/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * pg_type.h-- * definition of the system "type" relation (pg_type) * along with the relation's initial contents. * * * Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California * * $Id: pg_type.h,v 1.41 1998/07/08 14:09:00 thomas Exp $ * * NOTES * the genbki.sh script reads this file and generates .bki * information from the DATA() statements. * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifndef PG_TYPE_H #define PG_TYPE_H #include /* ---------------- * postgres.h contains the system type definintions and the * CATALOG(), BOOTSTRAP and DATA() sugar words so this file * can be read by both genbki.sh and the C compiler. * ---------------- */ /* ---------------- * pg_type definition. cpp turns this into * typedef struct FormData_pg_type * * Some of the values in a pg_type instance are copied into * pg_attribute instances. Some parts of Postgres use the pg_type copy, * while others use the pg_attribute copy, so they must match. * See struct FormData_pg_attribute for details. * ---------------- */ CATALOG(pg_type) BOOTSTRAP { NameData typname; Oid typowner; int2 typlen; /* * typlen is the number of bytes we use to represent a value of this * type, e.g. 4 for an int4. But for a variable length type, typlen * is -1. */ int2 typprtlen; bool typbyval; /* * typbyval determines whether internal Postgres routines pass a value * of this type by value or by reference. Postgres uses a 4 byte area * for passing a field value info, so if the value is not 1, 2, or 4 * bytes long, Postgres does not have the option of passing by value * and ignores typbyval. * * (I don't understand why this column exists. The above description may * be an oversimplification. Also, there appear to be bugs in which * Postgres doesn't ignore typbyval when it should, but I'm afraid to * change them until I see proof of damage. -BRYANH 96.08). * * (Postgres crashes if typbyval is true, the declared length is 8, and * the I/O routines are written to expect pass by reference. Note that * float4 is written for pass by reference and has a declared length * of 4 bytes, so it looks like pass by reference must be consistant * with the declared length, and typbyval is used somewhere. * - tgl 1997-03-20). */ char typtype; bool typisdefined; char typdelim; Oid typrelid; Oid typelem; /* * typelem is NULL if this is not an array type. If this is an array * type, typelem is the OID of the type of the elements of the array * (it identifies another row in Table pg_type). * * (Note that zero ("0") rather than _null_ is used in the declarations. * - tgl 97/03/20) */ regproc typinput; regproc typoutput; regproc typreceive; regproc typsend; char typalign; /* * typalign is the alignment required when storing a value of this * type. It applies to storage on disk as well as most * representations of the value inside Postgres. When multiple values * are stored consecutively, such as in the representation of a * complete row on disk, padding is inserted before a datum of this * type so that it begins on the specified boundary. The alignment * reference is the beginning of the first datum in the sequence. * * 'c' = 1 byte alignment. 's' = 2 byte alignment. 'i' = 4 byte * alignment. 