-- ======== -- PROTOCOL -- ======== -- create the database functions CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION read_from_s3() RETURNS integer AS '$libdir/gps3ext.so', 's3_import' LANGUAGE C STABLE; -- declare the protocol name along with in/out funcs CREATE PROTOCOL s3 ( readfunc = read_from_s3 ); -- Check out the catalog table select * from pg_extprotocol; drop external table s3example; create READABLE external table s3example (date text, time text, open float, high float, low float, volume int) location('s3://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s3test.pivotal.io/dataset1/normal/ config=/home/gpadmin/s3.conf') FORMAT 'text' ( DELIMITER ',' NULL '') LOG ERRORS SEGMENT REJECT LIMIT 5; SELECT count(*) FROM s3example; SELECT gp_read_error_log('s3example'); -- ======= -- CLEANUP -- ======= DROP EXTERNAL TABLE s3example; DROP PROTOCOL s3;