set client_min_messages='ERROR'; -- test ao seg totals create or replace function aototal(relname text) returns float8 as $$ declare aosegname text; tupcount float8 := 0; rc int := 0; begin execute 'select relname from pg_class where oid=(select segrelid from pg_class, pg_appendonly where relname=''' || relname || ''' and relid = pg_class.oid)' into aosegname; if aosegname > 0 then execute 'select tupcount from pg_aoseg.' || aosegname into tupcount; end if; return tupcount; end; $$ language plpgsql volatile READS SQL DATA; CREATE TABLE tenk_heap_for_aocs ( unique1 int4, unique2 int4, two int4, four int4, ten int4, twenty int4, hundred int4, thousand int4, twothousand int4, fivethous int4, tenthous int4, odd int4, even int4, stringu1 name, stringu2 name, string4 name ) with (appendonly=false) distributed by(unique1); -- -- create few AO tables. test various reloptions combinations. use a sample -- of them (the first 4) for later testing. -- -- valid combinations CREATE TABLE tenk_aocs1 (like tenk_heap_for_aocs) with (appendonly=true, orientation=column, checksum=true) distributed by(unique1); CREATE TABLE tenk_aocs2 (like tenk_heap_for_aocs) with (appendonly=true, orientation=column, compresslevel=0, blocksize=262144) distributed by(unique1); CREATE TABLE tenk_aocs3 (like tenk_heap_for_aocs) with (appendonly=true, orientation=column, compresslevel=6, blocksize=1048576, checksum=true) distributed by(unique1); CREATE TABLE tenk_aocs4 (like tenk_heap_for_aocs) with (appendonly=true, orientation=column, compresslevel=1, compresstype=zlib) distributed by(unique1); CREATE TABLE tenk_aocs5 (like tenk_heap_for_aocs) with (appendonly=true, orientation=column, compresslevel=6, compresstype=zlib) distributed by(unique1); CREATE TABLE tenk_aocs6 (like tenk_heap_for_aocs) with (appendonly=true, orientation=column, compresslevel=6, compresstype=zlib, blocksize=1048576, checksum=true) distributed by(unique1); -- invalid combinations -- col instead of column CREATE TABLE tenk_aocs7 (like tenk_heap_for_aocs) with (appendonly=true, orientation=col) distributed by(unique1); ERROR: invalid parameter value for "orientation": "col" -- no parentheses surrounding storage options CREATE TABLE tenk_aocs8 (like tenk_heap_for_aocs) with appendonly=true, orientation=column distributed by(unique1); ERROR: syntax error at or near "appendonly" LINE 1: ...E TABLE tenk_aocs8 (like tenk_heap_for_aocs) with appendonly... ^ -- no comma separating storage options CREATE TABLE tenk_aocs9 (like tenk_heap_for_aocs) with (appendonly=true orientation=column) distributed by(unique1); ERROR: syntax error at or near "orientation" LINE 1: ...9 (like tenk_heap_for_aocs) with (appendonly=true orientatio... ^ -- appendonly=false with orientation=column should not work CREATE TABLE tenk_aocs10 (like tenk_heap_for_aocs) with (appendonly=false, orientation=column, compresslevel=6, checksum=true) distributed by(unique1); ERROR: invalid option 'compresslevel' for base relation. Only valid for Append Only relations -- block size must be between 8KB and 2MB w/ 8KB multiple CREATE TABLE tenk_aocs11 (like tenk_heap_for_aocs) with (appendonly=true, orientation=column, blocksize=100) distributed by(unique1); ERROR: block size must be between 8KB and 2MB and be an 8KB multiple. Got 100 -- cannot have compresslevel 0 CREATE TABLE tenk_aocs12 (like tenk_heap_for_aocs) with (appendonly=true, orientation=column, compresslevel=0, compresstype=zlib) distributed by(unique1); ERROR: compresstype can't be used with compresslevel 0 -- orientation=column must be combined with appendonly=true CREATE TABLE tenk_aocs13 (like tenk_heap_for_aocs) with (orientation=column) distributed by(unique1); ERROR: invalid option "orientation" for base relation. Only valid for Append Only relations -------------------- -- catalog checks -------------------- -- check pg_appendonly SELECT c.relname, a.blocksize, a.compresstype, a.compresslevel, a.checksum FROM