提交 1b7ad93d 编写于 作者: M marina.kolpakova

LBP features integrated in CascadeClassifier_GPU

上级 2dc93574
......@@ -1397,7 +1397,7 @@ public:
////////////////////////////////// CascadeClassifier_GPU //////////////////////////////////////////
// The cascade classifier class for object detection.
// The cascade classifier class for object detection: supports old haar and new lbp xlm formats and nvbin for haar cascades olny.
class CV_EXPORTS CascadeClassifier_GPU
......@@ -1407,42 +1407,28 @@ public:
bool empty() const;
bool load(const std::string& filename);
void release();
/* returns number of detected objects */
int detectMultiScale(const GpuMat& image, GpuMat& objectsBuf, double scaleFactor=1.2, int minNeighbors=4, Size minSize=Size());
bool findLargestObject;
bool visualizeInPlace;
Size getClassifierSize() const;
struct CascadeClassifierImpl;
CascadeClassifierImpl* impl;
// The cascade classifier class for object detection.
class CV_EXPORTS CascadeClassifier_GPU_LBP
CascadeClassifier_GPU_LBP(cv::Size detectionFrameSize = cv::Size());
bool empty() const;
bool load(const std::string& filename);
void release();
int detectMultiScale(const GpuMat& image, GpuMat& objectsBuf, double scaleFactor = 1.1, int minNeighbors = 4,
cv::Size maxObjectSize = cv::Size()/*, Size minSize = Size()*/);
Size getClassifierSize() const;
void release();
/* returns number of detected objects */
int detectMultiScale(const GpuMat& image, GpuMat& objectsBuf, double scaleFactor = 1.2, int minNeighbors = 4, Size minSize = Size());
bool findLargestObject;
bool visualizeInPlace;
Size getClassifierSize() const;
struct CascadeClassifierImpl;
CascadeClassifierImpl* impl;
////////////////////////////////// SURF //////////////////////////////////////////
struct HaarCascade;
struct LbpCascade;
friend class CascadeClassifier_GPU_LBP;
int detectMultiScale(const GpuMat& image, GpuMat& objectsBuf, Size maxObjectSize, Size minSize = Size(), double scaleFactor = 1.1, int minNeighbors = 4);
////////////////////////////////// SURF //////////////////////////////////////////
......@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ GPU_PERF_TEST_1(LBPClassifier, cv::gpu::DeviceInfo)
cv::gpu::GpuMat img(img_host);
cv::gpu::GpuMat gpu_rects;
cv::gpu::CascadeClassifier_GPU_LBP cascade(img.size());
cv::gpu::CascadeClassifier_GPU cascade;
cascade.detectMultiScale(img, gpu_rects);
......@@ -46,439 +46,54 @@
using namespace cv;
using namespace cv::gpu;
using namespace std;
#if !defined (HAVE_CUDA)
// ============ old fashioned haar cascade ==============================================//
cv::gpu::CascadeClassifier_GPU::CascadeClassifier_GPU() { throw_nogpu(); }
cv::gpu::CascadeClassifier_GPU::CascadeClassifier_GPU(const string&) { throw_nogpu(); }
cv::gpu::CascadeClassifier_GPU::~CascadeClassifier_GPU() { throw_nogpu(); }
bool cv::gpu::CascadeClassifier_GPU::empty() const { throw_nogpu(); return true; }
bool cv::gpu::CascadeClassifier_GPU::load(const string&) { throw_nogpu(); return true; }
Size cv::gpu::CascadeClassifier_GPU::getClassifierSize() const { throw_nogpu(); return Size(); }
int cv::gpu::CascadeClassifier_GPU::detectMultiScale( const GpuMat& , GpuMat& , double , int , Size) { throw_nogpu(); return 0; }
// ============ LBP cascade ==============================================//
cv::gpu::CascadeClassifier_GPU_LBP::CascadeClassifier_GPU_LBP(cv::Size /*frameSize*/){ throw_nogpu(); }
cv::gpu::CascadeClassifier_GPU_LBP::~CascadeClassifier_GPU_LBP() { throw_nogpu(); }
bool cv::gpu::CascadeClassifier_GPU_LBP::empty() const { throw_nogpu(); return true; }
bool cv::gpu::CascadeClassifier_GPU_LBP::load(const string&) { throw_nogpu(); return true; }
Size cv::gpu::CascadeClassifier_GPU_LBP::getClassifierSize() const { throw_nogpu(); return Size(); }
void cv::gpu::CascadeClassifier_GPU_LBP::allocateBuffers(cv::Size /*frame*/) { throw_nogpu();}
int cv::gpu::CascadeClassifier_GPU_LBP::detectMultiScale(const cv::gpu::GpuMat& /*image*/, cv::gpu::GpuMat& /*objectsBuf*/,
double /*scaleFactor*/, int /*minNeighbors*/, cv::Size /*maxObjectSize*/){ throw_nogpu(); return 0;}
cv::Size operator -(const cv::Size& a, const cv::Size& b)
