/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ic_tcp.c * Interconnect code specific to TCP transport. * * Portions Copyright (c) 2005-2008, Greenplum, Inc. * Portions Copyright (c) 2012-Present Pivotal Software, Inc. * * * IDENTIFICATION * src/backend/cdb/motion/ic_tcp.c * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "postgres.h" #include "nodes/execnodes.h" /* Slice, SliceTable */ #include "nodes/pg_list.h" #include "nodes/print.h" #include "miscadmin.h" #include "libpq/libpq-be.h" #include "libpq/ip.h" #include "utils/builtins.h" #include "cdb/cdbselect.h" #include "cdb/tupchunklist.h" #include "cdb/ml_ipc.h" #include "cdb/cdbvars.h" #include "cdb/cdbdisp.h" #ifdef ENABLE_IC_PROXY #include "ic_proxy_backend.h" #endif /* ENABLE_IC_PROXY */ #include #include #include #include #include #include /* * backlog for listen() call: it is important that this be something like a * good match for the maximum number of QEs. Slow insert performance will * result if it is too low. */ #define CONNECT_RETRY_MS 4000 #define CONNECT_AGGRESSIVERETRY_MS 500 /* listener backlog is calculated at listener-creation time */ int listenerBacklog = 128; /* our timeout value for select() and other socket operations. */ static struct timeval tval; static inline MotionConn * getMotionConn(ChunkTransportStateEntry *pEntry, int iConn) { Assert(pEntry); Assert(pEntry->conns); Assert(iConn < pEntry->numConns); return pEntry->conns + iConn; } static ChunkTransportStateEntry *startOutgoingConnections(ChunkTransportState *transportStates, Slice *sendSlice, int *pOutgoingCount); static void format_fd_set(StringInfo buf, int nfds, mpp_fd_set *fds, char *pfx, char *sfx); static char *format_sockaddr(struct sockaddr *sa, char *buf, int bufsize); static void setupOutgoingConnection(ChunkTransportState *transportStates, ChunkTransportStateEntry *pEntry, MotionConn *conn); static void updateOutgoingConnection(ChunkTransportState *transportStates, ChunkTransportStateEntry *pEntry, MotionConn *conn, int errnoSave); static void sendRegisterMessage(ChunkTransportState *transportStates, ChunkTransportStateEntry *pEntry, MotionConn *conn); static bool readRegisterMessage(ChunkTransportState *transportStates, MotionConn *conn); static MotionConn *acceptIncomingConnection(void); static void flushInterconnectListenerBacklog(void); static void waitOnOutbound(ChunkTransportStateEntry *pEntry); static TupleChunkListItem RecvTupleChunkFromAnyTCP(ChunkTransportState *transportStates, int16 motNodeID, int16 *srcRoute); static TupleChunkListItem RecvTupleChunkFromTCP(ChunkTransportState *transportStates, int16 motNodeID, int16 srcRoute); static void SendEosTCP(ChunkTransportState *transportStates, int motNodeID, TupleChunkListItem tcItem); static bool SendChunkTCP(ChunkTransportState *transportStates, ChunkTransportStateEntry *pEntry, MotionConn *conn, TupleChunkListItem tcItem, int16 motionId); static bool flushBuffer(ChunkTransportState *transportStates, ChunkTransportStateEntry *pEntry, MotionConn *conn, int16 motionId); static void doSendStopMessageTCP(ChunkTransportState *transportStates, int16 motNodeID); #ifdef AMS_VERBOSE_LOGGING static void dumpEntryConnections(int elevel, ChunkTransportStateEntry *pEntry); static void print_connection(ChunkTransportState *transportStates, int fd, const char *msg); #endif /* * setupTCPListeningSocket */ static void setupTCPListeningSocket(int backlog, int *listenerSocketFd, uint16 *listenerPort) { int errnoSave; int fd = -1; const char *fun; *listenerSocketFd = -1; *listenerPort = 0; struct sockaddr_storage addr; socklen_t addrlen; struct addrinfo hints; struct addrinfo *addrs, *rp; int s; char service[32]; char myname[128]; char *localname = NULL; /* * we let the system pick the TCP port here so we don't have to manage * port resources ourselves. So set the port to 0 (any port) */ snprintf(service, 32, "%d", 0); memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(struct addrinfo)); hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC; /* Allow IPv4 or IPv6 */ hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; /* TCP socket */ hints.ai_flags = AI_PASSIVE; /* For wildcard IP address */ hints.ai_protocol = 0; /* Any protocol */ /* * We use INADDR_ANY if we don't have a valid address for ourselves (e.g. * QD local connections tend to be AF_UNIX, or on -- so bind * everything) */ if (Gp_role == GP_ROLE_DISPATCH || MyProcPort == NULL || (MyProcPort->laddr.addr.ss_family != AF_INET && MyProcPort->laddr.addr.ss_family != AF_INET6)) localname = NULL; /* We will listen on all network adapters */ else { /* * Restrict what IP address we will listen on to just the one that was * used to create this QE session. */ getnameinfo((const struct sockaddr *) &(MyProcPort->laddr.addr), MyProcPort->laddr.salen, myname, sizeof(myname), NULL, 0, NI_NUMERICHOST); hints.ai_flags |= AI_NUMERICHOST; localname = myname; elog(DEBUG1, "binding to %s only", localname); if (gp_log_interconnect >= GPVARS_VERBOSITY_DEBUG) ereport(DEBUG4, (errmsg("binding listener %s", localname))); } s = getaddrinfo(localname, service, &hints, &addrs); if (s != 0) elog(ERROR, "getaddrinfo says %s", gai_strerror(s)); /* * getaddrinfo() returns a list of address structures, one for each valid * address and family we can use. * * Try each address until we successfully bind. If socket (or bind) fails, * we (close the socket and) try the next address. This can happen if the * system supports IPv6, but IPv6 is disabled from working, or if it * supports IPv6 and IPv4 is disabled. */ /* * If there is both an AF_INET6 and an AF_INET choice, we prefer the * AF_INET6, because on UNIX it can receive either protocol, whereas * AF_INET can only get IPv4. Otherwise we'd need to bind two sockets, * one for each protocol. * * Why not just use AF_INET6 in the hints? That works perfect if we know * this machine supports IPv6 and IPv6 is enabled, but we don't know that. */ #ifdef HAVE_IPV6 if (addrs->ai_family == AF_INET && addrs->ai_next != NULL && addrs->ai_next->ai_family == AF_INET6) { /* * We got both an INET and INET6 possibility, but we want to prefer * the INET6 one if it works. Reverse the order we got from * getaddrinfo so that we try things in our preferred order. If we got * more possibilities (other AFs??), I don't think we care about them, * so don't worry if the list is more that two, we just rearrange the * first two. */ struct addrinfo *temp = addrs->ai_next; /* second node */ addrs->ai_next = addrs->ai_next->ai_next; /* point old first node to * third node if any */ temp->ai_next = addrs; /* point second node to first */ addrs = temp; /* start the list with the old second node */ } #endif for (rp = addrs; rp != NULL; rp = rp->ai_next) { /* * getaddrinfo gives us all the parameters for the socket() call as * well as the parameters for the bind() call. */ fd = socket(rp->ai_family, rp->ai_socktype, rp->ai_protocol); if (fd == -1) continue; /* * we let the system pick the TCP port here so we don't have to manage * port resources ourselves. */ if (bind(fd, rp->ai_addr, rp->ai_addrlen) == 0) break; /* Success */ close(fd); fd = -1; } fun = "bind"; if (fd == -1) goto error; /* Make socket non-blocking. */ fun = "fcntl(O_NONBLOCK)"; if (!pg_set_noblock(fd)) goto error; fun = "listen"; if (listen(fd, backlog) < 0) goto error; /* Get the listening socket's port number. */ fun = "getsockname"; addrlen = sizeof(addr); if (getsockname(fd, (struct sockaddr *) &addr, &addrlen) < 0) goto error; /* Give results to caller. */ *listenerSocketFd = fd; /* display which port was chosen by the system. */ if (addr.ss_family == AF_INET6) *listenerPort = ntohs(((struct sockaddr_in6 *) &addr)->sin6_port); else *listenerPort = ntohs(((struct sockaddr_in *) &addr)->sin_port); freeaddrinfo(addrs); return; error: errnoSave = errno; if (fd >= 0) closesocket(fd); errno = errnoSave; freeaddrinfo(addrs); ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_GP_INTERCONNECTION_ERROR), errmsg("interconnect Error: Could not set up tcp listener socket"), errdetail("%s: %m", fun))); } /* setupListeningSocket */ /* * Initialize TCP specific comms. */ void InitMotionTCP(int *listenerSocketFd, uint16 *listenerPort) { tval.tv_sec = 0; tval.tv_usec = 500000; setupTCPListeningSocket(listenerBacklog, listenerSocketFd, listenerPort); return; } /* cleanup any TCP-specific comms info */ void CleanupMotionTCP(void) { /* nothing to do. */ return; } /* Function readPacket() is used to read in the next packet from the given * MotionConn. * * This call blocks until the packet is read in, and is part of a * global scheme where senders block until the entire message is sent, and * receivers block until the entire message is read. Both use non-blocking * socket calls so that we can handle any PG interrupts. * * Note, that for speed we want to read a message all in one go, * header and all. A consequence is that we may read in part of the * next message, which we've got to keep track of ... recvBytes holds * the byte-count of the unprocessed messages. * * PARAMETERS * conn - MotionConn to read the packet from. * */ /* static inline void */ void readPacket(MotionConn *conn, ChunkTransportState *transportStates) { int n, bytesRead = conn->recvBytes; bool gotHeader = false, gotPacket = false; mpp_fd_set rset; #ifdef AMS_VERBOSE_LOGGING elog(DEBUG5, "readpacket: (fd %d) (max %d) outstanding bytes %d", conn->sockfd, Gp_max_packet_size, conn->recvBytes); #endif /* do we have a complete message waiting to be processed ? */ if (conn->recvBytes >= PACKET_HEADER_SIZE) { memcpy(&conn->msgSize, conn->msgPos, sizeof(uint32)); gotHeader = true; if (conn->recvBytes >= conn->msgSize) { #ifdef AMS_VERBOSE_LOGGING elog(DEBUG5, "readpacket: returning previously read data (%d)", conn->recvBytes); #endif return; } } /* * partial