#!/bin/sh #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # initdb.sh-- # Create (initialize) a Postgres database system. # # A database system is a collection of Postgres databases all managed # by the same postmaster. # # To create the database system, we create the directory that contains # all its data, create the files that hold the global classes, create # a few other control files for it, and create one database: the # template database. # # The template database is an ordinary Postgres database. Its data # never changes, though. It exists to make it easy for Postgres to # create other databases -- it just copies. # # Optionally, we can skip creating the database system and just create # (or replace) the template database. # # To create all those classes, we run the postgres (backend) program and # feed it data from bki files that are in the Postgres library directory. # # Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California # # # IDENTIFICATION # $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/bin/initdb/Attic/initdb.sh,v 1.8 1996/10/03 04:20:11 momjian Exp $ # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ---------------- # Set paths from environment or default values. # The _fUnKy_..._sTuFf_ gets set when the script is built (with make) # from parameters set in the make file. # Currently the only thing we look for from the environment is # PGDATA, PGHOST, and PGPORT. However, we should have environment # variables for all the paths. # # ---------------- [ -z "$PGDATA" ] && { PGDATA=_fUnKy_DATADIR_sTuFf_; export PGDATA; } [ -z "$PGPORT" ] && { PGPORT=_fUnKy_POSTPORT_sTuFf_; export PGPORT; } [ -z "$PGHOST" ] && { PGHOST=localhost; export PGHOST; } BINDIR=_fUnKy_BINDIR_sTuFf_ LIBDIR=_fUnKy_LIBDIR_sTuFf_ NAMEDATALEN=_fUnKy_NAMEDATALEN_sTuFf_ OIDNAMELEN=_fUnKy_OIDNAMELEN_sTuFf_ PATH=$BINDIR:$PATH export PATH CMDNAME=`basename $0` # Set defaults: debug=0 noclean=0 template_only=0 POSTGRES_SUPERUSERNAME=$USER while [ "$#" -gt 0 ] do if [ "$1" = "-d" ]; then debug=1 echo "Running with debug mode on." elif [ "$1" = "-n" ]; then noclean=1 echo "Running with noclean mode on. Mistakes will not be cleaned up." elif [ "$1" = "-t" ]; then template_only=1 echo "updating template1 database only." elif [ "$1" = "-u" ]; then shift POSTGRES_SUPERUSERNAME="$1" elif [ "$1" = "-r" ]; then shift PGDATA=$1 else echo "initdb [-t] [-d] [-n] [-u superuser] [-r datadir]" 1>&2 exit 1 fi shift done if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then BACKENDARGS="-boot -C -F -d" else BACKENDARGS="-boot -C -F -Q" fi TEMPLATE=$LIBDIR/local1_template1.bki.source GLOBAL=$LIBDIR/global1.bki.source PG_HBA_SAMPLE=$LIBDIR/pg_hba.sample #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Find the input files #------------------------------------------------------------------------- for PREREQ_FILE in $TEMPLATE $GLOBAL $PG_HBA_SAMPLE; do if [ ! -f $PREREQ_FILE ]; then echo "$CMDNAME does not find the file '$PREREQ_FILE'." echo "This means Postgres95 is incorrectly installed." exit 1 fi done echo "$CMDNAME: using $TEMPLATE as input to create the template database." if [ $template_only -eq 0 ]; then echo "$CMDNAME: using $GLOBAL as input to create the global classes." echo "$CMDNAME: using $PG_HBA_SAMPLE as the host-based authentication" \ "control file." fi #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Figure out who the Postgres superuser for the new database system will be. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- if [ -z $POSTGRES_SUPERUSERNAME ]; then echo "Can't tell what username to use. You don't have the USER" echo "environment variable set to your username and didn't specify the " echo "--username option" exit 1 fi POSTGRES_SUPERUID=`pg_id $POSTGRES_SUPERUSERNAME` if [ $POSTGRES_SUPERUID = NOUSER ]; then echo "Valid username not given. You must specify the username for " echo "the Postgres superuser for the database system you are " echo "initializing, either with the --username option or by default " echo "to the USER environment variable." exit 10 fi if [ $POSTGRES_SUPERUID -ne `pg_id` -a `pg_id` -ne 0 ]; then echo "Only the unix superuser may initialize a database with a different" echo "Postgres superuser. (You must be able to create files that belong" echo "to the specified Postgres userid)." exit 2 fi echo "We are initializing the database system with username" \ "$POSTGRES_SUPERUSERNAME (uid=$POSTGRES_SUPERUID)." echo "Please be aware that Postgres is not secure. Anyone who can connect" echo "to the database can act as user $POSTGRES_SUPERUSERNAME" \ "with very little effort." # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create the data directory if necessary # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # umask must disallow access to group, other for files and dirs umask 077 if [ -d "$PGDATA" ]; then if [ $template_only -eq 0 ]; then echo "$CMDNAME: error: Directory $PGDATA already exists." echo "This probably means initdb has already been run and the " echo "database system already exists." echo echo "If you want to create a new database system, either remove " echo "the $PGDATA directory or run initdb with environment variable" echo "PGDATA set to something other than $PGDATA." exit 1 fi else if [ ! -d $PGDATA ]; then echo "Creating Postgres database system directory $PGDATA" mkdir $PGDATA if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then exit 5; fi fi if [ ! -d $PGDATA/base ]; then echo "Creating Postgres database system directory $PGDATA/base" mkdir $PGDATA/base if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then exit 5; fi fi fi #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create the template1 database #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- rm -rf $PGDATA/base/template1 mkdir $PGDATA/base/template1 echo "$CMDNAME: creating template database in $PGDATA/base/template1" echo "Running: postgres $BACKENDARGS template1" cat $TEMPLATE \ | sed -e "s/postgres PGUID/$POSTGRES_SUPERUSERNAME $POSTGRES_SUPERUID/" \ -e "s/NAMEDATALEN/$NAMEDATALEN/g" \ -e "s/OIDNAMELEN/$OIDNAMELEN/g" \ -e "s/PGUID/$POSTGRES_SUPERUID/" \ | postgres $BACKENDARGS template1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "$CMDNAME: could not create template database" if [ $noclean -eq 0 ]; then echo "$CMDNAME: cleaning up by wiping out $PGDATA/base/template1" rm -rf $PGDATA/base/template1 else echo "$CMDNAME: cleanup not done because noclean options was used." fi exit 1; fi pg_version $PGDATA/base/template1 #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create the global classes, if requested. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- if [ $template_only -eq 0 ]; then echo "$CMDNAME: creating global classes in $PGDATA" echo "Creating global classes in $PG_DATA/base" echo "Running: postgres $BACKENDARGS template1" cat $GLOBAL \ | sed -e "s/postgres PGUID/$POSTGRES_SUPERUSERNAME $POSTGRES_SUPERUID/" \ -e "s/NAMEDATALEN/$NAMEDATALEN/g" \ -e "s/OIDNAMELEN/$OIDNAMELEN/g" \ -e "s/PGUID/$POSTGRES_SUPERUID/" \ | postgres $BACKENDARGS template1 if (test $? -ne 0) then echo "$CMDNAME: could not create global classes." if (test $noclean -eq 0); then echo "$CMDNAME: cleaning up." rm -rf $PGDATA else echo "$CMDNAME: cleanup not done (noclean mode set)." fi exit 1; fi pg_version $PGDATA cp $PG_HBA_SAMPLE $PGDATA/pg_hba echo "Adding template1 database to pg_database..." echo "open pg_database" > /tmp/create.$$ echo "insert (template1 $POSTGRES_SUPERUID template1)" >> /tmp/create.$$ #echo "show" >> /tmp/create.$$ echo "close pg_database" >> /tmp/create.$$ echo "Running: postgres $BACKENDARGS template1 < /tmp/create.$$" postgres $BACKENDARGS template1 < /tmp/create.$$ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "$CMDNAME: could not log template database" if [ $noclean -eq 0 ]; then echo "$CMDNAME: cleaning up." rm -rf $PGDATA else echo "$CMDNAME: cleanup not done (noclean mode set)." fi exit 1; fi rm -f /tmp/create.$$ fi if [ $debug -eq 0 ]; then echo "vacuuming template1" echo "vacuum" | postgres -F -Q template1 > /dev/null fi