%{ /* -*-text-*- */ /*#define YYDEBUG 1*/ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * gram.y-- * POSTGRES SQL YACC rules/actions * * Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California * * * IDENTIFICATION * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/parser/gram.y,v 1.88 1998/01/10 04:29:50 momjian Exp $ * * HISTORY * AUTHOR DATE MAJOR EVENT * Andrew Yu Sept, 1994 POSTQUEL to SQL conversion * Andrew Yu Oct, 1994 lispy code conversion * * NOTES * CAPITALS are used to represent terminal symbols. * non-capitals are used to represent non-terminals. * SQL92-specific syntax is separated from plain SQL/Postgres syntax * to help isolate the non-extensible portions of the parser. * * if you use list, make sure the datum is a node so that the printing * routines work * * WARNING * sometimes we assign constants to makeStrings. Make sure we don't free * those. * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include #include #include "postgres.h" #include "nodes/parsenodes.h" #include "nodes/print.h" #include "parser/gramparse.h" #include "parser/parse_type.h" #include "utils/acl.h" #include "utils/palloc.h" #include "catalog/catname.h" #include "utils/elog.h" #include "access/xact.h" static char saved_relname[NAMEDATALEN]; /* need this for complex attributes */ static bool QueryIsRule = FALSE; static Node *saved_In_Expr; static Oid *param_type_info; static int pfunc_num_args; extern List *parsetree; /* * If you need access to certain yacc-generated variables and find that * they're static by default, uncomment the next line. (this is not a * problem, yet.) */ /*#define __YYSCLASS*/ static char *xlateSqlType(char *); static Node *makeA_Expr(int oper, char *opname, Node *lexpr, Node *rexpr); static Node *makeRowExpr(char *opr, List *largs, List *rargs); void mapTargetColumns(List *source, List *target); static List *makeConstantList( A_Const *node); static char *FlattenStringList(List *list); static char *fmtId(char *rawid); static Node *makeIndexable(char *opname, Node *lexpr, Node *rexpr); static void param_type_init(Oid *typev, int nargs); Oid param_type(int t); /* used in parse_expr.c */ /* old versions of flex define this as a macro */ #if defined(yywrap) #undef yywrap #endif /* yywrap */ %} %union { double dval; int ival; char chr; char *str; bool boolean; bool* pboolean; /* for pg_user privileges */ List *list; Node *node; Value *value; Attr *attr; TypeName *typnam; DefElem *defelt; ParamString *param; SortGroupBy *sortgroupby; IndexElem *ielem; RangeVar *range; RelExpr *relexp; A_Indices *aind; ResTarget *target; ParamNo *paramno; VersionStmt *vstmt; DefineStmt *dstmt; RuleStmt *rstmt; InsertStmt *astmt; } %type stmt, AddAttrStmt, ClosePortalStmt, CopyStmt, CreateStmt, CreateAsStmt, CreateSeqStmt, DefineStmt, DestroyStmt, ExtendStmt, FetchStmt, GrantStmt, CreateTrigStmt, DropTrigStmt, CreatePLangStmt, DropPLangStmt, IndexStmt, ListenStmt, OptimizableStmt, ProcedureStmt, RecipeStmt, RemoveAggrStmt, RemoveOperStmt, RemoveFuncStmt, RemoveStmt, RenameStmt, RevokeStmt, RuleStmt, TransactionStmt, ViewStmt, LoadStmt, CreatedbStmt, DestroydbStmt, VacuumStmt, CursorStmt, SubSelect, UpdateStmt, InsertStmt, SelectStmt, NotifyStmt, DeleteStmt, ClusterStmt, ExplainStmt, VariableSetStmt, VariableShowStmt, VariableResetStmt, CreateUserStmt, AlterUserStmt, DropUserStmt %type %type opt_database, location %type user_createdb_clause, user_createuser_clause %type user_passwd_clause %type user_valid_clause %type user_group_list, user_group_clause %type join_expr, join_outer, join_spec %type TriggerActionTime, TriggerForSpec, PLangTrusted %type TriggerEvents, TriggerFuncArg %type relation_name, copy_file_name, copy_delimiter, def_name, database_name, access_method_clause, access_method, attr_name, class, index_name, name, file_name, recipe_name, aggr_argtype %type opt_id, opt_portal_name, all_Op, MathOp, opt_name, opt_unique, result, OptUseOp, opt_class, SpecialRuleRelation %type privileges, operation_commalist, grantee %type operation, TriggerOneEvent %type stmtblock, stmtmulti, relation_name_list, OptTableElementList, OptInherit, definition, opt_with, def_args, def_name_list, func_argtypes, oper_argtypes, OptStmtList, OptStmtBlock, OptStmtMulti, opt_column_list, columnList, opt_va_list, va_list, sort_clause, sortby_list, index_params, index_list, name_list, from_clause, from_list, opt_array_bounds, nest_array_bounds, expr_list, attrs, res_target_list, res_target_list2, def_list, opt_indirection, group_clause, groupby_list, TriggerFuncArgs %type union_clause, select_list %type join_list %type join_using %type opt_union %type position_expr %type extract_list, position_list %type substr_list, substr_from, substr_for, trim_list %type opt_interval %type opt_inh_star, opt_binary, opt_instead, opt_with_copy, index_opt_unique, opt_verbose, opt_analyze %type copy_dirn, def_type, opt_direction, remove_type, opt_column, event %type fetch_how_many %type OptSeqList %type OptSeqElem %type def_rest %type insert_rest %type OptTableElement, ConstraintElem %type columnDef, alter_clause %type def_elem %type def_arg, columnElem, where_clause, a_expr, a_expr_or_null, AexprConst, in_expr, in_expr_nodes, not_in_expr, not_in_expr_nodes, having_clause %type row_descriptor, row_list %type row_expr %type OptCreateAs, CreateAsList %type CreateAsElement %type NumConst %type event_object, attr %type groupby %type sortby %type index_elem, func_index %type from_val %type relation_expr %type res_target_el, res_target_el2 %type ParamNo %type Typename, opt_type, Array, Generic, Character, Datetime, Numeric %type generic, character, datetime %type opt_charset, opt_collate %type opt_float, opt_numeric, opt_decimal %type opt_varying, opt_timezone %type Iconst %type Sconst %type Id, var_value, zone_value %type ColId, ColLabel %type TableConstraint %type constraint_list, constraint_expr %type default_list, default_expr %type ColQualList, ColQualifier %type ColConstraint, ColConstraintElem %type key_actions, key_action %type key_match, key_reference /* * If you make any token changes, remember to: * - use "yacc -d" and update parse.h * - update the keyword table in parser/keywords.c */ /* Reserved word tokens * SQL92 syntax has many type-specific constructs. * So, go ahead and make these types reserved words, * and call-out the syntax explicitly. * This gets annoying when trying to also retain Postgres' nice * type-extensible features, but we don't really have a choice. * - thomas 1997-10-11 */ /* Keywords (in SQL92 reserved words) */ %token ACTION, ADD, ALL, ALTER, AND, AS, ASC, BEGIN_TRANS, BETWEEN, BOTH, BY, CASCADE, CAST, CHAR, CHARACTER, CHECK, CLOSE, COLLATE, COLUMN, COMMIT, CONSTRAINT, CREATE, CROSS, CURRENT, CURRENT_DATE, CURRENT_TIME, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_USER, CURSOR, DAY_P, DECIMAL, DECLARE, DEFAULT, DELETE, DESC, DISTINCT, DOUBLE, DROP, END_TRANS, EXECUTE, EXISTS, EXTRACT, FETCH, FLOAT, FOR, FOREIGN, FROM, FULL, GRANT, GROUP, HAVING, HOUR_P, IN, INNER_P, INSERT, INTERVAL, INTO, IS, JOIN, KEY, LANGUAGE, LEADING, LEFT, LIKE, LOCAL, MATCH, MINUTE_P, MONTH_P, NATIONAL, NATURAL, NCHAR, NO, NOT, NOTIFY, NULL_P, NUMERIC, ON, OPTION, OR, ORDER, OUTER_P, PARTIAL, POSITION, PRECISION, PRIMARY, PRIVILEGES, PROCEDURE, PUBLIC, REFERENCES, REVOKE, RIGHT, ROLLBACK, SECOND_P, SELECT, SET, SUBSTRING, TABLE, TIME, TIMESTAMP, TO, TRAILING, TRANSACTION, TRIM, UNION, UNIQUE, UPDATE, USING, VALUES, VARCHAR, VARYING, VERBOSE, VERSION, VIEW, WHERE, WITH, WORK, YEAR_P, ZONE /* Keywords (in SQL3 reserved words) */ %token FALSE_P, TRIGGER, TRUE_P /* Keywords (in SQL92 non-reserved words) */ %token TYPE_P /* Keywords for Postgres support (not in SQL92 reserved words) */ %token ABORT_TRANS, ACL, AFTER, AGGREGATE, ANALYZE, APPEND, BACKWARD, BEFORE, BINARY, CHANGE, CLUSTER, COPY, DATABASE, DELIMITERS, DO, EXPLAIN, EXTEND, FORWARD, FUNCTION, HANDLER, INDEX, INHERITS, INSTEAD, ISNULL, LANCOMPILER, LISTEN, LOAD, LOCATION, MERGE, MOVE, NEW, NONE, NOTHING, NOTNULL, OIDS, OPERATOR, PROCEDURAL, RECIPE, RENAME, REPLACE, RESET, RETRIEVE, RETURNS, RULE, SEQUENCE, SETOF, SHOW, STDIN, STDOUT, TRUSTED, VACUUM, VERBOSE, VERSION /* Keywords (obsolete; retain temporarily for parser - thomas 1997-12-04) */ %token ARCHIVE /* * Tokens for pg_passwd support. The CREATEDB and CREATEUSER tokens should go away * when some sort of pg_privileges relation is introduced. * * Todd A. Brandys */ %token USER, PASSWORD, CREATEDB, NOCREATEDB, CREATEUSER, NOCREATEUSER, VALID, UNTIL /* Special keywords, not in the query language - see the "lex" file */ %token IDENT, SCONST, Op %token ICONST, PARAM %token FCONST /* these are not real. they are here so that they get generated as #define's*/ %token OP /* precedence */ %left OR %left AND %right NOT %right '=' %nonassoc '<' '>' %nonassoc LIKE %nonassoc BETWEEN %nonassoc IN %nonassoc Op /* multi-character ops and user-defined operators */ %nonassoc NOTNULL %nonassoc ISNULL %nonassoc IS %left '+' '-' %left '*' '/' %left '|' /* this is the relation union op, not logical or */ /* Unary Operators */ %right ':' %left ';' /* end of statement or natural log */ %right UMINUS %left '.' %left '[' ']' %nonassoc TYPECAST %nonassoc REDUCE %left UNION %% stmtblock: stmtmulti { parsetree = $1; } | stmt { parsetree = lcons($1,NIL); } ; stmtmulti: stmtmulti stmt ';' { $$ = lappend($1, $2); } | stmtmulti stmt { $$ = lappend($1, $2); } | stmt ';' { $$ = lcons($1,NIL); } ; stmt : AddAttrStmt | AlterUserStmt | ClosePortalStmt | CopyStmt | CreateStmt | CreateAsStmt | CreateSeqStmt | CreatePLangStmt | CreateTrigStmt | CreateUserStmt | ClusterStmt | DefineStmt | DestroyStmt | DropPLangStmt | DropTrigStmt | DropUserStmt | ExtendStmt | ExplainStmt | FetchStmt | GrantStmt | IndexStmt | ListenStmt | ProcedureStmt | RecipeStmt | RemoveAggrStmt | RemoveOperStmt | RemoveFuncStmt | RemoveStmt | RenameStmt | RevokeStmt | OptimizableStmt | RuleStmt | TransactionStmt | ViewStmt | LoadStmt | CreatedbStmt | DestroydbStmt | VacuumStmt | VariableSetStmt | VariableShowStmt | VariableResetStmt ; /***************************************************************************** * * Create a new Postgres DBMS user * * *****************************************************************************/ CreateUserStmt: CREATE USER Id user_passwd_clause user_createdb_clause user_createuser_clause user_group_clause user_valid_clause { CreateUserStmt *n = makeNode(CreateUserStmt); n->user = $3; n->password = $4; n->createdb = $5; n->createuser = $6; n->groupElts = $7; n->validUntil = $8; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * Alter a postresql DBMS user * * *****************************************************************************/ AlterUserStmt: ALTER USER Id user_passwd_clause user_createdb_clause user_createuser_clause user_group_clause user_valid_clause { AlterUserStmt *n = makeNode(AlterUserStmt); n->user = $3; n->password = $4; n->createdb = $5; n->createuser = $6; n->groupElts = $7; n->validUntil = $8; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * Drop