-- start_ignore create schema functional_76_150; set search_path to functional_76_150; -- end_ignore -- start_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_check_p; NOTICE: table "dml_co_check_p" does not exist, skipping DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_check_r; NOTICE: table "dml_co_check_r" does not exist, skipping DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_check_s; NOTICE: table "dml_co_check_s" does not exist, skipping CREATE TABLE dml_co_check_r ( a int default 100 CHECK( a between 1 and 105), b float8 CONSTRAINT rcheck_b CHECK( b <> 0.00 and b IS NOT NULL), c text, d numeric NOT NULL) DISTRIBUTED BY (a) partition by list(b) ( partition one values (1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0,5.0), partition two values(6.0,7.0,8.0,9.0,10.00), default partition def ); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_check_r_1_prt_one" for table "dml_co_check_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_check_r_1_prt_two" for table "dml_co_check_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_check_r_1_prt_def" for table "dml_co_check_r" CREATE TABLE dml_co_check_s ( a int CONSTRAINT scheck_a NOT NULL CHECK(a >= 0 and a < 110), b int CONSTRAINT scheck_b CHECK( b is not null), c text , d numeric CHECK (d - 1 <> 17) ) DISTRIBUTED BY (b) partition by range(a) ( start(1) end(102) every(10), default partition def ); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_check_s_1_prt_def" for table "dml_co_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_check_s_1_prt_2" for table "dml_co_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_check_s_1_prt_3" for table "dml_co_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_check_s_1_prt_4" for table "dml_co_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_check_s_1_prt_5" for table "dml_co_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_check_s_1_prt_6" for table "dml_co_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_check_s_1_prt_7" for table "dml_co_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_check_s_1_prt_8" for table "dml_co_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_check_s_1_prt_9" for table "dml_co_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_check_s_1_prt_10" for table "dml_co_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_check_s_1_prt_11" for table "dml_co_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_check_s_1_prt_12" for table "dml_co_check_s" CREATE TABLE dml_co_check_p ( a int NOT NULL CONSTRAINT p_check_a CHECK( a <= 100) , b text DEFAULT 'defval', c text , d float8 CONSTRAINT p_check_d CHECK( d <= 100.00), CHECK ( b = c ) ) DISTRIBUTED BY (a,b); INSERT INTO dml_co_check_r SELECT i, i * 3.33,'r', i % 6 FROM generate_series(1,100)i; INSERT INTO dml_co_check_r VALUES(DEFAULT,1.00,'rn',0),(NULL,2.00,'rn',0),(NULL,3.00,'rn',0),(NULL,4.00,'rn',0),(DEFAULT,5.00,'rn',0); INSERT INTO dml_co_check_s SELECT i, i * 3,'s', i / 6 FROM generate_series(1,100)i; INSERT INTO dml_co_check_s VALUES(1,1,'sn',NULL),(2,2,'sn',NULL),(3,3,'sn',NULL),(4,4,'sn',NULL),(5,5,'sn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_co_check_p SELECT i, 'p','p', i FROM generate_series(1,100)i; INSERT INTO dml_co_check_p VALUES(1,'pn','pn',NULL),(2,'pn','pn',NULL),(3,'pn','pn',NULL),(4,'pn','pn',NULL),(5,'pn','pn',NULL); -- end_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb -- @gpopt 1.532 -- @execute_all_plans True -- @description test4: Negative test - Insert with joins where the result tuples violate the user defined check constraint SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_check_r; count ------- 105 (1 row) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT dml_co_check_r.a + 110 , dml_co_check_r.b, dml_co_check_r.c, dml_co_check_r.d FROM dml_co_check_r, dml_co_check_s WHERE dml_co_check_r.a = dml_co_check_s.a)foo; count ------- 107 (1 row) INSERT INTO dml_co_check_r SELECT dml_co_check_r.a + 110 , dml_co_check_r.b, dml_co_check_r.c, dml_co_check_r.d FROM dml_co_check_r, dml_co_check_s WHERE dml_co_check_r.a = dml_co_check_s.a; ERROR: One or more assertions failed (seg0 slice2 pid=18195) DETAIL: Check constraint dml_co_check_r_a_check for table dml_co_check_r was violated SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_check_r; count ------- 105 (1 row) -- start_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_check_p; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_check_r; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_check_s; CREATE TABLE dml_co_check_r ( a int default 100 CHECK( a between 1 and 105), b float8 CONSTRAINT rcheck_b CHECK( b <> 0.00 and b IS NOT NULL), c text, d numeric NOT NULL) DISTRIBUTED BY (a) partition by list(b) ( partition one values (1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0,5.0), partition two values(6.0,7.0,8.0,9.0,10.00), default partition def ); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_check_r_1_prt_one" for table "dml_co_check_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_check_r_1_prt_two" for table "dml_co_check_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_check_r_1_prt_def" for table "dml_co_check_r" CREATE TABLE dml_co_check_s ( a int CONSTRAINT scheck_a NOT NULL CHECK(a >= 0 and a < 110), b int CONSTRAINT scheck_b CHECK( b is not null), c text , d numeric CHECK (d - 1 <> 17) ) DISTRIBUTED BY (b) partition by range(a) ( start(1) end(102) every(10), default partition def ); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_check_s_1_prt_def" for table "dml_co_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_check_s_1_prt_2" for table "dml_co_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_check_s_1_prt_3" for table "dml_co_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_check_s_1_prt_4" for table "dml_co_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_check_s_1_prt_5" for table "dml_co_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_check_s_1_prt_6" for table "dml_co_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_check_s_1_prt_7" for table "dml_co_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_check_s_1_prt_8" for table "dml_co_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_check_s_1_prt_9" for table "dml_co_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_check_s_1_prt_10" for table "dml_co_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_check_s_1_prt_11" for table "dml_co_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_check_s_1_prt_12" for table "dml_co_check_s" CREATE TABLE dml_co_check_p ( a int NOT NULL CONSTRAINT p_check_a CHECK( a <= 100) , b text DEFAULT 'defval', c text , d float8 CONSTRAINT p_check_d CHECK( d <= 100.00), CHECK ( b = c ) ) DISTRIBUTED BY (a,b); INSERT INTO dml_co_check_r SELECT i, i * 3.33,'r', i % 6 FROM generate_series(1,100)i; INSERT INTO dml_co_check_r VALUES(DEFAULT,1.00,'rn',0),(NULL,2.00,'rn',0),(NULL,3.00,'rn',0),(NULL,4.00,'rn',0),(DEFAULT,5.00,'rn',0); INSERT INTO dml_co_check_s SELECT i, i * 3,'s', i / 6 FROM generate_series(1,100)i; INSERT INTO dml_co_check_s VALUES(1,1,'sn',NULL),(2,2,'sn',NULL),(3,3,'sn',NULL),(4,4,'sn',NULL),(5,5,'sn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_co_check_p SELECT i, 'p','p', i FROM generate_series(1,100)i; INSERT INTO dml_co_check_p VALUES(1,'pn','pn',NULL),(2,'pn','pn',NULL),(3,'pn','pn',NULL),(4,'pn','pn',NULL),(5,'pn','pn',NULL); -- end_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb -- @gpopt 1.532 -- @execute_all_plans True -- @description test5: Insert with joins where the result tuples violate violates multiple check constraints SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_check_r; count ------- 105 (1 row) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT dml_co_check_r.a + 110 , 0, dml_co_check_r.c, NULL FROM dml_co_check_r, dml_co_check_s WHERE dml_co_check_r.a = dml_co_check_s.a)foo; count ------- 107 (1 row) INSERT INTO dml_co_check_r SELECT dml_co_check_r.a + 110 , 0, dml_co_check_r.c, NULL FROM dml_co_check_r, dml_co_check_s WHERE dml_co_check_r.a = dml_co_check_s.a; ERROR: One or more assertions failed (seg0 slice2 pid=18198) DETAIL: Not null constraint for column d of table dml_co_check_r was violated SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_check_r; count ------- 105 (1 row) -- start_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_pt_r; NOTICE: table "dml_co_pt_r" does not exist, skipping DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_pt_s; NOTICE: table "dml_co_pt_s" does not exist, skipping DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_pt_p; NOTICE: table "dml_co_pt_p" does not exist, skipping CREATE TABLE dml_co_pt_r ( a int , b int , c text , d numeric) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (a) partition by range(b) ( start(1) end(301) every(10)); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_1" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_2" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_3" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_4" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_5" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_6" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_7" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_8" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_9" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_10" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_11" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_12" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_13" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_14" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_15" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_16" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_17" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_18" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_19" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_20" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_21" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_22" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_23" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_24" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_25" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_26" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_27" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_28" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_29" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_30" for table "dml_co_pt_r" CREATE TABLE dml_co_pt_s ( a int , b int, c text , d numeric) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (b) partition by range(a) ( start(1) end(100) every(10), default partition def); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_def" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_2" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_3" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_4" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_5" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_6" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_7" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_8" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_9" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_10" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_11" for table "dml_co_pt_s" CREATE TABLE dml_co_pt_p ( a int , b int, c text , d numeric) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (a,b) partition by list(a,d) ( partition one VALUES ((1,1),(1,2),(1,3),(1,4),(1,5)), partition two VALUES((2,1),(2,2),(2,3),(2,4),(2,5)), default partition def); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_p_1_prt_one" for table "dml_co_pt_p" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_p_1_prt_two" for table "dml_co_pt_p" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_p_1_prt_def" for table "dml_co_pt_p" INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_r SELECT generate_series(1,100), generate_series(1,100) * 3,'r', generate_series(1,100) % 6; INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_p SELECT generate_series(1,100), generate_series(1,100) * 3,'p', generate_series(1,100) % 6; INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_p VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'pn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_p VALUES(NULL,1,'pn',NULL),(1,NULL,'pn',0),(NULL,NULL,'pn',0),(0,1,'pn',NULL),(NULL,NULL,'pn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_s SELECT generate_series(1,100), generate_series(1,100) * 3,'s', generate_series(1,100) % 6; INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_s VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'sn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_s VALUES(NULL,1,'sn',NULL),(1,NULL,'sn',0),(NULL,NULL,'sn',0),(0,1,'sn',NULL),(NULL,NULL,'sn',NULL); -- end_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb -- @execute_all_plans True -- @description test1: Negative test - Constant tuple Inserts( no partition for partitioning key ) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_pt_r; count ------- 100 (1 row) INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_r values(10); ERROR: no partition for partitioning key (seg2 pid=18193) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_pt_r; count ------- 100 (1 row) -- start_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_pt_r; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_pt_s; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_pt_p; CREATE TABLE dml_co_pt_r ( a int , b int , c text , d numeric) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (a) partition by range(b) ( start(1) end(301) every(10)); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_1" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_2" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_3" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_4" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_5" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_6" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_7" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_8" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_9" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_10" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_11" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_12" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_13" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_14" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_15" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_16" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_17" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_18" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_19" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_20" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_21" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_22" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_23" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_24" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_25" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_26" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_27" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_28" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_29" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_30" for table "dml_co_pt_r" CREATE TABLE dml_co_pt_s ( a int , b int, c text , d numeric) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (b) partition by range(a) ( start(1) end(100) every(10), default partition def); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_def" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_2" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_3" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_4" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_5" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_6" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_7" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_8" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_9" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_10" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_11" for table "dml_co_pt_s" CREATE TABLE dml_co_pt_p ( a int , b int, c text , d numeric) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (a,b) partition by list(a,d) ( partition one VALUES ((1,1),(1,2),(1,3),(1,4),(1,5)), partition two VALUES((2,1),(2,2),(2,3),(2,4),(2,5)), default partition def); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_p_1_prt_one" for table "dml_co_pt_p" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_p_1_prt_two" for table "dml_co_pt_p" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_p_1_prt_def" for table "dml_co_pt_p" INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_r SELECT generate_series(1,100), generate_series(1,100) * 3,'r', generate_series(1,100) % 6; INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_p SELECT generate_series(1,100), generate_series(1,100) * 3,'p', generate_series(1,100) % 6; INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_p VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'pn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_p VALUES(NULL,1,'pn',NULL),(1,NULL,'pn',0),(NULL,NULL,'pn',0),(0,1,'pn',NULL),(NULL,NULL,'pn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_s SELECT generate_series(1,100), generate_series(1,100) * 3,'s', generate_series(1,100) % 6; INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_s VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'sn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_s VALUES(NULL,1,'sn',NULL),(1,NULL,'sn',0),(NULL,NULL,'sn',0),(0,1,'sn',NULL),(NULL,NULL,'sn',NULL); -- end_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb -- @execute_all_plans True -- @description test10: Join on the distribution key of target table SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_pt_s; count ------- 115 (1 row) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT dml_co_pt_s.* FROM dml_co_pt_r,dml_co_pt_s WHERE dml_co_pt_s.a = dml_co_pt_r.a)foo; count ------- 111 (1 row) INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_s SELECT dml_co_pt_s.* FROM dml_co_pt_r,dml_co_pt_s WHERE dml_co_pt_s.a = dml_co_pt_r.a; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_pt_s; count ------- 226 (1 row) -- start_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_pt_r; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_pt_s; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_pt_p; CREATE TABLE dml_co_pt_r ( a int , b int , c text , d numeric) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (a) partition by range(b) ( start(1) end(301) every(10)); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_1" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_2" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_3" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_4" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_5" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_6" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_7" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_8" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_9" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_10" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_11" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_12" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_13" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_14" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_15" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_16" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_17" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_18" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_19" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_20" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_21" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_22" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_23" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_24" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_25" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_26" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_27" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_28" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_29" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_30" for table "dml_co_pt_r" CREATE TABLE dml_co_pt_s ( a int , b int, c text , d numeric) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (b) partition by range(a) ( start(1) end(100) every(10), default partition def); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_def" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_2" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_3" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_4" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_5" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_6" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_7" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_8" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_9" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_10" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_11" for table "dml_co_pt_s" CREATE TABLE dml_co_pt_p ( a int , b int, c text , d numeric) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (a,b) partition by list(a,d) ( partition one VALUES ((1,1),(1,2),(1,3),(1,4),(1,5)), partition two VALUES((2,1),(2,2),(2,3),(2,4),(2,5)), default partition def); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_p_1_prt_one" for table "dml_co_pt_p" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_p_1_prt_two" for table "dml_co_pt_p" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_p_1_prt_def" for table "dml_co_pt_p" INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_r SELECT generate_series(1,100), generate_series(1,100) * 3,'r', generate_series(1,100) % 6; INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_p SELECT generate_series(1,100), generate_series(1,100) * 3,'p', generate_series(1,100) % 6; INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_p VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'pn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_p VALUES(NULL,1,'pn',NULL),(1,NULL,'pn',0),(NULL,NULL,'pn',0),(0,1,'pn',NULL),(NULL,NULL,'pn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_s SELECT generate_series(1,100), generate_series(1,100) * 3,'s', generate_series(1,100) % 6; INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_s VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'sn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_s VALUES(NULL,1,'sn',NULL),(1,NULL,'sn',0),(NULL,NULL,'sn',0),(0,1,'sn',NULL),(NULL,NULL,'sn',NULL); -- end_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb -- @execute_all_plans True -- @description test11: Join on distribution key of target table SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_pt_r; count ------- 100 (1 row) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT dml_co_pt_r.a,dml_co_pt_r.b,dml_co_pt_s.c FROM dml_co_pt_s INNER JOIN dml_co_pt_r on dml_co_pt_r.a = dml_co_pt_s.a)foo; count ------- 111 (1 row) INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_r SELECT dml_co_pt_r.a,dml_co_pt_r.b,dml_co_pt_s.c FROM dml_co_pt_s INNER JOIN dml_co_pt_r on dml_co_pt_r.a = dml_co_pt_s.a ; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_pt_r; count ------- 211 (1 row) -- start_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_pt_r; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_pt_s; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_pt_p; CREATE TABLE dml_co_pt_r ( a int , b int , c text , d numeric) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (a) partition by range(b) ( start(1) end(301) every(10)); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_1" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_2" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_3" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_4" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_5" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_6" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_7" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_8" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_9" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_10" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_11" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_12" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_13" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_14" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_15" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_16" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_17" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_18" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_19" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_20" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_21" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_22" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_23" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_24" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_25" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_26" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_27" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_28" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_29" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_30" for table "dml_co_pt_r" CREATE TABLE dml_co_pt_s ( a int , b int, c text , d numeric) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (b) partition by range(a) ( start(1) end(100) every(10), default partition def); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_def" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_2" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_3" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_4" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_5" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_6" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_7" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_8" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_9" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_10" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_11" for table "dml_co_pt_s" CREATE TABLE dml_co_pt_p ( a int , b int, c text , d numeric) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (a,b) partition by list(a,d) ( partition one VALUES ((1,1),(1,2),(1,3),(1,4),(1,5)), partition two VALUES((2,1),(2,2),(2,3),(2,4),(2,5)), default partition def); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_p_1_prt_one" for table "dml_co_pt_p" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_p_1_prt_two" for table "dml_co_pt_p" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_p_1_prt_def" for table "dml_co_pt_p" INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_r SELECT generate_series(1,100), generate_series(1,100) * 3,'r', generate_series(1,100) % 6; INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_p SELECT generate_series(1,100), generate_series(1,100) * 3,'p', generate_series(1,100) % 6; INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_p VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'pn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_p VALUES(NULL,1,'pn',NULL),(1,NULL,'pn',0),(NULL,NULL,'pn',0),(0,1,'pn',NULL),(NULL,NULL,'pn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_s SELECT generate_series(1,100), generate_series(1,100) * 3,'s', generate_series(1,100) % 6; INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_s VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'sn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_s VALUES(NULL,1,'sn',NULL),(1,NULL,'sn',0),(NULL,NULL,'sn',0),(0,1,'sn',NULL),(NULL,NULL,'sn',NULL); -- end_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb -- @execute_all_plans True -- @description test12: Join on the distribution key of target table. Insert Large number of rows SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_pt_s; count ------- 115 (1 row) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT dml_co_pt_r.a,dml_co_pt_r.b,dml_co_pt_s.c FROM dml_co_pt_s INNER JOIN dml_co_pt_r on dml_co_pt_r.b = dml_co_pt_s.b)foo; count ------- 100 (1 row) INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_s SELECT dml_co_pt_r.a,dml_co_pt_r.b,dml_co_pt_s.c FROM dml_co_pt_s INNER JOIN dml_co_pt_r on dml_co_pt_r.b = dml_co_pt_s.b ; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_pt_s; count ------- 215 (1 row) -- start_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_pt_r; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_pt_s; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_pt_p; CREATE TABLE dml_co_pt_r ( a int , b int , c text , d numeric) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (a) partition by range(b) ( start(1) end(301) every(10)); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_1" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_2" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_3" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_4" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_5" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_6" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_7" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_8" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_9" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_10" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_11" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_12" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_13" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_14" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_15" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_16" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_17" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_18" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_19" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_20" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_21" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_22" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_23" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_24" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_25" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_26" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_27" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_28" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_29" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_30" for table "dml_co_pt_r" CREATE TABLE dml_co_pt_s ( a int , b int, c text , d numeric) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (b) partition by range(a) ( start(1) end(100) every(10), default partition def); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_def" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_2" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_3" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_4" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_5" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_6" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_7" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_8" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_9" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_10" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_11" for table "dml_co_pt_s" CREATE TABLE dml_co_pt_p ( a int , b int, c text , d numeric) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (a,b) partition by list(a,d) ( partition one VALUES ((1,1),(1,2),(1,3),(1,4),(1,5)), partition two VALUES((2,1),(2,2),(2,3),(2,4),(2,5)), default partition def); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_p_1_prt_one" for table "dml_co_pt_p" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_p_1_prt_two" for table "dml_co_pt_p" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_p_1_prt_def" for table "dml_co_pt_p" INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_r SELECT generate_series(1,100), generate_series(1,100) * 3,'r', generate_series(1,100) % 6; INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_p SELECT generate_series(1,100), generate_series(1,100) * 3,'p', generate_series(1,100) % 6; INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_p VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'pn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_p VALUES(NULL,1,'pn',NULL),(1,NULL,'pn',0),(NULL,NULL,'pn',0),(0,1,'pn',NULL),(NULL,NULL,'pn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_s SELECT generate_series(1,100), generate_series(1,100) * 3,'s', generate_series(1,100) % 6; INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_s VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'sn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_s VALUES(NULL,1,'sn',NULL),(1,NULL,'sn',0),(NULL,NULL,'sn',0),(0,1,'sn',NULL),(NULL,NULL,'sn',NULL); -- end_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb -- @execute_all_plans True -- @description test13: Join with different column order SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_pt_r; count ------- 100 (1 row) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT dml_co_pt_s.a,dml_co_pt_r.b,'text' FROM dml_co_pt_r,dml_co_pt_s WHERE dml_co_pt_r.b = dml_co_pt_s.b)foo; count ------- 100 (1 row) INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_r(b,a,c) SELECT dml_co_pt_s.a,dml_co_pt_r.b,'text' FROM dml_co_pt_r,dml_co_pt_s WHERE dml_co_pt_r.b = dml_co_pt_s.b; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_pt_r; count ------- 200 (1 row) -- start_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_pt_r; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_pt_s; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_pt_p; CREATE TABLE dml_co_pt_r ( a int , b int , c text , d numeric) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (a) partition by range(b) ( start(1) end(301) every(10)); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_1" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_2" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_3" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_4" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_5" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_6" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_7" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_8" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_9" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_10" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_11" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_12" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_13" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_14" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_15" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_16" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_17" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_18" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_19" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_20" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_21" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_22" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_23" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_24" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_25" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_26" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_27" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_28" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_29" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_30" for