import fnmatch import getpass import glob import gzip import json import yaml try: import pexpect except: print "The pexpect module could not be imported." import os import platform import shutil import socket import tarfile import tempfile import thread import json import csv import subprocess import commands import signal from collections import defaultdict from datetime import datetime from time import sleep from behave import given, when, then from import SegmentStart, GpStandbyStart from gppylib.commands.unix import findCmdInPath from gppylib.operations.backup_utils import Context from gppylib.operations.dump import get_partition_state from gppylib.operations.startSegments import MIRROR_MODE_MIRRORLESS from gppylib.operations.unix import ListRemoteFilesByPattern, CheckRemoteFile from test.behave_utils.gpfdist_utils.gpfdist_mgmt import Gpfdist from test.behave_utils.utils import * from test.behave_utils.PgHba import PgHba, Entry from gppylib.commands.base import Command, REMOTE labels_json = '/tmp/old_to_new_timestamp_labels.json' timestamp_json = '/tmp/old_to_new_timestamps.json' global_labels = {} global_timestamps = {} master_data_dir = os.environ.get('MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY') if master_data_dir is None: raise Exception('Please set MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY in environment') def _write_timestamp_to_json(context): scenario_name = context._stack[0]['scenario'].name timestamp = get_timestamp_from_output(context) if not global_timestamps.has_key(scenario_name): global_timestamps[scenario_name] = list() global_timestamps[scenario_name].append(timestamp) with open(timestamp_json, 'w') as outfile: json.dump(global_timestamps, outfile) def _write_label_to_json(context, label_key, label): timestamp = get_timestamp_from_output(context) if not global_labels.has_key(label_key): global_labels[label_key] = {} global_labels[label_key][label] = timestamp with open(labels_json, 'w') as outfile: json.dump(global_labels, outfile) def _read_timestamp_from_json(context): scenario_name = context._stack[0]['scenario'].name with open(timestamp_json, 'r') as infile: return json.load(infile)[scenario_name] def _read_label_from_json(context, label_key): with open(labels_json, 'r') as infile: return json.load(infile)[label_key] @given('the old database is started') def impl(context): command = 'gpstop -a -M fast' run_gpcommand(context, command) new_greenplum_path = "%s/" % os.environ['GPHOME'] os.environ['NEW_GREENPLUM_PATH'] = new_greenplum_path old_greenplum_path = "/data/greenplum-db-old/" command = ['bash', '-c', 'source %s && env' % old_greenplum_path] proc = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) for line in proc.stdout: (key, _, value) = line.partition("=") os.environ[key] = value.strip() proc.communicate() command = 'gpstart -a' run_gpcommand(context, command) # Wait for database to come up, to prevent race conditions in later tests cmd = Command(name="check if database is up", cmdStr="psql -l") for i in range(30): sleep(10) if cmd.get_return_code() == 0: return raise Exception("Database did not start up within 5 minutes`") @given('the new database is started') def impl(context): command = 'gpstop -a -M fast' run_gpcommand(context, command) new_greenplum_path = os.environ['NEW_GREENPLUM_PATH'] command = ['bash', '-c', 'source %s && env' % new_greenplum_path] proc = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) for line in proc.stdout: (key, _, value) = line.partition("=") os.environ[key] = value.strip() proc.communicate() command = 'gpstart -a' run_gpcommand(context, command) # Wait for database to come up, to prevent race conditions in later tests cmd = Command(name="check if database is up", cmdStr="psql -l") for i in range(30): sleep(10) if cmd.get_return_code() == 0: return raise Exception("Database did not start up within 5 minutes`") @given('the old timestamps are read from json') def impl(context): json_timestamps = _read_timestamp_from_json(context) context.backup_timestamp = json_timestamps[-1] context.inc_backup_timestamps = json_timestamps[1:] context.backup_subdir = json_timestamps[-1][:8] context.full_backup_timestamp = json_timestamps[0] @given('the timestamp labels for scenario "{scenario_number}" are read from json') def impl(context, scenario_number): label_key = 'timestamp_labels' + scenario_number global_labels[label_key] = _read_label_from_json(context, label_key) @given('the cluster config is generated with data_checksums "{checksum_toggle}"') def impl(context, checksum_toggle): stop_database(context) cmd = """ cd ../gpAux/gpdemo; \ export MASTER_DEMO_PORT={master_port} && \ export DEMO_PORT_BASE={port_base} && \ export NUM_PRIMARY_MIRROR_PAIRS={num_primary_mirror_pairs} && \ export WITH_MIRRORS={with_mirrors} && \ ./ -d && ./ -c && \ env EXTRA_CONFIG="HEAP_CHECKSUM={checksum_toggle}" ONLY_PREPARE_CLUSTER_ENV=true ./ """.format(master_port=os.getenv('MASTER_PORT', 15432), port_base=os.getenv('PORT_BASE', 25432), num_primary_mirror_pairs=os.getenv('NUM_PRIMARY_MIRROR_PAIRS', 3), with_mirrors='true', checksum_toggle=checksum_toggle) run_command(context, cmd) if context.ret_code != 0: raise Exception('%s' % context.error_message) @given('the database is running') @then('the database is running') def impl(context): start_database_if_not_started(context) if has_exception(context): raise context.exception @given('the database is initialized with checksum "{checksum_toggle}"') def impl(context, checksum_toggle): is_ok = check_database_is_running(context) if is_ok: run_command(context, "gpconfig -s data_checksums") if context.ret_code != 0: raise Exception("cannot run gpconfig: %s, stdout: %s" % (context.error_message, context.stdout_message)) try: # will throw check_stdout_msg(context, "Values on all segments are consistent") check_stdout_msg(context, "Master value: %s" % checksum_toggle) check_stdout_msg(context, "Segment value: %s" % checksum_toggle) except: is_ok = False if not is_ok: stop_database(context) cmd = """ cd ../gpAux/gpdemo; \ export MASTER_DEMO_PORT={master_port} && \ export DEMO_PORT_BASE={port_base} && \ export NUM_PRIMARY_MIRROR_PAIRS={num_primary_mirror_pairs} && \ export WITH_MIRRORS={with_mirrors} && \ ./ -d && ./ -c && \ env EXTRA_CONFIG="HEAP_CHECKSUM={checksum_toggle}" ./ """.format(master_port=os.getenv('MASTER_PORT', 15432), port_base=os.getenv('PORT_BASE', 25432), num_primary_mirror_pairs=os.getenv('NUM_PRIMARY_MIRROR_PAIRS', 3), with_mirrors='true', checksum_toggle=checksum_toggle) run_command(context, cmd) if context.ret_code != 0: raise Exception('%s' % context.error_message) @given('the database is not running') @when('the database is not running') def impl(context): stop_database_if_started(context) if has_exception(context): raise context.exception @given('the database is "{version}" with dburl "{dbconn}"') def impl(context, dbconn, version): command = '%s -t -q -c \'select version();\'' % (dbconn) (rc, out, err) = run_cmd(command) if not ('Greenplum Database ' + version) in out: print 'version %s does not match current gpdb version %s' % (version, out) @given('database "{dbname}" exists') @then('database "{dbname}" exists') def impl(context, dbname): create_database_if_not_exists(context, dbname) @given('database "{dbname}" is created if not exists on host "{HOST}" with port "{PORT}" with user "{USER}"') @then('database "{dbname}" is created if not exists on host "{HOST}" with port "{PORT}" with user "{USER}"') def impl(context, dbname, HOST, PORT, USER): host = os.environ.get(HOST) port = 0 if os.environ.get(PORT) == None else int(os.environ.get(PORT)) user = os.environ.get(USER) create_database_if_not_exists(context, dbname, host, port, user) @when('the database "{dbname}" does not exist') @given('the database "{dbname}" does not exist') @then('the database "{dbname}" does not exist') def impl(context, dbname): drop_database_if_exists(context, dbname) @when('the database "{dbname}" does not exist on host "{HOST}" with port "{PORT}" with user "{USER}"') @given('the database "{dbname}" does not exist on host "{HOST}" with port "{PORT}" with user "{USER}"') @then('the database "{dbname}" does not exist on host "{HOST}" with port "{PORT}" with user "{USER}"') def impl(context, dbname, HOST, PORT, USER): host = os.environ.get(HOST) port = int(os.environ.get(PORT)) user = os.environ.get(USER) drop_database_if_exists(context, dbname, host, port, user) @given('the database "{dbname}" does not exist with connection "{dbconn}"') @when('the database "{dbname}" does not exist with connection "{dbconn}"') @then('the database "{dbname}" does not exist with connection "{dbconn}"') def impl(context, dbname, dbconn): command = '%s -c \'drop database if exists %s;\'' % (dbconn, dbname) run_command(context, command) @given('the database "{dbname}" exists with connection "{dbconn}"') @when('the database "{dbname}" exists with connection "{dbconn}"') @then('the database "{dbname}" exists with connection "{dbconn}"') def impl(context, dbname, dbconn): command = '%s -c \'create database %s;\'' % (dbconn, dbname) run_command(context, command) def get_segment_hostlist(): gparray = GpArray.initFromCatalog(dbconn.DbURL()) segment_hostlist = sorted(gparray.get_hostlist(includeMaster=False)) if not segment_hostlist: raise Exception('segment_hostlist was empty') return segment_hostlist @given('we have determined the first segment hostname') def impl(context): segment_hostlist = get_segment_hostlist() context.first_segment_hostname = segment_hostlist[0] @given('{nic} on the first segment host is {nic_status}') @then('{nic} on the first segment host is {nic_status}') def impl(context, nic, nic_status): if nic_status.strip() == 'down': bring_nic_down(context.first_segment_hostname, nic) elif nic_status.strip() == 'up': bring_nic_up(context.first_segment_hostname, nic) else: raise Exception('Invalid nic status in feature file %s' % nic_status) @when('an insert on "{table}" in "{dbname}" is rolled back') def impl(context, table, dbname): with dbconn.connect(dbconn.DbURL(dbname=dbname)) as conn: insert_sql = """INSERT INTO %s values (1)""" % table dbconn.execSQL(conn, insert_sql) conn.rollback() @when('a truncate on "{table}" in "{dbname}" is rolled back') def impl(context, table, dbname): with dbconn.connect(dbconn.DbURL(dbname=dbname)) as conn: insert_sql = """TRUNCATE table %s""" % table dbconn.execSQL(conn, insert_sql) conn.rollback() @when('an alter on "{table}" in "{dbname}" is rolled back') def impl(context, table, dbname): with dbconn.connect(dbconn.DbURL(dbname=dbname)) as conn: insert_sql = """ALTER TABLE %s add column cnew int default 0""" % table dbconn.execSQL(conn, insert_sql) conn.rollback() @given('the user truncates "{table_list}" tables in "{dbname}"') @when('the user truncates "{table_list}" tables in "{dbname}"') @then('the user truncates "{table_list}" tables in "{dbname}"') def impl(context, table_list, dbname): if not table_list: raise Exception('Table list is empty') tables = table_list.split(',') for t in tables: truncate_table(dbname, t.strip()) @given('there is a "{tabletype}" table "{table_name}" with compression "{compression_type}" in "{dbname}" with data') @when('there is a "{tabletype}" table "{table_name}" with compression "{compression_type}" in "{dbname}" with data') @then('there is a "{tabletype}" table "{table_name}" with compression "{compression_type}" in "{dbname}" with data') def impl(context, tabletype, table_name, compression_type, dbname): populate_regular_table_data(context, tabletype, table_name, compression_type, dbname, with_data=True) @given( 'there is a "{tabletype}" table "{table_name}" with compression "{compression_type}" in "{dbname}" with data "{with_data}" on host "{HOST}" with port "{PORT}" with user "{USER}"') @when( 'there is a "{tabletype}" table "{table_name}" with compression "{compression_type}" in "{dbname}" with data "{with_data}" on host "{HOST}" with port "{PORT}" with user "{USER}"') @then( 'there is a "{tabletype}" table "{table_name}" with compression "{compression_type}" in "{dbname}" with data "{with_data}" on host "{HOST}" with port "{PORT}" with user "{USER}"') def impl(context, tabletype, table_name, compression_type, dbname, with_data, HOST, PORT, USER): host = os.environ.get(HOST) port = int(os.environ.get(PORT)) user = os.environ.get(USER) with_data = bool(with_data) populate_regular_table_data(context, tabletype, table_name, compression_type, dbname, 10, with_data, host, port, user) @when('the partition table "{table_name}" in "{dbname}" is populated with similar data') def impl(context, table_name, dbname): populate_partition_diff_data_same_eof(table_name, dbname) @given('the partition table "{table_name}" in "{dbname}" is populated with same data') def impl(context, table_name, dbname): populate_partition_same_data(table_name, dbname) @given( 'there is a "{tabletype}" table "{table_name}" with index "{indexname}" compression "{compression_type}" in "{dbname}" with data') def impl(context, tabletype, table_name, compression_type, indexname, dbname): create_database_if_not_exists(context, dbname) drop_table_if_exists(context, table_name=table_name, dbname=dbname) if compression_type == "None": create_partition(context, table_name, tabletype, dbname, compression_type=None, partition=False) else: create_partition(context, table_name, tabletype, dbname, compression_type, partition=False) create_indexes(context, table_name, indexname, dbname) @given( 'there is a "{tabletype}" partition table "{table_name}" with compression "{compression_type}" in "{dbname}" with data') @then( 'there is a "{tabletype}" partition table "{table_name}" with compression "{compression_type}" in "{dbname}" with data') def impl(context, tabletype, table_name, compression_type, dbname): create_database_if_not_exists(context, dbname) drop_table_if_exists(context, table_name=table_name, dbname=dbname) if compression_type == "None": create_partition(context, tablename=table_name, storage_type=tabletype, dbname=dbname, with_data=True) else: create_partition(context, tablename=table_name, storage_type=tabletype, dbname=dbname, with_data=True, compression_type=compression_type) @given('there is a mixed storage partition table "{tablename}" in "{dbname}" with data') def impl(context, tablename, dbname): create_database_if_not_exists(context, dbname) drop_table_if_exists(context, table_name=tablename, dbname=dbname) create_mixed_storage_partition(context, tablename, dbname) @given( 'there is a partition table "{tablename}" has external partitions of gpfdist with file "{filename}" on port "{port}" in "{dbname}" with data') def impl(context, tablename, dbname, filename, port): create_database_if_not_exists(context, dbname) drop_table_if_exists(context, table_name=tablename, dbname=dbname) create_external_partition(context, tablename, dbname, port, filename) @given('"{dbname}" does not exist') def impl(context, dbname): drop_database(context, dbname) @given('{env_var} environment variable is not set') def impl(context, env_var): if not hasattr(context, 'orig_env'): context.orig_env = dict() context.orig_env[env_var] = os.environ.get(env_var) if env_var in os.environ: del os.environ[env_var] @given('there are no "{tmp_file_prefix}" tempfiles') def impl(context, tmp_file_prefix): if tmp_file_prefix is not None and tmp_file_prefix: run_command(context, 'rm -f /tmp/%s*' % tmp_file_prefix) else: raise Exception('Invalid call to temp file removal %s' % tmp_file_prefix) @then('{env_var} environment variable should be restored') def impl(context, env_var): if not hasattr(context, 'orig_env'): raise Exception('%s can not be reset' % env_var) if env_var not in context.orig_env: raise Exception('%s can not be reset.' % env_var) os.environ[env_var] = context.orig_env[env_var] del context.orig_env[env_var] @when('the table names in "{dbname}" is stored') @then('the table names in "{dbname}" is stored') def impl(context, dbname): context.table_names = get_table_names(dbname) @given('the user runs "{command}"') @when('the user runs "{command}"') @then('the user runs "{command}"') def impl(context, command): if 'gpcrondump' in command: command = append_storage_config_to_backup_command(context, command) elif 'gpdbrestore' in command: command = append_storage_config_to_restore_command(context, command) run_gpcommand(context, command) @given('the user asynchronously runs "{command}" and the process is saved') @when('the user asynchronously runs "{command}" and the process is saved') @then('the user asynchronously runs "{command}" and the process is saved') def impl(context, command): run_gpcommand_async(context, command) @given('the async process finished with a return code of {ret_code}') @when('the async process finished with a return code of {ret_code}') @then('the async process finished with a return code of {ret_code}') def impl(context, ret_code): rc, stdout_value, stderr_value = context.asyncproc.communicate2() if rc != int(ret_code): raise Exception("return code of the async proccess didn't match:\n" "rc: %s\n" "stdout: %s\n" "stderr: %s" % (rc, stdout_value, stderr_value)) @given('a user runs "{command}" with gphome "{gphome}"') @when('a user runs "{command}" with gphome "{gphome}"') @then('a user runs "{command}" with gphome "{gphome}"') def impl(context, command, gphome): masterhost = get_master_hostname()[0][0] cmd = Command(name='Remove archive gppkg', cmdStr=command, ctxt=REMOTE, remoteHost=masterhost, gphome=gphome) context.ret_code = cmd.get_return_code() @given('the user runs command "{command}"') @when('the user runs command "{command}"') @then('the user runs command "{command}"') def impl(context, command): run_command(context, command) @when('the user runs async command "{command}"') def impl(context, command): run_async_command(context, command) @given('the user puts cluster on "{HOST}" "{PORT}" "{USER}" in "{transition}"') @when('the user puts cluster on "{HOST}" "{PORT}" "{USER}" in "{transition}"') @then('the user puts cluster on "{HOST}" "{PORT}" "{USER}" in "{transition}"') def impl(context, HOST, PORT, USER, transition): host = os.environ.get(HOST) user = os.environ.get(USER) port = os.environ.get(PORT) source_file = os.path.join(os.environ.get('GPHOME'), '') master_dd = os.environ.get('MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY') export_mdd = 'export MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY=%s;export PGPORT=%s' % (master_dd, port) # reset all fault inject entry if exists command = 'gpfaultinjector -f all -m async -y reset -r primary -H ALL' run_command_remote(context, command, host, source_file, export_mdd) command = 'gpfaultinjector -f all -m async -y resume -r primary -H ALL' run_command_remote(context, command, host, source_file, export_mdd) trigger_transition = "psql -d template1 -h %s -U %s -p %s -c 'drop table if exists trigger;'" % (host, user, port) if transition == 'ct': command = 'gpfaultinjector -f filerep_consumer -m async -y fault -r primary -H ALL' run_command_remote(context, command, host, source_file, export_mdd) run_command(context, trigger_transition) wait_till_change_tracking_transition(host, port, user) if transition == 'resync': command = 'gpfaultinjector -f filerep_consumer -m async -y fault -r primary -H ALL' run_command_remote(context, command, host, source_file, export_mdd) run_command(context, trigger_transition) wait_till_change_tracking_transition(host, port, user) command = 'gpfaultinjector -f filerep_resync -m async -y suspend -r primary -H ALL' run_command_remote(context, command, host, source_file, export_mdd) run_command_remote(context, 'gprecoverseg -a', host, source_file, export_mdd) wait_till_resync_transition(host, port, user) if transition == 'sync': run_command_remote(context, 'gpstop -air', host, source_file, export_mdd) run_command_remote(context, 'gprecoverseg -a', host, source_file, export_mdd) wait_till_insync_transition(host, port, user) run_command_remote(context, 'gprecoverseg -ar', host, source_file, export_mdd) @given('the user runs workload under "{dir}" with connection "{dbconn}"') @when('the user runs workload under "{dir}" with connection "{dbconn}"') def impl(context, dir, dbconn): for file in os.listdir(dir): if file.endswith('.sql'): command = '%s -f %s' % (dbconn, os.path.join(dir, file)) run_command(context, command) @given( 'the user "{USER}" creates filespace_config file for "{fs_name}" on host "{HOST}" with gpdb port "{PORT}" and config "{config_file}" in "{dir}" directory') @then( 'the user "{USER}" creates filespace_config file for "{fs_name}" on host "{HOST}" with gpdb port "{PORT}" and config "{config_file}" in "{dir}" directory') def impl(context, USER, HOST, PORT, fs_name, config_file, dir): user = os.environ.get(USER) host = os.environ.get(HOST) port = os.environ.get(PORT) if not dir.startswith("/"): dir = os.environ.get(dir) config_file_path = dir + "/" + config_file create_gpfilespace_config(host, port, user, fs_name, config_file_path, dir) @given( 'the user "{USER}" creates filespace on host "{HOST}" with gpdb port "{PORT}" and config "{config_file}" in "{dir}" directory') @when( 'the user "{USER}" creates filespace on host "{HOST}" with gpdb port "{PORT}" and config "{config_file}" in "{dir}" directory') def impl(context, USER, HOST, PORT, config_file, dir): user = os.environ.get(USER) host = os.environ.get(HOST) port = os.environ.get(PORT) if not dir.startswith("/"): dir = os.environ.get(dir) config_file_path = dir + "/" + config_file cmdStr = 'gpfilespace -h %s -p %s -U %s -c "%s"' % (host, port, user, config_file_path) run_command(context, cmdStr) @given('the user modifies the external_table.sql file "{filepath}" with host "{HOST}" and port "{port}"') @when('the user modifies the external_table.sql file "{filepath}" with host "{HOST}" and port "{port}"') def impl(context, filepath, HOST, port): host = os.environ.get(HOST) substr = host + ':' + port modify_sql_file(filepath, substr) @given('the user starts the gpfdist on host "{HOST}" and port "{port}" in work directory "{dir}" from remote "{ctxt}"') @then('the user starts the gpfdist on host "{HOST}" and port "{port}" in work directory "{dir}" from remote "{ctxt}"') def impl(context, HOST, port, dir, ctxt): host = os.environ.get(HOST) remote_gphome = os.environ.get('GPHOME') if not dir.startswith("/"): dir = os.environ.get(dir) gp_source_file = os.path.join(remote_gphome, '') gpfdist = Gpfdist('gpfdist on host %s' % host, dir, port, os.path.join(dir, ''), int(ctxt), host, gp_source_file) gpfdist.startGpfdist() @given('the user stops the gpfdist on host "{HOST}" and port "{port}" in work directory "{dir}" from remote "{ctxt}"') @then('the user stops the gpfdist on host "{HOST}" and port "{port}" in work directory "{dir}" from remote "{ctxt}"') def impl(context, HOST, port, dir, ctxt): host = os.environ.get(HOST) remote_gphome = os.environ.get('GPHOME') if not dir.startswith("/"): dir = os.environ.get(dir) gp_source_file = os.path.join(remote_gphome, '') gpfdist = Gpfdist('gpfdist on host %s' % host, dir, port, os.path.join(dir, ''), int(ctxt), host, gp_source_file) gpfdist.cleanupGpfdist() def run_valgrind_command(context, command, suppressions_file): current_path = os.path.realpath(__file__) current_dir = os.path.dirname(current_path) cmd_text = "valgrind --suppressions=%s/%s %s" % (current_dir, suppressions_file, command) run_command(context, cmd_text) for line in context.error_message.splitlines(): if 'ERROR SUMMARY' in line: if '0 errors from 0 contexts' not in line: raise Exception('Output: %s' % context.error_message) else: return raise Exception('Could not find "ERROR SUMMARY" in %s' % context.error_message) @then('the user runs valgrind with "{command}" and options "{options}"') @when('the user runs valgrind with "{command}" and options "{options}"') def impl(context, command, options): port = os.environ.get('PGPORT') user = getpass.getuser() if hasattr(context, 'backup_timestamp'): ts = context.backup_timestamp bnr_tool = command.split()[0].strip() if bnr_tool == 'gp_dump': command_str = command elif bnr_tool == 'gp_dump_agent': command_str = command + ' -p %s' % port elif bnr_tool == 'gp_restore': command_str = "%s %s --gp-k %s --gp-d db_dumps/%s --gp-r db_dumps/%s" % ( command, options, context.backup_timestamp, context.backup_timestamp[0:8], context.backup_timestamp[0:8]) elif bnr_tool == 'gp_restore_agent': command_str = "%s %s --gp-k %s --gp-d db_dumps/%s -p %s -U %s --target-host localhost " \ "--target-port %s db_dumps/%s/gp_dump_-1_1_%s_post_data.gz" % ( command, options, ts, ts[0:8], port, user, port, ts[0:8], ts) command_str = append_storage_config_to_restore_command(context, command_str) run_valgrind_command(context, command_str, "valgrind_suppression.txt") @when('the timestamp key is stored') def impl(context): stdout = context.stdout_message for line in stdout.splitlines(): if '--gp-k' in line: pat = re.compile('.