-- start_matchignore -- m/WARNING: tablespace symlink path is too long for TAR/ -- m/DETAIL: The symlinked path \".*\" will be truncated to 100 characters when sending a TAR to the utilities \(e.g. pg_basebackup\)/ -- end_matchignore create or replace function has_init_file_for_oid(object oid) returns boolean as $$ select count(pg_stat_file(p.pg_relation_filepath || '_init')) = 1 as success from (select * from pg_relation_filepath(object)) p; $$ language sql; create or replace function has_init_file(aotablename regclass, tabletype text) returns boolean as $$ DECLARE relation_id regclass; BEGIN case tabletype when 'table' then relation_id := aotablename; when 'index' then relation_id := aotablename; when 'aoseg' then select segrelid into relation_id from pg_appendonly where relid = aotablename; when 'blockdir' then select blkdirrelid into relation_id from pg_appendonly where relid = aotablename; when 'blockdirindex' then select blkdiridxid into relation_id from pg_appendonly where relid = aotablename; when 'visimap' then select visimaprelid into relation_id from pg_appendonly where relid = aotablename; when 'visimapindex' then select visimapidxid into relation_id from pg_appendonly where relid = aotablename; else raise notice 'Invalid tabletype for has_init_file %', tabletype; return false; end case; return has_init_file_for_oid(relation_id); END; $$ language plpgsql; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_tablespace_version_directory_name() RETURNS TEXT AS '@abs_builddir@/regress.so', 'get_tablespace_version_directory_name' LANGUAGE C; -- create tablespaces we can use CREATE TABLESPACE testspace LOCATION '@testtablespace@'; CREATE TABLESPACE ul_testspace LOCATION '@testtablespace@_unlogged'; SELECT gp_segment_id, CASE tblspc_loc WHEN '@testtablespace@' THEN 'testtablespace' ELSE 'testtablespace_unknown' END AS tblspc_loc FROM gp_tablespace_location((SELECT oid FROM pg_tablespace WHERE spcname='testspace')); gp_segment_id | tblspc_loc ---------------+---------------- 1 | testtablespace 2 | testtablespace 0 | testtablespace -1 | testtablespace (4 rows) SELECT gp_segment_id, CASE tblspc_loc WHEN '@testtablespace@_unlogged' THEN 'testtablespace_unlogged' ELSE 'testtablespace_unknown' END AS tblspc_loc FROM gp_tablespace_location((SELECT oid FROM pg_tablespace WHERE spcname='ul_testspace')); gp_segment_id | tblspc_loc ---------------+------------------------- 2 | testtablespace_unlogged 1 | testtablespace_unlogged 0 | testtablespace_unlogged -1 | testtablespace_unlogged (4 rows) -- Test that test tablespaces have the catalog directory directly under their -- symlink SELECT pg_ls_dir('./pg_tblspc/' || oid) = get_tablespace_version_directory_name() AS has_version_dir FROM pg_tablespace WHERE spcname = 'testspace'; has_version_dir ----------------- t (1 row) -- Ensure mirrors have applied filesystem changes SELECT force_mirrors_to_catch_up(); force_mirrors_to_catch_up --------------------------- (1 row) \! ls @testtablespace@; 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 -- Test moving AO/AOCO tables from one tablespace to another. CREATE TABLE ao_ts_table (id int4, t text) with (appendonly=true, orientation=row) distributed by (id); CREATE TABLE aoco_ts_table (id int4, t text) with (appendonly=true, orientation=column) distributed by (id); CREATE UNLOGGED TABLE ao_ul_ts_table (id int4, t text) with (appendonly=true, orientation=row) distributed by (id); CREATE UNLOGGED TABLE aoco_ul_ts_table (id int4, t text) with (appendonly=true, orientation=column) distributed by (id); insert into ao_ts_table select g, 'foo' || g from generate_series(1, 10000) g; insert into aoco_ts_table select g, 'bar' || g from generate_series(1, 10000) g; insert into ao_ul_ts_table select * from ao_ts_table; insert into aoco_ul_ts_table select * from ao_ul_ts_table; -- alter table to create scenario where .0 file also has data ALTER TABLE ao_ts_table ALTER COLUMN id TYPE bigint; -- to satisfy