/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * nodeHashjoin.c-- * Routines to handle hash join nodes * * Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California * * * IDENTIFICATION * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/executor/nodeHashjoin.c,v 1.5 1997/08/19 21:31:09 momjian Exp $ * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "postgres.h" #include "storage/bufmgr.h" /* for BLCKSZ */ #include "storage/fd.h" /* for SEEK_ */ #include "executor/executor.h" #include "executor/execdebug.h" #include "executor/nodeHash.h" #include "executor/nodeHashjoin.h" #include "optimizer/clauses.h" /* for get_leftop */ #include "utils/palloc.h" static TupleTableSlot * ExecHashJoinOuterGetTuple(Plan *node, Plan* parent, HashJoinState *hjstate); static TupleTableSlot * ExecHashJoinGetSavedTuple(HashJoinState *hjstate, char *buffer, File file, TupleTableSlot *tupleSlot, int *block, char **position); static int ExecHashJoinGetBatch(int bucketno, HashJoinTable hashtable, int nbatch); static int ExecHashJoinNewBatch(HashJoinState *hjstate); /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- * ExecHashJoin * * This function implements the Hybrid Hashjoin algorithm. * recursive partitioning remains to be added. * Note: the relation we build hash table on is the inner * the other one is outer. * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ TupleTableSlot * /* return: a tuple or NULL */ ExecHashJoin(HashJoin *node) { HashJoinState *hjstate; EState *estate; Plan *outerNode; Hash *hashNode; List *hjclauses; Expr *clause; List *qual; ScanDirection dir; TupleTableSlot *inntuple; Var *outerVar; ExprContext *econtext; HashJoinTable hashtable; int bucketno; HashBucket bucket; HeapTuple curtuple; bool qualResult; TupleTableSlot *outerTupleSlot; TupleTableSlot *innerTupleSlot; int nbatch; int curbatch; File *outerbatches; RelativeAddr *outerbatchNames; RelativeAddr *outerbatchPos; Var *innerhashkey; int batch; int batchno; char *buffer; int i; bool hashPhaseDone; char *pos; /* ---------------- * get information from HashJoin node * ---------------- */ hjstate = node->hashjoinstate; hjclauses = node->hashclauses; clause = lfirst(hjclauses); estate = node->join.state; qual = node->join.qual; hashNode = (Hash *)innerPlan(node); outerNode = outerPlan(node); hashPhaseDone = node->hashdone; dir = estate->es_direction; /* ----------------- * get information from HashJoin state * ----------------- */ hashtable = hjstate->hj_HashTable; bucket = hjstate->hj_CurBucket; curtuple = hjstate->hj_CurTuple; /* -------------------- * initialize expression context * -------------------- */ econtext = hjstate->jstate.cs_ExprContext; if (hjstate->jstate.cs_TupFromTlist) { TupleTableSlot *result; bool isDone; result = ExecProject(hjstate->jstate.cs_ProjInfo, &isDone); if (!isDone) return result; } /* ---------------- * if this is the first call, build the hash table for inner relation * ---------------- */ if (!hashPhaseDone) { /* if the hash phase not completed */ hashtable = node->hashjointable; if (hashtable == NULL) { /* if the hash table has not been created */ /* ---------------- * create the hash table * ---------------- */ hashtable = ExecHashTableCreate(hashNode); hjstate->hj_HashTable = hashtable; innerhashkey = hashNode->hashkey; hjstate->hj_InnerHashKey = innerhashkey; /* ---------------- * execute the Hash node, to build the hash table * ---------------- */ hashNode->hashtable = hashtable; innerTupleSlot = ExecProcNode((Plan *)hashNode, (Plan*) node); } bucket = NULL; curtuple = NULL; curbatch = 0; node->hashdone = true; } nbatch = hashtable->nbatch; outerbatches = hjstate->hj_OuterBatches; if (nbatch > 0 && outerbatches == NULL) { /* if needs hash partition */ /* ----------------- * allocate