-- start_ignore -- -- Greenplum Database database dump -- SET client_encoding = 'UTF8'; SET standard_conforming_strings = off; SET check_function_bodies = false; SET client_min_messages = warning; SET escape_string_warning = off; SET default_with_oids = false; -- -- Name: SCHEMA public; Type: COMMENT; Schema: -; Owner: gpadmin -- COMMENT ON SCHEMA public IS 'Standard public schema'; -- -- Name: plpgsql; Type: PROCEDURAL LANGUAGE; Schema: -; Owner: gpadmin -- CREATE LANGUAGE plpgsql; SET search_path = public, pg_catalog; -- -- Name: finbint(bigint); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- CREATE FUNCTION finbint(pbint bigint) RETURNS bigint AS $$ begin select PBINT; end; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Name: finchar(character); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- CREATE FUNCTION finchar(pchar character) RETURNS character AS $$ begin select PCHAR; end; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Name: finclob(text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- CREATE FUNCTION finclob(pclob text) RETURNS text AS $$ begin select PCLOB; end; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Name: findbl(double precision); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- CREATE FUNCTION findbl(pdbl double precision) RETURNS double precision AS $$ begin select PDBL; end; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Name: findec(numeric); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- CREATE FUNCTION findec(pdec numeric) RETURNS numeric AS $$ begin select PDEC; end; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Name: findt(date); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- CREATE FUNCTION findt(pdt date) RETURNS date AS $$ begin select PDT; end; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Name: finflt(double precision); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- CREATE FUNCTION finflt(pflt double precision) RETURNS double precision AS $$ begin select PFLT; end; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Name: finint(integer); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- CREATE FUNCTION finint(pint integer) RETURNS integer AS $$ begin select PINT; end; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Name: finnum(numeric); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- CREATE FUNCTION finnum(pnum numeric) RETURNS numeric AS $$ begin select PNUM; end; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Name: finrl(real); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- CREATE FUNCTION finrl(prl real) RETURNS real AS $$ begin select PRL; end; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Name: finsint(smallint); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- CREATE FUNCTION finsint(psint smallint) RETURNS smallint AS $$ begin select PSINT; end; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Name: fintm(time without time zone); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- CREATE FUNCTION fintm(ptm time without time zone) RETURNS time without time zone AS $$ begin select PTM; end; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Name: fints(timestamp without time zone); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- CREATE FUNCTION fints(pts timestamp without time zone) RETURNS timestamp without time zone AS $$ begin select PTS; end; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Name: finvchar(character varying); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- CREATE FUNCTION finvchar(pvchar character varying) RETURNS character varying AS $$ begin select PVCHAR; end; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; SET default_tablespace = ''; -- -- Name: tset1; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE tset1 ( rnum integer NOT NULL, c1 integer, c2 character(3) ) DISTRIBUTED BY (rnum); -- -- Name: fovtbint(bigint, bigint); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- CREATE FUNCTION fovtbint(pbint bigint, p2bint bigint) RETURNS SETOF tset1 AS $$ begin select RNUM, C1, C2 from TSET1; end; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Name: fovtchar(character, character); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- CREATE FUNCTION fovtchar(pchar character, p2char character) RETURNS SETOF tset1 AS $$ begin select RNUM, C1, C2 from TSET1; end; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Name: fovtclob(text, text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- CREATE FUNCTION fovtclob(pclob text, p2clob text) RETURNS SETOF tset1 AS $$ begin select RNUM, C1, C2 from TSET1; end; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Name: fovtdbl(double precision, double precision); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- CREATE FUNCTION fovtdbl(pdbl double precision, p2dbl double precision) RETURNS SETOF tset1 AS $$ begin select RNUM, C1, C2 from TSET1; end; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Name: fovtdec(numeric, numeric); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- CREATE FUNCTION fovtdec(pdec numeric, p2dec numeric) RETURNS SETOF tset1 AS $$ begin select RNUM, C1, C2 from TSET1; end; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Name: fovtdt(date, date); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- CREATE FUNCTION fovtdt(pdt date, p2dt date) RETURNS SETOF tset1 AS $$ begin select RNUM, C1, C2 from TSET1; end; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Name: fovtflt(double precision, double precision); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- CREATE FUNCTION fovtflt(pflt double precision, p2flt double precision) RETURNS SETOF tset1 AS $$ begin select RNUM, C1, C2 from TSET1; end; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Name: fovtint(integer, integer); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- CREATE FUNCTION fovtint(pint integer, p2int integer) RETURNS SETOF tset1 AS $$ begin select RNUM, C1, C2 from TSET1; end; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Name: fovtnum(numeric, numeric); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- CREATE FUNCTION fovtnum(pnum numeric, p2num numeric) RETURNS SETOF tset1 AS $$ begin select RNUM, C1, C2 from TSET1; end; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Name: fovtrl(real, real); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- CREATE FUNCTION fovtrl(prl real, p2rl real) RETURNS SETOF tset1 AS $$ begin select RNUM, C1, C2 from TSET1; end; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Name: fovtsint(smallint, smallint); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- CREATE FUNCTION fovtsint(psint smallint, p2sint smallint) RETURNS SETOF tset1 AS $$ begin select RNUM, C1, C2 from TSET1; end; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Name: fovttm(time without time zone, time without time zone); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- CREATE FUNCTION fovttm(ptm time without time zone, p2tm time without time zone) RETURNS SETOF tset1 AS $$ begin select RNUM, C1, C2 from TSET1; end; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Name: fovtts(timestamp without time zone, timestamp without time zone); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- CREATE FUNCTION fovtts(pts timestamp without time zone, p2ts timestamp without time zone) RETURNS SETOF tset1 AS $$ begin select RNUM, C1, C2 from TSET1; end; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Name: fovtvchar(character varying, character varying); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- CREATE FUNCTION fovtvchar(pvchar character varying, p2vchar character varying) RETURNS SETOF tset1 AS $$ begin select RNUM, C1, C2 from TSET1; end; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Name: ftbint(bigint); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- CREATE FUNCTION ftbint(pbint bigint) RETURNS SETOF tset1 AS $$ begin select RNUM, C1, C2 from TSET1; end; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Name: ftchar(character); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- CREATE FUNCTION ftchar(pchar character) RETURNS SETOF tset1 AS $$ begin select RNUM, C1, C2 from TSET1; end; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Name: ftclob(text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- CREATE FUNCTION ftclob(pclob text) RETURNS SETOF tset1 AS $$ begin select RNUM, C1, C2 from TSET1; end; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Name: ftdbl(double precision); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- CREATE FUNCTION ftdbl(pdbl double precision) RETURNS SETOF tset1 AS $$ begin select RNUM, C1, C2 from TSET1; end; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Name: ftdec(numeric); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- CREATE FUNCTION ftdec(pdec numeric) RETURNS SETOF tset1 AS $$ begin select RNUM, C1, C2 from TSET1; end; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Name: ftdt(date); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- CREATE FUNCTION ftdt(pdt date) RETURNS SETOF tset1 AS $$ begin select RNUM, C1, C2 from TSET1; end; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Name: ftflt(double precision); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- CREATE FUNCTION ftflt(pflt double precision) RETURNS SETOF tset1 AS $$ begin select RNUM, C1, C2 from TSET1; end; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Name: ftint(integer); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- CREATE FUNCTION ftint(pint integer) RETURNS SETOF tset1 AS $$ begin select RNUM, C1, C2 from TSET1; end; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Name: ftnum(numeric); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- CREATE FUNCTION ftnum(pnum numeric) RETURNS SETOF tset1 AS $$ begin select RNUM, C1, C2 from TSET1; end; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Name: ftrl(real); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- CREATE FUNCTION ftrl(prl real) RETURNS SETOF tset1 AS $$ begin select RNUM, C1, C2 from TSET1; end; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Name: ftsint(smallint); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- CREATE FUNCTION ftsint(psint smallint) RETURNS SETOF tset1 AS $$ begin select RNUM, C1, C2 from TSET1; end; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Name: fttm(time without time zone); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- CREATE FUNCTION fttm(ptm time without time zone) RETURNS SETOF tset1 AS $$ begin select RNUM, C1, C2 from TSET1; end; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Name: ftts(timestamp without time zone); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- CREATE FUNCTION ftts(pts timestamp without time zone) RETURNS SETOF tset1 AS $$ begin select RNUM, C1, C2 from TSET1; end; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Name: ftvchar(character varying); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- CREATE FUNCTION ftvchar(pvchar character varying) RETURNS SETOF tset1 AS $$ begin select RNUM, C1, C2 from TSET1; end; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Name: pinbint(bigint); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- CREATE FUNCTION pinbint(pbint bigint) RETURNS void AS $$ declare P1 bigint; begin P1:= PBINT; end; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Name: pinchar(character); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- CREATE FUNCTION pinchar(pchar character) RETURNS void AS $$ declare P1 char(32); begin P1:= PCHAR; end; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Name: pinclob(text); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- CREATE FUNCTION pinclob(pclob text) RETURNS void AS $$ declare P1 text; begin P1:= PCLOB; end; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Name: pindbl(double precision); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- CREATE FUNCTION pindbl(pdbl double precision) RETURNS void AS $$ declare P1 double precision; begin P1:= PDBL; end; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Name: pindec(numeric); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- CREATE FUNCTION pindec(pdec numeric) RETURNS void AS $$ declare P1 decimal(7,2); begin P1:= PDEC; end; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Name: pindt(date); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- CREATE FUNCTION pindt(pdt date) RETURNS void AS $$ declare P1 date; begin P1:= PDT; end; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Name: pinflt(double precision); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- CREATE FUNCTION pinflt(pflt double precision) RETURNS void AS $$ declare P1 float; begin P1:= PFLT; end; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Name: pinint(integer); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- CREATE FUNCTION pinint(pint integer) RETURNS void AS $$ declare P1 integer; begin P1:= PINT; end; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Name: pinnum(numeric); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- CREATE FUNCTION pinnum(pnum numeric) RETURNS void AS $$ declare P1 numeric(7,2); begin P1:= PNUM; end; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Name: pinrl(real); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- CREATE FUNCTION pinrl(prl real) RETURNS void AS $$ declare P1 real; begin P1:= PRL; end; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Name: pinsint(smallint); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- CREATE FUNCTION pinsint(psint smallint) RETURNS void AS $$ declare P1 smallint; begin P1:= PSINT; end; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Name: pintm(time without time zone); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- CREATE FUNCTION pintm(ptm time without time zone) RETURNS void AS $$ declare P1 time(3); begin P1:= PTM; end; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Name: pints(timestamp without time zone); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- CREATE FUNCTION pints(pts timestamp without time zone) RETURNS void AS $$ declare P1 timestamp(3); begin P1:= PTS; end; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Name: pinvchar(character varying); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- CREATE FUNCTION pinvchar(pvchar character varying) RETURNS void AS $$ declare P1 varchar(32); begin P1:= PVCHAR; end; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Name: pnoparams(); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- CREATE FUNCTION pnoparams() RETURNS void AS $$ begin null; end; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Name: povin(smallint); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- CREATE FUNCTION povin(ppovin smallint) RETURNS void AS $$ declare P1 smallint; begin P1:= PPOVIN; end; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Name: povin(smallint, smallint); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- CREATE FUNCTION povin(ppovin smallint, p2povin smallint) RETURNS void AS $$ declare P1 smallint; begin P1:= PPOVIN; end; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Name: pres(); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- CREATE FUNCTION pres() RETURNS SETOF tset1 AS $$ select RNUM, C1, C2 from TSET1; $$ LANGUAGE sql; -- -- Name: pthrow(); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- CREATE FUNCTION pthrow() RETURNS void AS $$ begin RAISE EXCEPTION 'A USER DEFINED ERROR'; end; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Name: bruce; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE bruce ( rnum integer, value double precision ) DISTRIBUTED BY (rnum); -- -- Name: bruce2; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE bruce2 ( a numeric, b numeric(18,8), c numeric(38,19), d numeric(39,19) ) DISTRIBUTED BY (a); -- -- Name: bruce5; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE bruce5 ( a numeric(500,20) ) DISTRIBUTED BY (a); -- -- Name: tbint; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE tbint ( rnum integer NOT NULL, cbint bigint ) DISTRIBUTED BY (rnum); -- -- Name: TABLE tbint; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- COMMENT ON TABLE tbint IS 'This describes table TBINT.'; -- -- Name: tchar; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE tchar ( rnum integer NOT NULL, cchar character(32) ) DISTRIBUTED BY (rnum); -- -- Name: TABLE tchar; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- COMMENT ON TABLE tchar IS 'This describes table TCHAR.'; -- -- Name: tclob; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE tclob ( rnum integer NOT NULL, cclob text ) DISTRIBUTED BY (rnum); -- -- Name: TABLE tclob; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- COMMENT ON TABLE tclob IS 'This describes table TCLOB.'; -- -- Name: tcons1; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE tcons1 ( rnum integer NOT NULL, col1 integer NOT NULL ) DISTRIBUTED BY (col1); -- -- Name: tcons2; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE tcons2 ( rnum integer NOT NULL, col2 integer NOT NULL, col3 integer NOT NULL ) DISTRIBUTED BY (col2 ,col3); -- -- Name: tcons3; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE tcons3 ( rnum integer NOT NULL, col1 integer NOT NULL, col2 integer NOT NULL, col3 integer, col4 integer ) DISTRIBUTED BY (col1 ,col2); -- -- Name: tcons4; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE tcons4 ( rnum integer NOT NULL, col1 integer NOT NULL, col2 integer ) DISTRIBUTED BY (col1); -- -- Name: tdbl; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE tdbl ( rnum integer NOT NULL, cdbl double precision ) DISTRIBUTED BY (rnum); -- -- Name: TABLE tdbl; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- COMMENT ON TABLE tdbl IS 'This describes table TDBL.'; -- -- Name: tdec; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE tdec ( rnum integer NOT NULL, cdec numeric(7,2) ) DISTRIBUTED BY (rnum); -- -- Name: TABLE tdec; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- COMMENT ON TABLE tdec IS 'This describes table TDEC.'; -- -- Name: tdt; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE tdt ( rnum integer NOT NULL, cdt date ) DISTRIBUTED BY (rnum); -- -- Name: TABLE tdt; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- COMMENT ON TABLE tdt IS 'This describes table TDT.'; -- -- Name: test_run_stage; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE test_run_stage ( test_name_part character varying(200), db_version character varying(200), run_dt timestamp without time zone, pass_ind integer ) DISTRIBUTED BY (test_name_part); -- -- Name: tests_stage; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE tests_stage ( test_name_part character varying(200) ) DISTRIBUTED BY (test_name_part); -- -- Name: tflt; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE tflt ( rnum integer NOT NULL, cflt double precision ) DISTRIBUTED BY (rnum); -- -- Name: TABLE tflt; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- COMMENT ON TABLE tflt IS 'This describes table TFLT.'; -- -- Name: tint; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE tint ( rnum integer NOT NULL, cint integer ) DISTRIBUTED BY (rnum); -- -- Name: TABLE tint; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- COMMENT ON TABLE tint IS 'This describes table TINT.'; -- -- Name: tiud; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE tiud ( rnum integer NOT NULL, c1 character(10), c2 integer ) DISTRIBUTED BY (rnum); -- -- Name: tjoin1; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE tjoin1 ( rnum integer NOT NULL, c1 integer, c2 integer ) DISTRIBUTED BY (rnum); -- -- Name: tjoin2; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE tjoin2 ( rnum integer NOT NULL, c1 integer, c2 character(2) ) DISTRIBUTED BY (rnum); -- -- Name: tjoin3; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE tjoin3 ( rnum integer NOT NULL, c1 integer, c2 character(2) ) DISTRIBUTED BY (rnum); -- -- Name: tjoin4; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE tjoin4 ( rnum integer NOT NULL, c1 integer, c2 character(2) ) DISTRIBUTED BY (rnum); -- -- Name: tlel; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE tlel ( rnum integer NOT NULL, c1 character(40), ord integer ) DISTRIBUTED BY (rnum); -- -- Name: tlel_cy_preeuro; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE tlel_cy_preeuro ( rnum integer NOT NULL, c1 character(40), ord integer ) DISTRIBUTED BY (rnum); -- -- Name: tlel_gr; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE tlel_gr ( rnum integer NOT NULL, c1 character(40), ord integer ) DISTRIBUTED BY (rnum); -- -- Name: tlel_gr_preeuro; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE tlel_gr_preeuro ( rnum integer NOT NULL, c1 character(40), ord integer ) DISTRIBUTED BY (rnum); -- -- Name: tliw; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE tliw ( rnum integer NOT NULL, c1 character(40), ord integer ) DISTRIBUTED BY (rnum); -- -- Name: tliw_il; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE tliw_il ( rnum integer NOT NULL, c1 character(40), ord integer ) DISTRIBUTED BY (rnum); -- -- Name: tlja; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE tlja ( rnum integer NOT NULL, c1 character(40), ord integer ) DISTRIBUTED BY (rnum); -- -- Name: tlja_jp; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE tlja_jp ( rnum integer NOT NULL, c1 character(40), ord integer ) DISTRIBUTED BY (rnum); -- -- Name: tlko; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE tlko ( rnum integer NOT NULL, c1 character(40), ord integer ) DISTRIBUTED BY (rnum); -- -- Name: tlko_kr; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE tlko_kr ( rnum integer NOT NULL, c1 character(40), ord integer ) DISTRIBUTED BY (rnum); -- -- Name: tllatin1; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE tllatin1 ( rnum integer NOT NULL, c1 character(40), ord integer ) DISTRIBUTED BY (rnum); -- -- Name: tllatin2; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE tllatin2 ( rnum integer NOT NULL, c1 character(40), ord integer ) DISTRIBUTED BY (rnum); -- -- Name: tlth; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE tlth ( rnum integer NOT NULL, c1 character(40), ord integer ) DISTRIBUTED BY (rnum); -- -- Name: tlth_th; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE tlth_th ( rnum integer NOT NULL, c1 character(40), ord integer ) DISTRIBUTED BY (rnum); -- -- Name: tlth_th_th; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE tlth_th_th ( rnum integer NOT NULL, c1 character(40), ord integer ) DISTRIBUTED BY (rnum); -- -- Name: tltr; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE tltr ( rnum integer NOT NULL, c1 character(40), ord integer ) DISTRIBUTED BY (rnum); -- -- Name: tltr_tr; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE tltr_tr ( rnum integer NOT NULL, c1 character(40), ord integer ) DISTRIBUTED BY (rnum); -- -- Name: tlzh_cn; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE tlzh_cn ( rnum integer NOT NULL, c1 character(40), ord integer ) DISTRIBUTED BY (rnum); -- -- Name: tlzh_tw; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE tlzh_tw ( rnum integer NOT NULL, c1 character(40), ord integer ) DISTRIBUTED BY (rnum); -- -- Name: tmaxcols; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE tmaxcols ( rnum integer NOT NULL, c0 character(1), c1 character(1), c2 character(1), c3 character(1), c4 character(1), c5 character(1), c6 character(1), c7 character(1), c8 character(1), c9 character(1), c10 character(1), c11 character(1), c12 character(1), c13 character(1), c14 character(1), c15 character(1), c16 character(1), c17 character(1), c18 character(1), c19 character(1), c20 character(1), c21 character(1), c22 character(1), c23 character(1), c24 character(1), c25 character(1), c26 character(1), c27 character(1), c28 character(1), c29 character(1), c30 character(1), c31 character(1), c32 character(1), c33 character(1), c34 character(1), c35 character(1), c36 character(1), c37 character(1), c38 character(1), c39 character(1), c40 character(1), c41 character(1), c42 character(1), c43 character(1), c44 character(1), c45 character(1), c46 character(1), c47 character(1), c48 character(1), c49 character(1), c50 character(1), c51 character(1), c52 character(1), c53 character(1), c54 character(1), c55 character(1), c56 character(1), c57 character(1), c58 character(1), c59 character(1), c60 character(1), c61 character(1), c62 character(1), c63 character(1), c64 character(1), c65 character(1), c66 character(1), c67 character(1), c68 character(1), c69 character(1), c70 character(1), c71 character(1), c72 character(1), c73 character(1), c74 character(1), c75 character(1), c76 character(1), c77 character(1), c78 character(1), c79 character(1), c80 character(1), c81 character(1), c82 character(1), c83 character(1), c84 character(1), c85 character(1), c86 character(1), c87 character(1), c88 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character(1), c1325 character(1), c1326 character(1), c1327 character(1), c1328 character(1), c1329 character(1), c1330 character(1), c1331 character(1), c1332 character(1), c1333 character(1), c1334 character(1), c1335 character(1), c1336 character(1), c1337 character(1), c1338 character(1), c1339 character(1), c1340 character(1), c1341 character(1), c1342 character(1), c1343 character(1), c1344 character(1), c1345 character(1), c1346 character(1), c1347 character(1), c1348 character(1), c1349 character(1), c1350 character(1), c1351 character(1), c1352 character(1), c1353 character(1), c1354 character(1), c1355 character(1), c1356 character(1), c1357 character(1), c1358 character(1), c1359 character(1), c1360 character(1), c1361 character(1), c1362 character(1), c1363 character(1), c1364 character(1), c1365 character(1), c1366 character(1), c1367 character(1), c1368 character(1), c1369 character(1), c1370 character(1), c1371 character(1), c1372 character(1), c1373 character(1), c1374 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character(1), c1425 character(1), c1426 character(1), c1427 character(1), c1428 character(1), c1429 character(1), c1430 character(1), c1431 character(1), c1432 character(1), c1433 character(1), c1434 character(1), c1435 character(1), c1436 character(1), c1437 character(1), c1438 character(1), c1439 character(1), c1440 character(1), c1441 character(1), c1442 character(1), c1443 character(1), c1444 character(1), c1445 character(1), c1446 character(1), c1447 character(1), c1448 character(1), c1449 character(1), c1450 character(1), c1451 character(1), c1452 character(1), c1453 character(1), c1454 character(1), c1455 character(1), c1456 character(1), c1457 character(1), c1458 character(1), c1459 character(1), c1460 character(1), c1461 character(1), c1462 character(1), c1463 character(1), c1464 character(1), c1465 character(1), c1466 character(1), c1467 character(1), c1468 character(1), c1469 character(1), c1470 character(1), c1471 character(1), c1472 character(1), c1473 character(1), c1474 character(1), c1475 character(1), c1476 character(1), c1477 character(1), c1478 character(1), c1479 character(1), c1480 character(1), c1481 character(1), c1482 character(1), c1483 character(1), c1484 character(1), c1485 character(1), c1486 character(1), c1487 character(1), c1488 character(1), c1489 character(1), c1490 character(1), c1491 character(1), c1492 character(1), c1493 character(1), c1494 character(1), c1495 character(1), c1496 character(1), c1497 character(1), c1498 character(1), c1499 character(1), c1500 character(1), c1501 character(1), c1502 character(1), c1503 character(1), c1504 character(1), c1505 character(1), c1506 character(1), c1507 character(1), c1508 character(1), c1509 character(1), c1510 character(1), c1511 character(1), c1512 character(1), c1513 character(1), c1514 character(1), c1515 character(1), c1516 character(1), c1517 character(1), c1518 character(1), c1519 character(1), c1520 character(1), c1521 character(1), c1522 character(1), c1523 character(1), c1524 character(1), c1525 character(1), c1526 character(1), c1527 character(1), c1528 character(1), c1529 character(1), c1530 character(1), c1531 character(1), c1532 character(1), c1533 character(1), c1534 character(1), c1535 character(1), c1536 character(1), c1537 character(1), c1538 character(1), c1539 character(1), c1540 character(1), c1541 character(1), c1542 character(1), c1543 character(1), c1544 character(1), c1545 character(1), c1546 character(1), c1547 character(1), c1548 character(1), c1549 character(1), c1550 character(1), c1551 character(1), c1552 character(1), c1553 character(1), c1554 character(1), c1555 character(1), c1556 character(1), c1557 character(1), c1558 character(1), c1559 character(1), c1560 character(1), c1561 character(1), c1562 character(1), c1563 character(1), c1564 character(1), c1565 character(1), c1566 character(1), c1567 character(1), c1568 character(1), c1569 character(1), c1570 character(1), c1571 character(1), c1572 character(1), c1573 character(1), c1574 character(1), c1575 character(1), c1576 character(1), c1577 character(1), c1578 character(1), c1579 character(1), c1580 character(1), c1581 character(1), c1582 character(1), c1583 character(1), c1584 character(1), c1585 character(1), c1586 character(1), c1587 character(1), c1588 character(1), c1589 character(1), c1590 character(1), c1591 character(1), c1592 character(1), c1593 character(1), c1594 character(1), c1595 character(1), c1596 character(1), c1597 character(1), c1598 character(1) ) DISTRIBUTED BY (rnum); -- -- Name: tnum; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE tnum ( rnum integer NOT NULL, cnum numeric(7,2) ) DISTRIBUTED BY (rnum); -- -- Name: TABLE tnum; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- COMMENT ON TABLE tnum IS 'This describes table TNUM.'; -- -- Name: tolap; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE tolap ( rnum integer NOT NULL, c1 character(3), c2 character(2), c3 integer, c4 integer ) DISTRIBUTED BY (rnum); -- -- Name: trl; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE trl ( rnum integer NOT NULL, crl real ) DISTRIBUTED BY (rnum); -- -- Name: TABLE trl; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- COMMENT ON TABLE trl IS 'This describes table TRL.'; -- -- Name: tsdchar; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE tsdchar ( rnum integer NOT NULL, c1 character(27) ) DISTRIBUTED BY (rnum); -- -- Name: tsdclob; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE tsdclob ( rnum integer NOT NULL, c1 text ) DISTRIBUTED BY (rnum); -- -- Name: tset2; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE tset2 ( rnum integer NOT NULL, c1 integer, c2 character(3) ) DISTRIBUTED BY (rnum); -- -- Name: tset3; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE tset3 ( rnum integer NOT NULL, c1 integer, c2 character(3) ) DISTRIBUTED BY (rnum); -- -- Name: tsint; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE tsint ( rnum integer NOT NULL, csint smallint ) DISTRIBUTED BY (rnum); -- -- Name: TABLE tsint; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- COMMENT ON TABLE tsint IS 'This describes table TSINT.'; -- -- Name: ttm; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE ttm ( rnum integer NOT NULL, ctm time(3) without time zone ) DISTRIBUTED BY (rnum); -- -- Name: TABLE ttm; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- COMMENT ON TABLE ttm IS 'This describes table TTM.'; -- -- Name: tts; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE tts ( rnum integer NOT NULL, cts timestamp(3) without time zone ) DISTRIBUTED BY (rnum); -- -- Name: TABLE tts; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- COMMENT ON TABLE tts IS 'This describes table TTS.'; -- -- Name: tvchar; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE tvchar ( rnum integer NOT NULL, cvchar character varying(32) ) DISTRIBUTED BY (rnum); -- -- Name: TABLE tvchar; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- COMMENT ON TABLE tvchar IS 'This describes table TVCHAR.'; -- -- Name: tversion; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin; Tablespace: -- CREATE TABLE tversion ( rnum integer NOT NULL, c1 integer, cver character(6), cnnull integer, ccnull character(1) ) DISTRIBUTED BY (rnum); -- -- Name: vbint; Type: VIEW; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- CREATE VIEW vbint AS SELECT tbint.rnum, tbint.cbint FROM tbint; -- -- Name: VIEW vbint; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- COMMENT ON VIEW vbint IS 'This describes view VBINT.'; -- -- Name: vchar; Type: VIEW; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- CREATE VIEW vchar AS SELECT tchar.rnum, tchar.cchar FROM tchar; -- -- Name: VIEW vchar; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- COMMENT ON VIEW vchar IS 'This describes view VCHAR.'; -- -- Name: vclob; Type: VIEW; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- CREATE VIEW vclob AS SELECT tclob.rnum, tclob.cclob FROM tclob; -- -- Name: VIEW vclob; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- COMMENT ON VIEW vclob IS 'This describes view VCLOB.'; -- -- Name: vdbl; Type: VIEW; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- CREATE VIEW vdbl AS SELECT tdbl.rnum, tdbl.cdbl FROM tdbl; -- -- Name: VIEW vdbl; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- COMMENT ON VIEW vdbl IS 'This describes view VDBL.'; -- -- Name: vdec; Type: VIEW; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- CREATE VIEW vdec AS SELECT tdec.rnum, tdec.cdec FROM tdec; -- -- Name: VIEW vdec; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- COMMENT ON VIEW vdec IS 'This describes view VDEC.'; -- -- Name: vdt; Type: VIEW; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- CREATE VIEW vdt AS SELECT tdt.rnum, tdt.cdt FROM tdt; -- -- Name: VIEW vdt; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- COMMENT ON VIEW vdt IS 'This describes view VDT.'; -- -- Name: vflt; Type: VIEW; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- CREATE VIEW vflt AS SELECT tflt.rnum, tflt.cflt FROM tflt; -- -- Name: VIEW vflt; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- COMMENT ON VIEW vflt IS 'This describes view VFLT.'; -- -- Name: vint; Type: VIEW; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- CREATE VIEW vint AS SELECT tint.rnum, tint.cint FROM tint; -- -- Name: VIEW vint; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- COMMENT ON VIEW vint IS 'This describes view VINT.'; -- -- Name: vnum; Type: VIEW; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- CREATE VIEW vnum AS SELECT tnum.rnum, tnum.cnum FROM tnum; -- -- Name: VIEW vnum; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- COMMENT ON VIEW vnum IS 'This describes view VNUM.'; -- -- Name: vrl; Type: VIEW; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- CREATE VIEW vrl AS SELECT trl.rnum, trl.crl FROM trl; -- -- Name: VIEW vrl; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- COMMENT ON VIEW vrl IS 'This describes view VRL.'; -- -- Name: vsint; Type: VIEW; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- CREATE VIEW vsint AS SELECT tsint.rnum, tsint.csint FROM tsint; -- -- Name: VIEW vsint; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- COMMENT ON VIEW vsint IS 'This describes view VSINT.'; -- -- Name: vtm; Type: VIEW; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- CREATE VIEW vtm AS SELECT ttm.rnum, ttm.ctm FROM ttm; -- -- Name: VIEW vtm; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- COMMENT ON VIEW vtm IS 'This describes view VTM.'; -- -- Name: vts; Type: VIEW; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- CREATE VIEW vts AS SELECT tts.rnum, tts.cts FROM tts; -- -- Name: VIEW vts; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- COMMENT ON VIEW vts IS 'This describes view VTS.'; -- -- Name: vvchar; Type: VIEW; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- CREATE VIEW vvchar AS SELECT tvchar.rnum, tvchar.cvchar FROM tvchar; -- -- Name: VIEW vvchar; Type: COMMENT; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- COMMENT ON VIEW vvchar IS 'This describes view VVCHAR.'; -- -- Data for Name: bruce; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- COPY bruce (rnum, value) FROM stdin; -- -- Data for Name: bruce2; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- COPY bruce2 (a, b, c, d) FROM stdin; -- -- Data for Name: bruce5; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- COPY bruce5 (a) FROM stdin; -- -- Data for Name: tbint; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- COPY tbint (rnum, cbint) FROM stdin; ERROR: invalid input syntax for integer: "N" (seg0 pbld1:12011 pid=28820) CONTEXT: COPY tbint, line 2, column 0 -- -- Data for Name: tchar; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- COPY tchar (rnum, cchar) FROM stdin; ERROR: missing data for column "cchar" CONTEXT: COPY tchar, line 3: "1" -- -- Data for Name: tclob; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- COPY tclob (rnum, cclob) FROM stdin; ERROR: missing data for column "cclob" CONTEXT: COPY tclob, line 3: "1" -- -- Data for Name: tcons1; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- COPY tcons1 (rnum, col1) FROM stdin; -- -- Data for Name: tcons2; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- COPY tcons2 (rnum, col2, col3) FROM stdin; -- -- Data for Name: tcons3; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- COPY tcons3 (rnum, col1, col2, col3, col4) FROM stdin; -- -- Data for Name: tcons4; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- COPY tcons4 (rnum, col1, col2) FROM stdin; -- -- Data for Name: tdbl; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- COPY tdbl (rnum, cdbl) FROM stdin; ERROR: invalid input syntax for type double precision: "N" (seg0 pbld1:12011 pid=28820) CONTEXT: COPY tdbl, line 2, column 0 -- -- Data for Name: tdec; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- COPY tdec (rnum, cdec) FROM stdin; ERROR: invalid input syntax for type numeric: "N" (seg0 pbld1:12011 pid=28820) CONTEXT: COPY tdec, line 2, column 0 -- -- Data for Name: tdt; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- COPY tdt (rnum, cdt) FROM stdin; ERROR: invalid input syntax for type date: "N" (seg0 pbld1:12011 pid=28820) CONTEXT: COPY tdt, line 2, column 0 -- -- Data for Name: test_run_stage; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- COPY test_run_stage (test_name_part, db_version, run_dt, pass_ind) FROM stdin; -- -- Data for Name: tests_stage; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- COPY tests_stage (test_name_part) FROM stdin; -- -- Data for Name: tflt; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- COPY tflt (rnum, cflt) FROM stdin; ERROR: invalid input syntax for type double precision: "N" (seg0 pbld1:12011 pid=28820) CONTEXT: COPY tflt, line 2, column 0 -- -- Data for Name: tint; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- COPY tint (rnum, cint) FROM stdin; ERROR: invalid input syntax for integer: "N" (seg0 pbld1:12011 pid=28820) CONTEXT: COPY tint, line 2, column 0 -- -- Data for Name: tiud; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- COPY tiud (rnum, c1, c2) FROM stdin; -- -- Data for Name: tjoin1; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- COPY tjoin1 (rnum, c1, c2) FROM stdin; -- -- Data for Name: tjoin2; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- COPY tjoin2 (rnum, c1, c2) FROM stdin; -- -- Data for Name: tjoin3; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- COPY tjoin3 (rnum, c1, c2) FROM stdin; -- -- Data for Name: tjoin4; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- COPY tjoin4 (rnum, c1, c2) FROM stdin; -- -- Data for Name: tlel; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- COPY tlel (rnum, c1, ord) FROM stdin; -- -- Data for Name: tlel_cy_preeuro; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- COPY tlel_cy_preeuro (rnum, c1, ord) FROM stdin; -- -- Data for Name: tlel_gr; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- COPY tlel_gr (rnum, c1, ord) FROM stdin; -- -- Data for Name: tlel_gr_preeuro; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- COPY tlel_gr_preeuro (rnum, c1, ord) FROM stdin; -- -- Data for Name: tliw; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- COPY tliw (rnum, c1, ord) FROM stdin; -- -- Data for Name: tliw_il; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- COPY tliw_il (rnum, c1, ord) FROM stdin; -- -- Data for Name: tlja; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- COPY tlja (rnum, c1, ord) FROM stdin; -- -- Data for Name: tlja_jp; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- COPY tlja_jp (rnum, c1, ord) FROM stdin; -- -- Data for Name: tlko; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- COPY tlko (rnum, c1, ord) FROM stdin; -- -- Data for Name: tlko_kr; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- COPY tlko_kr (rnum, c1, ord) FROM stdin; -- -- Data for Name: tllatin1; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- COPY tllatin1 (rnum, c1, ord) FROM stdin; -- -- Data for Name: tllatin2; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- COPY tllatin2 (rnum, c1, ord) FROM stdin; -- -- Data for Name: tlth; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- COPY tlth (rnum, c1, ord) FROM stdin; -- -- Data for Name: tlth_th; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- COPY tlth_th (rnum, c1, ord) FROM stdin; -- -- Data for Name: tlth_th_th; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- COPY tlth_th_th (rnum, c1, ord) FROM stdin; -- -- Data for Name: tltr; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- COPY tltr (rnum, c1, ord) FROM stdin; -- -- Data for Name: tltr_tr; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- COPY tltr_tr (rnum, c1, ord) FROM stdin; -- -- Data for Name: tlzh_cn; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- COPY tlzh_cn (rnum, c1, ord) FROM stdin; -- -- Data for Name: tlzh_tw; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- COPY tlzh_tw (rnum, c1, ord) FROM stdin; -- -- Data for Name: tmaxcols; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- COPY tmaxcols (rnum, c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c11, c12, c13, c14, c15, c16, c17, c18, c19, c20, c21, c22, c23, c24, c25, c26, c27, c28, c29, c30, c31, c32, c33, c34, c35, c36, c37, c38, c39, c40, c41, c42, c43, c44, c45, c46, c47, c48, c49, c50, c51, c52, c53, c54, c55, c56, c57, c58, c59, c60, c61, c62, c63, c64, c65, c66, c67, c68, c69, c70, c71, c72, c73, c74, c75, c76, c77, c78, c79, c80, c81, c82, c83, c84, c85, c86, c87, c88, c89, c90, c91, c92, c93, c94, c95, c96, c97, c98, c99, c100, c101, c102, c103, c104, c105, c106, c107, c108, c109, c110, c111, c112, c113, c114, c115, c116, c117, c118, c119, c120, c121, c122, c123, c124, c125, c126, c127, c128, c129, c130, c131, c132, c133, c134, c135, c136, c137, c138, c139, c140, c141, c142, c143, c144, c145, c146, c147, c148, c149, c150, c151, c152, c153, c154, c155, c156, c157, c158, c159, c160, c161, c162, c163, c164, c165, c166, c167, c168, c169, c170, c171, c172, c173, c174, c175, c176, c177, c178, c179, c180, c181, c182, c183, c184, c185, c186, c187, c188, c189, c190, c191, c192, c193, c194, c195, c196, c197, c198, c199, c200, c201, c202, c203, c204, c205, 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Name: tnum; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- COPY tnum (rnum, cnum) FROM stdin; ERROR: invalid input syntax for type numeric: "N" (seg0 pbld1:12011 pid=28820) CONTEXT: COPY tnum, line 2, column 0 -- -- Data for Name: tolap; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- COPY tolap (rnum, c1, c2, c3, c4) FROM stdin; ERROR: invalid input syntax for integer: "N" (seg1 pbld1:12012 pid=28826) CONTEXT: COPY tolap, line 5, column 7 -- -- Data for Name: trl; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- COPY trl (rnum, crl) FROM stdin; ERROR: invalid input syntax for type real: "N" (seg0 pbld1:12011 pid=28820) CONTEXT: COPY trl, line 2, column 0 -- -- Data for Name: tsdchar; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- COPY tsdchar (rnum, c1) FROM stdin; -- -- Data for Name: tsdclob; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- COPY tsdclob (rnum, c1) FROM stdin; -- -- Data for Name: tset1; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- COPY tset1 (rnum, c1, c2) FROM stdin; -- -- Data for Name: tset2; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- COPY tset2 (rnum, c1, c2) FROM stdin; -- -- Data for Name: tset3; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- COPY tset3 (rnum, c1, c2) FROM stdin; -- -- Data for Name: tsint; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- COPY tsint (rnum, csint) FROM stdin; ERROR: invalid input syntax for integer: "N" (seg0 pbld1:12011 pid=28820) CONTEXT: COPY tsint, line 2, column 0 -- -- Data for Name: ttm; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- COPY ttm (rnum, ctm) FROM stdin; ERROR: invalid input syntax for type time: "N" (seg0 pbld1:12011 pid=28820) CONTEXT: COPY ttm, line 2, column 0 -- -- Data for Name: tts; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- COPY tts (rnum, cts) FROM stdin; ERROR: invalid input syntax for type timestamp: "N" (seg0 pbld1:12011 pid=28820) CONTEXT: COPY tts, line 2, column 0 -- -- Data for Name: tvchar; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- COPY tvchar (rnum, cvchar) FROM stdin; ERROR: missing data for column "cvchar" CONTEXT: COPY tvchar, line 3: "1" -- -- Data for Name: tversion; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- COPY tversion (rnum, c1, cver, cnnull, ccnull) FROM stdin; -- -- Name: clobpk; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY tclob ADD CONSTRAINT clobpk PRIMARY KEY (rnum); -- -- Name: tcons1pk; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY tcons1 ADD CONSTRAINT tcons1pk PRIMARY KEY (col1); -- -- Name: tcons2pk; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY tcons2 ADD CONSTRAINT tcons2pk PRIMARY KEY (col2, col3); -- -- Name: tcons3pk; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY tcons3 ADD CONSTRAINT tcons3pk PRIMARY KEY (col1, col2); -- -- Name: tcons4pk; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin; Tablespace: -- ALTER TABLE ONLY tcons4 ADD CONSTRAINT tcons4pk PRIMARY KEY (col1); -- -- Name: tmaxidx0; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin; Tablespace: -- CREATE INDEX tmaxidx0 ON tmaxcols USING btree (c0); -- -- Name: tmaxidx1; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin; Tablespace: -- CREATE INDEX tmaxidx1 ON tmaxcols USING btree (c1); -- -- Name: tmaxidx10; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin; Tablespace: -- CREATE INDEX tmaxidx10 ON tmaxcols USING btree (c10); -- -- Name: tmaxidx11; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin; Tablespace: -- CREATE INDEX tmaxidx11 ON tmaxcols USING btree (c11); -- -- Name: tmaxidx12; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin; Tablespace: -- CREATE INDEX tmaxidx12 ON tmaxcols USING btree (c12); -- -- Name: tmaxidx13; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin; Tablespace: -- CREATE INDEX tmaxidx13 ON tmaxcols USING btree (c13); -- -- Name: tmaxidx14; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin; Tablespace: -- CREATE INDEX tmaxidx14 ON tmaxcols USING btree (c14); -- -- Name: tmaxidx15; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin; Tablespace: -- CREATE INDEX tmaxidx15 ON tmaxcols USING btree (c15); -- -- Name: tmaxidx2; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin; Tablespace: -- CREATE INDEX tmaxidx2 ON tmaxcols USING btree (c2); -- -- Name: tmaxidx3; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin; Tablespace: -- CREATE INDEX tmaxidx3 ON tmaxcols USING btree (c3); -- -- Name: tmaxidx4; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin; Tablespace: -- CREATE INDEX tmaxidx4 ON tmaxcols USING btree (c4); -- -- Name: tmaxidx5; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin; Tablespace: -- CREATE INDEX tmaxidx5 ON tmaxcols USING btree (c5); -- -- Name: tmaxidx6; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin; Tablespace: -- CREATE INDEX tmaxidx6 ON tmaxcols USING btree (c6); -- -- Name: tmaxidx7; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin; Tablespace: -- CREATE INDEX tmaxidx7 ON tmaxcols USING btree (c7); -- -- Name: tmaxidx8; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin; Tablespace: -- CREATE INDEX tmaxidx8 ON tmaxcols USING btree (c8); -- -- Name: tmaxidx9; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin; Tablespace: -- CREATE INDEX tmaxidx9 ON tmaxcols USING btree (c9); -- -- Name: tmaxxidx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin; Tablespace: -- CREATE INDEX tmaxxidx ON tmaxcols USING btree (c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c11, c12, c13, c14, c15, c16, c17, c18, c19, c20, c21, c22, c23, c24, c25, c26, c27, c28, c29, c30, c31); -- -- Name: tcons2fk3; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- ALTER TABLE ONLY tcons3 ADD CONSTRAINT tcons2fk3 FOREIGN KEY (col4, col3) REFERENCES tcons2(col2, col3); WARNING: Referential integrity (FOREIGN KEY) constraints are not supported in Greenplum Database, will not be enforced. -- -- Name: tcons3fk1; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- ALTER TABLE ONLY tcons3 ADD CONSTRAINT tcons3fk1 FOREIGN KEY (col1) REFERENCES tcons1(col1); WARNING: Referential integrity (FOREIGN KEY) constraints are not supported in Greenplum Database, will not be enforced. -- -- Name: tcons3fk2; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- ALTER TABLE ONLY tcons3 ADD CONSTRAINT tcons3fk2 FOREIGN KEY (col1, col2) REFERENCES tcons2(col2, col3); WARNING: Referential integrity (FOREIGN KEY) constraints are not supported in Greenplum Database, will not be enforced. -- -- Name: tcons4fk; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- ALTER TABLE ONLY tcons4 ADD CONSTRAINT tcons4fk FOREIGN KEY (col2) REFERENCES tcons4(col1); WARNING: Referential integrity (FOREIGN KEY) constraints are not supported in Greenplum Database, will not be enforced. -- -- Name: public; Type: ACL; Schema: -; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON SCHEMA public FROM PUBLIC; GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA public TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: finbint(bigint); Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION finbint(pbint bigint) FROM PUBLIC; GRANT ALL ON FUNCTION finbint(pbint bigint) TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: finchar(character); Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION finchar(pchar character) FROM PUBLIC; GRANT ALL ON FUNCTION finchar(pchar character) TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: finclob(text); Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION finclob(pclob text) FROM PUBLIC; GRANT ALL ON FUNCTION finclob(pclob text) TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: findbl(double precision); Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION findbl(pdbl double precision) FROM PUBLIC; GRANT ALL ON FUNCTION findbl(pdbl double precision) TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: findec(numeric); Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION findec(pdec numeric) FROM PUBLIC; GRANT ALL ON FUNCTION findec(pdec numeric) TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: findt(date); Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION findt(pdt date) FROM PUBLIC; GRANT ALL ON FUNCTION findt(pdt date) TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: finflt(double precision); Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION finflt(pflt double precision) FROM PUBLIC; GRANT ALL ON FUNCTION finflt(pflt double precision) TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: finint(integer); Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION finint(pint integer) FROM PUBLIC; GRANT ALL ON FUNCTION finint(pint integer) TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: finnum(numeric); Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION finnum(pnum numeric) FROM PUBLIC; GRANT ALL ON FUNCTION finnum(pnum numeric) TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: finrl(real); Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION finrl(prl real) FROM PUBLIC; GRANT ALL ON FUNCTION finrl(prl real) TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: finsint(smallint); Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION finsint(psint smallint) FROM PUBLIC; GRANT ALL ON FUNCTION finsint(psint smallint) TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: fintm(time without time zone); Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION fintm(ptm time without time zone) FROM PUBLIC; GRANT ALL ON FUNCTION fintm(ptm time without time zone) TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: fints(timestamp without time zone); Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION fints(pts timestamp without time zone) FROM PUBLIC; GRANT ALL ON FUNCTION fints(pts timestamp without time zone) TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: finvchar(character varying); Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION finvchar(pvchar character varying) FROM PUBLIC; GRANT ALL ON FUNCTION finvchar(pvchar character varying) TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: tset1; Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON TABLE tset1 FROM PUBLIC; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE tset1 TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: fovtbint(bigint, bigint); Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION fovtbint(pbint bigint, p2bint bigint) FROM PUBLIC; GRANT ALL ON FUNCTION fovtbint(pbint bigint, p2bint bigint) TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: fovtchar(character, character); Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION fovtchar(pchar character, p2char character) FROM PUBLIC; GRANT ALL ON FUNCTION fovtchar(pchar character, p2char character) TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: fovtclob(text, text); Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION fovtclob(pclob text, p2clob text) FROM PUBLIC; GRANT ALL ON FUNCTION fovtclob(pclob text, p2clob text) TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: fovtdbl(double precision, double precision); Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION fovtdbl(pdbl double precision, p2dbl double precision) FROM PUBLIC; GRANT ALL ON FUNCTION fovtdbl(pdbl double precision, p2dbl double precision) TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: fovtdec(numeric, numeric); Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION fovtdec(pdec numeric, p2dec numeric) FROM PUBLIC; GRANT ALL ON FUNCTION fovtdec(pdec numeric, p2dec numeric) TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: fovtdt(date, date); Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION fovtdt(pdt date, p2dt date) FROM PUBLIC; GRANT ALL ON FUNCTION fovtdt(pdt date, p2dt date) TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: fovtflt(double precision, double precision); Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION fovtflt(pflt double precision, p2flt double precision) FROM PUBLIC; GRANT ALL ON FUNCTION fovtflt(pflt double precision, p2flt double precision) TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: fovtint(integer, integer); Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION fovtint(pint integer, p2int integer) FROM PUBLIC; GRANT ALL ON FUNCTION fovtint(pint integer, p2int integer) TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: fovtnum(numeric, numeric); Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION fovtnum(pnum numeric, p2num numeric) FROM PUBLIC; GRANT ALL ON FUNCTION fovtnum(pnum numeric, p2num numeric) TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: fovtrl(real, real); Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION fovtrl(prl real, p2rl real) FROM PUBLIC; GRANT ALL ON FUNCTION fovtrl(prl real, p2rl real) TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: fovtsint(smallint, smallint); Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION fovtsint(psint smallint, p2sint smallint) FROM PUBLIC; GRANT ALL ON FUNCTION fovtsint(psint smallint, p2sint smallint) TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: fovttm(time without time zone, time without time zone); Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION fovttm(ptm time without time zone, p2tm time without time zone) FROM PUBLIC; GRANT ALL ON FUNCTION fovttm(ptm time without time zone, p2tm time without time zone) TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: fovtts(timestamp without time zone, timestamp without time zone); Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION fovtts(pts timestamp without time zone, p2ts timestamp without time zone) FROM PUBLIC; GRANT ALL ON FUNCTION fovtts(pts timestamp without time zone, p2ts timestamp without time zone) TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: fovtvchar(character varying, character varying); Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION fovtvchar(pvchar character varying, p2vchar character varying) FROM PUBLIC; GRANT ALL ON FUNCTION fovtvchar(pvchar character varying, p2vchar character varying) TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: ftbint(bigint); Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION ftbint(pbint bigint) FROM PUBLIC; GRANT ALL ON FUNCTION ftbint(pbint bigint) TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: ftchar(character); Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION ftchar(pchar character) FROM PUBLIC; GRANT ALL ON FUNCTION ftchar(pchar character) TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: ftclob(text); Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION ftclob(pclob text) FROM PUBLIC; GRANT ALL ON FUNCTION ftclob(pclob text) TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: ftdbl(double precision); Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION ftdbl(pdbl double precision) FROM PUBLIC; GRANT ALL ON FUNCTION ftdbl(pdbl double precision) TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: ftdec(numeric); Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION ftdec(pdec numeric) FROM PUBLIC; GRANT ALL ON FUNCTION ftdec(pdec numeric) TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: ftdt(date); Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION ftdt(pdt date) FROM PUBLIC; GRANT ALL ON FUNCTION ftdt(pdt date) TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: ftflt(double precision); Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION ftflt(pflt double precision) FROM PUBLIC; GRANT ALL ON FUNCTION ftflt(pflt double precision) TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: ftint(integer); Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION ftint(pint integer) FROM PUBLIC; GRANT ALL ON FUNCTION ftint(pint integer) TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: ftnum(numeric); Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION ftnum(pnum numeric) FROM PUBLIC; GRANT ALL ON FUNCTION ftnum(pnum numeric) TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: ftrl(real); Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION ftrl(prl real) FROM PUBLIC; GRANT ALL ON FUNCTION ftrl(prl real) TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: ftsint(smallint); Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION ftsint(psint smallint) FROM PUBLIC; GRANT ALL ON FUNCTION ftsint(psint smallint) TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: fttm(time without time zone); Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION fttm(ptm time without time zone) FROM PUBLIC; GRANT ALL ON FUNCTION fttm(ptm time without time zone) TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: ftts(timestamp without time zone); Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION ftts(pts timestamp without time zone) FROM PUBLIC; GRANT ALL ON FUNCTION ftts(pts timestamp without time zone) TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: ftvchar(character varying); Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION ftvchar(pvchar character varying) FROM PUBLIC; GRANT ALL ON FUNCTION ftvchar(pvchar character varying) TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: pinbint(bigint); Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION pinbint(pbint bigint) FROM PUBLIC; GRANT ALL ON FUNCTION pinbint(pbint bigint) TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: pinchar(character); Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION pinchar(pchar character) FROM PUBLIC; GRANT ALL ON FUNCTION pinchar(pchar character) TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: pinclob(text); Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION pinclob(pclob text) FROM PUBLIC; GRANT ALL ON FUNCTION pinclob(pclob text) TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: pindbl(double precision); Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION pindbl(pdbl double precision) FROM PUBLIC; GRANT ALL ON FUNCTION pindbl(pdbl double precision) TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: pindec(numeric); Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION pindec(pdec numeric) FROM PUBLIC; GRANT ALL ON FUNCTION pindec(pdec numeric) TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: pindt(date); Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION pindt(pdt date) FROM PUBLIC; GRANT ALL ON FUNCTION pindt(pdt date) TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: pinflt(double precision); Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION pinflt(pflt double precision) FROM PUBLIC; GRANT ALL ON FUNCTION pinflt(pflt double precision) TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: pinint(integer); Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION pinint(pint integer) FROM PUBLIC; GRANT ALL ON FUNCTION pinint(pint integer) TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: pinnum(numeric); Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION pinnum(pnum numeric) FROM PUBLIC; GRANT ALL ON FUNCTION pinnum(pnum numeric) TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: pinrl(real); Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION pinrl(prl real) FROM PUBLIC; GRANT ALL ON FUNCTION pinrl(prl real) TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: pinsint(smallint); Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION pinsint(psint smallint) FROM PUBLIC; GRANT ALL ON FUNCTION pinsint(psint smallint) TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: pintm(time without time zone); Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION pintm(ptm time without time zone) FROM PUBLIC; GRANT ALL ON FUNCTION pintm(ptm time without time zone) TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: pints(timestamp without time zone); Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION pints(pts timestamp without time zone) FROM PUBLIC; GRANT ALL ON FUNCTION pints(pts timestamp without time zone) TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: pinvchar(character varying); Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION pinvchar(pvchar character varying) FROM PUBLIC; GRANT ALL ON FUNCTION pinvchar(pvchar character varying) TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: pnoparams(); Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION pnoparams() FROM PUBLIC; GRANT ALL ON FUNCTION pnoparams() TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: povin(smallint); Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION povin(ppovin smallint) FROM PUBLIC; GRANT ALL ON FUNCTION povin(ppovin smallint) TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: povin(smallint, smallint); Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION povin(ppovin smallint, p2povin smallint) FROM PUBLIC; GRANT ALL ON FUNCTION povin(ppovin smallint, p2povin smallint) TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: pres(); Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION pres() FROM PUBLIC; GRANT ALL ON FUNCTION pres() TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: pthrow(); Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON FUNCTION pthrow() FROM PUBLIC; GRANT ALL ON FUNCTION pthrow() TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: tbint; Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON TABLE tbint FROM PUBLIC; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE tbint TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: tchar; Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON TABLE tchar FROM PUBLIC; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE tchar TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: tclob; Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON TABLE tclob FROM PUBLIC; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE tclob TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: tcons1; Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON TABLE tcons1 FROM PUBLIC; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE tcons1 TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: tcons2; Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON TABLE tcons2 FROM PUBLIC; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE tcons2 TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: tcons3; Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON TABLE tcons3 FROM PUBLIC; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE tcons3 TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: tcons4; Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON TABLE tcons4 FROM PUBLIC; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE tcons4 TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: tdbl; Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON TABLE tdbl FROM PUBLIC; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE tdbl TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: tdec; Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON TABLE tdec FROM PUBLIC; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE tdec TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: tdt; Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON TABLE tdt FROM PUBLIC; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE tdt TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: tflt; Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON TABLE tflt FROM PUBLIC; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE tflt TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: tint; Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON TABLE tint FROM PUBLIC; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE tint TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: tiud; Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON TABLE tiud FROM PUBLIC; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE tiud TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: tjoin1; Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON TABLE tjoin1 FROM PUBLIC; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE tjoin1 TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: tjoin2; Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON TABLE tjoin2 FROM PUBLIC; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE tjoin2 TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: tjoin3; Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON TABLE tjoin3 FROM PUBLIC; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE tjoin3 TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: tjoin4; Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON TABLE tjoin4 FROM PUBLIC; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE tjoin4 TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: tlel; Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON TABLE tlel FROM PUBLIC; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE tlel TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: tlel_cy_preeuro; Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON TABLE tlel_cy_preeuro FROM PUBLIC; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE tlel_cy_preeuro TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: tlel_gr; Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON TABLE tlel_gr FROM PUBLIC; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE tlel_gr TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: tlel_gr_preeuro; Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON TABLE tlel_gr_preeuro FROM PUBLIC; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE tlel_gr_preeuro TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: tliw; Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON TABLE tliw FROM PUBLIC; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE tliw TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: tliw_il; Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON TABLE tliw_il FROM PUBLIC; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE tliw_il TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: tlja; Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON TABLE tlja FROM PUBLIC; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE tlja TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: tlja_jp; Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON TABLE tlja_jp FROM PUBLIC; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE tlja_jp TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: tlko; Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON TABLE tlko FROM PUBLIC; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE tlko TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: tlko_kr; Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON TABLE tlko_kr FROM PUBLIC; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE tlko_kr TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: tllatin1; Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON TABLE tllatin1 FROM PUBLIC; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE tllatin1 TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: tllatin2; Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON TABLE tllatin2 FROM PUBLIC; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE tllatin2 TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: tlth; Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON TABLE tlth FROM PUBLIC; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE tlth TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: tlth_th; Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON TABLE tlth_th FROM PUBLIC; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE tlth_th TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: tlth_th_th; Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON TABLE tlth_th_th FROM PUBLIC; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE tlth_th_th TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: tltr; Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON TABLE tltr FROM PUBLIC; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE tltr TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: tltr_tr; Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON TABLE tltr_tr FROM PUBLIC; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE tltr_tr TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: tlzh_cn; Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON TABLE tlzh_cn FROM PUBLIC; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE tlzh_cn TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: tlzh_tw; Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON TABLE tlzh_tw FROM PUBLIC; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE tlzh_tw TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: tmaxcols; Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON TABLE tmaxcols FROM PUBLIC; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE tmaxcols TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: tnum; Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON TABLE tnum FROM PUBLIC; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE tnum TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: tolap; Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON TABLE tolap FROM PUBLIC; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE tolap TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: trl; Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON TABLE trl FROM PUBLIC; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE trl TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: tsdchar; Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON TABLE tsdchar FROM PUBLIC; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE tsdchar TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: tsdclob; Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON TABLE tsdclob FROM PUBLIC; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE tsdclob TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: tset2; Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON TABLE tset2 FROM PUBLIC; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE tset2 TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: tset3; Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON TABLE tset3 FROM PUBLIC; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE tset3 TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: tsint; Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON TABLE tsint FROM PUBLIC; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE tsint TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: ttm; Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON TABLE ttm FROM PUBLIC; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE ttm TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: tts; Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON TABLE tts FROM PUBLIC; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE tts TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: tvchar; Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON TABLE tvchar FROM PUBLIC; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE tvchar TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: tversion; Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON TABLE tversion FROM PUBLIC; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE tversion TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: vbint; Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON TABLE vbint FROM PUBLIC; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE vbint TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: vchar; Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON TABLE vchar FROM PUBLIC; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE vchar TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: vclob; Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON TABLE vclob FROM PUBLIC; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE vclob TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: vdbl; Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON TABLE vdbl FROM PUBLIC; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE vdbl TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: vdec; Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON TABLE vdec FROM PUBLIC; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE vdec TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: vdt; Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON TABLE vdt FROM PUBLIC; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE vdt TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: vflt; Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON TABLE vflt FROM PUBLIC; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE vflt TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: vint; Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON TABLE vint FROM PUBLIC; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE vint TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: vnum; Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON TABLE vnum FROM PUBLIC; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE vnum TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: vrl; Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON TABLE vrl FROM PUBLIC; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE vrl TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: vsint; Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON TABLE vsint FROM PUBLIC; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE vsint TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: vtm; Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON TABLE vtm FROM PUBLIC; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE vtm TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: vts; Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON TABLE vts FROM PUBLIC; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE vts TO PUBLIC; -- -- Name: vvchar; Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: gpadmin -- REVOKE ALL ON TABLE vvchar FROM PUBLIC; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE vvchar TO PUBLIC; -- -- Greenplum Database database dump complete -- -- end_ignore -------------------- --- END OF SETUP --- -------------------- --- AbsCoreApproximateNumeric_p1 select 'AbsCoreApproximateNumeric_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 1.