message waiting in recv buffer! Move to head of buffer: * eliminate the slack (which will always be at the beginning) in the * buffer */ if (conn->recvBytes != 0) memmove(conn->pBuff, conn->msgPos, conn->recvBytes); conn->msgPos = conn->pBuff; #ifdef AMS_VERBOSE_LOGGING elog(DEBUG5, "readpacket: %s on previous call msgSize %d", gotHeader ? "got header" : "no header", conn->msgSize); #endif while (!gotPacket && bytesRead < Gp_max_packet_size) { /* see if user canceled and stuff like that */ ML_CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS(transportStates->teardownActive); /* * we read at the end of the buffer, we've eliminated any slack above */ if ((n = recv(conn->sockfd, conn->pBuff + bytesRead, Gp_max_packet_size - bytesRead, 0)) < 0) { if (errno == EINTR) continue; if (errno == EWOULDBLOCK) { int retry = 0; do { struct timeval timeout = tval; /* check for the QD cancel for every 2 seconds */ if (retry++ > 4) { retry = 0; /* check to see if the dispatcher should cancel */ if (Gp_role == GP_ROLE_DISPATCH) { checkForCancelFromQD(transportStates); } } /* see if user canceled and stuff like that */ ML_CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS(transportStates->teardownActive); MPP_FD_ZERO(&rset); MPP_FD_SET(conn->sockfd, &rset); n = select(conn->sockfd + 1, (fd_set *) &rset, NULL, NULL, &timeout); if (n == 0 || (n < 0 && errno == EINTR)) continue; else if (n < 0) { ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_GP_INTERCONNECTION_ERROR), errmsg("interconnect error reading an incoming packet"), errdetail("select from seg%d at %s: %m", conn->remoteContentId, conn->remoteHostAndPort))); } } while (n < 1); } else { ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_GP_INTERCONNECTION_ERROR), errmsg("interconnect error reading an incoming packet"), errdetail("read from seg%d at %s: %m", conn->remoteContentId, conn->remoteHostAndPort))); } } else if (n == 0) { #ifdef AMS_VERBOSE_LOGGING elog(DEBUG5, "readpacket(); breaking in while (fd %d) recvBytes %d msgSize %d", conn->sockfd, conn->recvBytes, conn->msgSize); print_connection(transportStates, conn->sockfd, "interconnect error on"); #endif ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_GP_INTERCONNECTION_ERROR), errmsg("interconnect error: connection closed prematurely"), errdetail("from Remote Connection: contentId=%d at %s", conn->remoteContentId, conn->remoteHostAndPort))); break; } else { bytesRead += n; if (!gotHeader && bytesRead >= PACKET_HEADER_SIZE) { /* got the header */ memcpy(&conn->msgSize, conn->msgPos, sizeof(uint32)); gotHeader = true; } conn->recvBytes = bytesRead; if (gotHeader && bytesRead >= conn->msgSize) gotPacket = true; } } #ifdef AMS_VERBOSE_LOGGING elog(DEBUG5, "readpacket: got %d bytes", conn->recvBytes); #endif } static void flushIncomingData(int fd) { static char trash[8192]; int bytes; /* * If we're in TeardownInterconnect, we should only have to call recv() a * couple of times to empty out our socket buffers */ do { bytes = recv(fd, trash, sizeof(trash), 0); } while (bytes > 0); } /* Function startOutgoingConnections() is used to initially kick-off any outgoing * connections for mySlice. * * This should not be called for root slices (i.e. QD ones) since they don't * ever have outgoing connections. * * PARAMETERS * * sendSlice - Slice that this process is member of. * pIncIdx - index in the parent slice list of myslice. * * RETURNS * Initialized ChunkTransportState for the Sending Motion Node Id. */ static ChunkTransportStateEntry * startOutgoingConnections(ChunkTransportState *transportStates, Slice *sendSlice, int *pOutgoingCount) { ChunkTransportStateEntry *pEntry; MotionConn *conn; ListCell *cell; Slice *recvSlice; CdbProcess *cdbProc; *pOutgoingCount = 0; recvSlice = (Slice *) list_nth(transportStates->sliceTable->slices, sendSlice->parentIndex); adjustMasterRouting(recvSlice); if (gp_interconnect_aggressive_retry) { if ((list_length(recvSlice->children) * sendSlice->gangSize) > listenerBacklog) transportStates->aggressiveRetry = true; } else transportStates->aggressiveRetry = false; if (gp_log_interconnect >= GPVARS_VERBOSITY_DEBUG) elog(DEBUG4, "Interconnect seg%d slice%d setting up sending motion node (aggressive retry is %s)", GpIdentity.segindex, sendSlice->sliceIndex, (transportStates->aggressiveRetry ? "active" : "inactive")); pEntry = createChunkTransportState(transportStates, sendSlice, recvSlice, list_length(recvSlice->primaryProcesses)); /* * Setup a MotionConn entry for each of our outbound connections. Request * a connection to each receiving backend's listening port. */ conn = pEntry->conns; foreach(cell, recvSlice->primaryProcesses) { cdbProc = (CdbProcess *) lfirst(cell); if (cdbProc) { conn->cdbProc = cdbProc; conn->pBuff = palloc(Gp_max_packet_size); conn->state = mcsSetupOutgoingConnection; (*pOutgoingCount)++; } conn++; } return pEntry; } /* startOutgoingConnections */ /* * setupOutgoingConnection * * Called by SetupInterconnect when conn->state == mcsSetupOutgoingConnection. * * On return, state is: * mcsSetupOutgoingConnection if failed and caller should retry. * mcsConnecting if non-blocking connect() is pending. Caller should * send registration message when socket becomes write-ready. * mcsSendRegMsg or mcsStarted if connect() completed successfully. */ static void setupOutgoingConnection(ChunkTransportState *transportStates, ChunkTransportStateEntry *pEntry, MotionConn *conn) { CdbProcess *cdbProc = conn->cdbProc; int n; int ret; char portNumberStr[32]; char *service; struct addrinfo *addrs = NULL; struct addrinfo hint; Assert(conn->cdbProc); Assert(conn->state == mcsSetupOutgoingConnection); conn->wakeup_ms = 0; conn->remoteContentId = cdbProc->contentid; /* * record the destination IP addr and port for error messages. Since the * IP addr might be IPv6, it might have ':' embedded, so in that case, put * '[]' around it so we can see that the string is an IP and port * (otherwise it might look just like an IP). */ if (strchr(cdbProc->listenerAddr, ':') != 0) snprintf(conn->remoteHostAndPort, sizeof(conn->remoteHostAndPort), "[%s]:%d", cdbProc->listenerAddr, cdbProc->listenerPort); else snprintf(conn->remoteHostAndPort, sizeof(conn->remoteHostAndPort), "%s:%d", cdbProc->listenerAddr, cdbProc->listenerPort); /* Might be retrying due to connection failure etc. Close old socket. */ if (conn->sockfd >= 0) { closesocket(conn->sockfd); conn->sockfd = -1; } #ifdef ENABLE_IC_PROXY if (Gp_interconnect_type == INTERCONNECT_TYPE_PROXY) { /* TODO: setup the connections in parallel */ conn->sockfd = ic_proxy_backend_connect(pEntry, conn); if (conn->sockfd == -1) return; pg_set_noblock(conn->sockfd); conn->pBuff = palloc(Gp_max_packet_size); conn->recvBytes = 0; conn->msgPos = NULL; conn->msgSize = PACKET_HEADER_SIZE; conn->state = mcsStarted; conn->stillActive = true; conn->tupleCount = 0; conn->remoteContentId = conn->cdbProc->contentid; return; } #endif /* ENABLE_IC_PROXY */ /* Initialize hint structure */ MemSet(&hint, 0, sizeof(hint)); hint.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; hint.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC; /* Allow for IPv4 or IPv6 */ #ifdef AI_NUMERICSERV hint.ai_flags = AI_NUMERICHOST | AI_NUMERICSERV; /* Never do name * resolution */ #else hint.ai_flags = AI_NUMERICHOST; /* Never do name resolution */ #endif snprintf(portNumberStr, sizeof(portNumberStr), "%d", cdbProc->listenerPort); service = portNumberStr; ret = pg_getaddrinfo_all(cdbProc->listenerAddr, service, &hint, &addrs); if (ret || !addrs) { if (addrs) pg_freeaddrinfo_all(hint.ai_family, addrs); ereport(ERROR, (errmsg("could not translate host addr \"%s\", port \"%d\" to address: %s", cdbProc->listenerAddr, cdbProc->listenerPort, gai_strerror(ret)))); return; } /* * Since we aren't using name resolution, getaddrinfo will return only 1 * entry */ /* * Create a socket. getaddrinfo() returns the parameters needed by * socket() */ conn->sockfd = socket(addrs->ai_family, addrs->ai_socktype, addrs->ai_protocol); if (conn->sockfd < 0) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_GP_INTERCONNECTION_ERROR), errmsg("interconnect error setting up outgoing connection"), errdetail("%s: %m", "socket"))); /* make socket non-blocking BEFORE we connect. */ if (!pg_set_noblock(conn->sockfd)) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_GP_INTERCONNECTION_ERROR), errmsg("interconnect error setting up outgoing connection"), errdetail("%s: %m", "fcntl(O_NONBLOCK)"))); if (gp_log_interconnect >= GPVARS_VERBOSITY_DEBUG) ereport(DEBUG1, (errmsg("Interconnect connecting to seg%d slice%d %s " "pid=%d sockfd=%d", conn->remoteContentId, pEntry->recvSlice->sliceIndex, conn->remoteHostAndPort, conn->cdbProc->pid, conn->sockfd))); /* * Initiate the connection. */ for (;;) { /* connect() EINTR retry loop */ ML_CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS(transportStates->teardownActive); n = connect(conn->sockfd, addrs->ai_addr, addrs->ai_addrlen); /* Non-blocking socket never connects immediately, but check anyway. */ if (n == 0) { sendRegisterMessage(transportStates, pEntry, conn); pg_freeaddrinfo_all(hint.ai_family, addrs); return; } /* Retry if a signal was received. */ if (errno == EINTR) continue; /* Normal case: select() will tell us when connection is made. */ if (errno == EINPROGRESS || errno == EWOULDBLOCK) { conn->state = mcsConnecting; pg_freeaddrinfo_all(hint.ai_family, addrs); return; } pg_freeaddrinfo_all(hint.ai_family, addrs); /* connect() failed. Log the error. Caller should retry. */ updateOutgoingConnection(transportStates, pEntry, conn, errno); return; } /* connect() EINTR retry loop */ } /* setupOutgoingConnection */ /* * updateOutgoingConnection * * Called when connect() succeeds or fails. */ static void updateOutgoingConnection(ChunkTransportState *transportStates, ChunkTransportStateEntry *pEntry, MotionConn *conn, int errnoSave) { socklen_t sizeoferrno = sizeof(errnoSave); /* Get errno value indicating success or failure. */ if (errnoSave == -1 && getsockopt(conn->sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, (void *) &errnoSave, &sizeoferrno)) { /* getsockopt failed */ ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_GP_INTERCONNECTION_ERROR), errmsg("interconnect could not connect to seg%d %s", conn->remoteContentId, conn->remoteHostAndPort), errdetail("%s sockfd=%d: %m", "getsockopt(SO_ERROR)", conn->sockfd))); } switch (errnoSave) { /* Success! Advance to next state. */ case 0: sendRegisterMessage(transportStates, pEntry, conn); return; default: errno = errnoSave; ereport(LOG, (errcode(ERRCODE_GP_INTERCONNECTION_ERROR), errmsg("interconnect could not connect to seg%d %s pid=%d; will retry; %s: %m", conn->remoteContentId, conn->remoteHostAndPort, conn->cdbProc->pid, "connect"))); break; } /* Tell caller to close the socket and try again. */ conn->state = mcsSetupOutgoingConnection; } /* updateOutgoingConnection */ /* Function sendRegisterMessage() used to send a Register message to the * remote destination on the other end of the provided conn. * * PARAMETERS * * pEntry - ChunkTransportState. * conn - MotionConn to send message out on. * * Called by SetupInterconnect when conn->state == mcsSetupOutgoingConnection. * * On return, state is: * mcsSendRegMsg if registration message has not been completely sent. * Caller should retry when socket becomes write-ready. * mcsStarted if registration message has been sent. Caller can start * sending data. */ static void sendRegisterMessage(ChunkTransportState *transportStates, ChunkTransportStateEntry *pEntry, MotionConn *conn) { int bytesToSend; int bytesSent; SliceTable *sliceTbl = transportStates->sliceTable; if (conn->state != mcsSendRegMsg) { RegisterMessage *regMsg = (RegisterMessage *) conn->pBuff; struct sockaddr_storage localAddr; socklen_t addrsize; Assert(conn->cdbProc && conn->pBuff && sizeof(*regMsg) <= Gp_max_packet_size); Assert(pEntry->recvSlice && pEntry->sendSlice && IsA(pEntry->recvSlice, Slice) && IsA(pEntry->sendSlice, Slice)); /* Save local host and port for log messages. */ addrsize = sizeof(localAddr); if (getsockname(conn->sockfd, (struct sockaddr *) &localAddr, &addrsize)) { ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_GP_INTERCONNECTION_ERROR), errmsg("interconnect error after making connection"), errdetail("getsockname sockfd=%d remote=%s: %m", conn->sockfd, conn->remoteHostAndPort))); } format_sockaddr((struct sockaddr *) &localAddr, conn->localHostAndPort, sizeof(conn->localHostAndPort)); if (gp_log_interconnect >= GPVARS_VERBOSITY_VERBOSE) ereport(LOG, (errmsg("interconnect sending registration message to seg%d slice%d %s pid=%d from seg%d slice%d %s sockfd=%d", conn->remoteContentId, pEntry->recvSlice->sliceIndex, conn->remoteHostAndPort, conn->cdbProc->pid, GpIdentity.segindex, pEntry->sendSlice->sliceIndex, conn->localHostAndPort, conn->sockfd))); regMsg->msgBytes = sizeof(*regMsg); regMsg->recvSliceIndex = pEntry->recvSlice->sliceIndex; regMsg->sendSliceIndex = pEntry->sendSlice->sliceIndex; regMsg->srcContentId = GpIdentity.segindex; regMsg->srcListenerPort = Gp_listener_port & 0x0ffff; regMsg->srcPid = MyProcPid; regMsg->srcSessionId = gp_session_id; regMsg->srcCommandCount = sliceTbl->ic_instance_id; conn->state = mcsSendRegMsg; conn->msgPos = conn->pBuff; conn->msgSize = sizeof(*regMsg); } /* Send as much as we can. */ for (;;) { bytesToSend = conn->pBuff + conn->msgSize - conn->msgPos; bytesSent = send(conn->sockfd, conn->msgPos, bytesToSend, 0); if (bytesSent == bytesToSend) break; else if (bytesSent >= 0) conn->msgPos += bytesSent; else if (errno == EWOULDBLOCK) return; /* call me again to send the rest */ else if (errno == EINTR) ML_CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS(transportStates->teardownActive); else { ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_GP_INTERCONNECTION_ERROR), errmsg("interconnect error writing registration message to seg%d at %s", conn->remoteContentId, conn->remoteHostAndPort), errdetail("write pid=%d sockfd=%d local=%s: %m", conn->cdbProc->pid, conn->sockfd, conn->localHostAndPort))); } } /* Sent it all. */ conn->state = mcsStarted; conn->msgPos = NULL; conn->msgSize = PACKET_HEADER_SIZE; conn->stillActive = true; } /* sendRegisterMessage */ /* Function readRegisterMessage() reads a "Register" message off of the conn * and places it in the right MotionLayerEntry conn slot based on the contents * of the register message. * * PARAMETERS * * conn - MotionConn to read the register messagefrom. * * Returns true if message has been received; or false if caller must retry * when socket becomes read-ready. */ static bool readRegisterMessage(ChunkTransportState *transportStates, MotionConn *conn) { int bytesToReceive; int bytesReceived; int iconn; RegisterMessage *regMsg; RegisterMessage msg; MotionConn *newConn; ChunkTransportStateEntry *pEntry = NULL; CdbProcess *cdbproc = NULL; ListCell *lc; SliceTable *sliceTbl = transportStates->sliceTable; /* Get ready to receive the Register message. */ if (conn->state != mcsRecvRegMsg) { conn->state = mcsRecvRegMsg; conn->msgSize = sizeof(*regMsg); conn->msgPos = conn->pBuff; Assert(conn->pBuff && sizeof(*regMsg) <= Gp_max_packet_size); } /* Receive all that is available, up to the expected message size. */ for (;;) { bytesToReceive = conn->pBuff + conn->msgSize - conn->msgPos; bytesReceived = recv(conn->sockfd, conn->msgPos, bytesToReceive, 0); if (bytesReceived == bytesToReceive) break; else if (bytesReceived > 0) conn->msgPos += bytesReceived; else if (bytesReceived == 0) { elog(LOG, "Interconnect error reading register message from %s: connection closed", conn->remoteHostAndPort); /* maybe this peer is already retrying ? */ goto old_conn; } else if (errno == EWOULDBLOCK) return false; /* call me again to receive the rest */ else if (errno == EINTR) ML_CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS(transportStates->teardownActive); else { ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_GP_INTERCONNECTION_ERROR), errmsg("interconnect error reading register message from %s", conn->remoteHostAndPort), errdetail("read sockfd=%d local=%s: %m", conn->sockfd, conn->localHostAndPort))); } } /* * Got the whole message. Convert fields to native byte order. */ regMsg = (RegisterMessage *) conn->pBuff; msg.msgBytes = regMsg->msgBytes; msg.recvSliceIndex = regMsg->recvSliceIndex; msg.sendSliceIndex = regMsg->sendSliceIndex; msg.srcContentId = regMsg->srcContentId; msg.srcListenerPort = regMsg->srcListenerPort; msg.srcPid = regMsg->srcPid; msg.srcSessionId = regMsg->srcSessionId; msg.srcCommandCount = regMsg->srcCommandCount; /* Check for valid message format. */ if (msg.msgBytes != sizeof(*regMsg)) { ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_GP_INTERCONNECTION_ERROR), errmsg("interconnect error reading register message from %s: format not recognized", conn->remoteHostAndPort), errdetail("msgBytes=%d expected=%d sockfd=%d local=%s", msg.msgBytes, (int) sizeof(*regMsg), conn->sockfd, conn->localHostAndPort))); } /* get rid of old connections first */ if (msg.srcSessionId != gp_session_id || msg.srcCommandCount < sliceTbl->ic_instance_id) { /* * This is an old connection, which can be safely ignored. We get this * kind of stuff for cases in which one gang participating in the * interconnect exited a query before calling SetupInterconnect(). * Later queries wind up receiving their registration messages. */ elog(LOG, "Received invalid, old registration message: " "will ignore ('expected:received' session %d:%d ic-id %d:%d)", gp_session_id, msg.srcSessionId, sliceTbl->ic_instance_id, msg.srcCommandCount); goto old_conn; } /* Verify that the message pertains to one of our receiving Motion nodes. */ if (msg.sendSliceIndex > 0 && msg.sendSliceIndex <= transportStates->size && msg.recvSliceIndex == transportStates->sliceId && msg.srcContentId >= -1) { /* this is a good connection */ } else { /* something is wrong */ ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_GP_INTERCONNECTION_ERROR), errmsg("interconnect error: Invalid registration message received from %s", conn->remoteHostAndPort), errdetail("sendSlice=%d recvSlice=%d srcContentId=%d srcPid=%d srcListenerPort=%d srcSessionId=%d srcCommandCount=%d motnode=%d", msg.sendSliceIndex, msg.recvSliceIndex, msg.srcContentId, msg.srcPid, msg.srcListenerPort, msg.srcSessionId, msg.srcCommandCount, msg.sendSliceIndex))); } /* * Find state info for the specified Motion node. The sender's slice * number equals the motion node id. */ getChunkTransportState(transportStates, msg.sendSliceIndex, &pEntry); Assert(pEntry); foreach_with_count(lc, pEntry->sendSlice->primaryProcesses, iconn) { cdbproc = (CdbProcess *)lfirst(lc); if (!cdbproc) continue; if (msg.srcContentId == cdbproc->contentid && msg.srcListenerPort == cdbproc->listenerPort && msg.srcPid == cdbproc->pid) break; } if (iconn == list_length(pEntry->sendSlice->primaryProcesses)) { ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_GP_INTERCONNECTION_ERROR), errmsg("interconnect error: Invalid registration message received from %s", conn->remoteHostAndPort), errdetail("sendSlice=%d srcContentId=%d srcPid=%d srcListenerPort=%d", msg.sendSliceIndex, msg.srcContentId, msg.srcPid, msg.srcListenerPort))); } /* * Allocate MotionConn slot corresponding to sender's position in the * sending slice's CdbProc list. */ newConn = getMotionConn(pEntry, iconn); if (newConn->sockfd != -1 || newConn->state != mcsNull) { ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_GP_INTERCONNECTION_ERROR), errmsg("interconnect error: Duplicate registration