-- -- create.source -- -- -- -- ABSTRACT DATA TYPE DEFINITIONS -- CREATE FUNCTION circle_in(opaque) RETURNS circle AS '_OBJWD_/regress_SLSUFF_' LANGUAGE 'c'; CREATE FUNCTION circle_out(opaque) RETURNS opaque AS '_OBJWD_/regress_SLSUFF_' LANGUAGE 'c'; CREATE TYPE circle ( internallength = 24, input = circle_in, output = circle_out, alignment = double ); CREATE TYPE city_budget ( internallength = 16, input = int44in, output = int44out, element = int4 ); -- -- CLASS DEFINITIONS -- CREATE TABLE hobbies_r ( name text, person text ); CREATE TABLE equipment_r ( name text, hobby text ); CREATE TABLE onek ( unique1 int4, unique2 int4, two int4, four int4, ten int4, twenty int4, hundred int4, thousand int4, twothousand int4, fivethous int4, tenthous int4, odd int4, even int4, stringu1 char16, stringu2 char16, string4 char16 ); CREATE TABLE tenk1 ( unique1 int4, unique2 int4, two int4, four int4, ten int4, twenty int4, hundred int4, thousand int4, twothousand int4, fivethous int4, tenthous int4, odd int4, even int4, stringu1 char16, stringu2 char16, string4 char16 ); CREATE TABLE tenk2 ( unique1 int4, unique2 int4, two int4, four int4, ten int4, twenty int4, hundred int4, thousand int4, twothousand int4, fivethous int4, tenthous int4, odd int4, even int4, stringu1 char16, stringu2 char16, string4 char16 ); CREATE TABLE person ( name text, age int4, location point ); CREATE TABLE emp ( salary int4, manager char16 ) INHERITS (person); CREATE TABLE student ( gpa float8 ) INHERITS (person); CREATE TABLE stud_emp ( percent int4 ) INHERITS (emp, student); CREATE TABLE city ( name char16, location box, budget city_budget ); CREATE TABLE dept ( dname char16, mgrname text ); CREATE TABLE slow_emp4000 ( home_base box ); CREATE TABLE fast_emp4000 ( home_base box ); CREATE TABLE road ( name text, thepath path ); CREATE TABLE ihighway () INHERITS (road); CREATE TABLE shighway ( surface text ) INHERITS (road); CREATE TABLE real_city ( pop int4, cname text, outline path ); -- -- test the "star" operators a bit more thoroughly -- this time, -- throw in lots of NULL fields... -- -- a is the type root -- b and c inherit from a (one-level single inheritance) -- d inherits from b and c (two-level multiple inheritance) -- e inherits from c (two-level single inheritance) -- f inherits from e (three-level single inheritance) -- CREATE TABLE a_star ( class char, a int4 ); CREATE TABLE b_star ( b text ) INHERITS (a_star); CREATE TABLE c_star ( c char16 ) INHERITS (a_star); CREATE TABLE d_star ( d float8 ) INHERITS (b_star, c_star); CREATE TABLE e_star ( e int2 ) INHERITS (c_star); CREATE TABLE f_star ( f polygon ) INHERITS (e_star); CREATE TABLE aggtest ( a int2, b float4 ); CREATE TABLE arrtest ( a int2[], b int4[][][], c char16[], d text[][], e float8[] ); CREATE TABLE hash_i4_heap ( seqno int4, random int4 ); CREATE TABLE hash_c16_heap ( seqno int4, random char16 ); CREATE TABLE hash_txt_heap ( seqno int4, random text ); CREATE TABLE hash_f8_heap ( seqno int4, random float8 ); -- don't include the hash_ovfl_heap stuff in the