* --gp-k=([0-9]{14}).*') m = if not m: raise Exception('Timestamp key not found') context.timestamp_key = return @then('{command} should print "{err_msg}" error message') def impl(context, command, err_msg): check_err_msg(context, err_msg) @then('{command} should print "{out_msg}" to stdout') def impl(context, command, out_msg): check_stdout_msg(context, out_msg) @then('{command} should not print "{out_msg}" to stdout') def impl(context, command, out_msg): check_string_not_present_stdout(context, out_msg) @then('{command} should print "{out_msg}" to stdout {num} times') def impl(context, command, out_msg, num): msg_list = context.stdout_message.split('\n') msg_list = [x.strip() for x in msg_list] count = msg_list.count(out_msg) if count != int(num): raise Exception("Expected %s to occur %s times. Found %d" % (out_msg, num, count)) @given('{command} should return a return code of {ret_code}') @when('{command} should return a return code of {ret_code}') @then('{command} should return a return code of {ret_code}') def impl(context, command, ret_code): check_return_code(context, ret_code) @given('{command} should not return a return code of {ret_code}') @when('{command} should not return a return code of {ret_code}') @then('{command} should not return a return code of {ret_code}') def impl(context, command, ret_code): check_not_return_code(context, ret_code) @then('an "{ex_type}" should be raised') def impl(context, ex_type): if not context.exception: raise Exception('An exception was expected but was not thrown') typ = context.exception.__class__.__name__ if typ != ex_type: raise Exception('got exception of type "%s" but expected type "%s"' % (typ, ex_type)) @given('database "{dbname}" health check should pass on table "{tablename}"') @when('database "{dbname}" health check should pass on table "{tablename}"') @then('database "{dbname}" health check should pass on table "{tablename}"') def impl(context, dbname, tablename): drop_database_if_exists(context, dbname) create_database(context, dbname) create_int_table(context, tablename, dbname=dbname) drop_database(context, dbname) @given('the segments are synchronized') @when('the segments are synchronized') @then('the segments are synchronized') def impl(context): times = 60 sleeptime = 10 for i in range(times): if are_segments_synchronized(): return time.sleep(sleeptime) raise Exception('segments are not in sync after %d seconds' % (times * sleeptime)) @when('at least one segment is resynchronized') @then('at least one segment is resynchronized') @given('at least one segment is resynchronized') def impl(context): times = 30 sleeptime = 10 for i in range(times): if is_any_segment_resynchronized(): return time.sleep(sleeptime) raise Exception('segments are not in resync after %d seconds' % (times * sleeptime)) @when('table "{table_list}" is assumed to be in dirty state in "{dbname}"') @then('table "{table_list}" is assumed to be in dirty state in "{dbname}"') @given('table "{table_list}" is assumed to be in dirty state in "{dbname}"') def impl(context, table_list, dbname): tables = table_list.split(',') for t in tables: modify_data(context, t.strip(), dbname) backup_data(context, t.strip(), dbname) get_distribution_policy(dbname) @given('all the data from "{dbname}" is saved for verification') @when('all the data from "{dbname}" is saved for verification') @then('all the data from "{dbname}" is saved for verification') def impl(context, dbname): backup_db_data(context, dbname) @then( 'partition "{partition}" of partition table "{table_list}" is assumed to be in dirty state in "{dbname}" in schema "{schema}"') @when( 'partition "{partition}" of partition table "{table_list}" is assumed to be in dirty state in "{dbname}" in schema "{schema}"') @given( 'partition "{partition}" of partition table "{table_list}" is assumed to be in dirty state in "{dbname}" in schema "{schema}"') @then( 'partition "{partition}" in partition level "{partitionlevel}" of partition table "{table_list}" is assumed to be in dirty state in "{dbname}" in schema "{schema}"') @when( 'partition "{partition}" in partition level "{partitionlevel}" of partition table "{table_list}" is assumed to be in dirty state in "{dbname}" in schema "{schema}"') @given( 'partition "{partition}" in partition level "{partitionlevel}" of partition table "{table_list}" is assumed to be in dirty state in "{dbname}" in schema "{schema}"') def impl(context, partition, table_list, dbname, schema, partitionlevel=1): tables = table_list.split(',') for t in tables: part_t = get_partition_names(schema, t.strip(), dbname, partitionlevel, partition) if len(part_t) < 1 or len(part_t[0]) < 1: print part_t dirty_table_name = part_t[0][0].strip() modify_partition_data(context, dirty_table_name, dbname, int(partition)) backup_data(context, dirty_table_name, dbname) def validate_timestamp(ts): try: int_ts = int(ts) except Exception as e: raise Exception('Timestamp is not valid %s' % ts) if len(ts) != 14: raise Exception('Timestamp is invalid %s' % ts) @when('the subdir from gpcrondump is stored') @then('the subdir from gpcrondump is stored') def impl(context): stdout = context.stdout_message for line in stdout.splitlines(): if 'Dump subdirectory' in line: log_msg, delim, subdir = line.partition('=') context.backup_subdir = subdir.strip() return raise Exception('Dump subdirectory not found %s' % stdout) def get_timestamp_from_output(context): ts = None stdout = context.stdout_message for line in stdout.splitlines(): if 'Timestamp key = ' in line: log_msg, delim, timestamp = line.partition('=') ts = timestamp.strip() validate_timestamp(ts) return ts raise Exception('Timestamp not found %s' % stdout) @given('the full backup timestamp from gpcrondump is stored') @when('the full backup timestamp from gpcrondump is stored') @then('the full backup timestamp from gpcrondump is stored') def impl(context): context.full_backup_timestamp = get_timestamp_from_output(context) _write_timestamp_to_json(context) @when('the timestamp from gpcrondump is stored') @then('the timestamp from gpcrondump is stored') def impl(context): context.backup_timestamp = get_timestamp_from_output(context) _write_timestamp_to_json(context) @when('the timestamp is labeled "{lbl}"') def impl(context, lbl): if not 'timestamp_labels' in global_labels: global_labels['timestamp_labels'] = {} global_labels['timestamp_labels'][lbl] = get_timestamp_from_output(context) @when('the timestamp for scenario "{scenario_number}" is labeled "{lbl}"') def impl(context, scenario_number, lbl): labels_key = 'timestamp_labels' + scenario_number if not labels_key in global_labels: global_labels[labels_key] = {} global_labels[labels_key][lbl] = get_timestamp_from_output(context) _write_label_to_json(context, labels_key, lbl) @given('there is a list to store the incremental backup timestamps') def impl(context): context.inc_backup_timestamps = [] @then('the timestamp from gpcrondump is stored in a list') @when('the timestamp from gpcrondump is stored in a list') def impl(context): context.backup_timestamp = get_timestamp_from_output(context) context.inc_backup_timestamps.append(context.backup_timestamp) _write_timestamp_to_json(context) @when('the timestamp for database dumps "{db_list}" are stored') def impl(context, db_list): context.db_timestamps = get_timestamp_from_output_for_db(context) scenario_name = context._stack[0]['scenario'].name if not global_timestamps.has_key(scenario_name): global_timestamps[scenario_name] = list() global_timestamps[scenario_name].append(context.db_timestamps.values()) with open(timestamp_json, 'w') as outfile: json.dump(global_timestamps, outfile) def get_timestamp_from_output_for_db(context): db_timestamps = {} ts = None database = None stdout = context.stdout_message for line in stdout.splitlines(): if 'Target database' in line: log_msg, delim, database = line.partition('=') db = database.strip() elif 'Dump key ' in line: log_msg, delim, timestamp = line.partition('=') ts = timestamp.strip() validate_timestamp(ts) # TODO: database could be an empty string; need to check result of line.partition() if database is None: raise Exception('Database not found for timestamp "%s"' % ts) db_timestamps[db] = ts database = None if not db_timestamps: raise Exception('No Timestamps found') return db_timestamps @then('verify data integrity of database "{dbname}" between source and destination system, work-dir "{dirname}"') def impl(context, dbname, dirname): dbconn_src = 'psql -p $GPTRANSFER_SOURCE_PORT -h $GPTRANSFER_SOURCE_HOST -U $GPTRANSFER_SOURCE_USER -d %s' % dbname dbconn_dest = 'psql -p $GPTRANSFER_DEST_PORT -h $GPTRANSFER_DEST_HOST -U $GPTRANSFER_DEST_USER -d %s' % dbname for filename in os.listdir(dirname): if filename.endswith('.sql'): filename_prefix = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] ans_file_path = os.path.join(dirname, filename_prefix + '.ans') out_file_path = os.path.join(dirname, filename_prefix + '.out') diff_file_path = os.path.join(dirname, filename_prefix + '.diff') # run the command to get the exact data from the source system command = '%s -f %s > %s' % (dbconn_src, os.path.join(dirname, filename), ans_file_path) run_command(context, command) # run the command to get the data from the destination system, locally command = '%s -f %s > %s' % (dbconn_dest, os.path.join(dirname, filename), out_file_path) run_command(context, command) gpdiff_cmd = ' -w -I NOTICE: -I HINT: -I CONTEXT: -I GP_IGNORE: --gpd_init=test/behave/mgmt_utils/steps/data/global_init_file %s %s > %s' % ( ans_file_path, out_file_path, diff_file_path) run_command(context, gpdiff_cmd) if context.ret_code != 0: with open(diff_file_path, 'r') as diff_file: diff_file_contents = raise Exception( "Found difference between source and destination system, see %s. \n Diff contents: \n %s" % ( diff_file_path, diff_file_contents)) @then('run post verifying workload under "{dirname}"') def impl(context, dirname): for filename in os.listdir(dirname): if filename.endswith('.sql'): filename_prefix = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] ans_file_path = os.path.join(dirname, filename_prefix + '.ans') out_file_path = os.path.join(dirname, filename_prefix + '.out') diff_file_path = os.path.join(dirname, filename_prefix + '.diff') # run the command to get the data from the destination system, locally dbconn = 'psql -d template1 -p $GPTRANSFER_DEST_PORT -U $GPTRANSFER_DEST_USER -h $GPTRANSFER_DEST_HOST' command = '%s -f %s > %s' % (dbconn, os.path.join(dirname, filename), out_file_path) run_command(context, command) gpdiff_cmd = ' -w -I NOTICE: -I HINT: -I CONTEXT: -I GP_IGNORE: --gpd_init=test/behave/mgmt_utils/steps/data/global_init_file %s %s > %s' % ( ans_file_path, out_file_path, diff_file_path) run_command(context, gpdiff_cmd) for filename in os.listdir(dirname): full_filename_path = os.path.join(dirname, filename) if filename.endswith('.diff') and os.path.getsize(full_filename_path) > 0: with open(full_filename_path, 'r') as diff_file: diff_file_contents = # if there is some difference generated into the diff file, raise expception raise Exception( "Found difference between source and destination system, see %s. \n Diff contents: \n %s" % ( full_filename_path, diff_file_contents)) @then('verify that the incremental file has the stored timestamp') def impl(context): dump_dir = get_dump_dir(context, "") inc_file_name = 'gp_dump_%s_increments' % context.full_backup_timestamp subdirectory = context.full_backup_timestamp[0:8] full_path = os.path.join(dump_dir, subdirectory, inc_file_name) if not os.path.isfile(full_path): raise Exception("Can not find increments file: %s" % full_path) contents = "" with open(full_path) as fd: contents = if context.backup_timestamp != contents: raise Exception( "The increments file '%s' does not contain the timestamp %s" % (full_path, context.backup_timestamp)) def check_increments_file_for_list(context, location): dump_dir = get_dump_dir(context, location) inc_file_name = 'gp_dump_%s_increments' % context.full_backup_timestamp subdirectory = context.full_backup_timestamp[0:8] full_path = os.path.join(dump_dir, subdirectory, inc_file_name) if not os.path.isfile(full_path): raise Exception("Can not find increments file: %s" % full_path) found_timestamps = [] contents = "" with open(full_path) as fd: contents = for line in contents.splitlines(): line = line.strip() if not line: continue found_timestamps.append(line) found_timestamps = sorted(found_timestamps) context.inc_backup_timestamps = sorted(context.inc_backup_timestamps) if found_timestamps != context.inc_backup_timestamps: print "Found timestamps: " print found_timestamps print "Expected timestamps: " print context.inc_backup_timestamps raise Exception("Expected timestamps not found") @then('verify that the incremental file in "{location}" has all the stored timestamps') def impl(context, location): check_increments_file_for_list(context, location) @then('verify that the incremental file has all the stored timestamps') def impl(context): check_increments_file_for_list(context, master_data_dir) @then('verify that the plan file is created for the latest timestamp') def impl(context): context.inc_backup_timestamps = sorted(context.inc_backup_timestamps) latest_ts = context.inc_backup_timestamps[-1] plan_file_dir = get_dump_dir(context, master_data_dir) + '/' + latest_ts[0:8] plan_file_count = len(glob.glob('/%s/*%s*_plan' % (plan_file_dir, latest_ts))) if plan_file_count != 1: raise Exception('Expected only one plan file, found %s' % plan_file_count) filename = '%s/gp_restore_%s_plan' % (plan_file_dir, latest_ts) if not os.path.exists(filename): raise Exception('Plan file %s not created for the latest timestamp' % filename) def get_dump_dir(context, directory): dump_dir = directory.strip() if len(directory.strip()) != 0 else master_data_dir if use_ddboost(): dump_dir = os.path.join(dump_dir, context._root['ddboost_backupdir']) else: dump_dir = os.path.join(dump_dir, 'db_dumps') return dump_dir @when('the state files are generated under "{directory}" for stored "{backup_type}" timestamp') @then('the state files are generated under "{directory}" for stored "{backup_type}" timestamp') def impl(context, directory, backup_type): dump_dir = get_dump_dir(context, directory) if backup_type == 'full': timestamp = context.full_backup_timestamp else: timestamp = context.backup_timestamp ao_state_filename = "%s/%s/gp_dump_%s_ao_state_file" % (dump_dir, timestamp[0:8], timestamp) co_state_filename = "%s/%s/gp_dump_%s_co_state_file" % (dump_dir, timestamp[0:8], timestamp) if not os.path.exists(ao_state_filename): raise Exception('AO state file %s not generated' % ao_state_filename) if not os.path.exists(co_state_filename): raise Exception('CO state file %s not generated' % co_state_filename) verify_integer_tuple_counts(context, ao_state_filename) verify_integer_tuple_counts(context, co_state_filename) @then('the "{file_type}" files are generated under "{dirname}" for stored "{backup_type}" timestamp') def impl(context, file_type, dirname, backup_type): dump_dir = get_dump_dir(context, dirname) if backup_type == 'full': timestamp = context.full_backup_timestamp else: timestamp = context.backup_timestamp last_operation_filename = "%s/%s/gp_dump_%s_last_operation" % (dump_dir, timestamp[0:8], timestamp) if not os.path.exists(last_operation_filename): raise Exception('Last operation file %s not generated' % last_operation_filename) @when('the user runs gpdbrestore -e with the stored timestamp') @then('the user runs gpdbrestore -e with the stored timestamp') def impl(context): command = 'gpdbrestore -e -t %s -a' % context.backup_timestamp command = append_storage_config_to_restore_command(context, command) run_gpcommand(context, command) @then('the user runs gpdbrestore -e with the stored timestamp and options "{options}"') @when('the user runs gpdbrestore -e with the stored timestamp and options "{options}"') def impl(context, options): command = 'gpdbrestore -e -t %s %s -a' % (context.backup_timestamp, options) command = append_storage_config_to_restore_command(context, command) run_gpcommand(context, command) @then('the user runs gpdbrestore -e with the stored full timestamp and options "{options}"') @when('the user runs gpdbrestore -e with the stored full timestamp and options "{options}"') def impl(context, options): command = 'gpdbrestore -e -t %s %s -a' % (context.full_backup_timestamp, options) command = append_storage_config_to_restore_command(context, command) run_gpcommand(context, command) @then('the user runs gpdbrestore -e with the date directory') @when('the user runs gpdbrestore -e with the date directory') def impl(context): command = 'gpdbrestore -e -b %s -a' % (context.backup_timestamp[0:8]) command = append_storage_config_to_restore_command(context, command) run_gpcommand(context, command) @when('the user runs gpdbrestore without -e with the stored timestamp and options "{options}"') def impl(context, options): command = 'gpdbrestore -t %s %s -a' % (context.backup_timestamp, options) command = append_storage_config_to_restore_command(context, command) run_gpcommand(context, command) @then('verify that there is no table "{tablename}" in "{dbname}"') def impl(context, tablename, dbname): dbname = replace_special_char_env(dbname) tablename = replace_special_char_env(tablename) if check_table_exists(context, dbname=dbname, table_name=tablename): raise Exception("Table '%s' still exists when it should not" % tablename) @then('verify that there is no view "{viewname}" in "{dbname}"') def impl(context, viewname, dbname): if check_table_exists(context, dbname=dbname, table_name=viewname, table_type='view'): raise Exception("View '%s' still exists when it should not" % viewname) @then('verify that there is no procedural language "{planguage}" in "{dbname}"') def impl(context, planguage, dbname): if check_pl_exists(context, dbname=dbname, lan_name=planguage): raise Exception("Procedural Language '%s' still exists when it should not" % planguage) @then('verify that there is a constraint "{conname}" in "{dbname}"') def impl(context, conname, dbname): if not check_constraint_exists(context, dbname=dbname, conname=conname): raise Exception("Constraint '%s' does not exist when it should" % conname) @then('verify that there is a rule "{rulename}" in "{dbname}"') def impl(context, rulename, dbname): if not check_rule_exists(context, dbname=dbname, rulename=rulename): raise Exception("Rule '%s' does not exist when it should" % rulename) @then('verify that there is a trigger "{triggername}" in "{dbname}"') def impl(context, triggername, dbname): if not check_trigger_exists(context, dbname=dbname, triggername=triggername): raise Exception("Trigger '%s' does not exist when it should" % triggername) @then('verify that there is an index "{indexname}" in "{dbname}"') def impl(context, indexname, dbname): if not check_index_exists(context, dbname=dbname, indexname=indexname): raise Exception("Index '%s' does not exist when it should" % indexname) @then('verify that there is a "{table_type}" table "{tablename}" in "{dbname}"') def impl(context, table_type, tablename, dbname): if not check_table_exists(context, dbname=dbname, table_name=tablename, table_type=table_type): raise Exception("Table '%s' of type '%s' does not exist when expected" % (tablename, table_type)) @then( 'verify that there is partition "{partition}" of "{table_type}" partition table "{tablename}" in "{dbname}" in "{schemaname}"') def impl(context, partition, table_type, tablename, dbname, schemaname): if not check_partition_table_exists(context, dbname=dbname, schemaname=schemaname, table_name=tablename, table_type=table_type, part_level=1, part_number=partition): raise Exception("Partition %s for table '%s' of type '%s' does not exist when expected" % ( partition, tablename, table_type)) @then( 'verify that there is partition "{partition}" of mixed partition table "{tablename}" with storage_type "{storage_type}" in "{dbname}" in "{schemaname}"') @then( 'verify that there is partition "{partition}" in partition level "{partitionlevel}" of mixed partition table "{tablename}" with storage_type "{storage_type}" in "{dbname}" in "{schemaname}"') def impl(context, partition, tablename, storage_type, dbname, schemaname, partitionlevel=1): part_t = get_partition_names(schemaname, tablename, dbname, partitionlevel, partition) partname = part_t[0][0].strip() validate_storage_type(context, partname, storage_type, dbname) @given('there is a function "{functionname}" in "{dbname}"') def impl(context, functionname, dbname): SQL = """CREATE FUNCTION %s(a integer, b integer) RETURNS integer AS $$ if a > b: return a return b $$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;""" % functionname execute_sql(dbname, SQL) @then('verify that storage_types of the partition table "{tablename}" are as expected in "{dbname}"') def impl(context, tablename, dbname): validate_mixed_partition_storage_types(context, tablename, dbname) @then( 'data for partition table "{table_name}" with partition level "{part_level}" is distributed across all segments on "{dbname}"') def impl(context, table_name, part_level, dbname): validate_part_table_data_on_segments(context, table_name, part_level, dbname) @then('data for table "{table_name}" is distributed across all segments on "{dbname}"') def impl(context, table_name, dbname): validate_table_data_on_segments(context, table_name, dbname) @then('verify that the data of the {filename} under "{directory}" in "{dbname}" is validated after restore') def impl(context, filename, dbname, directory): dump_dir = get_dump_dir(context, directory) if filename == 'dirty tables': dirty_list_filename = '%s/%s/gp_dump_%s_dirty_list' % ( dump_dir, context.backup_timestamp[0:8], context.backup_timestamp) elif filename == 'table_filter_file': dirty_list_filename = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), filename) if not os.path.exists(dirty_list_filename): raise Exception('Dirty list filename %s does not exist' % dirty_list_filename) with open(dirty_list_filename) as fd: tables = fd.readlines() for table in tables: validate_restore_data(context, table.strip(), dbname) @then('verify that the distribution policy of all the tables in "{dbname}" are validated after restore') def impl(context, dbname): validate_distribution_policy(context, dbname) @then('verify that tables "{table_list}" in "{dbname}" has no rows') def impl(context, table_list, dbname): tables = [t.strip() for t in table_list.split(',')] for t in tables: check_empty_table(t, dbname) @then('verify that table "{tname}" in "{dbname}" has "{nrows}" rows') def impl(context, tname, dbname, nrows): check_row_count(tname, dbname, int(nrows)) @then( 'verify that table "{src_tname}" in database "{src_dbname}" of source system has same data with table "{dest_tname}" in database "{dest_dbname}" of destination system with options "{options}"') def impl(context, src_tname, src_dbname, dest_tname, dest_dbname, options): match_table_select(context, src_tname, src_dbname, dest_tname, dest_dbname, options) @then( 'verify that table "{src_tname}" in database "{src_dbname}" of source system has same data with table "{dest_tname}" in database "{dest_dbname}" of destination system with order by "{orderby}"') def impl(context, src_tname, src_dbname, dest_tname, dest_dbname, orderby): match_table_select(context, src_tname, src_dbname, dest_tname, dest_dbname, orderby) @then('verify that partitioned tables "{table_list}" in "{dbname}" have {num_parts} partitions') @then( 'verify that partitioned tables "{table_list}" in "{dbname}" have {num_parts} partitions in partition level "{partitionlevel}"') def impl(context, table_list, dbname, num_parts, partitionlevel=1): num_parts = int(num_parts.strip()) tables = [t.strip() for t in table_list.split(',')] for t in tables: names = get_partition_tablenames(t, dbname, partitionlevel) if len(names) != num_parts: raise Exception("%s.