提交 fcbfd412 编写于 作者: H Heikki Linnakangas 提交者: Jimmy Yih

Remove obsolete copies of gpdiff.pl, atmsort.pl and explain.pl.

We have new, improved versions of these in src/test/regress. It seems
that TINC will happily use those versions, if we just remove these
old copies from ext.
上级 b572c3f6
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# $Header: //cdb2/feature/PARISTX/ORCA/cdb-pg/src/test/regress/atmsort.pl#1 $
# copyright (c) 2007, 2008, 2009 GreenPlum. All rights reserved.
# Author: Jeffrey I Cohen
use Pod::Usage;
use Getopt::Long;
use Data::Dumper;
use strict;
use warnings;
=head1 NAME
B<atmsort.pl> - [A] [T]est [M]echanism Sort: sort the contents of SQL log files to aid diff comparison
B<atmsort.pl> [options] logfile [logfile...]
-help brief help message
-man full documentation
-ignore_headers ignore header lines in query output
-ignore_plans ignore explain plan content in query output
-init <file> load initialization file
-do_equiv construct or compare equivalent query regions
=head1 OPTIONS
=over 8
=item B<-help>
Print a brief help message and exits.
=item B<-man>
Prints the manual page and exits.
=item B<-ignore_headers>
gpdiff/atmsort expect Postgresql "psql-style" output for SELECT
statements, with a two line header composed of the column names,
separated by vertical bars (|), and a "separator" line of dashes and
pluses beneath, followed by the row output. The psql utility performs
some formatting to adjust the column widths to match the size of the
row output. Setting this parameter causes gpdiff to ignore any
differences in the column naming and format widths globally.
=item B<-ignore_plans>
Specify this option to ignore any explain plan diffs between the
input files. This will completely ignore any plan content in
the input files thus masking differences in plans between the input files.
For example, for the following plan:
explain select i from foo where i > 10;
Gather Motion 2:1 (slice1; segments: 2) (cost=0.00..2.72 rows=45 width=4)
-> Table Scan on foo (cost=0.00..1.55 rows=45 width=4)
Filter: i > 10
Settings: optimizer=on
(4 rows)
atmsort.pl -ignore_plans will reduce this to:
explain select i from foo where i > 10;
GP_IGNORE: 'child' => [
GP_IGNORE: 'id' => 2,
GP_IGNORE: 'parent' => 1,
GP_IGNORE: 'short' => 'Table Scan on foo'
GP_IGNORE: 'id' => 1,
GP_IGNORE: 'short' => 'Gather Motion'
GP_IGNORE:(4 rows)
=item B<-init> <file>
Specify an initialization file containing a series of directives
(mainly for match_subs) that get applied to the input files. To
specify multiple initialization files, use multiple init arguments,
-init file1 -init file2
=item B<-do_equiv>
Choose one of the following options
=over 12
=item ignore_all:
(default) ignore all content in a start_equiv/end_equiv block.
=item make:
replace the query output of all queries in a start_equiv/end_equiv
block with the output of the first query, processed according to any
formatting directives for each query.
=item compare:
process the query output of all queries in a start_equiv/end_equiv
block (versus prefixing the entire block with GP_IGNORE).
atmsort reads sql log files from STDIN and sorts the query output for
all SELECT statements that do *not* have an ORDER BY, writing the
result to STDOUT. This change to the log facilitates diff comparison,
since unORDERed query output does not have a guaranteed order. Note
that for diff to work correctly, statements that do use ORDER BY must
have a fully-specified order. The utility gpdiff.pl invokes atmsort
in order to compare the Greenplum test results against standard
The log content must look something like:
SELECT a, b, c, d
from foo
ORDER BY 1,2,3,4;
a | b | c | d
1 | 1 | 1 | 1
1 | 1 | 1 | 2
3 | 2 | 2 | 5
(3 rows)
The log file must contain SELECT statements, followed by the query
output in the standard Postgresql format, ie a set of named columns, a
separator line constructed of dashes and plus signs, and the rows,
followed by an "(N rows)" row count. The SELECT statement must be
unambiguous, eg no embedded SQL keywords like INSERT, UPDATE, or
DELETE, and it must be terminated with a semicolon. Normally, the
query output is sorted, but if the statement contains an ORDER BY
clause the query output for that query is not sorted.
atmsort can also use explain.pl to process EXPLAIN and EXPLAIN ANALYZE
output in a configuration-independent way. It strips out all timing,
segment, and slice information, reducing the plan to a simple nested
perl structure. For example, for the following plan:
explain analyze select * from customer;
Gather Motion 2:1 (slice1) (cost=0.00..698.88 rows=25088 width=550)
Rows out: 150000 rows at destination with 0.230 ms to first row,
386 ms to end, start offset by 8.254 ms.
-> Seq Scan on customer (cost=0.00..698.88 rows=25088 width=550)
Rows out: Avg 75000.0 rows x 2 workers. Max 75001 rows (seg0)
with 0.056 ms to first row, 26 ms to end, start offset by 7.332 ms.
Slice statistics:
(slice0) Executor memory: 186K bytes.
(slice1) Executor memory: 130K bytes avg x 2 workers,
130K bytes max (seg0).
Total runtime: 413.401 ms
(8 rows)
atmsort reduces the plan to:
'child' => [
'id' => 2,
'parent' => 1,
'short' => 'Seq Scan on customer'
'id' => 1,
'short' => 'Gather Motion'
(8 rows)
=head2 Advanced Usage
atmsort supports several "commands" that allow finer-grained control
over the comparison process for SELECT queries. These commands are
specified in comments in the following form:
-- order 1
SELECT a, b, c, d
from foo
SELECT a, b, c, d
from foo
ORDER BY 1; -- order 1
The supported commands are:
=over 12
=item -- order column number[, column number...]
The order directive is used to compare
"partially-ordered" query
output. The specified columns are assumed
to be ordered, and the remaining columns are
sorted to allow for deterministic comparison.
=item -- ignore
The ignore directive prefixes the SELECT output with GP_IGNORE. The
diff command can use the -I flag to ignore lines with this prefix.
=item -- mvd colnum[, colnum...] -> colnum[, colnum...] [; <additional specs>]
mvd is designed to support Multi-Value Dependencies for OLAP queries.
The syntax "col1,col2->col3,col4" indicates that the col1 and col2
values determine the col3, col4 result order.
=item -- start_ignore
Ignore all results until the next "end_ignore" directive. The
start_ignore directive prefixes all subsequent output with GP_IGNORE,
and all other formatting directives are ignored as well. The diff
command can use the -I flag to ignore lines with this prefix.
=item -- end_ignore
Ends the ignored region that started with "start_ignore"
=item -- start_headers_ignore
Similar to the command-line "ignore_headers", ignore differences in
column naming and format widths.
=item -- end_headers_ignore
Ends the "headers ignored" region that started with "start_headers_ignore"
=item -- start_equiv
Begin an "equivalent" region, and treat contents according to the
specified --do_equiv option. Normally, the results are ignored. The
"--do_equiv=make" option replaces the contents of all queries in the
equivalent region with the results of the first query. If
"--do_equiv=compare" option is specified, the region is processed
according to the standard query formatting rules.
=item -- end_equiv
Ends the equivalent region that started with "start_equiv"
=item -- copy_stdout
Marks the start of a "copy" command that writes to stdout. In this
case, the directive must be on the same line as the command, e.g:
copy mystuff to stdout ; -- copy_stdout
=item -- start_matchsubs
Starts a list of match/substitution expressions, where the match and
substitution are specified as perl "m" and "s" operators for a single
line of input. atmsort will compile the expressions and use them to
process the current input file. The format is:
-- start_matchsubs
-- # first, a match expression
-- m/match this/
-- # next, a substitute expression
-- s/match this/substitute this/
-- # and can have more matchsubs after this...
-- end_matchsubs
Blank lines are ignored, and comments may be used if they are
prefixed with "#", the perl comment character, eg:
-- # this is a comment
Multiple match and substitute pairs may be specified. See "man
perlre" for more information on perl regular expressions.
=item -- end_matchsubs
Ends the match/substitution region that started with "start_matchsubs"
=item -- start_matchignore
Similar to matchsubs, starts a list of match/ignore expressions as a
set of perl match operators. Each line that matches one of the
specified expressions is elided from the atmsort output. Note that
there isn't an "ignore" expression -- just a list of individual match
=item -- end_matchignore
Ends the match/ignore region that started with "start_matchignore"
=item -- force_explain
Normally, atmsort can detect that a SQL query is being EXPLAINed, and
the expain processing will happen automatically. However, if the
query is complex, you may need to tag it with a comment to force the
explain. Using this command for non-EXPLAIN statements is
Note that you can combine the directives for a single query, but each
directive must be on a separate line. Multiple mvd specifications
must be on a single mvd line, separated by semicolons. Note that
start_ignore overrides all directives until the next end_ignore.
atmsort cannot handle "unsorted" SELECT queries where the output has
strings with embedded newlines or pipe ("|") characters due to
limitations with the parser in the "tablelizer" function. Queries
with these characteristics must have an ORDER BY clause to avoid
potential erroneous comparison.
=head1 AUTHORS
Jeffrey I Cohen
Copyright (c) 2007, 2008, 2009 GreenPlum. All rights reserved.
Address bug reports and comments to: jcohen@greenplum.com
my $glob_id = "";
# optional set of prefixes to identify sql statements, query output,
# and sorted lines (for testing purposes)
#my $apref = 'a: ';
#my $bpref = 'b: ';
#my $cpref = 'c: ';
#my $dpref = 'S: ';
my $apref = '';
my $bpref = '';
my $cpref = '';
my $dpref = '';
my $glob_compare_equiv;
my $glob_make_equiv_expected;
my $glob_ignore_headers;
my $glob_ignore_plans;
my $glob_ignore_whitespace;
my $glob_init;
my $glob_orderwarn;
my $glob_verbose;
my $glob_fqo;
# array of "expected" rows from first query of equiv region
my $equiv_expected_rows;
$glob_compare_equiv = 0;
$glob_make_equiv_expected = 0;
$glob_ignore_headers = 0;
$glob_ignore_plans = 0;
$glob_ignore_whitespace = 0;
$glob_init = [];
$glob_orderwarn = 0;
$glob_verbose = 0;
$glob_fqo = {count => 0};
my $man = 0;
my $help = 0;
my $compare_equiv = 0;
my $make_equiv_expected = 0;
my $do_equiv;
my $ignore_headers;
my $ignore_plans;
my @init_file;
my $verbose;
my $orderwarn;
'help|?' => \$help, man => \$man,
'gpd_ignore_headers|gp_ignore_headers|ignore_headers' => \$ignore_headers,
'gpd_ignore_plans|gp_ignore_plans|ignore_plans' => \$ignore_plans,
'gpd_init|gp_init|init:s' => \@init_file,
'do_equiv:s' => \$do_equiv,
'order_warn|orderwarn' => \$orderwarn,
'verbose' => \$verbose
or pod2usage(2);
if (defined($do_equiv))
if ($do_equiv =~ m/^(ignore)/i)
# ignore all - default
elsif ($do_equiv =~ m/^(compare)/i)
# compare equiv region
$compare_equiv = 1;
elsif ($do_equiv =~ m/^(make)/i)
# make equiv expected output
$make_equiv_expected = 1;
$glob_id = "unknown do_equiv option: $do_equiv\nvalid options are:\n\tdo_equiv=compare\n\tdo_equiv=make";
$help = 1;
pod2usage(-msg => $glob_id, -exitstatus => 1) if $help;
pod2usage(-msg => $glob_id, -exitstatus => 0, -verbose => 2) if $man;
$glob_compare_equiv = $compare_equiv;
$glob_make_equiv_expected = $make_equiv_expected;
$glob_ignore_headers = $ignore_headers;
$glob_ignore_plans = $ignore_plans;
$glob_ignore_whitespace = $ignore_headers; # XXX XXX: for now
# ENGINF-200: allow multiple init files
push @{$glob_init}, @init_file;
$glob_orderwarn = $orderwarn;
$glob_verbose = $verbose;
my $glob_match_then_sub_fnlist;
sub _build_match_subs
my ($here_matchsubs, $whomatch) = @_;
my $stat = [1];
# filter out the comments and blank lines
$here_matchsubs =~ s/^\s*\#.*$//gm;
$here_matchsubs =~ s/^\s+$//gm;
# print $here_matchsubs;
# split up the document into separate lines
my @foo = split(/\n/, $here_matchsubs);
my $ii = 0;
my $matchsubs_arr = [];
my $msa;
# build an array of arrays of match/subs pairs
while ($ii < scalar(@foo))
my $lin = $foo[$ii];
if ($lin =~ m/^\s*$/) # skip blanks
if (defined($msa))
push @{$msa}, $lin;
push @{$matchsubs_arr}, $msa;
undef $msa;
$msa = [$lin];
} # end while
# print Data::Dumper->Dump($matchsubs_arr);
my $bigdef;
my $fn1;
# build a lambda function for each expression, and load it into an
# array
my $mscount = 1;
for my $defi (@{$matchsubs_arr})
unless (2 == scalar(@{$defi}))
my $err1 = "bad definition: " . Data::Dumper->Dump([$defi]);
$stat->[0] = 1;
$stat->[1] = $err1;
return $stat;
$bigdef = '$fn1 = sub { my $ini = shift; '. "\n";
$bigdef .= 'if ($ini =~ ' . $defi->[0];
$bigdef .= ') { ' . "\n";
# $bigdef .= 'print "match\n";' . "\n";
$bigdef .= '$ini =~ ' . $defi->[1];
$bigdef .= '; }' . "\n";
$bigdef .= 'return $ini; }' . "\n";
# print $bigdef;
if (eval $bigdef)
my $cmt = $whomatch . " matchsubs \#" . $mscount;
# store the function pointer and the text of the function
# definition
push @{$glob_match_then_sub_fnlist},
[$fn1, $bigdef, $cmt, $defi->[0], $defi->[1]];
if ($glob_verbose)
print "GP_IGNORE: Defined $cmt\t$defi->[0]\t$defi->[1]\n"
my $err1 = "bad eval: $bigdef";
$stat->[0] = 1;
$stat->[1] = $err1;
return $stat;
# print Data::Dumper->Dump($glob_match_then_sub_fnlist);
return $stat;
} # end _build_match_subs
# list of all the match/substitution expressions
my $here_matchsubs;