distribution -- the data set is too large for what it's worth -- -- CREATE TABLE hash_ovfl_heap ( -- x int4, -- y int4 -- ); CREATE TABLE bt_i4_heap ( seqno int4, random int4 ); CREATE TABLE bt_c16_heap ( seqno char16, random int4 ); CREATE TABLE bt_txt_heap ( seqno text, random int4 ); CREATE TABLE bt_f8_heap ( seqno float8, random int4 ); -- -- FUNCTION DEFINITIONS -- CREATE FUNCTION hobbies(person) RETURNS setof hobbies_r AS 'select * from hobbies_r where person = $1.name' LANGUAGE 'sql'; CREATE FUNCTION hobby_construct(text, text) RETURNS hobbies_r AS 'select $1 as name, $2 as hobby' LANGUAGE 'sql'; CREATE FUNCTION equipment(hobbies_r) RETURNS setof equipment_r AS 'select * from equipment_r where hobby = $1.name' LANGUAGE 'sql'; CREATE FUNCTION user_relns() RETURNS setof name AS 'select relname from pg_class where relname !~ ''pg_.*'' and relkind <> ''i'' ' LANGUAGE 'sql'; CREATE FUNCTION pt_in_circle(point, circle) RETURNS int4 AS '_OBJWD_/regress_SLSUFF_' LANGUAGE 'c'; CREATE FUNCTION overpaid(emp) RETURNS bool AS '_OBJWD_/regress_SLSUFF_' LANGUAGE 'c'; CREATE FUNCTION boxarea(box) RETURNS int4 AS '_OBJWD_/regress_SLSUFF_' LANGUAGE 'c'; CREATE FUNCTION interpt_pp(path, path) RETURNS point AS '_OBJWD_/regress_SLSUFF_' LANGUAGE 'c'; CREATE FUNCTION reverse_c16(char16) RETURNS char16 AS '_OBJWD_/regress_SLSUFF_' LANGUAGE 'c'; -- -- FUNCTION DYNAMIC LOADING -- LOAD '_OBJWD_/regress_SLSUFF_' -- -- CLASS POPULATION -- (any resemblance to real life is purely coincidental) -- COPY onek FROM '_CWD_/data/onek.data'; COPY tenk1 FROM '_CWD_/data/tenk.data'; INSERT INTO tenk2 VALUES (tenk1.*); SELECT * INTO TABLE onek2 FROM onek; COPY slow_emp4000 FROM '_CWD_/data/rect.data'; INSERT INTO fast_emp4000 VALUES (slow_emp4000.*); COPY person FROM '_CWD_/data/person.data'; COPY emp FROM '_CWD_/data/emp.data'; COPY student FROM '_CWD_/data/student.data'; COPY stud_emp FROM '_CWD_/data/stud_emp.data'; SELECT * INTO TABLE Bprime FROM tenk1 WHERE unique2 < 1000; INSERT INTO hobbies_r (name, person) SELECT 'posthacking', p.name FROM person* p WHERE p.name = 'mike' or p.name = 'jeff'; INSERT INTO hobbies_r (name, person) SELECT 'basketball', p.name FROM person p WHERE p.name = 'joe' or p.name = 'sally'; INSERT INTO hobbies_r (name) VALUES ('skywalking'); INSERT INTO equipment_r (name, hobby) VALUES ('advil', 'posthacking'); INSERT INTO equipment_r (name, hobby) VALUES ('peet''s coffee', 'posthacking'); INSERT INTO equipment_r (name, hobby) VALUES ('hightops', 'basketball'); INSERT INTO equipment_r (name, hobby) VALUES ('guts', 'skywalking'); COPY road FROM '_CWD_/data/streets.data'; COPY real_city FROM '_CWD_/data/real_city.data'; SELECT * INTO TABLE ramp FROM road WHERE name ~ '.*Ramp'; INSERT INTO ihighway SELECT * FROM road WHERE name ~ 'I- .*'; INSERT INTO shighway SELECT * FROM road WHERE name ~ 'State Hwy.