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 1.000000000000000e-001 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 1.000000000000000e+001 f2 from tversion union select rnum, abs( vflt.cflt ) from vflt ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------------+---------- AbsCoreApproximateNumeric_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- AbsCoreExactNumeric_p4 select 'AbsCoreExactNumeric_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 1.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 1.000000000000000e-001 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 1.000000000000000e+001 f2 from tversion union select rnum, abs( tnum.cnum ) from tnum ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------+---------- AbsCoreExactNumeric_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- CaseComparisonsInteger_p2 select 'CaseComparisonsInteger_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'other' f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'lt' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'in' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, '=' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'gt' f2 from tversion union select tint.rnum,case when tint.cint = 1 then '=' when tint.cint > 9 then 'gt' when tint.cint < 0 then 'lt' when tint.cint in (0,11) then 'in' when tint.cint between 6 and 8 then 'between' else 'other' end from tint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------+---------- CaseComparisonsInteger_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- StringPredicateLike_p2 select 'StringPredicateLike_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 10 f1, 'BB' f2 from tversion union select tjoin2.c1, tjoin2.c2 from tjoin2 where tjoin2.c2 like '%B%' ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------+---------- StringPredicateLike_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- StringPredicateLike_p3 select 'StringPredicateLike_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 10 f1, 'BB' f2 from tversion union select tjoin2.c1, tjoin2.c2 from tjoin2 where tjoin2.c2 like '_B' ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------+---------- StringPredicateLike_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- StringPredicateLike_p4 select 'StringPredicateLike_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 10 f1, 'BB' f2 from tversion union select tjoin2.c1, tjoin2.c2 from tjoin2 where tjoin2.c2 like 'BB%' ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------+---------- StringPredicateLike_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- StringPredicateNotBetween_p1 select 'StringPredicateNotBetween_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1, 15 f2, 'DD' f3 from tversion union select 2 f1, null f2, 'EE' f3 from tversion union select 3 f1, 10 f2, 'FF' f3 from tversion union select rnum,tjoin2.c1, tjoin2.c2 from tjoin2 where not tjoin2.c2 between 'AA' and 'CC' ) Q group by f1,f2,f3 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------------+---------- StringPredicateNotBetween_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- StringPredicateNotIn_p1 select 'StringPredicateNotIn_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1, 15 f2, 'DD' f3 from tversion union select 3 f1, 10 f2, 'FF' f3 from tversion union select rnum,tjoin2.c1, tjoin2.c2 from tjoin2 where not tjoin2.c2 in ('ZZ','BB','EE') ) Q group by f1,f2,f3 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- StringPredicateNotIn_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- StringPredicateNotLike_p1 select 'StringPredicateNotLike_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1, 15 f2, 'DD' f3 from tversion union select 2 f1, null f2, 'EE' f3 from tversion union select 3 f1, 10 f2, 'FF' f3 from tversion union select rnum,tjoin2.c1, tjoin2.c2 from tjoin2 where tjoin2.c2 not like 'B%' ) Q group by f1,f2,f3 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------+---------- StringPredicateNotLike_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SubqueryColumnAlias_p1 select 'SubqueryColumnAlias_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 10 f2, 'AAA' f3 from tversion union select 1 f1, 10 f2, 'AAA' f3 from tversion union select 2 f1, 10 f2, 'AAA' f3 from tversion union select 5 f1, 40 f2, 'DDD' f3 from tversion union select 6 f1, 50 f2, null f3 from tversion union select 7 f1, 60 f2, null f3 from tversion union select rnum, c1, c2 from tset1 as t1 where exists ( select * from tset2 where c1=t1.c1 ) ) Q group by f1,f2,f3 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------+---------- SubqueryColumnAlias_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SubqueryCorrelated_p1 select 'SubqueryCorrelated_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 10 f1, 15 f2 from tversion union select tjoin1.c1, tjoin1.c2 from tjoin1 where tjoin1.c1 = any (select tjoin2.c1 from tjoin2 where tjoin2.c1 = tjoin1.c1) ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------+---------- SubqueryCorrelated_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SubqueryDerivedAliasOrderBy_p1 select 'SubqueryDerivedAliasOrderBy_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 10 f2, 15 f3 from tversion union select 1 f1, 20 f2, 25 f3 from tversion union select 2 f1, null f2, 50 f3 from tversion union select tx.rnum, tx.c1, tx.c2 from (select rnum, c1, c2 from tjoin1 order by c1) tx ) Q group by f1,f2,f3 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------------+---------- SubqueryDerivedAliasOrderBy_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SubqueryDerivedAssignNames_p1 select 'SubqueryDerivedAssignNames_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 10 f2, 15 f3 from tversion union select 1 f1, 20 f2, 25 f3 from tversion union select 2 f1, null f2, 50 f3 from tversion union select tx.rnumx, tx.c1x, tx.c2x from (select rnum, c1, c2 from tjoin1) tx (rnumx, c1x, c2x) ) Q group by f1,f2,f3 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------------+---------- SubqueryDerivedAssignNames_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CaseComparisonsInteger_p3 select 'CaseComparisonsInteger_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'other' f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'lt' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'in' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, '=' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'gt' f2 from tversion union select vsint.rnum,case when vsint.csint = 1 then '=' when vsint.csint > 9 then 'gt' when vsint.csint < 0 then 'lt' when vsint.csint in (0,11) then 'in' when vsint.csint between 6 and 8 then 'between' else 'other' end from vsint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------+---------- CaseComparisonsInteger_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- SubqueryDerivedMany_p1 select 'SubqueryDerivedMany_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3,f4, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 10 f2, 15 f3, 'BB' f4 from tversion union select 0 f1, 10 f2, 15 f3, 'DD' f4 from tversion union select 0 f1, 10 f2, 15 f3, 'EE' f4 from tversion union select 0 f1, 10 f2, 15 f3, 'FF' f4 from tversion union select 1 f1, 20 f2, 25 f3, 'BB' f4 from tversion union select 1 f1, 20 f2, 25 f3, 'DD' f4 from tversion union select 1 f1, 20 f2, 25 f3, 'EE' f4 from tversion union select 1 f1, 20 f2, 25 f3, 'FF' f4 from tversion union select 2 f1, null f2, 50 f3, 'BB' f4 from tversion union select 2 f1, null f2, 50 f3, 'DD' f4 from tversion union select 2 f1, null f2, 50 f3, 'EE' f4 from tversion union select 2 f1, null f2, 50 f3, 'FF' f4 from tversion union select tx.rnum, tx.c1, tx.c2, ty.c2 from (select tjoin1.rnum, tjoin1.c1, tjoin1.c2 from tjoin1) tx, (select tjoin2.c2 from tjoin2) ty ) Q group by f1,f2,f3,f4 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------+---------- SubqueryDerivedMany_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SubqueryDerived_p1 select 'SubqueryDerived_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 10 f2, 15 f3 from tversion union select 1 f1, 20 f2, 25 f3 from tversion union select 2 f1, null f2, 50 f3 from tversion union select tx.rnum, tx.c1, tx.c2 from (select rnum, c1, c2 from tjoin1) tx ) Q group by f1,f2,f3 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------+---------- SubqueryDerived_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SubqueryInAggregate_p1 select 'SubqueryInAggregate_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 10 f2, 1 f3 from tversion union select 1 f1, 20 f2, 1 f3 from tversion union select 2 f1, null f2, 1 f3 from tversion union select rnum, c1, sum( (select 1 from tversion) ) from tjoin1 group by rnum, c1 ) Q group by f1,f2,f3 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------+---------- SubqueryInAggregate_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SubqueryInCase_p1 --- test expected to fail until function supported in GPDB --- GPDB Limitation ERROR: Greenplum Database does not yet support that query. DETAIL: The query contains a multi-row subquery. select 'SubqueryInCase_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 10 f2, 'no' f3 from tversion union select 1 f1, 20 f2, 'no' f3 from tversion union select 2 f1, null f2, 'no' f3 from tversion union select tjoin1.rnum, tjoin1.c1, case when 10 in ( select 1 from tversion ) then 'yes' else 'no' end from tjoin1 ) Q group by f1,f2,f3 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------+---------- SubqueryInCase_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SubqueryInGroupBy_p1 select 'SubqueryInGroupBy_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 3 f1, 4 f2 from tversion union select (select count(*) from tjoin1),count(*) from tjoin2 group by ( select count(*) from tjoin1 ) ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------+---------- SubqueryInGroupBy_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SubqueryInHaving_p1 select 'SubqueryInHaving_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 3 f1 from tversion union select count(*) from tjoin1 having count(*) > ( select count(*) from tversion ) ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------+---------- SubqueryInHaving_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SubqueryPredicateExists_p1 select 'SubqueryPredicateExists_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 10 f2, 'BB' f3 from tversion union select 1 f1, 15 f2, 'DD' f3 from tversion union select 2 f1, null f2, 'EE' f3 from tversion union select 3 f1, 10 f2, 'FF' f3 from tversion union select rnum, c1, c2 from tjoin2 where exists ( select c1 from tjoin1) ) Q group by f1,f2,f3 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------------+---------- SubqueryPredicateExists_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SubqueryPredicateIn_p1 select 'SubqueryPredicateIn_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 10 f2, 'BB' f3 from tversion union select 1 f1, 15 f2, 'DD' f3 from tversion union select 2 f1, null f2, 'EE' f3 from tversion union select 3 f1, 10 f2, 'FF' f3 from tversion union select rnum, c1, c2 from tjoin2 where 50 in ( select c2 from tjoin1 where c2=50) ) Q group by f1,f2,f3 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------+---------- SubqueryPredicateIn_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SubqueryPredicateNotExists_p1 select 'SubqueryPredicateNotExists_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 10 f2, 'BB' f3 from tversion union select 1 f1, 15 f2, 'DD' f3 from tversion union select 2 f1, null f2, 'EE' f3 from tversion union select 3 f1, 10 f2, 'FF' f3 from tversion union select rnum, c1, c2 from tjoin2 where not exists ( select c1 from tjoin1 where c2=500) ) Q group by f1,f2,f3 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------------+---------- SubqueryPredicateNotExists_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SubqueryPredicateNotIn_p1 --- test expected to fail until function supported in GPDB --- GPDB Limitation ERROR: Greenplum Database does not yet support that query. DETAIL: The query contains a multi-row subquery. select 'SubqueryPredicateNotIn_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 10 f2, 'BB' f3 from tversion union select 1 f1, 15 f2, 'DD' f3 from tversion union select 2 f1, null f2, 'EE' f3 from tversion union select 3 f1, 10 f2, 'FF' f3 from tversion union select rnum, c1, c2 from tjoin2 where 50 not in ( select c2 from tjoin1 where c2=25) ) Q group by f1,f2,f3 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------+---------- SubqueryPredicateNotIn_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CaseComparisonsInteger_p4 select 'CaseComparisonsInteger_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'other' f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'lt' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'in' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, '=' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'gt' f2 from tversion union select tsint.rnum,case when tsint.csint = 1 then '=' when tsint.csint > 9 then 'gt' when tsint.csint < 0 then 'lt' when tsint.csint in (0,11) then 'in' when tsint.csint between 6 and 8 then 'between' else 'other' end from tsint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------+---------- CaseComparisonsInteger_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- SubqueryQuantifiedPredicateAnyFromC1_p1 select 'SubqueryQuantifiedPredicateAnyFromC1_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 10 f2, 'BB' f3 from tversion union select 1 f1, 15 f2, 'DD' f3 from tversion union select 2 f1, null f2, 'EE' f3 from tversion union select 3 f1, 10 f2, 'FF' f3 from tversion union select rnum, c1, c2 from tjoin2 where 20 > any ( select c1 from tjoin1) ) Q group by f1,f2,f3 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------------------------+---------- SubqueryQuantifiedPredicateAnyFromC1_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SubqueryQuantifiedPredicateAnyFromC2_p1 select 'SubqueryQuantifiedPredicateAnyFromC2_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 10 f2, 'BB' f3 from tversion union select 1 f1, 15 f2, 'DD' f3 from tversion union select 2 f1, null f2, 'EE' f3 from tversion union select 3 f1, 10 f2, 'FF' f3 from tversion union select rnum, c1, c2 from tjoin2 where 20 > any ( select c2 from tjoin1) ) Q group by f1,f2,f3 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------------------------+---------- SubqueryQuantifiedPredicateAnyFromC2_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SubqueryQuantifiedPredicateEmpty_p1 --- test expected to fail until GPDB support this function --- GPDB Limitation ERROR: Greenplum Database does not yet support this query. DETAIL: The query contains a multi-row subquery. select 'SubqueryQuantifiedPredicateEmpty_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 10 f2, 'BB' f3 from tversion union select 1 f1, 15 f2, 'DD' f3 from tversion union select 2 f1, null f2, 'EE' f3 from tversion union select 3 f1, 10 f2, 'FF' f3 from tversion union select rnum, c1, c2 from tjoin2 where 20 > all ( select c1 from tjoin1 where c1 = 100) ) Q group by f1,f2,f3 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------------------+---------- SubqueryQuantifiedPredicateEmpty_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SubqueryQuantifiedPredicateLarge_p1 --- test expected to fail until GPDB supports this function --- GPDB Limitation ERROR: Greenplum Database does not yet support that query. DETAIL: The query contains a multi-row subquery. select 'SubqueryQuantifiedPredicateLarge_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 10 f2, 'BB' f3 from tversion union select 1 f1, 15 f2, 'DD' f3 from tversion union select 2 f1, null f2, 'EE' f3 from tversion union select 3 f1, 10 f2, 'FF' f3 from tversion union select rnum, c1, c2 from tjoin2 where 75 > all ( select c2 from tjoin1) ) Q group by f1,f2,f3 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------------------+---------- SubqueryQuantifiedPredicateLarge_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SubstringBoundary_p1 select 'SubstringBoundary_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, '' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, '' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, '' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, '' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, '' f2 from tversion union select rnum, substring( vchar.cchar from 0 for 0) from vchar ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------+---------- SubstringBoundary_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SubstringBoundary_p2 select 'SubstringBoundary_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, '' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, '' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, '' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, '' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, '' f2 from tversion union select rnum, substring( vchar.cchar from 100 for 1) from vchar ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------+---------- SubstringBoundary_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- SubstringBoundary_p3 select 'SubstringBoundary_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, '' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, '' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, '' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, '' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, '' f2 from tversion union select rnum, substring( tchar.cchar from 0 for 0) from tchar ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------+---------- SubstringBoundary_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- SubstringBoundary_p4 select 'SubstringBoundary_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, '' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, '' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, '' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, '' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, '' f2 from tversion union select rnum, substring( tchar.cchar from 100 for 1) from tchar ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------+---------- SubstringBoundary_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- SubstringBoundary_p5 select 'SubstringBoundary_p5' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, '' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, '' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, '' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, '' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, '' f2 from tversion union select rnum, substring( vvchar.cvchar from 0 for 0) from vvchar ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------+---------- SubstringBoundary_p5 | 1 (1 row) --- SubstringBoundary_p6 select 'SubstringBoundary_p6' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, '' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, '' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, '' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, '' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, '' f2 from tversion union select rnum, substring( vvchar.cvchar from 100 for 1) from vvchar ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------+---------- SubstringBoundary_p6 | 1 (1 row) --- CaseComparisonsInteger_p5 select 'CaseComparisonsInteger_p5' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'other' f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'lt' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'in' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, '=' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'gt' f2 from tversion union select vbint.rnum,case when vbint.cbint = 1 then '=' when vbint.cbint > 9 then 'gt' when vbint.cbint < 0 then 'lt' when vbint.cbint in (0,11) then 'in' when vbint.cbint between 6 and 8 then 'between' else 'other' end from vbint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------+---------- CaseComparisonsInteger_p5 | 1 (1 row) --- SubstringBoundary_p7 select 'SubstringBoundary_p7' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, '' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, '' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, '' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, '' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, '' f2 from tversion union select rnum, substring( tvchar.cvchar from 0 for 0) from tvchar ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------+---------- SubstringBoundary_p7 | 1 (1 row) --- SubstringBoundary_p8 select 'SubstringBoundary_p8' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, '' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, '' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, '' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, '' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, '' f2 from tversion union select rnum, substring( tvchar.cvchar from 100 for 1) from tvchar ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------+---------- SubstringBoundary_p8 | 1 (1 row) --- SubstringCoreBlob_p1 select 'SubstringCoreBlob_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, '' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, '' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'B' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'E' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'F' f2 from tversion union select rnum, substring( tclob.cclob from 2 for 1) from tclob ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------+---------- SubstringCoreBlob_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SubstringCoreFixedLength_p1 select 'SubstringCoreFixedLength_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, ' ' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, ' ' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'B' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'E' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'F' f2 from tversion union select rnum, substring( vchar.cchar from 2 for 1) from vchar ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------------+---------- SubstringCoreFixedLength_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SubstringCoreFixedLength_p2 select 'SubstringCoreFixedLength_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, ' ' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, ' ' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'B' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'E' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'F' f2 from tversion union select rnum, substring( tchar.cchar from 2 for 1) from tchar ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------------+---------- SubstringCoreFixedLength_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- SubstringCoreNegativeStart_p1 select 'SubstringCoreNegativeStart_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select '12' f1 from tversion union select substring( '1234567890' from -2 for 5) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------------+---------- SubstringCoreNegativeStart_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SubstringCoreNestedFixedLength_p1 select 'SubstringCoreNestedFixedLength_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, ' ' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, ' ' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'B' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'E' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'F' f2 from tversion union select vchar.rnum, substring( substring(vchar.cchar from 1 for 2) from 1 for 1) from vchar ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------------------+---------- SubstringCoreNestedFixedLength_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SubstringCoreNestedFixedLength_p2 select 'SubstringCoreNestedFixedLength_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, ' ' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, ' ' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'B' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'E' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'F' f2 from tversion union select tchar.rnum, substring( substring(tchar.cchar from 1 for 2) from 1 for 1) from tchar ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------------------+---------- SubstringCoreNestedFixedLength_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- SubstringCoreNestedVariableLength_p1 select 'SubstringCoreNestedVariableLength_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, '' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, ' ' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'B' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'E' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'F' f2 from tversion union select vvchar.rnum, substring( substring(vvchar.cvchar from 1 for 2) from 1 for 1) from vvchar ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------------------+---------- SubstringCoreNestedVariableLength_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SubstringCoreNestedVariableLength_p2 select 'SubstringCoreNestedVariableLength_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, '' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, ' ' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'B' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'E' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'F' f2 from tversion union select tvchar.rnum, substring( substring(tvchar.cvchar from 1 for 2) from 1 for 1) from tvchar ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------------------+---------- SubstringCoreNestedVariableLength_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- CaseComparisonsInteger_p6 select 'CaseComparisonsInteger_p6' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'other' f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'lt' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'in' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, '=' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'gt' f2 from tversion union select tbint.rnum,case when tbint.cbint = 1 then '=' when tbint.cbint > 9 then 'gt' when tbint.cbint < 0 then 'lt' when tbint.cbint in (0,11) then 'in' when tbint.cbint between 6 and 8 then 'between' else 'other' end from tbint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------+---------- CaseComparisonsInteger_p6 | 1 (1 row) --- SubstringCoreNoLength_p1 select 'SubstringCoreNoLength_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, '' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, '' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'B' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'E' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'F' f2 from tversion union select rnum, substring( vchar.cchar from 2) from vchar ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------+---------- SubstringCoreNoLength_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SubstringCoreNoLength_p2 select 'SubstringCoreNoLength_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, '' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, '' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'B' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'E' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'F' f2 from tversion union select rnum, substring( tchar.cchar from 2) from tchar ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------+---------- SubstringCoreNoLength_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- SubstringCoreNoLength_p3 select 'SubstringCoreNoLength_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, '' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, '' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'B' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'E' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'F' f2 from tversion union select rnum, substring( vvchar.cvchar from 2) from vvchar ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------+---------- SubstringCoreNoLength_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- SubstringCoreNoLength_p4 select 'SubstringCoreNoLength_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, '' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, '' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'B' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'E' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'F' f2 from tversion union select rnum, substring( tvchar.cvchar from 2) from tvchar ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------+---------- SubstringCoreNoLength_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- SubstringCoreNullParameters_p1 select 'SubstringCoreNullParameters_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select null f1 from tversion union select substring( '1234567890' from cnnull for 1) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------------+---------- SubstringCoreNullParameters_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SubstringCoreNullParameters_p2 select 'SubstringCoreNullParameters_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select null f1 from tversion union select substring( '1234567890' from 1 for cnnull) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------------+---------- SubstringCoreNullParameters_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- SubstringCoreVariableLength_p1 select 'SubstringCoreVariableLength_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, '' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, '' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'B' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'E' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'F' f2 from tversion union select rnum, substring( vvchar.cvchar from 2 for 1) from vvchar ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------------+---------- SubstringCoreVariableLength_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SubstringCoreVariableLength_p2 select 'SubstringCoreVariableLength_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, '' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, '' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'B' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'E' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'F' f2 from tversion union select rnum, substring( tvchar.cvchar from 2 for 1) from tvchar ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------------+---------- SubstringCoreVariableLength_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- SubstringValueExpr_p1 select 'SubstringValueExpr_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 10 f1, 'BB' f2 from tversion union select tjoin2.c1, tjoin2.c2 from tjoin2 where substring(tjoin2.c2 from 1 for 1) = 'B' ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------+---------- SubstringValueExpr_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SumDistinct_p1 select 'SumDistinct_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 210 f1 from tversion union select sum( distinct c1 ) from tset1 ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------+---------- SumDistinct_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CaseNestedApproximateNumeric_p1 select 'CaseNestedApproximateNumeric_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'nested else' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'nested else' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'nested else' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'nested inner' f2 from tversion union select vflt.rnum,case when vflt.cflt > -1 then case when vflt.cflt > 1 then 'nested inner' else 'nested else' end else 'else' end from vflt ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------------+---------- CaseNestedApproximateNumeric_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- TableConstructor_p1 select 'TableConstructor_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 10 f1, 'BB' f2 from tversion union select t1.c1, t1.c2 from (values (10,'BB')) t1(c1,c2) ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------+---------- TableConstructor_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- TrimBothCoreFixedLength_p1 select 'TrimBothCoreFixedLength_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, ' ' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, ' ' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, ' ' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'EE ' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'FF ' f2 from tversion union select vchar.rnum, trim(both 'B' from vchar.cchar ) from vchar ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------------+---------- TrimBothCoreFixedLength_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- TrimBothCoreFixedLength_p2 select 'TrimBothCoreFixedLength_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, ' ' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, ' ' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, ' ' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'EE ' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'FF ' f2 from tversion union select tchar.rnum, trim(both 'B' from tchar.cchar ) from tchar ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------------+---------- TrimBothCoreFixedLength_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- TrimBothCoreNullParameters_p1 select 'TrimBothCoreNullParameters_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select null f1 from tversion union select trim(both ccnull from '++1234567890++' ) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------------+---------- TrimBothCoreNullParameters_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- TrimBothCoreNullParameters_p2 select 'TrimBothCoreNullParameters_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select null f1 from tversion union select trim(both '+' from ccnull ) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------------+---------- TrimBothCoreNullParameters_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- TrimBothCoreVariableLength_p1 select 'TrimBothCoreVariableLength_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, '' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, ' ' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, '' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'EE' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'FF' f2 from tversion union select vvchar.rnum, trim(both 'B' from vvchar.cvchar ) from vvchar ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------------+---------- TrimBothCoreVariableLength_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- TrimBothCoreVariableLength_p2 select 'TrimBothCoreVariableLength_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, '' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, ' ' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, '' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'EE' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'FF' f2 from tversion union select tvchar.rnum, trim(both 'B' from tvchar.cvchar ) from tvchar ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------------+---------- TrimBothCoreVariableLength_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- TrimBothException_p1 select 'TrimBothException_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 'error' f1 from tversion union select trim(both '++' from '++1234567890++' ) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------+---------- TrimBothException_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- TrimBothSpacesCore_p1 select 'TrimBothSpacesCore_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select '1234567890' f1 from tversion union select trim(both from ' 1234567890 ' ) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------+---------- TrimBothSpacesCore_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- TrimCore_p1 select 'TrimCore_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, '' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, '' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'BB' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'EE' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'FF' f2 from tversion union select rnum, trim( vchar.cchar ) from vchar ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------+---------- TrimCore_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CaseNestedApproximateNumeric_p2 select 'CaseNestedApproximateNumeric_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'nested else' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'nested else' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'nested else' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'nested inner' f2 from tversion union select tflt.rnum,case when tflt.cflt > -1 then case when tflt.cflt > 1 then 'nested inner' else 'nested else' end else 'else' end from tflt ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------------+---------- CaseNestedApproximateNumeric_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- TrimCore_p2 select 'TrimCore_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, '' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, '' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'BB' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'EE' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'FF' f2 from tversion union select rnum, trim( tchar.cchar ) from tchar ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------+---------- TrimCore_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- TrimCore_p3 select 'TrimCore_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, '' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, '' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'BB' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'EE' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'FF' f2 from tversion union select rnum, trim( vvchar.cvchar ) from vvchar ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------+---------- TrimCore_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- TrimCore_p4 select 'TrimCore_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, '' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, '' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'BB' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'EE' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'FF' f2 from tversion union select rnum, trim( tvchar.cvchar ) from tvchar ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------+---------- TrimCore_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- TrimLeadingSpacesCore_p1 select 'TrimLeadingSpacesCore_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select '1234567890 ' f1 from tversion union select trim(leading from ' 1234567890 ' ) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------+---------- TrimLeadingSpacesCore_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- TrimTrailingSpacesCore_p1 select 'TrimTrailingSpacesCore_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select ' 1234567890' f1 from tversion union select trim(trailing from ' 1234567890 ' ) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------+---------- TrimTrailingSpacesCore_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- UnionAll_p1 select 'UnionAll_p1' test_name_part, case when d = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct d) d from ( select t,f1,f2,c,count(*) d from ( select T, f1,f2,count(*) c from ( select 'X' T, 10 f1, 'AAA' f2 from tversion union all select 'X', 10 f1, 'AAA' f2 from tversion union all select 'X', 10 f1, 'AAA' f2 from tversion union all select 'X', 10 f1, 'AAA' f2 from tversion union all select 'X', 10 f1, 'AAA' f2 from tversion union all select 'X', 20 f1, 'BBB' f2 from tversion union all select 'X', 30 f1, 'CCC' f2 from tversion union all select 'X', 40 f1, 'DDD' f2 from tversion union all select 'X', 40 f1, 'DDD' f2 from tversion union all select 'X', 50 f1, 'EEE' f2 from tversion union all select 'X', 50 f1, null f2 from tversion union all select 'X', 60 f1, 'FFF' f2 from tversion union all select 'X', 60 f1, null f2 from tversion union all select 'X', null f1, 'AAA' f2 from tversion union all select 'X', null f1, 'AAA' f2 from tversion union all select 'X', null f1, null f2 from tversion union all select 'X', null f1, null f2 from tversion union all select 'A' , c1, c2 from tset1 union all select 'A', c1, c2 from tset2 ) Q group by T, f1,f2 ) P group by t,f1,f2,c ) O ) N; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------+---------- UnionAll_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- Union_p1 select 'Union_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 10 f1, 'AAA' f2 from tversion union select 20 f1, 'BBB' f2 from tversion union select 30 f1, 'CCC' f2 from tversion union select 40 f1, 'DDD' f2 from tversion union select 50 f1, 'EEE' f2 from tversion union select 50 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 60 f1, 'FFF' f2 from tversion union select 60 f1, null f2 from tversion union select null f1, 'AAA' f2 from tversion union select null f1, null f2 from tversion union select c1, c2 from tset1 union select c1, c2 from tset2 ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------+---------- Union_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- UpperCoreFixedLength_p1 select 'UpperCoreFixedLength_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2, 'BB' f3 from tversion union select 1 f1, ' ' f2, 'BB' f3 from tversion union select 2 f1, ' ' f2, 'BB' f3 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'BB ' f2, 'BB' f3 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'EE ' f2, 'BB' f3 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'FF ' f2, 'BB' f3 from tversion union select vchar.rnum, upper( vchar.cchar ),upper('bb') from vchar ) Q group by f1,f2,f3 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- UpperCoreFixedLength_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- UpperCoreFixedLength_p2 select 'UpperCoreFixedLength_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2, 'BB' f3 from tversion union select 1 f1, ' ' f2, 'BB' f3 from tversion union select 2 f1, ' ' f2, 'BB' f3 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'BB ' f2, 'BB' f3 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'EE ' f2, 'BB' f3 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'FF ' f2, 'BB' f3 from tversion union select tchar.rnum, upper( tchar.cchar ),upper('bb') from tchar ) Q group by f1,f2,f3 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- UpperCoreFixedLength_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- UpperCoreSpecial_p1 select 'UpperCoreSpecial_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 'ß' f1 from tversion union select upper( 'ß' ) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------+---------- UpperCoreSpecial_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CaseNestedApproximateNumeric_p3 select 'CaseNestedApproximateNumeric_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'nested else' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'nested else' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'nested else' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'nested inner' f2 from tversion union select vdbl.rnum,case when vdbl.cdbl > -1 then case when vdbl.cdbl > 1 then 'nested inner' else 'nested else' end else 'else' end from vdbl ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------------+---------- CaseNestedApproximateNumeric_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- UpperCoreVariableLength_p1 select 'UpperCoreVariableLength_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2, 'BB' f3 from tversion union select 1 f1, '' f2, 'BB' f3 from tversion union select 2 f1, ' ' f2, 'BB' f3 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'BB' f2, 'BB' f3 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'EE' f2, 'BB' f3 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'FF' f2, 'BB' f3 from tversion union select vvchar.rnum, upper( vvchar.cvchar ), upper('bb') from vvchar ) Q group by f1,f2,f3 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------------+---------- UpperCoreVariableLength_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- UpperCoreVariableLength_p2 select 'UpperCoreVariableLength_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2, 'BB' f3 from tversion union select 1 f1, '' f2, 'BB' f3 from tversion union select 2 f1, ' ' f2, 'BB' f3 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'BB' f2, 'BB' f3 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'EE' f2, 'BB' f3 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'FF' f2, 'BB' f3 from tversion union select tvchar.rnum, upper( tvchar.cvchar ), upper('bb') from tvchar ) Q group by f1,f2,f3 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------------+---------- UpperCoreVariableLength_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- VarApproxNumeric_p1 select 'VarApproxNumeric_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 20.602 f1 from tversion union select variance( vflt.cflt ) from vflt ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------+---------- VarApproxNumeric_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- VarApproxNumeric_p2 select 'VarApproxNumeric_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 20.602 f1 from tversion union select variance( tflt.cflt ) from tflt ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------+---------- VarApproxNumeric_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- VarApproxNumeric_p3 select 'VarApproxNumeric_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 20.602 f1 from tversion union select variance( vdbl.cdbl ) from vdbl ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------+---------- VarApproxNumeric_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- VarApproxNumeric_p4 select 'VarApproxNumeric_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 20.602 f1 from tversion union select variance( tdbl.cdbl ) from tdbl ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------+---------- VarApproxNumeric_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- VarApproxNumeric_p5 select 'VarApproxNumeric_p5' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 20.602 f1 from tversion union select variance( vrl.crl ) from vrl ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------+---------- VarApproxNumeric_p5 | 1 (1 row) --- VarApproxNumeric_p6 select 'VarApproxNumeric_p6' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 20.602 f1 from tversion union select variance( trl.crl ) from trl ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------+---------- VarApproxNumeric_p6 | 1 (1 row) --- VarExactNumeric_p1 select 'VarExactNumeric_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 20.402 f1 from tversion union select variance( vdec.cdec ) from vdec ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------+---------- VarExactNumeric_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- VarExactNumeric_p2 select 'VarExactNumeric_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 20.402 f1 from tversion union select variance( tdec.cdec ) from tdec ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------+---------- VarExactNumeric_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- CaseNestedApproximateNumeric_p4 select 'CaseNestedApproximateNumeric_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'nested else' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'nested else' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'nested else' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'nested inner' f2 from tversion union select tdbl.rnum,case when tdbl.cdbl > -1 then case when tdbl.cdbl > 1 then 'nested inner' else 'nested else' end else 'else' end from tdbl ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------------+---------- CaseNestedApproximateNumeric_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- VarExactNumeric_p3 select 'VarExactNumeric_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 20.402 f1 from tversion union select variance( vnum.cnum ) from vnum ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------+---------- VarExactNumeric_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- VarExactNumeric_p4 select 'VarExactNumeric_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 20.402 f1 from tversion union select variance( tnum.cnum ) from tnum ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------+---------- VarExactNumeric_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- VarInt_p1 select 'VarInt_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 25.66667 f1 from tversion union select variance( vint.cint ) from vint ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------+---------- VarInt_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- VarInt_p2 select 'VarInt_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 25.66667 f1 from tversion union select variance( tint.cint ) from tint ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------+---------- VarInt_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- VarInt_p3 select 'VarInt_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 25.66667 f1 from tversion union select variance( vsint.csint ) from vsint ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------+---------- VarInt_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- VarInt_p4 select 'VarInt_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 25.66667 f1 from tversion union select variance( tsint.csint ) from tsint ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------+---------- VarInt_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- VarInt_p5 select 'VarInt_p5' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 25.66667 f1 from tversion union select variance( vbint.cbint ) from vbint ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------+---------- VarInt_p5 | 1 (1 row) --- VarInt_p6 select 'VarInt_p6' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 25.66667 f1 from tversion union select variance( tbint.cbint ) from tbint ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------+---------- VarInt_p6 | 1 (1 row) --- VarSampApproxNumeric_p1 select 'VarSampApproxNumeric_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 20.602 f1 from tversion union select var_samp( vflt.cflt ) from vflt ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- VarSampApproxNumeric_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- VarSampApproxNumeric_p2 select 'VarSampApproxNumeric_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 20.602 f1 from tversion union select var_samp( tflt.cflt ) from tflt ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- VarSampApproxNumeric_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- CaseNestedApproximateNumeric_p5 select 'CaseNestedApproximateNumeric_p5' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'nested else' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'nested else' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'nested else' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'nested inner' f2 from tversion union select vrl.rnum,case when vrl.crl > -1 then case when vrl.crl > 1 then 'nested inner' else 'nested else' end else 'else' end from vrl ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------------+---------- CaseNestedApproximateNumeric_p5 | 1 (1 row) --- VarSampApproxNumeric_p3 select 'VarSampApproxNumeric_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 20.602 f1 from tversion union select var_samp( vdbl.cdbl ) from vdbl ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- VarSampApproxNumeric_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- VarSampApproxNumeric_p4 select 'VarSampApproxNumeric_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 20.602 f1 from tversion union select var_samp( tdbl.cdbl ) from tdbl ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- VarSampApproxNumeric_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- VarSampApproxNumeric_p5 select 'VarSampApproxNumeric_p5' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 20.602 f1 from tversion union select var_samp( vrl.crl ) from vrl ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- VarSampApproxNumeric_p5 | 1 (1 row) --- VarSampApproxNumeric_p6 select 'VarSampApproxNumeric_p6' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 20.602 f1 from tversion union select var_samp( trl.crl ) from trl ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- VarSampApproxNumeric_p6 | 1 (1 row) --- VarSampExactNumeric_p1 select 'VarSampExactNumeric_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 20.402 f1 from tversion union select var_samp( vdec.cdec ) from vdec ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------+---------- VarSampExactNumeric_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- VarSampExactNumeric_p2 select 'VarSampExactNumeric_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 20.402 f1 from tversion union select var_samp( tdec.cdec ) from tdec ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------+---------- VarSampExactNumeric_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- VarSampExactNumeric_p3 select 'VarSampExactNumeric_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 20.402 f1 from tversion union select var_samp( vnum.cnum ) from vnum ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------+---------- VarSampExactNumeric_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- VarSampExactNumeric_p4 select 'VarSampExactNumeric_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 20.402 f1 from tversion union select var_samp( tnum.cnum ) from tnum ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------+---------- VarSampExactNumeric_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- VarSampInt_p1 select 'VarSampInt_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 25.66667 f1 from tversion union select var_samp( vint.cint ) from vint ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------+---------- VarSampInt_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- VarSampInt_p2 select 'VarSampInt_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 25.66667 f1 from tversion union select var_samp( tint.cint ) from tint ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------+---------- VarSampInt_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- AbsCoreInteger_p1 select 'AbsCoreInteger_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 10 f2 from tversion union select vint.rnum, abs( vint.cint ) from vint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------+---------- AbsCoreInteger_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CaseNestedApproximateNumeric_p6 select 'CaseNestedApproximateNumeric_p6' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'nested else' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'nested else' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'nested else' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'nested inner' f2 from tversion union select trl.rnum,case when trl.crl > -1 then case when trl.crl > 1 then 'nested inner' else 'nested else' end else 'else' end from trl ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------------+---------- CaseNestedApproximateNumeric_p6 | 1 (1 row) --- VarSampInt_p3 select 'VarSampInt_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 25.66667 f1 from tversion union select var_samp( vsint.csint ) from vsint ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------+---------- VarSampInt_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- VarSampInt_p4 select 'VarSampInt_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 25.66667 f1 from tversion union select var_samp( tsint.csint ) from tsint ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------+---------- VarSampInt_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- VarSampInt_p5 select 'VarSampInt_p5' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 25.66667 f1 from tversion union select var_samp( vbint.cbint ) from vbint ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------+---------- VarSampInt_p5 | 1 (1 row) --- VarSampInt_p6 select 'VarSampInt_p6' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 25.66667 f1 from tversion union select var_samp( tbint.cbint ) from tbint ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------+---------- VarSampInt_p6 | 1 (1 row) --- WithClauseDerivedTable_p1 --- test exepected to fail until GPDB supports function --- GPDB Limitation syntax not supported WITH clause select 'WithClauseDerivedTable_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 10 f2, 'AAA' f3 from tversion union select 1 f1, 10 f2, 'AAA' f3 from tversion union select 2 f1, 10 f2, 'AAA' f3 from tversion union select 3 f1, 20 f2, 'BBB' f3 from tversion union select 4 f1, 30 f2, 'CCC' f3 from tversion union select 5 f1, 40 f2, 'DDD' f3 from tversion union select 6 f1, 50 f2, null f3 from tversion union select 7 f1, 60 f2, null f3 from tversion union select 8 f1, null f2, 'AAA' f3 from tversion union select 9 f1, null f2, 'AAA' f3 from tversion union select 10 f1, null f2, null f3 from tversion union select 11 f1, null f2, null f3 from tversion union select * from ( with t_cte as ( select tset1.rnum, tset1.c1, tset1.c2 from tset1 ) select * from t_cte ) tx ) Q group by f1,f2,f3 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------+---------- WithClauseDerivedTable_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- JoinCoreLikePredicate_gp_p1 select 'JoinCoreLikePredicate_gp_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select 1 from tversion where not exists (select tjoin1.rnum, tjoin1.c1, tjoin1.c2, tjoin2.c2 as c2j2 from tjoin1 inner join tjoin2 on ( tjoin1.c1 = tjoin2.c1 and tjoin2.c2 like 'A%' )) ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------------+---------- JoinCoreLikePredicate_gp_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- JoinCoreNestedInner_gp_p1 select 'JoinCoreNestedInner_gp_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select 1 from tversion where not exists (select tjoin1.c1, tjoin2.c2, tjoin3.c2 as c2j3 from (( tjoin1 inner join tjoin2 on tjoin1.c1=tjoin2.c1 ) inner join tjoin3 on tjoin3.c1=tjoin1.c1) inner join tjoin4 on tjoin4.c1=tjoin3.c1) ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------+---------- JoinCoreNestedInner_gp_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- NumericComparisonEqual_gp_p1 select 'NumericComparisonEqual_gp_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select 1 from tversion where not exists (select 1 from tversion where 7 = 210.3 union select 1 from tversion where 7 = cnnull) ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------------+---------- NumericComparisonEqual_gp_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectWhere_gp_p1 select 'SelectWhere_gp_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 0, 1 f1 from tversion union select rnum, c1 from tversion where rnum=0 ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------+---------- SelectWhere_gp_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SimpleSelect_gp_p1 select 'SimpleSelect_gp_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select c1 from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------+---------- SimpleSelect_gp_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CaseNestedExactNumeric_p1 select 'CaseNestedExactNumeric_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'nested else' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'nested else' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'nested else' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'nested inner' f2 from tversion union select vdec.rnum,case when vdec.cdec > -1 then case when vdec.cdec > 1 then 'nested inner' else 'nested else' end else 'else' end from vdec ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------+---------- CaseNestedExactNumeric_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- StringPredicateLikeEscape_gp_p1 select 'StringPredicateLikeEscape_gp_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 10 f1, 'BB' f2 from tversion union select tjoin2.c1, tjoin2.c2 from tjoin2 where ('%%' || tjoin2.c2) like '!%%B' escape '!' ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------------+---------- StringPredicateLikeEscape_gp_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- StringPredicateLikeUnderscore_gp_p1 select 'StringPredicateLikeUnderscore_gp_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 10 f1, 'BB' f2 from tversion union select tjoin2.c1, tjoin2.c2 from tjoin2 where ('__' || tjoin2.c2) like '!__BB' escape '!' ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------------------+---------- StringPredicateLikeUnderscore_gp_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SubqueryNotIn_gp_p1 select 'SubqueryNotIn_gp_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select 1 from tversion where not exists (select tjoin1.rnum, tjoin1.c1 from tjoin1 where tjoin1.c1 not in (select tjoin2.c1 from tjoin2)) ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------+---------- SubqueryNotIn_gp_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SubqueryOnCondition_gp_p1 select 'SubqueryOnCondition_gp_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select 1 from tversion where not exists (select tjoin1.c1, tjoin2.c2 from tjoin1 inner join tjoin2 on ( tjoin1.c1 = tjoin2.c1 and tjoin1.c2 < ( select count(*) from tversion))) ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------+---------- SubqueryOnCondition_gp_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SubqueryPredicateWhereIn_gp_p1 select 'SubqueryPredicateWhereIn_gp_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select 1 from tversion where not exists (select rnum, c1, c2 from tjoin2 where 50 in ( select c1 from tjoin1)) ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------------+---------- SubqueryPredicateWhereIn_gp_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SubqueryQuantifiedPredicateNull_gp_p1 --- test expected to fail until GPDB support function --- GPDB Limitation ERROR: Greenplum Database does not yet support this query. DETAIL: The query contains a multi-row subquery. select 'SubqueryQuantifiedPredicateNull_gp_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select 1 from tversion where not exists (select rnum, c1, c2 from tjoin2 where 20 > all ( select c1 from tjoin1)) ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------------------+---------- SubqueryQuantifiedPredicateNull_gp_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SubqueryQuantifiedPredicateSmall_gp_p1 --- test expected to fail until GPDB supports function --- GPDB Limitation ERROR: Greenplum Database does not yet support this query. DETAIL: The query contains a multi-row subquery. select 'SubqueryQuantifiedPredicateSmall_gp_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select 1 from tversion where not exists (select rnum, c1, c2 from tjoin2 where 20 > all ( select c2 from tjoin1)) ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------------------------+---------- SubqueryQuantifiedPredicateSmall_gp_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SubstringCoreLiteral_gp_p1 select 'SubstringCoreLiteral_gp_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, NULL f2 from tversion union select 0 f1, 'B' f2 from tversion union select rnum, substring( '' from 2 for 1) from tversion ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------------+---------- SubstringCoreLiteral_gp_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SubstringCoreLiteral_gp_p2 select 'SubstringCoreLiteral_gp_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, NULL f2 from tversion union select 0 f1, 'B' f2 from tversion union select rnum, substring( ' ' from 2 for 1) from tversion ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------------+---------- SubstringCoreLiteral_gp_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- SubstringCoreLiteral_gp_p3 select 'SubstringCoreLiteral_gp_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, NULL f2 from tversion union select 0 f1, 'B' f2 from tversion union select rnum, substring( 'BB' from 2 for 1) from tversion ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------------+---------- SubstringCoreLiteral_gp_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- CaseNestedExactNumeric_p2 select 'CaseNestedExactNumeric_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'nested else' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'nested else' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'nested else' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'nested inner' f2 from tversion union select tdec.rnum,case when tdec.cdec > -1 then case when tdec.cdec > 1 then 'nested inner' else 'nested else' end else 'else' end from tdec ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------+---------- CaseNestedExactNumeric_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- TrimCoreLiteral_gp_p1 select 'TrimCoreLiteral_gp_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 2 f1 from tversion union select length(trim( 'BB ' )) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------+---------- TrimCoreLiteral_gp_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- TrimCoreLiteral_gp_p2 select 'TrimCoreLiteral_gp_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 2 f1 from tversion union select length(trim( 'EE ' )) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------+---------- TrimCoreLiteral_gp_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- TrimCoreLiteral_gp_p3 select 'TrimCoreLiteral_gp_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 2 f1 from tversion union select length(trim( ' FF ' )) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------+---------- TrimCoreLiteral_gp_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- CaseNestedExactNumeric_p3 select 'CaseNestedExactNumeric_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'nested else' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'nested else' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'nested else' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'nested inner' f2 from tversion union select vnum.rnum,case when vnum.cnum > -1 then case when vnum.cnum > 1 then 'nested inner' else 'nested else' end else 'else' end from vnum ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------+---------- CaseNestedExactNumeric_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- CaseNestedExactNumeric_p4 select 'CaseNestedExactNumeric_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'nested else' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'nested else' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'nested else' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'nested inner' f2 from tversion union select tnum.rnum,case when tnum.cnum > -1 then case when tnum.cnum > 1 then 'nested inner' else 'nested else' end else 'else' end from tnum ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------+---------- CaseNestedExactNumeric_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- CaseNestedInteger_p1 select 'CaseNestedInteger_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'nested else' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'nested else' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'nested inner' f2 from tversion union select vint.rnum,case when vint.cint > -1 then case when vint.cint > 1 then 'nested inner' else 'nested else' end else 'else' end from vint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------+---------- CaseNestedInteger_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CaseNestedInteger_p2 select 'CaseNestedInteger_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'nested else' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'nested else' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'nested inner' f2 from tversion union select tint.rnum,case when tint.cint > -1 then case when tint.cint > 1 then 'nested inner' else 'nested else' end else 'else' end from tint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------+---------- CaseNestedInteger_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- CaseNestedInteger_p3 select 'CaseNestedInteger_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'nested else' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'nested else' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'nested inner' f2 from tversion union select vsint.rnum,case when vsint.csint > -1 then case when vsint.csint > 1 then 'nested inner' else 'nested else' end else 'else' end from vsint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------+---------- CaseNestedInteger_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- CaseNestedInteger_p4 select 'CaseNestedInteger_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'nested else' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'nested else' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'nested inner' f2 from tversion union select tsint.rnum,case when tsint.csint > -1 then case when tsint.csint > 1 then 'nested inner' else 'nested else' end else 'else' end from tsint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------+---------- CaseNestedInteger_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- CaseNestedInteger_p5 select 'CaseNestedInteger_p5' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'nested else' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'nested else' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'nested inner' f2 from tversion union select vbint.rnum,case when vbint.cbint > -1 then case when vbint.cbint > 1 then 'nested inner' else 'nested else' end else 'else' end from vbint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------+---------- CaseNestedInteger_p5 | 1 (1 row) --- AbsCoreInteger_p2 select 'AbsCoreInteger_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 10 f2 from tversion union select tint.rnum, abs( tint.cint ) from tint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------+---------- AbsCoreInteger_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- CaseNestedInteger_p6 select 'CaseNestedInteger_p6' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'nested else' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'nested else' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'nested inner' f2 from tversion union select tbint.rnum,case when tbint.cbint > -1 then case when tbint.cbint > 1 then 'nested inner' else 'nested else' end else 'else' end from tbint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------+---------- CaseNestedInteger_p6 | 1 (1 row) --- CaseSubqueryApproxmiateNumeric_p1 select 'CaseSubqueryApproxmiateNumeric_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'true' f2 from tversion union select vflt.rnum,case when vflt.cflt= (select max( vflt.cflt) from vflt) then 'true' else 'else' end from vflt ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------------------+---------- CaseSubqueryApproxmiateNumeric_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CaseSubqueryApproxmiateNumeric_p2 select 'CaseSubqueryApproxmiateNumeric_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'true' f2 from tversion union select tflt.rnum,case when tflt.cflt= (select max( tflt.cflt) from tflt) then 'true' else 'else' end from tflt ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------------------+---------- CaseSubqueryApproxmiateNumeric_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- CaseSubqueryApproxmiateNumeric_p3 select 'CaseSubqueryApproxmiateNumeric_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'true' f2 from tversion union select vdbl.rnum,case when vdbl.cdbl= (select max( vdbl.cdbl) from vdbl) then 'true' else 'else' end from vdbl ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------------------+---------- CaseSubqueryApproxmiateNumeric_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- CaseSubqueryApproxmiateNumeric_p4 select 'CaseSubqueryApproxmiateNumeric_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'true' f2 from tversion union select tdbl.rnum,case when tdbl.cdbl= (select max( tdbl.cdbl) from tdbl) then 'true' else 'else' end from tdbl ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------------------+---------- CaseSubqueryApproxmiateNumeric_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- CaseSubqueryApproxmiateNumeric_p5 select 'CaseSubqueryApproxmiateNumeric_p5' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'true' f2 from tversion union select vrl.rnum,case when vrl.crl= (select max( vrl.crl) from vrl) then 'true' else 'else' end from vrl ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------------------+---------- CaseSubqueryApproxmiateNumeric_p5 | 1 (1 row) --- CaseSubqueryApproxmiateNumeric_p6 select 'CaseSubqueryApproxmiateNumeric_p6' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'true' f2 from tversion union select trl.rnum,case when trl.crl= (select max( trl.crl) from trl) then 'true' else 'else' end from trl ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------------------+---------- CaseSubqueryApproxmiateNumeric_p6 | 1 (1 row) --- CaseSubQueryExactNumeric_p1 select 'CaseSubQueryExactNumeric_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'true' f2 from tversion union select vdec.rnum,case when vdec.cdec= (select max( vdec.cdec) from vdec) then 'true' else 'else' end from vdec ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------------+---------- CaseSubQueryExactNumeric_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CaseSubQueryExactNumeric_p2 select 'CaseSubQueryExactNumeric_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'true' f2 from tversion union select tdec.rnum,case when tdec.cdec= (select max( tdec.cdec) from tdec) then 'true' else 'else' end from tdec ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------------+---------- CaseSubQueryExactNumeric_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- CaseSubQueryExactNumeric_p3 select 'CaseSubQueryExactNumeric_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'true' f2 from tversion union select vnum.rnum,case when vnum.cnum= (select max( vnum.cnum) from vnum) then 'true' else 'else' end from vnum ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------------+---------- CaseSubQueryExactNumeric_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- AbsCoreInteger_p3 select 'AbsCoreInteger_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 10 f2 from tversion union select vsint.rnum, abs( vsint.csint ) from vsint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------+---------- AbsCoreInteger_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- CaseSubQueryExactNumeric_p4 select 'CaseSubQueryExactNumeric_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'true' f2 from tversion union select tnum.rnum,case when tnum.cnum= (select max( tnum.cnum) from tnum) then 'true' else 'else' end from tnum ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------------+---------- CaseSubQueryExactNumeric_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- CaseSubQueryInteger_p1 select 'CaseSubQueryInteger_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'true' f2 from tversion union select vint.rnum,case when vint.cint= (select max( vint.cint) from vint) then 'true' else 'else' end from vint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------+---------- CaseSubQueryInteger_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CaseSubQueryInteger_p2 select 'CaseSubQueryInteger_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'true' f2 from tversion union select tint.rnum,case when tint.cint= (select max( tint.cint) from tint) then 'true' else 'else' end from tint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------+---------- CaseSubQueryInteger_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- CaseSubQueryInteger_p3 select 'CaseSubQueryInteger_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'true' f2 from tversion union select vsint.rnum,case when vsint.csint= (select max( vsint.csint) from vsint) then 'true' else 'else' end from vsint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------+---------- CaseSubQueryInteger_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- CaseSubQueryInteger_p4 select 'CaseSubQueryInteger_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'true' f2 from tversion union select tsint.rnum,case when tsint.csint= (select max( tsint.csint) from tsint) then 'true' else 'else' end from tsint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------+---------- CaseSubQueryInteger_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- CaseSubQueryInteger_p5 select 'CaseSubQueryInteger_p5' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'true' f2 from tversion union select vbint.rnum,case when vbint.cbint= (select max( vbint.cbint) from vbint) then 'true' else 'else' end from vbint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------+---------- CaseSubQueryInteger_p5 | 1 (1 row) --- CaseSubQueryInteger_p6 select 'CaseSubQueryInteger_p6' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'true' f2 from tversion union select tbint.rnum,case when tbint.cbint= (select max( tbint.cbint) from tbint) then 'true' else 'else' end from tbint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------+---------- CaseSubQueryInteger_p6 | 1 (1 row) --- CastBigintToBigint_p1 select 'CastBigintToBigint_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 10 f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(vbint.cbint as bigint) from vbint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------+---------- CastBigintToBigint_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CastBigintToBigint_p2 select 'CastBigintToBigint_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 10 f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(tbint.cbint as bigint) from tbint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------+---------- CastBigintToBigint_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- CastBigintToChar_p1 select 'CastBigintToChar_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, '-1' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, '0 ' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, '1 ' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, '10' f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(vbint.cbint as char(2)) from vbint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------+---------- CastBigintToChar_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- AbsCoreInteger_p4 select 'AbsCoreInteger_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 10 f2 from tversion union select tsint.rnum, abs( tsint.csint ) from tsint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------+---------- AbsCoreInteger_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- CastBigintToChar_p2 select 'CastBigintToChar_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, '-1' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, '0 ' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, '1 ' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, '10' f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(tbint.cbint as char(2)) from tbint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------+---------- CastBigintToChar_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- CastBigintToDecimal_p1 select 'CastBigintToDecimal_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 10 f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(vbint.cbint as decimal(10,0)) from vbint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------+---------- CastBigintToDecimal_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CastBigintToDecimal_p2 select 'CastBigintToDecimal_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 10 f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(tbint.cbint as decimal(10,0)) from tbint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------+---------- CastBigintToDecimal_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- CastBigintToDouble_p1 select 'CastBigintToDouble_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 10 f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(vbint.cbint as double precision) from vbint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------+---------- CastBigintToDouble_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CastBigintToDouble_p2 select 'CastBigintToDouble_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 10 f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(tbint.cbint as double precision) from tbint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------+---------- CastBigintToDouble_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- CastBigintToFloat_p1 select 'CastBigintToFloat_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 10 f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(vbint.cbint as float) from vbint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------+---------- CastBigintToFloat_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CastBigintToFloat_p2 select 'CastBigintToFloat_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 10 f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(tbint.cbint as float) from tbint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------+---------- CastBigintToFloat_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- CastBigintToInteger_p1 select 'CastBigintToInteger_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 10 f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(vbint.cbint as integer) from vbint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------+---------- CastBigintToInteger_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CastBigintToInteger_p2 select 'CastBigintToInteger_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 10 f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(tbint.cbint as integer) from tbint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------+---------- CastBigintToInteger_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- CastBigintToSmallint_p1 select 'CastBigintToSmallint_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 10 f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(vbint.cbint as smallint) from vbint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- CastBigintToSmallint_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- AbsCoreInteger_p5 select 'AbsCoreInteger_p5' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 10 f2 from tversion union select vbint.rnum, abs( vbint.cbint ) from vbint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------+---------- AbsCoreInteger_p5 | 1 (1 row) --- CastBigintToSmallint_p2 select 'CastBigintToSmallint_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 10 f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(tbint.cbint as smallint) from tbint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- CastBigintToSmallint_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- CastBigintToVarchar_p1 select 'CastBigintToVarchar_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, '-1' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, '0' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, '1' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, '10' f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(vbint.cbint as varchar(2)) from vbint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------+---------- CastBigintToVarchar_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CastBigintToVarchar_p2 select 'CastBigintToVarchar_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, '-1' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, '0' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, '1' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, '10' f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(tbint.cbint as varchar(2)) from tbint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------+---------- CastBigintToVarchar_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- CastCharsToBigint_p1 select 'CastCharsToBigint_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 10 f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(c1 as bigint) from tsdchar where rnum in (0,1,2) ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------+---------- CastCharsToBigint_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CastCharsToChar_p1 select 'CastCharsToChar_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, '' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, ' ' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'BB' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'EE' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'FF' f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(vchar.cchar as char(34)) from vchar ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------+---------- CastCharsToChar_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CastCharsToChar_p2 select 'CastCharsToChar_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, '' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, ' ' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'BB' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'EE' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'FF' f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(tchar.cchar as char(34)) from tchar ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------+---------- CastCharsToChar_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- CastCharsToChar_p3 select 'CastCharsToChar_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, '' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, ' ' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'BB' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'EE' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'FF' f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(vvchar.cvchar as char(34)) from vvchar ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------+---------- CastCharsToChar_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- CastCharsToChar_p4 select 'CastCharsToChar_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, '' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, ' ' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'BB' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'EE' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'FF' f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(tvchar.cvchar as char(34)) from tvchar ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------+---------- CastCharsToChar_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- CastCharsToDate_p1 select 'CastCharsToDate_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select cast('2000-01-01' as date) f1 from tversion union select cast('2000-01-01' as date) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------+---------- CastCharsToDate_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CastCharsToDouble_p1 select 'CastCharsToDouble_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 10.3 f1 from tversion union select cast('10.3' as double precision) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------+---------- CastCharsToDouble_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- AbsCoreInteger_p6 select 'AbsCoreInteger_p6' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 10 f2 from tversion union select tbint.rnum, abs( tbint.cbint ) from tbint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------+---------- AbsCoreInteger_p6 | 1 (1 row) --- CastCharsToFloat_p1 select 'CastCharsToFloat_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 10.3 f1 from tversion union select cast('10.3' as float) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------+---------- CastCharsToFloat_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CastCharsToInteger_p1 select 'CastCharsToInteger_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 10 f1 from tversion union select cast('10' as integer) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------+---------- CastCharsToInteger_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CastCharsToSmallint_p1 select 'CastCharsToSmallint_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 10 f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(c1 as smallint) from tsdchar where rnum in (0,1,2) ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------+---------- CastCharsToSmallint_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CastCharsToTimestamp_p1 select 'CastCharsToTimestamp_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select cast('2000-01-01 12:30:40' as timestamp) f1 from tversion union select cast('2000-01-01 12:30:40' as timestamp) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- CastCharsToTimestamp_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CastCharsToVarchar_p1 select 'CastCharsToVarchar_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, ' ' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, ' ' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'BB ' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'EE ' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'FF ' f2 from tversion union select vchar.rnum, cast(vchar.cchar as varchar(32)) from vchar ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------+---------- CastCharsToVarchar_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CastCharsToVarchar_p2 select 'CastCharsToVarchar_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, ' ' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, ' ' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'BB ' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'EE ' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'FF ' f2 from tversion union select tchar.rnum, cast(tchar.cchar as varchar(32)) from tchar ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------+---------- CastCharsToVarchar_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- CastCharsToVarchar_p3 select 'CastCharsToVarchar_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, ' ' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, ' ' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'BB ' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'EE ' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'FF ' f2 from tversion union select vvchar.rnum, cast(vvchar.cvchar as varchar(32)) from vvchar ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------+---------- CastCharsToVarchar_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- CastCharsToVarchar_p4 select 'CastCharsToVarchar_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, ' ' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, ' ' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'BB ' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'EE ' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'FF ' f2 from tversion union select tvchar.rnum, cast(tvchar.cvchar as varchar(32)) from tvchar ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------+---------- CastCharsToVarchar_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- CastDateToChar_p1 select 'CastDateToChar_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, '1996-01-01' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, '2000-01-01' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, '2000-12-31' f2 from tversion union select vdt.rnum, cast(vdt.cdt as char(10)) from vdt ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------+---------- CastDateToChar_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CastDateToChar_p2 select 'CastDateToChar_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, '1996-01-01' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, '2000-01-01' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, '2000-12-31' f2 from tversion union select tdt.rnum, cast(tdt.cdt as char(10)) from tdt ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------+---------- CastDateToChar_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- AggregateInExpression_p1 select 'AggregateInExpression_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 10 f1 from tversion union select 10 * count( 1 ) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------+---------- AggregateInExpression_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CastDateToDate_p1 select 'CastDateToDate_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, cast('1996-01-01' as date) f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, cast('2000-01-01' as date) f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, cast('2000-12-31' as date) f2 from tversion union select vdt.rnum, cast(vdt.cdt as date) from vdt ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------+---------- CastDateToDate_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CastDateToDate_p2 select 'CastDateToDate_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, cast('1996-01-01' as date) f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, cast('2000-01-01' as date) f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, cast('2000-12-31' as date) f2 from tversion union select tdt.rnum, cast(tdt.cdt as date) from tdt ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------+---------- CastDateToDate_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- CastDateToVarchar_p1 select 'CastDateToVarchar_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, '1996-01-01' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, '2000-01-01' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, '2000-12-31' f2 from tversion union select vdt.rnum, cast(vdt.cdt as varchar(10)) from vdt ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------+---------- CastDateToVarchar_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CastDateToVarchar_p2 select 'CastDateToVarchar_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, '1996-01-01' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, '2000-01-01' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, '2000-12-31' f2 from tversion union select tdt.rnum, cast(tdt.cdt as varchar(10)) from tdt ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------+---------- CastDateToVarchar_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- CastDecimalToBigint_p1 select 'CastDecimalToBigint_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 10 f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(vdec.cdec as bigint) from vdec ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------+---------- CastDecimalToBigint_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CastDecimalToBigint_p2 select 'CastDecimalToBigint_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 10 f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(tdec.cdec as bigint) from tdec ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------+---------- CastDecimalToBigint_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- CastDecimalToChar_p1 select 'CastDecimalToChar_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, '-1.00' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, '0.00 ' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, '1.00 ' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, '0.10 ' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, '10.00' f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(vdec.cdec as char(5)) from vdec ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------+---------- CastDecimalToChar_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CastDecimalToChar_p2 select 'CastDecimalToChar_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, '-1.00' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, '0.00 ' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, '1.00 ' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, '0.10 ' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, '10.00' f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(tdec.cdec as char(5)) from tdec ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------+---------- CastDecimalToChar_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- CastDecimalToDouble_p1 select 'CastDecimalToDouble_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1.0 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0.0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1.0 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 0.1 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 10.0 f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(vdec.cdec as double precision) from vdec ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------+---------- CastDecimalToDouble_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CastDecimalToDouble_p2 select 'CastDecimalToDouble_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1.0 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0.0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1.0 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 0.1 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 10.0 f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(tdec.cdec as double precision) from tdec ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------+---------- CastDecimalToDouble_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- ApproximateNumericOpAdd_p1 select 'ApproximateNumericOpAdd_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 1.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 2.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 3.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 1.900000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 1.200000000000000e+001 f2 from tversion union select vflt.rnum,vflt.cflt + 2 from vflt ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------------+---------- ApproximateNumericOpAdd_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CastDecimalToFloat_p1 select 'CastDecimalToFloat_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1.0 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0.0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1.0 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 0.1 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 10.0 f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(vdec.cdec as float) from vdec ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------+---------- CastDecimalToFloat_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CastDecimalToFloat_p2 select 'CastDecimalToFloat_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1.0 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0.0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1.0 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 0.1 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 10.0 f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(tdec.cdec as float) from tdec ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------+---------- CastDecimalToFloat_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- CastDecimalToInteger_p1 select 'CastDecimalToInteger_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 10 f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(vdec.cdec as integer) from vdec ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- CastDecimalToInteger_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CastDecimalToInteger_p2 select 'CastDecimalToInteger_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 10 f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(tdec.cdec as integer) from tdec ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- CastDecimalToInteger_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- CastDecimalToSmallint_p1 select 'CastDecimalToSmallint_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 10 f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(vdec.cdec as smallint) from vdec ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------+---------- CastDecimalToSmallint_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CastDecimalToSmallint_p2 select 'CastDecimalToSmallint_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 10 f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(tdec.cdec as smallint) from tdec ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------+---------- CastDecimalToSmallint_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- CastDecimalToVarchar_p1 select 'CastDecimalToVarchar_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, '-1.00' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, '0.00' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, '1.00' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, '0.10' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, '10.00' f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(vdec.cdec as varchar(5)) from vdec ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- CastDecimalToVarchar_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CastDecimalToVarchar_p2 select 'CastDecimalToVarchar_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, '-1.00' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, '0.00' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, '1.00' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, '0.10' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, '10.00' f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(tdec.cdec as varchar(5)) from tdec ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- CastDecimalToVarchar_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- CastDoubleToBigint_p1 select 'CastDoubleToBigint_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 10 f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(vdbl.cdbl as bigint) from vdbl ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------+---------- CastDoubleToBigint_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CastDoubleToBigint_p2 select 'CastDoubleToBigint_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 10 f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(tdbl.cdbl as bigint) from tdbl ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------+---------- CastDoubleToBigint_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- ApproximateNumericOpAdd_p2 select 'ApproximateNumericOpAdd_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 1.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 2.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 3.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 1.900000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 1.200000000000000e+001 f2 from tversion union select tflt.rnum,tflt.cflt + 2 from tflt ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------------+---------- ApproximateNumericOpAdd_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- CastDoubleToChar_p1 select 'CastDoubleToChar_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, '-1E+0 ' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, '0E0 ' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, '1E0 ' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, '-1E-1 ' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, '1E1 ' f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(vdbl.cdbl as char(20)) from vdbl ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------+---------- CastDoubleToChar_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CastDoubleToChar_p2 select 'CastDoubleToChar_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, '-1E+0 ' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, '0E0 ' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, '1E0 ' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, '-1E-1 ' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, '1E1 ' f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(tdbl.cdbl as char(20)) from tdbl ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------+---------- CastDoubleToChar_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- CastDoubleToDouble_p1 select 'CastDoubleToDouble_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1.0 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0.0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1.0 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, -0.1 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 10.0 f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(vdbl.cdbl as double precision) from vdbl ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------+---------- CastDoubleToDouble_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CastDoubleToDouble_p2 select 'CastDoubleToDouble_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1.0 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0.0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1.0 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, -0.1 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 10.0 f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(tdbl.cdbl as double precision) from tdbl ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------+---------- CastDoubleToDouble_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- CastDoubleToFloat_p1 select 'CastDoubleToFloat_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1.0 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0.0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1.0 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, -0.1 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 10.0 f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(vdbl.cdbl as float) from vdbl ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------+---------- CastDoubleToFloat_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CastDoubleToFloat_p2 select 'CastDoubleToFloat_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1.0 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0.0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1.0 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, -0.1 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 10.0 f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(tdbl.cdbl as float) from tdbl ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------+---------- CastDoubleToFloat_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- CastDoubleToSmallint_p1 select 'CastDoubleToSmallint_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 10 f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(vdbl.cdbl as smallint) from vdbl ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- CastDoubleToSmallint_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CastDoubleToSmallint_p2 select 'CastDoubleToSmallint_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 10 f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(tdbl.cdbl as smallint) from tdbl ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- CastDoubleToSmallint_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- CastDoubleToVarchar_p1 select 'CastDoubleToVarchar_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, '-1E+0' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, '0E0' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, '1E0' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, '-1E-1' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, '1E1' f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(vdbl.cdbl as varchar(20)) from vdbl ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------+---------- CastDoubleToVarchar_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CastDoubleToVarchar_p2 select 'CastDoubleToVarchar_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, '-1E+0' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, '0E0' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, '1E0' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, '-1E-1' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, '1E1' f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(tdbl.cdbl as varchar(20)) from tdbl ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------+---------- CastDoubleToVarchar_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- AbsCoreApproximateNumeric_p2 select 'AbsCoreApproximateNumeric_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 1.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 1.000000000000000e-001 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 1.000000000000000e+001 f2 from tversion union select rnum, abs( tflt.cflt ) from tflt ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------------+---------- AbsCoreApproximateNumeric_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- ApproximateNumericOpAdd_p3 select 'ApproximateNumericOpAdd_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 1.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 2.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 3.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 1.900000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 1.200000000000000e+001 f2 from tversion union select vdbl.rnum,vdbl.cdbl + 2 from vdbl ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------------+---------- ApproximateNumericOpAdd_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- CastFloatToBigint_p1 select 'CastFloatToBigint_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 10 f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(vflt.cflt as bigint) from vflt ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------+---------- CastFloatToBigint_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CastFloatToBigint_p2 select 'CastFloatToBigint_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 10 f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(tflt.cflt as bigint) from tflt ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------+---------- CastFloatToBigint_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- CastFloatToChar_p1 select 'CastFloatToChar_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, '-1E+0 ' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, '0E0 ' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, '1E0 ' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, '-1E-1 ' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, '1E1 ' f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(vflt.cflt as char(20)) from vflt ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------+---------- CastFloatToChar_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CastFloatToChar_p2 select 'CastFloatToChar_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, '-1E+0 ' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, '0E0 ' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, '1E0 ' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, '-1E-1 ' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, '1E1 ' f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(tflt.cflt as char(20)) from tflt ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------+---------- CastFloatToChar_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- CastFloatToDouble_p1 select 'CastFloatToDouble_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1.0 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0.0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1.0 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, -0.1 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 10.0 f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(vflt.cflt as double precision) from vflt ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------+---------- CastFloatToDouble_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CastFloatToDouble_p2 select 'CastFloatToDouble_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1.0 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0.0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1.0 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, -0.1 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 10.0 f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(tflt.cflt as double precision) from tflt ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------+---------- CastFloatToDouble_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- CastFloatToFloat_p1 select 'CastFloatToFloat_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1.0 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0.0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1.0 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, -0.1 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 10.0 f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(vflt.cflt as float) from vflt ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------+---------- CastFloatToFloat_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CastFloatToFloat_p2 select 'CastFloatToFloat_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1.0 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0.0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1.0 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, -0.1 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 10.0 f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(tflt.cflt as float) from tflt ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------+---------- CastFloatToFloat_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- CastFloatToSmallint_p1 select 'CastFloatToSmallint_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 10 f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(vflt.cflt as smallint) from vflt ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------+---------- CastFloatToSmallint_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CastFloatToSmallint_p2 select 'CastFloatToSmallint_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 10 f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(tflt.cflt as smallint) from tflt ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------+---------- CastFloatToSmallint_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- ApproximateNumericOpAdd_p4 select 'ApproximateNumericOpAdd_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 1.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 2.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 3.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 1.900000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 1.200000000000000e+001 f2 from tversion union select tdbl.rnum,tdbl.cdbl + 2 from tdbl ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------------+---------- ApproximateNumericOpAdd_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- CastFloatToVarchar_p1 select 'CastFloatToVarchar_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, '-1E+0' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, '0E0' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, '1E0' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, '-1E-1' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, '1E1' f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(vflt.cflt as varchar(10)) from vflt ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------+---------- CastFloatToVarchar_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CastFloatToVarchar_p2 select 'CastFloatToVarchar_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, '-1E+0' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, '0E0' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, '1E0' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, '-1E-1' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, '1E1' f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(tflt.cflt as varchar(10)) from tflt ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------+---------- CastFloatToVarchar_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- CastIntegerToBigint_p1 select 'CastIntegerToBigint_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 10 f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(vint.cint as bigint) from vint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------+---------- CastIntegerToBigint_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CastIntegerToBigint_p2 select 'CastIntegerToBigint_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 10 f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(tint.cint as bigint) from tint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------+---------- CastIntegerToBigint_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- CastIntegerToChar_p1 select 'CastIntegerToChar_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, '-1 ' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, '0 ' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, '1 ' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, '10 ' f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(vint.cint as char(5)) from vint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------+---------- CastIntegerToChar_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CastIntegerToChar_p2 select 'CastIntegerToChar_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, '-1 ' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, '0 ' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, '1 ' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, '10 ' f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(tint.cint as char(5)) from tint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------+---------- CastIntegerToChar_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- CastIntegerToDouble_p1 select 'CastIntegerToDouble_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 10 f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(vint.cint as double precision) from vint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------+---------- CastIntegerToDouble_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CastIntegerToDouble_p2 select 'CastIntegerToDouble_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 10 f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(tint.cint as double precision) from tint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------+---------- CastIntegerToDouble_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- CastIntegerToFloat_p1 select 'CastIntegerToFloat_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 10 f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(vint.cint as float) from vint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------+---------- CastIntegerToFloat_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CastIntegerToFloat_p2 select 'CastIntegerToFloat_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 10 f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(tint.cint as float) from tint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------+---------- CastIntegerToFloat_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- ApproximateNumericOpAdd_p5 select 'ApproximateNumericOpAdd_p5' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 1.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 2.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 3.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 1.900000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 1.200000000000000e+001 f2 from tversion union select vrl.rnum,vrl.crl + 2 from vrl ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------------+---------- ApproximateNumericOpAdd_p5 | 1 (1 row) --- CastIntegerToInteger_p1 select 'CastIntegerToInteger_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 10 f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(vint.cint as integer) from vint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- CastIntegerToInteger_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CastIntegerToInteger_p2 select 'CastIntegerToInteger_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 10 f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(tint.cint as integer) from tint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- CastIntegerToInteger_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- CastIntegerToSmallint_p1 select 'CastIntegerToSmallint_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 10 f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(vint.cint as smallint) from vint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------+---------- CastIntegerToSmallint_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CastIntegerToSmallint_p2 select 'CastIntegerToSmallint_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 10 f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(tint.cint as smallint) from tint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------+---------- CastIntegerToSmallint_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- CastIntegerToVarchar_p1 select 'CastIntegerToVarchar_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, '-1' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, '0' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, '1' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, '10' f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(vint.cint as varchar(5)) from vint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- CastIntegerToVarchar_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CastIntegerToVarchar_p2 select 'CastIntegerToVarchar_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, '-1' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, '0' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, '1' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, '10' f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(tint.cint as varchar(5)) from tint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- CastIntegerToVarchar_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- CastNumericToBigint_p1 select 'CastNumericToBigint_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 10 f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(vnum.cnum as bigint) from vnum ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------+---------- CastNumericToBigint_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CastNumericToBigint_p2 select 'CastNumericToBigint_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 10 f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(tnum.cnum as bigint) from tnum ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------+---------- CastNumericToBigint_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- CastNumericToChar_p1 select 'CastNumericToChar_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, '-1.00' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, '0.00 ' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, '1.00 ' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, '0.10 ' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, '10.00' f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(vnum.cnum as char(5)) from vnum ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------+---------- CastNumericToChar_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CastNumericToChar_p2 select 'CastNumericToChar_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, '-1.00' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, '0.00 ' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, '1.00 ' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, '0.10 ' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, '10.00' f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(tnum.cnum as char(5)) from tnum ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------+---------- CastNumericToChar_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- ApproximateNumericOpAdd_p6 select 'ApproximateNumericOpAdd_p6' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 1.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 2.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 3.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 1.900000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 1.200000000000000e+001 f2 from tversion union select trl.rnum,trl.crl + 2 from trl ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------------+---------- ApproximateNumericOpAdd_p6 | 1 (1 row) --- CastNumericToDouble_p1 select 'CastNumericToDouble_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1.0 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0.0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1.0 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 0.1 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 10.0 f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(vnum.cnum as double precision) from vnum ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------+---------- CastNumericToDouble_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CastNumericToDouble_p2 select 'CastNumericToDouble_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1.0 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0.0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1.0 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 0.1 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 10.0 f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(tnum.cnum as double precision) from tnum ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------+---------- CastNumericToDouble_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- CastNumericToFloat_p1 select 'CastNumericToFloat_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1.0 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0.0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1.0 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 0.1 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 10.0 f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(vnum.cnum as float) from vnum ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------+---------- CastNumericToFloat_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CastNumericToFloat_p2 select 'CastNumericToFloat_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1.0 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0.0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1.0 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 0.1 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 10.0 f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(tnum.cnum as float) from tnum ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------+---------- CastNumericToFloat_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- CastNumericToInteger_p1 select 'CastNumericToInteger_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 10 f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(vnum.cnum as integer) from vnum ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- CastNumericToInteger_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CastNumericToInteger_p2 select 'CastNumericToInteger_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 10 f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(tnum.cnum as integer) from tnum ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- CastNumericToInteger_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- CastNumericToSmallint_p1 select 'CastNumericToSmallint_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 10 f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(vnum.cnum as smallint) from vnum ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------+---------- CastNumericToSmallint_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CastNumericToSmallint_p2 select 'CastNumericToSmallint_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 10 f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(tnum.cnum as smallint) from tnum ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------+---------- CastNumericToSmallint_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- CastNumericToVarchar_p1 select 'CastNumericToVarchar_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, '-1.00' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, '0.00' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, '1.00' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, '0.10' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, '10.00' f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(vnum.cnum as varchar(5)) from vnum ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- CastNumericToVarchar_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CastNumericToVarchar_p2 select 'CastNumericToVarchar_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, '-1.00' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, '0.00' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, '1.00' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, '0.10' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, '10.00' f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(tnum.cnum as varchar(5)) from tnum ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- CastNumericToVarchar_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- ApproximateNumericOpDiv_p1 select 'ApproximateNumericOpDiv_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -5.000000000000000e-001 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 5.000000000000000e-001 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, -5.000000000000000e-002 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 5.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select vflt.rnum,vflt.cflt / 2 from vflt ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------------+---------- ApproximateNumericOpDiv_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CastNvarcharToBigint_p1 select 'CastNvarcharToBigint_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select cast(n'1' as bigint) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- CastNvarcharToBigint_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CastNvarcharToDouble_p1 select 'CastNvarcharToDouble_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1.000000000000000e+000 f1 from tversion union select cast(n'1.0' as double precision) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- CastNvarcharToDouble_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CastNvarcharToInteger_p1 select 'CastNvarcharToInteger_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select cast(n'1' as integer) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------+---------- CastNvarcharToInteger_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CastNvarcharToSmallint_p1 select 'CastNvarcharToSmallint_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select cast(n'1' as smallint) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------+---------- CastNvarcharToSmallint_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CastRealToBigint_p1 select 'CastRealToBigint_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 10 f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(vrl.crl as bigint) from vrl ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------+---------- CastRealToBigint_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CastRealToBigint_p2 select 'CastRealToBigint_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 10 f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(trl.crl as bigint) from trl ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------+---------- CastRealToBigint_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- CastRealToChar_p1 select 'CastRealToChar_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, '-1 ' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, '0 ' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, '1 ' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, '-0.1 ' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, '10 ' f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(vrl.crl as char(10)) from vrl ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------+---------- CastRealToChar_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CastRealToChar_p2 select 'CastRealToChar_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, '-1 ' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, '0 ' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, '1 ' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, '-0.1 ' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, '10 ' f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(trl.crl as char(10)) from trl ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------+---------- CastRealToChar_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- CastRealToDouble_p1 select 'CastRealToDouble_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1.0 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0.0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1.0 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, -0.1 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 10.0 f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(vrl.crl as double precision) from vrl ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------+---------- CastRealToDouble_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CastRealToDouble_p2 select 'CastRealToDouble_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1.0 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0.0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1.0 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, -0.1 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 10.0 f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(trl.crl as double precision) from trl ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------+---------- CastRealToDouble_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- ApproximateNumericOpDiv_p2 select 'ApproximateNumericOpDiv_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -5.000000000000000e-001 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 5.000000000000000e-001 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, -5.000000000000000e-002 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 5.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select tflt.rnum,tflt.cflt / 2 from tflt ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------------+---------- ApproximateNumericOpDiv_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- CastRealToSmallint_p1 select 'CastRealToSmallint_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 10 f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(vrl.crl as smallint) from vrl ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------+---------- CastRealToSmallint_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CastRealToSmallint_p2 select 'CastRealToSmallint_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 10 f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(trl.crl as smallint) from trl ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------+---------- CastRealToSmallint_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- CastRealToVarchar_p1 select 'CastRealToVarchar_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, '-1' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, '0' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, '1' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, '-0.1' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, '10' f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(vrl.crl as varchar(10)) from vrl ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------+---------- CastRealToVarchar_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CastRealToVarchar_p2 select 'CastRealToVarchar_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, '-1' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, '0' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, '1' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, '-0.1' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, '10' f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(trl.crl as varchar(10)) from trl ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------+---------- CastRealToVarchar_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- CastSmallintToBigint_p1 select 'CastSmallintToBigint_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 10 f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(vsint.csint as bigint) from vsint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- CastSmallintToBigint_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CastSmallintToBigint_p2 select 'CastSmallintToBigint_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 10 f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(tsint.csint as bigint) from tsint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- CastSmallintToBigint_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- CastSmallintToChar_p1 select 'CastSmallintToChar_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, '-1' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, '0 ' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, '1 ' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, '10' f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(vsint.csint as char(2)) from vsint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------+---------- CastSmallintToChar_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CastSmallintToChar_p2 select 'CastSmallintToChar_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, '-1' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, '0 ' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, '1 ' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, '10' f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(tsint.csint as char(2)) from tsint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------+---------- CastSmallintToChar_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- CastSmallintToDouble_p1 select 'CastSmallintToDouble_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 10 f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(vsint.csint as double precision) from vsint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- CastSmallintToDouble_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CastSmallintToDouble_p2 select 'CastSmallintToDouble_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 10 f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(tsint.csint as double precision) from tsint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- CastSmallintToDouble_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- ApproximateNumericOpDiv_p3 select 'ApproximateNumericOpDiv_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -5.000000000000000e-001 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 5.000000000000000e-001 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, -5.000000000000000e-002 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 5.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select vdbl.rnum,vdbl.cdbl / 2 from vdbl ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------------+---------- ApproximateNumericOpDiv_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- CastSmallintToFloat_p1 select 'CastSmallintToFloat_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 10 f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(vsint.csint as float) from vsint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------+---------- CastSmallintToFloat_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CastSmallintToFloat_p2 select 'CastSmallintToFloat_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 10 f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(tsint.csint as float) from tsint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------+---------- CastSmallintToFloat_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- CastSmallintToSmallint_p1 select 'CastSmallintToSmallint_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 10 f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(vsint.csint as smallint) from vsint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------+---------- CastSmallintToSmallint_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CastSmallintToSmallint_p2 select 'CastSmallintToSmallint_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 10 f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(tsint.csint as smallint) from tsint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------+---------- CastSmallintToSmallint_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- CastSmallintToVarchar_p1 select 'CastSmallintToVarchar_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, '-1' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, '0' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, '1' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, '10' f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(vsint.csint as varchar(10)) from vsint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------+---------- CastSmallintToVarchar_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CastSmallintToVarchar_p2 select 'CastSmallintToVarchar_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, '-1' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, '0' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, '1' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, '10' f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(tsint.csint as varchar(10)) from tsint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------+---------- CastSmallintToVarchar_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- CastTimestampToChar_p1 select 'CastTimestampToChar_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, '1996-01-01 00:00:00.000 ' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, '1996-01-01 12:00:00.000 ' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, '1996-01-01 23:59:30.123 ' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, '2000-01-01 00:00:00.000 ' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, '2000-01-01 12:00:00.000 ' f2 from tversion union select 6 f1, '2000-01-01 23:59:30.123 ' f2 from tversion union select 7 f1, '2000-12-31 00:00:00.000 ' f2 from tversion union select 8 f1, '2000-12-31 12:00:00.000 ' f2 from tversion union select 9 f1, '2000-12-31 12:15:30.123 ' f2 from tversion union select vts.rnum, cast(vts.cts as char(30)) from vts ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------+---------- CastTimestampToChar_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CastTimestampToChar_p2 select 'CastTimestampToChar_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, '1996-01-01 00:00:00.000 ' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, '1996-01-01 12:00:00.000 ' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, '1996-01-01 23:59:30.123 ' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, '2000-01-01 00:00:00.000 ' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, '2000-01-01 12:00:00.000 ' f2 from tversion union select 6 f1, '2000-01-01 23:59:30.123 ' f2 from tversion union select 7 f1, '2000-12-31 00:00:00.000 ' f2 from tversion union select 8 f1, '2000-12-31 12:00:00.000 ' f2 from tversion union select 9 f1, '2000-12-31 12:15:30.123 ' f2 from tversion union select tts.rnum, cast(tts.cts as char(30)) from tts ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------+---------- CastTimestampToChar_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- CastTimestampToDate_p1 select 'CastTimestampToDate_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, cast('1996-01-01' as date) f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, cast('1996-01-01' as date) f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, cast('1996-01-01' as date) f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, cast('2000-01-01' as date) f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, cast('2000-01-01' as date) f2 from tversion union select 6 f1, cast('2000-01-01' as date) f2 from tversion union select 7 f1, cast('2000-12-31' as date) f2 from tversion union select 8 f1, cast('2000-12-31' as date) f2 from tversion union select 9 f1, cast('2000-12-31' as date) f2 from tversion union select vts.rnum, cast(vts.cts as date) from vts ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------+---------- CastTimestampToDate_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CastTimestampToDate_p2 select 'CastTimestampToDate_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, cast('1996-01-01' as date) f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, cast('1996-01-01' as date) f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, cast('1996-01-01' as date) f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, cast('2000-01-01' as date) f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, cast('2000-01-01' as date) f2 from tversion union select 6 f1, cast('2000-01-01' as date) f2 from tversion union select 7 f1, cast('2000-12-31' as date) f2 from tversion union select 8 f1, cast('2000-12-31' as date) f2 from tversion union select 9 f1, cast('2000-12-31' as date) f2 from tversion union select tts.rnum, cast(tts.cts as date) from tts ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------+---------- CastTimestampToDate_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- ApproximateNumericOpDiv_p4 select 'ApproximateNumericOpDiv_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -5.000000000000000e-001 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 5.000000000000000e-001 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, -5.000000000000000e-002 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 5.