import math import fnmatch import getpass import glob import json import yaml import os import re import platform import shutil import socket import tarfile import tempfile import thread import json import subprocess import commands import signal from collections import defaultdict import psutil from behave import given, when, then from datetime import datetime, timedelta from time import sleep from os import path from gppylib.gparray import GpArray, ROLE_PRIMARY, ROLE_MIRROR from import SegmentStart, GpStandbyStart, MasterStop from gppylib.commands import gp from gppylib.commands.unix import findCmdInPath, Scp from gppylib.operations.startSegments import MIRROR_MODE_MIRRORLESS from gppylib.operations.unix import ListRemoteFilesByPattern, CheckRemoteFile from test.behave_utils.gpfdist_utils.gpfdist_mgmt import Gpfdist from test.behave_utils.utils import * from test.behave_utils.cluster_setup import TestCluster, reset_hosts from test.behave_utils.cluster_expand import Gpexpand from test.behave_utils.gpexpand_dml import TestDML from gppylib.commands.base import Command, REMOTE from gppylib import pgconf master_data_dir = os.environ.get('MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY') if master_data_dir is None: raise Exception('Please set MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY in environment') def create_local_demo_cluster(context, extra_config='', with_mirrors='true', with_standby='true', num_primaries=None): stop_database_if_started(context) if num_primaries is None: num_primaries = os.getenv('NUM_PRIMARY_MIRROR_PAIRS', 3) standby_port = '' if with_standby == 'true': standby_port=os.getenv('STANDBY_DEMO_PORT', 16432) cmd = """ cd ../gpAux/gpdemo && export MASTER_DEMO_PORT={master_port} && export DEMO_PORT_BASE={port_base} && export STANDBY_DEMO_PORT={standby_port} && export NUM_PRIMARY_MIRROR_PAIRS={num_primary_mirror_pairs} && export WITH_STANDBY={with_standby} && export WITH_MIRRORS={with_mirrors} && ./ -d && ./ -c && {extra_config} ./ """.format(master_port=os.getenv('MASTER_PORT', 15432), port_base=os.getenv('PORT_BASE', 25432), standby_port=standby_port, num_primary_mirror_pairs=num_primaries, with_mirrors=with_mirrors, with_standby=with_standby, extra_config=extra_config) run_command(context, cmd) if context.ret_code != 0: raise Exception('%s' % context.error_message) def _cluster_contains_standard_demo_segments(): """ Returns True iff a cluster contains a master, a standby, and three primary/mirror pairs, and each segment is in the correct role. """ # We expect four pairs -- one for each demo cluster content ID. The set # contains a (content, role, preferred_role) tuple for each segment. expected_segments = set() for contentid in [-1, 0, 1, 2]: expected_segments.add( (contentid, 'p', 'p') ) expected_segments.add( (contentid, 'm', 'm') ) # Now check to see if the actual segments match expectations. gparray = GpArray.initFromCatalog(dbconn.DbURL()) segments = gparray.getDbList() actual_segments = set() for seg in segments: actual_segments.add( (seg.content, seg.role, seg.preferred_role) ) return expected_segments == actual_segments @given('a standard local demo cluster is running') def impl(context): if (check_database_is_running(context) and master_data_dir.endswith("demoDataDir-1") and _cluster_contains_standard_demo_segments() and are_segments_running()): return create_local_demo_cluster(context, num_primaries=3) @given('a standard local demo cluster is created') def impl(context): create_local_demo_cluster(context, num_primaries=3) @given('the cluster config is generated with HBA_HOSTNAMES "{hba_hostnames_toggle}"') def impl(context, hba_hostnames_toggle): extra_config = 'env EXTRA_CONFIG="HBA_HOSTNAMES={}" ONLY_PREPARE_CLUSTER_ENV=true'.format(hba_hostnames_toggle) create_local_demo_cluster(context, extra_config=extra_config) @given('the cluster config is generated with data_checksums "{checksum_toggle}"') def impl(context, checksum_toggle): extra_config = 'env EXTRA_CONFIG="HEAP_CHECKSUM={}" ONLY_PREPARE_CLUSTER_ENV=true'.format(checksum_toggle) create_local_demo_cluster(context, extra_config=extra_config) @given('the cluster is generated with "{num_primaries}" primaries only') def impl(context, num_primaries): os.environ['PGPORT'] = '15432' demoDir = os.path.abspath("%s/../gpAux/gpdemo" % os.getcwd()) os.environ['MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY'] = "%s/datadirs/qddir/demoDataDir-1" % demoDir create_local_demo_cluster(context, with_mirrors='false', with_standby='false', num_primaries=num_primaries) context.gpexpand_mirrors_enabled = False @given('the user runs psql with "{psql_cmd}" against database "{dbname}"') def impl(context, dbname, psql_cmd): cmd = "psql -d %s %s" % (dbname, psql_cmd) run_command(context, cmd) if context.ret_code != 0: raise Exception('%s' % context.error_message) @given('the user connects to "{dbname}" with named connection "{cname}"') def impl(context, dbname, cname): if not hasattr(context, 'named_conns'): context.named_conns = {} if cname in context.named_conns: context.named_conns[cname].close() del context.named_conns[cname] context.named_conns[cname] = dbconn.connect(dbconn.DbURL(dbname=dbname)) @given('the user create a writable external table with name "{tabname}"') def impl(conetxt, tabname): dbname = 'gptest' with dbconn.connect(dbconn.DbURL(dbname=dbname)) as conn: sql = ("create writable external table {tabname}(a int) location " "('gpfdist://host.invalid:8000/file') format 'text'").format(tabname=tabname) dbconn.execSQL(conn, sql) conn.commit() @given('the user executes "{sql}" with named connection "{cname}"') def impl(context, cname, sql): conn = context.named_conns[cname] dbconn.execSQL(conn, sql) conn.commit() @then('the user drops the named connection "{cname}"') def impl(context, cname): if cname in context.named_conns: context.named_conns[cname].close() del context.named_conns[cname] @given('the database is running') @then('the database is running') def impl(context): start_database_if_not_started(context) if has_exception(context): raise context.exception @given('the database is initialized with checksum "{checksum_toggle}"') def impl(context, checksum_toggle): is_ok = check_database_is_running(context) if is_ok: run_command(context, "gpconfig -s data_checksums") if context.ret_code != 0: raise Exception("cannot run gpconfig: %s, stdout: %s" % (context.error_message, context.stdout_message)) try: # will throw check_stdout_msg(context, "Values on all segments are consistent") check_stdout_msg(context, "Master value: %s" % checksum_toggle) check_stdout_msg(context, "Segment value: %s" % checksum_toggle) except: is_ok = False if not is_ok: stop_database(context) master_port = os.getenv('PGPORT', 15432) port_base = str(int(master_port) + 10000) cmd = """ cd ../gpAux/gpdemo; \ export MASTER_DEMO_PORT={master_port} && \ export DEMO_PORT_BASE={port_base} && \ export NUM_PRIMARY_MIRROR_PAIRS={num_primary_mirror_pairs} && \ export WITH_MIRRORS={with_mirrors} && \ ./ -d && ./ -c && \ env EXTRA_CONFIG="HEAP_CHECKSUM={checksum_toggle}" ./ """.format(master_port=master_port, port_base=port_base, num_primary_mirror_pairs=os.getenv('NUM_PRIMARY_MIRROR_PAIRS', 3), with_mirrors='true', checksum_toggle=checksum_toggle) run_command(context, cmd) if context.ret_code != 0: raise Exception('%s' % context.error_message) if ('PGDATABASE' in os.environ): run_command(context, "createdb %s" % os.getenv('PGDATABASE')) @given('the database is not running') @when('the database is not running') def impl(context): stop_database_if_started(context) if has_exception(context): raise context.exception @given('database "{dbname}" exists') @then('database "{dbname}" exists') def impl(context, dbname): create_database_if_not_exists(context, dbname) @given('database "{dbname}" is created if not exists on host "{HOST}" with port "{PORT}" with user "{USER}"') @then('database "{dbname}" is created if not exists on host "{HOST}" with port "{PORT}" with user "{USER}"') def impl(context, dbname, HOST, PORT, USER): host = os.environ.get(HOST) port = 0 if os.environ.get(PORT) is None else int(os.environ.get(PORT)) user = os.environ.get(USER) create_database_if_not_exists(context, dbname, host, port, user) @when('the database "{dbname}" does not exist') @given('the database "{dbname}" does not exist') @then('the database "{dbname}" does not exist') def impl(context, dbname): drop_database_if_exists(context, dbname) @when('the database "{dbname}" does not exist on host "{HOST}" with port "{PORT}" with user "{USER}"') @given('the database "{dbname}" does not exist on host "{HOST}" with port "{PORT}" with user "{USER}"') @then('the database "{dbname}" does not exist on host "{HOST}" with port "{PORT}" with user "{USER}"') def impl(context, dbname, HOST, PORT, USER): host = os.environ.get(HOST) port = int(os.environ.get(PORT)) user = os.environ.get(USER) drop_database_if_exists(context, dbname, host, port, user) def get_segment_hostlist(): gparray = GpArray.initFromCatalog(dbconn.DbURL()) segment_hostlist = sorted(gparray.get_hostlist(includeMaster=False)) if not segment_hostlist: raise Exception('segment_hostlist was empty') return segment_hostlist @given('the user truncates "{table_list}" tables in "{dbname}"') @when('the user truncates "{table_list}" tables in "{dbname}"') @then('the user truncates "{table_list}" tables in "{dbname}"') def impl(context, table_list, dbname): if not table_list: raise Exception('Table list is empty') tables = table_list.split(',') for t in tables: truncate_table(dbname, t.strip()) @given( 'there is a partition table "{tablename}" has external partitions of gpfdist with file "{filename}" on port "{port}" in "{dbname}" with data') def impl(context, tablename, dbname, filename, port): create_database_if_not_exists(context, dbname) drop_table_if_exists(context, table_name=tablename, dbname=dbname) create_external_partition(context, tablename, dbname, port, filename) @given('"{dbname}" does not exist') def impl(context, dbname): drop_database(context, dbname) @given('{env_var} environment variable is not set') def impl(context, env_var): if not hasattr(context, 'orig_env'): context.orig_env = dict() context.orig_env[env_var] = os.environ.get(env_var) if env_var in os.environ: del os.environ[env_var] @then('{env_var} environment variable should be restored') def impl(context, env_var): if not hasattr(context, 'orig_env'): raise Exception('%s can not be reset' % env_var) if env_var not in context.orig_env: raise Exception('%s can not be reset.' % env_var) os.environ[env_var] = context.orig_env[env_var] del context.orig_env[env_var] @given('the user runs "{command}"') @when('the user runs "{command}"') @then('the user runs "{command}"') def impl(context, command): run_gpcommand(context, command) @given('the user asynchronously runs "{command}" and the process is saved') @when('the user asynchronously runs "{command}" and the process is saved') @then('the user asynchronously runs "{command}" and the process is saved') def impl(context, command): run_gpcommand_async(context, command) @given('the async process finished with a return code of {ret_code}') @when('the async process finished with a return code of {ret_code}') @then('the async process finished with a return code of {ret_code}') def impl(context, ret_code): rc, stdout_value, stderr_value = context.asyncproc.communicate2() if rc != int(ret_code): raise Exception("return code of the async proccess didn't match:\n" "rc: %s\n" "stdout: %s\n" "stderr: %s" % (rc, stdout_value, stderr_value)) @given('a user runs "{command}" with gphome "{gphome}"') @when('a user runs "{command}" with gphome "{gphome}"') @then('a user runs "{command}" with gphome "{gphome}"') def impl(context, command, gphome): masterhost = get_master_hostname()[0][0] cmd = Command(name='Remove archive gppkg', cmdStr=command, ctxt=REMOTE, remoteHost=masterhost, gphome=gphome) context.ret_code = cmd.get_return_code() @given('the user runs command "{command}"') @when('the user runs command "{command}"') @then('the user runs command "{command}"') def impl(context, command): run_command(context, command) if has_exception(context): raise context.exception @when('the user runs async command "{command}"') def impl(context, command): run_async_command(context, command) @given('the user runs workload under "{dir}" with connection "{dbconn}"') @when('the user runs workload under "{dir}" with connection "{dbconn}"') def impl(context, dir, dbconn): for file in os.listdir(dir): if file.endswith('.sql'): command = '%s -f %s' % (dbconn, os.path.join(dir, file)) run_command(context, command) @given('the user modifies the external_table.sql file "{filepath}" with host "{HOST}" and port "{port}"') @when('the user modifies the external_table.sql file "{filepath}" with host "{HOST}" and port "{port}"') def impl(context, filepath, HOST, port): host = os.environ.get(HOST) substr = host + ':' + port modify_sql_file(filepath, substr) @given('the user starts the gpfdist on host "{HOST}" and port "{port}" in work directory "{dir}" from remote "{ctxt}"') @then('the user starts the gpfdist on host "{HOST}" and port "{port}" in work directory "{dir}" from remote "{ctxt}"') def impl(context, HOST, port, dir, ctxt): host = os.environ.get(HOST) remote_gphome = os.environ.get('GPHOME') if not dir.startswith("/"): dir = os.environ.get(dir) gp_source_file = os.path.join(remote_gphome, '') gpfdist = Gpfdist('gpfdist on host %s' % host, dir, port, os.path.join(dir, ''), int(ctxt), host, gp_source_file) gpfdist.startGpfdist() @given('the