--- --- Set idle gang time to 1ms (minimum) --- Want to verify if new segment process get lc_numeric values always --- set gp_vmem_idle_resource_timeout = 1; --- --- Drop existing table --- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS lc_numeric_table; --- --- Create new table lc_numeric_table --- CREATE TABLE lc_numeric_table(a text, b varchar(50)); --- --- Insert some values --- INSERT INTO lc_numeric_table VALUES ('1,1', 'bla'), (2, 'blabla'), (3, 'blablabla'); --- --- Select query with default lc_numeric --- expect first col value for '1,1' is '11' --- select to_number(a,'999999D99999')::numeric(10,5), b from lc_numeric_table order by to_number; --- --- Change lc_numeric --- set lc_numeric='de_DE'; --- --- Select query with default lc_numeric --- expect first col value for '1,1' is '1.1' --- select to_number(a,'999999D99999')::numeric(10,5), b from lc_numeric_table order by to_number; -- start_ignore \echo `date` -- end_ignore -- start_ignore \echo `date` -- end_ignore --- --- Select query with default lc_numeric --- expect first col value for '1,1' is '1.1' --- select to_number(a,'999999D99999')::numeric(10,5), b from lc_numeric_table order by to_number; --- --- reset all gucs --- reset lc_numeric; reset gp_vmem_idle_resource_timeout;