table "dml_co_pt_r" CREATE TABLE dml_co_pt_s ( a int , b int, c text , d numeric) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (b) partition by range(a) ( start(1) end(100) every(10), default partition def); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_def" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_2" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_3" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_4" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_5" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_6" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_7" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_8" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_9" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_10" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_11" for table "dml_co_pt_s" CREATE TABLE dml_co_pt_p ( a int , b int, c text , d numeric) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (a,b) partition by list(a,d) ( partition one VALUES ((1,1),(1,2),(1,3),(1,4),(1,5)), partition two VALUES((2,1),(2,2),(2,3),(2,4),(2,5)), default partition def); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_p_1_prt_one" for table "dml_co_pt_p" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_p_1_prt_two" for table "dml_co_pt_p" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_p_1_prt_def" for table "dml_co_pt_p" INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_r SELECT generate_series(1,100), generate_series(1,100) * 3,'r', generate_series(1,100) % 6; INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_p SELECT generate_series(1,100), generate_series(1,100) * 3,'p', generate_series(1,100) % 6; INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_p VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'pn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_p VALUES(NULL,1,'pn',NULL),(1,NULL,'pn',0),(NULL,NULL,'pn',0),(0,1,'pn',NULL),(NULL,NULL,'pn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_s SELECT generate_series(1,100), generate_series(1,100) * 3,'s', generate_series(1,100) % 6; INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_s VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'sn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_s VALUES(NULL,1,'sn',NULL),(1,NULL,'sn',0),(NULL,NULL,'sn',0),(0,1,'sn',NULL),(NULL,NULL,'sn',NULL); -- end_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb -- @execute_all_plans True -- @description test14: Join with Aggregate SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_pt_r; count ------- 100 (1 row) ALTER TABLE dml_co_pt_r ADD DEFAULT partition def; NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_def" for table "dml_co_pt_r" SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT COUNT(*) + dml_co_pt_s.a, dml_co_pt_r.b + dml_co_pt_r.a ,'text' FROM dml_co_pt_r, dml_co_pt_s WHERE dml_co_pt_r.b = dml_co_pt_s.b GROUP BY dml_co_pt_s.a,dml_co_pt_r.b,dml_co_pt_r.a)foo; count ------- 100 (1 row) INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_r SELECT COUNT(*) + dml_co_pt_s.a, dml_co_pt_r.b + dml_co_pt_r.a ,'text' FROM dml_co_pt_r, dml_co_pt_s WHERE dml_co_pt_r.b = dml_co_pt_s.b GROUP BY dml_co_pt_s.a,dml_co_pt_r.b,dml_co_pt_r.a ; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_pt_r; count ------- 200 (1 row) ALTER TABLE dml_co_pt_r DROP DEFAULT partition; NOTICE: dropped partition "def" for relation "dml_co_pt_r" -- start_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_pt_r; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_pt_s; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_pt_p; CREATE TABLE dml_co_pt_r ( a int , b int , c text , d numeric) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (a) partition by range(b) ( start(1) end(301) every(10)); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_1" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_2" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_3" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_4" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_5" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_6" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_7" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_8" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_9" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_10" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_11" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_12" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_13" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_14" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_15" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_16" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_17" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_18" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_19" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_20" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_21" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_22" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_23" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_24" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_25" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_26" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_27" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_28" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_29" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_30" for table "dml_co_pt_r" CREATE TABLE dml_co_pt_s ( a int , b int, c text , d numeric) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (b) partition by range(a) ( start(1) end(100) every(10), default partition def); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_def" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_2" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_3" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_4" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_5" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_6" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_7" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_8" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_9" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_10" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_11" for table "dml_co_pt_s" CREATE TABLE dml_co_pt_p ( a int , b int, c text , d numeric) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (a,b) partition by list(a,d) ( partition one VALUES ((1,1),(1,2),(1,3),(1,4),(1,5)), partition two VALUES((2,1),(2,2),(2,3),(2,4),(2,5)), default partition def); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_p_1_prt_one" for table "dml_co_pt_p" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_p_1_prt_two" for table "dml_co_pt_p" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_p_1_prt_def" for table "dml_co_pt_p" INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_r SELECT generate_series(1,100), generate_series(1,100) * 3,'r', generate_series(1,100) % 6; INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_p SELECT generate_series(1,100), generate_series(1,100) * 3,'p', generate_series(1,100) % 6; INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_p VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'pn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_p VALUES(NULL,1,'pn',NULL),(1,NULL,'pn',0),(NULL,NULL,'pn',0),(0,1,'pn',NULL),(NULL,NULL,'pn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_s SELECT generate_series(1,100), generate_series(1,100) * 3,'s', generate_series(1,100) % 6; INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_s VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'sn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_s VALUES(NULL,1,'sn',NULL),(1,NULL,'sn',0),(NULL,NULL,'sn',0),(0,1,'sn',NULL),(NULL,NULL,'sn',NULL); -- end_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb -- @execute_all_plans True -- @description test15: Join with DISTINCT SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_pt_s; count ------- 115 (1 row) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT DISTINCT dml_co_pt_r.a,dml_co_pt_r.b,dml_co_pt_s.c FROM dml_co_pt_s INNER JOIN dml_co_pt_r on dml_co_pt_s.a = dml_co_pt_r.a)foo; count ------- 110 (1 row) INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_s SELECT DISTINCT dml_co_pt_r.a,dml_co_pt_r.b,dml_co_pt_s.c FROM dml_co_pt_s INNER JOIN dml_co_pt_r on dml_co_pt_s.a = dml_co_pt_r.a ; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_pt_s; count ------- 225 (1 row) -- start_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_pt_r; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_pt_s; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_pt_p; CREATE TABLE dml_co_pt_r ( a int , b int , c text , d numeric) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (a) partition by range(b) ( start(1) end(301) every(10)); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_1" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_2" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_3" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_4" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_5" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_6" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_7" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_8" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_9" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_10" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_11" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_12" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_13" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_14" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_15" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_16" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_17" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_18" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_19" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_20" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_21" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_22" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_23" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_24" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_25" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_26" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_27" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_28" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_29" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_30" for table "dml_co_pt_r" CREATE TABLE dml_co_pt_s ( a int , b int, c text , d numeric) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (b) partition by range(a) ( start(1) end(100) every(10), default partition def); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_def" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_2" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_3" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_4" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_5" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_6" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_7" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_8" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_9" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_10" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_11" for table "dml_co_pt_s" CREATE TABLE dml_co_pt_p ( a int , b int, c text , d numeric) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (a,b) partition by list(a,d) ( partition one VALUES ((1,1),(1,2),(1,3),(1,4),(1,5)), partition two VALUES((2,1),(2,2),(2,3),(2,4),(2,5)), default partition def); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_p_1_prt_one" for table "dml_co_pt_p" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_p_1_prt_two" for table "dml_co_pt_p" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_p_1_prt_def" for table "dml_co_pt_p" INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_r SELECT generate_series(1,100), generate_series(1,100) * 3,'r', generate_series(1,100) % 6; INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_p SELECT generate_series(1,100), generate_series(1,100) * 3,'p', generate_series(1,100) % 6; INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_p VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'pn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_p VALUES(NULL,1,'pn',NULL),(1,NULL,'pn',0),(NULL,NULL,'pn',0),(0,1,'pn',NULL),(NULL,NULL,'pn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_s SELECT generate_series(1,100), generate_series(1,100) * 3,'s', generate_series(1,100) % 6; INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_s VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'sn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_s VALUES(NULL,1,'sn',NULL),(1,NULL,'sn',0),(NULL,NULL,'sn',0),(0,1,'sn',NULL),(NULL,NULL,'sn',NULL); -- end_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb -- @execute_all_plans True -- @description test16: Insert NULL with Joins SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_pt_r; count ------- 100 (1 row) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT NULL,dml_co_pt_r.b,'text' FROM dml_co_pt_r,dml_co_pt_s WHERE dml_co_pt_r.b = dml_co_pt_s.b)foo; count ------- 100 (1 row) INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_r SELECT NULL,dml_co_pt_r.b,'text' FROM dml_co_pt_r,dml_co_pt_s WHERE dml_co_pt_r.b = dml_co_pt_s.b; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_pt_r; count ------- 200 (1 row) -- start_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_pt_r; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_pt_s; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_pt_p; CREATE TABLE dml_co_pt_r ( a int , b int , c text , d numeric) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (a) partition by range(b) ( start(1) end(301) every(10)); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_1" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_2" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_3" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_4" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_5" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_6" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_7" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_8" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_9" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_10" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_11" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_12" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_13" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_14" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_15" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_16" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_17" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_18" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_19" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_20" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_21" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_22" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_23" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_24" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_25" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_26" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_27" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_28" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_29" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_30" for table "dml_co_pt_r" CREATE TABLE dml_co_pt_s ( a int , b int, c text , d numeric) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (b) partition by range(a) ( start(1) end(100) every(10), default partition def); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_def" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_2" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_3" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_4" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_5" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_6" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_7" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_8" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_9" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_10" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_11" for table "dml_co_pt_s" CREATE TABLE dml_co_pt_p ( a int , b int, c text , d numeric) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (a,b) partition by list(a,d) ( partition one VALUES ((1,1),(1,2),(1,3),(1,4),(1,5)), partition two VALUES((2,1),(2,2),(2,3),(2,4),(2,5)), default partition def); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_p_1_prt_one" for table "dml_co_pt_p" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_p_1_prt_two" for table "dml_co_pt_p" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_p_1_prt_def" for table "dml_co_pt_p" INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_r SELECT generate_series(1,100), generate_series(1,100) * 3,'r', generate_series(1,100) % 6; INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_p SELECT generate_series(1,100), generate_series(1,100) * 3,'p', generate_series(1,100) % 6; INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_p VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'pn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_p VALUES(NULL,1,'pn',NULL),(1,NULL,'pn',0),(NULL,NULL,'pn',0),(0,1,'pn',NULL),(NULL,NULL,'pn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_s SELECT generate_series(1,100), generate_series(1,100) * 3,'s', generate_series(1,100) % 6; INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_s VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'sn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_s VALUES(NULL,1,'sn',NULL),(1,NULL,'sn',0),(NULL,NULL,'sn',0),(0,1,'sn',NULL),(NULL,NULL,'sn',NULL); -- end_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb -- @execute_all_plans True -- @description test18: Insert 0 rows SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_pt_r; count ------- 100 (1 row) INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_r SELECT dml_co_pt_r.* FROM dml_co_pt_r,dml_co_pt_s WHERE dml_co_pt_r.b = dml_co_pt_s.a LIMIT 0; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_pt_r; count ------- 100 (1 row) -- start_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_pt_r; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_pt_s; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_pt_p; CREATE TABLE dml_co_pt_r ( a int , b int , c text , d numeric) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (a) partition by range(b) ( start(1) end(301) every(10)); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_1" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_2" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_3" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_4" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_5" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_6" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_7" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_8" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_9" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_10" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_11" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_12" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_13" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_14" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_15" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_16" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_17" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_18" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_19" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_20" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_21" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_22" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_23" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_24" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_25" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_26" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_27" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_28" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_29" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_30" for table "dml_co_pt_r" CREATE TABLE dml_co_pt_s ( a int , b int, c text , d numeric) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (b) partition by range(a) ( start(1) end(100) every(10), default partition def); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_def" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_2" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_3" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_4" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_5" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_6" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_7" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_8" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_9" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_10" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_11" for table "dml_co_pt_s" CREATE TABLE dml_co_pt_p ( a int , b int, c text , d numeric) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (a,b) partition by list(a,d) ( partition one VALUES ((1,1),(1,2),(1,3),(1,4),(1,5)), partition two VALUES((2,1),(2,2),(2,3),(2,4),(2,5)), default partition def); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_p_1_prt_one" for table "dml_co_pt_p" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_p_1_prt_two" for table "dml_co_pt_p" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_p_1_prt_def" for table "dml_co_pt_p" INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_r SELECT generate_series(1,100), generate_series(1,100) * 3,'r', generate_series(1,100) % 6; INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_p SELECT generate_series(1,100), generate_series(1,100) * 3,'p', generate_series(1,100) % 6; INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_p VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'pn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_p VALUES(NULL,1,'pn',NULL),(1,NULL,'pn',0),(NULL,NULL,'pn',0),(0,1,'pn',NULL),(NULL,NULL,'pn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_s SELECT generate_series(1,100), generate_series(1,100) * 3,'s', generate_series(1,100) % 6; INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_s VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'sn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_s VALUES(NULL,1,'sn',NULL),(1,NULL,'sn',0),(NULL,NULL,'sn',0),(0,1,'sn',NULL),(NULL,NULL,'sn',NULL); -- end_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb -- @execute_all_plans True -- @description test19: Insert 0 rows SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_pt_r; count ------- 100 (1 row) INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_r SELECT dml_co_pt_r.* FROM dml_co_pt_r,dml_co_pt_s WHERE dml_co_pt_r.b = dml_co_pt_s.a and false; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_pt_r; count ------- 100 (1 row) -- start_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_pt_r; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_pt_s; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_pt_p; CREATE TABLE dml_co_pt_r ( a int , b int , c text , d numeric) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (a) partition by range(b) ( start(1) end(301) every(10)); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_1" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_2" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_3" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_4" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_5" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_6" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_7" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_8" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_9" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_10" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_11" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_12" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_13" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_14" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_15" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_16" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_17" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_18" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_19" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_20" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_21" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_22" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_23" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_24" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_25" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_26" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_27" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_28" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_29" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_30" for table "dml_co_pt_r" CREATE TABLE dml_co_pt_s ( a int , b int, c text , d numeric) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (b) partition by range(a) ( start(1) end(100) every(10), default partition def); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_def" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_2" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_3" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_4" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_5" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_6" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_7" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_8" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_9" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_10" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_11" for table "dml_co_pt_s" CREATE TABLE dml_co_pt_p ( a int , b int, c text , d numeric) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (a,b) partition by list(a,d) ( partition one VALUES ((1,1),(1,2),(1,3),(1,4),(1,5)), partition two VALUES((2,1),(2,2),(2,3),(2,4),(2,5)), default partition def); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_p_1_prt_one" for table "dml_co_pt_p" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_p_1_prt_two" for table "dml_co_pt_p" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_p_1_prt_def" for table "dml_co_pt_p" INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_r SELECT generate_series(1,100), generate_series(1,100) * 3,'r', generate_series(1,100) % 6; INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_p SELECT generate_series(1,100), generate_series(1,100) * 3,'p', generate_series(1,100) % 6; INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_p VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'pn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_p VALUES(NULL,1,'pn',NULL),(1,NULL,'pn',0),(NULL,NULL,'pn',0),(0,1,'pn',NULL),(NULL,NULL,'pn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_s SELECT generate_series(1,100), generate_series(1,100) * 3,'s', generate_series(1,100) % 6; INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_s VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'sn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_s VALUES(NULL,1,'sn',NULL),(1,NULL,'sn',0),(NULL,NULL,'sn',0),(0,1,'sn',NULL),(NULL,NULL,'sn',NULL); -- end_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb -- @execute_all_plans True -- @description test2: Negative Test - Constant tuple Inserts( no partition ) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_pt_r; count ------- 100 (1 row) INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_r values(NULL,NULL); ERROR: no partition for partitioning key (seg1 pid=18192) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_pt_r; count ------- 100 (1 row) -- start_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_pt_r; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_pt_s; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_pt_p; CREATE TABLE dml_co_pt_r ( a int , b int , c text , d numeric) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (a) partition by range(b) ( start(1) end(301) every(10)); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_1" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_2" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_3" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_4" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_5" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_6" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_7" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_8" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_9" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_10" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_11" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_12" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_13" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_14" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_15" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_16" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_17" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_18" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_19" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_20" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_21" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_22" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_23" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_24" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_25" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_26" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_27" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_28" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_29" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_30" for table "dml_co_pt_r" CREATE TABLE dml_co_pt_s ( a int , b int, c text , d numeric) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (b) partition by range(a) ( start(1) end(100) every(10), default partition def); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_def" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_2" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_3" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_4" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_5" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_6" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_7" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_8" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_9" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_10" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_11" for table "dml_co_pt_s" CREATE TABLE dml_co_pt_p ( a int , b int, c text , d numeric) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (a,b) partition by list(a,d) ( partition one VALUES ((1,1),(1,2),(1,3),(1,4),(1,5)), partition two VALUES((2,1),(2,2),(2,3),(2,4),(2,5)), default partition def); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_p_1_prt_one" for table "dml_co_pt_p" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_p_1_prt_two" for table "dml_co_pt_p" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_p_1_prt_def" for table "dml_co_pt_p" INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_r SELECT generate_series(1,100), generate_series(1,100) * 3,'r', generate_series(1,100) % 6; INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_p SELECT generate_series(1,100), generate_series(1,100) * 3,'p', generate_series(1,100) % 6; INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_p VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'pn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_p VALUES(NULL,1,'pn',NULL),(1,NULL,'pn',0),(NULL,NULL,'pn',0),(0,1,'pn',NULL),(NULL,NULL,'pn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_s SELECT generate_series(1,100), generate_series(1,100) * 3,'s', generate_series(1,100) % 6; INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_s VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'sn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_s VALUES(NULL,1,'sn',NULL),(1,NULL,'sn',0),(NULL,NULL,'sn',0),(0,1,'sn',NULL),(NULL,NULL,'sn',NULL); -- end_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb -- @description test20: Negative tests Insert column of different data type SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_pt_r; count ------- 100 (1 row) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT ('a')::int, dml_co_pt_r.b,10 FROM dml_co_pt_s WHERE dml_co_pt_r.b = dml_co_pt_s.b)foo; ERROR: invalid input syntax for integer: "a" LINE 1: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT ('a')::int, dml_co_pt_r.b,10 FR... ^ INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_r SELECT ('a')::int, dml_co_pt_r.b,10 FROM dml_co_pt_s WHERE dml_co_pt_r.b = dml_co_pt_s.b; ERROR: invalid input syntax for integer: "a" LINE 1: INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_r SELECT ('a')::int, dml_co_pt_r.b,10 ... ^ SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_pt_r; count ------- 100 (1 row) -- start_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_pt_r; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_pt_s; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_pt_p; CREATE TABLE dml_co_pt_r ( a int , b int , c text , d numeric) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (a) partition by range(b) ( start(1) end(301) every(10)); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_1" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_2" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_3" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_4" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_5" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_6" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_7" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_8" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_9" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_10" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_11" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_12" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_13" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_14" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_15" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_16" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_17" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_18" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_19" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_20" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_21" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_22" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_23" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_24" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_25" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_26" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_27" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_28" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_29" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_30" for