#!/usr/bin/env bash # Filename:- gp_bash_functions.sh # Status:- Released # Author:- G L Coombe (Greenplum) # Contact:- gcoombe@greenplum.com # Release date:- March 2006 # Release stat:- Greenplum Internal # Copyright (c) Metapa 2005. All Rights Reserved. # Copyright (c) Greenplum 2005. All Rights Reserved # Brief descn:- Common functions used by various scripts #*************************************************************** # Location Functions #****************************************************************************** #Check that SHELL is Bash if [ -z $BASH ]; then echo "[FATAL]:-Scripts must be executed using the Bash shell" exit 2 fi #CMDPATH is the list of locations to search for commands, in precedence order declare -a CMDPATH CMDPATH=(/usr/kerberos/bin /usr/sfw/bin /opt/sfw/bin /usr/local/bin /bin /usr/bin /sbin /usr/sbin /usr/ucb /sw/bin) #GPPATH is the list of possible locations for the Greenplum Database binaries, in precedence order declare -a GPPATH GPPATH=( $GPHOME $MPPHOME $BIZHOME ) if [ ${#GPPATH[@]} -eq 0 ];then echo "[FATAL]:-GPHOME environment variable is required to run GPDB but could not be found." echo "Please set it by sourcing the greenplum_path.sh in your GPDB installation directory." echo "Example: ''. /usr/local/gpdb/greenplum_path.sh''" exit 2 fi #GP_UNIQUE_COMMAND is used to identify the binary directory GP_UNIQUE_COMMAND=gpstart findCmdInPath() { cmdtofind=$1 if [ $cmdtofind = 'awk' ] && [ `uname` = SunOS ]; then if [ -f "/usr/xpg4/bin/awk" ]; then CMD=/usr/xpg4/bin/awk echo $CMD return else echo $cmdtofind return "Problem in gp_bash_functions, command '/usr/xpg4/bin/awk' not found. You will need to edit the script named gp_bash_functions.sh to properly locate the needed commands for your platform." fi fi for pathel in ${CMDPATH[@]} do CMD=$pathel/$cmdtofind if [ x"$CMD" != x"" ] && [ -f $CMD ]; then echo $CMD return fi done echo $cmdtofind return "Problem in gp_bash_functions, command '$cmdtofind' not found in COMMAND path. You will need to edit the script named gp_bash_functions.sh to properly locate the needed commands for your platform." } findMppPath() { cmdtofind=$GP_UNIQUE_COMMAND for pathel in ${GPPATH[@]} do CMD=`find $pathel -follow -name $cmdtofind | tail -1` if [ x"$CMD" != x"" ] && [ -f $CMD ]; then echo $CMD return fi done } #****************************************************************************** # OS Command Variables #****************************************************************************** AWK=`findCmdInPath awk` BASENAME=`findCmdInPath basename` CAT=`findCmdInPath cat` CKSUM=`findCmdInPath cksum` CUT=`findCmdInPath cut` DATE=`findCmdInPath date` DD=`findCmdInPath dd` DIRNAME=`findCmdInPath dirname` DF=`findCmdInPath df` DU=`findCmdInPath du` ECHO=`findCmdInPath echo` FIND=`findCmdInPath find` GREP=`findCmdInPath grep` EGREP=`findCmdInPath egrep` HEAD=`findCmdInPath head` HOSTNAME=`findCmdInPath hostname` IFCONFIG=`findCmdInPath ifconfig` LESSCMD=`findCmdInPath less` LOCALE=`findCmdInPath locale` MV=`findCmdInPath mv` MKDIR=`findCmdInPath mkdir` NETSTAT=`findCmdInPath netstat` PING=`findCmdInPath ping` PS=`findCmdInPath ps` PYTHON=${GPHOME}/ext/python/bin/python RM=`findCmdInPath rm` SCP=`findCmdInPath scp` SED=`findCmdInPath sed` SLEEP=`findCmdInPath sleep` SORT=`findCmdInPath sort` SSH=`findCmdInPath ssh` TAIL=`findCmdInPath tail` TEE=`findCmdInPath tee` TOUCH=`findCmdInPath touch` TR=`findCmdInPath tr` WC=`findCmdInPath wc` WHICH=`findCmdInPath which` ZCAT=`findCmdInPath zcat` #***************#****************************************************************************** # Script Specific Variables #****************************************************************************** # By default set error logging level to verbose VERBOSE=1 USER_NAME=`id|$AWK '{print $1}'|$CUT -d"(" -f2|$TR -d ')'` PROG_NAME=`echo $0 | $TR -d '-'` PROG_NAME=`$BASENAME $PROG_NAME` PROG_PIDNAME=`echo $$ $PROG_NAME | awk '{printf "%06d %s\n", $1, $2}'` CALL_HOST=`$HOSTNAME|$CUT -d. -f1` #****************************************************************************** # Locate the postgres routines from the Greenplum release #****************************************************************************** PSQLBIN=`findMppPath` if [ x"$PSQLBIN" = x"" ];then echo "Problem in gp_bash_functions, command '$GP_UNIQUE_COMMAND' not found in Greenplum path." echo "Try setting GPHOME to the location of your Greenplum distribution." exit 99 fi PSQLBIN=`$DIRNAME $PSQLBIN` SCRIPTDIR="`$DIRNAME $PSQLBIN`/bin" #****************************************************************************** # Greenplum Scripts #****************************************************************************** GPINITSYSTEM=$SCRIPTDIR/gpinitsystem GPCONFIG=$SCRIPTDIR/gpconfig GPINITSTANDBY=$SCRIPTDIR/gpinitstandby GPRECOVERSEG=$SCRIPTDIR/gprecoverseg GPSTART=$SCRIPTDIR/gpstart GPSTATE=$SCRIPTDIR/gpstate GPSTOP=$SCRIPTDIR/gpstop GPDOCDIR=${GPHOME}/docs/cli_help/ #****************************************************************************** # Greenplum Command Variables #****************************************************************************** INITDB=$PSQLBIN/initdb PG_CTL=$PSQLBIN/pg_ctl PG_DUMP=$PSQLBIN/pg_dump PG_DUMPALL=$PSQLBIN/pg_dumpall PG_RESTORE=$PSQLBIN/pg_restore PSQL=$PSQLBIN/psql GPLISTDATABASEQTY="SELECT d.datname as \"Name\", r.rolname as \"Owner\", pg_catalog.pg_encoding_to_char(d.encoding) as \"Encoding\" FROM pg_catalog.pg_database d JOIN pg_catalog.pg_authid r ON d.datdba = r.oid ORDER BY 1;" #****************************************************************************** # Greenplum OS Settings #****************************************************************************** OS_OPENFILES=65535 #****************************************************************************** # General Variables #****************************************************************************** HOSTFILE=/etc/hosts