'd' = 8 byte alignment. * * (This might actually be flexible depending on machine architecture, * but I doubt it - BRYANH 96.08). */ text typdefault; /* VARIABLE LENGTH FIELD */ } TypeTupleFormData; /* ---------------- * Form_pg_type corresponds to a pointer to a row with * the format of pg_type relation. * ---------------- */ typedef TypeTupleFormData *TypeTupleForm; /* ---------------- * compiler constants for pg_type * ---------------- */ #define Natts_pg_type 16 #define Anum_pg_type_typname 1 #define Anum_pg_type_typowner 2 #define Anum_pg_type_typlen 3 #define Anum_pg_type_typprtlen 4 #define Anum_pg_type_typbyval 5 #define Anum_pg_type_typtype 6 #define Anum_pg_type_typisdefined 7 #define Anum_pg_type_typdelim 8 #define Anum_pg_type_typrelid 9 #define Anum_pg_type_typelem 10 #define Anum_pg_type_typinput 11 #define Anum_pg_type_typoutput 12 #define Anum_pg_type_typreceive 13 #define Anum_pg_type_typsend 14 #define Anum_pg_type_typalign 15 #define Anum_pg_type_typdefault 16 /* ---------------- * initial contents of pg_type * ---------------- */ /* keep the following ordered by OID so that later changes can be made easier*/ /* Make sure the typlen, typbyval, and typalign values here match the initial values for attlen, attbyval, and attalign in both places in pg_attribute.h for every instance. */ /* OIDS 1 - 99 */ DATA(insert OID = 16 ( bool PGUID 1 1 t b t \054 0 0 boolin boolout boolin boolout c _null_ )); DESCR("boolean 'true'/'false'"); #define BOOLOID 16 DATA(insert OID = 17 ( bytea PGUID -1 -1 f b t \054 0 18 byteain byteaout byteain byteaout i _null_ )); DESCR("variable length array of bytes"); #define BYTEAOID 17 DATA(insert OID = 18 ( char PGUID 1 1 t b t \054 0 0 charin charout charin charout c _null_ )); DESCR("single character"); #define CHAROID 18 DATA(insert OID = 19 ( name PGUID NAMEDATALEN NAMEDATALEN f b t \054 0 18 namein nameout namein nameout d _null_ )); DESCR("31-character type for storing system identifiers"); #define NAMEOID 19 DATA(insert OID = 20 ( int8 PGUID 8 20 f b t \054 0 0 int8in int8out int8in int8out d _null_ )); DESCR("eight-byte integer, >18 digits"); #define INT8OID 20 DATA(insert OID = 21 ( int2 PGUID 2 5 t b t \054 0 0 int2in int2out int2in int2out s _null_ )); DESCR("two-byte integer, -32k to 32k"); #define INT2OID 21 DATA(insert OID = 22 ( int28 PGUID 16 50 f b t \054 0 21 int28in int28out int28in int28out i _null_ )); DESCR("8 2-byte integers, used internally"); /* * XXX -- the implementation of int28's in postgres is a hack, and will * go away someday. until that happens, there is a case (in the * catalog cache management code) where we need to step gingerly * over piles of int28's on the sidewalk. in order to do so, we * need the OID of the int28 row from pg_type. */ #define INT28OID 22 DATA(insert OID = 23 ( int4 PGUID 4 10 t b t \054 0 0 int4in int4out int4in int4out i _null_ )); DESCR("4-byte integer, -2B to 2B"); #define INT4OID 23 DATA(insert OID = 24 ( regproc PGUID 4 16 t b t \054 0 0 regprocin regprocout regprocin regprocout i _null_ )); DESCR("registered procedure"); DATA(insert OID = 25 ( text PGUID -1 -1 f b t \054 0 18 textin textout textin textout i _null_ )); DESCR("native variable-length string"); #define TEXTOID 25 DATA(insert OID = 26 ( oid PGUID 4 10 t b t \054 0 0 int4in int4out int4in int4out i _null_ )); DESCR("object identifier type"); #define OIDOID 26 DATA(insert OID = 27 ( tid PGUID 6 19 f b t \054 0 0 tidin tidout tidin tidout i _null_ )); DESCR("tuple identifier type, physical location of tuple"); DATA(insert OID = 28 ( xid PGUID 4 12 t b t \054 0 0 xidin xidout xidin xidout i _null_ )); DESCR("transaction id"); DATA(insert OID = 29 ( cid PGUID 4 10 t b t \054 0 0 cidin cidout cidin cidout i _null_ )); DESCR("command identifier type, sequence in transaction id"); DATA(insert OID = 30 ( oid8 PGUID 32 89 f b t \054 0 26 oid8in oid8out oid8in oid8out i _null_ )); DESCR("array of 8 oid, used in system tables"); DATA(insert OID = 32 ( SET PGUID -1 -1 