*'; UPDATE shighway SET surface = 'asphalt' INSERT INTO a_star (class, a) VALUES ('a', 1); INSERT INTO a_star (class, a) VALUES ('a', 2); INSERT INTO a_star (class) VALUES ('a'); INSERT INTO b_star (class, a, b) VALUES ('b', 3, 'mumble'::text); INSERT INTO b_star (class, a) VALUES ('b', 4); INSERT INTO b_star (class, b) VALUES ('b', 'bumble'::text); INSERT INTO b_star (class) VALUES ('b'); INSERT INTO c_star (class, a, c) VALUES ('c', 5, 'hi mom'::char16); INSERT INTO c_star (class, a) VALUES ('c', 6); INSERT INTO c_star (class, c) VALUES ('c', 'hi paul'::char16); INSERT INTO c_star (class) VALUES ('c'); INSERT INTO d_star (class, a, b, c, d) VALUES ('d', 7, 'grumble'::text, 'hi sunita'::char16, '0.0'::float8); INSERT INTO d_star (class, a, b, c) VALUES ('d', 8, 'stumble'::text, 'hi koko'::char16); INSERT INTO d_star (class, a, b, d) VALUES ('d', 9, 'rumble'::text, '1.1'::float8); INSERT INTO d_star (class, a, c, d) VALUES ('d', 10, 'hi kristin'::char16, '10.01'::float8); INSERT INTO d_star (class, b, c, d) VALUES ('d', 'crumble'::text, 'hi boris'::char16, '100.001'::float8); INSERT INTO d_star (class, a, b) VALUES ('d', 11, 'fumble'::text) INSERT INTO d_star (class, a, c) VALUES ('d', 12, 'hi avi'::char16); INSERT INTO d_star (class, a, d) VALUES ('d', 13, '1000.0001'::float8); INSERT INTO d_star (class, b, c) VALUES ('d', 'tumble'::text, 'hi andrew'::char16); INSERT INTO d_star (class, b, d) VALUES ('d', 'humble'::text, '10000.00001'::float8); INSERT INTO d_star (class, c, d) VALUES ('d', 'hi ginger'::char16, '100000.000001'::float8); INSERT INTO d_star (class, a) VALUES ('d', 14); INSERT INTO d_star (class, b) VALUES ('d', 'jumble'::text); INSERT INTO d_star (class, c) VALUES ('d', 'hi jolly'::char16); INSERT INTO d_star (class, d) VALUES ('d', '1000000.0000001'::float8); INSERT INTO d_star (class) VALUES ('d'); INSERT INTO e_star (class, a, c, e) VALUES ('e', 15, 'hi carol'::char16, '-1'::int2); INSERT INTO e_star (class, a, c) VALUES ('e', 16, 'hi bob'::char16); INSERT INTO e_star (class, a, e) VALUES ('e', 17, '-2'::int2); INSERT INTO e_star (class, c, e) VALUES ('e', 'hi michelle'::char16, '-3'::int2); INSERT INTO e_star (class, a) VALUES ('e', 18); INSERT INTO e_star (class, c) VALUES ('e', 'hi elisa'::char16); INSERT INTO e_star (class, e) VALUES ('e', '-4'::int2); INSERT INTO f_star (class, a, c, e, f) VALUES ('f', 19, 'hi claire'::char16, '-5'::int2, '(1,2,3,4)'::polygon); INSERT INTO f_star (class, a, c, e) VALUES ('f', 20, 'hi mike'::char16, '-6'::int2); INSERT INTO f_star (class, a, c, f) VALUES ('f', 21, 'hi marcel'::char16, '(11,22,33,44,55,66)'::polygon); INSERT INTO f_star (class, a, e, f) VALUES ('f', 22, '-7'::int2, '(111,222,333,444,555,666,777,888)'::polygon); INSERT INTO f_star (class, c, e, f) VALUES ('f', 'hi keith'::char16, '-8'::int2, '(1111,2222,3333,4444)'::polygon); INSERT INTO f_star (class, a, c) VALUES ('f', 24, 'hi marc'::char16); INSERT INTO f_star (class, a, e) VALUES ('f', 25, '-9'::int2); INSERT INTO f_star (class, a, f) VALUES ('f', 26, '(11111,22222,33333,44444)'::polygon); INSERT INTO f_star (class, c, e) VALUES ('f', 'hi allison'::char16, '-10'::int2); INSERT INTO f_star (class, c, f) VALUES ('f', 'hi jeff'::char16, '(111111,222222,333333,444444)'::polygon); INSERT