Using OpenCV.js {#tutorial_js_usage} =============================== Steps ----- In this tutorial, you will learn how to include and start to use `opencv.js` inside a web page. ### Create a web page First, let's create a simple web page that is able to upload an image. @code{.js} Hello OpenCV.js

Hello OpenCV.js

No Image
@endcode To run this web page, copy the content above and save to a local index.html file. To run it, open it using your web browser. @note It is a better practice to use a local web server to host the index.html. ### Include OpenCV.js Set the URL of `opencv.js` to `src` attribute of \ tag. @note For this tutorial, we host `opencv.js` at same folder as index.html. Example for synchronous loading: @code{.js} @endcode You may want to load `opencv.js` asynchronously by `async` attribute in \ tag. To be notified when `opencv.js` is ready, you can register a callback to `onload` attribute. Example for asynchronous loading @code{.js} @endcode ### Use OpenCV.js Once `opencv.js` is ready, you can access OpenCV objects and functions through `cv` object. For example, you can create a cv.Mat from an image by cv.imread. @note Because image loading is asynchronous, you need to put cv.Mat creation inside the `onload` callback. @code{.js} imgElement.onload = function() { let mat = cv.imread(imgElement); } @endcode Many OpenCV functions can be used to process cv.Mat. You can refer to other tutorials, such as @ref tutorial_js_table_of_contents_imgproc, for details. In this tutorial, we just show a cv.Mat on screen. To show a cv.Mat, you need a canvas element. @code{.js} @endcode You can use cv.imshow to show cv.Mat on the canvas. @code{.js} cv.imshow(mat, "outputCanvas"); @endcode Putting all of the steps together, the final index.html is shown below. @code{.js} Hello OpenCV.js

Hello OpenCV.js

OpenCV.js is loading...

No Image
@endcode @note You have to call delete method of cv.Mat to free memory allocated in Emscripten's heap. Please refer to [Memory management of Emscripten]( for details. Try it ------ \htmlonly \endhtmlonly