提交 722da0a2 编写于 作者: J Jesse Zhang

Fix up CI unit_tests_gporca job reference, take two

Commit de7eaa9d erroneously added as a passing condition the new
job "unit_tests_gporca" to the compiled binary bin_gpdb_*. This led to a
pipeline validation failure because the orca unit test job does not
really do anything to the compiled binary. Commit 1bc0a548
attempted to fix that by doubling down on pretending the unit test job
*does* depend on the binary as an input. But it changed only the
generated pipeline YAML, not the template.

This patch fixes the pipeline validation with the right fix: we only
need the unit tests job as a passing condition for the GPDB source code
resource, not the binary.
上级 108504ff
......@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
## file (example: templates/gpdb-tpl.yml) and regenerate the pipeline
## using appropriate tool (example: gen_pipeline.py -t prod).
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Generated by gen_pipeline.py at: 2020-11-11 15:30:14.058027
## Generated by gen_pipeline.py at: 2020-11-16 08:15:16.015495
## Template file: gpdb-tpl.yml
## OS Types: ['centos6', 'centos7', 'ubuntu18.04', 'win']
## Test Sections: ['ICW', 'Replication', 'ResourceGroups', 'Interconnect', 'CLI', 'UD', 'Extensions']
......@@ -858,10 +858,6 @@ jobs:
- get: gpdb_src
passed: [compile_gpdb_centos7]
trigger: true
- get: bin_gpdb
resource: bin_gpdb_centos7
passed: [compile_gpdb_centos7]
trigger: true
- get: gpdb7-centos7-build
- task: unit_tests_gporca
file: gpdb_src/concourse/tasks/unit_tests_gporca.yml
......@@ -958,7 +954,6 @@ jobs:
- icw_gporca_icproxy_centos7
- icw_planner_icproxy_centos7
- icw_gporca_ictcp_centos7
- unit_tests_gporca_centos7
- icw_extensions_gpcloud_centos7
- get: icw_planner_centos7_dump
......@@ -3333,7 +3328,6 @@ jobs:
- icw_extensions_gpcloud_centos7
- resource_group_centos7
- cli_cross_subnet
- unit_tests_gporca_centos7
- gpmovemirrors
- gppkg
- analyzedb
......@@ -3468,7 +3462,7 @@ jobs:
- get: greenplum-database-release
- get: license_file
- task: create_gpdb_rpm_package_centos7
file: greenplum-database-release/ci/concourse/tasks/build_gpdb_rpm.yml
file: greenplum-database-release/ci/concourse/tasks/build-gpdb-rpm.yml
image: gpdb7-centos7-build
bin_gpdb: bin_gpdb_centos7
......@@ -1112,7 +1112,6 @@ jobs:
- icw_gporca_icproxy_centos7
- icw_planner_icproxy_centos7
- icw_gporca_ictcp_centos7
- unit_tests_gporca_centos7
{% if "Extensions" in test_sections %}
- icw_extensions_gpcloud_centos7
{% endif %}
......@@ -1863,7 +1862,6 @@ jobs:
- icw_extensions_gpcloud_centos7
- resource_group_centos7
- cli_cross_subnet
- unit_tests_gporca_centos7
{% for test in CLI_BEHAVE_TESTS %}
- [[ test.name ]]
{% endfor %}
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