未验证 提交 f07b01cc 编写于 作者: Y Yuantao Feng 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #23655 from fengyuentau:qlinearsoftmax

Support ONNX operator QLinearSoftmax in dnn #23655

Resolves https://github.com/opencv/opencv/issues/23636.
Merge with https://github.com/opencv/opencv_extra/pull/1064.

This PR maps the QLinearSoftmax (from com.microsoft domain) to SoftmaxInt8 in dnn along with some speed optimization.

- [x] support QLinearSoftmax with opset = 13
- [x] add model and test data for QLinearSoftmax with opset = 13
- [x] ensure all models have dims >= 3.
- [x] add the script to generate model and test data 

### Pull Request Readiness Checklist

See details at https://github.com/opencv/opencv/wiki/How_to_contribute#making-a-good-pull-request

- [x] I agree to contribute to the project under Apache 2 License.
- [x] To the best of my knowledge, the proposed patch is not based on a code under GPL or another license that is incompatible with OpenCV
- [x] The PR is proposed to the proper branch
- [x] There is a reference to the original bug report and related work
- [x] There is accuracy test, performance test and test data in opencv_extra repository, if applicable
      Patch to opencv_extra has the same branch name.
- [x] The feature is well documented and sample code can be built with the project CMake
上级 29b2f77b
......@@ -22,15 +22,29 @@ public:
SoftMaxLayerInt8Impl(const LayerParams& params)
axisRaw = params.get<int>("axis", 1);
axis = params.get<int>("axis", 1);
logSoftMax = params.get<bool>("log_softmax", false);
coerced_2d = params.get<bool>("coerced_2d", false);
input_sc = params.get<float>("input_scale");
input_zp = params.get<int>("input_zeropoint");
output_sc = params.get<float>("scales");
output_zp = params.get<int>("zeropoints");
if (blobs.empty()) // if no lookUpTable is found
Mat lookUpTable(1, 256, CV_32F);
float* table = lookUpTable.ptr<float>();
for (int i = -128; i < 128; i++)
float x = input_sc * (i - 127); // ensures exp(x) is always between (0, 1)
table[i + 128] = std::exp(x);
bool getMemoryShapes(const std::vector<MatShape> &inputs,
......@@ -40,12 +54,39 @@ public:
bool inplace = Layer::getMemoryShapes(inputs, requiredOutputs, outputs, internals);
MatShape shape = inputs[0];
int cAxis = normalize_axis(axisRaw, shape.size());
shape[cAxis] = 1;
internals.assign(1, shape);
return inplace;
virtual void finalize(InputArrayOfArrays inputs_arr, OutputArrayOfArrays outputs_arr) CV_OVERRIDE {
std::vector<Mat> inputs;
auto src = inputs[0];
auto dims_src = src.dims;
auto shape_src = shape(src);
axis = normalize_axis(axis, dims_src);
if (!coerced_2d) {
is_transpose_needed = (axis == dims_src - 1) ? false : true;
if (is_transpose_needed) {
std::iota(permutation.begin(), permutation.end(), 0);
permutation[axis] = dims_src - 1;
permutation[dims_src - 1] = axis;
std::transform(permutation.begin(), permutation.end(), transposed_shape.begin(), [&shape_src](int axis) { return shape_src[axis]; });
N = std::accumulate(transposed_shape.begin(), transposed_shape.end() - 1, 1, std::multiplies<int>());
D = transposed_shape.back();
N = src.total(0, axis);
D = src.total(axis);
virtual bool supportBackend(int backendId) CV_OVERRIDE
return backendId == DNN_BACKEND_OPENCV ||
......@@ -80,8 +121,7 @@ public:
const Mat &src = inputWrapper->getMat();
// convert axis from OpenCV NCHW toTimVX WHCN.
int axis = normalize_axis(axisRaw, src.dims);