return cv::Size(a.width - b.width, a.height - b.height);
cv::Size operator +(const cv::Size& a, const int& i)
return cv::Size(a.width + i, a.height + i);
using namespace std;
cv::Size operator *(const cv::Size& a, const float& f)
return cv::Size(cvRound(a.width * f), cvRound(a.height * f));
#if !defined (HAVE_CUDA)
cv::Size operator /(const cv::Size& a, const float& f)
return cv::Size(cvRound(a.width / f), cvRound(a.height / f));
cv::gpu::CascadeClassifier_GPU::CascadeClassifier_GPU() { throw_nogpu(); }
cv::gpu::CascadeClassifier_GPU::CascadeClassifier_GPU(const string&) { throw_nogpu(); }
cv::gpu::CascadeClassifier_GPU::~CascadeClassifier_GPU() { throw_nogpu(); }
bool cv::gpu::CascadeClassifier_GPU::empty() const { throw_nogpu(); return true; }
bool cv::gpu::CascadeClassifier_GPU::load(const string&) { throw_nogpu(); return true; }
Size cv::gpu::CascadeClassifier_GPU::getClassifierSize() const { throw_nogpu(); return Size();}
void cv::gpu::CascadeClassifier_GPU::release() { throw_nogpu(); }
int cv::gpu::CascadeClassifier_GPU::detectMultiScale( const GpuMat&, GpuMat&, double, int, Size) {throw_nogpu(); return -1;}
int cv::gpu::CascadeClassifier_GPU::detectMultiScale( const GpuMat&, GpuMat&, Size, Size, double, int) {throw_nogpu(); return -1;}
bool operator <=(const cv::Size& a, const cv::Size& b)
return a.width <= b.width && a.height <= b.width;
struct PyrLavel
struct cv::gpu::CascadeClassifier_GPU::CascadeClassifierImpl
PyrLavel(int _order, float _scale, cv::Size frame, cv::Size window) : order(_order)
scale = pow(_scale, order);
sFrame = frame / scale;
workArea = sFrame - window + 1;
sWindow = window * scale;
bool isFeasible(cv::Size maxObj)
return workArea.width > 0 && workArea.height > 0 && sWindow <= maxObj;
virtual ~CascadeClassifierImpl(){}
PyrLavel next(float factor, cv::Size frame, cv::Size window)
return PyrLavel(order + 1, factor, frame, window);
virtual unsigned int process(const GpuMat& src, GpuMat& objects, float scaleStep, int minNeighbors,
bool findLargestObject, bool visualizeInPlace, cv::Size ncvMinSize, cv::Size maxObjectSize) = 0;
int order;
float scale;
cv::Size sFrame;
cv::Size workArea;
cv::Size sWindow;
virtual cv::Size getClassifierCvSize() const = 0;
virtual bool read(const string& classifierAsXml) = 0;
namespace cv { namespace gpu { namespace device
struct cv::gpu::CascadeClassifier_GPU::HaarCascade : cv::gpu::CascadeClassifier_GPU::CascadeClassifierImpl
namespace lbp
HaarCascade() : lastAllocatedFrameSize(-1, -1)
void classifyPyramid(int frameW,
int frameH,
int windowW,
int windowH,
float initalScale,
float factor,
int total,
const DevMem2Db& mstages,
const int nstages,
const DevMem2Di& mnodes,
const DevMem2Df& mleaves,
const DevMem2Di& msubsets,
const DevMem2Db& mfeatures,
const int subsetSize,
DevMem2D_<int4> objects,
unsigned int* classified,
DevMem2Di integral);
void connectedConmonents(DevMem2D_<int4> candidates, int ncandidates, DevMem2D_<int4> objects,int groupThreshold, float grouping_eps, unsigned int* nclasses);
struct cv::gpu::CascadeClassifier_GPU_LBP::CascadeClassifierImpl
struct Stage
bool read(const string& filename)
int first;
int ntrees;
float threshold;
bool read(const FileNode &root);
void allocateBuffers(cv::Size frame = cv::Size());
bool empty() const {return stage_mat.empty();}
int process(const GpuMat& image, GpuMat& objects, double scaleFactor, int groupThreshold, cv::Size maxObjectSize);
enum stage { BOOST = 0 };
enum feature { LBP = 0 };
static const stage stageType = BOOST;
static const feature featureType = LBP;
cv::Size NxM;
bool isStumps;
int ncategories;
int subsetSize;
int nodeStep;
// gpu representation of classifier
GpuMat stage_mat;
GpuMat trees_mat;
GpuMat nodes_mat;
GpuMat leaves_mat;
GpuMat subsets_mat;
GpuMat features_mat;
GpuMat integral;
GpuMat integralBuffer;
GpuMat resuzeBuffer;
GpuMat candidates;
static const int integralFactor = 4;
void cv::gpu::CascadeClassifier_GPU_LBP::CascadeClassifierImpl::allocateBuffers(cv::Size frame)
if (frame == cv::Size())
if (resuzeBuffer.empty() || frame.width > resuzeBuffer.cols || frame.height > resuzeBuffer.rows)
resuzeBuffer.create(frame, CV_8UC1);
integral.create(frame.height + 1, integralFactor * (frame.width + 1), CV_32SC1);