a postresql DBMS user * * *****************************************************************************/ DropUserStmt: DROP USER Id { DropUserStmt *n = makeNode(DropUserStmt); n->user = $3; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; user_passwd_clause: WITH PASSWORD Id { $$ = $3; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NULL; } ; user_createdb_clause: CREATEDB { bool* b; $$ = (b = (bool*)palloc(sizeof(bool))); *b = true; } | NOCREATEDB { bool* b; $$ = (b = (bool*)palloc(sizeof(bool))); *b = false; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NULL; } ; user_createuser_clause: CREATEUSER { bool* b; $$ = (b = (bool*)palloc(sizeof(bool))); *b = true; } | NOCREATEUSER { bool* b; $$ = (b = (bool*)palloc(sizeof(bool))); *b = false; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NULL; } ; user_group_list: user_group_list ',' Id { $$ = lcons((void*)makeString($3), $1); } | Id { $$ = lcons((void*)makeString($1), NIL); } ; user_group_clause: IN GROUP user_group_list { $$ = $3; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NULL; } ; user_valid_clause: VALID UNTIL SCONST { $$ = $3; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NULL; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * Set PG internal variable * SET name TO 'var_value' * Include SQL92 syntax (thomas 1997-10-22): * SET TIME ZONE 'var_value' * *****************************************************************************/ VariableSetStmt: SET ColId TO var_value { VariableSetStmt *n = makeNode(VariableSetStmt); n->name = $2; n->value = $4; $$ = (Node *) n; } | SET ColId '=' var_value { VariableSetStmt *n = makeNode(VariableSetStmt); n->name = $2; n->value = $4; $$ = (Node *) n; } | SET TIME ZONE zone_value { VariableSetStmt *n = makeNode(VariableSetStmt); n->name = "timezone"; n->value = $4; $$ = (Node *) n; } ; var_value: Sconst { $$ = $1; } | DEFAULT { $$ = NULL; } ; zone_value: Sconst { $$ = $1; } | DEFAULT { $$ = NULL; } | LOCAL { $$ = "default"; } ; VariableShowStmt: SHOW ColId { VariableShowStmt *n = makeNode(VariableShowStmt); n->name = $2; $$ = (Node *) n; } | SHOW TIME ZONE { VariableShowStmt *n = makeNode(VariableShowStmt); n->name = "timezone"; $$ = (Node *) n; } ; VariableResetStmt: RESET ColId { VariableResetStmt *n = makeNode(VariableResetStmt); n->name = $2; $$ = (Node *) n; } | RESET TIME ZONE { VariableResetStmt *n = makeNode(VariableResetStmt); n->name = "timezone"; $$ = (Node *) n; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY : * addattr ( attr1 = type1 .. attrn = typen ) to [*] * *****************************************************************************/ AddAttrStmt: ALTER TABLE relation_name opt_inh_star alter_clause { AddAttrStmt *n = makeNode(AddAttrStmt); n->relname = $3; n->inh = $4; n->colDef = $5; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; alter_clause: ADD opt_column columnDef { $$ = $3; } | ADD '(' OptTableElementList ')' { Node *lp = lfirst($3); if (length($3) != 1) elog(ERROR,"ALTER TABLE/ADD() allows one column only"); $$ = lp; } | DROP opt_column ColId { elog(ERROR,"ALTER TABLE/DROP COLUMN not yet implemented"); } | ALTER opt_column ColId SET DEFAULT default_expr { elog(ERROR,"ALTER TABLE/ALTER COLUMN/SET DEFAULT not yet implemented"); } | ALTER opt_column ColId DROP DEFAULT { elog(ERROR,"ALTER TABLE/ALTER COLUMN/DROP DEFAULT not yet implemented"); } | ADD ConstraintElem { elog(ERROR,"ALTER TABLE/ADD CONSTRAINT not yet implemented"); } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY : * close * *****************************************************************************/ ClosePortalStmt: CLOSE opt_id { ClosePortalStmt *n = makeNode(ClosePortalStmt); n->portalname = $2; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY : * COPY [BINARY] FROM/TO * [USING DELIMITERS ] * *****************************************************************************/ CopyStmt: COPY opt_binary relation_name opt_with_copy copy_dirn copy_file_name copy_delimiter { CopyStmt *n = makeNode(CopyStmt); n->binary = $2; n->relname = $3; n->oids = $4; n->direction = $5; n->filename = $6; n->delimiter = $7; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; copy_dirn: TO { $$ = TO; } | FROM { $$ = FROM; } ; /* * copy_file_name NULL indicates stdio is used. Whether stdin or stdout is * used depends on the direction. (It really doesn't make sense to copy from * stdout. We silently correct the "typo". - AY 9/94 */ copy_file_name: Sconst { $$ = $1; } | STDIN { $$ = NULL; } | STDOUT { $$ = NULL; } ; opt_binary: BINARY { $$ = TRUE; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = FALSE; } ; opt_with_copy: WITH OIDS { $$ = TRUE; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = FALSE; } ; /* * the default copy delimiter is tab but the user can configure it */ copy_delimiter: USING DELIMITERS Sconst { $$ = $3; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = "\t"; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY : * CREATE relname * *****************************************************************************/ CreateStmt: CREATE TABLE relation_name '(' OptTableElementList ')' OptInherit OptArchiveType { CreateStmt *n = makeNode(CreateStmt); n->relname = $3; n->tableElts = $5; n->inhRelnames = $7; n->constraints = NIL; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; OptTableElementList: OptTableElementList ',' OptTableElement { $$ = lappend($1, $3); } | OptTableElement { $$ = lcons($1, NIL); } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NULL; } ; OptTableElement: columnDef { $$ = $1; } | TableConstraint { $$ = $1; } ; columnDef: ColId Typename ColQualifier { ColumnDef *n = makeNode(ColumnDef); n->colname = $1; n->typename = $2; n->defval = NULL; n->is_not_null = FALSE; n->constraints = $3; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; ColQualifier: ColQualList { $$ = $1; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NULL; } ; ColQualList: ColQualList ColConstraint { $$ = lappend($1,$2); } | ColConstraint { $$ = lcons($1, NIL); } ; ColConstraint: CONSTRAINT name ColConstraintElem { Constraint *n = (Constraint *)$3; n->name = fmtId($2); $$ = $3; } | ColConstraintElem { $$ = $1; } ; ColConstraintElem: CHECK '(' constraint_expr ')' { Constraint *n = makeNode(Constraint); n->contype = CONSTR_CHECK; n->name = NULL; n->def = FlattenStringList($3); n->keys = NULL; $$ = (Node *)n; } | DEFAULT default_expr { Constraint *n = makeNode(Constraint); n->contype = CONSTR_DEFAULT; n->name = NULL; n->def = FlattenStringList($2); n->keys = NULL; $$ = (Node *)n; } | NOT NULL_P { Constraint *n = makeNode(Constraint); n->contype = CONSTR_NOTNULL; n->name = NULL; n->def = NULL; n->keys = NULL; $$ = (Node *)n; } | UNIQUE { Constraint *n = makeNode(Constraint); n->contype = CONSTR_UNIQUE; n->name = NULL; n->def = NULL; n->keys = NULL; $$ = (Node *)n; } | PRIMARY KEY { Constraint *n = makeNode(Constraint); n->contype = CONSTR_PRIMARY; n->name = NULL; n->def = NULL; n->keys = NULL; $$ = (Node *)n; } | REFERENCES ColId opt_column_list key_match key_actions { elog(NOTICE,"CREATE TABLE/FOREIGN KEY clause ignored; not yet implemented"); $$ = NULL; } ; default_list: default_list ',' default_expr { $$ = lappend($1,makeString(",")); $$ = nconc($$, $3); } | default_expr { $$ = $1; } ; default_expr: AexprConst { $$ = makeConstantList((A_Const *) $1); } | NULL_P { $$ = lcons( makeString("NULL"), NIL); } | '-' default_expr %prec UMINUS { $$ = lcons( makeString( "-"), $2); } | default_expr '+' default_expr { $$ = nconc( $1, lcons( makeString( "+"), $3)); } | default_expr '-' default_expr { $$ = nconc( $1, lcons( makeString( "-"), $3)); } | default_expr '/' default_expr { $$ = nconc( $1, lcons( makeString( "/"), $3)); } | default_expr '*' default_expr { $$ = nconc( $1, lcons( makeString( "*"), $3)); } | default_expr '=' default_expr { elog(ERROR,"boolean expressions not supported in DEFAULT"); } | default_expr '<' default_expr { elog(ERROR,"boolean expressions not supported in DEFAULT"); } | default_expr '>' default_expr { elog(ERROR,"boolean expressions not supported in DEFAULT"); } | ':' default_expr { $$ = lcons( makeString( ":"), $2); } | ';' default_expr { $$ = lcons( makeString( ";"), $2); } | '|' default_expr { $$ = lcons( makeString( "|"), $2); } | default_expr TYPECAST Typename { $3->name = fmtId($3->name); $$ = nconc( lcons( makeString( "CAST"), $1), makeList( makeString("AS"), $3, -1)); } | CAST default_expr AS Typename { $4->name = fmtId($4->name); $$ = nconc( lcons( makeString( "CAST"), $2), makeList( makeString("AS"), $4, -1)); } | '(' default_expr ')' { $$ = lappend( lcons( makeString( "("), $2), makeString( ")")); } | name '(' ')' { $$ = makeList( makeString($1), makeString("("), -1); $$ = lappend( $$, makeString(")")); } | name '(' default_list ')' { $$ = makeList( makeString($1), makeString("("), -1); $$ = nconc( $$, $3); $$ = lappend( $$, makeString(")")); } | default_expr Op default_expr { if (!strcmp("<=", $2) || !strcmp(">=", $2)) elog(ERROR,"boolean expressions not supported in DEFAULT"); $$ = nconc( $1, lcons( makeString( $2), $3)); } | Op default_expr { $$ = lcons( makeString( $1), $2); } | default_expr Op { $$ = lappend( $1, makeString( $2)); } /* XXX - thomas 1997-10-07 v6.2 function-specific code to be changed */ | CURRENT_DATE { $$ = lcons( makeString( "date( 'current'::datetime + '0 sec')"), NIL); } | CURRENT_TIME { $$ = lcons( makeString( "'now'::time"), NIL); } | CURRENT_TIME '(' Iconst ')' { if ($3 != 0) elog(NOTICE,"CURRENT_TIME(%d) precision not implemented; zero used instead",$3); $$ = lcons( makeString( "'now'::time"), NIL); } | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP { $$ = lcons( makeString( "now()"), NIL); } | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP '(' Iconst ')' { if ($3 != 0) elog(NOTICE,"CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(%d) precision not implemented; zero used instead",$3); $$ = lcons( makeString( "now()"), NIL); } | CURRENT_USER { $$ = lcons( makeString( "CURRENT_USER"), NIL); } ; /* ConstraintElem specifies constraint syntax which is not embedded into * a column definition. ColConstraintElem specifies the embedded form. * - thomas 1997-12-03 */ TableConstraint: CONSTRAINT name ConstraintElem { Constraint *n = (Constraint *)$3; n->name = fmtId($2); $$ = $3; } | ConstraintElem { $$ = $1; } ; ConstraintElem: CHECK '(' constraint_expr ')' { Constraint *n = makeNode(Constraint); n->contype = CONSTR_CHECK; n->name = NULL; n->def = FlattenStringList($3); $$ = (Node *)n; } | UNIQUE '(' columnList ')' { Constraint *n = makeNode(Constraint); n->contype = CONSTR_UNIQUE; n->name = NULL; n->def = NULL; n->keys = $3; $$ = (Node *)n; } | PRIMARY KEY '(' columnList ')' { Constraint *n = makeNode(Constraint); n->contype = CONSTR_PRIMARY; n->name = NULL; n->def = NULL; n->keys = $4; $$ = (Node *)n; } | FOREIGN KEY '(' columnList ')' REFERENCES ColId opt_column_list key_match key_actions { elog(NOTICE,"CREATE TABLE/FOREIGN KEY clause ignored; not yet implemented"); } ; constraint_list: constraint_list ',' constraint_expr { $$ = lappend($1,makeString(",")); $$ = nconc($$, $3); } | constraint_expr { $$ = $1; } ; constraint_expr: AexprConst { $$ = makeConstantList((A_Const *) $1); } | NULL_P { $$ = lcons( makeString("NULL"), NIL); } | ColId { $$ = lcons( makeString(fmtId($1)), NIL); } | '-' constraint_expr %prec UMINUS { $$ = lcons( makeString( "-"), $2); } | constraint_expr '+' constraint_expr { $$ = nconc( $1, lcons( makeString( "+"), $3)); } | constraint_expr '-' constraint_expr { $$ = nconc( $1, lcons( makeString( "-"), $3)); } | constraint_expr '/' constraint_expr { $$ = nconc( $1, lcons( makeString( "/"), $3)); } | constraint_expr '*' constraint_expr { $$ = nconc( $1, lcons( makeString( "*"), $3)); } | constraint_expr '=' constraint_expr { $$ = nconc( $1, lcons( makeString( "="), $3)); } | constraint_expr '<' constraint_expr { $$ = nconc( $1, lcons( makeString( "<"), $3)); } | constraint_expr '>' constraint_expr { $$ = nconc( $1, lcons( makeString( ">"), $3)); } | ':' constraint_expr { $$ = lcons( makeString( ":"), $2); } | ';' constraint_expr { $$ = lcons( makeString( ";"), $2); } | '|' constraint_expr { $$ = lcons( makeString( "|"), $2); } | constraint_expr TYPECAST Typename { $3->name = fmtId($3->name); $$ = nconc( lcons( makeString( "CAST"), $1), makeList( makeString("AS"), $3, -1)); } | CAST constraint_expr AS Typename { $4->name = fmtId($4->name); $$ = nconc( lcons( makeString( "CAST"), $2), makeList( makeString("AS"), $4, -1)); } | '(' constraint_expr ')' { $$ = lappend( lcons( makeString( "("), $2), makeString( ")")); } | name '(' ')' { $$ = makeList( makeString($1), makeString("("), -1); $$ = lappend( $$, makeString(")")); } | name '(' constraint_list ')' { $$ = makeList( makeString($1), makeString("("), -1); $$ = nconc( $$, $3); $$ = lappend( $$, makeString(")")); } | constraint_expr Op constraint_expr { $$ = nconc( $1, lcons( makeString( $2), $3)); } | constraint_expr AND constraint_expr { $$ = nconc( $1, lcons( makeString( "AND"), $3)); } | constraint_expr OR constraint_expr { $$ = nconc( $1, lcons( makeString( "OR"), $3)); } | NOT constraint_expr { $$ = lcons( makeString( "NOT"), $2); } | Op constraint_expr { $$ = lcons( makeString( $1), $2); } | constraint_expr Op { $$ = lappend( $1, makeString( $2)); } | constraint_expr ISNULL { $$ = lappend( $1, makeString( "IS NULL")); } | constraint_expr IS NULL_P { $$ = lappend( $1, makeString( "IS NULL")); } | constraint_expr NOTNULL { $$ = lappend( $1, makeString( "IS NOT NULL")); } | constraint_expr IS NOT NULL_P { $$ = lappend( $1, makeString( "IS NOT NULL")); } | constraint_expr IS TRUE_P { $$ = lappend( $1, makeString( "IS TRUE")); } | constraint_expr IS FALSE_P { $$ = lappend( $1, makeString( "IS FALSE")); } | constraint_expr IS NOT TRUE_P { $$ = lappend( $1, makeString( "IS NOT TRUE")); } | constraint_expr IS NOT FALSE_P { $$ = lappend( $1, makeString( "IS NOT FALSE")); } ; key_match: MATCH FULL { $$ = NULL; } | MATCH PARTIAL { $$ = NULL; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NULL; } ; key_actions: key_action key_action { $$ = NIL; } | key_action { $$ = NIL; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NIL; } ; key_action: ON DELETE key_reference { $$ = NIL; } | ON UPDATE key_reference { $$ = NIL; } ; key_reference: NO ACTION { $$ = NULL; } | CASCADE { $$ = NULL; } | SET DEFAULT { $$ = NULL; } | SET NULL_P { $$ = NULL; } ; OptInherit: INHERITS '(' relation_name_list ')' { $$ = $3; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NIL; } ; /* * "ARCHIVE" keyword was removed in 6.3, but we keep it for now * so people can upgrade with old pg_dump scripts. - momjian 1997-11-20(?) */ OptArchiveType: ARCHIVE '=' NONE { } | /*EMPTY*/ { } ; CreateAsStmt: CREATE TABLE relation_name OptCreateAs AS SubSelect { SelectStmt *n = (SelectStmt *)$6; if ($4 != NIL) mapTargetColumns($4, n->targetList); n->into = $3; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; OptCreateAs: '(' CreateAsList ')' { $$ = $2; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NULL; } ; CreateAsList: CreateAsList ',' CreateAsElement { $$ = lappend($1, $3); } | CreateAsElement { $$ = lcons($1, NIL); } ; CreateAsElement: ColId { ColumnDef *n = makeNode(ColumnDef); n->colname = $1; n->typename = NULL; n->defval = NULL; n->is_not_null = FALSE; n->constraints = NULL; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY : * CREATE SEQUENCE seqname * *****************************************************************************/ CreateSeqStmt: CREATE SEQUENCE relation_name OptSeqList { CreateSeqStmt *n = makeNode(CreateSeqStmt); n->seqname = $3; n->options = $4; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; OptSeqList: OptSeqList OptSeqElem { $$ = lappend($1, $2); } | { $$ = NIL; } ; OptSeqElem: IDENT NumConst { $$ = makeNode(DefElem); $$->defname = $1; $$->arg = (Node *)$2; } | IDENT { $$ = makeNode(DefElem); $$->defname = $1; $$->arg = (Node *)NULL; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERIES : * CREATE PROCEDURAL LANGUAGE ... * DROP PROCEDURAL LANGUAGE ... * *****************************************************************************/ CreatePLangStmt: CREATE PLangTrusted PROCEDURAL LANGUAGE Sconst HANDLER def_name LANCOMPILER Sconst { CreatePLangStmt *n = makeNode(CreatePLangStmt); n->plname = $5; n->plhandler = $7; n->plcompiler = $9; n->pltrusted = $2; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; PLangTrusted: TRUSTED { $$ = TRUE; } | { $$ = FALSE; } DropPLangStmt: DROP PROCEDURAL LANGUAGE Sconst { DropPLangStmt *n = makeNode(DropPLangStmt); n->plname = $4; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERIES : * CREATE TRIGGER ... * DROP TRIGGER ... * *****************************************************************************/ CreateTrigStmt: CREATE TRIGGER name TriggerActionTime TriggerEvents ON relation_name TriggerForSpec EXECUTE PROCEDURE name '(' TriggerFuncArgs ')' { CreateTrigStmt *n = makeNode(CreateTrigStmt); n->trigname = $3; n->relname = $7; n->funcname = $11; n->args = $13; n->before = $4; n->row = $8; memcpy (n->actions, $5, 4); $$ = (Node *)n; } ; TriggerActionTime: BEFORE { $$ = TRUE; } | AFTER { $$ = FALSE; } ; TriggerEvents: TriggerOneEvent { char *e = palloc (4); e[0] = $1; e[1] = 0; $$ = e; } | TriggerOneEvent OR TriggerOneEvent { char *e = palloc (4); e[0] = $1; e[1] = $3; e[2] = 0; $$ = e; } | TriggerOneEvent OR TriggerOneEvent OR TriggerOneEvent { char *e = palloc (4); e[0] = $1; e[1] = $3; e[2] = $5; e[3] = 0; $$ = e; } ; TriggerOneEvent: INSERT { $$ = 'i'; } | DELETE { $$ = 'd'; } | UPDATE { $$ = 'u'; } ; TriggerForSpec: FOR name name { if ( strcmp ($2, "each") != 0 ) elog(ERROR,"parser: syntax error near %s",$2); if ( strcmp ($3, "row") == 0 ) $$ = TRUE; else if ( strcmp ($3, "statement") == 0 ) $$ = FALSE; else elog(ERROR,"parser: syntax error near %s",$3); } ; TriggerFuncArgs: TriggerFuncArg { $$ = lcons($1, NIL); } | TriggerFuncArgs ',' TriggerFuncArg { $$ = lappend($1, $3); } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NIL; } ; TriggerFuncArg: ICONST { char *s = (char *) palloc (256); sprintf (s, "%d", $1); $$ = s; } | FCONST { char *s = (char *) palloc (256); sprintf (s, "%g", $1); $$ = s; } | Sconst { $$ = $1; } | IDENT { $$ = $1; } ; DropTrigStmt: DROP TRIGGER name ON relation_name { DropTrigStmt *n = makeNode(DropTrigStmt); n->trigname = $3; n->relname = $5; $$ = (Node *) n; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY : * define (type,operator,aggregate) * *****************************************************************************/ DefineStmt: CREATE def_type def_rest { $3->defType = $2; $$ = (Node *)$3; } ; def_rest: def_name definition { $$ = makeNode(DefineStmt); $$->defname = $1; $$->definition = $2; } ; def_type: OPERATOR { $$ = OPERATOR; } | TYPE_P { $$ = TYPE_P; } | AGGREGATE { $$ = AGGREGATE; } ; def_name: PROCEDURE { $$ = "procedure"; } | JOIN { $$ = "join"; } | ColId { $$ = $1; } | MathOp { $$ = $1; } | Op { $$ = $1; } ; definition: '(' def_list ')' { $$ = $2; } ; def_list: def_elem { $$ = lcons($1, NIL); } | def_list ',' def_elem { $$ = lappend($1, $3); } ; def_elem: def_name '=' def_arg { $$ = makeNode(DefElem); $$->defname = $1; $$->arg = (Node *)$3; } | def_name { $$ = makeNode(DefElem); $$->defname = $1; $$->arg = (Node *)NULL; } | DEFAULT '=' def_arg { $$ = makeNode(DefElem); $$->defname = "default"; $$->arg = (Node *)$3; } ; def_arg: ColId { $$ = (Node *)makeString($1); } | all_Op { $$ = (Node *)makeString($1); } | NumConst { $$ = (Node *)$1; /* already a Value */ } | Sconst { $$ = (Node *)makeString($1); } | SETOF ColId { TypeName *n = makeNode(TypeName); n->name = $2; n->setof = TRUE; n->arrayBounds = NULL; $$ = (Node *)n; } | DOUBLE { $$ = (Node *)makeString("double"); } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY: * destroy [, .. ] * *****************************************************************************/ DestroyStmt: DROP TABLE relation_name_list { DestroyStmt *n = makeNode(DestroyStmt); n->relNames = $3; n->sequence = FALSE; $$ = (Node *)n; } | DROP SEQUENCE relation_name_list { DestroyStmt *n = makeNode(DestroyStmt); n->relNames = $3; n->sequence = TRUE; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY: * fetch/move [forward | backward] [number | all ] [ in ] * *****************************************************************************/ FetchStmt: FETCH opt_direction fetch_how_many opt_portal_name { FetchStmt *n = makeNode(FetchStmt); n->direction = $2; n->howMany = $3; n->portalname = $4; n->ismove = false; $$ = (Node *)n; } | MOVE opt_direction fetch_how_many opt_portal_name { FetchStmt *n = makeNode(FetchStmt); n->direction = $2; n->howMany = $3; n->portalname = $4; n->ismove = TRUE; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; opt_direction: FORWARD { $$ = FORWARD; } | BACKWARD { $$ = BACKWARD; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = FORWARD; /* default */ } ; fetch_how_many: Iconst { $$ = $1; if ($1 <= 0) elog(ERROR,"Please specify nonnegative count for fetch"); } | ALL { $$ = 0; /* 0 means fetch all tuples*/ } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = 1; /*default*/ } ; opt_portal_name: IN name { $$ = $2; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NULL; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY: * GRANT [privileges] ON [relation_name_list] TO [GROUP] grantee * *****************************************************************************/ GrantStmt: GRANT privileges ON relation_name_list TO grantee opt_with_grant { $$ = (Node*)makeAclStmt($2,$4,$6,'+'); free($2); free($6); } ; privileges: ALL PRIVILEGES { $$ = aclmakepriv("rwaR",0); } | ALL { $$ = aclmakepriv("rwaR",0); } | operation_commalist { $$ = $1; } ; operation_commalist: operation { $$ = aclmakepriv("",$1); } | operation_commalist ',' operation { $$ = aclmakepriv($1,$3); free($1); } ; operation: SELECT { $$ = ACL_MODE_RD_CHR; } | INSERT { $$ = ACL_MODE_AP_CHR; } | UPDATE { $$ = ACL_MODE_WR_CHR; } | DELETE { $$ = ACL_MODE_WR_CHR; } | RULE { $$ = ACL_MODE_RU_CHR; } ; grantee: PUBLIC { $$ = aclmakeuser("A",""); } | GROUP ColId { $$ = aclmakeuser("G",$2); } | ColId { $$ = aclmakeuser("U",$1); } ; opt_with_grant: WITH GRANT OPTION { yyerror("WITH GRANT OPTION is not supported. Only relation owners can set privileges"); } | /*EMPTY*/ ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY: * REVOKE [privileges] ON [relation_name] FROM [user] * *****************************************************************************/ RevokeStmt: REVOKE privileges ON relation_name_list FROM grantee { $$ = (Node*)makeAclStmt($2,$4,$6,'-'); free($2); free($6); } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY: * create index on * using "(" ( with )+ ")" [with * ] * * [where ] is not supported anymore *****************************************************************************/ IndexStmt: CREATE index_opt_unique INDEX index_name ON relation_name access_method_clause '(' index_params ')' opt_with { /* should check that access_method is valid, etc ... but doesn't */ IndexStmt *n = makeNode(IndexStmt); n->unique = $2; n->idxname = $4; n->relname = $6; n->accessMethod = $7; n->indexParams = $9; n->withClause = $11; n->whereClause = NULL; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; index_opt_unique: UNIQUE { $$ = TRUE; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = FALSE; } ; access_method_clause: USING access_method { $$ = $2; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = "btree"; } ; index_params: index_list { $$ = $1; } | func_index { $$ = lcons($1,NIL); } ; index_list: index_list ',' index_elem { $$ = lappend($1, $3); } | index_elem { $$ = lcons($1, NIL); } ; func_index: name '(' name_list ')' opt_type opt_class { $$ = makeNode(IndexElem); $$->name = $1; $$->args = $3; $$->class = $6; $$->tname = $5; } ; index_elem: attr_name opt_type opt_class { $$ = makeNode(IndexElem); $$->name = $1; $$->args = NIL; $$->class = $3; $$->tname = $2; } ; opt_type: ':' Typename { $$ = $2; } | FOR Typename { $$ = $2; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NULL; } ; /* opt_class "WITH class" conflicts with preceeding opt_type * for Typename of "TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE" * So, remove "WITH class" from the syntax. OK?? * - thomas 1997-10-12 * | WITH class { $$ = $2; } */ opt_class: class { $$ = $1; } | USING class { $$ = $2; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NULL; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY: * extend index [where ] * *****************************************************************************/ ExtendStmt: EXTEND INDEX index_name where_clause { ExtendStmt *n = makeNode(ExtendStmt); n->idxname = $3; n->whereClause = $4; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY: * execute recipe * *****************************************************************************/ RecipeStmt: EXECUTE RECIPE recipe_name { RecipeStmt *n; if (!IsTransactionBlock()) elog(ERROR,"EXECUTE RECIPE may only be used in begin/end transaction blocks"); n = makeNode(RecipeStmt); n->recipeName = $3; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY: * define function * (language = , returntype = * [, arch_pct = ] * [, disk_pct = ] * [, byte_pct = ] * [, perbyte_cpu = ] * [, percall_cpu = ] * [, iscachable]) * [arg is ( { , })] * as * *****************************************************************************/ ProcedureStmt: CREATE FUNCTION def_name def_args RETURNS def_arg opt_with AS Sconst LANGUAGE Sconst { ProcedureStmt *n = makeNode(ProcedureStmt); n->funcname = $3; n->defArgs = $4; n->returnType = (Node *)$6; n->withClause = $7; n->as = $9; n->language = $11; $$ = (Node *)n; }; opt_with: WITH definition { $$ = $2; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NIL; } ; def_args: '(' def_name_list ')' { $$ = $2; } | '(' ')' { $$ = NIL; } ; def_name_list: name_list; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY: * * remove function * (REMOVE FUNCTION "funcname" (arg1, arg2, ...)) * remove aggregate * (REMOVE AGGREGATE "aggname" "aggtype") * remove operator * (REMOVE OPERATOR "opname" (leftoperand_typ rightoperand_typ)) * remove type * (REMOVE TYPE "typename") * remove rule * (REMOVE RULE "rulename") * *****************************************************************************/ RemoveStmt: DROP remove_type name { RemoveStmt *n = makeNode(RemoveStmt); n->removeType = $2; n->name = $3; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; remove_type: TYPE_P { $$ = TYPE_P; } | INDEX { $$ = INDEX; } | RULE { $$ = RULE; } | VIEW { $$ = VIEW; } ; RemoveAggrStmt: DROP AGGREGATE name aggr_argtype { RemoveAggrStmt *n = makeNode(RemoveAggrStmt); n->aggname = $3; n->aggtype = $4; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; aggr_argtype: name { $$ = $1; } | '*' { $$ = NULL; } ; RemoveFuncStmt: DROP FUNCTION name '(' func_argtypes ')' { RemoveFuncStmt *n = makeNode(RemoveFuncStmt); n->funcname = $3; n->args = $5; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; func_argtypes: name_list { $$ = $1; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NIL; } ; RemoveOperStmt: DROP OPERATOR all_Op '(' oper_argtypes ')' { RemoveOperStmt *n = makeNode(RemoveOperStmt); n->opname = $3; n->args = $5; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; all_Op: Op | MathOp; MathOp: '+' { $$ = "+"; } | '-' { $$ = "-"; } | '*' { $$ = "*"; } | '/' { $$ = "/"; } | '<' { $$ = "<"; } | '>' { $$ = ">"; } | '=' { $$ = "="; } ; oper_argtypes: name { elog(ERROR,"parser: argument type missing (use NONE for unary operators)"); } | name ',' name { $$ = makeList(makeString($1), makeString($3), -1); } | NONE ',' name /* left unary */ { $$ = makeList(NULL, makeString($3), -1); } | name ',' NONE /* right unary */ { $$ = makeList(makeString($1), NULL, -1); } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY: * rename in [*] to * rename to * *****************************************************************************/ RenameStmt: ALTER TABLE relation_name opt_inh_star RENAME opt_column opt_name TO name { RenameStmt *n = makeNode(RenameStmt); n->relname = $3; n->inh = $4; n->column = $7; n->newname = $9; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; opt_name: name { $$ = $1; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NULL; } ; opt_column: COLUMN { $$ = COLUMN; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = 0; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY: Define Rewrite Rule , Define Tuple Rule * Define Rule * * only rewrite rule is supported -- ay 9/94 * *****************************************************************************/ RuleStmt: CREATE RULE name AS { QueryIsRule=TRUE; } ON event TO event_object where_clause DO opt_instead OptStmtList { RuleStmt *n = makeNode(RuleStmt); n->rulename = $3; n->event = $7; n->object = $9; n->whereClause = $10; n->instead = $12; n->actions = $13; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; OptStmtList: NOTHING { $$ = NIL; } | OptimizableStmt { $$ = lcons($1, NIL); } | '[' OptStmtBlock ']' { $$ = $2; } ; OptStmtBlock: OptStmtMulti { $$ = $1; } | OptimizableStmt { $$ = lcons($1, NIL); } ; OptStmtMulti: OptStmtMulti OptimizableStmt ';' { $$ = lappend($1, $2); } | OptStmtMulti OptimizableStmt { $$ = lappend($1, $2); } | OptimizableStmt ';' { $$ = lcons($1, NIL); } ; event_object: relation_name '.' attr_name { $$ = makeNode(Attr); $$->relname = $1; $$->paramNo = NULL; $$->attrs = lcons(makeString($3), NIL); $$->indirection = NIL; } | relation_name { $$ = makeNode(Attr); $$->relname = $1; $$->paramNo = NULL; $$->attrs = NIL; $$->indirection = NIL; } ; /* change me to select, update, etc. some day */ event: SELECT { $$ = CMD_SELECT; } | UPDATE { $$ = CMD_UPDATE; } | DELETE { $$ = CMD_DELETE; } | INSERT { $$ = CMD_INSERT; } ; opt_instead: INSTEAD { $$ = TRUE; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = FALSE; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY: * NOTIFY can appear both in rule bodies and * as a query-level command * *****************************************************************************/ NotifyStmt: NOTIFY relation_name { NotifyStmt *n = makeNode(NotifyStmt); n->relname = $2; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; ListenStmt: LISTEN relation_name { ListenStmt *n = makeNode(ListenStmt); n->relname = $2; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * Transactions: * * abort transaction * (ABORT) * begin transaction * (BEGIN) * end transaction * (END) * *****************************************************************************/ TransactionStmt: ABORT_TRANS TRANSACTION { TransactionStmt *n = makeNode(TransactionStmt); n->command = ABORT_TRANS; $$ = (Node *)n; } | BEGIN_TRANS TRANSACTION { TransactionStmt *n = makeNode(TransactionStmt); n->command = BEGIN_TRANS; $$ = (Node *)n; } | BEGIN_TRANS WORK { TransactionStmt *n = makeNode(TransactionStmt); n->command = BEGIN_TRANS; $$ = (Node *)n; } | COMMIT WORK { TransactionStmt *n = makeNode(TransactionStmt); n->command = END_TRANS; $$ = (Node *)n; } | END_TRANS TRANSACTION { TransactionStmt *n = makeNode(TransactionStmt); n->command = END_TRANS; $$ = (Node *)n; } | ROLLBACK WORK { TransactionStmt *n = makeNode(TransactionStmt); n->command = ABORT_TRANS; $$ = (Node *)n; } | ABORT_TRANS { TransactionStmt *n = makeNode(TransactionStmt); n->command = ABORT_TRANS; $$ = (Node *)n; } | BEGIN_TRANS { TransactionStmt *n = makeNode(TransactionStmt); n->command = BEGIN_TRANS; $$ = (Node *)n; } | COMMIT { TransactionStmt *n = makeNode(TransactionStmt); n->command = END_TRANS; $$ = (Node *)n; } | END_TRANS { TransactionStmt *n = makeNode(TransactionStmt); n->command = END_TRANS; $$ = (Node *)n; } | ROLLBACK { TransactionStmt *n = makeNode(TransactionStmt); n->command = ABORT_TRANS; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY: * define view '('target-list ')' [where ] * *****************************************************************************/ ViewStmt: CREATE VIEW name AS SelectStmt { ViewStmt *n = makeNode(ViewStmt); n->viewname = $3; n->query = (Query *)$5; if (((SelectStmt *)n->query)->unionClause != NULL) elog(ERROR,"Views on unions not implemented."); $$ = (Node *)n; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY: * load "filename" * *****************************************************************************/ LoadStmt: LOAD file_name { LoadStmt *n = makeNode(LoadStmt); n->filename = $2; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY: * createdb dbname * *****************************************************************************/ CreatedbStmt: CREATE DATABASE database_name opt_database { CreatedbStmt *n = makeNode(CreatedbStmt); n->dbname = $3; n->dbpath = $4; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; opt_database: WITH LOCATION '=' location { $$ = $4; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NULL; } ; location: Sconst { $$ = $1; } | DEFAULT { $$ = NULL; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NULL; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY: * destroydb dbname * *****************************************************************************/ DestroydbStmt: DROP DATABASE database_name { DestroydbStmt *n = makeNode(DestroydbStmt); n->dbname = $3; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY: * cluster on * *****************************************************************************/ ClusterStmt: CLUSTER index_name ON relation_name { ClusterStmt *n = makeNode(ClusterStmt); n->relname = $4; n->indexname = $2; $$ = (Node*)n; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY: * vacuum * *****************************************************************************/ VacuumStmt: VACUUM opt_verbose opt_analyze { VacuumStmt *n = makeNode(VacuumStmt); n->verbose = $2; n->analyze = $3; n->vacrel = NULL; n->va_spec = NIL; $$ = (Node *)n; } | VACUUM opt_verbose opt_analyze relation_name opt_va_list { VacuumStmt *n = makeNode(VacuumStmt); n->verbose = $2; n->analyze = $3; n->vacrel = $4; n->va_spec = $5; if ( $5 != NIL && !