int tvAxis = src.dims - 1 - axis;
int tvAxis = src.dims - 1 - normalize_axis(axis, src.dims);
if(tvAxis < 0)
tvAxis = 0; // default value is 0.
......@@ -154,103 +194,188 @@ public:
return Ptr<BackendNode>();
void forward(InputArrayOfArrays inputs_arr, OutputArrayOfArrays outputs_arr, OutputArrayOfArrays internals_arr) CV_OVERRIDE
CV_TRACE_ARG_VALUE(name, "name", name.c_str());
template <bool with_log>
class SoftmaxInt8Invoker : public ParallelLoopBody {
const Mat& src_;
Mat& dst_;
std::vector<Mat> inputs, outputs, internals;
const Mat& lookup_table_;
const Mat &src = inputs[0];
Mat &dst = outputs[0];
int N_;
int D_;
int axis = normalize_axis(axisRaw, src.dims);
size_t outerSize = src.total(0, axis), channels = src.size[axis],
innerSize = src.total(axis + 1);
float y_scale_;
int y_zero_point_;
CV_Assert(src.type() == CV_8S && (dst.type() == CV_8S || dst.type() == CV_32F));
CV_Assert(src.isContinuous() && dst.isContinuous());
int threads;
int cost_per_thread;
size_t outerStep = src.total(axis);
size_t cnStep = src.total(axis + 1);
const int8_t *srcPtr = src.ptr<int8_t>();
const float *expPtr = blobs[0].ptr<float>();
SoftmaxInt8Invoker(const Mat& src, Mat& dst, const Mat& lookup_table, int N, int D, float y_scale, int y_zero_point)
: src_(src), dst_(dst), lookup_table_(lookup_table), N_(N), D_(D), y_scale_(1.f / y_scale), y_zero_point_(y_zero_point) {
threads = N_;
cost_per_thread = D_;
if (dst.type() == CV_32F)
float *dstPtr = dst.ptr<float>();
for (size_t outerDim = 0; outerDim < outerSize; outerDim++)
size_t srcOffset = outerDim * outerStep;
std::vector<float> expSum(innerSize, 0.f);
static void run(const Mat& src, Mat& dst, const Mat& lookup_table, int N, int D, float y_scale, int y_zero_point) {
CV_CheckTypeEQ(src.type(), CV_8S, "DNN/SoftmaxInt8: type of input must be int8");
CV_CheckTypeEQ(dst.type(), CV_8S, "DNN/SoftmaxInt8: type of output must be int8");
// sum exp along axis
for (size_t cnDim = 0; cnDim < channels; cnDim++)
const int offset = srcOffset + cnDim * cnStep;
for (size_t i = 0; i < innerSize; i++)
expSum[i] += expPtr[srcPtr[offset + i] + 128];
SoftmaxInt8Invoker p(src, dst, lookup_table, N, D, y_scale, y_zero_point);
double nstripes = ((size_t)p.threads * p.cost_per_thread) * (1 / 1024.0);
parallel_for_(Range(0, p.threads), p, nstripes);
// divide by computed sum
for (size_t cnDim = 0; cnDim < channels; cnDim++)
const int offset = srcOffset + cnDim * cnStep;
for (size_t i = 0; i < innerSize; i++)
dstPtr[offset + i] = expPtr[srcPtr[offset + i] + 128]/expSum[i];
void operator()(const Range& r) const CV_OVERRIDE {
int start = r.start;
int end = r.end;
const int8_t* p_src = src_.ptr<int8_t>();
int8_t* p_dst = dst_.ptr<int8_t>();
const float* table = lookup_table_.ptr<float>();
for (int i = start; i < end; ++i) {
const int8_t* x = p_src + i * D_;
int8_t* y = p_dst + i * D_;
float vsum = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < D_; ++j) {
const uint8_t idx = uint8_t((*x++) + 128);
vsum += table[idx];
if (logSoftMax)
for (size_t cnDim = 0; cnDim < channels; cnDim++)
const int offset = srcOffset + cnDim * cnStep;
for (size_t i = 0; i < innerSize; i++)
dstPtr[offset + i] = log(dstPtr[offset + i]);
// FIXME: avoid divide by vsum==0
x = p_src + i * D_;
if (with_log) {
for (int j = 0; j < D_; ++j) {
const uint8_t idx = uint8_t((*x++) + 128);
const float v = table[idx];
*y++ = saturate_cast<int8_t>(std::nearbyintf(y_scale_ * std::log(v / vsum)) + y_zero_point_);
