/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ #include "libchurl.h" #include "miscadmin.h" #include "utils/guc.h" /* include libcurl without typecheck. * This allows wrapping curl_easy_setopt to be wrapped * for readability. O/w an error is generated when anything * other than the expected type is given as parameter */ #define CURL_DISABLE_TYPECHECK #include #undef CURL_DISABLE_TYPECHECK /* * internal buffer for libchurl internal context */ typedef struct { char* ptr; int max; int bot, top; } churl_buffer; /* * internal context of libchurl */ typedef struct { /* curl easy API handle */ CURL* curl_handle; /* curl multi API handle * used to allow non-blocking callbacks */ CURLM* multi_handle; /* curl API puts internal errors in this buffer * used for error reporting */ char curl_error_buffer[CURL_ERROR_SIZE]; /* perform() (libcurl API) lets us know * if the session is over using this int */ int curl_still_running; /* internal buffer for download */ churl_buffer* download_buffer; /* internal buffer for upload */ churl_buffer* upload_buffer; /* holds http error code returned from * remote server */ char* last_http_reponse; /* true on upload, false on download */ bool upload; } churl_context; /* * holds http header properties */ typedef struct { struct curl_slist* headers; } churl_settings; churl_context* churl_new_context(void); void create_curl_handle(churl_context* context); void set_curl_option(churl_context* context, CURLoption option, const void* data); size_t read_callback(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *userdata); void setup_multi_handle(churl_context* context); void multi_perform(churl_context* context); bool internal_buffer_large_enough(churl_buffer* buffer, size_t required); void flush_internal_buffer(churl_context* context); char* get_dest_address(CURL* curl_handle); void enlarge_internal_buffer(churl_buffer* buffer, size_t required); void finish_upload(churl_context* context); void cleanup_curl_handle(churl_context* context); void multi_remove_handle(churl_context* context); void cleanup_internal_buffer(churl_buffer* buffer); void churl_cleanup_context(churl_context* context); size_t write_callback(char *buffer, size_t size, size_t nitems, void *userp); int fill_internal_buffer(churl_context* context, int want); void churl_headers_set(churl_context* context, CHURL_HEADERS settings); void check_response_status(churl_context* context); void check_response_code(churl_context* context); void check_response(churl_context* context); void clear_error_buffer(churl_context* context); size_t header_callback(char *buffer, size_t size, size_t nitems, void *userp); void free_http_response(churl_context* context); void compact_internal_buffer(churl_buffer* buffer); void realloc_internal_buffer(churl_buffer* buffer, size_t required); bool handle_special_error(long response, StringInfo err); char* get_http_error_msg(long http_ret_code, char* msg, char* curl_error_buffer); char* build_header_str(const char* format, const char* key, const char* value); void print_http_headers(CHURL_HEADERS headers); /* * Debug function - print the http headers */ void print_http_headers(CHURL_HEADERS headers) { if ((DEBUG2 >= log_min_messages) || (DEBUG2 >= client_min_messages)) { churl_settings* settings = (churl_settings*)headers; struct curl_slist* header_cell = settings->headers; char* header_data; int count = 0; while (header_cell != NULL) { header_data = header_cell->data; elog(DEBUG2, "churl http header: cell #%d: %s", count, header_data ? header_data : "NONE"); header_cell = header_cell->next; ++count; } } } CHURL_HEADERS churl_headers_init(void) { churl_settings* settings = (churl_settings*)palloc0(sizeof(churl_settings)); return (CHURL_HEADERS)settings; } /* * Build a header string, in the form of given format (e.g. "%s: %s"), * and populate and in it. * If value is empty, return . */ char* build_header_str(const char* format, const char* key, const char* value) { char* header_option = NULL; if (value == NULL) /* the option is just a "key" */ header_option = pstrdup(key); else /* the option is a "key: value" */ { StringInfoData formatter; initStringInfo(&formatter); appendStringInfo(&formatter, format, key, value); header_option = formatter.data; } return header_option; } void churl_headers_append(CHURL_HEADERS headers, const char* key, const char* value) { churl_settings* settings = (churl_settings*)headers; char* header_option = NULL; header_option = build_header_str("%s: %s", key, value); settings->headers = curl_slist_append(settings->headers, header_option); pfree(header_option); } void churl_headers_override(CHURL_HEADERS headers, const char* key, const char* value) { churl_settings* settings = (churl_settings*)headers; struct curl_slist* header_cell = settings->headers; char* key_option = NULL; char* header_data = NULL; /* key must not be empty */ Assert(key != NULL); /* key to compare with in the headers */ key_option = build_header_str("%s:%s", key, value ? "" : NULL); /* find key in headers list */ while (header_cell != NULL) { header_data = header_cell->data; if (strncmp(key_option, header_data, strlen(key_option)) == 0) { elog(DEBUG2, "churl_headers_override: Found existing header %s with key %s (for new value %s)", header_data, key_option, value); break; } header_cell = header_cell->next; } if (header_cell != NULL) /* found key */ { char* new_data = build_header_str("%s: %s", key, value); char* old_data = header_cell->data; header_cell->data = strdup(new_data); elog(DEBUG4, "churl_headers_override: new data: %s, old data: %s", new_data, old_data); free(old_data); pfree(new_data); } else { churl_headers_append(headers, key, value); } pfree(key_option); } void churl_headers_remove(CHURL_HEADERS headers, const char* key, bool has_value) { churl_settings* settings = (churl_settings*)headers; struct curl_slist* to_del_cell = settings->headers; struct curl_slist* prev_cell = NULL; char* key_option = NULL; char* header_data = NULL; /* key must not be empty */ Assert(key != NULL); /* key to compare with in the headers */ key_option = build_header_str("%s:%s", key, has_value ? "" : NULL); /* find key in headers list */ while (to_del_cell != NULL) { header_data = to_del_cell->data; if (strncmp(key_option, header_data, strlen(key_option)) == 0) { elog(DEBUG2, "churl_headers_remove: Found existing header %s with key %s", header_data, key_option); break; } prev_cell = to_del_cell; to_del_cell = to_del_cell->next; } if (to_del_cell != NULL) /* found key */ { /* skip this cell */ if (prev_cell != NULL) /* not the header */ { prev_cell->next = to_del_cell->next; } else /* remove header - make the next cell header now */ { settings->headers = to_del_cell->next; } /* remove header data and cell */ if (to_del_cell->data) free(to_del_cell->data); free(to_del_cell); } else { elog(DEBUG2, "churl_headers_remove: No header with key %s to remove", key_option); } pfree(key_option); } void churl_headers_cleanup(CHURL_HEADERS headers) { churl_settings* settings = (churl_settings*)headers; if (!settings) return; if (settings->headers) curl_slist_free_all(settings->headers); pfree(settings); } static CHURL_HANDLE churl_init(const char* url, CHURL_HEADERS headers) { churl_context* context = churl_new_context(); create_curl_handle(context); clear_error_buffer(context); /* needed to resolve localhost */ if (strstr(url, LocalhostIpV4) != NULL) { struct curl_slist *resolve_hosts = NULL; char *pxf_host_entry = (char *) palloc0(strlen(PxfServiceAddress) + strlen(LocalhostIpV4Entry) + 1); strcat(pxf_host_entry, PxfServiceAddress); strcat(pxf_host_entry, LocalhostIpV4Entry); resolve_hosts = curl_slist_append(NULL, pxf_host_entry); set_curl_option(context, CURLOPT_RESOLVE, resolve_hosts); pfree(pxf_host_entry); } set_curl_option(context, CURLOPT_URL, url); set_curl_option(context, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, (const void*)FALSE); set_curl_option(context, CURLOPT_ERRORBUFFER, context->curl_error_buffer); set_curl_option(context, CURLOPT_IPRESOLVE, (const void*)CURL_IPRESOLVE_V4); set_curl_option(context, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, write_callback); set_curl_option(context, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, context); set_curl_option(context, CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION, header_callback); set_curl_option(context, CURLOPT_HEADERDATA, context); churl_headers_set(context, headers); return (CHURL_HANDLE)context; } CHURL_HANDLE churl_init_upload(const char* url, CHURL_HEADERS headers) { churl_context* context = churl_init(url, headers); context->upload = true; set_curl_option(context, CURLOPT_POST, (const void*) TRUE); set_curl_option(context, CURLOPT_READFUNCTION, read_callback); set_curl_option(context, CURLOPT_READDATA, context); churl_headers_append(headers, "Content-Type", "application/octet-stream"); churl_headers_append(headers, "Transfer-Encoding", "chunked"); churl_headers_append(headers, "Expect", "100-continue"); print_http_headers(headers); setup_multi_handle(context); return (CHURL_HANDLE)context; } CHURL_HANDLE churl_init_download(const char* url, CHURL_HEADERS headers) { churl_context* context = churl_init(url, headers); context->upload = false; print_http_headers(headers); setup_multi_handle(context); return (CHURL_HANDLE)context; } void churl_download_restart(CHURL_HANDLE handle, const char* url, CHURL_HEADERS headers) { churl_context* context = (churl_context*)handle; Assert(!context->upload); /* halt current transfer */ multi_remove_handle(context); /* set a new url */ set_curl_option(context, CURLOPT_URL, url); /* set headers again */ if (headers) churl_headers_set(context, headers); /* restart */ setup_multi_handle(context); } /* * upload */ size_t churl_write(CHURL_HANDLE handle, const char* buf, size_t bufsize) { churl_context* context = (churl_context*)handle; churl_buffer* context_buffer = context->upload_buffer; Assert(context->upload); if (!internal_buffer_large_enough(context_buffer, bufsize)) { flush_internal_buffer(context); if (!internal_buffer_large_enough(context_buffer, bufsize)) enlarge_internal_buffer(context_buffer, bufsize); } memcpy(context_buffer->ptr + context_buffer->top, buf, bufsize); context_buffer->top += bufsize; return bufsize; } /* * check that connection is ok, read a few bytes and check response. */ void churl_read_check_connectivity(CHURL_HANDLE handle) { churl_context* context = (churl_context*)handle; Assert(!context->upload); fill_internal_buffer(context, 1); check_response(context); } /* * download */ size_t churl_read(CHURL_HANDLE handle, char* buf, size_t max_size) { int n = 0; churl_context* context = (churl_context*)handle; churl_buffer* context_buffer = context->download_buffer; Assert(!context->upload); fill_internal_buffer(context, max_size); n = context_buffer->top - context_buffer->bot; /* TODO: this means we are done. * Should we do something with it? * if (n == 0 && !context->curl_still_running) * context->eof = true; */ if (n > max_size) n = max_size; memcpy(buf, context_buffer->ptr + context_buffer->bot, n); context_buffer->bot += n; return n; } void churl_cleanup(CHURL_HANDLE handle, bool after_error) { churl_context* context = (churl_context*)handle; if (!context) return; /* don't try to read/write data after an error */ if (!after_error) { if (context->upload) finish_upload(context); else churl_read_check_connectivity(handle); } cleanup_curl_handle(context); cleanup_internal_buffer(context->download_buffer); cleanup_internal_buffer(context->upload_buffer); churl_cleanup_context(context); } churl_context* churl_new_context() { churl_context* context = palloc0(sizeof(churl_context)); context->download_buffer = palloc0(sizeof(churl_buffer)); context->upload_buffer = palloc0(sizeof(churl_buffer)); return context; } void clear_error_buffer(churl_context* context) { if (!context) return; context->curl_error_buffer[0] = 0; } void create_curl_handle(churl_context* context) { context->curl_handle = curl_easy_init(); if (!context->curl_handle) elog(ERROR, "internal error: curl_easy_init failed"); } void set_curl_option(churl_context* context, CURLoption option, const void* data) { int curl_error; if (CURLE_OK != (curl_error = curl_easy_setopt(context->curl_handle, option, data))) elog(ERROR, "internal error: curl_easy_setopt %d error (%d - %s)", option, curl_error, curl_easy_strerror(curl_error)); } /* * Called by libcurl perform during an upload. * Copies data from internal buffer to libcurl's buffer. * Once zero is returned, libcurl knows upload is over */ size_t read_callback(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *userdata) { churl_context* context = (churl_context*)userdata; churl_buffer* context_buffer = context->upload_buffer; int written = Min(size * nmemb, context_buffer->top - context_buffer->bot); memcpy(ptr, context_buffer->ptr + context_buffer->bot, written); context_buffer->bot += written; return written; } /* * Setups the libcurl multi API */ void setup_multi_handle(churl_context* context) { int curl_error; /* Create multi handle on first use */ if (!context->multi_handle) if (!