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select tdbl.rnum,tdbl.cdbl / 2 from tdbl ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------------+---------- ApproximateNumericOpDiv_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- CastTimestampToVarchar_p1 select 'CastTimestampToVarchar_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, '1996-01-01 00:00:00.000' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, '1996-01-01 12:00:00.000' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, '1996-01-01 23:59:30.123' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, '2000-01-01 00:00:00.000' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, '2000-01-01 12:00:00.000' f2 from tversion union select 6 f1, '2000-01-01 23:59:30.123' f2 from tversion union select 7 f1, '2000-12-31 00:00:00.000' f2 from tversion union select 8 f1, '2000-12-31 12:00:00.000000000' f2 from tversion union select 9 f1, '2000-12-31 12:15:30.123000000' f2 from tversion union select vts.rnum,cast(vts.cts as varchar(100)) from vts ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------+---------- CastTimestampToVarchar_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CastTimestampToVarchar_p2 select 'CastTimestampToVarchar_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, '1996-01-01 00:00:00.000' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, '1996-01-01 12:00:00.000' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, '1996-01-01 23:59:30.123' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, '2000-01-01 00:00:00.000' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, '2000-01-01 12:00:00.000' f2 from tversion union select 6 f1, '2000-01-01 23:59:30.123' f2 from tversion union select 7 f1, '2000-12-31 00:00:00.000' f2 from tversion union select 8 f1, '2000-12-31 12:00:00.000000000' f2 from tversion union select 9 f1, '2000-12-31 12:15:30.123000000' f2 from tversion union select tts.rnum,cast(tts.cts as varchar(100)) from tts ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------+---------- CastTimestampToVarchar_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- CastTimeToChar_p1 select 'CastTimeToChar_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, '00:00:00.000 ' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, '12:00:00.000 ' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, '23:59:30.123 ' f2 from tversion union select vtm.rnum, cast(vtm.ctm as char(20)) from vtm ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------+---------- CastTimeToChar_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CastTimeToChar_p2 select 'CastTimeToChar_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, '00:00:00.000 ' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, '12:00:00.000 ' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, '23:59:30.123 ' f2 from tversion union select ttm.rnum, cast(ttm.ctm as char(20)) from ttm ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------+---------- CastTimeToChar_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- CastTimeToVarchar_p1 select 'CastTimeToVarchar_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, '00:00:00.000' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, '12:00:00.000' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, '23:59:30.123' f2 from tversion union select vtm.rnum,cast(vtm.ctm as varchar(100)) from vtm ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------+---------- CastTimeToVarchar_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CastTimeToVarchar_p2 select 'CastTimeToVarchar_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, '00:00:00.000' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, '12:00:00.000' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, '23:59:30.123' f2 from tversion union select ttm.rnum,cast(ttm.ctm as varchar(100)) from ttm ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------+---------- CastTimeToVarchar_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- CastVarcharToBigint_p1 select 'CastVarcharToBigint_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select cast('1' as bigint) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------+---------- CastVarcharToBigint_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CastVarcharToChar_p1 select 'CastVarcharToChar_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, '' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, ' ' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'BB' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'EE' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'FF' f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(vvchar.cvchar as char(2)) from vvchar ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------+---------- CastVarcharToChar_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CastVarcharToChar_p2 select 'CastVarcharToChar_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, '' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, ' ' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'BB' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'EE' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'FF' f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(tvchar.cvchar as char(2)) from tvchar ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------+---------- CastVarcharToChar_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- CastVarcharToDate_p1 select 'CastVarcharToDate_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select cast('2000-01-01' as date) f1 from tversion union select cast('2000-01-01' as date) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------+---------- CastVarcharToDate_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- ApproximateNumericOpDiv_p5 select 'ApproximateNumericOpDiv_p5' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -5.000000000000000e-001 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 5.000000000000000e-001 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, -5.000000000000000e-002 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 5.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select vrl.rnum,vrl.crl / 2 from vrl ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------------+---------- ApproximateNumericOpDiv_p5 | 1 (1 row) --- CastVarcharToDate_p2 select 'CastVarcharToDate_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select cast('2000-01-01' as date) f1 from tversion union select cast('2000-01-01' as date) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------+---------- CastVarcharToDate_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- CastVarcharToDate_p3 select 'CastVarcharToDate_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select cast('2000-01-01' as date) f1 from tversion union select cast('2000-01-01' as date) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------+---------- CastVarcharToDate_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- CastVarcharToDate_p4 select 'CastVarcharToDate_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select cast('2000-01-01' as date) f1 from tversion union select cast('2000-01-01' as date) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------+---------- CastVarcharToDate_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- CastVarcharToDate_p5 select 'CastVarcharToDate_p5' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select cast('2000-01-01' as date) f1 from tversion union select cast('2000-01-01' as date) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------+---------- CastVarcharToDate_p5 | 1 (1 row) --- CastVarcharToDouble_p1 select 'CastVarcharToDouble_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1.000000000000000e+000 f1 from tversion union select cast('1.0' as double precision) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------+---------- CastVarcharToDouble_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CastVarcharToFloat_p1 select 'CastVarcharToFloat_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1.000000000000000e+000 f1 from tversion union select cast('1.0' as float) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------+---------- CastVarcharToFloat_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CastVarcharToFloat_p2 select 'CastVarcharToFloat_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1.000000000000000e+000 f1 from tversion union select cast('1.0' as float) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------+---------- CastVarcharToFloat_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- CastVarcharToInteger_p1 select 'CastVarcharToInteger_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select cast('1' as integer) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- CastVarcharToInteger_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CastVarcharToSmallint_p1 select 'CastVarcharToSmallint_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select cast('1' as smallint) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------+---------- CastVarcharToSmallint_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CastVarcharToTimestamp_p1 select 'CastVarcharToTimestamp_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select cast('2000-01-01 12:00:00.000000000' as timestamp) f1 from tversion union select cast('2000-01-01 12:00:00' as timestamp) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------+---------- CastVarcharToTimestamp_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- ApproximateNumericOpDiv_p6 select 'ApproximateNumericOpDiv_p6' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -5.000000000000000e-001 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 5.000000000000000e-001 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, -5.000000000000000e-002 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 5.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select trl.rnum,trl.crl / 2 from trl ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------------+---------- ApproximateNumericOpDiv_p6 | 1 (1 row) --- CastVarcharToVarchar_p1 select 'CastVarcharToVarchar_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, '' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, ' ' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'BB' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'EE' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'FF' f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(vvchar.cvchar as varchar(10)) from vvchar ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- CastVarcharToVarchar_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CastVarcharToVarchar_p2 select 'CastVarcharToVarchar_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, '' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, ' ' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'BB' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'EE' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'FF' f2 from tversion union select rnum, cast(tvchar.cvchar as varchar(10)) from tvchar ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- CastVarcharToVarchar_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- CeilCoreApproximateNumeric_p1 select 'CeilCoreApproximateNumeric_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 10 f2 from tversion union select rnum, ceil( vflt.cflt ) from vflt ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------------+---------- CeilCoreApproximateNumeric_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CeilCoreApproximateNumeric_p2 select 'CeilCoreApproximateNumeric_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 10 f2 from tversion union select rnum, ceil( tflt.cflt ) from tflt ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------------+---------- CeilCoreApproximateNumeric_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- CeilCoreApproximateNumeric_p3 select 'CeilCoreApproximateNumeric_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 10 f2 from tversion union select rnum, ceil( vdbl.cdbl ) from vdbl ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------------+---------- CeilCoreApproximateNumeric_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- CeilCoreApproximateNumeric_p4 select 'CeilCoreApproximateNumeric_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 10 f2 from tversion union select rnum, ceil( tdbl.cdbl ) from tdbl ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------------+---------- CeilCoreApproximateNumeric_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- CeilCoreApproximateNumeric_p5 select 'CeilCoreApproximateNumeric_p5' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 10 f2 from tversion union select rnum, ceil( vrl.crl ) from vrl ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------------+---------- CeilCoreApproximateNumeric_p5 | 1 (1 row) --- CeilCoreApproximateNumeric_p6 select 'CeilCoreApproximateNumeric_p6' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 10 f2 from tversion union select rnum, ceil( trl.crl ) from trl ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------------+---------- CeilCoreApproximateNumeric_p6 | 1 (1 row) --- CeilCoreExactNumeric_p1 select 'CeilCoreExactNumeric_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 10 f2 from tversion union select rnum, ceil( vdec.cdec ) from vdec ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- CeilCoreExactNumeric_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CeilCoreExactNumeric_p2 select 'CeilCoreExactNumeric_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 10 f2 from tversion union select rnum, ceil( tdec.cdec ) from tdec ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- CeilCoreExactNumeric_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- AbsCoreApproximateNumeric_p3 select 'AbsCoreApproximateNumeric_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 1.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 1.000000000000000e-001 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 1.000000000000000e+001 f2 from tversion union select rnum, abs( vdbl.cdbl ) from vdbl ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------------+---------- AbsCoreApproximateNumeric_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- ApproximateNumericOpMulNULL_p1 select 'ApproximateNumericOpMulNULL_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select null f1 from tversion union select -1.0e+0 * cnnull from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------------+---------- ApproximateNumericOpMulNULL_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CeilCoreExactNumeric_p3 select 'CeilCoreExactNumeric_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 10 f2 from tversion union select rnum, ceil( vnum.cnum ) from vnum ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- CeilCoreExactNumeric_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- CeilCoreExactNumeric_p4 select 'CeilCoreExactNumeric_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 10 f2 from tversion union select rnum, ceil( tnum.cnum ) from tnum ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- CeilCoreExactNumeric_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- CeilCoreIntegers_p1 select 'CeilCoreIntegers_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 10 f2 from tversion union select vint.rnum, ceil( vint.cint ) from vint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------+---------- CeilCoreIntegers_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CeilCoreIntegers_p2 select 'CeilCoreIntegers_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 10 f2 from tversion union select tint.rnum, ceil( tint.cint ) from tint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------+---------- CeilCoreIntegers_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- CeilCoreIntegers_p3 select 'CeilCoreIntegers_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 10 f2 from tversion union select vsint.rnum, ceil( vsint.csint ) from vsint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------+---------- CeilCoreIntegers_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- CeilCoreIntegers_p4 select 'CeilCoreIntegers_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 10 f2 from tversion union select tsint.rnum, ceil( tsint.csint ) from tsint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------+---------- CeilCoreIntegers_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- CeilCoreIntegers_p5 select 'CeilCoreIntegers_p5' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 10 f2 from tversion union select vbint.rnum, ceil( vbint.cbint ) from vbint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------+---------- CeilCoreIntegers_p5 | 1 (1 row) --- CeilCoreIntegers_p6 select 'CeilCoreIntegers_p6' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 10 f2 from tversion union select tbint.rnum, ceil( tbint.cbint ) from tbint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------+---------- CeilCoreIntegers_p6 | 1 (1 row) --- CharacterLiteral_p1 select 'CharacterLiteral_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 'BB' f1 from tversion union select 'BB' from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------+---------- CharacterLiteral_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CharacterLiteral_p2 select 'CharacterLiteral_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 'BB' f1 from tversion union select 'BB' from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------+---------- CharacterLiteral_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- ApproximateNumericOpMulNULL_p2 select 'ApproximateNumericOpMulNULL_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select null f1 from tversion union select 0.0e+0 * cnnull from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------------+---------- ApproximateNumericOpMulNULL_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- CharlengthCoreFixedLength_p1 select 'CharlengthCoreFixedLength_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 32 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 32 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 32 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 32 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 32 f2 from tversion union select vchar.rnum, char_length( vchar.cchar ) from vchar ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------------+---------- CharlengthCoreFixedLength_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CharlengthCoreFixedLength_p2 select 'CharlengthCoreFixedLength_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 32 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 32 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 32 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 32 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 32 f2 from tversion union select tchar.rnum, char_length( tchar.cchar ) from tchar ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------------+---------- CharlengthCoreFixedLength_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- CharlengthCoreVariableLength_p1 select 'CharlengthCoreVariableLength_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 2 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 2 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 2 f2 from tversion union select vvchar.rnum, char_length( vvchar.cvchar ) from vvchar ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------------+---------- CharlengthCoreVariableLength_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CharlengthCoreVariableLength_p2 select 'CharlengthCoreVariableLength_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 2 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 2 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 2 f2 from tversion union select tvchar.rnum, char_length( tvchar.cvchar ) from tvchar ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------------+---------- CharlengthCoreVariableLength_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- CoalesceCoreNullParameters_p1 select 'CoalesceCoreNullParameters_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select null f1 from tversion union select coalesce( ccnull, ccnull, ccnull ) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------------+---------- CoalesceCoreNullParameters_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CoalesceCore_p1 select 'CoalesceCore_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 'A' f1 from tversion union select coalesce( ccnull, 'A', 'B' ) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------+---------- CoalesceCore_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- Comments1_p1 select 'Comments1_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select /* hello */ 1 from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------+---------- Comments1_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- ConcatCoreFixedLength_p1 select 'ConcatCoreFixedLength_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, '1234567890 ' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, '1234567890 ' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, '1234567890BB ' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, '1234567890EE ' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, '1234567890FF ' f2 from tversion union select vchar.rnum, '1234567890' || vchar.cchar from vchar ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------+---------- ConcatCoreFixedLength_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- ConcatCoreFixedLength_p2 select 'ConcatCoreFixedLength_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, '1234567890 ' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, '1234567890 ' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, '1234567890BB ' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, '1234567890EE ' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, '1234567890FF ' f2 from tversion union select tchar.rnum, '1234567890' || tchar.cchar from tchar ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------+---------- ConcatCoreFixedLength_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- ConcatCoreMaxLengthStringPlusBlankString_p1 select 'ConcatCoreMaxLengthStringPlusBlankString_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 'UDA_VARIABLE_LENGTH_MAX_STRING ' f1 from tversion union select 'UDA_VARIABLE_LENGTH_MAX_STRING' || vchar.cchar from vchar where vchar.rnum = 2 ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------------------------+---------- ConcatCoreMaxLengthStringPlusBlankString_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- ApproximateNumericOpMulNULL_p3 select 'ApproximateNumericOpMulNULL_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select null f1 from tversion union select 1.0e+0 * cnnull from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------------+---------- ApproximateNumericOpMulNULL_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- ConcatCoreMaxLengthStringPlusBlankString_p2 select 'ConcatCoreMaxLengthStringPlusBlankString_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 'UDA_VARIABLE_LENGTH_MAX_STRING ' f1 from tversion union select 'UDA_VARIABLE_LENGTH_MAX_STRING' || tchar.cchar from tchar where tchar.rnum = 2 ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------------------------+---------- ConcatCoreMaxLengthStringPlusBlankString_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- ConcatCoreMaxLengthStringPlusBlankString_p3 select 'ConcatCoreMaxLengthStringPlusBlankString_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 'UDA_VARIABLE_LENGTH_MAX_STRING ' f1 from tversion union select 'UDA_VARIABLE_LENGTH_MAX_STRING' || vvchar.cvchar from vvchar where vvchar.rnum = 2 ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------------------------+---------- ConcatCoreMaxLengthStringPlusBlankString_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- ConcatCoreMaxLengthStringPlusBlankString_p4 select 'ConcatCoreMaxLengthStringPlusBlankString_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 'UDA_VARIABLE_LENGTH_MAX_STRING ' f1 from tversion union select 'UDA_VARIABLE_LENGTH_MAX_STRING' || tvchar.cvchar from tvchar where tvchar.rnum = 2 ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------------------------+---------- ConcatCoreMaxLengthStringPlusBlankString_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- ConcatCoreVariableLength_p1 select 'ConcatCoreVariableLength_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, '1234567890' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, '1234567890 ' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, '1234567890BB' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, '1234567890EE' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, '1234567890FF' f2 from tversion union select rnum, '1234567890' || vvchar.cvchar from vvchar ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------------+---------- ConcatCoreVariableLength_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- ConcatCoreVariableLength_p2 select 'ConcatCoreVariableLength_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, '1234567890' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, '1234567890 ' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, '1234567890BB' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, '1234567890EE' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, '1234567890FF' f2 from tversion union select rnum, '1234567890' || tvchar.cvchar from tvchar ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------------+---------- ConcatCoreVariableLength_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- ConcatException_p1 select 'ConcatException_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 2 f1, 'should throw error' f2 from tversion union select vchar.rnum,'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' || vchar.cchar from vchar where vchar.rnum > 2 ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------+---------- ConcatException_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- ConcatException_p2 select 'ConcatException_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 2 f1, 'should throw error' f2 from tversion union select vchar.rnum, 'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' || vchar.cchar from vchar where vchar.rnum > 2 ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------+---------- ConcatException_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- ConcatException_p3 select 'ConcatException_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 2 f1, 'should throw error' f2 from tversion union select tchar.rnum,'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' || tchar.cchar from tchar where tchar.rnum > 2 ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------+---------- ConcatException_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- ConcatException_p4 select 'ConcatException_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 2 f1, 'should throw error' f2 from tversion union select tchar.rnum, 'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' || tchar.cchar from tchar where tchar.rnum > 2 ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------+---------- ConcatException_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- ConcatException_p5 select 'ConcatException_p5' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 2 f1, 'should throw error' f2 from tversion union select vvchar.rnum,'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' || vvchar.cvchar from vvchar where vvchar.rnum > 2 ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------+---------- ConcatException_p5 | 1 (1 row) --- ApproximateNumericOpMulNULL_p4 select 'ApproximateNumericOpMulNULL_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select null f1 from tversion union select -1.0e-1 * cnnull from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------------+---------- ApproximateNumericOpMulNULL_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- ConcatException_p6 select 'ConcatException_p6' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 2 f1, 'should throw error' f2 from tversion union select vvchar.rnum, 'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' || vvchar.cvchar from vvchar where vvchar.rnum > 2 ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------+---------- ConcatException_p6 | 1 (1 row) --- ConcatException_p7 select 'ConcatException_p7' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 2 f1, 'should throw error' f2 from tversion union select tvchar.rnum,'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' || tvchar.cvchar from tvchar where tvchar.rnum > 2 ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------+---------- ConcatException_p7 | 1 (1 row) --- ConcatException_p8 select 'ConcatException_p8' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 2 f1, 'should throw error' f2 from tversion union select tvchar.rnum, 'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' || tvchar.cvchar from tvchar where tvchar.rnum > 2 ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------+---------- ConcatException_p8 | 1 (1 row) --- CountCharLiteral_p1 select 'CountCharLiteral_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select count('') from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------+---------- CountCharLiteral_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CountCharLiteral_p10 select 'CountCharLiteral_p10' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select count('FF') from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------+---------- CountCharLiteral_p10 | 1 (1 row) --- CountCharLiteral_p2 select 'CountCharLiteral_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select count(' ') from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------+---------- CountCharLiteral_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- CountCharLiteral_p3 select 'CountCharLiteral_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select count('BB') from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------+---------- CountCharLiteral_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- CountCharLiteral_p4 select 'CountCharLiteral_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select count('EE') from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------+---------- CountCharLiteral_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- CountCharLiteral_p5 select 'CountCharLiteral_p5' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select count('FF') from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------+---------- CountCharLiteral_p5 | 1 (1 row) --- CountCharLiteral_p6 select 'CountCharLiteral_p6' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select count('') from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------+---------- CountCharLiteral_p6 | 1 (1 row) --- ApproximateNumericOpMulNULL_p5 select 'ApproximateNumericOpMulNULL_p5' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select null f1 from tversion union select 10.0e+0 * cnnull from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------------+---------- ApproximateNumericOpMulNULL_p5 | 1 (1 row) --- CountCharLiteral_p7 select 'CountCharLiteral_p7' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select count(' ') from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------+---------- CountCharLiteral_p7 | 1 (1 row) --- CountCharLiteral_p8 select 'CountCharLiteral_p8' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select count('BB') from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------+---------- CountCharLiteral_p8 | 1 (1 row) --- CountCharLiteral_p9 select 'CountCharLiteral_p9' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select count('EE') from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------+---------- CountCharLiteral_p9 | 1 (1 row) --- CountClob_p1 select 'CountClob_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 5 f1 from tversion union select count(vclob.cclob) from vclob ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------+---------- CountClob_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CountClob_p2 select 'CountClob_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 5 f1 from tversion union select count(tclob.cclob) from tclob ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------+---------- CountClob_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- CountNumericLiteral_p1 select 'CountNumericLiteral_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select count(-1.0e+0) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------+---------- CountNumericLiteral_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CountNumericLiteral_p10 select 'CountNumericLiteral_p10' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select count(10.0e+0) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- CountNumericLiteral_p10 | 1 (1 row) --- CountNumericLiteral_p11 select 'CountNumericLiteral_p11' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select count(-1.0e+0) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- CountNumericLiteral_p11 | 1 (1 row) --- CountNumericLiteral_p12 select 'CountNumericLiteral_p12' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select count(0.0e+0) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- CountNumericLiteral_p12 | 1 (1 row) --- CountNumericLiteral_p13 select 'CountNumericLiteral_p13' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select count(1.0e+0) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- CountNumericLiteral_p13 | 1 (1 row) --- ApproximateNumericOpMul_p1 select 'ApproximateNumericOpMul_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -2.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 2.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, -2.000000000000000e-001 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 2.000000000000000e+001 f2 from tversion union select vflt.rnum,vflt.cflt * 2 from vflt ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------------+---------- ApproximateNumericOpMul_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CountNumericLiteral_p14 select 'CountNumericLiteral_p14' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select count(-1.0e-1) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- CountNumericLiteral_p14 | 1 (1 row) --- CountNumericLiteral_p15 select 'CountNumericLiteral_p15' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select count(10.0e+0) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- CountNumericLiteral_p15 | 1 (1 row) --- CountNumericLiteral_p16 select 'CountNumericLiteral_p16' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select count(-1.0) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- CountNumericLiteral_p16 | 1 (1 row) --- CountNumericLiteral_p17 select 'CountNumericLiteral_p17' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select count(0.0) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- CountNumericLiteral_p17 | 1 (1 row) --- CountNumericLiteral_p18 select 'CountNumericLiteral_p18' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select count(1.0) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- CountNumericLiteral_p18 | 1 (1 row) --- CountNumericLiteral_p19 select 'CountNumericLiteral_p19' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select count(0.1) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- CountNumericLiteral_p19 | 1 (1 row) --- CountNumericLiteral_p2 select 'CountNumericLiteral_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select count(0.0e+0) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------+---------- CountNumericLiteral_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- CountNumericLiteral_p20 select 'CountNumericLiteral_p20' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select count(10.0) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- CountNumericLiteral_p20 | 1 (1 row) --- CountNumericLiteral_p21 select 'CountNumericLiteral_p21' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select count(-1.0) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- CountNumericLiteral_p21 | 1 (1 row) --- CountNumericLiteral_p22 select 'CountNumericLiteral_p22' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select count(0.0) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- CountNumericLiteral_p22 | 1 (1 row) --- ApproximateNumericOpMul_p2 select 'ApproximateNumericOpMul_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -2.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 2.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, -2.000000000000000e-001 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 2.000000000000000e+001 f2 from tversion union select tflt.rnum,tflt.cflt * 2 from tflt ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------------+---------- ApproximateNumericOpMul_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- CountNumericLiteral_p23 select 'CountNumericLiteral_p23' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select count(1.0) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- CountNumericLiteral_p23 | 1 (1 row) --- CountNumericLiteral_p24 select 'CountNumericLiteral_p24' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select count(0.1) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- CountNumericLiteral_p24 | 1 (1 row) --- CountNumericLiteral_p25 select 'CountNumericLiteral_p25' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select count(10.0) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- CountNumericLiteral_p25 | 1 (1 row) --- CountNumericLiteral_p26 select 'CountNumericLiteral_p26' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select count(-1) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- CountNumericLiteral_p26 | 1 (1 row) --- CountNumericLiteral_p27 select 'CountNumericLiteral_p27' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select count(0) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- CountNumericLiteral_p27 | 1 (1 row) --- CountNumericLiteral_p28 select 'CountNumericLiteral_p28' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select count(1) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- CountNumericLiteral_p28 | 1 (1 row) --- CountNumericLiteral_p29 select 'CountNumericLiteral_p29' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select count(10) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- CountNumericLiteral_p29 | 1 (1 row) --- CountNumericLiteral_p3 select 'CountNumericLiteral_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select count(1.0e+0) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------+---------- CountNumericLiteral_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- CountNumericLiteral_p30 select 'CountNumericLiteral_p30' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select count(-1) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- CountNumericLiteral_p30 | 1 (1 row) --- CountNumericLiteral_p31 select 'CountNumericLiteral_p31' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select count(0) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- CountNumericLiteral_p31 | 1 (1 row) --- ApproximateNumericOpMul_p3 select 'ApproximateNumericOpMul_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -2.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 2.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, -2.000000000000000e-001 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 2.000000000000000e+001 f2 from tversion union select vdbl.rnum,vdbl.cdbl * 2 from vdbl ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------------+---------- ApproximateNumericOpMul_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- CountNumericLiteral_p32 select 'CountNumericLiteral_p32' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select count(1) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- CountNumericLiteral_p32 | 1 (1 row) --- CountNumericLiteral_p33 select 'CountNumericLiteral_p33' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select count(10) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- CountNumericLiteral_p33 | 1 (1 row) --- CountNumericLiteral_p34 select 'CountNumericLiteral_p34' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select count(-1) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- CountNumericLiteral_p34 | 1 (1 row) --- CountNumericLiteral_p35 select 'CountNumericLiteral_p35' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select count(0) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- CountNumericLiteral_p35 | 1 (1 row) --- CountNumericLiteral_p36 select 'CountNumericLiteral_p36' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select count(1) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- CountNumericLiteral_p36 | 1 (1 row) --- CountNumericLiteral_p37 select 'CountNumericLiteral_p37' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select count(10) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- CountNumericLiteral_p37 | 1 (1 row) --- CountNumericLiteral_p4 select 'CountNumericLiteral_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select count(-1.0e-1) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------+---------- CountNumericLiteral_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- CountNumericLiteral_p5 select 'CountNumericLiteral_p5' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select count(10.0e+0) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------+---------- CountNumericLiteral_p5 | 1 (1 row) --- CountNumericLiteral_p6 select 'CountNumericLiteral_p6' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select count(-1.0e+0) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------+---------- CountNumericLiteral_p6 | 1 (1 row) --- CountNumericLiteral_p7 select 'CountNumericLiteral_p7' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select count(0.0e+0) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------+---------- CountNumericLiteral_p7 | 1 (1 row) --- ApproximateNumericOpMul_p4 select 'ApproximateNumericOpMul_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -2.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 2.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, -2.000000000000000e-001 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 2.000000000000000e+001 f2 from tversion union select tdbl.rnum,tdbl.cdbl * 2 from tdbl ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------------+---------- ApproximateNumericOpMul_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- CountNumericLiteral_p8 select 'CountNumericLiteral_p8' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select count(1.0e+0) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------+---------- CountNumericLiteral_p8 | 1 (1 row) --- CountNumericLiteral_p9 select 'CountNumericLiteral_p9' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select count(-1.0e-1) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------+---------- CountNumericLiteral_p9 | 1 (1 row) --- CountTemporalLiteral_p1 select 'CountTemporalLiteral_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select count(date '1996-01-01') from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- CountTemporalLiteral_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CountTemporalLiteral_p10 select 'CountTemporalLiteral_p10' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select count(timestamp '2000-12-31 00:00:00') from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------+---------- CountTemporalLiteral_p10 | 1 (1 row) --- CountTemporalLiteral_p11 select 'CountTemporalLiteral_p11' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select count(timestamp '2000-12-31 12:00:00') from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------+---------- CountTemporalLiteral_p11 | 1 (1 row) --- CountTemporalLiteral_p12 select 'CountTemporalLiteral_p12' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select count(timestamp '2000-12-31 23:59:30.123') from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------+---------- CountTemporalLiteral_p12 | 1 (1 row) --- CountTemporalLiteral_p2 select 'CountTemporalLiteral_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select count(date '2000-01-01') from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- CountTemporalLiteral_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- CountTemporalLiteral_p3 select 'CountTemporalLiteral_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select count(date '2000-12-31') from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- CountTemporalLiteral_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- CountTemporalLiteral_p4 select 'CountTemporalLiteral_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select count(time '00:00:00.000') from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- CountTemporalLiteral_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- CountTemporalLiteral_p5 select 'CountTemporalLiteral_p5' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select count(time '12:00:00.000') from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- CountTemporalLiteral_p5 | 1 (1 row) --- ApproximateNumericOpMul_p5 select 'ApproximateNumericOpMul_p5' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -2.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 2.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, -2.000000000000000e-001 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 2.000000000000000e+001 f2 from tversion union select vrl.rnum,vrl.crl * 2 from vrl ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------------+---------- ApproximateNumericOpMul_p5 | 1 (1 row) --- CountTemporalLiteral_p6 select 'CountTemporalLiteral_p6' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select count(time '23:59:30.123') from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- CountTemporalLiteral_p6 | 1 (1 row) --- CountTemporalLiteral_p7 select 'CountTemporalLiteral_p7' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select count(timestamp '2000-01-01 00:00:00.0') from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- CountTemporalLiteral_p7 | 1 (1 row) --- CountTemporalLiteral_p8 select 'CountTemporalLiteral_p8' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select count(timestamp '2000-01-01 12:00:00') from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- CountTemporalLiteral_p8 | 1 (1 row) --- CountTemporalLiteral_p9 select 'CountTemporalLiteral_p9' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select count(timestamp '2000-01-01 23:59:30.123') from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- CountTemporalLiteral_p9 | 1 (1 row) --- CountValueExpression_p1 select 'CountValueExpression_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select count( 1 * 10 ) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- CountValueExpression_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- DateLiteral_p1 select 'DateLiteral_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select '1996-01-01' f1 from tversion union select date '1996-01-01' from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------+---------- DateLiteral_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- DistinctAggregateInCase_p1 select 'DistinctAggregateInCase_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 'test1' f1 from tversion union select case when min(distinct(vflt.cflt))=-1 then 'test1' else 'else' end from vflt ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------------+---------- DistinctAggregateInCase_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- DistinctAggregateInCase_p10 select 'DistinctAggregateInCase_p10' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 'test1' f1 from tversion union select case when min(distinct(tnum.cnum))=-1 then 'test1' else 'else' end from tnum ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------------+---------- DistinctAggregateInCase_p10 | 1 (1 row) --- DistinctAggregateInCase_p11 select 'DistinctAggregateInCase_p11' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 'test1' f1 from tversion union select case when min(distinct(vint.cint))=-1 then 'test1' else 'else' end from vint ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------------+---------- DistinctAggregateInCase_p11 | 1 (1 row) --- DistinctAggregateInCase_p12 select 'DistinctAggregateInCase_p12' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 'test1' f1 from tversion union select case when min(distinct(tint.cint))=-1 then 'test1' else 'else' end from tint ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------------+---------- DistinctAggregateInCase_p12 | 1 (1 row) --- AbsCoreApproximateNumeric_p4 select 'AbsCoreApproximateNumeric_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 1.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 1.000000000000000e-001 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 1.000000000000000e+001 f2 from tversion union select rnum, abs( tdbl.cdbl ) from tdbl ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------------+---------- AbsCoreApproximateNumeric_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- ApproximateNumericOpMul_p6 select 'ApproximateNumericOpMul_p6' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -2.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 2.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, -2.000000000000000e-001 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 2.000000000000000e+001 f2 from tversion union select trl.rnum,trl.crl * 2 from trl ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------------+---------- ApproximateNumericOpMul_p6 | 1 (1 row) --- DistinctAggregateInCase_p13 select 'DistinctAggregateInCase_p13' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 'test1' f1 from tversion union select case when min(distinct(vsint.csint))=-1 then 'test1' else 'else' end from vsint ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------------+---------- DistinctAggregateInCase_p13 | 1 (1 row) --- DistinctAggregateInCase_p14 select 'DistinctAggregateInCase_p14' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 'test1' f1 from tversion union select case when min(distinct(tsint.csint))=-1 then 'test1' else 'else' end from tsint ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------------+---------- DistinctAggregateInCase_p14 | 1 (1 row) --- DistinctAggregateInCase_p15 select 'DistinctAggregateInCase_p15' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 'test1' f1 from tversion union select case when min(distinct(vbint.cbint))=-1 then 'test1' else 'else' end from vbint ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------------+---------- DistinctAggregateInCase_p15 | 1 (1 row) --- DistinctAggregateInCase_p16 select 'DistinctAggregateInCase_p16' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 'test1' f1 from tversion union select case when min(distinct(tbint.cbint))=-1 then 'test1' else 'else' end from tbint ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------------+---------- DistinctAggregateInCase_p16 | 1 (1 row) --- DistinctAggregateInCase_p2 select 'DistinctAggregateInCase_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 'test1' f1 from tversion union select case when min(distinct(tflt.cflt))=-1 then 'test1' else 'else' end from tflt ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------------+---------- DistinctAggregateInCase_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- DistinctAggregateInCase_p3 select 'DistinctAggregateInCase_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 'test1' f1 from tversion union select case when min(distinct(vdbl.cdbl))=-1 then 'test1' else 'else' end from vdbl ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------------+---------- DistinctAggregateInCase_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- DistinctAggregateInCase_p4 select 'DistinctAggregateInCase_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 'test1' f1 from tversion union select case when min(distinct(tdbl.cdbl))=-1 then 'test1' else 'else' end from tdbl ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------------+---------- DistinctAggregateInCase_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- DistinctAggregateInCase_p5 select 'DistinctAggregateInCase_p5' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 'test1' f1 from tversion union select case when min(distinct(vrl.crl))=-1 then 'test1' else 'else' end from vrl ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------------+---------- DistinctAggregateInCase_p5 | 1 (1 row) --- DistinctAggregateInCase_p6 select 'DistinctAggregateInCase_p6' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 'test1' f1 from tversion union select case when min(distinct(trl.crl))=-1 then 'test1' else 'else' end from trl ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------------+---------- DistinctAggregateInCase_p6 | 1 (1 row) --- DistinctAggregateInCase_p7 select 'DistinctAggregateInCase_p7' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 'test1' f1 from tversion union select case when min(distinct(vdec.cdec))=-1 then 'test1' else 'else' end from vdec ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------------+---------- DistinctAggregateInCase_p7 | 1 (1 row) --- ApproximateNumericOpSub_p1 select 'ApproximateNumericOpSub_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -3.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, -2.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, -1.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, -2.100000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 8.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select vflt.rnum,vflt.cflt - 2 from vflt ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------------+---------- ApproximateNumericOpSub_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- DistinctAggregateInCase_p8 select 'DistinctAggregateInCase_p8' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 'test1' f1 from tversion union select case when min(distinct(tdec.cdec))=-1 then 'test1' else 'else' end from tdec ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------------+---------- DistinctAggregateInCase_p8 | 1 (1 row) --- DistinctAggregateInCase_p9 select 'DistinctAggregateInCase_p9' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 'test1' f1 from tversion union select case when min(distinct(vnum.cnum))=-1 then 'test1' else 'else' end from vnum ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------------+---------- DistinctAggregateInCase_p9 | 1 (1 row) --- DistinctCore_p1 select 'DistinctCore_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 10 f1, 'AAA' f2 from tversion union select 20 f1, 'BBB' f2 from tversion union select 30 f1, 'CCC' f2 from tversion union select 40 f1, 'DDD' f2 from tversion union select 50 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 60 f1, null f2 from tversion union select null f1, 'AAA' f2 from tversion union select null f1, null f2 from tversion union select distinct c1, c2 from tset1 ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------+---------- DistinctCore_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- EmptyStringIsNull_p1 select 'EmptyStringIsNull_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select vvchar.rnum, vvchar.cvchar from vvchar where vvchar.cvchar is null ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------+---------- EmptyStringIsNull_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- EmptyStringIsNull_p2 select 'EmptyStringIsNull_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select tvchar.rnum, tvchar.cvchar from tvchar where tvchar.cvchar is null ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------+---------- EmptyStringIsNull_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- ExactNumericOpAdd_p1 select 'ExactNumericOpAdd_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 000001.00 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 000002.00 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 000003.00 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 000002.10 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 000012.00 f2 from tversion union select vdec.rnum,vdec.cdec + 2 from vdec ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------+---------- ExactNumericOpAdd_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- ExactNumericOpAdd_p2 select 'ExactNumericOpAdd_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 000001.00 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 000002.00 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 000003.00 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 000002.10 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 000012.00 f2 from tversion union select tdec.rnum,tdec.cdec + 2 from tdec ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------+---------- ExactNumericOpAdd_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- ExactNumericOpAdd_p3 select 'ExactNumericOpAdd_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 000001.00 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 000002.00 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 000003.00 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 000002.10 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 000012.00 f2 from tversion union select vnum.rnum,vnum.cnum + 2 from vnum ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------+---------- ExactNumericOpAdd_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- ExactNumericOpAdd_p4 select 'ExactNumericOpAdd_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 000001.00 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 000002.00 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 000003.00 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 000002.10 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 000012.00 f2 from tversion union select tnum.rnum,tnum.cnum + 2 from tnum ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------+---------- ExactNumericOpAdd_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- ExactNumericOpDiv_p1 select 'ExactNumericOpDiv_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -00000.500000 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 00000.000000 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 00000.500000 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 00000.050000 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 00005.000000 f2 from tversion union select vdec.rnum,vdec.cdec / 2 from vdec ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------+---------- ExactNumericOpDiv_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- ApproximateNumericOpSub_p2 select 'ApproximateNumericOpSub_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -3.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, -2.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, -1.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, -2.100000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 8.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select tflt.rnum,tflt.cflt - 2 from tflt ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------------+---------- ApproximateNumericOpSub_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- ExactNumericOpDiv_p2 select 'ExactNumericOpDiv_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -00000.500000 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 00000.000000 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 00000.500000 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 00000.050000 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 00005.000000 f2 from tversion union select tdec.rnum,tdec.cdec / 2 from tdec ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------+---------- ExactNumericOpDiv_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- ExactNumericOpDiv_p3 select 'ExactNumericOpDiv_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -00000.500000 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 00000.000000 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 00000.500000 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 00000.050000 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 00005.000000 f2 from tversion union select vnum.rnum,vnum.cnum / 2 from vnum ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------+---------- ExactNumericOpDiv_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- ExactNumericOpDiv_p4 select 'ExactNumericOpDiv_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -00000.500000 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 00000.000000 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 00000.500000 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 00000.050000 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 00005.000000 f2 from tversion union select tnum.rnum,tnum.cnum / 2 from tnum ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------+---------- ExactNumericOpDiv_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- ExactNumericOpMulNULL_p1 select 'ExactNumericOpMulNULL_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select null f1 from tversion union select -1.0 * cnnull from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------+---------- ExactNumericOpMulNULL_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- ExactNumericOpMulNULL_p2 select 'ExactNumericOpMulNULL_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select null f1 from tversion union select 0.0 * cnnull from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------+---------- ExactNumericOpMulNULL_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- ExactNumericOpMulNULL_p3 select 'ExactNumericOpMulNULL_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select null f1 from tversion union select 1.0 * cnnull from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------+---------- ExactNumericOpMulNULL_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- ExactNumericOpMulNULL_p4 select 'ExactNumericOpMulNULL_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select null f1 from tversion union select 0.1 * cnnull from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------+---------- ExactNumericOpMulNULL_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- ExactNumericOpMulNULL_p5 select 'ExactNumericOpMulNULL_p5' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select null f1 from tversion union select 10.0 * cnnull from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------+---------- ExactNumericOpMulNULL_p5 | 1 (1 row) --- ExactNumericOpMul_p1 select 'ExactNumericOpMul_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -0000002.00 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0000000.00 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 0000002.00 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 0000000.20 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 0000020.00 f2 from tversion union select vdec.rnum,vdec.cdec * 2 from vdec ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------+---------- ExactNumericOpMul_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- ExactNumericOpMul_p2 select 'ExactNumericOpMul_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -0000002.00 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0000000.00 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 0000002.00 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 0000000.20 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 0000020.00 f2 from tversion union select tdec.rnum,tdec.cdec * 2 from tdec ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------+---------- ExactNumericOpMul_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- ApproximateNumericOpSub_p3 select 'ApproximateNumericOpSub_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -3.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, -2.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, -1.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, -2.100000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 8.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select vdbl.rnum,vdbl.cdbl - 2 from vdbl ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------------+---------- ApproximateNumericOpSub_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- ExactNumericOpMul_p3 select 'ExactNumericOpMul_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -0000002.00 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0000000.00 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 0000002.00 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 0000000.20 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 0000020.00 f2 from tversion union select vnum.rnum,vnum.cnum * 2 from vnum ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------+---------- ExactNumericOpMul_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- ExactNumericOpMul_p4 select 'ExactNumericOpMul_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -0000002.00 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0000000.00 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 0000002.00 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 0000000.20 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 0000020.00 f2 from tversion union select tnum.rnum,tnum.cnum * 2 from tnum ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------+---------- ExactNumericOpMul_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- ExactNumericOpSub_p1 select 'ExactNumericOpSub_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -000003.00 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, -000002.00 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, -000001.00 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, -000001.90 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 000008.00 f2 from tversion union select vdec.rnum,vdec.cdec - 2 from vdec ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------+---------- ExactNumericOpSub_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- ExactNumericOpSub_p2 select 'ExactNumericOpSub_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -000003.00 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, -000002.00 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, -000001.00 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, -000001.90 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 000008.00 f2 from tversion union select tdec.rnum,tdec.cdec - 2 from tdec ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------+---------- ExactNumericOpSub_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- ExactNumericOpSub_p3 select 'ExactNumericOpSub_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -000003.00 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, -000002.00 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, -000001.00 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, -000001.90 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 000008.00 f2 from tversion union select vnum.rnum,vnum.cnum - 2 from vnum ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------+---------- ExactNumericOpSub_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- ExactNumericOpSub_p4 select 'ExactNumericOpSub_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -000003.00 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, -000002.00 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, -000001.00 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, -000001.90 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 000008.00 f2 from tversion union select tnum.rnum,tnum.cnum - 2 from tnum ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------+---------- ExactNumericOpSub_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- ExceptAll_p1 select 'ExceptAll_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 10 f1, 'AAA' f2 from tversion union select 20 f1, 'BBB' f2 from tversion union select 30 f1, 'CCC' f2 from tversion union select 50 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 60 f1, null f2 from tversion union select null f1, 'AAA' f2 from tversion union select null f1, 'AAA' f2 from tversion union select null f1, null f2 from tversion union select null f1, null f2 from tversion union select c1, c2 from tset1 except all select c1, c2 from tset2 ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------+---------- ExceptAll_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- Except_p1 select 'Except_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 20 f1, 'BBB' f2 from tversion union select 30 f1, 'CCC' f2 from tversion union select 50 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 60 f1, null f2 from tversion union select null f1, 'AAA' f2 from tversion union select null f1, null f2 from tversion union select c1, c2 from tset1 except select c1, c2 from tset2 ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------+---------- Except_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- ExpCoreApproximateNumeric_p1 select 'ExpCoreApproximateNumeric_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, .367879441 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 2.71828183 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, .904837418 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 22026.4658 f2 from tversion union select vflt.rnum, exp( vflt.cflt ) from vflt ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------------+---------- ExpCoreApproximateNumeric_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- ExpCoreApproximateNumeric_p2 select 'ExpCoreApproximateNumeric_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, .367879441 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 2.71828183 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, .904837418 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 22026.4658 f2 from tversion union select tflt.rnum, exp( tflt.cflt ) from tflt ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------------+---------- ExpCoreApproximateNumeric_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- ApproximateNumericOpSub_p4 select 'ApproximateNumericOpSub_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -3.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, -2.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, -1.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, -2.100000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 8.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select tdbl.rnum,tdbl.cdbl - 2 from tdbl ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------------+---------- ApproximateNumericOpSub_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- ExpCoreApproximateNumeric_p3 select 'ExpCoreApproximateNumeric_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, .367879441 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 2.71828183 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, .904837418 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 22026.4658 f2 from tversion union select vdbl.rnum, exp( vdbl.cdbl ) from vdbl ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------------+---------- ExpCoreApproximateNumeric_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- ExpCoreApproximateNumeric_p4 select 'ExpCoreApproximateNumeric_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, .367879441 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 2.71828183 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, .904837418 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 22026.4658 f2 from tversion union select tdbl.rnum, exp( tdbl.cdbl ) from tdbl ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------------+---------- ExpCoreApproximateNumeric_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- ExpCoreApproximateNumeric_p5 select 'ExpCoreApproximateNumeric_p5' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, .367879441 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 2.71828183 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, .904837418 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 22026.4658 f2 from tversion union select vrl.rnum, exp( vrl.crl ) from vrl ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------------+---------- ExpCoreApproximateNumeric_p5 | 1 (1 row) --- ExpCoreApproximateNumeric_p6 select 'ExpCoreApproximateNumeric_p6' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, .367879441 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 2.71828183 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, .904837418 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 22026.4658 f2 from tversion union select trl.rnum, exp( trl.crl ) from trl ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------------+---------- ExpCoreApproximateNumeric_p6 | 1 (1 row) --- ExpCoreExactNumeric_p1 select 'ExpCoreExactNumeric_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, .367879441 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 2.71828183 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 1.10517092 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 22026.4658 f2 from tversion union select rnum, exp( vdec.cdec ) from vdec ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------+---------- ExpCoreExactNumeric_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- ExpCoreExactNumeric_p2 select 'ExpCoreExactNumeric_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, .367879441 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 2.71828183 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 1.10517092 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 22026.4658 f2 from tversion union select rnum, exp( tdec.cdec ) from tdec ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------+---------- ExpCoreExactNumeric_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- ExpCoreExactNumeric_p3 select 'ExpCoreExactNumeric_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, .367879441 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 2.71828183 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 1.10517092 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 22026.4658 f2 from tversion union select rnum, exp( vnum.cnum ) from vnum ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------+---------- ExpCoreExactNumeric_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- ExpCoreExactNumeric_p4 select 'ExpCoreExactNumeric_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, .367879441 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 2.71828183 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 1.10517092 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 22026.4658 f2 from tversion union select rnum, exp( tnum.cnum ) from tnum ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------+---------- ExpCoreExactNumeric_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- ExpCoreIntegers_p1 select 'ExpCoreIntegers_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, .367879441 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 2.71828183 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 22026.4658 f2 from tversion union select vint.rnum, exp( vint.cint ) from vint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------+---------- ExpCoreIntegers_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- ExpCoreIntegers_p2 select 'ExpCoreIntegers_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, .367879441 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 2.71828183 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 22026.4658 f2 from tversion union select tint.rnum, exp( tint.cint ) from tint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------+---------- ExpCoreIntegers_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- ApproximateNumericOpSub_p5 select 'ApproximateNumericOpSub_p5' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -3.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, -2.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, -1.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, -2.100000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 8.