table "dml_co_pt_r" CREATE TABLE dml_co_pt_s ( a int , b int, c text , d numeric) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (b) partition by range(a) ( start(1) end(100) every(10), default partition def); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_def" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_2" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_3" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_4" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_5" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_6" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_7" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_8" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_9" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_10" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_11" for table "dml_co_pt_s" CREATE TABLE dml_co_pt_p ( a int , b int, c text , d numeric) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (a,b) partition by list(a,d) ( partition one VALUES ((1,1),(1,2),(1,3),(1,4),(1,5)), partition two VALUES((2,1),(2,2),(2,3),(2,4),(2,5)), default partition def); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_p_1_prt_one" for table "dml_co_pt_p" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_p_1_prt_two" for table "dml_co_pt_p" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_p_1_prt_def" for table "dml_co_pt_p" INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_r SELECT generate_series(1,100), generate_series(1,100) * 3,'r', generate_series(1,100) % 6; INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_p SELECT generate_series(1,100), generate_series(1,100) * 3,'p', generate_series(1,100) % 6; INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_p VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'pn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_p VALUES(NULL,1,'pn',NULL),(1,NULL,'pn',0),(NULL,NULL,'pn',0),(0,1,'pn',NULL),(NULL,NULL,'pn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_s SELECT generate_series(1,100), generate_series(1,100) * 3,'s', generate_series(1,100) % 6; INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_s VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'sn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_s VALUES(NULL,1,'sn',NULL),(1,NULL,'sn',0),(NULL,NULL,'sn',0),(0,1,'sn',NULL),(NULL,NULL,'sn',NULL); -- end_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb -- @execute_all_plans True -- @description test21: Negative test case. INSERT has more expressions than target columns SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_pt_s; count ------- 115 (1 row) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT COUNT(*) as a, dml_co_pt_r.b, dml_co_pt_r.c, dml_co_pt_r.d FROM dml_co_pt_r, dml_co_pt_s WHERE dml_co_pt_s.a = dml_co_pt_r.a GROUP BY dml_co_pt_r.a, dml_co_pt_r.b, dml_co_pt_r.c, dml_co_pt_r.d)foo; count ------- 100 (1 row) INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_s SELECT COUNT(*) as a, dml_co_pt_r.b, dml_co_pt_r.c, dml_co_pt_r.d FROM dml_co_pt_r, dml_co_pt_s WHERE dml_co_pt_s.a = dml_co_pt_r.a GROUP BY dml_co_pt_r.a, dml_co_pt_r.b, dml_co_pt_r.c, dml_co_pt_r.d; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_pt_s; count ------- 215 (1 row) -- start_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_pt_r; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_pt_s; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_pt_p; CREATE TABLE dml_co_pt_r ( a int , b int , c text , d numeric) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (a) partition by range(b) ( start(1) end(301) every(10)); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_1" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_2" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_3" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_4" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_5" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_6" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_7" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_8" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_9" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_10" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_11" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_12" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_13" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_14" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_15" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_16" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_17" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_18" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_19" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_20" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_21" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_22" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_23" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_24" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_25" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_26" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_27" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_28" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_29" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_30" for table "dml_co_pt_r" CREATE TABLE dml_co_pt_s ( a int , b int, c text , d numeric) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (b) partition by range(a) ( start(1) end(100) every(10), default partition def); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_def" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_2" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_3" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_4" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_5" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_6" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_7" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_8" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_9" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_10" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_11" for table "dml_co_pt_s" CREATE TABLE dml_co_pt_p ( a int , b int, c text , d numeric) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (a,b) partition by list(a,d) ( partition one VALUES ((1,1),(1,2),(1,3),(1,4),(1,5)), partition two VALUES((2,1),(2,2),(2,3),(2,4),(2,5)), default partition def); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_p_1_prt_one" for table "dml_co_pt_p" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_p_1_prt_two" for table "dml_co_pt_p" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_p_1_prt_def" for table "dml_co_pt_p" INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_r SELECT generate_series(1,100), generate_series(1,100) * 3,'r', generate_series(1,100) % 6; INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_p SELECT generate_series(1,100), generate_series(1,100) * 3,'p', generate_series(1,100) % 6; INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_p VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'pn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_p VALUES(NULL,1,'pn',NULL),(1,NULL,'pn',0),(NULL,NULL,'pn',0),(0,1,'pn',NULL),(NULL,NULL,'pn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_s SELECT generate_series(1,100), generate_series(1,100) * 3,'s', generate_series(1,100) % 6; INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_s VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'sn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_s VALUES(NULL,1,'sn',NULL),(1,NULL,'sn',0),(NULL,NULL,'sn',0),(0,1,'sn',NULL),(NULL,NULL,'sn',NULL); -- end_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb -- @execute_all_plans True -- @description test22: Insert with join on the partition key SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_pt_r; count ------- 100 (1 row) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT dml_co_pt_r.* FROM dml_co_pt_r, dml_co_pt_s WHERE dml_co_pt_r.b = dml_co_pt_s.b)foo; count ------- 100 (1 row) INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_r SELECT dml_co_pt_r.* FROM dml_co_pt_r, dml_co_pt_s WHERE dml_co_pt_r.b = dml_co_pt_s.b; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_pt_r; count ------- 200 (1 row) -- start_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_pt_r; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_pt_s; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_pt_p; CREATE TABLE dml_co_pt_r ( a int , b int , c text , d numeric) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (a) partition by range(b) ( start(1) end(301) every(10)); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_1" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_2" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_3" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_4" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_5" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_6" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_7" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_8" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_9" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_10" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_11" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_12" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_13" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_14" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_15" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_16" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_17" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_18" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_19" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_20" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_21" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_22" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_23" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_24" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_25" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_26" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_27" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_28" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_29" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_30" for table "dml_co_pt_r" CREATE TABLE dml_co_pt_s ( a int , b int, c text , d numeric) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (b) partition by range(a) ( start(1) end(100) every(10), default partition def); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_def" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_2" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_3" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_4" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_5" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_6" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_7" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_8" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_9" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_10" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_11" for table "dml_co_pt_s" CREATE TABLE dml_co_pt_p ( a int , b int, c text , d numeric) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (a,b) partition by list(a,d) ( partition one VALUES ((1,1),(1,2),(1,3),(1,4),(1,5)), partition two VALUES((2,1),(2,2),(2,3),(2,4),(2,5)), default partition def); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_p_1_prt_one" for table "dml_co_pt_p" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_p_1_prt_two" for table "dml_co_pt_p" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_p_1_prt_def" for table "dml_co_pt_p" INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_r SELECT generate_series(1,100), generate_series(1,100) * 3,'r', generate_series(1,100) % 6; INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_p SELECT generate_series(1,100), generate_series(1,100) * 3,'p', generate_series(1,100) % 6; INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_p VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'pn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_p VALUES(NULL,1,'pn',NULL),(1,NULL,'pn',0),(NULL,NULL,'pn',0),(0,1,'pn',NULL),(NULL,NULL,'pn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_s SELECT generate_series(1,100), generate_series(1,100) * 3,'s', generate_series(1,100) % 6; INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_s VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'sn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_s VALUES(NULL,1,'sn',NULL),(1,NULL,'sn',0),(NULL,NULL,'sn',0),(0,1,'sn',NULL),(NULL,NULL,'sn',NULL); -- end_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb -- @execute_all_plans True -- @description test24: Negative test - Insert NULL value to a table without default partition SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_pt_r; count ------- 100 (1 row) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT dml_co_pt_r.b, NULL, dml_co_pt_r.c FROM dml_co_pt_r, dml_co_pt_s WHERE dml_co_pt_r.b = dml_co_pt_s.b)foo; count ------- 100 (1 row) INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_r SELECT dml_co_pt_r.b, NULL, dml_co_pt_r.c FROM dml_co_pt_r, dml_co_pt_s WHERE dml_co_pt_r.b = dml_co_pt_s.b; ERROR: no partition for partitioning key (seg0 pid=18191) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_pt_r; count ------- 100 (1 row) -- start_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_pt_r; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_pt_s; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_pt_p; CREATE TABLE dml_co_pt_r ( a int , b int , c text , d numeric) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (a) partition by range(b) ( start(1) end(301) every(10)); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_1" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_2" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_3" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_4" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_5" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_6" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_7" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_8" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_9" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_10" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_11" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_12" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_13" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_14" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_15" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_16" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_17" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_18" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_19" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_20" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_21" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_22" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_23" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_24" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_25" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_26" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_27" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_28" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_29" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_30" for table "dml_co_pt_r" CREATE TABLE dml_co_pt_s ( a int , b int, c text , d numeric) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (b) partition by range(a) ( start(1) end(100) every(10), default partition def); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_def" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_2" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_3" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_4" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_5" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_6" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_7" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_8" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_9" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_10" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_11" for table "dml_co_pt_s" CREATE TABLE dml_co_pt_p ( a int , b int, c text , d numeric) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (a,b) partition by list(a,d) ( partition one VALUES ((1,1),(1,2),(1,3),(1,4),(1,5)), partition two VALUES((2,1),(2,2),(2,3),(2,4),(2,5)), default partition def); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_p_1_prt_one" for table "dml_co_pt_p" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_p_1_prt_two" for table "dml_co_pt_p" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_p_1_prt_def" for table "dml_co_pt_p" INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_r SELECT generate_series(1,100), generate_series(1,100) * 3,'r', generate_series(1,100) % 6; INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_p SELECT generate_series(1,100), generate_series(1,100) * 3,'p', generate_series(1,100) % 6; INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_p VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'pn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_p VALUES(NULL,1,'pn',NULL),(1,NULL,'pn',0),(NULL,NULL,'pn',0),(0,1,'pn',NULL),(NULL,NULL,'pn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_s SELECT generate_series(1,100), generate_series(1,100) * 3,'s', generate_series(1,100) % 6; INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_s VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'sn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_s VALUES(NULL,1,'sn',NULL),(1,NULL,'sn',0),(NULL,NULL,'sn',0),(0,1,'sn',NULL),(NULL,NULL,'sn',NULL); -- end_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb -- @execute_all_plans True -- @description test25: Negative test - Insert out of partition range values for table without default partition SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_pt_r; count ------- 100 (1 row) INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_r SELECT dml_co_pt_r.b ,dml_co_pt_r.a + dml_co_pt_s.a + 100, dml_co_pt_r.c FROM dml_co_pt_r, dml_co_pt_s WHERE dml_co_pt_r.a = dml_co_pt_s.b; ERROR: no partition for partitioning key (seg1 pid=18192) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_pt_r; count ------- 100 (1 row) -- start_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_pt_r; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_pt_s; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_pt_p; CREATE TABLE dml_co_pt_r ( a int , b int , c text , d numeric) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (a) partition by range(b) ( start(1) end(301) every(10)); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_1" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_2" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_3" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_4" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_5" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_6" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_7" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_8" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_9" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_10" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_11" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_12" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_13" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_14" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_15" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_16" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_17" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_18" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_19" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_20" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_21" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_22" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_23" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_24" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_25" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_26" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_27" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_28" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_29" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_30" for table "dml_co_pt_r" CREATE TABLE dml_co_pt_s ( a int , b int, c text , d numeric) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (b) partition by range(a) ( start(1) end(100) every(10), default partition def); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_def" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_2" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_3" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_4" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_5" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_6" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_7" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_8" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_9" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_10" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_11" for table "dml_co_pt_s" CREATE TABLE dml_co_pt_p ( a int , b int, c text , d numeric) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (a,b) partition by list(a,d) ( partition one VALUES ((1,1),(1,2),(1,3),(1,4),(1,5)), partition two VALUES((2,1),(2,2),(2,3),(2,4),(2,5)), default partition def); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_p_1_prt_one" for table "dml_co_pt_p" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_p_1_prt_two" for table "dml_co_pt_p" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_p_1_prt_def" for table "dml_co_pt_p" INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_r SELECT generate_series(1,100), generate_series(1,100) * 3,'r', generate_series(1,100) % 6; INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_p SELECT generate_series(1,100), generate_series(1,100) * 3,'p', generate_series(1,100) % 6; INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_p VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'pn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_p VALUES(NULL,1,'pn',NULL),(1,NULL,'pn',0),(NULL,NULL,'pn',0),(0,1,'pn',NULL),(NULL,NULL,'pn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_s SELECT generate_series(1,100), generate_series(1,100) * 3,'s', generate_series(1,100) % 6; INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_s VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'sn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_s VALUES(NULL,1,'sn',NULL),(1,NULL,'sn',0),(NULL,NULL,'sn',0),(0,1,'sn',NULL),(NULL,NULL,'sn',NULL); -- end_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb -- @execute_all_plans True -- @description test3: Negative Test - Multiple constant tuple Inserts SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_pt_r; count ------- 100 (1 row) INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_r values(NULL,NULL,NULL),(10,10,'text'); ERROR: no partition for partitioning key (seg1 pid=18192) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_pt_r; count ------- 100 (1 row) -- start_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_pt_r; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_pt_s; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_pt_p; CREATE TABLE dml_co_pt_r ( a int , b int , c text , d numeric) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (a) partition by range(b) ( start(1) end(301) every(10)); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_1" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_2" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_3" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_4" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_5" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_6" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_7" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_8" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_9" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_10" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_11" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_12" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_13" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_14" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_15" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_16" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_17" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_18" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_19" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_20" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_21" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_22" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_23" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_24" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_25" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_26" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_27" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_28" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_29" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_30" for table "dml_co_pt_r" CREATE TABLE dml_co_pt_s ( a int , b int, c text , d numeric) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (b) partition by range(a) ( start(1) end(100) every(10), default partition def); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_def" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_2" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_3" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_4" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_5" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_6" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_7" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_8" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_9" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_10" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_11" for table "dml_co_pt_s" CREATE TABLE dml_co_pt_p ( a int , b int, c text , d numeric) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (a,b) partition by list(a,d) ( partition one VALUES ((1,1),(1,2),(1,3),(1,4),(1,5)), partition two VALUES((2,1),(2,2),(2,3),(2,4),(2,5)), default partition def); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_p_1_prt_one" for table "dml_co_pt_p" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_p_1_prt_two" for table "dml_co_pt_p" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_p_1_prt_def" for table "dml_co_pt_p" INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_r SELECT generate_series(1,100), generate_series(1,100) * 3,'r', generate_series(1,100) % 6; INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_p SELECT generate_series(1,100), generate_series(1,100) * 3,'p', generate_series(1,100) % 6; INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_p VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'pn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_p VALUES(NULL,1,'pn',NULL),(1,NULL,'pn',0),(NULL,NULL,'pn',0),(0,1,'pn',NULL),(NULL,NULL,'pn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_s SELECT generate_series(1,100), generate_series(1,100) * 3,'s', generate_series(1,100) % 6; INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_s VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'sn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_s VALUES(NULL,1,'sn',NULL),(1,NULL,'sn',0),(NULL,NULL,'sn',0),(0,1,'sn',NULL),(NULL,NULL,'sn',NULL); -- end_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb -- @execute_all_plans True -- @description test4: Insert with generate_series SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_pt_r; count ------- 100 (1 row) INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_r values(generate_series(1,10), generate_series(1,100), 'text'); SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_pt_r WHERE c ='text'; count ------- 100 (1 row) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_pt_r; count ------- 200 (1 row) -- start_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_pt_r; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_pt_s; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_pt_p; CREATE TABLE dml_co_pt_r ( a int , b int , c text , d numeric) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (a) partition by range(b) ( start(1) end(301) every(10)); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_1" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_2" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_3" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_4" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_5" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_6" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_7" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_8" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_9" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_10" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_11" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_12" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_13" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_14" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_15" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_16" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_17" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_18" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_19" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_20" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_21" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_22" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_23" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_24" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_25" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_26" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_27" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_28" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_29" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_30" for table "dml_co_pt_r" CREATE TABLE dml_co_pt_s ( a int , b int, c text , d numeric) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (b) partition by range(a) ( start(1) end(100) every(10), default partition def); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_def" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_2" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_3" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_4" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_5" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_6" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_7" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_8" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_9" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_10" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_11" for table "dml_co_pt_s" CREATE TABLE dml_co_pt_p ( a int , b int, c text , d numeric) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (a,b) partition by list(a,d) ( partition one VALUES ((1,1),(1,2),(1,3),(1,4),(1,5)), partition two VALUES((2,1),(2,2),(2,3),(2,4),(2,5)), default partition def); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_p_1_prt_one" for table "dml_co_pt_p" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_p_1_prt_two" for table "dml_co_pt_p" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_p_1_prt_def" for table "dml_co_pt_p" INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_r SELECT generate_series(1,100), generate_series(1,100) * 3,'r', generate_series(1,100) % 6; INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_p SELECT generate_series(1,100), generate_series(1,100) * 3,'p', generate_series(1,100) % 6; INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_p VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'pn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_p VALUES(NULL,1,'pn',NULL),(1,NULL,'pn',0),(NULL,NULL,'pn',0),(0,1,'pn',NULL),(NULL,NULL,'pn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_s SELECT generate_series(1,100), generate_series(1,100) * 3,'s', generate_series(1,100) % 6; INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_s VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'sn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_s VALUES(NULL,1,'sn',NULL),(1,NULL,'sn',0),(NULL,NULL,'sn',0),(0,1,'sn',NULL),(NULL,NULL,'sn',NULL); -- end_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb -- @execute_all_plans True -- @description test5: Insert with generate_series and NULL SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_pt_r; count ------- 100 (1 row) ALTER TABLE dml_co_pt_r ADD DEFAULT partition def; NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_def" for table "dml_co_pt_r" INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_r values(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'text'); SELECT * FROM dml_co_pt_r WHERE c ='text' ORDER BY 1; a | b | c | d ----+---+------+--- 1 | | text | 2 | | text | 3 | | text | 4 | | text | 5 | | text | 6 | | text | 7 | | text | 8 | | text | 9 | | text | 10 | | text | (10 rows) ALTER TABLE dml_co_pt_r DROP DEFAULT partition; NOTICE: dropped partition "def" for relation "dml_co_pt_r" SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_pt_r; count ------- 100 (1 row) -- start_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_pt_r; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_pt_s; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_pt_p; CREATE TABLE dml_co_pt_r ( a int , b int , c text , d numeric) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (a) partition by range(b) ( start(1) end(301) every(10)); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_1" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_2" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_3" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_4" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_5" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_6" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_7" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_8" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_9" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_10" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_11" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_12" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_13" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_14" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_15" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_16" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_17" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_18" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_19" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_20" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_21" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_22" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_23" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_24" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_25" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_26" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_27" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_28" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_29" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_30" for