message received from %s", conn->remoteHostAndPort), errdetail("Already accepted registration from %s for sendSlice=%d srcContentId=%d srcPid=%d srcListenerPort=%d", newConn->remoteHostAndPort, msg.sendSliceIndex, msg.srcContentId, msg.srcPid, msg.srcListenerPort))); } /* message looks good */ if (gp_log_interconnect >= GPVARS_VERBOSITY_VERBOSE) { ereport(LOG, (errmsg("interconnect seg%d slice%d sockfd=%d accepted registration message from seg%d slice%d %s pid=%d", GpIdentity.segindex, msg.recvSliceIndex, conn->sockfd, msg.srcContentId, msg.sendSliceIndex, conn->remoteHostAndPort, msg.srcPid))); } /* Copy caller's temporary MotionConn to its assigned slot. */ *newConn = *conn; newConn->cdbProc = cdbproc; newConn->remoteContentId = msg.srcContentId; /* * The caller's MotionConn object is no longer valid. */ MemSet(conn, 0, sizeof(*conn)); conn->state = mcsNull; /* * Prepare to begin reading tuples. */ newConn->state = mcsStarted; newConn->msgPos = NULL; newConn->msgSize = 0; newConn->stillActive = true; MPP_FD_SET(newConn->sockfd, &pEntry->readSet); if (newConn->sockfd > pEntry->highReadSock) pEntry->highReadSock = newConn->sockfd; #ifdef AMS_VERBOSE_LOGGING dumpEntryConnections(DEBUG4, pEntry); #endif /* we've completed registration of this connection */ return true; old_conn: shutdown(conn->sockfd, SHUT_RDWR); closesocket(conn->sockfd); conn->sockfd = -1; pfree(conn->pBuff); conn->pBuff = NULL; /* * this connection is done, but with sockfd == -1 isn't a "success" */ return true; } /* readRegisterMessage */ /* * acceptIncomingConnection * * accept() a connection request that is pending on the listening socket. * Returns a newly palloc'ed MotionConn object; or NULL if the listening * socket does not have any pending connection requests. */ static MotionConn * acceptIncomingConnection(void) { int newsockfd; socklen_t addrsize; MotionConn *conn; struct sockaddr_storage remoteAddr; struct sockaddr_storage localAddr; /* * Accept a connection. */ for (;;) { /* loop until success or EWOULDBLOCK */ MemSet(&remoteAddr, 0, sizeof(remoteAddr)); addrsize = sizeof(remoteAddr); newsockfd = accept(TCP_listenerFd, (struct sockaddr *) &remoteAddr, &addrsize); if (newsockfd >= 0) break; switch (errno) { case EINTR: /* A signal arrived. Loop to retry the accept(). */ break; case EWOULDBLOCK: /* Connection request queue is empty. Normal return. */ return NULL; case EBADF: case EFAULT: case EINVAL: #ifndef _WIN32 case ENOTSOCK: #endif case EOPNOTSUPP: /* Shouldn't get these errors unless there is a bug. */ ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_GP_INTERCONNECTION_ERROR), errmsg("interconnect error on listener port %d", Gp_listener_port), errdetail("accept sockfd=%d: %m", TCP_listenerFd))); break; /* not reached */ case ENOMEM: case ENFILE: case EMFILE: case ENOBUFS: /* Out of resources. */ ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_GP_INTERCONNECTION_ERROR), errmsg("interconnect error on listener port %d", Gp_listener_port), errdetail("accept sockfd=%d: %m", TCP_listenerFd))); break; /* not reached */ default: /* Network problem, connection aborted, etc. Continue. */ ereport(LOG, (errcode(ERRCODE_GP_INTERCONNECTION_ERROR), errmsg("interconnect connection request not completed on listener port %d", Gp_listener_port), errdetail("accept sockfd=%d: %m", TCP_listenerFd))); } /* switch (errno) */ } /* loop until success or EWOULDBLOCK */ /* * Create a MotionConn object to hold the connection state. */ conn = palloc0(sizeof(MotionConn)); conn->sockfd = newsockfd; conn->pBuff = palloc(Gp_max_packet_size); conn->msgSize = 0; conn->recvBytes = 0; conn->msgPos = 0; conn->tupleCount = 0; conn->stillActive = false; conn->state = mcsAccepted; conn->remoteContentId = -2; /* Save remote and local host:port strings for error messages. */ format_sockaddr((struct sockaddr *) &remoteAddr, conn->remoteHostAndPort, sizeof(conn->remoteHostAndPort)); addrsize = sizeof(localAddr); if (getsockname(newsockfd, (struct sockaddr *) &localAddr, &addrsize)) { ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_GP_INTERCONNECTION_ERROR), errmsg("interconnect error after accepting connection"), errdetail("getsockname sockfd=%d remote=%s: %m", newsockfd, conn->remoteHostAndPort))); } format_sockaddr((struct sockaddr *) &localAddr, conn->localHostAndPort, sizeof(conn->localHostAndPort)); /* make socket non-blocking */ if (!pg_set_noblock(newsockfd)) { ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_GP_INTERCONNECTION_ERROR), errmsg("interconnect error after accepting connection"), errdetail("fcntl(O_NONBLOCK) sockfd=%d remote=%s local=%s: %m", newsockfd, conn->remoteHostAndPort, conn->localHostAndPort))); } if (gp_log_interconnect >= GPVARS_VERBOSITY_DEBUG) elog(DEBUG4, "Interconnect got incoming connection " "from remote=%s to local=%s sockfd=%d", conn->remoteHostAndPort, conn->localHostAndPort, newsockfd); return conn; } /* acceptIncomingConnection */ /* See ml_ipc.h */ void SetupTCPInterconnect(EState *estate) { int i, index, n; ListCell *cell; Slice *mySlice; Slice *aSlice; MotionConn *conn; SliceTable *sliceTable = estate->es_sliceTable; int incoming_count = 0; int outgoing_count = 0; int expectedTotalIncoming = 0; int expectedTotalOutgoing = 0; int iteration = 0; GpMonotonicTime startTime; StringInfoData logbuf; uint64 elapsed_ms = 0; uint64 last_qd_check_ms = 0; /* we can have at most one of these. */ ChunkTransportStateEntry *sendingChunkTransportState = NULL; ChunkTransportState *interconnect_context; SIMPLE_FAULT_INJECTOR("interconnect_setup_palloc"); interconnect_context = palloc0(sizeof(ChunkTransportState)); /* initialize state variables */ Assert(interconnect_context->size == 0); interconnect_context->estate = estate; interconnect_context->size = CTS_INITIAL_SIZE; interconnect_context->states = palloc0(CTS_INITIAL_SIZE * sizeof(ChunkTransportStateEntry)); interconnect_context->teardownActive = false; interconnect_context->activated = false; interconnect_context->networkTimeoutIsLogged = false; interconnect_context->incompleteConns = NIL; interconnect_context->sliceTable = copyObject(sliceTable); interconnect_context->sliceId = sliceTable->localSlice; interconnect_context->RecvTupleChunkFrom = RecvTupleChunkFromTCP; interconnect_context->RecvTupleChunkFromAny = RecvTupleChunkFromAnyTCP; interconnect_context->SendEos = SendEosTCP; interconnect_context->SendChunk = SendChunkTCP; interconnect_context->doSendStopMessage = doSendStopMessageTCP; mySlice = (Slice *) list_nth(interconnect_context->sliceTable->slices, sliceTable->localSlice); Assert(sliceTable && IsA(mySlice, Slice) && mySlice->sliceIndex == sliceTable->localSlice); gp_set_monotonic_begin_time(&startTime); /* now we'll do some setup for each of our Receiving Motion Nodes. */ foreach(cell, mySlice->children) { int totalNumProcs; int childId = lfirst_int(cell); ChunkTransportStateEntry *pEntry = NULL; #ifdef AMS_VERBOSE_LOGGING elog(DEBUG5, "Setting up RECEIVING motion node %d", childId); #endif aSlice = (Slice *) list_nth(interconnect_context->sliceTable->slices, childId); /* * If we're using directed-dispatch we have dummy primary-process * entries, so we count the entries. */ totalNumProcs = list_length(aSlice->primaryProcesses); pEntry = createChunkTransportState(interconnect_context, aSlice, mySlice, totalNumProcs); for (i = 0; i < totalNumProcs; i++) { CdbProcess *cdbProc; cdbProc = list_nth(aSlice->primaryProcesses, i); if (cdbProc) expectedTotalIncoming++; #ifdef ENABLE_IC_PROXY if (Gp_interconnect_type == INTERCONNECT_TYPE_PROXY) { conn = &pEntry->conns[i]; conn->cdbProc = list_nth(aSlice->primaryProcesses, i); if (conn->cdbProc) { incoming_count++; /* TODO: setup the connections in parallel */ conn->sockfd = ic_proxy_backend_connect(pEntry, conn); if (conn->sockfd == -1) continue; pg_set_noblock(conn->sockfd); MPP_FD_SET(conn->sockfd, &pEntry->readSet); if (conn->sockfd > pEntry->highReadSock) pEntry->highReadSock = conn->sockfd; conn->pBuff = palloc(Gp_max_packet_size); conn->recvBytes = 0; conn->msgPos = NULL; conn->msgSize = 0; conn->state = mcsStarted; conn->stillActive = true; conn->tupleCount = 0; conn->remoteContentId = conn->cdbProc->contentid; conn->remapper = CreateTupleRemapper(); } } #endif /* ENABLE_IC_PROXY */ } } /* * Initiate outgoing connections. * * startOutgoingConnections() and createChunkTransportState() must not be * called during the lifecycle of sendingChunkTransportState, they will * repalloc() interconnect_context->states so sendingChunkTransportState * points to invalid memory. */ if (mySlice->parentIndex != -1) sendingChunkTransportState = startOutgoingConnections(interconnect_context, mySlice, &expectedTotalOutgoing); #ifdef ENABLE_IC_PROXY if (Gp_interconnect_type == INTERCONNECT_TYPE_PROXY) { for (i = 0; i < expectedTotalOutgoing; i++) { conn = &sendingChunkTransportState->conns[i]; setupOutgoingConnection(interconnect_context, sendingChunkTransportState, conn); } outgoing_count = expectedTotalOutgoing; } #endif /* ENABLE_IC_PROXY */ if (expectedTotalIncoming > listenerBacklog) ereport(WARNING, (errmsg("SetupTCPInterconnect: too many expected incoming connections(%d), Interconnect setup might possibly fail", expectedTotalIncoming), errhint("Try enlarging the gp_interconnect_tcp_listener_backlog GUC value and OS net.core.somaxconn parameter"))); if (gp_log_interconnect >= GPVARS_VERBOSITY_DEBUG) ereport(DEBUG1, (errmsg("SetupInterconnect will activate " "%d incoming, %d outgoing routes. " "Listening on port=%d sockfd=%d.", expectedTotalIncoming, expectedTotalOutgoing, Gp_listener_port, TCP_listenerFd))); /* * Loop until all connections are completed or time limit is exceeded. */ while (outgoing_count < expectedTotalOutgoing || incoming_count < expectedTotalIncoming) { /* select() loop */ struct timeval timeout; mpp_fd_set