NcvSize32u roiSize;
roiSize.width = frame.width;
roiSize.height = frame.height;
cudaDeviceProp prop;
cudaSafeCall( cudaGetDeviceProperties(&prop, cv::gpu::getDevice()) );
Ncv32u bufSize;
ncvSafeCall( nppiStIntegralGetSize_8u32u(roiSize, &bufSize, prop) );
integralBuffer.create(1, bufSize, CV_8UC1);
candidates.create(1 , frame.width >> 1, CV_32SC4);
// currently only stump based boost classifiers are supported
bool CascadeClassifier_GPU_LBP::CascadeClassifierImpl::read(const FileNode &root)
const char *GPU_CC_STAGE_TYPE = "stageType";
const char *GPU_CC_FEATURE_TYPE = "featureType";
const char *GPU_CC_BOOST = "BOOST";
const char *GPU_CC_LBP = "LBP";
const char *GPU_CC_MAX_CAT_COUNT = "maxCatCount";
const char *GPU_CC_HEIGHT = "height";
const char *GPU_CC_WIDTH = "width";
const char *GPU_CC_STAGE_PARAMS = "stageParams";
const char *GPU_CC_MAX_DEPTH = "maxDepth";
const char *GPU_CC_FEATURE_PARAMS = "featureParams";
const char *GPU_CC_STAGES = "stages";
const char *GPU_CC_STAGE_THRESHOLD = "stageThreshold";
const float GPU_THRESHOLD_EPS = 1e-5f;
const char *GPU_CC_WEAK_CLASSIFIERS = "weakClassifiers";
const char *GPU_CC_INTERNAL_NODES = "internalNodes";
const char *GPU_CC_LEAF_VALUES = "leafValues";
const char *GPU_CC_FEATURES = "features";
const char *GPU_CC_RECT = "rect";
std::string stageTypeStr = (string)root[GPU_CC_STAGE_TYPE];
CV_Assert(stageTypeStr == GPU_CC_BOOST);
string featureTypeStr = (string)root[GPU_CC_FEATURE_TYPE];
CV_Assert(featureTypeStr == GPU_CC_LBP);
NxM.width = (int)root[GPU_CC_WIDTH];
NxM.height = (int)root[GPU_CC_HEIGHT];
CV_Assert( NxM.height > 0 && NxM.width > 0 );
isStumps = ((int)(root[GPU_CC_STAGE_PARAMS][GPU_CC_MAX_DEPTH]) == 1) ? true : false;
FileNode fn = root[GPU_CC_FEATURE_PARAMS];
if (fn.empty())
return false;
ncategories = fn[GPU_CC_MAX_CAT_COUNT];
subsetSize = (ncategories + 31) / 32;
nodeStep = 3 + ( ncategories > 0 ? subsetSize : 1 );
fn = root[GPU_CC_STAGES];
if (fn.empty())
return false;
std::vector<Stage> stages;
std::vector<int> cl_trees;
std::vector<int> cl_nodes;
std::vector<float> cl_leaves;
std::vector<int> subsets;
FileNodeIterator it = fn.begin(), it_end = fn.end();
for (size_t si = 0; it != it_end; si++, ++it )
FileNode fns = *it;
Stage st;
st.threshold = (float)fns[GPU_CC_STAGE_THRESHOLD] - GPU_THRESHOLD_EPS;
if (fns.empty())
return false;
st.ntrees = (int)fns.size();
st.first = (int)cl_trees.size();
stages.push_back(st);// (int, int, float)
cl_trees.reserve(stages[si].first + stages[si].ntrees);
// weak trees
FileNodeIterator it1 = fns.begin(), it1_end = fns.end();
for ( ; it1 != it1_end; ++it1 )
FileNode fnw = *it1;
FileNode internalNodes = fnw[GPU_CC_INTERNAL_NODES];
FileNode leafValues = fnw[GPU_CC_LEAF_VALUES];
if ( internalNodes.empty() || leafValues.empty() )
return false;
int nodeCount = (int)internalNodes.size()/nodeStep;
cl_nodes.reserve((cl_nodes.size() + nodeCount) * 3);
cl_leaves.reserve(cl_leaves.size() + leafValues.size());
if( subsetSize > 0 )
subsets.reserve(subsets.size() + nodeCount * subsetSize);
// nodes
FileNodeIterator iIt = internalNodes.begin(), iEnd = internalNodes.end();
for( ; iIt != iEnd; )
if( subsetSize > 0 )
for( int j = 0; j < subsetSize; j++, ++iIt )
// leaves
iIt = leafValues.begin(), iEnd = leafValues.end();
for( ; iIt != iEnd; ++iIt )
fn = root[GPU_CC_FEATURES];
if( fn.empty() )
return false;
std::vector<uchar> features;
features.reserve(fn.size() * 4);
FileNodeIterator f_it = fn.begin(), f_end = fn.end();
for (; f_it != f_end; ++f_it)
FileNode rect = (*f_it)[GPU_CC_RECT];
FileNodeIterator r_it = rect.begin();
// copy data structures on gpu
stage_mat.upload(cv::Mat(1, stages.size() * sizeof(Stage), CV_8UC1, (uchar*)&(stages[0]) ));
return true;
int cv::gpu::CascadeClassifier_GPU_LBP::CascadeClassifierImpl::process(const GpuMat& image, GpuMat& objects, double scaleFactor, int groupThreshold, cv::Size maxObjectSize)
CV_Assert(!empty() && scaleFactor > 1 && image.depth() == CV_8U);
const int defaultObjSearchNum = 100;
const float grouping_eps = 0.2f;
if( !objects.empty() && objects.depth() == CV_32S)
objects.reshape(4, 1);
objects.create(1 , image.cols >> 4, CV_32SC4);