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select vrl.rnum,vrl.crl - 2 from vrl ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------------+---------- ApproximateNumericOpSub_p5 | 1 (1 row) --- ExpCoreIntegers_p3 select 'ExpCoreIntegers_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, .367879441 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 2.71828183 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 22026.4658 f2 from tversion union select vsint.rnum, exp( vsint.csint ) from vsint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------+---------- ExpCoreIntegers_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- ExpCoreIntegers_p4 select 'ExpCoreIntegers_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, .367879441 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 2.71828183 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 22026.4658 f2 from tversion union select tsint.rnum, exp( tsint.csint ) from tsint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------+---------- ExpCoreIntegers_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- ExpCoreIntegers_p5 select 'ExpCoreIntegers_p5' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, .367879441 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 2.71828183 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 22026.4658 f2 from tversion union select vbint.rnum, exp( vbint.cbint ) from vbint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------+---------- ExpCoreIntegers_p5 | 1 (1 row) --- ExpCoreIntegers_p6 select 'ExpCoreIntegers_p6' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, .367879441 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 2.71828183 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 22026.4658 f2 from tversion union select tbint.rnum, exp( tbint.cbint ) from tbint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------+---------- ExpCoreIntegers_p6 | 1 (1 row) --- ExpressionInIn_p1 select 'ExpressionInIn_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 10 f1, 'BB' f2 from tversion union select tjoin2.c1, tjoin2.c2 from tjoin2 where tjoin2.rnum in (1 - 1) ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------+---------- ExpressionInIn_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- ExpressionUsingAggregate_p1 select 'ExpressionUsingAggregate_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 51 f1 from tversion union select (1 + max(c1) - min(c1) ) from tset1 ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------------+---------- ExpressionUsingAggregate_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- ExtractCoreDayFromDate_p1 select 'ExtractCoreDayFromDate_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 01 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 01 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 31 f2 from tversion union select vdt.rnum, extract( day from vdt.cdt ) from vdt ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------+---------- ExtractCoreDayFromDate_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- ExtractCoreDayFromDate_p2 select 'ExtractCoreDayFromDate_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 01 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 01 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 31 f2 from tversion union select tdt.rnum, extract( day from tdt.cdt ) from tdt ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------+---------- ExtractCoreDayFromDate_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- ExtractCoreDayFromTimestamp_p1 select 'ExtractCoreDayFromTimestamp_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 01 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 01 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 01 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 01 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 01 f2 from tversion union select 6 f1, 01 f2 from tversion union select 7 f1, 31 f2 from tversion union select 8 f1, 31 f2 from tversion union select 9 f1, 31 f2 from tversion union select vts.rnum, extract( day from vts.cts ) from vts ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------------+---------- ExtractCoreDayFromTimestamp_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- ExtractCoreDayFromTimestamp_p2 select 'ExtractCoreDayFromTimestamp_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 01 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 01 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 01 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 01 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 01 f2 from tversion union select 6 f1, 01 f2 from tversion union select 7 f1, 31 f2 from tversion union select 8 f1, 31 f2 from tversion union select 9 f1, 31 f2 from tversion union select tts.rnum, extract( day from tts.cts ) from tts ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------------+---------- ExtractCoreDayFromTimestamp_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- ApproximateNumericOpSub_p6 select 'ApproximateNumericOpSub_p6' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -3.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, -2.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, -1.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, -2.100000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 8.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select trl.rnum,trl.crl - 2 from trl ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------------+---------- ApproximateNumericOpSub_p6 | 1 (1 row) --- ExtractCoreHourFromTimestamp_p1 select 'ExtractCoreHourFromTimestamp_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 12 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 23 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 12 f2 from tversion union select 6 f1, 23 f2 from tversion union select 7 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 8 f1, 12 f2 from tversion union select 9 f1, 12 f2 from tversion union select vts.rnum, extract( hour from vts.cts ) from vts ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------------+---------- ExtractCoreHourFromTimestamp_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- ExtractCoreHourFromTimestamp_p2 select 'ExtractCoreHourFromTimestamp_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 12 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 23 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 12 f2 from tversion union select 6 f1, 23 f2 from tversion union select 7 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 8 f1, 12 f2 from tversion union select 9 f1, 12 f2 from tversion union select tts.rnum, extract( hour from tts.cts ) from tts ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------------+---------- ExtractCoreHourFromTimestamp_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- ExtractCoreHourFromTime_p1 select 'ExtractCoreHourFromTime_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 12 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 23 f2 from tversion union select vtm.rnum, extract( hour from vtm.ctm ) from vtm ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------------+---------- ExtractCoreHourFromTime_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- ExtractCoreHourFromTime_p2 select 'ExtractCoreHourFromTime_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 12 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 23 f2 from tversion union select ttm.rnum, extract( hour from ttm.ctm ) from ttm ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------------+---------- ExtractCoreHourFromTime_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- ExtractCoreMinuteFromTimestamp_p1 select 'ExtractCoreMinuteFromTimestamp_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 59 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 6 f1, 59 f2 from tversion union select 7 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 8 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 9 f1, 15 f2 from tversion union select vts.rnum, extract( minute from vts.cts ) from vts ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------------------+---------- ExtractCoreMinuteFromTimestamp_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- ExtractCoreMinuteFromTimestamp_p2 select 'ExtractCoreMinuteFromTimestamp_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 59 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 6 f1, 59 f2 from tversion union select 7 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 8 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 9 f1, 15 f2 from tversion union select tts.rnum, extract( minute from tts.cts ) from tts ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------------------+---------- ExtractCoreMinuteFromTimestamp_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- ExtractCoreMinuteFromTime_p1 select 'ExtractCoreMinuteFromTime_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 59 f2 from tversion union select vtm.rnum, extract( minute from vtm.ctm ) from vtm ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------------+---------- ExtractCoreMinuteFromTime_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- ExtractCoreMinuteFromTime_p2 select 'ExtractCoreMinuteFromTime_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 59 f2 from tversion union select ttm.rnum, extract( minute from ttm.ctm ) from ttm ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------------+---------- ExtractCoreMinuteFromTime_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- ExtractCoreMonthFromDate_p1 select 'ExtractCoreMonthFromDate_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 01 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 01 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 12 f2 from tversion union select vdt.rnum, extract( month from vdt.cdt ) from vdt ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------------+---------- ExtractCoreMonthFromDate_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- ExtractCoreMonthFromDate_p2 select 'ExtractCoreMonthFromDate_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 01 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 01 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 12 f2 from tversion union select tdt.rnum, extract( month from tdt.cdt ) from tdt ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------------+---------- ExtractCoreMonthFromDate_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- AvgApproxNumeric_p1 select 'AvgApproxNumeric_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1.98 f1 from tversion union select avg(vflt.cflt) from vflt ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------+---------- AvgApproxNumeric_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- ExtractCoreMonthFromTimestamp_p1 select 'ExtractCoreMonthFromTimestamp_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 01 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 01 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 01 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 01 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 01 f2 from tversion union select 6 f1, 01 f2 from tversion union select 7 f1, 12 f2 from tversion union select 8 f1, 12 f2 from tversion union select 9 f1, 12 f2 from tversion union select vts.rnum, extract( month from vts.cts ) from vts ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------------------+---------- ExtractCoreMonthFromTimestamp_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- ExtractCoreMonthFromTimestamp_p2 select 'ExtractCoreMonthFromTimestamp_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 01 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 01 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 01 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 01 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 01 f2 from tversion union select 6 f1, 01 f2 from tversion union select 7 f1, 12 f2 from tversion union select 8 f1, 12 f2 from tversion union select 9 f1, 12 f2 from tversion union select tts.rnum, extract( month from tts.cts ) from tts ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------------------+---------- ExtractCoreMonthFromTimestamp_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- ExtractCoreSecondFromTimestamp_p1 select 'ExtractCoreSecondFromTimestamp_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 0000.000000 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0000.000000 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 0030.123000 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 0000.000000 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 0000.000000 f2 from tversion union select 6 f1, 0030.123000 f2 from tversion union select 7 f1, 0000.000000 f2 from tversion union select 8 f1, 0000.000000 f2 from tversion union select 9 f1, 0030.123000 f2 from tversion union select vts.rnum, extract( second from vts.cts ) from vts ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------------------+---------- ExtractCoreSecondFromTimestamp_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- ExtractCoreSecondFromTimestamp_p2 select 'ExtractCoreSecondFromTimestamp_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 0000.000000 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0000.000000 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 0030.123000 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 0000.000000 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 0000.000000 f2 from tversion union select 6 f1, 0030.123000 f2 from tversion union select 7 f1, 0000.000000 f2 from tversion union select 8 f1, 0000.000000 f2 from tversion union select 9 f1, 0030.123000 f2 from tversion union select tts.rnum, extract( second from tts.cts ) from tts ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------------------+---------- ExtractCoreSecondFromTimestamp_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- ExtractCoreSecondFromTime_p1 select 'ExtractCoreSecondFromTime_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 30.123 f2 from tversion union select vtm.rnum, extract( second from vtm.ctm ) from vtm ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------------+---------- ExtractCoreSecondFromTime_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- ExtractCoreSecondFromTime_p2 select 'ExtractCoreSecondFromTime_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 30.123 f2 from tversion union select ttm.rnum, extract( second from ttm.ctm ) from ttm ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------------+---------- ExtractCoreSecondFromTime_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- ExtractCoreYearFromDate_p1 select 'ExtractCoreYearFromDate_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 1996 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 2000 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 2000 f2 from tversion union select vdt.rnum, extract( year from vdt.cdt ) from vdt ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------------+---------- ExtractCoreYearFromDate_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- ExtractCoreYearFromDate_p2 select 'ExtractCoreYearFromDate_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 1996 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 2000 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 2000 f2 from tversion union select tdt.rnum, extract( year from tdt.cdt ) from tdt ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------------+---------- ExtractCoreYearFromDate_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- ExtractCoreYearFromTimestamp_p1 select 'ExtractCoreYearFromTimestamp_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 1996 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 1996 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1996 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 2000 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 2000 f2 from tversion union select 6 f1, 2000 f2 from tversion union select 7 f1, 2000 f2 from tversion union select 8 f1, 2000 f2 from tversion union select 9 f1, 2000 f2 from tversion union select vts.rnum, extract( year from vts.cts ) from vts ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------------+---------- ExtractCoreYearFromTimestamp_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- ExtractCoreYearFromTimestamp_p2 select 'ExtractCoreYearFromTimestamp_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 1996 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 1996 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1996 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 2000 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 2000 f2 from tversion union select 6 f1, 2000 f2 from tversion union select 7 f1, 2000 f2 from tversion union select 8 f1, 2000 f2 from tversion union select 9 f1, 2000 f2 from tversion union select tts.rnum, extract( year from tts.cts ) from tts ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------------+---------- ExtractCoreYearFromTimestamp_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- AvgApproxNumeric_p2 select 'AvgApproxNumeric_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1.98 f1 from tversion union select avg(tflt.cflt) from tflt ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------+---------- AvgApproxNumeric_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- FloorCoreApproximateNumeric_p1 select 'FloorCoreApproximateNumeric_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 10 f2 from tversion union select rnum, floor( vflt.cflt ) from vflt ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------------+---------- FloorCoreApproximateNumeric_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- FloorCoreApproximateNumeric_p2 select 'FloorCoreApproximateNumeric_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 10 f2 from tversion union select rnum, floor( tflt.cflt ) from tflt ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------------+---------- FloorCoreApproximateNumeric_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- FloorCoreApproximateNumeric_p3 select 'FloorCoreApproximateNumeric_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 10 f2 from tversion union select rnum, floor( vdbl.cdbl ) from vdbl ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------------+---------- FloorCoreApproximateNumeric_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- FloorCoreApproximateNumeric_p4 select 'FloorCoreApproximateNumeric_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 10 f2 from tversion union select rnum, floor( tdbl.cdbl ) from tdbl ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------------+---------- FloorCoreApproximateNumeric_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- FloorCoreApproximateNumeric_p5 select 'FloorCoreApproximateNumeric_p5' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 10 f2 from tversion union select rnum, floor( vrl.crl ) from vrl ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------------+---------- FloorCoreApproximateNumeric_p5 | 1 (1 row) --- FloorCoreApproximateNumeric_p6 select 'FloorCoreApproximateNumeric_p6' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 10 f2 from tversion union select rnum, floor( trl.crl ) from trl ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------------+---------- FloorCoreApproximateNumeric_p6 | 1 (1 row) --- FloorCoreExactNumeric_p1 select 'FloorCoreExactNumeric_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 10 f2 from tversion union select rnum, floor( vdec.cdec ) from vdec ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------+---------- FloorCoreExactNumeric_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- FloorCoreExactNumeric_p2 select 'FloorCoreExactNumeric_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 10 f2 from tversion union select rnum, floor( tdec.cdec ) from tdec ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------+---------- FloorCoreExactNumeric_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- FloorCoreExactNumeric_p3 select 'FloorCoreExactNumeric_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 10 f2 from tversion union select rnum, floor( vnum.cnum ) from vnum ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------+---------- FloorCoreExactNumeric_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- FloorCoreExactNumeric_p4 select 'FloorCoreExactNumeric_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 10 f2 from tversion union select rnum, floor( tnum.cnum ) from tnum ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------+---------- FloorCoreExactNumeric_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- AvgApproxNumeric_p3 select 'AvgApproxNumeric_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1.98 f1 from tversion union select avg(vdbl.cdbl) from vdbl ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------+---------- AvgApproxNumeric_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- FloorCoreIntegers_p1 select 'FloorCoreIntegers_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 10 f2 from tversion union select rnum, floor( vint.cint ) from vint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------+---------- FloorCoreIntegers_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- FloorCoreIntegers_p2 select 'FloorCoreIntegers_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 10 f2 from tversion union select rnum, floor( tint.cint ) from tint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------+---------- FloorCoreIntegers_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- FloorCoreIntegers_p3 select 'FloorCoreIntegers_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 10 f2 from tversion union select rnum, floor( vsint.csint ) from vsint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------+---------- FloorCoreIntegers_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- FloorCoreIntegers_p4 select 'FloorCoreIntegers_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 10 f2 from tversion union select rnum, floor( tsint.csint ) from tsint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------+---------- FloorCoreIntegers_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- FloorCoreIntegers_p5 select 'FloorCoreIntegers_p5' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 10 f2 from tversion union select rnum, floor( vbint.cbint ) from vbint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------+---------- FloorCoreIntegers_p5 | 1 (1 row) --- FloorCoreIntegers_p6 select 'FloorCoreIntegers_p6' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 10 f2 from tversion union select rnum, floor( tbint.cbint ) from tbint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------+---------- FloorCoreIntegers_p6 | 1 (1 row) --- GroupByAlias_p1 select 'GroupByAlias_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 50 f1, 'AAA' f2 from tversion union select 100 f1, 'BBB' f2 from tversion union select 150 f1, 'CCC' f2 from tversion union select 200 f1, 'DDD' f2 from tversion union select 250 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 300 f1, null f2 from tversion union select null f1, 'AAA' f2 from tversion union select null f1, null f2 from tversion union select c1*5 as calc, c2 from tset1 group by calc, c2 ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------+---------- GroupByAlias_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- GroupByExpr_p1 select 'GroupByExpr_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 50 f1, 'AAA' f2 from tversion union select 100 f1, 'BBB' f2 from tversion union select 150 f1, 'CCC' f2 from tversion union select 200 f1, 'DDD' f2 from tversion union select 250 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 300 f1, null f2 from tversion union select null f1, 'AAA' f2 from tversion union select null f1, null f2 from tversion union select c1*5, c2 from tset1 group by c1*5, c2 ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------+---------- GroupByExpr_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- GroupByHaving_p1 select 'GroupByHaving_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 10 f1, 3 f2 from tversion union select null f1, 4 f2 from tversion union select c1, count(*) from tset1 group by c1 having count(*) > 2 ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------+---------- GroupByHaving_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- GroupByLiteral_p1 select 'GroupByLiteral_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 10 f1 from tversion union select 10 f1 from tversion union select 10 f1 from tversion union select 10 f1 from tversion union select 10 f1 from tversion union select 10 f1 from tversion union select 10 f1 from tversion union select 10 from tset1 group by tset1.c1 ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------+---------- GroupByLiteral_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- AbsCoreApproximateNumeric_p5 select 'AbsCoreApproximateNumeric_p5' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 1.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 1.000000000000000e-001 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 1.000000000000000e+001 f2 from tversion union select rnum, abs( vrl.crl ) from vrl ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------------+---------- AbsCoreApproximateNumeric_p5 | 1 (1 row) --- AvgApproxNumeric_p4 select 'AvgApproxNumeric_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1.98 f1 from tversion union select avg(tdbl.cdbl) from tdbl ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------+---------- AvgApproxNumeric_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- GroupByMany_p1 select 'GroupByMany_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 10 f1, 'AAA' f2 from tversion union select 20 f1, 'BBB' f2 from tversion union select 30 f1, 'CCC' f2 from tversion union select 40 f1, 'DDD' f2 from tversion union select 50 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 60 f1, null f2 from tversion union select null f1, 'AAA' f2 from tversion union select null f1, null f2 from tversion union select c1, c2 from tset1 group by c1, c2 ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------+---------- GroupByMany_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- GroupByMultiply_p1 select 'GroupByMultiply_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 50 f1 from tversion union select 100 f1 from tversion union select 150 f1 from tversion union select 200 f1 from tversion union select 250 f1 from tversion union select 300 f1 from tversion union select null f1 from tversion union select c1 * 5 from tset1 group by c1 ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------+---------- GroupByMultiply_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- GroupByOrdinal_p1 select 'GroupByOrdinal_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 50 f1, 'AAA' f2 from tversion union select 100 f1, 'BBB' f2 from tversion union select 150 f1, 'CCC' f2 from tversion union select 200 f1, 'DDD' f2 from tversion union select 250 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 300 f1, null f2 from tversion union select null f1, 'AAA' f2 from tversion union select null f1, null f2 from tversion union select c1*5, c2 from tset1 group by 1,2 ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------+---------- GroupByOrdinal_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- GroupBy_p1 select 'GroupBy_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 'AAA' f1 from tversion union select 'BBB' f1 from tversion union select 'CCC' f1 from tversion union select 'DDD' f1 from tversion union select null f1 from tversion union select c2 from tset1 group by c2 ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------+---------- GroupBy_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- Having_p1 select 'Having_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 8 f1 from tversion union select count(c1) from tset1 having count(*) > 2 ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------+---------- Having_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- IntegerOpAdd_p1 select 'IntegerOpAdd_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 2 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 3 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 12 f2 from tversion union select vint.rnum,vint.cint + 2 from vint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------+---------- IntegerOpAdd_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- IntegerOpAdd_p2 select 'IntegerOpAdd_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 2 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 3 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 12 f2 from tversion union select tint.rnum,tint.cint + 2 from tint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------+---------- IntegerOpAdd_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- IntegerOpAdd_p3 select 'IntegerOpAdd_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 2 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 3 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 12 f2 from tversion union select vsint.rnum,vsint.csint + 2 from vsint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------+---------- IntegerOpAdd_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- IntegerOpAdd_p4 select 'IntegerOpAdd_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 2 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 3 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 12 f2 from tversion union select tsint.rnum,tsint.csint + 2 from tsint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------+---------- IntegerOpAdd_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- IntegerOpAdd_p5 select 'IntegerOpAdd_p5' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 2 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 3 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 12 f2 from tversion union select vbint.rnum,vbint.cbint + 2 from vbint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------+---------- IntegerOpAdd_p5 | 1 (1 row) --- AvgApproxNumeric_p5 select 'AvgApproxNumeric_p5' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1.98 f1 from tversion union select avg(vrl.crl) from vrl ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------+---------- AvgApproxNumeric_p5 | 1 (1 row) --- IntegerOpAdd_p6 select 'IntegerOpAdd_p6' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 2 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 3 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 12 f2 from tversion union select tbint.rnum,tbint.cbint + 2 from tbint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------+---------- IntegerOpAdd_p6 | 1 (1 row) --- IntegerOpDiv_p1 select 'IntegerOpDiv_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 5 f2 from tversion union select vint.rnum,vint.cint / 2 from vint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------+---------- IntegerOpDiv_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- IntegerOpDiv_p2 select 'IntegerOpDiv_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 5 f2 from tversion union select tint.rnum,tint.cint / 2 from tint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------+---------- IntegerOpDiv_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- IntegerOpDiv_p3 select 'IntegerOpDiv_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 5 f2 from tversion union select vsint.rnum,vsint.csint / 2 from vsint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------+---------- IntegerOpDiv_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- IntegerOpDiv_p4 select 'IntegerOpDiv_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 5 f2 from tversion union select tsint.rnum,tsint.csint / 2 from tsint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------+---------- IntegerOpDiv_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- IntegerOpDiv_p5 select 'IntegerOpDiv_p5' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 5 f2 from tversion union select vbint.rnum,vbint.cbint / 2 from vbint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------+---------- IntegerOpDiv_p5 | 1 (1 row) --- IntegerOpDiv_p6 select 'IntegerOpDiv_p6' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 5 f2 from tversion union select tbint.rnum,tbint.cbint / 2 from tbint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------+---------- IntegerOpDiv_p6 | 1 (1 row) --- IntegerOpMulNULL_p1 select 'IntegerOpMulNULL_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select null f1 from tversion union select -1.0e+0 * cnnull from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------+---------- IntegerOpMulNULL_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- IntegerOpMulNULL_p2 select 'IntegerOpMulNULL_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select null f1 from tversion union select 0.0e+0 * cnnull from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------+---------- IntegerOpMulNULL_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- IntegerOpMulNULL_p3 select 'IntegerOpMulNULL_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select null f1 from tversion union select 1.0e+0 * cnnull from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------+---------- IntegerOpMulNULL_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- AvgApproxNumeric_p6 select 'AvgApproxNumeric_p6' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1.98 f1 from tversion union select avg(trl.crl) from trl ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------+---------- AvgApproxNumeric_p6 | 1 (1 row) --- IntegerOpMulNULL_p4 select 'IntegerOpMulNULL_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select null f1 from tversion union select -1.0e-1 * cnnull from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------+---------- IntegerOpMulNULL_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- IntegerOpMulNULL_p5 select 'IntegerOpMulNULL_p5' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select null f1 from tversion union select 10.0e+0 * cnnull from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------+---------- IntegerOpMulNULL_p5 | 1 (1 row) --- IntegerOpMul_p1 select 'IntegerOpMul_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -2 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 2 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 20 f2 from tversion union select vint.rnum,vint.cint * 2 from vint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------+---------- IntegerOpMul_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- IntegerOpMul_p2 select 'IntegerOpMul_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -2 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 2 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 20 f2 from tversion union select tint.rnum,tint.cint * 2 from tint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------+---------- IntegerOpMul_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- IntegerOpMul_p3 select 'IntegerOpMul_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -2 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 2 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 20 f2 from tversion union select vsint.rnum,vsint.csint * 2 from vsint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------+---------- IntegerOpMul_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- IntegerOpMul_p4 select 'IntegerOpMul_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -2 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 2 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 20 f2 from tversion union select tsint.rnum,tsint.csint * 2 from tsint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------+---------- IntegerOpMul_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- IntegerOpMul_p5 select 'IntegerOpMul_p5' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -2 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 2 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 20 f2 from tversion union select vbint.rnum,vbint.cbint * 2 from vbint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------+---------- IntegerOpMul_p5 | 1 (1 row) --- IntegerOpMul_p6 select 'IntegerOpMul_p6' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -2 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 2 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 20 f2 from tversion union select tbint.rnum,tbint.cbint * 2 from tbint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------+---------- IntegerOpMul_p6 | 1 (1 row) --- IntegerOpSub_p1 select 'IntegerOpSub_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -3 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, -2 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 8 f2 from tversion union select vint.rnum,vint.cint - 2 from vint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------+---------- IntegerOpSub_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- IntegerOpSub_p2 select 'IntegerOpSub_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -3 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, -2 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 8 f2 from tversion union select tint.rnum,tint.cint - 2 from tint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------+---------- IntegerOpSub_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- AvgExactNumeric_p1 select 'AvgExactNumeric_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 2.02 f1 from tversion union select avg(vdec.cdec) from vdec ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------+---------- AvgExactNumeric_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- IntegerOpSub_p3 select 'IntegerOpSub_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -3 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, -2 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 8 f2 from tversion union select vsint.rnum,vsint.csint - 2 from vsint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------+---------- IntegerOpSub_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- IntegerOpSub_p4 select 'IntegerOpSub_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -3 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, -2 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 8 f2 from tversion union select tsint.rnum,tsint.csint - 2 from tsint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------+---------- IntegerOpSub_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- IntegerOpSub_p5 select 'IntegerOpSub_p5' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -3 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, -2 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 8 f2 from tversion union select vbint.rnum,vbint.cbint - 2 from vbint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------+---------- IntegerOpSub_p5 | 1 (1 row) --- IntegerOpSub_p6 select 'IntegerOpSub_p6' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -3 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, -2 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 8 f2 from tversion union select tbint.rnum,tbint.cbint - 2 from tbint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------+---------- IntegerOpSub_p6 | 1 (1 row) --- IntersectAll_p1 select 'IntersectAll_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 10 f1, 'AAA' f2 from tversion union select 10 f1, 'AAA' f2 from tversion union select 40 f1, 'DDD' f2 from tversion union select c1, c2 from tset1 intersect all select c1, c2 from tset2 ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------+---------- IntersectAll_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- Intersect_p1 select 'Intersect_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 10 f1, 'AAA' f2 from tversion union select 40 f1, 'DDD' f2 from tversion union select c1, c2 from tset1 intersect select c1, c2 from tset2 ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------+---------- Intersect_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- IsNullPredicate_p1 select 'IsNullPredicate_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select null f1, 'EE' f2 from tversion union select c1, c2 from tjoin2 where c1 is null ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------+---------- IsNullPredicate_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- IsNullValueExpr_p1 select 'IsNullValueExpr_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select c1 from tversion where 1 * cnnull is null ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------+---------- IsNullValueExpr_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- JoinCoreCrossProduct_p1 select 'JoinCoreCrossProduct_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3,f4,f5, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 0 f2, 10 f3, 10 f4, 'BB' f5 from tversion union select 0 f1, 1 f2, 10 f3, 15 f4, 'DD' f5 from tversion union select 0 f1, 2 f2, 10 f3, null f4, 'EE' f5 from tversion union select 0 f1, 3 f2, 10 f3, 10 f4, 'FF' f5 from tversion union select 1 f1, 0 f2, 20 f3, 10 f4, 'BB' f5 from tversion union select 1 f1, 1 f2, 20 f3, 15 f4, 'DD' f5 from tversion union select 1 f1, 2 f2, 20 f3, null f4, 'EE' f5 from tversion union select 1 f1, 3 f2, 20 f3, 10 f4, 'FF' f5 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2, null f3, 10 f4, 'BB' f5 from tversion union select 2 f1, 1 f2, null f3, 15 f4, 'DD' f5 from tversion union select 2 f1, 2 f2, null f3, null f4, 'EE' f5 from tversion union select 2 f1, 3 f2, null f3, 10 f4, 'FF' f5 from tversion union select tjoin1.rnum, tjoin2.rnum, tjoin1.c1, tjoin2.c1 as c1j2, tjoin2.c2 from tjoin1, tjoin2 ) Q group by f1,f2,f3,f4,f5 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- JoinCoreCrossProduct_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- JoinCoreCross_p1 select 'JoinCoreCross_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 10 f2, 10 f3 from tversion union select 3 f1, 10 f2, 10 f3 from tversion union select tjoin2.rnum, tjoin1.c1, tjoin2.c1 as c1j2 from tjoin1 cross join tjoin2 where tjoin1.c1=tjoin2.c1 ) Q group by f1,f2,f3 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------+---------- JoinCoreCross_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- AvgExactNumeric_p2 select 'AvgExactNumeric_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 2.02 f1 from tversion union select avg(tdec.cdec) from tdec ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------+---------- AvgExactNumeric_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- JoinCoreEqualWithAnd_p1 select 'JoinCoreEqualWithAnd_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 10 f1, 'BB' f2 from tversion union select tjoin1.c1, tjoin2.c2 from tjoin1 inner join tjoin2 on ( tjoin1.c1 = tjoin2.c1 and tjoin2.c2='BB' ) ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- JoinCoreEqualWithAnd_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- JoinCoreImplicit_p1 select 'JoinCoreImplicit_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3,f4, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 10 f2, 10 f3, 'BB' f4 from tversion union select 3 f1, 10 f2, 10 f3, 'FF' f4 from tversion union select tjoin2.rnum, tjoin1.c1, tjoin2.c1 as c1j2, tjoin2.c2 from tjoin1, tjoin2 where tjoin1.c1=tjoin2.c1 ) Q group by f1,f2,f3,f4 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------+---------- JoinCoreImplicit_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- JoinCoreIsNullPredicate_p1 select 'JoinCoreIsNullPredicate_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3,f4, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 10 f2, 15 f3, null f4 from tversion union select 1 f1, 20 f2, 25 f3, null f4 from tversion union select 2 f1, null f2, 50 f3, null f4 from tversion union select tjoin1.rnum, tjoin1.c1, tjoin1.c2, tjoin2.c2 as c2j2 from tjoin1 left outer join tjoin2 on ( tjoin1.c1 = tjoin2.c1 and tjoin1.c2 is null ) ) Q group by f1,f2,f3,f4 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------------+---------- JoinCoreIsNullPredicate_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- JoinCoreLeftNestedInnerTableRestrict_p1 select 'JoinCoreLeftNestedInnerTableRestrict_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 0 f2, 0 f3 from tversion union select 0 f1, 3 f2, 0 f3 from tversion union select 1 f1, null f2, null f3 from tversion union select 2 f1, null f2, null f3 from tversion union select tjoin1.rnum, tjoin2.rnum as rnumt2, tjoin3.rnum as rnumt3 from (tjoin1 left outer join tjoin2 on tjoin1.c1=tjoin2.c1) left outer join tjoin3 on tjoin2.c1=tjoin3.c1 ) Q group by f1,f2,f3 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------------------------+---------- JoinCoreLeftNestedInnerTableRestrict_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- JoinCoreLeftNestedOptionalTableRestrict_p1 select 'JoinCoreLeftNestedOptionalTableRestrict_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3,f4, count(*) c from ( select 10 f1, 15 f2, 'BB' f3, 'XX' f4 from tversion union select 10 f1, 15 f2, 'FF' f3, 'XX' f4 from tversion union select 20 f1, 25 f2, null f3, null f4 from tversion union select null f1, 50 f2, null f3, null f4 from tversion union select tjoin1.c1, tjoin1.c2, tjoin2.c2 as c2j2, tjoin3.c2 as c2j3 from tjoin1 left outer join (tjoin2 left outer join tjoin3 on tjoin2.c1=tjoin3.c1) on tjoin1.c1=tjoin3.c1 ) Q group by f1,f2,f3,f4 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------------------------+---------- JoinCoreLeftNestedOptionalTableRestrict_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- JoinCoreNatural_p1 select 'JoinCoreNatural_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select tset1.rnum, tset2.rnum as rnumt2 from tset1 natural join tset2 ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------+---------- JoinCoreNatural_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- JoinCoreNestedInnerOuter_p1 select 'JoinCoreNestedInnerOuter_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 10 f2, 15 f3, 'BB' f4, 'XX' f5, null f6 from tversion union select 3 f1, 10 f2, 15 f3, 'FF' f4, 'XX' f5, null f6 from tversion union select tjoin2.rnum, tjoin1.c1, tjoin1.c2, tjoin2.c2 as c2j2, tjoin3.c2 as c2j3,tjoin4.c2 as c2j4 from (tjoin1 inner join (tjoin2 left outer join tjoin3 on tjoin2.c1=tjoin3.c1) on (tjoin1.c1=tjoin2.c1)) left outer join tjoin4 on (tjoin1.c1=tjoin4.c1) ) Q group by f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------------+---------- JoinCoreNestedInnerOuter_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- JoinCoreNestedOuterInnerTableRestrict_p1 select 'JoinCoreNestedOuterInnerTableRestrict_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 0 f2, 0 f3 from tversion union select 0 f1, 3 f2, 0 f3 from tversion union select null f1, 1 f2, null f3 from tversion union select null f1, 2 f2, null f3 from tversion union select tjoin1.rnum, tjoin2.rnum as rnumt2, tjoin3.rnum as rnumt3 from (tjoin1 right outer join tjoin2 on tjoin1.c1=tjoin2.c1) left outer join tjoin3 on tjoin1.c1=tjoin3.c1 ) Q group by f1,f2,f3 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------------------------+---------- JoinCoreNestedOuterInnerTableRestrict_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- JoinCoreNestedOuterOptionalTableRestrict_p1 select 'JoinCoreNestedOuterOptionalTableRestrict_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3,f4, count(*) c from ( select 10 f1, 15 f2, 'BB' f3, 'XX' f4 from tversion union select 10 f1, 15 f2, 'FF' f3, 'XX' f4 from tversion union select null f1, null f2, null f3, 'YY' f4 from tversion union select tjoin1.c1, tjoin1.c2, tjoin2.c2 as c2j2, tjoin3.c2 as c2j3 from (tjoin1 left outer join tjoin2 on tjoin1.c1=tjoin2.c1) right outer join tjoin3 on tjoin2.c1=tjoin3.c1 ) Q group by f1,f2,f3,f4 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------------------------+---------- JoinCoreNestedOuterOptionalTableRestrict_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- JoinCoreNestedOuter_p1 select 'JoinCoreNestedOuter_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 10 f2, 15 f3, 'BB' f4, 'XX' f5, null f6 from tversion union select 1 f1, null f2, null f3, 'DD' f4, 'YY' f5, null f6 from tversion union select 2 f1, null f2, null f3, 'EE' f4, null f5, null f6 from tversion union select 3 f1, 10 f2, 15 f3, 'FF' f4, 'XX' f5, null f6 from tversion union select tjoin2.rnum, tjoin1.c1, tjoin1.c2, tjoin2.c2 as c2j2, tjoin3.c2 as c2j3,tjoin4.c2 as c2j4 from (tjoin1 right outer join (tjoin2 left outer join tjoin3 on tjoin2.c1=tjoin3.c1) on (tjoin1.c1=tjoin2.c1)) left outer join tjoin4 on (tjoin1.c1=tjoin4.c1) ) Q group by f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------+---------- JoinCoreNestedOuter_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- AvgExactNumeric_p3 select 'AvgExactNumeric_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 2.02 f1 from tversion union select avg(vnum.cnum) from vnum ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------+---------- AvgExactNumeric_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- JoinCoreNoExpressionInOnCondition_p1 select 'JoinCoreNoExpressionInOnCondition_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3,f4,f5, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 10 f2, 15 f3, 10 f4, 'XX' f5 from tversion union select 0 f1, 10 f2, 15 f3, 15 f4, 'YY' f5 from tversion union select tjoin1.rnum, tjoin1.c1,tjoin1.c2,tjoin3.c1, tjoin3.c2 from tjoin1 inner join tjoin3 on tjoin1.c1 = 9 + 1 ) Q group by f1,f2,f3,f4,f5 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------------------+---------- JoinCoreNoExpressionInOnCondition_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- JoinCoreNonEquiJoin_p1 select 'JoinCoreNonEquiJoin_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 0 f2, 0 f3 from tversion union select 1 f1, 1 f2, 1 f3 from tversion union select 2 f1, 2 f2, null f3 from tversion union select 3 f1, 3 f2, 0 f3 from tversion union select tjoin2.rnum, tjoin2.rnum as rnumt2, tjoin3.rnum as rnumt3 from tjoin2 left outer join tjoin3 on tjoin2.c2 <> tjoin3.c2 and tjoin2.c1=tjoin3.c1 ) Q group by f1,f2,f3 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------+---------- JoinCoreNonEquiJoin_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- JoinCoreNonEquiJoin_p2 select 'JoinCoreNonEquiJoin_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 0 f2, 0 f3 from tversion union select 1 f1, 1 f2, 1 f3 from tversion union select 2 f1, 2 f2, null f3 from tversion union select 3 f1, 3 f2, 0 f3 from tversion union select tjoin2.rnum, tjoin2.rnum as rnumt2, tjoin3.rnum as rnumt3 from tjoin2 left outer join tjoin3 on tjoin2.c2 <> tjoin3.c2 and tjoin2.c1=tjoin3.c1 ) Q group by f1,f2,f3 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------+---------- JoinCoreNonEquiJoin_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- JoinCoreNonJoinNonEquiJoin_p1 select 'JoinCoreNonJoinNonEquiJoin_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 10 f2, 'BB' f3 from tversion union select 0 f1, 10 f2, 'DD' f3 from tversion union select 0 f1, 10 f2, 'EE' f3 from tversion union select 0 f1, 10 f2, 'FF' f3 from tversion union select 1 f1, 20 f2, null f3 from tversion union select 2 f1, null f2, null f3 from tversion union select tjoin1.rnum, tjoin1.c1,tjoin2.c2 from tjoin1 left outer join tjoin2 on tjoin1.c1 < 20 ) Q group by f1,f2,f3 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------------+---------- JoinCoreNonJoinNonEquiJoin_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- JoinCoreNotPredicate_p1 select 'JoinCoreNotPredicate_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3,f4, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 10 f2, 15 f3, 'BB' f4 from tversion union select 3 f1, 10 f2, 15 f3, 'FF' f4 from tversion union select tjoin2.rnum, tjoin1.c1, tjoin1.c2, tjoin2.c2 as c2j2 from tjoin1 inner join tjoin2 on ( tjoin1.c1 = tjoin2.c1 and not tjoin2.c2 = 'AA' ) ) Q group by f1,f2,f3,f4 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- JoinCoreNotPredicate_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- JoinCoreNwayJoinedTable_p1 select 'JoinCoreNwayJoinedTable_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3,f4, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 10 f2, 'BB' f3, 'XX' f4 from tversion union select 1 f1, null f2, 'DD' f3, null f4 from tversion union select 2 f1, null f2, 'EE' f3, null f4 from tversion union select 3 f1, 10 f2, 'FF' f3, 'XX' f4 from tversion union select tjoin2.rnum, tjoin1.c1, tjoin2.c2 as c2j2, tjoin3.c2 as c2j3 from tjoin1 right outer join tjoin2 on tjoin1.c1 = tjoin2.c1 left outer join tjoin3 on tjoin1.c1 = tjoin3.c1 ) Q group by f1,f2,f3,f4 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------------+---------- JoinCoreNwayJoinedTable_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- JoinCoreOnConditionAbsFunction_p1 select 'JoinCoreOnConditionAbsFunction_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 10 f2, 'BB' f3 from tversion union select 0 f1, 10 f2, 'FF' f3 from tversion union select 1 f1, 20 f2, null f3 from tversion union select 2 f1, null f2, null f3 from tversion union select tjoin1.rnum, tjoin1.c1,tjoin2.c2 from tjoin1 left outer join tjoin2 on abs(tjoin1.c1)=tjoin2.c1 ) Q group by f1,f2,f3 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------------------+---------- JoinCoreOnConditionAbsFunction_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- JoinCoreOnConditionSetFunction_p1 select 'JoinCoreOnConditionSetFunction_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 10 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 20 f1, null f2 from tversion union select null f1, null f2 from tversion union select tjoin1.c1,tjoin2.c2 from tjoin1 left outer join tjoin2 on tjoin1.c1=tjoin2.c1 and tjoin1.c1 >= ((select sum(c1) from tjoin1)/2) ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------------------+---------- JoinCoreOnConditionSetFunction_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- JoinCoreOnConditionSubstringFunction_p1 select 'JoinCoreOnConditionSubstringFunction_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 10 f2, 'BB' f3 from tversion union select 1 f1, 20 f2, null f3 from tversion union select 2 f1, null f2, null f3 from tversion union select tjoin1.rnum, tjoin1.c1,tjoin2.c2 from tjoin1 left outer join tjoin2 on tjoin1.c1=tjoin2.c1 and substring(tjoin2.c2 from 1 for 2)='BB' ) Q group by f1,f2,f3 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------------------------+---------- JoinCoreOnConditionSubstringFunction_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- JoinCoreOnConditionTrimFunction_p1 select 'JoinCoreOnConditionTrimFunction_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 10 f2, 'BB' f3 from tversion union select 1 f1, 20 f2, null f3 from tversion union select 2 f1, null f2, null f3 from tversion union select tjoin1.rnum, tjoin1.c1,tjoin2.c2 from tjoin1 left outer join tjoin2 on tjoin1.c1=tjoin2.c1 and trim(tjoin2.c2)='BB' ) Q group by f1,f2,f3 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------------------+---------- JoinCoreOnConditionTrimFunction_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- AvgExactNumeric_p4 select 'AvgExactNumeric_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 2.02 f1 from tversion union select avg(tnum.cnum) from tnum ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------+---------- AvgExactNumeric_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- JoinCoreOnConditionUpperFunction_p1 select 'JoinCoreOnConditionUpperFunction_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 10 f2, 'BB' f3 from tversion union select 1 f1, 20 f2, null f3 from tversion union select 2 f1, null f2, null f3 from tversion union select tjoin1.rnum, tjoin1.c1,tjoin2.c2 from tjoin1 left outer join tjoin2 on tjoin1.c1=tjoin2.c1 and upper(tjoin2.c2)='BB' ) Q group by f1,f2,f3 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------------------+---------- JoinCoreOnConditionUpperFunction_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- JoinCoreOptionalTableFilter_p1 select 'JoinCoreOptionalTableFilter_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 10 f1, 'FF' f2 from tversion union select tjoin1.c1, tjoin2.c2 from tjoin1 left outer join tjoin2 on tjoin1.c1 = tjoin2.c1 where tjoin2.c2 > 'C' ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------------+---------- JoinCoreOptionalTableFilter_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- JoinCoreOptionalTableJoinFilter_p1 select 'JoinCoreOptionalTableJoinFilter_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 10 f2, 'FF' f3 from tversion union select 1 f1, 20 f2, null f3 from tversion union select 2 f1, null f2, null f3 from tversion union select tjoin1.rnum, tjoin1.c1, tjoin2.c2 from tjoin1 left outer join tjoin2 on ( tjoin1.c1 = tjoin2.c1 and tjoin2.c2 > 'C' ) ) Q group by f1,f2,f3 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------------------+---------- JoinCoreOptionalTableJoinFilter_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- JoinCoreOptionalTableJoinRestrict_p1 select 'JoinCoreOptionalTableJoinRestrict_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6,f7,f8,f9, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 10 f2, 15 f3, 0 f4, 10 f5, 'BB' f6, 0 f7, 10 f8, 'XX' f9 from tversion union select 0 f1, 10 f2, 15 f3, 3 f4, 10 f5, 'FF' f6, 0 f7, 10 f8, 'XX' f9 from tversion union select tjoin1.rnum as tj1rnum, tjoin1.c1 as tj1c1, tjoin1.c2 as tj1c2, tjoin2.rnum as tj2rnum, tjoin2.c1 as tj2c1, tjoin2.c2 as tj2c2, tjoin3.rnum as tj3rnum, tjoin3.c1 as tj3c1, tjoin3.c2 as tj3c2 from (tjoin1 left outer join tjoin2 on tjoin1.c1=tjoin2.c1) , tjoin3 where tjoin2.c1=tjoin3.c1 ) Q group by f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6,f7,f8,f9 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------------------+---------- JoinCoreOptionalTableJoinRestrict_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- JoinCoreOrPredicate_p1 select 'JoinCoreOrPredicate_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3, count(*) c from ( select 10 f1, 15 f2, 'BB' f3 from tversion union select 10 f1, 15 f2, 'DD' f3 from tversion union select 10 f1, 15 f2, 'EE' f3 from tversion union select 10 f1, 15 f2, 'FF' f3 from tversion union select 20 f1, 25 f2, 'BB' f3 from tversion union select 20 f1, 25 f2, 'DD' f3 from tversion union select 20 f1, 25 f2, 'EE' f3 from tversion union select 20 f1, 25 f2, 'FF' f3 from tversion union select tjoin1.c1, tjoin1.c2, tjoin2.c2 as c2j2 from tjoin1 inner join tjoin2 on ( tjoin1.c1 = 10 or tjoin1.c1=20 ) ) Q group by f1,f2,f3 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------+---------- JoinCoreOrPredicate_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- JoinCoreOrPredicate_p2 select 'JoinCoreOrPredicate_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3, count(*) c from ( select 10 f1, 15 f2, 'BB' f3 from tversion union select 10 f1, 15 f2, 'DD' f3 from tversion union select 10 f1, 15 f2, 'EE' f3 from tversion union select 10 f1, 15 f2, 'FF' f3 from tversion union select 20 f1, 25 f2, 'BB' f3 from tversion union select 20 f1, 25 f2, 'DD' f3 from tversion union select 20 f1, 25 f2, 'EE' f3 from tversion union select 20 f1, 25 f2, 'FF' f3 from tversion union select tjoin1.c1, tjoin1.c2, tjoin2.c2 as c2j2 from tjoin1 inner join tjoin2 on ( tjoin1.c1 = 10 or tjoin1.c1=20 ) ) Q group by f1,f2,f3 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------+---------- JoinCoreOrPredicate_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- JoinCorePreservedTableFilter_p1 select 'JoinCorePreservedTableFilter_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3,f4, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1, 20 f2, 25 f3, null f4 from tversion union select 2 f1, null f2, 50 f3, null f4 from tversion union select tjoin1.rnum, tjoin1.c1, tjoin1.c2, tjoin2.c2 as c2j2 from tjoin1 left outer join tjoin2 on tjoin1.c1 = tjoin2.c1 where tjoin1.c2 > 15 ) Q group by f1,f2,f3,f4 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------------+---------- JoinCorePreservedTableFilter_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- JoinCorePreservedTableJoinFilter_p1 select 'JoinCorePreservedTableJoinFilter_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3,f4, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 10 f2, 15 f3, null f4 from tversion union select 1 f1, 20 f2, 25 f3, null f4 from tversion union select 2 f1, null f2, 50 f3, null f4 from tversion union select tjoin1.rnum, tjoin1.c1, tjoin1.c2, tjoin2.c2 as c2j2 from tjoin1 left outer join tjoin2 on ( tjoin1.c1 = tjoin2.c1 and tjoin1.c2 > 15 ) ) Q group by f1,f2,f3,f4 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------------------+---------- JoinCorePreservedTableJoinFilter_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- JoinCoreRightNestedInnerTableRestrict_p1 select 'JoinCoreRightNestedInnerTableRestrict_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 0 f2, 0 f3 from tversion union select 0 f1, 3 f2, 0 f3 from tversion union select null f1, 1 f2, 1 f3 from tversion union select tjoin1.rnum, tjoin2.rnum as rnumt2, tjoin3.rnum as rnumt3 from (tjoin1 right outer join tjoin2 on tjoin1.c1=tjoin2.c1) right outer join tjoin3 on tjoin2.c1=tjoin3.c1 ) Q group by f1,f2,f3 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------------------------+---------- JoinCoreRightNestedInnerTableRestrict_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- JoinCoreRightNestedOptionalTableRestrict_p1 select 'JoinCoreRightNestedOptionalTableRestrict_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3,f4, count(*) c from ( select 10 f1, 15 f2, 'BB' f3, 'XX' f4 from tversion union select 10 f1, 15 f2, 'FF' f3, 'XX' f4 from tversion union select null f1, null f2, null f3, 'YY' f4 from tversion union select tjoin1.c1, tjoin1.c2, tjoin2.c2 as c2j2, tjoin3.c2 as c2j3 from (tjoin1 right outer join tjoin2 on tjoin1.c1=tjoin2.c1) right outer join tjoin3 on tjoin1.c1=tjoin3.c1 ) Q group by f1,f2,f3,f4 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------------------------+---------- JoinCoreRightNestedOptionalTableRestrict_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- AvgIntTruncates_p1 select 'AvgIntTruncates_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 2 f1 from tversion union select avg(vint.cint) from vint ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------+---------- AvgIntTruncates_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- JoinCoreSelf_p1 select 'JoinCoreSelf_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 10 f2, 10 f3 from tversion union select 1 f1, 20 f2, 20 f3 from tversion union select tjoin1.rnum, tjoin1.c1, tjoin1a.c1 from tjoin1, tjoin1 tjoin1a where tjoin1.c1=tjoin1a.c1 ) Q group by f1,f2,f3 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------+---------- JoinCoreSelf_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- JoinCoreSimpleAndJoinedTable_p1 select 'JoinCoreSimpleAndJoinedTable_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3,f4, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 10 f2, 15 f3, 'BB' f4 from tversion union select 3 f1, 10 f2, 15 f3, 'FF' f4 from tversion union select tjoin2.rnum, tjoin1.c1, tjoin1.c2, tjoin2.c2 as c2j2 from tjoin1 left outer join tjoin2 on ( tjoin1.c1 = tjoin2.c1 ), tjoin3 where tjoin3.c1 = tjoin1.c1 ) Q group by f1,f2,f3,f4 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------------+---------- JoinCoreSimpleAndJoinedTable_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- JoinCoreTwoSidedJoinRestrictionFilter_p1 select 'JoinCoreTwoSidedJoinRestrictionFilter_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 0 f2, 0 f3 from tversion union select 0 f1, 3 f2, 0 f3 from tversion union select tjoin1.rnum, tjoin2.rnum as rnumt2, tjoin3.rnum as rnumt3 from (tjoin1 left outer join tjoin2 on tjoin1.c1=tjoin2.c1) left outer join tjoin3 on tjoin1.c1=tjoin3.c1 where tjoin2.c1=tjoin3.c1 ) Q group by f1,f2,f3 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------------------------+---------- JoinCoreTwoSidedJoinRestrictionFilter_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- JoinCoreTwoSidedJoinRestrict_p1 select 'JoinCoreTwoSidedJoinRestrict_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6,f7,f8,f9, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 10 f2, 15 f3, 0 f4, 10 f5, 'BB' f6, 0 f7, 10 f8, 'XX' f9 from tversion union select 0 f1, 10 f2, 15 f3, 3 f4, 10 f5, 'FF' f6, 0 f7, 10 f8, 'XX' f9 from tversion union select 1 f1, 20 f2, 25 f3, null f4, null f5, null f6, null f7, null f8, null f9 from tversion union select 2 f1, null f2, 50 f3, null f4, null f5, null f6, null f7, null f8, null f9 from tversion union select tjoin1.rnum as tj1rnum, tjoin1.c1 as tj1c1, tjoin1.c2 as tj1c2, tjoin2.rnum as tj2rnum, tjoin2.c1 as tj2c1, tjoin2.c2 as tj2c2, tjoin3.rnum as tj3rnum, tjoin3.c1 as tj3c1, tjoin3.c2 as tj3c2 from (tjoin1 left outer join tjoin2 on tjoin1.c1=tjoin2.c1) left outer join tjoin3 on tjoin2.c1=tjoin3.c1 ) Q group by f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6,f7,f8,f9 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------------+---------- JoinCoreTwoSidedJoinRestrict_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- JoinCoreUsing_p1 select 'JoinCoreUsing_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 10 f2, 10 f3 from tversion union select 3 f1, 10 f2, 10 f3 from tversion union select tjoin2.rnum, tjoin1.c1, tjoin2.c1 as c1j2 from tjoin1 join tjoin2 using ( c1 ) ) Q group by f1,f2,f3 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------+---------- JoinCoreUsing_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- LikeValueExpr_p1 select 'LikeValueExpr_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 10 f1, 'BB' f2 from tversion union select tjoin2.c1, tjoin2.c2 from tjoin2 where tjoin2.c2 like upper('BB') ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------+---------- LikeValueExpr_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- LnCoreNull_p1 select 'LnCoreNull_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select null f1 from tversion union select ln( null ) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------+---------- LnCoreNull_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- LnCore_p1 select 'LnCore_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 2.302585092994050e+000 f1 from tversion union select ln( 10 ) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------+---------- LnCore_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- LnCore_p2 select 'LnCore_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 2.302585092994050e+000 f1 from tversion union select ln( 10.0e+0 ) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------+---------- LnCore_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- LnCore_p3 select 'LnCore_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 2.302585092994050e+000 f1 from tversion union select ln( 10.0 ) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------+---------- LnCore_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- AvgIntTruncates_p2 select 'AvgIntTruncates_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 2 f1 from tversion union select avg(tint.cint) from tint ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------+---------- AvgIntTruncates_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- LowerCoreFixedLength_p1 select 'LowerCoreFixedLength_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, ' ' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, ' ' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'bb ' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'ee ' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'ff ' f2 from tversion union select rnum, lower( vchar.cchar ) from vchar ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- LowerCoreFixedLength_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- LowerCoreFixedLength_p2 select 'LowerCoreFixedLength_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, ' ' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, ' ' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'bb ' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'ee ' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'ff ' f2 from tversion union select rnum, lower( tchar.cchar ) from tchar ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- LowerCoreFixedLength_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- LowerCoreSpecial_p1 select 'LowerCoreSpecial_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 'ß' f1 from tversion union select lower( 'ß' ) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------+---------- LowerCoreSpecial_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- LowerCoreVariableLength_p1 select 'LowerCoreVariableLength_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, '' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, ' ' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'bb' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'ee' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'ff' f2 from tversion union select rnum, lower( vvchar.cvchar ) from vvchar ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------------+---------- LowerCoreVariableLength_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- LowerCoreVariableLength_p2 select 'LowerCoreVariableLength_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, '' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, ' ' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'bb' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'ee' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'ff' f2 from tversion union select rnum, lower( tvchar.cvchar ) from tvchar ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------------+---------- LowerCoreVariableLength_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- MaxLiteralTemp_p1 select 'MaxLiteralTemp_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select '2000-01-01' f1 from tversion union select max( '2000-01-01' ) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------+---------- MaxLiteralTemp_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- MinLiteralTemp_p1 select 'MinLiteralTemp_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select '2000-01-01' f1 from tversion union select min( '2000-01-01' ) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------+---------- MinLiteralTemp_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- ModBoundaryTinyNumber_p1 select 'ModBoundaryTinyNumber_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1 from tversion union select mod( 35, 0.000000000001 ) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------+---------- ModBoundaryTinyNumber_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- ModCore2ExactNumeric_p1 select 'ModCore2ExactNumeric_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 3 f2 from tversion union select vdec.rnum, mod( 3,vdec.cdec ) from vdec where vdec.rnum <> 2 ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- ModCore2ExactNumeric_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- ModCore2ExactNumeric_p2 select 'ModCore2ExactNumeric_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 3 f2 from tversion union select tdec.rnum, mod( 3,tdec.cdec ) from tdec where tdec.rnum <> 2 ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- ModCore2ExactNumeric_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- AvgIntTruncates_p3 select 'AvgIntTruncates_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 2 f1 from tversion union select avg(vsint.csint) from vsint ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------+---------- AvgIntTruncates_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- ModCore2ExactNumeric_p3 select 'ModCore2ExactNumeric_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 3 f2 from tversion union select vnum.rnum, mod( 3,vnum.cnum ) from vnum where vnum.rnum <> 2 ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- ModCore2ExactNumeric_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- ModCore2ExactNumeric_p4 select 'ModCore2ExactNumeric_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 3 f2 from tversion union select tnum.rnum, mod( 3,tnum.cnum ) from tnum where tnum.rnum <> 2 ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- ModCore2ExactNumeric_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- ModCore2Integers_p1 select 'ModCore2Integers_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 3 f2 from tversion union select vint.rnum, mod( 3,vint.cint ) from vint where vint.rnum <> 2 ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------+---------- ModCore2Integers_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- ModCore2Integers_p2 select 'ModCore2Integers_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 3 f2 from tversion union select tint.rnum, mod( 3,tint.cint ) from tint where tint.rnum <> 2 ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------+---------- ModCore2Integers_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- ModCore2Integers_p3 select 'ModCore2Integers_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 3 f2 from tversion union select vsint.rnum, mod( 3,vsint.csint ) from vsint where vsint.rnum <> 2 ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------+---------- ModCore2Integers_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- ModCore2Integers_p4 select 'ModCore2Integers_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 3 f2 from tversion union select tsint.rnum, mod( 3,tsint.csint ) from tsint where tsint.rnum <> 2 ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------+---------- ModCore2Integers_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- ModCore2Integers_p5 select 'ModCore2Integers_p5' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 3 f2 from tversion union select vbint.rnum, mod( 3,vbint.cbint ) from vbint where vbint.rnum <> 2 ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------+---------- ModCore2Integers_p5 | 1 (1 row) --- ModCore2Integers_p6 select 'ModCore2Integers_p6' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 3 f2 from tversion union select tbint.rnum, mod( 3,tbint.cbint ) from tbint where tbint.rnum <> 2 ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------+---------- ModCore2Integers_p6 | 1 (1 row) --- ModCoreExactNumeric_p1 select 'ModCoreExactNumeric_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, .1 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select rnum, mod( vdec.cdec, 3 ) from vdec ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------+---------- ModCoreExactNumeric_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- ModCoreExactNumeric_p2 select 'ModCoreExactNumeric_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, .1 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select rnum, mod( tdec.cdec, 3 ) from tdec ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------+---------- ModCoreExactNumeric_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- AbsCoreApproximateNumeric_p6 select 'AbsCoreApproximateNumeric_p6' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 1.