user stops the gpfdist on host "{HOST}" and port "{port}" in work directory "{dir}" from remote "{ctxt}"') @then('the user stops the gpfdist on host "{HOST}" and port "{port}" in work directory "{dir}" from remote "{ctxt}"') def impl(context, HOST, port, dir, ctxt): host = os.environ.get(HOST) remote_gphome = os.environ.get('GPHOME') if not dir.startswith("/"): dir = os.environ.get(dir) gp_source_file = os.path.join(remote_gphome, '') gpfdist = Gpfdist('gpfdist on host %s' % host, dir, port, os.path.join(dir, ''), int(ctxt), host, gp_source_file) gpfdist.cleanupGpfdist() @then('{command} should print "{err_msg}" error message') def impl(context, command, err_msg): check_err_msg(context, err_msg) @when('{command} should print "{out_msg}" to stdout') @then('{command} should print "{out_msg}" to stdout') @then('{command} should print a "{out_msg}" warning') def impl(context, command, out_msg): check_stdout_msg(context, out_msg) @then('{command} should not print "{out_msg}" to stdout') def impl(context, command, out_msg): check_string_not_present_stdout(context, out_msg) @then('{command} should print "{out_msg}" to stdout {num} times') def impl(context, command, out_msg, num): msg_list = context.stdout_message.split('\n') msg_list = [x.strip() for x in msg_list] count = msg_list.count(out_msg) if count != int(num): raise Exception("Expected %s to occur %s times. Found %d" % (out_msg, num, count)) @given('{command} should return a return code of {ret_code}') @when('{command} should return a return code of {ret_code}') @then('{command} should return a return code of {ret_code}') def impl(context, command, ret_code): check_return_code(context, ret_code) @given('the segments are synchronized') @when('the segments are synchronized') @then('the segments are synchronized') def impl(context): times = 60 sleeptime = 10 for i in range(times): if are_segments_synchronized(): return time.sleep(sleeptime) raise Exception('segments are not in sync after %d seconds' % (times * sleeptime)) @then('verify that there is no table "{tablename}" in "{dbname}"') def impl(context, tablename, dbname): dbname = replace_special_char_env(dbname) tablename = replace_special_char_env(tablename) if check_table_exists(context, dbname=dbname, table_name=tablename): raise Exception("Table '%s' still exists when it should not" % tablename) @then('verify that there is a "{table_type}" table "{tablename}" in "{dbname}"') def impl(context, table_type, tablename, dbname): if not check_table_exists(context, dbname=dbname, table_name=tablename, table_type=table_type): raise Exception("Table '%s' of type '%s' does not exist when expected" % (tablename, table_type)) @then('verify that there is a "{table_type}" table "{tablename}" in "{dbname}" with "{numrows}" rows') def impl(context, table_type, tablename, dbname, numrows): if not check_table_exists(context, dbname=dbname, table_name=tablename, table_type=table_type): raise Exception("Table '%s' of type '%s' does not exist when expected" % (tablename, table_type)) with dbconn.connect(dbconn.DbURL(dbname=dbname)) as conn: rowcount = dbconn.execSQLForSingleton(conn, "SELECT count(*) FROM %s" % tablename) if rowcount != numrows: raise Exception("Expected to find %d rows in table %s, found %d" % (numrows, tablename, rowcount)) @then( 'data for partition table "{table_name}" with partition level "{part_level}" is distributed across all segments on "{dbname}"') def impl(context, table_name, part_level, dbname): validate_part_table_data_on_segments(context, table_name, part_level, dbname) @then('verify that table "{tname}" in "{dbname}" has "{nrows}" rows') def impl(context, tname, dbname, nrows): check_row_count(context, tname, dbname, int(nrows)) @given('schema "{schema_list}" exists in "{dbname}"') @then('schema "{schema_list}" exists in "{dbname}"') def impl(context, schema_list, dbname): schemas = [s.strip() for s in schema_list.split(',')] for s in schemas: drop_schema_if_exists(context, s.strip(), dbname) create_schema(context, s.strip(), dbname) @then('the temporary file "{filename}" is removed') def impl(context, filename): if os.path.exists(filename): os.remove(filename) def create_table_file_locally(context, filename, table_list, location=os.getcwd()): tables = table_list.split('|') file_path = os.path.join(location, filename) with open(file_path, 'w') as fp: for t in tables: fp.write(t + '\n') context.filename = file_path @given('there is a file "{filename}" with tables "{table_list}"') @then('there is a file "{filename}" with tables "{table_list}"') def impl(context, filename, table_list): create_table_file_locally(context, filename, table_list) @given('the row "{row_values}" is inserted into "{table}" in "{dbname}"') def impl(context, row_values, table, dbname): insert_row(context, row_values, table, dbname) @then('verify that database "{dbname}" does not exist') def impl(context, dbname): with dbconn.connect(dbconn.DbURL(dbname='template1')) as conn: sql = """SELECT datname FROM pg_database""" dbs = dbconn.execSQL(conn, sql) if dbname in dbs: raise Exception('Database exists when it shouldnt "%s"' % dbname) @given('the file "{filepath}" exists under master data directory') def impl(context, filepath): fullfilepath = os.path.join(master_data_dir, filepath) if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(fullfilepath)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(fullfilepath)) open(fullfilepath, 'a').close() @then('the file "{filepath}" does not exist under standby master data directory') def impl(context, filepath): fullfilepath = os.path.join(context.standby_data_dir, filepath) cmd = "ls -al %s" % fullfilepath try: run_command_remote(context, cmd, context.standby_hostname, os.getenv("GPHOME") + '/', 'export MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY=%s' % context.standby_data_dir, validateAfter=True) except: pass else: raise Exception("file '%s' should not exist in standby master data directory" % fullfilepath) @given('results of the sql "{sql}" db "{dbname}" are stored in the context') @when( 'results of the sql "{sql}" db "{dbname}" are stored in the context') def impl(context, sql, dbname): context.stored_sql_results = [] with dbconn.connect(dbconn.DbURL(dbname=dbname)) as conn: curs = dbconn.execSQL(conn, sql) context.stored_sql_results = curs.fetchall() @then('validate that following rows are in the stored rows') def impl(context): for row in context.table: found_match = False for stored_row in context.stored_rows: match_this_row = True for i in range(len(stored_row)): value = row[i] if isinstance(stored_row[i], bool): value = str(True if row[i] == 't' else False) if value != str(stored_row[i]): match_this_row = False break if match_this_row: found_match = True break if not found_match: print context.stored_rows raise Exception("'%s' not found in stored rows" % row) @then('validate that first column of first stored row has "{numlines}" lines of raw output') def impl(context, numlines): raw_lines_count = len(context.stored_rows[0][0].splitlines()) numlines = int(numlines) if raw_lines_count != numlines: raise Exception("Found %d of stored query result but expected %d records" % (raw_lines_count, numlines)) def get_standby_host(): gparray = GpArray.initFromCatalog(dbconn.DbURL()) segments = gparray.getDbList() standby_master = [seg.getSegmentHostName() for seg in segments if seg.isSegmentStandby()] if len(standby_master) > 0: return standby_master[0] else: return [] @given('user does not have ssh permissions') def impl(context): user_home = os.environ.get('HOME') authorized_keys_file = '%s/.ssh/authorized_keys' % user_home if os.path.exists(os.path.abspath(authorized_keys_file)): shutil.move(authorized_keys_file, '%s.bk' % authorized_keys_file) @then('user has ssh permissions') def impl(context): user_home = os.environ.get('HOME') authorized_keys_backup_file = '%s/.ssh/authorized_keys.bk' % user_home if os.path.exists(authorized_keys_backup_file): shutil.move(authorized_keys_backup_file, authorized_keys_backup_file[:-3]) def run_gpinitstandby(context, hostname, port, standby_data_dir, options='', remote=False): if '-n' in options: cmd = "gpinitstandby -a" elif remote: #if standby_data_dir exists on $hostname, remove it remove_dir(hostname, standby_data_dir) # create the data dir on $hostname create_dir(hostname, os.path.dirname(standby_data_dir)) # We do not set port nor data dir here to test gpinitstandby's ability to autogather that info cmd = "gpinitstandby -a -s %s" % hostname else: cmd = "gpinitstandby -a -s %s -P %s -S %s" % (hostname, port, standby_data_dir) run_gpcommand(context, cmd + ' ' + options) @when('the user initializes a standby on the same host as master with same port') def impl(context): hostname = get_master_hostname('postgres')[0][0] temp_data_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() + "/standby_datadir" run_gpinitstandby(context, hostname, os.environ.get("PGPORT"), temp_data_dir) @when('the user initializes a standby on the same host as master and the same data directory') def impl(context): hostname = get_master_hostname('postgres')[0][0] master_port = int(os.environ.get("PGPORT")) cmd = "gpinitstandby -a -s %s -P %d" % (hostname, master_port + 1) run_gpcommand(context, cmd) @when('the user runs gpinitstandby with options "{options}"') @then('the user runs gpinitstandby with options "{options}"') @given('the user runs gpinitstandby with options "{options}"') def impl(context, options): dbname = 'postgres' with dbconn.connect(dbconn.DbURL(port=os.environ.get("PGPORT"), dbname=dbname)) as conn: query = """select distinct content, hostname from gp_segment_configuration order by content limit 2;""" cursor = dbconn.execSQL(conn, query) try: _, master_hostname = cursor.fetchone() _, segment_hostname = cursor.fetchone() except: raise Exception("Did not get two rows from query: %s" % query) # if we have two hosts, assume we're testing on a multinode cluster if master_hostname != segment_hostname: context.standby_hostname = segment_hostname context.standby_port = os.environ.get("PGPORT") remote = True else: context.standby_hostname = master_hostname context.standby_port = get_open_port() remote = False # -n option assumes gpinitstandby already ran and put standby in catalog if "-n" not in options: if remote: context.standby_data_dir = master_data_dir else: context.standby_data_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() + "/standby_datadir" run_gpinitstandby(context, context.standby_hostname, context.standby_port, context.standby_data_dir, options, remote) context.master_hostname = master_hostname context.master_port = os.environ.get("PGPORT") context.standby_was_initialized = True @when('the user runs gpactivatestandby with options "{options}"') @then('the user runs gpactivatestandby with options "{options}"') def impl(context, options): context.execute_steps(u'''Then the user runs command "gpactivatestandby -a %s" from standby master''' % options) context.standby_was_activated = True @then('the user runs command "{command}" from standby master') def impl(context, command): cmd = "PGPORT=%s %s" % (context.standby_port, command) run_command_remote(context, cmd, context.standby_hostname, os.getenv("GPHOME") + '/', 'export MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY=%s' % context.standby_data_dir, validateAfter=False) @when('the master goes down') @then('the master goes down') def impl(context): master = MasterStop("Stopping Master", master_data_dir, mode='immediate') @when('the standby master goes down') def impl(context): master = MasterStop("Stopping Master Standby", context.standby_data_dir, mode='immediate', ctxt=REMOTE, remoteHost=context.standby_hostname) @then('clean up and revert back to original master') def impl(context): # TODO: think about preserving the master data directory for debugging shutil.rmtree(master_data_dir, ignore_errors=True) if context.master_hostname != context.standby_hostname: # We do not set port nor data dir here to test gpinitstandby's ability to autogather that info cmd = "gpinitstandby -a -s %s" % context.master_hostname else: cmd = "gpinitstandby -a -s %s -P %s -S %s" % (context.master_hostname, context.master_port, master_data_dir) context.execute_steps(u'''Then the user runs command "%s" from standby master''' % cmd) master = MasterStop("Stopping current master", context.standby_data_dir, mode='immediate', ctxt=REMOTE, remoteHost=context.standby_hostname) cmd = "gpactivatestandby -a -d %s" % master_data_dir run_gpcommand(context, cmd) # from def get_open_port(): s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.bind(("",0)) s.listen(1) port = s.getsockname()[1] s.close() return port @given('"{path}" has its permissions set to "{perm}"') def impl(context, path, perm): path = os.path.expandvars(path) if not os.path.exists(path): raise Exception('Path does not exist! "%s"' % path) old_permissions = os.stat(path).st_mode # keep it as a number that has a meaningful representation in octal test_permissions = int(perm, 8) # accept string input with octal semantics and convert to a raw number os.chmod(path, test_permissions) context.path_for_which_to_restore_the_permissions = path context.permissions_to_restore_path_to = old_permissions @then('rely on to restore path permissions') def impl(context): print "go look in to see how it uses the path and permissions on context to make sure it's cleaned up" @when('the user runs pg_controldata against the standby data directory') def