%s should have %d partitions but has %d" % (dbname, t, num_parts, len(names))) # raise exception if tname does not have X empty partitions def check_x_empty_parts(dbname, tname, x): num_empty = 0 parts = get_partition_tablenames(tname, dbname) for part in parts: p = part[0] try: check_empty_table(p, dbname) num_empty += 1 except Exception as e: print e if num_empty != x: raise Exception("%s.%s has %d empty partitions and should have %d" % (dbname, tname, num_empty, x)) @then('the user runs gpdbrestore with "{opt}" option in path "{path}"') def impl(context, opt, path): command = 'gpdbrestore -e -a %s localhost:%s/db_dumps/%s --verbose' % (opt, path, context.backup_subdir) run_gpcommand(context, command) @then('all files for full backup have been removed in path "{path}"') def impl(context, path): path = path if len(path.strip()) != 0 else master_data_dir file_pattern = "*_%s*" % context.full_backup_timestamp dir = "%s/db_dumps/%s" % (path, context.backup_subdir) cleanup_cmd = "rm -f %s/%s" % (dir, file_pattern) run_command(context, cleanup_cmd) if context.exception: raise context.exception @given('there are no backup files') @then('there are no backup files') @when('there are no backup files') def impl(context): cleanup_backup_files(context, 'template1') @given('the backup files in "{location}" are deleted') @when('the backup files in "{location}" are deleted') @then('the backup files in "{location}" are deleted') def impl(context, location): cleanup_backup_files(context, 'template1', location) @then('there are no report files in the master data directory') def impl(context): cleanup_report_files(context, master_data_dir) @when('verify that partitioned tables "{table_list}" in "{dbname}" has {num_parts} empty partitions') @then('verify that partitioned tables "{table_list}" in "{dbname}" has {num_parts} empty partitions') def impl(context, table_list, dbname, num_parts): expected_num_parts = int(num_parts.strip()) tables = [t.strip() for t in table_list.split(',')] for t in tables: check_x_empty_parts(dbname, t, expected_num_parts) @given('a backup file of tables "{table_list}" in "{dbname}" exists for validation') @when('a backup file of tables "{table_list}" in "{dbname}" exists for validation') @then('a backup file of tables "{table_list}" in "{dbname}" exists for validation') def impl(context, table_list, dbname): tables = [t.strip() for t in table_list.split(',')] for t in tables: backup_data(context, t.strip(), dbname) @when( 'verify that there is a table "{tablename}" of "{tabletype}" type in "{dbname}" with same data as table "{backedup_table}"') @then( 'verify that there is a table "{tablename}" of "{tabletype}" type in "{dbname}" with same data as table "{backedup_table}"') def impl(context, tablename, tabletype, dbname, backedup_table): if not check_table_exists(context, dbname=dbname, table_name=tablename, table_type=tabletype): raise Exception("Table '%s' does not exist when it should" % tablename) validate_restore_data(context, tablename, dbname, backedup_table) @when('check that there is a "{table_type}" table "{tablename}" in "{dbname}" with same data from "{backedup_dbname}"') @then('check that there is a "{table_type}" table "{tablename}" in "{dbname}" with same data from "{backedup_dbname}"') def impl(context, table_type, tablename, dbname, backedup_dbname): if not check_table_exists(context, dbname=dbname, table_name=tablename, table_type=table_type): raise Exception("Table '%s' does not exist when it should" % tablename) validate_restore_data(context, tablename, dbname, None, backedup_dbname) @when('verify that there is a "{table_type}" table "{tablename}" in "{dbname}" with data') @then('verify that there is a "{table_type}" table "{tablename}" in "{dbname}" with data') def impl(context, table_type, tablename, dbname): if not check_table_exists(context, dbname=dbname, table_name=tablename, table_type=table_type): raise Exception("Table '%s' does not exist when it should" % tablename) validate_restore_data(context, tablename, dbname) @given('schema "{schema_list}" exists in "{dbname}"') @then('schema "{schema_list}" exists in "{dbname}"') def impl(context, schema_list, dbname): schemas = [s.strip() for s in schema_list.split(',')] for s in schemas: drop_schema_if_exists(context, s.strip(), dbname) create_schema(context, s.strip(), dbname) @then('the temporary file "{filename}" is removed') def impl(context, filename): if os.path.exists(filename): os.remove(filename) @then('the temporary table file "{filename}" is removed') def impl(context, filename): table_file = 'test/behave/mgmt_utils/steps/data/gptransfer/%s' % filename if os.path.exists(table_file): os.remove(table_file) def create_table_file_locally(context, filename, table_list, location=os.getcwd()): tables = table_list.split('|') file_path = os.path.join(location, filename) with open(file_path, 'w') as fp: for t in tables: fp.write(t + '\n') context.filename = file_path @given('there is a file "{filename}" with tables "{table_list}"') @then('there is a file "{filename}" with tables "{table_list}"') def impl(context, filename, table_list): create_table_file_locally(context, filename, table_list) @given('there is a fake pg_aoseg table named "{table}" in "{dbname}"') def impl(context, table, dbname): create_fake_pg_aoseg_table(context, table, dbname) def verify_file_contents(context, file_type, file_dir, text_find, should_contain=True): if not hasattr(context, "dump_prefix"): context.dump_prefix = '' if file_type == 'pg_dump_log': fn = 'pg_dump_log' context.backup_timestamp = '0' elif file_type == 'report': fn = '%sgp_dump_%s.rpt' % (context.dump_prefix, context.backup_timestamp) elif file_type == 'status': fn = '%sgp_dump_status_*_1_%s' % (context.dump_prefix, context.backup_timestamp) elif file_type == 'filter': fn = '%sgp_dump_%s_filter' % (context.dump_prefix, context.backup_timestamp) elif file_type == "statistics": fn = '%sgp_statistics_*_1_%s' % (context.dump_prefix, context.backup_timestamp) elif file_type == 'schema': fn = '%sgp_dump_%s_schema' % (context.dump_prefix, context.backup_timestamp) elif file_type == 'cdatabase': fn = '%sgp_cdatabase_*_1_%s' % (context.dump_prefix, context.backup_timestamp) elif file_type == 'dump': fn = '%sgp_dump_*_1_%s.gz' % (context.dump_prefix, context.backup_timestamp) file_dir = get_dump_dir(context, file_dir) subdirectory = context.backup_timestamp[0:8] if file_type == 'pg_dump_log': full_path = os.path.join(file_dir, fn) else: full_path = glob.glob(os.path.join(file_dir, subdirectory, fn))[0] if not os.path.isfile(full_path): raise Exception("Can not find %s file: %s" % (file_type, full_path)) contents = "" if file_type == 'dump': fd = else: fd = open(full_path) contents = fd.close() if should_contain and not text_find in contents: raise Exception("Did not find '%s' in file %s" % (text_find, full_path)) elif not should_contain and text_find in contents: raise Exception("Found '%s' in file '%s'" % (text_find, full_path)) @then('verify that the "{file_type}" file in "{file_dir}" dir contains "{text_find}"') def impl(context, file_type, file_dir, text_find): verify_file_contents(context, file_type, file_dir, text_find) @then('verify that the "{file_type}" file in "{file_dir}" dir does not contain "{text_find}"') def impl(context, file_type, file_dir, text_find): verify_file_contents(context, file_type, file_dir, text_find, should_contain=False) @then('the timestamp in the report file should be same as timestamp key') def impl(context): if not hasattr(context, 'timestamp_key'): raise Exception('Unable to find timestamp key in context') if hasattr(context, 'backup_dir'): report_file = os.path.join(context.backup_dir, 'db_dumps', '%s' % (context.timestamp_key[0:8]), 'gp_dump_%s.rpt' % context.timestamp_key) else: report_file = os.path.join(master_data_dir, 'db_dumps', '%s' % (context.timestamp_key[0:8]), 'gp_dump_%s.rpt' % context.timestamp_key) with open(report_file) as rpt: for line in rpt: if line.startswith('Timestamp Key'): timestamp_key = line.split(':')[-1].strip() if timestamp_key != context.timestamp_key: raise Exception('Expected timestamp key to be %s, but found %s in report file %s' % ( context.timestamp_key, timestamp_key, report_file)) @then('there should be dump files with filename having timestamp key in "{dbname}"') def impl(context, dbname): if not hasattr(context, 'timestamp_key'): raise Exception('Unable to find timestamp key in context') master_hostname = get_master_hostname(dbname) results = get_hosts_and_datadirs(dbname) for (host, datadir) in results: if host == master_hostname: if hasattr(context, 'backup_dir'): dump_dir = os.path.join(context.backup_dir, 'db_dumps', '%s' % (context.timestamp_key[0:8])) else: dump_dir = os.path.join(master_data_dir, 'db_dumps', '%s' % (context.timestamp_key[0:8])) master_dump_files = ['%s/gp_dump_-1_1_%s' % (dump_dir, context.timestamp_key), '%s/gp_dump_status_-1_1_%s' % (dump_dir, context.timestamp_key), '%s/gp_cdatabase_-1_1_%s' % (dump_dir, context.timestamp_key), '%s/gp_dump_-1_1_%s_post_data' % (dump_dir, context.timestamp_key)] for dump_file in master_dump_files: cmd = Command('check for dump files', 'ls -1 %s | wc -l' % (dump_file)) if int(cmd.get_stdout()) != 1: raise Exception('Dump file %s not found after gp_dump on host %s' % (dump_file, host)) else: if hasattr(context, 'backup_dir'): dump_dir = os.path.join(context.backup_dir, 'db_dumps', '%s' % (context.timestamp_key[0:8])) else: dump_dir = os.path.join(datadir, 'db_dumps', '%s' % (context.timestamp_key[0:8])) segment_dump_files = ['%s/gp_dump_*_*_%s' % (dump_dir, context.timestamp_key), '%s/gp_dump_status_*_*_%s' % (dump_dir, context.timestamp_key)] for dump_file in segment_dump_files: cmd = Command('check for dump files', 'ls -1 %s | wc -l' % (dump_file), ctxt=REMOTE, remoteHost=host) if int(cmd.get_stdout()) != 1: raise Exception('Dump file %s not found after gp_dump on host %s' % (dump_file, host)) @then('"{filetype}" file should not be created under "{directory}"') def impl(context, filetype, directory): if not hasattr(context, 'backup_timestamp'): raise Exception('Unable to find out the %s because backup timestamp has not been stored' % filetype) if filetype == "dirty_list": filename = 'gp_dump_%s_dirty_list' % context.backup_timestamp elif filetype == "plan": filename = 'gp_restore_%s_plan' % context.backup_timestamp elif filetype == 'pipes': filename = 'gp_dump_%s_pipes' % context.backup_timestamp elif filetype == 'regular_files': filename = 'gp_dump_%s_regular_files' % context.backup_timestamp else: raise Exception("Unknown filetype '%s' specified" % filetype) dump_dir = get_dump_dir(context, directory) file_path = os.path.join(dump_dir, context.backup_timestamp[0:8], filename) if os.path.exists(file_path): raise Exception("File path %s should not exist for filetype '%s'" % (file_path, filetype)) def get_plan_filename(context): filename = 'gp_restore_%s_plan' % context.backup_timestamp return os.path.join(master_data_dir, 'db_dumps', context.backup_timestamp[0:8], filename) def get_dirty_list_filename(context, backup_dir=None): if not backup_dir: backup_dir = master_data_dir if not hasattr(context, "dump_prefix"): context.dump_prefix = '' filename = '%sgp_dump_%s_dirty_list' % (context.dump_prefix, context.backup_timestamp) return os.path.join(backup_dir, 'db_dumps', context.backup_timestamp[0:8], filename) @then('plan file should match "{filename}"') def impl(context, filename): current_path = os.path.realpath(__file__) current_dir = os.path.dirname(current_path) golden_filename = "%s/%s" % (current_dir, filename) generated_filename = get_plan_filename(context) diff_files(golden_filename, generated_filename) def parse_plan_file(filename): plan = {} with open(filename) as fd: for line in fd: parts = line.partition(":") ts = parts[0].strip() if ts not in plan: plan[ts] = set() tables = parts[2].split(",") for t in tables: if t not in plan[ts]: plan[ts].add(t.strip()) return plan def modify_plan_with_labels(context, expected_plan, scenario_number=""): labels_key = 'timestamp_labels' + scenario_number newplan = {} for k in expected_plan: if k not in global_labels[labels_key]: raise Exception("Label '%s' not specified in behave test" % k) ts = global_labels[labels_key][k] newplan[ts] = expected_plan[k] return newplan def compare_plans(expected, actual): expected_keys = expected.keys() actual_keys = actual.keys() if len(expected_keys) != len(actual_keys): raise Exception( "Expected plan has %s timestamps actual plan has %s timestamps" % (len(expected_keys), len(actual_keys))) for k in expected: if k not in actual: raise Exception("Expected timestamp in plan and did not find it: %s " % k) expected_tables = sorted(expected[k]) actual_tables = sorted(actual[k]) if expected_tables != actual_tables: print "Expected plan: %s" % expected print "Actual plan: %s" % actual raise Exception("Tables in plan for timestamp '%s' do not match expected tables" % k) @then('the plan file is validated against "{expected_plan}"') def impl(context, expected_plan): context.restore_plan = parse_plan_file(get_plan_filename(context)) current_path = os.path.realpath(__file__) current_dir = os.path.dirname(current_path) expected_file = '%s/%s' % (current_dir, expected_plan) expected_plan = parse_plan_file(expected_file) expected_plan = modify_plan_with_labels(context, expected_plan) compare_plans(expected_plan, context.restore_plan) @then('the plan file for scenario "{scenario_number}" is validated against "{expected_plan}"') def impl(context, scenario_number, expected_plan): context.restore_plan = parse_plan_file(get_plan_filename(context)) current_path = os.path.realpath(__file__) current_dir = os.path.dirname(current_path) expected_file = '%s/%s' % (current_dir, expected_plan) expected_plan = parse_plan_file(expected_file) expected_plan = modify_plan_with_labels(context, expected_plan, scenario_number) compare_plans(expected_plan, context.restore_plan) @then('there should be "{numtimestamps}" timestamps in the plan file') def impl(context, numtimestamps): num = int(numtimestamps) if len(context.restore_plan) != num: raise Exception("Expected %d timestamps and found %d in restore plan" % (num, len(context.restore_plan))) @then('restore plan for timestamp "{ts}" should contain "{numtables}" tables') def impl(context, ts, numtables): num = int(numtables) if ts not in context.restore_plan: raise Exception("Timestamp label '%s' not found in restore plan" % ts) @then('"{filetype}" file is removed under "{directory}"') def impl(context, filetype, directory): if not hasattr(context, 'backup_timestamp'): raise Exception('Backup timestamp has not been stored') if filetype == "dirty_list": filename = 'gp_dump_%s_dirty_list' % context.backup_timestamp elif filetype == "plan": filename = 'gp_restore_%s_plan' % context.backup_timestamp elif filetype == "global": filename = 'gp_global_*_1_%s' % context.backup_timestamp elif filetype == "report": filename = 'gp_dump_%s.rpt' % context.backup_timestamp elif filetype == "dump": filename = 'gp_dump_*_1_%s.gz' % context.backup_timestamp else: raise Exception("Unknown filetype '%s' specified" % filetype) dump_dir = get_dump_dir(context, directory) file_path = glob.glob(os.path.join(dump_dir, context.backup_timestamp[0:8], filename))[0] if os.path.exists(file_path): os.remove(file_path) @when('"{filetype}" file should be created under "{directory}"') @then('"{filetype}" file should be created under "{directory}"') def impl(context, filetype, directory): if not hasattr(context, "dump_prefix"): context.dump_prefix = '' if not hasattr(context, 'backup_timestamp'): raise Exception('Backup timestamp has not been stored') if filetype == "dirty_list": filename = 'gp_dump_%s_dirty_list' % context.backup_timestamp elif filetype == "plan": filename = 'gp_restore_%s_plan' % context.backup_timestamp elif filetype == "global": filename = 'gp_global_*_1_%s' % context.backup_timestamp elif filetype == "statistics": filename = 'gp_statistics_*_1_%s' % context.backup_timestamp elif filetype == 'pipes': filename = 'gp_dump_%s_pipes' % context.backup_timestamp elif filetype == 'regular_files': filename = 'gp_dump_%s_regular_files' % context.backup_timestamp elif filetype == '_filter': filename = 'gp_dump_%s_filter' % context.backup_timestamp elif filetype == '_schema': filename = 'gp_dump_%s_schema' % context.backup_timestamp elif filetype == 'table': filename = 'gp_dump_%s_table' % context.backup_timestamp else: raise Exception("Unknown filetype '%s' specified" % filetype) dump_dir = get_dump_dir(context, directory) file_path = glob.glob(os.path.join(dump_dir, context.backup_timestamp[0:8], '%s%s' % (context.dump_prefix, filename))) if len(file_path) == 0 or not os.path.exists(file_path[0]): raise Exception("File path %s does not exist for filetype '%s'" % (file_path, filetype)) @then('verify there are no "{tmp_file_prefix}" tempfiles') def impl(context, tmp_file_prefix): if tmp_file_prefix is not None and tmp_file_prefix: if glob.glob('/tmp/%s*' % tmp_file_prefix): raise Exception('Found temp %s files where they should not be present' % tmp_file_prefix) else: raise Exception('Invalid call to temp file removal %s' % tmp_file_prefix) def compare_table_lists(table_names, stored_table_names, dbname): if table_names != stored_table_names: print "Table names after backup:" print stored_table_names print "Table names after restore:" print table_names raise Exception( 'Schema not restored correctly. List of tables are not equal before and after restore in database %s' % dbname) @then('tables names should be identical to stored table names in "{dbname}" except "{fq_table_name}"') def impl(context, dbname, fq_table_name): table_names = sorted(get_table_names(dbname)) stored_table_names = sorted(context.table_names) if fq_table_name != "": stored_table_names.remove(fq_table_name.strip().split('.')) compare_table_lists(table_names, stored_table_names, dbname) @then('tables names should be identical to stored table names in "{dbname}"') def impl(context, dbname): table_names = sorted(get_table_names(dbname)) stored_table_names = sorted(context.table_names) compare_table_lists(table_names, stored_table_names, dbname) @then('tables names in database "{dbname}" should be identical to stored table names in file "{table_file_name}"') def impl(context, dbname, table_file_name): table_names = sorted(get_table_names(dbname)) stored_table_file_path = os.path.join('test/behave/mgmt_utils/steps/data', table_file_name) stored_table_file = open(stored_table_file_path, 'r') reader = csv.reader(stored_table_file) stored_table_names = list(reader) compare_table_lists(table_names, stored_table_names, dbname) @then('tables in "{dbname}" should not contain any data') def impl(context, dbname): for table in context.table_names: table_name = "%s.%s" % (table[0], table[1]) check_empty_table(table_name, dbname) @then('verify that the data of "{expected_count}" tables in "{dbname}" is validated after restore') def impl(context, dbname, expected_count): validate_db_data(context, dbname, int(expected_count)) @then( 'verify that the data of "{expected_count}" tables in "{dbname}" is validated after restore from "{backedup_dbname}"') def impl(context, dbname, expected_count, backedup_dbname): validate_db_data(context, dbname, int(expected_count), backedup_dbname=backedup_dbname) @then('all the data from the remote segments in "{dbname}" are stored in path "{dir}" for "{backup_type}"') def impl(context, dbname, dir, backup_type): segs = get_segment_hostnames(context, dbname) if backup_type == 'inc': timestamp = context.backup_timestamp[0:8] elif backup_type == 'full': timestamp = context.full_backup_timestamp[0:8] from_path = '%s/db_dumps/%s' % (dir, timestamp) to_path = '%s/db_dumps' % (dir) for seg in segs: print type(seg[0].strip()) cmdStr = "%s -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking no' -r %s:%s %s" % ( findCmdInPath('scp'), seg[0].strip(), from_path, to_path) run_command(context, cmdStr) @then('pg_stat_last_operation registers the truncate for tables "{table_list}" in "{dbname}" in schema "{schema}"') def impl(context, table_list, dbname, schema): if not table_list: raise Exception('Empty table list') tables = table_list.split(',') for t in tables: table_oid = get_table_oid(context, dbname, schema, t.strip()) verify_truncate_in_pg_stat_last_operation(context, dbname, table_oid) @then( 'pg_stat_last_operation does not register the truncate for tables "{table_list}" in "{dbname}" in schema "{schema}"') def impl(context, table_list, dbname, schema): if not table_list: raise Exception('Empty table list') tables = table_list.split(',') for t in tables: table_oid = get_table_oid(context, dbname, schema, t.strip()) verify_truncate_not_in_pg_stat_last_operation(context, dbname, table_oid) @given('the numbers "{lownum}" to "{highnum}" are inserted into "{tablename}" tables in "{dbname}"') @when('the numbers "{lownum}" to "{highnum}" are inserted into "{tablename}" tables in "{dbname}"') def impl(context, lownum, highnum, tablename, dbname): insert_numbers(dbname, tablename, lownum, highnum) @when('the user adds column "{cname}" with type "{ctype}" and default "{defval}" to "{tname}" table in "{dbname}"') def impl(context, cname, ctype, defval, tname, dbname): sql = "ALTER table %s ADD COLUMN %s %s DEFAULT %s" % (tname, cname, ctype, defval) execute_sql(dbname, sql) @given('there is a fake timestamp for "{ts}"') def impl(context, ts): dname = os.path.join(get_dump_dir(context, master_data_dir), ts[0:8]) os.makedirs(dname) contents = """ Timestamp Key: %s Backup Type: Full gp_dump utility finished successfully. """ % ts fname = os.path.join(dname, 'gp_dump_%s.rpt' % ts) with open(fname, 'w') as fd: fd.write(contents) @then('a timestamp in increments file in "{directory}" is modified to be newer') def impl(context, directory): if not hasattr(context, 'full_backup_timestamp'): raise Exception('Full backup timestamp needs to be specified in the test') if not directory.strip(): directory = master_data_dir dump_dir = os.path.join(directory, 'db_dumps', context.full_backup_timestamp[0:8]) increments_filename = os.path.join(dump_dir, 'gp_dump_%s_increments' % context.full_backup_timestamp) if not os.path.exists(increments_filename): raise Exception('Increments file %s does not exist !' % increments_filename) with open(increments_filename) as fd: lines = fd.readlines() lines[0] = str(int(lines[0].strip()) + 10000) with open(increments_filename, 'w') as fd: for line in lines: fd.write(line + '\n') @then('the "{table_type}" state file under "{backup_dir}" is saved for the "{backup_type}" timestamp') def impl(context, table_type, backup_dir, backup_type): timestamp_key = None if backup_type == 'full': timestamp_key = context.full_backup_timestamp elif backup_type == 'inc': timestamp_key = context.backup_timestamp backup_dir = backup_dir if len(backup_dir.strip()) != 0 else master_data_dir context.state_file = os.path.join(backup_dir, 'db_dumps', timestamp_key[0:8], 'gp_dump_%s_%s_state_file' % (timestamp_key, table_type)) @then('the saved state file is deleted') def impl(context): run_command(context, 'rm -f %s' % context.state_file) if context.exception: raise context.exception @then('the saved state file is corrupted') def impl(context): write_lines = list() with open(context.state_file, "r") as fr: lines = fr.readlines() for line in lines: line = line.replace(",", "") write_lines.append(line) with open(context.state_file, "w") as fw: for line in write_lines: fw.write("%s\n" % line.rstrip()) @then('"{table_name}" is marked as dirty in dirty_list file') def impl(context, table_name): dirty_list = get_dirty_list_filename(context) with open(dirty_list) as fp: for line in fp: if table_name.strip() in line.strip(): return raise Exception('Expected table %s to be marked as dirty in %s' % (table_name, dirty_list)) @when('the "{table_name}" is recreated with same data in "{dbname}"') def impl(context, table_name, dbname): select_sql = 'select * into public.temp from %s' % table_name execute_sql(dbname, select_sql) drop_sql = 'drop table %s' % table_name execute_sql(dbname, drop_sql) recreate_sql = 'select * into %s from public.temp' % table_name execute_sql(dbname, recreate_sql) @then('verify that plan file has latest timestamp for "{table_name}"') def impl(context, table_name): plan_file = get_plan_filename(context) with open(plan_file) as fp: for line in fp: if table_name in line.strip(): timestamp = line.split(':')[0].strip() if timestamp != context.backup_timestamp: raise Exception('Expected table %s with timestamp %s in plan file %s does not match timestamp %s' \ % (table_name, context.backup_timestamp, plan_file, timestamp)) @given('the row "{row_values}" is inserted into "{table}" in "{dbname}"') def impl(context, row_values, table, dbname): insert_row(context, row_values, table, dbname) @when('the method get_partition_state is executed on table "{table}" in "{dbname}" for ao table "{ao_table}"') def impl(context, table, dbname, ao_table): (sch, tbl) = table.split('.') ao_sch, ao_tbl = ao_table.split('.') part_info = [(1, ao_sch, ao_tbl, tbl)] try: backup_utils = Context() backup_utils.master_port = os.environ.get('PGPORT') backup_utils.target_db = dbname context.exception = None context.partition_list_res = None context.partition_list_res = get_partition_state(backup_utils, sch, part_info) except Exception as e: context.exception = e @then('an exception should be raised with "{txt}"') def impl(context, txt): if not context.exception: raise Exception("An exception was not raised") output = context.exception.