// used for debug
// candidates.setTo(cv::Scalar::all(0));
// objects.setTo(cv::Scalar::all(0));
if (maxObjectSize == cv::Size())
maxObjectSize = image.size();
unsigned int classified = 0;
GpuMat dclassified(1, 1, CV_32S);
cudaSafeCall( cudaMemcpy(dclassified.ptr(), &classified, sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice) );
PyrLavel level(0, 1.0f, image.size(), NxM);
while (level.isFeasible(maxObjectSize))
int acc = level.sFrame.width + 1;
float iniScale = level.scale;
cv::Size area = level.workArea;
int step = 1 + (level.scale <= 2.f);
int total = 0, prev = 0;
while (acc <= integralFactor * (image.cols + 1) && level.isFeasible(maxObjectSize))
// create sutable matrix headers
GpuMat src = resuzeBuffer(cv::Rect(0, 0, level.sFrame.width, level.sFrame.height));
GpuMat sint = integral(cv::Rect(prev, 0, level.sFrame.width + 1, level.sFrame.height + 1));
GpuMat buff = integralBuffer;
// generate integral for scale
gpu::resize(image, src, level.sFrame, 0, 0, CV_INTER_LINEAR);
gpu::integralBuffered(src, sint, buff);
// calculate job
int totalWidth = level.workArea.width / step;
// totalWidth = ((totalWidth + WARP_MASK) / WARP_SIZE) << WARP_LOG;
total += totalWidth * (level.workArea.height / step);
// go to next pyramide level
level = level.next(scaleFactor, image.size(), NxM);
area = level.workArea;
step = (1 + (level.scale <= 2.f));
prev = acc;
acc += level.sFrame.width + 1;
device::lbp::classifyPyramid(image.cols, image.rows, NxM.width - 1, NxM.height - 1, iniScale, scaleFactor, total, stage_mat, stage_mat.cols / sizeof(Stage), nodes_mat,
leaves_mat, subsets_mat, features_mat, subsetSize, candidates, dclassified.ptr<unsigned int>(), integral);
if (groupThreshold <= 0 || objects.empty())
return 0;
cudaSafeCall( cudaMemcpy(&classified, dclassified.ptr(), sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost) );
device::lbp::connectedConmonents(candidates, classified, objects, groupThreshold, grouping_eps, dclassified.ptr<unsigned int>());
// candidates.copyTo(objects);
cudaSafeCall( cudaMemcpy(&classified, dclassified.ptr(), sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost) );
cudaSafeCall( cudaDeviceSynchronize() );
return classified;
cv::gpu::CascadeClassifier_GPU_LBP::CascadeClassifier_GPU_LBP(cv::Size detectionFrameSize) : impl(new CascadeClassifierImpl()) { (*impl).allocateBuffers(detectionFrameSize); }
cv::gpu::CascadeClassifier_GPU_LBP::~CascadeClassifier_GPU_LBP(){ delete impl; }
bool cv::gpu::CascadeClassifier_GPU_LBP::empty() const
return (*impl).empty();
bool cv::gpu::CascadeClassifier_GPU_LBP::load(const string& classifierAsXml)
FileStorage fs(classifierAsXml, FileStorage::READ);
return fs.isOpened() ? (*impl).read(fs.getFirstTopLevelNode()) : false;
int cv::gpu::CascadeClassifier_GPU_LBP::detectMultiScale(const GpuMat& image, GpuMat& objects, double scaleFactor, int groupThreshold, cv::Size maxObjectSize)
return (*impl).process(image, objects, scaleFactor, groupThreshold, maxObjectSize);
ncvSafeCall( load(filename) );
return true;
// ============ old fashioned haar cascade ==============================================//
struct cv::gpu::CascadeClassifier_GPU::CascadeClassifierImpl
CascadeClassifierImpl(const string& filename) : lastAllocatedFrameSize(-1, -1)
ncvSafeCall( load(filename) );
NCVStatus process(const GpuMat& src, GpuMat& objects, float scaleStep, int minNeighbors,
bool findLargestObject, bool visualizeInPlace, NcvSize32u ncvMinSize,
/*out*/unsigned int& numDetections)
NCVStatus process(const GpuMat& src, GpuMat& objects, float scaleStep, int minNeighbors,
bool findLargestObject, bool visualizeInPlace, cv::Size ncvMinSize,
/*out*/unsigned int& numDetections)
NCVMemPtr src_beg;
src_beg.ptr = (void*)src.ptr<Ncv8u>();
......@@ -507,6 +122,8 @@ struct cv::gpu::CascadeClassifier_GPU::CascadeClassifierImpl
roi.width = d_src.width();
roi.height = d_src.height();
NcvSize32u winMinSize(ncvMinSize.width, ncvMinSize.height);
Ncv32u flags = 0;
flags |= findLargestObject? NCVPipeObjDet_FindLargestObject : 0;
flags |= visualizeInPlace ? NCVPipeObjDet_VisualizeInPlace : 0;
......@@ -514,7 +131,7 @@ struct cv::gpu::CascadeClassifier_GPU::CascadeClassifierImpl