# construct a "HERE" document of match expressions followed by
# substitution expressions. Embedded comments and blank lines are ok
# (they get filtered out).
$here_matchsubs = << 'EOF_matchsubs';
# some cleanup of greenplum-specific messages
m/WARNING:\s+foreign key constraint \".*\" will require costly sequential scans/
s/\".*\"/\"dummy key\"/
m/CONTEXT:.*\s+of this segment db input data/
s/\s+of this segment db input data//
# distributed transactions
s/gid.*/gid DUMMY/
m/(ERROR|WARNING|CONTEXT|NOTICE):.*DTM error.*gathered (\d+) results from cmd.*/
s/gathered.*results/gathered SOME_NUMBER_OF results/
# fix code locations eg "(xact.c:1458)" to "(xact.c:SOME_LINE)"
m/(ERROR|WARNING|CONTEXT|NOTICE):\s+Raise an error as directed by/
m/(DETAIL|ERROR|WARNING|CONTEXT|NOTICE):\s+Raise .* for debug_dtm_action\s*\=\s* \d+/
m/(ERROR|WARNING|CONTEXT|NOTICE):\s+Could not .* savepoint/
s/connection.*failed.*(http|gpfdist).*/connection failed dummy_protocol\:\/\/DUMMY_LOCATION/
# the EOF ends the HERE document
$glob_match_then_sub_fnlist = [];
my $stat = _build_match_subs($here_matchsubs, "DEFAULT");
if (scalar(@{$stat}) > 1)
die $stat->[1];
sub match_then_subs
my $ini = shift;
for my $ff (@{$glob_match_then_sub_fnlist})
# get the function and execute it
my $fn1 = $ff->[0];
if (!$glob_verbose)
$ini = &$fn1($ini);
my $subs = &$fn1($ini);
unless ($subs eq $ini)
print "GP_IGNORE: was: $ini";
print "GP_IGNORE: matched $ff->[-3]\t$ff->[-2]\t$ff->[-1]\n"
$ini = &$fn1($ini);
return $ini;
my $glob_match_then_ignore_fnlist;
sub _build_match_ignores
my ($here_matchignores, $whomatch) = @_;
my $stat = [1];
# filter out the comments and blank lines
$here_matchignores =~ s/^\s*\#.*$//gm;
$here_matchignores =~ s/^\s+$//gm;
# print $here_matchignores;
# split up the document into separate lines
my @foo = split(/\n/, $here_matchignores);
my $matchignores_arr = [];
# build an array of match expressions
for my $lin (@foo)
if ($lin =~ m/^\s*$/); # skip blanks
push @{$matchignores_arr}, $lin;
# print Data::Dumper->Dump($matchignores_arr);
my $bigdef;
my $fn1;
# build a lambda function for each expression, and load it into an
# array
my $mscount = 1;
for my $defi (@{$matchignores_arr})
$bigdef = '$fn1 = sub { my $ini = shift; '. "\n";
$bigdef .= 'return ($ini =~ ' . $defi;
$bigdef .= ') ; } ' . "\n";
# print $bigdef;
if (eval $bigdef)
my $cmt = $whomatch . " matchignores \#" . $mscount;
# store the function pointer and the text of the function
# definition
push @{$glob_match_then_ignore_fnlist},
[$fn1, $bigdef, $cmt, $defi, "(ignore)"];
if ($glob_verbose)
print "GP_IGNORE: Defined $cmt\t$defi\n"
my $err1 = "bad eval: $bigdef";
$stat->[0] = 1;
$stat->[1] = $err1;
return $stat;
# print Data::Dumper->Dump($glob_match_then_ignore_fnlist);
return $stat;
} # end _build_match_ignores
# list of all the match/ignore expressions
my $here_matchignores;
# construct a "HERE" document of match expressions to ignore in input.
# Embedded comments and blank lines are ok (they get filtered out).
$here_matchignores = << 'EOF_matchignores';
# XXX XXX: note the discrepancy in the NOTICE messages
# 'distributed by' vs 'DISTRIBUTED BY'
m/NOTICE:\s+Table doesn\'t have \'distributed by\' clause\, and no column type is suitable/i
m/NOTICE:\s+Table doesn\'t have \'DISTRIBUTED BY\' clause/i
m/NOTICE:\s+Dropping a column that is part of the distribution policy/
m/NOTICE:\s+Table has parent\, setting distribution columns to match parent table/
m/HINT:\s+The \'DISTRIBUTED BY\' clause determines the distribution of data/
m/WARNING:\s+Referential integrity \(.*\) constraints are not supported in Greenplum Database/
m/^\s*Distributed by:\s+\(.*\)\s*$/
# ignore notices for DROP sqlobject IF EXISTS "objectname"
# eg NOTICE: table "foo" does not exist, skipping
# the NOTICE is different from the ERROR case, which does not
# end with "skipping"
m/^NOTICE:\s+\w+\s+\".*\"\s+does not exist\,\s+skipping\s*$/
# the EOF ends the HERE document
$glob_match_then_ignore_fnlist = [];
my $stat = _build_match_ignores($here_matchignores, "DEFAULT");
if (scalar(@{$stat}) > 1)
die $stat->[1];
# if the input matches, return 1 (ignore), else return 0 (keep)
sub match_then_ignore
my $ini = shift;
for my $ff (@{$glob_match_then_ignore_fnlist})
# get the function and execute it
my $fn1 = $ff->[0];
if (&$fn1($ini))
if ($glob_verbose)
print "GP_IGNORE: matched $ff->[-3]\t$ff->[-2]\t$ff->[-1]\n"
return 1; # matched
return 0; # no match
# convert a postgresql psql formatted table into an array of hashes
sub tablelizer
my ($ini, $got_line1) = @_;
# first, split into separate lines, the find all the column headings
my @lines = split(/\n/, $ini);
return undef
unless (scalar(@lines));
# if the first line is supplied, then it has the column headers,
# so don't try to find them (or the ---+---- separator) in
# "lines"
my $line1 = $got_line1;
$line1 = shift @lines
unless (defined($got_line1));
# look for <space>|<space>
my @colheads = split(/\s+\|\s+/, $line1);
# fixup first, last column head (remove leading,trailing spaces)
$colheads[0] =~ s/^\s+//;
$colheads[0] =~ s/\s+$//;
$colheads[-1] =~ s/^\s+//;
$colheads[-1] =~ s/\s+$//;
return undef
unless (scalar(@lines));
shift @lines # skip dashed separator (unless it was skipped already)
unless (defined($got_line1));
my @rows;
for my $lin (@lines)
my @cols = split(/\|/, $lin, scalar(@colheads));
unless (scalar(@cols) == scalar(@colheads));
my $rowh = {};
for my $colhdcnt (0..(scalar(@colheads)-1))
my $rawcol = shift @cols;
$rawcol =~ s/^\s+//;
$rawcol =~ s/\s+$//;
my $colhd = $colheads[$colhdcnt];
$rowh->{($colhdcnt+1)} = $rawcol;
push @rows, $rowh;
return \@rows;
# reformat the EXPLAIN output according to the directive hash
sub format_explain
my ($outarr, $directive) = @_;
my $prefix = "";
my $xopt = "perl"; # normal case
my $psuffix = "";
$directive = {} unless (defined($directive));
# Ignore plan content if its between start_ignore and end_ignore blocks
# or if -ignore_plans is specified.
$prefix = "GP_IGNORE:"
if (exists($directive->{ignore})) || ($glob_ignore_plans);
use IO::File;
use POSIX qw(tmpnam);
my ($tmpnam, $tmpfh);
for (;;) {
$tmpnam = tmpnam();
sysopen($tmpfh, $tmpnam, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_EXCL) && last;
if (scalar(@{$outarr}))
print $tmpfh "QUERY PLAN\n";
# explain.pl expects a long string of dashes
print $tmpfh "-" x 71, "\n";
for my $lin (@{$outarr})
print $tmpfh $lin;
print $tmpfh "(111 rows)\n";
close $tmpfh;
if (exists($directive->{explain})
&& ($directive->{explain} =~ m/operator/i))
$xopt = "operator";
$psuffix = " | sort ";
my $plantxt = "explain.pl -opt $xopt -prune heavily < $tmpnam $psuffix";
my $xplan = `$plantxt`;
unlink $tmpnam;
if (defined($prefix) && length($prefix))
$xplan =~ s/^/$prefix/gm;
print $xplan;
# for "force_explain operator", replace the outarr with the
# processed output (for equivalence regions )
if (scalar(@{$outarr})
&& exists($directive->{explain})
&& ($directive->{explain} =~ m/operator/i))
my @foo = split (/\n/, $xplan);
# gross -- need to add the carriage return back!
for my $ii (0..(scalar(@foo)-1))
$foo[$ii] .= "\n";
return \@foo;
# reformat the query output according to the directive hash
sub format_query_output
my ($fqostate, $has_order, $outarr, $directive) = @_;
my $prefix = "";
$directive = {} unless (defined($directive));
$fqostate->{count} += 1;
if ($glob_verbose)
print "GP_IGNORE: start fqo $fqostate->{count}\n";
if (exists($directive->{make_equiv_expected}))
# special case for EXPLAIN PLAN as first "query"
if (exists($directive->{explain}))
my $stat = format_explain($outarr, $directive);
# save the first query output from equiv as "expected rows"
if ($stat)
push @{$equiv_expected_rows}, @{$stat};
push @{$equiv_expected_rows}, @{$outarr};
if ($glob_verbose)
print "GP_IGNORE: end fqo $fqostate->{count}\n";
return ;
# save the first query output from equiv as "expected rows"
push @{$equiv_expected_rows}, @{$outarr};
elsif (defined($equiv_expected_rows)
&& scalar(@{$equiv_expected_rows}))
# reuse equiv expected rows if you have them
$outarr = [];
push @{$outarr}, @{$equiv_expected_rows};
# explain (if not in an equivalence region)
if (exists($directive->{explain}))
format_explain($outarr, $directive);
if ($glob_verbose)
print "GP_IGNORE: end fqo $fqostate->{count}\n";
$prefix = "GP_IGNORE:"
if (exists($directive->{ignore}));
if (exists($directive->{sortlines}))
my $firstline = $directive->{firstline};
my $ordercols = $directive->{order};
my $mvdlist = $directive->{mvd};
# lines already have newline terminator, so just rejoin them.
my $lines = join ("", @{$outarr});
my $ah1 = tablelizer($lines, $firstline);
unless (defined($ah1) && scalar(@{$ah1}))
# print "No tablelizer hash for $lines, $firstline\n";
# print STDERR "No tablelizer hash for $lines, $firstline\n";
if ($glob_verbose)
print "GP_IGNORE: end fqo $fqostate->{count}\n";
my @allcols = sort (keys(%{$ah1->[0]}));
my @presortcols;
if (defined($ordercols) && length($ordercols))
# $ordercols =~ s/^.*order\s*//;
$ordercols =~ s/\n//gm;
$ordercols =~ s/\s//gm;
@presortcols = split(/\s*\,\s*/, $ordercols);
my @mvdcols;
my @mvd_deps;
my @mvd_nodeps;
my @mvdspec;
if (defined($mvdlist) && length($mvdlist))
$mvdlist =~ s/\n//gm;
$mvdlist =~ s/\s//gm;
# find all the mvd specifications (separated by semicolons)
my @allspecs = split(/\;/, $mvdlist);
# print "allspecs:", Data::Dumper->Dump(\@allspecs);
for my $item (@allspecs)
my $realspec;
# split the specification list, separating the
# specification columns on the left hand side (LHS)
# from the "dependent" columns on the right hand side (RHS)
my @colset = split(/\-\>/, $item, 2);
unless (scalar(@colset) == 2)
print "invalid colset for $item\n";
print STDERR "invalid colset for $item\n";
# specification columns (LHS)
my @scols = split(/\,/, $colset[0]);
unless (scalar(@scols))
print "invalid dependency specification: $colset[0]\n";
print STDERR
"invalid dependency specification: $colset[0]\n";
# dependent columns (RHS)
my @dcols = split(/\,/, $colset[1]);
unless (scalar(@dcols))
print "invalid specified dependency: $colset[1]\n";
print STDERR "invalid specified dependency: $colset[1]\n";
$realspec = {};
my $scol2 = [];
my $dcol2 = [];
my $sdcol = [];
$realspec->{spec} = $item;
push @{$scol2}, @scols;
push @{$dcol2}, @dcols;
push @{$sdcol}, @scols, @dcols;
$realspec->{scol} = $scol2;
$realspec->{dcol} = $dcol2;
$realspec->{allcol} = $sdcol;
push @mvdcols, @scols, @dcols;
# find all the dependent columns
push @mvd_deps, @dcols;
push @mvdspec, $realspec;