PG_PID=postmaster.pid PG_OPT=postmaster.opts PG_CONF=postgresql.conf PG_HBA=pg_hba.conf if [ x"$TRUSTED_SHELL" = x"" ]; then TRUSTED_SHELL="$SSH"; fi if [ x"$TRUSTED_COPY" = x"" ]; then TRUSTED_COPY="$SCP"; fi PG_CONF_ADD_FILE=$WORKDIR/postgresql_conf_gp_additions SCHEMA_FILE=cdb_schema.sql DEFAULTDB=template1 GP_PG_VIEW="(SELECT dbid, role = 'p' as isprimary, content, status = 'u' as valid, preferred_role = 'p' as definedprimary FROM gp_segment_configuration)" DEFAULT_CHK_PT_SEG=8 DEFAULT_QD_MAX_CONNECT=250 QE_CONNECT_FACTOR=3 # DEFAULT_BUFFERS sets the default shared_buffers unless overridden by '-b'. # It applies to the master db and segment dbs. Specify either the number of # buffers (without suffix) or the amount of memory to use for buffers (with # case-insensitive suffix 'kB', 'MB' or 'GB'). DEFAULT_BUFFERS=128000kB DEBUG_LEVEL=0 BATCH_DEFAULT=60 WAIT_LIMIT=1800 WARN_MARK="<<<<<" #****************************************************************************** # Functions #****************************************************************************** IN_ARRAY () { for v in $2; do if [ x"$1" == x"$v" ]; then return 1 fi done return 0 } # # NOTE: this function is called a lot; try to keep it quick. # LOG_MSG () { TIMESTAMP=`$DATE +%Y%m%d":"%H":"%M":"%S` DISPLAY_TXT=0 # Check to see if we need to update value of EXIT_STATUS. Strip off # everything in the message after the first ending bracket ']' and # compare it to WARN/FATAL. level=${1%%]*} case "$level" in *WARN*) EXIT_STATUS=1 ;; *FATAL*) EXIT_STATUS=2 ;; esac if [ x"" == x"$DEBUG_LEVEL" ];then DEBUG_LEVEL=1 fi if [ $# -eq 2 ];then DISPLAY_TXT=1 fi if [ $VERBOSE ]; then if [ $DEBUG_LEVEL -eq 1 ] || [ $DISPLAY_TXT -eq 1 ];then $ECHO "${TIMESTAMP}:${PROG_PIDNAME}:${CALL_HOST}:${USER_NAME}-$1" | $TEE -a $LOG_FILE else $ECHO "${TIMESTAMP}:${PROG_PIDNAME}:${CALL_HOST}:${USER_NAME}-$1" >> $LOG_FILE fi else $ECHO "${TIMESTAMP}:${PROG_PIDNAME}:${CALL_HOST}:${USER_NAME}-$1" >> $LOG_FILE fi } POSTGRES_VERSION_CHK() { LOG_MSG "[INFO]:-Start Function $FUNCNAME" HOST=$1;shift CURRENT_VERSION=`$EXPORT_GPHOME; $EXPORT_LIB_PATH; $GPHOME/bin/postgres --gp-version` VERSION_MATCH=0 VER=`$TRUSTED_SHELL $HOST "$EXPORT_GPHOME; $EXPORT_LIB_PATH; $GPHOME/bin/postgres --gp-version"` if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then LOG_MSG "[WARN]:- Failed to obtain postgres version on $HOST" 1 EXIT_STATUS=1 VERSION_MATCH=0 fi LOG_MSG "[INFO]:- Current postgres version = $CURRENT_VERSION" LOG_MSG "[INFO]:- postgres version on $HOST = $VER" if [ x"$VER" != x"$CURRENT_VERSION" ] ; then LOG_MSG "[WARN]:-Postgres version does not match. [$CURRENT_VERSION != $VER]" 1 VERSION_MATCH=0 EXIT_STATUS=1 else VERSION_MATCH=1 fi LOG_MSG "[INFO]:-End Function $FUNCNAME" } ERROR_EXIT () { LOG_MSG "[INFO]:-Start Function $FUNCNAME" TIME=`$DATE +%H":"%M":"%S` CUR_DATE=`$DATE +%Y%m%d` $ECHO "${CUR_DATE}:${TIME}:${PROG_PIDNAME}:${CALL_HOST}:${USER_NAME}-$1 Script Exiting!" >> $LOG_FILE $ECHO "${CUR_DATE}:${TIME}:${PROG_PIDNAME}:${CALL_HOST}:${USER_NAME}-$1 Script Exiting!" DEBUG_LEVEL=1 if [ $BACKOUT_FILE ]; then if [ -s $BACKOUT_FILE ]; then LOG_MSG "[WARN]:-Script has left Greenplum Database in an incomplete state" LOG_MSG "[WARN]:-Run command bash $BACKOUT_FILE to remove these changes" BACKOUT_COMMAND "if [ x$MASTER_HOSTNAME != x\`$HOSTNAME\` ];then $ECHO \"[FATAL]:-Not on original master host $MASTER_HOSTNAME, backout script exiting!\";exit 2;fi" $ECHO "$RM -f $BACKOUT_FILE" >> $BACKOUT_FILE fi fi exit $2 LOG_MSG "[INFO]:-End Function $FUNCNAME" } ERROR_CHK () { LOG_MSG "[INFO]:-Start Function $FUNCNAME" if [ $# -ne 3 ];then INITIAL_LEVEL=$DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_LEVEL=1 LOG_MSG "[WARN]:-Incorrect # parameters supplied to $FUNCNAME" DEBUG_LEVEL=$INITIAL_LEVEL return;fi RETVAL=$1;shift MSG_TXT=$1;shift ACTION=$1 #1=issue warn, 2=fatal if [ $RETVAL -eq 0 ];then LOG_MSG "[INFO]:-Successfully completed $MSG_TXT" else if [ $ACTION -eq 1 ];then INITIAL_LEVEL=$DEBUG_LEVEL DEBUG_LEVEL=1 LOG_MSG "[WARN]:-Issue with $MSG_TXT" EXIT_STATUS=1 DEBUG_LEVEL=$INITIAL_LEVEL else LOG_MSG "[INFO]:-End Function $FUNCNAME" ERROR_EXIT "[FATAL]:-Failed to complete $MSG_TXT " 2 fi fi LOG_MSG "[INFO]:-End Function $FUNCNAME" } RETRY () { RETVAL=$? if [[ "$CURRENT" =~ "ssh" ]]; then for i in 2 4 8; do sleep $i LOG_MSG "[WARN]:-Retrying command -- $CURRENT" eval "$CURRENT" if [ $? = 0 ]; then RETVAL=0 # There seems to be no way of grabbing the return code of a # trap other than saving it to a variable return fi done fi } SED_PG_CONF () { LOG_MSG "[INFO]:-Start Function $FUNCNAME" SED_TMP_FILE=/tmp/sed_text.$$ APPEND=0 FILENAME=$1;shift SEARCH_TXT=$1;shift SUB_TXT="$1";shift KEEP_PREV=$1;shift SED_HOST=$1 if [ x"" == x"$SED_HOST" ]; then if [ `$GREP -c "${SEARCH_TXT}[ ]*=" $FILENAME` -gt 1 ]; then LOG_MSG "[INFO]:-Found more than 1 instance of $SEARCH_TXT in $FILENAME, will append" 1 APPEND=1 fi if [ `$GREP -c "${SEARCH_TXT}[ ]*=" $FILENAME` -eq 0 ] || [ $APPEND -eq 1 ]; then $ECHO $SUB_TXT >> $FILENAME RETVAL=$? if [ $RETVAL -ne 0 ]; then LOG_MSG "[WARN]:-Failed to append line $SUB_TXT to $FILENAME" 1 else LOG_MSG "[INFO]:-Appended line $SUB_TXT to $FILENAME" fi else if [ $KEEP_PREV -eq 0 ];then $SED -i'.bak1' -e "s/${SEARCH_TXT}/${SUB_TXT} #${SEARCH_TXT}/" $FILENAME else $SED -i'.bak1' -e "s/${SEARCH_TXT}.