$4 ) elog(ERROR,"parser: syntax error at or near \"(\""); $$ = (Node *)n; } ; opt_verbose: VERBOSE { $$ = TRUE; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = FALSE; } ; opt_analyze: ANALYZE { $$ = TRUE; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = FALSE; } ; opt_va_list: '(' va_list ')' { $$ = $2; } | /* EMPTY */ { $$ = NIL; } ; va_list: name { $$=lcons($1,NIL); } | va_list ',' name { $$=lappend($1,$3); } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY: * EXPLAIN query * *****************************************************************************/ ExplainStmt: EXPLAIN opt_verbose OptimizableStmt { ExplainStmt *n = makeNode(ExplainStmt); n->verbose = $2; n->query = (Query*)$3; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * * Optimizable Stmts: * * * * one of the five queries processed by the planner * * * * [ultimately] produces query-trees as specified * * in the query-spec document in ~postgres/ref * * * *****************************************************************************/ OptimizableStmt: SelectStmt | CursorStmt | UpdateStmt | InsertStmt | NotifyStmt | DeleteStmt /* by default all are $$=$1 */ ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY: * INSERT STATEMENTS * *****************************************************************************/ InsertStmt: INSERT INTO relation_name opt_column_list insert_rest { $5->relname = $3; $5->cols = $4; $$ = (Node *)$5; } ; insert_rest: VALUES '(' res_target_list2 ')' { $$ = makeNode(InsertStmt); $$->targetList = $3; $$->fromClause = NIL; $$->whereClause = NULL; } | SELECT res_target_list2 from_clause where_clause { $$ = makeNode(InsertStmt); $$->targetList = $2; $$->fromClause = $3; $$->whereClause = $4; } ; opt_column_list: '(' columnList ')' { $$ = $2; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NIL; } ; columnList: columnList ',' columnElem { $$ = lappend($1, $3); } | columnElem { $$ = lcons($1, NIL); } ; columnElem: ColId opt_indirection { Ident *id = makeNode(Ident); id->name = $1; id->indirection = $2; $$ = (Node *)id; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY: * DELETE STATEMENTS * *****************************************************************************/ DeleteStmt: DELETE FROM relation_name where_clause { DeleteStmt *n = makeNode(DeleteStmt); n->relname = $3; n->whereClause = $4; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY: * UpdateStmt (UPDATE) * *****************************************************************************/ UpdateStmt: UPDATE relation_name SET res_target_list from_clause where_clause { UpdateStmt *n = makeNode(UpdateStmt); n->relname = $2; n->targetList = $4; n->fromClause = $5; n->whereClause = $6; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY: * CURSOR STATEMENTS * *****************************************************************************/ CursorStmt: DECLARE name opt_binary CURSOR FOR SELECT opt_unique res_target_list2 from_clause where_clause group_clause having_clause union_clause sort_clause { SelectStmt *n = makeNode(SelectStmt); /* from PORTAL name */ /* * 15 august 1991 -- since 3.0 postgres does locking * right, we discovered that portals were violating * locking protocol. portal locks cannot span xacts. * as a short-term fix, we installed the check here. * -- mao */ if (!IsTransactionBlock()) elog(ERROR,"Named portals may only be used in begin/end transaction blocks"); n->portalname = $2; n->binary = $3; n->unique = $7; n->targetList = $8; n->fromClause = $9; n->whereClause = $10; n->groupClause = $11; n->havingClause = $12; n->unionClause = $13; n->sortClause = $14; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * QUERY: * SELECT STATEMENTS * *****************************************************************************/ SelectStmt: SELECT opt_unique res_target_list2 result from_clause where_clause group_clause having_clause union_clause sort_clause { SelectStmt *n = makeNode(SelectStmt); n->unique = $2; n->targetList = $3; n->into = $4; n->fromClause = $5; n->whereClause = $6; n->groupClause = $7; n->havingClause = $8; n->unionClause = $9; n->sortClause = $10; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; union_clause: UNION opt_union select_list { SelectStmt *n = (SelectStmt *)lfirst($3); n->unionall = $2; $$ = $3; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NIL; } ; select_list: select_list UNION opt_union SubSelect { SelectStmt *n = (SelectStmt *)$4; n->unionall = $3; $$ = lappend($1, $4); } | SubSelect { $$ = lcons($1, NIL); } ; SubSelect: SELECT opt_unique res_target_list2 from_clause where_clause group_clause having_clause { SelectStmt *n = makeNode(SelectStmt); n->unique = $2; n->unionall = FALSE; n->targetList = $3; n->fromClause = $4; n->whereClause = $5; n->groupClause = $6; n->havingClause = $7; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; result: INTO TABLE relation_name { $$= $3; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NULL; } ; opt_union: ALL { $$ = TRUE; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = FALSE; } ; opt_unique: DISTINCT { $$ = "*"; } | DISTINCT ON ColId { $$ = $3; } | ALL { $$ = NULL; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NULL; } ; sort_clause: ORDER BY sortby_list { $$ = $3; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NIL; } ; sortby_list: sortby { $$ = lcons($1, NIL); } | sortby_list ',' sortby { $$ = lappend($1, $3); } ; sortby: ColId OptUseOp { $$ = makeNode(SortGroupBy); $$->resno = 0; $$->range = NULL; $$->name = $1; $$->useOp = $2; } | ColId '.' ColId OptUseOp { $$ = makeNode(SortGroupBy); $$->resno = 0; $$->range = $1; $$->name = $3; $$->useOp = $4; } | Iconst OptUseOp { $$ = makeNode(SortGroupBy); $$->resno = $1; $$->range = NULL; $$->name = NULL; $$->useOp = $2; } ; OptUseOp: USING Op { $$ = $2; } | USING '<' { $$ = "<"; } | USING '>' { $$ = ">"; } | ASC { $$ = "<"; } | DESC { $$ = ">"; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = "<"; /*default*/ } ; /* * jimmy bell-style recursive queries aren't supported in the * current system. * * ...however, recursive addattr and rename supported. make special * cases for these. */ opt_inh_star: '*' { $$ = TRUE; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = FALSE; } ; relation_name_list: name_list; name_list: name { $$ = lcons(makeString($1),NIL); } | name_list ',' name { $$ = lappend($1,makeString($3)); } ; group_clause: GROUP BY groupby_list { $$ = $3; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NIL; } ; groupby_list: groupby { $$ = lcons($1, NIL); } | groupby_list ',' groupby { $$ = lappend($1, $3); } ; groupby: ColId { $$ = makeNode(SortGroupBy); $$->resno = 0; $$->range = NULL; $$->name = $1; $$->useOp = NULL; } | ColId '.' ColId { $$ = makeNode(SortGroupBy); $$->resno = 0; $$->range = $1; $$->name = $3; $$->useOp = NULL; } | Iconst { $$ = makeNode(SortGroupBy); $$->resno = $1; $$->range = NULL; $$->name = NULL; $$->useOp = NULL; } ; having_clause: HAVING a_expr { $$ = $2; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NULL; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * clauses common to all Optimizable Stmts: * from_clause - * where_clause - * *****************************************************************************/ from_clause: FROM '(' relation_expr join_expr JOIN relation_expr join_spec ')' { $$ = NIL; elog(ERROR,"JOIN not yet implemented"); } | FROM from_list { $$ = $2; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NIL; } ; from_list: from_list ',' from_val { $$ = lappend($1, $3); } | from_val CROSS JOIN from_val { elog(ERROR,"CROSS JOIN not yet implemented"); } | from_val { $$ = lcons($1, NIL); } ; from_val: relation_expr AS ColLabel { $$ = makeNode(RangeVar); $$->relExpr = $1; $$->name = $3; } | relation_expr ColId { $$ = makeNode(RangeVar); $$->relExpr = $1; $$->name = $2; } | relation_expr { $$ = makeNode(RangeVar); $$->relExpr = $1; $$->name = NULL; } ; join_expr: NATURAL join_expr { $$ = NULL; } | FULL join_outer { elog(ERROR,"FULL OUTER JOIN not yet implemented"); } | LEFT join_outer { elog(ERROR,"LEFT OUTER JOIN not yet implemented"); } | RIGHT join_outer { elog(ERROR,"RIGHT OUTER JOIN not yet implemented"); } | OUTER_P { elog(ERROR,"OUTER JOIN not yet implemented"); } | INNER_P { elog(ERROR,"INNER JOIN not yet implemented"); } | UNION { elog(ERROR,"UNION JOIN not yet implemented"); } | /*EMPTY*/ { elog(ERROR,"INNER JOIN not yet implemented"); } ; join_outer: OUTER_P { $$ = NULL; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NULL; /* no qualifiers */ } ; join_spec: ON '(' a_expr ')' { $$ = NULL; } | USING '(' join_list ')' { $$ = NULL; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NULL; /* no qualifiers */ } ; join_list: join_using { $$ = lcons($1, NIL); } | join_list ',' join_using { $$ = lappend($1, $3); } ; join_using: ColId { $$ = makeNode(SortGroupBy); $$->resno = 0; $$->range = NULL; $$->name = $1; $$->useOp = NULL; } | ColId '.' ColId { $$ = makeNode(SortGroupBy); $$->resno = 0; $$->range = $1; $$->name = $3; $$->useOp = NULL; } | Iconst { $$ = makeNode(SortGroupBy); $$->resno = $1; $$->range = NULL; $$->name = NULL; $$->useOp = NULL; } ; where_clause: WHERE a_expr { $$ = $2; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NULL; /* no qualifiers */ } ; relation_expr: relation_name { /* normal relations */ $$ = makeNode(RelExpr); $$->relname = $1; $$->inh = FALSE; } | relation_name '*' %prec '=' { /* inheritance query */ $$ = makeNode(RelExpr); $$->relname = $1; $$->inh = TRUE; } opt_array_bounds: '[' ']' nest_array_bounds { $$ = lcons(makeInteger(-1), $3); } | '[' Iconst ']' nest_array_bounds { $$ = lcons(makeInteger($2), $4); } | /* EMPTY */ { $$ = NIL; } ; nest_array_bounds: '[' ']' nest_array_bounds { $$ = lcons(makeInteger(-1), $3); } | '[' Iconst ']' nest_array_bounds { $$ = lcons(makeInteger($2), $4); } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NIL; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * Type syntax * SQL92 introduces a large amount of type-specific syntax. * Define individual clauses to handle these cases, and use * the generic case to