# find all the mvd cols which are *not* dependent. Need
# to handle the case of self-dependency, eg "mvd 1->1", so
# must build set of all columns, then strip out the
# "dependent" cols. So this is the set of all LHS columns
# which are never on the RHS.
my %get_nodeps;
for my $col (@mvdcols)
$get_nodeps{$col} = 1;
# remove dependent cols
for my $col (@mvd_deps)
if (exists($get_nodeps{$col}))
delete $get_nodeps{$col};
# now sorted and unique, with no dependents
@mvd_nodeps = sort (keys(%get_nodeps));
# print "mvdspec:", Data::Dumper->Dump(\@mvdspec);
# print "mvd no deps:", Data::Dumper->Dump(\@mvd_nodeps);
my %unsorth;
for my $col (@allcols)
$unsorth{$col} = 1;
# clear sorted column list if just "order 0"
if ((1 == scalar(@presortcols))
&& ($presortcols[0] eq "0"))
@presortcols = ();
for my $col (@presortcols)
if (exists($unsorth{$col}))
delete $unsorth{$col};
for my $col (@mvdcols)
if (exists($unsorth{$col}))
delete $unsorth{$col};
my @unsortcols = sort(keys(%unsorth));
# print Data::Dumper->Dump([$ah1]);
if (scalar(@presortcols))
my $hd1 = "sorted columns " . join(", ", @presortcols);
print $hd1, "\n", "-"x(length($hd1)), "\n";
for my $h_row (@{$ah1})
my @collist;
@collist = ();
# print "hrow:",Data::Dumper->Dump([$h_row]), "\n";
for my $col (@presortcols)
# print "col: ($col)\n";
if (exists($h_row->{$col}))
push @collist, $h_row->{$col};
my $maxcol = scalar(@allcols);
my $errstr =
"specified ORDER column out of range: $col vs $maxcol\n";
print $errstr;
print STDERR $errstr;
print $prefix, join(' | ', @collist), "\n";
if (scalar(@mvdspec))
my @outi;
my $hd1 = "multivalue dependency specifications";
print $hd1, "\n", "-"x(length($hd1)), "\n";
for my $mspec (@mvdspec)
$hd1 = $mspec->{spec};
print $hd1, "\n", "-"x(length($hd1)), "\n";
for my $h_row (@{$ah1})
my @collist;
@collist = ();
# print "hrow:",Data::Dumper->Dump([$h_row]), "\n";
for my $col (@{$mspec->{allcol}})
# print "col: ($col)\n";
if (exists($h_row->{$col}))
push @collist, $h_row->{$col};
my $maxcol = scalar(@allcols);
my $errstr =
"specified MVD column out of range: $col vs $maxcol\n";
print $errstr;
print STDERR $errstr;
push @outi, join(' | ', @collist);
my @ggg= sort @outi;
for my $line (@ggg)
print $prefix, $line, "\n";
@outi = ();
my $hd2 = "unsorted columns " . join(", ", @unsortcols);
# the "unsorted" comparison must include all columns which are
# not sorted or part of an mvd specification, plus the sorted
# columns, plus the non-dependent mvd columns which aren't
# already in the list
if ((scalar(@presortcols))
|| scalar(@mvd_nodeps))
if (scalar(@presortcols))
if (scalar(@mvd_deps))
my %get_presort;
for my $col (@presortcols)
$get_presort{$col} = 1;
# remove "dependent" (RHS) columns
for my $col (@mvd_deps)
if (exists($get_presort{$col}))
delete $get_presort{$col};
# now sorted and unique, minus all mvd dependent cols
@presortcols = sort (keys(%get_presort));
if (scalar(@presortcols))
$hd2 .= " ( " . join(", ", @presortcols) . ")";
# have to compare all columns as unsorted
push @unsortcols, @presortcols;
if (scalar(@mvd_nodeps))
my %get_nodeps;
for my $col (@mvd_nodeps)
$get_nodeps{$col} = 1;
# remove "nodeps" which are already in the output list
for my $col (@unsortcols)
if (exists($get_nodeps{$col}))
delete $get_nodeps{$col};
# now sorted and unique, minus all unsorted/sorted cols
@mvd_nodeps = sort (keys(%get_nodeps));
if (scalar(@mvd_nodeps))
$hd2 .= " (( " . join(", ", @mvd_nodeps) . "))";
# have to compare all columns as unsorted
push @unsortcols, @mvd_nodeps;
print $hd2, "\n", "-"x(length($hd2)), "\n";
my @finalunsort;
if (scalar(@unsortcols))
for my $h_row (@{$ah1})
my @collist;
@collist = ();
for my $col (@unsortcols)
if (exists($h_row->{$col}))
push @collist, $h_row->{$col};
my $maxcol = scalar(@allcols);
my $errstr =
"specified UNSORT column out of range: $col vs $maxcol\n";
print $errstr;
print STDERR $errstr;
push @finalunsort, join(' | ', @collist);
my @ggg= sort @finalunsort;
for my $line (@ggg)
print $prefix, $line, "\n";
if ($glob_verbose)
print "GP_IGNORE: end fqo $fqostate->{count}\n";
} # end order
if ($has_order)
my @ggg= @{$outarr};
if ($glob_ignore_whitespace)
my @ggg2;
for my $line (@ggg)
# remove all leading, trailing whitespace (changes sorting)
# and whitespace around column separators
$line =~ s/^\s+//;
$line =~ s/\s+$//;
$line =~ s/\|\s+/\|/gm;
$line =~ s/\s+\|/\|/gm;
$line .= "\n" # replace linefeed if necessary
unless ($line =~ m/\n$/);
push @ggg2, $line;
@ggg= @ggg2;
if ($glob_orderwarn)
# if no ordering cols specified (no directive), and
# SELECT has ORDER BY, see if number of order
# by cols matches all cols in selected lists
if (exists($directive->{sql_statement})
&& (defined($directive->{sql_statement}))
&& ($directive->{sql_statement} =~ m/select.*order.*by/is))
my $fl2 = $directive->{firstline};
my $sql_statement = $directive->{sql_statement};
$sql_statement =~ s/\n/ /gm;
my @ocols =
($sql_statement =~ m/select.*order.*by\s+(.*)\;/is);
# print Data::Dumper->Dump(\@ocols);
# lines already have newline terminator, so just rejoin them.
my $line2 = join ("", @{$outarr});
my $ah2 = tablelizer($line2, $fl2);
my @allcols2;
# print Data::Dumper->Dump([$ah2]);
@allcols2 = (keys(%{$ah2->[0]}))
if (defined($ah2) && scalar(@{$ah2}));
# treat the order by cols as a column separated list,
# and count them. works ok for simple ORDER BY clauses
if (scalar(@ocols))
my $ocolstr = shift @ocols;
my @ocols2 = split (/\,/, $ocolstr);
if (scalar(@ocols2) < scalar(@allcols2))
scalar(@allcols2), " columns, but ORDER BY on ",
scalar(@ocols2), " \n";
} # end if $glob_orderwarn
for my $line (@ggg)
print $dpref, $prefix, $line;
my @ggg= sort @{$outarr};
if ($glob_ignore_whitespace)
my @ggg2;
for my $line (@ggg)
# remove all leading, trailing whitespace (changes sorting)
# and whitespace around column separators
$line =~ s/^\s+//;
$line =~ s/\s+$//;
$line =~ s/\|\s+/\|/gm;
$line =~ s/\s+\|/\|/gm;
$line .= "\n" # replace linefeed if necessary
unless ($line =~ m/\n$/);
push @ggg2, $line;
@ggg= sort @ggg2;
for my $line (@ggg)
print $bpref, $prefix, $line;
if ($glob_verbose)
print "GP_IGNORE: end fqo $fqostate->{count}\n";
sub bigloop
my $sql_statement = "";
my @outarr;
my $getrows = 0;
my $getstatement = 0;
my $has_order = 0;
my $copy_select = 0;
my $directive = {};
my $big_ignore = 0;
my $define_match_expression = undef;
my $error_detail_exttab_trifecta_skip = 0; # don't ask!
my $verzion = "unknown";
if (q$Revision: #1 $ =~ /\d+/)
$verzion = do { my @r = (q$Revision: #1 $ =~ /\d+/g); sprintf "%d."."%02d" x $#r, @r }; # must be all one line, for MakeMaker
my $format_fix = << "EOF_formatfix";
# NOTE: define $format_fix with HERE document just to fix emacs
# indenting due to comment char in Q expression...
$verzion = $0 . " version " . $verzion;
print "GP_IGNORE: formatted by $verzion\n";
my $do_equiv = $glob_compare_equiv || $glob_make_equiv_expected;
while (<>) # big while
my $ini = $_;
if ($error_detail_exttab_trifecta_skip)
$error_detail_exttab_trifecta_skip = 0;
# look for match/substitution or match/ignore expressions
if (defined($define_match_expression))
unless (($ini =~ m/\-\-\s*end\_match(subs|ignore)\s*$/i))
$define_match_expression .= $ini;
goto L_push_outarr;
my @foo = split(/\n/, $define_match_expression, 2);
unless (2 == scalar(@foo))
$ini .= "GP_IGNORE: bad match definition\n";
undef $define_match_expression;
goto L_push_outarr;
my $stat;
my $doc1 = $foo[1];
# strip off leading comment characters
$doc1 =~ s/^\s*\-\-//gm;
if ($foo[0] =~ m/subs/)
$stat = _build_match_subs($doc1, "USER");
$stat = _build_match_ignores($doc1, "USER");
if (scalar(@{$stat}) > 1)
my $outi = $stat->[1];
# print a message showing the error
$outi =~ s/^(.*)/GP_IGNORE: ($1)/gm;
$ini .= $outi;
$ini .= "GP_IGNORE: defined new match expression\n";
undef $define_match_expression;
goto L_push_outarr;
} # end defined match expression
if ($big_ignore > 0)
if (($ini =~ m/\-\-\s*end\_equiv\s*$/i) && !($do_equiv))
$big_ignore -= 1;
if ($ini =~ m/\-\-\s*end\_ignore\s*$/i)
$big_ignore -= 1;
print "GP_IGNORE:", $ini;
elsif (($ini =~ m/\-\-\s*end\_equiv\s*$/i) && $do_equiv)
$equiv_expected_rows = undef;
if ($ini =~ m/\-\-\s*end\_head(er|ers|ing|ings)\_ignore\s*$/i)
$glob_ignore_headers = 0;
if ($getrows) # getting rows from SELECT output
# special case for copy select
if ($copy_select &&
($ini =~ m/(\-\-)|(ERROR)/))
my @ggg= sort @outarr;
for my $line (@ggg)
print $bpref, $line;
@outarr = ();
$getrows = 0;
$has_order = 0;
$copy_select = 0;
# regex example: (5 rows)
if ($ini =~ m/^\s*\(\d+\s+row(s)*\)\s*$/)
$has_order, \@outarr, $directive);