(context->multi_handle = curl_multi_init())) elog(ERROR, "internal error: curl_multi_init failed"); /* add the easy handle to the multi handle */ /* don't blame me, blame libcurl */ if (CURLM_OK != (curl_error = curl_multi_add_handle(context->multi_handle, context->curl_handle))) if (CURLM_CALL_MULTI_PERFORM != curl_error) elog(ERROR, "internal error: curl_multi_add_handle failed (%d - %s)", curl_error, curl_easy_strerror(curl_error)); multi_perform(context); } /* * Does the real work. Causes libcurl to do * as little work as possible and return. * During this functions execution, * callbacks are called. */ void multi_perform(churl_context* context) { int curl_error; while (CURLM_CALL_MULTI_PERFORM == (curl_error = curl_multi_perform(context->multi_handle, &context->curl_still_running))); if (curl_error != CURLM_OK) elog(ERROR, "internal error: curl_multi_perform failed (%d - %s)", curl_error, curl_easy_strerror(curl_error)); } bool internal_buffer_large_enough(churl_buffer* buffer, size_t required) { return ((buffer->top + required) <= buffer->max); } void flush_internal_buffer(churl_context* context) { churl_buffer* context_buffer = context->upload_buffer; if (context_buffer->top == 0) return; while((context->curl_still_running != 0) && ((context_buffer->top - context_buffer->bot) > 0)) { /* * Allow canceling a query while waiting for input from remote service */ CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS(); multi_perform(context); } if ((context->curl_still_running == 0) && ((context_buffer->top - context_buffer->bot) > 0)) elog(ERROR, "failed sending to remote component %s", get_dest_address(context->curl_handle)); check_response(context); context_buffer->top = 0; context_buffer->bot = 0; } /* * Returns the remote ip and port of the curl response. * If it's not available, returns an empty string. * The returned value should be free'd. */ char* get_dest_address(CURL* curl_handle) { char *dest_ip = NULL; long dest_port = 0; StringInfoData addr; initStringInfo(&addr); /* add dest ip and port, if any, and curl was nice to tell us */ if (CURLE_OK == curl_easy_getinfo(curl_handle, CURLINFO_PRIMARY_IP, &dest_ip) && CURLE_OK == curl_easy_getinfo(curl_handle, CURLINFO_PRIMARY_PORT, &dest_port) && dest_ip && dest_port) { appendStringInfo(&addr, "'%s:%ld'", dest_ip, dest_port); } return addr.data; } void enlarge_internal_buffer(churl_buffer* buffer, size_t required) { if (buffer->ptr != NULL) pfree(buffer->ptr); buffer->max = required + 1024; buffer->ptr = palloc(buffer->max); } /* * Let libcurl finish the upload by * calling perform repeatedly */ void finish_upload(churl_context* context) { if (!context->multi_handle) return; flush_internal_buffer(context); /* allow read_callback to say 'all done' * by returning a zero thus ending the connection */ while(context->curl_still_running != 0) multi_perform(context); check_response(context); } void cleanup_curl_handle(churl_context* context) { if (!context->curl_handle) return; if (context->multi_handle) multi_remove_handle(context); curl_easy_cleanup(context->curl_handle); context->curl_handle = NULL; curl_multi_cleanup(context->multi_handle); context->multi_handle = NULL; } void multi_remove_handle(churl_context* context) { int curl_error; Assert(context->curl_handle && context->multi_handle); if (CURLM_OK != (curl_error = curl_multi_remove_handle(context->multi_handle, context->curl_handle))) elog(ERROR, "internal error: curl_multi_remove_handle failed (%d - %s)", curl_error, curl_easy_strerror(curl_error)); } void cleanup_internal_buffer(churl_buffer* buffer) { if ((buffer) && (buffer->ptr)) { pfree(buffer->ptr); buffer->ptr = NULL; buffer->bot = 0; buffer->top = 0; buffer->max = 0; } } void churl_cleanup_context(churl_context* context) { if (context) { if (context->download_buffer) pfree(context->download_buffer); if (context->upload_buffer) pfree(context->upload_buffer); pfree(context); } } /* * Called by libcurl perform during a download. * Stores data from libcurl's buffer into the internal buffer. * If internal buffer is not large enough, increases it. */ size_t write_callback(char *buffer, size_t size, size_t nitems, void *userp) { churl_context* context = (churl_context*)userp; churl_buffer* context_buffer = context->download_buffer; const int nbytes = size * nitems; if (!internal_buffer_large_enough(context_buffer, nbytes)) { compact_internal_buffer(context_buffer); if (!internal_buffer_large_enough(context_buffer, nbytes)) realloc_internal_buffer(context_buffer, nbytes); } /* enough space. copy buffer into curl->buf */ memcpy(context_buffer->ptr + context_buffer->top, buffer, nbytes); context_buffer->top += nbytes; return nbytes; } /* * Fills internal buffer up to want bytes. * returns when size reached or transfer ended */ int