f r t \054 0 -1 textin textout textin textout i _null_ )); DESCR("set of tuples"); DATA(insert OID = 71 ( pg_type PGUID -1 -1 t b t \054 1247 0 foo bar foo bar c _null_)); DATA(insert OID = 75 ( pg_attribute PGUID -1 -1 t b t \054 1249 0 foo bar foo bar c _null_)); DATA(insert OID = 81 ( pg_proc PGUID -1 -1 t b t \054 1255 0 foo bar foo bar c _null_)); DATA(insert OID = 83 ( pg_class PGUID -1 -1 t b t \054 1259 0 foo bar foo bar c _null_)); DATA(insert OID = 86 ( pg_shadow PGUID -1 -1 t b t \054 1260 0 foo bar foo bar c _null_)); DATA(insert OID = 87 ( pg_group PGUID -1 -1 t b t \054 1261 0 foo bar foo bar c _null_)); DATA(insert OID = 88 ( pg_database PGUID -1 -1 t b t \054 1262 0 foo bar foo bar c _null_)); DATA(insert OID = 90 ( pg_variable PGUID -1 -1 t b t \054 1264 0 foo bar foo bar c _null_)); DATA(insert OID = 99 ( pg_log PGUID -1 -1 t b t \054 1269 0 foo bar foo bar c _null_)); /* OIDS 100 - 199 */ DATA(insert OID = 109 ( pg_attrdef PGUID -1 -1 t b t \054 1215 0 foo bar foo bar c _null_)); DATA(insert OID = 110 ( pg_relcheck PGUID -1 -1 t b t \054 1216 0 foo bar foo bar c _null_)); DATA(insert OID = 111 ( pg_trigger PGUID -1 -1 t b t \054 1219 0 foo bar foo bar c _null_)); /* OIDS 200 - 299 */ DATA(insert OID = 210 ( smgr PGUID 2 12 t b t \054 0 -1 smgrin smgrout smgrin smgrout s _null_ )); DESCR("storage manager"); /* OIDS 300 - 399 */ /* OIDS 400 - 499 */ /* OIDS 500 - 599 */ /* OIDS 600 - 699 */ DATA(insert OID = 600 ( point PGUID 16 24 f b t \054 0 701 point_in point_out point_in point_out d _null_ )); DESCR("geometric point '(x, y)'"); #define POINTOID 600 DATA(insert OID = 601 ( lseg PGUID 32 48 f b t \054 0 600 lseg_in lseg_out lseg_in lseg_out d _null_ )); DESCR("geometric line segment '(pt1,pt2)'"); #define LSEGOID 601 DATA(insert OID = 602 ( path PGUID -1 -1 f b t \054 0 600 path_in path_out path_in path_out d _null_ )); DESCR("geometric path '(pt1,...)'"); #define PATHOID 602 DATA(insert OID = 603 ( box PGUID 32 100 f b t \073 0 600 box_in box_out box_in box_out d _null_ )); DESCR("geometric box '(lower left,upper right)'"); #define BOXOID 603 DATA(insert OID = 604 ( polygon PGUID -1 -1 f b t \054 0 -1 poly_in poly_out poly_in poly_out d _null_ )); DESCR("geometric polygon '(pt1,...)'"); #define POLYGONOID 604 DATA(insert OID = 605 ( filename PGUID 256 -1 f b t \054 0 18 filename_in filename_out filename_in filename_out i _null_ )); DESCR("filename used in system tables"); DATA(insert OID = 628 ( line PGUID 32 48 f b t \054 0 701 line_in line_out line_in line_out d _null_ )); DESCR("geometric line '(pt1,pt2)'"); #define LINEOID 628 DATA(insert OID = 629 ( _line PGUID -1 -1 f b t \054 0 628 array_in array_out array_in array_out d _null_ )); DESCR(""); /* OIDS 700 - 799 */ DATA(insert OID = 700 ( float4 PGUID 4 12 f b t \054 0 0 float4in float4out float4in float4out i _null_ )); DESCR("single-precision floating point number, 4-byte"); #define FLOAT4OID 700 DATA(insert OID = 701 ( float8 PGUID 8 24 f b t \054 0 0 float8in float8out float8in float8out d _null_ )); DESCR("double-precision floating point number, 8-byte"); #define FLOAT8OID 701 DATA(insert OID = 702 ( abstime PGUID 4 20 t b t \054 0 0 nabstimein nabstimeout nabstimein nabstimeout i _null_ )); DESCR("absolute, limited-range date and time (Unix system time)"); #define ABSTIMEOID 702 DATA(insert OID = 703 ( reltime PGUID 4 20 t b t \054 0 0 reltimein reltimeout reltimein reltimeout i _null_ )); DESCR("relative, limited-range time interval (Unix delta time)"); #define RELTIMEOID 703 DATA(insert OID = 704 ( tinterval PGUID 12 47 f b t \054 0 0 tintervalin tintervalout tintervalin