# Always ignore the rowcount for explain plan out as the skeleton plans might be the
# same even if the row counts differ because of session level GUCs.
if (exists($directive->{explain}))
$ini = "GP_IGNORE:" . $ini;
$directive = {};
@outarr = ();
$getrows = 0;
$has_order = 0;
else # finding SQL statement or start of SELECT output
if (($ini =~ m/\-\-\s*start\_match(subs|ignore)\s*$/i))
$define_match_expression = $ini;
goto L_push_outarr;
if (($ini =~ m/\-\-\s*start\_ignore\s*$/i) ||
(($ini =~ m/\-\-\s*start\_equiv\s*$/i) && !($do_equiv)))
$big_ignore += 1;
for my $line (@outarr)
print $apref, $line;
@outarr = ();
print "GP_IGNORE:", $ini;
elsif (($ini =~ m/\-\-\s*start\_equiv\s*$/i) &&
$equiv_expected_rows = [];
$directive->{make_equiv_expected} = 1;
if ($ini =~ m/\-\-\s*start\_head(er|ers|ing|ings)\_ignore\s*$/i)
$glob_ignore_headers = 1;
# Note: \d is for the psql "describe"
if ($ini =~ m/(insert|update|delete|select|\\d|copy)/i)
$copy_select = 0;
$has_order = 0;
$sql_statement = "";
if ($ini =~ m/explain.*(insert|update|delete|select)/i)
$directive->{explain} = "normal";
if ($ini =~ m/\-\-\s*force\_explain\s+operator.*$/i)
# ENGINF-137: force_explain
$directive->{explain} = "operator";
if ($ini =~ m/\-\-\s*force\_explain\s*$/i)
# ENGINF-137: force_explain
$directive->{explain} = "normal";
if ($ini =~ m/\-\-\s*ignore\s*$/i)
$directive->{ignore} = "ignore";
if ($ini =~ m/\-\-\s*order\s+\d+.*$/i)
my $olist = $ini;
$olist =~ s/^.*\-\-\s*order//;
$directive->{order} = $olist;
if ($ini =~ m/\-\-\s*mvd\s+\d+.*$/i)
my $olist = $ini;
$olist =~ s/^.*\-\-\s*mvd//;
$directive->{mvd} = $olist;
if ($ini =~ m/select/i)
$getstatement = 1;
if ($getstatement)
$sql_statement .= $ini;
if ($ini =~ m/\;/) # statement terminator
$getstatement = 0;
# prune notices with segment info if they are duplicates
# if ($ini =~ m/^\s*(NOTICE|ERROR|HINT|DETAIL|WARNING)\:.*\s+\(seg.*pid.*\)/)
if ($ini =~ m/^\s*(NOTICE|ERROR|HINT|DETAIL|WARNING)\:/)
$ini =~ s/\s+(\W)?(\W)?\(seg.*pid.*\)//;
# also remove line numbers from errors
$ini =~ s/\s+(\W)?(\W)?\(\w+\.[ch]:\d+\)/ (SOMEFILE:SOMEFUNC)/;
my $outsize = scalar(@outarr);
my $lastguy = -1;
for my $jj (1..$outsize)
my $checkstr = $outarr[$lastguy];
#remove trailing spaces for comparison
$checkstr =~ s/\s+$//;
my $skinny = $ini;
$skinny =~ s/\s+$//;
# stop when no more notices
last L_checkfor
if ($checkstr !~ m/^\s*(NOTICE|ERROR|HINT|DETAIL|WARNING)\:/);
# discard this line if matches a previous notice
if ($skinny eq $checkstr)
if (0) # debug code
$ini = "DUP: " . $ini;
last L_checkfor;
next L_bigwhile;
} # end for
} # end if pruning notices
# MPP-1492 allow:
# copy (select ...) to stdout
# \copy (select ...) to stdout
# and special case these guys:
# copy test1 to stdout
# \copy test1 to stdout
# ENGINF-129:
# and "copy...; -- copy_stdout " for copy.out
my $copysel_regex =
'^\s*((.copy.*test1.*to stdout)|(copy.*test1.*to stdout\;)|(copy.*\;\s*\-\-\s*copy\_stdout))';
# regex example: ---- or ---+---
# need at least 3 dashes to avoid confusion with "--" comments
if (($ini =~ m/^\s*((\-\-)(\-)+(\+(\-)+)*)+\s*$/)
# special case for copy select
|| (($ini =~ m/$copysel_regex/i)
&& ($ini !~ m/order\s+by/i)))
{ # sort this region
$directive->{firstline} = $outarr[-1];
if (exists($directive->{order}) ||
$directive->{sortlines} = $outarr[-1];
# special case for copy select
if ($ini =~ m/$copysel_regex/i)
# print "copy select: $ini\n";
$copy_select = 1;
$sql_statement = "";
# special case for explain
if (exists($directive->{explain}) &&
($ini =~ m/^\s*((\-\-)(\-)+(\+(\-)+)*)+\s*$/) &&
($outarr[-1] =~ m/QUERY PLAN/))
# ENGINF-88: fixup explain headers
$outarr[-1] = "QUERY PLAN\n";
$ini = ("_" x length($outarr[-1])) . "\n";
if ($glob_ignore_headers)
$ini = "GP_IGNORE:" . $ini;
$getstatement = 0;
# ENGINF-180: ignore header formatting
# the last line of the outarr is the first line of the header
if ($glob_ignore_headers && $outarr[-1])
$outarr[-1] = "GP_IGNORE:" . $outarr[-1];
for my $line (@outarr)
print $apref, $line;
@outarr = ();
# ENGINF-180: ignore header formatting
# the current line is the last line of the header
if ($glob_ignore_headers
&& ($ini =~ m/^\s*((\-\-)(\-)+(\+(\-)+)*)+\s*$/))
$ini = "GP_IGNORE:" . $ini;
print $apref, $ini;
if (defined($sql_statement)
&& length($sql_statement)
# multiline match
&& ($sql_statement =~ m/select.*order.*by/is))
$has_order = 1; # so do *not* sort output
# $sql_statement =~ s/\n/ /gm;
# print "has order: ", $sql_statement, "\n";
$directive->{sql_statement} = $sql_statement;
$has_order = 0; # need to sort query output
# $sql_statement =~ s/\n/ /gm;
# print "no order: ", $sql_statement, "\n";
$directive->{sql_statement} = $sql_statement;
$sql_statement = "";
$getrows = 1;
} # end sort this region
} # end finding SQL
# see HERE document for definitions
$ini = match_then_subs($ini);
if ($ini =~ m/External table .*line (\d)+/)
$ini =~ s/External table .*line (\d)+.*/External table DUMMY_EX, line DUMMY_LINE of DUMMY_LOCATION/;
$ini =~ s/\s+/ /;
# MPP-1557,AUTO-3: horrific ERROR DETAIL External Table trifecta
if ($glob_verbose)
print "GP_IGNORE: External Table ERROR DETAIL fixup\n";
if ($ini !~ m/^DETAIL/)
# find a "blank" DETAIL tag preceding current line
if (scalar(@outarr) && ($outarr[-1] =~ m/^DETAIL:\s+$/))
pop @outarr;
$ini = "DETAIL: " . $ini;
$ini =~ s/\s+/ /;
# need to skip the next record
$error_detail_exttab_trifecta_skip = 1;
if (scalar(@outarr) &&
($outarr[-1] =~ m/^ERROR:\s+missing\s+data\s+for\s+column/))
$outarr[-1] = "ERROR: missing data for column DUMMY_COL\n";
# if MATCH then IGNORE
# see HERE document for definitions
if ( match_then_ignore($ini))
next; # ignore matching lines
push @outarr, $ini;
} # end big while
for my $line (@outarr)
print $cpref, $line;
} # end bigloop
if (1)
goto l_big_bigloop
unless (defined($glob_init) && scalar(@{$glob_init}));
# ENGINF-200: allow multiple init files
for my $init_file (@{$glob_init})
die "no such file: $init_file"
unless (-e $init_file);
# redirect stdin and stdout to perform initialization from
# the init_file file
open my $oldout, ">&STDOUT" or die "Can't dup STDOUT: $!";
close STDOUT;
open (STDOUT, "> /dev/null" ) or die "can't open STDOUT: $!";
open my $oldin, "<&STDIN" or die "Can't dup STDIN: $!";
close STDIN;
open STDIN, "< $init_file" or die "could not open $init_file: $!";
# run the standard loop
# reset stdin, stdout
close STDIN;
open STDIN, "<&", $oldin or die "Can't dup \$oldin: $!";
close STDOUT;
open STDOUT, ">&", $oldout or die "Can't dup \$oldout: $!";
# loop over existing stdin
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# $Header: //cdb2/main/cdb-pg/src/test/regress/explain.pl#21 $
# copyright (c) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009
# Author: Jeffrey I Cohen
use Pod::Usage;
use Getopt::Long;
use Data::Dumper;
use strict;
use warnings;
=head1 NAME
B<explain.pl> - parse and reformat Postgres EXPLAIN output
B<explain> [options] filename
-help brief help message
-man full documentation
-option formatting option: perl, yaml, dot, query, jpg, json
-querylist list of queries
-direction direction of query plan graph: LR, RL, TB or BT.
-colorscheme graph color scheme
-timeline rank nodes by start offset time (experimental)
-prune prune tree attributes
-output output filename (else output to STDOUT).
-statcolor statistics coloring (experimental)
-edge edge decorations
=head1 OPTIONS
=over 8
=item B<-help>
Print a brief help message and exits.
=item B<-man>
Prints the manual page and exits.
=item B<-option>
Choose the output format option. Several formats are supported.
=over 12
=item perl: output in perl L<Data::Dumper> format.
=item yaml: output in L<yaml.org> machine and human-readable format
=item dot: output in dot graphical language for L<graphiz.org> graphing tool.
=item querytext: output the text of the query
=item jpg: pipe the dot output thru the dot formatter (if it is installed) to get jpg output directly. (May also support bmp, ps, pdf, png)
=item json: output in L<json.org> machine and human-readable format
=item B<-querylist>
A list of queries to process. The query numbering is 1-based. Some
valid forms are:
-querylist 1
or some combination. By default, all queries are processed.
=item B<-direction>
Direction of data flow in query plan graph. Valid entries are:
=over 12
=item BT (default): bottom to top
=item TB: top to bottom
=item LR: left to right
=item RL: right to left
=item B<-colorscheme>
One of the supported ColorBrewer(TM) color schemes. Use
-color ?
to get a list of the valid schemes, and
-color dump
to output a dot file displaying all the valid schemes.
Colors from www.ColorBrewer.org by Cynthia A. Brewer, Geography,
Pennsylvania State University.
=item B<-prune>
Prune tree attributes. The only supported option is "stats" to
remove the to_end and to_first timing information.
=item B<-output>
Output file name. If multiple queries are processed, the filename
is used as a template to generate multiple files. If the filename
has an extension, it is preserved, else an extension is supplied
based upon the formatting option. The filename template inserts
the query number before the "dot" (.) if more than one query was
=item B<-statcolor>
For an EXPLAIN ANALYZE plan, color according to the time spent in
node. Red is greatest, and blue is least. For statcolor=ts (default),
the node edge is colored by time, and the node interior is filled
by slice color. For statcolor=st, the color scheme is reversed.
For statcolor=t (timing only), the entire node is colored according
to the time spent.
=item B<-edge>
Decorate graph edges with row count if available. Valid entries are:
=over 12
=item long - print average rows and number of workers
=item medium - print average rows and number of workers compactly
=item short - print total row counts
explain.pl reads EXPLAIN output from a text file (or standard
input) and formats it in several ways. The text file must contain
output in one of the the following formats. The first is a regular
EXPLAIN format, starting the the QUERY PLAN header and ending with the
number of rows in parentheses. Indenting must be on:
Gather Motion 64:1 (slice2) (cost=6007722.78..6007722.79 rows=6 width=51)
Merge Key: partial_aggregation.l_returnflag, partial_aggregation.l_linestatus
-> Sort (cost=6007722.78..6007722.79 rows=6 width=51)
Sort Key: partial_aggregation.l_returnflag, partial_aggregation.l_linestatus
-> HashAggregate (cost=6007722.52..6007722.70 rows=6 width=51)
Group By: lineitem.l_returnflag, lineitem.l_linestatus
-> Redistribute Motion 64:64 (slice1) (cost=6007721.92..6007722.31 rows=6 width=51)
Hash Key: lineitem.l_returnflag, lineitem.l_linestatus
-> HashAggregate (cost=6007721.92..6007722.19 rows=6 width=51)
Group By: lineitem.l_returnflag, lineitem.l_linestatus
-> Seq Scan on lineitem (cost=0.00..3693046.50 rows=92587017 width=51)
Filter: l_shipdate <= '1998-09-08 00:00:00'::timestamp without time zone
(12 rows)
The second acceptable format is EXPLAIN ANALYZE, listing
each query followed by the EXPLAIN output delineated by vertical bars
('|', e.g. |QUERY PLAN| ):
sum(l_quantity) as sum_qty,
sum(l_extendedprice) as sum_base_price,
sum(l_extendedprice * (1 - l_discount)) as sum_disc_price,
sum(l_extendedprice * (1 - l_discount) * (1 + l_tax)) as sum_charge,
avg(l_quantity) as avg_qty,
avg(l_extendedprice) as avg_price,
avg(l_discount) as avg_disc,
count(*) as count_order
l_shipdate <= date '1998-12-01' - interval '106 day'
group by
order by
Query 1 complete, 19 rows returned
|Gather Motion 64:1 (slice2) (cost=5990545.19..5990545.21 rows=6 width=51)|
| recv: Total 4 rows with 1294937 ms to end.|
| Merge Key: partial_aggregation.junk_attr_1, partial_aggregation.junk_attr_2|
| -> Sort (cost=5990545.19..5990545.21 rows=6 width=51)|
| Avg 1.00 rows x 4 workers. Max 1 rows (seg49) with 1294938 ms to end.|
| Sort Key: partial_aggregation.junk_attr_1, partial_aggregation.junk_attr_2|
| -> HashAggregate (cost=5990544.94..5990545.12 rows=6 width=51)|
| Avg 1.00 rows x 4 workers. Max 1 rows (seg49) with 1294933 ms to end.|
| Group By: lineitem.l_returnflag, lineitem.l_linestatus|
| -> Redistribute Motion 64:64 (slice1) (cost=5990544.34..5990544.73 rows=6 width=51)|
| recv: Avg 64.00 rows x 4 workers. Max 64 rows (seg49) with 1277197 ms to first row, 1294424 ms to end.|
| Hash Key: lineitem.l_returnflag, lineitem.l_linestatus|
| -> HashAggregate (cost=5990544.34..5990544.61 rows=6 width=51)|
| Avg 4.00 rows x 64 workers. Max 4 rows (seg44) with 1292222 ms to end.|
| Group By: lineitem.l_returnflag, lineitem.l_linestatus|
| -> Seq Scan on lineitem (cost=0.00..3693046.50 rows=91899913 width=51)|
| Avg 91914578.95 rows x 64 workers. Max 91914598 rows (seg13) with 14.694 ms to first row, 258614 ms to end.|
| Filter: l_shipdate <= '1998-08-17 00:00:00'::timestamp without time zone|
|1295317.560 ms elapsed|
Time was 1295.33 seconds. Query ended at Thu Oct 12 12:09:27 2006
If explain.pl uses Graphviz to graph the query plan, it may flip the
left and right children of a join to obtain a more balanced pictorial
representation. Use the -edge option to label graph edges to
correctly identify the left and right children.
=head1 AUTHORS
Jeffrey I Cohen
Copyright (c) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 GreenPlum. All rights reserved.