fill_internal_buffer(churl_context* context, int want) { fd_set fdread; fd_set fdwrite; fd_set fdexcep; int maxfd; struct timeval timeout; int nfds, curl_error; /* attempt to fill buffer */ while (context->curl_still_running && ((context->download_buffer->top - context->download_buffer->bot) < want)) { FD_ZERO(&fdread); FD_ZERO(&fdwrite); FD_ZERO(&fdexcep); /* * Allow canceling a query while waiting for input from remote service */ CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS(); /* set a suitable timeout to fail on */ timeout.tv_sec = 5; timeout.tv_usec = 0; /* get file descriptors from the transfers */ if (CURLE_OK != (curl_error = curl_multi_fdset(context->multi_handle, &fdread, &fdwrite, &fdexcep, &maxfd))) elog(ERROR, "internal error: curl_multi_fdset failed (%d - %s)", curl_error, curl_easy_strerror(curl_error)); if (maxfd <= 0) { context->curl_still_running = 0; break; } if (-1 == (nfds = select(maxfd+1, &fdread, &fdwrite, &fdexcep, &timeout))) { if (errno == EINTR || errno == EAGAIN) continue; elog(ERROR, "internal error: select failed on curl_multi_fdset (maxfd %d) (%d - %s)", maxfd, errno, strerror(errno)); } if (nfds > 0) multi_perform(context); } return 0; } void churl_headers_set(churl_context* context, CHURL_HEADERS headers) { churl_settings* settings = (churl_settings*)headers; set_curl_option(context, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, settings->headers); } /* * Checks that the response finished successfully * with a valid response status and code. */ void check_response(churl_context* context) { check_response_code(context); check_response_status(context); } /* * Checks that libcurl transfers completed successfully. * This is different than the response code (HTTP code) - * a message can have a response code 200 (OK), but end prematurely * and so have an error status. */ void check_response_status(churl_context* context) { CURLMsg *msg; /* for picking up messages with the transfer status */ int msgs_left; /* how many messages are left */ long status; while ((msg = curl_multi_info_read(context->multi_handle, &msgs_left))) { int i = 0; /* CURLMSG_DONE is the only possible status. */ if (msg->msg != CURLMSG_DONE) continue; if (CURLE_OK != (status = msg->data.result)) { char* addr = get_dest_address(msg->easy_handle); StringInfoData err; initStringInfo(&err); appendStringInfo(&err, "transfer error (%ld): %s", status, curl_easy_strerror(status)); if (strlen(addr) != 0) appendStringInfo(&err, " from %s", addr); pfree(addr); elog(ERROR, "%s", err.data); } elog(DEBUG2, "check_response_status: msg %d done with status OK", i++); } } /* * Parses return code from libcurl operation and * reports if different than 200 and 100 */ void check_response_code(churl_context* context) { long response_code; char *response_text = NULL; int curl_error; if (CURLE_OK != (curl_error = curl_easy_getinfo(context->curl_handle, CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE, &response_code))) elog(ERROR, "internal error: curl_easy_getinfo failed(%d - %s)", curl_error, curl_easy_strerror(curl_error)); elog(DEBUG2, "http response code: %ld", response_code); if ((response_code == 0) && (context->curl_still_running > 0)) { elog(DEBUG2, "check_response_code: curl is still running, but no data was received."); } else if (response_code != 200 && response_code != 100) { StringInfoData err; char *http_error_msg; char *addr; initStringInfo(&err); /* prepare response text if any */ if (context->download_buffer->ptr) { context->download_buffer->ptr[context->download_buffer->top] = '\0'; response_text = context->download_buffer->ptr + context->download_buffer->bot; } /* add remote http error code */ appendStringInfo(&err, "remote component error (%ld)", response_code); addr = get_dest_address(context->curl_handle); if (strlen(addr) != 0) { appendStringInfo(&err, " from %s", addr); } pfree(addr); if (!handle_special_error(response_code, &err)) { /* * add detailed error message from the http response. response_text * could be NULL in some cases. get_http_error_msg checks for that. */ http_error_msg = get_http_error_msg(response_code, response_text, context->curl_error_buffer); /* check for a specific confusing error, and replace with a clearer one */ if (strstr(http_error_msg, "instance does not contain any root resource classes") != NULL) { appendStringInfo(&err, " : PXF not correctly installed in CLASSPATH"); } else { appendStringInfo(&err, ": %s", http_error_msg); } } elog(ERROR, "%s", err.data); } free_http_response(context); } /* * Extracts the error message from the full HTTP response * We test for several conditions in the http_ret_code and the HTTP response message. * The first condition that matches, defines the final message string and ends the function. * The layout of the HTTP response message is: title_content_which_has_a_brief_description_of_the_error