rset, wset, eset; int highsock = -1; uint64 timeout_ms = 20 * 60 * 1000; int outgoing_fail_count = 0; iteration++; MPP_FD_ZERO(&rset); MPP_FD_ZERO(&wset); MPP_FD_ZERO(&eset); /* Expecting any new inbound connections? */ if (incoming_count < expectedTotalIncoming) { if (TCP_listenerFd < 0) { elog(FATAL, "SetupTCPInterconnect: bad listener"); } MPP_FD_SET(TCP_listenerFd, &rset); highsock = TCP_listenerFd; } /* Inbound connections awaiting registration message */ foreach(cell, interconnect_context->incompleteConns) { conn = (MotionConn *) lfirst(cell); if (conn->state != mcsRecvRegMsg || conn->sockfd < 0) { elog(FATAL, "SetupTCPInterconnect: incomplete connection bad state or bad fd"); } MPP_FD_SET(conn->sockfd, &rset); highsock = Max(highsock, conn->sockfd); } /* Outgoing connections */ outgoing_count = 0; n = sendingChunkTransportState ? sendingChunkTransportState->numConns : 0; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { index = i; conn = &sendingChunkTransportState->conns[index]; /* Time to cancel incomplete connect() and retry? */ if (conn->state == mcsConnecting && conn->wakeup_ms > 0 && conn->wakeup_ms <= elapsed_ms + 20) { ereport(LOG, (errcode(ERRCODE_GP_INTERCONNECTION_ERROR), errmsg("Interconnect timeout: Connection " "to seg%d %s from local port %s was not " "complete after " UINT64_FORMAT "ms " UINT64_FORMAT " elapsed. Will retry.", conn->remoteContentId, conn->remoteHostAndPort, conn->localHostAndPort, conn->wakeup_ms, (elapsed_ms + 20)))); conn->state = mcsSetupOutgoingConnection; } /* Time to connect? */ if (conn->state == mcsSetupOutgoingConnection && conn->wakeup_ms <= elapsed_ms + 20) { setupOutgoingConnection(interconnect_context, sendingChunkTransportState, conn); switch (conn->state) { case mcsSetupOutgoingConnection: /* Retry failed connection after awhile. */ conn->wakeup_ms = (iteration - 1) * 1000 + elapsed_ms; break; case mcsConnecting: /* Set time limit for connect() to complete. */ if (interconnect_context->aggressiveRetry) conn->wakeup_ms = CONNECT_AGGRESSIVERETRY_MS + elapsed_ms; else conn->wakeup_ms = CONNECT_RETRY_MS + elapsed_ms; break; default: conn->wakeup_ms = 0; break; } } /* What events are we watching for? */ switch (conn->state) { case mcsNull: break; case mcsSetupOutgoingConnection: outgoing_fail_count++; break; case mcsConnecting: if (conn->sockfd < 0) { elog(FATAL, "SetupTCPInterconnect: bad fd, mcsConnecting"); } MPP_FD_SET(conn->sockfd, &wset); MPP_FD_SET(conn->sockfd, &eset); highsock = Max(highsock, conn->sockfd); break; case mcsSendRegMsg: if (conn->sockfd < 0) { elog(FATAL, "SetupTCPInterconnect: bad fd, mcsSendRegMsg"); } MPP_FD_SET(conn->sockfd, &wset); highsock = Max(highsock, conn->sockfd); break; case mcsStarted: outgoing_count++; break; default: elog(FATAL, "SetupTCPInterconnect: bad connection state"); } if (conn->wakeup_ms > 0) timeout_ms = Min(timeout_ms, conn->wakeup_ms - elapsed_ms); } /* loop to set up outgoing connections */ /* Break out of select() loop if completed all connections. */ if (outgoing_count == expectedTotalOutgoing && incoming_count == expectedTotalIncoming) break; /* * Been here long? Bail if gp_interconnect_setup_timeout exceeded. */ if (interconnect_setup_timeout > 0) { int to = interconnect_setup_timeout * 1000; if (to <= elapsed_ms + 20) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_GP_INTERCONNECTION_ERROR), errmsg("Interconnect timeout: Unable to " "complete setup of all connections " "within time limit."), errdetail("Completed %d of %d incoming and " "%d of %d outgoing connections. " "gp_interconnect_setup_timeout = %d " "seconds.", incoming_count, expectedTotalIncoming, outgoing_count, expectedTotalOutgoing, interconnect_setup_timeout) )); /* don't wait for more than 500ms */ timeout_ms = Min(500, Min(timeout_ms, to - elapsed_ms)); } /* check if segments have errors already for every 2 seconds */ if (Gp_role == GP_ROLE_DISPATCH && elapsed_ms - last_qd_check_ms > 2000) { last_qd_check_ms = elapsed_ms; checkForCancelFromQD(interconnect_context); } /* * If no socket events to wait for, loop to retry after a pause. */ if (highsock < 0) { if (gp_log_interconnect >= GPVARS_VERBOSITY_VERBOSE && (timeout_ms > 0 || iteration > 2)) ereport(LOG, (errmsg("SetupInterconnect+" UINT64_FORMAT "ms: pause " UINT64_FORMAT "ms " "outgoing_fail=%d iteration=%d", elapsed_ms, timeout_ms, outgoing_fail_count, iteration) )); /* Shouldn't be in this loop unless we have some work to do. */ if (outgoing_fail_count <= 0) { elog(FATAL, "SetupInterconnect: invalid outgoing count"); } /* Wait until earliest wakeup time or overall timeout. */ if (timeout_ms > 0) { ML_CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS(interconnect_context->teardownActive); pg_usleep(timeout_ms * 1000); ML_CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS(interconnect_context->teardownActive); } /* Back to top of loop and look again. */ elapsed_ms = gp_get_elapsed_ms(&startTime); continue; } /* * Wait for socket events. * * In order to handle errors at intervals less than the full timeout * length, we limit our select(2) wait to a maximum of 500ms. */ if (timeout_ms > 0) { timeout.tv_sec = timeout_ms / 1000; /* 0 */ timeout.tv_usec = (timeout_ms - (timeout.tv_sec * 1000)) * 1000; Assert(timeout_ms == timeout.tv_sec * 1000 + timeout.tv_usec / 1000); } else timeout.tv_sec = timeout.tv_usec = 0; if (gp_log_interconnect >= GPVARS_VERBOSITY_DEBUG) { initStringInfo(&logbuf); format_fd_set(&logbuf, highsock + 1, &rset, "r={", "} "); format_fd_set(&logbuf, highsock + 1, &wset, "w={", "} "); format_fd_set(&logbuf, highsock + 1, &eset, "e={", "}"); elapsed_ms = gp_get_elapsed_ms(&startTime); ereport(DEBUG1, (errmsg("SetupInterconnect+" UINT64_FORMAT "ms: select() " "Interest: %s. timeout=" UINT64_FORMAT "ms " "outgoing_fail=%d iteration=%d", elapsed_ms, logbuf.data, timeout_ms, outgoing_fail_count, iteration))); pfree(logbuf.data); MemSet(&logbuf, 0, sizeof(logbuf)); } ML_CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS(interconnect_context->teardownActive); n = select(highsock + 1, (fd_set *) &rset, (fd_set *) &wset, (fd_set *) &eset, &timeout); ML_CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS(interconnect_context->teardownActive); if (Gp_role == GP_ROLE_DISPATCH) checkForCancelFromQD(interconnect_context); elapsed_ms = gp_get_elapsed_ms(&startTime); /* * Log the select() if requested. */ if (gp_log_interconnect >= GPVARS_VERBOSITY_VERBOSE) { if (gp_log_interconnect >= GPVARS_VERBOSITY_DEBUG || n != expectedTotalIncoming + expectedTotalOutgoing) { int elevel = (n == expectedTotalIncoming + expectedTotalOutgoing) ? DEBUG1 : LOG; int errnoSave = errno; initStringInfo(&logbuf); if (n > 0) { appendStringInfo(&logbuf, "result=%d Ready: ", n); format_fd_set(&logbuf, highsock + 1, &rset, "r={", "} "); format_fd_set(&logbuf, highsock + 1, &wset, "w={", "} "); format_fd_set(&logbuf, highsock + 1, &eset, "e={", "}"); } else appendStringInfoString(&logbuf, n < 0 ? "error" : "timeout"); ereport(elevel, (errmsg("SetupInterconnect+" UINT64_FORMAT "ms: select() %s", elapsed_ms, logbuf.data))); pfree(logbuf.data); MemSet(&logbuf, 0, sizeof(logbuf)); errno = errnoSave; } } if (n < 0) { if (errno == EINTR) continue; ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_GP_INTERCONNECTION_ERROR), errmsg("interconnect error: %s: %m", "select"))); } /* * check our connections that are accepted'd but no register message. * we don't know which motion node these apply to until we actually * receive the REGISTER message. this is why they are all in a single * list. * * NOTE: we don't use foreach() here because we want to trim from the * list as we go. * * We used to bail out of the while loop when incoming_count hit * expectedTotalIncoming, but that causes problems if some connections * are left over -- better to just process them here. */ cell = list_head(interconnect_context->incompleteConns); while (n > 0 && cell != NULL) { conn = (MotionConn *) lfirst(cell); /* * we'll get the next cell ready now in case we need to delete the * cell that corresponds to our MotionConn */ cell = lnext(cell); if (MPP_FD_ISSET(conn->sockfd, &rset)) { n--; if (readRegisterMessage(interconnect_context, conn)) { /* * We're done with this connection (either it is bogus * (and has been dropped), or we've added it to the * appropriate hash table) */ interconnect_context->incompleteConns = list_delete_ptr(interconnect_context->incompleteConns, conn); /* is the connection ready ? */ if (conn->sockfd != -1) incoming_count++; if (conn->pBuff) pfree(conn->pBuff); /* Free temporary MotionConn storage. */ pfree(conn); } } } /* * Someone tickling our listener port? Accept pending connections. */ if (MPP_FD_ISSET(TCP_listenerFd, &rset)) { n--; while ((conn = acceptIncomingConnection()) != NULL) { /* * get the connection read for a subsequent call to * ReadRegisterMessage() */ conn->state = mcsRecvRegMsg; conn->msgSize = sizeof(RegisterMessage); conn->msgPos = conn->pBuff; conn->remapper = CreateTupleRemapper(); interconnect_context->incompleteConns = lappend(interconnect_context->incompleteConns, conn); } } /* * Check our outgoing connections. */ i = 0; while (n > 0 && outgoing_count < expectedTotalOutgoing && i < sendingChunkTransportState->numConns) { /* loop to check outgoing connections */ conn = &sendingChunkTransportState->conns[i++]; switch (conn->state) { case mcsConnecting: /* Has connect() succeeded or failed? */ if (MPP_FD_ISSET(conn->sockfd, &wset) || MPP_FD_ISSET(conn->sockfd, &eset)) { n--; updateOutgoingConnection(interconnect_context, sendingChunkTransportState, conn, -1); switch (conn->state) { case mcsSetupOutgoingConnection: /* Failed. Wait awhile before retrying. */ conn->wakeup_ms = (iteration - 1) * 1000 + elapsed_ms; break; case mcsSendRegMsg: /* Connected, but