impl(context): cmd = "pg_controldata " + context.standby_data_dir run_command_remote(context, cmd, context.standby_hostname, os.getenv("GPHOME") + '/', 'export MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY=%s' % context.standby_data_dir) @given('we have exchanged keys with the cluster') def impl(context): hostlist = get_all_hostnames_as_list(context, 'template1') host_str = ' -h '.join(hostlist) cmd_str = 'gpssh-exkeys %s' % host_str run_gpcommand(context, cmd_str) def _process_exists(pid, host): """ Returns True if a process of the given PID exists on the given host, and False otherwise. If host is None, this check is done locally instead of remotely. """ if host is None: # Local case is easy. return psutil.pid_exists(pid) # Remote case. cmd = Command(name="check for pid %d" % pid, cmdStr="ps -p %d > /dev/null" % pid, ctxt=REMOTE, remoteHost=host) return cmd.get_return_code() == 0 def _wait_for_process_exit(pid, host, timeout=30): """ Waits up to timeout (default 30) seconds for the process with the given PID to exit. Returns True if this occurs within the timeout and False otherwise. Be mindful of the inherent problems with this approach -- if you pass a PID that never existed, it will appear to have "exited" here. Conversely, if the OS is quick enough to recycle a process' PID after it exits, this function may incorrectly show that the exit never happened. """ end_time = + timedelta(seconds=timeout) interval = 0.05 while _process_exists(pid, host): if end_time < # Time's up. return False # Sleep with exponential backoff and a maximum of 1 second. time.sleep(interval) interval = min(interval * 2, 1) return True @given('user kills a primary postmaster process') @when('user kills a primary postmaster process') @then('user kills a primary postmaster process') def impl(context): if hasattr(context, 'pseg'): seg_data_dir = context.pseg_data_dir seg_host = context.pseg_hostname seg_port = context.pseg.getSegmentPort() else: gparray = GpArray.initFromCatalog(dbconn.DbURL()) for seg in gparray.getDbList(): if seg.isSegmentPrimary(): seg_data_dir = seg.getSegmentDataDirectory() seg_host = seg.getSegmentHostName() seg_port = seg.getSegmentPort() break pid = get_pid_for_segment(seg_data_dir, seg_host) if pid is None: raise Exception('Unable to locate segment "%s" on host "%s"' % (seg_data_dir, seg_host)) kill_process(int(pid), seg_host, signal.SIGKILL) _wait_for_process_exit(pid, seg_host) pid = get_pid_for_segment(seg_data_dir, seg_host) if pid is not None: raise Exception('Unable to kill postmaster with pid "%d" datadir "%s"' % (pid, seg_data_dir)) context.killed_seg_host = seg_host context.killed_seg_port = seg_port @given('user kills all {segment_type} processes') @when('user kills all {segment_type} processes') @then('user kills all {segment_type} processes') def impl(context, segment_type): context.execute_steps( u'given user kills all {} processes with SIGTERM'.format(segment_type) ) @given('user kills all {segment_type} processes with {signal_name}') @when('user kills all {segment_type} processes with {signal_name}') @then('user kills all {segment_type} processes with {signal_name}') def impl(context, segment_type, signal_name): # Look up the signal code by name. This is easier in Python 3, with the # introduction of signal.Signals, but for now we do it the hard way. if (not signal_name.startswith('SIG')) or signal_name.startswith('SIG_'): raise Exception("'{}' is not a valid signal name".format(signal_name)) try: signal_code = signal.__dict__[signal_name] except KeyError: raise Exception("'{}' is not a valid signal name".format(signal_name)) gparray = GpArray.initFromCatalog(dbconn.DbURL()) role = ROLE_PRIMARY if segment_type == 'primary' else ROLE_MIRROR filtered_segments = filter(lambda seg: seg.preferred_role == role and seg.content != -1, gparray.getDbList()) for seg in filtered_segments: seg_data_dir = seg.getSegmentDataDirectory() seg_host = seg.getSegmentHostName() pid = get_pid_for_segment(seg_data_dir, seg_host) if pid is None: raise Exception('Unable to locate segment "%s" on host "%s"' % (seg_data_dir, seg_host)) kill_process(int(pid), seg_host, signal_code) _wait_for_process_exit(pid, seg_host) pid = get_pid_for_segment(seg_data_dir, seg_host) if pid is not None: raise Exception('Unable to kill postmaster with pid "%d" datadir "%s"' % (pid, seg_data_dir)) @given('user can start transactions') @when('user can start transactions') @then('user can start transactions') def impl(context): num_retries = 150 attempt = 0 while attempt < num_retries: try: with dbconn.connect(dbconn.DbURL()) as conn: break except Exception as e: attempt += 1 pass time.sleep(1) if attempt == num_retries: raise Exception('Unable to establish a connection to database !!!') @given('the environment variable "{var}" is not set') def impl(context, var): context.env_var = os.environ.get(var) os.environ[var] = '' @given('the environment variable "{var}" is set to "{val}"') def impl(context, var, val): context.env_var = os.environ.get(var) os.environ[var] = val @given('below sql is executed in "{dbname}" db') @when('below sql is executed in "{dbname}" db') def impl(context, dbname): sql = context.text execute_sql(dbname, sql) @when('sql "{sql}" is executed in "{dbname}" db') @then('sql "{sql}" is executed in "{dbname}" db') def impl(context, sql, dbname): execute_sql(dbname, sql) @when('execute following sql in db "{dbname}" and store result in the context') def impl(context, dbname): context.stored_rows = [] with dbconn.connect(dbconn.DbURL(dbname=dbname)) as conn: curs = dbconn.execSQL(conn, context.text) context.stored_rows = curs.fetchall() @when('execute sql "{sql}" in db "{dbname}" and store result in the context') def impl(context, sql, dbname): context.stored_rows = [] with dbconn.connect(dbconn.DbURL(dbname=dbname)) as conn: curs = dbconn.execSQL(conn, sql) context.stored_rows = curs.fetchall() @then('validate that "{message}" is in the stored rows') def impl(context, message): for row in context.stored_rows: for column in row: if message in column: return print context.stored_rows print message raise Exception("'%s' not found in stored rows" % message) @then('verify that file "{filename}" exists under "{path}"') def impl(context, filename, path): fullpath = "%s/%s" % (path, filename) fullpath = os.path.expandvars(fullpath) if not os.path.exists(fullpath): raise Exception('file "%s" is not exist' % fullpath) @given('waiting "{second}" seconds') @when('waiting "{second}" seconds') @then('waiting "{second}" seconds') def impl(context, second): time.sleep(float(second)) def get_opened_files(filename, pidfile): cmd = "PATH=$PATH:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin lsof -p `cat %s` | grep %s | wc -l" % ( pidfile, filename) return commands.getstatusoutput(cmd) @when('table "{tablename}" is dropped in "{dbname}"') @then('table "{tablename}" is dropped in "{dbname}"') @given('table "{tablename}" is dropped in "{dbname}"') def impl(context, tablename, dbname): drop_table_if_exists(context, table_name=tablename, dbname=dbname) @given('all the segments are running') @when('all the segments are running') @then('all the segments are running') def impl(context): if not are_segments_running(): raise Exception("all segments are not currently running") return @given('the "{seg}" segment information is saved') @when('the "{seg}" segment information is saved') @then('the "{seg}" segment information is saved') def impl(context, seg): gparray = GpArray.initFromCatalog(dbconn.DbURL()) if seg == "primary": primary_segs = [seg for seg in gparray.getDbList() if seg.isSegmentPrimary()] context.pseg = primary_segs[0] context.pseg_data_dir = context.pseg.getSegmentDataDirectory() context.pseg_hostname = context.pseg.getSegmentHostName() context.pseg_dbid = context.pseg.getSegmentDbId() elif seg == "mirror": mirror_segs = [seg for seg in gparray.getDbList() if seg.isSegmentMirror()] context.mseg = mirror_segs[0] context.mseg_hostname = context.mseg.getSegmentHostName() context.mseg_dbid = context.mseg.getSegmentDbId() context.mseg_data_dir = context.mseg.getSegmentDataDirectory() @when('we run a sample background script to generate a pid on "{seg}" segment') def impl(context, seg): if seg == "primary": if not hasattr(context, 'pseg_hostname'): raise Exception("primary seg host is not saved in the context") hostname = context.pseg_hostname elif seg == "smdw": if not hasattr(context, 'standby_host'): raise Exception("Standby host is not saved in the context") hostname = context.standby_host filename = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), './test/behave/mgmt_utils/steps/data/') cmd = Command(name="Remove background script on remote host", cmdStr='rm -f /tmp/', remoteHost=hostname, ctxt=REMOTE) cmd = Command(name="Copy background script to remote host", cmdStr='scp %s %s:/tmp' % (filename, hostname)) cmd = Command(name="Run Bg process to save pid", cmdStr='sh -c "python /tmp/" &>/dev/null &', remoteHost=hostname, ctxt=REMOTE) cmd = Command(name="get bg pid", cmdStr="ps ux | grep | grep -v grep | awk '{print \$2}'", remoteHost=hostname, ctxt=REMOTE) context.bg_pid = cmd.get_stdout() if not context.bg_pid: raise Exception("Unable to obtain the pid of the background script. Seg Host: %s, get_results: %s" % (hostname, cmd.get_stdout())) @when('the background pid is killed on "{seg}" segment') @then('the background pid is killed on "{seg}" segment') def impl(context, seg): if seg == "primary": if not hasattr(context, 'pseg_hostname'): raise Exception("primary seg host is not saved in the context") hostname = context.pseg_hostname elif seg == "smdw": if not hasattr(context, 'standby_host'): raise Exception("Standby host is not saved in the context") hostname = context.standby_host cmd = Command(name="get bg pid", cmdStr="ps ux | grep | grep -v grep | awk '{print \$2}'", remoteHost=hostname, ctxt=REMOTE) pids = cmd.get_stdout().splitlines() for pid in pids: cmd = Command(name="killbg pid", cmdStr='kill -9 %s' % pid, remoteHost=hostname, ctxt=REMOTE) @when('we generate the file with the background pid on "{seg}" segment') def impl(context, seg): if seg == "primary": if not hasattr(context, 'pseg_hostname'): raise Exception("primary seg host is not saved in the context") hostname = context.pseg_hostname data_dir = context.pseg_data_dir elif seg == "smdw": if not hasattr(context, 'standby_host'): raise Exception("Standby host is not saved in the context") hostname = context.standby_host data_dir = context.standby_host_data_dir pid_file = os.path.join(data_dir, '') pid_file_orig = pid_file + '.orig' cmd = Command(name="Copy pid file", cmdStr='cp %s %s' % (pid_file_orig, pid_file), remoteHost=hostname, ctxt=REMOTE) cpCmd = Command(name='copy pid file to master for editing', cmdStr='scp %s:%s /tmp' % (hostname, pid_file)) with open('/tmp/', 'r') as fr: lines = fr.readlines() lines[0] = "%s\n" % context.bg_pid with open('/tmp/', 'w') as fw: fw.writelines(lines) cpCmd = Command(name='copy pid file to segment after editing', cmdStr='scp /tmp/ %s:%s' % (hostname, pid_file)) @when('we generate the file with a non running pid on the same "{seg}" segment') def impl(context, seg): if seg == "primary": data_dir = context.pseg_data_dir hostname = context.pseg_hostname elif seg == "mirror": data_dir = context.mseg_data_dir hostname = context.mseg_hostname elif seg == "smdw": if not hasattr(context, 'standby_host'): raise Exception("Standby host is not saved in the context") hostname = context.standby_host data_dir = context.standby_host_data_dir pid_file = os.path.join(data_dir, '') pid_file_orig = pid_file + '.orig' cmd = Command(name="Copy pid file", cmdStr='cp %s %s' % (pid_file_orig, pid_file), remoteHost=hostname, ctxt=REMOTE) cpCmd = Command(name='copy pid file to master for editing', cmdStr='scp %s:%s /tmp' % (hostname, pid_file)) # Since Command creates a short-lived SSH session, we observe the PID given # a throw-away remote process. Assume that the PID is unused and available on # the remote in the near future. # This pid is no longer associated with a # running process and won't be recycled for long enough that tests # have finished. cmd = Command(name="get non-existing pid", cmdStr="echo \$\$", remoteHost=hostname, ctxt=REMOTE) pid = cmd.get_results().stdout.strip() with open('/tmp/', 'r') as fr: lines = fr.readlines() lines[0] = "%s\n" % pid with open('/tmp/', 'w') as fw: fw.writelines(lines) cpCmd = Command(name='copy pid file to segment after editing', cmdStr='scp /tmp/ %s:%s' % (hostname, pid_file)) @when('the user starts one "{seg}" segment') def impl(context, seg): if seg == "primary": dbid = context.pseg_dbid hostname = context.pseg_hostname segment = context.pseg elif seg == "mirror": dbid = context.mseg_dbid hostname = context.mseg_hostname segment = context.mseg segStartCmd = SegmentStart(name="Starting new segment dbid %s on host %s." % (str(dbid), hostname) , gpdb=segment , numContentsInCluster=0 # Starting seg on it's own. , era=None , mirrormode=MIRROR_MODE_MIRRORLESS , utilityMode=False , ctxt=REMOTE , remoteHost=hostname , pg_ctl_wait=True , timeout=300) @when('the file on "{seg}" segment is saved') def impl(context, seg): if seg == "primary": data_dir = context.pseg_data_dir hostname = context.pseg_hostname elif seg == "mirror": data_dir = context.mseg_data_dir hostname = context.mseg_hostname elif seg == "smdw": if not hasattr(context, 'standby_host'): raise Exception("Standby host is not saved in the context") hostname = context.standby_host