__str__() if not txt in output: raise Exception("Exception output is not matching: '%s'" % output) @then('the get_partition_state result should contain "{elem}"') def impl(context, elem): if not context.partition_list_res: raise Exception('get_partition_state did not return any results') if len(context.partition_list_res) != 1: raise Exception('get_partition_state returned more results than expected "%s"' % context.partition_list_res) if elem not in context.partition_list_res: raise Exception('Expected text "%s" not found in partition list returned by get_partition_state "%s"' % ( elem, context.partition_list_res)) @given('older backup directories "{dirlist}" exists') @when('older backup directories "{dirlist}" exists') @then('older backup directories "{dirlist}" exists') def impl(context, dirlist): dirs = [d.strip() for d in dirlist.split(',')] for d in dirs: if len(d) != 8 or not d.isdigit(): raise Exception('Invalid directory name provided %s' % d) for d in dirs: dump_dir = os.path.join(master_data_dir, 'db_dumps', d) if os.path.exists(dump_dir): continue os.makedirs(dump_dir) for i in range(10): with open(os.path.join(dump_dir, '%s_%s' % (d, i)), 'w'): pass @then('the dump directories "{dirlist}" should not exist') def impl(context, dirlist): dirs = [d.strip() for d in dirlist.split(',')] for d in dirs: if len(d) != 8 or not d.isdigit(): raise Exception('Invalid directory name provided %s' % d) for d in dirs: dump_dir = os.path.join(master_data_dir, 'db_dumps', d) if os.path.exists(dump_dir): raise Exception('Unexpected directory exists %s' % dump_dir) @then('the dump directory for the stored timestamp should exist') def impl(context): if not hasattr(context, 'full_backup_timestamp'): raise Exception('Full backup timestamp needs to be stored') dump_dir = os.path.join(master_data_dir, 'db_dumps', context.full_backup_timestamp[0:8]) if not os.path.exists(dump_dir): raise Exception('Expected directory does not exist %s' % dump_dir) def validate_master_config_backup_files(context, directory=master_data_dir): if not hasattr(context, "dump_prefix"): context.dump_prefix = '' dump_dir = os.path.join(get_dump_dir(context, directory), context.backup_timestamp[0:8]) dump_files = os.listdir(dump_dir) for df in dump_files: if df.startswith('%sgp_master_config_files' % context.dump_prefix) and df.endswith('.tar'): return raise Exception('Config files not backed up on master "%s"' % dump_dir) def validate_segment_config_backup_files(context, directory=None): if not hasattr(context, "dump_prefix"): context.dump_prefix = '' gparray = GpArray.initFromCatalog(dbconn.DbURL()) primary_segs = [seg for seg in gparray.getDbList() if seg.isSegmentPrimary()] for ps in primary_segs: seg_data_dir = directory if directory is not None else ps.getSegmentDataDirectory() dump_dir = os.path.join(get_dump_dir(context, seg_data_dir), context.backup_timestamp[0:8]) dump_files = ListRemoteFilesByPattern(dump_dir, '%sgp_segment_config_files_*_%d_%s.tar' % ( context.dump_prefix, ps.getSegmentDbId(), context.backup_timestamp), ps.getSegmentHostName()).run() if len(dump_files) != 1: raise Exception('Found too many config files for segment %s: %s' % (dump_files, seg_data_dir)) @then('config files should be backed up on all segments') def impl(context): if not hasattr(context, 'backup_timestamp'): raise Exception('Backup timestamp needs to be stored') validate_master_config_backup_files(context) validate_segment_config_backup_files(context) @then('config files should be backed up on all segments in directory "{directory}"') def impl(context, directory): if not hasattr(context, 'backup_timestamp'): raise Exception('Backup timestamp needs to be stored') validate_master_config_backup_files(context, directory=directory) validate_segment_config_backup_files(context, directory=directory) @then('verify that the table "{table_name}" in "{dbname}" has dump info for the stored timestamp') def impl(context, table_name, dbname): dump_history = {} dump_history_sql = 'select dump_key,options from public.%s' % table_name dump_history = getRows(dbname, dump_history_sql) for (dump_key, options) in dump_history: if context.backup_timestamp == dump_key.strip() and dbname in options: return raise Exception('Could not find dump info for timestamp %s in %s table' % (context.backup_timestamp, table_name)) @then('verify that database "{dbname}" does not exist') def impl(context, dbname): with dbconn.connect(dbconn.DbURL(dbname='template1')) as conn: sql = """SELECT datname FROM pg_database""" dbs = dbconn.execSQL(conn, sql) if dbname in dbs: raise Exception('Database exists when it shouldnt "%s"' % dbname) @then('there are no saved data files') def impl(context): clear_all_saved_data_verify_files(context) @then('the dump timestamp for "{db_list}" are different') def impl(context, db_list): if db_list is None: raise Exception('Expected at least 1 database in the list, found none.') if not hasattr(context, 'db_timestamps'): raise Exception('The database timestamps need to be stored') db_names = db_list.strip().split(',') for db in db_names: if db.strip() not in context.db_timestamps: raise Exception('Could not find timestamp for database: %s' % context.db_timestamps) timestamp_set = set([v for v in context.db_timestamps.values()]) if len(timestamp_set) != len(context.db_timestamps): raise Exception('Some databases have same timestamp: "%s"' % context.db_timestamps) @given('there is a "{table_type}" table "{table_name}" in "{db_name}" having large number of partitions') def impl(context, table_type, table_name, db_name): create_large_num_partitions(table_type, table_name, db_name) @given('there is a "{table_type}" table "{table_name}" in "{db_name}" having "{num_partitions}" partitions') def impl(context, table_type, table_name, db_name, num_partitions): if not num_partitions.strip().isdigit(): raise Exception('Invalid number of partitions specified "%s"' % num_partitions) num_partitions = int(num_partitions.strip()) + 1 create_large_num_partitions(table_type, table_name, db_name, num_partitions) @given('there is a table-file "{filename}" with tables "{table_list}"') @then('there is a table-file "{filename}" with tables "{table_list}"') def impl(context, filename, table_list): tables = table_list.split(',') with open(filename, 'w') as fd: for table in tables: fd.write(table.strip() + '\n') if not os.path.exists(filename): raise Exception('Unable to create file "%s"' % filename) def create_ext_table_file(file_location): with open(file_location, 'w') as fd: for i in range(100): fd.write('abc, 10, 10\n') def get_host_and_port(): if 'PGPORT' not in os.environ: raise Exception('PGPORT needs to be set in the environment') port = os.environ['PGPORT'] gparray = GpArray.initFromCatalog(dbconn.DbURL()) master_host = None for seg in gparray.getDbList(): if seg.isSegmentMaster(): master_host = seg.getSegmentAddress() if master_host is None: raise Exception('Unable to determine the master hostname') return (master_host, port) @given('there is an external table "{tablename}" in "{dbname}" with data for file "{file_location}"') def impl(context, tablename, dbname, file_location): create_ext_table_file(file_location) host, port = get_host_and_port() ext_table_sql = """CREATE EXTERNAL WEB TABLE %s(name text, column1 int, column2 int) EXECUTE 'cat %s 2> /dev/null || true' ON MASTER FORMAT 'CSV' (DELIMITER ',')""" % (tablename, file_location) execute_sql(dbname, ext_table_sql) verify_ext_table_creation_sql = """SELECT count(*) FROM pg_class WHERE relname = '%s'""" % tablename row_count = getRows(dbname, verify_ext_table_creation_sql)[0][0] if row_count != 1: raise Exception( 'Creation of external table failed for "%s:%s, row count = %s"' % (file_location, tablename, row_count)) @then('verify that there is no "{tablename}" in the "{file_type}" file in "{backup_dir}"') def impl(context, tablename, file_type, backup_dir): dump_dir = backup_dir if len(backup_dir.strip()) != 0 else master_data_dir if not hasattr(context, "dump_prefix"): context.dump_prefix = '' filename = '%s/db_dumps/%s/%sgp_dump_%s_%s' % ( dump_dir, context.backup_timestamp[0:8], context.dump_prefix, context.backup_timestamp, file_type) with open(filename) as fd: for line in fd: if tablename.strip() == line.strip(): raise Exception('Found an unwanted table in the file: "%s" in line: "%s"' % (filename, line)) @then('verify that exactly "{num_tables}" tables in "{dbname}" have been restored') def impl(context, num_tables, dbname): validate_num_restored_tables(context, num_tables, dbname) @then('verify that exactly "{num_tables}" tables in "{dbname}" have been restored from "{backedup_dbname}"') def impl(context, num_tables, dbname, backedup_dbname): validate_num_restored_tables(context, num_tables, dbname, backedup_dbname=backedup_dbname) @then('the user runs gpdbrestore on dump date directory with options "{options}"') def impl(context, options): command = 'gpdbrestore -e -b %s %s -a' % (context.backup_timestamp[0:8], options) command = append_storage_config_to_restore_command(context, command) run_gpcommand(context, command) @then('the timestamps should be printed in sorted order') def impl(context): stdout_lines = context.stdout_message.split('\n') process_ts = False timestamps = [] for line in stdout_lines: if '--------------------------' in line: process_ts = True elif process_ts: if 'Enter timestamp number to restore' not in line: timestamps.append(line.strip().split('......')[-1].strip()) else: process_ts = False break timestamps = [ts.split()[0] + ts.split()[1] for ts in timestamps] sorted_timestamps = sorted(timestamps, key=lambda x: int(x)) if sorted_timestamps != timestamps: raise Exception('Timestamps are not in sorted order "%s"' % timestamps) @given('there are "{table_count}" "{tabletype}" tables "{table_name}" with data in "{dbname}"') def impl(context, table_count, tabletype, table_name, dbname): table_count = int(table_count) for i in range(1, table_count + 1): tablename = "%s_%s" % (table_name, i) create_database_if_not_exists(context, dbname) drop_table_if_exists(context, table_name=tablename, dbname=dbname) create_partition(context, tablename, tabletype, dbname, compression_type=None, partition=False) @given('the tables "{table_list}" are in dirty hack file "{dirty_hack_file}"') def impl(context, table_list, dirty_hack_file): tables = [t.strip() for t in table_list.split(',')] with open(dirty_hack_file, 'w') as fd: for t in tables: fd.write(t + '\n') if not os.path.exists(dirty_hack_file): raise Exception('Failed to create dirty hack file "%s"' % dirty_hack_file) @given( 'partition "{part_num}" of partition tables "{table_list}" in "{dbname}" in schema "{schema}" are in dirty hack file "{dirty_hack_file}"') def impl(context, part_num, table_list, dbname, schema, dirty_hack_file): tables = table_list.split(',') with open(dirty_hack_file, 'w') as fd: part_num = int(part_num.strip()) for table in tables: part_t = get_partition_names(schema, table.strip(), dbname, 1, part_num) if len(part_t) < 1 or len(part_t[0]) < 1: print part_t partition_name = part_t[0][0].strip() fd.write(partition_name + '\n') if not os.path.exists(dirty_hack_file): raise Exception('Failed to write to dirty hack file "%s"' % dirty_hack_file) @then('verify that the config files are backed up with the stored timestamp') def impl(context): if not hasattr(context, 'backup_timestamp'): raise Exception('Timestamp needs to be stored') config_file = os.path.join(master_data_dir, 'db_dumps', context.backup_timestamp[0:8], 'gp_master_config_files_%s.tar' % context.backup_timestamp) if not os.path.exists(config_file): raise Exception('Failed to locate config file on master "%s"' % config_file) gparray = GpArray.initFromCatalog(dbconn.DbURL()) primary_segs = [seg for seg in gparray.getDbList() if seg.isSegmentPrimary(current_role=True)] for seg in primary_segs: segment_config_file = os.path.join(seg.getSegmentDataDirectory(), 'db_dumps', context.backup_timestamp[0:8], 'gp_segment_config_files_0_%s_%s.tar' % ( seg.getSegmentDbId(), context.backup_timestamp)) if not CheckRemoteFile(segment_config_file, seg.getSegmentAddress()): raise Exception('Failed to locate "%s" on "%s"' % segment_config_file, seg.getSegmentDataDirectory()) @then('verify that the list of stored timestamps is printed to stdout') def impl(context): found_ts = 0 stdout = context.stdout_message for ts in context.inc_backup_timestamps: for line in stdout.splitlines(): ts_str = 'Backup Timestamp: %s' % ts if ts_str in line: found_ts += 1 print 'context.inc_backup_timestamps = ', context.inc_backup_timestamps if found_ts != len(context.inc_backup_timestamps): raise Exception( 'Expected "%d" timestamps but found "%d" timestamps' % (len(context.inc_backup_timestamps), found_ts)) @given('there is a "{table_type}" table "{tablename}" with funny characters in "{dbname}"') def impl(context, table_type, tablename, dbname): funny_chars_table_name_sql = """create table "%s new line in it" (a int)""" % tablename.strip() table_type = table_type.strip() if table_type == 'ao': funny_chars_table_name_sql += ' with(appendonly=true)' elif table_type == 'co': funny_chars_table_name_sql += ' with(appendonly=true, orientation=column)' elif table_type == 'heap': pass else: raise Exception('Unknown table type specified "%s"' % table_type) execute_sql(dbname.strip(), funny_chars_table_name_sql) @then('verify that the tuple count of all appendonly tables are consistent in "{dbname}"') def impl(context, dbname): ao_partition_list = get_partition_list('ao', dbname) verify_stats(dbname, ao_partition_list) co_partition_list = get_partition_list('co', dbname) verify_stats(dbname, co_partition_list) @then('verify that there are no aoco stats in "{dbname}" for table "{tables}"') def impl(context, dbname, tables): tables = tables.split(',') for t in tables: validate_no_aoco_stats(context, dbname, t.strip()) @then('verify that there are "{tupcount}" tuples in "{dbname}" for table "{tables}"') def impl(context, tupcount, dbname, tables): tables = tables.split(',') for t in tables: validate_aoco_stats(context, dbname, t.strip(), tupcount) @when('the performance timer is started') def impl(context): context.performance_timer = time.time() @then('the performance timer should be less then "{num_seconds}" seconds') def impl(context, num_seconds): max_seconds = float(num_seconds) current_time = time.time() elapsed = current_time - context.performance_timer if elapsed > max_seconds: raise Exception( "Performance timer ran for %.1f seconds but had a max limit of %.1f seconds" % (elapsed, max_seconds)) print "Elapsed time was %.1f seconds" % elapsed @given('the file "{filename}" is removed from the system') @when('the file "{filename}" is removed from the system') @then('the file "{filename}" is removed from the system') def impl(context, filename): os.remove(filename) @given('the client program "{program_name}" is present under {parent_dir} in "{sub_dir}"') def impl(context, program_name, parent_dir, sub_dir): if parent_dir == 'CWD': parent_dir = os.getcwd() program_path = '%s/%s/%s' % (parent_dir, sub_dir, program_name) print program_path if not os.path.isfile(program_path): raise Exception('gpfdist client progream does not exist: %s' % (program_path)) @when('the user runs client program "{program_name}" from "{subdir}" under {parent_dir}') def impl(context, program_name, subdir, parent_dir): if parent_dir == 'CWD': parent_dir = os.getcwd() command_line = "python %s/%s/%s" % (parent_dir, subdir, program_name) run_command(context, command_line) @then('the gpfdist should print {msg} to "{filename}" under {parent_dir}') def impl(context, msg, filename, parent_dir): if parent_dir == 'CWD': parent_dir = os.getcwd() filepath = '%s/%s' % (parent_dir, filename) with open(filepath, 'r') as fp: for line in fp: if msg in line: return raise Exception('Log file %s did not contain the message %s' % (filepath, msg)) @given('the "{process_name}" process is killed') @then('the "{process_name}" process is killed') @when('the "{process_name}" process is killed') def impl(context, process_name): run_command(context, 'pkill %s' % process_name) @then('the client program should print "{msg}" to stdout with value in range {min_val} to {max_val}') def impl(context, msg, min_val, max_val): stdout = context.stdout_message for line in stdout: if msg in line: val = re.finadall(r'\d+', line) if not val: raise Exception('Expected a numeric digit after message: %s' % msg) if len(val) > 1: raise Exception('Expected one numeric digit after message: %s' % msg) if val[0] < min_val or val[0] > max_val: raise Exception('Value not in acceptable range %s' % val[0]) @given('the directory "{dirname}" exists') def impl(context, dirname): if not os.path.isdir(dirname): os.mkdir(dirname) if not os.path.isdir(dirname): raise Exception("directory '%s' not created" % dirname) @then('the directory "{dirname}" does not exist') def impl(context, dirname): if os.path.isdir(dirname): shutil.rmtree(dirname, ignore_errors=True) if os.path.isdir(dirname): raise Exception("directory '%s' not removed" % dirname) @given('the directory "{dirname}" exists in current working directory') def impl(context, dirname): dirname = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), dirname) if os.path.isdir(dirname): shutil.rmtree(dirname, ignore_errors=True) if os.path.isdir(dirname): raise Exception("directory '%s' not removed" % dirname) os.mkdir(dirname) if not os.path.isdir(dirname): raise Exception("directory '%s' not created" % dirname) @given('the file "{filename}" exists under "{directory}" in current working directory') def impl(context, filename, directory): directory = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), directory) if not os.path.isdir(directory): raise Exception("directory '%s' not exists" % directory) filepath = os.path.join(directory, filename) open(filepath, 'a').close() if not os.path.exists(filepath): raise Exception("file '%s' not created" % filepath) @given('the directory "{dirname}" does not exist in current working directory') def impl(context, dirname): dirname = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), dirname) if os.path.isdir(dirname): shutil.rmtree(dirname, ignore_errors=True) if os.path.isdir(dirname): raise Exception("directory '%s' not removed" % dirname) @when('the data line "{dataline}" is appened to "{fname}" in cwd') @then('the data line "{dataline}" is appened to "{fname}" in cwd') def impl(context, dataline, fname): fname = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), fname) with open(fname, 'a') as fd: fd.write("%s\n" % dataline) @when('a "{readwrite}" external table "{tname}" is created on file "{fname}" in "{dbname}"') def impl(context, readwrite, tname, fname, dbname): hostname = socket.gethostname() sql = """CREATE %s EXTERNAL TABLE %s (name varchar(255), id int) LOCATION ('gpfdist://%s:8088/%s') FORMAT 'text' (DELIMITER '|'); """ % (readwrite, tname, hostname, fname) with dbconn.connect(dbconn.DbURL(dbname=dbname)) as conn: dbconn.execSQL(conn, sql) conn.commit() @given('the external table "{tname}" does not exist in "{dbname}"') def impl(context, tname, dbname): drop_external_table_if_exists(context, table_name=tname, dbname=dbname) @when('all rows from table "{tname}" db "{dbname}" are stored in the context') def impl(context, tname, dbname): context.stored_rows = [] with dbconn.connect(dbconn.DbURL(dbname=dbname)) as conn: sql = "SELECT * FROM %s" % tname curs = dbconn.execSQL(conn, sql) context.stored_rows = curs.fetchall() @given('results of the sql "{sql}" db "{dbname}" are stored in the context') @when( 'results of the sql "{sql}" db "{dbname}" are stored in the context') def impl(context, sql, dbname): context.stored_sql_results = [] with dbconn.connect(dbconn.DbURL(dbname=dbname)) as conn: curs = dbconn.execSQL(conn, sql) context.stored_sql_results = curs.fetchall() @then('validate that "{dataline}" "{formatter}" seperated by "{delim}" is in the stored rows') def impl(context, dataline, formatter, delim): lookfor = dataline.split(delim) formatter = formatter.split(delim) for i in range(len(formatter)): if formatter[i] == 'int': lookfor[i] = int(lookfor[i]) if lookfor not in context.stored_rows: print context.stored_rows print lookfor raise Exception("'%s' not found in stored rows" % dataline) @then('validate that following rows are in the stored rows') def impl(context): for row in context.table: found_match = False for stored_row in context.stored_rows: match_this_row = True for i in range(len(stored_row)): value = row[i] if isinstance(stored_row[i], bool): value = str(True if row[i] == 't' else False) if value != str(stored_row[i]): match_this_row = False break if match_this_row: found_match = True break if not found_match: print context.stored_rows raise Exception("'%s' not found in stored rows" % row) @then('validate that stored rows has "{numlines}" lines of output') def impl(context, numlines): num_found = len(context.stored_rows) numlines = int(numlines) if num_found != numlines: raise Exception("Found %d of stored query result but expected %d records" % (num_found, numlines)) @then('validate that first column of first stored row has "{numlines}" lines of raw output') def impl(context, numlines): raw_lines_count = len(context.stored_rows[0][0].splitlines()) numlines = int(numlines) if raw_lines_count != numlines: raise Exception("Found %d of stored query result but expected %d records" % (raw_lines_count, numlines)) def get_standby_host(): gparray = GpArray.initFromCatalog(dbconn.DbURL()) segments = gparray.getDbList() standby_master = [seg.getSegmentHostName() for seg in segments if seg.isSegmentStandby()] if len(standby_master) > 0: return standby_master[0] else: return [] @given('user does not have ssh permissions') def