table "dml_co_pt_r" CREATE TABLE dml_co_pt_s ( a int , b int, c text , d numeric) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (b) partition by range(a) ( start(1) end(100) every(10), default partition def); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_def" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_2" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_3" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_4" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_5" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_6" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_7" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_8" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_9" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_10" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_11" for table "dml_co_pt_s" CREATE TABLE dml_co_pt_p ( a int , b int, c text , d numeric) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (a,b) partition by list(a,d) ( partition one VALUES ((1,1),(1,2),(1,3),(1,4),(1,5)), partition two VALUES((2,1),(2,2),(2,3),(2,4),(2,5)), default partition def); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_p_1_prt_one" for table "dml_co_pt_p" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_p_1_prt_two" for table "dml_co_pt_p" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_p_1_prt_def" for table "dml_co_pt_p" INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_r SELECT generate_series(1,100), generate_series(1,100) * 3,'r', generate_series(1,100) % 6; INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_p SELECT generate_series(1,100), generate_series(1,100) * 3,'p', generate_series(1,100) % 6; INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_p VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'pn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_p VALUES(NULL,1,'pn',NULL),(1,NULL,'pn',0),(NULL,NULL,'pn',0),(0,1,'pn',NULL),(NULL,NULL,'pn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_s SELECT generate_series(1,100), generate_series(1,100) * 3,'s', generate_series(1,100) % 6; INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_s VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'sn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_s VALUES(NULL,1,'sn',NULL),(1,NULL,'sn',0),(NULL,NULL,'sn',0),(0,1,'sn',NULL),(NULL,NULL,'sn',NULL); -- end_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb -- @execute_all_plans True -- @description test6: Insert with generate_series SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_pt_r; count ------- 100 (1 row) TRUNCATE TABLE dml_co_pt_r; INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_r SELECT generate_series(1,10),1; SELECT * FROM dml_co_pt_r ORDER BY 1; a | b | c | d ----+---+---+--- 1 | 1 | | 2 | 1 | | 3 | 1 | | 4 | 1 | | 5 | 1 | | 6 | 1 | | 7 | 1 | | 8 | 1 | | 9 | 1 | | 10 | 1 | | (10 rows) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_pt_r; count ------- 10 (1 row) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_pt_r; count ------- 10 (1 row) -- start_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_pt_r; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_pt_s; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_pt_p; CREATE TABLE dml_co_pt_r ( a int , b int , c text , d numeric) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (a) partition by range(b) ( start(1) end(301) every(10)); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_1" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_2" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_3" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_4" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_5" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_6" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_7" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_8" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_9" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_10" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_11" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_12" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_13" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_14" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_15" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_16" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_17" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_18" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_19" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_20" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_21" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_22" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_23" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_24" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_25" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_26" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_27" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_28" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_29" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_30" for table "dml_co_pt_r" CREATE TABLE dml_co_pt_s ( a int , b int, c text , d numeric) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (b) partition by range(a) ( start(1) end(100) every(10), default partition def); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_def" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_2" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_3" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_4" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_5" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_6" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_7" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_8" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_9" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_10" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_11" for table "dml_co_pt_s" CREATE TABLE dml_co_pt_p ( a int , b int, c text , d numeric) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (a,b) partition by list(a,d) ( partition one VALUES ((1,1),(1,2),(1,3),(1,4),(1,5)), partition two VALUES((2,1),(2,2),(2,3),(2,4),(2,5)), default partition def); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_p_1_prt_one" for table "dml_co_pt_p" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_p_1_prt_two" for table "dml_co_pt_p" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_p_1_prt_def" for table "dml_co_pt_p" INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_r SELECT generate_series(1,100), generate_series(1,100) * 3,'r', generate_series(1,100) % 6; INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_p SELECT generate_series(1,100), generate_series(1,100) * 3,'p', generate_series(1,100) % 6; INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_p VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'pn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_p VALUES(NULL,1,'pn',NULL),(1,NULL,'pn',0),(NULL,NULL,'pn',0),(0,1,'pn',NULL),(NULL,NULL,'pn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_s SELECT generate_series(1,100), generate_series(1,100) * 3,'s', generate_series(1,100) % 6; INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_s VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'sn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_s VALUES(NULL,1,'sn',NULL),(1,NULL,'sn',0),(NULL,NULL,'sn',0),(0,1,'sn',NULL),(NULL,NULL,'sn',NULL); -- end_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb -- @execute_all_plans True -- @description test7: Insert with generate_series SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_pt_r; count ------- 100 (1 row) INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_r SELECT generate_series(1,10), generate_series(1,10),'text'; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_pt_r WHERE c ='text'; count ------- 10 (1 row) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_pt_r; count ------- 110 (1 row) -- start_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_pt_r; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_pt_s; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_pt_p; CREATE TABLE dml_co_pt_r ( a int , b int , c text , d numeric) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (a) partition by range(b) ( start(1) end(301) every(10)); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_1" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_2" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_3" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_4" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_5" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_6" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_7" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_8" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_9" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_10" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_11" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_12" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_13" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_14" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_15" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_16" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_17" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_18" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_19" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_20" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_21" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_22" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_23" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_24" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_25" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_26" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_27" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_28" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_29" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_30" for table "dml_co_pt_r" CREATE TABLE dml_co_pt_s ( a int , b int, c text , d numeric) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (b) partition by range(a) ( start(1) end(100) every(10), default partition def); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_def" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_2" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_3" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_4" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_5" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_6" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_7" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_8" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_9" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_10" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_11" for table "dml_co_pt_s" CREATE TABLE dml_co_pt_p ( a int , b int, c text , d numeric) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (a,b) partition by list(a,d) ( partition one VALUES ((1,1),(1,2),(1,3),(1,4),(1,5)), partition two VALUES((2,1),(2,2),(2,3),(2,4),(2,5)), default partition def); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_p_1_prt_one" for table "dml_co_pt_p" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_p_1_prt_two" for table "dml_co_pt_p" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_p_1_prt_def" for table "dml_co_pt_p" INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_r SELECT generate_series(1,100), generate_series(1,100) * 3,'r', generate_series(1,100) % 6; INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_p SELECT generate_series(1,100), generate_series(1,100) * 3,'p', generate_series(1,100) % 6; INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_p VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'pn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_p VALUES(NULL,1,'pn',NULL),(1,NULL,'pn',0),(NULL,NULL,'pn',0),(0,1,'pn',NULL),(NULL,NULL,'pn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_s SELECT generate_series(1,100), generate_series(1,100) * 3,'s', generate_series(1,100) % 6; INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_s VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'sn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_s VALUES(NULL,1,'sn',NULL),(1,NULL,'sn',0),(NULL,NULL,'sn',0),(0,1,'sn',NULL),(NULL,NULL,'sn',NULL); -- end_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb -- @execute_all_plans True -- @description test8: Insert with generate_series SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_pt_r; count ------- 100 (1 row) INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_r SELECT *,1 from generate_series(1,10); SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_pt_r; count ------- 110 (1 row) -- start_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_pt_r; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_pt_s; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_pt_p; CREATE TABLE dml_co_pt_r ( a int , b int , c text , d numeric) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (a) partition by range(b) ( start(1) end(301) every(10)); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_1" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_2" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_3" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_4" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_5" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_6" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_7" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_8" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_9" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_10" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_11" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_12" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_13" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_14" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_15" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_16" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_17" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_18" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_19" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_20" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_21" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_22" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_23" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_24" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_25" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_26" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_27" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_28" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_29" for table "dml_co_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_30" for table "dml_co_pt_r" CREATE TABLE dml_co_pt_s ( a int , b int, c text , d numeric) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (b) partition by range(a) ( start(1) end(100) every(10), default partition def); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_def" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_2" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_3" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_4" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_5" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_6" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_7" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_8" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_9" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_10" for table "dml_co_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_11" for table "dml_co_pt_s" CREATE TABLE dml_co_pt_p ( a int , b int, c text , d numeric) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (a,b) partition by list(a,d) ( partition one VALUES ((1,1),(1,2),(1,3),(1,4),(1,5)), partition two VALUES((2,1),(2,2),(2,3),(2,4),(2,5)), default partition def); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_p_1_prt_one" for table "dml_co_pt_p" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_p_1_prt_two" for table "dml_co_pt_p" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_co_pt_p_1_prt_def" for table "dml_co_pt_p" INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_r SELECT generate_series(1,100), generate_series(1,100) * 3,'r', generate_series(1,100) % 6; INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_p SELECT generate_series(1,100), generate_series(1,100) * 3,'p', generate_series(1,100) % 6; INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_p VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'pn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_p VALUES(NULL,1,'pn',NULL),(1,NULL,'pn',0),(NULL,NULL,'pn',0),(0,1,'pn',NULL),(NULL,NULL,'pn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_s SELECT generate_series(1,100), generate_series(1,100) * 3,'s', generate_series(1,100) % 6; INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_s VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'sn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_s VALUES(NULL,1,'sn',NULL),(1,NULL,'sn',0),(NULL,NULL,'sn',0),(0,1,'sn',NULL),(NULL,NULL,'sn',NULL); -- end_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb -- @execute_all_plans True -- @description test9: Join on the non-distribution key of target table SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_pt_r; count ------- 100 (1 row) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT dml_co_pt_r.* FROM dml_co_pt_r,dml_co_pt_s WHERE dml_co_pt_r.b = dml_co_pt_s.a)foo; count ------- 36 (1 row) INSERT INTO dml_co_pt_r SELECT dml_co_pt_r.* FROM dml_co_pt_r,dml_co_pt_s WHERE dml_co_pt_r.b = dml_co_pt_s.a; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_pt_r; count ------- 136 (1 row) -- start_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_r; NOTICE: table "dml_co_r" does not exist, skipping DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_s; NOTICE: table "dml_co_s" does not exist, skipping DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_p; NOTICE: table "dml_co_p" does not exist, skipping CREATE TABLE dml_co_r (a int , b int default -1, c text) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (a); CREATE TABLE dml_co_p (a numeric, b decimal , c boolean , d text , e int) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (a,b); CREATE TABLE dml_co_s as select dml_co_r.b, dml_co_r.a, dml_co_r.c from dml_co_r, dml_co_p WHERE dml_co_r.a = dml_co_p.a; NOTICE: Table doesn't have 'distributed by' clause. Creating a NULL policy entry. ALTER TABLE dml_co_s SET DISTRIBUTED BY (b); INSERT INTO dml_co_p SELECT id * 1.012, id * 1.1, true, 'new', id as d FROM (SELECT * FROM generate_series(1,100) as id) AS x; INSERT INTO dml_co_p VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,false,'pn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_co_p VALUES(NULL,1,false,'pn',NULL),(1,NULL,false,'pn',0),(NULL,NULL,false,'pn',0); INSERT INTO dml_co_s VALUES(generate_series(1,100),generate_series(1,100),'s'); INSERT INTO dml_co_s VALUES(NULL,NULL,'sn'),(1,NULL,'sn'),(NULL,0,'sn'); INSERT INTO dml_co_s VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'sn'); INSERT INTO dml_co_r VALUES(generate_series(1,100),generate_series(1,100),'r'); INSERT INTO dml_co_r VALUES(NULL,NULL,'rn'),(1,NULL,'rn'),(NULL,0,'rn'); INSERT INTO dml_co_r VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'rn'); -- end_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb -- @execute_all_plans True -- @description test1: Constant tuple Inserts SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_r; count ------- 113 (1 row) INSERT INTO dml_co_r values(10); SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_r; count ------- 114 (1 row) -- start_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_r; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_s; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_p; CREATE TABLE dml_co_r (a int , b int default -1, c text) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (a); CREATE TABLE dml_co_p (a numeric, b decimal , c boolean , d text , e int) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (a,b); CREATE TABLE dml_co_s as select dml_co_r.b, dml_co_r.a, dml_co_r.c from dml_co_r, dml_co_p WHERE dml_co_r.a = dml_co_p.a; NOTICE: Table doesn't have 'distributed by' clause. Creating a NULL policy entry. ALTER TABLE dml_co_s SET DISTRIBUTED BY (b); INSERT INTO dml_co_p SELECT id * 1.012, id * 1.1, true, 'new', id as d FROM (SELECT * FROM generate_series(1,100) as id) AS x; INSERT INTO dml_co_p VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,false,'pn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_co_p VALUES(NULL,1,false,'pn',NULL),(1,NULL,false,'pn',0),(NULL,NULL,false,'pn',0); INSERT INTO dml_co_s VALUES(generate_series(1,100),generate_series(1,100),'s'); INSERT INTO dml_co_s VALUES(NULL,NULL,'sn'),(1,NULL,'sn'),(NULL,0,'sn'); INSERT INTO dml_co_s VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'sn'); INSERT INTO dml_co_r VALUES(generate_series(1,100),generate_series(1,100),'r'); INSERT INTO dml_co_r VALUES(NULL,NULL,'rn'),(1,NULL,'rn'),(NULL,0,'rn'); INSERT INTO dml_co_r VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'rn'); -- end_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb -- @execute_all_plans True -- @description test10: Join on the distribution key of target table SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_s; count ------- 113 (1 row) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT dml_co_s.* FROM dml_co_r,dml_co_s WHERE dml_co_s.a = dml_co_r.a)foo; count ------- 111 (1 row) INSERT INTO dml_co_s SELECT dml_co_s.* FROM dml_co_r,dml_co_s WHERE dml_co_s.a = dml_co_r.a; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_s; count ------- 224 (1 row) -- start_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_r; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_s; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_p; CREATE TABLE dml_co_r (a int , b int default -1, c text) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (a); CREATE TABLE dml_co_p (a numeric, b decimal , c boolean , d text , e int) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (a,b); CREATE TABLE dml_co_s as select dml_co_r.b, dml_co_r.a, dml_co_r.c from dml_co_r, dml_co_p WHERE dml_co_r.a = dml_co_p.a; NOTICE: Table doesn't have 'distributed by' clause. Creating a NULL policy entry. ALTER TABLE dml_co_s SET DISTRIBUTED BY (b); INSERT INTO dml_co_p SELECT id * 1.012, id * 1.1, true, 'new', id as d FROM (SELECT * FROM generate_series(1,100) as id) AS x; INSERT INTO dml_co_p VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,false,'pn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_co_p VALUES(NULL,1,false,'pn',NULL),(1,NULL,false,'pn',0),(NULL,NULL,false,'pn',0); INSERT INTO dml_co_s VALUES(generate_series(1,100),generate_series(1,100),'s'); INSERT INTO dml_co_s VALUES(NULL,NULL,'sn'),(1,NULL,'sn'),(NULL,0,'sn'); INSERT INTO dml_co_s VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'sn'); INSERT INTO dml_co_r VALUES(generate_series(1,100),generate_series(1,100),'r'); INSERT INTO dml_co_r VALUES(NULL,NULL,'rn'),(1,NULL,'rn'),(NULL,0,'rn'); INSERT INTO dml_co_r VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'rn'); -- end_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb -- @execute_all_plans True -- @description test11: Join on distribution key of target table SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_r; count ------- 113 (1 row) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT dml_co_r.a,dml_co_r.b,dml_co_s.c FROM dml_co_s INNER JOIN dml_co_r on dml_co_r.a = dml_co_s.a)foo; count ------- 111 (1 row) INSERT INTO dml_co_r SELECT dml_co_r.a,dml_co_r.b,dml_co_s.c FROM dml_co_s INNER JOIN dml_co_r on dml_co_r.a = dml_co_s.a ; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_r; count ------- 224 (1 row) -- start_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_r; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_s; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_p; CREATE TABLE dml_co_r (a int , b int default -1, c text) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (a); CREATE TABLE dml_co_p (a numeric, b decimal , c boolean , d text , e int) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (a,b); CREATE TABLE dml_co_s as select dml_co_r.b, dml_co_r.a, dml_co_r.c from dml_co_r, dml_co_p WHERE dml_co_r.a = dml_co_p.a; NOTICE: Table doesn't have 'distributed by' clause. Creating a NULL policy entry. ALTER TABLE dml_co_s SET DISTRIBUTED BY (b); INSERT INTO dml_co_p SELECT id * 1.012, id * 1.1, true, 'new', id as d FROM (SELECT * FROM generate_series(1,100) as id) AS x; INSERT INTO dml_co_p VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,false,'pn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_co_p VALUES(NULL,1,false,'pn',NULL),(1,NULL,false,'pn',0),(NULL,NULL,false,'pn',0); INSERT INTO dml_co_s VALUES(generate_series(1,100),generate_series(1,100),'s'); INSERT INTO dml_co_s VALUES(NULL,NULL,'sn'),(1,NULL,'sn'),(NULL,0,'sn'); INSERT INTO dml_co_s VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'sn'); INSERT INTO dml_co_r VALUES(generate_series(1,100),generate_series(1,100),'r'); INSERT INTO dml_co_r VALUES(NULL,NULL,'rn'),(1,NULL,'rn'),(NULL,0,'rn'); INSERT INTO dml_co_r VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'rn'); -- end_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb -- @execute_all_plans True -- @description test12: Join on the distribution key of target table. Insert Large number of rows SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_s; count ------- 113 (1 row) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT dml_co_r.a,dml_co_r.b,dml_co_s.c FROM dml_co_s INNER JOIN dml_co_r on dml_co_r.b <> dml_co_s.b )foo; count ------- 11100 (1 row) INSERT INTO dml_co_s SELECT dml_co_r.a,dml_co_r.b,dml_co_s.c FROM dml_co_s INNER JOIN dml_co_r on dml_co_r.b <> dml_co_s.b ; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_s; count ------- 11213 (1 row) -- start_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_r; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_s; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_p; CREATE TABLE dml_co_r (a int , b int default -1, c text) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (a); CREATE TABLE dml_co_p (a numeric, b decimal , c boolean , d text , e int) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (a,b); CREATE TABLE dml_co_s as select dml_co_r.b, dml_co_r.a, dml_co_r.c from dml_co_r, dml_co_p WHERE dml_co_r.a = dml_co_p.a; NOTICE: Table doesn't have 'distributed by' clause. Creating a NULL policy entry. ALTER TABLE dml_co_s SET DISTRIBUTED BY (b); INSERT INTO dml_co_p SELECT id * 1.012, id * 1.1, true, 'new', id as d FROM (SELECT * FROM generate_series(1,100) as id) AS x; INSERT INTO dml_co_p VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,false,'pn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_co_p VALUES(NULL,1,false,'pn',NULL),(1,NULL,false,'pn',0),(NULL,NULL,false,'pn',0); INSERT INTO dml_co_s VALUES(generate_series(1,100),generate_series(1,100),'s'); INSERT INTO dml_co_s VALUES(NULL,NULL,'sn'),(1,NULL,'sn'),(NULL,0,'sn'); INSERT INTO dml_co_s VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'sn'); INSERT INTO dml_co_r VALUES(generate_series(1,100),generate_series(1,100),'r'); INSERT INTO dml_co_r VALUES(NULL,NULL,'rn'),(1,NULL,'rn'),(NULL,0,'rn'); INSERT INTO dml_co_r VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'rn'); -- end_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb -- @execute_all_plans True -- @description test13: Join with different column order SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_r; count ------- 113 (1 row) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT dml_co_s.a,dml_co_r.b,'text' FROM dml_co_r,dml_co_s WHERE dml_co_r.b = dml_co_s.b)foo; count ------- 111 (1 row) INSERT INTO dml_co_r(b,a,c) SELECT dml_co_s.a,dml_co_r.b,'text' FROM dml_co_r,dml_co_s WHERE dml_co_r.b = dml_co_s.b; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_r; count ------- 224 (1 row) -- start_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_r; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_s; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_p; CREATE TABLE dml_co_r (a int , b int default -1, c text) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (a); CREATE TABLE dml_co_p (a numeric, b decimal , c boolean , d text , e int) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (a,b); CREATE TABLE dml_co_s as select dml_co_r.b, dml_co_r.a, dml_co_r.c from dml_co_r, dml_co_p WHERE dml_co_r.a = dml_co_p.a; NOTICE: Table doesn't have 'distributed by' clause. Creating a NULL policy entry. ALTER TABLE dml_co_s SET DISTRIBUTED BY (b); INSERT INTO dml_co_p SELECT id * 1.012, id * 1.1, true, 'new', id as d FROM (SELECT * FROM generate_series(1,100) as id) AS x; INSERT INTO dml_co_p VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,false,'pn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_co_p VALUES(NULL,1,false,'pn',NULL),(1,NULL,false,'pn',0),(NULL,NULL,false,'pn',0); INSERT INTO dml_co_s VALUES(generate_series(1,100),generate_series(1,100),'s'); INSERT INTO dml_co_s VALUES(NULL,NULL,'sn'),(1,NULL,'sn'),(NULL,0,'sn'); INSERT INTO dml_co_s VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'sn'); INSERT INTO dml_co_r VALUES(generate_series(1,100),generate_series(1,100),'r'); INSERT INTO dml_co_r VALUES(NULL,NULL,'rn'),(1,NULL,'rn'),(NULL,0,'rn'); INSERT INTO dml_co_r VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'rn'); -- end_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb -- @execute_all_plans True -- @description test14: Join with Aggregate SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_r; count ------- 113 (1 row) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT COUNT(*) + dml_co_s.a, dml_co_r.b + dml_co_r.a ,'text' FROM dml_co_r, dml_co_s WHERE dml_co_r.b = dml_co_s.b GROUP BY dml_co_s.a,dml_co_r.b,dml_co_r.a)foo; count ------- 110 (1 row) INSERT INTO dml_co_r SELECT COUNT(*) + dml_co_s.a, dml_co_r.b + dml_co_r.a ,'text' FROM dml_co_r, dml_co_s WHERE dml_co_r.b = dml_co_s.b GROUP BY dml_co_s.a,dml_co_r.b,dml_co_r.a ; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_r; count ------- 223 (1 row) -- start_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_r; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_s; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_p; CREATE TABLE dml_co_r (a int , b int default -1, c text) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (a); CREATE TABLE dml_co_p (a numeric, b decimal , c boolean , d text , e int) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (a,b); CREATE TABLE dml_co_s as select dml_co_r.b, dml_co_r.a, dml_co_r.c from dml_co_r, dml_co_p WHERE dml_co_r.a = dml_co_p.a; NOTICE: Table doesn't have 'distributed by' clause. Creating a NULL policy entry. ALTER TABLE dml_co_s SET DISTRIBUTED BY (b); INSERT INTO dml_co_p SELECT id * 1.012, id * 1.1, true, 'new', id as d FROM (SELECT * FROM generate_series(1,100) as id) AS x; INSERT INTO dml_co_p VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,false,'pn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_co_p VALUES(NULL,1,false,'pn',NULL),(1,NULL,false,'pn',0),(NULL,NULL,false,'pn',0); INSERT INTO dml_co_s VALUES(generate_series(1,100),generate_series(1,100),'s'); INSERT INTO dml_co_s VALUES(NULL,NULL,'sn'),(1,NULL,'sn'),(NULL,0,'sn'); INSERT INTO dml_co_s VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'sn'); INSERT INTO dml_co_r VALUES(generate_series(1,100),generate_series(1,100),'r'); INSERT INTO dml_co_r VALUES(NULL,NULL,'rn'),(1,NULL,'rn'),(NULL,0,'rn'); INSERT INTO dml_co_r VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'rn'); -- end_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb -- @execute_all_plans True -- @description test15: Join with DISTINCT SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_s; count ------- 113 (1 row) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT DISTINCT dml_co_r.a,dml_co_r.b,dml_co_s.c FROM dml_co_s INNER JOIN dml_co_r on dml_co_s.a = dml_co_r.a)foo; count ------- 110 (1 row) INSERT INTO dml_co_s SELECT DISTINCT dml_co_r.a,dml_co_r.b,dml_co_s.c FROM dml_co_s INNER JOIN dml_co_r on dml_co_s.a = dml_co_r.a ; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_s; count ------- 223 (1 row) -- start_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_r; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_s; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_p; CREATE TABLE dml_co_r (a int , b int default -1, c text) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (a); CREATE TABLE dml_co_p (a numeric, b decimal , c boolean , d text , e int) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (a,b); CREATE TABLE dml_co_s as select dml_co_r.b, dml_co_r.a, dml_co_r.c from dml_co_r, dml_co_p WHERE dml_co_r.a = dml_co_p.a; NOTICE: Table doesn't have 'distributed by' clause. Creating a NULL policy entry. ALTER TABLE dml_co_s SET DISTRIBUTED BY (b); INSERT INTO dml_co_p SELECT id * 1.012, id * 1.1, true, 'new', id as d FROM (SELECT * FROM generate_series(1,100) as id) AS x; INSERT INTO dml_co_p VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,false,'pn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_co_p VALUES(NULL,1,false,'pn',NULL),(1,NULL,false,'pn',0),(NULL,NULL,false,'pn',0); INSERT INTO dml_co_s VALUES(generate_series(1,100),generate_series(1,100),'s'); INSERT INTO dml_co_s VALUES(NULL,NULL,'sn'),(1,NULL,'sn'),(NULL,0,'sn'); INSERT INTO dml_co_s VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'sn'); INSERT INTO dml_co_r VALUES(generate_series(1,100),generate_series(1,100),'r'); INSERT INTO dml_co_r VALUES(NULL,NULL,'rn'),(1,NULL,'rn'),(NULL,0,'rn'); INSERT INTO dml_co_r VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'rn'); -- end_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb -- @execute_all_plans True -- @description test16: Insert NULL with Joins SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_r; count ------- 113 (1 row) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT NULL,dml_co_r.b,'text' FROM dml_co_r,dml_co_s WHERE dml_co_r.b = dml_co_s.b)foo; count ------- 111 (1 row) INSERT INTO dml_co_r SELECT NULL,dml_co_r.b,'text' FROM dml_co_r,dml_co_s WHERE dml_co_r.b = dml_co_s.b; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_r; count ------- 224 (1 row) -- start_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_r; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_s; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_p; CREATE TABLE dml_co_r (a int , b int default -1, c text) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (a); CREATE TABLE dml_co_p (a numeric, b decimal , c boolean , d text , e int) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (a,b); CREATE TABLE dml_co_s as select dml_co_r.b, dml_co_r.a, dml_co_r.c from dml_co_r, dml_co_p WHERE dml_co_r.a = dml_co_p.a; NOTICE: Table doesn't have 'distributed by' clause. Creating a NULL policy entry. ALTER TABLE dml_co_s SET DISTRIBUTED BY (b); INSERT INTO dml_co_p SELECT id * 1.012, id * 1.1, true, 'new', id as d FROM (SELECT * FROM generate_series(1,100) as id) AS x; INSERT INTO dml_co_p VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,false,'pn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_co_p VALUES(NULL,1,false,'pn',NULL),(1,NULL,false,'pn',0),(NULL,NULL,false,'pn',0); INSERT INTO dml_co_s VALUES(generate_series(1,100),generate_series(1,100),'s'); INSERT INTO dml_co_s VALUES(NULL,NULL,'sn'),(1,NULL,'sn'),(NULL,0,'sn'); INSERT INTO dml_co_s VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'sn'); INSERT INTO dml_co_r VALUES(generate_series(1,100),generate_series(1,100),'r'); INSERT INTO dml_co_r VALUES(NULL,NULL,'rn'),(1,NULL,'rn'),(NULL,0,'rn'); INSERT INTO dml_co_r VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'rn'); -- end_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb -- @execute_all_plans True -- @description test17: Insert and CASE SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_r; count ------- 113 (1 row) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT A,B, case when c ='s' then C else NULL end as C FROM (SELECT sum(dml_co_p.a) as A, dml_co_p.a as B, dml_co_s.c as C FROM dml_co_p, dml_co_s WHERE dml_co_p.a = dml_co_s.a GROUP BY dml_co_p.a,dml_co_s.c)as x GROUP BY A,B,C)foo; count ------- 10 (1 row) INSERT INTO dml_co_r SELECT A,B, case when c ='s' then C else NULL end as C FROM (SELECT sum(dml_co_p.a) as A, dml_co_p.a as B, dml_co_s.c as C FROM dml_co_p, dml_co_s WHERE dml_co_p.a = dml_co_s.a GROUP BY dml_co_p.a,dml_co_s.c)as x GROUP BY A,B,C; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_r; count ------- 123 (1 row) -- start_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_r; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_s; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_p; CREATE TABLE dml_co_r (a int , b int default -1, c text) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (a); CREATE TABLE dml_co_p (a numeric, b decimal , c boolean , d text , e int) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (a,b); CREATE TABLE dml_co_s as select dml_co_r.b, dml_co_r.a, dml_co_r.c from dml_co_r, dml_co_p WHERE dml_co_r.a = dml_co_p.a; NOTICE: Table doesn't have 'distributed by' clause. Creating a NULL policy entry. ALTER TABLE dml_co_s SET DISTRIBUTED BY (b); INSERT INTO dml_co_p SELECT id * 1.012, id * 1.1, true, 'new', id as d FROM (SELECT * FROM generate_series(1,100) as id) AS x; INSERT INTO dml_co_p VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,false,'pn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_co_p VALUES(NULL,1,false,'pn',NULL),(1,NULL,false,'pn',0),(NULL,NULL,false,'pn',0); INSERT INTO dml_co_s VALUES(generate_series(1,100),generate_series(1,100),'s'); INSERT INTO dml_co_s VALUES(NULL,NULL,'sn'),(1,NULL,'sn'),(NULL,0,'sn'); INSERT INTO dml_co_s VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'sn'); INSERT INTO dml_co_r VALUES(generate_series(1,100),generate_series(1,100),'r'); INSERT INTO dml_co_r VALUES(NULL,NULL,'rn'),(1,NULL,'rn'),(NULL,0,'rn'); INSERT INTO dml_co_r VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'rn'); -- end_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb -- @execute_all_plans True -- @description test18: Insert 0 rows SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_r; count ------- 113 (1 row) INSERT INTO dml_co_r SELECT dml_co_r.