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 1.000000000000000e-001 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 1.000000000000000e+001 f2 from tversion union select rnum, abs( trl.crl ) from trl ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------------+---------- AbsCoreApproximateNumeric_p6 | 1 (1 row) --- AvgIntTruncates_p4 select 'AvgIntTruncates_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 2 f1 from tversion union select avg(tsint.csint) from tsint ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------+---------- AvgIntTruncates_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- ModCoreExactNumeric_p3 select 'ModCoreExactNumeric_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, .1 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select rnum, mod( vnum.cnum, 3 ) from vnum ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------+---------- ModCoreExactNumeric_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- ModCoreExactNumeric_p4 select 'ModCoreExactNumeric_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, .1 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select rnum, mod( tnum.cnum, 3 ) from tnum ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------+---------- ModCoreExactNumeric_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- ModCoreIntegers_p1 select 'ModCoreIntegers_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select rnum, mod( vint.cint, 3 ) from vint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------+---------- ModCoreIntegers_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- ModCoreIntegers_p2 select 'ModCoreIntegers_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select rnum, mod( tint.cint, 3 ) from tint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------+---------- ModCoreIntegers_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- ModCoreIntegers_p3 select 'ModCoreIntegers_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select rnum, mod( vsint.csint, 3 ) from vsint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------+---------- ModCoreIntegers_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- ModCoreIntegers_p4 select 'ModCoreIntegers_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select rnum, mod( tsint.csint, 3 ) from tsint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------+---------- ModCoreIntegers_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- ModCoreIntegers_p5 select 'ModCoreIntegers_p5' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select rnum, mod( vbint.cbint, 3 ) from vbint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------+---------- ModCoreIntegers_p5 | 1 (1 row) --- ModCoreIntegers_p6 select 'ModCoreIntegers_p6' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, -1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select rnum, mod( tbint.cbint, 3 ) from tbint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------+---------- ModCoreIntegers_p6 | 1 (1 row) --- MultipleSumDistinct_p1 select 'MultipleSumDistinct_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 210 f1, 4 f2 from tversion union select sum( distinct c1 ), count( distinct c2 ) from tset1 ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------+---------- MultipleSumDistinct_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- Negate_p1 select 'Negate_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select -4 f1 from tversion union select -(2 * 2) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------+---------- Negate_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- AvgIntTruncates_p5 select 'AvgIntTruncates_p5' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 2 f1 from tversion union select avg(vbint.cbint) from vbint ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------+---------- AvgIntTruncates_p5 | 1 (1 row) --- NullifCoreReturnsNull_p1 select 'NullifCoreReturnsNull_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select null f1 from tversion union select nullif(cnnull, cnnull) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------+---------- NullifCoreReturnsNull_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- NullifCoreReturnsNull_p2 select 'NullifCoreReturnsNull_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select null f1 from tversion union select nullif(1,1) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------+---------- NullifCoreReturnsNull_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- NullifCoreReturnsNull_p3 select 'NullifCoreReturnsNull_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select null f1 from tversion union select nullif(cnnull, 1) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------+---------- NullifCoreReturnsNull_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- NullifCoreReturnsOne_p1 select 'NullifCoreReturnsOne_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select nullif(1,2) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- NullifCoreReturnsOne_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- NumericComparisonGreaterThanOrEqual_p1 select 'NumericComparisonGreaterThanOrEqual_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select 1 from tversion where 210.3 >= 7 ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------------------------+---------- NumericComparisonGreaterThanOrEqual_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- NumericComparisonGreaterThan_p1 select 'NumericComparisonGreaterThan_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select 1 from tversion where 210.3 > 7 ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------------+---------- NumericComparisonGreaterThan_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- NumericComparisonLessThanOrEqual_p1 select 'NumericComparisonLessThanOrEqual_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select 1 from tversion where 7 <= 210.3 ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------------------+---------- NumericComparisonLessThanOrEqual_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- NumericComparisonLessThan_p1 select 'NumericComparisonLessThan_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select 1 from tversion where 7 < 210.3 ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------------+---------- NumericComparisonLessThan_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- NumericComparisonNotEqual_p1 select 'NumericComparisonNotEqual_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select 1 from tversion where 7 <> 210.3 ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------------+---------- NumericComparisonNotEqual_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- AvgIntTruncates_p6 select 'AvgIntTruncates_p6' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 2 f1 from tversion union select avg(tbint.cbint) from tbint ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------+---------- AvgIntTruncates_p6 | 1 (1 row) --- NumericLiteral_p1 select 'NumericLiteral_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select +1.000000000000000e+000 f1 from tversion union select 1.0 from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------+---------- NumericLiteral_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- OlapCoreAvgMultiplePartitions_p1 select 'OlapCoreAvgMultiplePartitions_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6,f7, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AA' f3, 10 f4, 00000000000000000000000000000027.142857 f5, 00000000000000000000000000000016.666667 f6, 00000000000000000000000000000012.500000 f7 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AA' f3, 15 f4, 00000000000000000000000000000027.142857 f5, 00000000000000000000000000000016.666667 f6, 00000000000000000000000000000012.500000 f7 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AB' f3, 25 f4, 00000000000000000000000000000027.142857 f5, 00000000000000000000000000000016.666667 f6, 00000000000000000000000000000025.000000 f7 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'BBB' f2, 'BB' f3, 20 f4, 00000000000000000000000000000027.142857 f5, 00000000000000000000000000000020.000000 f6, 00000000000000000000000000000020.000000 f7 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'CCC' f2, 'CC' f3, 30 f4, 00000000000000000000000000000027.142857 f5, 00000000000000000000000000000030.000000 f6, 00000000000000000000000000000030.000000 f7 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'DDD' f2, 'DD' f3, 40 f4, 00000000000000000000000000000027.142857 f5, 00000000000000000000000000000040.000000 f6, 00000000000000000000000000000040.000000 f7 from tversion union select 6 f1, null f2, null f3, 50 f4, 00000000000000000000000000000027.142857 f5, 00000000000000000000000000000050.000000 f6, 00000000000000000000000000000050.000000 f7 from tversion union select 7 f1, null f2, null f3, null f4, 00000000000000000000000000000027.142857 f5, 00000000000000000000000000000050.000000 f6, 00000000000000000000000000000050.000000 f7 from tversion union select rnum, c1, c2, c3, avg(c3) over (), avg( c3 ) over(partition by c1), avg( c3 ) over(partition by c1,c2) from tolap ) Q group by f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6,f7 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------------------+---------- OlapCoreAvgMultiplePartitions_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- OlapCoreAvgNoWindowFrame_p1 select 'OlapCoreAvgNoWindowFrame_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3,f4,f5, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AA' f3, 10 f4, 1.666666666666667e+001 f5 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AA' f3, 15 f4, 1.666666666666667e+001 f5 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AB' f3, 25 f4, 1.666666666666667e+001 f5 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'BBB' f2, 'BB' f3, 20 f4, 2.000000000000000e+001 f5 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'CCC' f2, 'CC' f3, 30 f4, 3.000000000000000e+001 f5 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'DDD' f2, 'DD' f3, 40 f4, 4.000000000000000e+001 f5 from tversion union select 6 f1, null f2, null f3, 50 f4, 5.000000000000000e+001 f5 from tversion union select 7 f1, null f2, null f3, null f4, 5.000000000000000e+001 f5 from tversion union select rnum, c1, c2, c3, avg( c3 ) over(partition by c1) from tolap ) Q group by f1,f2,f3,f4,f5 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------------+---------- OlapCoreAvgNoWindowFrame_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- OlapCoreAvgRowsBetween_p1 --- test expected to fail until GPDB supports function --- GPDB Limitation: ERROR: window specifications with a framing clause must have an ORDER BY clause select 'OlapCoreAvgRowsBetween_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3,f4,f5, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AA' f3, 10 f4, 1.666666666666667e+001 f5 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AA' f3, 15 f4, 1.666666666666667e+001 f5 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AB' f3, 25 f4, 1.666666666666667e+001 f5 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'BBB' f2, 'BB' f3, 20 f4, 2.000000000000000e+001 f5 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'CCC' f2, 'CC' f3, 30 f4, 3.000000000000000e+001 f5 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'DDD' f2, 'DD' f3, 40 f4, 4.000000000000000e+001 f5 from tversion union select 6 f1, null f2, null f3, 50 f4, 5.000000000000000e+001 f5 from tversion union select 7 f1, null f2, null f3, null f4, 5.000000000000000e+001 f5 from tversion union select rnum, c1, c2, c3, avg( c3 ) over(partition by c1 rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) from tolap ) Q group by f1,f2,f3,f4,f5 ) Q ) P; ERROR: window specifications with a framing clause must have an ORDER BY clause --- OlapCoreCountMultiplePartitions_p1 select 'OlapCoreCountMultiplePartitions_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6,f7, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AA' f3, 10 f4, 7 f5, 3 f6, 2 f7 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AA' f3, 15 f4, 7 f5, 3 f6, 2 f7 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AB' f3, 25 f4, 7 f5, 3 f6, 1 f7 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'BBB' f2, 'BB' f3, 20 f4, 7 f5, 1 f6, 1 f7 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'CCC' f2, 'CC' f3, 30 f4, 7 f5, 1 f6, 1 f7 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'DDD' f2, 'DD' f3, 40 f4, 7 f5, 1 f6, 1 f7 from tversion union select 6 f1, null f2, null f3, 50 f4, 7 f5, 1 f6, 1 f7 from tversion union select 7 f1, null f2, null f3, null f4, 7 f5, 1 f6, 1 f7 from tversion union select rnum, c1, c2, c3, count(c3) over (), count( c3 ) over(partition by c1), count( c3 ) over(partition by c1,c2) from tolap ) Q group by f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6,f7 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------------------+---------- OlapCoreCountMultiplePartitions_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- OlapCoreCountNoWindowFrame_p1 select 'OlapCoreCountNoWindowFrame_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3,f4,f5, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AA' f3, 10 f4, 3 f5 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AA' f3, 15 f4, 3 f5 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AB' f3, 25 f4, 3 f5 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'BBB' f2, 'BB' f3, 20 f4, 1 f5 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'CCC' f2, 'CC' f3, 30 f4, 1 f5 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'DDD' f2, 'DD' f3, 40 f4, 1 f5 from tversion union select 6 f1, null f2, null f3, 50 f4, 1 f5 from tversion union select 7 f1, null f2, null f3, null f4, 1 f5 from tversion union select rnum, c1, c2, c3, count( c3 ) over(partition by c1) from tolap ) Q group by f1,f2,f3,f4,f5 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------------+---------- OlapCoreCountNoWindowFrame_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- OlapCoreCountRowsBetween_p2 --- test expected to fail until GPDB supports function --- GPDB Limitation: ERROR: window specifications with a framing clause must have an ORDER BY clause select 'OlapCoreCountRowsBetween_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3,f4,f5, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AA' f3, 10 f4, 3 f5 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AA' f3, 15 f4, 3 f5 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AB' f3, 25 f4, 3 f5 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'BBB' f2, 'BB' f3, 20 f4, 1 f5 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'CCC' f2, 'CC' f3, 30 f4, 1 f5 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'DDD' f2, 'DD' f3, 40 f4, 1 f5 from tversion union select 6 f1, null f2, null f3, 50 f4, 1 f5 from tversion union select 7 f1, null f2, null f3, null f4, 1 f5 from tversion union select rnum, c1, c2, c3, count( c3 ) over(partition by c1 rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) from tolap ) Q group by f1,f2,f3,f4,f5 ) Q ) P; ERROR: window specifications with a framing clause must have an ORDER BY clause --- OlapCoreCountStar_p1 select 'OlapCoreCountStar_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3,f4,f5, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AA' f3, 10 f4, 3 f5 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AA' f3, 15 f4, 3 f5 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AB' f3, 25 f4, 3 f5 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'BBB' f2, 'BB' f3, 20 f4, 1 f5 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'CCC' f2, 'CC' f3, 30 f4, 1 f5 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'DDD' f2, 'DD' f3, 40 f4, 1 f5 from tversion union select 6 f1, null f2, null f3, 50 f4, 2 f5 from tversion union select 7 f1, null f2, null f3, null f4, 2 f5 from tversion union select rnum, c1, c2, c3, count(*) over(partition by c1) from tolap ) Q group by f1,f2,f3,f4,f5 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------+---------- OlapCoreCountStar_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- OlapCoreCumedistNullOrdering_p1 --- test expected to fail until GPDB supports function --- GPDB Limitation syntax not supported; NULLS LAST select 'OlapCoreCumedistNullOrdering_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3,f4,f5, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AA' f3, 10 f4, 1.000000000000000e+000 f5 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AA' f3, 15 f4, 6.666666666666670e-001 f5 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AB' f3, 25 f4, 3.333333333333330e-001 f5 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'BBB' f2, 'BB' f3, 20 f4, 1.000000000000000e+000 f5 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'CCC' f2, 'CC' f3, 30 f4, 1.000000000000000e+000 f5 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'DDD' f2, 'DD' f3, 40 f4, 1.000000000000000e+000 f5 from tversion union select 6 f1, null f2, null f3, 50 f4, 5.000000000000000e-001 f5 from tversion union select 7 f1, null f2, null f3, null f4, 1.000000000000000e+000 f5 from tversion union select rnum, c1, c2, c3, cume_dist() over(partition by c1 order by c3 desc nulls last) from tolap ) Q group by f1,f2,f3,f4,f5 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------------+---------- OlapCoreCumedistNullOrdering_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- OlapCoreCumedist_p1 select 'OlapCoreCumedist_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3,f4,f5, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AA' f3, 10 f4, 1.000000000000000e+000 f5 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AA' f3, 15 f4, 6.666666666666670e-001 f5 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AB' f3, 25 f4, 3.333333333333330e-001 f5 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'BBB' f2, 'BB' f3, 20 f4, 1.000000000000000e+000 f5 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'CCC' f2, 'CC' f3, 30 f4, 1.000000000000000e+000 f5 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'DDD' f2, 'DD' f3, 40 f4, 1.000000000000000e+000 f5 from tversion union select 6 f1, null f2, null f3, 50 f4, 5.000000000000000e-001 f5 from tversion union select 7 f1, null f2, null f3, null f4, 1.000000000000000e+000 f5 from tversion union select rnum, c1, c2, c3, cume_dist() over(partition by c1 order by c3 desc) from tolap ) Q group by f1,f2,f3,f4,f5 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------+---------- OlapCoreCumedist_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- AvgInt_p1 select 'AvgInt_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 2.500000000000000e+000 f1 from tversion union select avg(vint.cint) from vint ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------+---------- AvgInt_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- OlapCoreDenseRankNullOrdering_p1 --- test expected to fail until GPDB supports function --- GPDB Limitation syntax not supported; NULLS LAST select 'OlapCoreDenseRankNullOrdering_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3,f4,f5, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AA' f3, 10 f4, 3 f5 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AA' f3, 15 f4, 2 f5 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AB' f3, 25 f4, 1 f5 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'BBB' f2, 'BB' f3, 20 f4, 1 f5 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'CCC' f2, 'CC' f3, 30 f4, 1 f5 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'DDD' f2, 'DD' f3, 40 f4, 1 f5 from tversion union select 6 f1, null f2, null f3, 50 f4, 1 f5 from tversion union select 7 f1, null f2, null f3, null f4, 2 f5 from tversion union select rnum, c1, c2, c3, dense_rank() over(partition by c1 order by c3 desc nulls last) from tolap ) Q group by f1,f2,f3,f4,f5 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------------------+---------- OlapCoreDenseRankNullOrdering_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- OlapCoreDenseRank_p1 select 'OlapCoreDenseRank_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3,f4,f5, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AA' f3, 10 f4, 3 f5 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AA' f3, 15 f4, 2 f5 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AB' f3, 25 f4, 1 f5 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'BBB' f2, 'BB' f3, 20 f4, 1 f5 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'CCC' f2, 'CC' f3, 30 f4, 1 f5 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'DDD' f2, 'DD' f3, 40 f4, 1 f5 from tversion union select 6 f1, null f2, null f3, 50 f4, 2 f5 from tversion union select 7 f1, null f2, null f3, null f4, 1 f5 from tversion union select rnum, c1, c2, c3, dense_rank() over(partition by c1 order by c3 desc ) from tolap ) Q group by f1,f2,f3,f4,f5 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------+---------- OlapCoreDenseRank_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- OlapCoreFirstValueNullOrdering_p1 --- test expected to fail until GPDB supports function --- GPDB Limitation syntax not supported; NULLS LAST select 'OlapCoreFirstValueNullOrdering_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3,f4,f5, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AA' f3, 10 f4, 10 f5 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AA' f3, 15 f4, 10 f5 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AB' f3, 25 f4, 10 f5 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'BBB' f2, 'BB' f3, 20 f4, 20 f5 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'CCC' f2, 'CC' f3, 30 f4, 30 f5 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'DDD' f2, 'DD' f3, 40 f4, 40 f5 from tversion union select 6 f1, null f2, null f3, 50 f4, 50 f5 from tversion union select 7 f1, null f2, null f3, null f4, 50 f5 from tversion union select rnum, c1, c2, c3, first_value( c3 ) over(partition by c1 order by c3 asc nulls last) from tolap ) Q group by f1,f2,f3,f4,f5 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------------------+---------- OlapCoreFirstValueNullOrdering_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- OlapCoreFirstValueRowsBetween_p1 select 'OlapCoreFirstValueRowsBetween_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3,f4,f5, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AA' f3, 10 f4, 10 f5 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AA' f3, 15 f4, 10 f5 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AB' f3, 25 f4, 10 f5 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'BBB' f2, 'BB' f3, 20 f4, 20 f5 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'CCC' f2, 'CC' f3, 30 f4, 30 f5 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'DDD' f2, 'DD' f3, 40 f4, 40 f5 from tversion union select 6 f1, null f2, null f3, 50 f4, 50 f5 from tversion union select 7 f1, null f2, null f3, null f4, 50 f5 from tversion union select rnum, c1, c2, c3, first_value( c3 ) over(partition by c1 order by c3 rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) from tolap ) Q group by f1,f2,f3,f4,f5 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------------------+---------- OlapCoreFirstValueRowsBetween_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- OlapCoreLastValueNoWindowFrame_p1 select 'OlapCoreLastValueNoWindowFrame_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3,f4,f5, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AA' f3, 10 f4, 25 f5 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AA' f3, 15 f4, 25 f5 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AB' f3, 25 f4, 25 f5 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'BBB' f2, 'BB' f3, 20 f4, 20 f5 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'CCC' f2, 'CC' f3, 30 f4, 30 f5 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'DDD' f2, 'DD' f3, 40 f4, 40 f5 from tversion union select 6 f1, null f2, null f3, 50 f4, null f5 from tversion union select 7 f1, null f2, null f3, null f4, null f5 from tversion union select rnum, c1, c2, c3, last_value( c3 ) over( partition by c1 order by c3 ) from tolap ) Q group by f1,f2,f3,f4,f5 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------------------+---------- OlapCoreLastValueNoWindowFrame_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- OlapCoreLastValueNullOrdering_p1 --- test expected to fail until GPDB support function --- GPDB Limitation syntax not supported; NULLS LAST select 'OlapCoreLastValueNullOrdering_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3,f4,f5, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AA' f3, 10 f4, 25 f5 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AA' f3, 15 f4, 25 f5 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AB' f3, 25 f4, 25 f5 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'BBB' f2, 'BB' f3, 20 f4, 20 f5 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'CCC' f2, 'CC' f3, 30 f4, 30 f5 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'DDD' f2, 'DD' f3, 40 f4, 40 f5 from tversion union select 6 f1, null f2, null f3, 50 f4, null f5 from tversion union select 7 f1, null f2, null f3, null f4, null f5 from tversion union select rnum, c1, c2, c3, last_value( c3 ) over(partition by c1 order by c3 asc nulls last) from tolap ) Q group by f1,f2,f3,f4,f5 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------------------+---------- OlapCoreLastValueNullOrdering_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- OlapCoreLastValueRowsBetween_p1 select 'OlapCoreLastValueRowsBetween_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3,f4,f5, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AA' f3, 10 f4, 25 f5 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AA' f3, 15 f4, 25 f5 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AB' f3, 25 f4, 25 f5 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'BBB' f2, 'BB' f3, 20 f4, 20 f5 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'CCC' f2, 'CC' f3, 30 f4, 30 f5 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'DDD' f2, 'DD' f3, 40 f4, 40 f5 from tversion union select 6 f1, null f2, null f3, 50 f4, null f5 from tversion union select 7 f1, null f2, null f3, null f4, null f5 from tversion union select rnum, c1, c2, c3, last_value( c3 ) over(partition by c1 order by c3 rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) from tolap ) Q group by f1,f2,f3,f4,f5 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------------+---------- OlapCoreLastValueRowsBetween_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- OlapCoreMax_p1 select 'OlapCoreMax_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3,f4,f5, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AA' f3, 10 f4, 25 f5 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AA' f3, 15 f4, 25 f5 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AB' f3, 25 f4, 25 f5 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'BBB' f2, 'BB' f3, 20 f4, 20 f5 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'CCC' f2, 'CC' f3, 30 f4, 30 f5 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'DDD' f2, 'DD' f3, 40 f4, 40 f5 from tversion union select 6 f1, null f2, null f3, 50 f4, 50 f5 from tversion union select 7 f1, null f2, null f3, null f4, 50 f5 from tversion union select rnum, c1, c2, c3, max( c3 ) over(partition by c1) from tolap ) Q group by f1,f2,f3,f4,f5 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------+---------- OlapCoreMax_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- OlapCoreMin_p1 select 'OlapCoreMin_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3,f4,f5, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AA' f3, 10 f4, 10 f5 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AA' f3, 15 f4, 10 f5 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AB' f3, 25 f4, 10 f5 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'BBB' f2, 'BB' f3, 20 f4, 20 f5 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'CCC' f2, 'CC' f3, 30 f4, 30 f5 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'DDD' f2, 'DD' f3, 40 f4, 40 f5 from tversion union select 6 f1, null f2, null f3, 50 f4, 50 f5 from tversion union select 7 f1, null f2, null f3, null f4, 50 f5 from tversion union select rnum, c1, c2, c3, min( c3 ) over(partition by c1) from tolap ) Q group by f1,f2,f3,f4,f5 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------+---------- OlapCoreMin_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- AvgInt_p2 select 'AvgInt_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 2.500000000000000e+000 f1 from tversion union select avg(tint.cint) from tint ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------+---------- AvgInt_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- OlapCoreNtile_p1 select 'OlapCoreNtile_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3,f4,f5, count(*) c from ( select 00000000000000000000000000000000000000 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AA' f3, 00000000000000000000000000000000000010 f4, 1.000000000000000e+000 f5 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000001 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AA' f3, 00000000000000000000000000000000000015 f4, 1.000000000000000e+000 f5 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000002 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AB' f3, 00000000000000000000000000000000000025 f4, 2.000000000000000e+000 f5 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000003 f1, 'BBB' f2, 'BB' f3, 00000000000000000000000000000000000020 f4, 2.000000000000000e+000 f5 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000004 f1, 'CCC' f2, 'CC' f3, 00000000000000000000000000000000000030 f4, 3.000000000000000e+000 f5 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000005 f1, 'DDD' f2, 'DD' f3, 00000000000000000000000000000000000040 f4, 3.000000000000000e+000 f5 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000006 f1, null f2, null f3, 00000000000000000000000000000000000050 f4, 4.000000000000000e+000 f5 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000007 f1, null f2, null f3, null f4, 4.000000000000000e+000 f5 from tversion union select rnum, c1, c2, c3, ntile(4) over(order by c3) from tolap ) Q group by f1,f2,f3,f4,f5 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------+---------- OlapCoreNtile_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- OlapCoreNullOrder_p1 --- test expected to fail until GPDB supports function --- GPDB Limitation syntax not supported; NULLS FIRST select 'OlapCoreNullOrder_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3,f4,f5, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AA' f3, 10 f4, 50 f5 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AA' f3, 15 f4, 50 f5 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AB' f3, 25 f4, 50 f5 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'BBB' f2, 'BB' f3, 20 f4, 20 f5 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'CCC' f2, 'CC' f3, 30 f4, 30 f5 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'DDD' f2, 'DD' f3, 40 f4, 40 f5 from tversion union select 6 f1, null f2, null f3, 50 f4, 50 f5 from tversion union select 7 f1, null f2, null f3, null f4, 50 f5 from tversion union select rnum, c1, c2, c3, sum( c3 ) over(partition by c1 order by c1 asc nulls first) from tolap ) Q group by f1,f2,f3,f4,f5 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------+---------- OlapCoreNullOrder_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- OlapCorePercentRankNullOrdering_p1 --- test expected to fail until GPDB supports function --- GPDB Limitation syntax not supported; NULLS LAST select 'OlapCorePercentRankNullOrdering_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3,f4,f5, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AA' f3, 10 f4, 1.000000000000000e+000 f5 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AA' f3, 15 f4, 5.000000000000000e-001 f5 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AB' f3, 25 f4, 0.000000000000000e+000 f5 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'BBB' f2, 'BB' f3, 20 f4, 0.000000000000000e+000 f5 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'CCC' f2, 'CC' f3, 30 f4, 0.000000000000000e+000 f5 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'DDD' f2, 'DD' f3, 40 f4, 0.000000000000000e+000 f5 from tversion union select 6 f1, null f2, null f3, 50 f4, 0.000000000000000e+000 f5 from tversion union select 7 f1, null f2, null f3, null f4, 1.000000000000000e+000 f5 from tversion union select rnum, c1, c2, c3, percent_rank() over(partition by c1 order by c3 desc nulls last) from tolap ) Q group by f1,f2,f3,f4,f5 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------------------+---------- OlapCorePercentRankNullOrdering_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- OlapCorePercentRank_p1 select 'OlapCorePercentRank_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3,f4,f5, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AA' f3, 10 f4, 1.000000000000000e+000 f5 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AA' f3, 15 f4, 5.000000000000000e-001 f5 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AB' f3, 25 f4, 0.000000000000000e+000 f5 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'BBB' f2, 'BB' f3, 20 f4, 0.000000000000000e+000 f5 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'CCC' f2, 'CC' f3, 30 f4, 0.000000000000000e+000 f5 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'DDD' f2, 'DD' f3, 40 f4, 0.000000000000000e+000 f5 from tversion union select 6 f1, null f2, null f3, 50 f4, 0.000000000000000e+000 f5 from tversion union select 7 f1, null f2, null f3, null f4, 1.000000000000000e+000 f5 from tversion union select rnum, c1, c2, c3, percent_rank() over(partition by c1 order by c3 desc) from tolap ) Q group by f1,f2,f3,f4,f5 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------+---------- OlapCorePercentRank_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- OlapCoreRankMultiplePartitions_p1 select 'OlapCoreRankMultiplePartitions_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6,f7, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AA' f3, 10 f4, 8 f5, 3 f6, 2 f7 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AA' f3, 15 f4, 7 f5, 2 f6, 1 f7 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AB' f3, 25 f4, 5 f5, 1 f6, 1 f7 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'BBB' f2, 'BB' f3, 20 f4, 6 f5, 1 f6, 1 f7 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'CCC' f2, 'CC' f3, 30 f4, 4 f5, 1 f6, 1 f7 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'DDD' f2, 'DD' f3, 40 f4, 3 f5, 1 f6, 1 f7 from tversion union select 6 f1, null f2, null f3, 50 f4, 2 f5, 2 f6, 2 f7 from tversion union select 7 f1, null f2, null f3, null f4, 1 f5, 1 f6, 1 f7 from tversion union select rnum, c1, c2, c3, rank() over(order by c3 desc),rank() over(partition by c1 order by c3 desc),rank() over(partition by c1,c2 order by c3 desc) from tolap ) Q group by f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6,f7 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------------------+---------- OlapCoreRankMultiplePartitions_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- OlapCoreRankNoWindowFrame_p1 select 'OlapCoreRankNoWindowFrame_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3,f4,f5, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AA' f3, 10 f4, 2 f5 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AA' f3, 15 f4, 1 f5 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AB' f3, 25 f4, 1 f5 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'BBB' f2, 'BB' f3, 20 f4, 1 f5 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'CCC' f2, 'CC' f3, 30 f4, 1 f5 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'DDD' f2, 'DD' f3, 40 f4, 1 f5 from tversion union select 6 f1, null f2, null f3, 50 f4, 2 f5 from tversion union select 7 f1, null f2, null f3, null f4, 1 f5 from tversion union select rnum, c1, c2, c3, rank() over(partition by c1,c2 order by c3 desc) from tolap ) Q group by f1,f2,f3,f4,f5 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------------+---------- OlapCoreRankNoWindowFrame_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- OlapCoreRankNullOrdering_p1 --- test expected to fail until GPDB supports function --- GPDB Limitation syntax not supported; NULLS LAST select 'OlapCoreRankNullOrdering_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3,f4,f5, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AA' f3, 10 f4, 2 f5 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AA' f3, 15 f4, 1 f5 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AB' f3, 25 f4, 1 f5 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'BBB' f2, 'BB' f3, 20 f4, 1 f5 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'CCC' f2, 'CC' f3, 30 f4, 1 f5 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'DDD' f2, 'DD' f3, 40 f4, 1 f5 from tversion union select 6 f1, null f2, null f3, 50 f4, 1 f5 from tversion union select 7 f1, null f2, null f3, null f4, 2 f5 from tversion union select rnum, c1, c2, c3, rank() over(partition by c1,c2 order by c3 desc nulls last) from tolap ) Q group by f1,f2,f3,f4,f5 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------------+---------- OlapCoreRankNullOrdering_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- OlapCoreRankOrderby100_p1 select 'OlapCoreRankOrderby100_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3,f4,f5, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AA' f3, 10 f4, 1 f5 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AA' f3, 15 f4, 1 f5 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AB' f3, 25 f4, 1 f5 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'BBB' f2, 'BB' f3, 20 f4, 1 f5 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'CCC' f2, 'CC' f3, 30 f4, 1 f5 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'DDD' f2, 'DD' f3, 40 f4, 1 f5 from tversion union select 6 f1, null f2, null f3, 50 f4, 1 f5 from tversion union select 7 f1, null f2, null f3, null f4, 1 f5 from tversion union select rnum, c1, c2, c3, rank( ) over(partition by c1 order by 100) from tolap ) Q group by f1,f2,f3,f4,f5 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------+---------- OlapCoreRankOrderby100_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- OlapCoreRowNumberNullOrdering_p1 --- test expected to fail until GPDB supports function --- GPDB Limitation: syntax not supported; NULLS LAST select 'OlapCoreRowNumberNullOrdering_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3,f4,f5, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AA' f3, 10 f4, 2 f5 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AA' f3, 15 f4, 1 f5 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AB' f3, 25 f4, 1 f5 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'BBB' f2, 'BB' f3, 20 f4, 1 f5 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'CCC' f2, 'CC' f3, 30 f4, 1 f5 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'DDD' f2, 'DD' f3, 40 f4, 1 f5 from tversion union select 6 f1, null f2, null f3, 50 f4, 1 f5 from tversion union select 7 f1, null f2, null f3, null f4, 2 f5 from tversion union select rnum, c1, c2, c3, row_number() over(partition by c1,c2 order by c3 desc nulls last) from tolap ) Q group by f1,f2,f3,f4,f5 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------------------+---------- OlapCoreRowNumberNullOrdering_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- OlapCoreRowNumber_p1 select 'OlapCoreRowNumber_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3,f4,f5, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AA' f3, 10 f4, 2 f5 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AA' f3, 15 f4, 1 f5 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AB' f3, 25 f4, 1 f5 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'BBB' f2, 'BB' f3, 20 f4, 1 f5 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'CCC' f2, 'CC' f3, 30 f4, 1 f5 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'DDD' f2, 'DD' f3, 40 f4, 1 f5 from tversion union select 6 f1, null f2, null f3, 50 f4, 2 f5 from tversion union select 7 f1, null f2, null f3, null f4, 1 f5 from tversion union select rnum, c1, c2, c3, row_number() over(partition by c1,c2 order by c3 desc) from tolap ) Q group by f1,f2,f3,f4,f5 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------+---------- OlapCoreRowNumber_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- AvgInt_p3 select 'AvgInt_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 2.500000000000000e+000 f1 from tversion union select avg(vsint.csint) from vsint ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------+---------- AvgInt_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- OlapCoreRunningSum_p1 select 'OlapCoreRunningSum_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3,f4, count(*) c from ( select 'AAA' f1, 'AA' f2, 00000000000000000000000000000000000025 f3, 00000000000000000000000000000000000025 f4 from tversion union select 'AAA' f1, 'AB' f2, 00000000000000000000000000000000000025 f3, 00000000000000000000000000000000000050 f4 from tversion union select 'BBB' f1, 'BB' f2, 00000000000000000000000000000000000020 f3, 00000000000000000000000000000000000020 f4 from tversion union select 'CCC' f1, 'CC' f2, 00000000000000000000000000000000000030 f3, 00000000000000000000000000000000000030 f4 from tversion union select 'DDD' f1, 'DD' f2, 00000000000000000000000000000000000040 f3, 00000000000000000000000000000000000040 f4 from tversion union select null f1, null f2, 00000000000000000000000000000000000050 f3, 00000000000000000000000000000000000050 f4 from tversion union select c1, c2, sum (c3), sum(sum(c3)) over(partition by c1 order by c1,c2 rows unbounded preceding) from tolap group by c1,c2 ) Q group by f1,f2,f3,f4 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------+---------- OlapCoreRunningSum_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- OlapCoreStddevPop_p1 select 'OlapCoreStddevPop_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3,f4,f5, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AA' f3, 10 f4, 6.236095644623235e+000 f5 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AA' f3, 15 f4, 6.236095644623235e+000 f5 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AB' f3, 25 f4, 6.236095644623235e+000 f5 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'BBB' f2, 'BB' f3, 20 f4, 0.000000000000000e+000 f5 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'CCC' f2, 'CC' f3, 30 f4, 0.000000000000000e+000 f5 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'DDD' f2, 'DD' f3, 40 f4, 0.000000000000000e+000 f5 from tversion union select 6 f1, null f2, null f3, 50 f4, 0.000000000000000e+000 f5 from tversion union select 7 f1, null f2, null f3, null f4, 0.000000000000000e+000 f5 from tversion union select rnum, c1, c2, c3, stddev_pop( c3 ) over(partition by c1) from tolap ) Q group by f1,f2,f3,f4,f5 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------+---------- OlapCoreStddevPop_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- OlapCoreStddevSamp_p1 select 'OlapCoreStddevSamp_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3,f4,f5, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AA' f3, 10 f4, 7.637626158259730e+000 f5 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AA' f3, 15 f4, 7.637626158259730e+000 f5 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AB' f3, 25 f4, 7.637626158259730e+000 f5 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'BBB' f2, 'BB' f3, 20 f4, null f5 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'CCC' f2, 'CC' f3, 30 f4, null f5 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'DDD' f2, 'DD' f3, 40 f4, null f5 from tversion union select 6 f1, null f2, null f3, 50 f4, null f5 from tversion union select 7 f1, null f2, null f3, null f4, null f5 from tversion union select rnum, c1, c2, c3, stddev_samp( c3 ) over(partition by c1) from tolap ) Q group by f1,f2,f3,f4,f5 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------+---------- OlapCoreStddevSamp_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- OlapCoreStddev_p1 select 'OlapCoreStddev_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3,f4,f5, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AA' f3, 10 f4, 7.637626158259730e+000 f5 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AA' f3, 15 f4, 7.637626158259730e+000 f5 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AB' f3, 25 f4, 7.637626158259730e+000 f5 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'BBB' f2, 'BB' f3, 20 f4, null f5 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'CCC' f2, 'CC' f3, 30 f4, null f5 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'DDD' f2, 'DD' f3, 40 f4, null f5 from tversion union select 6 f1, null f2, null f3, 50 f4, null f5 from tversion union select 7 f1, null f2, null f3, null f4, null f5 from tversion union select rnum, c1, c2, c3, stddev( c3 ) over(partition by c1) from tolap ) Q group by f1,f2,f3,f4,f5 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------+---------- OlapCoreStddev_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- OlapCoreSumMultiplePartitions_p1 select 'OlapCoreSumMultiplePartitions_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6,f7, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AA' f3, 10 f4, 00000000000000000000000000000000000190 f5, 00000000000000000000000000000000000050 f6, 00000000000000000000000000000000000025 f7 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AA' f3, 15 f4, 00000000000000000000000000000000000190 f5, 00000000000000000000000000000000000050 f6, 00000000000000000000000000000000000025 f7 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AB' f3, 25 f4, 00000000000000000000000000000000000190 f5, 00000000000000000000000000000000000050 f6, 00000000000000000000000000000000000025 f7 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'BBB' f2, 'BB' f3, 20 f4, 00000000000000000000000000000000000190 f5, 00000000000000000000000000000000000020 f6, 00000000000000000000000000000000000020 f7 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'CCC' f2, 'CC' f3, 30 f4, 00000000000000000000000000000000000190 f5, 00000000000000000000000000000000000030 f6, 00000000000000000000000000000000000030 f7 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'DDD' f2, 'DD' f3, 40 f4, 00000000000000000000000000000000000190 f5, 00000000000000000000000000000000000040 f6, 00000000000000000000000000000000000040 f7 from tversion union select 6 f1, null f2, null f3, 50 f4, 00000000000000000000000000000000000190 f5, 00000000000000000000000000000000000050 f6, 00000000000000000000000000000000000050 f7 from tversion union select 7 f1, null f2, null f3, null f4, 00000000000000000000000000000000000190 f5, 00000000000000000000000000000000000050 f6, 00000000000000000000000000000000000050 f7 from tversion union select rnum, c1, c2, c3, sum(c3) over (), sum( c3 ) over(partition by c1), sum( c3 ) over(partition by c1,c2) from tolap ) Q group by f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6,f7 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------------------+---------- OlapCoreSumMultiplePartitions_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- OlapCoreSumNullOrdering_p1 --- test expected to fail until GPDB supports function --- GPDB Limitation syntax not supported; NULLS LAST select 'OlapCoreSumNullOrdering_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3,f4,f5, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AA' f3, 10 f4, 50 f5 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AA' f3, 15 f4, 50 f5 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AB' f3, 25 f4, 50 f5 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'BBB' f2, 'BB' f3, 20 f4, 20 f5 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'CCC' f2, 'CC' f3, 30 f4, 30 f5 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'DDD' f2, 'DD' f3, 40 f4, 40 f5 from tversion union select 6 f1, null f2, null f3, 50 f4, 50 f5 from tversion union select 7 f1, null f2, null f3, null f4, 50 f5 from tversion union select rnum, c1, c2, c3, sum( c3 ) over(partition by c1 order by c1 asc nulls last) from tolap ) Q group by f1,f2,f3,f4,f5 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------------+---------- OlapCoreSumNullOrdering_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- OlapCoreSumOfGroupedSums_p1 select 'OlapCoreSumOfGroupedSums_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3,f4, count(*) c from ( select 'AAA' f1, 'AA' f2, 00000000000000000000000000000000000025 f3, 00000000000000000000000000000000000050 f4 from tversion union select 'AAA' f1, 'AB' f2, 00000000000000000000000000000000000025 f3, 00000000000000000000000000000000000050 f4 from tversion union select 'BBB' f1, 'BB' f2, 00000000000000000000000000000000000020 f3, 00000000000000000000000000000000000020 f4 from tversion union select 'CCC' f1, 'CC' f2, 00000000000000000000000000000000000030 f3, 00000000000000000000000000000000000030 f4 from tversion union select 'DDD' f1, 'DD' f2, 00000000000000000000000000000000000040 f3, 00000000000000000000000000000000000040 f4 from tversion union select null f1, null f2, 00000000000000000000000000000000000050 f3, 00000000000000000000000000000000000050 f4 from tversion union select c1, c2, sum ( c3 ), sum(sum(c3)) over(partition by c1) from tolap group by c1,c2 ) Q group by f1,f2,f3,f4 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------------+---------- OlapCoreSumOfGroupedSums_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- OlapCoreSumOrderby100_p1 select 'OlapCoreSumOrderby100_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3,f4,f5, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AA' f3, 10 f4, 50 f5 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AA' f3, 15 f4, 50 f5 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AB' f3, 25 f4, 50 f5 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'BBB' f2, 'BB' f3, 20 f4, 20 f5 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'CCC' f2, 'CC' f3, 30 f4, 30 f5 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'DDD' f2, 'DD' f3, 40 f4, 40 f5 from tversion union select 6 f1, null f2, null f3, 50 f4, 50 f5 from tversion union select 7 f1, null f2, null f3, null f4, 50 f5 from tversion union select rnum, c1, c2, c3, sum( c3 ) over(partition by c1 order by 100) from tolap ) Q group by f1,f2,f3,f4,f5 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------+---------- OlapCoreSumOrderby100_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- OlapCoreSum_p1 select 'OlapCoreSum_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3,f4,f5, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AA' f3, 10 f4, 50 f5 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AA' f3, 15 f4, 50 f5 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AB' f3, 25 f4, 50 f5 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'BBB' f2, 'BB' f3, 20 f4, 20 f5 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'CCC' f2, 'CC' f3, 30 f4, 30 f5 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'DDD' f2, 'DD' f3, 40 f4, 40 f5 from tversion union select 6 f1, null f2, null f3, 50 f4, 50 f5 from tversion union select 7 f1, null f2, null f3, null f4, 50 f5 from tversion union select rnum, c1, c2, c3, sum( c3 ) over(partition by c1) from tolap ) Q group by f1,f2,f3,f4,f5 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------+---------- OlapCoreSum_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- OlapCoreVariance_p1 select 'OlapCoreVariance_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3,f4,f5, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AA' f3, 10 f4, 5.833333333333331e+001 f5 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AA' f3, 15 f4, 5.833333333333331e+001 f5 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AB' f3, 25 f4, 5.833333333333331e+001 f5 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'BBB' f2, 'BB' f3, 20 f4, null f5 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'CCC' f2, 'CC' f3, 30 f4, null f5 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'DDD' f2, 'DD' f3, 40 f4, null f5 from tversion union select 6 f1, null f2, null f3, 50 f4, null f5 from tversion union select 7 f1, null f2, null f3, null f4, null f5 from tversion union select rnum, c1, c2, c3, variance( c3 ) over(partition by c1) from tolap ) Q group by f1,f2,f3,f4,f5 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------+---------- OlapCoreVariance_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- AvgInt_p4 select 'AvgInt_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 2.500000000000000e+000 f1 from tversion union select avg(tsint.csint) from tsint ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------+---------- AvgInt_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- OlapCoreVarPop_p1 select 'OlapCoreVarPop_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3,f4,f5, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AA' f3, 10 f4, 3.888888888888889e+001 f5 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AA' f3, 15 f4, 3.888888888888889e+001 f5 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AB' f3, 25 f4, 3.888888888888889e+001 f5 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'BBB' f2, 'BB' f3, 20 f4, 0.000000000000000e+000 f5 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'CCC' f2, 'CC' f3, 30 f4, 0.000000000000000e+000 f5 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'DDD' f2, 'DD' f3, 40 f4, 0.000000000000000e+000 f5 from tversion union select 6 f1, null f2, null f3, 50 f4, 0.000000000000000e+000 f5 from tversion union select 7 f1, null f2, null f3, null f4, 0.000000000000000e+000 f5 from tversion union select rnum, c1, c2, c3, var_pop( c3 ) over(partition by c1) from tolap ) Q group by f1,f2,f3,f4,f5 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------+---------- OlapCoreVarPop_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- OlapCoreVarSamp_p1 select 'OlapCoreVarSamp_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3,f4,f5, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AA' f3, 10 f4, 5.833333333333331e+001 f5 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AA' f3, 15 f4, 5.833333333333331e+001 f5 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AB' f3, 25 f4, 5.833333333333331e+001 f5 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'BBB' f2, 'BB' f3, 20 f4, null f5 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'CCC' f2, 'CC' f3, 30 f4, null f5 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'DDD' f2, 'DD' f3, 40 f4, null f5 from tversion union select 6 f1, null f2, null f3, 50 f4, null f5 from tversion union select 7 f1, null f2, null f3, null f4, null f5 from tversion union select rnum, c1, c2, c3, var_samp( c3 ) over(partition by c1) from tolap ) Q group by f1,f2,f3,f4,f5 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------+---------- OlapCoreVarSamp_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- OlapCoreWindowFrameMultiplePartitions_p1 select 'OlapCoreWindowFrameMultiplePartitions_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AA' f3, 50 f4, 25 f5, 190 f6 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AA' f3, 50 f4, 25 f5, 190 f6 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AB' f3, 50 f4, 25 f5, 190 f6 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'BBB' f2, 'BB' f3, 20 f4, 20 f5, 190 f6 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'CCC' f2, 'CC' f3, 30 f4, 30 f5, 190 f6 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'DDD' f2, 'DD' f3, 40 f4, 40 f5, 190 f6 from tversion union select 6 f1, null f2, null f3, 50 f4, 50 f5, 190 f6 from tversion union select 7 f1, null f2, null f3, 50 f4, 50 f5, 190 f6 from tversion union select rnum, c1, c2, sum(c3) over (partition by c1), sum(c3) over (partition by c2), sum(c3) over () from tolap ) Q group by f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------------------------+---------- OlapCoreWindowFrameMultiplePartitions_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- OlapCoreWindowFrameRowsBetweenPrecedingFollowing_p1 select 'OlapCoreWindowFrameRowsBetweenPrecedingFollowing_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3,f4,f5, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AA' f3, 10 f4, 25 f5 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AA' f3, 15 f4, 45 f5 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AB' f3, 25 f4, 75 f5 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'BBB' f2, 'BB' f3, 20 f4, 60 f5 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'CCC' f2, 'CC' f3, 30 f4, 95 f5 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'DDD' f2, 'DD' f3, 40 f4, 120 f5 from tversion union select 6 f1, null f2, null f3, 50 f4, 90 f5 from tversion union select 7 f1, null f2, null f3, null f4, 50 f5 from tversion union select rnum, c1, c2, c3, sum(c3) over ( order by c3 rows between 1 preceding and 1 following ) from tolap ) Q group by f1,f2,f3,f4,f5 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------------------------------------+---------- OlapCoreWindowFrameRowsBetweenPrecedingFollowing_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- OlapCoreWindowFrameRowsBetweenPrecedingPreceding_p1 select 'OlapCoreWindowFrameRowsBetweenPrecedingPreceding_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3,f4,f5, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AA' f3, 10 f4, null f5 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AA' f3, 15 f4, 10 f5 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AB' f3, 25 f4, 20 f5 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'BBB' f2, 'BB' f3, 20 f4, 15 f5 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'CCC' f2, 'CC' f3, 30 f4, 25 f5 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'DDD' f2, 'DD' f3, 40 f4, 30 f5 from tversion union select 6 f1, null f2, null f3, 50 f4, 40 f5 from tversion union select 7 f1, null f2, null f3, null f4, 50 f5 from tversion union select rnum, c1, c2, c3, sum(c3) over ( order by c3 rows between 1 preceding and 1 preceding ) from tolap ) Q group by f1,f2,f3,f4,f5 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------------------------------------+---------- OlapCoreWindowFrameRowsBetweenPrecedingPreceding_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- OlapCoreWindowFrameRowsBetweenUnboundedFollowing_p1 select 'OlapCoreWindowFrameRowsBetweenUnboundedFollowing_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3,f4,f5, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AA' f3, 10 f4, 190 f5 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AA' f3, 15 f4, 180 f5 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AB' f3, 25 f4, 145 f5 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'BBB' f2, 'BB' f3, 20 f4, 165 f5 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'CCC' f2, 'CC' f3, 30 f4, 120 f5 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'DDD' f2, 'DD' f3, 40 f4, 90 f5 from tversion union select 6 f1, null f2, null f3, 50 f4, 50 f5 from tversion union select 7 f1, null f2, null f3, null f4, null f5 from tversion union select rnum, c1, c2, c3, sum(c3) over ( order by c3 rows between current row and unbounded following ) from tolap ) Q group by f1,f2,f3,f4,f5 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------------------------------------+---------- OlapCoreWindowFrameRowsBetweenUnboundedFollowing_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- OlapCoreWindowFrameRowsBetweenUnboundedPreceding_p1 select 'OlapCoreWindowFrameRowsBetweenUnboundedPreceding_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3,f4,f5, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AA' f3, 10 f4, 10 f5 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AA' f3, 15 f4, 25 f5 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AB' f3, 25 f4, 70 f5 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'BBB' f2, 'BB' f3, 20 f4, 45 f5 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'CCC' f2, 'CC' f3, 30 f4, 100 f5 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'DDD' f2, 'DD' f3, 40 f4, 140 f5 from tversion union select 5 f1, null f2, null f3, 50 f4, 190 f5 from tversion union select 6 f1, null f2, null f3, null f4, 190 f5 from tversion union select rnum, c1, c2, c3, sum(c3) over ( order by c3 rows between unbounded preceding and current row ) from tolap ) Q group by f1,f2,f3,f4,f5 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------------------------------------+---------- OlapCoreWindowFrameRowsBetweenUnboundedPreceding_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- OlapCoreWindowFrameRowsPreceding_p1 select 'OlapCoreWindowFrameRowsPreceding_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3,f4,f5, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AA' f3, 10 f4, 10 f5 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AA' f3, 15 f4, 25 f5 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AB' f3, 25 f4, 60 f5 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'BBB' f2, 'BB' f3, 20 f4, 45 f5 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'CCC' f2, 'CC' f3, 30 f4, 75 f5 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'DDD' f2, 'DD' f3, 40 f4, 95 f5 from tversion union select 6 f1, null f2, null f3, 50 f4, 120 f5 from tversion union select 7 f1, null f2, null f3, null f4, 90 f5 from tversion union select rnum, c1, c2, c3, sum(c3) over ( order by c3 rows 2 preceding ) from tolap ) Q group by f1,f2,f3,f4,f5 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------------------+---------- OlapCoreWindowFrameRowsPreceding_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- OlapCoreWindowFrameWindowDefinition_p1 --- test expected to fail until GPDB supports function --- GPDB Limitation: syntax not supported select 'OlapCoreWindowFrameWindowDefinition_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3,f4,f5, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AA' f3, 10 f4, 10 f5 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AA' f3, 25 f4, 15 f5 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'AAA' f2, 'AB' f3, 50 f4, 25 f5 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'BBB' f2, 'BB' f3, 20 f4, 20 f5 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'CCC' f2, 'CC' f3, 30 f4, 30 f5 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'DDD' f2, 'DD' f3, 40 f4, 40 f5 from tversion union select 6 f1, null f2, null f3, 50 f4, 50 f5 from tversion union select 7 f1, null f2, null f3, 50 f4, null f5 from tversion union select rnum, c1, c2, sum(c3) over w1, sum (c3) over w2 from tolap window w1 as (partition by c1 order by c3), w2 as ( w1 rows between unbounded preceding and current row) ) Q group by f1,f2,f3,f4,f5 ) Q ) P; ERROR: syntax error at or near "w1" LINE 12: select rnum, c1, c2, sum(c3) over w1, sum (c3) over w2 from ... ^ --- OperatorAnd_p1 select 'OperatorAnd_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 10 f1, 'AAA' f2 from tversion union select 10 f1, 'AAA' f2 from tversion union select 10 f1, 'AAA' f2 from tversion union select tset1.c1, tset1.c2 from tset1 where c1=10 and c2='AAA' ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------+---------- OperatorAnd_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- AvgInt_p5 select 'AvgInt_p5' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 2.500000000000000e+000 f1 from tversion union select avg(vbint.cbint) from vbint ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------+---------- AvgInt_p5 | 1 (1 row) --- OperatorOr_p1 select 'OperatorOr_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 30 f1, 'CCC' f2 from tversion union select 40 f1, 'DDD' f2 from tversion union select tset1.c1, tset1.c2 from tset1 where c1=30 or c2='DDD' ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------+---------- OperatorOr_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- OrderByOrdinal_p1 select 'OrderByOrdinal_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 10 f2, 'AAA' f3 from tversion union select 1 f1, 10 f2, 'AAA' f3 from tversion union select 2 f1, 10 f2, 'AAA' f3 from tversion union select 3 f1, 20 f2, 'BBB' f3 from tversion union select 4 f1, 30 f2, 'CCC' f3 from tversion union select 5 f1, 40 f2, 'DDD' f3 from tversion union select 6 f1, 50 f2, null f3 from tversion union select 7 f1, 60 f2, null f3 from tversion union select 8 f1, null f2, 'AAA' f3 from tversion union select 9 f1, null f2, 'AAA' f3 from tversion union select 10 f1, null f2, null f3 from tversion union select 11 f1, null f2, null f3 from tversion union select rnum, c1, c2 from tset1 order by 1,2 ) Q group by f1,f2,f3 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------+---------- OrderByOrdinal_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- PositionCoreString1Empty_p1 select 'PositionCoreString1Empty_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select rnum, position( '' in vchar.cchar ) from vchar ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------------+---------- PositionCoreString1Empty_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- PositionCoreString1Empty_p2 select 'PositionCoreString1Empty_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select rnum, position( '' in tchar.cchar ) from tchar ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------------+---------- PositionCoreString1Empty_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- PositionCoreString1Empty_p3 select 'PositionCoreString1Empty_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select rnum, position( '' in vvchar.cvchar ) from vvchar ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------------+---------- PositionCoreString1Empty_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- PositionCoreString1Empty_p4 select 'PositionCoreString1Empty_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select rnum, position( '' in tvchar.cvchar ) from tvchar ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------------+---------- PositionCoreString1Empty_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- PositionCore_p1 select 'PositionCore_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select rnum, position( 'B' in vchar.cchar ) from vchar ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------+---------- PositionCore_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- PositionCore_p2 select 'PositionCore_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select rnum, position( 'B' in tchar.cchar ) from tchar ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------+---------- PositionCore_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- PositionCore_p3 select 'PositionCore_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select rnum, position( 'B' in vvchar.cvchar ) from vvchar ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------+---------- PositionCore_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- PositionCore_p4 select 'PositionCore_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select rnum, position( 'B' in tvchar.cvchar ) from tvchar ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------+---------- PositionCore_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- AvgInt_p6 select 'AvgInt_p6' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 2.500000000000000e+000 f1 from tversion union select avg(tbint.cbint) from tbint ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------+---------- AvgInt_p6 | 1 (1 row) --- PowerBoundary_p1 select 'PowerBoundary_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select power( 0,0 ) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------+---------- PowerBoundary_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- PowerCoreApproxNumeric_p1 select 'PowerCoreApproxNumeric_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, .01 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 100 f2 from tversion union select vflt.rnum, power( vflt.cflt,2 ) from vflt ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------+---------- PowerCoreApproxNumeric_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- PowerCoreApproxNumeric_p2 select 'PowerCoreApproxNumeric_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, .01 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 100 f2 from tversion union select tflt.rnum, power( tflt.cflt,2 ) from tflt ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------+---------- PowerCoreApproxNumeric_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- PowerCoreApproxNumeric_p3 select 'PowerCoreApproxNumeric_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, .01 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 100 f2 from tversion union select vdbl.rnum, power( vdbl.cdbl,2 ) from vdbl ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------+---------- PowerCoreApproxNumeric_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- PowerCoreApproxNumeric_p4 select 'PowerCoreApproxNumeric_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, .01 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 100 f2 from tversion union select tdbl.rnum, power( tdbl.cdbl,2 ) from tdbl ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------+---------- PowerCoreApproxNumeric_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- PowerCoreApproxNumeric_p5 select 'PowerCoreApproxNumeric_p5' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, .01 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 100 f2 from tversion union select vrl.rnum, power( vrl.crl,2 ) from vrl ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------+---------- PowerCoreApproxNumeric_p5 | 1 (1 row) --- PowerCoreApproxNumeric_p6 select 'PowerCoreApproxNumeric_p6' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, .01 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 100 f2 from tversion union select trl.rnum, power( trl.crl,2 ) from trl ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------+---------- PowerCoreApproxNumeric_p6 | 1 (1 row) --- PowerCoreExactNumeric_p1 select 'PowerCoreExactNumeric_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, .01 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 100 f2 from tversion union select vdec.rnum, power( vdec.cdec,2 ) from vdec ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------+---------- PowerCoreExactNumeric_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- PowerCoreExactNumeric_p2 select 'PowerCoreExactNumeric_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, .01 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 100 f2 from tversion union select tdec.rnum, power( tdec.cdec,2 ) from tdec ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------+---------- PowerCoreExactNumeric_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- PowerCoreExactNumeric_p3 select 'PowerCoreExactNumeric_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, .01 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 100 f2 from tversion union select vnum.rnum, power( vnum.cnum,2 ) from vnum ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------+---------- PowerCoreExactNumeric_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- BooleanComparisonOperatorAnd_p1 select 'BooleanComparisonOperatorAnd_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select 1 from tversion where (1 < 2) and (3 < 4) ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------------+---------- BooleanComparisonOperatorAnd_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- PowerCoreExactNumeric_p4 select 'PowerCoreExactNumeric_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, .01 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 100 f2 from tversion union select tnum.rnum, power( tnum.cnum,2 ) from tnum ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------+---------- PowerCoreExactNumeric_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- PowerCoreIntegers_p1 select 'PowerCoreIntegers_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 100 f2 from tversion union select vint.rnum, power( vint.cint,2 ) from vint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------+---------- PowerCoreIntegers_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- PowerCoreIntegers_p2 select 'PowerCoreIntegers_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 100 f2 from tversion union select tint.rnum, power( tint.cint,2 ) from tint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------+---------- PowerCoreIntegers_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- PowerCoreIntegers_p3 select 'PowerCoreIntegers_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 100 f2 from tversion union select vsint.rnum, power( vsint.csint,2 ) from vsint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------+---------- PowerCoreIntegers_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- PowerCoreIntegers_p4 select 'PowerCoreIntegers_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 100 f2 from tversion union select tsint.rnum, power( tsint.csint,2 ) from tsint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------+---------- PowerCoreIntegers_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- PowerCoreIntegers_p5 select 'PowerCoreIntegers_p5' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 100 f2 from tversion union select vbint.rnum, power( vbint.cbint,2 ) from vbint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------+---------- PowerCoreIntegers_p5 | 1 (1 row) --- PowerCoreIntegers_p6 select 'PowerCoreIntegers_p6' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 100 f2 from tversion union select tbint.rnum, power( tbint.cbint,2 ) from tbint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------+---------- PowerCoreIntegers_p6 | 1 (1 row) --- PowerCoreNegativeBaseOddExp_p1 select 'PowerCoreNegativeBaseOddExp_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select -64 f1 from tversion union select power( -4,3 ) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------------+---------- PowerCoreNegativeBaseOddExp_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- RowSubquery_p1 select 'RowSubquery_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 10 f2, 15 f3 from tversion union select rnum, c1, c2 from tjoin1 where (c1,'BB') in (select c1, c2 from tjoin2 where c2='BB') ) Q group by f1,f2,f3 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------+---------- RowSubquery_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- RowValueConstructor_p1 select 'RowValueConstructor_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 10 f2, 'AAA' f3 from tversion union select 1 f1, 10 f2, 'AAA' f3 from tversion union select 2 f1, 10 f2, 'AAA' f3 from tversion union select 5 f1, 40 f2, 'DDD' f3 from tversion union select * from tset1 where (c1,c2) in (select c1,c2 from tset2) ) Q group by f1,f2,f3 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------+---------- RowValueConstructor_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- AbsCoreExactNumeric_p1 select 'AbsCoreExactNumeric_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 1.