ncvStat = ncvDetectObjectsMultiScale_device(
d_src, roi, d_rects, numDetections, haar, *h_haarStages,
*d_haarStages, *d_haarNodes, *d_haarFeatures,
scaleStep, 1,
......@@ -525,16 +142,35 @@ struct cv::gpu::CascadeClassifier_GPU::CascadeClassifierImpl
unsigned int process(const GpuMat& image, GpuMat& objectsBuf, float scaleFactor, int minNeighbors,
bool findLargestObject, bool visualizeInPlace, cv::Size minSize, cv::Size maxObjectSize)
CV_Assert( scaleFactor > 1 && image.depth() == CV_8U);
NcvSize32u getClassifierSize() const { return haar.ClassifierSize; }
cv::Size getClassifierCvSize() const { return cv::Size(haar.ClassifierSize.width, haar.ClassifierSize.height); }
const int defaultObjSearchNum = 100;
if (objectsBuf.empty())
objectsBuf.create(1, defaultObjSearchNum, DataType<Rect>::type);
cv::Size ncvMinSize = this->getClassifierCvSize();
if (ncvMinSize.width < (unsigned)minSize.width && ncvMinSize.height < (unsigned)minSize.height)
ncvMinSize.width = minSize.width;
ncvMinSize.height = minSize.height;
unsigned int numDetections;
ncvSafeCall(this->process(image, objectsBuf, (float)scaleFactor, minNeighbors, findLargestObject, visualizeInPlace, ncvMinSize, numDetections));
static void NCVDebugOutputHandler(const std::string &msg) { CV_Error(CV_GpuApiCallError, msg.c_str()); }
return numDetections;
cv::Size getClassifierCvSize() const { return cv::Size(haar.ClassifierSize.width, haar.ClassifierSize.height); }
static void NCVDebugOutputHandler(const std::string &msg) { CV_Error(CV_GpuApiCallError, msg.c_str()); }
NCVStatus load(const string& classifierFile)
......@@ -581,7 +217,6 @@ private:
NCVStatus calculateMemReqsAndAllocate(const Size& frameSize)
if (lastAllocatedFrameSize == frameSize)
......@@ -623,7 +258,6 @@ private:
cudaDeviceProp devProp;
NCVStatus ncvStat;
......@@ -644,55 +278,448 @@ private:
Ptr<NCVMemStackAllocator> gpuAllocator;
Ptr<NCVMemStackAllocator> cpuAllocator;
virtual ~HaarCascade(){}
cv::Size operator -(const cv::Size& a, const cv::Size& b)
return cv::Size(a.width - b.width, a.height - b.height);
cv::gpu::CascadeClassifier_GPU::CascadeClassifier_GPU() : findLargestObject(false), visualizeInPlace(false), impl(0) {}
cv::gpu::CascadeClassifier_GPU::CascadeClassifier_GPU(const string& filename) : findLargestObject(false), visualizeInPlace(false), impl(0) { load(filename); }
cv::gpu::CascadeClassifier_GPU::~CascadeClassifier_GPU() { release(); }
bool cv::gpu::CascadeClassifier_GPU::empty() const { return impl == 0; }
void cv::gpu::CascadeClassifier_GPU::release() { if (impl) { delete impl; impl = 0; } }
cv::Size operator +(const cv::Size& a, const int& i)
return cv::Size(a.width + i, a.height + i);
cv::Size operator *(const cv::Size& a, const float& f)
return cv::Size(cvRound(a.width * f), cvRound(a.height * f));
bool cv::gpu::CascadeClassifier_GPU::load(const string& filename)
cv::Size operator /(const cv::Size& a, const float& f)
impl = new CascadeClassifierImpl(filename);
return !this->empty();
return cv::Size(cvRound(a.width / f), cvRound(a.height / f));
bool operator <=(const cv::Size& a, const cv::Size& b)
return a.width <= b.width && a.height <= b.width;
struct PyrLavel
PyrLavel(int _order, float _scale, cv::Size frame, cv::Size window, cv::Size minObjectSize)
order = _order;
scale = pow(_scale, order);
sFrame = frame / scale;
workArea = sFrame - window + 1;
sWindow = window * scale;
} while (sWindow <= minObjectSize);
bool isFeasible(cv::Size maxObj)
return workArea.width > 0 && workArea.height > 0 && sWindow <= maxObj;
PyrLavel next(float factor, cv::Size frame, cv::Size window, cv::Size minObjectSize)
return PyrLavel(order + 1, factor, frame, window, minObjectSize);
int order;
float scale;
cv::Size sFrame;
cv::Size workArea;
cv::Size sWindow;
namespace cv { namespace gpu { namespace device
namespace lbp
void classifyPyramid(int frameW,
int frameH,
int windowW,
int windowH,
float initalScale,
float factor,
int total,
const DevMem2Db& mstages,
const int nstages,
const DevMem2Di& mnodes,
const DevMem2Df& mleaves,
const DevMem2Di& msubsets,
const DevMem2Db& mfeatures,
const int subsetSize,
DevMem2D_<int4> objects,
unsigned int* classified,
