import shutil, filecmp,re import os, fcntl, select, getpass, socket import stat from subprocess import * from sys import * from xml.dom import minidom from xml.dom import Node from gppylib.gplog import * logger = get_default_logger() _debug=0 ############# class ParseError(Exception): def __init__(self,parseType): self.msg = ('%s parsing error'%(parseType)) def __str__(self): return self.msg ############# class RangeError(Exception): def __init__(self, value1, value2): self.msg = ('%s must be less then %s' % (value1, value2)) def __str__(self): return self.msg ############# def createFromSingleHostFile(inputFile): """TODO: """ rows=[] f = open(inputFile, 'r') for line in f: rows.append(parseSingleFile(line)) return rows ############# def toNonNoneString(value) : if value is None: return "" return str(value) # # if value is None then an exception is raised # # otherwise value is returned # def checkNotNone(label, value): if value is None: raise Exception( label + " is None") return value # # value should be non-None # def checkIsInt(label, value): if type(value) != type(0): raise Exception( label + " is not an integer type" ) def isNone( value): isN=False if value is None: isN=True elif value =="": isN= True return isN def readAllLinesFromFile(fileName, stripLines=False, skipEmptyLines=False): """ @param stripLines if true then line.strip() is called on each line read @param skipEmptyLines if true then empty lines are not returned. Beware! This will throw off your line counts if you are relying on line counts """ res = [] f = open(fileName) try: for line in f: if stripLines: line = line.strip() if skipEmptyLines and len(line) == 0: # skip it! pass else: res.append(line) finally: f.close() return res def writeLinesToFile(fileName, lines): f = open(fileName, 'w') try: for line in lines: f.write(line) f.write('\n') finally: f.close() ############# def parseSingleFile(line): ph=None if"^#", line): #skip it, it's a comment pass else: ph=line.rstrip("\n").rstrip() return ph def openAnything(source): """URI, filename, or string --> stream This function lets you define parsers that take any input source (URL, pathname to local or network file, or actual data as a string) and deal with it in a uniform manner. Returned object is guaranteed to have all the basic stdio read methods (read, readline, readlines). Just .close() the object when you're done with it. Examples: >>> from xml.dom import minidom >>> sock = openAnything("http://localhost/kant.xml") >>> doc = minidom.parse(sock) >>> sock.close() >>> sock = openAnything("c:\\inetpub\\wwwroot\\kant.xml") >>> doc = minidom.parse(sock) >>> sock.close() >>> sock = openAnything("andor") >>> doc = minidom.parse(sock) >>> sock.close() """ if hasattr(source, "read"): return source if source == '-': import sys return sys.stdin # try to open with urllib (if source is http, ftp, or file URL) import urllib.request, urllib.parse, urllib.error try: return urllib.request.urlopen(source) except (IOError, OSError): pass # try to open with native open function (if source is pathname) try: return open(source) except Exception as e: print(("Exception occurred opening file %s Error: %s" % (source, str(e)))) # treat source as string import io return io.StringIO(str(source)) def getOs(): dist=None fdesc = None RHId = "/etc/redhat-release" SuSEId = "/etc/SuSE-release" try: fdesc = open(RHId) for line in fdesc: line = line.rstrip() if re.match('CentOS', line): dist = 'CentOS' if re.match('Red Hat', line): dist = 'CentOS' except IOError: pass finally: if fdesc : fdesc.close() try: fdesc = open(SuSEId) for line in fdesc: line = line.rstrip() if re.match('SUSE', line): dist = 'SuSE' except IOError: pass finally: if fdesc : fdesc.close() return dist def factory(aClass, *args): return aClass(*args) def addDicts(a,b): c = dict(a) c.update(b) return c def joinPath(a,b,parm=""): c=a+parm+b return c def debug(varname, o): if _debug == 1: print("Debug: %s -> %s" %(varname, o)) def loadXmlElement(config,elementName): fdesc = openAnything(config) xmldoc = minidom.parse(fdesc).documentElement fdesc.close() elements=xmldoc.getElementsByTagName(elementName) return elements def docIter(node): """ Iterates over each node in document order, returning each in turn """ #Document order returns the current node, #then each of its children in turn yield node if node.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE: #Attributes are stored in a dictionary and #have no set order. The values() call #gets a list of actual attribute node objects #from the dictionary for attr in list(node.attributes.values()): yield attr for child in node.childNodes: #Create a generator for each child, #Over which to iterate for cn in docIter(child): yield cn return def makeNonBlocking(fd): fl = fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_GETFL) try: fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_SETFL, fl | os.O_NDELAY) except IOError: fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_SETFL, fl | os.O_NDELAY) def getCommandOutput(command): child = os.popen(command) data = ) err = child.close( ) #if err : # raise RuntimeError, '%r failed with exit code %d' % (command, err) return ''.join(data) def touchFile(fileName): if os.path.exists(fileName): os.remove(fileName) fi=open(fileName,'w') fi.close() def deleteBlock(fileName,beginPattern, endPattern): #httpdConfFile="/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf" fileNameTmp= fileName +".tmp" if beginPattern is None : beginPattern = '#gp begin' if endPattern is None : endPattern = '#gp end' beginLineNo = 0 endLineNo = 0 lineNo =1 #remove existing gp existing entry if os.path.isfile(fileName): try: fdesc = open(fileName) lines = fdesc.readlines() fdesc.close() for line in lines: line = line.rstrip() if re.match(beginPattern, line): beginLineNo = lineNo #print line #print beginLineNo if re.match(endPattern, line) and (beginLineNo != 0): endLineNo = lineNo #print endLineNo lineNo += 1 #print lines[beginLineNo-1:endLineNo] del lines[beginLineNo-1:endLineNo] fdesc = open(fileNameTmp,"w") fdesc.writelines(lines) fdesc.close() os.rename(fileNameTmp,fileName) except IOError: print(("IOERROR", IOError)) sys.exit() else: print("***********%s file does not exits"%(fileName)) def make_inf_hosts(hp, hstart, hend, istart, iend, hf=None): hfArr = [] inf_hosts=[] if None != hf: hfArr=hf.split('-') print(hfArr) for h in range(int(hstart), int(hend)+1): host = '%s%d' % (hp, h) for i in range(int(istart), int(iend)+1): if i != 0 : inf_hosts.append('%s-%s' % (host, i)) else: inf_hosts.append('%s' % (host)) return inf_hosts def copyFile(srcDir,srcFile, destDir, destFile): result="" filePath=os.path.join(srcDir, srcFile) destPath=os.path.join(destDir,destFile) if not os.path.exists(destDir): os.makedirs(destDir) try: if os.path.isfile(filePath): #debug("filePath" , filePath) #debug("destPath" , destPath) pipe=os.popen("/bin/cp -avf " +filePath +" "+destPath) #debug ("result",result) else: print("no such file or directory " + filePath) except OSError: print ("OS Error occurred") return result def parseKeyColonValueLines(str): """ Given a string contain key:value lines, parse the lines and return a map of key->value Returns None if there was a problem parsing """ res = {} for line in str.split("\n"): line = line.strip() if line == "": continue colon = line.find(":") if colon == -1: logger.warn("Error parsing data, no colon on line %s" % line) return None key = line[:colon] value = line[colon+1:] res[key] = value return res def sortedDictByKey(di): return [ (k,di[k]) for k in sorted(di.keys())] class TableLogger: """ Use this by constructing it, then calling warn, info, and infoOrWarn with arrays of columns, then outputTable """ def __init__(self, logger=get_default_logger()): self.__lines = [] self.__warningLines = {} self.logger = logger # # If True, then warn calls will produce arrows as well at the end of the lines # Note that this affects subsequent calls to warn and infoOrWarn # self.__warnWithArrows = False def setWarnWithArrows(self, warnWithArrows): """ Change the "warn with arrows" behavior for subsequent calls to warn and infoOrWarn If warnWithArrows is True then warning lines are printed with arrows at the end returns self """ self.__warnWithArrows = warnWithArrows return self def warn(self, line): """ return self """ self.__warningLines[len(self.__lines)] = True line = [s for s in line] if self.__warnWithArrows: line.append( "<<<<<<<<") self.__lines.append(line) return self def info(self, line): """ return self """ self.__lines.append([s for s in line]) return self def infoOrWarn(self, warnIfTrue, line): """ return self """ if warnIfTrue: self.warn(line) else: return self def outputTable(self): """ return self """ lines = self.__lines warningLineNumbers = self.__warningLines lineWidth = [] for line in lines: if line is not None: while len(lineWidth) < len(line): lineWidth.append(0) for i, field in enumerate(line): lineWidth[i] = max(len(field), lineWidth[i]) # now print it all! for lineNumber, line in enumerate(lines): doWarn = warningLineNumbers.get(lineNumber) if line is None: # # separator #"----------------------------------------------------") else: outLine = [] for i, field in enumerate(line): if i == len(line) - 1: # don't pad the last one since it's not strictly needed, # and we could have a really long last column for some lines outLine.append(field) else: outLine.append(field.ljust(lineWidth[i] + 3)) msg = "".join(outLine) if doWarn: self.logger.warn(msg) else:" " + msg) # add 3 so that lines will line up even with the INFO and WARNING stuff on front return self def addSeparator(self): self.__lines.append(None) def getNumLines(self): return len(self.__lines) def getNumWarnings(self): return len(self.__warningLines) def hasWarnings(self): return self.getNumWarnings() > 0 def createSegmentSpecificPath(path, gpPrefix, segment): """ Create a segment specific path for the given gpPrefix and segment @param gpPrefix a string used to prefix directory names @param segment a Segment value """ return os.path.join(path, '%s%d' % (gpPrefix, segment.getSegmentContentId())) class PathNormalizationException(Exception): pass def normalizeAndValidateInputPath(path, errorMessagePathSource=None, errorMessagePathFullInput=None): """ Raises a PathNormalizationException if the path is not an absolute path. The exception msg will use errorMessagePathSource and errorMessagePathFullInput to build the error message. Does not check that the path exists @param errorMessagePathSource from where the path was read such as "by user", "in file" @param errorMessagePathFullInput the full input (line, for example) from which the path was read; for example, if the path is part of a larger line of input read then you can pass the full line here """ path = path.strip() if not os.path.isabs(path): firstPart = " " if errorMessagePathSource is None else " " + errorMessagePathSource + " " secondPart = "" if errorMessagePathFullInput is None else " from: %s" % errorMessagePathFullInput raise PathNormalizationException("Path entered%sis invalid; it must be a full path. Path: '%s'%s" % ( firstPart, path, secondPart )) return os.path.normpath(path) def escapeDoubleQuoteInSQLString(string, forceDoubleQuote=True): string = string.replace('"', '""') if forceDoubleQuote: string = '"' + string + '"' return string