提交 50850fca 编写于 作者: M Marbin Tan 提交者: Management and Monitoring Team

Remove gpugpart.pl and README

* gpugpart.pl is a utility to upgrade 3.1 -> 3.2
Signed-off-by: NMelanie Plageman <mplageman@pivotal.io>
上级 b6bfe266
......@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ Where Things Go
List of Management Scripts Written in Perl
bin/gpugpart.pl - Upgrades postgres style partition to Greenplum partitioning
bin/run_operator_tests.pl -
List of Management Scripts Written in Bash
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# copyright (c) 2008, 2009
# Author: Jeffrey I Cohen
use Pod::Usage;
use Getopt::Long;
use Data::Dumper;
use Time::Local;
use strict;
use warnings;
=head1 NAME
B<gpugpart.pl> - GreenPlum UpGrade Partitioned Tables
B<gpugpart.pl> [options]
-help brief help message
-man full documentation
-connect psql connect parameters
-sql generate sql to construct new partition definitions
-table only upgrade the specified table(s)
-exclude-table exclude specified table(s) from upgrade
=head1 OPTIONS
=over 8
=item B<-help>
Print a brief help message and exits.
=item B<-man>
Prints the manual page and exits.
=item B<-connect>
psql connect string, e.g:
-connect '-p 11000 -d template1'
=item B<-sql>
If no arguments are specified, generate sql to create new partition definitions and transfer the contents (via INSERT...SELECT) of the old partitions. Valid arguments are a comma-separated list of the following:
=over 12
=item B<CREATE>
create new partition definitions. The new definitions have a suffix to distinguish them from the original tables.
=item B<DEFAULT>
Add default partitions to the new partitioned tables.
transfer data from old partitions to new partitions using INSERT...SELECT
transfer data from old partitions using EXCHANGE (note that TRANSFER and EXCHANGE are mutually-exclusive)
=item B<CLEANUP>
rename the original tables with a "old" suffix and replace them with the new partitioned tables.
An example argument is: --sql create,exchange,cleanup
which generates a script to create the new partition definitions, exchanges the contents, and renames the new partition tables to replace the originals.
=item B<-table> <tablename>
Only upgrade the specified table(s). Multiple tables may be
specified, eg:
-table schema1.foo -table schema2.bar -table schema3.baz
In addition, the SQL LIKE wildcards "%" and "_" may be used in the
table names. Note that if the schema name is not specified, the
assumption is to search all schemas. Similarly, to upgrade all of the
tables in a particular schema, use:
-table schemaname.%
=item B<-exclude-table> <tablename>
Do not upgrade the specified table(s). Multiple tables may be
specified, eg:
-exclude-table schema1.foo -exclude-table schema2.bar
In addition, the SQL LIKE wildcards "%" and "_" may be used in the
table names. Note that if the schema name is not specified, the
assumption is to search all schemas. Similarly, to exclude all of the
tables in a particular schema, use:
-exclude-table schemaname.%
gpugpart.pl generates sql scripts which upgrade "rule-based" partition
tables (from the gpcreatepart script, 3.1 and prior) to 3.2 enhanced
partitioned tables, using CREATE and ALTER TABLE syntax. The enhanced
partitioned tables have many improvements, including catalog support,
fast INSERT/COPY, better query plans, easier manageability, etc.
The sql scripts construct enhanced partitioned tables of identical
schema to their "rule-based" counterparts, but they does not preserve
additional characteristics like granted permissions, etc. The
generated scripts should be reviewed and modified as necessary by DBAs
who are familiar with the existing schemas.
=head1 AUTHORS
Jeffrey I Cohen
Copyright (c) 2008, 2009 GreenPlum. All rights reserved.
