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                The Greenplum OS abstraction layer!
Copyright (c) 2015, Pivotal Software, Inc.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
Welcome to GPOS, the Greenplum OS abstraction layer! GPOS supports various build types: debug, release with debug info, release. On x86 systems, GPOS can also be built as a 32-bit or 64-bit library. You'll need CMake 3.0 or higher to build GPOS. Get it from cmake.org, or your operating system's package manager. ## Quick Start: Build GPOS and install under /usr/local ``` % mkdir build % cd build % cmake ../ % make % sudo make install ``` Or read on for more detailed instructions below... ## Preperation for build Go into gpos and create a build folder ``` % mkdir build % cd build ``` ## How to generate make files with default options * debug build ``` % cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=DEBUG ../gpos ``` or * release build with debug info ``` % cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo ../gpos ``` or * release build ``` % cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELEASE ../gpos ``` ## Advanced: How to generate make files using toolchain to generate 32 or 64 bit version makefiles For the most part you should not need to explicitly compile a 32-bit or 64-bit version of GPOS. By default, a "native" version for your host platform will be compiled. However, if you are on x86 and want to, for example, build a 32-bit version of GPOS on a 64-bit machine, you can do so as described below. Note that you will need a "multilib" C++ compiler that supports the -m32/-m64 switches, and you may also need to install 32-bit ("i386") versions of the C and C++ standard libraries for your OS. Debug version with verbose install path: * 32-bit x86 ``` % cmake -D VERBOSE_INSTALL_PATH=1 -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=DEBUG -D CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../gpos/i386.toolchain.cmake ../gpos ``` * 64-bit x86 ``` % cmake -D VERBOSE_INSTALL_PATH=1 -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=DEBUG -D CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../gpos/x86_64.toolchain.cmake ../gpos ``` ## How to build * build ``` % make ``` * for faster build use the -j option of make. For instance, the following command runs make on 7 job slots ``` % make -j7 ``` * show all commands being run as part of make ``` % make VERBOSE=1 ``` ## How to test * running all tests: ``` % make test ``` or ``` ./gpos_test -u ``` * running a particular test ``` ./gpos_test -U CAutoTaskProxyTest ``` ## How to install By default, GPOS will be installed under /usr/local. You can change this by setting CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX when running cmake like so: ``` % cmake -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/zaphod/gpos ../gpos ``` If VERBOSE_INSTALL_PATH was not set during cmake then the header files are located in /usr/local/include/gpos the library is located at /usr/local/lib/libgpos.so (or similar paths under a different prefix) If VERBOSE_INSTALL_PATH was turned on during cmake then the header files and libraries are located under a subdirectory of /usr/local/libgpos * build and install ``` % make install ``` * build and install with verbose output ``` % make VERBOSE=1 install ``` ## Clean up stuff * remove the cmake files generated under build * If VERBOSE_INSTALL_PATH was not use during cmake then remove gpos header files and library, (assuming the default install prefix /usr/local) ``` % rm -rf /usr/local/include/gpos % rm -rf /usr/local/lib/libgpos.so* ``` If VERBOSE_INSTALL_PATH was used during cmake then clean up the appropriate libraries and header files under /usr/local/libgpos (assuming the default install prefix /usr/local)