space for file descriptors of outer batch files * then open the batch files in the current process * ----------------- */ innerhashkey = hashNode->hashkey; hjstate->hj_InnerHashKey = innerhashkey; outerbatchNames = (RelativeAddr*) ABSADDR(hashtable->outerbatchNames); outerbatches = (File*) palloc(nbatch * sizeof(File)); for (i=0; ihj_OuterBatches = outerbatches; /* ------------------ * get the inner batch file descriptors from the * hash node * ------------------ */ hjstate->hj_InnerBatches = hashNode->hashstate->hashBatches; } outerbatchPos = (RelativeAddr*)ABSADDR(hashtable->outerbatchPos); curbatch = hashtable->curbatch; outerbatchNames = (RelativeAddr*)ABSADDR(hashtable->outerbatchNames); /* ---------------- * Now get an outer tuple and probe into the hash table for matches * ---------------- */ outerTupleSlot = hjstate->jstate.cs_OuterTupleSlot; outerVar = get_leftop(clause); bucketno = -1; /* if bucketno remains -1, means use old outer tuple */ if (TupIsNull(outerTupleSlot)) { /* * if the current outer tuple is nil, get a new one */ outerTupleSlot = (TupleTableSlot*) ExecHashJoinOuterGetTuple(outerNode, (Plan*)node, hjstate); while (curbatch <= nbatch && TupIsNull(outerTupleSlot)) { /* * if the current batch runs out, switch to new batch */ curbatch = ExecHashJoinNewBatch(hjstate); if (curbatch > nbatch) { /* * when the last batch runs out, clean up */ ExecHashTableDestroy(hashtable); hjstate->hj_HashTable = NULL; return NULL; } else outerTupleSlot = (TupleTableSlot*) ExecHashJoinOuterGetTuple(outerNode, (Plan*)node, hjstate); } /* * now we get an outer tuple, find the corresponding bucket for * this tuple from the hash table */ econtext->ecxt_outertuple = outerTupleSlot; #ifdef HJDEBUG printf("Probing "); #endif bucketno = ExecHashGetBucket(hashtable, econtext, outerVar); bucket=(HashBucket)(ABSADDR(hashtable->top) + bucketno * hashtable->bucketsize); } for (;;) { /* ---------------- * Now we've got an outer tuple and the corresponding hash bucket, * but this tuple may not belong to the current batch. * ---------------- */ if (curbatch == 0 && bucketno != -1) /* if this is the first pass */ batch = ExecHashJoinGetBatch(bucketno, hashtable, nbatch); else batch = 0; if (batch > 0) { /* * if the current outer tuple does not belong to * the current batch, save to the tmp file for * the corresponding batch. */ buffer = ABSADDR(hashtable->batch) + (batch - 1) * BLCKSZ; batchno = batch - 1; pos = ExecHashJoinSaveTuple(outerTupleSlot->val, buffer, outerbatches[batchno], ABSADDR(outerbatchPos[batchno])); outerbatchPos[batchno] = RELADDR(pos); } else if (bucket != NULL) { do { /* * scan the hash bucket for matches */ curtuple = ExecScanHashBucket(hjstate, bucket, curtuple, hjclauses, econtext); if (curtuple != NULL) { /* * we've got a match, but still need to test qpqual */ inntuple = ExecStoreTuple(curtuple, hjstate->hj_HashTupleSlot, InvalidBuffer, false); /* don't pfree this tuple */ econtext->ecxt_innertuple = inntuple; /* ---------------- * test to see if we pass the qualification * ---------------- */ qualResult = ExecQual((List*)qual, econtext); /* ---------------- * if we pass the qual, then save state for next call and * have ExecProject form the projection, store it * in the tuple table, and return the slot. * ---------------- */ if (qualResult) { ProjectionInfo *projInfo; TupleTableSlot *result; bool isDone; hjstate->hj_CurBucket = bucket; hjstate->hj_CurTuple = curtuple; hashtable->curbatch = curbatch; hjstate->jstate.cs_OuterTupleSlot = outerTupleSlot; projInfo = hjstate->jstate.cs_ProjInfo; result = ExecProject(projInfo, &isDone); hjstate->jstate.cs_TupFromTlist = !isDone; return result; } } } while (curtuple != NULL); } /* ---------------- * Now the current outer