict and predict_proba. For parameter information, please, see the .predict() method documentation """ if X_test is not None: test_set = WideDeepDataset(**X_test) else: load_dict = {'X_wide': X_wide, 'X_deep': X_deep} if X_text is not None: load_dict.update({'X_text': X_text}) if X_img is not None: load_dict.update({'X_img': X_img}) test_set = WideDeepDataset(**load_dict) test_loader = DataLoader(dataset=test_set, batch_size=self.batch_size, num_workers=n_cpus, shuffle=False) test_steps = (len(test_loader.dataset) // test_loader.batch_size) + 1 self.eval() preds_l = [] with torch.no_grad(): with trange(test_steps, disable=self.verbose != 1) as t: for i, data in zip(t, test_loader): t.set_description('predict') X = {k:v.cuda() for k,v in data.items()} if use_cuda else data preds = self._activation_fn(self.forward(X)).cpu().data.numpy() preds_l.append(preds) self.train() return preds_l