INTO f_star (class, e, f) VALUES ('f', '-11'::int2, '(1111111,2222222,3333333,4444444)'::polygon); INSERT INTO f_star (class, a) VALUES ('f', 27); INSERT INTO f_star (class, c) VALUES ('f', 'hi carl'::char16); INSERT INTO f_star (class, e) VALUES ('f', '-12'::int2); INSERT INTO f_star (class, f) VALUES ('f', '(11111111,22222222,33333333,44444444)'::polygon); INSERT INTO f_star (class) VALUES ('f'); COPY hash_i4_heap FROM '_CWD_/data/hash.data'; COPY hash_c16_heap FROM '_CWD_/data/hash.data'; COPY hash_txt_heap FROM '_CWD_/data/hash.data'; COPY hash_f8_heap FROM '_CWD_/data/hash.data'; -- -- the data in this file has a lot of duplicates in the index key -- fields, leading to long bucket chains and lots of table expansion. -- this is therefore a stress test of the bucket overflow code (unlike -- the data in hash.data, which has unique index keys). -- -- COPY hash_ovfl_heap FROM '_CWD_/data/hashovfl.data'; COPY bt_i4_heap FROM '_CWD_/data/desc.data'; COPY bt_c16_heap FROM '_CWD_/data/hash.data'; COPY bt_txt_heap FROM '_CWD_/data/desc.data'; COPY bt_f8_heap FROM '_CWD_/data/hash.data'; -- -- ARRAYS -- -- -- only this array as a 0-based 'e', the others are 1-based. -- 'e' is also a large object. -- INSERT INTO arrtest (a[5], b[2][1][2], c, d) VALUES ('{1,2,3,4,5}', '{{{},{1,2}}}', '{}', '{}'); UPDATE arrtest SET e[0] = '1.1'; UPDATE arrtest SET e[1] = '2.2'; INSERT INTO arrtest (a, b[2][2][1], c, d, e) VALUES ('{11,12,23}', '{{3,4},{4,5}}', '{"foobar"}', '{{"elt1", "elt2"}}', '{"3.4", "6.7"}'); INSERT INTO arrtest (a, b[1][2][2], c, d[2][1]) VALUES ('{}', '{3,4}', '{foo,bar}', '{bar,foo}'); -- -- for internal portal (cursor) tests -- CREATE TABLE iportaltest ( i int4, d float4, p polygon ); INSERT INTO iportaltest (i, d, p) VALUES (1, 3.567, '(3.0,4.0,1.0,2.0)'::polygon); INSERT INTO iportaltest (i, d, p) VALUES (2, 89.05, '(4.0,3.0,2.0,1.0)'::polygon); -- -- CREATE ancillary data structures (i.e. indices) -- -- -- BTREE -- CREATE INDEX onek_unique1 ON onek USING btree(unique1 int4_ops); CREATE INDEX onek_unique2 ON onek USING btree(unique2 int4_ops); CREATE INDEX onek_hundred ON onek USING btree(hundred int4_ops); CREATE INDEX onek_stringu1 ON onek USING btree(stringu1 char16_ops); CREATE INDEX tenk1_unique1 ON tenk1 USING btree(unique1 int4_ops); CREATE INDEX tenk1_unique2 ON tenk1 USING btree(unique2 int4_ops); CREATE INDEX tenk1_hundred ON tenk1 USING btree(hundred int4_ops); CREATE INDEX tenk2_unique1 ON tenk2 USING btree(unique1 int4_ops); CREATE INDEX tenk2_unique2 ON tenk2 USING btree(unique2 int4_ops); CREATE INDEX tenk2_hundred ON tenk2 USING btree(hundred int4_ops); CREATE INDEX rix ON road USING btree (name text_ops); CREATE INDEX iix ON ihighway USING btree (name text_ops); CREATE INDEX six ON shighway USING btree (name text_ops); -- -- BTREE ascending/descending cases -- -- we load int4/text from pure descending data (each key is a new -- low key) and c16/f8 from pure ascending data (each key is a new -- high key). we had a bug where new low keys would sometimes be -- "lost". -- CREATE