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                  The Greenplum Query Optimizer
              Copyright (c) 2015, Pivotal Software, Inc.
            Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
Welcome to GPORCA, the Greenplum Next Generation Query Optimizer! Want to [Contribute](#contribute)? GPORCA supports various build types: debug, release with debug info, release. On x86 systems, GPORCA can also be built as a 32-bit or 64-bit library. You'll need CMake 3.1 or higher to build GPORCA. Get it from cmake.org, or your operating system's package manager. # First Time Setup ## Clone GPORCA ``` git clone https://github.com/greenplum-db/gporca.git cd gporca ``` ## Pre-Requisites GPORCA uses the following library: * GP-Xerces - Greenplum's patched version of Xerces-C 3.1.X ### Installing GP-Xerces [GP-XERCES is available here](https://github.com/greenplum-db/gp-xerces). The GP-XERCES README gives instructions for building and installing. ## Build and install GPORCA ORCA is built with [CMake](https://cmake.org), so any build system supported by CMake can be used. The team uses [Ninja](https://ninja-build.org) because it's really really fast and convenient. Go into `gporca` directory: ``` mkdir build cd build cmake -GNinja ../ ninja install ``` ## Test GPORCA To run all GPORCA tests, simply use the `ctest` command from the build directory after build finishes. ``` ctest ``` Much like `make`, `ctest` has a -j option that allows running multiple tests in parallel to save time. Using it is recommended for faster testing. ``` ctest -j7 ``` By default, `ctest` does not print the output of failed tests. To print the output of failed tests, use the `--output-on-failure` flag like so (this is useful for debugging failed tests): ``` ctest -j7 --output-on-failure ``` To run a specific individual test, use the `gporca_test` executable directly. ``` ./server/gporca_test -U CAggTest ``` To run a specific minidump, for example for `../data/dxl/minidump/TVFRandom.mdp`: ``` ./server/gporca_test -d ../data/dxl/minidump/TVFRandom.mdp ``` Note that some tests use assertions that are only enabled for DEBUG builds, so DEBUG-mode tests tend to be more rigorous. ## Adding tests Most of the regression tests come in the form of a "minidump" file. A minidump is an XML file that contains all the input needed to plan a query, including information about all tables, datatypes, and functions used, as well as statistics. It also contains the resulting plan. A new minidump can be created by running a query on a live GPDB server: 1. Run these in a psql session: ``` set client_min_messages='log'; set optimizer=on; set optimizer_enumerate_plans=on; set optimizer_minidump=always; set optimizer_enable_constant_expression_evaluation=off; ``` 2. Run the query in the same psql session. It will create a minidump file under the "minidumps" directory, in the master's data directory: ``` $ ls -l ~/data-master/minidumps/ total 12 -rw------- 1 heikki heikki 10818 Jun 10 22:02 Minidump_20160610_220222_4_14.mdp ``` 3. Run xmllint on the minidump to format it better, and copy it under the data/dxl/minidump directory: ``` xmllint --format ~/data-master/minidumps/Minidump_20160610_220222_4_14.mdp > data/dxl/minidump/MyTest.xml ``` 5. Add it to the test suite, in server/src/unittest/gpopt/minidump/CICGTest.cpp ``` --- a/server/src/unittest/gpopt/minidump/CICGTest.cpp +++ b/server/src/unittest/gpopt/minidump/CICGTest.cpp @@ -217,6 +217,7 @@ const CHAR *rgszFileNames[] = "../data/dxl/minidump/EffectsOfJoinFilter.mdp", "../data/dxl/minidump/Join-IDF.mdp", "../data/dxl/minidump/CoerceToDomain.mdp", + "../data/dxl/minidump/Mytest.mdp", "../data/dxl/minidump/LeftOuter2InnerUnionAllAntiSemiJoin.mdp", #ifndef GPOS_DEBUG // TODO: - Jul 14 2015; disabling it for debug build to reduce testing time ``` ## [Experimental] Concourse GPORCA contains a series of pipeline and task files to run various sets of tests on [concourse](http://concourse.ci/). You can learn more about deploying concourse with [bosh at bosh.io](http://bosh.io/). Our concourse currently runs the following sets of tests: * build and ctest on centos5 * build and ctest on debian8 We are currently working on adding support for the following sets of tests: * build and ctest on centos6 * build GPDB with GPORCA and run `make installcheck-good` on centos6 All configuration files for our concourse pipelines can be found in the `concourse/` directory. Note: concourse jobs and pipelines for GPORCA are currently experimental and should not be considered ready for use in production-level CI environments. # Advanced Setup ## How to generate make files with different options Here are few build flavors: ``` # debug build cmake -GNinja -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=DEBUG ../ ``` ``` # release build with debug info cmake -GNinja -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo ../ ``` ``` # release build cmake -GNinja -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELEASE ../ ``` ## Explicitly Specifying GP-Xerces For Build ### GP-XERCES It is recommended to use the `--prefix` option to the Xerces-C configure script to install GP-Xerces in a location other than the default under `/usr/local/`, because you may have other software that depends on Xerces-C, and the changes introduced in the GP-Xerces patch make it incompatible with the upstream version. Installing in a non-default prefix allows you to have