pg_class c, pg_appendonly a WHERE c.relname LIKE 'tenk_aocs%' AND c.oid=a.relid ORDER BY c.relname; relname | blocksize | compresstype | compresslevel | checksum ------------+-----------+--------------+---------------+---------- tenk_aocs1 | 32768 | | 0 | t tenk_aocs2 | 262144 | | 0 | t tenk_aocs3 | 1048576 | zlib | 6 | t tenk_aocs4 | 32768 | zlib | 1 | t tenk_aocs5 | 32768 | zlib | 6 | t tenk_aocs6 | 1048576 | zlib | 6 | t (6 rows) -------------------- -- supported sql -------------------- -- COPY COPY tenk_heap_for_aocs FROM '@abs_srcdir@/data/'; COPY tenk_aocs1 FROM '@abs_srcdir@/data/'; COPY tenk_aocs2 FROM '@abs_srcdir@/data/'; COPY tenk_aocs3 FROM '@abs_srcdir@/data/'; COPY tenk_aocs4 FROM '@abs_srcdir@/data/'; -- SELECT SELECT count(*) FROM tenk_heap_for_aocs; count ------- 10000 (1 row) SELECT count(*) FROM tenk_aocs1; count ------- 10000 (1 row) SELECT count(*) FROM tenk_aocs2; count ------- 10000 (1 row) SELECT count(*) FROM tenk_aocs3; count ------- 10000 (1 row) SELECT count(*) FROM tenk_aocs4; count ------- 10000 (1 row) SELECT aototal('tenk_aocs1'), aototal('tenk_aocs2'), aototal('tenk_aocs3'), aototal('tenk_aocs4'); aototal | aototal | aototal | aototal ---------+---------+---------+--------- 10000 | 10000 | 10000 | 10000 (1 row) -- INSERT SELECT INSERT INTO tenk_aocs1 SELECT * FROM tenk_heap_for_aocs; INSERT INTO tenk_aocs2 SELECT * FROM tenk_heap_for_aocs; INSERT INTO tenk_aocs3 SELECT * FROM tenk_heap_for_aocs; INSERT INTO tenk_aocs4 SELECT * FROM tenk_heap_for_aocs; INSERT INTO tenk_aocs5 SELECT * FROM tenk_heap_for_aocs; -- mix and match some INSERT INTO tenk_aocs1 SELECT * FROM tenk_aocs1; INSERT INTO tenk_aocs2 SELECT * FROM tenk_aocs3; INSERT INTO tenk_aocs3 SELECT * FROM tenk_aocs2; INSERT INTO tenk_aocs4 SELECT * FROM tenk_aocs3; SELECT aototal('tenk_aocs1'), aototal('tenk_aocs2'), aototal('tenk_aocs3'), aototal('tenk_aocs4'); aototal | aototal | aototal | aototal ---------+---------+---------+--------- 40000 | 40000 | 60000 | 80000 (1 row) -- SELECT SELECT count(*) FROM tenk_heap_for_aocs; count ------- 10000 (1 row) SELECT count(*) FROM tenk_aocs1; count ------- 40000 (1 row) SELECT count(*) FROM tenk_aocs2; count ------- 40000 (1 row) SELECT count(*) FROM tenk_aocs3; count ------- 60000 (1 row) SELECT count(*) FROM tenk_aocs4; count ------- 80000 (1 row) -- -- Test that the catalog eof entry doesn't change even if the file gets -- larger due to bad data that isn't cleaned up until the next VACUUM. -- make sure the SELECT stops at eof (count is the same). -- The first row is good (so it grows the file), the second is bad. -- COPY tenk_aocs1 FROM STDIN; ERROR: missing data for column "unique2" CONTEXT: COPY tenk_aocs1, line 2: "bad data row" COPY tenk_aocs2 FROM STDIN; ERROR: missing data for column "unique2" CONTEXT: COPY tenk_aocs2, line 2: "bad data row" COPY tenk_aocs3 FROM STDIN; ERROR: missing data for column "unique2" CONTEXT: COPY tenk_aocs3, line 2: "bad data row" COPY tenk_aocs4 FROM STDIN; ERROR: missing data for column "unique2" CONTEXT: COPY tenk_aocs4, line 2: "bad data row" SELECT count(*) FROM tenk_aocs1; count ------- 40000 (1 row) SELECT count(*) FROM tenk_aocs2; count ------- 40000 (1 row) SELECT count(*) FROM tenk_aocs3; count ------- 60000 (1 row) SELECT count(*) FROM tenk_aocs4; count ------- 80000 (1 row) SELECT aototal('tenk_aocs1'), aototal('tenk_aocs2'), aototal('tenk_aocs3'), aototal('tenk_aocs4'); aototal | aototal | aototal | aototal ---------+---------+---------+--------- 40000 | 40000 | 60000 | 80000 (1 row) -------------------- -- transactionality -------------------- -- rollback BEGIN; INSERT INTO tenk_aocs1 SELECT * FROM tenk_heap_for_aocs; SELECT count(*) FROM tenk_aocs1; -- should show new count count ------- 50000 (1 row) ROLLBACK; SELECT count(*) FROM tenk_aocs1; -- should show previous count count ------- 40000 (1 row) SELECT aototal('tenk_aocs1'); aototal --------- 40000 (1 row) -- commit BEGIN; INSERT INTO