/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * sysfunc.c-- * process system functions and return a string result * * Notes: * 1) I return a string result because most of the functions cannot return any * normal type anyway (e.g. SYS_DATE, SYS_TIME, etc...), and the few that * might (SYS_UID or whatever) can just return it as a string - no problem. * This keeps the function flexible enough to be of good use. * * Written by Chad Robinson, chadr@brttech.com * Last modified: 04/27/1996 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include #include #include #include #include /* * Can't get much more obvious than this. Might need to replace localtime() * on older systems... */ char *Sysfunc_system_date(void) { time_t cur_time_secs; struct tm *cur_time_expanded; static char buf[12]; /* Just for safety, y'understand... */ time(&cur_time_secs); cur_time_expanded = localtime(&cur_time_secs); #if defined(EUROPEAN_DATES) sprintf(buf, "%02.2d-%02.2d-%04.4d", cur_time_expanded->tm_mday, cur_time_expanded->tm_mon+1, cur_time_expanded->tm_year+1900); #else sprintf(buf, "%02.2d-%02.2d-%04.4d", cur_time_expanded->tm_mon+1, cur_time_expanded->tm_mday, cur_time_expanded->tm_year+1900); #endif return &buf[0]; } char *SystemFunctionHandler(char *funct) { if (!strcmp(funct, "SYS_DATE")) return Sysfunc_system_date(); return "*unknown function*"; } #ifdef SYSFUNC_TEST /* * Chad's rule of coding #4 - never delete a test function, even a stupid * one - you always need it 10 minutes after you delete it. */ void main(void) { printf("Current system date: %s\n", SystemFunctionHandler("SYS_DATE")); return; } #endif