impl(context): user_home = os.environ.get('HOME') authorized_keys_file = '%s/.ssh/authorized_keys' % user_home if os.path.exists(os.path.abspath(authorized_keys_file)): shutil.move(authorized_keys_file, '%s.bk' % authorized_keys_file) @then('user has ssh permissions') def impl(context): user_home = os.environ.get('HOME') authorized_keys_backup_file = '%s/.ssh/authorized_keys.bk' % user_home if os.path.exists(authorized_keys_backup_file): shutil.move(authorized_keys_backup_file, authorized_keys_backup_file[:-3]) def delete_data_dir(host): cmd = Command(name='remove data directories', cmdStr='rm -rf %s' % master_data_dir, ctxt=REMOTE, remoteHost=host) @when('the user initializes a standby on the same host as master') def impl(context): hostname = get_master_hostname('template1')[0][0] port_guaranteed_open = get_open_port() temp_data_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() + "/standby_datadir" cmd = "gpinitstandby -a -s %s -P %d -F %s" % (hostname, port_guaranteed_open, temp_data_dir) run_gpcommand(context, cmd) context.standby_data_dir = temp_data_dir context.standby_was_initialized = True # from def get_open_port(): s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.bind(("",0)) s.listen(1) port = s.getsockname()[1] s.close() return port @given('"{path}" has its permissions set to "{perm}"') def impl(context, path, perm): path = os.path.expandvars(path) if not os.path.exists(path): raise Exception('Path does not exist! "%s"' % path) old_permissions = os.stat(path).st_mode # keep it as a number that has a meaningful representation in octal test_permissions = int(perm, 8) # accept string input with octal semantics and convert to a raw number os.chmod(path, test_permissions) context.path_for_which_to_restore_the_permissions = path context.permissions_to_restore_path_to = old_permissions @then('rely on to restore path permissions') def impl(context): print "go look in to see how it uses the path and permissions on context to make sure it's cleaned up" @when('the user runs pg_controldata against the standby data directory') def impl(context): cmd = "pg_controldata " + context.standby_data_dir run_gpcommand(context, cmd) @when('the user initializes standby master on "{hostname}"') def impl(context, hostname): create_standby(context, hostname) def create_standby(context, hostname): port = os.environ.get('PGPORT') if hostname.strip() == 'mdw': if not hasattr(context, 'master') or not hasattr(context, 'standby_host'): raise Exception('Expected master to be saved but was not found') delete_data_dir(context.master) cmd = Command(name='gpinitstandby', cmdStr='PGPORT=%s MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY=%s gpinitstandby -a -s %s' % ( port, master_data_dir, context.master), ctxt=REMOTE, remoteHost=context.standby_host) return elif hostname.strip() == 'smdw': context.master = get_master_hostname('template1')[0][0] context.ret_code = 0 context.stdout_message = '' context.error_message = '' segment_hostlist = get_segment_hostlist() segment_hosts = [seg for seg in segment_hostlist if seg != context.master] context.standby_host = segment_hosts[0] gparray = GpArray.initFromCatalog(dbconn.DbURL()) segdbs = gparray.getDbList() for seg in segdbs: if seg.getSegmentHostName() == context.standby_host: context.standby_host_data_dir = seg.getSegmentDataDirectory() context.standby_was_initialized = False standby = get_standby_host() if standby: context.standby_was_initialized = True context.standby_host = standby return delete_data_dir(context.standby_host) cmd = "gpinitstandby -a -s %s" % context.standby_host run_gpcommand(context, cmd) else: raise Exception('Invalid host type specified "%s"' % hostname) @when('the user runs the query "{query}" on "{dbname}"') def impl(context, query, dbname): if query.lower().startswith('create') or query.lower().startswith('insert'): thread.start_new_thread(execute_sql, (dbname, query)) else: thread.start_new_thread(getRows, (dbname, query)) time.sleep(30) @given('we have exchanged keys with the cluster') def impl(context): hostlist = get_all_hostnames_as_list(context, 'template1') host_str = ' -h '.join(hostlist) cmd_str = 'gpssh-exkeys %s' % host_str run_gpcommand(context, cmd_str) @then('the temp files "{filename_prefix}" are not created in the system') def impl(context, filename_prefix): hostlist = get_all_hostnames_as_list(context, 'template1') print hostlist file_pattern = 'ls /tmp/%s* | wc -l' % filename_prefix print file_pattern for host in hostlist: cmd = Command(name='check for temp files', cmdStr=file_pattern, ctxt=REMOTE, remoteHost=host) if int(cmd.get_stdout()) > 0: raise Exception( 'Temp files with prefix %s are not cleaned up on host %s after gpcrondump' % (filename_prefix, host)) @when('the user activates standby on the standbyhost') @then('the user activates standby on the standbyhost') def impl(context): port = os.environ.get('PGPORT') cmd = 'PGPORT=%s MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY=%s gpactivatestandby -d %s -fa' % (port, master_data_dir, master_data_dir) cmd = Command('run remote command', cmd, ctxt=REMOTE, remoteHost=context.standby_host) @then('the user runs the command "{cmd}" from standby') @when('the user runs the command "{cmd}" from standby') def impl(context, cmd): port = os.environ.get('PGPORT') cmd = 'PGPORT=%s MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY=%s %s' % (port, master_data_dir, cmd) cmd = Command('run remote command', cmd, ctxt=REMOTE, remoteHost=context.standby_host) @given('user kills a primary postmaster process') @when('user kills a primary postmaster process') @then('user kills a primary postmaster process') def impl(context): if hasattr(context, 'pseg'): seg_data_dir = context.pseg_data_dir seg_host = context.pseg_hostname seg_port = context.pseg.getSegmentPort() else: gparray = GpArray.initFromCatalog(dbconn.DbURL()) for seg in gparray.getDbList(): if seg.isSegmentPrimary(): seg_data_dir = seg.getSegmentDataDirectory() seg_host = seg.getSegmentHostName() seg_port = seg.getSegmentPort() break pid = get_pid_for_segment(seg_data_dir, seg_host) if pid is None: raise Exception('Unable to locate segment "%s" on host "%s"' % (seg_data_dir, seg_host)) kill_process(int(pid), seg_host, signal.SIGKILL) has_process_eventually_stopped(pid, seg_host) pid = get_pid_for_segment(seg_data_dir, seg_host) if pid is not None: raise Exception('Unable to kill postmaster with pid "%d" datadir "%s"' % (pid, seg_data_dir)) context.killed_seg_host = seg_host context.killed_seg_port = seg_port @when('the temp files "{filename_prefix}" are removed from the system') @given('the temp files "{filename_prefix}" are removed from the system') def impl(context, filename_prefix): hostlist = get_all_hostnames_as_list(context, 'template1') print hostlist for host in hostlist: cmd = Command(name='remove data directories', cmdStr='rm -rf /tmp/%s*' % filename_prefix, ctxt=REMOTE, remoteHost=host) @given('user can start transactions') @when('user can start transactions') @then('user can start transactions') def impl(context): num_retries = 150 attempt = 0 while attempt < num_retries: try: with dbconn.connect(dbconn.DbURL()) as conn: break except Exception as e: attempt += 1 pass time.sleep(1) if attempt == num_retries: raise Exception('Unable to establish a connection to database !!!') @when('user runs "{cmd}" with sudo access') def impl(context, cmd): gphome = os.environ.get('GPHOME') python_path = os.environ.get('PYTHONPATH') python_home = os.environ.get('PYTHONHOME') ld_library_path = os.environ.get('LD_LIBRARY_PATH') path = os.environ.get('PATH') cmd_str = """sudo GPHOME=%s PATH=%s PYTHONHOME=%s PYTHONPATH=%s LD_LIBRARY_PATH=%s %s/bin/%s""" % ( gphome, path, python_home, python_path, ld_library_path, gphome, cmd) run_command(context, cmd_str) def verify_num_files(results, expected_num_files, timestamp): num_files = results.stdout.strip() if num_files != expected_num_files: raise Exception( 'Expected "%s" files with timestamp key "%s" but found "%s"' % (expected_num_files, timestamp, num_files)) def verify_timestamps_on_master(timestamp, dump_type): list_cmd = 'ls -l %s/db_dumps/%s/*%s* | wc -l' % (master_data_dir, timestamp[:8], timestamp) cmd = Command('verify timestamps on master', list_cmd) expected_num_files = '10' if dump_type == 'incremental' else '8' verify_num_files(cmd.get_results(), expected_num_files, timestamp) def verify_timestamps_on_segments(timestamp): gparray = GpArray.initFromCatalog(dbconn.DbURL()) primary_segs = [segdb for segdb in gparray.getDbList() if segdb.isSegmentPrimary()] for seg in primary_segs: db_dumps_dir = os.path.join(seg.getSegmentDataDirectory(), 'db_dumps', timestamp[:8]) list_cmd = 'ls -l %s/*%s* | wc -l' % (db_dumps_dir, timestamp) cmd = Command('get list of dump files', list_cmd, ctxt=REMOTE, remoteHost=seg.getSegmentHostName()) verify_num_files(cmd.get_results(), '2', timestamp) @then('verify that "{dump_type}" dump files have stored timestamp in their filename') def impl(context, dump_type): if dump_type.strip().lower() != 'full' and dump_type.strip().lower() != 'incremental': raise Exception('Invalid dump type "%s"' % dump_type) verify_timestamps_on_master(context.backup_timestamp, dump_type.strip().lower()) verify_timestamps_on_segments(context.backup_timestamp) def validate_files(file_list, pattern_list, expected_file_count): file_count = 0 for pattern in pattern_list: pat = re.compile(pattern) pat_found = False for f in file_list: m = if m is not None: pat_found = True file_count += 1 if not pat_found: raise Exception('Expected file not found for pattern: "%s" in file list "%s"' % (pattern, file_list)) if file_count != expected_file_count: raise Exception('Expected count of %d does not match actual count %d in file list "%s"' % ( expected_file_count, file_count, file_list)) @then('the "{file_type}" file under "{directory}" with options "{options}" is validated after dump operation') def impl(context, file_type, directory, options): backup_dir = directory.strip() if directory.strip() != '' else master_data_dir if len(options.split(',')) > 3: raise Exception('Invalid options specified "%s"' % options) option_list = options.split(',') pipe_file_count = 1 + get_num_segments(primary=True, mirror=False, master=True, standby=False) reg_file_count = 6 pipes_pattern_list = ['gp_dump_.*_%s.*(?:\.gz)?' % context.backup_timestamp] regular_pattern_list = ['gp_cdatabase_.*_1_%s' % context.backup_timestamp, 'gp_dump_%s.*' % context.backup_timestamp, 'gp_dump_status_.*_1_%s' % context.backup_timestamp] if '-G' in option_list: pipe_file_count += 1 pipes_pattern_list += ['gp_global_.*_1_%s' % context.backup_timestamp] if '-g' in option_list: pipe_file_count += get_num_segments(primary=True, mirror=False, master=True, standby=False) pipes_pattern_list += ['gp_master_config_files_%s.*' % context.backup_timestamp, 'gp_segment_config_files_.*_.*_%s.*' % context.backup_timestamp] if '--incremental' in option_list: regular_pattern_list += ['gp_dump_%s.*' % context.full_backup_timestamp] reg_file_count += 1 if hasattr(context, "dump_prefix"): if '-t' in option_list or '-T' in option_list: reg_file_count += 1 for id, p in enumerate(pipes_pattern_list): pipes_pattern_list[id] = '%s%s' % (context.dump_prefix, p) for id, p in enumerate(regular_pattern_list): regular_pattern_list[id] = '%s%s' % (context.dump_prefix, p) filename = '%s/db_dumps/%s/%sgp_dump_%s_%s' % ( backup_dir, context.backup_timestamp[0:8], context.dump_prefix, context.backup_timestamp, file_type.strip()) with open(filename) as fp: file_list = fp.readlines() if file_type == 'pipes': validate_files(file_list, pipes_pattern_list, pipe_file_count) elif file_type == 'regular_files': validate_files(file_list, regular_pattern_list, reg_file_count) @then('the timestamp key "{timestamp_key}" for gpcrondump is stored') def impl(context, timestamp_key): context.backup_timestamp = timestamp_key @given('the prefix "{prefix}" is stored') def impl(context, prefix): context.dump_prefix = prefix + '_' def get_segment_dump_files(context, dir): results = [] gparray = GpArray.initFromCatalog(dbconn.DbURL()) primary_segs = [seg for seg in gparray.getDbList() if seg.isSegmentPrimary()] for seg in primary_segs: segment_dump_dir = dir.strip() if len(dir.strip()) != 0 else seg.getSegmentDataDirectory() cmd = Command('check dump files', 'ls %s/db_dumps/%s/*%s*' % ( segment_dump_dir, context.backup_timestamp[0:8], context.backup_timestamp), ctxt=REMOTE, remoteHost=seg.getSegmentHostName()) # because we expect ls to fail results.append((seg, [os.path.basename(r) for r in cmd.get_stdout().split()])) return results @then('the named pipes are created for the timestamp "{timestamp_key}" under "{dir}"') def impl(context, timestamp_key, dir): dump_dir = dir if len(dir.strip()) != 0 else master_data_dir pipes_filename = '%s/db_dumps/%s/gp_dump_%s_pipes' % (dump_dir, timestamp_key[0:8], timestamp_key) with open(pipes_filename, 'r') as fp: for f in fp: (host, filename) = [t.strip() for t in f.split(':')] cmd_str = 'mkdir -p %s' % os.path.dirname(filename) cmd = Command('create named pipes directory', cmd_str, ctxt=REMOTE, remoteHost=host) if int(cmd.get_return_code()) != 0: raise Exception('Non zero return code during makedirs command') cmd = Command('create named pipes', 'mkfifo %s' % filename, ctxt=REMOTE, remoteHost=host) if int(cmd.get_return_code()) != 0: raise Exception('Non zero return code during mkfifo command') @then('the named pipes are validated against the timestamp "{timestamp_key}" under "{dir}"') def impl(context, timestamp_key, dir): dump_dir = dir if len(dir.strip()) != 0 else master_data_dir pipes_filename = '%s/db_dumps/%s/gp_dump_%s_pipes' % (dump_dir, timestamp_key[0:8], timestamp_key) with open(pipes_filename, 'r') as fp: for f in fp: (host, filename) = [t.strip() for t in f.split(':')] cmd = Command('create named pipes', 'file %s' % filename, ctxt=REMOTE, remoteHost=host) if int(cmd.get_return_code()) != 0: raise Exception('Non zero return code during mkfifo command') if not 'named pipe' in cmd.get_stdout(): raise Exception('Expected %s to be a named pipe' % filename) @when('the named pipe script for the "{operation}" is run for the files under "{dump_directory}"') @then('the named pipe script for the "{operation}" is run for the files under "{dump_directory}"') def impl(context, operation, dump_directory): dump_dir = dump_directory if len(dump_directory.strip()) != 0 else master_data_dir if operation == 'restore' and hasattr(context, 'inc_backup_timestamps'): if not hasattr(context, 'backup_timestamp'): raise Exception('Backup timestamp not stored') for ts in context.inc_backup_timestamps: open_named_pipes(context, operation, ts, dump_dir) else: open_named_pipes(context, operation, context.backup_timestamp, dump_dir) @then('close all opened pipes') def impl(context): hosts = set(get_all_hostnames_as_list(context, 'template1')) for h in hosts: find_cmd = Command('get list of pipe processes', "ps -eaf | grep | grep -v grep | grep -v ssh", ctxt=REMOTE, remoteHost=h) results = find_cmd.get_stdout().split('\n') for process in results: if not process.strip(): continue pid = process.split()[1].strip() print 'pid = %s on host %s' % (pid, h) cmd = Command('Kill pipe process', "kill %s" % pid, ctxt=REMOTE, remoteHost=h) # We expect failure here results = find_cmd.get_stdout() if results: raise Exception('Unexpected pipe processes found "%s"' % results) def open_named_pipes(context, operation, timestamp, dump_dir): sleeptime = 5 pipes_filename = '%s/db_dumps/%s/gp_dump_%s_pipes' % (dump_dir, timestamp[0:8], timestamp) filename = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), './test/data/' % operation) segs = get_all_hostnames_as_list(context, 'template1') for seg in segs: cmdStr = "%s -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking no' %s %s:%s" % (findCmdInPath('scp'), filename, seg, '/tmp') run_command(context, cmdStr) with open(pipes_filename, 'r') as fp: for f in fp: (host, filename) = [t.strip() for t in f.split(':')] cmd = Command('run pipe script', 'sh -c "python /tmp/ %s" &>/dev/null &' % (operation, filename), ctxt=REMOTE, remoteHost=host) time.sleep(sleeptime) @given('the core dump directory is stored') def impl(context): with open('/etc/sysctl.conf', 'r') as fp: for line in fp: if 'kernel.core_pattern' in line: context.core_dir = os.path.dirname(line.strip().split('=')[1]) if not hasattr(context, 'core_dir') or not context.core_dir: context.core_dir = os.getcwd() @given('the number of core files "{stage}" running "{utility}" is stored') @then('the number of core files "{stage}" running "{utility}" is stored') def impl(context, stage, utility): core_files_count = 0 files_list = os.listdir(context.core_dir) for f in files_list: if f.startswith('core'): core_files_count += 1 if stage.strip() == 'before': context.before_core_count = core_files_count elif stage.strip() == 'after': context.after_core_count = core_files_count else: raise Exception('Invalid stage entered: %s' % stage) @then('the number of core files is the same') def impl(context): if not hasattr(context, 'before_core_count'): raise Exception('Core file count not stored before operation') if not hasattr(context, 'after_core_count'): raise Exception('Core file count not stored after operation') if context.before_core_count != context.after_core_count: raise Exception('Core files count before %s does not match after %s' % ( context.before_core_count, context.after_core_count)) @given('the gpAdminLogs directory has been backed up') def impl(context): src = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), 'gpAdminLogs') dest = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), 'gpAdminLogs.bk') shutil.move(src, dest) @given('the user does not have "{access}" permission on the home directory') def impl(context, access): home_dir = os.path.expanduser('~') context.orig_write_permission = check_user_permissions(home_dir, 'write') if access == 'write': cmd = "sudo chmod u-w %s" % home_dir run_command(context, cmd) if check_user_permissions(home_dir, access): raise Exception('Unable to change "%s" permissions for the directory "%s"' % (access, home_dir)) @then('the "{filetype}" path "{file_path}" should "{cond}" exist') def impl(context, filetype, file_path, cond): cond = cond.strip() if file_path[0] == '~': file_path = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), file_path[2:]) if filetype == 'file': existence_check_fn = os.path.isfile elif filetype == 'directory': existence_check_fn = os.path.isdir else: raise Exception('File type should be either file or directory') if cond == '' and not existence_check_fn(file_path): raise Exception('The %s "%s" does not exist' % (filetype, file_path)) elif cond == 'not' and existence_check_fn(file_path): raise Exception('The %s "%s" exist' % (filetype, file_path)) @then('the directory "{file_path}" is removed') def impl(context, file_path): if file_path[0] == '~': file_path = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), file_path[2:]) backup_file_path = file_path + '.bk' if not os.path.exists(backup_file_path): raise Exception('Backup file "%s" must exist in order to delete the file "%s"' % (backup_file_path, file_path)) if '*' in file_path: raise Exception('WildCard found in file path !!!!. Cannot delete') run_command(context, 'rm -rf %s' % file_path) @then('there should be dump files under "{directory}" with prefix "{prefix}"') def impl(context, directory, prefix): if not hasattr(context, "dump_prefix"): context.dump_prefix = '' dump_prefix = '%s_gp' % prefix.strip() dump_dir = get_dump_dir(context, directory) segment_dump_files = get_segment_dump_files(context, directory) if not use_ddboost(): for seg, dump_files in segment_dump_files: segment_dump_dir = directory if len(directory.strip()) != 0 else seg.getSegmentDataDirectory() if len(dump_files) == 0: raise Exception('Failed to find dump files on the segment %s under %s/db_dumps/%s' % ( seg.getSegmentDataDirectory(), segment_dump_dir, context.backup_timestamp[0:8])) for dump_file in dump_files: if not dump_file.startswith(dump_prefix): raise Exception( 'Dump file %s on the segment %s under %s/db_dumps/%s does not start with required prefix %s' % ( dump_file, seg.getSegmentDataDirectory(), segment_dump_dir, context.backup_timestamp[0:8], prefix)) cmd = Command('check dump files', 'ls %s/%s/*%s*' % (dump_dir, context.backup_timestamp[0:8], context.backup_timestamp)) results = cmd.get_stdout().split('\n') if len(results) == 0: raise Exception('Failed to find dump files %s on the master under %s' % (results, dump_dir)) for filename in results: if not os.path.basename(filename).startswith(prefix.strip()): raise Exception('Dump file %s on master under %s does not have required prefix %s' % ( filename, dump_dir, prefix)) @given('the environment variable "{var}" is not set') def impl(context, var): context.env_var = os.environ.get(var) os.environ[var] = '' @then('the environment variable "{var}" is reset') def impl(context, var): if hasattr(context, 'env_var'): os.environ[var] = context.env_var else: raise Exception('Environment variable %s cannot be reset because its value was not saved.' % var) @given('the environment variable "{var}" is set to "{val}"') def impl(context, var, val): context.env_var = os.environ.get(var) os.environ[var] = val @given('the path "{path}" exists') def impl(context, path): if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) @then('the path "{path}" does not exist') def impl(context, path): if os.path.exists(path): shutil.rmtree(path) @when('the user runs the following query on "{dbname}" without fetching results') def impl(context, dbname): query = context.text.strip() thread.start_new_thread(execute_sql, (dbname, query)) time.sleep(30) @when('the user runs query from the file "{filename}" on "{dbname}" without fetching results') def impl(context, filename, dbname): with open(filename) as fr: for line in fr: query = line.strip() thread.start_new_thread(execute_sql, (dbname, query)) time.sleep(30) @then('the following text should be printed to stdout') def impl(context): check_stdout_msg(context, context.text.strip()) @then('the text in the file "{filename}" should be printed to stdout') def impl(context, filename): contents = '' with open(filename) as fr: for line in fr: contents = line.strip() print "contents: ", contents check_stdout_msg(context, contents) @when('the user runs command "{cmd}" on the "{seg_type}" segment') def impl(context, cmd, seg_type): if seg_type == 'Change Tracking': port, host = get_change_tracking_segment_info() elif seg_type == 'Original': port, host = context.killed_seg_port, context.killed_seg_host else: raise Exception('Invalid segment type "%s" specified' % seg_type) cmd += ' -p %s -h %s' % (port, host) run_command(context, cmd) @given('below sql is executed in "{dbname}" db') @when('below sql is executed in "{dbname}" db') def impl(context, dbname): sql = context.text execute_sql(dbname, sql) @when('sql "{sql}" is executed in "{dbname}" db') @then('sql "{sql}" is executed in "{dbname}" db') def impl(context, sql, dbname): execute_sql(dbname, sql) @when('execute following sql in db "{dbname}" and store result in the context') def impl(context, dbname): context.stored_rows = [] with dbconn.connect(dbconn.DbURL(dbname=dbname)) as conn: curs = dbconn.execSQL(conn, context.text) context.stored_rows = curs.fetchall() @when('execute sql "{sql}" in db "{dbname}" and store result in the context') def impl(context, sql, dbname): context.stored_rows = [] with dbconn.connect(dbconn.DbURL(dbname=dbname)) as conn: curs = dbconn.execSQL(conn, sql) context.stored_rows = curs.fetchall() @then('validate that "{message}" is in the stored rows') def impl(context, message): for row in context.stored_rows: for column in row: if message in column: return print context.stored_rows print message raise Exception("'%s' not found in stored rows" % message) @then('verify that file "{filename}" exists under "{path}"') def impl(context, filename, path): fullpath = "%s/%s" % (path, filename) fullpath = os.path.expandvars(fullpath) if not os.path.exists(fullpath): raise Exception('file "%s" is not exist' % fullpath) @given('waiting "{second}" seconds') @when('waiting "{second}" seconds') @then('waiting "{second}" seconds') def impl(context, second): time.sleep(float(second)) def get_opened_files(filename, pidfile): cmd = "if [ `uname -s` = 'SunOS' ]; then CMD=pfiles; else CMD='lsof -p'; fi && PATH=$PATH:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin $CMD `cat %s` | grep %s | wc -l" % ( pidfile, filename) return commands.getstatusoutput(cmd) @then('the file "{filename}" by process "{pidfile}" is not closed') def impl(context, filename, pidfile): (ret, output) = get_opened_files(filename, pidfile) if int(output) == 0: raise Exception('file %s has been closed' % (filename)) @then('the file "{filename}" by process "{pidfile}" is closed') def impl(context, filename, pidfile): (ret, output) = get_opened_files(filename, pidfile) if int(output) != 0: raise Exception('file %s has not been closed' % (filename)) @then('the file "{filename}" by process "{pidfile}" opened number is "{num}"') def impl(context, filename, pidfile, num): (ret, output) = get_opened_files(filename, pidfile) if int(output) != int(num): raise Exception('file %s opened number %d is not %d' % (filename, int(output), int(num))) @given('the directory {path} exists') @then('the directory {path} exists') def impl(context, path): if not os.path.isdir(path): raise Exception('Directory "%s" does not exist' % path) @then('{file} should be found in tarball with prefix "{prefix}" within directory {path}') def impl(context, file, prefix, path): ## look for subdirectory created during collection collection_dirlist = os.listdir(path) if len(collection_dirlist) > 1: raise Exception('more then one data collection directory found.') if len(collection_dirlist) == 0: raise Exception('Collection directory was not found') ## get a listing of files in the subdirectory and make sure there is only one tarball found tarpath = os.path.join(path, collection_dirlist[0]) collection_filelist = os.listdir(tarpath) if len(collection_filelist) > 1: raise Exception('Too many files found in "%s"' % tarpath) if len(collection_filelist) == 0: raise Exception('No files found in "%s"' % tarpath) ## Expand tarball with prefix "GP_LOG_COLLECTION_" and search for given file within collection if prefix in collection_filelist[0]: ## extract the root tarball tar =, collection_filelist[0]), "r:") tar.extractall(tarpath) tar.close() FOUND = False for tfile in os.listdir(tarpath): if prefix in tfile: continue ## Find any tar file that contain given file segtar =, tfile), "r:gz") for tarinfo in segtar: if tarinfo.isreg() and file in FOUND = True segtar.close() break ## break segtar loop if FOUND: return ## we found the file so pass the test case else: ## the file should have been found in the first segment tarball raise Exception('Unable to find "%s" in "%s" tar file' % (file, collection_filelist[0])) else: raise Exception('tarball with prefix "%s" was not found' % prefix) @given('the directory {path} is removed or does not exist') @when('the directory {path} is removed or does not exist') @then('the directory {path} is removed or does not exist') def impl(context, path): if '*' in path: raise Exception('Wildcard not supported') if path[0] == '~': path = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), path[2:]) run_command(context, 'rm -rf %s' % path) @given('the user runs sbin command "{cmd}"') @when('the user runs sbin command "{cmd}"') @then('the user runs sbin command "{cmd}"') def impl(context, cmd): gpsbin = os.path.join(os.environ.get('GPHOME'), 'sbin') if not os.path.isdir(gpsbin): raise Exception('ERROR: GPHOME not set in environment') cmd = gpsbin + "/" + cmd ## don't us os.path join because command might have arguments run_command(context, cmd) @given('the OS type is not "{os_type}"') def impl(context, os_type): assert platform.system() != os_type @then('{file1} and {file2} should exist and have a new mtime') def impl(context, file1, file2): gphome = os.environ.get('GPHOME') if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(gphome, file1)) or not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(gphome, file2)): raise Exception( 'installation of ' + context.utility + ' failed because one or more files do not exist in ' + os.path.join( gphome, file1)) file1_mtime = os.path.getmtime(os.path.join(gphome, file1)) file2_mtime = os.path.getmtime(os.path.join(gphome, file2)) if file1_mtime < context.currenttime or file2_mtime < context.currenttime: raise Exception('one or both file mtime was not updated') os.chdir(context.cwd) run_command(context, 'rm -rf %s' % context.path) @given('you are about to run a database query') @when('you are about to run a database query') @then('you are about to run a database query') def impl(context): context.sessionID = [] @given('the user ran this query "{query}" against database "{dbname}" for table "{table}" and it hangs') @when('the user ran this query "{query}" against database "{dbname}" for table "{table}" and it hangs') def impl(context, query, dbname, table): get_sessionID_query = "SELECT sess_id FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE current_query ~ '" + table + "' AND current_query !~ 'pg_stat_activity'" if not check_db_exists(dbname): raise Exception('The database ' + dbname + 'Does not exist') thread.start_new_thread(getRows, (dbname, query)) time.sleep(15) context.sessionIDRow = getRows(dbname, get_sessionID_query) if len(context.sessionIDRow) == 0: raise Exception('Was not able to determine the session ID') context.sessionID.append(context.sessionIDRow[0][0]) @then('user runs "{command}" against the queries session ID') def impl(context, command): ## build the session_list session_list = None for session in context.sessionID: if not session_list: session_list = str(session) else: session_list = session_list + ',' + str(session) command += " " + session_list run_gpcommand(context, command) @then('{file} file with queries sessionIDs should be found within directory {path}') def impl(context, file, path): ###################################################################################### ## This function needs to be modified.. changes are pending hung_analyzer revisions ## ###################################################################################### ## look for subdirectory created during collection collection_dirlist = os.listdir(path) if len(collection_dirlist) > 1: raise Exception( 'more then one data collection directory found. Possibly left over from a previous run of hung analyzer') if len(collection_dirlist) == 0: raise Exception('Collection directory was not found') ## Make sure we have a core file for each session sessions_found = 0 for rootdir, dirs, files in os.walk(os.path.join(path, collection_dirlist[0])): for session in context.sessionID: for f in files: core_prefix = file + str(session) + '.' if core_prefix in f: sessions_found += 1 break if sessions_found == 0: raise Exception('No core files were found in collection') if sessions_found != len(context.sessionID): raise Exception('Only ' + str(sessions_found) + ' core files were found out of ' + str(len(context.sessionID))) @then('{file} file should be found within directory {path}') def impl(context, file, path): ## look for subdirectory created during collection collection_dirlist = os.listdir(path) if len(collection_dirlist) > 1: raise Exception( 'more then one data collection directory found. Possibly left over from a previous run of hung analyzer') if len(collection_dirlist) == 0: raise Exception('Collection directory was not found') ## get a listing of files and dirs and prune until file is found for rootdir, dirs, files in os.walk(os.path.join(path, collection_dirlist[0])): for f in files: if file in f: return raise Exception('File was not found in :' + path) @then('database is restarted to kill the hung query') def impl(context): try: stop_database_if_started(context) except Exception as e: context.exception = None pass ## capture the thread dieing from our hung query if check_database_is_running(context): raise Exception('Failed to stop the database') start_database_if_not_started(context) if not check_database_is_running(): raise Exception('Failed to start the database') @then('partition "{partitionnum}" is added to partition table "{tablename}" in "{dbname}"') def impl(context, partitionnum, tablename, dbname): add_partition(context, partitionnum, tablename, dbname) @then('partition "{partitionnum}" is dropped from partition table "{tablename}" in "{dbname}"') def impl(context, partitionnum, tablename, dbname): drop_partition(context, partitionnum, tablename, dbname) @when('table "{tablename}" is dropped in "{dbname}"') @then('table "{tablename}" is dropped in "{dbname}"') @given('table "{tablename}" is dropped in "{dbname}"') def impl(context, tablename, dbname): drop_table_if_exists(context, table_name=tablename, dbname=dbname) def create_trigger_function(dbname, trigger_func_name, tablename): trigger_func_sql = """ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION %s() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$ BEGIN INSERT INTO %s VALUES(2001, 'backup', '2100-08-23'); END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql """ % (trigger_func_name, tablename) execute_sql(dbname, trigger_func_sql) def create_trigger(dbname, trigger_func_name, trigger_name, tablename): SQL = """ CREATE TRIGGER %s AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE OR DELETE ON %s FOR EACH STATEMENT EXECUTE PROCEDURE %s(); """ % (trigger_name, tablename, trigger_func_name) execute_sql(dbname, SQL) @given( 'there is a trigger "{trigger_name}" on table "{tablename}" in "{dbname}" based on function "{trigger_func_name}"') def impl(context, trigger_name, tablename, dbname, trigger_func_name): create_trigger_function(dbname, trigger_func_name, tablename) create_trigger(dbname, trigger_func_name, trigger_name, tablename) @then('there is a trigger function "{trigger_func_name}" on table "{tablename}" in "{dbname}"') def impl(context, trigger_func_name, tablename, dbname): create_trigger_function(dbname, trigger_func_name, tablename) @when('the index "{index_name}" in "{dbname}" is dropped') def impl(context, index_name, dbname): drop_index_sql = """DROP INDEX %s""" % index_name execute_sql(dbname, drop_index_sql) @when('the trigger "{trigger_name}" on table "{tablename}" in "{dbname}" is dropped') def impl(context, trigger_name, tablename, dbname): drop_trigger_sql = """DROP TRIGGER %s ON %s""" % (trigger_name, tablename) execute_sql(dbname, drop_trigger_sql) @given('all the segments are running') @when('all the segments are running') @then('all the segments are running') def impl(context): if not are_segments_running(): raise Exception("all segments are not currently running") return @given('the "{seg}" segment information is saved') @when('the "{seg}" segment information is saved') @then('the "{seg}" segment information is saved') def impl(context, seg): gparray = GpArray.initFromCatalog(dbconn.DbURL()) if seg == "primary": primary_segs = [seg for seg in gparray.getDbList() if seg.isSegmentPrimary()] context.pseg = primary_segs[0] context.pseg_data_dir = context.pseg.getSegmentDataDirectory() context.pseg_hostname = context.pseg.getSegmentHostName() context.pseg_dbid = context.pseg.getSegmentDbId() elif seg == "mirror": mirror_segs = [seg for seg in gparray.getDbList() if seg.isSegmentMirror()] context.mseg = mirror_segs[0] context.mseg_hostname = context.mseg.getSegmentHostName() context.mseg_dbid = context.mseg.getSegmentDbId() context.mseg_data_dir = context.mseg.getSegmentDataDirectory() @when('we run a sample background script to generate a pid on "{seg}" segment') def impl(context, seg): if seg == "primary": if not hasattr(context, 'pseg_hostname'): raise Exception("primary seg host is not saved in the context") hostname = context.pseg_hostname elif seg == "smdw": if not hasattr(context, 'standby_host'): raise Exception("Standby host is not saved in the context") hostname = context.standby_host filename = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), './test/behave/mgmt_utils/steps/data/') cmd = Command(name="Remove background script on remote host", cmdStr='rm -f /tmp/', remoteHost=hostname, ctxt=REMOTE) cmd = Command(name="Copy background script to remote host", cmdStr='scp %s %s:/tmp' % (filename, hostname)) cmd = Command(name="Run Bg process to save pid", cmdStr='sh -c "python /tmp/" &>/dev/null &', remoteHost=hostname, ctxt=REMOTE) cmd = Command(name="get bg pid", cmdStr="ps ux | grep | grep -v grep | awk '{print \$2}'", remoteHost=hostname, ctxt=REMOTE) context.bg_pid = cmd.get_stdout() if not context.bg_pid: raise Exception("Unable to obtain the pid of the background script. Seg Host: %s, get_results: %s" % (hostname, cmd.get_stdout())) @when('the background pid is killed on "{seg}" segment') @then('the background pid is killed on "{seg}" segment') def impl(context, seg): if seg == "primary": if not hasattr(context, 'pseg_hostname'): raise Exception("primary seg host is not saved in the context") hostname = context.pseg_hostname elif seg == "smdw": if not hasattr(context, 'standby_host'): raise Exception("Standby host is not saved in the context") hostname = context.standby_host cmd = Command(name="get bg pid", cmdStr="ps ux | grep | grep -v grep | awk '{print \$2}'", remoteHost=hostname, ctxt=REMOTE) pids = cmd.get_stdout().splitlines() for pid in pids: cmd = Command(name="killbg pid", cmdStr='kill -9 %s' % pid, remoteHost=hostname, ctxt=REMOTE) @when('we generate the file with the background pid on "{seg}" segment') def impl(context, seg): if seg == "primary": if not hasattr(context, 'pseg_hostname'): raise Exception("primary seg host is not saved in the context") hostname = context.pseg_hostname data_dir = context.pseg_data_dir elif seg == "smdw": if not hasattr(context, 'standby_host'): raise Exception("Standby host is not saved in the context") hostname = context.standby_host data_dir = context.standby_host_data_dir pid_file = os.path.join(data_dir, '') pid_file_orig = pid_file + '.orig' cmd = Command(name="Copy pid file", cmdStr='cp %s %s' % (pid_file_orig, pid_file), remoteHost=hostname, ctxt=REMOTE) cpCmd = Command(name='copy pid file to master for editing', cmdStr='scp %s:%s /tmp' % (hostname, pid_file)) with open('/tmp/', 'r') as fr: lines = fr.readlines() lines[0] = "%s\n" % context.bg_pid with open('/tmp/', 'w') as fw: fw.writelines(lines) cpCmd = Command(name='copy pid file to segment after editing', cmdStr='scp /tmp/ %s:%s' % (hostname, pid_file)) @when('we generate the file with a non running pid on the same "{seg}" segment') def impl(context, seg): if seg == "primary": data_dir = context.pseg_data_dir hostname = context.pseg_hostname elif seg == "mirror": data_dir = context.mseg_data_dir hostname = context.mseg_hostname elif seg == "smdw": if not hasattr(context, 'standby_host'): raise Exception("Standby host is not saved in the context") hostname = context.standby_host data_dir = context.standby_host_data_dir pid_file = os.path.join(data_dir, '') pid_file_orig = pid_file + '.orig' cmd = Command(name="Copy pid file", cmdStr='cp %s %s' % (pid_file_orig, pid_file), remoteHost=hostname, ctxt=REMOTE) cpCmd = Command(name='copy pid file to master for editing', cmdStr='scp %s:%s /tmp' % (hostname, pid_file)) # Since Command creates a short-lived SSH session, we observe the PID given # a throw-away remote process. Assume that the PID is unused and available on # the remote in the near future. # This pid is no longer associated with a # running process and won't be recycled for long enough that tests # have finished. cmd = Command(name="get non-existing pid", cmdStr="echo \$\$", remoteHost=hostname, ctxt=REMOTE) pid = cmd.get_results().stdout.strip() with open('/tmp/', 'r') as fr: lines = fr.readlines() lines[0] = "%s\n" % pid with open('/tmp/', 'w') as fw: fw.writelines(lines) cpCmd = Command(name='copy pid file to segment after editing', cmdStr='scp /tmp/ %s:%s' % (hostname, pid_file)) @when('the user starts one "{seg}" segment') def impl(context, seg): if seg == "primary": dbid = context.pseg_dbid hostname = context.pseg_hostname segment = context.pseg elif seg == "mirror": dbid = context.mseg_dbid hostname = context.mseg_hostname segment = context.mseg segStartCmd = SegmentStart(name="Starting new segment dbid %s on host %s." % (str(dbid), hostname) , gpdb=segment , numContentsInCluster=0 # Starting seg on it's own. , era=None , mirrormode=MIRROR_MODE_MIRRORLESS , utilityMode=False , ctxt=REMOTE , remoteHost=hostname , noWait=False , timeout=300) @when('the file on "{seg}" segment is saved') def impl(context, seg): if seg == "primary": data_dir = context.pseg_data_dir hostname = context.pseg_hostname elif seg == "mirror": data_dir = context.mseg_data_dir hostname = context.mseg_hostname elif seg == "smdw": if not hasattr(context, 'standby_host'): raise Exception("Standby host is not saved in the context") hostname = context.standby_host data_dir = context.standby_host_data_dir pid_file = os.path.join(data_dir, '') pid_file_orig = pid_file + '.orig' cmd = Command(name="Copy pid file", cmdStr='cp %s %s' % (pid_file, pid_file_orig), remoteHost=hostname, ctxt=REMOTE) @then('the backup pid file is deleted on "{seg}" segment') def impl(context, seg): if seg == "primary": data_dir = context.pseg_data_dir hostname = context.pseg_hostname elif seg == "mirror": data_dir = context.mseg_data_dir hostname = context.mseg_hostname elif seg == "smdw": data_dir = context.standby_host_data_dir hostname = context.standby_host cmd = Command(name="Remove pid file", cmdStr='rm -f %s' % (os.path.join(data_dir, '')), remoteHost=hostname, ctxt=REMOTE) @given('the user creates an init config file "{to_file}" without mirrors') @when('the user creates an init config file "{to_file}" without mirrors') @then('the user creates an init config file "{to_file}" without mirrors') def impl(context, to_file): write_lines = [] BLDWRAP_TOP = os.environ.get('BLDWRAP_TOP') # this file is the output of the pulse system, where gpinit has been run from_file = BLDWRAP_TOP + '/sys_mgmt_test/test/general/cluster_conf.out' with open(from_file) as fr: lines = fr.readlines() for line in lines: if not line.startswith('REPLICATION_PORT_BASE') and not line.startswith( 'MIRROR_REPLICATION_PORT_BASE') and not line.startswith('MIRROR_PORT_BASE') and not line.startswith( 'declare -a MIRROR_DATA_DIRECTORY'): write_lines.append(line) with open(to_file, 'w+') as fw: fw.writelines(write_lines) @given('the user creates mirrors config file "{to_file}"') @when('the user creates mirrors config file "{to_file}"') @then('the user creates mirrors config file "{to_file}"') def impl(context, to_file): data_dirs = [] BLDWRAP_TOP = os.environ.get('BLDWRAP_TOP') from_file = BLDWRAP_TOP + '/sys_mgmt_test/test/general/cluster_conf.out' with open(from_file) as fr: lines = fr.readlines() for line in lines: if line.startswith('declare -a MIRROR_DATA_DIRECTORY'): data_dirs = line.split('(')[-1].strip().strip(')').split() break if not data_dirs: raise Exception("Could not find MIRROR_DATA_DIRECTORY in config file %s" % from_file) with open(to_file, 'w+') as fw: for dir in data_dirs: fw.write(dir.strip(')') + '\n') @given('the standby hostname is saved') @when('the standby hostname is saved') @then('the standby hostname is saved') def impl(context): gparray = GpArray.initFromCatalog(dbconn.DbURL()) primary_segs = [seg for seg in gparray.getDbList() if (seg.isSegmentPrimary() and not seg.isSegmentMaster())] context.standby = primary_segs[0].getSegmentHostName() @given('user runs the init command "{cmd}" with the saved standby host') @when('user runs the init command "{cmd}" with the saved standby host') @then('user runs the init command "{cmd}" with the saved standby host') def impl(context, cmd): run_cmd = cmd + '-s %s' % context.standby @given('there is a sequence "{seq_name}" in "{dbname}"') def impl(context, seq_name, dbname): sequence_sql = 'CREATE SEQUENCE %s' % seq_name execute_sql(dbname, sequence_sql) @when('the user removes the "{cmd}" command on standby') @then('the user removes the "{cmd}" command on standby') def impl(context, cmd): cmdStr = 'chmod u+rw ~/.bashrc && cp ~/.bashrc ~/.bashrc.backup' run_cmd = Command('run remote command', cmdStr, ctxt=REMOTE, remoteHost=context.standby_host) cmdStr = """echo >>~/.bashrc && echo "shopt -s expand_aliases" >>~/.bashrc && echo "alias %s='no_command'" >>~/.bashrc""" % cmd run_cmd = Command('run remote command', cmdStr, ctxt=REMOTE, remoteHost=context.standby_host) @when('the user restores the "{cmd}" command on the standby') @then('the user restores the "{cmd}" command on the standby') def impl(context, cmd): cmdStr = 'cp ~/.bashrc.backup ~/.bashrc' run_cmd = Command('run remote command', cmdStr, ctxt=REMOTE, remoteHost=context.standby_host) @when('the user stops the syncmaster') @then('the user stops the syncmaster') def impl(context): host = context.gparray.standbyMaster.hostname # Cat is added because pgrep returns all the processes of the tree, while # child processes are kill when the parent is kill, which produces an error cmdStr = 'pgrep syncmaster | xargs -i kill {} | cat' run_cmd = Command('kill syncmaster', cmdStr, ctxt=REMOTE, remoteHost=host) datadir = context.gparray.standbyMaster.datadir @when('the user starts the syncmaster') @then('the user starts the syncmaster') def impl(context): host = context.gparray.standbyMaster.hostname datadir = context.gparray.standbyMaster.datadir port = context.gparray.standbyMaster.port dbid = context.gparray.standbyMaster.dbid ncontents = context.gparray.getNumSegmentContents() GpStandbyStart.remote('test start syncmaster', host, datadir, port, ncontents, dbid) @when('save the cluster configuration') @then('save the cluster configuration') def impl(context): context.gparray = GpArray.initFromCatalog(dbconn.DbURL()) @given( 'partition "{partition}" of partition table "{schema_parent}.{table_name}" is assumed to be in schema "{schema_child}" in database "{dbname}"') @when( 'partition "{partition}" of partition table "{schema_parent}.{table_name}" is assumed to be in schema "{schema_child}" in database "{dbname}"') @then( 'partition "{partition}" of partition table "{schema_parent}.{table_name}" is assumed to be in schema "{schema_child}" in database "{dbname}"') def impl(context, partition, schema_parent, table_name, schema_child, dbname): part_t = get_partition_names(schema_parent.strip(), table_name.strip(), dbname.strip(), 1, partition) if len(part_t) < 1 or len(part_t[0]) < 1: print part_t a_partition_name = part_t[0][0].strip() alter_sql = """ALTER TABLE %s SET SCHEMA %s""" % (a_partition_name, schema_child) execute_sql(dbname, alter_sql) @given('this test sleeps for "{secs}" seconds') @when('this test sleeps for "{secs}" seconds') @then('this test sleeps for "{secs}" seconds') def impl(context, secs): secs = float(secs) time.sleep(secs) @then('verify that there are no duplicates in column "{columnname}" of table "{tablename}" in "{dbname}"') def impl(context, columnname, tablename, dbname): duplicate_sql = 'SELECT %s, COUNT(*) FROM %s GROUP BY %s HAVING COUNT(*) > 1' % (columnname, tablename, columnname) rows = getRows(dbname, duplicate_sql) if rows: raise Exception( 'Found duplicate rows in the column "%s" for table "%s" in database "%s"' % (columnname, tablename, dbname)) def execute_sql_for_sec(dbname, query, sec): with dbconn.connect(dbconn.DbURL(dbname=dbname)) as conn: dbconn.execSQL(conn, query) conn.commit() time.sleep(sec) @given('the user runs the query "{query}" on "{dbname}" for "{sec}" seconds') @when('the user runs the query "{query}" on "{dbname}" for "{sec}" seconds') @then('the user runs the query "{query}" on "{dbname}" for "{sec}" seconds') def impl(context, query, dbname, sec): if query.lower().startswith('create') or query.lower().startswith('insert'): thread.start_new_thread(execute_sql_for_sec, (dbname, query, float(sec))) else: thread.start_new_thread(getRows, (dbname, query)) time.sleep(30) @given('verify that the contents of the files "{expected_filepath}" and "{result_filepath}" are identical') @when('verify that the contents of the files "{expected_filepath}" and "{result_filepath}" are identical') @then('verify that the contents of the files "{expected_filepath}" and "{result_filepath}" are identical') def impl(context, expected_filepath, result_filepath): diff_files(expected_filepath, result_filepath) @given('the standby is not initialized') @then('the standby is not initialized') def impl(context): standby = get_standby_host() if standby: context.cluster_had_standby = True context.standby_host = standby run_gpcommand(context, 'gpinitstandby -ra') @when('user can "{can_ssh}" ssh locally on standby') @then('user can "{can_ssh}" ssh locally on standby') def impl(context, can_ssh): if not hasattr(context, 'standby_host'): raise Exception('Standby host not stored in context !') if can_ssh.strip() == 'not': cmdStr = 'mv ~/.ssh/authorized_keys ~/.ssh/authorized_keys.bk' else: cmdStr = 'mv ~/.ssh/authorized_keys.bk ~/.ssh/authorized_keys' cmd = Command(name='disable ssh locally', cmdStr=cmdStr, ctxt=REMOTE, remoteHost=context.standby_host) @given('all the compression data from "{dbname}" is saved for verification') def impl(context, dbname): partitions = get_partition_list('ao', dbname) + get_partition_list('co', dbname) with open('test/data/compression_{db}_backup'.format(db=dbname), 'w') as fp: with dbconn.connect(dbconn.DbURL(dbname=dbname)) as conn: for p in partitions: query = """SELECT get_ao_compression_ratio('{schema}.