tintervalout i _null_ )); DESCR("time interval '(abstime,abstime)'"); DATA(insert OID = 705 ( unknown PGUID -1 -1 f b t \054 0 18 textin textout textin textout i _null_ )); DESCR(""); #define UNKNOWNOID 705 DATA(insert OID = 718 ( circle PGUID 24 47 f b t \054 0 0 circle_in circle_out circle_in circle_out d _null_ )); DESCR("geometric circle '(center,radius)'"); #define CIRCLEOID 718 DATA(insert OID = 719 ( _circle PGUID -1 -1 f b t \054 0 718 array_in array_out array_in array_out d _null_ )); DATA(insert OID = 790 ( money PGUID 4 24 f b t \054 0 0 cash_in cash_out cash_in cash_out i _null_ )); DESCR("money '$d,ddd.cc'"); #define CASHOID 790 DATA(insert OID = 791 ( _money PGUID -1 -1 f b t \054 0 790 array_in array_out array_in array_out i _null_ )); /* OIDS 800 - 899 */ DATA(insert OID = 810 ( oidint2 PGUID 6 20 f b t \054 0 0 oidint2in oidint2out oidint2in oidint2out i _null_ )); DESCR("oid and int2 composed"); /* OIDS 900 - 999 */ DATA(insert OID = 910 ( oidint4 PGUID 8 20 f b t \054 0 0 oidint4in oidint4out oidint4in oidint4out i _null_ )); DESCR("oid and int4 composed"); DATA(insert OID = 911 ( oidname PGUID OIDNAMELEN OIDNAMELEN f b t \054 0 0 oidnamein oidnameout oidnamein oidnameout i _null_ )); DESCR("oid and name composed"); /* OIDS 1000 - 1099 */ DATA(insert OID = 1000 ( _bool PGUID -1 -1 f b t \054 0 16 array_in array_out array_in array_out i _null_ )); DATA(insert OID = 1001 ( _bytea PGUID -1 -1 f b t \054 0 17 array_in array_out array_in array_out i _null_ )); DATA(insert OID = 1002 ( _char PGUID -1 -1 f b t \054 0 18 array_in array_out array_in array_out i _null_ )); DATA(insert OID = 1003 ( _name PGUID -1 -1 f b t \054 0 19 array_in array_out array_in array_out i _null_ )); DATA(insert OID = 1005 ( _int2 PGUID -1 -1 f b t \054 0 21 array_in array_out array_in array_out i _null_ )); DATA(insert OID = 1006 ( _int28 PGUID -1 -1 f b t \054 0 22 array_in array_out array_in array_out i _null_ )); DATA(insert OID = 1007 ( _int4 PGUID -1 -1 f b t \054 0 23 array_in array_out array_in array_out i _null_ )); DATA(insert OID = 1008 ( _regproc PGUID -1 -1 f b t \054 0 24 array_in array_out array_in array_out i _null_ )); DATA(insert OID = 1009 ( _text PGUID -1 -1 f b t \054 0 25 array_in array_out array_in array_out i _null_ )); DATA(insert OID = 1028 ( _oid PGUID -1 -1 f b t \054 0 26 array_in array_out array_in array_out i _null_ )); DATA(insert OID = 1010 ( _tid PGUID -1 -1 f b t \054 0 27 array_in array_out array_in array_out i _null_ )); DATA(insert OID = 1011 ( _xid PGUID -1 -1 f b t \054 0 28 array_in array_out array_in array_out i _null_ )); DATA(insert OID = 1012 ( _cid PGUID -1 -1 f b t \054 0 29 array_in array_out array_in array_out i _null_ )); DATA(insert OID = 1013 ( _oid8 PGUID -1 -1 f b t \054 0 30 array_in array_out array_in array_out i _null_ )); DATA(insert OID = 1014 ( _lock PGUID -1 -1 f b t \054 0 31 array_in array_out array_in array_out i _null_ )); DATA(insert OID = 1015 ( _stub PGUID -1 -1 f b t \054 0 33 array_in array_out array_in array_out i _null_ )); DATA(insert OID = 1016 ( _ref PGUID -1 -1 f b t \054 0 591 array_in array_out array_in array_out i _null_ )); DATA(insert OID = 1017 ( _point PGUID -1 -1 f b t \054 0 600 array_in array_out array_in array_out d _null_ )); DATA(insert OID = 1018 ( _lseg PGUID -1 -1 f b t \054 0 601 array_in array_out array_in array_out d _null_ )); DATA(insert OID = 1019 ( _path PGUID -1 -1 f b t \054 0 602 array_in array_out array_in array_out d _null_ )); DATA(insert OID = 1020 ( _box PGUID -1 -1 f b t \073 0 603 array_in array_out array_in array_out d _null_ )); DATA(insert OID = 