reg msg not fully sent. */ conn->wakeup_ms = 0; break; case mcsStarted: /* Connected, sent reg msg, ready to rock. */ outgoing_count++; break; default: elog(FATAL, "SetupInterconnect: bad outgoing state"); } } break; case mcsSendRegMsg: /* Ready to continue sending? */ if (MPP_FD_ISSET(conn->sockfd, &wset)) { n--; sendRegisterMessage(interconnect_context, sendingChunkTransportState, conn); if (conn->state == mcsStarted) outgoing_count++; } break; default: break; } } /* loop to check outgoing connections */ /* By now we have dealt with all the events reported by select(). */ if (n != 0) elog(FATAL, "SetupInterconnect: extra select events."); } /* select() loop */ /* * if everything really got setup properly then we shouldn't have any * incomplete connections. * * XXX: In some cases (when the previous query got 'fast-track cancelled' * because of an error during setup) we can wind up with connections here * which ought to have been cleaned up. These connections should be closed * out here. It would obviously be better if we could avoid these * connections in the first place! */ if (list_length(interconnect_context->incompleteConns) != 0) { if (gp_log_interconnect >= GPVARS_VERBOSITY_DEBUG) elog(DEBUG2, "Incomplete connections after known connections done, cleaning %d", list_length(interconnect_context->incompleteConns)); while ((cell = list_head(interconnect_context->incompleteConns)) != NULL) { conn = (MotionConn *) lfirst(cell); if (conn->sockfd != -1) { flushIncomingData(conn->sockfd); shutdown(conn->sockfd, SHUT_WR); closesocket(conn->sockfd); conn->sockfd = -1; } interconnect_context->incompleteConns = list_delete_ptr(interconnect_context->incompleteConns, conn); if (conn->pBuff) pfree(conn->pBuff); pfree(conn); } } interconnect_context->activated = true; if (gp_log_interconnect >= GPVARS_VERBOSITY_TERSE) { elapsed_ms = gp_get_elapsed_ms(&startTime); if (gp_log_interconnect >= GPVARS_VERBOSITY_VERBOSE || elapsed_ms >= 0.1 * 1000 * interconnect_setup_timeout) elog(LOG, "SetupInterconnect+" UINT64_FORMAT "ms: Activated %d incoming, " "%d outgoing routes.", elapsed_ms, incoming_count, outgoing_count); } estate->interconnect_context = interconnect_context; estate->es_interconnect_is_setup = true; } /* SetupInterconnect */ /* TeardownInterconnect() function is used to cleanup interconnect resources that * were allocated during SetupInterconnect(). This function should ALWAYS be * called after SetupInterconnect to avoid leaking resources (like sockets) * even if SetupInterconnect did not complete correctly. As a result, this * function must complete successfully even if SetupInterconnect didn't. * * SetupInterconnect() always gets called under the ExecutorState MemoryContext. * This context is destroyed at the end of the query and all memory that gets * allocated under it is free'd. We don't have have to worry about pfree() but * we definitely have to worry about socket resources. */ void TeardownTCPInterconnect(ChunkTransportState *transportStates, bool hasErrors) { ListCell *cell; ChunkTransportStateEntry *pEntry = NULL; int i; Slice *mySlice; MotionConn *conn; if (transportStates == NULL || transportStates->sliceTable == NULL) { elog(LOG, "TeardownTCPInterconnect: missing slice table."); return; } /* * if we're already trying to clean up after an error -- don't allow * signals to interrupt us */ if (hasErrors) HOLD_INTERRUPTS(); mySlice = (Slice *) list_nth(transportStates->sliceTable->slices, transportStates->sliceId); /* Log the start of TeardownInterconnect. */ if (gp_log_interconnect >= GPVARS_VERBOSITY_TERSE) { int elevel = 0; if (hasErrors || !transportStates->activated) { if (gp_log_interconnect >= GPVARS_VERBOSITY_DEBUG) elevel = LOG; else elevel = DEBUG1; } else if (gp_log_interconnect >= GPVARS_VERBOSITY_DEBUG) elevel = DEBUG4; if (elevel) ereport(elevel, (errmsg("Interconnect seg%d slice%d cleanup state: " "%s; setup was %s", GpIdentity.segindex, mySlice->sliceIndex, hasErrors ? "error" : "normal", transportStates->activated ? "completed" : "exited"))); /* if setup did not complete, log the slicetable */ if (!transportStates->activated && gp_log_interconnect >= GPVARS_VERBOSITY_DEBUG) elog_node_display(DEBUG3, "local slice table", transportStates->sliceTable, true); } /* * phase 1 mark all sockets (senders and receivers) with shutdown(2), * start with incomplete connections (if any). */ /* * The incompleteConns list is only used as a staging area for MotionConns * during by SetupInterconnect(). So we only expect to have entries here * if SetupInterconnect() did not finish correctly. * * NOTE: we don't use foreach() here because we want to trim from the list * as we go. */ if (transportStates->incompleteConns && gp_log_interconnect >= GPVARS_VERBOSITY_DEBUG) elog(DEBUG2, "Found incomplete conn. length %d", list_length(transportStates->incompleteConns)); /* * These are connected inbound peers that we haven't dealt with quite yet */ while ((cell = list_head(transportStates->incompleteConns)) != NULL) { MotionConn *conn = (MotionConn *) lfirst(cell); /* they're incomplete, so just slam them shut. */ if (conn->sockfd != -1) { flushIncomingData(conn->sockfd); shutdown(conn->sockfd, SHUT_WR); closesocket(conn->sockfd); conn->sockfd = -1; } /* free up the tuple remapper */ if (conn->remapper) { DestroyTupleRemapper(conn->remapper); conn->remapper = NULL; } /* * The list operations are kind of confusing (see list.c), we could * alternatively write the following line as: * * incompleteConns = list_delete_cell(incompleteConns, cell, NULL); or * incompleteConns = list_delete_first(incompleteConns); or * incompleteConns = list_delete_ptr(incompleteConns, conn) */ transportStates->incompleteConns = list_delete(transportStates->incompleteConns, conn); } list_free(transportStates->incompleteConns); transportStates->incompleteConns = NIL; /* * Now "normal" connections which made it through our peer-registration * step. With these we have to worry about "in-flight" data. */ if (mySlice->parentIndex != -1) { /* cleanup a Sending motion node. */ if (gp_log_interconnect >= GPVARS_VERBOSITY_DEBUG) elog(DEBUG3, "Interconnect seg%d slice%d closing connections to slice%d", GpIdentity.segindex, mySlice->sliceIndex, mySlice->parentIndex); getChunkTransportState(transportStates, mySlice->sliceIndex, &pEntry); for (i = 0; i < pEntry->numConns; i++) { conn = pEntry->conns + i; if (conn->sockfd >= 0) shutdown(conn->sockfd, SHUT_WR); /* free up the tuple remapper */ if (conn->remapper) { DestroyTupleRemapper(conn->remapper); conn->remapper = NULL; } } } /* * cleanup all of our Receiving Motion nodes, these get closed immediately * (the receiver know for real if they want to shut down -- they aren't * going to be processing any more data). */ foreach(cell, mySlice->children) { Slice *aSlice; int childId = lfirst_int(cell); aSlice = (Slice *) list_nth(transportStates->sliceTable->slices, childId); getChunkTransportState(transportStates, aSlice->sliceIndex, &pEntry); if (gp_log_interconnect >= GPVARS_VERBOSITY_DEBUG) elog(DEBUG3, "Interconnect closing connections from slice%d", aSlice->sliceIndex); /* * receivers know that they no longer care about data from below ... * so we can safely discard data queued in both directions */ for (i = 0; i < pEntry->numConns; i++) { conn = pEntry->conns + i; if (conn->sockfd >= 0) { flushIncomingData(conn->sockfd); shutdown(conn->sockfd, SHUT_WR); closesocket(conn->sockfd); conn->sockfd = -1; /* free up the tuple remapper */ if (conn->remapper) { DestroyTupleRemapper(conn->remapper); conn->remapper = NULL; } } } removeChunkTransportState(transportStates, aSlice->sliceIndex); pfree(pEntry->conns); } /* * phase 2: wait on all sockets for completion, when complete call close * and free (if required) */ if (mySlice->parentIndex != -1) { /* cleanup a Sending motion node. */ getChunkTransportState(transportStates, mySlice->sliceIndex, &pEntry); /* * On a normal teardown routine, sender has sent an EOS packet and * disabled further send operations on phase 1. sender can't close the * connection immediately because EOS packet or data packets within the * kernel sending buffer may be lost on some platform if sender close the * connection totally. * * The correct way is sender blocks on the connection until receivers * get the EOS packets and close the peer, then it's safe for sender to * close the connection totally. * * If some errors are happening, senders can skip this step to avoid hung * issues, QD will take care of the error handling. */ if (!hasErrors) waitOnOutbound(pEntry); for (i = 0; i < pEntry->numConns; i++) { conn = pEntry->conns + i; if (conn->sockfd >= 0) { closesocket(conn->sockfd); conn->sockfd = -1; } } pEntry = removeChunkTransportState(transportStates, mySlice->sliceIndex); } /* * If there are clients waiting on our listener; we *must* disconnect * them; otherwise we'll be out of sync with the client (we may accept * them on a subsequent query!) */ if (TCP_listenerFd != -1) flushInterconnectListenerBacklog(); transportStates->activated = false; transportStates->sliceTable = NULL; if (transportStates->states != NULL) pfree(transportStates->states); pfree(transportStates); if (hasErrors) RESUME_INTERRUPTS(); #ifdef AMS_VERBOSE_LOGGING if (gp_log_interconnect >= GPVARS_VERBOSITY_DEBUG) elog(DEBUG4, "TeardownInterconnect successful"); #endif } #ifdef AMS_VERBOSE_LOGGING void dumpEntryConnections(int elevel, ChunkTransportStateEntry *pEntry) { int i; MotionConn *conn; for (i = 0; i < pEntry->numConns; i++) { conn = &pEntry->conns[i]; if (conn->sockfd == -1 && conn->state == mcsNull) elog(elevel, "... motNodeId=%d conns[%d]: not connected", pEntry->motNodeId, i); else elog(elevel, "... motNodeId=%d conns[%d]: " "%d pid=%d sockfd=%d remote=%s local=%s", pEntry->motNodeId, i, conn->remoteContentId, conn->cdbProc ? conn->cdbProc->pid : 0, conn->sockfd, conn->remoteHostAndPort, conn->localHostAndPort); } } static void print_connection(ChunkTransportState *transportStates, int fd, const char *msg) { struct sockaddr_in local, remote; socklen_t len; int errlevel = transportStates->teardownActive ? LOG : ERROR; len = sizeof(remote); if (getpeername(fd, (struct sockaddr *) &remote, &len) < 0) { elog(errlevel, "print_connection(%d, %s): can't get peername err: %m", fd, msg); } len = sizeof(local); if (getsockname(fd, (struct sockaddr *) &local, &len) < 0) { elog(errlevel, "print_connection(%d, %s): can't get localname err: %m", fd, msg); } elog(DEBUG2, "%s: w/ports (%d/%d)", msg, ntohs(local.sin_port), ntohs(remote.sin_port)); } #endif static void format_fd_set(StringInfo buf, int nfds, mpp_fd_set *fds, char *pfx, char *sfx) { int i; bool first = true; appendStringInfoString(buf, pfx); for (i = 1; i < nfds; i++) { if (MPP_FD_ISSET(i, fds)) { if (!first) appendStringInfoChar(buf, ','); appendStringInfo(buf, "%d", i); first = false; } } appendStringInfoString(buf, sfx); } static char * format_sockaddr(struct sockaddr *sa, char *buf, int bufsize) { /* Save remote host:port string for error messages. */ if (sa->sa_family == AF_INET) { struct sockaddr_in *sin = (struct sockaddr_in *) sa; uint32 saddr = ntohl(sin->sin_addr.s_addr); snprintf(buf, bufsize, "%d.