tenk_aocs1 SELECT * FROM tenk_heap_for_aocs; SELECT count(*) FROM tenk_aocs1; -- should show new count count ------- 50000 (1 row) COMMIT; SELECT count(*) FROM tenk_aocs1; -- should show new count count ------- 50000 (1 row) SELECT aototal('tenk_aocs1'); aototal --------- 50000 (1 row) -- same txn inserts BEGIN; INSERT INTO tenk_aocs1(unique1) VALUES(12345678); INSERT INTO tenk_aocs1(unique1) VALUES(12345678); INSERT INTO tenk_aocs1(unique1) VALUES(12345678); INSERT INTO tenk_aocs1(unique1) VALUES(12345678); INSERT INTO tenk_aocs1(unique1) VALUES(12345678); ROLLBACK; BEGIN; INSERT INTO tenk_aocs1(unique1) VALUES(87654321); INSERT INTO tenk_aocs1(unique1) VALUES(87654321); INSERT INTO tenk_aocs1(unique1) VALUES(87654321); INSERT INTO tenk_aocs1(unique1) VALUES(87654321); INSERT INTO tenk_aocs1(unique1) VALUES(87654321); COMMIT; SELECT count(*) FROM tenk_aocs1 WHERE unique1 = 12345678; -- should be 0 count ------- 0 (1 row) SELECT count(*) FROM tenk_aocs1 WHERE unique1 = 87654321; -- should be 5 count ------- 5 (1 row) -------------------- -- cursors (basic) -------------------- BEGIN; DECLARE foo1 CURSOR FOR SELECT * FROM tenk_aocs1 ORDER BY 1,2,3,4; DECLARE foo2 CURSOR FOR SELECT * FROM tenk_aocs2 ORDER BY 1,2,3,4; FETCH 1 in foo1; unique1 | unique2 | two | four | ten | twenty | hundred | thousand | twothousand | fivethous | tenthous | odd | even | stringu1 | stringu2 | string4 ---------+---------+-----+------+-----+--------+---------+----------+-------------+-----------+----------+-----+------+----------+----------+--------- 0 | 9998 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | AAAAAA | OUOAAA | OOOOxx (1 row) FETCH 2 in foo2; unique1 | unique2 | two | four | ten | twenty | hundred | thousand | twothousand | fivethous | tenthous | odd | even | stringu1 | stringu2 | string4 ---------+---------+-----+------+-----+--------+---------+----------+-------------+-----------+----------+-----+------+----------+----------+--------- 0 | 9998 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | AAAAAA | OUOAAA | OOOOxx 0 | 9998 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | AAAAAA | OUOAAA | OOOOxx (2 rows) FETCH 1 in foo1; unique1 | unique2 | two | four | ten | twenty | hundred | thousand | twothousand | fivethous | tenthous | odd | even | stringu1 | stringu2 | string4 ---------+---------+-----+------+-----+--------+---------+----------+-------------+-----------+----------+-----+------+----------+----------+--------- 0 | 9998 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | AAAAAA | OUOAAA | OOOOxx (1 row) FETCH 2 in foo2; unique1 | unique2 | two | four | ten | twenty | hundred | thousand | twothousand | fivethous | tenthous | odd | even | stringu1 | stringu2 | string4 ---------+---------+-----+------+-----+--------+---------+----------+-------------+-----------+----------+-----+------+----------+----------+--------- 0 | 9998 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | AAAAAA | OUOAAA | OOOOxx 0 | 9998 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | AAAAAA | OUOAAA | OOOOxx (2 rows) CLOSE foo1; CLOSE foo2; END; BEGIN; DECLARE foo3 NO SCROLL CURSOR FOR SELECT * FROM tenk_aocs1 ORDER BY 1,2,3,4; FETCH 1 FROM foo3; unique1 | unique2 | two | four | ten | twenty | hundred | thousand | twothousand | fivethous | tenthous | odd | even | stringu1 | stringu2 | string4 ---------+---------+-----+------+-----+--------+---------+----------+-------------+-----------+----------+-----+------+----------+----------+--------- 0 | 9998 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | AAAAAA | OUOAAA | OOOOxx (1 row) FETCH BACKWARD 1 FROM foo3; -- should fail ERROR: backward scan is not supported in this version of Greenplum Database END; -- Cursors outside transaction blocks BEGIN; DECLARE foo4 CURSOR WITH HOLD FOR SELECT * FROM tenk_aocs1 ORDER BY 1,2,3,4; FETCH FROM foo4; unique1 | unique2 | two | four | ten | twenty | hundred | thousand | twothousand | fivethous | tenthous | odd | even | stringu1 | stringu2 | string4 ---------+---------+-----+------+-----+--------+---------+----------+-------------+-----------+----------+-----+------+----------+----------+--------- 0 | 9998 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | AAAAAA | OUOAAA | OOOOxx (1 row) FETCH FROM foo4; unique1 | unique2 | two | four | ten | twenty | hundred | thousand | twothousand | fivethous | tenthous | odd | even | stringu1 | stringu2 | string4 ---------+---------+-----+------+-----+--------+---------+----------+-------------+-----------+----------+-----+------+----------+----------+--------- 0 | 9998 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | AAAAAA | OUOAAA | OOOOxx (1 row) COMMIT; FETCH FROM foo4; unique1 | unique2 | two | four | ten | twenty | hundred | thousand | twothousand | fivethous | tenthous | odd | even | stringu1 | stringu2 | string4 ---------+---------+-----+------+-----+--------+---------+----------+-------------+-----------+----------+-----+------+----------+----------+--------- 0 | 9998 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | AAAAAA | OUOAAA | OOOOxx (1 row) SELECT name, statement, is_holdable, is_binary, is_scrollable FROM pg_cursors ORDER BY name; name | statement | is_holdable | is_binary | is_scrollable ------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+-------------+-----------+--------------- foo4 | DECLARE foo4 CURSOR WITH HOLD FOR SELECT * FROM tenk_aocs1 ORDER BY 1,2,3,4; | t | f | f (1 row) CLOSE foo4; -- DROP DROP TABLE tenk_aocs1; DROP TABLE tenk_aocs2; DROP TABLE tenk_aocs3; DROP TABLE tenk_aocs4; -- CTAS CREATE TABLE tenk_aocs1 with(appendonly=true, orientation=column, checksum=true) AS SELECT * FROM tenk_heap_for_aocs; CREATE TABLE tenk_aocs2 with(appendonly=true, orientation=column, compresslevel=0, blocksize=262144) AS SELECT * FROM tenk_heap_for_aocs; CREATE TABLE tenk_aocs3 with(appendonly=true, orientation=column, compresslevel=6, blocksize=1048576, checksum=true) AS SELECT * FROM tenk_heap_for_aocs; CREATE TABLE tenk_aocs4 with(appendonly=true, orientation=column, compresslevel=1, compresstype=zlib) AS SELECT * FROM tenk_heap_for_aocs; SELECT c.relname, a.blocksize, a.compresstype, a.compresslevel, a.checksum FROM pg_class c, pg_appendonly a WHERE c.relname LIKE 'tenk_aocs%' AND c.oid=a.relid ORDER BY c.relname; relname | blocksize | compresstype | compresslevel | checksum ------------+-----------+--------------+---------------+---------- tenk_aocs1 | 32768 | | 0 | t tenk_aocs2 | 262144 | | 0 | t tenk_aocs3 | 1048576 | zlib | 6 | t tenk_aocs4 | 32768 | zlib | 1 | t tenk_aocs5 | 32768 | zlib | 6 | t tenk_aocs6 | 1048576 | zlib | 6 | t (6 rows) SELECT count(*) FROM tenk_aocs1; count ------- 10000 (1 row) SELECT count(*) FROM tenk_aocs2; count ------- 10000 (1 row) SELECT count(*) FROM tenk_aocs3; count ------- 10000 (1 row) SELECT count(*) FROM tenk_aocs4; count ------- 10000 (1 row) -- INHERITS -- This is not supported in aocs and should error out CREATE TABLE tenk_inherits_tenk_aocs1() INHERITS (tenk_aocs1); ERROR: cannot inherit relation "tenk_aocs1" as it is column oriented -- NYI -- test get_ao_compression_ratio. use uncompressed table, so result is always 1. -- SELECT get_ao_compression_ratio('tenk_aocs2'); -- VACUUM VACUUM tenk_aocs1; VACUUM tenk_aocs2; VACUUM tenk_aocs3; VACUUM tenk_aocs4; VACUUM FULL tenk_aocs1; ANALYZE tenk_aocs2; ANALYZE tenk_aocs4; VACUUM ANALYZE tenk_aocs3; SELECT count(*) FROM tenk_aocs1; count ------- 10000 (1 row) SELECT count(*) FROM tenk_aocs2; count ------- 10000 (1 row) SELECT count(*) FROM tenk_aocs3; count ------- 10000 (1 row) SELECT count(*) FROM tenk_aocs4; count ------- 10000 (1 row) -- LIKE -- Should not copy storage options if not specified CREATE TABLE tenk_like_nocopy_storage (LIKE tenk_aocs1); SELECT count(*) FROM pg_class WHERE relstorage = 'c' AND relname = 'tenk_like_nocopy_storage'; count ------- 0 (1 row) -- Check tables are