} else {
for (int j = 0; j < D_; ++j) {
const uint8_t idx = uint8_t((*x++) + 128);
const float v = table[idx];
*y++ = saturate_cast<int8_t>(std::nearbyintf(y_scale_ * v / vsum) + y_zero_point_);
const float inv_scale = 1.f/output_sc;
int8_t *dstPtr = dst.ptr<int8_t>();
for (size_t outerDim = 0; outerDim < outerSize; outerDim++)
size_t srcOffset = outerDim * outerStep;
std::vector<float> expSum(innerSize, 0.f);
// sum exp along axis
for (size_t cnDim = 0; cnDim < channels; cnDim++)
const int offset = srcOffset + cnDim * cnStep;
for (size_t i = 0; i < innerSize; i++)
expSum[i] += expPtr[srcPtr[offset + i] + 128];
template <bool with_log>
class SoftmaxInt8OutputFloatInvoker : public ParallelLoopBody {
const Mat& src_;
Mat& dst_;
const Mat& lookup_table_;
int N_;
int D_;
int threads;
int cost_per_thread;
SoftmaxInt8OutputFloatInvoker(const Mat& src, Mat& dst, const Mat& lookup_table, int N, int D)
: src_(src), dst_(dst), lookup_table_(lookup_table), N_(N), D_(D) {
threads = N_;
cost_per_thread = D_;
// divide by computed sum and quantize to int8
if (logSoftMax)
for (size_t cnDim = 0; cnDim < channels; cnDim++)
const int offset = srcOffset + cnDim * cnStep;
for (size_t i = 0; i < innerSize; i++)
dstPtr[offset + i] = saturate_cast<int8_t>(output_zp + std::round(inv_scale*log(expPtr[srcPtr[offset + i] + 128]/expSum[i])));
static void run(const Mat& src, Mat& dst, const Mat& lookup_table, int N, int D) {
CV_CheckTypeEQ(src.type(), CV_8S, "DNN/SoftmaxInt8: type of input must be int8");
CV_CheckTypeEQ(dst.type(), CV_32F, "DNN/SoftmaxInt8: type of input must be float32 since Dequantization is fused");
SoftmaxInt8OutputFloatInvoker p(src, dst, lookup_table, N, D);
double nstripes = ((size_t)p.threads * p.cost_per_thread) * (1 / 1024.0);
parallel_for_(Range(0, p.threads), p, nstripes);
void operator()(const Range& r) const CV_OVERRIDE {
int start = r.start;
int end = r.end;
const int8_t* p_src = src_.ptr<int8_t>();
float* p_dst = dst_.ptr<float>();
const float* table = lookup_table_.ptr<float>();
for (int i = start; i < end; ++i) {
const int8_t* x = p_src + i * D_;
float* y = p_dst + i * D_;
float vsum = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < D_; ++j) {
const uint8_t idx = uint8_t((*x++) + 128);
vsum += table[idx];
for (size_t cnDim = 0; cnDim < channels; cnDim++)
// FIXME: avoid divide by vsum==0
x = p_src + i * D_;
if (with_log) {
for (int j = 0; j < D_; ++j) {
const uint8_t idx = uint8_t((*x++) + 128);
const float v = table[idx];
*y++ = std::log(v / vsum);
} else {
for (int j = 0; j < D_; ++j) {
const uint8_t idx = uint8_t((*x++) + 128);
const float v = table[idx];
*y++ = v / vsum;
void forward(InputArrayOfArrays inputs_arr, OutputArrayOfArrays outputs_arr, OutputArrayOfArrays internals_arr) CV_OVERRIDE
const int offset = srcOffset + cnDim * cnStep;
for (size_t i = 0; i < innerSize; i++)
dstPtr[offset + i] = saturate_cast<int8_t>(output_zp + std::round(inv_scale*(expPtr[srcPtr[offset + i] + 128]/expSum[i])));
CV_TRACE_ARG_VALUE(name, "name", name.c_str());
std::vector<Mat> inputs, outputs;
Mat src, dst;
if (!coerced_2d && is_transpose_needed) {
transposeND(inputs[0], permutation, src);
dst = Mat::zeros(transposed_shape.size(), transposed_shape.data(), outputs[0].type());
} else {
src = inputs[0];
dst = outputs[0];
switch (dst.type()) {
case CV_8S: {
if (logSoftMax) {
SoftmaxInt8Invoker<true>::run(src, dst, blobs[0], N, D, output_sc, output_zp);