data_dir = context.standby_host_data_dir pid_file = os.path.join(data_dir, '') pid_file_orig = pid_file + '.orig' cmd = Command(name="Copy pid file", cmdStr='cp %s %s' % (pid_file, pid_file_orig), remoteHost=hostname, ctxt=REMOTE) @then('the backup pid file is deleted on "{seg}" segment') def impl(context, seg): if seg == "primary": data_dir = context.pseg_data_dir hostname = context.pseg_hostname elif seg == "mirror": data_dir = context.mseg_data_dir hostname = context.mseg_hostname elif seg == "smdw": data_dir = context.standby_host_data_dir hostname = context.standby_host cmd = Command(name="Remove pid file", cmdStr='rm -f %s' % (os.path.join(data_dir, '')), remoteHost=hostname, ctxt=REMOTE) @given('the standby is not initialized') @then('the standby is not initialized') def impl(context): standby = get_standby_host() if standby: context.cluster_had_standby = True context.standby_host = standby run_gpcommand(context, 'gpinitstandby -ra') @then('verify the standby master entries in catalog') def impl(context): check_segment_config_query = "SELECT * FROM gp_segment_configuration WHERE content = -1 AND role = 'm'" check_stat_replication_query = "SELECT * FROM pg_stat_replication" with dbconn.connect(dbconn.DbURL(dbname='postgres')) as conn: segconfig = dbconn.execSQL(conn, check_segment_config_query).fetchall() statrep = dbconn.execSQL(conn, check_stat_replication_query).fetchall() context.standby_dbid = segconfig[0][0] if len(segconfig) != 1: raise Exception("gp_segment_configuration did not have standby master") if len(statrep) != 1: raise Exception("pg_stat_replication did not have standby master") @then('verify the standby master is now acting as master') def impl(context): check_segment_config_query = "SELECT * FROM gp_segment_configuration WHERE content = -1 AND role = 'p' AND preferred_role = 'p' AND dbid = %s" % context.standby_dbid with dbconn.connect(dbconn.DbURL(hostname=context.standby_hostname, dbname='postgres', port=context.standby_port)) as conn: segconfig = dbconn.execSQL(conn, check_segment_config_query).fetchall() if len(segconfig) != 1: raise Exception("gp_segment_configuration did not have standby master acting as new master") @then('verify that the schema "{schema_name}" exists in "{dbname}"') def impl(context, schema_name, dbname): schema_exists = check_schema_exists(context, schema_name, dbname) if not schema_exists: raise Exception("Schema '%s' does not exist in the database '%s'" % (schema_name, dbname)) @then('verify that the utility {utilname} ever does logging into the user\'s "{dirname}" directory') def impl(context, utilname, dirname): absdirname = "%s/%s" % (os.path.expanduser("~"), dirname) if not os.path.exists(absdirname): raise Exception('No such directory: %s' % absdirname) pattern = "%s/%s_*.log" % (absdirname, utilname) logs_for_a_util = glob.glob(pattern) if not logs_for_a_util: raise Exception('Logs matching "%s" were not created' % pattern) @then('verify that a log was created by {utilname} in the "{dirname}" directory') def impl(context, utilname, dirname): if not os.path.exists(dirname): raise Exception('No such directory: %s' % dirname) pattern = "%s/%s_*.log" % (dirname, utilname) logs_for_a_util = glob.glob(pattern) if not logs_for_a_util: raise Exception('Logs matching "%s" were not created' % pattern) @then('drop the table "{tablename}" with connection "{dbconn}"') def impl(context, tablename, dbconn): command = "%s -c \'drop table if exists %s\'" % (dbconn, tablename) run_gpcommand(context, command) def _get_gpAdminLogs_directory(): return "%s/gpAdminLogs" % os.path.expanduser("~") @given('an incomplete map file is created') def impl(context): with open('/tmp/incomplete_map_file', 'w') as fd: fd.write('nonexistent_host,nonexistent_host') @then('verify that function "{func_name}" exists in database "{dbname}"') def impl(context, func_name, dbname): SQL = """SELECT proname FROM pg_proc WHERE proname = '%s';""" % func_name row_count = getRows(dbname, SQL)[0][0] if row_count != 'test_function': raise Exception('Function %s does not exist in %s"' % (func_name, dbname)) @then('verify that sequence "{seq_name}" last value is "{last_value}" in database "{dbname}"') @when('verify that sequence "{seq_name}" last value is "{last_value}" in database "{dbname}"') @given('verify that sequence "{seq_name}" last value is "{last_value}" in database "{dbname}"') def impl(context, seq_name, last_value, dbname): SQL = """SELECT last_value FROM %s;""" % seq_name lv = getRows(dbname, SQL)[0][0] if lv != int(last_value): raise Exception('Sequence %s last value is not %s in %s"' % (seq_name, last_value, dbname)) @given('the user runs the command "{cmd}" in the background') @when('the user runs the command "{cmd}" in the background') def impl(context, cmd): thread.start_new_thread(run_command, (context, cmd)) time.sleep(10) @given('the user runs the command "{cmd}" in the background without sleep') @when('the user runs the command "{cmd}" in the background without sleep') def impl(context, cmd): thread.start_new_thread(run_command, (context, cmd)) # For any pg_hba.conf line with `host ... trust`, its address should only contain FQDN @then('verify that the file "{filename}" contains FQDN only for trusted host') def impl(context, filename): with open(filename) as fr: for line in fr: contents = line.strip() # for example: host all all hostname trust if contents.startswith("host") and contents.endswith("trust"): tokens = contents.split() if tokens.__len__() != 5: raise Exception("failed to parse pg_hba.conf line '%s'" % contents) hostname = tokens[3] if hostname.__contains__("/"): raise Exception("'%s' is not valid FQDN" % hostname) # For any pg_hba.conf line with `host ... trust`, its address should only contain CIDR @then('verify that the file "{filename}" contains CIDR only for trusted host') def impl(context, filename): with open(filename) as fr: for line in fr: contents = line.strip() # for example: host all all hostname trust if contents.startswith("host") and contents.endswith("trust"): tokens = contents.split() if tokens.__len__() != 5: raise Exception("failed to parse pg_hba.conf line '%s'" % contents) cidr = tokens[3] if not cidr.__contains__("/") and cidr not in ["samenet", "samehost"]: raise Exception("'%s' is not valid CIDR" % cidr) @then('verify that the file "{filename}" contains the string "{output}"') def impl(context, filename, output): contents = '' with open(filename) as fr: for line in fr: contents = line.strip() print contents check_stdout_msg(context, output) @then('verify that the last line of the file "{filename}" in the master data directory contains the string "{output}"') def impl(context, filename, output): contents = '' file_path = os.path.join(master_data_dir, filename) with open(file_path) as fr: for line in fr: contents = line.strip() pat = re.compile(output) if not err_str = "Expected stdout string '%s' and found: '%s'" % (output, contents) raise Exception(err_str) @then('the user waits for "{process_name}" to finish running') def impl(context, process_name): run_command(context, "ps ux | grep `which %s` | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' | xargs" % process_name) pids = context.stdout_message.split() while len(pids) > 0: for pid in pids: try: os.kill(int(pid), 0) except OSError: pids.remove(pid) time.sleep(10) @given('the gpfdists occupying port {port} on host "{hostfile}"') def impl(context, port, hostfile): remote_gphome = os.environ.get('GPHOME') gp_source_file = os.path.join(remote_gphome, '') source_map_file = os.environ.get(hostfile) dir = '/tmp' ctxt = 2 with open(source_map_file, 'r') as f: for line in f: host = line.strip().split(',')[0] if host in ('localhost', '', socket.gethostname()): ctxt = 1 gpfdist = Gpfdist('gpfdist on host %s' % host, dir, port, os.path.join('/tmp', ''), ctxt, host, gp_source_file) gpfdist.startGpfdist() @then('the gpfdists running on port {port} get cleaned up from host "{hostfile}"') def impl(context, port, hostfile): remote_gphome = os.environ.get('GPHOME') gp_source_file = os.path.join(remote_gphome, '') source_map_file = os.environ.get(hostfile) dir = '/tmp' ctxt = 2 with open(source_map_file, 'r') as f: for line in f: host = line.strip().split(',')[0] if host in ('localhost', '', socket.gethostname()): ctxt = 1 gpfdist = Gpfdist('gpfdist on host %s' % host, dir, port, os.path.join('/tmp', ''), ctxt, host, gp_source_file) gpfdist.cleanupGpfdist() @then('verify that the query "{query}" in database "{dbname}" returns "{nrows}"') def impl(context, dbname, query, nrows): check_count_for_specific_query(dbname, query, int(nrows)) @then('verify that the file "{filepath}" contains "{line}"') def impl(context, filepath, line): filepath = glob.glob(filepath)[0] if line not in open(filepath).read(): raise Exception("The file '%s' does not contain '%s'" % (filepath, line)) @then('verify that the file "{filepath}" does not contain "{line}"') def impl(context, filepath, line): filepath = glob.glob(filepath)[0] if line in open(filepath).read(): raise Exception("The file '%s' does contain '%s'" % (filepath, line)) @given('database "{dbname}" is dropped and recreated') @when('database "{dbname}" is dropped and recreated') @then('database "{dbname}" is dropped and recreated') def impl(context, dbname): drop_database_if_exists(context, dbname) create_database(context, dbname) @then('validate and run gpcheckcat repair') def impl(context): context.execute_steps(u''' Then gpcheckcat should print "repair script\(s\) generated in dir*" to stdout Then the path "*" is found in cwd "1" times Then run all the repair scripts in the dir "*" And the path "*" is removed from current working directory ''') @given('there is a "{tabletype}" table "{tablename}" in "{dbname}" with "{numrows}" rows') def impl(context, tabletype, tablename, dbname, numrows): populate_regular_table_data(context, tabletype, tablename, 'None', dbname, with_data=True, rowcount=int(numrows)) @given('there is a "{tabletype}" table "{tablename}" in "{dbname}" with data') @then('there is a "{tabletype}" table "{tablename}" in "{dbname}" with data') @when('there is a "{tabletype}" table "{tablename}" in "{dbname}" with data') def impl(context, tabletype, tablename, dbname): populate_regular_table_data(context, tabletype, tablename, 'None', dbname, with_data=True) @given('there is a "{tabletype}" partition table "{table_name}" in "{dbname}" with data') @then('there is a "{tabletype}" partition table "{table_name}" in "{dbname}" with data') @when('there is a "{tabletype}" partition table "{table_name}" in "{dbname}" with data') def impl(context, tabletype, table_name, dbname): create_partition(context, tablename=table_name, storage_type=tabletype, dbname=dbname, with_data=True) @then('read pid from file "{filename}" and kill the process') @when('read pid from file "{filename}" and kill the process') @given('read pid from file "{filename}" and kill the process') def impl(context, filename): retry = 0 pid = None while retry < 5: try: with open(filename) as fr: pid = fr.readline().strip() if pid: break except: retry += 1 time.sleep(retry * 0.1) # 100 millis, 200 millis, etc. if not pid: raise Exception("process id '%s' not found in the file '%s'" % (pid, filename)) cmd = Command(name="killing pid", cmdStr='kill -9 %s' % pid) @then('an attribute of table "{table}" in database "{dbname}" is deleted on segment with content id "{segid}"') def impl(context, table, dbname, segid): local_cmd = 'psql %s -t -c "SELECT port,hostname FROM gp_segment_configuration WHERE content=%s and role=\'p\';"' % ( dbname, segid) run_command(context, local_cmd) port, host = context.stdout_message.split("|") port = port.strip() host = host.strip() user = os.environ.get('USER') source_file = os.path.join(os.environ.get('GPHOME'), '') # Yes, the below line is ugly. It looks much uglier when done with separate strings, given the multiple levels of escaping required. remote_cmd = """ ssh %s "source %s; export PGUSER=%s; export PGPORT=%s; export PGOPTIONS=\\\"-c gp_session_role=utility\\\"; psql -d %s -c \\\"SET allow_system_table_mods=true; DELETE FROM pg_attribute where attrelid=\'%s\'::regclass::oid;\\\"" """ % (host, source_file, user, port, dbname, table) run_command(context, remote_cmd.strip()) @then('The user runs sql "{query}" in "{dbname}" on first primary segment') @when('The user runs sql "{query}" in "{dbname}" on first primary segment') @given('The user runs sql "{query}" in "{dbname}" on first primary segment') def impl(context, query, dbname): host, port = get_primary_segment_host_port() psql_cmd = "PGDATABASE=\'%s\' PGOPTIONS=\'-c gp_session_role=utility\' psql -h %s -p %s -c \"%s\"; " % ( dbname, host, port, query) Command(name='Running Remote command: %s' % psql_cmd, cmdStr=psql_cmd).run(validateAfter=True) @then('The user runs sql "{query}" in "{dbname}" on all the segments') @when('The user runs sql "{query}" in "{dbname}" on all the segments') @given('The user runs sql "{query}" in "{dbname}" on all the segments') def impl(context, query, dbname): gparray = GpArray.initFromCatalog(dbconn.DbURL()) segments = gparray.getDbList() for seg in segments: host = seg.getSegmentHostName() if seg.isSegmentPrimary() or seg.isSegmentMaster(): port = seg.getSegmentPort() psql_cmd = "PGDATABASE=\'%s\' PGOPTIONS=\'-c gp_session_role=utility\' psql -h %s -p %s -c \"%s\"; " % ( dbname, host, port, query) Command(name='Running Remote command: %s' % psql_cmd, cmdStr=psql_cmd).run(validateAfter=True) @then('The user runs sql file "{file}" in "{dbname}" on all the segments') @when('The user runs sql file "{file}" in "{dbname}" on all the segments') @given('The user runs sql file "{file}" in "{dbname}" on all the segments') def impl(context, file, dbname): with open(file) as fd: query = gparray = GpArray.initFromCatalog(dbconn.DbURL()) segments = gparray.getDbList() for seg in segments: host = seg.getSegmentHostName() if seg.isSegmentPrimary() or seg.isSegmentMaster(): port = seg.getSegmentPort() psql_cmd = "PGDATABASE=\'%s\' PGOPTIONS=\'-c gp_session_role=utility\' psql -h %s -p %s -c \"%s\"; " % ( dbname, host, port, query) Command(name='Running Remote command: %s' % psql_cmd, cmdStr=psql_cmd).run(validateAfter=True) @then('The user runs sql "{query}" in "{dbname}" on specified segment {host}:{port} in utility mode') @when('The user runs sql "{query}" in "{dbname}" on specified segment {host}:{port} in utility mode') @given('The user runs sql "{query}" in "{dbname}" on specified segment {host}:{port} in utility mode') def impl(context, query, dbname, host, port): psql_cmd = "PGDATABASE=\'%s\' PGOPTIONS=\'-c gp_session_role=utility\' psql -h %s -p %s -c \"%s\"; " % ( dbname, host, port, query) cmd = Command(name='Running Remote command: %s' % psql_cmd, cmdStr=psql_cmd) context.stdout_message = cmd.get_stdout() @then('table {table_name} exists in "{dbname}" on specified segment {host}:{port}') @when('table {table_name} exists in "{dbname}" on specified segment {host}:{port}') @given('table {table_name} exists in "{dbname}" on specified segment {host}:{port}') def impl(context, table_name, dbname, host, port): query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pg_class WHERE relname = '%s'" % table_name psql_cmd = "PGDATABASE=\'%s\' PGOPTIONS=\'-c gp_session_role=utility\' psql -h %s -p %s -c \"%s\"; " % ( dbname, host, port, query) cmd = Command(name='Running Remote command: %s' % psql_cmd, cmdStr=psql_cmd) keyword = "1 row" if keyword not in cmd.get_stdout(): raise Exception(context.stdout_message) @then('The path "{path}" is removed from current working directory') @when('The path "{path}" is removed from current working directory') @given('The path "{path}" is removed from current working directory') def impl(context, path): remove_local_path(path) @given('the path "{path}" is found in cwd "{num}" times') @then('the path "{path}" is found in cwd "{num}" times') @when('the path "{path}" is found in cwd "{num}" times') def impl(context, path, num): result = validate_local_path(path) if result != int(num): raise Exception("expected %s items but found %s items in path %s" % (num, result, path)) @when('the user runs all the repair scripts in the dir "{dir}"') @then('run all the repair scripts in the dir "{dir}"') def impl(context, dir): bash_files = glob.glob("%s/*.sh" % dir) for file in bash_files: run_command(context, "bash %s" % file) if context.ret_code != 0: raise Exception("Error running repair script %s: %s" % (file, context.stdout_message)) @when( 'the entry for the table "{user_table}" is removed from "{catalog_table}" with key "{primary_key}" in the database "{db_name}"') def impl(context, user_table, catalog_table, primary_key, db_name): delete_qry = "delete from %s where %s='%s'::regclass::oid;" % (catalog_table, primary_key, user_table) with dbconn.connect(dbconn.DbURL(dbname=db_name)) as conn: for qry in ["set allow_system_table_mods=true;", "set allow_segment_dml=true;", delete_qry]: dbconn.execSQL(conn, qry) conn.commit() @when('the entry for the table "{user_table}" is removed from "{catalog_table}" with key "{primary_key}" in the database "{db_name}" on the first primary segment') @given('the entry for the table "{user_table}" is removed from "{catalog_table}" with key "{primary_key}" in the database "{db_name}" on the first primary segment') def impl(context, user_table, catalog_table, primary_key, db_name): host, port = get_primary_segment_host_port() delete_qry = "delete from %s where %s='%s'::regclass::oid;" % (catalog_table, primary_key, user_table) with dbconn.connect(dbconn.DbURL(dbname=db_name, port=port, hostname=host), utility=True, allowSystemTableMods=True) as conn: for qry in [delete_qry]: dbconn.execSQL(conn, qry) conn.commit() @given('the timestamps in the repair dir are consistent') @when('the timestamps in the repair dir are consistent') @then('the timestamps in the repair dir are consistent') def impl(_): repair_regex = "*" timestamp = "" repair_dir = "" for file in os.listdir('.'): if fnmatch.fnmatch(file, repair_regex): repair_dir = file timestamp = repair_dir.split('.')[2] if not timestamp: raise Exception("Timestamp was not found") for file in os.listdir(repair_dir): if not timestamp in file: raise Exception("file found containing inconsistent timestamp") @when('wait until the process "{proc}" goes down') @then('wait until the process "{proc}" goes down') @given('wait until the process "{proc}" goes down') def impl(context, proc): is_stopped = has_process_eventually_stopped(proc) context.ret_code = 0 if is_stopped else 1 if not is_stopped: context.error_message = 'The process %s is still running after waiting' % proc check_return_code(context, 0) @when('wait until the process "{proc}" is up') @then('wait until the process "{proc}" is up') @given('wait until the process "{proc}" is up') def impl(context, proc): cmd = Command(name='pgrep for %s' % proc, cmdStr="pgrep %s" % proc) start_time = current_time = while (current_time - start_time).seconds < 120: if cmd.get_return_code() > 1: raise Exception("unexpected problem with gprep, return code: %s" % cmd.get_return_code()) if cmd.get_return_code() != 1: # 0 means match break time.sleep(2) current_time = context.ret_code = cmd.get_return_code() context.error_message = '' if context.ret_code > 1: context.error_message = 'pgrep internal error' check_return_code(context, 0) # 0 means one or more processes were matched @when('wait until the results from boolean sql "{sql}" is "{boolean}"') @then('wait until the results from boolean sql "{sql}" is "{boolean}"') @given('wait until the results from boolean sql "{sql}" is "{boolean}"') def impl(context, sql, boolean): cmd = Command(name='psql', cmdStr='psql --tuples-only -d gpperfmon -c "%s"' % sql) start_time = current_time = result = None while (current_time - start_time).seconds < 120: if cmd.get_return_code() != 0: break result = cmd.get_stdout() if _str2bool(result) == _str2bool(boolean): break time.sleep(2) current_time = if cmd.get_return_code() != 0: context.ret_code = cmd.get_return_code() context.error_message = 'psql internal error: %s' % cmd.get_stderr() check_return_code(context, 0) else: if _str2bool(result) != _str2bool(boolean): raise Exception("sql output '%s' is not same as '%s'" % (result, boolean)) def _str2bool(string): return string.lower().strip() in ['t', 'true', '1', 'yes', 'y'] @given('the user creates an index for table "{table_name}" in database "{db_name}"') @when('the user creates an index for table "{table_name}" in database "{db_name}"') @then('the user creates an index for table "{table_name}" in database "{db_name}"') def impl(context, table_name, db_name): index_qry = "create table {0}(i int primary key, j varchar); create index test_index on index_table using bitmap(j)".format( table_name) with dbconn.connect(dbconn.DbURL(dbname=db_name)) as conn: dbconn.execSQL(conn, index_qry) conn.commit() @when("the user installs gpperfmon") def impl(context): master_port = os.getenv('PGPORT', 15432) cmd = "gpperfmon_install --port {master_port} --enable --password foo".format(master_port=master_port) run_command(context, cmd) @given('gpperfmon is configured and running in qamode') @then('gpperfmon is configured and running in qamode') def impl(context): master_port = os.getenv('PGPORT', 15432) target_line = 'qamode = 1' gpperfmon_config_file = "%s/gpperfmon/conf/gpperfmon.conf" % os.getenv("MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY") if not check_db_exists("gpperfmon", "localhost"): context.execute_steps(u''' When the user runs "gpperfmon_install --port {master_port} --enable --password foo" Then gpperfmon_install should return a return code of 0 '''.format(master_port=master_port)) if not file_contains_line(gpperfmon_config_file, target_line): context.execute_steps(u''' When the user runs command "echo 'qamode = 1' >> $MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY/gpperfmon/conf/gpperfmon.conf" Then echo should return a return code of 0 When the user runs command "echo 'verbose = 1' >> $MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY/gpperfmon/conf/gpperfmon.conf" Then echo should return a return code of 0 When the user runs command "echo 'min_query_time = 0' >> $MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY/gpperfmon/conf/gpperfmon.conf" Then echo should return a return code of 0 When the user runs command "echo 'quantum = 10' >> $MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY/gpperfmon/conf/gpperfmon.conf" Then echo should return a return code of 0 When the user runs command "echo 'harvest_interval = 5' >> $MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY/gpperfmon/conf/gpperfmon.conf" Then echo should return a return code of 0 ''') if not is_process_running("gpsmon"): context.execute_steps(u''' When the database is not running Then wait until the process "postgres" goes down When the user runs "gpstart -a" Then gpstart should return a return code of 0 And verify that a role "gpmon" exists in database "gpperfmon" And verify that the last line of the file "postgresql.conf" in the master data directory contains the string "gpperfmon_log_alert_level=warning" And verify that there is a "heap" table "database_history" in "gpperfmon" Then wait until the process "gpmmon" is up And wait until the process "gpsmon" is up ''') @given('the setting "{variable_name}" is NOT set in the configuration file "{path_to_file}"') @when('the setting "{variable_name}" is NOT set in the configuration file "{path_to_file}"') def impl(context, variable_name, path_to_file): path = os.path.join(os.getenv("MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY"), path_to_file) temp_file = "/tmp/gpperfmon_temp_config" with open(path) as oldfile, open(temp_file, 'w') as newfile: for line in oldfile: if variable_name not in line: newfile.write(line) shutil.move(temp_file, path) @given('the setting "{setting_string}" is placed in the configuration file "{path_to_file}"') @when('the setting "{setting_string}" is placed in the configuration file "{path_to_file}"') def impl(context, setting_string, path_to_file): path = os.path.join(os.getenv("MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY"), path_to_file) with open(path, 'a') as f: f.write(setting_string) f.write("\n") @given('the latest gpperfmon gpdb-alert log is copied to a file with a fake (earlier) timestamp') @when('the latest gpperfmon gpdb-alert log is copied to a file with a fake (earlier) timestamp') def impl(context): gpdb_alert_file_path_src = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(os.getenv("MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY"), "gpperfmon", "logs", "gpdb-alert*")))[-1] # typical filename would be gpdb-alert-2017-04-26_155335.csv # setting the timestamp to a string that starts with `-` (em-dash) # will be sorted (based on ascii) before numeric timestamps # without colliding with a real timestamp dest = re.sub(r"_\d{6}\.csv$", "_-takeme.csv", gpdb_alert_file_path_src) # Let's wait until there's actually something in the file before actually # doing a copy of the log... for _ in range(60): if os.stat(gpdb_alert_file_path_src).st_size != 0: shutil.copy(gpdb_alert_file_path_src, dest) context.fake_timestamp_file = dest return sleep(1) raise Exception("File: %s is empty" % gpdb_alert_file_path_src) @then('the file with the fake timestamp no longer exists') def impl(context): if os.path.exists(context.fake_timestamp_file): raise Exception("expected no file at: %s" % context.fake_timestamp_file) @then('"{gppkg_name}" gppkg files exist on all hosts') def impl(context, gppkg_name): remote_gphome = os.environ.get('GPHOME') gparray = GpArray.initFromCatalog(dbconn.DbURL()) hostlist = get_all_hostnames_as_list(context, 'template1') # We can assume the GPDB is installed at the same location for all hosts rpm_command_list_all = 'rpm -qa --dbpath %s/share/packages/database' % remote_gphome for hostname in set(hostlist): cmd = Command(name='check if internal rpm gppkg is installed', cmdStr=rpm_command_list_all, ctxt=REMOTE, remoteHost=hostname) if not gppkg_name in cmd.get_stdout(): raise Exception( '"%s" gppkg is not installed on host: %s. \nInstalled packages: %s' % (gppkg_name, hostname, cmd.get_stdout())) @given('"{gppkg_name}" gppkg files do not exist on any hosts') @when('"{gppkg_name}" gppkg files do not exist on any hosts') @then('"{gppkg_name}" gppkg files do not exist on any hosts') def impl(context, gppkg_name): remote_gphome = os.environ.get('GPHOME') hostlist = get_all_hostnames_as_list(context, 'template1') # We can assume the GPDB is installed at the same location for all hosts rpm_command_list_all = 'rpm -qa --dbpath %s/share/packages/database' % remote_gphome for hostname in set(hostlist): cmd = Command(name='check if internal rpm gppkg is installed', cmdStr=rpm_command_list_all, ctxt=REMOTE, remoteHost=hostname) if gppkg_name in cmd.get_stdout(): raise Exception( '"%s" gppkg is installed on host: %s. \nInstalled packages: %s' % (gppkg_name, hostname, cmd.get_stdout())) def _remove_gppkg_from_host(context, gppkg_name, is_master_host): remote_gphome = os.environ.get('GPHOME') if is_master_host: hostname = get_master_hostname()[0][0] # returns a list of list else: hostlist = get_segment_hostlist() if not hostlist: raise Exception("Current GPDB setup is not a multi-host cluster.") # Let's just pick whatever is the first host in the list, it shouldn't # matter which one we remove from hostname = hostlist[0] rpm_command_list_all = 'rpm -qa --dbpath %s/share/packages/database' % remote_gphome cmd = Command(name='get all rpm from the host', cmdStr=rpm_command_list_all, ctxt=REMOTE, remoteHost=hostname) installed_gppkgs = cmd.get_stdout_lines() if not installed_gppkgs: raise Exception("Found no packages installed") full_gppkg_name = next((gppkg for gppkg in installed_gppkgs if gppkg_name in gppkg), None) if not full_gppkg_name: raise Exception("Found no matches for gppkg '%s'\n" "gppkgs installed:\n%s" % (gppkg_name, installed_gppkgs)) rpm_remove_command = 'rpm -e %s --dbpath %s/share/packages/database' % (full_gppkg_name, remote_gphome) cmd = Command(name='Cleanly remove from the remove host', cmdStr=rpm_remove_command, ctxt=REMOTE, remoteHost=hostname) remove_archive_gppgk = 'rm -f %s/share/packages/archive/%s.gppkg' % (remote_gphome, gppkg_name) cmd = Command(name='Remove archive gppkg', cmdStr=remove_archive_gppgk, ctxt=REMOTE, remoteHost=hostname) @when('gppkg "{gppkg_name}" is removed from a segment host') def impl(context, gppkg_name): _remove_gppkg_from_host(context, gppkg_name, is_master_host=False) @when('gppkg "{gppkg_name}" is removed from master host') def impl(context, gppkg_name): _remove_gppkg_from_host(context, gppkg_name, is_master_host=True) @given('a gphome copy is created at {location} on all hosts') def impl(context, location): """ Copies the contents of GPHOME from the local machine into a different directory location for all hosts in the cluster. """ gphome = os.environ["GPHOME"] greenplum_path = path.join(gphome, '') # First replace the GPHOME envvar in subprocess.check_call([ 'sed', '-i.bak', # we use this backup later '-e', r's|^GPHOME=.*$|GPHOME={}|'.format(location), greenplum_path, ]) try: # Now copy all the files over. hosts = set(get_all_hostnames_as_list(context, 'template1')) host_opts = [] for host in hosts: host_opts.extend(['-h', host]) subprocess.check_call([ 'gpscp', '-rv', ] + host_opts + [ os.getenv('GPHOME'), '=:{}'.format(location), ]) finally: # Put back the way it was. subprocess.check_call([ 'mv', '{}.bak'.format(greenplum_path), greenplum_path ]) @then('gpAdminLogs directory has no "{expected_file}" files') def impl(context, expected_file): log_dir = _get_gpAdminLogs_directory() files_found = glob.glob('%s/%s' % (log_dir, expected_file)) if files_found: raise Exception("expected no %s files in %s, but found %s" % (expected_file, log_dir, files_found)) @given('"{filepath}" is copied to the install directory') def impl(context, filepath): gphome = os.getenv("GPHOME") if not gphome: raise Exception("GPHOME must be set") shutil.copy(filepath, os.path.join(gphome, "bin")) @then('{command} should print "{target}" to logfile') def impl(context, command, target): log_dir = _get_gpAdminLogs_directory() filename = glob.glob('%s/%s_*.log' % (log_dir, command))[0] contents = '' with open(filename) as fr: for line in fr: contents += line if target not in contents: raise Exception("cannot find %s in %s" % (target, filename)) @given('verify that a role "{role_name}" exists in database "{dbname}"') @then('verify that a role "{role_name}" exists in database "{dbname}"') def impl(context, role_name, dbname): query = "select rolname from pg_roles where rolname = '%s'" % role_name conn = dbconn.connect(dbconn.DbURL(dbname=dbname)) try: result = getRows(dbname, query)[0][0] if result != role_name: raise Exception("Role %s does not exist in database %s." % (role_name, dbname)) except: raise Exception("Role %s does not exist in database %s." % (role_name, dbname)) @given('the system timezone is saved') def impl(context): cmd = Command(name='Get system timezone', cmdStr='date +"%Z"') context.system_timezone = cmd.get_stdout() @then('the database timezone is saved') def impl(context): cmd = Command(name='Get database timezone', cmdStr='psql -d template1 -c "show time zone" -t') tz = cmd.get_stdout() cmd = Command(name='Get abbreviated database timezone', cmdStr='psql -d template1 -c "select abbrev from pg_timezone_names where name=\'%s\';" -t' % tz) context.database_timezone = cmd.get_stdout() @then('the database timezone matches the system timezone') def step_impl(context): if context.database_timezone != context.system_timezone: raise Exception("Expected database timezone to be %s, but it was %s" % (context.system_timezone, context.database_timezone)) @then('the database timezone matches "{abbreviated_timezone}"') def step_impl(context, abbreviated_timezone): if context.database_timezone != abbreviated_timezone: raise Exception("Expected database timezone to be %s, but it was %s" % (abbreviated_timezone, context.database_timezone)) @then('the startup timezone is saved') def step_impl(context): logfile = "%s/pg_log/startup.log" % os.getenv("MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY") timezone = "" with open(logfile) as l: first_line = l.readline() timestamp = first_line.split(",")[0] timezone = timestamp[-3:] if timezone == "": raise Exception("Could not find timezone information in startup.log") context.startup_timezone = timezone @then('the startup timezone matches the system timezone') def step_impl(context): if context.startup_timezone != context.system_timezone: raise Exception("Expected timezone in startup.log to be %s, but it was %s" % (context.system_timezone, context.startup_timezone)) @then('the startup timezone matches "{abbreviated_timezone}"') def step_impl(context, abbreviated_timezone): if context.startup_timezone != abbreviated_timezone: raise Exception("Expected timezone in startup.log to be %s, but it was %s" % (abbreviated_timezone, context.startup_timezone)) @given("a working directory of the test as '{working_directory}' with mode '{mode}'") def impl(context, working_directory, mode): _create_working_directory(context, working_directory, mode) @given("a working directory of the test as '{working_directory}'") def impl(context, working_directory): _create_working_directory(context, working_directory) def _create_working_directory(context, working_directory, mode=''): context.working_directory = working_directory # Don't fail if directory already exists, which can occur for the first scenario shutil.rmtree(context.working_directory, ignore_errors=True) if (mode != ''): os.mkdir(context.working_directory, int(mode,8)) else: os.mkdir(context.working_directory) def _create_cluster(context, master_host, segment_host_list, with_mirrors=False, mirroring_configuration='group'): if segment_host_list == "": segment_host_list = [] else: segment_host_list = segment_host_list.split(",") del os.environ['MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY'] os.environ['MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY'] = os.path.join(context.working_directory, 'data/master/gpseg-1') try: with dbconn.connect(dbconn.DbURL(dbname='template1')) as conn: curs = dbconn.execSQL(conn, "select count(*) from gp_segment_configuration where role='m';") count = curs.fetchall()[0][0] if not with_mirrors and count == 0: print "Skipping creating a new cluster since the cluster is primary only already." return elif with_mirrors and count > 0: print "Skipping creating a new cluster since the cluster has mirrors already." return except: pass testcluster = TestCluster(hosts=[master_host]+segment_host_list, base_dir=context.working_directory) testcluster.reset_cluster() testcluster.create_cluster(with_mirrors=with_mirrors, mirroring_configuration=mirroring_configuration) context.gpexpand_mirrors_enabled = with_mirrors @then('a cluster is created with no mirrors on "{master_host}" and "{segment_host_list}"') @given('a cluster is created with no mirrors on "{master_host}" and "{segment_host_list}"') def impl(context, master_host, segment_host_list): _create_cluster(context, master_host, segment_host_list, with_mirrors=False) @given('a cluster is created with mirrors on "{master_host}" and "{segment_host_list}"') def impl(context, master_host, segment_host_list): _create_cluster(context, master_host, segment_host_list, with_mirrors=True, mirroring_configuration='group') @given('a cluster is created with "{mirroring_configuration}" segment mirroring on "{master_host}" and "{segment_host_list}"') def impl(context, mirroring_configuration, master_host, segment_host_list): _create_cluster(context, master_host, segment_host_list, with_mirrors=True, mirroring_configuration=mirroring_configuration) @given('the user runs gpexpand interview to add {num_of_segments} new segment and {num_of_hosts} new host "{hostnames}"') @when('the user runs gpexpand interview to add {num_of_segments} new segment and {num_of_hosts} new host "{hostnames}"') def impl(context, num_of_segments, num_of_hosts, hostnames): num_of_segments = int(num_of_segments) num_of_hosts = int(num_of_hosts) hosts = [] if num_of_hosts > 0: hosts = hostnames.split(',') if num_of_hosts != len(hosts): raise Exception("Incorrect amount of hosts. number of hosts:%s\nhostnames: %s" % (num_of_hosts, hosts)) base_dir = "/tmp" if hasattr(context, "temp_base_dir"): base_dir = context.temp_base_dir elif hasattr(context, "working_directory"): base_dir = context.working_directory primary_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, 'data', 'primary') mirror_dir = '' if context.gpexpand_mirrors_enabled: mirror_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, 'data', 'mirror') directory_pairs = [] # we need to create the tuples for the interview to work. for i in range(0, num_of_segments): directory_pairs.append((primary_dir,mirror_dir)) gpexpand = Gpexpand(context, working_directory=context.working_directory) output, returncode = gpexpand.do_interview(hosts=hosts, num_of_segments=num_of_segments, directory_pairs=directory_pairs, has_mirrors=context.gpexpand_mirrors_enabled) if returncode != 0: raise Exception("*****An error occured*****:\n %s" % output) @given('there are no gpexpand_inputfiles') def impl(context): map(os.remove, glob.glob("gpexpand_inputfile*")) @when('the user runs gpexpand with the latest gpexpand_inputfile with additional parameters {additional_params}') def impl(context, additional_params=''): gpexpand = Gpexpand(context, working_directory=context.working_directory) ret_code, std_err, std_out = gpexpand.initialize_segments(additional_params) if ret_code != 0: raise Exception("gpexpand exited with return code: %d.\nstderr=%s\nstdout=%s" % (ret_code, std_err, std_out)) @when('the user runs gpexpand with the latest gpexpand_inputfile without ret code check') def impl(context): gpexpand = Gpexpand(context, working_directory=context.working_directory) gpexpand.initialize_segments() @when('the user runs gpexpand to redistribute with duration "{duration}"') def impl(context, duration): _gpexpand_redistribute(context, duration) @when('the user runs gpexpand to redistribute with the --end flag') def impl(context): _gpexpand_redistribute(context, endtime=True) @when('the user runs gpexpand to redistribute') def impl(context): _gpexpand_redistribute(context) def _gpexpand_redistribute(context, duration=False, endtime=False): gpexpand = Gpexpand(context, working_directory=context.working_directory) context.command = gpexpand ret_code, std_err, std_out = gpexpand.redistribute(duration, endtime) if duration or endtime: if ret_code != 0: # gpexpand exited on time, it's expected return else: raise Exception("gpexpand didn't stop at duration / endtime.\nstderr=%s\nstdout=%s" % (std_err, std_out)) if ret_code != 0: raise Exception("gpexpand exited with return code: %d.\nstderr=%s\nstdout=%s" % (ret_code, std_err, std_out)) @when('the user runs gpexpand with a static inputfile for a single-node cluster with mirrors') def impl(context): inputfile_contents = """sdw1:sdw1:20502:/tmp/gpexpand_behave/data/primary/gpseg2:6:2:p sdw1:sdw1:21502:/tmp/gpexpand_behave/data/mirror/gpseg2:8:2:m sdw1:sdw1:20503:/tmp/gpexpand_behave/data/primary/gpseg3:7:3:p sdw1:sdw1:21503:/tmp/gpexpand_behave/data/mirror/gpseg3:9:3:m""" timestamp ="%Y%m%d_%H%M%S") inputfile_name = "%s/gpexpand_inputfile_%s" % (context.working_directory, timestamp) with open(inputfile_name, 'w') as fd: fd.write(inputfile_contents) gpexpand = Gpexpand(context, working_directory=context.working_directory) ret_code, std_err, std_out = gpexpand.initialize_segments() if ret_code != 0: raise Exception("gpexpand exited with return code: %d.\nstderr=%s\nstdout=%s" % (ret_code, std_err, std_out)) @when('the user runs gpexpand with a static inputfile for a single-node cluster with mirrors without ret code check') def impl(context): inputfile_contents = """sdw1:sdw1:20502:/data/gpdata/gpexpand/data/primary/gpseg2:7:2:p sdw1:sdw1:21502:/data/gpdata/gpexpand/data/mirror/gpseg2:8:2:m""" timestamp ="%Y%m%d_%H%M%S") inputfile_name = "%s/gpexpand_inputfile_%s" % (context.working_directory, timestamp) with open(inputfile_name, 'w') as fd: fd.write(inputfile_contents) gpexpand = Gpexpand(context, working_directory=context.working_directory) gpexpand.initialize_segments() @given('the master pid has been saved') def impl(context): data_dir = os.path.join(context.working_directory, 'data/master/gpseg-1') context.master_pid = gp.get_postmaster_pid_locally(data_dir) @then('verify that the master pid has not been changed') def impl(context): data_dir = os.path.join(context.working_directory, 'data/master/gpseg-1') current_master_pid = gp.get_postmaster_pid_locally(data_dir) if context.master_pid == current_master_pid: return raise Exception("The master pid has been changed.