import os import signal import subprocess from behave import given, when, then from test.behave_utils import utils from gppylib.commands.base import Command def _run_sql(sql, opts=None): env = None if opts is not None: env = os.environ.copy() options = '' for key, value in opts.items(): options += "-c {}={} ".format(key, value) env['PGOPTIONS'] = options subprocess.check_call([ "psql", "postgres", "-c", sql, ], env=env) def do_catalog_query(query): cmd = '''PGOPTIONS='-c gp_role=utility' psql -t -d template1 -c "SET allow_system_table_mods='true'; %s"''' % query cmd = Command(name="catalog query", cmdStr=cmd) return cmd def change_hostname(dbid, hostname): do_catalog_query("UPDATE gp_segment_configuration SET hostname = '{0}', address = '{0}' WHERE dbid = {1}".format(hostname, dbid)) def change_status(dbid, status): do_catalog_query("UPDATE gp_segment_configuration SET status = '%s' WHERE dbid = %s" % (status, dbid)) @when('the standby host goes down') def impl(context): result = do_catalog_query("SELECT dbid FROM gp_segment_configuration WHERE content = -1 AND role = 'm'") dbid = result.get_stdout().strip() change_hostname(dbid, 'invalid_host') def cleanup(context): """ Reverses the above SQL by starting up in master-only utility mode. Since the standby host is incorrect, a regular gpstart call won't work. """ utils.stop_database_if_started(context) subprocess.check_call(['gpstart', '-am']) _run_sql(""" SET allow_system_table_mods='true'; UPDATE gp_segment_configuration SET hostname = master.hostname, address = master.address FROM ( SELECT hostname, address FROM gp_segment_configuration WHERE content = -1 and role = 'p' ) master WHERE content = -1 AND role = 'm' """, {'gp_role': 'utility'}) subprocess.check_call(['gpstop', '-am']) context.add_cleanup(cleanup, context) def _handle_sigpipe(): """ Work around, which is not fixed until Python 3.2. This bug interferes with Bash pipelines that rely on SIGPIPE to exit cleanly. """ signal.signal(signal.SIGPIPE, signal.SIG_DFL) @when('gpstart is run with prompts accepted') def impl(context): """ Runs `yes | gpstart`. """ p = subprocess.Popen( [ "bash", "-c", "yes | gpstart" ], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, preexec_fn=_handle_sigpipe, ) context.stdout_message, context.stderr_message = p.communicate() context.ret_code = p.returncode @given('segment {dbid} goes down' ) def impl(context, dbid): result = do_catalog_query("SELECT hostname FROM gp_segment_configuration WHERE dbid = %s" % dbid) if not hasattr(context, 'old_hostnames'): context.old_hostnames = {} context.old_hostnames[dbid] = result.get_stdout().strip() change_hostname(dbid, 'invalid_host') @then('the status of segment {dbid} should be "{expected_status}"' ) def impl(context, dbid, expected_status): result = do_catalog_query("SELECT status FROM gp_segment_configuration WHERE dbid = %s" % dbid) status = result .get_stdout().strip() if status != expected_status: raise Exception("Expected status to be %s, but it is %s" % (expected_status, status)) @then('the status of segment {dbid} is changed to "{status}"' ) def impl(context, dbid, status): do_catalog_query("UPDATE gp_segment_configuration SET status = '%s' WHERE dbid = %s" % (status, dbid)) @then('the cluster is returned to a good state' ) def impl(context): if not hasattr(context, 'old_hostnames'): raise Exception("Cannot reset segment hostnames: no hostnames are saved") for dbid, hostname in context.old_hostnames.items(): change_hostname(dbid, hostname) context.execute_steps(""" When the user runs "gprecoverseg -a" Then gprecoverseg should return a return code of 0 And all the segments are running And the segments are synchronized When the user runs "gprecoverseg -a -r" Then gprecoverseg should return a return code of 0 And all the segments are running And the segments are synchronized """)