{table}')""".format(schema=p[1], table=p[2]) compression_rate = dbconn.execSQLForSingleton(conn, query) fp.write('{schema}.{table}:{comp}\n'.format(schema=p[1], table=p[2], comp=compression_rate)) @then('verify that the compression ratio of "{table}" in "{dbname}" is good') def impl(context, table, dbname): with dbconn.connect(dbconn.DbURL(dbname=dbname)) as conn: query = """SELECT get_ao_compression_ratio('{table}')""".format(table=table) compression_rate = dbconn.execSQLForSingleton(conn, query) found = False with open('test/data/compression_{db}_backup'.format(db=dbname)) as fp: for line in fp: t, c = line.split(':') if t == table: if float(c) != compression_rate and float(c) - 0.1 * float( c) > compression_rate: # 10% more than original compression rate raise Exception('Expected compression ratio to be greater than or equal to %s but got %s' % ( c, compression_rate)) found = True if not found: raise Exception('Compression ratio for table %s was not stored' % table) @then('verify that the data of tables in "{dbname}" is validated after reload') def impl(context, dbname): tbls = get_table_names(dbname) backed_up_data = [] reloaded_data = [] for t in tbls: with open('test/data/%s.%s_backup' % (t[0], t[1])) as fp: for line in fp: toks = line.split() backed_up_data.append( ' '.join(toks[1:])) # Ignore the gp_segment_id value since it changes after reload with dbconn.connect(dbconn.DbURL(dbname=dbname)) as conn: res = dbconn.execSQL(conn, 'select * from %s.%s' % (t[0], t[1])) for r in res: reloaded_data.append(' '.join([str(x) for x in r])) if sorted(reloaded_data) != sorted(backed_up_data): raise Exception('Data does not match for table %s.%s' % (t[0], t[1])) @given('the schemas "{schema_list}" do not exist in "{dbname}"') @then('the schemas "{schema_list}" do not exist in "{dbname}"') def impl(context, schema_list, dbname): schemas = [s.strip() for s in schema_list.split(',')] for s in schemas: drop_schema_if_exists(context, s.strip(), dbname) @then('verify that the schema "{schema_name}" exists in "{dbname}"') def impl(context, schema_name, dbname): schema_exists = check_schema_exists(context, schema_name, dbname) if not schema_exists: raise Exception("Schema '%s' does not exist in the database '%s'" % (schema_name, dbname)) @then('verify that the utility {utilname} ever does logging into the user\'s "{dirname}" directory') def impl(context, utilname, dirname): absdirname = "%s/%s" % (os.path.expanduser("~"), dirname) if not os.path.exists(absdirname): raise Exception('No such directory: %s' % absdirname) pattern = "%s/%s_*.log" % (absdirname, utilname) logs_for_a_util = glob.glob(pattern) if not logs_for_a_util: raise Exception('Logs matching "%s" were not created' % pattern) @then('verify that a log was created by {utilname} in the "{dirname}" directory') def impl(context, utilname, dirname): if not os.path.exists(dirname): raise Exception('No such directory: %s' % dirname) pattern = "%s/%s_*.log" % (dirname, utilname) logs_for_a_util = glob.glob(pattern) if not logs_for_a_util: raise Exception('Logs matching "%s" were not created' % pattern) @given('a table is created containing rows of length "{length}" with connection "{dbconn}"') def impl(context, length, dbconn): length = int(length) wide_row_file = 'test/behave/mgmt_utils/steps/data/gptransfer/wide_row_%s.sql' % length tablename = 'public.wide_row_%s' % length entry = "x" * length with open(wide_row_file, 'w') as sql_file: sql_file.write("CREATE TABLE %s (a integer, b text);\n" % tablename) for i in range(10): sql_file.write("INSERT INTO %s VALUES (%d, \'%s\');\n" % (tablename, i, entry)) command = '%s -f %s' % (dbconn, wide_row_file) run_gpcommand(context, command) @then('drop the table "{tablename}" with connection "{dbconn}"') def impl(context, tablename, dbconn): command = "%s -c \'drop table if exists %s\'" % (dbconn, tablename) run_gpcommand(context, command) def _get_gpAdminLogs_directory(): return "%s/gpAdminLogs" % os.path.expanduser("~") @given('an incomplete map file is created') def impl(context): with open('/tmp/incomplete_map_file', 'w') as fd: fd.write('nonexistent_host,nonexistent_host') @given( 'there is a table "{table_name}" dependent on function "{func_name}" in database "{dbname}" on the source system') def impl(context, table_name, func_name, dbname): dbconn = 'psql -d %s -p $GPTRANSFER_SOURCE_PORT -U $GPTRANSFER_SOURCE_USER -h $GPTRANSFER_SOURCE_HOST' % dbname SQL = """CREATE TABLE %s (num integer); CREATE FUNCTION %s (integer) RETURNS integer AS 'select abs(\$1);' LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE; CREATE INDEX test_index ON %s (%s(num))""" % ( table_name, func_name, table_name, func_name) command = '%s -c "%s"' % (dbconn, SQL) run_command(context, command) @then( 'the function-dependent table "{table_name}" and the function "{func_name}" in database "{dbname}" are dropped on the source system') def impl(context, table_name, func_name, dbname): dbconn = 'psql -d %s -p $GPTRANSFER_SOURCE_PORT -U $GPTRANSFER_SOURCE_USER -h $GPTRANSFER_SOURCE_HOST' % dbname SQL = """DROP TABLE %s; DROP FUNCTION %s(integer);""" % (table_name, func_name) command = '%s -c "%s"' % (dbconn, SQL) run_command(context, command) @then('verify that function "{func_name}" exists in database "{dbname}"') def impl(context, func_name, dbname): SQL = """SELECT proname FROM pg_proc WHERE proname = '%s';""" % func_name row_count = getRows(dbname, SQL)[0][0] if row_count != 'test_function': raise Exception('Function %s does not exist in %s"' % (func_name, dbname)) @when('the user runs the query "{query}" in database "{dbname}" and sends the output to "{filename}"') def impl(context, query, dbname, filename): cmd = "psql -d %s -p $GPTRANSFER_DEST_PORT -U $GPTRANSFER_DEST_USER -c '\copy (%s) to %s'" % ( dbname, query, filename) thread.start_new_thread(run_gpcommand, (context, cmd)) time.sleep(10) @given('the user runs the command "{cmd}" in the background') @when('the user runs the command "{cmd}" in the background') def impl(context, cmd): thread.start_new_thread(run_command, (context, cmd)) time.sleep(10) @given('the user runs the command "{cmd}" in the background without sleep') @when('the user runs the command "{cmd}" in the background without sleep') def impl(context, cmd): thread.start_new_thread(run_command, (context, cmd)) @then('verify that the file "{filename}" contains the string "{output}"') def impl(context, filename, output): contents = '' with open(filename) as fr: for line in fr: contents = line.strip() print contents check_stdout_msg(context, output) @then('verify that the last line of the file "{filename}" in the master data directory contains the string "{output}"') def impl(context, filename, output): contents = '' file_path = os.path.join(master_data_dir, filename) with open(file_path) as fr: for line in fr: contents = line.strip() pat = re.compile(output) if not err_str = "Expected stdout string '%s' and found: '%s'" % (output, contents) raise Exception(err_str) @then('the user waits for "{process_name}" to finish running') def impl(context, process_name): run_command(context, "ps ux | grep `which %s` | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' | xargs" % process_name) pids = context.stdout_message.split() while len(pids) > 0: for pid in pids: try: os.kill(int(pid), 0) except OSError: pids.remove(pid) time.sleep(10) @given('the gpfdists occupying port {port} on host "{hostfile}"') def impl(context, port, hostfile): remote_gphome = os.environ.get('GPHOME') gp_source_file = os.path.join(remote_gphome, '') source_map_file = os.environ.get(hostfile) dir = '/tmp' ctxt = 2 with open(source_map_file, 'r') as f: for line in f: host = line.strip().split(',')[0] if host in ('localhost', '', socket.gethostname()): ctxt = 1 gpfdist = Gpfdist('gpfdist on host %s' % host, dir, port, os.path.join('/tmp', ''), ctxt, host, gp_source_file) gpfdist.startGpfdist() @then('the gpfdists running on port {port} get cleaned up from host "{hostfile}"') def impl(context, port, hostfile): remote_gphome = os.environ.get('GPHOME') gp_source_file = os.path.join(remote_gphome, '') source_map_file = os.environ.get(hostfile) dir = '/tmp' ctxt = 2 with open(source_map_file, 'r') as f: for line in f: host = line.strip().split(',')[0] if host in ('localhost', '', socket.gethostname()): ctxt = 1 gpfdist = Gpfdist('gpfdist on host %s' % host, dir, port, os.path.join('/tmp', ''), ctxt, host, gp_source_file) gpfdist.cleanupGpfdist() @when('verify that db_dumps directory does not exist in master or segments') @then('verify that db_dumps directory does not exist in master or segments') def impl(context): check_dump_dir_exists(context, 'template1') @when('verify that the restored table "{table_name}" in database "{dbname}" is analyzed') @then('verify that the restored table "{table_name}" in database "{dbname}" is analyzed') def impl(context, table_name, dbname): if verify_restored_table_is_analyzed(context, table_name, dbname) is not True: raise Exception("The restored table \'%s\' of database \'%s\' is not analyzed" % (table_name, dbname)) @when('verify that the table "{table_name}" in database "{dbname}" is not analyzed') @then('verify that the table "{table_name}" in database "{dbname}" is not analyzed') def impl(context, table_name, dbname): if (verify_restored_table_is_analyzed(context, table_name, dbname)): raise Exception("The restored table \'%s\' of database \'%s\' is analyzed" % (table_name, dbname)) @given('the database "{dbname}" is analyzed') def impl(context, dbname): analyze_database(context, dbname) @when('the user deletes rows from the table "{table_name}" of database "{dbname}" where "{column_name}" is "{info}"') @then('the user deletes rows from the table "{table_name}" of database "{dbname}" where "{column_name}" is "{info}"') def impl(context, dbname, table_name, column_name, info): delete_rows_from_table(context, dbname, table_name, column_name, info) @then('verify that the query "{query}" in database "{dbname}" returns "{nrows}"') def impl(context, dbname, query, nrows): check_count_for_specific_query(dbname, query, int(nrows)) @then('verify that the file "{filepath}" contains "{line}"') def impl(context, filepath, line): filepath = glob.glob(filepath)[0] if line not in open(filepath).read(): raise Exception("The file '%s' does not contain '%s'" % (filepath, line)) @then('verify that the file "{filepath}" does not contain "{line}"') def impl(context, filepath, line): filepath = glob.glob(filepath)[0] if line in open(filepath).read(): raise Exception("The file '%s' does contain '%s'" % (filepath, line)) @then('verify that gptransfer is in order of "{filepath}" when partition transfer is "{is_partition_transfer}"') def impl(context, filepath, is_partition_transfer): with open(filepath) as f: table = if is_partition_transfer != "None": table = [x.split(',')[0] for x in table] split_message = re.findall("Starting transfer of.*\n", context.stdout_message) if len(split_message) == 0 and len(table) != 0: raise Exception("There were no tables transfered") counter_table = 0 counter_split = 0 found = 0 while counter_table < len(table) and counter_split < len(split_message): for i in range(counter_split, len(split_message)): pat = table[counter_table] + " to" prog = re.compile(pat) res =[i]) if not res: counter_table += 1 break else: found += 1 counter_split += 1 if found != len(split_message): raise Exception("expected to find %s tables in order and only found %s in order" % (len(split_message), found)) @given('database "{dbname}" is dropped and recreated') @when('database "{dbname}" is dropped and recreated') @then('database "{dbname}" is dropped and recreated') def impl(context, dbname): drop_database_if_exists(context, dbname) create_database(context, dbname) @given('the user runs the query "{query}" on "{dbname}" in the background until stopped') @when('the user runs the query "{query}" on "{dbname}" in the background until stopped') @then('the user runs the query "{query}" on "{dbname}" in the background until stopped') def impl(context, query, dbname): thread.start_new_thread(execute_sql_until_stopped, (context, dbname, query)) def execute_sql_until_stopped(context, dbname, query): with dbconn.connect(dbconn.DbURL(dbname=dbname)) as conn: dbconn.execSQL(conn, query) conn.commit() while True: if hasattr(context, 'background_query_lock'): break time.sleep(1) @when('the user stops all background queries') @then('the user stops all background queries') def impl(context): context.background_query_lock = True @given('the backup test is initialized with no backup files') def impl(context): context.execute_steps(u''' Given the database is running And database "bkdb" is dropped and recreated And there are no backup files And the backup files in "/tmp" are deleted And the DDBoost dump directory is deleted for the "local" storage unit And the DDBoost dump directory is deleted for the "remote" storage unit ''') @given('the backup test is initialized with database "{dbname}"') def impl(context, dbname): context.execute_steps(u''' Given the database is running And database "%s" is dropped and recreated ''' % dbname) @given('the backup test is initialized for special characters') def impl(context): os.environ["SP_CHAR_DB"] = """ DB`~@#$%^&*()_-+[{]}|\;: \\'/?><;1 """ os.environ["SP_CHAR_SCHEMA"] = """ S`~@#$%^&*()-+[{]}|\;: \\'"/?><1 """ os.environ["SP_CHAR_SCHEMA2"] = """ S`~@#$%^&*()_-+[{]}|\;: \\'"/?><2 """ os.environ["SP_CHAR_HEAP"] = """ heap_T`~@#$%^&*()-+[{]}|\;: \\'"/?><1 """ os.environ["SP_CHAR_AO"] = """ ao_T`~@#$%^&*()-+[{]}|\;: \\'"/?><1 """ os.environ["SP_CHAR_CO"] = """ co_T`~@#$%^&*()-+[{]}|\;: \\'"/?><1 """ context.execute_steps(u''' Given the database is running And the user runs "psql -f test/behave/mgmt_utils/steps/data/special_chars/create_special_database.sql template1" And the user runs "psql -f test/behave/mgmt_utils/steps/data/special_chars/create_special_schema.sql template1" And the user runs "psql -f test/behave/mgmt_utils/steps/data/special_chars/create_special_table.sql template1" And the user runs "psql -f test/behave/mgmt_utils/steps/data/special_chars/insert_into_special_table.sql template1" ''') @then('validate and run gpcheckcat repair') def impl(context): context.execute_steps(u''' Then gpcheckcat should print "repair script\(s\) generated in dir*" to stdout Then the path "*" is found in cwd "1" times Then run all the repair scripts in the dir "*" And the path "*" is removed from current working directory ''') @given('there is a "{tabletype}" table "{tablename}" in "{dbname}" with data') @then('there is a "{tabletype}" table "{tablename}" in "{dbname}" with data') @when('there is a "{tabletype}" table "{tablename}" in "{dbname}" with data') def impl(context, tabletype, tablename, dbname): populate_regular_table_data(context, tabletype, tablename, 'None', dbname, with_data=True) @given( 'there is a "{tabletype}" table "{table_name}" with compression "{compression_type}" in "{dbname}" with data and {rowcount} rows') @when( 'there is a "{tabletype}" table "{table_name}" with compression "{compression_type}" in "{dbname}" with data and {rowcount} rows') @then( 'there is a "{tabletype}" table "{table_name}" with compression "{compression_type}" in "{dbname}" with data and {rowcount} rows') def impl(context, tabletype, table_name, compression_type, dbname, rowcount): populate_regular_table_data(context, tabletype, table_name, compression_type, dbname, int(rowcount)) @given('there is a "{tabletype}" partition table "{table_name}" in "{dbname}" with data') @then('there is a "{tabletype}" partition table "{table_name}" in "{dbname}" with data') @when('there is a "{tabletype}" partition table "{table_name}" in "{dbname}" with data') def impl(context, tabletype, table_name, dbname): create_partition(context, tablename=table_name, storage_type=tabletype, dbname=dbname, with_data=True) @then('read pid from file "{filename}" and kill the process') @when('read pid from file "{filename}" and kill the process') @given('read pid from file "{filename}" and kill the process') def impl(context, filename): retry = 0 pid = None while retry < 5: try: with open(filename) as fr: pid = fr.readline().strip() if pid: break except: retry += 1 time.sleep(retry * 0.1) # 100 millis, 200 millis, etc. if not pid: raise Exception("process id '%s' not found in the file '%s'" % (pid, filename)) cmd = Command(name="killing pid", cmdStr='kill -9 %s' % pid) @then('an attribute of table "{table}" in database "{dbname}" is deleted on segment with content id "{segid}"') def impl(context, table, dbname, segid): local_cmd = 'psql %s -t -c "SELECT port,hostname FROM gp_segment_configuration WHERE content=%s and role=\'p\';"' % ( dbname, segid) run_command(context, local_cmd) port, host = context.stdout_message.split("|") port = port.strip() host = host.strip() user = os.environ.get('USER') source_file = os.path.join(os.environ.get('GPHOME'), '') # Yes, the below line is ugly. It looks much uglier when done with separate strings, given the multiple levels of escaping required. remote_cmd = """ ssh %s "source %s; export PGUSER=%s; export PGPORT=%s; export PGOPTIONS=\\\"-c gp_session_role=utility\\\"; psql -d %s -c \\\"SET allow_system_table_mods=\'dml\'; DELETE FROM pg_attribute where attrelid=\'%s\'::regclass::oid;\\\"" """ % (host, source_file, user, port, dbname, table) run_command(context, remote_cmd.strip()) @then('The user runs sql "{query}" in "{dbname}" on first primary segment') @when('The user runs sql "{query}" in "{dbname}" on first primary segment') @given('The user runs sql "{query}" in "{dbname}" on first primary segment') def impl(context, query, dbname): host, port = get_primary_segment_host_port() psql_cmd = "PGDATABASE=\'%s\' PGOPTIONS=\'-c gp_session_role=utility\' psql -h %s -p %s -c \"%s\"; " % ( dbname, host, port, query) Command(name='Running Remote command: %s' % psql_cmd, cmdStr=psql_cmd).run(validateAfter=True) @then('The user runs sql file "{file}" in "{dbname}" on all the segments') @when('The user runs sql file "{file}" in "{dbname}" on all the segments') @given('The user runs sql file "{file}" in "{dbname}" on all the segments') def impl(context, file, dbname): with open(file) as fd: query = gparray = GpArray.initFromCatalog(dbconn.DbURL()) segments = gparray.getDbList() for seg in segments: host = seg.getSegmentHostName() if seg.isSegmentPrimary() or seg.isSegmentMaster(): port = seg.getSegmentPort() psql_cmd = "PGDATABASE=\'%s\' PGOPTIONS=\'-c gp_session_role=utility\' psql -h %s -p %s -c \"%s\"; " % ( dbname, host, port, query) Command(name='Running Remote command: %s' % psql_cmd, cmdStr=psql_cmd).run(validateAfter=True) @then('The path "{path}" is removed from current working directory') @when('The path "{path}" is removed from current working directory') @given('The path "{path}" is removed from current working directory') def impl(context, path): remove_local_path(path) @given('the path "{path}" is found in cwd "{num}" times') @then('the path "{path}" is found in cwd "{num}" times') @when('the path "{path}" is found in cwd "{num}" times') def impl(context, path, num): result = validate_local_path(path) if result != int(num): raise Exception("expected %s items but found %s items in path %s" % (num, result, path)) @then('run all the repair scripts in the dir "{dir}"') def impl(context, dir): command = "cd {0} ; for i in *.sh ; do bash $i; done".format(dir) run_command(context, command) @when( 'the entry for the table "{user_table}" is removed from "{catalog_table}" with key "{primary_key}" in the database "{db_name}"') def impl(context, user_table, catalog_table, primary_key, db_name): delete_qry = "delete from %s where %s='%s'::regclass::oid;" % (catalog_table, primary_key, user_table) with dbconn.connect(dbconn.DbURL(dbname=db_name)) as conn: for qry in ["set allow_system_table_mods='dml';", "set allow_segment_dml=true;", delete_qry]: dbconn.execSQL(conn, qry) conn.commit() @when('the entry for the table "{user_table}" is removed from "{catalog_table}" with key "{primary_key}" in the database "{db_name}" on the first primary segment') @given('the entry for the table "{user_table}" is removed from "{catalog_table}" with key "{primary_key}" in the database "{db_name}" on the first primary segment') def impl(context, user_table, catalog_table, primary_key, db_name): host, port = get_primary_segment_host_port() delete_qry = "delete from %s where %s='%s'::regclass::oid;" % (catalog_table, primary_key, user_table) with dbconn.connect(dbconn.DbURL(dbname=db_name, port=port, hostname=host), utility=True, allowSystemTableMods='dml') as conn: for qry in [delete_qry]: dbconn.execSQL(conn, qry) conn.commit() @given('the timestamps in the repair dir are consistent') @when('the timestamps in the repair dir are consistent') @then('the timestamps in the repair dir are consistent') def impl(_): repair_regex = "*" timestamp = "" repair_dir = "" for file in os.listdir('.'): if fnmatch.fnmatch(file, repair_regex): repair_dir = file timestamp = repair_dir.split('.')