handle regular type-extensible Postgres syntax. * - thomas 1997-10-10 * *****************************************************************************/ Typename: Array opt_array_bounds { $$ = $1; $$->arrayBounds = $2; /* Is this the name of a complex type? If so, implement * it as a set. */ if (!strcmp(saved_relname, $$->name)) /* This attr is the same type as the relation * being defined. The classic example: create * emp(name=text,mgr=emp) */ $$->setof = TRUE; else if (typeTypeRelid(typenameType($$->name)) != InvalidOid) /* (Eventually add in here that the set can only * contain one element.) */ $$->setof = TRUE; else $$->setof = FALSE; } | Character | SETOF Array { $$ = $2; $$->setof = TRUE; } ; Array: Generic | Datetime | Numeric ; Generic: generic { $$ = makeNode(TypeName); $$->name = xlateSqlType($1); } ; generic: Id { $$ = $1; } | TYPE_P { $$ = xlateSqlType("type"); } | DOUBLE PRECISION { $$ = xlateSqlType("float8"); } ; /* SQL92 numeric data types * Check FLOAT() precision limits assuming IEEE floating types. * Provide rudimentary DECIMAL() and NUMERIC() implementations * by checking parameters and making sure they match what is possible with INTEGER. * - thomas 1997-09-18 */ Numeric: FLOAT opt_float { $$ = makeNode(TypeName); $$->name = xlateSqlType($2); } | DECIMAL opt_decimal { $$ = makeNode(TypeName); $$->name = xlateSqlType("integer"); } | NUMERIC opt_numeric { $$ = makeNode(TypeName); $$->name = xlateSqlType("integer"); } ; opt_float: '(' Iconst ')' { if ($2 < 1) elog(ERROR,"precision for FLOAT must be at least 1"); else if ($2 < 7) $$ = xlateSqlType("float4"); else if ($2 < 16) $$ = xlateSqlType("float8"); else elog(ERROR,"precision for FLOAT must be less than 16"); } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = xlateSqlType("float8"); } ; opt_numeric: '(' Iconst ',' Iconst ')' { if ($2 != 9) elog(ERROR,"NUMERIC precision %d must be 9",$2); if ($4 != 0) elog(ERROR,"NUMERIC scale %d must be zero",$4); } | '(' Iconst ')' { if ($2 != 9) elog(ERROR,"NUMERIC precision %d must be 9",$2); } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NULL; } ; opt_decimal: '(' Iconst ',' Iconst ')' { if ($2 > 9) elog(ERROR,"DECIMAL precision %d exceeds implementation limit of 9",$2); if ($4 != 0) elog(ERROR,"DECIMAL scale %d must be zero",$4); $$ = NULL; } | '(' Iconst ')' { if ($2 > 9) elog(ERROR,"DECIMAL precision %d exceeds implementation limit of 9",$2); $$ = NULL; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NULL; } ; /* SQL92 character data types * The following implements CHAR() and VARCHAR(). * We do it here instead of the 'Generic' production * because we don't want to allow arrays of VARCHAR(). * I haven't thought about whether that will work or not. * - ay 6/95 */ Character: character '(' Iconst ')' { $$ = makeNode(TypeName); if (!strcasecmp($1, "char")) $$->name = xlateSqlType("bpchar"); else if (!strcasecmp($1, "varchar")) $$->name = xlateSqlType("varchar"); else yyerror("parse error"); if ($3 < 1) elog(ERROR,"length for '%s' type must be at least 1",$1); else if ($3 > 4096) /* we can store a char() of length up to the size * of a page (8KB) - page headers and friends but * just to be safe here... - ay 6/95 * XXX note this hardcoded limit - thomas 1997-07-13 */ elog(ERROR,"length for type '%s' cannot exceed 4096",$1); /* we actually implement this sort of like a varlen, so * the first 4 bytes is the length. (the difference * between this and "text" is that we blank-pad and * truncate where necessary */ $$->typlen = VARHDRSZ + $3; } | character { $$ = makeNode(TypeName); $$->name = xlateSqlType($1); } ; character: CHARACTER opt_varying opt_charset opt_collate { char *type, *c; if (($3 == NULL) || (strcasecmp($3, "sql_text") == 0)) { if ($2) type = xlateSqlType("varchar"); else type = xlateSqlType("char"); } else { if ($2) { c = palloc(strlen("var") + strlen($3) + 1); strcpy(c, "var"); strcat(c, $3); type = xlateSqlType(c); } else { type = xlateSqlType($3); } }; if ($4 != NULL) elog(ERROR,"COLLATE %s not yet implemented",$4); $$ = type; } | CHAR opt_varying { $$ = xlateSqlType($2? "varchar": "char"); } | VARCHAR { $$ = xlateSqlType("varchar"); } | NATIONAL CHARACTER opt_varying { $$ = xlateSqlType($3? "varchar": "char"); } | NCHAR opt_varying { $$ = xlateSqlType($2? "varchar": "char"); } ; opt_varying: VARYING { $$ = TRUE; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = FALSE; } ; opt_charset: CHARACTER SET ColId { $$ = $3; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NULL; } ; opt_collate: COLLATE ColId { $$ = $2; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NULL; } ; Datetime: datetime { $$ = makeNode(TypeName); $$->name = xlateSqlType($1); } | TIMESTAMP opt_timezone { $$ = makeNode(TypeName); $$->name = xlateSqlType("timestamp"); $$->timezone = $2; } | TIME { $$ = makeNode(TypeName); $$->name = xlateSqlType("time"); } | INTERVAL opt_interval { $$ = makeNode(TypeName); $$->name = xlateSqlType("interval"); } ; datetime: YEAR_P { $$ = "year"; } | MONTH_P { $$ = "month"; } | DAY_P { $$ = "day"; } | HOUR_P { $$ = "hour"; } | MINUTE_P { $$ = "minute"; } | SECOND_P { $$ = "second"; } ; opt_timezone: WITH TIME ZONE { $$ = TRUE; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = FALSE; } ; opt_interval: datetime { $$ = lcons($1, NIL); } | YEAR_P TO MONTH_P { $$ = NIL; } | DAY_P TO HOUR_P { $$ = NIL; } | DAY_P TO MINUTE_P { $$ = NIL; } | DAY_P TO SECOND_P { $$ = NIL; } | HOUR_P TO MINUTE_P { $$ = NIL; } | HOUR_P TO SECOND_P { $$ = NIL; } | /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NIL; } ; /***************************************************************************** * * expression grammar, still needs some cleanup * *****************************************************************************/ a_expr_or_null: a_expr { $$ = $1; } | NULL_P { A_Const *n = makeNode(A_Const); n->val.type = T_Null; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; /* Expressions using row descriptors * Define row_descriptor to allow yacc to break the reduce/reduce conflict * with singleton expressions. */ row_expr: '(' row_descriptor ')' IN '(' SubSelect ')' { $$ = NULL; } | '(' row_descriptor ')' NOT IN '(' SubSelect ')' { $$ = NULL; } | '(' row_descriptor ')' '=' '(' row_descriptor ')' { $$ = makeRowExpr("=", $2, $6); } | '(' row_descriptor ')' '<' '(' row_descriptor ')' { $$ = makeRowExpr("<", $2, $6); } | '(' row_descriptor ')' '>' '(' row_descriptor ')' { $$ = makeRowExpr("<", $2, $6); } | '(' row_descriptor ')' Op '(' row_descriptor ')' { $$ = makeRowExpr($4, $2, $6); } ; row_descriptor: row_list ',' a_expr { $$ = lappend($1, $3); } ; row_list: row_list ',' a_expr { $$ = lappend($1, $3); } | a_expr { $$ = lcons($1, NIL); } ; a_expr: attr opt_indirection { $1->indirection = $2; $$ = (Node *)$1; } | row_expr { $$ = $1; } | AexprConst { $$ = $1; } | '-' a_expr %prec UMINUS { $$ = makeA_Expr(OP, "-", NULL, $2); } | a_expr '+' a_expr { $$ = makeA_Expr(OP, "+", $1, $3); } | a_expr '-' a_expr { $$ = makeA_Expr(OP, "-", $1, $3); } | a_expr '/' a_expr { $$ = makeA_Expr(OP, "/", $1, $3); } | a_expr '*' a_expr { $$ = makeA_Expr(OP, "*", $1, $3); } | a_expr '<' a_expr { $$ = makeA_Expr(OP, "<", $1, $3); } | a_expr '>' a_expr { $$ = makeA_Expr(OP, ">", $1, $3); } | a_expr '=' a_expr { $$ = makeA_Expr(OP, "=", $1, $3); } | ':' a_expr { $$ = makeA_Expr(OP, ":", NULL, $2); } | ';' a_expr { $$ = makeA_Expr(OP, ";", NULL, $2); } | '|' a_expr { $$ = makeA_Expr(OP, "|", NULL, $2); } | a_expr TYPECAST Typename { $$ = (Node *)$1; /* AexprConst can be either A_Const or ParamNo */ if (nodeTag($1) == T_A_Const) { ((A_Const *)$1)->typename = $3; } else if (nodeTag($1) == T_Param) { ((ParamNo *)$1)->typename = $3; /* otherwise, try to transform to a function call */ } else { FuncCall *n = makeNode(FuncCall); n->funcname = $3->name; n->args = lcons($1,NIL); $$ = (Node *)n; } } | CAST a_expr AS Typename { $$ = (Node *)$2; /* AexprConst can be either A_Const or ParamNo */ if (nodeTag($2) == T_A_Const) { ((A_Const *)$2)->typename = $4; } else if (nodeTag($2) == T_Param) { ((ParamNo *)$2)->typename = $4; /* otherwise, try to transform to a function call */ } else { FuncCall *n = makeNode(FuncCall); n->funcname = $4->name; n->args = lcons($2,NIL); $$ = (Node *)n; } } | '(' a_expr_or_null ')' { $$ = $2; } | a_expr Op a_expr { $$ = makeIndexable($2,$1,$3); } | a_expr LIKE a_expr { $$ = makeIndexable("~~", $1, $3); } | a_expr NOT LIKE a_expr { $$ = makeA_Expr(OP, "!~~", $1, $4); } | Op a_expr { $$ = makeA_Expr(OP, $1, NULL, $2); } | a_expr Op { $$ = makeA_Expr(OP, $2, $1, NULL); } | ColId { /* could be a column name or a relation_name */ Ident *n = makeNode(Ident); n->name = $1; n->indirection = NULL; $$ = (Node *)n; } | name '(' '*' ')' { /* cheap hack for aggregate (eg. count) */ FuncCall *n = makeNode(FuncCall); A_Const *star = makeNode(A_Const); star->val.type = T_String; star->val.val.str = ""; n->funcname = $1; n->args = lcons(star, NIL); $$ = (Node *)n; } | name '(' ')' { FuncCall *n = makeNode(FuncCall); n->funcname = $1; n->args = NIL; $$ = (Node *)n; } | name '(' expr_list ')' { FuncCall *n = makeNode(FuncCall); n->funcname = $1; n->args = $3; $$ = (Node *)n; } | CURRENT_DATE { A_Const *n = makeNode(A_Const); TypeName *t = makeNode(TypeName); n->val.type = T_String; n->val.val.str = "now"; n->typename = t; t->name = xlateSqlType("date"); t->setof = FALSE; $$ = (Node *)n; } | CURRENT_TIME { A_Const *n = makeNode(A_Const); TypeName *t = makeNode(TypeName); n->val.type = T_String; n->val.val.str = "now"; n->typename = t; t->name = xlateSqlType("time"); t->setof = FALSE; $$ = (Node *)n; } | CURRENT_TIME '(' Iconst ')' { FuncCall *n = makeNode(FuncCall); A_Const *s = makeNode(A_Const); TypeName *t = makeNode(TypeName); n->funcname = xlateSqlType("time"); n->args = lcons(s, NIL); s->val.type = T_String; s->val.val.str = "now"; s->typename = t; t->name = xlateSqlType("time"); t->setof = FALSE; if ($3 != 0) elog(NOTICE,"CURRENT_TIME(%d) precision not implemented; zero used instead",$3); $$ = (Node *)n; } | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP { A_Const *n = makeNode(A_Const); TypeName *t = makeNode(TypeName); n->val.type = T_String; n->val.val.str = "now"; n->typename = t; t->name = xlateSqlType("timestamp"); t->setof = FALSE; $$ = (Node *)n; } | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP '(' Iconst ')' { FuncCall *n = makeNode(FuncCall); A_Const *s = makeNode(A_Const); TypeName *t = makeNode(TypeName); n->funcname = xlateSqlType("timestamp"); n->args = lcons(s, NIL); s->val.type = T_String; s->val.val.str = "now"; s->typename = t; t->name = xlateSqlType("timestamp"); t->setof = FALSE; if ($3 != 0) elog(NOTICE,"CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(%d) precision not implemented; zero used instead",$3); $$ = (Node *)n; } | CURRENT_USER { FuncCall *n = makeNode(FuncCall); n->funcname = "getpgusername"; n->args = NIL; $$ = (Node *)n; } /* We probably need to define an "exists" node, * since the optimizer could choose to find only one match. * Perhaps the