DevMem2Di integral);
void connectedConmonents(DevMem2D_<int4> candidates, int ncandidates, DevMem2D_<int4> objects,int groupThreshold, float grouping_eps, unsigned int* nclasses);
struct cv::gpu::CascadeClassifier_GPU::LbpCascade : cv::gpu::CascadeClassifier_GPU::CascadeClassifierImpl
struct Stage
int first;
int ntrees;
float threshold;
virtual ~LbpCascade(){}
virtual unsigned int process(const GpuMat& image, GpuMat& objects, float scaleFactor, int groupThreshold, bool findLargestObject,
bool visualizeInPlace, cv::Size minObjectSize, cv::Size maxObjectSize)
CV_Assert(scaleFactor > 1 && image.depth() == CV_8U);
const int defaultObjSearchNum = 100;
const float grouping_eps = 0.2f;
if( !objects.empty() && objects.depth() == CV_32S)
objects.reshape(4, 1);
objects.create(1 , image.cols >> 4, CV_32SC4);
// used for debug
// candidates.setTo(cv::Scalar::all(0));
// objects.setTo(cv::Scalar::all(0));
if (maxObjectSize == cv::Size())
maxObjectSize = image.size();
unsigned int classified = 0;
GpuMat dclassified(1, 1, CV_32S);
cudaSafeCall( cudaMemcpy(dclassified.ptr(), &classified, sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice) );
PyrLavel level(0, 1.0f, image.size(), NxM, minObjectSize);
while (level.isFeasible(maxObjectSize))
int acc = level.sFrame.width + 1;
float iniScale = level.scale;
cv::Size area = level.workArea;
int step = 1 + (level.scale <= 2.f);
int total = 0, prev = 0;
while (acc <= integralFactor * (image.cols + 1) && level.isFeasible(maxObjectSize))
// create sutable matrix headers
GpuMat src = resuzeBuffer(cv::Rect(0, 0, level.sFrame.width, level.sFrame.height));
GpuMat sint = integral(cv::Rect(prev, 0, level.sFrame.width + 1, level.sFrame.height + 1));
GpuMat buff = integralBuffer;
// generate integral for scale
gpu::resize(image, src, level.sFrame, 0, 0, CV_INTER_LINEAR);
gpu::integralBuffered(src, sint, buff);
// calculate job
int totalWidth = level.workArea.width / step;
total += totalWidth * (level.workArea.height / step);
// go to next pyramide level
level = level.next(scaleFactor, image.size(), NxM, minObjectSize);
area = level.workArea;
step = (1 + (level.scale <= 2.f));
prev = acc;
acc += level.sFrame.width + 1;
device::lbp::classifyPyramid(image.cols, image.rows, NxM.width - 1, NxM.height - 1, iniScale, scaleFactor, total, stage_mat, stage_mat.cols / sizeof(Stage), nodes_mat,
leaves_mat, subsets_mat, features_mat, subsetSize, candidates, dclassified.ptr<unsigned int>(), integral);
if (groupThreshold <= 0 || objects.empty())
return 0;
cudaSafeCall( cudaMemcpy(&classified, dclassified.ptr(), sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost) );
device::lbp::connectedConmonents(candidates, classified, objects, groupThreshold, grouping_eps, dclassified.ptr<unsigned int>());
cudaSafeCall( cudaMemcpy(&classified, dclassified.ptr(), sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost) );
cudaSafeCall( cudaDeviceSynchronize() );
return classified;
virtual cv::Size getClassifierCvSize() const { return NxM; }
bool read(const string& classifierAsXml)
FileStorage fs(classifierAsXml, FileStorage::READ);
return fs.isOpened() ? read(fs.getFirstTopLevelNode()) : false;
void allocateBuffers(cv::Size frame)
if (frame == cv::Size())
if (resuzeBuffer.empty() || frame.width > resuzeBuffer.cols || frame.height > resuzeBuffer.rows)
resuzeBuffer.create(frame, CV_8UC1);
integral.create(frame.height + 1, integralFactor * (frame.width + 1), CV_32SC1);
NcvSize32u roiSize;
roiSize.width = frame.width;
roiSize.height = frame.height;
cudaDeviceProp prop;
cudaSafeCall( cudaGetDeviceProperties(&prop, cv::gpu::getDevice()) );
Ncv32u bufSize;
ncvSafeCall( nppiStIntegralGetSize_8u32u(roiSize, &bufSize, prop) );
integralBuffer.create(1, bufSize, CV_8UC1);
candidates.create(1 , frame.width >> 1, CV_32SC4);
bool read(const FileNode &root)
const char *GPU_CC_STAGE_TYPE = "stageType";
const char *GPU_CC_FEATURE_TYPE = "featureType";
const char *GPU_CC_BOOST = "BOOST";
const char *GPU_CC_LBP = "LBP";
const char *GPU_CC_MAX_CAT_COUNT = "maxCatCount";
const char *GPU_CC_HEIGHT = "height";
const char *GPU_CC_WIDTH = "width";
const char *GPU_CC_STAGE_PARAMS = "stageParams";