*/${SUB_TXT}/" $FILENAME fi RETVAL=$? if [ $RETVAL -ne 0 ]; then ERROR_EXIT "[FATAL]:-Failed to replace $SEARCH_TXT in $FILENAME" 2 else LOG_MSG "[INFO]:-Replaced line in $FILENAME" $RM -f ${FILENAME}.bak1 fi $SED -i'.bak2' -e "s/^#${SEARCH_TXT}/${SEARCH_TXT}/" $FILENAME RETVAL=$? if [ $RETVAL -ne 0 ]; then ERROR_EXIT "[FATAL]:-Failed to replace #$SEARCH_TXT in $FILENAME" 2 else LOG_MSG "[INFO]:-Replaced line in $FILENAME" $RM -f ${FILENAME}.bak2 fi fi else # trap DEBUG will always be called first, when other traps are triggered. # We need to make sure that we save the current running command, so # that the RETRY function re-runs the command trap 'CURRENT=$BASH_COMMAND' DEBUG # Call out retry for commands that fail trap RETRY ERR RETVAL=0 # RETVAL gets modified in RETRY function whenever the trap is called if [ `$TRUSTED_SHELL $SED_HOST "$GREP -c \"${SEARCH_TXT}\" $FILENAME"` -gt 1 ]; then LOG_MSG "[INFO]:-Found more than 1 instance of $SEARCH_TXT in $FILENAME on $SED_HOST, will append" 1 APPEND=1 fi if [ `$TRUSTED_SHELL $SED_HOST "$GREP -c \"${SEARCH_TXT}\" $FILENAME"` -eq 0 ] || [ $APPEND -eq 1 ]; then $TRUSTED_SHELL $SED_HOST "$ECHO \"$SUB_TXT\" >> $FILENAME" if [ $RETVAL -ne 0 ]; then ERROR_EXIT "[FATAL]:-Failed to append line $SUB_TXT to $FILENAME on $SED_HOST" 2 else LOG_MSG "[INFO]:-Appended line $SUB_TXT to $FILENAME on $SED_HOST" 1 fi else if [ $KEEP_PREV -eq 0 ];then $ECHO "s/${SEARCH_TXT}/${SUB_TXT} #${SEARCH_TXT}/" > $SED_TMP_FILE else $ECHO "s/${SEARCH_TXT}.*/${SUB_TXT}/" > $SED_TMP_FILE fi $CAT $SED_TMP_FILE | $TRUSTED_SHELL ${SED_HOST} $DD of=$SED_TMP_FILE > /dev/null 2>&1 $TRUSTED_SHELL $SED_HOST "sed -i'.bak1' -f $SED_TMP_FILE $FILENAME" > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $RETVAL -ne 0 ]; then ERROR_EXIT "[FATAL]:-Failed to insert $SUB_TXT in $FILENAME on $SED_HOST" 2 else LOG_MSG "[INFO]:-Replaced line in $FILENAME on $SED_HOST" $TRUSTED_SHELL $SED_HOST "$RM -f ${FILENAME}.bak1" > /dev/null 2>&1 fi $ECHO "s/^#${SEARCH_TXT}/${SEARCH_TXT}/" > $SED_TMP_FILE $CAT $SED_TMP_FILE | $TRUSTED_SHELL ${SED_HOST} $DD of=$SED_TMP_FILE > /dev/null 2>&1 $TRUSTED_SHELL $SED_HOST "sed -i'.bak2' -f $SED_TMP_FILE $FILENAME" > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $RETVAL -ne 0 ]; then ERROR_EXIT "[FATAL]:-Failed to substitute #${SEARCH_TXT} in $FILENAME on $SED_HOST" 2 else LOG_MSG "[INFO]:-Replaced line in $FILENAME on $SED_HOST" $TRUSTED_SHELL $SED_HOST "$RM -f ${FILENAME}.bak2" > /dev/null 2>&1 fi $TRUSTED_SHELL $SED_HOST "$RM -f $SED_TMP_FILE" $RM -f $SED_TMP_FILE fi trap - ERR DEBUG # Disable trap fi LOG_MSG "[INFO]:-End Function $FUNCNAME" } CHK_EXTERNAL () { LOG_MSG "[INFO]:-Start Function $FUNCNAME" EXTERNAL=`$EXPORT_LIB_PATH;$PSQL -A -t -q -p $MASTER_PORT -d "$QD_DBNAME" -c"select 1 from pg_exttable where reloid in (select oid from pg_class where relname='$TABLENAME' and relnamespace in (select oid from pg_namespace where nspname='$SCHEMA_NAME'));"|$WC -l` LOG_MSG "[INFO]:-End Function $FUNCNAME" } POSTGRES_PORT_CHK () { LOG_MSG "[INFO]:-Start Function $FUNCNAME" GET_PG_PID_ACTIVE $1 $2 if [ $PID -ne 0 ];then ERROR_EXIT "[FATAL]:-Host $2 has an active database process on port = $1" 2 fi LOG_MSG "[INFO]:-End Function $FUNCNAME" } CREATE_SPREAD_MIRROR_ARRAY () { LOG_MSG "[INFO]:-Start Function $FUNCNAME" ((MAX_ARRAY=${#QE_PRIMARY_ARRAY[@]}-1)) # Current host and subnet we are working on CURRENT_HOST=0 CURRENT_SUBNET=0 # Destination host and subnet DEST_HOST=0 DEST_SUBNET=0 if [ x"$NUM_MHOST_NODE" != x"" ] && [ $NUM_MHOST_NODE -gt 0 ] ; then ((DIRS_PER_SUBNET=$NUM_DATADIR/$NUM_MHOST_NODE)) else DIRS_PER_SUBNET=$NUM_DATADIR fi ((MAX_SUBNET=$NUM_DATADIR/$DIRS_PER_SUBNET)) ((MAX_HOST=${#QE_PRIMARY_ARRAY[@]}/$NUM_DATADIR)) SEGS_PROCESSED=0 SEGS_PROCESSED_HOST=0 # The following is heavily dependent on sort order of primary array. This sort # order will be affected by hostnames so something non-standard will cause # strange behaviour. This isn't new (just recording this fact for future generations) # and can be worked around with a mapping file to gpinitsystem (-I option). # The right way to do this would require us to connect to remote hosts, determine # what subnet we are on for that hostname and then build the array that way. We *will* # do this once this is in python (or anything other than BASH) LOG_MSG "[INFO]:-Building spread mirror array type $MULTI_TXT, please wait..." 1 for QE_LINE in ${QE_PRIMARY_ARRAY[@]} do if [ $DEBUG_LEVEL -eq 0 ] && [ x"" != x"$VERBOSE" ];then $NOLINE_ECHO ".\c";fi if [ $(($SEGS_PROCESSED%$NUM_DATADIR)) -eq 0 ] ; then # A new host group is starting if [ $SEGS_PROCESSED -ne 0 ] ; then ((CURRENT_HOST=$CURRENT_HOST+1)); fi # Start the mirroring on the next host ((DEST_HOST=$CURRENT_HOST+1)) # Always subnet "0" to start CURRENT_SUBNET=0 DEST_SUBNET=1 # Make sure we loop back when needed if [ $DEST_HOST -ge $MAX_HOST ] ; then DEST_HOST=0; fi SEGS_PROCESSED_HOST=0 else # Continue with current host # move dest host to the next one (This is spread mirroring) ((DEST_HOST=$DEST_HOST+1)) # Make sure we look back when needed if [ $DEST_HOST -ge $MAX_HOST ] ; then DEST_HOST=0; fi # Get what subnet we are on, we may have moved to next ((CURRENT_SUBNET=($SEGS_PROCESSED_HOST+1)/$DIRS_PER_SUBNET)) ((DEST_SUBNET=$CURRENT_SUBNET+1)) # Handle looping over if [ $DEST_SUBNET -ge $MAX_SUBNET ] ; then DEST_SUBNET=0; fi # Increment the number of segments we've processed for this host ((SEGS_PROCESSED_HOST=$SEGS_PROCESSED_HOST+1)) fi # Handle the case where it's a single hostname (thus a single subnet) # This case will mainly be for QA testing if [ $NUM_DATADIR -eq $DIRS_PER_SUBNET ] ; then DEST_SUBNET=0; fi # Handle possible loop if [ $DEST_SUBNET -ge $MAX_SUBNET ] ; then DEST_SUBNET=0; fi # Calculate the index based on host and subnet number ((PRIM_SEG_INDEX=($DEST_HOST*$NUM_DATADIR)+($DEST_SUBNET*$DIRS_PER_SUBNET))) QE_M_NAME=`$ECHO ${QE_PRIMARY_ARRAY[$PRIM_SEG_INDEX]}|$AWK -F"~" '{print $1}'` GP_M_DIR=${MIRROR_DATA_DIRECTORY[$SEGS_PROCESSED%$NUM_DATADIR]} P_PORT=`$ECHO $QE_LINE|$AWK -F"~" '{print $2}'` P_REPL_PORT=`$ECHO $QE_LINE|$AWK -F"~" '{print $6}'` ((GP_M_PORT=$P_PORT+$MIRROR_OFFSET)) ((M_REPL_PORT=$P_REPL_PORT+$MIRROR_REPLICATION_PORT_OFFSET)) M_CONTENT=`$ECHO $QE_LINE|$AWK -F"~" '{print $5}'` M_SEG=`$ECHO $QE_LINE|$AWK -F"~" '{print $3}'|$AWK -F"/" '{print $NF}'` QE_MIRROR_ARRAY=(${QE_MIRROR_ARRAY[@]} ${QE_M_NAME}~${GP_M_PORT}~${GP_M_DIR}/${M_SEG}~${DBID_COUNT}~${M_CONTENT}~${M_REPL_PORT}) POSTGRES_PORT_CHK $GP_M_PORT $QE_M_NAME ((DBID_COUNT=$DBID_COUNT+1)) ((SEGS_PROCESSED=$SEGS_PROCESSED+1)) done if [ $DEBUG_LEVEL -eq 0 ] && [ x"" != x"$VERBOSE" ];then $ECHO;fi LOG_MSG "[INFO]:-End Function $FUNCNAME" } CREATE_GROUP_MIRROR_ARRAY () { LOG_MSG "[INFO]:-Start Function $FUNCNAME" LOG_MSG "[INFO]:-Building group mirror array type $MULTI_TXT, please wait..." 1 PRI_HOST_COUNT=`$ECHO ${QE_PRIMARY_ARRAY[@]}|$TR ' ' '\n'|$AWK -F"~" '{print $1}'|$SORT -u|$WC -l` if [ $MULTI_HOME -eq 1 ] && [ $REMOTE_HOST_COUNT -eq 1 ];then PRI_HOST_COUNT=1 fi if [ x"$NUM_MHOST_NODE" != x"" ] && [ $NUM_MHOST_NODE -gt 0 ] ; then ((DIRS_PER_SUBNET=$NUM_DATADIR/$NUM_MHOST_NODE)) else DIRS_PER_SUBNET=$NUM_DATADIR fi ((MAX_SUBNET=$NUM_DATADIR/$DIRS_PER_SUBNET)) ((MAX_HOST=${#QE_PRIMARY_ARRAY[@]}/$NUM_DATADIR)) # Current host we are working on CURRENT_HOST=0 # Destination host and subnet DEST_HOST=0 DEST_SUBNET=0 PRIMARY_ARRAY_LENGTH=${#QE_PRIMARY_ARRAY[@]} PRIMARY_INDEX=0 for QE_LINE in ${QE_PRIMARY_ARRAY[@]} do if [ $(($PRIMARY_INDEX%$NUM_DATADIR)) -eq 0 ] ; then if [ $PRIMARY_INDEX -ne 0 ] ; then ((CURRENT_HOST=$CURRENT_HOST+1)); fi ((DEST_HOST=$CURRENT_HOST+1)) if [ $DEST_HOST -ge $MAX_HOST ] ; then DEST_HOST=0; fi DEST_SUBNET=1 else if [ $(($PRIMARY_INDEX%$DIRS_PER_SUBNET)) -eq 0 ] ; then ((DEST_SUBNET=$DEST_SUBNET+1)) fi fi # Handle possible loop if [ $DEST_SUBNET -ge $MAX_SUBNET ] ; then DEST_SUBNET=0; fi ((MIRROR_INDEX=($DEST_HOST*$NUM_DATADIR)+($DEST_SUBNET*$DIRS_PER_SUBNET))) if [ $DEBUG_LEVEL -eq 0 ] && [ x"" != x"$VERBOSE" ];then $NOLINE_ECHO ".\c";fi QE_M_NAME=`$ECHO ${QE_PRIMARY_ARRAY[$MIRROR_INDEX]}|$AWK -F"~" '{print $1}'` GP_M_DIR=${MIRROR_DATA_DIRECTORY[$PRIMARY_INDEX%$NUM_DATADIR]}/`$ECHO $QE_LINE|$AWK -F"~" '{print $3}'|$AWK -F"/" '{print $NF}'` M_CONTENT=`$ECHO $QE_LINE|$AWK -F"~" '{print $5}'` P_PORT=`$ECHO $QE_LINE|$AWK -F"~" '{print $2}'` P_REPL_PORT=`$ECHO $QE_LINE|$AWK -F"~" '{print $6}'` GP_M_PORT=$(($P_PORT+$MIRROR_OFFSET)) M_REPL_PORT=$(($P_REPL_PORT+$MIRROR_REPLICATION_PORT_OFFSET)) QE_MIRROR_ARRAY=(${QE_MIRROR_ARRAY[@]} ${QE_M_NAME}~${GP_M_PORT}~${GP_M_DIR}~${DBID_COUNT}~${M_CONTENT}~${M_REPL_PORT}) POSTGRES_PORT_CHK $GP_M_PORT $QE_M_NAME DBID_COUNT=$(($DBID_COUNT+1)) PRIMARY_INDEX=$((PRIMARY_INDEX+1)) done if [ $DEBUG_LEVEL -eq 0 ] && [ x"" != x"$VERBOSE" ];then $ECHO;fi LOG_MSG "[INFO]:-End Function $FUNCNAME" } GET_REPLY () { $ECHO -e "\n$1 Yy|Nn (default=N):" $ECHO -n "> " read REPLY if [ -z $REPLY ]; then LOG_MSG "[WARN]:-User abort requested, Script Exits!" 1 exit 1 fi if [ $REPLY != Y ] && [ $REPLY != y ]; then LOG_MSG "[WARN]:-User abort requested, Script Exits!" 1 exit 1 fi } CHK_MULTI_HOME () { LOG_MSG "[INFO]:-Start Function $FUNCNAME" GET_QE_DETAILS MULTI_ARRAY=() J=0 if [ x"" == x"$1" ];then #Select two hosts to test as we do not want to do the whole array LOG_MSG "[INFO]:-Obtaining GPDB array type, [Brief], please wait..." 1 while [ $J -lt 2 ] do QE_HOST=`$ECHO ${QE_ARRAY[$J]}|$AWK -F"|" '{print $1}'` REMOTE_HOSTNAME=`$TRUSTED_SHELL $QE_HOST "$HOSTNAME"` MULTI_ARRAY=(${MULTI_ARRAY[@]} ${QE_HOST}:$REMOTE_HOSTNAME) ((J=$J+1)) done else LOG_MSG "[INFO]:-Obtaining GPDB array type, [Full], please wait..." 1 for QE_LINE in ${QE_ARRAY[@]} do QE_HOST=`$ECHO $QE_LINE|$AWK -F"|" '{print $1}'` REMOTE_HOSTNAME=`$TRUSTED_SHELL $QE_HOST "$HOSTNAME"` MULTI_ARRAY=(${MULTI_ARRAY[@]} ${QE_HOST}:$REMOTE_HOSTNAME) done fi SEG_HOST_COUNT=`$ECHO ${MULTI_ARRAY[@]}|$TR ' ' '\n'|$AWK -F"~" '{print $1}'|$SORT -u|wc -l` REMOTE_HOST_COUNT=`$ECHO ${MULTI_ARRAY[@]}|$TR ' ' '\n'|$AWK -F"~" '{print $2}'|$SORT -u|wc -l` if [ $SEG_HOST_COUNT -eq $REMOTE_HOST_COUNT ];then LOG_MSG "[INFO]:-Non multi-home configuration" MULTI_HOME=0 MULTI_TXT="Standard" else LOG_MSG "[INFO]:-Multi-home configuration" MULTI_HOME=1 MULTI_TXT="Multi-home" fi LOG_MSG "[INFO]:-End Function $FUNCNAME" } CHK_FILE () { LOG_MSG "[INFO]:-Start Function $FUNCNAME" FILENAME=$1 FILE_HOST=$2 if [ x"" == x"$FILE_HOST" ];then LOG_MSG "[INFO]:-Checking file $FILENAME" if [ ! -s $FILENAME ] || [ ! -r $FILENAME ] then EXISTS=1 else EXISTS=0 fi else EXISTS=`$TRUSTED_SHELL $FILE_HOST "if [ ! -s $FILENAME ] || [ ! -r $FILENAME ];then $ECHO 1;else $ECHO 0;fi"` RETVAL=$? if [ $RETVAL -ne 0 ];then LOG_MSG "[WARN]:-Failed to obtain details of $FILENAME on $FILE_HOST" EXIT_STATUS=1 EXISTS=1 fi fi LOG_MSG "[INFO]:-End Function $FUNCNAME" } CHK_DIR () { # this function might be called very early, before logfiles are initialized if [ x"" == x"$3" ];then LOG_MSG "[INFO]:-Start Function $FUNCNAME" fi DIR_NAME=$1 DIR_HOST=$2 if [ x"" == x"$DIR_HOST" ];then EXISTS=`if [ -d $DIR_NAME ];then $ECHO 0;else $ECHO 1;fi` else EXISTS=`$TRUSTED_SHELL $DIR_HOST "if [ -d $DIR_NAME ];then $ECHO 0;else $ECHO 1;fi"` RETVAL=$? if [ $RETVAL -ne 0 ];then LOG_MSG "[WARN]:-Failed to obtain details of $DIR_NAME on $DIR_HOST" 1 EXIT_STATUS=1 EXISTS=1 fi fi if [ x"" == x"$3" ];then LOG_MSG "[INFO]:-End Function $FUNCNAME" fi } GET_MASTER_PORT () { LOG_MSG "[INFO]:-Start Function $FUNCNAME" MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY=$1 if [ x"" == x"$MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY" ];then ERROR_EXIT "[FATAL]:-MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY variable not set" 2;fi if [ ! -d $MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY ]; then ERROR_EXIT "[FATAL]:-No $MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY directory" 2 fi if [ -r $MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY/$PG_CONF ];then MASTER_PORT=`$AWK 'split($0,a,"#")>0 && split(a[1],b,"=")>1 {print b[1] " " b[2]}' $MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY/$PG_CONF | $AWK '$1=="port" {print $2}' | $TAIL -1` if [ x"" == x"$MASTER_PORT" ] ; then #look for include files for INC_FILE in `$AWK '/^[ ]*include /{print $2}' $MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY/$PG_CONF | $TR -d "'\""` ; do if [[ $INC_FILE == /* ]] ; then GET_MASTER_PORT_RECUR "$INC_FILE" 1 else GET_MASTER_PORT_RECUR "$MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY/$INC_FILE" 1 fi done if [ x"" == x"$MASTER_PORT" ] ; then ERROR_EXIT "[FATAL]:-Failed to obtain master port number from $MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY/$PG_CONF" 2 fi fi else ERROR_EXIT "[FATAL]:-Do not have read access to $MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY/$PG_CONF" 2 fi LOG_MSG "[INFO]:-End Function $FUNCNAME" } GET_MASTER_PORT_RECUR () { INCLUDED_FILE=$1 RECUR=$2 if [ $RECUR -le 10 ] ; then MASTER_PORT=`$AWK 'split($0,a,"#")>0 && split(a[1],b,"=")>1 {print b[1] " " b[2]}' $INCLUDED_FILE | $AWK '$1=="port" {print $2}' | $TAIL -1` if [ x"" == x"$MASTER_PORT" ] ; then #look for include files let CURR_DEPTH=$RECUR+1 for INC_FILE in `$AWK '/^[ ]*include /{print $2}' $INC_FILE | $TR -d "'\""` ; do if [[ $INC_FILE == /* ]] ; then GET_MASTER_PORT_RECUR "$INC_FILE" $CURR_DEPTH else GET_MASTER_PORT_RECUR "$MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY/$INC_FILE" $CURR_DEPTH fi if [ x"" != x"$MASTER_PORT" ] ; then break fi done fi else ERROR_EXIT "[FATAL]:-Could not open configuration file \"$INCLUDED_FILE\": maximum nesting depth exceeded" fi } GET_CIDRADDR () { # MPP-15889 # assuming argument is an ip address, return the address # with a /32 or /128 cidr suffix based on whether or not the # address contains a : if [ `echo $1 | grep -c :` -gt 0 ]; then echo $1/128 else echo $1/32 fi } BUILD_MASTER_PG_HBA_FILE () { LOG_MSG "[INFO]:-Start Function $FUNCNAME" if [ $# -eq 0 ];then ERROR_EXIT "[FATAL]:-Passed zero parameters, expected at least 1" 2;fi GP_DIR=$1 LOG_MSG "[INFO]:-Clearing values in Master $PG_HBA" $GREP "^#" ${GP_DIR}/$PG_HBA > $TMP_PG_HBA $MV $TMP_PG_HBA ${GP_DIR}/$PG_HBA LOG_MSG "[INFO]:-Setting local access" $ECHO "local all $USER_NAME $PG_METHOD" >> ${GP_DIR}/$PG_HBA #$ECHO "local all all $PG_METHOD" >> ${GP_DIR}/$PG_HBA LOG_MSG "[INFO]:-Setting local host access" $ECHO "host all $USER_NAME trust" >> ${GP_DIR}/$PG_HBA for ADDR in "${MASTER_IP_ADDRESS_ALL[@]}" do # MPP-15889 CIDRADDR=$(GET_CIDRADDR $ADDR) $ECHO "host all $USER_NAME $CIDRADDR trust" >> ${GP_DIR}/$PG_HBA done for ADDR in "${STANDBY_IP_ADDRESS_ALL[@]}" do # MPP-15889 CIDRADDR=$(GET_CIDRADDR $ADDR) $ECHO "host all $USER_NAME $CIDRADDR trust" >> ${GP_DIR}/$PG_HBA done # Add all local IPV6 addresses for ADDR in "${MASTER_IPV6_LOCAL_ADDRESS_ALL[@]}" do # MPP-15889 CIDRADDR=$(GET_CIDRADDR $ADDR) $ECHO "host all $USER_NAME $CIDRADDR trust" >> ${GP_DIR}/$PG_HBA done # Add replication config $ECHO "local replication $USER_NAME $PG_METHOD" >> ${GP_DIR}/$PG_HBA $ECHO "host replication $USER_NAME samenet trust" >> ${GP_DIR}/$PG_HBA LOG_MSG "[INFO]:-Complete Master $PG_HBA configuration" LOG_MSG "[INFO]:-End Function $FUNCNAME" } BUILD_GPSSH_CONF () { LOG_MSG "[INFO]:-Start Function $FUNCNAME" if [ $# -eq 0 ];then ERROR_EXIT "[FATAL]:-Passed zero parameters, expected at least 1" 2;fi GP_DIR=$1 $CAT <<_EOF_ >> $GP_DIR/gpssh.conf [gpssh] # delaybeforesend specifies the time in seconds to wait at the # beginning of an ssh interaction before doing anything. # Increasing this value can have a big runtime impact at the # beginning of gpssh. delaybeforesend = 0.05 # prompt_validation_timeout specifies a timeout multiplier that # will be used in validating the ssh prompt. Increasing this # value will have a small runtime impact at the beginning of # gpssh. prompt_validation_timeout = 1.0 # sync_retries specifies how many times to try the pxssh # connection verification. # Setting this value to 1 means gpssh will immediately pass # along pxssh's best effort. # Increasing this value will allow for slow network connections, # cpu load, or other slowness on the segment host, but will # also delay feedback when a connection cannot be established # for other reasons sync_retries = 3 _EOF_ LOG_MSG "[INFO]:-End Function $FUNCNAME" } BUILD_PERFMON() { LOG_MSG "[INFO]:-Start Function $FUNCNAME" GP_DIR=$1 $MKDIR -p $GP_DIR/gpperfmon/conf $GP_DIR/gpperfmon/logs $GP_DIR/gpperfmon/data $CAT <<_EOF_ >> $GP_DIR/gpperfmon/conf/gpperfmon.conf [GPMMON] # quantum specifies the time in seconds between updates from # performance monitor agents on all segments. Valid values # are 10, 15, 20, 30, or 60 quantum = 15 # min_query_time specifies the minimum query run time # in seconds for statistics collection. The monitor logs all # queries that run longer than this value in the queries_history # table. For queries with shorter run times, no historical # data is collected. min_query_time = 20 # This should be a percentage between 0 and 100 and should be # less than the error_disk_space_percentage. If a filesystem's # disk space used percentage equals or exceeds this value a # warning will be logged and a warning email/snmp trap may be # sent. If this configuration is set to 0 or not specified, no # warnings are sent. #warning_disk_space_percentage = 80 # This should be a percentage between 0 and 100 and should be # greater than the warning_disk_space_percentage. If a # filesystem's disk space used percentage equals or exceeds # this value an error will be logged and a error email/snmp # trap may be sent. If this configuration is set to 0 or not # specified, no errors are sent. #error_disk_space_percentage = 90 #This is the interval in minutes that limits the number of #error/warning messages that are sent. The minimum value for #this configuration is 1. Setting this to 0 or not specifying #this configuration results in it getting set to the minimum. disk_space_interval = 60 #This is the maximum number of error/warning messages that #will be sent in the disk_space_interval. The maximum value #for this configuration is 50. The minimum value for this #configuration is 1. Setting this