* FROM dml_co_r,dml_co_s WHERE dml_co_r.b = dml_co_s.a LIMIT 0; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_r; count ------- 113 (1 row) -- start_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_r; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_s; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_p; CREATE TABLE dml_co_r (a int , b int default -1, c text) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (a); CREATE TABLE dml_co_p (a numeric, b decimal , c boolean , d text , e int) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (a,b); CREATE TABLE dml_co_s as select dml_co_r.b, dml_co_r.a, dml_co_r.c from dml_co_r, dml_co_p WHERE dml_co_r.a = dml_co_p.a; NOTICE: Table doesn't have 'distributed by' clause. Creating a NULL policy entry. ALTER TABLE dml_co_s SET DISTRIBUTED BY (b); INSERT INTO dml_co_p SELECT id * 1.012, id * 1.1, true, 'new', id as d FROM (SELECT * FROM generate_series(1,100) as id) AS x; INSERT INTO dml_co_p VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,false,'pn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_co_p VALUES(NULL,1,false,'pn',NULL),(1,NULL,false,'pn',0),(NULL,NULL,false,'pn',0); INSERT INTO dml_co_s VALUES(generate_series(1,100),generate_series(1,100),'s'); INSERT INTO dml_co_s VALUES(NULL,NULL,'sn'),(1,NULL,'sn'),(NULL,0,'sn'); INSERT INTO dml_co_s VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'sn'); INSERT INTO dml_co_r VALUES(generate_series(1,100),generate_series(1,100),'r'); INSERT INTO dml_co_r VALUES(NULL,NULL,'rn'),(1,NULL,'rn'),(NULL,0,'rn'); INSERT INTO dml_co_r VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'rn'); -- end_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb -- @execute_all_plans True -- @description test19: Insert 0 rows SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_r; count ------- 113 (1 row) INSERT INTO dml_co_r SELECT dml_co_r.* FROM dml_co_r,dml_co_s WHERE dml_co_r.b = dml_co_s.a and false; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_r; count ------- 113 (1 row) -- start_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_r; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_s; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_p; CREATE TABLE dml_co_r (a int , b int default -1, c text) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (a); CREATE TABLE dml_co_p (a numeric, b decimal , c boolean , d text , e int) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (a,b); CREATE TABLE dml_co_s as select dml_co_r.b, dml_co_r.a, dml_co_r.c from dml_co_r, dml_co_p WHERE dml_co_r.a = dml_co_p.a; NOTICE: Table doesn't have 'distributed by' clause. Creating a NULL policy entry. ALTER TABLE dml_co_s SET DISTRIBUTED BY (b); INSERT INTO dml_co_p SELECT id * 1.012, id * 1.1, true, 'new', id as d FROM (SELECT * FROM generate_series(1,100) as id) AS x; INSERT INTO dml_co_p VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,false,'pn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_co_p VALUES(NULL,1,false,'pn',NULL),(1,NULL,false,'pn',0),(NULL,NULL,false,'pn',0); INSERT INTO dml_co_s VALUES(generate_series(1,100),generate_series(1,100),'s'); INSERT INTO dml_co_s VALUES(NULL,NULL,'sn'),(1,NULL,'sn'),(NULL,0,'sn'); INSERT INTO dml_co_s VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'sn'); INSERT INTO dml_co_r VALUES(generate_series(1,100),generate_series(1,100),'r'); INSERT INTO dml_co_r VALUES(NULL,NULL,'rn'),(1,NULL,'rn'),(NULL,0,'rn'); INSERT INTO dml_co_r VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'rn'); -- end_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb -- @execute_all_plans True -- @description test2: Constant tuple Inserts SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_r; count ------- 113 (1 row) INSERT INTO dml_co_r values(NULL); SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_r; count ------- 114 (1 row) -- start_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_r; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_s; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_p; CREATE TABLE dml_co_r (a int , b int default -1, c text) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (a); CREATE TABLE dml_co_p (a numeric, b decimal , c boolean , d text , e int) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (a,b); CREATE TABLE dml_co_s as select dml_co_r.b, dml_co_r.a, dml_co_r.c from dml_co_r, dml_co_p WHERE dml_co_r.a = dml_co_p.a; NOTICE: Table doesn't have 'distributed by' clause. Creating a NULL policy entry. ALTER TABLE dml_co_s SET DISTRIBUTED BY (b); INSERT INTO dml_co_p SELECT id * 1.012, id * 1.1, true, 'new', id as d FROM (SELECT * FROM generate_series(1,100) as id) AS x; INSERT INTO dml_co_p VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,false,'pn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_co_p VALUES(NULL,1,false,'pn',NULL),(1,NULL,false,'pn',0),(NULL,NULL,false,'pn',0); INSERT INTO dml_co_s VALUES(generate_series(1,100),generate_series(1,100),'s'); INSERT INTO dml_co_s VALUES(NULL,NULL,'sn'),(1,NULL,'sn'),(NULL,0,'sn'); INSERT INTO dml_co_s VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'sn'); INSERT INTO dml_co_r VALUES(generate_series(1,100),generate_series(1,100),'r'); INSERT INTO dml_co_r VALUES(NULL,NULL,'rn'),(1,NULL,'rn'),(NULL,0,'rn'); INSERT INTO dml_co_r VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'rn'); -- end_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb -- @description test20: Negative tests Insert column of different data type SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_r; count ------- 113 (1 row) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ( SELECT ('a')::int, dml_co_r.b,10 FROM dml_co_s WHERE dml_co_r.b = dml_co_s.b)foo; ERROR: invalid input syntax for integer: "a" LINE 1: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ( SELECT ('a')::int, dml_co_r.b,10 FROM... ^ INSERT INTO dml_co_r SELECT ('a')::int, dml_co_r.b,10 FROM dml_co_s WHERE dml_co_r.b = dml_co_s.b; ERROR: invalid input syntax for integer: "a" LINE 1: INSERT INTO dml_co_r SELECT ('a')::int, dml_co_r.b,10 FROM d... ^ SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_r; count ------- 113 (1 row) -- start_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_r; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_s; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_p; CREATE TABLE dml_co_r (a int , b int default -1, c text) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (a); CREATE TABLE dml_co_p (a numeric, b decimal , c boolean , d text , e int) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (a,b); CREATE TABLE dml_co_s as select dml_co_r.b, dml_co_r.a, dml_co_r.c from dml_co_r, dml_co_p WHERE dml_co_r.a = dml_co_p.a; NOTICE: Table doesn't have 'distributed by' clause. Creating a NULL policy entry. ALTER TABLE dml_co_s SET DISTRIBUTED BY (b); INSERT INTO dml_co_p SELECT id * 1.012, id * 1.1, true, 'new', id as d FROM (SELECT * FROM generate_series(1,100) as id) AS x; INSERT INTO dml_co_p VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,false,'pn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_co_p VALUES(NULL,1,false,'pn',NULL),(1,NULL,false,'pn',0),(NULL,NULL,false,'pn',0); INSERT INTO dml_co_s VALUES(generate_series(1,100),generate_series(1,100),'s'); INSERT INTO dml_co_s VALUES(NULL,NULL,'sn'),(1,NULL,'sn'),(NULL,0,'sn'); INSERT INTO dml_co_s VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'sn'); INSERT INTO dml_co_r VALUES(generate_series(1,100),generate_series(1,100),'r'); INSERT INTO dml_co_r VALUES(NULL,NULL,'rn'),(1,NULL,'rn'),(NULL,0,'rn'); INSERT INTO dml_co_r VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'rn'); -- end_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb -- @description test21: Negative test case. INSERT has more expressions than target columns SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_s; count ------- 113 (1 row) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT COUNT(*) as a, dml_co_r.* FROM dml_co_r, dml_co_s WHERE dml_co_s.a = dml_co_r.a GROUP BY dml_co_r.a, dml_co_r.b, dml_co_r.c)foo; count ------- 110 (1 row) INSERT INTO dml_co_s SELECT COUNT(*) as a, dml_co_r.* FROM dml_co_r, dml_co_s WHERE dml_co_s.a = dml_co_r.a GROUP BY dml_co_r.a, dml_co_r.b, dml_co_r.c; ERROR: INSERT has more expressions than target columns SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_s; count ------- 113 (1 row) -- start_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_r; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_s; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_p; CREATE TABLE dml_co_r (a int , b int default -1, c text) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (a); CREATE TABLE dml_co_p (a numeric, b decimal , c boolean , d text , e int) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (a,b); CREATE TABLE dml_co_s as select dml_co_r.b, dml_co_r.a, dml_co_r.c from dml_co_r, dml_co_p WHERE dml_co_r.a = dml_co_p.a; NOTICE: Table doesn't have 'distributed by' clause. Creating a NULL policy entry. ALTER TABLE dml_co_s SET DISTRIBUTED BY (b); INSERT INTO dml_co_p SELECT id * 1.012, id * 1.1, true, 'new', id as d FROM (SELECT * FROM generate_series(1,100) as id) AS x; INSERT INTO dml_co_p VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,false,'pn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_co_p VALUES(NULL,1,false,'pn',NULL),(1,NULL,false,'pn',0),(NULL,NULL,false,'pn',0); INSERT INTO dml_co_s VALUES(generate_series(1,100),generate_series(1,100),'s'); INSERT INTO dml_co_s VALUES(NULL,NULL,'sn'),(1,NULL,'sn'),(NULL,0,'sn'); INSERT INTO dml_co_s VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'sn'); INSERT INTO dml_co_r VALUES(generate_series(1,100),generate_series(1,100),'r'); INSERT INTO dml_co_r VALUES(NULL,NULL,'rn'),(1,NULL,'rn'),(NULL,0,'rn'); INSERT INTO dml_co_r VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'rn'); -- end_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb -- @execute_all_plans True -- @description test3: Multiple constant tuple Inserts SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_r; count ------- 113 (1 row) INSERT INTO dml_co_r values(NULL,NULL,NULL),(10,10,'text'); SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_r; count ------- 115 (1 row) -- start_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_r; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_s; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_p; CREATE TABLE dml_co_r (a int , b int default -1, c text) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (a); CREATE TABLE dml_co_p (a numeric, b decimal , c boolean , d text , e int) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (a,b); CREATE TABLE dml_co_s as select dml_co_r.b, dml_co_r.a, dml_co_r.c from dml_co_r, dml_co_p WHERE dml_co_r.a = dml_co_p.a; NOTICE: Table doesn't have 'distributed by' clause. Creating a NULL policy entry. ALTER TABLE dml_co_s SET DISTRIBUTED BY (b); INSERT INTO dml_co_p SELECT id * 1.012, id * 1.1, true, 'new', id as d FROM (SELECT * FROM generate_series(1,100) as id) AS x; INSERT INTO dml_co_p VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,false,'pn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_co_p VALUES(NULL,1,false,'pn',NULL),(1,NULL,false,'pn',0),(NULL,NULL,false,'pn',0); INSERT INTO dml_co_s VALUES(generate_series(1,100),generate_series(1,100),'s'); INSERT INTO dml_co_s VALUES(NULL,NULL,'sn'),(1,NULL,'sn'),(NULL,0,'sn'); INSERT INTO dml_co_s VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'sn'); INSERT INTO dml_co_r VALUES(generate_series(1,100),generate_series(1,100),'r'); INSERT INTO dml_co_r VALUES(NULL,NULL,'rn'),(1,NULL,'rn'),(NULL,0,'rn'); INSERT INTO dml_co_r VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'rn'); -- end_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb -- @execute_all_plans True -- @description test4: Insert with generate_series SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_r; count ------- 113 (1 row) INSERT INTO dml_co_r values(generate_series(1,10), generate_series(1,100), 'text'); SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_r WHERE c ='text'; count ------- 100 (1 row) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_r; count ------- 213 (1 row) -- start_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_r; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_s; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_p; CREATE TABLE dml_co_r (a int , b int default -1, c text) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (a); CREATE TABLE dml_co_p (a numeric, b decimal , c boolean , d text , e int) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (a,b); CREATE TABLE dml_co_s as select dml_co_r.b, dml_co_r.a, dml_co_r.c from dml_co_r, dml_co_p WHERE dml_co_r.a = dml_co_p.a; NOTICE: Table doesn't have 'distributed by' clause. Creating a NULL policy entry. ALTER TABLE dml_co_s SET DISTRIBUTED BY (b); INSERT INTO dml_co_p SELECT id * 1.012, id * 1.1, true, 'new', id as d FROM (SELECT * FROM generate_series(1,100) as id) AS x; INSERT INTO dml_co_p VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,false,'pn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_co_p VALUES(NULL,1,false,'pn',NULL),(1,NULL,false,'pn',0),(NULL,NULL,false,'pn',0); INSERT INTO dml_co_s VALUES(generate_series(1,100),generate_series(1,100),'s'); INSERT INTO dml_co_s VALUES(NULL,NULL,'sn'),(1,NULL,'sn'),(NULL,0,'sn'); INSERT INTO dml_co_s VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'sn'); INSERT INTO dml_co_r VALUES(generate_series(1,100),generate_series(1,100),'r'); INSERT INTO dml_co_r VALUES(NULL,NULL,'rn'),(1,NULL,'rn'),(NULL,0,'rn'); INSERT INTO dml_co_r VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'rn'); -- end_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb -- @execute_all_plans True -- @description test5: Insert with generate_series and NULL SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_r; count ------- 113 (1 row) INSERT INTO dml_co_r values(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'text'); SELECT * FROM dml_co_r WHERE c ='text' ORDER BY 1; a | b | c ----+---+------ 1 | | text 2 | | text 3 | | text 4 | | text 5 | | text 6 | | text 7 | | text 8 | | text 9 | | text 10 | | text (10 rows) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_r; count ------- 123 (1 row) -- start_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_r; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_s; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_p; CREATE TABLE dml_co_r (a int , b int default -1, c text) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (a); CREATE TABLE dml_co_p (a numeric, b decimal , c boolean , d text , e int) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (a,b); CREATE TABLE dml_co_s as select dml_co_r.b, dml_co_r.a, dml_co_r.c from dml_co_r, dml_co_p WHERE dml_co_r.a = dml_co_p.a; NOTICE: Table doesn't have 'distributed by' clause. Creating a NULL policy entry. ALTER TABLE dml_co_s SET DISTRIBUTED BY (b); INSERT INTO dml_co_p SELECT id * 1.012, id * 1.1, true, 'new', id as d FROM (SELECT * FROM generate_series(1,100) as id) AS x; INSERT INTO dml_co_p VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,false,'pn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_co_p VALUES(NULL,1,false,'pn',NULL),(1,NULL,false,'pn',0),(NULL,NULL,false,'pn',0); INSERT INTO dml_co_s VALUES(generate_series(1,100),generate_series(1,100),'s'); INSERT INTO dml_co_s VALUES(NULL,NULL,'sn'),(1,NULL,'sn'),(NULL,0,'sn'); INSERT INTO dml_co_s VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'sn'); INSERT INTO dml_co_r VALUES(generate_series(1,100),generate_series(1,100),'r'); INSERT INTO dml_co_r VALUES(NULL,NULL,'rn'),(1,NULL,'rn'),(NULL,0,'rn'); INSERT INTO dml_co_r VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'rn'); -- end_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb -- @execute_all_plans True -- @description test6: Insert with generate_series SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_r; count ------- 113 (1 row) TRUNCATE TABLE dml_co_r; INSERT INTO dml_co_r SELECT generate_series(1,10); SELECT * FROM dml_co_r ORDER BY 1; a | b | c ----+----+--- 1 | -1 | 2 | -1 | 3 | -1 | 4 | -1 | 5 | -1 | 6 | -1 | 7 | -1 | 8 | -1 | 9 | -1 | 10 | -1 | (10 rows) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_r; count ------- 10 (1 row) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_r; count ------- 10 (1 row) -- start_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_r; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_s; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_p; CREATE TABLE dml_co_r (a int , b int default -1, c text) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (a); CREATE TABLE dml_co_p (a numeric, b decimal , c boolean , d text , e int) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (a,b); CREATE TABLE dml_co_s as select dml_co_r.b, dml_co_r.a, dml_co_r.c from dml_co_r, dml_co_p WHERE dml_co_r.a = dml_co_p.a; NOTICE: Table doesn't have 'distributed by' clause. Creating a NULL policy entry. ALTER TABLE dml_co_s SET DISTRIBUTED BY (b); INSERT INTO dml_co_p SELECT id * 1.012, id * 1.1, true, 'new', id as d FROM (SELECT * FROM generate_series(1,100) as id) AS x; INSERT INTO dml_co_p VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,false,'pn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_co_p VALUES(NULL,1,false,'pn',NULL),(1,NULL,false,'pn',0),(NULL,NULL,false,'pn',0); INSERT INTO dml_co_s VALUES(generate_series(1,100),generate_series(1,100),'s'); INSERT INTO dml_co_s VALUES(NULL,NULL,'sn'),(1,NULL,'sn'),(NULL,0,'sn'); INSERT INTO dml_co_s VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'sn'); INSERT INTO dml_co_r VALUES(generate_series(1,100),generate_series(1,100),'r'); INSERT INTO dml_co_r VALUES(NULL,NULL,'rn'),(1,NULL,'rn'),(NULL,0,'rn'); INSERT INTO dml_co_r VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'rn'); -- end_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb -- @execute_all_plans True -- @description test7: Insert with generate_series SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_r; count ------- 113 (1 row) INSERT INTO dml_co_r SELECT generate_series(1,10), generate_series(1,10),'text'; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_r WHERE c ='text'; count ------- 10 (1 row) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_r; count ------- 123 (1 row) -- start_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_r; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_s; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_p; CREATE TABLE dml_co_r (a int , b int default -1, c text) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (a); CREATE TABLE dml_co_p (a numeric, b decimal , c boolean , d text , e int) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (a,b); CREATE TABLE dml_co_s as select dml_co_r.b, dml_co_r.a, dml_co_r.c from dml_co_r, dml_co_p WHERE dml_co_r.a = dml_co_p.a; NOTICE: Table doesn't have 'distributed by' clause. Creating a NULL policy entry. ALTER TABLE dml_co_s SET DISTRIBUTED BY (b); INSERT INTO dml_co_p SELECT id * 1.012, id * 1.1, true, 'new', id as d FROM (SELECT * FROM generate_series(1,100) as id) AS x; INSERT INTO dml_co_p VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,false,'pn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_co_p VALUES(NULL,1,false,'pn',NULL),(1,NULL,false,'pn',0),(NULL,NULL,false,'pn',0); INSERT INTO dml_co_s VALUES(generate_series(1,100),generate_series(1,100),'s'); INSERT INTO dml_co_s VALUES(NULL,NULL,'sn'),(1,NULL,'sn'),(NULL,0,'sn'); INSERT INTO dml_co_s VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'sn'); INSERT INTO dml_co_r VALUES(generate_series(1,100),generate_series(1,100),'r'); INSERT INTO dml_co_r VALUES(NULL,NULL,'rn'),(1,NULL,'rn'),(NULL,0,'rn'); INSERT INTO dml_co_r VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'rn'); -- end_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb -- @execute_all_plans True -- @description test8: Insert with generate_series SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_r; count ------- 113 (1 row) INSERT INTO dml_co_r SELECT * from generate_series(1,10); SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_r; count ------- 123 (1 row) -- start_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_r; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_s; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_co_p; CREATE TABLE dml_co_r (a int , b int default -1, c text) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (a); CREATE TABLE dml_co_p (a numeric, b decimal , c boolean , d text , e int) WITH (appendonly = true, orientation = column) DISTRIBUTED BY (a,b); CREATE TABLE dml_co_s as select dml_co_r.b, dml_co_r.a, dml_co_r.c from dml_co_r, dml_co_p WHERE dml_co_r.a = dml_co_p.a; NOTICE: Table doesn't have 'distributed by' clause. Creating a NULL policy entry. ALTER TABLE dml_co_s SET DISTRIBUTED BY (b); INSERT INTO dml_co_p SELECT id * 1.012, id * 1.1, true, 'new', id as d FROM (SELECT * FROM generate_series(1,100) as id) AS x; INSERT INTO dml_co_p VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,false,'pn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_co_p VALUES(NULL,1,false,'pn',NULL),(1,NULL,false,'pn',0),(NULL,NULL,false,'pn',0); INSERT INTO dml_co_s VALUES(generate_series(1,100),generate_series(1,100),'s'); INSERT INTO dml_co_s VALUES(NULL,NULL,'sn'),(1,NULL,'sn'),(NULL,0,'sn'); INSERT INTO dml_co_s VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'sn'); INSERT INTO dml_co_r VALUES(generate_series(1,100),generate_series(1,100),'r'); INSERT INTO dml_co_r VALUES(NULL,NULL,'rn'),(1,NULL,'rn'),(NULL,0,'rn'); INSERT INTO dml_co_r VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'rn'); -- end_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb -- @execute_all_plans True -- @description test9: Join on the non-distribution key of target table SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_r; count ------- 113 (1 row) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT dml_co_r.* FROM dml_co_r,dml_co_s WHERE dml_co_r.b = dml_co_s.b)foo; count ------- 111 (1 row) INSERT INTO dml_co_r SELECT dml_co_r.* FROM dml_co_r,dml_co_s WHERE dml_co_r.b = dml_co_s.b; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_co_r; count ------- 224 (1 row) -- start_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml -- @db_name dmldb DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_heap_check_p; NOTICE: table "dml_heap_check_p" does not exist, skipping DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_heap_check_r; NOTICE: table "dml_heap_check_r" does not exist, skipping DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_heap_check_s; NOTICE: table "dml_heap_check_s" does not exist, skipping CREATE TABLE dml_heap_check_r ( a int default 100 CHECK( a between 1 and 105), b float8 CONSTRAINT rcheck_b CHECK( b <> 0.00 and b IS NOT NULL), c text, d numeric NOT NULL) DISTRIBUTED BY (a) partition by list(b) ( partition one values (1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0,5.0), partition two values(6.0,7.0,8.0,9.0,10.00), default partition def ); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_r_1_prt_one" for table "dml_heap_check_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_r_1_prt_two" for table "dml_heap_check_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_r_1_prt_def" for table "dml_heap_check_r" CREATE TABLE dml_heap_check_s ( a int CONSTRAINT scheck_a NOT NULL CHECK(a >= 0 and a < 110), b int CONSTRAINT scheck_b CHECK( b is not null), c text , d numeric CHECK (d - 1 <> 17) ) DISTRIBUTED BY (b) partition by range(a) ( start(1) end(102) every(10), default partition def ); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_def" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_2" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_3" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_4" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_5" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_6" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_7" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_8" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_9" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_10" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_11" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_12" for table "dml_heap_check_s" CREATE TABLE dml_heap_check_p ( a int NOT NULL CONSTRAINT p_check_a CHECK( a <= 100) , b text DEFAULT 'defval', c text , d float8 CONSTRAINT p_check_d CHECK( d <= 100.00), CHECK ( b = c ) ) DISTRIBUTED BY (a,b); INSERT INTO dml_heap_check_r SELECT i, i * 3.33,'r', i % 6 FROM generate_series(1,100)i; INSERT INTO dml_heap_check_r VALUES(DEFAULT,1.00,'rn',0),(NULL,2.00,'rn',0),(NULL,3.00,'rn',0),(NULL,4.00,'rn',0),(DEFAULT,5.00,'rn',0); INSERT INTO dml_heap_check_s SELECT i, i * 3,'s', i / 6 FROM generate_series(1,100)i; INSERT INTO dml_heap_check_s VALUES(1,1,'sn',NULL),(2,2,'sn',NULL),(3,3,'sn',NULL),(4,4,'sn',NULL),(5,5,'sn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_heap_check_p SELECT i, 'p','p', i FROM generate_series(1,100)i; INSERT INTO dml_heap_check_p VALUES(1,'pn','pn',NULL),(2,'pn','pn',NULL),(3,'pn','pn',NULL),(4,'pn','pn',NULL),(5,'pn','pn',NULL); -- end_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb -- @execute_all_plans True -- @description test1: Insert data that satisfy the check constraints SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_heap_check_s; count ------- 105 (1 row) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT dml_heap_check_s.a, dml_heap_check_s.b, 'text', dml_heap_check_s.d FROM dml_heap_check_r, dml_heap_check_s WHERE dml_heap_check_r.a = dml_heap_check_s.b )foo; count ------- 38 (1 row) INSERT INTO dml_heap_check_s SELECT dml_heap_check_s.a, dml_heap_check_s.b, 'text', dml_heap_check_s.d FROM dml_heap_check_r, dml_heap_check_s WHERE dml_heap_check_r.a = dml_heap_check_s.b ; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_heap_check_s; count ------- 143 (1 row) -- start_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml -- @db_name dmldb DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_heap_check_p; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_heap_check_r; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_heap_check_s; CREATE TABLE dml_heap_check_r ( a int default 100 CHECK( a between 1 and 105), b float8 CONSTRAINT rcheck_b CHECK( b <> 0.00 and b IS NOT NULL), c text, d numeric NOT NULL) DISTRIBUTED BY (a) partition by list(b) ( partition one values (1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0,5.0), partition two values(6.0,7.0,8.0,9.0,10.00), default partition def ); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_r_1_prt_one" for table "dml_heap_check_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_r_1_prt_two" for table "dml_heap_check_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_r_1_prt_def" for table "dml_heap_check_r" CREATE TABLE dml_heap_check_s ( a int CONSTRAINT scheck_a NOT NULL CHECK(a >= 0 and a < 110), b int CONSTRAINT scheck_b CHECK( b is not null), c text , d numeric CHECK (d - 1 <> 17) ) DISTRIBUTED BY (b) partition by range(a) ( start(1) end(102) every(10), default partition def ); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_def" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_2" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_3" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_4" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_5" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_6" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_7" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_8" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_9" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_10" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_11" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_12" for table "dml_heap_check_s" CREATE TABLE dml_heap_check_p ( a int NOT NULL CONSTRAINT p_check_a CHECK( a <= 100) , b text DEFAULT 'defval', c text , d float8 CONSTRAINT p_check_d CHECK( d <= 100.00), CHECK ( b = c ) ) DISTRIBUTED BY (a,b); INSERT INTO dml_heap_check_r SELECT i, i * 3.33,'r', i % 6 FROM generate_series(1,100)i; INSERT INTO dml_heap_check_r VALUES(DEFAULT,1.00,'rn',0),(NULL,2.00,'rn',0),(NULL,3.00,'rn',0),(NULL,4.00,'rn',0),(DEFAULT,5.00,'rn',0); INSERT INTO dml_heap_check_s SELECT i, i * 3,'s', i / 6 FROM generate_series(1,100)i; INSERT INTO dml_heap_check_s VALUES(1,1,'sn',NULL),(2,2,'sn',NULL),(3,3,'sn',NULL),(4,4,'sn',NULL),(5,5,'sn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_heap_check_p SELECT i, 'p','p', i FROM generate_series(1,100)i; INSERT INTO dml_heap_check_p VALUES(1,'pn','pn',NULL),(2,'pn','pn',NULL),(3,'pn','pn',NULL),(4,'pn','pn',NULL),(5,'pn','pn',NULL); -- end_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb -- @gpopt 1.532 -- @execute_all_plans True -- @description test2: Negative test - Insert default value violates check constraint SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_heap_check_p; count ------- 105 (1 row) INSERT INTO dml_heap_check_p select generate_series(1,100),'p', generate_series(1,100); ERROR: One or more assertions failed (entry db pid=18310) DETAIL: Check constraint dml_heap_check_p_check for table dml_heap_check_p was violated SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_heap_check_p; count ------- 105 (1 row) -- start_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml -- @db_name dmldb DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_heap_check_p; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_heap_check_r; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_heap_check_s; CREATE TABLE dml_heap_check_r ( a int default 100 CHECK( a between 1 and 105), b float8 CONSTRAINT rcheck_b CHECK( b <> 0.00 and b IS NOT NULL), c text, d numeric NOT NULL) DISTRIBUTED BY (a) partition by list(b) ( partition one values (1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0,5.0), partition two values(6.0,7.0,8.0,9.0,10.00), default partition def ); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_r_1_prt_one" for table "dml_heap_check_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_r_1_prt_two" for table "dml_heap_check_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_r_1_prt_def" for table "dml_heap_check_r" CREATE TABLE dml_heap_check_s ( a int CONSTRAINT scheck_a NOT NULL CHECK(a >= 0 and a < 110), b int CONSTRAINT scheck_b CHECK( b is not null), c text , d numeric CHECK (d - 1 <> 17) ) DISTRIBUTED BY (b) partition by range(a) ( start(1) end(102) every(10), default partition def ); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_def" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_2" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_3" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_4" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_5" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_6" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_7" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_8" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_9" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_10" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_11" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_12" for table "dml_heap_check_s" CREATE TABLE dml_heap_check_p ( a int NOT NULL CONSTRAINT p_check_a CHECK( a <= 100) , b text DEFAULT 'defval', c text , d float8 CONSTRAINT p_check_d CHECK( d <= 100.00), CHECK ( b = c ) ) DISTRIBUTED BY (a,b); INSERT INTO dml_heap_check_r SELECT i, i * 3.33,'r', i % 6 FROM generate_series(1,100)i; INSERT INTO dml_heap_check_r VALUES(DEFAULT,1.00,'rn',0),(NULL,2.00,'rn',0),(NULL,3.00,'rn',0),(NULL,4.00,'rn',0),(DEFAULT,5.00,'rn',0); INSERT INTO dml_heap_check_s SELECT i, i * 3,'s', i / 6 FROM generate_series(1,100)i; INSERT INTO dml_heap_check_s VALUES(1,1,'sn',NULL),(2,2,'sn',NULL),(3,3,'sn',NULL),(4,4,'sn',NULL),(5,5,'sn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_heap_check_p SELECT i, 'p','p', i FROM generate_series(1,100)i; INSERT INTO dml_heap_check_p VALUES(1,'pn','pn',NULL),(2,'pn','pn',NULL),(3,'pn','pn',NULL),(4,'pn','pn',NULL),(5,'pn','pn',NULL); -- end_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb -- @description test3: Negative test - Insert default value violates