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* Our first priority is to get the paragraph

inside , and in case we don't find it, then we try to get * the . */ char* get_http_error_msg(long http_ret_code, char* msg, char* curl_error_buffer) { char *start, *end, *ret; StringInfoData errMsg; initStringInfo(&errMsg); /* * 1. The server not listening on the port specified in the <create external...> statement" * In this case there is no Response from the server, so we issue our own message */ if (http_ret_code == 0) { if (curl_error_buffer == NULL) return "There is no pxf servlet listening on the host and port specified in the external table url"; else { return curl_error_buffer; } } /* * 2. There is a response from the server since the http_ret_code is not 0, but there is no response message. * This is an abnormal situation that could be the result of a bug, libraries incompatibility or versioning issue * in the Rest server or our curl client. In this case we again issue our own message. */ if (!msg || (msg && strlen(msg) == 0) ) { appendStringInfo(&errMsg, "HTTP status code is %ld but HTTP response string is empty", http_ret_code); ret = pstrdup(errMsg.data); pfree(errMsg.data); return ret; } /* * 3. The "normal" case - There is an HTTP response and the response has a <body> section inside where * there is a paragraph contained by the <p> tag. */ start = strstr(msg, "<body>"); if (start != NULL) { start = strstr(start, "<p>"); if (start != NULL) { char *tmp; bool skip = false; start += 3; end = strstr(start, "</p>"); /* assuming where is a <p>, there is a </p> */ if (end != NULL) { /* Take one more line after the </p> */ tmp = strchr(end, '\n'); if (tmp != NULL) end = tmp; tmp = start; /* * Right now we have the full paragraph inside the <body>. We need to extract from it * the <pre> tags, the '\n' and the '\r'. */ while (tmp != end) { if (*tmp == '>') /* skipping the <pre> tags */ skip = false; else if (*tmp == '<') /* skipping the <pre> tags */ { skip = true; appendStringInfoChar(&errMsg, ' '); } else if (*tmp != '\n' && *tmp != '\r' && skip == false) appendStringInfoChar(&errMsg, *tmp); tmp++; } ret = pstrdup(errMsg.data); pfree(errMsg.data); return ret; } } } /* * 4. We did not find the <body>. So we try to print the <title>. */ start = strstr(msg, "<title>"); if (start != NULL) { start += 7; /* no need to check if end is null, if <title> exists then also exists */ end = strstr(start, ""); if (end != NULL) { ret = pnstrdup(start, end - start); return ret; } } /* * 5. This is an unexpected situation. We received an error message from the server but it does not have neither a * nor a . In this case we return the error message we received as-is. */ return msg; } void free_http_response(churl_context* context) { if (!context->last_http_reponse) return; pfree(context->last_http_reponse); context->last_http_reponse = NULL; } /* * Called during a perform by libcurl on either download or an upload. * Stores the first line of the header for error reporting */ size_t header_callback(char *buffer, size_t size, size_t nitems, void *userp) { const int nbytes = size * nitems; churl_context* context = (churl_context*)userp; if (context->last_http_reponse) return nbytes; char* p = palloc(nbytes + 1); memcpy(p, buffer, nbytes); p[nbytes] = 0; context->last_http_reponse = p; return nbytes; } void compact_internal_buffer(churl_buffer* buffer) { int n; /* no compaction required */ if (buffer->bot == 0) return; n = buffer->top - buffer->bot; memmove(buffer->ptr, buffer->ptr + buffer->bot, n); buffer->bot = 0; buffer->top = n; } void realloc_internal_buffer(churl_buffer* buffer, size_t required) { int n; n = buffer->top - buffer->bot + required + 1024; if (buffer->ptr == NULL) buffer->ptr = palloc(n); else /* repalloc does not support NULL ptr */ buffer->ptr = repalloc(buffer->ptr, n); buffer->max = n; } bool handle_special_error(long response, StringInfo err) { switch (response) { case 404: appendStringInfo(err, ": PXF service could not be reached. PXF is not running in the tomcat container"); break; default: return false; } return true; }