truly decoupled CREATE TABLE tenk_truly_decoupled (LIKE tenk_aocs4); ALTER TABLE tenk_aocs4 DROP COLUMN two; SELECT count(two) FROM tenk_truly_decoupled; count ------- 0 (1 row) -- DOMAIN CREATE DOMAIN aocs_domain_constraint AS VARCHAR DEFAULT 'Default value for varchar.' CONSTRAINT constr1 NOT NULL CHECK (length(VALUE) > 16 AND length(VALUE) < 50); CREATE TABLE aocs_with_domain_constraint (id integer, vc1 aocs_domain_constraint) WITH (appendonly=true, orientation=column) DISTRIBUTED BY (id); -- The following should succeed INSERT INTO aocs_with_domain_constraint (id, vc1) VALUES (1, 'Long enough, but not too long.;'); INSERT INTO aocs_with_domain_constraint (id, vc1) VALUES (2, 'This is purrfect.'); -- The following should fail INSERT INTO aocs_with_domain_constraint (id, vc1) VALUES (3, 'Not long enough.'); ERROR: value for domain aocs_domain_constraint violates check constraint "aocs_domain_constraint_check" INSERT INTO aocs_with_domain_constraint (id, vc1) VALUES (4, NULL); ERROR: domain aocs_domain_constraint does not allow null values -- JOIN SELECT count(*) FROM tenk_aocs1 t1, tenk_aocs2 t2 where t1.unique1 = t2.unique2; count ------- 10000 (1 row) SELECT count(*) FROM tenk_aocs1 t1, tenk_heap_for_aocs t2 where t1.unique1 = t2.unique2; count ------- 10000 (1 row) SELECT count(*) FROM tenk_aocs1 t1 INNER JOIN tenk_aocs2 t2 ON (t1.unique1 = t2.unique2); count ------- 10000 (1 row) SELECT count(*) FROM tenk_aocs1 t1 LEFT OUTER JOIN tenk_aocs2 t2 ON (t1.unique1 = t2.unique2); count ------- 10000 (1 row) SELECT count(*) FROM tenk_aocs1 t1 RIGHT OUTER JOIN tenk_aocs2 t2 ON (t1.unique1 = t2.unique2); count ------- 10000 (1 row) SELECT count(*) FROM tenk_aocs1 t1 FULL OUTER JOIN tenk_aocs2 t2 ON (t1.unique1 = t2.unique2); count ------- 10000 (1 row) SELECT count(*) FROM tenk_aocs1 t1 INNER JOIN tenk_aocs2 t2 ON (t1.unique1 = t2.unique2) where t1.unique1 = 8095; count ------- 1 (1 row) SELECT count(*) FROM tenk_aocs1 t1 LEFT OUTER JOIN tenk_aocs2 t2 ON (t1.unique1 = t2.unique2) where t1.unique1 = 8095; count ------- 1 (1 row) SELECT count(*) FROM tenk_aocs1 t1 RIGHT OUTER JOIN tenk_aocs2 t2 ON (t1.unique1 = t2.unique2) where t1.unique1 = 8095; count ------- 1 (1 row) SELECT count(*) FROM tenk_aocs1 t1 FULL OUTER JOIN tenk_aocs2 t2 ON (t1.unique1 = t2.unique2) where t1.unique1 = 8095; count ------- 1 (1 row) CREATE TABLE empty_aocs_table_for_join (like tenk_heap_for_aocs) with (appendonly=true, orientation=column) distributed by (unique1); SELECT count(*) FROM tenk_aocs1 t1 INNER JOIN empty_aocs_table_for_join t2 ON (t1.unique1 = t2.unique2); count ------- 0 (1 row) SELECT count(*) FROM tenk_aocs1 t1 LEFT OUTER JOIN empty_aocs_table_for_join t2 ON (t1.unique1 = t2.unique2); count ------- 10000 (1 row) -- EXCEPT SELECT unique1 FROM tenk_aocs1 EXCEPT SELECT unique1 FROM tenk_aocs1; unique1 --------- (0 rows) SELECT unique1 FROM tenk_heap_for_aocs EXCEPT SELECT unique1 FROM tenk_aocs3; unique1 --------- (0 rows) -- TRUNCATE TRUNCATE tenk_aocs2; SELECT count(*) FROM tenk_aocs2; count ------- 0 (1 row) -- OID with aocs NYI -- OIDS -- -- MPP-8058: should fail CREATE TABLE aocswithoids(a int, b int) WITH (appendonly=true, orientation=column, oids=true); ERROR: OIDS=TRUE is not allowed on tables that use column-oriented storage. Use OIDS=FALSE -- INDEX CREATE INDEX tenk_aocs1_unique1 ON tenk_aocs1 USING btree(unique1 int4_ops); drop table if exists co; create table co (i int, j int, k varchar) with(appendonly=true, orientation=column); insert into co values (1,1,'a'), (2,2,'aa'), (3,3,'aaa'), (4,4,'aaaa'), (5,5,'aaaaa'), (6,6,'aaaaaa'), (7,7,'aaaaaaa'), (8,8,'aaaaaaaa'); create index co_j on co using btree(j); create index co_k on co using btree(k); create index co_jk on co using btree((j + length(k))); set enable_seqscan=off; select * from co where j = 2; i | j | k ---+---+---- 2 | 2 | aa (1 row) insert into co values (9,1,'b'), (10,2,'bb'), (11,3,'bbb'), (12,4,'bbbb'), (13,5,'aaaaa'), (14,6,'aaaaaa'), (15,7,'aaaaaaa'), (16,8,'aaaaaaaa'); select * from co where j = 2; i | j | k ----+---+---- 2 | 2 | aa 10 | 2 | bb (2 rows) insert into co values (9,2,'b'), (10,2,'bb'), (11,2,'bbb'), (12,2,'bbbb'), (13,5,'aaaaa'), (14,6,'aaaaaa'), (15,7,'aaaaaaa'), (16,8,'aaaaaaaa'); select * from co where j = 2; i | j | k ----+---+------ 9 | 2 | b 11 | 2 | bbb 2 | 2 | aa 10 | 2 | bb 10 | 2 | bb 12 | 2 | bbbb (6 rows) create index co_ij on co (i, j) with (fillfactor=10); alter index co_ij set (fillfactor=20); reindex index co_ij; select indexname from pg_indexes where tablename = 'co' order by indexname; indexname ----------- co_ij co_j co_jk co_k (4 rows) alter table co alter j type bigint; ERROR: cannot alter indexed column HINT: DROP the index first, and recreate it after the ALTER alter table co rename j to j_renamed; alter table co drop column j_renamed; select tablename, attname, avg_width, n_distinct from pg_stats where tablename = 'co' order by attname, tablename; tablename | attname | avg_width | n_distinct -----------+---------+-----------+------------ co | i | 4 | -1 co | k | 5 | -1 (2 rows) create index co_i on co (i) where i = 9; analyze co; select tablename, attname, avg_width, n_distinct from pg_stats where tablename = 'co' order by attname, tablename; tablename | attname | avg_width | n_distinct -----------+---------+-----------+------------ co | i | 4 | -0.666667 co | k | 5 | -0.5 (2 rows) select indexname from pg_indexes where tablename = 'co' order by indexname; indexname ----------- co_i co_k (2 rows) select * from co where i = 9; i | k ---+--- 9 | b 9 | b (2 rows) alter index co_i rename to co_i_renamed; select indexname from pg_indexes where tablename = 'co' order by indexname; indexname -------------- co_i_renamed co_k (2 rows) drop index if exists co_i_renamed; drop table if exists co; create table co (i int, j int, k varchar) with(appendonly=true, orientation=column); insert into co values (1,1,'a'), (2,2,'aa'), (3,3,'aaa'), (4,4,'aaaa'), (5,5,'aaaaa'), (6,6,'aaaaaa'), (7,7,'aaaaaaa'), (8,8,'aaaaaaaa'); create index co_j on co using bitmap(j); create index co_k on co using bitmap(k); create index co_jk on co using bitmap((j + length(k))); set enable_seqscan=off; select * from co where j = 2; i | j | k ---+---+---- 2 | 2 | aa (1 row) insert into co values (9,1,'b'), (10,2,'bb'), (11,3,'bbb'), (12,4,'bbbb'), (13,5,'aaaaa'), (14,6,'aaaaaa'), (15,7,'aaaaaaa'), (16,8,'aaaaaaaa'); select * from co where j = 2; i | j | k ----+---+---- 2 | 2 | aa 10 | 2 | bb (2 rows) insert into co values (9,2,'b'), (10,2,'bb'), (11,2,'bbb'), (12,2,'bbbb'), (13,5,'aaaaa'), (14,6,'aaaaaa'), (15,7,'aaaaaaa'), (16,8,'aaaaaaaa'); select * from co where j = 2; i | j | k ----+---+------ 2 | 2 | aa 10 | 2 | bb 10 | 2 | bb 12 | 2 | bbbb 9 | 2 | b 11 | 2 | bbb (6 rows) -- Select specific columns. This covers the case when block directory -- entries for only specific columns need to be loaded during index -- scan. select i from co where j = 2; i ---- 9 11 2 10 10 12 (6 rows) select j,i from co where k = 'aaa' or k = 'bbb'; j | i ---+---- 3 | 3 3 | 11 2 | 11 (3 rows) -- small test on a performance bug in bitmap indexes due to large tid gaps insert into co select i, 0, 'aaaaaaa' from generate_series(1, 20) i; insert into co select i, 1, 'aaa' from generate_series(1, 20) i; insert into co select i, 2, 'a' from generate_series(1, 20) i; select distinct j from co where j > -1 and j < 3 order by j; j --- 0 1 2 (3 rows) -- Test clustering errors out cluster co_j_cluster on co_j; ERROR: "co_j" is an index -- TEMP TABLES w/ INDEXES create temp table temp_tenk_aocs5 with (appendonly=true, orientation=column, compresstype=zlib, compresslevel=1) as select * from tenk_aocs5 distributed by (unique1); create index temp_even_index on temp_tenk_aocs5 (even); select count(*) from temp_tenk_aocs5; count ------- 10000 (1 row) select tablename, indexname, indexdef from pg_indexes where tablename = 