NOT NULL constraint SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_heap_check_s; count ------- 105 (1 row) INSERT INTO dml_heap_check_s values(default,1,'nn',1.0000); ERROR: null value in column "a" violates not-null constraint (COptTasks.cpp:1628) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_heap_check_s; count ------- 105 (1 row) -- start_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml -- @db_name dmldb DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_heap_check_p; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_heap_check_r; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_heap_check_s; CREATE TABLE dml_heap_check_r ( a int default 100 CHECK( a between 1 and 105), b float8 CONSTRAINT rcheck_b CHECK( b <> 0.00 and b IS NOT NULL), c text, d numeric NOT NULL) DISTRIBUTED BY (a) partition by list(b) ( partition one values (1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0,5.0), partition two values(6.0,7.0,8.0,9.0,10.00), default partition def ); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_r_1_prt_one" for table "dml_heap_check_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_r_1_prt_two" for table "dml_heap_check_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_r_1_prt_def" for table "dml_heap_check_r" CREATE TABLE dml_heap_check_s ( a int CONSTRAINT scheck_a NOT NULL CHECK(a >= 0 and a < 110), b int CONSTRAINT scheck_b CHECK( b is not null), c text , d numeric CHECK (d - 1 <> 17) ) DISTRIBUTED BY (b) partition by range(a) ( start(1) end(102) every(10), default partition def ); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_def" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_2" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_3" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_4" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_5" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_6" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_7" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_8" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_9" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_10" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_11" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_12" for table "dml_heap_check_s" CREATE TABLE dml_heap_check_p ( a int NOT NULL CONSTRAINT p_check_a CHECK( a <= 100) , b text DEFAULT 'defval', c text , d float8 CONSTRAINT p_check_d CHECK( d <= 100.00), CHECK ( b = c ) ) DISTRIBUTED BY (a,b); INSERT INTO dml_heap_check_r SELECT i, i * 3.33,'r', i % 6 FROM generate_series(1,100)i; INSERT INTO dml_heap_check_r VALUES(DEFAULT,1.00,'rn',0),(NULL,2.00,'rn',0),(NULL,3.00,'rn',0),(NULL,4.00,'rn',0),(DEFAULT,5.00,'rn',0); INSERT INTO dml_heap_check_s SELECT i, i * 3,'s', i / 6 FROM generate_series(1,100)i; INSERT INTO dml_heap_check_s VALUES(1,1,'sn',NULL),(2,2,'sn',NULL),(3,3,'sn',NULL),(4,4,'sn',NULL),(5,5,'sn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_heap_check_p SELECT i, 'p','p', i FROM generate_series(1,100)i; INSERT INTO dml_heap_check_p VALUES(1,'pn','pn',NULL),(2,'pn','pn',NULL),(3,'pn','pn',NULL),(4,'pn','pn',NULL),(5,'pn','pn',NULL); -- end_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb -- @gpopt 1.532 -- @execute_all_plans True -- @description test4: Negative test - Insert with joins where the result tuples violate the user defined check constraint SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_heap_check_r; count ------- 105 (1 row) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT dml_heap_check_r.a + 110 , dml_heap_check_r.b, dml_heap_check_r.c, dml_heap_check_r.d FROM dml_heap_check_r, dml_heap_check_s WHERE dml_heap_check_r.a = dml_heap_check_s.a)foo; count ------- 107 (1 row) INSERT INTO dml_heap_check_r SELECT dml_heap_check_r.a + 110 , dml_heap_check_r.b, dml_heap_check_r.c, dml_heap_check_r.d FROM dml_heap_check_r, dml_heap_check_s WHERE dml_heap_check_r.a = dml_heap_check_s.a; ERROR: One or more assertions failed (seg0 slice2 pid=18311) DETAIL: Check constraint dml_heap_check_r_a_check for table dml_heap_check_r was violated SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_heap_check_r; count ------- 105 (1 row) -- start_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml -- @db_name dmldb DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_heap_check_p; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_heap_check_r; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_heap_check_s; CREATE TABLE dml_heap_check_r ( a int default 100 CHECK( a between 1 and 105), b float8 CONSTRAINT rcheck_b CHECK( b <> 0.00 and b IS NOT NULL), c text, d numeric NOT NULL) DISTRIBUTED BY (a) partition by list(b) ( partition one values (1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0,5.0), partition two values(6.0,7.0,8.0,9.0,10.00), default partition def ); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_r_1_prt_one" for table "dml_heap_check_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_r_1_prt_two" for table "dml_heap_check_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_r_1_prt_def" for table "dml_heap_check_r" CREATE TABLE dml_heap_check_s ( a int CONSTRAINT scheck_a NOT NULL CHECK(a >= 0 and a < 110), b int CONSTRAINT scheck_b CHECK( b is not null), c text , d numeric CHECK (d - 1 <> 17) ) DISTRIBUTED BY (b) partition by range(a) ( start(1) end(102) every(10), default partition def ); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_def" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_2" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_3" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_4" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_5" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_6" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_7" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_8" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_9" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_10" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_11" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_12" for table "dml_heap_check_s" CREATE TABLE dml_heap_check_p ( a int NOT NULL CONSTRAINT p_check_a CHECK( a <= 100) , b text DEFAULT 'defval', c text , d float8 CONSTRAINT p_check_d CHECK( d <= 100.00), CHECK ( b = c ) ) DISTRIBUTED BY (a,b); INSERT INTO dml_heap_check_r SELECT i, i * 3.33,'r', i % 6 FROM generate_series(1,100)i; INSERT INTO dml_heap_check_r VALUES(DEFAULT,1.00,'rn',0),(NULL,2.00,'rn',0),(NULL,3.00,'rn',0),(NULL,4.00,'rn',0),(DEFAULT,5.00,'rn',0); INSERT INTO dml_heap_check_s SELECT i, i * 3,'s', i / 6 FROM generate_series(1,100)i; INSERT INTO dml_heap_check_s VALUES(1,1,'sn',NULL),(2,2,'sn',NULL),(3,3,'sn',NULL),(4,4,'sn',NULL),(5,5,'sn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_heap_check_p SELECT i, 'p','p', i FROM generate_series(1,100)i; INSERT INTO dml_heap_check_p VALUES(1,'pn','pn',NULL),(2,'pn','pn',NULL),(3,'pn','pn',NULL),(4,'pn','pn',NULL),(5,'pn','pn',NULL); -- end_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml HAWQ -- @db_name dmldb -- @gpopt 1.532 -- @execute_all_plans True -- @description test5: Insert with joins where the result tuples violate violates multiple check constraints SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_heap_check_r; count ------- 105 (1 row) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT dml_heap_check_r.a + 110 , 0, dml_heap_check_r.c, NULL FROM dml_heap_check_r, dml_heap_check_s WHERE dml_heap_check_r.a = dml_heap_check_s.a)foo; count ------- 107 (1 row) INSERT INTO dml_heap_check_r SELECT dml_heap_check_r.a + 110 , 0, dml_heap_check_r.c, NULL FROM dml_heap_check_r, dml_heap_check_s WHERE dml_heap_check_r.a = dml_heap_check_s.a; ERROR: One or more assertions failed (seg0 slice2 pid=18311) DETAIL: Not null constraint for column d of table dml_heap_check_r was violated SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_heap_check_r; count ------- 105 (1 row) -- start_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml -- @db_name dmldb DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_heap_check_p; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_heap_check_r; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_heap_check_s; CREATE TABLE dml_heap_check_r ( a int default 100 CHECK( a between 1 and 105), b float8 CONSTRAINT rcheck_b CHECK( b <> 0.00 and b IS NOT NULL), c text, d numeric NOT NULL) DISTRIBUTED BY (a) partition by list(b) ( partition one values (1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0,5.0), partition two values(6.0,7.0,8.0,9.0,10.00), default partition def ); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_r_1_prt_one" for table "dml_heap_check_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_r_1_prt_two" for table "dml_heap_check_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_r_1_prt_def" for table "dml_heap_check_r" CREATE TABLE dml_heap_check_s ( a int CONSTRAINT scheck_a NOT NULL CHECK(a >= 0 and a < 110), b int CONSTRAINT scheck_b CHECK( b is not null), c text , d numeric CHECK (d - 1 <> 17) ) DISTRIBUTED BY (b) partition by range(a) ( start(1) end(102) every(10), default partition def ); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_def" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_2" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_3" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_4" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_5" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_6" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_7" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_8" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_9" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_10" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_11" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_12" for table "dml_heap_check_s" CREATE TABLE dml_heap_check_p ( a int NOT NULL CONSTRAINT p_check_a CHECK( a <= 100) , b text DEFAULT 'defval', c text , d float8 CONSTRAINT p_check_d CHECK( d <= 100.00), CHECK ( b = c ) ) DISTRIBUTED BY (a,b); INSERT INTO dml_heap_check_r SELECT i, i * 3.33,'r', i % 6 FROM generate_series(1,100)i; INSERT INTO dml_heap_check_r VALUES(DEFAULT,1.00,'rn',0),(NULL,2.00,'rn',0),(NULL,3.00,'rn',0),(NULL,4.00,'rn',0),(DEFAULT,5.00,'rn',0); INSERT INTO dml_heap_check_s SELECT i, i * 3,'s', i / 6 FROM generate_series(1,100)i; INSERT INTO dml_heap_check_s VALUES(1,1,'sn',NULL),(2,2,'sn',NULL),(3,3,'sn',NULL),(4,4,'sn',NULL),(5,5,'sn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_heap_check_p SELECT i, 'p','p', i FROM generate_series(1,100)i; INSERT INTO dml_heap_check_p VALUES(1,'pn','pn',NULL),(2,'pn','pn',NULL),(3,'pn','pn',NULL),(4,'pn','pn',NULL),(5,'pn','pn',NULL); -- end_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml -- @db_name dmldb -- @execute_all_plans True -- @description test1: Update data that satisfy the check constraints SELECT SUM(d) FROM dml_heap_check_s; sum ----- 800 (1 row) UPDATE dml_heap_check_s SET d = dml_heap_check_s.d * 1 FROM dml_heap_check_r WHERE dml_heap_check_r.a = dml_heap_check_s.b; SELECT SUM(d) FROM dml_heap_check_s; sum ----- 800 (1 row) -- start_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml -- @db_name dmldb DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_heap_check_p; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_heap_check_r; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_heap_check_s; CREATE TABLE dml_heap_check_r ( a int default 100 CHECK( a between 1 and 105), b float8 CONSTRAINT rcheck_b CHECK( b <> 0.00 and b IS NOT NULL), c text, d numeric NOT NULL) DISTRIBUTED BY (a) partition by list(b) ( partition one values (1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0,5.0), partition two values(6.0,7.0,8.0,9.0,10.00), default partition def ); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_r_1_prt_one" for table "dml_heap_check_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_r_1_prt_two" for table "dml_heap_check_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_r_1_prt_def" for table "dml_heap_check_r" CREATE TABLE dml_heap_check_s ( a int CONSTRAINT scheck_a NOT NULL CHECK(a >= 0 and a < 110), b int CONSTRAINT scheck_b CHECK( b is not null), c text , d numeric CHECK (d - 1 <> 17) ) DISTRIBUTED BY (b) partition by range(a) ( start(1) end(102) every(10), default partition def ); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_def" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_2" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_3" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_4" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_5" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_6" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_7" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_8" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_9" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_10" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_11" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_12" for table "dml_heap_check_s" CREATE TABLE dml_heap_check_p ( a int NOT NULL CONSTRAINT p_check_a CHECK( a <= 100) , b text DEFAULT 'defval', c text , d float8 CONSTRAINT p_check_d CHECK( d <= 100.00), CHECK ( b = c ) ) DISTRIBUTED BY (a,b); INSERT INTO dml_heap_check_r SELECT i, i * 3.33,'r', i % 6 FROM generate_series(1,100)i; INSERT INTO dml_heap_check_r VALUES(DEFAULT,1.00,'rn',0),(NULL,2.00,'rn',0),(NULL,3.00,'rn',0),(NULL,4.00,'rn',0),(DEFAULT,5.00,'rn',0); INSERT INTO dml_heap_check_s SELECT i, i * 3,'s', i / 6 FROM generate_series(1,100)i; INSERT INTO dml_heap_check_s VALUES(1,1,'sn',NULL),(2,2,'sn',NULL),(3,3,'sn',NULL),(4,4,'sn',NULL),(5,5,'sn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_heap_check_p SELECT i, 'p','p', i FROM generate_series(1,100)i; INSERT INTO dml_heap_check_p VALUES(1,'pn','pn',NULL),(2,'pn','pn',NULL),(3,'pn','pn',NULL),(4,'pn','pn',NULL),(5,'pn','pn',NULL); -- end_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml -- @db_name dmldb -- @gpopt 1.532 -- @execute_all_plans True -- @description test2: Negative test: Update data that does not satisfy the check constraints UPDATE dml_heap_check_s SET a = 100 + dml_heap_check_s.a FROM dml_heap_check_r WHERE dml_heap_check_r.a = dml_heap_check_s.a ; ERROR: One or more assertions failed (seg0 pid=18191) DETAIL: Check constraint dml_heap_check_s_a_check for table dml_heap_check_s was violated -- start_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml -- @db_name dmldb DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_heap_check_p; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_heap_check_r; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_heap_check_s; CREATE TABLE dml_heap_check_r ( a int default 100 CHECK( a between 1 and 105), b float8 CONSTRAINT rcheck_b CHECK( b <> 0.00 and b IS NOT NULL), c text, d numeric NOT NULL) DISTRIBUTED BY (a) partition by list(b) ( partition one values (1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0,5.0), partition two values(6.0,7.0,8.0,9.0,10.00), default partition def ); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_r_1_prt_one" for table "dml_heap_check_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_r_1_prt_two" for table "dml_heap_check_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_r_1_prt_def" for table "dml_heap_check_r" CREATE TABLE dml_heap_check_s ( a int CONSTRAINT scheck_a NOT NULL CHECK(a >= 0 and a < 110), b int CONSTRAINT scheck_b CHECK( b is not null), c text , d numeric CHECK (d - 1 <> 17) ) DISTRIBUTED BY (b) partition by range(a) ( start(1) end(102) every(10), default partition def ); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_def" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_2" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_3" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_4" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_5" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_6" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_7" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_8" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_9" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_10" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_11" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_12" for table "dml_heap_check_s" CREATE TABLE dml_heap_check_p ( a int NOT NULL CONSTRAINT p_check_a CHECK( a <= 100) , b text DEFAULT 'defval', c text , d float8 CONSTRAINT p_check_d CHECK( d <= 100.00), CHECK ( b = c ) ) DISTRIBUTED BY (a,b); INSERT INTO dml_heap_check_r SELECT i, i * 3.33,'r', i % 6 FROM generate_series(1,100)i; INSERT INTO dml_heap_check_r VALUES(DEFAULT,1.00,'rn',0),(NULL,2.00,'rn',0),(NULL,3.00,'rn',0),(NULL,4.00,'rn',0),(DEFAULT,5.00,'rn',0); INSERT INTO dml_heap_check_s SELECT i, i * 3,'s', i / 6 FROM generate_series(1,100)i; INSERT INTO dml_heap_check_s VALUES(1,1,'sn',NULL),(2,2,'sn',NULL),(3,3,'sn',NULL),(4,4,'sn',NULL),(5,5,'sn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_heap_check_p SELECT i, 'p','p', i FROM generate_series(1,100)i; INSERT INTO dml_heap_check_p VALUES(1,'pn','pn',NULL),(2,'pn','pn',NULL),(3,'pn','pn',NULL),(4,'pn','pn',NULL),(5,'pn','pn',NULL); -- end_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml -- @db_name dmldb -- @gpopt 1.532 -- @execute_all_plans True -- @description test3: Negative test - Update violates check constraint(not NULL constraint) UPDATE dml_heap_check_s SET b = NULL FROM dml_heap_check_r WHERE dml_heap_check_r.a = dml_heap_check_s.b; ERROR: One or more assertions failed (seg0 slice1 pid=18311) DETAIL: Check constraint scheck_b for table dml_heap_check_s was violated -- start_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml -- @db_name dmldb DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_heap_check_p; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_heap_check_r; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_heap_check_s; CREATE TABLE dml_heap_check_r ( a int default 100 CHECK( a between 1 and 105), b float8 CONSTRAINT rcheck_b CHECK( b <> 0.00 and b IS NOT NULL), c text, d numeric NOT NULL) DISTRIBUTED BY (a) partition by list(b) ( partition one values (1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0,5.0), partition two values(6.0,7.0,8.0,9.0,10.00), default partition def ); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_r_1_prt_one" for table "dml_heap_check_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_r_1_prt_two" for table "dml_heap_check_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_r_1_prt_def" for table "dml_heap_check_r" CREATE TABLE dml_heap_check_s ( a int CONSTRAINT scheck_a NOT NULL CHECK(a >= 0 and a < 110), b int CONSTRAINT scheck_b CHECK( b is not null), c text , d numeric CHECK (d - 1 <> 17) ) DISTRIBUTED BY (b) partition by range(a) ( start(1) end(102) every(10), default partition def ); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_def" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_2" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_3" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_4" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_5" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_6" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_7" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_8" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_9" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_10" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_11" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_12" for table "dml_heap_check_s" CREATE TABLE dml_heap_check_p ( a int NOT NULL CONSTRAINT p_check_a CHECK( a <= 100) , b text DEFAULT 'defval', c text , d float8 CONSTRAINT p_check_d CHECK( d <= 100.00), CHECK ( b = c ) ) DISTRIBUTED BY (a,b); INSERT INTO dml_heap_check_r SELECT i, i * 3.33,'r', i % 6 FROM generate_series(1,100)i; INSERT INTO dml_heap_check_r VALUES(DEFAULT,1.00,'rn',0),(NULL,2.00,'rn',0),(NULL,3.00,'rn',0),(NULL,4.00,'rn',0),(DEFAULT,5.00,'rn',0); INSERT INTO dml_heap_check_s SELECT i, i * 3,'s', i / 6 FROM generate_series(1,100)i; INSERT INTO dml_heap_check_s VALUES(1,1,'sn',NULL),(2,2,'sn',NULL),(3,3,'sn',NULL),(4,4,'sn',NULL),(5,5,'sn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_heap_check_p SELECT i, 'p','p', i FROM generate_series(1,100)i; INSERT INTO dml_heap_check_p VALUES(1,'pn','pn',NULL),(2,'pn','pn',NULL),(3,'pn','pn',NULL),(4,'pn','pn',NULL),(5,'pn','pn',NULL); -- end_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml -- @db_name dmldb -- @gpopt 1.532 -- @execute_all_plans True -- @description test4: Negative test - Update moving tuple across partition .also violates the check constraint UPDATE dml_heap_check_s SET a = 110 + dml_heap_check_s.a FROM dml_heap_check_r WHERE dml_heap_check_r.a = dml_heap_check_s.a ; ERROR: One or more assertions failed (seg0 pid=18191) DETAIL: Check constraint dml_heap_check_s_a_check for table dml_heap_check_s was violated -- start_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml -- @db_name dmldb DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_heap_check_p; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_heap_check_r; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_heap_check_s; CREATE TABLE dml_heap_check_r ( a int default 100 CHECK( a between 1 and 105), b float8 CONSTRAINT rcheck_b CHECK( b <> 0.00 and b IS NOT NULL), c text, d numeric NOT NULL) DISTRIBUTED BY (a) partition by list(b) ( partition one values (1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0,5.0), partition two values(6.0,7.0,8.0,9.0,10.00), default partition def ); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_r_1_prt_one" for table "dml_heap_check_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_r_1_prt_two" for table "dml_heap_check_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_r_1_prt_def" for table "dml_heap_check_r" CREATE TABLE dml_heap_check_s ( a int CONSTRAINT scheck_a NOT NULL CHECK(a >= 0 and a < 110), b int CONSTRAINT scheck_b CHECK( b is not null), c text , d numeric CHECK (d - 1 <> 17) ) DISTRIBUTED BY (b) partition by range(a) ( start(1) end(102) every(10), default partition def ); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_def" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_2" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_3" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_4" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_5" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_6" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_7" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_8" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_9" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_10" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_11" for table "dml_heap_check_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_12" for table "dml_heap_check_s" CREATE TABLE dml_heap_check_p ( a int NOT NULL CONSTRAINT p_check_a CHECK( a <= 100) , b text DEFAULT 'defval', c text , d float8 CONSTRAINT p_check_d CHECK( d <= 100.00), CHECK ( b = c ) ) DISTRIBUTED BY (a,b); INSERT INTO dml_heap_check_r SELECT i, i * 3.33,'r', i % 6 FROM generate_series(1,100)i; INSERT INTO dml_heap_check_r VALUES(DEFAULT,1.00,'rn',0),(NULL,2.00,'rn',0),(NULL,3.00,'rn',0),(NULL,4.00,'rn',0),(DEFAULT,5.00,'rn',0); INSERT INTO dml_heap_check_s SELECT i, i * 3,'s', i / 6 FROM generate_series(1,100)i; INSERT INTO dml_heap_check_s VALUES(1,1,'sn',NULL),(2,2,'sn',NULL),(3,3,'sn',NULL),(4,4,'sn',NULL),(5,5,'sn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_heap_check_p SELECT i, 'p','p', i FROM generate_series(1,100)i; INSERT INTO dml_heap_check_p VALUES(1,'pn','pn',NULL),(2,'pn','pn',NULL),(3,'pn','pn',NULL),(4,'pn','pn',NULL),(5,'pn','pn',NULL); -- end_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml -- @db_name dmldb -- @gpopt 1.532 -- @execute_all_plans True -- @description test5: Negative test - Update violates multiple check constraint UPDATE dml_heap_check_s SET a = 110 + dml_heap_check_s.a, b = NULL FROM dml_heap_check_r WHERE dml_heap_check_r.b = dml_heap_check_s.b; ERROR: One or more assertions failed (seg0 slice3 pid=18195) DETAIL: Check constraint scheck_b for table dml_heap_check_s was violated Check constraint dml_heap_check_s_a_check for table dml_heap_check_s was violated -- start_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml -- @db_name dmldb DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_heap_r; NOTICE: table "dml_heap_r" does not exist, skipping DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_heap_s; NOTICE: table "dml_heap_s" does not exist, skipping DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_heap_p; NOTICE: table "dml_heap_p" does not exist, skipping CREATE TABLE dml_heap_r (a int , b int default -1, c text) DISTRIBUTED BY (a); CREATE TABLE dml_heap_p (a numeric, b decimal , c boolean , d text , e int) DISTRIBUTED BY (a,b); CREATE TABLE dml_heap_s as select dml_heap_r.b, dml_heap_r.a, dml_heap_r.c from dml_heap_r, dml_heap_p WHERE dml_heap_r.a = dml_heap_p.a; NOTICE: Table doesn't have 'distributed by' clause. Creating a NULL policy entry. ALTER TABLE dml_heap_s SET DISTRIBUTED BY (b); INSERT INTO dml_heap_p SELECT id * 1.012, id * 1.1, true, 'new', id as d FROM (SELECT * FROM generate_series(1,100) as id) AS x; INSERT INTO dml_heap_p VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,false,'pn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_heap_p VALUES(NULL,1,false,'pn',NULL),(1,NULL,false,'pn',0),(NULL,NULL,false,'pn',0); INSERT INTO dml_heap_s VALUES(generate_series(1,100),generate_series(1,100),'s'); INSERT INTO dml_heap_s VALUES(NULL,NULL,'sn'),(1,NULL,'sn'),(NULL,0,'sn'); INSERT INTO dml_heap_s VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'sn'); INSERT INTO dml_heap_r VALUES(generate_series(1,100),generate_series(1,100),'r'); INSERT INTO dml_heap_r VALUES(NULL,NULL,'rn'),(1,NULL,'rn'),(NULL,0,'rn'); INSERT INTO dml_heap_r VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'rn'); -- end_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml -- @db_name dmldb -- @execute_all_plans True -- @description test1: Delete from table SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_heap_s; count ------- 113 (1 row) DELETE FROM dml_heap_s; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_heap_s; count ------- 0 (1 row) -- start_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml -- @db_name dmldb DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_heap_r; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_heap_s; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_heap_p; CREATE TABLE dml_heap_r (a int , b int default -1, c text) DISTRIBUTED BY (a); CREATE TABLE dml_heap_p (a numeric, b decimal , c boolean , d text , e int) DISTRIBUTED BY (a,b); CREATE TABLE dml_heap_s as select dml_heap_r.b, dml_heap_r.a, dml_heap_r.c from dml_heap_r, dml_heap_p WHERE dml_heap_r.a = dml_heap_p.a; NOTICE: Table doesn't have 'distributed by' clause. Creating a NULL policy entry. ALTER TABLE dml_heap_s SET DISTRIBUTED BY (b); INSERT INTO dml_heap_p SELECT id * 1.012, id * 1.1, true, 'new', id as d FROM (SELECT * FROM generate_series(1,100) as id) AS x; INSERT INTO dml_heap_p VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,false,'pn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_heap_p VALUES(NULL,1,false,'pn',NULL),(1,NULL,false,'pn',0),(NULL,NULL,false,'pn',0); INSERT INTO dml_heap_s VALUES(generate_series(1,100),generate_series(1,100),'s'); INSERT INTO dml_heap_s VALUES(NULL,NULL,'sn'),(1,NULL,'sn'),(NULL,0,'sn'); INSERT INTO dml_heap_s VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'sn'); INSERT INTO dml_heap_r VALUES(generate_series(1,100),generate_series(1,100),'r'); INSERT INTO dml_heap_r VALUES(NULL,NULL,'rn'),(1,NULL,'rn'),(NULL,0,'rn'); INSERT INTO dml_heap_r VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'rn'); -- end_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml -- @db_name dmldb -- @execute_all_plans True -- @description test10: Delete with join in using SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_heap_r; count ------- 113 (1 row) DELETE FROM dml_heap_r USING (SELECT dml_heap_r.a FROM dml_heap_r, dml_heap_s WHERE dml_heap_r.a = dml_heap_s.a)foo WHERE dml_heap_r.a = foo.a; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_heap_r; count ------- 2 (1 row) -- start_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml -- @db_name dmldb DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_heap_r; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_heap_s; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_heap_p; CREATE TABLE dml_heap_r (a int , b int default -1, c text) DISTRIBUTED BY (a); CREATE TABLE dml_heap_p (a numeric, b decimal , c boolean , d text , e int) DISTRIBUTED BY (a,b); CREATE TABLE dml_heap_s as select dml_heap_r.b, dml_heap_r.a, dml_heap_r.c from dml_heap_r, dml_heap_p WHERE dml_heap_r.a = dml_heap_p.a; NOTICE: Table doesn't have 'distributed by' clause. Creating a NULL policy entry. ALTER TABLE dml_heap_s SET DISTRIBUTED BY (b); INSERT INTO dml_heap_p SELECT id * 1.012, id * 1.1, true, 'new', id as d FROM (SELECT * FROM generate_series(1,100) as id) AS x; INSERT INTO dml_heap_p VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,false,'pn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_heap_p VALUES(NULL,1,false,'pn',NULL),(1,NULL,false,'pn',0),(NULL,NULL,false,'pn',0); INSERT INTO dml_heap_s VALUES(generate_series(1,100),generate_series(1,100),'s'); INSERT INTO dml_heap_s VALUES(NULL,NULL,'sn'),(1,NULL,'sn'),(NULL,0,'sn'); INSERT INTO dml_heap_s VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'sn'); INSERT INTO dml_heap_r VALUES(generate_series(1,100),generate_series(1,100),'r'); INSERT INTO dml_heap_r VALUES(NULL,NULL,'rn'),(1,NULL,'rn'),(NULL,0,'rn'); INSERT INTO dml_heap_r VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'rn'); -- end_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml -- @db_name dmldb -- @execute_all_plans True -- @description test11: Delete with join in USING (Delete all rows ) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_heap_r; count ------- 113 (1 row) DELETE FROM dml_heap_r USING (SELECT 1)foo; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_heap_r; count ------- 0 (1 row) -- start_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml -- @db_name dmldb DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_heap_r; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_heap_s; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_heap_p; CREATE TABLE dml_heap_r (a int , b int default -1, c text) DISTRIBUTED BY (a); CREATE TABLE dml_heap_p (a numeric, b decimal , c boolean , d text , e int) DISTRIBUTED BY (a,b); CREATE TABLE dml_heap_s as select dml_heap_r.b, dml_heap_r.a, dml_heap_r.c from dml_heap_r, dml_heap_p WHERE dml_heap_r.a = dml_heap_p.a; NOTICE: Table doesn't have 'distributed by' clause. Creating a NULL policy entry. ALTER TABLE dml_heap_s SET DISTRIBUTED BY (b); INSERT INTO dml_heap_p SELECT id * 1.012, id * 1.1, true, 'new', id as d FROM (SELECT * FROM generate_series(1,100) as id) AS x; INSERT INTO dml_heap_p VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,false,'pn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_heap_p VALUES(NULL,1,false,'pn',NULL),(1,NULL,false,'pn',0),(NULL,NULL,false,'pn',0); INSERT INTO dml_heap_s VALUES(generate_series(1,100),generate_series(1,100),'s'); INSERT INTO dml_heap_s VALUES(NULL,NULL,'sn'),(1,NULL,'sn'),(NULL,0,'sn'); INSERT INTO dml_heap_s VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'sn'); INSERT INTO dml_heap_r VALUES(generate_series(1,100),generate_series(1,100),'r'); INSERT INTO dml_heap_r VALUES(NULL,NULL,'rn'),(1,NULL,'rn'),(NULL,0,'rn'); INSERT INTO dml_heap_r VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'rn'); -- end_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml -- @db_name dmldb -- @execute_all_plans True -- @description test12: Delete with join in using SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_heap_r; count ------- 113 (1 row) DELETE FROM dml_heap_r USING (SELECT 1 as t) foo WHERE foo.t = dml_heap_r.a; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_heap_r; count ------- 110 (1 row) -- start_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml -- @db_name dmldb DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_heap_r; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_heap_s; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_heap_p; CREATE TABLE dml_heap_r (a int , b int default -1, c text) DISTRIBUTED BY (a); CREATE TABLE dml_heap_p (a numeric, b decimal , c boolean , d text , e int) DISTRIBUTED BY (a,b); CREATE TABLE dml_heap_s as select dml_heap_r.b, dml_heap_r.a, dml_heap_r.c from dml_heap_r, dml_heap_p WHERE dml_heap_r.a = dml_heap_p.a; NOTICE: Table doesn't have 'distributed by' clause. Creating a NULL policy entry. ALTER TABLE dml_heap_s SET DISTRIBUTED BY (b); INSERT INTO dml_heap_p SELECT id * 1.012, id * 1.1, true, 'new', id as d FROM (SELECT * FROM generate_series(1,100) as id) AS x; INSERT INTO dml_heap_p VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,false,'pn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_heap_p VALUES(NULL,1,false,'pn',NULL),(1,NULL,false,'pn',0),(NULL,NULL,false,'pn',0); INSERT INTO dml_heap_s VALUES(generate_series(1,100),generate_series(1,100),'s'); INSERT INTO dml_heap_s VALUES(NULL,NULL,'sn'),(1,NULL,'sn'),(NULL,0,'sn'); INSERT INTO dml_heap_s VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'sn'); INSERT INTO dml_heap_r VALUES(generate_series(1,100),generate_series(1,100),'r'); INSERT INTO dml_heap_r VALUES(NULL,NULL,'rn'),(1,NULL,'rn'),(NULL,0,'rn'); INSERT INTO dml_heap_r VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'rn'); -- end_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml -- @db_name dmldb -- @description test13: Delete with multiple joins -- @execute_all_plans True SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_heap_r; count ------- 113 (1 row) DELETE FROM dml_heap_r USING dml_heap_s,dml_heap_p WHERE dml_heap_r.a = dml_heap_s.b and dml_heap_r.b = dml_heap_p.a; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_heap_r; count ------- 103 (1 row) -- start_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml -- @db_name dmldb DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_heap_r; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_heap_s; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_heap_p; CREATE TABLE dml_heap_r (a int , b int default -1, c text) DISTRIBUTED BY (a); CREATE TABLE dml_heap_p (a numeric, b decimal , c boolean , d text , e int) DISTRIBUTED BY (a,b); CREATE TABLE dml_heap_s as select dml_heap_r.b, dml_heap_r.a, dml_heap_r.c from dml_heap_r, dml_heap_p WHERE dml_heap_r.a = dml_heap_p.a; NOTICE: Table doesn't have 'distributed by' clause. Creating a NULL policy entry. ALTER TABLE dml_heap_s SET DISTRIBUTED BY (b); INSERT INTO dml_heap_p SELECT id * 1.012, id * 1.1, true, 'new', id as d FROM (SELECT * FROM generate_series(1,100) as id) AS x; INSERT INTO dml_heap_p VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,false,'pn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_heap_p VALUES(NULL,1,false,'pn',NULL),(1,NULL,false,'pn',0),(NULL,NULL,false,'pn',0); INSERT INTO dml_heap_s VALUES(generate_series(1,100),generate_series(1,100),'s'); INSERT INTO dml_heap_s VALUES(NULL,NULL,'sn'),(1,NULL,'sn'),(NULL,0,'sn'); INSERT INTO dml_heap_s VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'sn'); INSERT INTO dml_heap_r VALUES(generate_series(1,100),generate_series(1,100),'r'); INSERT INTO dml_heap_r