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 1.000000000000000e-001 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 1.000000000000000e+001 f2 from tversion union select rnum, abs( vdec.cdec ) from vdec ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------+---------- AbsCoreExactNumeric_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- BooleanComparisonOperatorNotOperatorAnd_p1 select 'BooleanComparisonOperatorNotOperatorAnd_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select 1 from tversion where not (2 < 1) and (3 < 4) ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------------------------+---------- BooleanComparisonOperatorNotOperatorAnd_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- ScalarSubqueryInProjList_p1 select 'ScalarSubqueryInProjList_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3,f4, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 10 f2, 15 f3, 15 f4 from tversion union select 1 f1, 20 f2, 25 f3, 15 f4 from tversion union select 2 f1, null f2, 50 f3, 15 f4 from tversion union select tjoin1.rnum, tjoin1.c1, tjoin1.c2, (select max(tjoin2.c1) from tjoin2) csub from tjoin1 ) Q group by f1,f2,f3,f4 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------------+---------- ScalarSubqueryInProjList_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- ScalarSubquery_p1 select 'ScalarSubquery_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 10 f2, 15 f3 from tversion union select rnum, c1, c2 from tjoin1 where c1 = ( select min(c1) from tjoin1) ) Q group by f1,f2,f3 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------+---------- ScalarSubquery_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectCountApproxNumeric_p1 select 'SelectCountApproxNumeric_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 5 f1 from tversion union select count(vflt.cflt) from vflt ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------------+---------- SelectCountApproxNumeric_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectCountApproxNumeric_p2 select 'SelectCountApproxNumeric_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 5 f1 from tversion union select count(tflt.cflt) from tflt ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------------+---------- SelectCountApproxNumeric_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectCountApproxNumeric_p3 select 'SelectCountApproxNumeric_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 5 f1 from tversion union select count(vdbl.cdbl) from vdbl ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------------+---------- SelectCountApproxNumeric_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectCountApproxNumeric_p4 select 'SelectCountApproxNumeric_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 5 f1 from tversion union select count(tdbl.cdbl) from tdbl ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------------+---------- SelectCountApproxNumeric_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectCountApproxNumeric_p5 select 'SelectCountApproxNumeric_p5' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 5 f1 from tversion union select count(vrl.crl) from vrl ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------------+---------- SelectCountApproxNumeric_p5 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectCountApproxNumeric_p6 select 'SelectCountApproxNumeric_p6' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 5 f1 from tversion union select count(trl.crl) from trl ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------------+---------- SelectCountApproxNumeric_p6 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectCountChar_p1 select 'SelectCountChar_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 5 f1 from tversion union select count(vchar.cchar) from vchar ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------+---------- SelectCountChar_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectCountChar_p2 select 'SelectCountChar_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 5 f1 from tversion union select count(tchar.cchar) from tchar ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------+---------- SelectCountChar_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- BooleanComparisonOperatorNotOperatorOr_p1 select 'BooleanComparisonOperatorNotOperatorOr_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select 1 from tversion where not (2 < 1) or (3 < 4) ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------------------------+---------- BooleanComparisonOperatorNotOperatorOr_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectCountChar_p3 select 'SelectCountChar_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 5 f1 from tversion union select count(vchar.cchar) from vchar ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------+---------- SelectCountChar_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectCountChar_p4 select 'SelectCountChar_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 5 f1 from tversion union select count(tchar.cchar) from tchar ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------+---------- SelectCountChar_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectCountChar_p5 select 'SelectCountChar_p5' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 5 f1 from tversion union select count(vvchar.cvchar) from vvchar ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------+---------- SelectCountChar_p5 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectCountChar_p6 select 'SelectCountChar_p6' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 5 f1 from tversion union select count(tvchar.cvchar) from tvchar ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------+---------- SelectCountChar_p6 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectCountDate_p1 select 'SelectCountDate_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 3 f1 from tversion union select count(vdt.cdt) from vdt ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------+---------- SelectCountDate_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectCountDate_p2 select 'SelectCountDate_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 3 f1 from tversion union select count(tdt.cdt) from tdt ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------+---------- SelectCountDate_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectCountExactNumeric_p1 select 'SelectCountExactNumeric_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 5 f1 from tversion union select count(vdec.cdec) from vdec ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------------+---------- SelectCountExactNumeric_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectCountExactNumeric_p2 select 'SelectCountExactNumeric_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 5 f1 from tversion union select count(tdec.cdec) from tdec ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------------+---------- SelectCountExactNumeric_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectCountExactNumeric_p3 select 'SelectCountExactNumeric_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 5 f1 from tversion union select count(vnum.cnum) from vnum ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------------+---------- SelectCountExactNumeric_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectCountExactNumeric_p4 select 'SelectCountExactNumeric_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 5 f1 from tversion union select count(tnum.cnum) from tnum ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------------+---------- SelectCountExactNumeric_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- BooleanComparisonOperatorOr_p1 select 'BooleanComparisonOperatorOr_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select 1 from tversion where (1 < 2) or (4 < 3) ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------------+---------- BooleanComparisonOperatorOr_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectCountInt_p1 select 'SelectCountInt_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 4 f1 from tversion union select count(vint.cint) from vint ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------+---------- SelectCountInt_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectCountInt_p2 select 'SelectCountInt_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 4 f1 from tversion union select count(tint.cint) from tint ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------+---------- SelectCountInt_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectCountInt_p3 select 'SelectCountInt_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 4 f1 from tversion union select count(vsint.csint) from vsint ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------+---------- SelectCountInt_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectCountInt_p4 select 'SelectCountInt_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 4 f1 from tversion union select count(tsint.csint) from tsint ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------+---------- SelectCountInt_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectCountInt_p5 select 'SelectCountInt_p5' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 4 f1 from tversion union select count(vbint.cbint) from vbint ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------+---------- SelectCountInt_p5 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectCountInt_p6 select 'SelectCountInt_p6' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 4 f1 from tversion union select count(tbint.cbint) from tbint ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------+---------- SelectCountInt_p6 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectCountNullNumeric_p1 select 'SelectCountNullNumeric_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1 from tversion union select count(cnnull) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------+---------- SelectCountNullNumeric_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectCountNullNumeric_p2 select 'SelectCountNullNumeric_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1 from tversion union select count(cnnull) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------+---------- SelectCountNullNumeric_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectCountNull_p1 select 'SelectCountNull_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1 from tversion union select count(ccnull) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------+---------- SelectCountNull_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectCountStar_p1 select 'SelectCountStar_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select count(*) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------+---------- SelectCountStar_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CaseBasicSearchApproximateNumeric_p1 select 'CaseBasicSearchApproximateNumeric_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'other' f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'test1' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'other' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'other' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'other' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'test1' f2 from tversion union select vflt.rnum,case when vflt.cflt in ( -1,10,0.1 ) then 'test1' else 'other' end from vflt ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------------------+---------- CaseBasicSearchApproximateNumeric_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectCountTimestamp_p1 select 'SelectCountTimestamp_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 9 f1 from tversion union select count(vts.cts) from vts ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- SelectCountTimestamp_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectCountTimestamp_p2 select 'SelectCountTimestamp_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 9 f1 from tversion union select count(tts.cts) from tts ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- SelectCountTimestamp_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectCountTime_p1 select 'SelectCountTime_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 3 f1 from tversion union select count(vtm.ctm) from vtm ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------+---------- SelectCountTime_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectCountTime_p2 select 'SelectCountTime_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 3 f1 from tversion union select count(ttm.ctm) from ttm ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------+---------- SelectCountTime_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectCountVarChar_p1 select 'SelectCountVarChar_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 5 f1 from tversion union select count(vvchar.cvchar) from vvchar ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------+---------- SelectCountVarChar_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectCountVarChar_p2 select 'SelectCountVarChar_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 5 f1 from tversion union select count(tvchar.cvchar) from tvchar ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------+---------- SelectCountVarChar_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectDateComparisonEqualTo_p1 select 'SelectDateComparisonEqualTo_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select 1 from tversion where date '2001-01-01' = date '2001-01-01' ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------------+---------- SelectDateComparisonEqualTo_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectDateComparisonGreaterThanOrEqualTo_p1 select 'SelectDateComparisonGreaterThanOrEqualTo_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select 1 from tversion where date '2001-01-01' >= date '2000-01-01' ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------------------------+---------- SelectDateComparisonGreaterThanOrEqualTo_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectDateComparisonGreaterThan_p1 select 'SelectDateComparisonGreaterThan_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select 1 from tversion where date '2001-01-01' > date '2000-01-01' ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------------------+---------- SelectDateComparisonGreaterThan_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectDateComparisonLessThanOrEqualTo_p1 select 'SelectDateComparisonLessThanOrEqualTo_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select 1 from tversion where date '2000-01-01' <= date '2001-01-01' ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------------------------+---------- SelectDateComparisonLessThanOrEqualTo_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CaseBasicSearchApproximateNumeric_p2 select 'CaseBasicSearchApproximateNumeric_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'other' f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'test1' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'other' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'other' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'other' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'test1' f2 from tversion union select tflt.rnum,case when tflt.cflt in ( -1,10,0.1 ) then 'test1' else 'other' end from tflt ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------------------+---------- CaseBasicSearchApproximateNumeric_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectDateComparisonLessThan_p1 select 'SelectDateComparisonLessThan_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select 1 from tversion where date '2000-01-01' < date '2001-01-01' ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------------+---------- SelectDateComparisonLessThan_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectDateComparisonNotEqualTo_p1 select 'SelectDateComparisonNotEqualTo_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select 1 from tversion where date '2001-01-01' <> date '2000-01-01' ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------------------+---------- SelectDateComparisonNotEqualTo_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectJapaneseColumnConcat_p1 select 'SelectJapaneseColumnConcat_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 47 f1, '「2」計画音声認識 ' f2 from tversion union select rnum, '「2」計画' || c1 from tlja where rnum = 47 ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------------+---------- SelectJapaneseColumnConcat_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectJapaneseColumnLower_p1 select 'SelectJapaneseColumnLower_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 47 f1, '音声認識 ' f2 from tversion union select rnum, lower(c1) from tlja where rnum = 47 ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------------+---------- SelectJapaneseColumnLower_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectJapaneseColumnOrderByLocal_p1 select 'SelectJapaneseColumnOrderByLocal_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 00000000000000000000000000000000000011 f1, '(1)インデックス ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000010 f1, '400ranku ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000009 f1, '666Sink ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000014 f1, 'P-Cabels ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000013 f1, 'R-Bench ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000007 f1, '⑤号線路 ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000008 f1, '「2」計画 ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000040 f1, 'さんしょう ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000041 f1, 'ざぶと ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000037 f1, 'せっけい ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000036 f1, 'せんたくざい ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000039 f1, 'はっぽ ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000038 f1, 'はつ剤 ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000027 f1, 'エコー ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000026 f1, 'エチャント ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000025 f1, 'ガード ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000028 f1, 'コート ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000029 f1, 'ゴム ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000030 f1, 'スワップ ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000031 f1, 'ズボン ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000032 f1, 'ダイエル ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000034 f1, 'ファイル ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000033 f1, 'フィルター ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000035 f1, 'フッコク ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000050 f1, '国家利益 ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000048 f1, '国立公園 ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000049 f1, '国立大学 ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000046 f1, '暗視 ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000044 f1, '記載 ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000043 f1, '記録機 ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000047 f1, '音声認識 ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000045 f1, '音楽 ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000042 f1, '高機能 ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000005 f1, '(Ⅰ)番号列 ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000001 f1, '356CAL ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000002 f1, '980Series ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000006 f1, '<ⅸ>Pattern ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000003 f1, 'PVDF ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000004 f1, 'ROMAN-8 ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000015 f1, 'アンカー ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000016 f1, 'エンジン ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000019 f1, 'カットマシン ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000020 f1, 'カード ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000018 f1, 'コーラ ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000017 f1, 'ゴールド ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000024 f1, 'サイフ ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000021 f1, 'ツーウィング ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000023 f1, 'フォルダー ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000022 f1, 'マンボ ' f2 from tversion union select rnum, c1 from tlja where rnum <> 12 ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------------------+---------- SelectJapaneseColumnOrderByLocal_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectJapaneseColumnWhere_p1 select 'SelectJapaneseColumnWhere_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 47 f1, '音声認識 ' f2 from tversion union select rnum, c1 from tlja where c1='音声認識' ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------------+---------- SelectJapaneseColumnWhere_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectJapaneseDistinctColumn_p1 select 'SelectJapaneseDistinctColumn_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 50 f1 from tversion union select count (distinct c1) from tlja ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------------+---------- SelectJapaneseDistinctColumn_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectMaxApproxNumeric_p1 select 'SelectMaxApproxNumeric_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 10 f1 from tversion union select max( vflt.cflt ) from vflt ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------+---------- SelectMaxApproxNumeric_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectMaxApproxNumeric_p2 select 'SelectMaxApproxNumeric_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 10 f1 from tversion union select max( tflt.cflt ) from tflt ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------+---------- SelectMaxApproxNumeric_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectMaxApproxNumeric_p3 select 'SelectMaxApproxNumeric_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 10 f1 from tversion union select max( vdbl.cdbl ) from vdbl ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------+---------- SelectMaxApproxNumeric_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- CaseBasicSearchApproximateNumeric_p3 select 'CaseBasicSearchApproximateNumeric_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'other' f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'test1' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'other' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'other' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'other' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'test1' f2 from tversion union select vdbl.rnum,case when vdbl.cdbl in ( -1,10,0.1 ) then 'test1' else 'other' end from vdbl ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------------------+---------- CaseBasicSearchApproximateNumeric_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectMaxApproxNumeric_p4 select 'SelectMaxApproxNumeric_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 10 f1 from tversion union select max( tdbl.cdbl ) from tdbl ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------+---------- SelectMaxApproxNumeric_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectMaxApproxNumeric_p5 select 'SelectMaxApproxNumeric_p5' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 10 f1 from tversion union select max( vrl.crl ) from vrl ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------+---------- SelectMaxApproxNumeric_p5 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectMaxApproxNumeric_p6 select 'SelectMaxApproxNumeric_p6' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 10 f1 from tversion union select max( trl.crl ) from trl ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------+---------- SelectMaxApproxNumeric_p6 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectMaxChar_p1 select 'SelectMaxChar_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 'FF ' f1 from tversion union select max( vchar.cchar ) from vchar ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------+---------- SelectMaxChar_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectMaxChar_p2 select 'SelectMaxChar_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 'FF ' f1 from tversion union select max( tchar.cchar ) from tchar ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------+---------- SelectMaxChar_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectMaxExactNumeric_p1 select 'SelectMaxExactNumeric_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 10 f1 from tversion union select max( vdec.cdec ) from vdec ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------+---------- SelectMaxExactNumeric_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectMaxExactNumeric_p2 select 'SelectMaxExactNumeric_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 10 f1 from tversion union select max( tdec.cdec ) from tdec ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------+---------- SelectMaxExactNumeric_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectMaxExactNumeric_p3 select 'SelectMaxExactNumeric_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 10 f1 from tversion union select max( vnum.cnum ) from vnum ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------+---------- SelectMaxExactNumeric_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectMaxExactNumeric_p4 select 'SelectMaxExactNumeric_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 10 f1 from tversion union select max( tnum.cnum ) from tnum ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------+---------- SelectMaxExactNumeric_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectMaxInt_p1 select 'SelectMaxInt_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 10 f1 from tversion union select max( vint.cint ) from vint ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------+---------- SelectMaxInt_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CaseBasicSearchApproximateNumeric_p4 select 'CaseBasicSearchApproximateNumeric_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'other' f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'test1' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'other' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'other' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'other' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'test1' f2 from tversion union select tdbl.rnum,case when tdbl.cdbl in ( -1,10,0.1 ) then 'test1' else 'other' end from tdbl ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------------------+---------- CaseBasicSearchApproximateNumeric_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectMaxInt_p2 select 'SelectMaxInt_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 10 f1 from tversion union select max( tint.cint ) from tint ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------+---------- SelectMaxInt_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectMaxInt_p3 select 'SelectMaxInt_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 10 f1 from tversion union select max( vsint.csint ) from vsint ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------+---------- SelectMaxInt_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectMaxInt_p4 select 'SelectMaxInt_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 10 f1 from tversion union select max( tsint.csint ) from tsint ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------+---------- SelectMaxInt_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectMaxInt_p5 select 'SelectMaxInt_p5' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 10 f1 from tversion union select max( vbint.cbint ) from vbint ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------+---------- SelectMaxInt_p5 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectMaxInt_p6 select 'SelectMaxInt_p6' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 10 f1 from tversion union select max( tbint.cbint ) from tbint ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------+---------- SelectMaxInt_p6 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectMaxLit_p1 select 'SelectMaxLit_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 'A' f1 from tversion union select max( 'A' ) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------+---------- SelectMaxLit_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectMaxNullNumeric_p1 select 'SelectMaxNullNumeric_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select null f1 from tversion union select max( cnnull ) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- SelectMaxNullNumeric_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectMaxNull_p1 select 'SelectMaxNull_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select null f1 from tversion union select max( ccnull ) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------+---------- SelectMaxNull_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectMaxVarChar_p1 select 'SelectMaxVarChar_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 'FF' f1 from tversion union select max( vvchar.cvchar ) from vvchar ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------+---------- SelectMaxVarChar_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectMaxVarChar_p2 select 'SelectMaxVarChar_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 'FF' f1 from tversion union select max( tvchar.cvchar ) from tvchar ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------+---------- SelectMaxVarChar_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- CaseBasicSearchApproximateNumeric_p5 select 'CaseBasicSearchApproximateNumeric_p5' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'other' f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'test1' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'other' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'other' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'other' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'test1' f2 from tversion union select vrl.rnum,case when vrl.crl in ( -1,10,0.1 ) then 'test1' else 'other' end from vrl ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------------------+---------- CaseBasicSearchApproximateNumeric_p5 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectMinApproxNumeric_p1 select 'SelectMinApproxNumeric_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select -1 f1 from tversion union select min( vflt.cflt ) from vflt ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------+---------- SelectMinApproxNumeric_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectMinApproxNumeric_p2 select 'SelectMinApproxNumeric_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select -1 f1 from tversion union select min( tflt.cflt ) from tflt ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------+---------- SelectMinApproxNumeric_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectMinApproxNumeric_p3 select 'SelectMinApproxNumeric_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select -1 f1 from tversion union select min( vdbl.cdbl ) from vdbl ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------+---------- SelectMinApproxNumeric_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectMinApproxNumeric_p4 select 'SelectMinApproxNumeric_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select -1 f1 from tversion union select min( tdbl.cdbl ) from tdbl ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------+---------- SelectMinApproxNumeric_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectMinApproxNumeric_p5 select 'SelectMinApproxNumeric_p5' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select -1 f1 from tversion union select min( vrl.crl ) from vrl ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------+---------- SelectMinApproxNumeric_p5 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectMinApproxNumeric_p6 select 'SelectMinApproxNumeric_p6' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select -1 f1 from tversion union select min( trl.crl ) from trl ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------+---------- SelectMinApproxNumeric_p6 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectMinChar_p1 select 'SelectMinChar_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select ' ' f1 from tversion union select min( vchar.cchar ) from vchar ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------+---------- SelectMinChar_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectMinChar_p2 select 'SelectMinChar_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select ' ' f1 from tversion union select min( tchar.cchar ) from tchar ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------+---------- SelectMinChar_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectMinExactNumeric_p1 select 'SelectMinExactNumeric_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select -1 f1 from tversion union select min( vdec.cdec ) from vdec ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------+---------- SelectMinExactNumeric_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectMinExactNumeric_p2 select 'SelectMinExactNumeric_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select -1 f1 from tversion union select min( tdec.cdec ) from tdec ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------+---------- SelectMinExactNumeric_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- CaseBasicSearchApproximateNumeric_p6 select 'CaseBasicSearchApproximateNumeric_p6' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'other' f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'test1' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'other' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'other' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'other' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'test1' f2 from tversion union select trl.rnum,case when trl.crl in ( -1,10,0.1 ) then 'test1' else 'other' end from trl ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------------------+---------- CaseBasicSearchApproximateNumeric_p6 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectMinExactNumeric_p3 select 'SelectMinExactNumeric_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select -1 f1 from tversion union select min( vnum.cnum ) from vnum ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------+---------- SelectMinExactNumeric_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectMinExactNumeric_p4 select 'SelectMinExactNumeric_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select -1 f1 from tversion union select min( tnum.cnum ) from tnum ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------+---------- SelectMinExactNumeric_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectMinInt_p1 select 'SelectMinInt_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select -1 f1 from tversion union select min( vint.cint ) from vint ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------+---------- SelectMinInt_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectMinInt_p2 select 'SelectMinInt_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select -1 f1 from tversion union select min( tint.cint ) from tint ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------+---------- SelectMinInt_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectMinInt_p3 select 'SelectMinInt_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select -1 f1 from tversion union select min( vsint.csint ) from vsint ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------+---------- SelectMinInt_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectMinInt_p4 select 'SelectMinInt_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select -1 f1 from tversion union select min( tsint.csint ) from tsint ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------+---------- SelectMinInt_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectMinInt_p5 select 'SelectMinInt_p5' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select -1 f1 from tversion union select min( vbint.cbint ) from vbint ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------+---------- SelectMinInt_p5 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectMinInt_p6 select 'SelectMinInt_p6' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select -1 f1 from tversion union select min( tbint.cbint ) from tbint ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------+---------- SelectMinInt_p6 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectMinLit_p1 select 'SelectMinLit_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 'A' f1 from tversion union select min( 'A' ) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------+---------- SelectMinLit_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectMinNullNumeric_p1 select 'SelectMinNullNumeric_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select null f1 from tversion union select min( cnnull ) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- SelectMinNullNumeric_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CaseBasicSearchExactNumeric_p1 select 'CaseBasicSearchExactNumeric_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'other' f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'test1' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'other' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'other' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'test1' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'test1' f2 from tversion union select vdec.rnum,case when vdec.cdec in ( -1,10,0.1 ) then 'test1' else 'other' end from vdec ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------------+---------- CaseBasicSearchExactNumeric_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectMinNull_p1 select 'SelectMinNull_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select null f1 from tversion union select min( ccnull ) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------+---------- SelectMinNull_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectMinVarChar_p1 select 'SelectMinVarChar_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select ' ' f1 from tversion union select min( vvchar.cvchar ) from vvchar ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------+---------- SelectMinVarChar_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectMinVarChar_p2 select 'SelectMinVarChar_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select ' ' f1 from tversion union select min( tvchar.cvchar ) from tvchar ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------+---------- SelectMinVarChar_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectStanDevPopApproxNumeric_p1 select 'SelectStanDevPopApproxNumeric_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 4.05975 f1 from tversion union select stddev_pop( vflt.cflt ) from vflt ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------------------+---------- SelectStanDevPopApproxNumeric_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectStanDevPopApproxNumeric_p2 select 'SelectStanDevPopApproxNumeric_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 4.05975 f1 from tversion union select stddev_pop( tflt.cflt ) from tflt ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------------------+---------- SelectStanDevPopApproxNumeric_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectStanDevPopApproxNumeric_p3 select 'SelectStanDevPopApproxNumeric_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 4.05975 f1 from tversion union select stddev_pop( vdbl.cdbl ) from vdbl ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------------------+---------- SelectStanDevPopApproxNumeric_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectStanDevPopApproxNumeric_p4 select 'SelectStanDevPopApproxNumeric_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 4.05975 f1 from tversion union select stddev_pop( tdbl.cdbl ) from tdbl ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------------------+---------- SelectStanDevPopApproxNumeric_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectStanDevPopApproxNumeric_p5 select 'SelectStanDevPopApproxNumeric_p5' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 4.05975 f1 from tversion union select stddev_pop( vrl.crl ) from vrl ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------------------+---------- SelectStanDevPopApproxNumeric_p5 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectStanDevPopApproxNumeric_p6 select 'SelectStanDevPopApproxNumeric_p6' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 4.05975 f1 from tversion union select stddev_pop( trl.crl ) from trl ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------------------+---------- SelectStanDevPopApproxNumeric_p6 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectStanDevPopExactNumeric_p1 select 'SelectStanDevPopExactNumeric_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 4.04 f1 from tversion union select stddev_pop( vdec.cdec ) from vdec ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------------+---------- SelectStanDevPopExactNumeric_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- AbsCoreExactNumeric_p2 select 'AbsCoreExactNumeric_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 1.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 1.000000000000000e-001 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 1.000000000000000e+001 f2 from tversion union select rnum, abs( tdec.cdec ) from tdec ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------+---------- AbsCoreExactNumeric_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- CaseBasicSearchExactNumeric_p2 select 'CaseBasicSearchExactNumeric_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'other' f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'test1' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'other' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'other' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'test1' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'test1' f2 from tversion union select tdec.rnum,case when tdec.cdec in ( -1,10,0.1 ) then 'test1' else 'other' end from tdec ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------------+---------- CaseBasicSearchExactNumeric_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectStanDevPopExactNumeric_p2 select 'SelectStanDevPopExactNumeric_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 4.04 f1 from tversion union select stddev_pop( tdec.cdec ) from tdec ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------------+---------- SelectStanDevPopExactNumeric_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectStanDevPopExactNumeric_p3 select 'SelectStanDevPopExactNumeric_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 4.04 f1 from tversion union select stddev_pop( vnum.cnum ) from vnum ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------------+---------- SelectStanDevPopExactNumeric_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectStanDevPopExactNumeric_p4 select 'SelectStanDevPopExactNumeric_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 4.04 f1 from tversion union select stddev_pop( tnum.cnum ) from tnum ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------------+---------- SelectStanDevPopExactNumeric_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectStanDevPopInt_p1 select 'SelectStanDevPopInt_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 4.38748 f1 from tversion union select stddev_pop( vint.cint ) from vint ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------+---------- SelectStanDevPopInt_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectStanDevPopInt_p2 select 'SelectStanDevPopInt_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 4.38748 f1 from tversion union select stddev_pop( tint.cint ) from tint ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------+---------- SelectStanDevPopInt_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectStanDevPopInt_p3 select 'SelectStanDevPopInt_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 4.38748 f1 from tversion union select stddev_pop( vsint.csint ) from vsint ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------+---------- SelectStanDevPopInt_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectStanDevPopInt_p4 select 'SelectStanDevPopInt_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 4.38748 f1 from tversion union select stddev_pop( tsint.csint ) from tsint ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------+---------- SelectStanDevPopInt_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectStanDevPopInt_p5 select 'SelectStanDevPopInt_p5' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 4.38748 f1 from tversion union select stddev_pop( vbint.cbint ) from vbint ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------+---------- SelectStanDevPopInt_p5 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectStanDevPopInt_p6 select 'SelectStanDevPopInt_p6' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 4.38748 f1 from tversion union select stddev_pop( tbint.cbint ) from tbint ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------+---------- SelectStanDevPopInt_p6 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectStar_p1 select 'SelectStar_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3,f4,f5, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 1 f2, '1.0 ' f3, null f4, null f5 from tversion union select * from tversion ) Q group by f1,f2,f3,f4,f5 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------+---------- SelectStar_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CaseBasicSearchExactNumeric_p3 select 'CaseBasicSearchExactNumeric_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'other' f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'test1' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'other' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'other' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'test1' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'test1' f2 from tversion union select vnum.rnum,case when vnum.cnum in ( -1,10,0.1 ) then 'test1' else 'other' end from vnum ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------------+---------- CaseBasicSearchExactNumeric_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectSumApproxNumeric_p1 select 'SelectSumApproxNumeric_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 9.9 f1 from tversion union select sum( vflt.cflt ) from vflt ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------+---------- SelectSumApproxNumeric_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectSumApproxNumeric_p2 select 'SelectSumApproxNumeric_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 9.9 f1 from tversion union select sum( tflt.cflt ) from tflt ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------+---------- SelectSumApproxNumeric_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectSumApproxNumeric_p3 select 'SelectSumApproxNumeric_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 9.9 f1 from tversion union select sum( vdbl.cdbl ) from vdbl ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------+---------- SelectSumApproxNumeric_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectSumApproxNumeric_p4 select 'SelectSumApproxNumeric_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 9.9 f1 from tversion union select sum( tdbl.cdbl ) from tdbl ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------+---------- SelectSumApproxNumeric_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectSumApproxNumeric_p5 select 'SelectSumApproxNumeric_p5' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 9.9 f1 from tversion union select sum( vrl.crl ) from vrl ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------+---------- SelectSumApproxNumeric_p5 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectSumApproxNumeric_p6 select 'SelectSumApproxNumeric_p6' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 9.9 f1 from tversion union select sum( trl.crl ) from trl ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------+---------- SelectSumApproxNumeric_p6 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectSumExactNumeric_p1 select 'SelectSumExactNumeric_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 10.1 f1 from tversion union select sum( vdec.cdec ) from vdec ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------+---------- SelectSumExactNumeric_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectSumExactNumeric_p2 select 'SelectSumExactNumeric_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 10.1 f1 from tversion union select sum( tdec.cdec ) from tdec ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------+---------- SelectSumExactNumeric_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectSumExactNumeric_p3 select 'SelectSumExactNumeric_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 10.1 f1 from tversion union select sum( vnum.cnum ) from vnum ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------+---------- SelectSumExactNumeric_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectSumExactNumeric_p4 select 'SelectSumExactNumeric_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 10.1 f1 from tversion union select sum( tnum.cnum ) from tnum ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------+---------- SelectSumExactNumeric_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- CaseBasicSearchExactNumeric_p4 select 'CaseBasicSearchExactNumeric_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'other' f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'test1' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'other' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'other' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'test1' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'test1' f2 from tversion union select tnum.rnum,case when tnum.cnum in ( -1,10,0.1 ) then 'test1' else 'other' end from tnum ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------------+---------- CaseBasicSearchExactNumeric_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectSumInt_p1 select 'SelectSumInt_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 10 f1 from tversion union select sum( vint.cint ) from vint ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------+---------- SelectSumInt_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectSumInt_p2 select 'SelectSumInt_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 10 f1 from tversion union select sum( tint.cint ) from tint ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------+---------- SelectSumInt_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectSumInt_p3 select 'SelectSumInt_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 10 f1 from tversion union select sum( vsint.csint ) from vsint ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------+---------- SelectSumInt_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectSumInt_p4 select 'SelectSumInt_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 10 f1 from tversion union select sum( tsint.csint ) from tsint ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------+---------- SelectSumInt_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectSumInt_p5 select 'SelectSumInt_p5' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 10 f1 from tversion union select sum( vbint.cbint ) from vbint ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------+---------- SelectSumInt_p5 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectSumInt_p6 select 'SelectSumInt_p6' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 10 f1 from tversion union select sum( tbint.cbint ) from tbint ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------+---------- SelectSumInt_p6 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectThaiColumnConcat_p1 select 'SelectThaiColumnConcat_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 47 f1, '๛ก่ำ ' f2 from tversion union select rnum, '๛' || c1 from tlth where rnum = 47 ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------+---------- SelectThaiColumnConcat_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectThaiColumnLower_p1 select 'SelectThaiColumnLower_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 47 f1, 'ก่ำ' f2 from tversion union select rnum, lower(c1) from tlth where rnum=47 ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------+---------- SelectThaiColumnLower_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectThaiColumnOrderByLocal_p1 select 'SelectThaiColumnOrderByLocal_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 00000000000000000000000000000000000036 f1, ' ํ ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000049 f1, '! ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000020 f1, '- ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000059 f1, '-กระจาม ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000058 f1, '-กระจิ๋ง ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000061 f1, '-เกงกอย ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000027 f1, '0 ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000003 f1, '00 ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000026 f1, '1 ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000057 f1, '9 ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000024 f1, 'Zulu ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000025 f1, 'zulu ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000054 f1, 'ก ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000037 f1, 'ก กา ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000074 f1, 'กก ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000016 f1, 'กกขนาก ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000035 f1, 'กกา ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000034 f1, 'กกๅ ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000066 f1, 'กง ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000001 f1, 'กฏิ ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000015 f1, 'กฏุก ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000070 f1, 'กฏุก- ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000002 f1, 'กรรมสิทธิ์ผู้แต่งหนังสือ ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000010 f1, 'กรรมสิทธิ์เครื่องหมายและยี่ห้อการค้าขาย ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000031 f1, 'กระจาบ ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000055 f1, 'กระจาย ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000030 f1, 'กระจิด ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000014 f1, 'กัง ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000052 f1, 'กังก ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000042 f1, 'กั้ง ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000064 f1, 'กำ ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000041 f1, 'กิก ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000012 f1, 'กิ่ง ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000021 f1, 'กิ๊ก ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000008 f1, 'กู้หน้า ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000051 f1, 'ก็ ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000022 f1, 'ก่ง ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000047 f1, 'ก่ำ ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000067 f1, 'ก้ง ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000004 f1, 'ก้งง ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000073 f1, 'ก้ำ ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000023 f1, 'ก๊ก ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000069 f1, 'ก๊ง ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000075 f1, 'ขง ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000065 f1, 'ฃ ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000046 f1, 'ค ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000060 f1, 'คคน- ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000013 f1, 'ฯ ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000039 f1, 'เ ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000006 f1, 'เก ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000050 f1, 'เกน ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000005 f1, 'เกนๆ ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000011 f1, 'เก็บ ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000043 f1, 'เก่ ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000044 f1, 'เก่น ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000019 f1, 'แก ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000072 f1, 'แก่ ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000056 f1, 'แก่กล้า ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000068 f1, 'แก้ ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000053 f1, 'โก่ ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000045 f1, 'ใกล้ ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000032 f1, 'ไ ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000028 f1, 'ไก ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000007 f1, 'ไฮฮี ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000048 f1, 'ๆ ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000071 f1, '๏ ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000018 f1, '๐ ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000063 f1, '๐๐ ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000017 f1, '๐๙ ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000009 f1, '๑ ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000029 f1, '๒ ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000040 f1, '๘ ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000033 f1, '๙ ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000062 f1, '๛ ' f2 from tversion union select rnum, c1 from tlth where rnum <> 38 ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------------+---------- SelectThaiColumnOrderByLocal_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectThaiColumnWhere_p1 select 'SelectThaiColumnWhere_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 62 f1, '๛ ' f2 from tversion union select rnum, c1 from tlth where c1='๛' ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------+---------- SelectThaiColumnWhere_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CaseBasicSearchInteger_p1 select 'CaseBasicSearchInteger_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'other' f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'test1' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'other' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'test1' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'test1' f2 from tversion union select vint.rnum,case when vint.cint in ( -1,10,1 ) then 'test1' else 'other' end from vint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------+---------- CaseBasicSearchInteger_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectThaiDistinctColumn_p1 select 'SelectThaiDistinctColumn_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 75 f1 from tversion union select count (distinct c1) from tlth ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------------+---------- SelectThaiDistinctColumn_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectTimeComparisonEqualTo_p1 select 'SelectTimeComparisonEqualTo_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select 1 from tversion where time '10:20:30' = time '10:20:30' ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------------+---------- SelectTimeComparisonEqualTo_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectTimeComparisonGreaterThanOrEqualTo_p1 select 'SelectTimeComparisonGreaterThanOrEqualTo_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select 1 from tversion where time '23:59:40' >= time '00:00:00.000' ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------------------------+---------- SelectTimeComparisonGreaterThanOrEqualTo_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectTimeComparisonGreaterThanOrEqualTo_p2 select 'SelectTimeComparisonGreaterThanOrEqualTo_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select 1 from tversion where time '23:59:40' >= time '12:00:00.000' ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------------------------+---------- SelectTimeComparisonGreaterThanOrEqualTo_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectTimeComparisonGreaterThanOrEqualTo_p3 select 'SelectTimeComparisonGreaterThanOrEqualTo_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select 1 from tversion where time '23:59:40' >= time '23:59:30.123' ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------------------------+---------- SelectTimeComparisonGreaterThanOrEqualTo_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectTimeComparisonGreaterThan_p1 select 'SelectTimeComparisonGreaterThan_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select 1 from tversion where time '23:59:40' > time '00:00:00.000' ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------------------+---------- SelectTimeComparisonGreaterThan_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectTimeComparisonGreaterThan_p2 select 'SelectTimeComparisonGreaterThan_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select 1 from tversion where time '23:59:40' > time '12:00:00.000' ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------------------+---------- SelectTimeComparisonGreaterThan_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectTimeComparisonGreaterThan_p3 select 'SelectTimeComparisonGreaterThan_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select 1 from tversion where time '23:59:40' > time '23:59:30.123' ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------------------+---------- SelectTimeComparisonGreaterThan_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectTimeComparisonLessThanOrEqualTo_p1 select 'SelectTimeComparisonLessThanOrEqualTo_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select 1 from tversion where time '00:00:00' <= time '00:00:00.000' ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------------------------+---------- SelectTimeComparisonLessThanOrEqualTo_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectTimeComparisonLessThanOrEqualTo_p2 select 'SelectTimeComparisonLessThanOrEqualTo_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select 1 from tversion where time '00:00:00' <= time '12:00:00.000' ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------------------------+---------- SelectTimeComparisonLessThanOrEqualTo_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- CaseBasicSearchInteger_p2 select 'CaseBasicSearchInteger_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'other' f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'test1' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'other' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'test1' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'test1' f2 from tversion union select tint.rnum,case when tint.cint in ( -1,10,1 ) then 'test1' else 'other' end from tint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------+---------- CaseBasicSearchInteger_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectTimeComparisonLessThanOrEqualTo_p3 select 'SelectTimeComparisonLessThanOrEqualTo_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select 1 from tversion where time '00:00:00' <= time '23:59:30.123' ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------------------------+---------- SelectTimeComparisonLessThanOrEqualTo_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectTimeComparisonLessThan_p1 select 'SelectTimeComparisonLessThan_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select 1 from tversion where time '00:00:00.000' < time '23:59:40' ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------------+---------- SelectTimeComparisonLessThan_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectTimeComparisonLessThan_p2 select 'SelectTimeComparisonLessThan_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select 1 from tversion where time '12:00:00.000' < time '23:59:40' ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------------+---------- SelectTimeComparisonLessThan_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectTimeComparisonLessThan_p3 select 'SelectTimeComparisonLessThan_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select 1 from tversion where time '23:59:30.123' < time '23:59:40' ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------------+---------- SelectTimeComparisonLessThan_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectTimeComparisonNotEqualTo_p1 select 'SelectTimeComparisonNotEqualTo_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select 1 from tversion where time '22:20:30' <> time '00:00:00.000' ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------------------+---------- SelectTimeComparisonNotEqualTo_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectTimeComparisonNotEqualTo_p2 select 'SelectTimeComparisonNotEqualTo_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select 1 from tversion where time '22:20:30' <> time '12:00:00.000' ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------------------+---------- SelectTimeComparisonNotEqualTo_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectTimeComparisonNotEqualTo_p3 select 'SelectTimeComparisonNotEqualTo_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select 1 from tversion where time '22:20:30' <> time '23:59:30.123' ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------------------+---------- SelectTimeComparisonNotEqualTo_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectTimestampComparisonEqualTo_p1 select 'SelectTimestampComparisonEqualTo_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select 1 from tversion where timestamp '2000-01-01 00:00:00.0' = timestamp '2000-01-01 00:00:00.0' ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------------------+---------- SelectTimestampComparisonEqualTo_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectTimestampComparisonEqualTo_p2 select 'SelectTimestampComparisonEqualTo_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select 1 from tversion where timestamp '2000-01-01 12:00:00' = timestamp '2000-01-01 12:00:00' ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------------------+---------- SelectTimestampComparisonEqualTo_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectTimestampComparisonEqualTo_p3 select 'SelectTimestampComparisonEqualTo_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select 1 from tversion where timestamp '2000-01-01 23:59:30.123' = timestamp '2000-01-01 23:59:30.123' ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------------------+---------- SelectTimestampComparisonEqualTo_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- CaseBasicSearchInteger_p3 select 'CaseBasicSearchInteger_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'other' f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'test1' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'other' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'test1' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'test1' f2 from tversion union select vsint.rnum,case when vsint.csint in ( -1,10,1 ) then 'test1' else 'other' end from vsint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------+---------- CaseBasicSearchInteger_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectTimestampComparisonEqualTo_p4 select 'SelectTimestampComparisonEqualTo_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select 1 from tversion where timestamp '2000-12-31 00:00:00' = timestamp '2000-12-31 00:00:00' ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------------------+---------- SelectTimestampComparisonEqualTo_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectTimestampComparisonEqualTo_p5 select 'SelectTimestampComparisonEqualTo_p5' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select 1 from tversion where timestamp '2000-12-31 12:00:00' = timestamp '2000-12-31 12:00:00' ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------------------+---------- SelectTimestampComparisonEqualTo_p5 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectTimestampComparisonEqualTo_p6 select 'SelectTimestampComparisonEqualTo_p6' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select 1 from tversion where timestamp '2000-12-31 23:59:30.123' = timestamp '2000-12-31 23:59:30.123' ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------------------+---------- SelectTimestampComparisonEqualTo_p6 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectTimestampComparisonGreaterThanOrEqualTo_p1 select 'SelectTimestampComparisonGreaterThanOrEqualTo_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select 1 from tversion where timestamp '2010-01-01 10:20:30' >= timestamp '2000-01-01 00:00:00.0' ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------------------------------+---------- SelectTimestampComparisonGreaterThanOrEqualTo_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectTimestampComparisonGreaterThanOrEqualTo_p2 select 'SelectTimestampComparisonGreaterThanOrEqualTo_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select 1 from tversion where timestamp '2010-01-01 10:20:30' >= timestamp '2000-01-01 12:00:00' ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------------------------------+---------- SelectTimestampComparisonGreaterThanOrEqualTo_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectTimestampComparisonGreaterThanOrEqualTo_p3 select 'SelectTimestampComparisonGreaterThanOrEqualTo_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select 1 from tversion where timestamp '2010-01-01 10:20:30' >= timestamp '2000-01-01 23:59:30.123' ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------------------------------+---------- SelectTimestampComparisonGreaterThanOrEqualTo_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectTimestampComparisonGreaterThanOrEqualTo_p4 select 'SelectTimestampComparisonGreaterThanOrEqualTo_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select 1 from tversion where timestamp '2010-01-01 10:20:30' >= timestamp '2000-12-31 00:00:00' ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------------------------------+---------- SelectTimestampComparisonGreaterThanOrEqualTo_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectTimestampComparisonGreaterThanOrEqualTo_p5 select 'SelectTimestampComparisonGreaterThanOrEqualTo_p5' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select 1 from tversion where timestamp '2010-01-01 10:20:30' >= timestamp '2000-12-31 12:00:00' ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------------------------------+---------- SelectTimestampComparisonGreaterThanOrEqualTo_p5 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectTimestampComparisonGreaterThanOrEqualTo_p6 select 'SelectTimestampComparisonGreaterThanOrEqualTo_p6' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select 1 from tversion where timestamp '2010-01-01 10:20:30' >= timestamp '2000-12-31 23:59:30.123' ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------------------------------+---------- SelectTimestampComparisonGreaterThanOrEqualTo_p6 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectTimestampComparisonGreaterThan_p1 select 'SelectTimestampComparisonGreaterThan_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select 1 from tversion where timestamp '2010-01-01 10:20:30' > timestamp '2000-01-01 00:00:00.0' ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------------------------+---------- SelectTimestampComparisonGreaterThan_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- CaseBasicSearchInteger_p4 select 'CaseBasicSearchInteger_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'other' f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'test1' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'other' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'test1' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'test1' f2 from tversion union select tsint.rnum,case when tsint.csint in ( -1,10,1 ) then 'test1' else 'other' end from tsint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------+---------- CaseBasicSearchInteger_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectTimestampComparisonGreaterThan_p2 select 'SelectTimestampComparisonGreaterThan_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select 1 from tversion where timestamp '2010-01-01 10:20:30' > timestamp '2000-01-01 12:00:00' ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------------------------+---------- SelectTimestampComparisonGreaterThan_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectTimestampComparisonGreaterThan_p3 select 'SelectTimestampComparisonGreaterThan_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select 1 from tversion where timestamp '2010-01-01 10:20:30' > timestamp '2000-01-01 23:59:30.123' ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------------------------+---------- SelectTimestampComparisonGreaterThan_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectTimestampComparisonGreaterThan_p4 select 'SelectTimestampComparisonGreaterThan_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select 1 from tversion where timestamp '2010-01-01 10:20:30' > timestamp '2000-12-31 00:00:00' ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------------------------+---------- SelectTimestampComparisonGreaterThan_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectTimestampComparisonGreaterThan_p5 select 'SelectTimestampComparisonGreaterThan_p5' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select 1 from tversion where timestamp '2010-01-01 10:20:30' > timestamp '2000-12-31 12:00:00' ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------------------------+---------- SelectTimestampComparisonGreaterThan_p5 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectTimestampComparisonGreaterThan_p6 select 'SelectTimestampComparisonGreaterThan_p6' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select 1 from tversion where timestamp '2010-01-01 10:20:30' > timestamp '2000-12-31 23:59:30.123' ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------------------------+---------- SelectTimestampComparisonGreaterThan_p6 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectTimestampComparisonLessThanOrEqualTo_p1 select 'SelectTimestampComparisonLessThanOrEqualTo_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select 1 from tversion where timestamp '1989-01-01 10:20:30' <= timestamp '2000-01-01 00:00:00.0' ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------------------------------+---------- SelectTimestampComparisonLessThanOrEqualTo_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectTimestampComparisonLessThanOrEqualTo_p2 select 'SelectTimestampComparisonLessThanOrEqualTo_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select 1 from tversion where timestamp '1989-01-01 10:20:30' <= timestamp '2000-01-01 12:00:00' ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------------------------------+---------- SelectTimestampComparisonLessThanOrEqualTo_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectTimestampComparisonLessThanOrEqualTo_p3 select 'SelectTimestampComparisonLessThanOrEqualTo_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select 1 from tversion where timestamp '1989-01-01 10:20:30' <= timestamp '2000-01-01 23:59:30.123' ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------------------------------+---------- SelectTimestampComparisonLessThanOrEqualTo_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectTimestampComparisonLessThanOrEqualTo_p4 select 'SelectTimestampComparisonLessThanOrEqualTo_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select 1 from tversion where timestamp '1989-01-01 10:20:30' <= timestamp '2000-12-31 00:00:00' ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------------------------------+---------- SelectTimestampComparisonLessThanOrEqualTo_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectTimestampComparisonLessThanOrEqualTo_p5 select 'SelectTimestampComparisonLessThanOrEqualTo_p5' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select 1 from tversion where timestamp '1989-01-01 10:20:30' <= timestamp '2000-12-31 12:00:00' ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------------------------------+---------- SelectTimestampComparisonLessThanOrEqualTo_p5 | 1 (1 row) --- CaseBasicSearchInteger_p5 select 'CaseBasicSearchInteger_p5' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'other' f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'test1' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'other' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'test1' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'test1' f2 from tversion union select vbint.rnum,case when vbint.cbint in ( -1,10,1 ) then 'test1' else 'other' end from vbint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------+---------- CaseBasicSearchInteger_p5 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectTimestampComparisonLessThanOrEqualTo_p6 select 'SelectTimestampComparisonLessThanOrEqualTo_p6' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select 1 from tversion where timestamp '1989-01-01 10:20:30' <= timestamp '2000-12-31 23:59:30.123' ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------------------------------+---------- SelectTimestampComparisonLessThanOrEqualTo_p6 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectTimestampComparisonLessThan_p1 select 'SelectTimestampComparisonLessThan_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select 1 from tversion where timestamp '1989-01-01 10:20:30' < timestamp '2000-01-01 00:00:00.0' ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------------------+---------- SelectTimestampComparisonLessThan_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectTimestampComparisonLessThan_p2 select 'SelectTimestampComparisonLessThan_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select 1 from tversion where timestamp '1989-01-01 10:20:30' < timestamp '2000-01-01 12:00:00' ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------------------+---------- SelectTimestampComparisonLessThan_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectTimestampComparisonLessThan_p3 select 'SelectTimestampComparisonLessThan_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select 1 from tversion where timestamp '1989-01-01 10:20:30' < timestamp '2000-01-01 23:59:30.123' ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------------------+---------- SelectTimestampComparisonLessThan_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectTimestampComparisonLessThan_p4 select 'SelectTimestampComparisonLessThan_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select 1 from tversion where timestamp '1989-01-01 10:20:30' < timestamp '2000-12-31 00:00:00' ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------------------+---------- SelectTimestampComparisonLessThan_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectTimestampComparisonLessThan_p5 select 'SelectTimestampComparisonLessThan_p5' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select 1 from tversion where timestamp '1989-01-01 10:20:30' < timestamp '2000-12-31 12:00:00' ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------------------+---------- SelectTimestampComparisonLessThan_p5 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectTimestampComparisonLessThan_p6 select 'SelectTimestampComparisonLessThan_p6' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select 1 from tversion where timestamp '1989-01-01 10:20:30' < timestamp '2000-12-31 23:59:30.123' ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------------------+---------- SelectTimestampComparisonLessThan_p6 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectTimestampComparisonNotEqualTo_p1 select 'SelectTimestampComparisonNotEqualTo_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select 1 from tversion where timestamp '1989-01-01 10:20:30' <> timestamp '2000-01-01 00:00:00.0' ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------------------------+---------- SelectTimestampComparisonNotEqualTo_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectTimestampComparisonNotEqualTo_p2 select 'SelectTimestampComparisonNotEqualTo_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select 1 from tversion where timestamp '1989-01-01 10:20:30' <> timestamp '2000-01-01 12:00:00' ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------------------------+---------- SelectTimestampComparisonNotEqualTo_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectTimestampComparisonNotEqualTo_p3 select 'SelectTimestampComparisonNotEqualTo_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select 1 from tversion where timestamp '1989-01-01 10:20:30' <> timestamp '2000-01-01 23:59:30.123' ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------------------------+---------- SelectTimestampComparisonNotEqualTo_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- CaseBasicSearchInteger_p6 select 'CaseBasicSearchInteger_p6' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'other' f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'test1' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'other' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'test1' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'test1' f2 from tversion union select tbint.rnum,case when tbint.cbint in ( -1,10,1 ) then 'test1' else 'other' end from tbint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------+---------- CaseBasicSearchInteger_p6 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectTimestampComparisonNotEqualTo_p4 select 'SelectTimestampComparisonNotEqualTo_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select 1 from tversion where timestamp '1989-01-01 10:20:30' <> timestamp '2000-12-31 00:00:00' ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------------------------+---------- SelectTimestampComparisonNotEqualTo_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectTimestampComparisonNotEqualTo_p5 select 'SelectTimestampComparisonNotEqualTo_p5' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select 1 from tversion where timestamp '1989-01-01 10:20:30' <> timestamp '2000-12-31 12:00:00' ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------------------------+---------- SelectTimestampComparisonNotEqualTo_p5 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectTimestampComparisonNotEqualTo_p6 select 'SelectTimestampComparisonNotEqualTo_p6' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1 from tversion union select 1 from tversion where timestamp '1989-01-01 10:20:30' <> timestamp '2000-12-31 23:59:30.123' ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------------------------+---------- SelectTimestampComparisonNotEqualTo_p6 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectTurkishColumnConcat_p1 select 'SelectTurkishColumnConcat_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 00000000000000000000000000000000000001 f1, 'çıkmak' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000002 f1, 'çıkmakZero ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000003 f1, 'çıkmakÜyelik ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000004 f1, 'çıkmaküyelik ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000005 f1, 'çıkmakÜyeleri ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000006 f1, 'çıkmakUzantısı ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000007 f1, 'çıkmakupdate ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000008 f1, 'çıkmakŞarkı ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000009 f1, 'çıkmakC.B.A. ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000010 f1, 'çıkmakşifreleme ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000011 f1, 'çıkmakstep ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000012 f1, 'çıkmaközellikler ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000013 f1, 'çıkmak@@@air ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000014 f1, 'çıkmakoption ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000015 f1, 'çıkmakvice-versa ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000016 f1, 'çıkmakÖlçer ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000017 f1, 'çıkmakvice-admiral ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000018 f1, 'çıkmakIpucu ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000019 f1, 'çıkmakIP ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000020 f1, 'çıkmak999 ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000021 f1, 'çıkmakdiğer ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000022 f1, 'çıkmakıptali ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000023 f1, 'çıkmakicon ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000024 f1, 'çıkmakair@@@ ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000025 f1, 'çıkmakCO-OP ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000026 f1, 'çıkmakİsteği ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000027 f1, 'çıkmakItem ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000028 f1, 'çıkmakhub ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000029 f1, 'çıkmakvice ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000030 f1, 'çıkmakHata ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000031 f1, 'çıkmakCOOP ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000032 f1, 'çıkmakvice versa ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000033 f1, 'çıkmakdigit ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000034 f1, 'çıkmakCzech ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000035 f1, 'çıkmakçıkmak ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000036 f1, 'çıkmakçevir ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000037 f1, 'çıkmakÇok ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000038 f1, 'çıkmakçoklu ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000039 f1, 'çıkmakvicennial ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000040 f1, 'çıkmakçizim ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000041 f1, 'çıkmakco-op ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000042 f1, 'çıkmakçizgiler ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000043 f1, 'çıkmakçizgi ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000044 f1, 'çıkmak@@@@@ ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000045 f1, 'çıkmakçift ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000046 f1, 'çıkmakverkehrt ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000047 f1, 'çıkmakçapraz ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000048 f1, 'çıkmak0000 ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000049 f1, 'çıkmakcaption ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000050 f1, 'çıkmakCable ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000051 f1, 'çıkmakcable ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000052 f1, 'çıkmak' f2 from tversion union select rnum, 'çıkmak' || c1 from tltr ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------------+---------- SelectTurkishColumnConcat_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectTurkishColumnLower_p1 select 'SelectTurkishColumnLower_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 00000000000000000000000000000000000001 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000002 f1, 'zero ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000003 f1, 'üyelik ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000004 f1, 'üyelik ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000005 f1, 'üyeleri ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000006 f1, 'uzantısı ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000007 f1, 'update ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000008 f1, 'şarkı ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000009 f1, 'c.b.a. ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000010 f1, 'şifreleme ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000011 f1, 'step ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000012 f1, 'özellikler ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000013 f1, '@@@air ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000014 f1, 'option ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000015 f1, 'vice-versa ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000016 f1, 'ölçer ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000017 f1, 'vice-admiral ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000018 f1, 'ipucu ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000019 f1, 'ip ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000020 f1, '999 ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000021 f1, 'diğer ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000022 f1, 'ıptali ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000023 f1, 'icon ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000024 f1, 'air@@@ ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000025 f1, 'co-op ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000026 f1, 'isteği ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000027 f1, 'item ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000028 f1, 'hub ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000029 f1, 'vice ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000030 f1, 'hata ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000031 f1, 'coop ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000032 f1, 'vice versa ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000033 f1, 'digit ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000034 f1, 'czech ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000035 f1, 'çıkmak ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000036 f1, 'çevir ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000037 f1, 'çok ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000038 f1, 'çoklu ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000039 f1, 'vicennial ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000040 f1, 'çizim ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000041 f1, 'co-op ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000042 f1, 'çizgiler ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000043 f1, 'çizgi ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000044 f1, '@@@@@ ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000045 f1, 'çift ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000046 f1, 'verkehrt ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000047 f1, 'çapraz ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000048 f1, '0000 ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000049 f1, 'caption ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000050 f1, 'cable ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000051 f1, 'cable ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000052 f1, '' f2 from tversion union select rnum, lower(c1) from tltr ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------------+---------- SelectTurkishColumnLower_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectTurkishColumnOrderByLocal_p1 select 'SelectTurkishColumnOrderByLocal_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 00000000000000000000000000000000000048 f1, '0000 ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000020 f1, '999 ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000044 f1, '@@@@@ ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000013 f1, '@@@air ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000009 f1, 'C.B.A. ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000025 f1, 'CO-OP ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000031 f1, 'COOP ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000050 f1, 'Cable ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000034 f1, 'Czech ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000030 f1, 'Hata ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000019 f1, 'IP ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000018 f1, 'Ipucu ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000027 f1, 'Item ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000006 f1, 'Uzantısı ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000002 f1, 'Zero ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000024 f1, 'air@@@ ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000051 f1, 'cable ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000049 f1, 'caption ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000041 f1, 'co-op ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000033 f1, 'digit ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000021 f1, 'diğer ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000028 f1, 'hub ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000023 f1, 'icon ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000014 f1, 'option ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000011 f1, 'step ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000007 f1, 'update ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000046 f1, 'verkehrt ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000029 f1, 'vice ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000032 f1, 'vice versa ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000017 f1, 'vice-admiral ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000015 f1, 'vice-versa ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000039 f1, 'vicennial ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000037 f1, 'Çok ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000016 f1, 'Ölçer ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000005 f1, 'Üyeleri ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000003 f1, 'Üyelik ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000047 f1, 'çapraz ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000036 f1, 'çevir ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000045 f1, 'çift ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000043 f1, 'çizgi ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000042 f1, 'çizgiler ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000040 f1, 'çizim ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000038 f1, 'çoklu ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000035 f1, 'çıkmak ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000012 f1, 'özellikler ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000004 f1, 'üyelik ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000026 f1, 'İsteği ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000022 f1, 'ıptali ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000008 f1, 'Şarkı ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000010 f1, 'şifreleme ' f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000052 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 00000000000000000000000000000000000001 f1, null f2 from tversion union select rnum, c1 from tltr ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------------------+---------- SelectTurkishColumnOrderByLocal_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectTurkishColumnWhere_p1 select 'SelectTurkishColumnWhere_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 35 f1, 'çıkmak ' f2 from tversion union select rnum, c1 from tltr where c1='çıkmak' ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------------+---------- SelectTurkishColumnWhere_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectTurkishDistinctColumn_p1 select 'SelectTurkishDistinctColumn_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 51 f1 from tversion union select count (distinct c1) from tltr ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------------+---------- SelectTurkishDistinctColumn_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectVarPopApproxNumeric_p1 select 'SelectVarPopApproxNumeric_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 16.4816 f1 from tversion union select var_pop( vflt.cflt ) from vflt ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------------+---------- SelectVarPopApproxNumeric_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectVarPopApproxNumeric_p2 select 'SelectVarPopApproxNumeric_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 16.4816 f1 from tversion union select var_pop( tflt.cflt ) from tflt ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------------+---------- SelectVarPopApproxNumeric_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- CaseComparisonsApproximateNumeric_p1 select 'CaseComparisonsApproximateNumeric_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'other' f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'lt' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'in' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, '=' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'between' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'gt' f2 from tversion union select vflt.rnum,case when vflt.cflt = 1 then '=' when vflt.cflt > 9 then 'gt' when vflt.cflt < -0.2 then 'lt' when vflt.cflt in (0,11) then 'in' when vflt.cflt between -1 and 0 then 'between' else 'other' end from vflt ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------------------+---------- CaseComparisonsApproximateNumeric_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectVarPopApproxNumeric_p3 select 'SelectVarPopApproxNumeric_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 16.4816 f1 from tversion union select var_pop( vdbl.cdbl ) from vdbl ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------------+---------- SelectVarPopApproxNumeric_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectVarPopApproxNumeric_p4 select 'SelectVarPopApproxNumeric_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 16.4816 f1 from tversion union select var_pop( tdbl.cdbl ) from tdbl ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------------+---------- SelectVarPopApproxNumeric_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectVarPopApproxNumeric_p5 select 'SelectVarPopApproxNumeric_p5' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 16.4816 f1 from tversion union select var_pop( vrl.crl ) from vrl ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------------+---------- SelectVarPopApproxNumeric_p5 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectVarPopApproxNumeric_p6 select 'SelectVarPopApproxNumeric_p6' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 16.4816 f1 from tversion union select var_pop( trl.crl ) from trl ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------------+---------- SelectVarPopApproxNumeric_p6 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectVarPopExactNumeric_p1 select 'SelectVarPopExactNumeric_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 16.3216 f1 from tversion union select var_pop( vdec.cdec ) from vdec ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------------+---------- SelectVarPopExactNumeric_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectVarPopExactNumeric_p2 select 'SelectVarPopExactNumeric_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 16.3216 f1 from tversion union select var_pop( tdec.cdec ) from tdec ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------------+---------- SelectVarPopExactNumeric_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectVarPopExactNumeric_p3 select 'SelectVarPopExactNumeric_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 16.3216 f1 from tversion union select var_pop( vnum.cnum ) from vnum ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------------+---------- SelectVarPopExactNumeric_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectVarPopExactNumeric_p4 select 'SelectVarPopExactNumeric_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 16.3216 f1 from tversion union select var_pop( tnum.cnum ) from tnum ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------------+---------- SelectVarPopExactNumeric_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectVarPopInt_p1 select 'SelectVarPopInt_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 19.25 f1 from tversion union select var_pop( vint.cint ) from vint ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------+---------- SelectVarPopInt_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectVarPopInt_p2 select 'SelectVarPopInt_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 19.25 f1 from tversion union select var_pop( tint.cint ) from tint ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------+---------- SelectVarPopInt_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- AbsCoreExactNumeric_p3 select 'AbsCoreExactNumeric_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 1.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 0.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 1.000000000000000e+000 f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 1.000000000000000e-001 f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 1.000000000000000e+001 f2 from tversion union select rnum, abs( vnum.cnum ) from vnum ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------+---------- AbsCoreExactNumeric_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- CaseComparisonsApproximateNumeric_p2 select 'CaseComparisonsApproximateNumeric_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'other' f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'lt' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'in' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, '=' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'between' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'gt' f2 from tversion union select tflt.rnum,case when tflt.cflt = 1 then '=' when tflt.cflt > 9 then 'gt' when tflt.cflt < -0.2 then 'lt' when tflt.cflt in (0,11) then 'in' when tflt.cflt between -1 and 0 then 'between' else 'other' end from tflt ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------------------+---------- CaseComparisonsApproximateNumeric_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectVarPopInt_p3 select 'SelectVarPopInt_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 19.25 f1 from tversion union select var_pop( vsint.csint ) from vsint ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------+---------- SelectVarPopInt_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectVarPopInt_p4 select 'SelectVarPopInt_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 19.25 f1 from tversion union select var_pop( tsint.csint ) from tsint ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------+---------- SelectVarPopInt_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectVarPopInt_p5 select 'SelectVarPopInt_p5' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 19.25 f1 from tversion union select var_pop( vbint.cbint ) from vbint ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------+---------- SelectVarPopInt_p5 | 1 (1 row) --- SelectVarPopInt_p6 select 'SelectVarPopInt_p6' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 19.25 f1 from tversion union select var_pop( tbint.cbint ) from tbint ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------+---------- SelectVarPopInt_p6 | 1 (1 row) --- SetPrecedenceNoBrackets_p1 select 'SetPrecedenceNoBrackets_p1' test_name_part, case when d = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct d) d from ( select t,f1,c,count(*) d from ( select t, f1, count(*) c from ( select 'X' T, 10 f1 from tversion union all select 'X' T, 10 f1 from tversion union all select 'X' T,40 f1 from tversion union all select 'X' T,50 f1 from tversion union all select 'X' T,60 f1 from tversion union all select 'A', c1 from tset1 intersect select 'A', c1 from tset2 union all select 'A', c1 from tset3 ) Q group by t, f1 ) P group by t, f1, c ) O ) N; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------------+---------- SetPrecedenceNoBrackets_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SetPrecedenceUnionFirst_p1 select 'SetPrecedenceUnionFirst_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 10 f1 from tversion union select 40 f1 from tversion union select 50 f1 from tversion union select 60 f1 from tversion union select c1 from tset1 intersect (select c1 from tset2 union all select c1 from tset3) ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------------+---------- SetPrecedenceUnionFirst_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SimpleCaseApproximateNumericElseDefaultsNULL_p1 select 'SimpleCaseApproximateNumericElseDefaultsNULL_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'test2' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'test2' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'test1' f2 from tversion union select vflt.rnum,case when vflt.cflt > 1 then 'test1' when vflt.cflt < 0 then 'test2' end from vflt ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------------------------------+---------- SimpleCaseApproximateNumericElseDefaultsNULL_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SimpleCaseApproximateNumericElseDefaultsNULL_p2 select 'SimpleCaseApproximateNumericElseDefaultsNULL_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'test2' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'test2' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'test1' f2 from tversion union select tflt.rnum,case when tflt.cflt > 1 then 'test1' when tflt.cflt < 0 then 'test2' end from tflt ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------------------------------+---------- SimpleCaseApproximateNumericElseDefaultsNULL_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- SimpleCaseApproximateNumericElseDefaultsNULL_p3 select 'SimpleCaseApproximateNumericElseDefaultsNULL_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'test2' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'test2' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'test1' f2 from tversion union select vdbl.rnum,case when vdbl.cdbl > 1 then 'test1' when vdbl.cdbl < 0 then 'test2' end from vdbl ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------------------------------+---------- SimpleCaseApproximateNumericElseDefaultsNULL_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- SimpleCaseApproximateNumericElseDefaultsNULL_p4 select 'SimpleCaseApproximateNumericElseDefaultsNULL_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'test2' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'test2' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'test1' f2 from tversion union select tdbl.rnum,case when tdbl.cdbl > 1 then 'test1' when tdbl.cdbl < 0 then 'test2' end from tdbl ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------------------------------+---------- SimpleCaseApproximateNumericElseDefaultsNULL_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- CaseComparisonsApproximateNumeric_p3 select 'CaseComparisonsApproximateNumeric_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'other' f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'lt' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'in' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, '=' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'between' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'gt' f2 from tversion union select vdbl.rnum,case when vdbl.cdbl = 1 then '=' when vdbl.cdbl > 9 then 'gt' when vdbl.cdbl < -0.2 then 'lt' when vdbl.cdbl in (0,11) then 'in' when vdbl.cdbl between -1 and 0 then 'between' else 'other' end from vdbl ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------------------+---------- CaseComparisonsApproximateNumeric_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- SimpleCaseApproximateNumericElseDefaultsNULL_p5 select 'SimpleCaseApproximateNumericElseDefaultsNULL_p5' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'test2' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'test2' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'test1' f2 from tversion union select vrl.rnum,case when vrl.crl > 1 then 'test1' when vrl.crl < 0 then 'test2' end from vrl ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------------------------------+---------- SimpleCaseApproximateNumericElseDefaultsNULL_p5 | 1 (1 row) --- SimpleCaseApproximateNumericElseDefaultsNULL_p6 select 'SimpleCaseApproximateNumericElseDefaultsNULL_p6' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'test2' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'test2' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'test1' f2 from tversion union select trl.rnum,case when trl.crl > 1 then 'test1' when trl.crl < 0 then 'test2' end from trl ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------------------------------+---------- SimpleCaseApproximateNumericElseDefaultsNULL_p6 | 1 (1 row) --- SimpleCaseApproximateNumericElseExplicitNULL_p1 select 'SimpleCaseApproximateNumericElseExplicitNULL_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'test2' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'test2' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'test1' f2 from tversion union select vflt.rnum,case when vflt.cflt > 1 then 'test1' when vflt.cflt < 0 then 'test2' else null end from vflt ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------------------------------+---------- SimpleCaseApproximateNumericElseExplicitNULL_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SimpleCaseApproximateNumericElseExplicitNULL_p2 select 'SimpleCaseApproximateNumericElseExplicitNULL_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'test2' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'test2' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'test1' f2 from tversion union select tflt.rnum,case when tflt.cflt > 1 then 'test1' when tflt.cflt < 0 then 'test2' else null end from tflt ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------------------------------+---------- SimpleCaseApproximateNumericElseExplicitNULL_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- SimpleCaseApproximateNumericElseExplicitNULL_p3 select 'SimpleCaseApproximateNumericElseExplicitNULL_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'test2' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'test2' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'test1' f2 from tversion union select vdbl.rnum,case when vdbl.cdbl > 1 then 'test1' when vdbl.cdbl < 0 then 'test2' else null end from vdbl ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------------------------------+---------- SimpleCaseApproximateNumericElseExplicitNULL_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- SimpleCaseApproximateNumericElseExplicitNULL_p4 select 'SimpleCaseApproximateNumericElseExplicitNULL_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'test2' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'test2' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'test1' f2 from tversion union select tdbl.rnum,case when tdbl.cdbl > 1 then 'test1' when tdbl.cdbl < 0 then 'test2' else null end from tdbl ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------------------------------+---------- SimpleCaseApproximateNumericElseExplicitNULL_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- SimpleCaseApproximateNumericElseExplicitNULL_p5 select 'SimpleCaseApproximateNumericElseExplicitNULL_p5' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'test2' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'test2' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'test1' f2 from tversion union select vrl.rnum,case when vrl.crl > 1 then 'test1' when vrl.crl < 0 then 'test2' else null end from vrl ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------------------------------+---------- SimpleCaseApproximateNumericElseExplicitNULL_p5 | 1 (1 row) --- SimpleCaseApproximateNumericElseExplicitNULL_p6 select 'SimpleCaseApproximateNumericElseExplicitNULL_p6' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'test2' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'test2' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'test1' f2 from tversion union select trl.rnum,case when trl.crl > 1 then 'test1' when trl.crl < 0 then 'test2' else null end from trl ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------------------------------+---------- SimpleCaseApproximateNumericElseExplicitNULL_p6 | 1 (1 row) --- SimpleCaseApproximateNumeric_p1 select 'SimpleCaseApproximateNumeric_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'test2' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'test2' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'test1' f2 from tversion union select vflt.rnum,case when vflt.cflt > 1 then 'test1' when vflt.cflt < 0 then 'test2' else 'else' end from vflt ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------------+---------- SimpleCaseApproximateNumeric_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SimpleCaseApproximateNumeric_p2 select 'SimpleCaseApproximateNumeric_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'test2' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'test2' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'test1' f2 from tversion union select tflt.rnum,case when tflt.cflt > 1 then 'test1' when tflt.cflt < 0 then 'test2' else 'else' end from tflt ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------------+---------- SimpleCaseApproximateNumeric_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- CaseComparisonsApproximateNumeric_p4 select 'CaseComparisonsApproximateNumeric_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'other' f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'lt' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'in' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, '=' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'between' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'gt' f2 from tversion union select tdbl.rnum,case when tdbl.cdbl = 1 then '=' when tdbl.cdbl > 9 then 'gt' when tdbl.cdbl < -0.2 then 'lt' when tdbl.cdbl in (0,11) then 'in' when tdbl.cdbl between -1 and 0 then 'between' else 'other' end from tdbl ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------------------+---------- CaseComparisonsApproximateNumeric_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- SimpleCaseApproximateNumeric_p3 select 'SimpleCaseApproximateNumeric_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'test2' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'test2' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'test1' f2 from tversion union select vdbl.rnum,case when vdbl.cdbl > 1 then 'test1' when vdbl.cdbl < 0 then 'test2' else 'else' end from vdbl ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------------+---------- SimpleCaseApproximateNumeric_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- SimpleCaseApproximateNumeric_p4 select 'SimpleCaseApproximateNumeric_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'test2' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'test2' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'test1' f2 from tversion union select tdbl.rnum,case when tdbl.cdbl > 1 then 'test1' when tdbl.cdbl < 0 then 'test2' else 'else' end from tdbl ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------------+---------- SimpleCaseApproximateNumeric_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- SimpleCaseApproximateNumeric_p5 select 'SimpleCaseApproximateNumeric_p5' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'test2' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'test2' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'test1' f2 from tversion union select vrl.rnum,case when vrl.crl > 1 then 'test1' when vrl.crl < 0 then 'test2' else 'else' end from vrl ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------------+---------- SimpleCaseApproximateNumeric_p5 | 1 (1 row) --- SimpleCaseApproximateNumeric_p6 select 'SimpleCaseApproximateNumeric_p6' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'test2' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'test2' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'test1' f2 from tversion union select trl.rnum,case when trl.crl > 1 then 'test1' when trl.crl < 0 then 'test2' else 'else' end from trl ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------------+---------- SimpleCaseApproximateNumeric_p6 | 1 (1 row) --- SimpleCaseExactNumericElseDefaultsNULL_p1 select 'SimpleCaseExactNumericElseDefaultsNULL_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'test1' f2 from tversion union select vdec.rnum,case when vdec.cdec=10 then 'test1' when vdec.cdec=-0.1 then 'test2' end from vdec ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------------------------+---------- SimpleCaseExactNumericElseDefaultsNULL_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SimpleCaseExactNumericElseDefaultsNULL_p2 select 'SimpleCaseExactNumericElseDefaultsNULL_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'test1' f2 from tversion union select tdec.rnum,case when tdec.cdec=10 then 'test1' when tdec.cdec=-0.1 then 'test2' end from tdec ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------------------------+---------- SimpleCaseExactNumericElseDefaultsNULL_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- SimpleCaseExactNumericElseDefaultsNULL_p3 select 'SimpleCaseExactNumericElseDefaultsNULL_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'test1' f2 from tversion union select vnum.rnum,case when vnum.cnum=10 then 'test1' when vnum.cnum=-0.1 then 'test2' end from vnum ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------------------------+---------- SimpleCaseExactNumericElseDefaultsNULL_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- SimpleCaseExactNumericElseDefaultsNULL_p4 select 'SimpleCaseExactNumericElseDefaultsNULL_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'test1' f2 from tversion union select tnum.rnum,case when tnum.cnum=10 then 'test1' when tnum.cnum=-0.1 then 'test2' end from tnum ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------------------------+---------- SimpleCaseExactNumericElseDefaultsNULL_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- SimpleCaseExactNumericElseExplicitNULL_p1 select 'SimpleCaseExactNumericElseExplicitNULL_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'test1' f2 from tversion union select vdec.rnum,case when vdec.cdec=10 then 'test1' when vdec.cdec=-0.1 then 'test2' else null end from vdec ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------------------------+---------- SimpleCaseExactNumericElseExplicitNULL_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SimpleCaseExactNumericElseExplicitNULL_p2 select 'SimpleCaseExactNumericElseExplicitNULL_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'test1' f2 from tversion union select tdec.rnum,case when tdec.cdec=10 then 'test1' when tdec.cdec=-0.1 then 'test2' else null end from tdec ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------------------------+---------- SimpleCaseExactNumericElseExplicitNULL_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- CaseComparisonsApproximateNumeric_p5 select 'CaseComparisonsApproximateNumeric_p5' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'other' f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'lt' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'in' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, '=' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'between' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'gt' f2 from tversion union select vrl.rnum,case when vrl.crl = 1 then '=' when vrl.crl > 9 then 'gt' when vrl.crl < -0.2 then 'lt' when vrl.crl in (0,11) then 'in' when vrl.crl between -1 and 0 then 'between' else 'other' end from vrl ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------------------+---------- CaseComparisonsApproximateNumeric_p5 | 1 (1 row) --- SimpleCaseExactNumericElseExplicitNULL_p3 select 'SimpleCaseExactNumericElseExplicitNULL_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'test1' f2 from tversion union select vnum.rnum,case when vnum.cnum=10 then 'test1' when vnum.cnum=-0.1 then 'test2' else null end from vnum ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------------------------+---------- SimpleCaseExactNumericElseExplicitNULL_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- SimpleCaseExactNumericElseExplicitNULL_p4 select 'SimpleCaseExactNumericElseExplicitNULL_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'test1' f2 from tversion union select tnum.rnum,case when tnum.cnum=10 then 'test1' when tnum.cnum=-0.1 then 'test2' else null end from tnum ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------------------------+---------- SimpleCaseExactNumericElseExplicitNULL_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- SimpleCaseExactNumeric_p1 select 'SimpleCaseExactNumeric_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'test1' f2 from tversion union select vdec.rnum,case when vdec.cdec=10 then 'test1' when vdec.cdec=-0.1 then 'test2' else 'else' end from vdec ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------+---------- SimpleCaseExactNumeric_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SimpleCaseExactNumeric_p2 select 'SimpleCaseExactNumeric_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'test1' f2 from tversion union select tdec.rnum,case when tdec.cdec=10 then 'test1' when tdec.cdec=-0.1 then 'test2' else 'else' end from tdec ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------+---------- SimpleCaseExactNumeric_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- SimpleCaseExactNumeric_p3 select 'SimpleCaseExactNumeric_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'test1' f2 from tversion union select vnum.rnum,case when vnum.cnum=10 then 'test1' when vnum.cnum=-0.1 then 'test2' else 'else' end from vnum ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------+---------- SimpleCaseExactNumeric_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- SimpleCaseExactNumeric_p4 select 'SimpleCaseExactNumeric_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'test1' f2 from tversion union select tnum.rnum,case when tnum.cnum=10 then 'test1' when tnum.cnum=-0.1 then 'test2' else 'else' end from tnum ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------+---------- SimpleCaseExactNumeric_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- SimpleCaseIntegerElseDefaultsNULL_p1 select 'SimpleCaseIntegerElseDefaultsNULL_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'test2' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'test1' f2 from tversion union select vint.rnum,case when vint.cint=10 then 'test1' when vint.cint=-1 then 'test2' end from vint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------------------+---------- SimpleCaseIntegerElseDefaultsNULL_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SimpleCaseIntegerElseDefaultsNULL_p2 select 'SimpleCaseIntegerElseDefaultsNULL_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'test2' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'test1' f2 from tversion union select tint.rnum,case when tint.cint=10 then 'test1' when tint.cint=-1 then 'test2' end from tint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------------------+---------- SimpleCaseIntegerElseDefaultsNULL_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- SimpleCaseIntegerElseDefaultsNULL_p3 select 'SimpleCaseIntegerElseDefaultsNULL_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'test2' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'test1' f2 from tversion union select vsint.rnum,case when vsint.csint=10 then 'test1' when vsint.csint=-1 then 'test2' end from vsint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------------------+---------- SimpleCaseIntegerElseDefaultsNULL_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- SimpleCaseIntegerElseDefaultsNULL_p4 select 'SimpleCaseIntegerElseDefaultsNULL_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'test2' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'test1' f2 from tversion union select tsint.rnum,case when tsint.csint=10 then 'test1' when tsint.csint=-1 then 'test2' end from tsint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------------------+---------- SimpleCaseIntegerElseDefaultsNULL_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- CaseComparisonsApproximateNumeric_p6 select 'CaseComparisonsApproximateNumeric_p6' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'other' f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'lt' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'in' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, '=' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'between' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'gt' f2 from tversion union select trl.rnum,case when trl.crl = 1 then '=' when trl.crl > 9 then 'gt' when trl.crl < -0.2 then 'lt' when trl.crl in (0,11) then 'in' when trl.crl between -1 and 0 then 'between' else 'other' end from trl ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------------------+---------- CaseComparisonsApproximateNumeric_p6 | 1 (1 row) --- SimpleCaseIntegerElseDefaultsNULL_p5 select 'SimpleCaseIntegerElseDefaultsNULL_p5' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'test2' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'test1' f2 from tversion union select vbint.rnum,case when vbint.cbint=10 then 'test1' when vbint.cbint=-1 then 'test2' end from vbint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------------------+---------- SimpleCaseIntegerElseDefaultsNULL_p5 | 1 (1 row) --- SimpleCaseIntegerElseDefaultsNULL_p6 select 'SimpleCaseIntegerElseDefaultsNULL_p6' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'test2' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'test1' f2 from tversion union select tbint.rnum,case when tbint.cbint=10 then 'test1' when tbint.cbint=-1 then 'test2' end from tbint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------------------+---------- SimpleCaseIntegerElseDefaultsNULL_p6 | 1 (1 row) --- SimpleCaseIntegerElseExplicitNULL_p1 select 'SimpleCaseIntegerElseExplicitNULL_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'test2' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'test1' f2 from tversion union select vint.rnum,case when vint.cint=10 then 'test1' when vint.cint=-1 then 'test2' else null end from vint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------------------+---------- SimpleCaseIntegerElseExplicitNULL_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SimpleCaseIntegerElseExplicitNULL_p2 select 'SimpleCaseIntegerElseExplicitNULL_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'test2' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'test1' f2 from tversion union select tint.rnum,case when tint.cint=10 then 'test1' when tint.cint=-1 then 'test2' else null end from tint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------------------+---------- SimpleCaseIntegerElseExplicitNULL_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- SimpleCaseIntegerElseExplicitNULL_p3 select 'SimpleCaseIntegerElseExplicitNULL_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'test2' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'test1' f2 from tversion union select vsint.rnum,case when vsint.csint=10 then 'test1' when vsint.csint=-1 then 'test2' else null end from vsint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------------------+---------- SimpleCaseIntegerElseExplicitNULL_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- SimpleCaseIntegerElseExplicitNULL_p4 select 'SimpleCaseIntegerElseExplicitNULL_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'test2' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'test1' f2 from tversion union select tsint.rnum,case when tsint.csint=10 then 'test1' when tsint.csint=-1 then 'test2' else null end from tsint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------------------+---------- SimpleCaseIntegerElseExplicitNULL_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- SimpleCaseIntegerElseExplicitNULL_p5 select 'SimpleCaseIntegerElseExplicitNULL_p5' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'test2' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'test1' f2 from tversion union select vbint.rnum,case when vbint.cbint=10 then 'test1' when vbint.cbint=-1 then 'test2' else null end from vbint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------------------+---------- SimpleCaseIntegerElseExplicitNULL_p5 | 1 (1 row) --- SimpleCaseIntegerElseExplicitNULL_p6 select 'SimpleCaseIntegerElseExplicitNULL_p6' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'test2' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, null f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'test1' f2 from tversion union select tbint.rnum,case when tbint.cbint=10 then 'test1' when tbint.cbint=-1 then 'test2' else null end from tbint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------------------+---------- SimpleCaseIntegerElseExplicitNULL_p6 | 1 (1 row) --- SimpleCaseInteger_p1 select 'SimpleCaseInteger_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'test2' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'test1' f2 from tversion union select vint.rnum,case when vint.cint=10 then 'test1' when vint.cint=-1 then 'test2' else 'else' end from vint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------+---------- SimpleCaseInteger_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SimpleCaseInteger_p2 select 'SimpleCaseInteger_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'test2' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'test1' f2 from tversion union select tint.rnum,case when tint.cint=10 then 'test1' when tint.cint=-1 then 'test2' else 'else' end from tint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------+---------- SimpleCaseInteger_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- CaseComparisonsExactNumeric_p1 select 'CaseComparisonsExactNumeric_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'other' f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'lt' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'in' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, '=' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'between' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'gt' f2 from tversion union select vdec.rnum,case when vdec.cdec = 1 then '=' when vdec.cdec > 9 then 'gt' when vdec.cdec < -0.1 then 'lt' when vdec.cdec in (0,11) then 'in' when vdec.cdec between 0 and 1 then 'between' else 'other' end from vdec ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------------+---------- CaseComparisonsExactNumeric_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SimpleCaseInteger_p3 select 'SimpleCaseInteger_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'test2' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'test1' f2 from tversion union select vsint.rnum,case when vsint.csint=10 then 'test1' when vsint.csint=-1 then 'test2' else 'else' end from vsint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------+---------- SimpleCaseInteger_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- SimpleCaseInteger_p4 select 'SimpleCaseInteger_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'test2' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'test1' f2 from tversion union select tsint.rnum,case when tsint.csint=10 then 'test1' when tsint.csint=-1 then 'test2' else 'else' end from tsint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------+---------- SimpleCaseInteger_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- SimpleCaseInteger_p5 select 'SimpleCaseInteger_p5' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'test2' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'test1' f2 from tversion union select vbint.rnum,case when vbint.cbint=10 then 'test1' when vbint.cbint=-1 then 'test2' else 'else' end from vbint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------+---------- SimpleCaseInteger_p5 | 1 (1 row) --- SimpleCaseInteger_p6 select 'SimpleCaseInteger_p6' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'test2' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, 'else' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'test1' f2 from tversion union select tbint.rnum,case when tbint.cbint=10 then 'test1' when tbint.cbint=-1 then 'test2' else 'else' end from tbint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------+---------- SimpleCaseInteger_p6 | 1 (1 row) --- SqrtCoreNull_p1 select 'SqrtCoreNull_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select null f1 from tversion union select sqrt( null ) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------+---------- SqrtCoreNull_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SqrtCore_p1 select 'SqrtCore_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 2 f1 from tversion union select sqrt( 4 ) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------+---------- SqrtCore_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- SqrtCore_p2 select 'SqrtCore_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 2 f1 from tversion union select sqrt( 4.0e+0 ) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------+---------- SqrtCore_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- SqrtCore_p3 select 'SqrtCore_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 2 f1 from tversion union select sqrt( 4.0 ) from tversion ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------+---------- SqrtCore_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- StanDevApproxNumeric_p1 select 'StanDevApproxNumeric_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 4.53894 f1 from tversion union select stddev( vflt.cflt ) from vflt ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- StanDevApproxNumeric_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- StanDevApproxNumeric_p2 select 'StanDevApproxNumeric_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 4.53894 f1 from tversion union select stddev( tflt.cflt ) from tflt ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- StanDevApproxNumeric_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- CaseComparisonsExactNumeric_p2 select 'CaseComparisonsExactNumeric_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'other' f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'lt' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'in' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, '=' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'between' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'gt' f2 from tversion union select tdec.rnum,case when tdec.cdec = 1 then '=' when tdec.cdec > 9 then 'gt' when tdec.cdec < -0.1 then 'lt' when tdec.cdec in (0,11) then 'in' when tdec.cdec between 0 and 1 then 'between' else 'other' end from tdec ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------------+---------- CaseComparisonsExactNumeric_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- StanDevApproxNumeric_p3 select 'StanDevApproxNumeric_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 4.53894 f1 from tversion union select stddev( vdbl.cdbl ) from vdbl ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- StanDevApproxNumeric_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- StanDevApproxNumeric_p4 select 'StanDevApproxNumeric_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 4.53894 f1 from tversion union select stddev( tdbl.cdbl ) from tdbl ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- StanDevApproxNumeric_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- StanDevApproxNumeric_p5 select 'StanDevApproxNumeric_p5' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 4.53894 f1 from tversion union select stddev( vrl.crl ) from vrl ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- StanDevApproxNumeric_p5 | 1 (1 row) --- StanDevApproxNumeric_p6 select 'StanDevApproxNumeric_p6' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 4.53894 f1 from tversion union select stddev( trl.crl ) from trl ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- StanDevApproxNumeric_p6 | 1 (1 row) --- StanDevExactNumeric_p1 select 'StanDevExactNumeric_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 4.516857 f1 from tversion union select stddev( vdec.cdec ) from vdec ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------+---------- StanDevExactNumeric_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- StanDevExactNumeric_p2 select 'StanDevExactNumeric_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 4.516857 f1 from tversion union select stddev( tdec.cdec ) from tdec ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------+---------- StanDevExactNumeric_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- StanDevExactNumeric_p3 select 'StanDevExactNumeric_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 4.516857 f1 from tversion union select stddev( vnum.cnum ) from vnum ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------+---------- StanDevExactNumeric_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- StanDevExactNumeric_p4 select 'StanDevExactNumeric_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 4.516857 f1 from tversion union select stddev( tnum.cnum ) from tnum ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------+---------- StanDevExactNumeric_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- StanDevInt_p1 select 'StanDevInt_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 5.066228 f1 from tversion union select stddev( vint.cint ) from vint ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------+---------- StanDevInt_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- StanDevInt_p2 select 'StanDevInt_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 5.066228 f1 from tversion union select stddev( tint.cint ) from tint ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------+---------- StanDevInt_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- CaseComparisonsExactNumeric_p3 select 'CaseComparisonsExactNumeric_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'other' f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'lt' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'in' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, '=' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'between' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'gt' f2 from tversion union select vnum.rnum,case when vnum.cnum = 1 then '=' when vnum.cnum > 9 then 'gt' when vnum.cnum < -0.1 then 'lt' when vnum.cnum in (0,11) then 'in' when vnum.cnum between 0 and 1 then 'between' else 'other' end from vnum ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------------+---------- CaseComparisonsExactNumeric_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- StanDevInt_p3 select 'StanDevInt_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 5.066228 f1 from tversion union select stddev( vsint.csint ) from vsint ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------+---------- StanDevInt_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- StanDevInt_p4 select 'StanDevInt_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 5.066228 f1 from tversion union select stddev( tsint.csint ) from tsint ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------+---------- StanDevInt_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- StanDevInt_p5 select 'StanDevInt_p5' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 5.066228 f1 from tversion union select stddev( vbint.cbint ) from vbint ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------+---------- StanDevInt_p5 | 1 (1 row) --- StanDevInt_p6 select 'StanDevInt_p6' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 5.066228 f1 from tversion union select stddev( tbint.cbint ) from tbint ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------+---------- StanDevInt_p6 | 1 (1 row) --- StanDevSampApproxNumeric_p1 select 'StanDevSampApproxNumeric_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 4.53894 f1 from tversion union select stddev_samp( vflt.cflt ) from vflt ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------------+---------- StanDevSampApproxNumeric_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- StanDevSampApproxNumeric_p2 select 'StanDevSampApproxNumeric_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 4.53894 f1 from tversion union select stddev_samp( tflt.cflt ) from tflt ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------------+---------- StanDevSampApproxNumeric_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- StanDevSampApproxNumeric_p3 select 'StanDevSampApproxNumeric_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 4.53894 f1 from tversion union select stddev_samp( vdbl.cdbl ) from vdbl ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------------+---------- StanDevSampApproxNumeric_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- StanDevSampApproxNumeric_p4 select 'StanDevSampApproxNumeric_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 4.53894 f1 from tversion union select stddev_samp( tdbl.cdbl ) from tdbl ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------------+---------- StanDevSampApproxNumeric_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- StanDevSampApproxNumeric_p5 select 'StanDevSampApproxNumeric_p5' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 4.53894 f1 from tversion union select stddev_samp( vrl.crl ) from vrl ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------------+---------- StanDevSampApproxNumeric_p5 | 1 (1 row) --- StanDevSampApproxNumeric_p6 select 'StanDevSampApproxNumeric_p6' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 4.53894 f1 from tversion union select stddev_samp( trl.crl ) from trl ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------------+---------- StanDevSampApproxNumeric_p6 | 1 (1 row) --- CaseComparisonsExactNumeric_p4 select 'CaseComparisonsExactNumeric_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'other' f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'lt' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'in' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, '=' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'between' f2 from tversion union select 5 f1, 'gt' f2 from tversion union select tnum.rnum,case when tnum.cnum = 1 then '=' when tnum.cnum > 9 then 'gt' when tnum.cnum < -0.1 then 'lt' when tnum.cnum in (0,11) then 'in' when tnum.cnum between 0 and 1 then 'between' else 'other' end from tnum ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind --------------------------------+---------- CaseComparisonsExactNumeric_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- StanDevSampExactNumeric_p1 select 'StanDevSampExactNumeric_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 4.516857 f1 from tversion union select stddev_samp( vdec.cdec ) from vdec ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------------+---------- StanDevSampExactNumeric_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- StanDevSampExactNumeric_p2 select 'StanDevSampExactNumeric_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 4.516857 f1 from tversion union select stddev_samp( tdec.cdec ) from tdec ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------------+---------- StanDevSampExactNumeric_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- StanDevSampExactNumeric_p3 select 'StanDevSampExactNumeric_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 4.516857 f1 from tversion union select stddev_samp( vnum.cnum ) from vnum ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------------+---------- StanDevSampExactNumeric_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- StanDevSampExactNumeric_p4 select 'StanDevSampExactNumeric_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 4.516857 f1 from tversion union select stddev_samp( tnum.cnum ) from tnum ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------------+---------- StanDevSampExactNumeric_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- StanDevSampInt_p1 select 'StanDevSampInt_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 5.066228 f1 from tversion union select stddev_samp( vint.cint ) from vint ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------+---------- StanDevSampInt_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- StanDevSampInt_p2 select 'StanDevSampInt_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 5.066228 f1 from tversion union select stddev_samp( tint.cint ) from tint ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------+---------- StanDevSampInt_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- StanDevSampInt_p3 select 'StanDevSampInt_p3' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 5.066228 f1 from tversion union select stddev_samp( vsint.csint ) from vsint ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------+---------- StanDevSampInt_p3 | 1 (1 row) --- StanDevSampInt_p4 select 'StanDevSampInt_p4' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 5.066228 f1 from tversion union select stddev_samp( tsint.csint ) from tsint ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------+---------- StanDevSampInt_p4 | 1 (1 row) --- StanDevSampInt_p5 select 'StanDevSampInt_p5' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 5.066228 f1 from tversion union select stddev_samp( vbint.cbint ) from vbint ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------+---------- StanDevSampInt_p5 | 1 (1 row) --- StanDevSampInt_p6 select 'StanDevSampInt_p6' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1, count(*) c from ( select 5.066228 f1 from tversion union select stddev_samp( tbint.cbint ) from tbint ) Q group by f1 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------+---------- StanDevSampInt_p6 | 1 (1 row) --- CaseComparisonsInteger_p1 select 'CaseComparisonsInteger_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 'other' f2 from tversion union select 1 f1, 'lt' f2 from tversion union select 2 f1, 'in' f2 from tversion union select 3 f1, '=' f2 from tversion union select 4 f1, 'gt' f2 from tversion union select vint.rnum,case when vint.cint = 1 then '=' when vint.cint > 9 then 'gt' when vint.cint < 0 then 'lt' when vint.cint in (0,11) then 'in' when vint.cint between 6 and 8 then 'between' else 'other' end from vint ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------+---------- CaseComparisonsInteger_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- StringComparisonEq_p1 select 'StringComparisonEq_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 10 f1, 'BB' f2 from tversion union select tjoin2.c1, tjoin2.c2 from tjoin2 where tjoin2.c2='BB' ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------+---------- StringComparisonEq_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- StringComparisonGtEq_p1 select 'StringComparisonGtEq_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1, 15 f2, 'DD' f3 from tversion union select 2 f1, null f2, 'EE' f3 from tversion union select 3 f1, 10 f2, 'FF' f3 from tversion union select rnum,tjoin2.c1, tjoin2.c2 from tjoin2 where tjoin2.c2 >= 'DD' ) Q group by f1,f2,f3 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- StringComparisonGtEq_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- StringComparisonGt_p1 select 'StringComparisonGt_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3, count(*) c from ( select 2 f1, null f2, 'EE' f3 from tversion union select 3 f1, 10 f2, 'FF' f3 from tversion union select rnum,tjoin2.c1, tjoin2.c2 from tjoin2 where tjoin2.c2 > 'DD' ) Q group by f1,f2,f3 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------+---------- StringComparisonGt_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- StringComparisonLtEq_p1 select 'StringComparisonLtEq_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 10 f2, 'BB' f3 from tversion union select 1 f1, 15 f2, 'DD' f3 from tversion union select 2 f1, null f2, 'EE' f3 from tversion union select rnum,tjoin2.c1, tjoin2.c2 from tjoin2 where tjoin2.c2 <= 'EE' ) Q group by f1,f2,f3 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- StringComparisonLtEq_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- StringComparisonLt_p1 select 'StringComparisonLt_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 10 f2, 'BB' f3 from tversion union select 1 f1, 15 f2, 'DD' f3 from tversion union select rnum,tjoin2.c1, tjoin2.c2 from tjoin2 where tjoin2.c2 < 'EE' ) Q group by f1,f2,f3 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -----------------------+---------- StringComparisonLt_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- StringComparisonNtEq_p1 select 'StringComparisonNtEq_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1, 15 f2, 'DD' f3 from tversion union select 2 f1, null f2, 'EE' f3 from tversion union select 3 f1, 10 f2, 'FF' f3 from tversion union select rnum,tjoin2.c1, tjoin2.c2 from tjoin2 where tjoin2.c2 <> 'BB' ) Q group by f1,f2,f3 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- StringComparisonNtEq_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- StringComparisonNtEq_p2 select 'StringComparisonNtEq_p2' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3, count(*) c from ( select 1 f1, 15 f2, 'DD' f3 from tversion union select 2 f1, null f2, 'EE' f3 from tversion union select 3 f1, 10 f2, 'FF' f3 from tversion union select rnum,tjoin2.c1, tjoin2.c2 from tjoin2 where tjoin2.c2 <> 'BB' ) Q group by f1,f2,f3 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind -------------------------+---------- StringComparisonNtEq_p2 | 1 (1 row) --- StringPredicateBetween_p1 select 'StringPredicateBetween_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 10 f1, 'BB' f2 from tversion union select tjoin2.c1, tjoin2.c2 from tjoin2 where tjoin2.c2 between 'AA' and 'CC' ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ---------------------------+---------- StringPredicateBetween_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- StringPredicateIn_p1 select 'StringPredicateIn_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2,f3, count(*) c from ( select 0 f1, 10 f2, 'BB' f3 from tversion union select 2 f1, null f2, 'EE' f3 from tversion union select rnum,tjoin2.c1, tjoin2.c2 from tjoin2 where tjoin2.c2 in ('ZZ','BB','EE') ) Q group by f1,f2,f3 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ----------------------+---------- StringPredicateIn_p1 | 1 (1 row) --- StringPredicateLike_p1 select 'StringPredicateLike_p1' test_name_part, case when c = 1 then 1 else 0 end pass_ind from ( select count(distinct c) c from ( select f1,f2, count(*) c from ( select 10 f1, 'BB' f2 from tversion union select tjoin2.c1, tjoin2.c2 from tjoin2 where tjoin2.c2 like 'B%' ) Q group by f1,f2 ) Q ) P; test_name_part | pass_ind ------------------------+---------- StringPredicateLike_p1 | 1 (1 row)