'temp_tenk_aocs5'; tablename | indexname | indexdef -----------------+-----------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------- temp_tenk_aocs5 | temp_even_index | CREATE INDEX temp_even_index ON temp_tenk_aocs5 USING btree (even) (1 row) insert into temp_tenk_aocs5(unique1, unique2) values (99998888, 99998888); update temp_tenk_aocs5 set unique2 = 99998889 where unique2 = 99998888; delete from temp_tenk_aocs5 where unique2 = 99998889; select count(*) from temp_tenk_aocs5; count ------- 10000 (1 row) truncate table temp_tenk_aocs5; vacuum analyze temp_tenk_aocs5; \d temp_tenk_aocs5 Append-Only Columnar Table "pg_temp_274.temp_tenk_aocs5" Column | Type | Modifiers -------------+---------+----------- unique1 | integer | unique2 | integer | two | integer | four | integer | ten | integer | twenty | integer | hundred | integer | thousand | integer | twothousand | integer | fivethous | integer | tenthous | integer | odd | integer | even | integer | stringu1 | name | stringu2 | name | string4 | name | Checksum: t Indexes: "temp_even_index" btree (even) Distributed by: (unique1) insert into temp_tenk_aocs5(unique1, unique2) values (99998888, 99998888); select unique1 from temp_tenk_aocs5; unique1 ---------- 99998888 (1 row) -- TEMP TABLES w/ COMMIT DROP AND USING PREPARE begin; prepare tenk_aocs5_prep(int4) as select * from tenk_aocs5 where unique1 > 8000; create temp table tenk_aocs5_temp_drop with (appendonly=true, orientation=column, compresstype=zlib, compresslevel=1) on commit drop as execute tenk_aocs5_prep(8095); select count(*) from tenk_aocs5_temp_drop; count ------- 1999 (1 row) commit; select count(*) from tenk_aocs5_temp_drop; ERROR: relation "tenk_aocs5_temp_drop" does not exist LINE 1: select count(*) from tenk_aocs5_temp_drop; ^ -- TEMP TABLES w/ COMMIT DELETE ROWS begin; create temp table tenk_aocs5_temp_delete_rows with (appendonly=true, orientation=column, compresstype=zlib, compresslevel=1) on commit delete rows as select * from tenk_aocs5 where unique1 > 8000 distributed by (unique1); select count(*) from tenk_aocs5_temp_delete_rows; count ------- 1999 (1 row) commit; select count(*) from tenk_aocs5_temp_delete_rows; count ------- 0 (1 row) -- TEMP TABLES w/ COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS begin; create temp table tenk_aocs5_temp_pres_rows with (appendonly=true, orientation=column, compresstype=zlib, compresslevel=1) on commit preserve rows as select * from tenk_aocs5 where unique1 > 8000 distributed by (unique1); select count(*) from tenk_aocs5_temp_pres_rows; count ------- 1999 (1 row) commit; select count(*) from tenk_aocs5_temp_pres_rows; count ------- 1999 (1 row) -- RULES create rule aocs_rule_update as on insert to tenk_aocs5 do instead update foo_aocs set two=2; ERROR: relation "foo_aocs" does not exist create rule aocs_rule_delete as on insert to tenk_aocs5 do instead delete from foo_aocs where unique1=1; ERROR: relation "foo_aocs" does not exist --------------------- -- UAO --------------------- -- DELETE select count(*) from gp_toolkit.__gp_aocsseg_name('tenk_aocs1') where modcount > 0; count ------- 0 (1 row) DELETE FROM tenk_aocs1 WHERE unique1 = 1; -- modcount after DELETE must increment to flag table should be included in -- incremental backup select count(*) from gp_toolkit.__gp_aocsseg_name('tenk_aocs1') where modcount > 0; count ------- 16 (1 row) -- UPDATE UPDATE tenk_aocs1 SET unique2 = 1 WHERE unique2 = 2; UPDATE tenk_aocs1 SET two = 2; -- modcount after UPDATE must increment to flag table should be included in -- incremental backup select count(*) from gp_toolkit.