const char *GPU_CC_MAX_DEPTH = "maxDepth";
const char *GPU_CC_FEATURE_PARAMS = "featureParams";
const char *GPU_CC_STAGES = "stages";
const char *GPU_CC_STAGE_THRESHOLD = "stageThreshold";
const float GPU_THRESHOLD_EPS = 1e-5f;
const char *GPU_CC_WEAK_CLASSIFIERS = "weakClassifiers";
const char *GPU_CC_INTERNAL_NODES = "internalNodes";
const char *GPU_CC_LEAF_VALUES = "leafValues";
const char *GPU_CC_FEATURES = "features";
const char *GPU_CC_RECT = "rect";
std::string stageTypeStr = (string)root[GPU_CC_STAGE_TYPE];
CV_Assert(stageTypeStr == GPU_CC_BOOST);
string featureTypeStr = (string)root[GPU_CC_FEATURE_TYPE];
CV_Assert(featureTypeStr == GPU_CC_LBP);
NxM.width = (int)root[GPU_CC_WIDTH];
NxM.height = (int)root[GPU_CC_HEIGHT];
CV_Assert( NxM.height > 0 && NxM.width > 0 );
isStumps = ((int)(root[GPU_CC_STAGE_PARAMS][GPU_CC_MAX_DEPTH]) == 1) ? true : false;
FileNode fn = root[GPU_CC_FEATURE_PARAMS];
if (fn.empty())
return false;
ncategories = fn[GPU_CC_MAX_CAT_COUNT];
subsetSize = (ncategories + 31) / 32;
nodeStep = 3 + ( ncategories > 0 ? subsetSize : 1 );
fn = root[GPU_CC_STAGES];
if (fn.empty())
return false;
std::vector<Stage> stages;
std::vector<int> cl_trees;
std::vector<int> cl_nodes;
std::vector<float> cl_leaves;
std::vector<int> subsets;
FileNodeIterator it = fn.begin(), it_end = fn.end();
for (size_t si = 0; it != it_end; si++, ++it )
FileNode fns = *it;
Stage st;
st.threshold = (float)fns[GPU_CC_STAGE_THRESHOLD] - GPU_THRESHOLD_EPS;
if (fns.empty())
return false;
st.ntrees = (int)fns.size();
st.first = (int)cl_trees.size();
stages.push_back(st);// (int, int, float)
cl_trees.reserve(stages[si].first + stages[si].ntrees);
// weak trees
FileNodeIterator it1 = fns.begin(), it1_end = fns.end();
for ( ; it1 != it1_end; ++it1 )
FileNode fnw = *it1;
FileNode internalNodes = fnw[GPU_CC_INTERNAL_NODES];
FileNode leafValues = fnw[GPU_CC_LEAF_VALUES];
if ( internalNodes.empty() || leafValues.empty() )
return false;
int nodeCount = (int)internalNodes.size()/nodeStep;
cl_nodes.reserve((cl_nodes.size() + nodeCount) * 3);
cl_leaves.reserve(cl_leaves.size() + leafValues.size());
if( subsetSize > 0 )
subsets.reserve(subsets.size() + nodeCount * subsetSize);
// nodes
FileNodeIterator iIt = internalNodes.begin(), iEnd = internalNodes.end();
for( ; iIt != iEnd; )
if( subsetSize > 0 )
for( int j = 0; j < subsetSize; j++, ++iIt )
// leaves
iIt = leafValues.begin(), iEnd = leafValues.end();
for( ; iIt != iEnd; ++iIt )
fn = root[GPU_CC_FEATURES];
if( fn.empty() )
return false;
std::vector<uchar> features;
features.reserve(fn.size() * 4);
FileNodeIterator f_it = fn.begin(), f_end = fn.end();
for (; f_it != f_end; ++f_it)
FileNode rect = (*f_it)[GPU_CC_RECT];
FileNodeIterator r_it = rect.begin();
// copy data structures on gpu
stage_mat.upload(cv::Mat(1, stages.size() * sizeof(Stage), CV_8UC1, (uchar*)&(stages[0]) ));
return true;
enum stage { BOOST = 0 };
enum feature { LBP = 1, HAAR = 2 };
static const stage stageType = BOOST;
static const feature featureType = LBP;
cv::Size NxM;
bool isStumps;
int ncategories;
int subsetSize;
int nodeStep;
// gpu representation of classifier
GpuMat stage_mat;
GpuMat trees_mat;
GpuMat nodes_mat;
GpuMat leaves_mat;
GpuMat subsets_mat;
GpuMat features_mat;
GpuMat integral;
GpuMat integralBuffer;
GpuMat resuzeBuffer;
GpuMat candidates;
static const int integralFactor = 4;
: findLargestObject(false), visualizeInPlace(false), impl(0) {}
cv::gpu::CascadeClassifier_GPU::CascadeClassifier_GPU(const string& filename)
: findLargestObject(false), visualizeInPlace(false), impl(0) { load(filename); }
cv::gpu::CascadeClassifier_GPU::~CascadeClassifier_GPU() { release(); }
void cv::gpu::CascadeClassifier_GPU::release() { if (impl) { delete impl; impl = 0; } }
bool cv::gpu::CascadeClassifier_GPU::empty() const { return impl == 0; }
Size cv::gpu::CascadeClassifier_GPU::getClassifierSize() const
return this->empty() ? Size() : impl->getClassifierCvSize();
int cv::gpu::CascadeClassifier_GPU::detectMultiScale( const GpuMat& image, GpuMat& objectsBuf, double scaleFactor, int minNeighbors, Size minSize)
CV_Assert( scaleFactor > 1 && image.depth() == CV_8U);
CV_Assert( !this->empty());