\nprevious: %s\ncurrent: %s" % (context.master_pid, current_master_pid)) @then('the numsegments of table "{tabname}" is {numsegments}') def impl(context, tabname, numsegments): dbname = 'gptest' with dbconn.connect(dbconn.DbURL(dbname=dbname)) as conn: query = "select numsegments from gp_distribution_policy where localoid = '{tabname}'::regclass".format(tabname=tabname) ns = dbconn.execSQLForSingleton(conn, query) if ns == int(numsegments): return raise Exception("The numsegments of the writable external table {tabname} is {ns} (expected to be {numsegments})".format(tabname=tabname, ns=str(ns), numsegments=str(numsegments))) @given('the number of segments have been saved') @then('the number of segments have been saved') def impl(context): dbname = 'gptest' with dbconn.connect(dbconn.DbURL(dbname=dbname)) as conn: query = """SELECT count(*) from gp_segment_configuration where -1 < content""" context.start_data_segments = dbconn.execSQLForSingleton(conn, query) @given('the gp_segment_configuration have been saved') @when('the gp_segment_configuration have been saved') @then('the gp_segment_configuration have been saved') def impl(context): dbname = 'gptest' gp_segment_conf_backup = {} with dbconn.connect(dbconn.DbURL(dbname=dbname)) as conn: query = """SELECT count(*) from gp_segment_configuration where -1 < content""" segment_count = int(dbconn.execSQLForSingleton(conn, query)) query = """SELECT * from gp_segment_configuration where -1 < content order by dbid""" cursor = dbconn.execSQL(conn, query) for i in range(0, segment_count): dbid, content, role, preferred_role, mode, status,\ port, hostname, address, datadir = cursor.fetchone(); gp_segment_conf_backup[dbid] = {} gp_segment_conf_backup[dbid]['content'] = content gp_segment_conf_backup[dbid]['role'] = role gp_segment_conf_backup[dbid]['preferred_role'] = preferred_role gp_segment_conf_backup[dbid]['mode'] = mode gp_segment_conf_backup[dbid]['status'] = status gp_segment_conf_backup[dbid]['port'] = port gp_segment_conf_backup[dbid]['hostname'] = hostname gp_segment_conf_backup[dbid]['address'] = address gp_segment_conf_backup[dbid]['datadir'] = datadir context.gp_segment_conf_backup = gp_segment_conf_backup @given('verify the gp_segment_configuration has been restored') @when('verify the gp_segment_configuration has been restored') @then('verify the gp_segment_configuration has been restored') def impl(context): dbname = 'gptest' gp_segment_conf_backup = {} with dbconn.connect(dbconn.DbURL(dbname=dbname)) as conn: query = """SELECT count(*) from gp_segment_configuration where -1 < content""" segment_count = int(dbconn.execSQLForSingleton(conn, query)) query = """SELECT * from gp_segment_configuration where -1 < content order by dbid""" cursor = dbconn.execSQL(conn, query) for i in range(0, segment_count): dbid, content, role, preferred_role, mode, status,\ port, hostname, address, datadir = cursor.fetchone(); gp_segment_conf_backup[dbid] = {} gp_segment_conf_backup[dbid]['content'] = content gp_segment_conf_backup[dbid]['role'] = role gp_segment_conf_backup[dbid]['preferred_role'] = preferred_role gp_segment_conf_backup[dbid]['mode'] = mode gp_segment_conf_backup[dbid]['status'] = status gp_segment_conf_backup[dbid]['port'] = port gp_segment_conf_backup[dbid]['hostname'] = hostname gp_segment_conf_backup[dbid]['address'] = address gp_segment_conf_backup[dbid]['datadir'] = datadir if context.gp_segment_conf_backup != gp_segment_conf_backup: raise Exception("gp_segment_configuration has not been restored") @given('user has created {table_name} table') def impl(context, table_name): dbname = 'gptest' with dbconn.connect(dbconn.DbURL(dbname=dbname)) as conn: query = """CREATE TABLE %s(a INT)""" % table_name dbconn.execSQL(conn, query) conn.commit() @given('a long-run read-only transaction exists on {table_name}') def impl(context, table_name): dbname = 'gptest' conn = dbconn.connect(dbconn.DbURL(dbname=dbname)) context.long_run_select_only_conn = conn query = """SELECT gp_segment_id, * from %s order by 1, 2""" % table_name data_result = dbconn.execSQL(conn, query).fetchall() context.long_run_select_only_data_result = data_result query = """SELECT txid_current()""" xid = dbconn.execSQLForSingleton(conn, query) context.long_run_select_only_xid = xid @then('verify that long-run read-only transaction still exists on {table_name}') def impl(context, table_name): dbname = 'gptest' conn = context.long_run_select_only_conn query = """SELECT gp_segment_id, * from %s order by 1, 2""" % table_name data_result = dbconn.execSQL(conn, query).fetchall() query = """SELECT txid_current()""" xid = dbconn.execSQLForSingleton(conn, query) if (xid != context.long_run_select_only_xid or data_result != context.long_run_select_only_data_result): error_str = "Incorrect xid or select result of long run read-only transaction: \ xid(before %s, after %), result(before %s, after %s)" raise Exception(error_str % (context.long_run_select_only_xid, xid, context.long_run_select_only_data_result, data_result)) @given('a long-run transaction starts') def impl(context): dbname = 'gptest' conn = dbconn.connect(dbconn.DbURL(dbname=dbname)) context.long_run_conn = conn query = """SELECT txid_current()""" xid = dbconn.execSQLForSingleton(conn, query) context.long_run_xid = xid @then('verify that long-run transaction aborted for changing the catalog by creating table {table_name}') def impl(context, table_name): dbname = 'gptest' conn = context.long_run_conn query = """SELECT txid_current()""" xid = dbconn.execSQLForSingleton(conn, query) if context.long_run_xid != xid: raise Exception("Incorrect xid of long run transaction: before %s, after %s" % (context.long_run_xid, xid)); query = """CREATE TABLE %s (a INT)""" % table_name try: data_result = dbconn.execSQL(conn, query) except Exception, msg: key_msg = "FATAL: cluster is expaneded" if key_msg not in msg.__str__(): raise Exception("transaction not abort correctly, errmsg:%s" % msg) else: raise Exception("transaction not abort, result:%s" % data_result) @when('verify that the cluster has {num_of_segments} new segments') @then('verify that the cluster has {num_of_segments} new segments') def impl(context, num_of_segments): dbname = 'gptest' with dbconn.connect(dbconn.DbURL(dbname=dbname)) as conn: query = """SELECT count(*) from gp_segment_configuration where -1 < content and status = 'u'""" end_data_segments = dbconn.execSQLForSingleton(conn, query) if int(num_of_segments) == int(end_data_segments - context.start_data_segments): return raise Exception("Incorrect amount of segments.\nprevious: %s\ncurrent: %s" % (context.start_data_segments, end_data_segments)) @given('the cluster is setup for an expansion on hosts "{hostnames}"') def impl(context, hostnames): hosts = hostnames.split(",") base_dir = "/tmp" if hasattr(context, "temp_base_dir"): base_dir = context.temp_base_dir elif hasattr(context, "working_directory"): base_dir = context.working_directory for host in hosts: cmd = Command(name='create data directories for expansion', cmdStr="mkdir -p %s/data/primary; mkdir -p %s/data/mirror" % (base_dir, base_dir), ctxt=REMOTE, remoteHost=host) @given("a temporary directory under '{tmp_base_dir}' with mode '{mode}' is created") @given('a temporary directory under "{tmp_base_dir}" to expand into') def make_temp_dir(context,tmp_base_dir, mode=''): if not tmp_base_dir: raise Exception("tmp_base_dir cannot be empty") if not os.path.exists(tmp_base_dir): os.mkdir(tmp_base_dir) context.temp_base_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=tmp_base_dir) if mode: os.chmod(path.normpath(path.join(tmp_base_dir, context.temp_base_dir)), int(mode,8)) @given('the new host "{hostnames}" is ready to go') def impl(context, hostnames): hosts = hostnames.split(',') if hasattr(context, "working_directory"): reset_hosts(hosts, context.working_directory) if hasattr(context, "temp_base_dir"): reset_hosts(hosts, context.temp_base_dir) @then('the database is killed on hosts "{hostnames}"') @given('the database is killed on hosts "{hostnames}"') def impl(context, hostnames): hosts = hostnames.split(",") for host in hosts: cmd = Command(name='pkill postgres', cmdStr="pkill postgres || true", ctxt=REMOTE, remoteHost=host) @given('user has created expansiontest tables') @then('user has created expansiontest tables') def impl(context): dbname = 'gptest' with dbconn.connect(dbconn.DbURL(dbname=dbname)) as conn: for i in range(3): query = """drop table if exists expansiontest%s""" % (i) dbconn.execSQL(conn, query) query = """create table expansiontest%s(a int)""" % (i) dbconn.execSQL(conn, query) conn.commit() @then('the tables have finished expanding') def impl(context): dbname = 'postgres' with dbconn.connect(dbconn.DbURL(dbname=dbname)) as conn: query = """select fq_name from gpexpand.status_detail WHERE expansion_finished IS NULL""" cursor = dbconn.execSQL(conn, query) row = cursor.fetchone() if row: raise Exception("table %s has not finished expanding" % row[0]) @given('an FTS probe is triggered') @when('an FTS probe is triggered') def impl(context): with dbconn.connect(dbconn.DbURL(dbname='postgres')) as conn: dbconn.execSQLForSingleton(conn, "SELECT gp_request_fts_probe_scan()") @then('verify that gpstart on original master fails due to lower Timeline ID') def step_impl(context): ''' This assumes that gpstart still checks for Timeline ID if a standby master is present ''' context.execute_steps(u''' When the user runs "gpstart -a" Then gpstart should return a return code of 2 And gpstart should print "Standby activated, this node no more can act as master." to stdout ''') @then('verify gpstate with options "{options}" output is correct') def step_impl(context, options): if '-f' in options: if context.standby_hostname not in context.stdout_message or \ context.standby_data_dir not in context.stdout_message or \ str(context.standby_port) not in context.stdout_message: raise Exception("gpstate -f output is missing expected standby master information") elif '-s' in options: if context.standby_hostname not in context.stdout_message or \ context.standby_data_dir not in context.stdout_message or \ str(context.standby_port) not in context.stdout_message: raise Exception("gpstate -s output is missing expected master information") elif '-Q' in options: for stdout_line in context.stdout_message.split('\n'): if 'up segments, from configuration table' in stdout_line: segments_up = int(re.match(".*of up segments, from configuration table\s+=\s+([0-9]+)", stdout_line).group(1)) if segments_up <= 1: raise Exception("gpstate -Q output does not match expectations of more than one segment up") if 'down segments, from configuration table' in stdout_line: segments_down = int(re.match(".*of down segments, from configuration table\s+=\s+([0-9]+)", stdout_line).group(1)) if segments_down != 0: raise Exception("gpstate -Q output does not match expectations of all segments up") break ## down segments comes after up segments, so we can break here elif '-m' in options: dbname = 'postgres' with dbconn.connect(dbconn.DbURL(hostname=context.standby_hostname, port=context.standby_port, dbname=dbname)) as conn: query = """select datadir, port from pg_catalog.gp_segment_configuration where role='m' and content <> -1;""" cursor = dbconn.execSQL(conn, query) for i in range(cursor.rowcount): datadir, port = cursor.fetchone() if datadir not in context.stdout_message or \ str(port) not in context.stdout_message: raise Exception("gpstate -m output missing expected mirror info, datadir %s port %d" %(datadir, port)) else: raise Exception("no verification for gpstate option given") @given('ensure the standby directory does not exist') def impl(context): run_command(context, 'rm -rf $MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY/newstandby') run_command(context, 'rm -rf /tmp/gpinitsystemtest && mkdir /tmp/gpinitsystemtest') @when('initialize a cluster with standby using "{config_file}"') def impl(context, config_file): run_gpcommand(context, 'gpinitsystem -a -I %s -l /tmp/gpinitsystemtest -s localhost -P 21100 -S $MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY/newstandby -h ../gpAux/gpdemo/hostfile' % config_file) check_return_code(context, 0) @when('initialize a cluster using "{config_file}"') def impl(context, config_file): run_gpcommand(context, 'gpinitsystem -a -I %s -l /tmp/' % config_file) check_return_code(context, 0) @when('generate cluster config file "{config_file}"') def impl(context, config_file): run_gpcommand(context, 'gpinitsystem -a -c ../gpAux/gpdemo/clusterConfigFile -O %s' % config_file) check_return_code(context, 0) @when('check segment conf: postgresql.conf') @then('check segment conf: postgresql.conf') def step_impl(context): query = "select dbid, port, hostname, datadir from gp_segment_configuration where content >= 0" conn = dbconn.connect(dbconn.DbURL(dbname='postgres')) segments = dbconn.execSQL(conn, query).fetchall() for segment in segments: dbid = "'%s'" % segment[0] port = "'%s'" % segment[1] hostname = segment[2] datadir = segment[3] ## check postgresql.conf remote_postgresql_conf = "%s/%s" % (datadir, 'postgresql.conf') local_conf_copy = os.path.join(os.getenv("MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY"), "%s.