first implementation could just check for * count(*) > 0? - thomas 1997-07-19 */ | EXISTS '(' SubSelect ')' { elog(ERROR,"EXISTS not yet implemented"); $$ = $3; } | EXTRACT '(' extract_list ')' { FuncCall *n = makeNode(FuncCall); n->funcname = "date_part"; n->args = $3; $$ = (Node *)n; } | POSITION '(' position_list ')' { FuncCall *n = makeNode(FuncCall); n->funcname = "strpos"; n->args = $3; $$ = (Node *)n; } | SUBSTRING '(' substr_list ')' { FuncCall *n = makeNode(FuncCall); n->funcname = "substr"; n->args = $3; $$ = (Node *)n; } /* various trim expressions are defined in SQL92 - thomas 1997-07-19 */ | TRIM '(' BOTH trim_list ')' { FuncCall *n = makeNode(FuncCall); n->funcname = "btrim"; n->args = $4; $$ = (Node *)n; } | TRIM '(' LEADING trim_list ')' { FuncCall *n = makeNode(FuncCall); n->funcname = "ltrim"; n->args = $4; $$ = (Node *)n; } | TRIM '(' TRAILING trim_list ')' { FuncCall *n = makeNode(FuncCall); n->funcname = "rtrim"; n->args = $4; $$ = (Node *)n; } | TRIM '(' trim_list ')' { FuncCall *n = makeNode(FuncCall); n->funcname = "btrim"; n->args = $3; $$ = (Node *)n; } | a_expr ISNULL { $$ = makeA_Expr(ISNULL, NULL, $1, NULL); } | a_expr IS NULL_P { $$ = makeA_Expr(ISNULL, NULL, $1, NULL); } | a_expr NOTNULL { $$ = makeA_Expr(NOTNULL, NULL, $1, NULL); } | a_expr IS NOT NULL_P { $$ = makeA_Expr(NOTNULL, NULL, $1, NULL); } /* IS TRUE, IS FALSE, etc used to be function calls * but let's make them expressions to allow the optimizer * a chance to eliminate them if a_expr is a constant string. * - thomas 1997-12-22 */ | a_expr IS TRUE_P { A_Const *n = makeNode(A_Const); n->val.type = T_String; n->val.val.str = "t"; n->typename = makeNode(TypeName); n->typename->name = xlateSqlType("bool"); $$ = makeA_Expr(OP, "=", $1,(Node *)n); } | a_expr IS NOT FALSE_P { A_Const *n = makeNode(A_Const); n->val.type = T_String; n->val.val.str = "t"; n->typename = makeNode(TypeName); n->typename->name = xlateSqlType("bool"); $$ = makeA_Expr(OP, "=", $1,(Node *)n); } | a_expr IS FALSE_P { A_Const *n = makeNode(A_Const); n->val.type = T_String; n->val.val.str = "f"; n->typename = makeNode(TypeName); n->typename->name = xlateSqlType("bool"); $$ = makeA_Expr(OP, "=", $1,(Node *)n); } | a_expr IS NOT TRUE_P { A_Const *n = makeNode(A_Const); n->val.type = T_String; n->val.val.str = "f"; n->typename = makeNode(TypeName); n->typename->name = xlateSqlType("bool"); $$ = makeA_Expr(OP, "=", $1,(Node *)n); } | a_expr BETWEEN AexprConst AND AexprConst { $$ = makeA_Expr(AND, NULL, makeA_Expr(OP, ">=", $1, $3), makeA_Expr(OP, "<=", $1, $5)); } | a_expr NOT BETWEEN AexprConst AND AexprConst { $$ = makeA_Expr(OR, NULL, makeA_Expr(OP, "<", $1, $4), makeA_Expr(OP, ">", $1, $6)); } | a_expr IN { saved_In_Expr = $1; } '(' in_expr ')' { $$ = $5; } | a_expr NOT IN { saved_In_Expr = $1; } '(' not_in_expr ')' { $$ = $6; } | a_expr AND a_expr { $$ = makeA_Expr(AND, NULL, $1, $3); } | a_expr OR a_expr { $$ = makeA_Expr(OR, NULL, $1, $3); } | NOT a_expr { $$ = makeA_Expr(NOT, NULL, NULL, $2); } ; opt_indirection: '[' a_expr ']' opt_indirection { A_Indices *ai = makeNode(A_Indices); ai->lidx = NULL; ai->uidx = $2; $$ = lcons(ai, $4); } | '[' a_expr ':' a_expr ']' opt_indirection { A_Indices *ai = makeNode(A_Indices); ai->lidx = $2; ai->uidx = $4; $$ = lcons(ai, $6); } | /* EMPTY */ { $$ = NIL; } ; expr_list: a_expr_or_null { $$ = lcons($1, NIL); } | expr_list ',' a_expr_or_null { $$ = lappend($1, $3); } | expr_list USING a_expr { $$ = lappend($1, $3); } ; extract_list: datetime FROM a_expr { A_Const *n = makeNode(A_Const); n->val.type = T_String; n->val.val.str = $1; $$ = lappend(lcons((Node *)n,NIL), $3); } | /* EMPTY */ { $$ = NIL; } ; position_list: position_expr IN position_expr { $$ = makeList($3, $1, -1); } | /* EMPTY */ { $$ = NIL; } ; position_expr: attr opt_indirection { $1->indirection = $2; $$ = (Node *)$1; } | AexprConst { $$ = $1; } | '-' position_expr %prec UMINUS { $$ = makeA_Expr(OP, "-", NULL, $2); } | position_expr '+' position_expr { $$ = makeA_Expr(OP, "+", $1, $3); } | position_expr '-' position_expr { $$ = makeA_Expr(OP, "-", $1, $3); } | position_expr '/' position_expr { $$ = makeA_Expr(OP, "/", $1, $3); } | position_expr '*' position_expr { $$ = makeA_Expr(OP, "*", $1, $3); } | '|' position_expr { $$ = makeA_Expr(OP, "|", NULL, $2); } | position_expr TYPECAST Typename { $$ = (Node *)$1; /* AexprConst can be either A_Const or ParamNo */ if (nodeTag($1) == T_A_Const) { ((A_Const *)$1)->typename = $3; } else if (nodeTag($1) == T_Param) { ((ParamNo *)$1)->typename = $3; /* otherwise, try to transform to a function call */ } else { FuncCall *n = makeNode(FuncCall); n->funcname = $3->name; n->args = lcons($1,NIL); $$ = (Node *)n; } } | CAST position_expr AS Typename { $$ = (Node *)$2; /* AexprConst can be either A_Const or ParamNo */ if (nodeTag($2) == T_A_Const) { ((A_Const *)$2)->typename = $4; } else if (nodeTag($2) == T_Param) { ((ParamNo *)$2)->typename = $4; /* otherwise, try to transform to a function call */ } else { FuncCall *n = makeNode(FuncCall); n->funcname = $4->name; n->args = lcons($2,NIL); $$ = (Node *)n; } } | '(' position_expr ')' { $$ = $2; } | position_expr Op position_expr { $$ = makeA_Expr(OP, $2, $1, $3); } | Op position_expr { $$ = makeA_Expr(OP, $1, NULL, $2); } | position_expr Op { $$ = makeA_Expr(OP, $2, $1, NULL); } | ColId { /* could be a column name or a relation_name */ Ident *n = makeNode(Ident); n->name = $1; n->indirection = NULL; $$ = (Node *)n; } | name '(' ')' { FuncCall *n = makeNode(FuncCall); n->funcname = $1; n->args = NIL; $$ = (Node *)n; } | name '(' expr_list ')' { FuncCall *n = makeNode(FuncCall); n->funcname = $1; n->args = $3; $$ = (Node *)n; } | POSITION '(' position_list ')' { FuncCall *n = makeNode(FuncCall); n->funcname = "strpos"; n->args = $3; $$ = (Node *)n; } | SUBSTRING '(' substr_list ')' { FuncCall *n = makeNode(FuncCall); n->funcname = "substr"; n->args = $3; $$ = (Node *)n; } /* various trim expressions are defined in SQL92 - thomas 1997-07-19 */ | TRIM '(' BOTH trim_list ')' { FuncCall *n = makeNode(FuncCall); n->funcname = "btrim"; n->args = $4; $$ = (Node *)n; } | TRIM '(' LEADING trim_list ')' { FuncCall *n = makeNode(FuncCall); n->funcname = "ltrim"; n->args = $4; $$ = (Node *)n; } | TRIM '(' TRAILING trim_list ')' { FuncCall *n = makeNode(FuncCall); n->funcname = "rtrim"; n->args = $4; $$ = (Node *)n; } | TRIM '(' trim_list ')' { FuncCall *n = makeNode(FuncCall); n->funcname = "btrim"; n->args = $3; $$ = (Node *)n; } ; substr_list: expr_list substr_from substr_for { $$ = nconc(nconc($1,$2),$3); } | /* EMPTY */ { $$ = NIL; } ; substr_from: FROM expr_list { $$ = $2; } | /* EMPTY */ { A_Const *n = makeNode(A_Const); n->val.type = T_Integer; n->val.val.ival = 1; $$ = lcons((Node *)n,NIL); } ; substr_for: FOR expr_list { $$ = $2; } | /* EMPTY */ { $$ = NIL; } ; trim_list: a_expr FROM expr_list { $$ = lappend($3, $1); } | FROM expr_list { $$ = $2; } | expr_list { $$ = $1; } ; in_expr: SubSelect { elog(ERROR,"IN (SUBSELECT) not yet implemented"); $$ = $1; } | in_expr_nodes { $$ = $1; } ; in_expr_nodes: AexprConst { $$ = makeA_Expr(OP, "=", saved_In_Expr, $1); } | in_expr_nodes ',' AexprConst { $$ = makeA_Expr(OR, NULL, $1, makeA_Expr(OP, "=", saved_In_Expr, $3)); } ; not_in_expr: SubSelect { elog(ERROR,"NOT IN (SUBSELECT) not yet implemented"); $$ = $1; } | not_in_expr_nodes { $$ = $1; } ; not_in_expr_nodes: AexprConst { $$ = makeA_Expr(OP, "<>", saved_In_Expr, $1); } | not_in_expr_nodes ',' AexprConst { $$ = makeA_Expr(AND, NULL, $1, makeA_Expr(OP, "<>", saved_In_Expr, $3)); } ; attr: relation_name '.' attrs { $$ = makeNode(Attr); $$->relname = $1; $$->paramNo = NULL; $$->attrs = $3; $$->indirection = NULL; } | ParamNo '.' attrs { $$ = makeNode(Attr); $$->relname = NULL; $$->paramNo = $1; $$->attrs = $3; $$->indirection = NULL; } ; attrs: attr_name { $$ = lcons(makeString($1), NIL); } | attrs '.' attr_name { $$ = lappend($1, makeString($3)); } | attrs '.' '*' { $$ = lappend($1, makeString("*")); } ; /***************************************************************************** * * target lists * *****************************************************************************/ res_target_list: res_target_list ',' res_target_el { $$ = lappend($1,$3); } | res_target_el { $$ = lcons($1, NIL); } | '*' { ResTarget *rt = makeNode(ResTarget); Attr *att = makeNode(Attr); att->relname = "*"; att->paramNo = NULL; att->attrs = NULL; att->indirection = NIL; rt->name = NULL; rt->indirection = NULL; rt->val = (Node *)att; $$ = lcons(rt, NIL); } ; res_target_el: ColId opt_indirection '=' a_expr_or_null { $$ = makeNode(ResTarget); $$->name = $1; $$->indirection = $2; $$->val = (Node *)$4; } | attr opt_indirection { $$ = makeNode(ResTarget); $$->name = NULL; $$->indirection = $2; $$->val = (Node *)$1; } | relation_name '.' '*' { Attr *att = makeNode(Attr); att->relname = $1; att->paramNo = NULL; att->attrs = lcons(makeString("*"), NIL); att->indirection = NIL; $$ = makeNode(ResTarget); $$->name = NULL; $$->indirection = NULL; $$->val = (Node *)att; } ; /* ** target list for select. ** should get rid of the other but is still needed by the defunct retrieve into ** and update (uses a subset) */ res_target_list2: res_target_list2 ',' res_target_el2 { $$ = lappend($1, $3); } | res_target_el2 { $$ = lcons($1, NIL); } ; /* AS is not optional because shift/red conflict with unary ops */ res_target_el2: a_expr_or_null AS ColLabel { $$ = makeNode(ResTarget); $$->name = $3; $$->indirection = NULL; $$->val = (Node *)$1; } | a_expr_or_null { $$ = makeNode(ResTarget); $$->name = NULL; $$->indirection = NULL; $$->val = (Node *)$1; } | relation_name '.' '*' { Attr *att = makeNode(Attr); att->relname = $1; att->paramNo = NULL; att->attrs = lcons(makeString("*"), NIL); att->indirection = NIL; $$ = makeNode(ResTarget); $$->name = NULL; $$->indirection = NULL; $$->val = (Node *)att; } | '*' { Attr *att = makeNode(Attr); att->relname = "*"; att->paramNo = NULL; att->attrs = NULL; att->indirection = NIL; $$ = makeNode(ResTarget); $$->name = NULL; $$->indirection = NULL; $$->val = (Node *)att; } ; opt_id: ColId { $$ = $1; } | /* EMPTY */ { $$ = NULL; } ; relation_name: SpecialRuleRelation { $$ = $1; StrNCpy(saved_relname, $1, NAMEDATALEN); } | ColId { /* disallow refs to variable system tables */ if (strcmp(LogRelationName, $1) == 0 || strcmp(VariableRelationName, $1) == 0) elog(ERROR,"%s cannot be accessed by users",$1); else $$ = $1; StrNCpy(saved_relname, $1, NAMEDATALEN); } ; database_name: ColId { $$ = $1; }; access_method: Id { $$ = $1; }; attr_name: ColId { $$ = $1; }; class: Id { $$ = $1; }; index_name: ColId { $$ = $1; }; /* Functions * Include date/time keywords as SQL92 extension. * Include TYPE as a SQL92 unreserved keyword. - thomas 1997-10-05 */ name: ColId { $$ = $1; }; file_name: Sconst { $$ = $1; }; recipe_name: Id { $$ = $1; }; /* Constants * Include TRUE/FALSE for SQL3 support. - thomas 1997-10-24 */ AexprConst: Iconst { A_Const *n = makeNode(A_Const); n->val.type = T_Integer; n->val.val.ival = $1; $$ = (Node *)n; } | FCONST { A_Const *n = makeNode(A_Const); n->val.type = T_Float; n->val.val.dval = $1; $$ = (Node *)n; } | Sconst { A_Const *n = makeNode(A_Const); n->val.type = T_String; n->val.val.str = $1; $$ = (Node *)n; } | Typename Sconst { A_Const *n = makeNode(A_Const); n->typename = $1; n->val.type = T_String; n->val.val.str = $2; $$ = (Node *)n; } | ParamNo { $$ = (Node *)$1; } | TRUE_P { A_Const *n = makeNode(A_Const); n->val.type = T_String; n->val.val.str = "t"; n->typename = makeNode(TypeName); n->typename->name = xlateSqlType("bool"); $$ = (Node *)n; } | FALSE_P { A_Const *n = makeNode(A_Const); n->val.type = T_String; n->val.val.str = "f"; n->typename = makeNode(TypeName); n->typename->name = xlateSqlType("bool"); $$ = (Node *)n; } ; ParamNo: PARAM { $$ = makeNode(ParamNo); $$->number = $1; } ; NumConst: Iconst { $$ = makeInteger($1); } | FCONST { $$ = makeFloat($1); } ; Iconst: ICONST { $$ = $1; }; Sconst: SCONST { $$ = $1; }; /* Column and type identifier * Does not include explicit datetime types * since these must be decoupled in Typename syntax. * Use ColId for most identifiers. - thomas 1997-10-21 */ Id: IDENT { $$ = $1; }; /* Column identifier * Include date/time keywords as SQL92 extension. * Include TYPE as a SQL92 unreserved keyword. - thomas 1997-10-05 * Add other keywords. Note that as the syntax expands, * some of these keywords will have to be removed from this * list due to shift/reduce conflicts in yacc. If so, move * down to the ColLabel entity. - thomas 1997-11-06 */ ColId: Id { $$ = $1; } | datetime { $$ = $1; } | ACTION { $$ = "action"; } | DATABASE { $$ = "database"; } | DELIMITERS { $$ = "delimiters"; } | FUNCTION { $$ = "function"; } | INDEX { $$ = "index"; } | KEY { $$ = "key"; } | LANGUAGE { $$ = "language"; } | LOCATION { $$ = "location"; } | MATCH { $$ = "match"; } | OPERATOR { $$ = "operator"; } | OPTION { $$ = "option"; } | PRIVILEGES { $$ = "privileges"; } | RECIPE { $$ = "recipe"; } | TIME { $$ = "time"; } | TRIGGER { $$ = "trigger"; } | TYPE_P { $$ = "type"; } | VERSION { $$ = "version"; } | ZONE { $$ = "zone"; } ; /* Column label * Allowed labels in "AS" clauses. * Include TRUE/FALSE SQL3 reserved words for Postgres backward * compatibility. Cannot allow this for column names since the * syntax would not distinguish between the constant value and * a column name. - thomas 1997-10-24 * Add other keywords to this list. Note that they appear here * rather than in ColId if there was a shift/reduce conflict * when used as a full identifier. - thomas 1997-11-06 */ ColLabel: ColId { $$ = $1; } | ARCHIVE { $$ = "archive"; } | CLUSTER { $$ = "cluster"; } | CONSTRAINT { $$ = "constraint"; } | CROSS { $$ = "cross"; } | FOREIGN { $$ = "foreign"; } | GROUP { $$ = "group"; } | LOAD { $$ = "load"; } | ORDER { $$ = "order"; } | POSITION { $$ = "position"; } | PRECISION { $$ = "precision"; } | TABLE { $$ = "table"; } | TRANSACTION { $$ = "transaction"; } | TRUE_P { $$ = "true"; } | FALSE_P { $$ = "false"; } ; SpecialRuleRelation: CURRENT { if (QueryIsRule) $$ = "*CURRENT*"; else elog(ERROR,"CURRENT used in non-rule query"); } | NEW { if (QueryIsRule) $$ = "*NEW*"; else elog(ERROR,"NEW used in non-rule query"); } ; %% static Node * makeA_Expr(int oper, char *opname, Node *lexpr, Node *rexpr) { A_Expr *a = makeNode(A_Expr); a->oper = oper; a->opname = opname; a->lexpr = lexpr; a->rexpr = rexpr; return (Node *)a; } /* makeRowExpr() * Generate separate operator nodes for a single row descriptor expression. * Perhaps this should go deeper in the parser someday... - thomas 1997-12-22 */ static Node * makeRowExpr(char *opr, List *largs, List *rargs) { Node *expr = NULL; Node *larg, *rarg; if (length(largs) != length(rargs)) elog(ERROR,"Unequal number of entries in row expression"); if (lnext(largs) != NIL) expr = makeRowExpr(opr,lnext(largs),lnext(rargs)); larg = lfirst(largs); rarg = lfirst(rargs); if ((strcmp(opr, "=") == 0) || (strcmp(opr, "<") == 0) || (strcmp(opr, "<=") == 0) || (strcmp(opr, ">") == 0) || (strcmp(opr, ">=") == 0)) { if (expr == NULL) expr = makeA_Expr(OP, opr, larg, rarg); else expr = makeA_Expr(AND, NULL, expr, makeA_Expr(OP, opr, larg, rarg)); } else if (strcmp(opr, "<>") == 0) { if (expr == NULL) expr = makeA_Expr(OP, opr, larg, rarg); else expr = makeA_Expr(OR, NULL, expr, makeA_Expr(OP, opr, larg, rarg)); } else { elog(ERROR,"Operator '%s' not implemented for row expressions",opr); } #if FALSE while ((largs != NIL) && (rargs != NIL)) { larg = lfirst(largs); rarg = lfirst(rargs); if (expr == NULL) expr = makeA_Expr(OP, opr, larg, rarg); else expr = makeA_Expr(AND, NULL, expr, makeA_Expr(OP, opr, larg, rarg)); largs = lnext(largs); rargs = lnext(rargs); } pprint(expr); #endif return expr; } /* makeRowExpr() */ void mapTargetColumns(List *src, List *dst) { ColumnDef *s; ResTarget *d; if (length(src) != length(dst)) elog(ERROR,"CREATE TABLE/AS SELECT has mismatched column count"); while ((src != NIL) && (dst != NIL)) { s = (ColumnDef *)lfirst(src); d = (ResTarget *)lfirst(dst); d->name = s->colname; src = lnext(src); dst = lnext(dst); } return; } /* mapTargetColumns() */ static Node *makeIndexable(char *opname, Node *lexpr, Node *rexpr) { Node *result = NULL; /* we do this so indexes can be used */ if (strcmp(opname,"~") == 0 || strcmp(opname,"~*") == 0) { if (nodeTag(rexpr) == T_A_Const && ((A_Const *)rexpr)->val.type == T_String && ((A_Const *)rexpr)->val.val.str[0] == '^') { A_Const *n = (A_Const *)rexpr; char *match_least = palloc(strlen(n->val.val.str)+2); char *match_most = palloc(strlen(n->val.val.str)+2); int pos, match_pos=0; /* skip leading ^ */ for (pos = 1; n->val.val.str[pos]; pos++) { if (n->val.val.str[pos] == '.' || n->val.val.str[pos] == '?' || n->val.val.str[pos] == '*' || n->val.val.str[pos] == '[' || n->val.val.str[pos] == '$' || (strcmp(opname,"~*") == 0 && isalpha(n->val.val.str[pos]))) break; if (n->val.val.str[pos] == '\\') pos++; match_least[match_pos] = n->val.val.str[pos]; match_most[match_pos++] = n->val.val.str[pos]; } if (match_pos != 0) { A_Const *least = makeNode(A_Const); A_Const *most = makeNode(A_Const); /* make strings to be used in index use */ match_least[match_pos] = '\0'; match_most[match_pos] = '\377'; match_most[match_pos+1] = '\0'; least->val.type = T_String; least->val.val.str = match_least; most->val.type = T_String; most->val.val.str = match_most; result = makeA_Expr(AND, NULL, makeA_Expr(OP, "~", lexpr, rexpr), makeA_Expr(AND, NULL, makeA_Expr(OP, ">=", lexpr, (Node *)least), makeA_Expr(OP, "<=", lexpr, (Node *)most))); } } } else if (strcmp(opname,"~~") == 0) { if (nodeTag(rexpr) == T_A_Const && ((A_Const *)rexpr)->val.type == T_String) { A_Const *n = (A_Const *)rexpr; char *match_least = palloc(strlen(n->val.val.str)+2); char *match_most = palloc(strlen(n->val.val.str)+2); int pos, match_pos=0; for (pos = 0; n->val.val.str[pos]; pos++) { if ((n->val.val.str[pos] == '%' && n->val.val.str[pos+1] != '%') || (n->val.val.str[pos] == '_' && n->val.val.str[pos+1] != '_')) break; if (n->val.val.str[pos] == '%' || n->val.val.str[pos] == '_' || n->val.val.str[pos] == '\\') pos++; match_least[match_pos] = n->val.val.str[pos]; match_most[match_pos++] = n->val.val.str[pos]; } if (match_pos != 0) { A_Const *least = makeNode(A_Const); A_Const *most = makeNode(A_Const); /* make strings to be used in index use */ match_least[match_pos] = '\0'; match_most[match_pos] = '\377'; match_most[match_pos+1] = '\0'; least->val.type = T_String; least->val.val.str = match_least; most->val.type = T_String; most->val.val.str = match_most; result = makeA_Expr(AND, NULL, makeA_Expr(OP, "~~", lexpr, rexpr), makeA_Expr(AND, NULL, makeA_Expr(OP, ">=", lexpr, (Node *)least), makeA_Expr(OP, "<=", lexpr, (Node *)most))); } } } if (result == NULL) result = makeA_Expr(OP, opname, lexpr, rexpr); return result; } /* makeIndexable() */ /* xlateSqlType() * Convert alternate type names to internal Postgres types. * Do not convert "float", since that is handled elsewhere * for FLOAT(p) syntax. */ static char * xlateSqlType(char *name) { if (!strcasecmp(name,"int") || !strcasecmp(name,"integer")) return "int4"; else if (!strcasecmp(name, "smallint")) return "int2"; else if (!strcasecmp(name, "real")) return "float8"; else if (!strcasecmp(name, "interval")) return "timespan"; else if (!strcasecmp(name, "boolean")) return "bool"; else return name; } /* xlateSqlName() */ void parser_init(Oid *typev, int nargs) { QueryIsRule = FALSE; saved_relname[0]= '\0'; saved_In_Expr = NULL; param_type_init(typev, nargs); } /* FlattenStringList() * Traverse list of string nodes and convert to a single string. * Used for reconstructing string form of complex expressions. * * Allocate at least one byte for terminator. */ static char * FlattenStringList(List *list) { List *l; Value *v; char *s; char *sp; int nlist, len = 0; nlist = length(list); l = list; while(l != NIL) { v = (Value *)lfirst(l); sp = v->val.str; l = lnext(l); len += strlen(sp); }; len += nlist; s = (char*) palloc(len+1); *s = '\0'; l = list; while(l != NIL) { v = (Value *)lfirst(l); sp = v->val.str; l = lnext(l); strcat(s,sp); if (l != NIL) strcat(s," "); }; *(s+len) = '\0'; #ifdef PARSEDEBUG printf( "flattened string is \"%s\"\n", s); #endif return(s); } /* FlattenStringList() */ /* makeConstantList() * Convert constant value node into string node. */ static List * makeConstantList( A_Const *n) { char *defval = NULL; if (nodeTag(n) != T_A_Const) { elog(ERROR,"Cannot handle non-constant parameter"); } else if (n->val.type == T_Float) { defval = (char*) palloc(20+1); sprintf( defval, "%g", n->val.val.dval); } else if (n->val.type == T_Integer) { defval = (char*) palloc(20+1); sprintf( defval, "%ld", n->val.val.ival); } else if (n->val.type == T_String) { defval = (char*) palloc(strlen( ((A_Const *) n)->val.val.str) + 3); strcpy( defval, "'"); strcat( defval, ((A_Const *) n)->val.val.str); strcat( defval, "'"); } else { elog(ERROR,"Internal error in makeConstantList(): cannot encode node"); }; #ifdef PARSEDEBUG printf( "AexprConst argument is \"%s\"\n", defval); #endif return( lcons( makeString(defval), NIL)); } /* makeConstantList() */ /* fmtId() * Check input string for non-lowercase/non-numeric characters. * Returns either input string or input surrounded by double quotes. */ static char * fmtId(char *rawid) { static char *cp; for (cp = rawid; *cp != '\0'; cp++) if (! (islower(*cp) || isdigit(*cp) || (*cp == '_'))) break; if (*cp != '\0') { cp = palloc(strlen(rawid)+1); strcpy(cp,"\""); strcat(cp,rawid); strcat(cp,"\""); } else { cp = rawid; }; #ifdef PARSEDEBUG printf("fmtId- %sconvert %s to %s\n", ((cp == rawid)? "do not ": ""), rawid, cp); #endif return(cp); } /* * param_type_init() * * keep enough information around fill out the type of param nodes * used in postquel functions */ static void param_type_init(Oid *typev, int nargs) { pfunc_num_args = nargs; param_type_info = typev; } Oid param_type(int t) { if ((t > pfunc_num_args) || (t == 0)) return InvalidOid; return param_type_info[t - 1]; }