return impl->process(image, objectsBuf, (float)scaleFactor, minNeighbors, findLargestObject, visualizeInPlace, minSize, cv::Size());
const int defaultObjSearchNum = 100;
if (objectsBuf.empty())
int cv::gpu::CascadeClassifier_GPU::detectMultiScale(const GpuMat& image, GpuMat& objectsBuf, Size maxObjectSize, Size minSize, double scaleFactor, int minNeighbors)
CV_Assert( !this->empty());
return impl->process(image, objectsBuf, (float)scaleFactor, minNeighbors, findLargestObject, visualizeInPlace, minSize, maxObjectSize);
bool cv::gpu::CascadeClassifier_GPU::load(const string& filename)
std::string fext = filename.substr(filename.find_last_of(".") + 1);
std::transform(fext.begin(), fext.end(), fext.begin(), ::tolower);
if (fext == "nvbin")
objectsBuf.create(1, defaultObjSearchNum, DataType<Rect>::type);
impl = new HaarCascade();
return impl->read(filename);
NcvSize32u ncvMinSize = impl->getClassifierSize();
FileStorage fs(filename, FileStorage::READ);
if (ncvMinSize.width < (unsigned)minSize.width && ncvMinSize.height < (unsigned)minSize.height)
if (!fs.isOpened())
ncvMinSize.width = minSize.width;
ncvMinSize.height = minSize.height;
impl = new HaarCascade();
return impl->read(filename);
unsigned int numDetections;
ncvSafeCall( impl->process(image, objectsBuf, (float)scaleFactor, minNeighbors, findLargestObject, visualizeInPlace, ncvMinSize, numDetections) );
const char *GPU_CC_LBP = "LBP";
string featureTypeStr = (string)fs.getFirstTopLevelNode()["featureType"];
if (featureTypeStr == GPU_CC_LBP)
impl = new LbpCascade();
impl = new HaarCascade();
return numDetections;
return !this->empty();
struct RectConvert
......@@ -708,7 +735,6 @@ struct RectConvert
void groupRectangles(std::vector<NcvRect32u> &hypotheses, int groupThreshold, double eps, std::vector<Ncv32u> *weights)
vector<Rect> rects(hypotheses.size());
......@@ -290,6 +290,7 @@ namespace cv { namespace gpu { namespace device
const int block = 128;
int grid = divUp(workAmount, block);
cudaFuncSetCacheConfig(lbp_cascade, cudaFuncCachePreferL1);
Cascade cascade((Stage*)mstages.ptr(), nstages, (ClNode*)mnodes.ptr(), mleaves.ptr(), msubsets.ptr(), (uchar4*)mfeatures.ptr(), subsetSize);
lbp_cascade<<<grid, block>>>(cascade, frameW, frameH, windowW, windowH, initialScale, factor, workAmount, integral.ptr(), integral.step / sizeof(int), objects, classified);
......@@ -302,13 +302,13 @@ PARAM_TEST_CASE(LBP_Read_classifier, cv::gpu::DeviceInfo, int)
TEST_P(LBP_Read_classifier, Accuracy)
cv::gpu::CascadeClassifier_GPU_LBP classifier;
cv::gpu::CascadeClassifier_GPU classifier;
std::string classifierXmlPath = std::string(cvtest::TS::ptr()->get_data_path()) + "lbpcascade/lbpcascade_frontalface.xml";
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(GPU_ObjDetect, LBP_Read_classifier,
testing::Combine(ALL_DEVICES, testing::Values<int>(0)));
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(GPU_ObjDetect, LBP_Read_classifier,
testing::Combine(ALL_DEVICES, testing::Values<int>(0)));
PARAM_TEST_CASE(LBP_classify, cv::gpu::DeviceInfo, int)
......@@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ TEST_P(LBP_classify, Accuracy)
for (; it != rects.end(); ++it)
cv::rectangle(markedImage, *it, CV_RGB(0, 0, 255));
cv::gpu::CascadeClassifier_GPU_LBP gpuClassifier;
cv::gpu::CascadeClassifier_GPU gpuClassifier;
cv::gpu::GpuMat gpu_rects;
......@@ -352,23 +352,23 @@ TEST_P(LBP_classify, Accuracy)
int count = gpuClassifier.detectMultiScale(tested, gpu_rects);
cv::Mat downloaded(gpu_rects);
const cv::Rect* faces = downloaded.ptr<cv::Rect>();
const cv::Rect* faces = downloaded.ptr<cv::Rect>();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
cv::Rect r = faces[i];
std::cout << r.x << " " << r.y << " " << r.width << " " << r.height << std::endl;
std::cout << r.x << " " << r.y << " " << r.width << " " << r.height << std::endl;
cv::rectangle(markedImage, r , CV_RGB(255, 0, 0));
cv::imshow("Res", markedImage); cv::waitKey();
cv::imshow("Res", markedImage); cv::waitKey();
testing::Combine(ALL_DEVICES, testing::Values<int>(0)));
testing::Combine(ALL_DEVICES, testing::Values<int>(0)));
} // namespace
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