configuration to greater #than 50 or not specifying this configuration results in it #getting set to the maximum. max_disk_space_messages_per_interval = 10 # The number of partitions for statistics data in month # will be retained. Older partitions will be dropped. #partition_age = 6 log_location = $GP_DIR/gpperfmon/logs _EOF_ } CHK_DB_RUNNING () { LOG_MSG "[INFO]:-Start Function $FUNCNAME" if [ $# -eq 1 ];then CHK_DISPATCH_ACCESS=1 else CHK_DISPATCH_ACCESS=0 fi if [ ! -d $MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY ]; then ERROR_EXIT "[FATAL]:-No Master $MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY directory" 2 fi if [ ! -f $MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY/$PG_PID ]; then LOG_MSG "[FATAL]:-No $MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY/$PG_PID file" 1 ERROR_EXIT "[FATAL]:-Run gpstart to start the Greenplum database." 2 fi GET_MASTER_PORT $MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY export $EXPORT_LIB_PATH;env PGOPTIONS="-c gp_session_role=utility" $PSQL -p $MASTER_PORT -d "$DEFAULTDB" -A -t -c"SELECT d.datname as \"Name\", r.rolname as \"Owner\", pg_catalog.pg_encoding_to_char(d.encoding) as \"Encoding\" FROM pg_catalog.pg_database d JOIN pg_catalog.pg_authid r ON d.datdba = r.oid ORDER BY 1;" >> $LOG_FILE 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ];then LOG_MSG "[FATAL]:-Have a postmaster.pid file for master instance on port $MASTER_PORT" 1 LOG_MSG "[FATAL]:-However, error reported on test psql access to master instance" 1 LOG_MSG "[INFO]:-Check ps output for a postmaster process on the above port" 1 LOG_MSG "[INFO]:-Check the master postgres logfile for errors and also the utility log file" 1 ERROR_EXIT "[FATAL]:-Unable to continue" 2 fi if [ $CHK_DISPATCH_ACCESS -eq 1 ];then #Check if in admin mode export $EXPORT_LIB_PATH;$PSQL -p $MASTER_PORT -d "$DEFAULTDB" -A -t -c"\l" >> $LOG_FILE 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ];then LOG_MSG "[WARN]:-Can access the Master instance in admin mode, but dispatch access failed" 1 LOG_MSG "[INFO]:-This could mean that the Master instance is in admin mode only" 1 LOG_MSG "[INFO]:-Run gpstop -m to shutdown Master instance from admin mode, and restart" 1 LOG_MSG "[INFO]:-the Greenplum database using gpstart" 1 EXIT_STATUS=1 else EXIT_STATUS=0 fi fi LOG_MSG "[INFO]:-End Function $FUNCNAME" } GET_PG_PID_ACTIVE () { LOG_MSG "[INFO]:-Start Function $FUNCNAME" # Expects port number and hostname for remote checking PORT=$1;shift HOST=$1 PG_LOCK_FILE="/tmp/.s.PGSQL.${PORT}.lock" PG_LOCK_NETSTAT="" if [ x"" == x"$HOST" ];then #See if we have a netstat entry for this local host PORT_ARRAY=(`$NETSTAT -an 2>/dev/null |$GREP ".s.PGSQL.${PORT}"|$AWK '{print $NF}'|$AWK -F"." '{print $NF}'|$SORT -u`) for P_CHK in ${PORT_ARRAY[@]} do if [ $P_CHK -eq $PORT ];then PG_LOCK_NETSTAT=$PORT;fi done #PG_LOCK_NETSTAT=`$NETSTAT -an 2>/dev/null |$GREP ".s.PGSQL.${PORT}"|$AWK '{print $NF}'|$HEAD -1` #See if we have a lock file in /tmp if [ -f ${PG_LOCK_FILE} ];then PG_LOCK_TMP=1 else PG_LOCK_TMP=0 fi if [ x"" == x"$PG_LOCK_NETSTAT" ] && [ $PG_LOCK_TMP -eq 0 ];then PID=0 LOG_MSG "[INFO]:-No socket connection or lock file in /tmp found for port=${PORT}" else #Now check the failure combinations if [ $PG_LOCK_TMP -eq 0 ] && [ x"" != x"$PG_LOCK_NETSTAT" ];then #Have a process but no lock file LOG_MSG "[WARN]:-No lock file $PG_LOCK_FILE but process running on port $PORT" 1 PID=1 EXIT_STATUS=1 fi if [ $PG_LOCK_TMP -eq 1 ] && [ x"" == x"$PG_LOCK_NETSTAT" ];then #Have a lock file but no process if [ -r ${PG_LOCK_FILE} ];then PID=`$CAT ${PG_LOCK_FILE}|$HEAD -1|$AWK '{print $1}'` else LOG_MSG "[WARN]:-Unable to access ${PG_LOCK_FILE}" 1 PID=1 fi LOG_MSG "[WARN]:-Have lock file $PG_LOCK_FILE but no process running on port $PORT" 1 EXIT_STATUS=1 fi if [ $PG_LOCK_TMP -eq 1 ] && [ x"" != x"$PG_LOCK_NETSTAT" ];then #Have both a lock file and a netstat process if [ -r ${PG_LOCK_FILE} ];then PID=`$CAT ${PG_LOCK_FILE}|$HEAD -1|$AWK '{print $1}'` else LOG_MSG "[WARN]:-Unable to access ${PG_LOCK_FILE}" 1 PID=1 EXIT_STATUS=1 fi LOG_MSG "[INFO]:-Have lock file $PG_LOCK_FILE and a process running on port $PORT" fi fi else PING_HOST $HOST 1 if [ $RETVAL -ne 0 ];then PID=0 EXIT_STATUS=1 else PORT_ARRAY=(`$TRUSTED_SHELL $HOST "$NETSTAT -an 2>/dev/null |$GREP ".s.PGSQL.${PORT}" 2>/dev/null"|$AWK '{print $NF}'|$AWK -F"." '{print $NF}'|$SORT -u`) for P_CHK in ${PORT_ARRAY[@]} do if [ $P_CHK -eq $PORT ];then PG_LOCK_NETSTAT=$PORT;fi done #PG_LOCK_NETSTAT=`$TRUSTED_SHELL $HOST "$NETSTAT -an 2>/dev/null |$GREP ".s.PGSQL.${PORT}" 2>/dev/null"|$AWK '{print $NF}'|$HEAD -1` PG_LOCK_TMP=`$TRUSTED_SHELL $HOST "ls ${PG_LOCK_FILE} 2>/dev/null"|$WC -l` if [ x"" == x"$PG_LOCK_NETSTAT" ] && [ $PG_LOCK_TMP -eq 0 ];then PID=0 LOG_MSG "[INFO]:-No socket connection or lock file $PG_LOCK_FILE found for port=${PORT}" else #Now check the failure combinations if [ $PG_LOCK_TMP -eq 0 ] && [ x"" != x"$PG_LOCK_NETSTAT" ];then #Have a process but no lock file LOG_MSG "[WARN]:-No lock file $PG_LOCK_FILE but process running on port $PORT on $HOST" 1 PID=1 EXIT_STATUS=1 fi if [ $PG_LOCK_TMP -eq 1 ] && [ x"" == x"$PG_LOCK_NETSTAT" ];then #Have a lock file but no process CAN_READ=`$TRUSTED_SHELL $HOST "if [ -r ${PG_LOCK_FILE} ];then echo 1;else echo 0;fi"` if [ $CAN_READ -eq 1 ];then PID=`$TRUSTED_SHELL $HOST "$CAT ${PG_LOCK_FILE}|$HEAD -1 2>/dev/null"|$AWK '{print $1}'` else LOG_MSG "[WARN]:-Unable to access ${PG_LOCK_FILE} on $HOST" 1 fi LOG_MSG "[WARN]:-Have lock file $PG_LOCK_FILE but no process running on port $PORT on $HOST" 1 PID=1 EXIT_STATUS=1 fi if [ $PG_LOCK_TMP -eq 1 ] && [ x"" != x"$PG_LOCK_NETSTAT" ];then #Have both a lock file and a netstat process CAN_READ=`$TRUSTED_SHELL $HOST "if [ -r ${PG_LOCK_FILE} ];then echo 1;else echo 0;fi"` if [ $CAN_READ -eq 1 ];then PID=`$TRUSTED_SHELL $HOST "$CAT ${PG_LOCK_FILE}|$HEAD -1 2>/dev/null"|$AWK '{print $1}'` else LOG_MSG "[WARN]:-Unable to access ${PG_LOCK_FILE} on $HOST" 1 EXIT_STATUS=1 fi LOG_MSG "[INFO]:-Have lock file $PG_LOCK_FILE and a process running on port $PORT on $HOST" fi fi fi fi LOG_MSG "[INFO]:-End Function $FUNCNAME" } RUN_COMMAND_REMOTE () { LOG_MSG "[INFO]:-Start Function $FUNCNAME" HOST=$1 COMMAND=$2 LOG_MSG "[INFO]:-Commencing remote $TRUSTED_SHELL $HOST $COMMAND" $TRUSTED_SHELL $HOST $COMMAND >> $LOG_FILE 2>&1 RETVAL=$? if [ $RETVAL -ne 0 ]; then LOG_MSG "[FATAL]:- Command $COMMAND on $HOST failed with error status $RETVAL" 2 else LOG_MSG "[INFO]:-Completed $TRUSTED_SHELL $HOST $COMMAND" fi LOG_MSG "[INFO]:-End Function $FUNCNAME" return $RETVAL } BACKOUT_COMMAND () { LOG_MSG "[INFO]:-Start Function $FUNCNAME" COMMAND=$1 if [ ! -f $BACKOUT_FILE ]; then $ECHO $COMMAND > $BACKOUT_FILE else $CAT $BACKOUT_FILE > /tmp/backout_file.tmp.$$ $ECHO $COMMAND > $BACKOUT_FILE $CAT /tmp/backout_file.tmp.$$ >> $BACKOUT_FILE $RM -f /tmp/backout_file.tmp.$$ fi LOG_MSG "[INFO]:-End Function $FUNCNAME" } PING_HOST () { LOG_MSG "[INFO]:-Start Function $FUNCNAME" TARGET_HOST=$1;shift PING_EXIT=$1 if [ x"" == x"$PING_EXIT" ];then PING_EXIT=0;fi case $OS_TYPE in darwin ) $PING $PING_TIME $TARGET_HOST > /dev/null 2>&1 || $PING6 $PING_TIME $TARGET_HOST > /dev/null 2>&1 ;; linux ) $PING $TARGET_HOST $PING_TIME > /dev/null 2>&1 || $PING6 $TARGET_HOST $PING_TIME > /dev/null 2>&1 ;; openbsd ) $PING $PING_TIME $TARGET_HOST > /dev/null 2>&1 || $PING6 $PING_TIME $TARGET_HOST > /dev/null 2>&1 ;; * ) $PING $TARGET_HOST $PING_TIME > /dev/null 2>&1 esac RETVAL=$? case $RETVAL in 0) LOG_MSG "[INFO]:-$TARGET_HOST contact established" ;; 1) if [ $PING_EXIT -eq 0 ];then ERROR_EXIT "[FATAL]:-Unable to contact $TARGET_HOST" 2 else LOG_MSG "[WARN]:-Unable to contact $TARGET_HOST" 1 fi ;; 2) if [ $PING_EXIT -eq 0 ];then ERROR_EXIT "[FATAL]:-Unknown host $TARGET_HOST" 2 else LOG_MSG "[WARN]:-Unknown host $TARGET_HOST" 1 fi ;; esac LOG_MSG "[INFO]:-End Function $FUNCNAME" return $RETVAL } PARALLEL_SETUP () { LOG_MSG "[INFO]:-Start Function $FUNCNAME" PARALLEL_STATUS_FILE=$1 $TOUCH $PARALLEL_STATUS_FILE export PARALLEL_STATUS_FILE=$PARALLEL_STATUS_FILE LOG_MSG "[INFO]:-Spawning parallel processes batch [1], please wait..." 1 BATCH_COUNT=0 INST_COUNT=0 BATCH_DONE=1 BATCH_TOTAL=0 LOG_MSG "[INFO]:-End Function $FUNCNAME" } PARALLEL_COUNT () { LOG_MSG "[INFO]:-Start Function $FUNCNAME" if [ $# -ne 2 ];then ERROR_EXIT "[FATAL]:-Incorrect number of parameters passed to $FUNCNAME" 2;fi BATCH_LIMIT=$1 BATCH_DEFAULT=$2 ((INST_COUNT=$INST_COUNT+1)) ((BATCH_COUNT=$BATCH_COUNT+1)) ((BATCH_TOTAL=$BATCH_TOTAL+1)) if [ $BATCH_COUNT -eq $BATCH_DEFAULT ] || [ $BATCH_LIMIT -eq $BATCH_TOTAL ];then if [ $DEBUG_LEVEL -eq 0 ] && [ x"" != x"$VERBOSE" ];then $ECHO;fi PARALLEL_WAIT ((BATCH_DONE=$BATCH_DONE+1)) BATCH_COUNT=0 if [ $BATCH_LIMIT -ne $BATCH_TOTAL ];then LOG_MSG "[INFO]:-Spawning parallel processes batch [$BATCH_DONE], please wait..." 1 fi fi LOG_MSG "[INFO]:-End Function $FUNCNAME" } PARALLEL_WAIT () { LOG_MSG "[INFO]:-Start Function $FUNCNAME" LOG_MSG "[INFO]:-Waiting for parallel processes batch [$BATCH_DONE], please wait..." 1 SLEEP_COUNT=0 while [ `$WC -l $PARALLEL_STATUS_FILE|$AWK '{print $1}'` -ne $INST_COUNT ] do if [ $DEBUG_LEVEL -eq 0 ] && [ x"" != x"$VERBOSE" ];then $NOLINE_ECHO ".\c";fi $SLEEP 1 ((SLEEP_COUNT=$SLEEP_COUNT+1)) if [ $WAIT_LIMIT -lt $SLEEP_COUNT ];then if [ $DEBUG_LEVEL -eq 0 ] && [ x"" != x"$VERBOSE" ];then $NOLINE_ECHO ".\c";fi LOG_MSG "[FATAL]:-Failed to process this batch of segments within $WAIT_LIMIT seconds" 1 LOG_MSG "[INFO]:-Review contents of $LOG_FILE" 1 ERROR_EXIT "[FATAL]:-Process timeout failure" 2 fi done if [ $DEBUG_LEVEL -eq 0 ] && [ x"" != x"$VERBOSE" ];then $ECHO;fi LOG_MSG "[INFO]:-End Function $FUNCNAME" } PARALLEL_SUMMARY_STATUS_REPORT () { LOG_MSG "[INFO]:-Start Function $FUNCNAME" REPORT_FAIL=0 if [ -f $1 ];then KILLED_COUNT=`$GREP -c "KILLED:" $PARALLEL_STATUS_FILE` COMPLETED_COUNT=`$GREP -c "COMPLETED:" $PARALLEL_STATUS_FILE` FAILED_COUNT=`$GREP -c "FAILED:" $PARALLEL_STATUS_FILE` ((TOTAL_FAILED_COUNT=$KILLED_COUNT+$FAILED_COUNT)) LOG_MSG "[INFO]:------------------------------------------------" 1 LOG_MSG "[INFO]:-Parallel process exit status" 1 LOG_MSG "[INFO]:------------------------------------------------" 1 LOG_MSG "[INFO]:-Total processes marked as completed = $COMPLETED_COUNT" 1 if [ $KILLED_COUNT -ne 0 ];then LOG_MSG "[WARN]:-Total processes marked as killed = $KILLED_COUNT $WARN_MARK" 1 REPORT_FAIL=1 else LOG_MSG "[INFO]:-Total processes marked as killed = 0" 1 fi if [ $FAILED_COUNT -ne 0 ];then LOG_MSG "[WARN]:-Total processes marked as failed = $FAILED_COUNT $WARN_MARK" 1 REPORT_FAIL=1 else LOG_MSG "[INFO]:-Total processes marked as failed = 0" 1 fi LOG_MSG "[INFO]:------------------------------------------------" 1 else LOG_MSG "[WARN]:-Could not locate status file $1" 1 REPORT_FAIL=1 fi LOG_MSG "[INFO]:-End Function $FUNCNAME" } CHK_GPDB_ID () { LOG_MSG "[INFO]:-Start Function $FUNCNAME" if [ -f ${INITDB} ];then PERMISSION=`ls -al ${INITDB}|$AWK '{print $1}'` MASTER_INITDB_ID=`ls -al ${INITDB}|$AWK '{print $3}'` INIT_CHAR=`$ECHO $MASTER_INITDB_ID|$TR -d '\n'|$WC -c|$TR -d ' '` MASTER_INITDB_GROUPID=`ls -al ${INITDB}|$AWK '{print $4}'` GROUP_INIT_CHAR=`$ECHO $MASTER_INITDB_ID|$TR -d '\n'|$WC -c|$TR -d ' '` GPDB_ID=`id|$TR '(' ' '|$TR ')' ' '|$AWK '{print $2}'` GPDB_GROUPID=`id|$TR '(' ' '|$TR ')' ' '|$AWK '{print $4}'` USER_EXECUTE=`$ECHO $PERMISSION | $SED -e 's/...\(.\).*/\1/g'` GROUP_EXECUTE=`$ECHO $PERMISSION | $SED -e 's/......\(.\).