Address bug reports and comments to: jcohen@greenplum.com
# EXPLAIN ANALYZE final statistics in analyze_node:
# The final statistics look like this:
# Slice statistics:
# (slice0) Executor memory: 472K bytes.
# (slice1) Executor memory: 464K bytes avg x 2 workers, 464K bytes max (seg0).
# Settings:
# Total runtime: 52347.493 ms
# The "Settings" entry is optional (ie, it only exists if you change the
# settings in your session). If the "Settings" entry is missing explain.pl
# adds a dummy entry to the statistics. This technique is a bit easier
# than changing the parser to handle both cases.
# Parse_node:
# InitPlan entries in greenplum are in separate slices, so explain.pl
# prefixes them with an arrow (and adds a fake cost) to make them
# look like a top-level execution node. Again, this technique was
# easier than modifying the parser to special case InitPlan.
# Plan parsing in general:
# The original code only dealt with the formatted output:
# |Gather Motion 64:1 (slice2) (cost=5990545.19..5990545.21 rows=6 width=51)|
# | recv: Total 4 rows with 1294937 ms to end.|
# | Merge Key: partial_aggr.junk_attr_1, partial_aggr.junk_attr_2|
# | -> Sort (cost=5990545.19..5990545.21 rows=6 width=51)|
# | Avg 1.00 rows x 4 workers. Max 1 rows (seg49) with 1294 ms to end.|
# It was easier to modify the parser to wrap the input with missing bars
# than handle two cases (are you sensing a pattern here?).
# "Magic" Mode:
# This mode just adds an output filename option and constructs jpgs
# Output File Name:
# The guts of the formatting code always write to STDOUT, so this code
# resets STDOUT to the filename of choice.
# treemap:
# This routine applies a function over the entire parse tree
# OLAP fixups:
# OLAP queries have duplicate Shared Scan and Multi Slice Motion nodes.
# explain.pl only fixes them up for dot output, but not for yaml, perl, etc.
# The rationale is that dot handle digraphs nicely, but yaml and perl are
# more suitable for tree output.
my $glob_id = "";
my $glob_optn;
my $glob_qlist;
my $glob_direction;
my $glob_timeline;
my $glob_prune;
my $glob_outi;
my $glob_statcolor;
my $glob_edge;
my $GV_formats; # graphviz output formats
my %glob_coltab;
my %glob_divcol;
my $glob_colorscheme;
$GV_formats = '^(jpg|bmp|ps|pdf|png)$';
# table of valid "qualitative" color schemes
%glob_coltab = (set312 => [
paired12 => [
pastel19 => [
pastel24 => [
set19 => [
set28 => [
original => [
# diverging color schemes
%glob_divcol = (
rdbu11 => [
sub qlist_fixup
my $qlist = shift;
my @outi;
for my $qnum (@{$qlist})
if ($qnum =~ m/^\d+$/)
push @outi, $qnum;
if ($qnum =~ m/^\d+\-\d+$/)
my $expr = $qnum;
$expr =~ s/\-/\.\./;
eval "for my \$val ($expr) { push \@outi, \$val; }";
die("Invalid format for querylist: \'$qnum\'\n");
return \@outi;
# dump a nice graph listing all of the color schemes (neato is preferred)
sub dodumpcolor
my $coltab = shift;
my $fh = shift;
my @ggg = sort(keys(%{$coltab}));
# centered, with lines (not arrows)
print $fh "digraph plan1 { graph [center=\"root\",root=\"root\"] ;\n edge [dir=none]\n";
# adjust the lengths to avoid overlap
for my $ii (0..(scalar(@ggg)-1))
print $fh '"root" -> "' . $ii. '"' . " [len=2];\n";
my $jj = 0;
for my $cc (@{$coltab->{$ggg[$ii]}})
print $fh '"' . $ii. '" -> "' . $ii. "." . $jj. '"'
. " [len=1];\n";
print $fh '"root" [label="color schemes"]' . ";\n";
for my $ii (0..(scalar(@ggg)-1))
print $fh '"' . $ii . '" [label="' . $ggg[$ii] . '"]' . ";\n";
my $jj = 0;
for my $cc (@{$coltab->{$ggg[$ii]}})
print $fh '"' . $ii . "." . $jj .
'" [label="", style=filled, ' .
'fillcolor="' . $cc . '"]' . ";\n";
print $fh "\n}\n";
my $man = 0;
my $help = 0;
my $optn = "YAML";
my $dir = "BT";
my $DEFAULT_COLOR = "set28";
my $colorscheme = $DEFAULT_COLOR;
my $timeline = '';
my $prune;
my $outfile;
my $statcol;
my $edgescheme;
my @qlst;
'help|?' => \$help, man => \$man,
"querylist|ql|list:s" => \@qlst,
"option|operation=s" => \$optn,
"direction:s" => \$dir,
"colorscheme:s" => \$colorscheme,
"timeline" => \$timeline,
"prune:s" => \$prune,
"output:s" => \$outfile,
"statcolor:s" => \$statcol,
"edge:s" => \$edgescheme)
or pod2usage(2);
pod2usage(-msg => $glob_id, -exitstatus => 1) if $help;
pod2usage(-msg => $glob_id, -exitstatus => 0, -verbose => 2) if $man;
$glob_optn = $optn;
$glob_optn = "jpg" if ($glob_optn =~ m/^jpeg/i);
$glob_timeline = $timeline;
$glob_prune = $prune;
$glob_outi = $outfile;
$glob_statcolor = $statcol;
$glob_edge = $edgescheme;
if ($dir !~ m/^(TB|BT|LR|RL)$/i)
$glob_direction = "BT";
$glob_direction = uc($dir);
$colorscheme = lc($colorscheme);
# print "color: $colorscheme\n";
if (exists($glob_coltab{$colorscheme}))
$glob_colorscheme = $colorscheme;
if ($colorscheme =~ m/list|dump/i)
use IO::File;
use POSIX qw(tmpnam);
my ($tmpnam, $tmpfh);
for (;;) {
$tmpnam = tmpnam();
sysopen($tmpfh, $tmpnam, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_EXCL) && last;
# write to a temporary file
dodumpcolor(\%glob_coltab, $tmpfh);
close $tmpfh;
my $catcmd = "cat $tmpnam";
# format with neato if jpg was specified
if ($glob_optn =~ m/$GV_formats/i)
my $dotapp = "/Applications/Graphviz.app/Contents/MacOS/neato";
if ($^O !~ m/darwin/)
$dotapp = `which neato`;
if (defined($dotapp) && length($dotapp) && (-e $dotapp))
$catcmd .= " | $dotapp -T$glob_optn";
unlink $tmpnam;
my $colorschemelist = join("\n", sort(keys(%glob_coltab))) . "\n";
# identify the default color
$colorschemelist =~
print "\nvalid color schemes are:\n";
print $colorschemelist;
print "\nUse: \"explain.pl -color dump -opt jpg > graph.jpg\"\n";
print "to construct a JPEG showing all the valid color schemes.\n";
print "\nColors from www.ColorBrewer.org by Cynthia A. Brewer, Geography,\nPennsylvania State University.\n\n";
@qlst = split(/,/,join(',', @qlst));
$glob_qlist = qlist_fixup(\@qlst);
# print "loading...\n" ;
sub analyze_node
my ($node, $parse_ctx) = @_;
if (defined($node) && exists($node->{txt}))
# gather analyze statistics if it exists in this node...
if ($node->{txt} =~
my $t1 = $node->{txt};
# NOTE: the final statistics look something like this:
# Slice statistics:
# (slice0) Executor memory: 472K bytes.
# (slice1) Executor memory: 464K bytes avg x 2 workers, 464K bytes max (seg0).
# Settings:
# Total runtime: 52347.493 ms
# (we've actually added some vertical bars so it might look
# like this):
# || Slice statistics:
# || (slice0) Executor memory: 472K bytes.
# NB: the "Settings" entry is optional, so
# add Settings if they are missing
unless ($t1 =~
$t1 =~
s/\n.*\s+Total\s+runtime/\n Settings\: \n Total runtime/;
my @foo = ($t1 =~ m/Slice\s+statistics\:\s+(.*)\s+Settings\:\s+(.*)\s+Total\s+runtime:\s+(.*)\s+ms/s);
if (scalar(@foo) == 3)
my $mem = shift @foo;
my $sett = shift @foo;
my $runt = shift @foo;
$mem =~ s/\|\|//gm; # remove '||'...
$sett =~ s/\|\|//gm;
my $statstuff = {};
my @baz = split(/\n/, $mem);
my $sliceh = {};
for my $elt (@baz)
my @ztesch = ($elt =~ m/(slice\d+)/);
next unless (scalar(@ztesch));
$elt =~ s/\s*\(slice\d+\)\s*//;
my $val = shift @ztesch;
$sliceh->{$val} = $elt;
$statstuff->{memory} = $sliceh;
$statstuff->{settings} = $sett;
$statstuff->{runtime} = $runt;
$parse_ctx->{explain_analyze_stats} = $statstuff;
$node->{statistics} = $statstuff;
my @short = $node->{txt} =~ m/\-\>\s*(.*)\s*\(cost\=/;
$node->{short} = shift @short;
print Data::Dumper->Dump([$node]), "\n";
if ($node->{id} == 1)
@short = $node->{txt} =~ m/^\s*\|\s*(.*)\s*\(cost\=/;
$node->{short} = shift @short;
# handle case where dashed line might have wrapped...
unless (defined($node->{short}) && length($node->{short}))
# might not be first line...
@short = $node->{txt} =~ m/\s*\|\s*(.*)\s*\(cost\=/;
$node->{short} = shift @short;
# handle case of "cost-free" txt (including a double ||
# and not first line, or screwed-up parse of short as a single bar
# example: weird initplan like:
# || -> InitPlan (slice49)
if (defined($node->{short}) && length($node->{short})
&& ($node->{short} =~ m/\s*\|\s*/))
$node->{short} = "";
unless (defined($node->{short}) && length($node->{short}))
@short = $node->{txt} =~ m/\s*\|(\|)?\s*(\w*)\s*/;
$node->{short} = shift @short;
if (defined($node->{short}) && length($node->{short})
&& ($node->{short} =~ m/\s*\|\s*/))
$node->{short} = "";
# last try!!
unless (defined($node->{short}) && length($node->{short}))
my $foo = $node->{txt};
$foo =~ s/\-\>//gm;
$foo =~ s/\|//gm;
$foo =~ s/^\s+//gm;
$foo =~ s/\s+$//gm;
$node->{short} = $foo;
# print "long: $node->{txt}\n";
# print "short: $node->{short}\n";
$node->{short} =~ s/\s*$//;
# remove quotes which mess up dot file
$node->{short} =~ s/\"//gm;
# print "long: $node->{txt}\n";
# print "short: $node->{short}\n";
# XXX XXX XXX XXX: FINAL "short" fixups
while (defined($node->{short}) && length($node->{short})
&& ($node->{short} =~ m/(\n)|^\s+|\s+$|(\(cost\=)/m))
# remove leading and trailing spaces...
$node->{short} =~ s/^\s*//;
$node->{short} =~ s/\s*$//;
# remove newlines
$node->{short} =~ s/(\n).*//gm;
# remove cost=...
$node->{short} =~ s/\(cost\=.*//gm;
# print "short fixup: $node->{short}\n\n\n";
if ($node->{txt} =~ m/(\d+(\.\d*)?)(\s*ms\s*to\s*end)/i)
my @ggg =
($node->{txt} =~ m/(\d+(\.\d*)?)(\s*ms\s*to\s*end)/i);
# print join('*', @ggg), "\n";
my $tt = $ggg[0];
$node->{to_end} = $tt;
$parse_ctx->{alltimes}->{$tt} = 1;
if (exists($parse_ctx->{h_to_end}->{$tt}))
push @{$parse_ctx->{h_to_end}->{$tt}}, '"'. $node->{id} .'"';
$parse_ctx->{h_to_end}->{$tt} = ['"'. $node->{id} . '"'];
if ($node->{txt} =~ m/(\d+(\.\d*)?)(\s*ms\s*to\s*first\s*row)/i)
my @ggg =
($node->{txt} =~ m/(\d+(\.\d*)?)(\s*ms\s*to\s*first\s*row)/i);
# print join('*', @ggg), "\n";
my $tt = $ggg[0];
$node->{to_first} = $tt;
$parse_ctx->{alltimes}->{$tt} = 1;
if (exists($parse_ctx->{h_to_first}->{$tt}))
push @{$parse_ctx->{h_to_first}->{$tt}}, '"' . $node->{id} . '"' ;
$parse_ctx->{h_to_first}->{$tt} = [ '"' . $node->{id} . '"'];
if ($node->{txt} =~ m/start offset by (\d+(\.\d*)?)(\s*ms)/i)
my @ggg =
($node->{txt} =~ m/start offset by (\d+(\.\d*)?)(\s*ms)/i);
# print join('*', @ggg), "\n";
my $tt = $ggg[0];
$node->{to_startoff} = $tt;
$parse_ctx->{allstarttimes}->{$tt} = 1;
if (exists($parse_ctx->{h_to_startoff}->{$tt}))
push @{$parse_ctx->{h_to_startoff}->{$tt}}, '"'. $node->{id} .'"';
$parse_ctx->{h_to_startoff}->{$tt} = ['"'. $node->{id} . '"'];
if (exists($node->{to_end}))
$node->{total_time} =
(exists($node->{to_first})) ?