1021 ( _float4 PGUID -1 -1 f b t \054 0 700 array_in array_out array_in array_out i _null_ )); DATA(insert OID = 1022 ( _float8 PGUID -1 -1 f b t \054 0 701 array_in array_out array_in array_out d _null_ )); DATA(insert OID = 1023 ( _abstime PGUID -1 -1 f b t \054 0 702 array_in array_out array_in array_out i _null_ )); DATA(insert OID = 1024 ( _reltime PGUID -1 -1 f b t \054 0 703 array_in array_out array_in array_out i _null_ )); DATA(insert OID = 1025 ( _tinterval PGUID -1 -1 f b t \054 0 704 array_in array_out array_in array_out i _null_ )); DATA(insert OID = 1026 ( _filename PGUID -1 -1 f b t \054 0 605 array_in array_out array_in array_out i _null_ )); DATA(insert OID = 1027 ( _polygon PGUID -1 -1 f b t \054 0 604 array_in array_out array_in array_out d _null_ )); /* Note: the size of an aclitem needs to match sizeof(AclItem) in acl.h */ DATA(insert OID = 1033 ( aclitem PGUID 8 -1 f b t \054 0 0 aclitemin aclitemout aclitemin aclitemout i _null_ )); DESCR("access control list"); DATA(insert OID = 1034 ( _aclitem PGUID -1 -1 f b t \054 0 1033 array_in array_out array_in array_out i _null_ )); DATA(insert OID = 1042 ( bpchar PGUID -1 -1 f b t \054 0 18 bpcharin bpcharout bpcharin bpcharout i _null_ )); DESCR("blank-padded characters, length specifed when created"); #define BPCHAROID 1042 DATA(insert OID = 1043 ( varchar PGUID -1 -1 f b t \054 0 18 varcharin varcharout varcharin varcharout i _null_ )); DESCR("non-blank-padded-length string, length specified when created"); #define VARCHAROID 1043 DATA(insert OID = 1082 ( date PGUID 4 10 t b t \054 0 0 date_in date_out date_in date_out i _null_ )); DESCR("ANSI SQL date 'yyyy-mm-dd'"); #define DATEOID 1082 DATA(insert OID = 1083 ( time PGUID 8 16 f b t \054 0 0 time_in time_out time_in time_out d _null_ )); DESCR("ANSI SQL time 'hh:mm:ss'"); #define TIMEOID 1083 /* OIDS 1100 - 1199 */ DATA(insert OID = 1182 ( _date PGUID -1 -1 f b t \054 0 1082 array_in array_out array_in array_out i _null_ )); DATA(insert OID = 1183 ( _time PGUID -1 -1 f b t \054 0 1083 array_in array_out array_in array_out d _null_ )); DATA(insert OID = 1184 ( datetime PGUID 8 47 f b t \054 0 0 datetime_in datetime_out datetime_in datetime_out d _null_ )); DESCR("date and time 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss'"); #define DATETIMEOID 1184 DATA(insert OID = 1185 ( _datetime PGUID -1 -1 f b t \054 0 1184 array_in array_out array_in array_out d _null_ )); DATA(insert OID = 1186 ( timespan PGUID 12 47 f b t \054 0 0 timespan_in timespan_out timespan_in timespan_out d _null_ )); DESCR("time interval '@ '"); #define TIMESPANOID 1186 DATA(insert OID = 1187 ( _timespan PGUID -1 -1 f b t \054 0 1186 array_in array_out array_in array_out d _null_ )); /* OIDS 1200 - 1299 */ DATA(insert OID = 1296 ( timestamp PGUID 4 19 t b t \054 0 0 timestamp_in timestamp_out timestamp_in timestamp_out i _null_ )); DESCR("limited-range ISO-format date and time"); #define TIMESTAMPOID 1296 #define VARLENA_FIXED_SIZE(attr) ((attr)->atttypid == BPCHAROID && (attr)->atttypmod > 0) /* * prototypes for functions in pg_type.c */ extern Oid TypeGet(char *typeName, bool *defined); extern Oid TypeShellMake(char *typeName); extern Oid TypeCreate(char *typeName, Oid relationOid, int16 internalSize, int16 externalSize, char typeType, char typDelim, char *inputProcedure, char *outputProcedure, char *receiveProcedure, char *sendProcedure, char *elementTypeName, char *defaultTypeValue, bool passedByValue, char alignment); extern void TypeRename(char *oldTypeName, char *newTypeName); extern char *makeArrayTypeName(char *typeName); #endif /* PG_TYPE_H */