orca ANALYZE ao_ts_table; ALTER TABLE aoco_ts_table ALTER COLUMN id TYPE bigint; -- to satisfy orca ANALYZE aoco_ts_table; insert into ao_ts_table select g, 'foofoo' || g from generate_series(10000, 10100) g; insert into aoco_ts_table select g, 'barbar' || g from generate_series(10000, 10100) g; CREATE INDEX ao_ts_index ON ao_ts_table(id); CREATE INDEX ao_ul_ts_index ON ao_ul_ts_table(id); SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ao_ts_table; count ------- 10101 (1 row) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM aoco_ts_table; count ------- 10101 (1 row) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ao_ul_ts_table; count ------- 10000 (1 row) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM aoco_ul_ts_table; count ------- 10000 (1 row) ALTER TABLE ao_ts_table SET TABLESPACE testspace; ALTER TABLE aoco_ts_table SET TABLESPACE testspace; ALTER INDEX ao_ts_index SET TABLESPACE testspace; ALTER TABLE ao_ul_ts_table SET TABLESPACE ul_testspace; ALTER INDEX ao_ul_ts_index SET TABLESPACE ul_testspace; ALTER TABLE aoco_ul_ts_table SET TABLESPACE ul_testspace; -- Check that init fork exists on master select has_init_file('ao_ul_ts_table', 'table'); has_init_file --------------- t (1 row) select has_init_file('ao_ul_ts_index', 'index'); has_init_file --------------- t (1 row) select has_init_file('ao_ul_ts_table', 'aoseg'); has_init_file --------------- t (1 row) select has_init_file('ao_ul_ts_table', 'blockdir'); has_init_file --------------- t (1 row) select has_init_file('ao_ul_ts_table', 'blockdirindex'); has_init_file --------------- t (1 row) select has_init_file('ao_ul_ts_table', 'visimap'); has_init_file --------------- t (1 row) select has_init_file('ao_ul_ts_table', 'visimapindex'); has_init_file --------------- t (1 row) INSERT INTO ao_ts_table VALUES(-1); INSERT INTO aoco_ts_table VALUES(-1); SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ao_ts_table; count ------- 10102 (1 row) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM aoco_ts_table; count ------- 10102 (1 row) INSERT INTO ao_ul_ts_table VALUES(-1); INSERT INTO aoco_ul_ts_table VALUES(-1); SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ao_ul_ts_table; count ------- 10001 (1 row) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM aoco_ul_ts_table; count ------- 10001 (1 row) -- Since count(*) for CO doesn't actually read all the columns, this query will -- read all the columns and all the newly written files. SELECT * FROM aoco_ts_table where id > 9995 and id < 10005; id | t -------+------------- 9997 | bar9997 9998 | bar9998 10000 | bar10000 10000 | barbar10000 10001 | barbar10001 10002 | barbar10002 10003 | barbar10003 10004 | barbar10004 9996 | bar9996 9999 | bar9999 (10 rows) SELECT * FROM aoco_ul_ts_table where id > 9995 and id < 10005; id | t -------+---------- 9999 | foo9999 10000 | foo10000 9996 | foo9996 9997 | foo9997 9998 | foo9998 (5 rows) -- Clean up. (It would be good to leave some extra tablespaces behind, so that -- they would go through the gpcheckcat, pg_upgrade, etc. passes that run -- after the main regression test suite. But all those tools are not up to -- snuff yet to deal with tablespaces.) drop table ao_ts_table; drop table aoco_ts_table; drop tablespace testspace; drop table ao_ul_ts_table; drop table aoco_ul_ts_table; drop tablespace ul_testspace; -- Greenplum tablespaces have the option to define tablespace location for specific segments CREATE TABLESPACE testspace_otherloc LOCATION '@testtablespace@' WITH (content9999='@testtablespace@_otherloc'); -- should fail ERROR: segment content ID 9999 does not exist HINT: Segment content IDs can be found in gp_segment_configuration table. CREATE TABLESPACE testspace_otherloc LOCATION '@testtablespace@' WITH (content1='@testtablespace@_otherloc'); SELECT gp_segment_id, CASE tblspc_loc WHEN '@testtablespace@' THEN 'testtablespace' WHEN '@testtablespace@_otherloc' THEN 'testtablespace_otherloc' ELSE 