($node->{to_end} - $node->{to_first}) :
if (1)
if (exists($node->{child}))
delete $node->{child}
unless (defined($node->{child})
&& scalar(@{$node->{child}}));
sub parse_node
my ($ref_id, $parse_ctx, $depth, $plan_rows, $parent) = @_;
# print "depth: $depth\n";
# print "row: ",$plan_rows->[0],"\n" if (scalar(@{$plan_rows}));
# print "first: $first\n" if defined ($first);
my $spclen = undef;
my $node = undef;
my $no_more_text = 0;
while (scalar(@{$plan_rows}))
my $row = $plan_rows->[0];
unless (defined($node))
$node = {};
$node->{child} = [];
$node->{txt} = "";
$node->{parent} = $parent
if (defined($parent));
my $id = $$ref_id;
$$ref_id= $id;
$node->{id} = $id;
# make initplan into a fake node so the graphs look nicer.
# Prefix it with an arrow and add a fake cost.
if ($row =~ m/\|(\s)*InitPlan(.*)slice/)
$row =~ s/InitPlan/\-\> InitPlan/;
if ($row !~ m/\(cost=/)
$row =~ s/\|$/\(cost=\?\)|/;
if ($row !~ m/\|(\s)*\-\>/)
# add text to existing node
if ($no_more_text)
print "error: no more text for ". $node->{id}, "\n";
$node->{txt} .= "\n" . $row;
# print "txt: $node->{txt}\n";
shift @{$plan_rows};
# new node
unless ($no_more_text)
unless (length($node->{txt}))
$node->{txt} .= $row;
shift @{$plan_rows};
# match the leading spaces before the '->', eg:
# "| -> Sort (cost=5990545.19..599..."
my @spc = ($row =~ m/\|(\s*)\-\>/);
# print "space match:", Data::Dumper->Dump(\@spc), "\n";
$spclen = scalar(@spc) ? length($spc[0]) : 0;
# print "space len: $spclen, depth: $depth\n";
if ($spclen > $depth)
# found a child
push @{$node->{child}}, parse_node($ref_id, $parse_ctx,
$spclen, $plan_rows,
if (defined($spclen))
if ($spclen <= $depth)
{ # found a sibling or parent
# need to put the row back on the head of the list
if (defined($node) && exists($node->{txt}))
analyze_node($node, $parse_ctx);
return $node;
die ("what the heck?");
$spclen = undef;
$no_more_text = 1;
} # end while
if (defined($node))
analyze_node($node, $parse_ctx);
return $node;
if (1)
my @bigarr;
my $state = "INIT";
my $pair = undef;
my ($query, $plan);
my $ea_format=0;
my $bigdash = '-' x 40; # make big dash smaller
my $magic;
for (<>)
my $ini = $_;
if ($state =~ m/INIT/)
if ($ini !~ m/(^EXPLAIN ANALYZE)|(QUERY PLAN)/)
$query = "";
$plan = "";
$pair = {};
if ($ini =~ m/^EXPLAIN ANALYZE/)
$ea_format = 1;
$state = "GETQUERY";
if ($ini =~ m/QUERY PLAN/)
$ea_format = 0;
$plan = "";
$state = "GETPLAN";
if ($state !~ m/GETPLAN/)
# should be START or GETQUERY only...
if ($ea_format)
if ($ini =~ m/^EXPLAIN ANALYZE/)
if (defined($pair))
$pair->{plan} = $plan;
$pair->{query} = $query;
push @bigarr, $pair;
$pair = {};
$query = "";
$plan = "";
$state = "GETQUERY";
# not explain analyze
if ($ini =~ m/QUERY PLAN/)
if (defined($pair))
$pair->{plan} = $plan;
$pair->{query} = $query;
push @bigarr, $pair;
$pair = {};
$query = "";
$plan = "";
$state = "GETPLAN";
if ($state =~ m/GETQUERY/)
if ($ini =~ m/QUERY PLAN/)
if (!($ea_format))
if (defined($pair))
$pair->{plan} = $plan;
$pair->{query} = $query;
push @bigarr, $pair;
$pair = {};
$query = "";
$plan = "";
$state = "GETPLAN";
$query .= $ini;
} # end not getplan
if ($state =~ m/GETPLAN/)
if ($ea_format)
if ($ini !~ m/\|(.*)\|/)
$state = "START";
if ($ini =~ m/(\(\d+\s+rows\))|(Time\s+was.*seconds\.\s+Query\s+ended)/)
$state = "START";
# a bit weird here -- just ignore the separator. But
# maybe we should invest some effort to determine that the
# separator is the next line after the header (and only
# ignore it once) ?
if ($ini =~ m/$bigdash/);
# add the missing bars
if (!($ea_format))
if ($ini !~ m/\|(.*)\|/)
$ini = '|' . $ini . '|';
$plan .= $ini;
} # end big for
if (defined($pair))
$pair->{plan} = $plan;
$pair->{query} = $query;
push @bigarr, $pair;
#print scalar(@bigarr), "\n";
#print Data::Dumper->Dump(\@bigarr);
#print $bigarr[0]->{plan};
# build a 1-based list of queries
for (my $ii =1; $ii <= scalar(@bigarr); $ii++)
push @{$glob_qlist}, $ii;
my $realSTDOUT;
for my $qqq (@{$glob_qlist})
my $qnum = $qqq - 1; # 0 based vs 1 based
if ($qnum > scalar(@bigarr))
warn("specified query $qqq is out-of-range -- skipping...\n");
if ($glob_optn =~ m/query|text|txt/i)
my $plantxt = $bigarr[$qnum]->{plan};
unless (defined($plantxt) && length($plantxt))
warn("invalid plan for query $qqq -- skipping...\n");
#print $plantxt, "\n";
my @plan_r = split(/\n/, $plantxt);
my $pr = \@plan_r;
my $parse_ctx = {};
my $id = 0;
$parse_ctx->{alltimes} = {};
$parse_ctx->{h_to_end} = {};
$parse_ctx->{h_to_first} = {};
$parse_ctx->{allstarttimes} = {};
$parse_ctx->{h_to_startoff} = {};
$parse_ctx->{explain_analyze_stats} = {};
my $plantree = parse_node(\$id, $parse_ctx, 0, $pr);
# my @timelist = sort {$a <=> $b} keys (%{$parse_ctx->{alltimes}});
my @timelist = sort {$a <=> $b} keys (%{$parse_ctx->{allstarttimes}});
if (defined($glob_prune))
if ($glob_prune =~ m/stat|heavy|heavily/i)
my $map_expr = 'delete $node->{to_end};';
treeMap($plantree, undef, $map_expr);
$map_expr = 'delete $node->{to_first};';
treeMap($plantree, undef, $map_expr);
# additional statistics
$map_expr = 'delete $node->{to_startoff};';
treeMap($plantree, undef, $map_expr);
$map_expr = 'delete $node->{total_time};';
treeMap($plantree, undef, $map_expr);
$map_expr = 'delete $node->{statistics};';
treeMap($plantree, undef, $map_expr);
if ($glob_prune =~ m/heavy|heavily/i)
treeMap($plantree, 'prune_heavily($node);');
# magic mode : display everything magically
# NOTE: only set to magic on the first iteration, then reset
# to jpg, so performs correctly with multiple queries
if ($glob_optn =~ m/magic/i)
$glob_optn = "jpg";
use IO::File;
use POSIX qw(tmpnam);
my $tmpnam;
for (;;) {
my $tmpfh;
$tmpnam = tmpnam();
sysopen($tmpfh, $tmpnam, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_EXCL) && last;
# create a temporary directory name -- just append ".dir"
# to the new tempfile name and mkdir
my $tmpdir = $tmpnam . ".dir";
mkdir($tmpdir) or die "magic failed" ;
unlink $tmpnam; # we didn't need this tempfile anyhow
# reset output file name to create files in the new
# temporary directory
$glob_outi = File::Spec->catfile($tmpdir, "query_");
$magic = $glob_outi;
if ($glob_outi)
unless (defined($realSTDOUT))
open $realSTDOUT, ">&STDOUT" or die "Can't dup STDOUT: $!";
my $outfilename = $glob_outi;
# only need numbering if processed more than one query
my $neednum = (scalar(@bigarr) > 1);
# check if name has an extension like ".foo"
if ($outfilename =~ m/\.(.){1,5}$/)
# qqq is query num (1 based)
my $formatq = sprintf("%03d", $qqq);
$outfilename =~ s/\.(.*)$/$formatq\.$1/
if ($neednum);
# qqq is query num (1 based)
my $formatq = sprintf("%03d", $qqq);
$outfilename .= $formatq
if ($neednum);
if ($glob_optn =~ m/yaml/i)
$outfilename .= ".yml";
if ($glob_optn =~ m/json/i)
$outfilename .= ".json";
if ($glob_optn =~ m/perl|dump/i)
$outfilename .= ".perl";
if ($glob_optn =~ m/dot|graph/i)
$outfilename .= ".dot";
if ($glob_optn =~ m/$GV_formats/i)
$outfilename .= ".$glob_optn";
close STDOUT;
open (STDOUT, ">$outfilename" ) or die "can't open STDOUT: $!";
# print $outfilename, "\n";
if ($glob_optn =~ m/yaml/i)
if ($glob_optn =~ m/json/i)
doyaml($plantree, "json");
if ($glob_optn =~ m/perl|dump/i)
if ($glob_optn =~ m/dot|graph/i)
dodotfile($plantree, \@timelist, $qqq, $parse_ctx,
if ($glob_optn =~ m/operator/i)
if ($glob_optn =~ m/$GV_formats/i)
my $dotapp = "/Applications/Graphviz.app/Contents/MacOS/dot";
if ($^O !~ m/darwin/)
$dotapp = `which dot`;
die "could not find dot app: $dotapp"
unless (defined($dotapp) && length($dotapp) && (-e $dotapp));
# should have been able to redirect STDOUT thru a pipe
# directly to dotapp, but didn't work. Use a tmpfile
# instead.
use IO::File;
use POSIX qw(tmpnam);
my $tmpnam;
for (;;) {
my $tmpfh;
$tmpnam = tmpnam();
sysopen($tmpfh, $tmpnam, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_EXCL) && last;
open my $oldout, ">&STDOUT" or die "Can't dup STDOUT: $!";
close STDOUT;
open (STDOUT, ">$tmpnam" ) or die "can't open STDOUT: $!";
select STDOUT; $| = 1; # make unbuffered
dodotfile($plantree, \@timelist, $qqq, $parse_ctx,
close STDOUT;
open STDOUT, ">&", $oldout or die "Can't dup \$oldout: $!";
system("cat $tmpnam | $dotapp -T$glob_optn");
unlink $tmpnam;
} #end for querynum
if (defined($realSTDOUT))
close STDOUT;
open STDOUT, ">&", $realSTDOUT or die "Can't dup \$oldout: $!";
# magically display all files
if (defined($magic))
# only need numbering if processed more than one query
my $neednum = (scalar(@{$glob_qlist}) > 1);
if ($^O =~ m/darwin/)
# use ImageMagick montage
my $ggg = $magic . '*';
my $montage = `which montage`;
# only perform a montage if more than one query
if ($neednum && defined($montage) && ( -e $montage))
my $dir = $magic;
# get the directory name (remove "query_" prefix)
$dir =~ s/query_$//;
system("cd $dir; montage -label \'%f\' $ggg -title \"$dir\n`date`\" -shadow INDEX.html; open INDEX.html");
system("open $ggg");
#print "\nmax id: $id\n\n";
sub treeMap
my ($node, $pre_map, $post_map, $ctx) = @_;
eval "$pre_map"
if (defined($pre_map));
if (exists($node->{child}))
for my $kid (@{$node->{child}})
treeMap($kid, $pre_map, $post_map, $ctx);
eval "$post_map"
if (defined($post_map));
sub doDataDump
my $plantree = shift;
local $Data::Dumper::Indent = 1;
local $Data::Dumper::Terse = 1;
local $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1;
my $map_expr = 'delete $node->{txt};';
# my $map_expr = 'print "foo\n"';
treeMap($plantree, undef, $map_expr);
print Data::Dumper->Dump([$plantree]);
sub doOperatorDump
my $plantree = shift;
print $plantree->{short}, "\n" if (exists($plantree->{short}));
unless (exists($plantree->{child}));
for my $kid (@{$plantree->{child}})
# add slice info to node
# and gather explain analyze stats
sub addslice
my ($node, $ctx) = @_;
# AUTO-6: find nodes with "(slice1)" info where the slice numbers aren't
# part of the "Slice statistics"
my $txt1 = $node->{txt};
$txt1 =~ s/Slice statistics.*//gs;
if ($txt1 =~ /(slice(\d+))/)
my @ggg = ($txt1 =~ m/(slice(\d+))/) ;
$node->{slice} = shift @ggg;
# check if we have explain analyze stats for the slice
if (exists($ctx->{explain_analyze_stats})
&& exists($ctx->{explain_analyze_stats}->{memory})
&& exists($ctx->{explain_analyze_stats}->{memory}->{$node->{slice}}))
$node->{memory} =
sub doquery
my $qtxt = shift;
print $qtxt, "\n";
sub doyaml
my ($plantree, $opti) = @_;
$opti = "yaml" unless (defined($opti));
if ($opti =~ m/json/i)
# JSON might not be installed, so test for it.
if (eval "require JSON")
my $map_expr = 'delete $node->{txt};';
treeMap($plantree, undef, $map_expr);
# because JSON is REQUIREd, not USEd, the symbols are not
# imported into the environment.
print JSON::objToJson($plantree, {pretty => 1, indent => 2});
die("Fatal Error: The required package JSON is not installed -- please download it from www.cpan.org\n");
# YAML might not be installed, so test for it.
if (eval "require YAML")
my $map_expr = 'delete $node->{txt};';
treeMap($plantree, undef, $map_expr);