%d.%d.%d:%d", (saddr >> 24) & 0xff, (saddr >> 16) & 0xff, (saddr >> 8) & 0xff, saddr & 0xff, ntohs(sin->sin_port)); } #ifdef HAVE_IPV6 else if (sa->sa_family == AF_INET6) { char remote_port[32]; if (bufsize > 10) { buf[0] = '['; /* * inet_ntop isn't portable. //inet_ntop(AF_INET6, * &sin6->sin6_addr, buf, bufsize - 8); * * postgres has a standard routine for converting addresses to * printable format, which works for IPv6, IPv4, and Unix domain * sockets. I've changed this routine to use that, but I think * the entire format_sockaddr routine could be replaced with it. */ int ret = pg_getnameinfo_all((const struct sockaddr_storage *) sa, sizeof(struct sockaddr_storage), buf + 1, bufsize - 10, remote_port, sizeof(remote_port), NI_NUMERICHOST | NI_NUMERICSERV); if (ret != 0) { elog(LOG, "getnameinfo returned %d: %s, and says %s port %s", ret, gai_strerror(ret), buf, remote_port); /* * Fall back to using our internal inet_ntop routine, which * really is for inet datatype This is because of a bug in * solaris, where getnameinfo sometimes fails Once we find out * why, we can remove this */ snprintf(remote_port, sizeof(remote_port), "%d", ((struct sockaddr_in6 *) sa)->sin6_port); /* * This is nasty: our internal inet_net_ntop takes * PGSQL_AF_INET6, not AF_INET6, which is very odd... They are * NOT the same value (even though PGSQL_AF_INET == AF_INET */ #define PGSQL_AF_INET6 (AF_INET + 1) inet_net_ntop(PGSQL_AF_INET6, sa, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6), buf + 1, bufsize - 10); elog(LOG, "Our alternative method says %s]:%s", buf, remote_port); } buf += strlen(buf); strcat(buf, "]"); buf++; } snprintf(buf, 8, ":%s", remote_port); } #endif else snprintf(buf, bufsize, "?host?:?port?"); return buf; } /* format_sockaddr */ static void flushInterconnectListenerBacklog(void) { int pendingConn, newfd, i; mpp_fd_set rset; struct timeval timeout; do { MPP_FD_ZERO(&rset); MPP_FD_SET(TCP_listenerFd, &rset); timeout.tv_sec = 0; timeout.tv_usec = 0; pendingConn = select(TCP_listenerFd + 1, (fd_set *) &rset, NULL, NULL, &timeout); if (pendingConn > 0) { for (i = 0; i < pendingConn; i++) { struct sockaddr_storage remoteAddr; struct sockaddr_storage localAddr; char remoteHostAndPort[64]; char localHostAndPort[64]; socklen_t addrsize; addrsize = sizeof(remoteAddr); newfd = accept(TCP_listenerFd, (struct sockaddr *) &remoteAddr, &addrsize); if (newfd < 0) { ereport(DEBUG3, (errcode(ERRCODE_GP_INTERCONNECTION_ERROR), errmsg("Interconnect error while clearing incoming connections."), errdetail("%s sockfd=%d: %m", "accept", newfd))); continue; } if (gp_log_interconnect >= GPVARS_VERBOSITY_VERBOSE) { /* Get remote and local host:port strings for message. */ format_sockaddr((struct sockaddr *) &remoteAddr, remoteHostAndPort, sizeof(remoteHostAndPort)); addrsize = sizeof(localAddr); if (getsockname(newfd, (struct sockaddr *) &localAddr, &addrsize)) { ereport(LOG, (errcode(ERRCODE_GP_INTERCONNECTION_ERROR), errmsg("interconnect error while clearing incoming connections"), errdetail("getsockname sockfd=%d remote=%s: %m", newfd, remoteHostAndPort))); } else { format_sockaddr((struct sockaddr *) &localAddr, localHostAndPort, sizeof(localHostAndPort)); ereport(DEBUG2, (errmsg("Interconnect clearing incoming connection " "from remote=%s to local=%s. sockfd=%d.", remoteHostAndPort, localHostAndPort, newfd))); } } /* make socket non-blocking */ if (!pg_set_noblock(newfd)) { elog(LOG, "During incoming queue flush, could not set non-blocking."); } else { /* shutdown this socket */ flushIncomingData(newfd); } shutdown(newfd, SHUT_WR); closesocket(newfd); } } else if (pendingConn < 0 && errno != EINTR) { ereport(LOG, (errcode(ERRCODE_GP_INTERCONNECTION_ERROR), errmsg("interconnect error during listener cleanup"), errdetail("select sockfd=%d: %m", TCP_listenerFd))); } /* * now we either loop through for another check (on EINTR or if we * cleaned one client) or we're done */ } while (pendingConn != 0); } /* * Wait for our peer to close the socket (at which point our select(2) * will tell us that the socket is ready to read, and the socket-read * will only return 0. * * This works without the select, but burns tons of CPU doing nothing * useful. * * ---- * The way it used to work, is we used CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS(), and * wrapped it in PG_TRY: We *must* return locally; otherwise * TeardownInterconnect() can't exit cleanly. So we wrap our * cancel-detection checks for interrupts with a PG_TRY block. * * By swallowing the non-local return on cancel, we lose the "cancel" * state (CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS() clears QueryCancelPending()). So we * should just check QueryCancelPending here ... and avoid calling * CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS(). * * ---- * * Now we just check explicitly for interrupts (which is, as far as I * can tell, the only interrupt-driven state change we care * about). This should give us notification of ProcDiePending and * QueryCancelPending */ static void waitOnOutbound(ChunkTransportStateEntry *pEntry) { MotionConn *conn; struct timeval timeout; mpp_fd_set waitset, curset; int maxfd = -1; int i, n, conn_count = 0; MPP_FD_ZERO(&waitset); for (i = 0; i < pEntry->numConns; i++) { conn = pEntry->conns + i; if (conn->sockfd >= 0) { MPP_FD_SET(conn->sockfd, &waitset); if (conn->sockfd > maxfd) maxfd = conn->sockfd; conn_count++; } } for (;;) { int saved_err; if (conn_count == 0) return; if (InterruptPending || QueryFinishPending) { #ifdef AMS_VERBOSE_LOGGING elog(DEBUG3, "waitOnOutbound(): interrupt pending fast-track"); #endif return; } timeout.tv_sec = 0; timeout.tv_usec = 500000; memcpy(&curset, &waitset, sizeof(mpp_fd_set)); n = select(maxfd + 1, (fd_set *) &curset, NULL, NULL, &timeout); if (n == 0 || (n < 0 && errno == EINTR)) { continue; } else if (n < 0) { saved_err = errno; if (InterruptPending || QueryFinishPending) return; /* * Something unexpected, but probably not horrible warn and return */ elog(LOG, "TeardownTCPInterconnect: waitOnOutbound select errno=%d", saved_err); break; } for (i = 0; i < pEntry->numConns; i++) { conn = pEntry->conns + i; if (conn->sockfd >= 0 && MPP_FD_ISSET(conn->sockfd, &curset)) { int count; char buf; /* ready to read. */ count = recv(conn->sockfd, &buf, sizeof(buf), 0); if (count == 0 || count == 1) /* done ! */ { /* got a stop message */ AssertImply(count == 1, buf == 'S'); MPP_FD_CLR(conn->sockfd, &waitset); /* we may have finished */ conn_count--; continue; } else if (count < 0 && (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EINTR)) continue; /* * Something unexpected, but probably not horrible warn and * return */ MPP_FD_CLR(conn->sockfd, &waitset); /* we may have finished */ conn_count--; elog(LOG, "TeardownTCPInterconnect: waitOnOutbound %s: %m", "recv"); continue; } } } return; } static void doSendStopMessageTCP(ChunkTransportState *transportStates, int16 motNodeID) { ChunkTransportStateEntry *pEntry = NULL; MotionConn *conn; int i; char m = 'S'; ssize_t written; getChunkTransportState(transportStates, motNodeID, &pEntry); Assert(pEntry); if (gp_log_interconnect >= GPVARS_VERBOSITY_DEBUG) elog(DEBUG3, "Interconnect needs no more input from slice%d; notifying senders to stop.", motNodeID); /* * Note: we're only concerned with receivers here. */ for (i = 0; i < pEntry->numConns; i++) { conn = pEntry->conns + i; if (conn->sockfd >= 0 && MPP_FD_ISSET(conn->sockfd, &pEntry->readSet)) { /* someone is trying to send stuff to us, let's stop 'em */ while ((written = send(conn->sockfd, &m, sizeof(m), 0)) < 0) { if (errno == EINTR) { ML_CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS(transportStates->teardownActive); continue; } else break; } if (written != sizeof(m)) { /* * how can this happen ? the kernel buffer should be empty in * the send direction */ elog(LOG, "SendStopMessage: failed on write. %m"); } } /* CRITICAL TO AVOID DEADLOCK */ DeregisterReadInterest(transportStates, motNodeID, i, "no more input needed"); } } static TupleChunkListItem RecvTupleChunkFromTCP(ChunkTransportState *transportStates, int16 motNodeID, int16 srcRoute) { ChunkTransportStateEntry *pEntry = NULL; MotionConn *conn; /* check em' */ ML_CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS(transportStates->teardownActive); #ifdef AMS_VERBOSE_LOGGING elog(DEBUG5, "RecvTupleChunkFrom(motNodID=%d, srcRoute=%d)", motNodeID, srcRoute); #endif