%s" % ('postgresql.conf', hostname)) cmd = Command(name="Copy remote conf to local to diff", cmdStr='scp %s:%s %s' % (hostname, remote_postgresql_conf, local_conf_copy)) dic = pgconf.readfile(filename=local_conf_copy) if str(dic['port']) != port: raise Exception("port value in postgresql.conf of %s is incorrect. Expected:%s, given:%s" % (hostname, port, dic['port'])) @given('the transactions are started for dml') def impl(context): dbname = 'gptest' context.dml_jobs = [] for dml in ['insert', 'update', 'delete']: job = TestDML.create(dbname, dml) job.start() context.dml_jobs.append((dml, job)) @then('verify the dml results and commit') def impl(context): dbname = 'gptest' for dml, job in context.dml_jobs: code, message = job.stop() if not code: raise Exception(message) @then('verify the dml results again in a new transaction') def impl(context): dbname = 'gptest' conn = dbconn.connect(dbconn.DbURL(dbname=dbname)) for dml, job in context.dml_jobs: code, message = job.reverify(conn) if not code: raise Exception(message) @given('distribution information from table "{table}" with data in "{dbname}" is saved') def impl(context, table, dbname): context.pre_redistribution_row_count = _get_row_count_per_segment(table, dbname) @then('distribution information from table "{table}" with data in "{dbname}" is verified against saved data') def impl(context, table, dbname): pre_distribution_row_count = context.pre_redistribution_row_count post_distribution_row_count = _get_row_count_per_segment(table, dbname) if len(pre_distribution_row_count) >= len(post_distribution_row_count): raise Exception("Failed to redistribute table. Expected to have more than %d segments, got %d segments" % (len(pre_distribution_row_count), len(post_distribution_row_count))) post_distribution_num_segments = 0 with dbconn.connect(dbconn.DbURL(dbname=dbname)) as conn: query = "SELECT count(DISTINCT content) FROM gp_segment_configuration WHERE content != -1;" cursor = dbconn.execSQL(conn, query) post_distribution_num_segments = cursor.fetchone()[0] if len(post_distribution_row_count) != post_distribution_num_segments: raise Exception("Failed to redistribute table %s. Expected table to have data on %d segments, but found %d segments" % (table, post_distribution_num_segments, len(post_distribution_row_count))) if sum(pre_distribution_row_count) != sum(post_distribution_row_count): raise Exception("Redistributed data does not match pre-redistribution data. Actual: %d, Expected: %d" % (sum(post_distribution_row_count), sum(pre_distribution_row_count))) mean = sum(post_distribution_row_count) / len(post_distribution_row_count) variance = sum(pow(row_count - mean, 2) for row_count in post_distribution_row_count) / len(post_distribution_row_count) std_deviation = math.sqrt(variance) std_error = std_deviation / math.sqrt(len(post_distribution_row_count)) relative_std_error = std_error / mean tolerance = 0.01 if relative_std_error > tolerance: raise Exception("Unexpected variance for redistributed data in table %s. Relative standard error %f exceeded tolerance factor of %f." % (table, relative_std_error, tolerance)) def _get_row_count_per_segment(table, dbname): with dbconn.connect(dbconn.DbURL(dbname=dbname)) as conn: query = "SELECT gp_segment_id,COUNT(i) FROM %s GROUP BY gp_segment_id;" % table cursor = dbconn.execSQL(conn, query) rows = cursor.fetchall() return [row[1] for row in rows] # indices are the gp segment id's, so no need to store them explicitly @given('set fault inject "{fault}"') @then('set fault inject "{fault}"') @when('set fault inject "{fault}"') def impl(context, fault): os.environ['GPMGMT_FAULT_POINT'] = fault @given('unset fault inject') @then('unset fault inject') @when('unset fault inject') def impl(context): os.environ['GPMGMT_FAULT_POINT'] = "" @given('run rollback') @then('run rollback') @when('run rollback') def impl(context): gpexpand = Gpexpand(context, working_directory=context.working_directory) ret_code, std_err, std_out = gpexpand.rollback() if ret_code != 0: raise Exception("rollback exited with return code: %d.\nstderr=%s\nstdout=%s" % (ret_code, std_err, std_out)) @given('create database schema table with special character') @then('create database schema table with special character') def impl(context): dbname = ' a b."\'\\\\' escape_dbname = dbname.replace('\\', '\\\\').replace('"', '\\"') createdb_cmd = "createdb \"%s\"" % escape_dbname run_command(context, createdb_cmd) with dbconn.connect(dbconn.DbURL(dbname=dbname)) as conn: #special char table query = 'create table " a b.""\'\\\\"(c1 int);' dbconn.execSQL(conn, query) query = 'create schema " a b.""\'\\\\";' dbconn.execSQL(conn, query) #special char schema and table query = 'create table " a b.""\'\\\\"." a b.""\'\\\\"(c1 int);' dbconn.execSQL(conn, query) #special char partition table query = """ CREATE TABLE \" a b.'\"\"\\\\\" (id int, year int, month int, day int, region text) DISTRIBUTED BY (id) PARTITION BY RANGE (year) SUBPARTITION BY RANGE (month) SUBPARTITION TEMPLATE ( START (1) END (13) EVERY (4), DEFAULT SUBPARTITION other_months ) ( START (2008) END (2016) EVERY (1), DEFAULT PARTITION outlying_years); """ dbconn.execSQL(conn, query) #special char schema and partition table query = """ CREATE TABLE \" a b.\"\"'\\\\\".\" a b.'\"\"\\\\\" (id int, year int, month int, day int, region text) DISTRIBUTED BY (id) PARTITION BY RANGE (year) SUBPARTITION BY RANGE (month) SUBPARTITION TEMPLATE ( START (1) END (13) EVERY (4), DEFAULT SUBPARTITION other_months ) ( START (2008) END (2016) EVERY (1), DEFAULT PARTITION outlying_years); """ dbconn.execSQL(conn, query) conn.commit() @given('the database "{dbname}" is broken with "{broken}" orphaned toast tables only on segments with content IDs "{contentIDs}"') def break_orphaned_toast_tables(context, dbname, broken, contentIDs=None): drop_database_if_exists(context, dbname) create_database(context, dbname) sql = '' if broken == 'bad reference': sql = ''' DROP TABLE IF EXISTS bad_reference; CREATE TABLE bad_reference (a text); UPDATE pg_class SET reltoastrelid = 0 WHERE relname = 'bad_reference';''' if broken == 'mismatched non-cyclic': sql = ''' DROP TABLE IF EXISTS mismatch_one; CREATE TABLE mismatch_one (a text); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS mismatch_two; CREATE TABLE mismatch_two (a text); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS mismatch_three; CREATE TABLE mismatch_three (a text); -- 1 -> 2 -> 3 UPDATE pg_class SET reltoastrelid = (SELECT reltoastrelid FROM pg_class WHERE relname = 'mismatch_two') WHERE relname = 'mismatch_one'; UPDATE pg_class SET reltoastrelid = (SELECT reltoastrelid FROM pg_class WHERE relname = 'mismatch_three') WHERE relname = 'mismatch_two';''' if broken == 'mismatched cyclic': sql = ''' DROP TABLE IF EXISTS mismatch_fixed; CREATE TABLE mismatch_fixed (a text); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS mismatch_one; CREATE TABLE mismatch_one (a text); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS mismatch_two; CREATE TABLE mismatch_two (a text); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS mismatch_three; CREATE TABLE mismatch_three (a text); -- fixed -> 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 1 UPDATE pg_class SET reltoastrelid = (SELECT reltoastrelid FROM pg_class WHERE relname = 'mismatch_one') WHERE relname = 'mismatch_fixed'; -- "save" the reltoastrelid UPDATE pg_class SET reltoastrelid = (SELECT reltoastrelid FROM pg_class WHERE relname = 'mismatch_two') WHERE relname = 'mismatch_one'; UPDATE pg_class SET reltoastrelid = (SELECT reltoastrelid FROM pg_class WHERE relname = 'mismatch_three') WHERE relname = 'mismatch_two'; UPDATE pg_class SET reltoastrelid = (SELECT reltoastrelid FROM pg_class WHERE relname = 'mismatch_fixed') WHERE relname = 'mismatch_three';''' if broken == "bad dependency": sql = ''' DROP TABLE IF EXISTS bad_dependency; CREATE TABLE bad_dependency (a text); DELETE FROM pg_depend WHERE refobjid = 'bad_dependency'::regclass;''' if broken == "double orphan - no parent": sql = ''' DROP TABLE IF EXISTS double_orphan_no_parent; CREATE TABLE double_orphan_no_parent (a text); DELETE FROM pg_depend WHERE refobjid = 'double_orphan_no_parent'::regclass; DROP TABLE double_orphan_no_parent;''' if broken == "double orphan - valid parent": sql = ''' DROP TABLE IF EXISTS double_orphan_valid_parent; CREATE TABLE double_orphan_valid_parent (a text); -- save double_orphan_valid_parent toast table oid CREATE TEMP TABLE first_orphan_toast AS SELECT oid, relname FROM pg_class WHERE oid = (SELECT reltoastrelid FROM pg_class WHERE oid = 'double_orphan_valid_parent'::regclass); -- create a orphan toast table DELETE FROM pg_depend WHERE objid = (SELECT oid FROM first_orphan_toast); DROP TABLE double_orphan_valid_parent; -- recreate double_orphan_valid_parent table to create a second valid toast table CREATE TABLE double_orphan_valid_parent (a text); -- save the second toast table oid from recreating double_orphan_valid_parent CREATE TEMP TABLE second_orphan_toast AS SELECT oid, relname FROM pg_class WHERE oid = (SELECT reltoastrelid FROM pg_class WHERE oid = 'double_orphan_valid_parent'::regclass); -- swap the first_orphan_toast table with a temp name UPDATE pg_class SET relname = (SELECT relname || '_temp' FROM second_orphan_toast) WHERE oid = (SELECT oid FROM first_orphan_toast); -- swap second_orphan_toast table with the original name of valid_parent toast table UPDATE pg_class SET relname = (SELECT relname FROM first_orphan_toast) WHERE oid = (SELECT oid FROM second_orphan_toast); -- swap the temp name with the first_orphan_toast table UPDATE pg_class SET relname = (SELECT relname FROM second_orphan_toast) WHERE oid = (SELECT oid FROM first_orphan_toast);''' if broken == "double orphan - invalid parent": sql = ''' DROP TABLE IF EXISTS double_orphan_invalid_parent; CREATE TABLE double_orphan_invalid_parent (a text); DELETE FROM pg_depend WHERE objid = (SELECT reltoastrelid FROM pg_class WHERE relname = 'double_orphan_invalid_parent') AND refobjid = (SELECT oid FROM pg_class where relname = 'double_orphan_invalid_parent'); UPDATE pg_class SET reltoastrelid = 0 WHERE relname = 'double_orphan_invalid_parent';''' dbURLs = [dbconn.DbURL(dbname=dbname)] if contentIDs: dbURLs = [] seg_config_sql = '''SELECT port,hostname FROM gp_segment_configuration WHERE role='p' AND content IN (%s);''' % contentIDs for port, hostname in getRows(dbname, seg_config_sql): dbURLs.append(dbconn.DbURL(dbname=dbname, hostname=hostname, port=port)) for dbURL in dbURLs: utility = True if contentIDs else False with dbconn.connect(dbURL, allowSystemTableMods=True, utility=utility) as conn: dbconn.execSQL(conn, sql) conn.commit() @given('the database "{dbname}" is broken with "{broken}" orphaned toast tables') def impl(context, dbname, broken): break_orphaned_toast_tables(context, dbname, broken) @given('the database "{dbname}" has a table that is orphaned in multiple ways') def impl(context, dbname): drop_database_if_exists(context, dbname) create_database(context, dbname) master = dbconn.DbURL(dbname=dbname) gparray = GpArray.initFromCatalog(master) primary0 = gparray.segmentPairs[0].primaryDB primary1 = gparray.segmentPairs[1].primaryDB seg0 = dbconn.DbURL(dbname=dbname, hostname=primary0.hostname, port=primary0.port) seg1 = dbconn.DbURL(dbname=dbname, hostname=primary1.hostname, port=primary1.port) with dbconn.connect(master, allowSystemTableMods=True) as conn: dbconn.execSQL(conn, """ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS borked; CREATE TABLE borked (a text); """) conn.commit() with dbconn.connect(seg0, utility=True, allowSystemTableMods=True) as conn: dbconn.execSQL(conn, """ DELETE FROM pg_depend WHERE refobjid = 'borked'::regclass; """) conn.commit() with dbconn.connect(seg1, utility=True, allowSystemTableMods=True) as conn: dbconn.execSQL(conn, """ UPDATE pg_class SET reltoastrelid = 0 WHERE oid = 'borked'::regclass; """) conn.commit() @then('verify status file and gp_segment_configuration backup file exist on standby') def impl(context): status_file = 'gpexpand.status' gp_segment_configuration_backup = 'gpexpand.gp_segment_configuration' query = "select hostname, datadir from gp_segment_configuration where content = -1 order by dbid" conn = dbconn.connect(dbconn.DbURL(dbname='postgres')) res = dbconn.execSQL(conn, query).fetchall() master = res[0] standby = res[1] master_datadir = master[1] standby_host = standby[0] standby_datadir = standby[1] standby_remote_statusfile = "%s:%s/%s" % (standby_host, standby_datadir, status_file) standby_local_statusfile = "%s/%s.standby" % (master_datadir, status_file) standby_remote_gp_segment_configuration_file = "%s:%s/%s" % \ (standby_host, standby_datadir, gp_segment_configuration_backup) standby_local_gp_segment_configuration_file = "%s/%s.standby" % \ (master_datadir, gp_segment_configuration_backup) cmd = Command(name="Copy standby file to master", cmdStr='scp %s %s' % \ (standby_remote_statusfile, standby_local_statusfile)) cmd = Command(name="Copy standby file to master", cmdStr='scp %s %s' % \ (standby_remote_gp_segment_configuration_file, standby_local_gp_segment_configuration_file)) if not os.path.exists(standby_local_statusfile): raise Exception('file "%s" is not exist' % standby_remote_statusfile) if not os.path.exists(standby_local_gp_segment_configuration_file): raise Exception('file "%s" is not exist' % standby_remote_gp_segment_configuration_file)