# because YAML is REQUIREd, not USEd, the symbols are not
# imported into the environment.
print YAML::Dump($plantree);
die("Fatal Error: The required package YAML is not installed -- please download it from www.cpan.org\n");
# remove slice numbering information to construct even more generic plans
sub prune_heavily
my $node = shift;
unless (exists($node->{short}));
if ($node->{short} =~ m/Delete\s*\(slice.*segment.*\)\s*\(row.*width.*\)/)
# QA-1309: fix strange DELETE operator formatting
$node->{short} = "Delete";
elsif ($node->{short} =~ m/Update\s*\(slice.*segment.*\)\s*\(row.*width.*\)/)
# QA-1309: fix strange UPDATE operator formatting
$node->{short} = "Update";
elsif ($node->{short} =~ m/\d+\:\d+/)
# example: Gather Motion 8:1 (slice4);
# strip the number of nodes and slice information
$node->{short} =~ s/\s+\d+\:\d+.*//;
# Note: don't worry about removing "(slice1)" info from the
# "short" because addslice processes node->{text}
# identify the slice for each node
# and find Shared Scan "Primary"
# and find MultiSliceMotion
sub pre_slice
my ($node, $ctx) = @_;
if (scalar(@{$ctx->{a1}}))
my $parent = $ctx->{a1}->[-1];
unless (exists($node->{slice}))
if (exists($parent->{slice}))
$node->{slice} = $parent->{slice};
# olap stuff
if ($node->{short} =~ m/^Shared Scan/)
# if the Shared Scan has a child it is the "primary"
if (exists($node->{child}))
my $share_short_fixup = $node->{short};
# remove the slice number from the "short"
$share_short_fixup =~ s/(\d+)\:/\:/g;
if (!exists($ctx->{share_input_h}->{$share_short_fixup}))
$ctx->{share_input_h}->{$share_short_fixup} = $node;
else # not the primary, mark as a duplicate node
$node->{SharedScanDuplicate} = 1;
if ($node->{short} =~ m/^Multi Slice Motion/)
# choose first Multi Slice Motion node as primary
if (!exists($ctx->{multi_slice_h}->{$node->{short}}))
$ctx->{multi_slice_h}->{$node->{short}} = $node;
else # not the primary, mark as a duplicate node
$node->{MultiSliceMotionDuplicate} = 1;
if (exists($node->{total_time}))
my $tt = $node->{total_time};
my $tt2 = $tt * $tt;
$ctx->{time_stats_h}->{cnt} += 1;
$ctx->{time_stats_h}->{sum} += $tt;
$ctx->{time_stats_h}->{sumsq} += $tt2;
if (exists($ctx->{time_stats_h}->{tt_h}->{$tt}))
push @{$ctx->{time_stats_h}->{tt_h}->{$tt}}, $node;
$ctx->{time_stats_h}->{tt_h}->{$tt} = [$node];
push @{$ctx->{a1}}, $node;
sub post_slice
my ($node, $ctx) = @_;
pop @{$ctx->{a1}};
# make all duplicate sharedscan nodes point back to primary
sub sharedscan_fixup
my ($node, $ctx) = @_;
if (exists($node->{SharedScanDuplicate}))
my $share_short_fixup = $node->{short};
# remove the slice number from the "short"
$share_short_fixup =~ s/(\d+)\:/\:/g;
$node->{SharedScanDuplicate} =
# $node->{id} =
# $node->{SharedScanDuplicate}->{id};
if (exists($node->{MultiSliceMotionDuplicate}))
$node->{MultiSliceMotionDuplicate} =
# XXX XXX: for this case the node is really the same
$node->{id} =
sub human_num
my $esti = shift;
my @suffix = qw(K M G T P E Z Y);
my $suff = "";
# try to shorten estimate specification
while (length(POSIX::ceil($esti)) > 3)
$suff = shift @suffix;
$esti = $esti/1000;
if (length($suff))
$esti *= 100;
$esti = POSIX::floor($esti+0.5);
$esti = $esti/100;
$esti .= $suff;
return $esti;
# label left and right for nest loops
sub nestedloop_fixup
my ($node, $ctx) = @_;
unless (exists($node->{short}) &&
($node->{short} =~ m/Nested Loop/));
my @kidlist;
if (exists($node->{child}))
for my $kid (@{$node->{child}})
push @kidlist, $kid;
unless (2 == scalar(@kidlist));
if ($kidlist[0]->{id} < $kidlist[1]->{id})
$kidlist[0]->{nested_loop_position} = "left";
$kidlist[1]->{nested_loop_position} = "right";
$kidlist[1]->{nested_loop_position} = "left";
$kidlist[0]->{nested_loop_position} = "right";
# find rows out information
sub get_rows_out
my ($node, $ctx, $edge) = @_;
unless ($node->{txt} =~ m/(Rows out\:)|(\(cost\=.*\s+rows=.*\s+width\=.*\))/);
my $long = ($edge =~ m/long|med/i);
if ($node->{txt} =~ m/Rows out\:\s+Avg.*\s+rows\s+x\s+.*\s+workers/)
if (!$long)
# short result
my @foo =
($node->{txt} =~
m/Rows out\:\s+Avg\s+(.*)\s+rows\s+x\s+(.*)\s+workers/);
goto L_get_est unless (2 == scalar(@foo));
# calculate row count as avg x num workers
$node->{rows_out} = $foo[0] * $foo[1];
my @foo =
($node->{txt} =~
m/Rows out\:\s+(Avg.*workers)/);
goto L_get_est unless (1 == scalar(@foo));
# just print the string
$node->{rows_out} = $foo[0];
if ($edge =~ m/med/i)
$node->{rows_out} =~ s/Avg\s+//;
$node->{rows_out} =~ s/rows\s+//;
$node->{rows_out} =~ s/\s*workers\s*//;
elsif ($node->{txt} =~ m/Rows out\:\s+.*\s+rows/)
my @foo =
($node->{txt} =~
m/Rows out\:\s+(.*)\s+rows/);
goto L_get_est unless (1 == scalar(@foo));
$node->{rows_out} = $foo[0];
if (
exists($node->{rows_out}) &&
if (
($node->{rows_out} !~ m/avg/i) &&
($node->{rows_out} =~ m/x/))
my @foo = ($node->{rows_out} =~ m/(x.*)$/);
my $tail = $foo[0];
@foo = ($node->{rows_out} =~ m/(.*)\s+x.*/);
my $head = $foo[0];
if (defined($tail) && defined($head))
$head = human_num($head);
$node->{rows_out} = $head . " " . $tail;
elsif ($node->{rows_out} =~ m/^\d+$/)
$node->{rows_out} = human_num($node->{rows_out});
# add row estimates
if ($long &&
($node->{txt} =~ m/\(cost\=.*\s+rows=.*\s+width\=.*\)/))
my @foo = ($node->{txt} =~ m/cost\=.*\s+rows=(\d+)\s+width\=.*/);
if (scalar(@foo))
use POSIX;
my $esti = $foo[0];
$esti = human_num($esti);
unless (exists($node->{rows_out}) &&
$node->{rows_out} = "";
$node->{rows_out} .= " (est $esti)";
} # end get_rows_out
sub calc_color_rank
my $ctx = shift;
unless (defined($glob_statcolor));
if ($ctx->{time_stats_h}->{cnt} > 1)
# population variance =
# (sum of the squares)/n - (square of the sums)/n*n
my $sum = $ctx->{time_stats_h}->{sum};
my $sumsq = $ctx->{time_stats_h}->{sumsq};
my $enn = $ctx->{time_stats_h}->{cnt};
my $pop_var = ($sumsq/$enn) - (($sum*$sum)/($enn*$enn));
my $std_dev = sqrt($pop_var);
my $mean = $sum/$enn;
my $half = $std_dev/2;
# calculate a stanine (9 buckets, each 1/2 of stddev). The
# middle bucket (5, which is 4 if we start at zero) is
# centered on the mean, so it starts on mean - (1/4 stddev),
# and ends at mean + (1/4 stddev).
my @bucket;
my $buckstart = ($mean-($half/2))-(3*$half);
push @bucket, 0;
for my $ii (1..7)
push @bucket, $buckstart;
$buckstart += $half;
push @bucket, 2**40; # "infinity"
my @tlist = sort {$a <=> $b} (keys %{$ctx->{time_stats_h}->{tt_h}});
# must have at least two
my $firstt = shift @tlist;
my $lastt = pop @tlist;
# print "f,l: $firstt, $lastt\n";
for my $nod (@{$ctx->{time_stats_h}->{tt_h}->{$firstt}})
# print "first ", $nod->{id}, ": ", $nod->{short}, " - ", 0, "\n";
$nod->{color_rank} = 10;
for my $nod (@{$ctx->{time_stats_h}->{tt_h}->{$lastt}})
# print "last ", $nod->{id}, ": ", $nod->{short}, " - ", 10, "\n";
$nod->{color_rank} = 1;
# print "bucket: ", Data::Dumper->Dump(\@bucket);
# print "tlist: ", Data::Dumper->Dump(\@tlist);
# print Data::Dumper->Dump([$ctx->{time_stats_h}]);
my $bucknum = 1;
for my $tt (@tlist)
# print "tt: $tt\n";
# print "bk: $bucket[$bucknum]\n";
while ($tt > $bucket[$bucknum])
# print "$tt > $bucket[$bucknum]\n";
# last if ($bucknum >= 11);
for my $nod (@{$ctx->{time_stats_h}->{tt_h}->{$tt}})
# print "node ", $nod->{id}, ": ", $nod->{short}, " - ", $bucknum, "\n";
# $nod->{color_rank} = ($bucknum-1);
$nod->{color_rank} = (10 - $bucknum);
sub dodotfile
my ($plantree, $time_list, $plan_num, $parse_ctx, $direction) = @_;
my $map_expr = 'addslice($node, $ctx); ';
treeMap($plantree, $map_expr, undef, $parse_ctx);
# $map_expr = 'propslice($node, $ctx);';
my $ctx = {level => 0, a1 => [],
share_input_h => {}, multi_slice_h => {},
time_stats_h => { cnt=>0, sum=>0, sumsq=>0, tt_h => {} } };
# my $map_expr = 'print "foo\n"';
'pre_slice($node, $ctx); ',
'post_slice($node, $ctx); ',
'sharedscan_fixup($node, $ctx); ',
# always label the left/right sides of nested loop
'nestedloop_fixup($node, $ctx); ',
if (defined($glob_edge) && length($glob_edge))
'get_rows_out($node, $ctx, $glob_edge); ',
my $dotimeline = $glob_timeline;
makedotfile($plantree, $time_list, $dotimeline, $plan_num, $parse_ctx,
sub dotkid
my $node = shift;
# XXX XXX: olap fixup - don't label duplicate multi slice motion nodes
if (exists($node->{MultiSliceMotionDuplicate}));
# XXX XXX: olap fixup - have children of primary sharedscan
# point to this node
if (exists($node->{SharedScanDuplicate}))
for my $kid (@{$node->{SharedScanDuplicate}->{child}})
print '"' . $kid->{id} . '" -> "' . $node->{id} . '"' . ";\n";
my $docrunch = 2;
if (exists($node->{child}))
if (($docrunch != 0 ) && (scalar(@{$node->{child}} > 10)))
my $maxi = scalar(@{$node->{child}});
$maxi -= 2;
for my $ii (2..$maxi)
$node->{child}->[$ii]->{crunchme} = 1;
if ($docrunch == 2)
splice(@{$node->{child}}, 3, ($maxi-2));
$node->{child}->[2]->{short} = "... removed " . ($maxi - 3) . " nodes ...";
for my $kid (@{$node->{child}})
my $edge_label = "";
print '"' . $kid->{id} . '" -> "' . $node->{id} . '"';
if (exists($kid->{nested_loop_position}))
$edge_label .= $kid->{nested_loop_position};
if (exists($kid->{rows_out}))
$edge_label .= " ";
$edge_label .= " "
if (length($edge_label));
$edge_label .= $kid->{rows_out};
if (length($edge_label))
print ' [label="' . $edge_label . '" ] ';
print ";\n";
for my $kid (@{$node->{child}})
sub dotlabel_detail
my $node = shift;
# return $node->{short} ;
my $outi = $node->{short};
my ($frst, $last) = (" ", " ");
if (exists($node->{to_end}))
$last = "end: " . $node->{to_end};
if (exists($node->{to_first}))
$frst = "first row: " . $node->{to_first};
my $slice = $node->{slice};
$slice = " "
unless (defined($slice));
if ((length($frst) > 1) || (length($last) > 1))
my $memstuff = "";