getChunkTransportState(transportStates, motNodeID, &pEntry); conn = pEntry->conns + srcRoute; return RecvTupleChunk(conn, transportStates); } static TupleChunkListItem RecvTupleChunkFromAnyTCP(ChunkTransportState *transportStates, int16 motNodeID, int16 *srcRoute) { ChunkTransportStateEntry *pEntry = NULL; MotionConn *conn; TupleChunkListItem tcItem; mpp_fd_set rset; int n, i, index; bool skipSelect = false; int waitFd = PGINVALID_SOCKET; #ifdef AMS_VERBOSE_LOGGING elog(DEBUG5, "RecvTupleChunkFromAny(motNodeId=%d)", motNodeID); #endif getChunkTransportState(transportStates, motNodeID, &pEntry); int retry = 0; do { /* Every 2 seconds */ if (Gp_role == GP_ROLE_DISPATCH && retry++ > 4) { retry = 0; /* check to see if the dispatcher should cancel */ checkForCancelFromQD(transportStates); } struct timeval timeout = tval; int nfds = pEntry->highReadSock; /* make sure we check for these. */ ML_CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS(transportStates->teardownActive); memcpy(&rset, &pEntry->readSet, sizeof(mpp_fd_set)); /* * since we may have data in a local buffer, we may be able to * short-circuit the select() call (and if we don't do this we may * wait when we have data ready, since it has already been read) */ for (i = 0; i < pEntry->numConns; i++) { conn = pEntry->conns + i; if (conn->sockfd >= 0 && MPP_FD_ISSET(conn->sockfd, &rset) && conn->recvBytes != 0) { /* we have data on this socket, let's short-circuit our select */ MPP_FD_ZERO(&rset); MPP_FD_SET(conn->sockfd, &rset); skipSelect = true; } } if (skipSelect) break; /* * Also monitor the events on dispatch fds, eg, errors or sequence * request from QEs. */ if (Gp_role == GP_ROLE_DISPATCH) { waitFd = cdbdisp_getWaitSocketFd(transportStates->estate->dispatcherState); if (waitFd != PGINVALID_SOCKET) { MPP_FD_SET(waitFd, &rset); if (waitFd > nfds) nfds = waitFd; } } n = select(nfds + 1, (fd_set *) &rset, NULL, NULL, &timeout); if (n < 0) { if (errno == EINTR) continue; ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_GP_INTERCONNECTION_ERROR), errmsg("interconnect error receiving an incoming packet"), errdetail("%s: %m", "select"))); } else if (n > 0 && waitFd != PGINVALID_SOCKET && MPP_FD_ISSET(waitFd, &rset)) { /* handle events on dispatch connection */ checkForCancelFromQD(transportStates); n--; } #ifdef AMS_VERBOSE_LOGGING elog(DEBUG5, "RecvTupleChunkFromAny() select() returned %d ready sockets", n); #endif } while (n < 1); /* * We scan the file descriptors starting from where we left off in the * last call (don't continually poll the first when others may be ready!). */ index = pEntry->scanStart; for (i = 0; i < pEntry->numConns; i++, index++) { /* * avoid division ? index = ((scanStart + i) % pEntry->numConns); */ if (index >= pEntry->numConns) index = 0; conn = pEntry->conns + index; #ifdef AMS_VERBOSE_LOGGING if (!conn->stillActive) { elog(LOG, "RecvTupleChunkFromAny: trying to read on inactive socket %d", conn->sockfd); } #endif if (conn->sockfd >= 0 && MPP_FD_ISSET(conn->sockfd, &rset)) { #ifdef AMS_VERBOSE_LOGGING elog(DEBUG5, "RecvTupleChunkFromAny() (fd %d) %d/%d", conn->sockfd, motNodeID, index); #endif tcItem = RecvTupleChunk(conn, transportStates); *srcRoute = index; /* * advance start point (avoid doing division/modulus operation * here) */ pEntry->scanStart = index + 1; return tcItem; } } /* we should never ever get here... */ elog(FATAL, "RecvTupleChunkFromAnyTCP: didn't receive, and didn't get cancelled"); return NULL; /* keep the compiler happy */ } /* See ml_ipc.h */ static void SendEosTCP(ChunkTransportState *transportStates, int motNodeID, TupleChunkListItem tcItem) { ChunkTransportStateEntry *pEntry = NULL; MotionConn *conn; int i; if (!transportStates) { elog(FATAL, "SendEosTCP: missing interconnect context."); } else if (!transportStates->activated && !transportStates->teardownActive) { elog(FATAL, "SendEosTCP: context and teardown inactive."); } /* check em' */ ML_CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS(transportStates->teardownActive); getChunkTransportState(transportStates, motNodeID, &pEntry); if (gp_log_interconnect >= GPVARS_VERBOSITY_DEBUG) elog(DEBUG3, "Interconnect seg%d slice%d sending end-of-stream to slice%d", GpIdentity.segindex, motNodeID, pEntry->recvSlice->sliceIndex); /* * we want to add our tcItem onto each of the outgoing buffers -- this is * guaranteed to leave things in a state where a flush is *required*. */ doBroadcast(transportStates, pEntry, tcItem, NULL); /* now flush all of the buffers. */ for (i = 0; i < pEntry->numConns; i++) { conn = pEntry->conns + i; if (conn->sockfd >= 0 && conn->state == mcsStarted) flushBuffer(transportStates, pEntry, conn, motNodeID); #ifdef AMS_VERBOSE_LOGGING elog(DEBUG5, "SendEosTCP() Leaving"); #endif } return; } static bool flushBuffer(ChunkTransportState *transportStates, ChunkTransportStateEntry *pEntry, MotionConn *conn, int16 motionId) { char *sendptr; int n, sent = 0; mpp_fd_set wset; mpp_fd_set rset; #ifdef AMS_VERBOSE_LOGGING { struct timeval snapTime; gettimeofday(&snapTime, NULL); elog(DEBUG5, "----sending chunk @%s.%d time is %d.%d", __FILE__, __LINE__, (int) snapTime.tv_sec, (int) snapTime.tv_usec); } #endif /* first set header length */ *(uint32 *) conn->pBuff = conn->msgSize; /* now send message */ sendptr = (char *) conn->pBuff; sent = 0; do { struct timeval timeout; /* check for stop message or peer teardown before sending anything */ timeout.tv_sec = 0; timeout.tv_usec = 0; MPP_FD_ZERO(&rset); MPP_FD_SET(conn->sockfd, &rset); /* * since timeout = 0, select returns imediately and no time is wasted * waiting trying to send data on the network */ n = select(conn->sockfd + 1, (fd_set *) &rset, NULL, NULL, &timeout); /* handle errors at the write call, below */ if (n > 0 && MPP_FD_ISSET(conn->sockfd, &rset)) { #ifdef AMS_VERBOSE_LOGGING print_connection(transportStates, conn->sockfd, "stop from"); #endif /* got a stop message */ conn->stillActive = false; return false; } if ((n = send(conn->sockfd, sendptr + sent, conn->msgSize - sent, 0)) < 0) { int send_errno = errno; ML_CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS(transportStates->teardownActive); if (errno == EINTR) continue; if (errno == EWOULDBLOCK) { do { timeout = tval; ML_CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS(transportStates->teardownActive); MPP_FD_ZERO(&rset); MPP_FD_ZERO(&wset); MPP_FD_SET(conn->sockfd, &wset); MPP_FD_SET(conn->sockfd, &rset); n = select(conn->sockfd + 1, (fd_set *) &rset, (fd_set *) &wset, NULL, &timeout); if (n < 0) { if (errno == EINTR) continue; /* * if we got an error in teardown, ignore it: treat it * as a stop message */ if (transportStates->teardownActive) { #ifdef AMS_VERBOSE_LOGGING print_connection(transportStates, conn->sockfd, "stop from"); #endif conn->stillActive = false; return false; } ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_GP_INTERCONNECTION_ERROR), errmsg("interconnect error writing an outgoing packet: %m"), errdetail("Error during select() call (error: %d), for remote connection: contentId=%d at %s", errno, conn->remoteContentId, conn->remoteHostAndPort))); } /* * as a sender... if there is something to read... it must * mean its a StopSendingMessage or receiver has teared down * the interconnect, we don't even bother to read it. */ if (MPP_FD_ISSET(conn->sockfd, &rset) || transportStates->teardownActive) { #ifdef AMS_VERBOSE_LOGGING print_connection(transportStates, conn->sockfd, "stop from"); #endif conn->stillActive = false; return false; } } while (n < 1); } else { /* * if we got an error in teardown, ignore it: treat it as a * stop message */ if (transportStates->teardownActive) { #ifdef AMS_VERBOSE_LOGGING print_connection(transportStates, conn->sockfd, "stop from"); #endif conn->stillActive = false; return false; } /* check whether receiver has teared down the interconnect */ timeout.tv_sec = 0; timeout.tv_usec = 0; MPP_FD_ZERO(&rset); MPP_FD_SET(conn->sockfd, &rset); n = select(conn->sockfd + 1, (fd_set *) &rset, NULL, NULL, &timeout); /* * as a sender... if there is something to read... it must * mean its a StopSendingMessage or receiver has teared down * the interconnect, we don't even bother to read it. */ if (n > 0 && MPP_FD_ISSET(conn->sockfd, &rset)) { #ifdef AMS_VERBOSE_LOGGING print_connection(transportStates, conn->sockfd, "stop from"); #endif /* got a stop message */ conn->stillActive = false; return false; } ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_GP_INTERCONNECTION_ERROR), errmsg("interconnect error writing an outgoing packet"), errdetail("Error during send() call (error:%d) for remote connection: contentId=%d at %s", send_errno, conn->remoteContentId, conn->remoteHostAndPort))); } } else { sent += n; } } while (sent < conn->msgSize); conn->tupleCount = 0; conn->msgSize = PACKET_HEADER_SIZE; return true; } /* The Function sendChunk() is used to send a tcItem to a single * destination. Tuples often are *very small* we aggregate in our * local buffer before sending into the kernel. * * PARAMETERS * conn - MotionConn that the tcItem is to be sent to. * tcItem - message to be sent. * motionId - Node Motion Id. */ static bool SendChunkTCP(ChunkTransportState *transportStates, ChunkTransportStateEntry *pEntry, MotionConn *conn, TupleChunkListItem tcItem, int16 motionId) { int length = TYPEALIGN(TUPLE_CHUNK_ALIGN, tcItem->chunk_length); Assert(conn->msgSize > 0); #ifdef AMS_VERBOSE_LOGGING elog(DEBUG5, "sendChunk: msgSize %d this chunk length %d", conn->msgSize, tcItem->chunk_length); #endif if (conn->msgSize + length > Gp_max_packet_size) { if (!flushBuffer(transportStates, pEntry, conn, motionId)) return false; } memcpy(conn->pBuff + conn->msgSize, tcItem->chunk_data, tcItem->chunk_length); conn->msgSize += length; conn->tupleCount++; return true; }