VALUES(NULL,NULL,'rn'),(1,NULL,'rn'),(NULL,0,'rn'); INSERT INTO dml_heap_r VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'rn'); -- end_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml -- @db_name dmldb -- @execute_all_plans True -- @description test14: Delete on table with composite distcol SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_heap_p; count ------- 113 (1 row) DELETE FROM dml_heap_p USING dml_heap_r WHERE dml_heap_p.b::int = dml_heap_r.b::int and dml_heap_p.a = dml_heap_r.a; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_heap_p; count ------- 113 (1 row) -- start_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml -- @db_name dmldb DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_heap_r; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_heap_s; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_heap_p; CREATE TABLE dml_heap_r (a int , b int default -1, c text) DISTRIBUTED BY (a); CREATE TABLE dml_heap_p (a numeric, b decimal , c boolean , d text , e int) DISTRIBUTED BY (a,b); CREATE TABLE dml_heap_s as select dml_heap_r.b, dml_heap_r.a, dml_heap_r.c from dml_heap_r, dml_heap_p WHERE dml_heap_r.a = dml_heap_p.a; NOTICE: Table doesn't have 'distributed by' clause. Creating a NULL policy entry. ALTER TABLE dml_heap_s SET DISTRIBUTED BY (b); INSERT INTO dml_heap_p SELECT id * 1.012, id * 1.1, true, 'new', id as d FROM (SELECT * FROM generate_series(1,100) as id) AS x; INSERT INTO dml_heap_p VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,false,'pn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_heap_p VALUES(NULL,1,false,'pn',NULL),(1,NULL,false,'pn',0),(NULL,NULL,false,'pn',0); INSERT INTO dml_heap_s VALUES(generate_series(1,100),generate_series(1,100),'s'); INSERT INTO dml_heap_s VALUES(NULL,NULL,'sn'),(1,NULL,'sn'),(NULL,0,'sn'); INSERT INTO dml_heap_s VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'sn'); INSERT INTO dml_heap_r VALUES(generate_series(1,100),generate_series(1,100),'r'); INSERT INTO dml_heap_r VALUES(NULL,NULL,'rn'),(1,NULL,'rn'),(NULL,0,'rn'); INSERT INTO dml_heap_r VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'rn'); -- end_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml -- @db_name dmldb -- @description test15: Delete with PREPARE plan SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT dml_heap_r.b FROM dml_heap_r,dml_heap_s WHERE dml_heap_r.b = dml_heap_s.b) foo; count ------- 111 (1 row) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_heap_r; count ------- 113 (1 row) PREPARE plan_del as DELETE FROM dml_heap_r WHERE b in (SELECT dml_heap_r.b FROM dml_heap_r,dml_heap_s WHERE dml_heap_r.b = dml_heap_s.b); EXECUTE plan_del; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_heap_r; count ------- 13 (1 row) -- start_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml -- @db_name dmldb DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_heap_r; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_heap_s; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_heap_p; CREATE TABLE dml_heap_r (a int , b int default -1, c text) DISTRIBUTED BY (a); CREATE TABLE dml_heap_p (a numeric, b decimal , c boolean , d text , e int) DISTRIBUTED BY (a,b); CREATE TABLE dml_heap_s as select dml_heap_r.b, dml_heap_r.a, dml_heap_r.c from dml_heap_r, dml_heap_p WHERE dml_heap_r.a = dml_heap_p.a; NOTICE: Table doesn't have 'distributed by' clause. Creating a NULL policy entry. ALTER TABLE dml_heap_s SET DISTRIBUTED BY (b); INSERT INTO dml_heap_p SELECT id * 1.012, id * 1.1, true, 'new', id as d FROM (SELECT * FROM generate_series(1,100) as id) AS x; INSERT INTO dml_heap_p VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,false,'pn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_heap_p VALUES(NULL,1,false,'pn',NULL),(1,NULL,false,'pn',0),(NULL,NULL,false,'pn',0); INSERT INTO dml_heap_s VALUES(generate_series(1,100),generate_series(1,100),'s'); INSERT INTO dml_heap_s VALUES(NULL,NULL,'sn'),(1,NULL,'sn'),(NULL,0,'sn'); INSERT INTO dml_heap_s VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'sn'); INSERT INTO dml_heap_r VALUES(generate_series(1,100),generate_series(1,100),'r'); INSERT INTO dml_heap_r VALUES(NULL,NULL,'rn'),(1,NULL,'rn'),(NULL,0,'rn'); INSERT INTO dml_heap_r VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'rn'); -- end_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml -- @db_name dmldb -- @description test16: Delete with PREPARE plan SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT dml_heap_r.b FROM dml_heap_r,dml_heap_s WHERE dml_heap_r.a = dml_heap_s.a)foo; count ------- 111 (1 row) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_heap_s; count ------- 113 (1 row) PREPARE plan_del_2 as DELETE FROM dml_heap_s WHERE b in (SELECT dml_heap_r.b FROM dml_heap_r,dml_heap_s WHERE dml_heap_r.a = dml_heap_s.a); EXECUTE plan_del_2; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_heap_s; count ------- 2 (1 row) -- start_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml -- @db_name dmldb DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_heap_r; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_heap_s; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_heap_p; CREATE TABLE dml_heap_r (a int , b int default -1, c text) DISTRIBUTED BY (a); CREATE TABLE dml_heap_p (a numeric, b decimal , c boolean , d text , e int) DISTRIBUTED BY (a,b); CREATE TABLE dml_heap_s as select dml_heap_r.b, dml_heap_r.a, dml_heap_r.c from dml_heap_r, dml_heap_p WHERE dml_heap_r.a = dml_heap_p.a; NOTICE: Table doesn't have 'distributed by' clause. Creating a NULL policy entry. ALTER TABLE dml_heap_s SET DISTRIBUTED BY (b); INSERT INTO dml_heap_p SELECT id * 1.012, id * 1.1, true, 'new', id as d FROM (SELECT * FROM generate_series(1,100) as id) AS x; INSERT INTO dml_heap_p VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,false,'pn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_heap_p VALUES(NULL,1,false,'pn',NULL),(1,NULL,false,'pn',0),(NULL,NULL,false,'pn',0); INSERT INTO dml_heap_s VALUES(generate_series(1,100),generate_series(1,100),'s'); INSERT INTO dml_heap_s VALUES(NULL,NULL,'sn'),(1,NULL,'sn'),(NULL,0,'sn'); INSERT INTO dml_heap_s VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'sn'); INSERT INTO dml_heap_r VALUES(generate_series(1,100),generate_series(1,100),'r'); INSERT INTO dml_heap_r VALUES(NULL,NULL,'rn'),(1,NULL,'rn'),(NULL,0,'rn'); INSERT INTO dml_heap_r VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'rn'); -- end_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml -- @db_name dmldb -- @gpopt 1.532 -- @execute_all_plans True -- @description test17: Delete with sub-query SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_heap_s; count ------- 113 (1 row) DELETE FROM dml_heap_s WHERE a = (SELECT dml_heap_r.a FROM dml_heap_r,dml_heap_s WHERE dml_heap_r.a = dml_heap_s.a); ERROR: One or more assertions failed (seg1 pid=18192) DETAIL: Expected no more than one row to be returned by expression SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_heap_s; count ------- 113 (1 row) -- start_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml -- @db_name dmldb DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_heap_r; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_heap_s; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_heap_p; CREATE TABLE dml_heap_r (a int , b int default -1, c text) DISTRIBUTED BY (a); CREATE TABLE dml_heap_p (a numeric, b decimal , c boolean , d text , e int) DISTRIBUTED BY (a,b); CREATE TABLE dml_heap_s as select dml_heap_r.b, dml_heap_r.a, dml_heap_r.c from dml_heap_r, dml_heap_p WHERE dml_heap_r.a = dml_heap_p.a; NOTICE: Table doesn't have 'distributed by' clause. Creating a NULL policy entry. ALTER TABLE dml_heap_s SET DISTRIBUTED BY (b); INSERT INTO dml_heap_p SELECT id * 1.012, id * 1.1, true, 'new', id as d FROM (SELECT * FROM generate_series(1,100) as id) AS x; INSERT INTO dml_heap_p VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,false,'pn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_heap_p VALUES(NULL,1,false,'pn',NULL),(1,NULL,false,'pn',0),(NULL,NULL,false,'pn',0); INSERT INTO dml_heap_s VALUES(generate_series(1,100),generate_series(1,100),'s'); INSERT INTO dml_heap_s VALUES(NULL,NULL,'sn'),(1,NULL,'sn'),(NULL,0,'sn'); INSERT INTO dml_heap_s VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'sn'); INSERT INTO dml_heap_r VALUES(generate_series(1,100),generate_series(1,100),'r'); INSERT INTO dml_heap_r VALUES(NULL,NULL,'rn'),(1,NULL,'rn'),(NULL,0,'rn'); INSERT INTO dml_heap_r VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'rn'); -- end_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml -- @db_name dmldb -- @execute_all_plans True -- @description test2: Delete with predicate SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_heap_s; count ------- 113 (1 row) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_heap_s WHERE a > 100; count ------- 0 (1 row) DELETE FROM dml_heap_s WHERE a > 100; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_heap_s; count ------- 113 (1 row) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_heap_s WHERE a > 100; count ------- 0 (1 row) -- start_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml -- @db_name dmldb DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_heap_r; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_heap_s; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_heap_p; CREATE TABLE dml_heap_r (a int , b int default -1, c text) DISTRIBUTED BY (a); CREATE TABLE dml_heap_p (a numeric, b decimal , c boolean , d text , e int) DISTRIBUTED BY (a,b); CREATE TABLE dml_heap_s as select dml_heap_r.b, dml_heap_r.a, dml_heap_r.c from dml_heap_r, dml_heap_p WHERE dml_heap_r.a = dml_heap_p.a; NOTICE: Table doesn't have 'distributed by' clause. Creating a NULL policy entry. ALTER TABLE dml_heap_s SET DISTRIBUTED BY (b); INSERT INTO dml_heap_p SELECT id * 1.012, id * 1.1, true, 'new', id as d FROM (SELECT * FROM generate_series(1,100) as id) AS x; INSERT INTO dml_heap_p VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,false,'pn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_heap_p VALUES(NULL,1,false,'pn',NULL),(1,NULL,false,'pn',0),(NULL,NULL,false,'pn',0); INSERT INTO dml_heap_s VALUES(generate_series(1,100),generate_series(1,100),'s'); INSERT INTO dml_heap_s VALUES(NULL,NULL,'sn'),(1,NULL,'sn'),(NULL,0,'sn'); INSERT INTO dml_heap_s VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'sn'); INSERT INTO dml_heap_r VALUES(generate_series(1,100),generate_series(1,100),'r'); INSERT INTO dml_heap_r VALUES(NULL,NULL,'rn'),(1,NULL,'rn'),(NULL,0,'rn'); INSERT INTO dml_heap_r VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'rn'); -- end_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml -- @db_name dmldb -- @execute_all_plans True -- @description test3: Delete with predicate SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_heap_s; count ------- 113 (1 row) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_heap_s WHERE a is NULL; count ------- 12 (1 row) DELETE FROM dml_heap_s WHERE a is NULL; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_heap_s; count ------- 101 (1 row) -- start_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml -- @db_name dmldb DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_heap_r; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_heap_s; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_heap_p; CREATE TABLE dml_heap_r (a int , b int default -1, c text) DISTRIBUTED BY (a); CREATE TABLE dml_heap_p (a numeric, b decimal , c boolean , d text , e int) DISTRIBUTED BY (a,b); CREATE TABLE dml_heap_s as select dml_heap_r.b, dml_heap_r.a, dml_heap_r.c from dml_heap_r, dml_heap_p WHERE dml_heap_r.a = dml_heap_p.a; NOTICE: Table doesn't have 'distributed by' clause. Creating a NULL policy entry. ALTER TABLE dml_heap_s SET DISTRIBUTED BY (b); INSERT INTO dml_heap_p SELECT id * 1.012, id * 1.1, true, 'new', id as d FROM (SELECT * FROM generate_series(1,100) as id) AS x; INSERT INTO dml_heap_p VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,false,'pn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_heap_p VALUES(NULL,1,false,'pn',NULL),(1,NULL,false,'pn',0),(NULL,NULL,false,'pn',0); INSERT INTO dml_heap_s VALUES(generate_series(1,100),generate_series(1,100),'s'); INSERT INTO dml_heap_s VALUES(NULL,NULL,'sn'),(1,NULL,'sn'),(NULL,0,'sn'); INSERT INTO dml_heap_s VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'sn'); INSERT INTO dml_heap_r VALUES(generate_series(1,100),generate_series(1,100),'r'); INSERT INTO dml_heap_r VALUES(NULL,NULL,'rn'),(1,NULL,'rn'),(NULL,0,'rn'); INSERT INTO dml_heap_r VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'rn'); -- end_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml -- @db_name dmldb -- @execute_all_plans True -- @description test4: Delete with generate_series SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_heap_s; count ------- 113 (1 row) DELETE FROM dml_heap_s USING generate_series(1,10); SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_heap_s; count ------- 0 (1 row) -- start_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml -- @db_name dmldb DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_heap_r; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_heap_s; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_heap_p; CREATE TABLE dml_heap_r (a int , b int default -1, c text) DISTRIBUTED BY (a); CREATE TABLE dml_heap_p (a numeric, b decimal , c boolean , d text , e int) DISTRIBUTED BY (a,b); CREATE TABLE dml_heap_s as select dml_heap_r.b, dml_heap_r.a, dml_heap_r.c from dml_heap_r, dml_heap_p WHERE dml_heap_r.a = dml_heap_p.a; NOTICE: Table doesn't have 'distributed by' clause. Creating a NULL policy entry. ALTER TABLE dml_heap_s SET DISTRIBUTED BY (b); INSERT INTO dml_heap_p SELECT id * 1.012, id * 1.1, true, 'new', id as d FROM (SELECT * FROM generate_series(1,100) as id) AS x; INSERT INTO dml_heap_p VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,false,'pn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_heap_p VALUES(NULL,1,false,'pn',NULL),(1,NULL,false,'pn',0),(NULL,NULL,false,'pn',0); INSERT INTO dml_heap_s VALUES(generate_series(1,100),generate_series(1,100),'s'); INSERT INTO dml_heap_s VALUES(NULL,NULL,'sn'),(1,NULL,'sn'),(NULL,0,'sn'); INSERT INTO dml_heap_s VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'sn'); INSERT INTO dml_heap_r VALUES(generate_series(1,100),generate_series(1,100),'r'); INSERT INTO dml_heap_r VALUES(NULL,NULL,'rn'),(1,NULL,'rn'),(NULL,0,'rn'); INSERT INTO dml_heap_r VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'rn'); -- end_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml -- @db_name dmldb -- @execute_all_plans True -- @description test5: Delete with join on distcol SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_heap_r; count ------- 113 (1 row) DELETE FROM dml_heap_r USING dml_heap_s WHERE dml_heap_r.a = dml_heap_s.a; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_heap_r; count ------- 2 (1 row) -- start_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml -- @db_name dmldb DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_heap_r; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_heap_s; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_heap_p; CREATE TABLE dml_heap_r (a int , b int default -1, c text) DISTRIBUTED BY (a); CREATE TABLE dml_heap_p (a numeric, b decimal , c boolean , d text , e int) DISTRIBUTED BY (a,b); CREATE TABLE dml_heap_s as select dml_heap_r.b, dml_heap_r.a, dml_heap_r.c from dml_heap_r, dml_heap_p WHERE dml_heap_r.a = dml_heap_p.a; NOTICE: Table doesn't have 'distributed by' clause. Creating a NULL policy entry. ALTER TABLE dml_heap_s SET DISTRIBUTED BY (b); INSERT INTO dml_heap_p SELECT id * 1.012, id * 1.1, true, 'new', id as d FROM (SELECT * FROM generate_series(1,100) as id) AS x; INSERT INTO dml_heap_p VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,false,'pn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_heap_p VALUES(NULL,1,false,'pn',NULL),(1,NULL,false,'pn',0),(NULL,NULL,false,'pn',0); INSERT INTO dml_heap_s VALUES(generate_series(1,100),generate_series(1,100),'s'); INSERT INTO dml_heap_s VALUES(NULL,NULL,'sn'),(1,NULL,'sn'),(NULL,0,'sn'); INSERT INTO dml_heap_s VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'sn'); INSERT INTO dml_heap_r VALUES(generate_series(1,100),generate_series(1,100),'r'); INSERT INTO dml_heap_r VALUES(NULL,NULL,'rn'),(1,NULL,'rn'),(NULL,0,'rn'); INSERT INTO dml_heap_r VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'rn'); -- end_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml -- @db_name dmldb -- @execute_all_plans True -- @description test6: Delete with join on non-distribution column SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_heap_r; count ------- 113 (1 row) DELETE FROM dml_heap_r USING dml_heap_s WHERE dml_heap_r.b = dml_heap_s.b; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_heap_r; count ------- 13 (1 row) -- start_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml -- @db_name dmldb DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_heap_r; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_heap_s; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_heap_p; CREATE TABLE dml_heap_r (a int , b int default -1, c text) DISTRIBUTED BY (a); CREATE TABLE dml_heap_p (a numeric, b decimal , c boolean , d text , e int) DISTRIBUTED BY (a,b); CREATE TABLE dml_heap_s as select dml_heap_r.b, dml_heap_r.a, dml_heap_r.c from dml_heap_r, dml_heap_p WHERE dml_heap_r.a = dml_heap_p.a; NOTICE: Table doesn't have 'distributed by' clause. Creating a NULL policy entry. ALTER TABLE dml_heap_s SET DISTRIBUTED BY (b); INSERT INTO dml_heap_p SELECT id * 1.012, id * 1.1, true, 'new', id as d FROM (SELECT * FROM generate_series(1,100) as id) AS x; INSERT INTO dml_heap_p VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,false,'pn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_heap_p VALUES(NULL,1,false,'pn',NULL),(1,NULL,false,'pn',0),(NULL,NULL,false,'pn',0); INSERT INTO dml_heap_s VALUES(generate_series(1,100),generate_series(1,100),'s'); INSERT INTO dml_heap_s VALUES(NULL,NULL,'sn'),(1,NULL,'sn'),(NULL,0,'sn'); INSERT INTO dml_heap_s VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'sn'); INSERT INTO dml_heap_r VALUES(generate_series(1,100),generate_series(1,100),'r'); INSERT INTO dml_heap_r VALUES(NULL,NULL,'rn'),(1,NULL,'rn'),(NULL,0,'rn'); INSERT INTO dml_heap_r VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'rn'); -- end_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml -- @db_name dmldb -- @execute_all_plans True -- @description test7: Delete with join on non-distribution column SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_heap_s; count ------- 113 (1 row) DELETE FROM dml_heap_s USING dml_heap_r WHERE dml_heap_s.a = dml_heap_r.a; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_heap_s; count ------- 13 (1 row) -- start_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml -- @db_name dmldb DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_heap_r; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_heap_s; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_heap_p; CREATE TABLE dml_heap_r (a int , b int default -1, c text) DISTRIBUTED BY (a); CREATE TABLE dml_heap_p (a numeric, b decimal , c boolean , d text , e int) DISTRIBUTED BY (a,b); CREATE TABLE dml_heap_s as select dml_heap_r.b, dml_heap_r.a, dml_heap_r.c from dml_heap_r, dml_heap_p WHERE dml_heap_r.a = dml_heap_p.a; NOTICE: Table doesn't have 'distributed by' clause. Creating a NULL policy entry. ALTER TABLE dml_heap_s SET DISTRIBUTED BY (b); INSERT INTO dml_heap_p SELECT id * 1.012, id * 1.1, true, 'new', id as d FROM (SELECT * FROM generate_series(1,100) as id) AS x; INSERT INTO dml_heap_p VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,false,'pn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_heap_p VALUES(NULL,1,false,'pn',NULL),(1,NULL,false,'pn',0),(NULL,NULL,false,'pn',0); INSERT INTO dml_heap_s VALUES(generate_series(1,100),generate_series(1,100),'s'); INSERT INTO dml_heap_s VALUES(NULL,NULL,'sn'),(1,NULL,'sn'),(NULL,0,'sn'); INSERT INTO dml_heap_s VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'sn'); INSERT INTO dml_heap_r VALUES(generate_series(1,100),generate_series(1,100),'r'); INSERT INTO dml_heap_r VALUES(NULL,NULL,'rn'),(1,NULL,'rn'),(NULL,0,'rn'); INSERT INTO dml_heap_r VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'rn'); -- end_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml -- @db_name dmldb -- @execute_all_plans True -- @description test8: Delete and using SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_heap_r; count ------- 113 (1 row) DELETE FROM dml_heap_r USING dml_heap_s; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_heap_r; count ------- 0 (1 row) -- start_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml -- @db_name dmldb DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_heap_r; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_heap_s; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_heap_p; CREATE TABLE dml_heap_r (a int , b int default -1, c text) DISTRIBUTED BY (a); CREATE TABLE dml_heap_p (a numeric, b decimal , c boolean , d text , e int) DISTRIBUTED BY (a,b); CREATE TABLE dml_heap_s as select dml_heap_r.b, dml_heap_r.a, dml_heap_r.c from dml_heap_r, dml_heap_p WHERE dml_heap_r.a = dml_heap_p.a; NOTICE: Table doesn't have 'distributed by' clause. Creating a NULL policy entry. ALTER TABLE dml_heap_s SET DISTRIBUTED BY (b); INSERT INTO dml_heap_p SELECT id * 1.012, id * 1.1, true, 'new', id as d FROM (SELECT * FROM generate_series(1,100) as id) AS x; INSERT INTO dml_heap_p VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,false,'pn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_heap_p VALUES(NULL,1,false,'pn',NULL),(1,NULL,false,'pn',0),(NULL,NULL,false,'pn',0); INSERT INTO dml_heap_s VALUES(generate_series(1,100),generate_series(1,100),'s'); INSERT INTO dml_heap_s VALUES(NULL,NULL,'sn'),(1,NULL,'sn'),(NULL,0,'sn'); INSERT INTO dml_heap_s VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'sn'); INSERT INTO dml_heap_r VALUES(generate_series(1,100),generate_series(1,100),'r'); INSERT INTO dml_heap_r VALUES(NULL,NULL,'rn'),(1,NULL,'rn'),(NULL,0,'rn'); INSERT INTO dml_heap_r VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'rn'); -- end_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml -- @db_name dmldb -- @execute_all_plans True -- @description test9: Delete and using (with no rows) TRUNCATE TABLE dml_heap_s; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_heap_r; count ------- 113 (1 row) DELETE FROM dml_heap_r USING dml_heap_s; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_heap_r; count ------- 113 (1 row) -- start_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml -- @db_name dmldb DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_heap_pt_r; NOTICE: table "dml_heap_pt_r" does not exist, skipping DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_heap_pt_s; NOTICE: table "dml_heap_pt_s" does not exist, skipping DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_heap_pt_p; NOTICE: table "dml_heap_pt_p" does not exist, skipping CREATE TABLE dml_heap_pt_r ( a int , b int , c text , d numeric) DISTRIBUTED BY (a) partition by range(b) ( start(1) end(301) every(10)); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_1" for table "dml_heap_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_2" for table "dml_heap_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_3" for table "dml_heap_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_4" for table "dml_heap_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_5" for table "dml_heap_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_6" for table "dml_heap_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_7" for table "dml_heap_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_8" for table "dml_heap_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_9" for table "dml_heap_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_10" for table "dml_heap_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_11" for table "dml_heap_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_12" for table "dml_heap_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_13" for table "dml_heap_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_14" for table "dml_heap_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_15" for table "dml_heap_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_16" for table "dml_heap_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_17" for table "dml_heap_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_18" for table "dml_heap_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_19" for table "dml_heap_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_20" for table "dml_heap_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_21" for table "dml_heap_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_22" for table "dml_heap_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_23" for table "dml_heap_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_24" for table "dml_heap_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_25" for table "dml_heap_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_26" for table "dml_heap_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_27" for table "dml_heap_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_28" for table "dml_heap_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_29" for table "dml_heap_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_30" for table "dml_heap_pt_r" CREATE TABLE dml_heap_pt_s ( a int , b int, c text , d numeric) DISTRIBUTED BY (b) partition by range(a) ( start(1) end(101) every(10), default partition def); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_pt_s_1_prt_def" for table "dml_heap_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_pt_s_1_prt_2" for table "dml_heap_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_pt_s_1_prt_3" for table "dml_heap_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_pt_s_1_prt_4" for table "dml_heap_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_pt_s_1_prt_5" for table "dml_heap_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_pt_s_1_prt_6" for table "dml_heap_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_pt_s_1_prt_7" for table "dml_heap_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_pt_s_1_prt_8" for table "dml_heap_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_pt_s_1_prt_9" for table "dml_heap_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_pt_s_1_prt_10" for table "dml_heap_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_pt_s_1_prt_11" for table "dml_heap_pt_s" CREATE TABLE dml_heap_pt_p ( a int , b int, c text , d numeric) DISTRIBUTED BY (a,b) partition by list(a,d) ( partition one VALUES ((1,1),(1,2),(1,3),(1,4),(1,5)), partition two VALUES((2,1),(2,2),(2,3),(2,4),(2,5)), default partition def); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_pt_p_1_prt_one" for table "dml_heap_pt_p" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_pt_p_1_prt_two" for table "dml_heap_pt_p" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_pt_p_1_prt_def" for table "dml_heap_pt_p" INSERT INTO dml_heap_pt_r SELECT generate_series(1,100), generate_series(1,100) * 3,'r', generate_series(1,100) % 6; INSERT INTO dml_heap_pt_p SELECT generate_series(1,100), generate_series(1,100) * 3,'p', generate_series(1,100) % 6; INSERT INTO dml_heap_pt_p VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'pn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_heap_pt_p VALUES(NULL,1,'pn',NULL),(1,NULL,'pn',0),(NULL,NULL,'pn',0),(0,1,'pn',NULL),(NULL,NULL,'pn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_heap_pt_s SELECT generate_series(1,100), generate_series(1,100) * 3,'s', generate_series(1,100) % 6; INSERT INTO dml_heap_pt_s VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'sn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_heap_pt_s VALUES(NULL,1,'sn',NULL),(1,NULL,'sn',0),(NULL,NULL,'sn',0),(0,1,'sn',NULL),(NULL,NULL,'sn',NULL); -- end_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml -- @db_name dmldb -- @execute_all_plans True -- @description test1: Delete from table SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_heap_pt_s; count ------- 115 (1 row) DELETE FROM dml_heap_pt_s; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_heap_pt_s; count ------- 0 (1 row) -- start_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml -- @db_name dmldb DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_heap_pt_r; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_heap_pt_s; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dml_heap_pt_p; CREATE TABLE dml_heap_pt_r ( a int , b int , c text , d numeric) DISTRIBUTED BY (a) partition by range(b) ( start(1) end(301) every(10)); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_1" for table "dml_heap_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_2" for table "dml_heap_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_3" for table "dml_heap_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_4" for table "dml_heap_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_5" for table "dml_heap_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_6" for table "dml_heap_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_7" for table "dml_heap_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_8" for table "dml_heap_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_9" for table "dml_heap_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_10" for table "dml_heap_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_11" for table "dml_heap_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_12" for table "dml_heap_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_13" for table "dml_heap_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_14" for table "dml_heap_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_15" for table "dml_heap_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_16" for table "dml_heap_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_17" for table "dml_heap_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_18" for table "dml_heap_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_19" for table "dml_heap_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_20" for table "dml_heap_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_21" for table "dml_heap_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_22" for table "dml_heap_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_23" for table "dml_heap_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_24" for table "dml_heap_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_25" for table "dml_heap_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_26" for table "dml_heap_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_27" for table "dml_heap_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_28" for table "dml_heap_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_29" for table "dml_heap_pt_r" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_30" for table "dml_heap_pt_r" CREATE TABLE dml_heap_pt_s ( a int , b int, c text , d numeric) DISTRIBUTED BY (b) partition by range(a) ( start(1) end(101) every(10), default partition def); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_pt_s_1_prt_def" for table "dml_heap_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_pt_s_1_prt_2" for table "dml_heap_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_pt_s_1_prt_3" for table "dml_heap_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_pt_s_1_prt_4" for table "dml_heap_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_pt_s_1_prt_5" for table "dml_heap_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_pt_s_1_prt_6" for table "dml_heap_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_pt_s_1_prt_7" for table "dml_heap_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_pt_s_1_prt_8" for table "dml_heap_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_pt_s_1_prt_9" for table "dml_heap_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_pt_s_1_prt_10" for table "dml_heap_pt_s" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_pt_s_1_prt_11" for table "dml_heap_pt_s" CREATE TABLE dml_heap_pt_p ( a int , b int, c text , d numeric) DISTRIBUTED BY (a,b) partition by list(a,d) ( partition one VALUES ((1,1),(1,2),(1,3),(1,4),(1,5)), partition two VALUES((2,1),(2,2),(2,3),(2,4),(2,5)), default partition def); NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_pt_p_1_prt_one" for table "dml_heap_pt_p" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_pt_p_1_prt_two" for table "dml_heap_pt_p" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create partition "dml_heap_pt_p_1_prt_def" for table "dml_heap_pt_p" INSERT INTO dml_heap_pt_r SELECT generate_series(1,100), generate_series(1,100) * 3,'r', generate_series(1,100) % 6; INSERT INTO dml_heap_pt_p SELECT generate_series(1,100), generate_series(1,100) * 3,'p', generate_series(1,100) % 6; INSERT INTO dml_heap_pt_p VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'pn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_heap_pt_p VALUES(NULL,1,'pn',NULL),(1,NULL,'pn',0),(NULL,NULL,'pn',0),(0,1,'pn',NULL),(NULL,NULL,'pn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_heap_pt_s SELECT generate_series(1,100), generate_series(1,100) * 3,'s', generate_series(1,100) % 6; INSERT INTO dml_heap_pt_s VALUES(generate_series(1,10),NULL,'sn',NULL); INSERT INTO dml_heap_pt_s VALUES(NULL,1,'sn',NULL),(1,NULL,'sn',0),(NULL,NULL,'sn',0),(0,1,'sn',NULL),(NULL,NULL,'sn',NULL); -- end_ignore -- @author prabhd -- @created 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @modified 2012-12-05 12:00:00 -- @tags dml -- @db_name dmldb -- @execute_all_plans True -- @description test10: Delete with join in using SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_heap_pt_r; count ------- 100 (1 row) DELETE FROM dml_heap_pt_r USING (SELECT dml_heap_pt_r.a FROM dml_heap_pt_r, dml_heap_pt_s WHERE dml_heap_pt_r.a = dml_heap_pt_s.a)foo WHERE dml_heap_pt_r.a = foo.a; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dml_heap_pt_r; count ------- 0 (1 row) -- start_ignore drop schema functional_76_150 cascade; NOTICE: drop cascades to table dml_heap_pt_p_1_prt_def NOTICE: drop cascades to table dml_heap_pt_p_1_prt_two NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_heap_pt_p_1_prt_two_check on table dml_heap_pt_p_1_prt_two NOTICE: drop cascades to table dml_heap_pt_p_1_prt_one NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_heap_pt_p_1_prt_one_check on table dml_heap_pt_p_1_prt_one NOTICE: drop cascades to table dml_heap_pt_p NOTICE: drop cascades to table dml_heap_pt_s_1_prt_11 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_heap_pt_s_1_prt_11_check on table dml_heap_pt_s_1_prt_11 NOTICE: drop cascades to table dml_heap_pt_s_1_prt_10 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_heap_pt_s_1_prt_10_check on table dml_heap_pt_s_1_prt_10 NOTICE: drop cascades to table dml_heap_pt_s_1_prt_9 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_heap_pt_s_1_prt_9_check on table dml_heap_pt_s_1_prt_9 NOTICE: drop cascades to table dml_heap_pt_s_1_prt_8 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_heap_pt_s_1_prt_8_check on table dml_heap_pt_s_1_prt_8 NOTICE: drop cascades to table dml_heap_pt_s_1_prt_7 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_heap_pt_s_1_prt_7_check