提交 ce9f5253 编写于 作者: J Jesse Zhang

Update Instructions for formatting in-flight PR's

We included some rough steps in 57b744c1. This patch updates
those with a higher level of details so that it's hopefully easier to
follow in a step-by-step fashion.
上级 afcf30be
......@@ -2,11 +2,12 @@
### Tools
1. We are using [clang-format](https://clang.llvm.org/docs/ClangFormat.html).
[clang-format-style-options]: https://clang.llvm.org/docs/ClangFormatStyleOptions.html
[clang-format-style-options.10]: https://releases.llvm.org/10.0.0/tools/clang/docs/ClangFormatStyleOptions.html
[clang-format.10]: https://releases.llvm.org/10.0.0/tools/clang/docs/ClangFormat.html
1. We are using [clang-format](https://clang.llvm.org/docs/ClangFormat.html).
1. We use the current stable release, with an eye to good new options coming from [the next release][clang-format-style-options].
As of writing we're using [release 10][clang-format.10],
the configuration options are [documented here][clang-format-style-options.10].
......@@ -80,26 +81,70 @@ there will inevitably be a number of patches that were started well before the f
and these patches will now need to conform to the new format.
The following steps are used to convert in-flight branches to the new format.
1. Get the format script
1. Fetch the inflight PR. Let's say its greenplum-db/gpdb#20042
git restore --source master -- src/tools/fmt
git fetch origin refs/pull/20042/head
git checkout -b 20042-backup FETCH_HEAD
1. Get the format configuration files
1. Duplicate the PR to a working branch. We'll reformat this branch:
git checkout -b 20042-fmt
1. Rebase the working branch to just before the big bang.
Normally, you'd do it like (but don't do this yet):
git restore --source master -- src/include/gpopt/.clang-format src/backend/gpopt/.clang-format src/backend/gporca/.clang-format
git rebase 'origin/master^{/Format ORCA and GPOPT}~'
Here `'origin/master^{/Format ORCA and GPOPT}'` is a Git notation that denotes
the most recent commit from branch `origin/master' that contains the phrase
"Format ORCA and GPOPT". The trailing tilde character is Git shorthand for "first parent".
1. But! We want to insert a precursor commit that will eventually disappear:
git rebase --interactive 'origin/master^{/Format ORCA and GPOPT}~2'
When we edit the "rebase todo" in an editor, make sure to insert the
following action between the first two "pick" action items:
--- /tmp/todo 2020-11-12 16:48:07.251333950 -0800
+++ /tmp/todo2 2020-11-12 16:48:07.291333698 -0800
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
pick 87fd0149caf8f052 Penultimate commit on master
+exec git checkout origin/master -- src/tools/fmt src/include/gpopt/.clang-format src/backend/gpopt/.clang-format src/backend/gporca/.clang-format; git commit -m 'this commit will disappear'
pick 93235faf306f4ecb 1st commit from PR
pick 2b7ad8b9fd1f222c 2nd commit from PR
pick 5bc7ac02c1c78b8b Last commit from PR
# Rebase f96bb1e290ef188e..5bc7ac02c1c78b8b onto c6ab7beee96e8bc7 (2 commands)
What happens here is that we inserted a placeholder commit that gets us the
format script and format configuration while rebasing.
This commit will disappear in the final history (read on)
1. Use `git filter-branch` to rewrite the branch history
git filter-branch --tree-filter 'src/tools/fmt fmt' master..
git filter-branch --force --tree-filter 'CLANG_FORMAT=clang-format-10 src/tools/fmt fmt; CLANG_FORMAT=clang-format-10 src/tools/fmt fmt' origin/master..
Now we have reformatted every commit in this branch that's not in master (modulo the big bang commit).
As a bonus, our placeholder commit should now be identical to the tip of master (the big bang formatting commit).
1. Now that we have reformatted the history, rebase on top of master
git rebase master
git rebase origin/master
Git should be smart enough to drop our placeholder commit, and now the history is all properly formatted.
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