'testtablespace_unknown' END AS tblspc_loc FROM gp_tablespace_location((SELECT oid FROM pg_tablespace WHERE spcname='testspace_otherloc')); gp_segment_id | tblspc_loc ---------------+------------------------- 1 | testtablespace_otherloc 2 | testtablespace 0 | testtablespace -1 | testtablespace (4 rows) -- Create a tablespace with an existing GP_TABLESPACE_VERSION_DIRECTORY for -- another version of GPDB. CREATE TABLESPACE testspace_existing_version_dir LOCATION '@testtablespace@_existing_version_dir'; SELECT * FROM (SELECT pg_ls_dir('pg_tblspc/' || oid) AS versiondirs FROM pg_tablespace WHERE spcname = 'testspace_existing_version_dir' ) a WHERE a.versiondirs != get_tablespace_version_directory_name(); versiondirs ------------------- GPDB_99_399999991 (1 row) SELECT count(*) FROM (SELECT pg_ls_dir('pg_tblspc/' || oid) AS versiondirs FROM pg_tablespace WHERE spcname = 'testspace_existing_version_dir' ) a WHERE a.versiondirs = get_tablespace_version_directory_name(); count ------- 1 (1 row) -- Do not drop the dbid directory, nor the existing version directory if you -- drop this tablespace DROP TABLESPACE testspace_existing_version_dir; -- Ensure mirrors have applied filesystem changes SELECT force_mirrors_to_catch_up(); force_mirrors_to_catch_up --------------------------- (1 row) \! ls @testtablespace@_existing_version_dir/*; @testtablespace@_existing_version_dir/1: GPDB_99_399999991 @testtablespace@_existing_version_dir/2: GPDB_99_399999991 @testtablespace@_existing_version_dir/3: GPDB_99_399999991 @testtablespace@_existing_version_dir/4: GPDB_99_399999991 @testtablespace@_existing_version_dir/5: GPDB_99_399999991 @testtablespace@_existing_version_dir/6: GPDB_99_399999991 @testtablespace@_existing_version_dir/7: GPDB_99_399999991 @testtablespace@_existing_version_dir/8: GPDB_99_399999991 -- Test alter tablespace: PG does not seem to test these. -- test SET & OWNER ALTER TABLESPACE testspace_otherloc SET (random_page_cost=20.0); SELECT spcoptions FROM pg_tablespace WHERE spcname = 'testspace_otherloc'; spcoptions ------------------------- {random_page_cost=20.0} (1 row) CREATE ROLE t_owner; NOTICE: resource queue required -- using default resource queue "pg_default" ALTER TABLESPACE testspace_otherloc OWNER TO t_owner; SELECT rolname from pg_roles WHERE oid in (SELECT spcowner FROM pg_tablespace WHERE spcname = 'testspace_otherloc'); rolname --------- t_owner (1 row) ALTER TABLESPACE testspace_otherloc OWNER TO @curusername@; DROP ROLE t_owner; -- test RENAME ALTER TABLESPACE testspace_otherloc RENAME TO testspace_otherloc2; SELECT spcname, spcoptions FROM pg_tablespace WHERE spcname = 'testspace_otherloc2'; spcname | spcoptions ---------------------+------------------------- testspace_otherloc2 | {random_page_cost=20.0} (1 row) ALTER TABLESPACE testspace_otherloc2 RENAME TO testspace_otherloc; -- test RESET ALTER TABLESPACE testspace_otherloc RESET (random_page_cost); SELECT spcoptions FROM pg_tablespace WHERE spcname = 'testspace_otherloc'; spcoptions ------------ (1 row) CREATE TABLE tblspc_otherloc_heap(a int, b text) distributed by (a); INSERT INTO tblspc_otherloc_heap select i, 'foo' || i from generate_series(1,10000)i; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tblspc_otherloc_heap; count ------- 10000 (1 row) DROP TABLE tblspc_otherloc_heap; DROP TABLESPACE testspace_otherloc; CREATE TABLESPACE testspace_dir_empty LOCATION '@testtablespace@'; CREATE TABLE t_dir_empty(a int); \! rm -rf @testtablespace@/*; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t_dir_empty; DROP TABLESPACE testspace_dir_empty; WARNING: could not open directory "@testtablespace@/2": No such file or directory (seg0 pid=3000) WARNING: could not open directory "@testtablespace@/3": No such file or directory (seg1 pid=3001) WARNING: could not open directory "@testtablespace@/4": No such file or directory (seg2 pid=3002) WARNING: could not open directory "@testtablespace@/1": No such file or directory