__gp_aocsseg_name('tenk_aocs1') where modcount > 1; count ------- 16 (1 row) -------------------- -- system columns -------------------- CREATE TABLE syscoltest(a int) WITH (appendonly=true, orientation=column); INSERT INTO syscoltest VALUES(1); SELECT ctid FROM syscoltest; ctid ------------------ (33554432,32769) (1 row) DROP TABLE syscoltest; -------------------- -- supported sql -------------------- DROP TABLE tenk_heap_for_aocs; DROP TABLE tenk_aocs1; DROP TABLE tenk_aocs2; DROP TABLE tenk_aocs3; DROP TABLE tenk_aocs4; DROP TABLE tenk_aocs5; set client_min_messages='WARNING'; -- Test case for MPP-10086, make sure that we handle "else" clauses properly. DROP TABLE IF EXISTS aocs_new; CREATE TABLE aocs_new ( a integer NOT NULL, b character(3), c character(4), d character varying(250), e character varying(100) NOT NULL, f character(1) ) WITH (appendonly=true, orientation=column) distributed randomly; COPY aocs_new (a,b,c,d,e,f) FROM stdin; select (case when b='13' then 'replacement' else d end) as d from aocs_new order by 1; d ------------------- replacement something to keep (2 rows) select distinct (case when b='13' then 'replacement' else d end) as d from aocs_new where f='M' order by 1; d ------------------- replacement something to keep (2 rows) create table aocs_unknown( a int, b unknown, c unknown encoding (compresstype=rle_type) ) with (appendonly=true, orientation=column) distributed by (a); WARNING: column "b" has type "unknown" DETAIL: Proceeding with relation creation anyway. WARNING: column "c" has type "unknown" insert into aocs_unknown select i, 'unknown' from generate_series(1, 10)i; select * from aocs_unknown; a | b | c ----+---------+--- 1 | unknown | 2 | unknown | 3 | unknown | 4 | unknown | 5 | unknown | 6 | unknown | 7 | unknown | 8 | unknown | 9 | unknown | 10 | unknown | (10 rows) -- Check compression and distribution create table aocs_compress_table (id int, v varchar) with (appendonly=true, orientation=column, compresstype=zlib, compresslevel=1) distributed by (id); create table aocs_compress_results(table_size int, aocs_compress_id_index_size int, aocs_compress_v_index_size int) distributed randomly; create index aocs_compress_id_index on aocs_compress_table (id); create index aocs_compress_v_index on aocs_compress_table (v); insert into aocs_compress_results values (pg_relation_size('aocs_compress_table'), pg_relation_size('aocs_compress_id_index'), pg_relation_size('aocs_compress_v_index')); insert into aocs_compress_table (id, v) values (1, 'ifyouwantto99knowwhatist8329histhenkeepreadingit;;untilyou]findoutyoureyeshurtandyoustil0ldontknow103kwhatitisdoyouunderstandmeyetandifyoustillwanttoknowthenyoupleasekeepreading'); insert into aocs_compress_results values (pg_relation_size('aocs_compress_table'), pg_relation_size('aocs_compress_id_index'), pg_relation_size('aocs_compress_v_index')); -- compression ratio should be between 1.2 and 1.3 select get_ao_compression_ratio('aocs_compress_table') > 1.2 and get_ao_compression_ratio('aocs_compress_table') < 1.3; ?column? ---------- t (1 row) select get_ao_distribution('aocs_compress_table'); get_ao_distribution --------------------- (0,1) (1 row) truncate table aocs_compress_table; -- after truncate, reclaim space from the table and index insert into aocs_compress_results values (pg_relation_size('aocs_compress_table'), pg_relation_size('aocs_compress_id_index'), pg_relation_size('aocs_compress_v_index')); select count(*) from (select distinct * from aocs_compress_results) temp; -- should give 2 after reclaiming space count ------- 2 (1 row) -- test case for append optimized columnar bitmap scan when row level bitmap is promoted to page level drop table if exists bms_ao_bug; create table bms_ao_bug (c1 int not null, c2 int not null, c3 char(100) not null) with (appendonly=true, orientation=column, compresstype=zlib) distributed by (c1) ; insert into bms_ao_bug select 1, 1, a.c1::char(100) from generate_series(1, 2000000) a(c1); create index bms_ao_bug_ix1 on bms_ao_bug (c2); set enable_seqscan=off; set work_mem=256; WARNING: "work_mem": setting is deprecated, and may be removed in a future release. select a.c1, count(*) row_cnt from bms_ao_bug a where a.c2 = 1 group by a.c1 ; c1 | row_cnt ----+--------- 1 | 2000000 (1 row) drop table bms_ao_bug;