INDEX bt_i4_index ON bt_i4_heap USING btree (seqno int4_ops); CREATE INDEX bt_c16_index ON bt_c16_heap USING btree (seqno char16_ops); CREATE INDEX bt_txt_index ON bt_txt_heap USING btree (seqno text_ops); CREATE INDEX bt_f8_index ON bt_f8_heap USING btree (seqno float8_ops); -- -- BTREE partial indices -- partial indices are not supported in postgres95 -- --CREATE INDEX onek2_u1_prtl ON onek2 USING btree(unique1 int4_ops) -- where onek2.unique1 < 20 or onek2.unique1 > 980; --CREATE INDEX onek2_u2_prtl ON onek2 USING btree(unique2 int4_ops) -- where onek2.stringu1 < 'B'; -- EXTEND INDEX onek2_u2_prtl where onek2.stringu1 < 'C'; -- EXTEND INDEX onek2_u2_prtl; -- CREATE INDEX onek2_stu1_prtl ON onek2 USING btree(stringu1 char16_ops) -- where onek2.stringu1 >= 'J' and onek2.stringu1 < 'K'; -- -- RTREE -- -- rtrees use a quadratic page-splitting algorithm that takes a -- really, really long time. we don't test all rtree opclasses -- in the regression test (we check them USING the sequoia 2000 -- benchmark). -- CREATE INDEX rect2ind ON fast_emp4000 USING rtree (home_base bigbox_ops); -- -- HASH -- CREATE INDEX hash_i4_index ON hash_i4_heap USING hash (random int4_ops); CREATE INDEX hash_c16_index ON hash_c16_heap USING hash (random char16_ops); CREATE INDEX hash_txt_index ON hash_txt_heap USING hash (random text_ops); CREATE INDEX hash_f8_index ON hash_f8_heap USING hash (random float8_ops); -- CREATE INDEX hash_ovfl_index ON hash_ovfl_heap USING hash (x int4_ops); -- -- OPERATOR DEFINITIONS -- CREATE OPERATOR ## ( leftarg = path, rightarg = path, procedure = path_inter, commutator = ## ); CREATE OPERATOR <% ( leftarg = point, rightarg = circle, procedure = pt_in_circle, commutator = >=% ); CREATE OPERATOR @#@ ( rightarg = int4, -- left unary procedure = int4fac ); CREATE OPERATOR #@# ( leftarg = int4, -- right unary procedure = int4fac ); CREATE OPERATOR #%# ( leftarg = int4, -- right unary procedure = int4fac ); -- -- VIRTUAL CLASS DEFINITIONS -- (this also tests the query rewrite system) -- CREATE VIEW street AS SELECT r.name, r.thepath, c.cname AS cname FROM road r, real_city c WHERE c.outline ## r.thepath; CREATE VIEW iexit AS SELECT ih.name, ih.thepath, interpt_pp(ih.thepath, r.thepath) AS exit FROM ihighway ih, ramp r WHERE ih.thepath ## r.thepath; CREATE VIEW toyemp AS SELECT name, age, location, 12*salary AS annualsal FROM emp; -- -- RULES ??? -- -- -- AGGREGATE DEFINITIONS -- -- all functions CREATEd CREATE AGGREGATE newavg ( sfunc1 = int4pl, basetype = int4, stype1 = int4, sfunc2 = int4inc, stype2 = int4, finalfunc = int4div, initcond1 = '0', initcond2 = '0' ); -- sfunc1 (value-dependent) only CREATE AGGREGATE newsum ( sfunc1 = int4pl, basetype = int4, stype1 = int4, initcond1 = '0' ); -- sfunc2 (value-independent) only CREATE AGGREGATE newcnt ( sfunc2 = int4inc, basetype = int4, stype2 = int4, initcond2 = '0' ); VACUUM; -- -- sanity check, if we don't have indices the test will take years to -- complete. -- SELECT relname, relhasindex FROM pg_class WHERE relhasindex ORDER BY relname;