on table dml_heap_pt_s_1_prt_7 NOTICE: drop cascades to table dml_heap_pt_s_1_prt_6 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_heap_pt_s_1_prt_6_check on table dml_heap_pt_s_1_prt_6 NOTICE: drop cascades to table dml_heap_pt_s_1_prt_5 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_heap_pt_s_1_prt_5_check on table dml_heap_pt_s_1_prt_5 NOTICE: drop cascades to table dml_heap_pt_s_1_prt_4 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_heap_pt_s_1_prt_4_check on table dml_heap_pt_s_1_prt_4 NOTICE: drop cascades to table dml_heap_pt_s_1_prt_3 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_heap_pt_s_1_prt_3_check on table dml_heap_pt_s_1_prt_3 NOTICE: drop cascades to table dml_heap_pt_s_1_prt_2 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_heap_pt_s_1_prt_2_check on table dml_heap_pt_s_1_prt_2 NOTICE: drop cascades to table dml_heap_pt_s_1_prt_def NOTICE: drop cascades to table dml_heap_pt_s NOTICE: drop cascades to table dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_30 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_30_check on table dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_30 NOTICE: drop cascades to table dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_29 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_29_check on table dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_29 NOTICE: drop cascades to table dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_28 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_28_check on table dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_28 NOTICE: drop cascades to table dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_27 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_27_check on table dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_27 NOTICE: drop cascades to table dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_26 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_26_check on table dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_26 NOTICE: drop cascades to table dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_25 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_25_check on table dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_25 NOTICE: drop cascades to table dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_24 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_24_check on table dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_24 NOTICE: drop cascades to table dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_23 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_23_check on table dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_23 NOTICE: drop cascades to table dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_22 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_22_check on table dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_22 NOTICE: drop cascades to table dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_21 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_21_check on table dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_21 NOTICE: drop cascades to table dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_20 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_20_check on table dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_20 NOTICE: drop cascades to table dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_19 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_19_check on table dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_19 NOTICE: drop cascades to table dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_18 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_18_check on table dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_18 NOTICE: drop cascades to table dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_17 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_17_check on table dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_17 NOTICE: drop cascades to table dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_16 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_16_check on table dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_16 NOTICE: drop cascades to table dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_15 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_15_check on table dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_15 NOTICE: drop cascades to table dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_14 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_14_check on table dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_14 NOTICE: drop cascades to table dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_13 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_13_check on table dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_13 NOTICE: drop cascades to table dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_12 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_12_check on table dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_12 NOTICE: drop cascades to table dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_11 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_11_check on table dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_11 NOTICE: drop cascades to table dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_10 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_10_check on table dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_10 NOTICE: drop cascades to table dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_9 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_9_check on table dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_9 NOTICE: drop cascades to table dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_8 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_8_check on table dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_8 NOTICE: drop cascades to table dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_7 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_7_check on table dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_7 NOTICE: drop cascades to table dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_6 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_6_check on table dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_6 NOTICE: drop cascades to table dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_5 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_5_check on table dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_5 NOTICE: drop cascades to table dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_4 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_4_check on table dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_4 NOTICE: drop cascades to table dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_3 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_3_check on table dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_3 NOTICE: drop cascades to table dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_2 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_2_check on table dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_2 NOTICE: drop cascades to table dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_1 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_1_check on table dml_heap_pt_r_1_prt_1 NOTICE: drop cascades to table dml_heap_pt_r NOTICE: drop cascades to table dml_heap_s NOTICE: drop cascades to table dml_heap_p NOTICE: drop cascades to table dml_heap_r NOTICE: drop cascades to table dml_heap_check_p NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint p_check_a on table dml_heap_check_p NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_heap_check_p_check on table dml_heap_check_p NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint p_check_d on table dml_heap_check_p NOTICE: drop cascades to table dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_12 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_12_check on table dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_12 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_heap_check_s_a_check on table dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_12 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint scheck_b on table dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_12 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_heap_check_s_d_check on table dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_12 NOTICE: drop cascades to table dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_11 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_11_check on table dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_11 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_heap_check_s_a_check on table dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_11 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint scheck_b on table dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_11 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_heap_check_s_d_check on table dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_11 NOTICE: drop cascades to table dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_10 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_10_check on table dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_10 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_heap_check_s_a_check on table dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_10 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint scheck_b on table dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_10 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_heap_check_s_d_check on table dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_10 NOTICE: drop cascades to table dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_9 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_9_check on table dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_9 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_heap_check_s_a_check on table dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_9 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint scheck_b on table dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_9 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_heap_check_s_d_check on table dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_9 NOTICE: drop cascades to table dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_8 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_8_check on table dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_8 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_heap_check_s_a_check on table dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_8 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint scheck_b on table dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_8 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_heap_check_s_d_check on table dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_8 NOTICE: drop cascades to table dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_7 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_7_check on table dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_7 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_heap_check_s_a_check on table dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_7 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint scheck_b on table dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_7 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_heap_check_s_d_check on table dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_7 NOTICE: drop cascades to table dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_6 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_6_check on table dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_6 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_heap_check_s_a_check on table dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_6 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint scheck_b on table dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_6 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_heap_check_s_d_check on table dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_6 NOTICE: drop cascades to table dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_5 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_5_check on table dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_5 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_heap_check_s_a_check on table dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_5 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint scheck_b on table dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_5 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_heap_check_s_d_check on table dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_5 NOTICE: drop cascades to table dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_4 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_4_check on table dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_4 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_heap_check_s_a_check on table dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_4 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint scheck_b on table dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_4 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_heap_check_s_d_check on table dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_4 NOTICE: drop cascades to table dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_3 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_3_check on table dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_3 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_heap_check_s_a_check on table dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_3 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint scheck_b on table dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_3 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_heap_check_s_d_check on table dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_3 NOTICE: drop cascades to table dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_2 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_2_check on table dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_2 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_heap_check_s_a_check on table dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_2 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint scheck_b on table dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_2 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_heap_check_s_d_check on table dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_2 NOTICE: drop cascades to table dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_def NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_heap_check_s_a_check on table dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_def NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint scheck_b on table dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_def NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_heap_check_s_d_check on table dml_heap_check_s_1_prt_def NOTICE: drop cascades to table dml_heap_check_s NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_heap_check_s_a_check on table dml_heap_check_s NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint scheck_b on table dml_heap_check_s NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_heap_check_s_d_check on table dml_heap_check_s NOTICE: drop cascades to table dml_heap_check_r_1_prt_def NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_heap_check_r_a_check on table dml_heap_check_r_1_prt_def NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint rcheck_b on table dml_heap_check_r_1_prt_def NOTICE: drop cascades to table dml_heap_check_r_1_prt_two NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_heap_check_r_a_check on table dml_heap_check_r_1_prt_two NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_heap_check_r_1_prt_two_check on table dml_heap_check_r_1_prt_two NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint rcheck_b on table dml_heap_check_r_1_prt_two NOTICE: drop cascades to table dml_heap_check_r_1_prt_one NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_heap_check_r_a_check on table dml_heap_check_r_1_prt_one NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_heap_check_r_1_prt_one_check on table dml_heap_check_r_1_prt_one NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint rcheck_b on table dml_heap_check_r_1_prt_one NOTICE: drop cascades to table dml_heap_check_r NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_heap_check_r_a_check on table dml_heap_check_r NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint rcheck_b on table dml_heap_check_r NOTICE: drop cascades to table dml_co_s NOTICE: drop cascades to append only columnar table dml_co_p NOTICE: drop cascades to append only columnar table dml_co_r NOTICE: drop cascades to append only columnar table dml_co_pt_p_1_prt_def NOTICE: drop cascades to append only columnar table dml_co_pt_p_1_prt_two NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_co_pt_p_1_prt_two_check on append only columnar table dml_co_pt_p_1_prt_two NOTICE: drop cascades to append only columnar table dml_co_pt_p_1_prt_one NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_co_pt_p_1_prt_one_check on append only columnar table dml_co_pt_p_1_prt_one NOTICE: drop cascades to append only columnar table dml_co_pt_p NOTICE: drop cascades to append only columnar table dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_11 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_11_check on append only columnar table dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_11 NOTICE: drop cascades to append only columnar table dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_10 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_10_check on append only columnar table dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_10 NOTICE: drop cascades to append only columnar table dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_9 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_9_check on append only columnar table dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_9 NOTICE: drop cascades to append only columnar table dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_8 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_8_check on append only columnar table dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_8 NOTICE: drop cascades to append only columnar table dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_7 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_7_check on append only columnar table dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_7 NOTICE: drop cascades to append only columnar table dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_6 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_6_check on append only columnar table dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_6 NOTICE: drop cascades to append only columnar table dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_5 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_5_check on append only columnar table dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_5 NOTICE: drop cascades to append only columnar table dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_4 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_4_check on append only columnar table dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_4 NOTICE: drop cascades to append only columnar table dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_3 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_3_check on append only columnar table dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_3 NOTICE: drop cascades to append only columnar table dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_2 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_2_check on append only columnar table dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_2 NOTICE: drop cascades to append only columnar table dml_co_pt_s_1_prt_def NOTICE: drop cascades to append only columnar table dml_co_pt_s NOTICE: drop cascades to append only columnar table dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_30 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_30_check on append only columnar table dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_30 NOTICE: drop cascades to append only columnar table dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_29 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_29_check on append only columnar table dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_29 NOTICE: drop cascades to append only columnar table dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_28 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_28_check on append only columnar table dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_28 NOTICE: drop cascades to append only columnar table dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_27 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_27_check on append only columnar table dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_27 NOTICE: drop cascades to append only columnar table dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_26 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_26_check on append only columnar table dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_26 NOTICE: drop cascades to append only columnar table dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_25 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_25_check on append only columnar table dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_25 NOTICE: drop cascades to append only columnar table dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_24 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_24_check on append only columnar table dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_24 NOTICE: drop cascades to append only columnar table dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_23 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_23_check on append only columnar table dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_23 NOTICE: drop cascades to append only columnar table dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_22 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_22_check on append only columnar table dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_22 NOTICE: drop cascades to append only columnar table dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_21 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_21_check on append only columnar table dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_21 NOTICE: drop cascades to append only columnar table dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_20 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_20_check on append only columnar table dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_20 NOTICE: drop cascades to append only columnar table dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_19 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_19_check on append only columnar table dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_19 NOTICE: drop cascades to append only columnar table dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_18 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_18_check on append only columnar table dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_18 NOTICE: drop cascades to append only columnar table dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_17 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_17_check on append only columnar table dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_17 NOTICE: drop cascades to append only columnar table dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_16 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_16_check on append only columnar table dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_16 NOTICE: drop cascades to append only columnar table dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_15 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_15_check on append only columnar table dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_15 NOTICE: drop cascades to append only columnar table dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_14 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_14_check on append only columnar table dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_14 NOTICE: drop cascades to append only columnar table dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_13 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_13_check on append only columnar table dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_13 NOTICE: drop cascades to append only columnar table dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_12 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_12_check on append only columnar table dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_12 NOTICE: drop cascades to append only columnar table dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_11 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_11_check on append only columnar table dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_11 NOTICE: drop cascades to append only columnar table dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_10 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_10_check on append only columnar table dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_10 NOTICE: drop cascades to append only columnar table dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_9 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_9_check on append only columnar table dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_9 NOTICE: drop cascades to append only columnar table dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_8 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_8_check on append only columnar table dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_8 NOTICE: drop cascades to append only columnar table dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_7 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_7_check on append only columnar table dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_7 NOTICE: drop cascades to append only columnar table dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_6 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_6_check on append only columnar table dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_6 NOTICE: drop cascades to append only columnar table dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_5 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_5_check on append only columnar table dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_5 NOTICE: drop cascades to append only columnar table dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_4 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_4_check on append only columnar table dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_4 NOTICE: drop cascades to append only columnar table dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_3 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_3_check on append only columnar table dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_3 NOTICE: drop cascades to append only columnar table dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_2 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_2_check on append only columnar table dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_2 NOTICE: drop cascades to append only columnar table dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_1 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_1_check on append only columnar table dml_co_pt_r_1_prt_1 NOTICE: drop cascades to append only columnar table dml_co_pt_r NOTICE: drop cascades to table dml_co_check_p NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint p_check_a on table dml_co_check_p NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_co_check_p_check on table dml_co_check_p NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint p_check_d on table dml_co_check_p NOTICE: drop cascades to table dml_co_check_s_1_prt_12 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_co_check_s_1_prt_12_check on table dml_co_check_s_1_prt_12 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_co_check_s_a_check on table dml_co_check_s_1_prt_12 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint scheck_b on table dml_co_check_s_1_prt_12 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_co_check_s_d_check on table dml_co_check_s_1_prt_12 NOTICE: drop cascades to table dml_co_check_s_1_prt_11 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_co_check_s_1_prt_11_check on table dml_co_check_s_1_prt_11 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_co_check_s_a_check on table dml_co_check_s_1_prt_11 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint scheck_b on table dml_co_check_s_1_prt_11 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_co_check_s_d_check on table dml_co_check_s_1_prt_11 NOTICE: drop cascades to table dml_co_check_s_1_prt_10 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_co_check_s_1_prt_10_check on table dml_co_check_s_1_prt_10 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_co_check_s_a_check on table dml_co_check_s_1_prt_10 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint scheck_b on table dml_co_check_s_1_prt_10 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_co_check_s_d_check on table dml_co_check_s_1_prt_10 NOTICE: drop cascades to table dml_co_check_s_1_prt_9 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_co_check_s_1_prt_9_check on table dml_co_check_s_1_prt_9 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_co_check_s_a_check on table dml_co_check_s_1_prt_9 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint scheck_b on table dml_co_check_s_1_prt_9 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_co_check_s_d_check on table dml_co_check_s_1_prt_9 NOTICE: drop cascades to table dml_co_check_s_1_prt_8 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_co_check_s_1_prt_8_check on table dml_co_check_s_1_prt_8 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_co_check_s_a_check on table dml_co_check_s_1_prt_8 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint scheck_b on table dml_co_check_s_1_prt_8 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_co_check_s_d_check on table dml_co_check_s_1_prt_8 NOTICE: drop cascades to table dml_co_check_s_1_prt_7 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_co_check_s_1_prt_7_check on table dml_co_check_s_1_prt_7 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_co_check_s_a_check on table dml_co_check_s_1_prt_7 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint scheck_b on table dml_co_check_s_1_prt_7 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_co_check_s_d_check on table dml_co_check_s_1_prt_7 NOTICE: drop cascades to table dml_co_check_s_1_prt_6 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_co_check_s_1_prt_6_check on table dml_co_check_s_1_prt_6 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_co_check_s_a_check on table dml_co_check_s_1_prt_6 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint scheck_b on table dml_co_check_s_1_prt_6 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_co_check_s_d_check on table dml_co_check_s_1_prt_6 NOTICE: drop cascades to table dml_co_check_s_1_prt_5 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_co_check_s_1_prt_5_check on table dml_co_check_s_1_prt_5 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_co_check_s_a_check on table dml_co_check_s_1_prt_5 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint scheck_b on table dml_co_check_s_1_prt_5 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_co_check_s_d_check on table dml_co_check_s_1_prt_5 NOTICE: drop cascades to table dml_co_check_s_1_prt_4 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_co_check_s_1_prt_4_check on table dml_co_check_s_1_prt_4 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_co_check_s_a_check on table dml_co_check_s_1_prt_4 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint scheck_b on table dml_co_check_s_1_prt_4 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_co_check_s_d_check on table dml_co_check_s_1_prt_4 NOTICE: drop cascades to table dml_co_check_s_1_prt_3 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_co_check_s_1_prt_3_check on table dml_co_check_s_1_prt_3 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_co_check_s_a_check on table dml_co_check_s_1_prt_3 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint scheck_b on table dml_co_check_s_1_prt_3 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_co_check_s_d_check on table dml_co_check_s_1_prt_3 NOTICE: drop cascades to table dml_co_check_s_1_prt_2 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_co_check_s_1_prt_2_check on table dml_co_check_s_1_prt_2 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_co_check_s_a_check on table dml_co_check_s_1_prt_2 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint scheck_b on table dml_co_check_s_1_prt_2 NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_co_check_s_d_check on table dml_co_check_s_1_prt_2 NOTICE: drop cascades to table dml_co_check_s_1_prt_def NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_co_check_s_a_check on table dml_co_check_s_1_prt_def NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint scheck_b on table dml_co_check_s_1_prt_def NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_co_check_s_d_check on table dml_co_check_s_1_prt_def NOTICE: drop cascades to table dml_co_check_s NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_co_check_s_a_check on table dml_co_check_s NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint scheck_b on table dml_co_check_s NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_co_check_s_d_check on table dml_co_check_s NOTICE: drop cascades to table dml_co_check_r_1_prt_def NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_co_check_r_a_check on table dml_co_check_r_1_prt_def NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint rcheck_b on table dml_co_check_r_1_prt_def NOTICE: drop cascades to table dml_co_check_r_1_prt_two NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_co_check_r_a_check on table dml_co_check_r_1_prt_two NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_co_check_r_1_prt_two_check on table dml_co_check_r_1_prt_two NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint rcheck_b on table dml_co_check_r_1_prt_two NOTICE: drop cascades to table dml_co_check_r_1_prt_one NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_co_check_r_a_check on table dml_co_check_r_1_prt_one NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_co_check_r_1_prt_one_check on table dml_co_check_r_1_prt_one NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint rcheck_b on table dml_co_check_r_1_prt_one NOTICE: drop cascades to table dml_co_check_r NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint dml_co_check_r_a_check on table dml_co_check_r NOTICE: drop cascades to constraint rcheck_b on table dml_co_check_r -- end_ignore