} else {
SoftmaxInt8Invoker<false>::run(src, dst, blobs[0], N, D, output_sc, output_zp);
} break;
case CV_32F: {
if (logSoftMax) {
SoftmaxInt8OutputFloatInvoker<true>::run(src, dst, blobs[0], N, D);
} else {
SoftmaxInt8OutputFloatInvoker<false>::run(src, dst, blobs[0], N, D);
} break;
default: CV_Error(cv::Error::BadDepth, "DNN/SoftmaxInt8: Unsupported output type");
if (!coerced_2d && is_transpose_needed) {
transposeND(dst, permutation, outputs[0]);
......@@ -268,7 +393,14 @@ public:
return flops;
int axisRaw;
int axis;
int N;
int D;
bool coerced_2d;
bool is_transpose_needed;
std::vector<int> permutation;
std::vector<int> transposed_shape;
Ptr<SoftmaxLayerInt8> SoftmaxLayerInt8::create(const LayerParams& params)
......@@ -206,6 +206,7 @@ private:
void parseQAvgPool (LayerParams& layerParams, const opencv_onnx::NodeProto& node_proto);
void parseQConcat (LayerParams& layerParams, const opencv_onnx::NodeProto& node_proto);
void parseQGemm (LayerParams& layerParams, const opencv_onnx::NodeProto& node_proto);
void parseQSoftmax (LayerParams& layerParams, const opencv_onnx::NodeProto& node_proto);
// '???' domain or '???' layer type
void parseCustomLayer (LayerParams& layerParams, const opencv_onnx::NodeProto& node_proto);
......@@ -758,6 +759,7 @@ static bool ifInt8Output(const String& layerType)
......@@ -3929,6 +3931,29 @@ void ONNXImporter::parseQConcat(LayerParams& layerParams, const opencv_onnx::Nod
addLayer(layerParams, node_proto);
void ONNXImporter::parseQSoftmax(LayerParams& layerParams, const opencv_onnx::NodeProto& node_proto)
CV_CheckEQ(node_proto.input_size(), 5, "DNN/ONNX: QLinearSoftmax requires 5 inputs, X, X_scale, X_zero_point, Y_scale, Y_zero_point");
int opset = layerParams.get<int>("opset");
if (opset < 13) {
layerParams.set("coerced_2d", true);
float x_scale = getScalarFromMat<float>(getBlob(node_proto, 1));
int8_t x_zero_point = getScalarFromMat<int8_t>(getBlob(node_proto, 2));
float y_scale = getScalarFromMat<float>(getBlob(node_proto, 3));
int8_t y_zero_point = getScalarFromMat<int8_t>(getBlob(node_proto, 4));
layerParams.type = "SoftmaxInt8";
// layerParams also has "axis" and "opset" attrs
layerParams.set("input_scale", x_scale);
layerParams.set("input_zeropoint", x_zero_point);
layerParams.set("scales", y_scale);
layerParams.set("zeropoints", y_zero_point);
addLayer(layerParams, node_proto);
// Domain: ai.onnx (default)
// URL: https://github.com/onnx/onnx/blob/master/docs/Operators.md
void ONNXImporter::buildDispatchMap_ONNX_AI(int opset_version)
......@@ -4026,6 +4051,7 @@ void ONNXImporter::buildDispatchMap_COM_MICROSOFT(int opset_version)
dispatch["QLinearSigmoid"] = &ONNXImporter::parseQSigmoid;
dispatch["QLinearConcat"] = &ONNXImporter::parseQConcat;
dispatch["QGemm"] = &ONNXImporter::parseQGemm;
dispatch["QLinearSoftmax"] = &ONNXImporter::parseQSoftmax;
domain_dispatch_map["com.microsoft"] = dispatch;
......@@ -1999,6 +1999,12 @@ TEST_P(Test_ONNX_layers, OutputRegistration)
testONNXModels("output_registration", npy, 0, 0, false, true, 2);
TEST_P(Test_ONNX_layers, QLinearSoftmax)
testONNXModels("qlinearsoftmax_v11", npy, 0.002, 0.002); // 2D coerced
testONNXModels("qlinearsoftmax_v13", npy, 0.002, 0.002);
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(/*nothing*/, Test_ONNX_layers, dnnBackendsAndTargets());
class Test_ONNX_nets : public Test_ONNX_layers
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