[2] if not timestamp: raise Exception("Timestamp was not found") for file in os.listdir(repair_dir): if not timestamp in file: raise Exception("file found containing inconsistent timestamp") @when('user kills a mirror process with the saved information') def impl(context): cmdStr = "ps ux | grep '[m]irror process' | grep %s | awk '{print $2}'" % context.mirror_port cmd = Command(name='get mirror pid: %s' % cmdStr, cmdStr=cmdStr) pid = cmd.get_stdout_lines()[0] kill_process(int(pid), context.mirror_segdbname, sig=signal.SIGABRT) @when('user temporarily moves the data directory of the killed mirror') @then('user temporarily moves the data directory of the killed mirror') def impl(context): rmStr = "mv %s{,.bk}" % context.mirror_datadir cmd = Command(name='Move mirror data directory', cmdStr=rmStr) @when('user returns the data directory to the default location of the killed mirror') @then('user returns the data directory to the default location of the killed mirror') def impl(context): rmStr = "mv %s{.bk,}" % context.mirror_datadir cmd = Command(name='Move mirror data directory', cmdStr=rmStr) @when('wait until the mirror is down') @then('wait until the mirror is down') @given('wait until the mirror is down') def impl(context): qry = "select status from gp_segment_configuration where dbid='%s' and status='d' " % context.mirror_segdbId start_time = current_time = while (current_time - start_time).seconds < 120: row_count = len(getRows('template1', qry)) if row_count == 1: break time.sleep(5) current_time = @when('wait until the process "{proc}" goes down') @then('wait until the process "{proc}" goes down') @given('wait until the process "{proc}" goes down') def impl(context, proc): is_stopped = has_process_eventually_stopped(proc) context.ret_code = 0 if is_stopped else 1 if not is_stopped: context.error_message = 'The process %s is still running after waiting' % proc check_return_code(context, 0) @when('wait until the process "{proc}" is up') @then('wait until the process "{proc}" is up') @given('wait until the process "{proc}" is up') def impl(context, proc): cmd = Command(name='pgrep for %s' % proc, cmdStr="pgrep %s" % proc) start_time = current_time = while (current_time - start_time).seconds < 120: if cmd.get_return_code() > 1: raise Exception("unexpected problem with gprep, return code: %s" % cmd.get_return_code()) if cmd.get_return_code() != 1: # 0 means match break time.sleep(2) current_time = context.ret_code = cmd.get_return_code() context.error_message = '' if context.ret_code > 1: context.error_message = 'pgrep internal error' check_return_code(context, 0) # 0 means one or more processes were matched @when('wait until the results from boolean sql "{sql}" is "{boolean}"') @then('wait until the results from boolean sql "{sql}" is "{boolean}"') @given('wait until the results from boolean sql "{sql}" is "{boolean}"') def impl(context, sql, boolean): cmd = Command(name='psql', cmdStr='psql --tuples-only -d gpperfmon -c "%s"' % sql) start_time = current_time = result = None while (current_time - start_time).seconds < 120: if cmd.get_return_code() != 0: break result = cmd.get_stdout() if _str2bool(result) == _str2bool(boolean): break time.sleep(2) current_time = if cmd.get_return_code() != 0: context.ret_code = cmd.get_return_code() context.error_message = 'psql internal error: %s' % cmd.get_stderr() check_return_code(context, 0) else: if _str2bool(result) != _str2bool(boolean): raise Exception("sql output '%s' is not same as '%s'" % (result, boolean)) def _str2bool(string): return string.lower().strip() in ['t', 'true', '1', 'yes', 'y'] @when('run gppersistent_rebuild with the saved content id') @then('run gppersistent_rebuild with the saved content id') def impl(context): cmdStr = "echo -e 'y\ny\n' | $GPHOME/sbin/gppersistentrebuild -c %s" % context.saved_segcid cmd = Command(name='Run gppersistentrebuild', cmdStr=cmdStr) context.ret_code = cmd.get_return_code() @given('the information of a "{seg}" segment on any host is saved') @when('the information of a "{seg}" segment on any host is saved') @then('the information of a "{seg}" segment on any host is saved') def impl(context, seg): gparray = GpArray.initFromCatalog(dbconn.DbURL()) if seg == "mirror": to_save_segs = [seg for seg in gparray.getDbList() if seg.isSegmentMirror()] context.mirror_segdbId = to_save_segs[0].getSegmentDbId() context.mirror_segcid = to_save_segs[0].getSegmentContentId() context.mirror_segdbname = to_save_segs[0].getSegmentHostName() context.mirror_datadir = to_save_segs[0].getSegmentDataDirectory() context.mirror_port = to_save_segs[0].getSegmentPort() elif seg == "primary": to_save_segs = [seg for seg in gparray.getDbList() if seg.isSegmentPrimary()] elif seg == "master": to_save_segs = [seg for seg in gparray.getDbList() if seg.isSegmentMaster()] context.saved_segcid = to_save_segs[0].getSegmentContentId() @given('the user creates an index for table "{table_name}" in database "{db_name}"') @when('the user creates an index for table "{table_name}" in database "{db_name}"') @then('the user creates an index for table "{table_name}" in database "{db_name}"') def impl(context, table_name, db_name): index_qry = "create table {0}(i int primary key, j varchar); create index test_index on index_table using bitmap(j)".format( table_name) with dbconn.connect(dbconn.DbURL(dbname=db_name)) as conn: dbconn.execSQL(conn, index_qry) conn.commit() @given('verify that mirror_existence_state of segment "{segc_id}" is "{mirror_existence_state}"') @when('verify that mirror_existence_state of segment "{segc_id}" is "{mirror_existence_state}"') @then('verify that mirror_existence_state of segment "{segc_id}" is "{mirror_existence_state}"') def impl(context, segc_id, mirror_existence_state): with dbconn.connect(dbconn.DbURL(dbname='template1')) as conn: sql = """SELECT mirror_existence_state from gp_dist_random('gp_persistent_relation_node') where gp_segment_id=%s group by 1;""" % segc_id cluster_state = dbconn.execSQL(conn, sql).fetchone() if cluster_state[0] != int(mirror_existence_state): raise Exception("mirror_existence_state of segment %s is %s. Expected %s." % ( segc_id, cluster_state[0], mirror_existence_state)) @given('a role "{role_name}" is created') @when('a role "{role_name}" is created') @then('a role "{role_name}" is created') def impl(context, role_name): with dbconn.connect(dbconn.DbURL(dbname='template1')) as conn: pghba = PgHba() new_entry = Entry(entry_type='local', database='all', user=role_name, authmethod="password") pghba.add_entry(new_entry) pghba.write() dbconn.execSQL(conn, "Drop role if exists dsp_role") dbconn.execSQL(conn, "Create role %s with login password 'dsprolepwd'" % role_name) dbconn.execSQL(conn, "select pg_reload_conf()") conn.commit() @given('the backup files for the stored timestamp are in the old format in dir "{directory}"') @when('the backup files for the stored timestamp are in the old format in dir "{directory}"') @then('the backup files for the stored timestamp are in the old format in dir "{directory}"') def impl(context, directory): store_timestamp_in_old_format(context, directory=directory) @given('the backup files for the stored timestamp are in the old format') @when('the backup files for the stored timestamp are in the old format') @then('the backup files for the stored timestamp are in the old format') def impl(context): store_timestamp_in_old_format(context) @given('the backup files for the stored timestamp are in the old format with prefix "{prefix}"') @when('the backup files for the stored timestamp are in the old format with prefix "{prefix}"') @then('the backup files for the stored timestamp are in the old format with prefix "{prefix}"') def impl(context, prefix): store_timestamp_in_old_format(context, prefix=prefix) def store_timestamp_in_old_format(context, directory=None, prefix=""): gparray = GpArray.initFromCatalog(dbconn.DbURL()) primary_segs = [seg for seg in gparray.getDbList() if seg.isSegmentPrimary() or seg.isSegmentMaster()] try: context.backup_timestamp except: context.backup_timestamp = None if context.backup_timestamp is not None: timestamp = context.backup_timestamp else: timestamp = context.full_backup_timestamp if directory is None: master_dump_dir = gparray.master.getSegmentDataDirectory() else: master_dump_dir = directory if prefix is not "": prefix = prefix + "_" for ps in primary_segs: if directory is None: seg_dir = ps.getSegmentDataDirectory() else: seg_dir = directory dump_dir = os.path.join(seg_dir, 'db_dumps', timestamp[0:8]) segdbId = ps.getSegmentDbId() segcid = ps.getSegmentContentId() segdbname = ps.getSegmentHostName() new_format = "%s_%s" % (segcid, segdbId) old_format = "%s_%s" % (1 if ps.isSegmentMaster() else 0, segdbId) rename_files_to_older_format = """ ssh {segdbname} 'if [ -d "{dump_dir}" ]; then for i in `ls {dump_dir}/*{new_format}_{timestamp}* | xargs`; do old_format=${{i/{new_format}/{old_format}}} if [ ! -f $old_format ]; then mv $i $old_format; fi ; done; fi;' """.format(segdbname=segdbname, dump_dir=dump_dir, new_format=new_format, old_format=old_format, timestamp=timestamp) run_command(context, rename_files_to_older_format) if context.exception: raise context.exception # replace new format with old format on master directory report file master_report_file = os.path.join(master_dump_dir, 'db_dumps', timestamp[0:8], '%sgp_dump_%s.rpt' % (prefix, timestamp)) change_report_file_content = "sed -i 's|%s|%s|' %s" % (new_format, old_format, master_report_file) run_command(context, change_report_file_content) # todo this seems like it can only be a given or a when, not a "then" @then('the timestamp will be stored in json format') @given('the timestamp will be stored in json format') @when('the timestamp will be stored in json format') def impl(context): context.is_timestamp_stored_as_json = True @given('the gptransfer test is initialized') def impl(context): context.execute_steps(u''' Given the database is running And the database "gptest" does not exist And the database "gptransfer_destdb" does not exist And the database "gptransfer_testdb1" does not exist And the database "gptransfer_testdb3" does not exist And the database "gptransfer_testdb4" does not exist And the database "gptransfer_testdb5" does not exist ''') @given('gpperfmon is configured and running in qamode') @then('gpperfmon is configured and running in qamode') def impl(context): target_line = 'qamode = 1' gpperfmon_config_file = "%s/gpperfmon/conf/gpperfmon.conf" % os.getenv("MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY") if not check_db_exists("gpperfmon", "localhost"): context.execute_steps(u''' When the user runs "gpperfmon_install --port 15432 --enable --password foo" Then gpperfmon_install should return a return code of 0 ''') if not file_contains_line(gpperfmon_config_file, target_line): context.execute_steps(u''' When the user runs command "echo 'qamode = 1' >> $MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY/gpperfmon/conf/gpperfmon.conf" Then echo should return a return code of 0 When the user runs command "echo 'verbose = 1' >> $MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY/gpperfmon/conf/gpperfmon.conf" Then echo should return a return code of 0 When the user runs command "echo 'min_query_time = 0' >> $MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY/gpperfmon/conf/gpperfmon.conf" Then echo should return a return code of 0 When the user runs command "echo 'quantum = 10' >> $MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY/gpperfmon/conf/gpperfmon.conf" Then echo should return a return code of 0 When the user runs command "echo 'harvest_interval = 5' >> $MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY/gpperfmon/conf/gpperfmon.conf" Then echo should return a return code of 0 ''') if not is_process_running("gpsmon"): context.execute_steps(u''' When the database is not running Then wait until the process "postgres" goes down When the user runs "gpstart -a" Then gpstart should return a return code of 0 And verify that a role "gpmon" exists in database "gpperfmon" And verify that the last line of the file "postgresql.conf" in the master data directory contains the string "gpperfmon_log_alert_level='warning'" And verify that there is a "heap" table "database_history" in "gpperfmon" Then wait until the process "gpmmon" is up And wait until the process "gpsmon" is up ''') @given('the setting "{variable_name}" is NOT set in the configuration file "{path_to_file}"') @when('the setting "{variable_name}" is NOT set in the configuration file "{path_to_file}"') def impl(context, variable_name, path_to_file): path = os.path.join(os.getenv("MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY"), path_to_file) output_file = "/tmp/gpperfmon_temp_config" cmd = Command("sed to remove line", "sed '/^%s/,+1 d' < %s > %s" % (variable_name, path, output_file)) shutil.move(output_file, path) @given('the setting "{setting_string}" is placed in the configuration file "{path_to_file}"') @when('the setting "{setting_string}" is placed in the configuration file "{path_to_file}"') def impl(context, setting_string, path_to_file): path = os.path.join(os.getenv("MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY"), path_to_file) with open(path, 'a') as f: f.write(setting_string) f.write("\n") @given('the latest gpperfmon gpdb-alert log is copied to a file with a fake (earlier) timestamp') @when('the latest gpperfmon gpdb-alert log is copied to a file with a fake (earlier) timestamp') def impl(context): gpdb_alert_file_path_src = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(os.getenv("MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY"), "gpperfmon", "logs", "gpdb-alert*")))[-1] # typical filename would be gpdb-alert-2017-04-26_155335.csv # setting the timestamp to a string that starts with `-` (em-dash) # will be sorted (based on ascii) before numeric timestamps # without colliding with a real timestamp dest = re.sub(r"_\d{6}\.csv$", "_-takeme.csv", gpdb_alert_file_path_src) # Let's wait until there's actually something in the file before actually # doing a copy of the log... for _ in range(60): if os.stat(gpdb_alert_file_path_src).st_size != 0: shutil.copy(gpdb_alert_file_path_src, dest) context.fake_timestamp_file = dest return sleep(1) raise Exception("File: %s is empty" % gpdb_alert_file_path_src) @then('the file with the fake timestamp no longer exists') def impl(context): if os.path.exists(context.fake_timestamp_file): raise Exception("expected no file at: %s" % context.fake_timestamp_file) def use_netbackup(): if os.getenv('NETBACKUP'): return True else: return False def use_ddboost(): if os.getenv('DDBOOST'): return True else: return False def append_storage_config_to_backup_command(context, command): if use_netbackup(): command += " --netbackup-service-host " + context._root['netbackup_service_host'] + " --netbackup-policy " + context._root['netbackup_policy'] + " --netbackup-schedule " + context._root['netbackup_schedule'] elif use_ddboost(): command += " --ddboost" return command def append_storage_config_to_restore_command(context, command): if use_netbackup(): command += " --netbackup-service-host " + context._root['netbackup_service_host'] elif use_ddboost(): command += " --ddboost" return command def parse_config_params(): if use_netbackup(): current_path = os.path.realpath(__file__) current_dir = os.path.dirname(current_path) netbackup_yaml_file_path = os.path.join(current_dir, 'data/netbackup_behave_config.yaml') config_yaml = read_config_yaml(netbackup_yaml_file_path) elif use_ddboost(): mdd = os.getenv('MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY') ddboost_yaml_file_path = os.path.join(mdd,'ddboost_config.yml') config_yaml = read_config_yaml(ddboost_yaml_file_path) return config_yaml def ddboost_config_setup(context, storage_unit=None): cmd_remove_config = "gpcrondump --ddboost-config-remove" print "context is %s" % context print "cmd is %s" % cmd_remove_config run_command(context, cmd_remove_config) cmd_config = "gpcrondump --ddboost-host %s --ddboost-user %s --ddboost-backupdir %s" % \ (context._root['local_ddboost_host'], \ context._root['local_ddboost_user'], \ context._root['ddboost_backupdir']) if storage_unit: cmd_config += " --ddboost-storage-unit %s" % storage_unit cmd_config local = pexpect.spawn(cmd_config) local.expect('Password: ', timeout=60) local.sendline(context._root['local_ddboost_password']) local.expect(pexpect.EOF, timeout=60) local.close() cmd_config = "gpcrondump --ddboost-host %s --ddboost-user %s --ddboost-backupdir %s --ddboost-remote" % \ (context._root['remote_ddboost_host'], \ context._root['remote_ddboost_user'], \ context._root['ddboost_backupdir']) if storage_unit: cmd_config += " --ddboost-storage-unit %s" % storage_unit cmd_config local = pexpect.spawn(cmd_config) local.expect('Password: ', timeout=60) local.sendline(context._root['remote_ddboost_password']) local.expect(pexpect.EOF, timeout=60) local.close() def _copy_nbu_lib_files(context, ver, gphome): ver = ver.replace('.', '') hosts = set(get_all_hostnames_as_list(context, 'template1')) cpCmd = 'cp -f {gphome}/lib/nbu{ver}/lib/* {gphome}/lib/'.format(gphome=gphome, ver=ver) for host in hosts: cmd = Command(name='Copy NBU lib files', cmdStr=cpCmd, ctxt=REMOTE, remoteHost=host) def read_config_yaml(yaml_file): """ Reads in a yaml file. """ try: cfgfile = open(yaml_file, 'r') except IOError as e: raise Exception("Unable to open file %s: %s" % (yaml_file, e)) try: cfgyamldata = yaml.load( except yaml.YAMLError, exc: raise Exception("Error reading file %s: %s" % (yaml_file, exc)) finally: cfgfile.close() if len(cfgyamldata) == 0: raise Exception("The load of the config file %s failed.\ No configuration information to continue testing operation." % yaml_file) else: return cfgyamldata @given('the test suite is initialized for Netbackup "{ver}"') def impl(context, ver): gphome = os.environ.get('GPHOME') _copy_nbu_lib_files(context=context, ver=ver, gphome=gphome) os.environ["NETBACKUP"] = "TRUE" NETBACKUPDICT = defaultdict(dict) NETBACKUPDICT['NETBACKUPINFO'] = parse_config_params() context._root['netbackup_service_host'] = NETBACKUPDICT['NETBACKUPINFO']['NETBACKUP_PARAMS']['NETBACKUP_SERVICE_HOST'] context._root['netbackup_policy'] = NETBACKUPDICT['NETBACKUPINFO']['NETBACKUP_PARAMS']['NETBACKUP_POLICY'] context._root['netbackup_schedule'] = NETBACKUPDICT['NETBACKUPINFO']['NETBACKUP_PARAMS']['NETBACKUP_SCHEDULE'] @given('the test suite is initialized for DDBoost') def impl(context): os.environ["DDBOOST"] = "TRUE" context._root['local_ddboost_host'] = os.environ["DD_SOURCE_HOST"] context._root['local_ddboost_user'] = os.environ["DD_USER"] context._root['local_ddboost_password'] = os.environ["DD_PASSWORD"] context._root['remote_ddboost_host'] = os.environ["DD_DEST_HOST"] context._root['remote_ddboost_user'] = os.environ["DD_USER"] context._root['remote_ddboost_password'] = os.environ["DD_PASSWORD"] if 'ddboost_backupdir' not in context._root: with open("/tmp/terraform_name", 'r') as tf_name_file: directory = "GPDB-" + tf_name_file.readline() + "-DIR" context._root['ddboost_backupdir'] = directory ddboost_config_setup(context, storage_unit="GPDB") @given('the DDBoost dump directory is deleted for the "{which}" storage unit') @then('the DDBoost dump directory is deleted for the "{which}" storage unit') @when('the DDBoost dump directory is deleted for the "{which}" storage unit') def impl(context, which): if use_ddboost(): if which == "local": cmd_del_dir = "gpddboost --del-dir=%s" % context._root['ddboost_backupdir'] elif which == "remote": cmd_del_dir = "gpddboost --del-dir=%s --remote" % context._root['ddboost_backupdir'] else: raise Exception('Invalid storage unit specified. Options are "local" and "remote".') run_command(context, cmd_del_dir) @then('gpcrondump should print the correct disk space check message') def impl(context): if use_ddboost(): check_stdout_msg(context, "Bypassing disk space checks due to DDBoost parameters") else: check_stdout_msg(context, "Validating disk space") @then('store the vacuum timestamp for verification in database "{dbname}"') def impl(context, dbname): sleep(2) res = execute_sql_singleton(dbname, 'select last_vacuum from pg_stat_all_tables where last_vacuum is not null order by last_vacuum desc limit 1') context.vacuum_timestamp = res @then('verify that vacuum has been run in database "{dbname}"') def impl(context, dbname): sleep(2) res = execute_sql_singleton(dbname, 'select last_vacuum from pg_stat_all_tables where last_vacuum is not null order by last_vacuum desc limit 1') if res == context.vacuum_timestamp: raise Exception ("Vacuum did not occur as expected. The last_vacuum timestamp %s has not changed" % context.vacuum_timestamp) @then('the "{utility}" log file should exist under "{directory}"') def impl(context, utility, directory): filepath = glob.glob(os.path.join(directory, utility+"*")) if not os.path.isfile(filepath[0]): err_str = "The output file '%s' does not exist.\n" % filepath raise Exception(err_str) @then('no dump files should be present on the data domain server') def impl(context): command = 'gpddboost --listDirectory --dir=%s' % (os.path.join(context._root['ddboost_backupdir'], context.full_backup_timestamp[0:8])) run_gpcommand(context, command) if not context.exception: raise Exception("Directory for date %s still exists" % context.full_backup_timestamp[0:8]) @then('"{gppkg_name}" gppkg files exist on all hosts') def impl(context, gppkg_name): remote_gphome = os.environ.get('GPHOME') gparray = GpArray.initFromCatalog(dbconn.DbURL()) hostlist = get_all_hostnames_as_list(context, 'template1') # We can assume the GPDB is installed at the same location for all hosts rpm_command_list_all = 'rpm -qa --dbpath %s/share/packages/database' % remote_gphome for hostname in set(hostlist): cmd = Command(name='check if internal rpm gppkg is installed', cmdStr=rpm_command_list_all, ctxt=REMOTE, remoteHost=hostname) if not gppkg_name in cmd.get_stdout(): raise Exception( '"%s" gppkg is not installed on host: %s. \nInstalled packages: %s' % (gppkg_name, hostname, cmd.get_stdout())) @given('"{gppkg_name}" gppkg files do not exist on any hosts') @when('"{gppkg_name}" gppkg files do not exist on any hosts') @then('"{gppkg_name}" gppkg files do not exist on any hosts') def impl(context, gppkg_name): remote_gphome = os.environ.get('GPHOME') hostlist = get_all_hostnames_as_list(context, 'template1') # We can assume the GPDB is installed at the same location for all hosts rpm_command_list_all = 'rpm -qa --dbpath %s/share/packages/database' % remote_gphome for hostname in set(hostlist): cmd = Command(name='check if internal rpm gppkg is installed', cmdStr=rpm_command_list_all, ctxt=REMOTE, remoteHost=hostname) if gppkg_name in cmd.get_stdout(): raise Exception( '"%s" gppkg is installed on host: %s. \nInstalled packages: %s' % (gppkg_name, hostname, cmd.get_stdout())) def _remove_gppkg_from_host(context, gppkg_name, is_master_host): remote_gphome = os.environ.get('GPHOME') if is_master_host: hostname = get_master_hostname()[0][0] # returns a list of list else: hostlist = get_segment_hostlist() if not hostlist: raise Exception("Current GPDB setup is not a multi-host cluster.") # Let's just pick whatever is the first host in the list, it shouldn't # matter which one we remove from hostname = hostlist[0] rpm_command_list_all = 'rpm -qa --dbpath %s/share/packages/database' % remote_gphome cmd = Command(name='get all rpm from the host', cmdStr=rpm_command_list_all, ctxt=REMOTE, remoteHost=hostname) installed_gppkgs = cmd.get_stdout_lines() if not installed_gppkgs: raise Exception("Found no packages installed") full_gppkg_name = next((gppkg for gppkg in installed_gppkgs if gppkg_name in gppkg), None) if not full_gppkg_name: raise Exception("Found no matches for gppkg '%s'\n" "gppkgs installed:\n%s" % (gppkg_name, installed_gppkgs)) rpm_remove_command = 'rpm -e %s --dbpath %s/share/packages/database' % (full_gppkg_name, remote_gphome) cmd = Command(name='Cleanly remove from the remove host', cmdStr=rpm_remove_command, ctxt=REMOTE, remoteHost=hostname) remove_archive_gppgk = 'rm -f %s/share/packages/archive/%s.gppkg' % (remote_gphome, gppkg_name) cmd = Command(name='Remove archive gppkg', cmdStr=remove_archive_gppgk, ctxt=REMOTE, remoteHost=hostname) @when('gppkg "{gppkg_name}" is removed from a segment host') def impl(context, gppkg_name): _remove_gppkg_from_host(context, gppkg_name, is_master_host=False) @when('gppkg "{gppkg_name}" is removed from master host') def impl(context, gppkg_name): _remove_gppkg_from_host(context, gppkg_name, is_master_host=True) @given('gpAdminLogs directory has no "{prefix}" files') def impl(context, prefix): log_dir = _get_gpAdminLogs_directory() items = glob.glob('%s/%s_*.log' % (log_dir, prefix)) for item in items: os.remove(item) @given('"{filepath}" is copied to the install directory') def impl(context, filepath): gphome = os.getenv("GPHOME") if not gphome: raise Exception("GPHOME must be set") shutil.copy(filepath, os.path.join(gphome, "bin")) @then('{command} should print "{target}" to logfile') def impl(context, command, target): log_dir = _get_gpAdminLogs_directory() filename = glob.glob('%s/%s_*.log' % (log_dir, command))[0] contents = '' with open(filename) as fr: for line in fr: contents += line if target not in contents: raise Exception("cannot find %s in %s" % (target, filename))