@gpperfmon Feature: gpperfmon @gpperfmon_install Scenario: install gpperfmon Given the environment variable "PGDATABASE" is set to "template1" Given the database "gpperfmon" does not exist When the user runs "gpperfmon_install --port 15432 --enable --password foo" Then gpperfmon_install should return a return code of 0 Then verify that the last line of the master postgres configuration file contains the string "gpperfmon_log_alert_level=warning" And verify that there is a "heap" table "database_history" in "gpperfmon" @gpperfmon_run Scenario: run gpperfmon # important: to succeed on macOS, see steps in gpdb/gpAux/gpperfmon/README Given the environment variable "PGDATABASE" is set to "template1" Given the database "gpperfmon" does not exist When the user runs "gpperfmon_install --port 15432 --enable --password foo" Then gpperfmon_install should return a return code of 0 When the user runs command "pkill postgres" Then wait until the process "postgres" goes down When the user runs "gpstart -a" Then gpstart should return a return code of 0 And verify that a role "gpmon" exists in database "gpperfmon" And verify that the last line of the master postgres configuration file contains the string "gpperfmon_log_alert_level=warning" And verify that there is a "heap" table "database_history" in "gpperfmon" Then wait until the process "gpmmon" is up And wait until the process "gpsmon" is up # todo this test may have never run. Is it valid? Worthy of fixing? # Scenario: drop old partition # When the user runs command "echo 'partition_age = 4' >> $MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY/gpperfmon/conf/gpperfmon.conf" # And the user runs command "test/behave/mgmt_utils/steps/data/add_par.sh" # And the user runs command "gpstop -ra" # # When execute following sql in db "gpperfmon" and store result in the context # """ # SELECT count(*) FROM pg_partitions WHERE tablename = 'diskspace_history'; # """ # Then validate that following rows are in the stored rows # | count | # | 5 |