*/\1/g'` if [ `$ECHO $GPDB_ID|$TR -d '\n'|$WC -c` -gt $INIT_CHAR ];then GPDB_ID_CHK=`$ECHO $GPDB_ID|$CUT -c1-$INIT_CHAR` else GPDB_ID_CHK=$GPDB_ID fi if [ `$ECHO $GPDB_GROUPID|$TR -d '\n'|$WC -c` -gt $GROUP_INIT_CHAR ];then GPDB_GROUPID_CHK=`$ECHO $GPDB_GROUPID|$CUT -c1-$GROUP_INIT_CHAR` else GPDB_GROUPID_CHK=$GPDB_GROUPID fi if [ x$GPDB_ID_CHK == x$MASTER_INITDB_ID ] && [ x"x" == x"$USER_EXECUTE" ];then LOG_MSG "[INFO]:-Current user id of $GPDB_ID, matches initdb id of $MASTER_INITDB_ID" elif [ x$GPDB_GROUPID_CHK == x$MASTER_INITDB_GROUPID ] && [ x"x" == x"$GROUP_EXECUTE" ] ; then LOG_MSG "[INFO]:-Current group id of $GPDB_GROUPID, matches initdb group id of $MASTER_INITDB_GROUPID" else LOG_MSG "[WARN]:-File permission mismatch. The $GPDB_ID_CHK owns the Greenplum Database installation directory." LOG_MSG "[WARN]:-You are currently logged in as $MASTER_INITDB_ID and may not have sufficient" LOG_MSG "[WARN]:-permissions to run the Greenplum binaries and management utilities." fi if [ x"" != x"$USER" ];then if [ `$ECHO $USER|$TR -d '\n'|$WC -c` -gt $INIT_CHAR ];then USER_CHK=`$ECHO $USER|$CUT -c1-$INIT_CHAR` else USER_CHK=$USER fi if [ x$GPDB_ID_CHK != x$USER_CHK ];then LOG_MSG "[WARN]:-\$USER mismatch, id returns $GPDB_ID, \$USER returns $USER" 1 LOG_MSG "[WARN]:-The GPDB superuser account that owns the initdb binary should run these utilities" 1 LOG_MSG "[WARN]:-This may cause problems when these utilities are run as $USER" 1 fi else LOG_MSG "[INFO]:-Environment variable \$USER unset, will set to $GPDB_ID" 1 export USER=$GPDB_ID fi if [ x"" != x"$LOGNAME" ];then if [ `$ECHO $LOGNAME|$TR -d '\n'|$WC -c` -gt $INIT_CHAR ];then LOGNAME_CHK=`$ECHO $LOGNAME|$CUT -c1-$INIT_CHAR` else LOGNAME_CHK=$LOGNAME fi if [ x$GPDB_ID_CHK != x$LOGNAME_CHK ];then LOG_MSG "[WARN]:-\$LOGNAME mismatch, id returns $GPDB_ID_CHK, \$LOGNAME returns $LOGNAME_CHK" 1 LOG_MSG "[WARN]:-The GPDB superuser account that owns the initdb binary should run these utilities" 1 LOG_MSG "[WARN]:-This may cause problems when these utilities are run as $LOGNAME" 1 fi else LOG_MSG "[INFO]:-Environment variable \$LOGNAME unset, will set to $GPDB_ID" 1 export LOGNAME=$GPDB_ID fi else LOG_MSG "[WARN]:-No initdb file, unable to verify id" 1 fi LOG_MSG "[INFO]:-End Function $FUNCNAME" } # Make a dbid file at a particular host. The dbid file is used by gpstart # to tell the process in question which segment/master it is. # Arguments: # 1 - DBID # 2 - host name # 3 - path to data directory MAKE_DBID_FILE() { DBID=$1; shift HOST=$1; shift DATADIR=$1; shift FILEPATH=$DATADIR/gp_dbid if [ "$FILEPATH" = "/gp_dbid" ]; then # DATADIR is empty ERROR_EXIT "[FATAL]:-Internal error -- expected non-empty data directory" 2 fi $TRUSTED_SHELL $HOST \ "$ECHO \"# Greenplum Database identifier for this master/segment. # Do not change the contents of this file. dbid = $DBID\" > $FILEPATH && chmod 400 $FILEPATH" } UPDATE_MPP () { LOG_MSG "[INFO][$INST_COUNT]:-Start Function $FUNCNAME" U_DB=$DEFAULTDB U_PT=$1 U_MPPNAME="$2" U_NUMSEG=$3 U_DBID=$4 U_CONTENT=$5 TYPE=$6 U_HOST=$7 U_DIR=$8 LOG_MSG "[INFO][$INST_COUNT]:-Making dbid file @ $U_HOST:$U_DIR = $U_DBID" MAKE_DBID_FILE $U_DBID $U_HOST $U_DIR LOG_MSG "[INFO][$INST_COUNT]:-Successfully updated GPDB system table" LOG_MSG "[INFO][$INST_COUNT]:-End Function $FUNCNAME" } #****************************************************************************** # Main Section #****************************************************************************** #****************************************************************************** # Setup logging directory #****************************************************************************** CUR_DATE=`$DATE +%Y%m%d` DEFLOGDIR=$HOME/gpAdminLogs if [ ! -d $DEFLOGDIR ]; then mkdir $DEFLOGDIR fi LOG_FILE=$DEFLOGDIR/${PROG_NAME}_${CUR_DATE}.log #Set up OS type for scripts to change command lines OS_TYPE=`uname -s|tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'` case $OS_TYPE in sunos ) IPV4_ADDR_LIST_CMD="$IFCONFIG -a4" IPV6_ADDR_LIST_CMD="$IFCONFIG -a6" PS_TXT="-ef" LIB_TYPE="LD_LIBRARY_PATH" ZCAT=gzcat # MPP-15890 PG_METHOD=ident HOST_ARCH_TYPE="uname -i" NOLINE_ECHO=/usr/bin/echo DEFAULT_LOCALE_SETTING=en_US.UTF-8 MAIL=/bin/mailx PING_TIME="1" DF=`findCmdInPath df` # Multi-byte tr needed on Solaris to handle [:upper:], [:lower:], etc. MBTR=/usr/xpg4/bin/tr DU_TXT="-s" ;; linux ) IPV4_ADDR_LIST_CMD="`findCmdInPath ip` -4 address show" IPV6_ADDR_LIST_CMD="`findCmdInPath ip` -6 address show" PS_TXT="ax" LIB_TYPE="LD_LIBRARY_PATH" PG_METHOD="ident" HOST_ARCH_TYPE="uname -i" NOLINE_ECHO="$ECHO -e" DEFAULT_LOCALE_SETTING=en_US.utf8 PING6=`findCmdInPath ping6` PING_TIME="-c 1" DF="`findCmdInPath df` -P" ID=`whoami` DU_TXT="-c" ;; darwin ) IPV4_ADDR_LIST_CMD="$IFCONFIG -a inet" IPV6_ADDR_LIST_CMD="$IFCONFIG -a inet6" PS_TXT="ax" LIB_TYPE="DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH" # Darwin zcat wants to append ".Z" to the end of the file name; use "gunzip -c" instead ZCAT="`findCmdInPath gunzip` -c" PG_METHOD="ident" HOST_ARCH_TYPE="uname -m" NOLINE_ECHO=$ECHO DEFAULT_LOCALE_SETTING=en_US.utf-8 PING6=`findCmdInPath ping6` PING_TIME="-c 1" DF="`findCmdInPath df` -P" DU_TXT="-c" ;; freebsd ) IPV4_ADDR_LIST_CMD="$IFCONFIG -a inet" IPV6_ADDR_LIST_CMD="$IFCONFIG -a inet6" LIB_TYPE="LD_LIBRARY_PATH" PG_METHOD="ident" HOST_ARCH_TYPE="uname -m" NOLINE_ECHO="$ECHO -e" DEFAULT_LOCALE_SETTING=en_US.utf8 PING_TIME="-c 1" DF="`findCmdInPath df` -P" DU_TXT="-c" ;; openbsd ) IPV4_ADDR_LIST_CMD="ifconfig -a inet" IPV6_ADDR_LIST_CMD="ifconfig -a inet6" LIB_TYPE="LD_LIBRARY_PATH" PG_METHOD="ident" HOST_ARCH_TYPE="uname -m" NOLINE_ECHO="echo -e" DEFAULT_LOCALE_SETTING=en_US.UTF-8 PING_TIME="-c 1" DF="df -P" DU_TXT="-c" ;; * ) echo unknown ;; esac GP_LIBRARY_PATH=`$DIRNAME \`$DIRNAME $INITDB\``/lib ## # we setup some EXPORT foo='blah' commands for when we dispatch to segments and standby master ## EXPORT_GPHOME='export GPHOME='$GPHOME if [ x"$LIB_TYPE" == x"LD_LIBRARY_PATH" ]; then EXPORT_LIB_PATH="export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" else EXPORT_LIB_PATH="export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH" fi