GP-Xerces installed side-by-side with unpatched Xerces without incompatibilities. You can point cmake at your patched GP-Xerces installation using the `XERCES_INCLUDE_DIR` and `XERCES_LIBRARY` options like so: However, to use the current build scripts in GPDB, Xerces with the gp_xerces patch will need to be placed on the /usr path. ``` cmake -GNinja -D XERCES_INCLUDE_DIR=/opt/gp_xerces/include -D XERCES_LIBRARY=/opt/gp_xerces/lib/libxerces-c.so .. ``` Again, on Mac OS X, the library name will end with `.dylib` instead of `.so`. ## Cross-Compiling 32-bit or 64-bit libraries ### GP-XERCES Unless you intend to cross-compile a 32 or 64-bit version of GP-Orca, you can ignore these instructions. If you need to explicitly compile for the 32 or 64-bit version of your architecture, you need to set the `CFLAGS` and `CXXFLAGS` environment variables for the configure script like so (use `-m32` for 32-bit, `-m64` for 64-bit): ``` CFLAGS="-m32" CXXFLAGS="-m32" ../configure --prefix=/opt/gp_xerces_32 ``` ### GPORCA For the most part you should not need to explicitly compile a 32-bit or 64-bit version of the optimizer libraries. By default, a "native" version for your host platform will be compiled. However, if you are on x86 and want to, for example, build a 32-bit version of Optimizer libraries on a 64-bit machine, you can do so as described below. Note that you will need a "multilib" C++ compiler that supports the -m32/-m64 switches, and you may also need to install 32-bit ("i386") versions of the C and C++ standard libraries for your OS. Finally, you will need to build 32-bit or 64-bit versions of GP-Xerces as appropriate. Toolchain files for building 32 or 64-bit x86 libraries are located in the cmake directory. Here is an example of building for 32-bit x86: ``` cmake -GNinja -D CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../cmake/i386.toolchain.cmake ../ ``` And for 64-bit x86: ``` cmake -GNinja -D CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../cmake/x86_64.toolchain.cmake ../ ``` ## How to speed-up the build (or debug it) For faster build use the -j option of make. For instance, the following command runs make on 7 job slots ``` make -j7 ``` Show all commands being run as part of make (for debugging purpose) ``` make VERBOSE=1 ``` ### Extended Tests Debug builds of GPORCA include a couple of "extended" tests for features like fault-simulation and time-slicing that work by running the entire test suite in combination with the feature being tested. These tests can take a long time to run and are not enabled by default. To turn extended tests on, add the cmake arguments `-D ENABLE_EXTENDED_TESTS=1`. ## Installation Details GPORCA has four libraries: 1. libnaucrates --- has all DXL related classes, and statistics related classes 2. libgpopt --- has all the code related to the optimization engine, meta-data accessor, logical / physical operators, transformation rules, and translators (DXL to expression and vice versa). 3. libgpdbcost --- cost model for GPDB. 4. libgpos --- abstraction of memory allocation, scheduling, error handling, and testing framework. By default, GPORCA will be installed under /usr/local. You can change this by setting CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX when running cmake, for example: ``` cmake -GNinja -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/user/gporca ../ ``` By default, the header files are located in: ``` /usr/local/include/naucrates /usr/local/include/gpdbcost /usr/local/include/gpopt /usr/local/include/gpos ``` the library is located at: ``` /usr/local/lib/libnaucrates.so* /usr/local/lib/libgpdbcost.so* /usr/local/lib/libgpopt.so* /usr/local/lib/libgpos.so* ``` Build and install: ``` make install ``` Build and install with verbose output ``` make VERBOSE=1 install ``` ## Cleanup Remove the `cmake` files generated under `build` folder of `gporca` repo: ``` rm -fr build/* ``` Remove gporca header files and library, (assuming the default install prefix /usr/local) ``` rm -rf /usr/local/include/naucrates rm -rf /usr/local/include/gpdbcost rm -rf /usr/local/include/gpopt rm -rf /usr/local/include/gpos rm -rf /usr/local/lib/libnaucrates.so* rm -rf /usr/local/lib/libgpdbcost.so* rm -rf /usr/local/lib/libgpopt.so* rm -rf /usr/local/lib/libgpos.so* ``` # How to Contribute We accept contributions via [Github Pull requests](https://help.github.com/articles/using-pull-requests) only. Follow the steps below to open a PR: 1. Fork the project’s repository 1. Create your own feature branch (e.g. `git checkout -b better_orca`) and make changes on this branch. * Follow the previous sections on this page to setup and build in your environment. 1. Run through all the [tests](#test) in your feature branch and ensure they are successful. * Follow the [Add tests](#addtest) section to add new tests. 1. Push your local branch to your fork (e.g. `git push origin better_orca`) and [submit a pull request](https://help.github.com/articles/creating-a-pull-request) Your contribution will be analyzed for product fit and engineering quality prior to merging. Note: All contributions must be sent using GitHub Pull Requests. **Your pull request is much more likely to be accepted if it is small and focused with a clear message that conveys the intent of your change.** Overall we follow GPDB's comprehensive contribution policy. Please refer to it [here](https://github.com/greenplum-db/gpdb#contributing) for details.