# add memory statistics if have them...
if (exists($node->{memory}))
$memstuff = " | { {" . $node->{memory} . "} } ";
# make multiline - split on comma and "Work_mem"
# (using the vertical bar formatting character)
$memstuff =~ s/\,/\,\| /gm;
$memstuff =~ s/Work\_mem/\| Work\_mem/gm;
# $outi .= " | { " . join(" | " , $frst, $last) . " } ";
$outi .= " | { " . join(" | " , $slice, $frst, $last) . " } " . $memstuff;
# wrapping with braces changes record organization to vertical
$outi = "{ " . $outi . " } ";
return $outi;
sub dotlabel
my $node = shift;
# XXX XXX: olap fixup - don't label duplicate multi slice motion nodes
if (exists($node->{MultiSliceMotionDuplicate}));
my $colortable = $glob_coltab{$glob_colorscheme};
my $color = scalar(@{$colortable});
$color = $node->{slice} if (exists($node->{slice}));
$color =~ s/slice//;
$color = ($color) % (scalar(@{$colortable}));
# build list of node attributes
my @attrlist;
push @attrlist, "shape=record";
# push @attrlist, "shape=polygon";
# push @attrlist, "peripheries=2";
# push @attrlist, 'fontcolor=white';
push @attrlist, 'label="' . dotlabel_detail($node) .'"';
push @attrlist, 'style=filled';
# push @attrlist, 'style="filled,bold"';
# push @attrlist, "color=" . $colortable->[$color];
# push @attrlist, "fillcolor=" . $colortable->[$color];
if (exists($node->{color_rank})) # color by statistical ranking
my $edgecol = $glob_divcol{rdbu11}->[$node->{color_rank}];
my $fillcol = $colortable->[$color];
if (defined($glob_statcolor))
if ($glob_statcolor =~ m/^t$/i)
# show timing color only
$fillcol = $edgecol;
if ($glob_statcolor =~ m/^st/i)
# edge is slice color, fill is time stats
# invert the selection
($edgecol, $fillcol) = ($fillcol, $edgecol);
push @attrlist, 'style="filled,setlinewidth(6)"';
push @attrlist, "color=\"" . $edgecol . '"';
push @attrlist, "fillcolor=\"" . $fillcol . '"';
push @attrlist, "color=\"" . $colortable->[$color] . '"';
push @attrlist, "fillcolor=\"" . $colortable->[$color] . '"';
if (exists($node->{crunchme}))
@attrlist = ();
# push @attrlist, 'style=filled';
push @attrlist, 'style=filled';
push @attrlist, "color=\"" . $colortable->[$color] . '"';
push @attrlist, "fillcolor=\"" . $colortable->[$color] . '"';
# push @attrlist, "shape=circle";
push @attrlist, "label=\"" . $node->{short} . '"';
# push @attrlist, "fontsize=1";
# push @attrlist, "height=0.01";
# push @attrlist, "width=0.01";
# push @attrlist, "height=0.12";
# push @attrlist, "width=0.12";
print '"' . $node->{id} . '" [' . join(", ", @attrlist) . '];' . "\n" ;
print '"' . $node->{id} . '" [' . join(", ", @attrlist) . '];' . "\n" ;
if (exists($node->{child}))
for my $kid (@{$node->{child}})
sub makedotfile
my ($plantree, $time_list, $do_timeline, $plan_num, $parse_ctx,
$direction) = @_;
# print "\n\ndigraph plan1 { ranksep=.75; size = \"7.5,7.5\";\n\n \n";
print "\n\ndigraph plan$plan_num { \n";
# print "graph [bgcolor=black];\n edge [style=bold, color=white];\n";
# print "graph [bgcolor=black];\n edge [style=dashed, color=white];\n";
# print "graph [bgcolor=black];\n edge [style=dotted, color=white];\n";
if ($do_timeline && scalar(@{$time_list}))
print " ranksep=.75; size = \"7.5,7.5\";\n\n \n";
print " {\n node [shape=plaintext, fontsize=16];\n";
print "/* the time-line graph */\n";
print join(' -> ', @{$time_list} ), ";\n";
print "}\n";
print "node [shape=box];\n";
while ( my ($kk, $vv) = each(%{$parse_ctx->{h_to_startoff}}))
print '{ rank = same; ' . $kk . '; ' . join("; ", @{$vv}) . "; }\n";
print "rankdir=$direction;\n";
print "\n}\n";
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# $Header: //cdb2/feature/PARISTX/ORCA/cdb-pg/src/test/regress/gpdiff.pl#1 $
# Copyright (c) 2007, 2008, 2009 GreenPlum. All rights reserved.
# Author: Jeffrey I Cohen
use Pod::Usage;
use strict;
use warnings;
use POSIX;
use File::Spec;
use Config;
=head1 NAME
B<gpdiff.pl> - GreenPlum diff
B<gpdiff.pl> [options] logfile [logfile...]
Normally, gpdiff takes the standard "diff" options and passes them
directly to the diff program. Try `diff --help' for more information
on the standard options. The following options are specific to gpdiff:
-help brief help message
-man full documentation
-version print gpdiff version and underlying diff version
-gpd_ignore_headers ignore header lines in query output
-gpd_ignore_plans ignore explain plan content in input files
-gpd_init <file> load initialization file
=head1 OPTIONS
=over 8
=item B<-help>
Print a brief help message and exits.
=item B<-man>
Prints the manual page and exits.
=item B<-version>
Prints the gpdiff version and underlying diff version
=item B<-gpd_ignore_headers>
gpdiff/atmsort expect Postgresql "psql-style" output for SELECT
statements, with a two line header composed of the column names,
separated by vertical bars (|), and a "separator" line of dashes and
pluses beneath, followed by the row output. The psql utility performs
some formatting to adjust the column widths to match the size of the
row output. Setting this parameter causes gpdiff to ignore any
differences in the column naming and format widths globally.
=item B<-gpd_ignore_plans>
Specify this option to ignore any explain plan diffs between the
input files. This will completely ignore any plan content in
the input files thus masking differences in plans between the input files.
=item B<-gpd_init> <file>
Specify an initialization file containing a series of directives
(mainly for match_subs) that get applied to the input files. To
specify multiple initialization files, use multiple gpd_init arguments, eg:
-gpd_init file1 -gpd_init file2
gpdiff compares files using diff after processing them with atmsort.pl.
This comparison is designed to ignore certain Greenplum-specific
informational messages, as well as handle the cases where query output
order may differ for a multi-segment Greenplum database versus a
single Postgresql instance. Type "atmsort.pl --man" for more details.
gpdiff is invoked by pg_regress as part of "make install-check".
In this case the diff options are something like:
Like diff, gpdiff can compare two files, a file and directory, a
directory and file, and two directories. However, when gpdiff compares
two directories, it only returns the exit status of the diff
comparison of the final two files.
=head1 BUGS
While the exit status is set correctly for most cases,
STDERR messages from diff are not displayed.
Also, atmsort cannot handle "unsorted" SELECT queries where the output
has strings with embedded newlines or pipe ("|") characters due to
limitations with the parser in the "tablelizer" function. Queries
with these characteristics must have an ORDER BY clause to avoid
potential erroneous comparison.
=head1 AUTHORS
Jeffrey I Cohen
Copyright (c) 2007, 2008, 2009 GreenPlum. All rights reserved.
Address bug reports and comments to: jcohen@greenplum.com
our $ATMDIFF = "diff";
my $glob_ignore_headers;
my $glob_ignore_plans;
my $glob_init_file = [];
# assume atmsort.pl in same directory
my $plname = $0;
my @foo = File::Spec->splitpath(File::Spec->rel2abs($plname));
return 0 unless (scalar(@foo));
pop @foo;
$ATMSORT = File::Spec->catfile( @foo, "atmsort.pl");
$glob_init_file = [];
sub gpdiff_files
my ($f1, $f2, $d2d) = @_;
my $need_equiv = 0;
my @tmpfils;
# need gnu diff on solaris
if ($Config{'osname'} =~ m/solaris|sunos/i)
$ATMDIFF = "gdiff";
for my $ii (1..2)
my $tmpnam;
for (;;)
my $tmpfh;
$tmpnam = tmpnam();
sysopen($tmpfh, $tmpnam, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_EXCL) && last;
push @tmpfils, $tmpnam;
my $newf1 = shift @tmpfils;
my $newf2 = shift @tmpfils;
# print $ATMSORT, "\n";
if (defined($d2d) && exists($d2d->{equiv}))
# assume f1 and f2 are the same...
system "$ATMSORT --do_equiv=compare < $f1 > $newf1";
system "$ATMSORT --do_equiv=make < $f2 > $newf2";
system "$ATMSORT < $f1 > $newf1";
system "$ATMSORT < $f2 > $newf2";
my $args = join(" ", @ARGV, $newf1, $newf2);
# print "args: $args\n";
my $outi =`$ATMDIFF $args`;
my $stat = $? >> 8; # diff status
unless (defined($d2d) && exists($d2d->{equiv}))
# check for start_equiv unless already doing equiv check
# get the count of matching lines
my $grepout = `grep -c start_equiv $f1`;
chomp $grepout;
$need_equiv = $grepout;
# $need_equiv = 0;
if ($need_equiv)
$d2d = {} unless (defined($d2d));
$d2d->{dir} = 1;
# prefix the diff output with the files names for a "directory to
# directory" diff
if (defined($d2d) && length($outi))
if (exists($d2d->{equiv}))
$outi = "$ATMDIFF $f1 $f2" . ".equiv\n" . $outi;
$outi = "$ATMDIFF $f1 $f2\n" . $outi;
# replace temp file name references with actual file names
$outi =~ s/$newf1/$f1/gm;
$outi =~ s/$newf2/$f2/gm;
print $outi;
#my $stat = WEXITVALUE($?); # diff status
unlink $newf1;
unlink $newf2;
if ($need_equiv)
my $new_d2d = {};
$new_d2d->{equiv} = 1;
# call recursively if need to perform equiv comparison.
my $stat1 = gpdiff_files($f1, $f1, $new_d2d);
my $stat2 = gpdiff_files($f2, $f2, $new_d2d);
$stat = $stat1 if ($stat1);
$stat = $stat2 if ($stat2);
return ($stat);
sub filefunc
my ($f1, $f2, $d2d) = @_;
if ((-f $f1) && (-f $f2))
return (gpdiff_files($f1, $f2, $d2d));
# if f1 is a directory, do the filefunc of every file in that directory
if ((-d $f1) && (-d $f2))
my $dir = $f1;
my ($dir_h, $stat);
if ( opendir($dir_h, $dir) )
my $fnam;
while ($fnam = readdir($dir_h))
# ignore ., ..
unless ($fnam !~ m/^(\.)(\.)*$/);
my $absname =
# specify that is a directory comparison
$d2d = {} unless (defined($d2d));
$d2d->{dir} = 1;
$stat = filefunc($absname, $f2, $d2d);
} # end while
closedir $dir_h;
} # end if open
return $stat;
# if f2 is a directory, find the corresponding file in that directory
if ((-f $f1) && (-d $f2))
my $stat;
my @foo = File::Spec->splitpath($f1);
return 0
unless (scalar(@foo));
my $basenam = $foo[-1];
my $fnam =
$stat = filefunc($f1, $fnam, $d2d);
return $stat;
# find f2 in dir f1
if ((-f $f2) && (-d $f1))
my $stat;
my @foo = File::Spec->splitpath($f2);
return 0
unless (scalar(@foo));
my $basenam = $foo[-1];
my $fnam =
$stat = filefunc($fnam, $f2, $d2d);
return $stat;
return 0;
if (1)
my $man = 0;
my $help = 0;
my $verzion = 0;
my $pmsg = "";
my @arg2; # arg list for diff
my %init_dup;
# getatm();
# check for man or help args
if (scalar(@ARGV))
my $argc = -1;
my $maxarg = scalar(@ARGV);
while (($argc+1) < $maxarg)
my $arg = $ARGV[$argc];
unless ($arg =~ m/^\-/)
# even if no dash, might be a value for a dash arg...
push @arg2, $arg;
# ENGINF-180: ignore header formatting
if ($arg =~
$glob_ignore_headers = 1;
if ($arg =~
$glob_ignore_plans = 1;
if ($arg =~
if ($arg =~ m/\=/) # check if "=filename"
my @foo = split (/\=/, $arg, 2);
die "no init file"
unless (2 == scalar(@foo));
my $init_file = pop @foo;
# ENGINF-200: allow multiple init files
if (exists($init_dup{$init_file}))
warn "duplicate init file \'$init_file\', skipping...";
push @{$glob_init_file}, $init_file;
$init_dup{$init_file} = 1;
else # next arg must be init file
die "no init file"
unless (defined($ARGV[$argc]));
my $init_file = $ARGV[$argc];
# ENGINF-200: allow multiple init files
if (exists($init_dup{$init_file}))
warn "duplicate init file \'$init_file\', skipping...";
push @{$glob_init_file}, $init_file;
$init_dup{$init_file} = 1;
if ($arg =~ m/^\-(\-)*(v|version)$/)
$verzion = 1;
if ($arg =~ m/^\-(\-)*(man|help|\?)$/i)
if ($arg =~ m/man/i)
$man = 1;
$help = 1;
# put all "dash" args on separate list for diff
push @arg2, $arg;
} # end for
$pmsg = "missing an operand after \`gpdiff\'";
$help = 1;
if ((1 == scalar(@ARGV)) && (!($help || $man || $verzion)))
$pmsg = "unknown operand: $ARGV[0]";
$help = 1;
if ($verzion)
my $VERSION = do { my @r = (q$Revision: #1 $ =~ /\d+/g); sprintf "%d."."%02d" x $#r, @r }; # must be all one line, for MakeMaker
# need gnu diff on solaris
if ($Config{'osname'} =~ m/solaris|sunos/i)
$ATMDIFF = "gdiff";
my $whichdiff = `which $ATMDIFF`;
chomp $whichdiff;
print "$0 version $VERSION\n";
print "Type \'gpdiff.pl --help\' for more information on the standard options\n";
print "$0 calls the \"", $whichdiff, "\" utility:\n\n";
my $outi = `$ATMDIFF -v`;
$outi =~ s/^/ /gm;
print $outi, "\n";
pod2usage(-msg => $pmsg, -exitstatus => 1) if $help;
pod2usage(-msg => $pmsg, -exitstatus => 0, -verbose => 2) if $man;
my $f2 = pop @ARGV;
my $f1 = pop @ARGV;
for my $fname ($f1, $f2)
unless (-e $fname)
print STDERR "gpdiff: $fname: No such file or directory\n";
unless ((-e $f1) && (-e $f2));
# use the "stripped" arg list for diff
@ARGV = ();
# remove the filenames
pop @arg2;
pop @arg2;
push(@ARGV, @arg2);
# ENGINF-180: tell atmsort to ignore header formatting (globally)
if ($glob_ignore_headers)
$ATMSORT .= " --ignore_headers ";
# Tell atmsort to ignore plan content if -gpd_ignore_plans is set
if ($glob_ignore_plans)
$ATMSORT .= " --ignore_plans ";
# ENGINF-200: allow multiple init files
if (defined($glob_init_file) && scalar(@{$glob_init_file}))
# MPP-12262: test here, because we don't get status for atmsort call
for my $init_file (@{$glob_init_file})
die "no such file: $init_file"
unless (-e $init_file);
$ATMSORT .= " --init=". join(" --init=", @{$glob_init_file}) . " ";
exit(filefunc($f1, $f2));
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