tuple has run out of matches, * so we free it and get a new outer tuple. * ---------------- */ outerTupleSlot = (TupleTableSlot*) ExecHashJoinOuterGetTuple(outerNode, (Plan*) node, hjstate); while (curbatch <= nbatch && TupIsNull(outerTupleSlot)) { /* * if the current batch runs out, switch to new batch */ curbatch = ExecHashJoinNewBatch(hjstate); if (curbatch > nbatch) { /* * when the last batch runs out, clean up */ ExecHashTableDestroy(hashtable); hjstate->hj_HashTable = NULL; return NULL; } else outerTupleSlot = (TupleTableSlot*) ExecHashJoinOuterGetTuple(outerNode, (Plan*)node, hjstate); } /* ---------------- * Now get the corresponding hash bucket for the new * outer tuple. * ---------------- */ econtext->ecxt_outertuple = outerTupleSlot; #ifdef HJDEBUG printf("Probing "); #endif bucketno = ExecHashGetBucket(hashtable, econtext, outerVar); bucket=(HashBucket)(ABSADDR(hashtable->top) + bucketno * hashtable->bucketsize); curtuple = NULL; } } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- * ExecInitHashJoin * * Init routine for HashJoin node. * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ bool /* return: initialization status */ ExecInitHashJoin(HashJoin *node, EState *estate, Plan *parent) { HashJoinState *hjstate; Plan *outerNode; Hash *hashNode; /* ---------------- * assign the node's execution state * ---------------- */ node->join.state = estate; /* ---------------- * create state structure * ---------------- */ hjstate = makeNode(HashJoinState); node->hashjoinstate = hjstate; /* ---------------- * Miscellanious initialization * * + assign node's base_id * + assign debugging hooks and * + create expression context for node * ---------------- */ ExecAssignNodeBaseInfo(estate, &hjstate->jstate, parent); ExecAssignExprContext(estate, &hjstate->jstate); #define HASHJOIN_NSLOTS 2 /* ---------------- * tuple table initialization * ---------------- */ ExecInitResultTupleSlot(estate, &hjstate->jstate); ExecInitOuterTupleSlot(estate, hjstate); /* ---------------- * initializes child nodes * ---------------- */ outerNode = outerPlan((Plan *)node); hashNode = (Hash*)innerPlan((Plan *)node); ExecInitNode(outerNode, estate, (Plan *) node); ExecInitNode((Plan*)hashNode, estate, (Plan *) node); /* ---------------- * now for some voodoo. our temporary tuple slot * is actually the result tuple slot of the Hash node * (which is our inner plan). we do this because Hash * nodes don't return tuples via ExecProcNode() -- instead * the hash join node uses ExecScanHashBucket() to get * at the contents of the hash table. -cim 6/9/91 * ---------------- */ { HashState *hashstate = hashNode->hashstate; TupleTableSlot *slot = hashstate->cstate.cs_ResultTupleSlot; hjstate->hj_HashTupleSlot = slot; } hjstate->hj_OuterTupleSlot->ttc_tupleDescriptor = ExecGetTupType(outerNode); /* hjstate->hj_OuterTupleSlot->ttc_execTupDescriptor = ExecGetExecTupDesc(outerNode); */ /* ---------------- * initialize tuple type and projection info * ---------------- */ ExecAssignResultTypeFromTL((Plan*) node, &hjstate->jstate); ExecAssignProjectionInfo((Plan*) node, &hjstate->jstate); /* ---------------- * XXX comment me * ---------------- */ node->hashdone = false; hjstate->hj_HashTable = (HashJoinTable)NULL; hjstate->hj_HashTableShmId = (IpcMemoryId)0; hjstate->hj_CurBucket = (HashBucket )NULL; hjstate->hj_CurTuple = (HeapTuple )NULL; hjstate->hj_CurOTuple = (OverflowTuple )NULL; hjstate->hj_InnerHashKey = (Var*)NULL; hjstate->hj_OuterBatches = (File*)NULL; hjstate->hj_InnerBatches = (File*)NULL; hjstate->hj_OuterReadPos = (char*)NULL; hjstate->hj_OuterReadBlk = (int)0; hjstate->jstate.cs_OuterTupleSlot = (TupleTableSlot*) NULL; hjstate->jstate.cs_TupFromTlist = (bool) false; return TRUE; } int ExecCountSlotsHashJoin(HashJoin *node) { return ExecCountSlotsNode(outerPlan(node)) + ExecCountSlotsNode(innerPlan(node)) + HASHJOIN_NSLOTS; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- * ExecEndHashJoin * * clean up routine for HashJoin node * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ void ExecEndHashJoin(HashJoin *node) { HashJoinState *hjstate; /* ---------------- * get info from the HashJoin state * ---------------- */ hjstate = node->hashjoinstate; /* ---------------- * free hash table in case we end plan before all tuples are retrieved * --------------- */ if (hjstate->hj_HashTable) { ExecHashTableDestroy(hjstate->hj_HashTable); hjstate->hj_HashTable = NULL; } /* ---------------- * Free the projection info and the scan attribute info * * Note: we don't ExecFreeResultType(hjstate) * because the rule manager depends on the tupType * returned by ExecMain(). So for now, this * is freed at end-transaction time. -cim 6/2/91 * ---------------- */ ExecFreeProjectionInfo(&hjstate->jstate); /* ---------------- * clean up subtrees * ---------------- */ ExecEndNode(outerPlan((Plan *) node), (Plan*)node); ExecEndNode(innerPlan((Plan *) node), (Plan*)node); /* ---------------- * clean out the tuple table * ---------------- */ ExecClearTuple(hjstate->jstate.cs_ResultTupleSlot); ExecClearTuple(hjstate->hj_OuterTupleSlot); ExecClearTuple(hjstate->hj_HashTupleSlot); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- * ExecHashJoinOuterGetTuple * * get the next outer tuple for hashjoin: either by * executing a plan node as in the first pass, or from * the tmp files for the hashjoin batches. * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ static TupleTableSlot * ExecHashJoinOuterGetTuple(Plan *node, Plan* parent, HashJoinState *hjstate) { TupleTableSlot *slot; HashJoinTable hashtable; int curbatch; File *outerbatches; char *outerreadPos; int batchno; char *outerreadBuf; int outerreadBlk; hashtable = hjstate->hj_HashTable; curbatch = hashtable->curbatch; if (curbatch == 0) { /* if it is the first pass */ slot = ExecProcNode(node, parent); return slot; } /* * otherwise, read from the tmp files */ outerbatches = hjstate->hj_OuterBatches; outerreadPos = hjstate->hj_OuterReadPos; outerreadBlk = hjstate->hj_OuterReadBlk; outerreadBuf = ABSADDR(hashtable->readbuf); batchno = curbatch - 1; slot = ExecHashJoinGetSavedTuple(hjstate, outerreadBuf, outerbatches[batchno], hjstate->hj_OuterTupleSlot, &outerreadBlk, &outerreadPos); hjstate->hj_OuterReadPos = outerreadPos; hjstate->hj_OuterReadBlk = outerreadBlk; return slot; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- * ExecHashJoinGetSavedTuple * * read the next tuple from a tmp file using a certain buffer * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ static TupleTableSlot * ExecHashJoinGetSavedTuple(HashJoinState *hjstate, char *buffer, File file, TupleTableSlot *tupleSlot, int *block, /* return parameter */ char **position) /* return parameter */ { char *bufstart; char *bufend; int cc; HeapTuple heapTuple; HashJoinTable hashtable; hashtable = hjstate->hj_HashTable; bufend = buffer + *(long*)buffer; bufstart = (char*)(buffer + sizeof(long)); if ((*position == NULL) || (*position >= bufend)) { if (*position == NULL) (*block) = 0; else (*block)++; FileSeek(file, *block * BLCKSZ, SEEK_SET); cc = FileRead(file, buffer, BLCKSZ); NDirectFileRead++; if (cc < 0) perror("FileRead"); if (cc == 0) /* end of file */ return NULL; else (*position) = bufstart; } heapTuple = (HeapTuple) (*position); (*position) = (char*)LONGALIGN(*position + heapTuple->t_len); return ExecStoreTuple(heapTuple,tupleSlot,InvalidBuffer,false); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- * ExecHashJoinNewBatch * * switch to a new hashjoin batch * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int ExecHashJoinNewBatch(HashJoinState *hjstate) { File *innerBatches; File *outerBatches; int *innerBatchSizes; Var *innerhashkey; HashJoinTable hashtable; int nbatch; char *readPos; int readBlk; char *readBuf; TupleTableSlot *slot; ExprContext *econtext; int i; int cc; int newbatch; hashtable = hjstate->hj_HashTable; outerBatches = hjstate->hj_OuterBatches; innerBatches = hjstate->hj_InnerBatches; nbatch = hashtable->nbatch; newbatch = hashtable->curbatch + 1; /* ------------------ * this is the last process, so it will do the cleanup and * batch-switching. * ------------------ */ if (newbatch == 1) { /* * if it is end of the first pass, flush all the last pages for * the batches. */ outerBatches = hjstate->hj_OuterBatches; for (i=0; ibatch) + i * BLCKSZ, BLCKSZ); NDirectFileWrite++; if (cc < 0) perror("FileWrite"); } } if (newbatch > 1) { /* * remove the previous outer batch */ FileUnlink(outerBatches[newbatch - 2]); } /* * rebuild the hash table for the new inner batch */ innerBatchSizes = (int*)ABSADDR(hashtable->innerbatchSizes); /* -------------- * skip over empty inner batches * -------------- */ while (newbatch <= nbatch && innerBatchSizes[newbatch - 1] == 0) { FileUnlink(outerBatches[newbatch-1]); FileUnlink(innerBatches[newbatch-1]); newbatch++; } if (newbatch > nbatch) { hashtable->pcount = hashtable->nprocess; return newbatch; } ExecHashTableReset(hashtable, innerBatchSizes[newbatch - 1]); econtext = hjstate->jstate.cs_ExprContext; innerhashkey = hjstate->hj_InnerHashKey; readPos = NULL; readBlk = 0; readBuf = ABSADDR(hashtable->readbuf); while ((slot = ExecHashJoinGetSavedTuple(hjstate, readBuf, innerBatches[newbatch-1], hjstate->hj_HashTupleSlot, &readBlk, &readPos)) && ! TupIsNull(slot)) { econtext->ecxt_innertuple = slot; ExecHashTableInsert(hashtable, econtext, innerhashkey,NULL); /* possible bug - glass */ } /* ----------------- * only the last process comes to this branch * now all the processes have finished the build phase * ---------------- */ /* * after we build the hash table, the inner batch is no longer needed */ FileUnlink(innerBatches[newbatch - 1]); hjstate->hj_OuterReadPos = NULL; hashtable->pcount = hashtable->nprocess; hashtable->curbatch = newbatch; return newbatch; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- * ExecHashJoinGetBatch * * determine the batch number for a bucketno * +----------------+-------+-------+ ... +-------+ * 0 nbuckets totalbuckets * batch 0 1 2 ... * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int ExecHashJoinGetBatch(int bucketno, HashJoinTable hashtable, int nbatch) { int b; if (bucketno < hashtable->nbuckets || nbatch == 0) return 0; b = (float)(bucketno - hashtable->nbuckets) / (float)(hashtable->totalbuckets - hashtable->nbuckets) * nbatch; return b+1; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- * ExecHashJoinSaveTuple * * save a tuple to a tmp file using a buffer. * the first few bytes in a page is an offset to the end * of the page. * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ char * ExecHashJoinSaveTuple(HeapTuple heapTuple, char *buffer, File file, char *position) { long *pageend; char *pagestart; char *pagebound; int cc; pageend = (long*)buffer; pagestart = (char*)(buffer + sizeof(long)); pagebound = buffer + BLCKSZ; if (position == NULL) position = pagestart; if (position + heapTuple->t_len >= pagebound) { cc = FileSeek(file, 0L, SEEK_END); if (cc < 0) perror("FileSeek"); cc = FileWrite(file, buffer, BLCKSZ); NDirectFileWrite++; if (cc < 0) perror("FileWrite"); position = pagestart; *pageend = 0; } memmove(position, heapTuple, heapTuple->t_len); position = (char*)LONGALIGN(position + heapTuple->t_len); *pageend = position - buffer; return position; }