Address bug reports and comments to: bugs@greenplum.org
my $glob_id = "";
my $glob_connect;
my $glob_dosql;
my $glob_table_include;
my $glob_table_exclude;
sub sql_compare_like
# adapted from Genezzo::Havok::SQLCompare
my ($pattern, $escape) = @_;
return undef
unless (defined($pattern));
if ($pattern !~ m/\./)
# prefix with wildcard for schema name
$pattern = '%.' . $pattern;
$pattern = '^' . quotemeta($pattern) . '$';
my $wildcard = '.*';
my $singlechar = '.';
if (defined($escape))
return undef
unless (length($escape) > 0);
$escape = quotemeta($escape);
# zero width negative look behind -- match any occurence of
# "%" wildcard which does not follow the escape character (and
# similarly for "_")
$pattern =~ s/(?<!$escape)\\%/$wildcard/gm;
$pattern =~ s/(?<!$escape)_/$singlechar/gm;
# replace the "escaped" match expressions with their literal
# values
$pattern =~ s/(($escape)\\%)/\\%/gm;
$pattern =~ s/(($escape)_)/_/gm;
$pattern =~ s/\\%/$wildcard/gm;
$pattern =~ s/_/$singlechar/gm;
return ($pattern);
my $man = 0;
my $help = 0;
my $conn;
my $dosql;
my @table_only;
my @table_exclude;
'help|?' => \$help, man => \$man,
"connect=s" => \$conn,
"sql:s" => \$dosql,
"table=s" => \@table_only, # t
"excludetable|exclude-table=s" => \@table_exclude # T
or pod2usage(2);
pod2usage(-msg => $glob_id, -exitstatus => 1) if $help;
pod2usage(-msg => $glob_id, -exitstatus => 0, -verbose => 2) if $man;
$glob_connect = $conn;
$glob_connect = '-p 11000 -d template1'
unless (defined($glob_connect));
if (defined($dosql))
if (!length($dosql))
$glob_dosql = ["CREATE", "XFR"];
my $crt = 0;
my $xfr = 0;
my $xch = 0;
my $cln = 0;
my $mdf = 0;
$dosql =~ s/\s//gm;
my @foo = split(/\,/, $dosql);
for my $opt (@foo)
unless ($opt =~ m/^(no)?(create|crt|xch|exchange|default|xfr|transfer|cln|clean)/i)
$glob_id = "invalid sql option: $opt\n";
pod2usage(-msg => $glob_id, -exitstatus => 1);
if ($opt =~ m/^(no)?(create|crt)/i)
$crt = !($opt =~ m/^no/i);
if ($opt =~ m/^(no)?(xch|exchange)/i)
$xch = !($opt =~ m/^no/i);
if ($opt =~ m/^(no)?(xfr|transfer)/i)
$xfr = !($opt =~ m/^no/i);
if ($opt =~ m/^(no)?(cln|clean)/i)
$cln = !($opt =~ m/^no/i);
if ($opt =~ m/^(no)?(default)/i)
$mdf = !($opt =~ m/^no/i);
} # end for
if ($xfr && $xch)
$glob_id = "invalid sql option: cannot combine EXCHANGE and TRANSFER\n";
pod2usage(-msg => $glob_id, -exitstatus => 1);
$glob_dosql = [];
push @{$glob_dosql}, "CREATE" if ($crt);
push @{$glob_dosql}, "MDF" if ($mdf);
push @{$glob_dosql}, "XFR" if ($xfr);
push @{$glob_dosql}, "XCH" if ($xch);
push @{$glob_dosql}, "CLN" if ($cln);
my (@t1, @t2);
# build perl pattern expressions for table names
for my $tname (@table_only)
push @t1, sql_compare_like($tname);
for my $tname (@table_exclude)
push @t2, sql_compare_like($tname);
$glob_table_include = \@t1
if (scalar(@t1));
$glob_table_exclude = \@t2
if (scalar(@t2));
} # end if dosql
# convert a postgresql psql formatted table into an array of hashes
sub tablelizer
my $ini = shift;
# first, split into separate lines, the find all the column headings
my @lines = split(/\n/, $ini);
return undef
unless (scalar(@lines));
my $line1 = shift @lines;
# look for <space>|<space>
my @colheads = split(/\s+\|\s+/, $line1);
# fixup first, last column head (remove leading,trailing spaces)
$colheads[0] =~ s/^\s+//;
$colheads[0] =~ s/\s+$//;
$colheads[-1] =~ s/^\s+//;
$colheads[-1] =~ s/\s+$//;
return undef
unless (scalar(@lines));
shift @lines; # skip dashed separator
my @rows;
for my $lin (@lines)
my @cols = split(/\|/, $lin, scalar(@colheads));
unless (scalar(@cols) == scalar(@colheads));
my $rowh = {};
for my $colhd (@colheads)
my $rawcol = shift @cols;
$rawcol =~ s/^\s+//;
$rawcol =~ s/\s+$//;
$rowh->{$colhd} = $rawcol;
push @rows, $rowh;
return \@rows;
sub infix_proc_fn
my ($biga, $rex) = @_;
my $outi = [];
while (scalar(@{$biga}))
my $curr1 = shift @{$biga};
$curr1 = paren_fixup($curr1);
if ($curr1 =~ m/$rex/)
my $h1 = {};
$h1->{val} = $curr1;
$h1->{left} = pop @{$outi};
my $curr2 = shift @{$biga};
$curr2 = paren_fixup($curr2);
$h1->{right} = $curr2;
push @{$outi}, $h1;
push @{$outi}, $curr1;
return $outi;
# process infix expressions
sub infix_proc
my $biga = shift;
my @f2;
for my $vv3 (@{$biga})
push @f2, $vv3
if (defined($vv3) && length($vv3) && ($vv3 !~ m/^\s+$/));
my $biga2 = infix_proc_fn(\@f2, qr/^(\<|\>|\=|\<\>|\<\=|\>\=|\+|\-|\%|\/)$/ );
my $biga3 = infix_proc_fn($biga2, qr/^AND$/i );
my $biga4 = infix_proc_fn($biga3, qr/^OR$/i );
return $biga4;
sub paren_fixup
my $foo = shift;
return $foo
unless ((ref($foo) eq 'HASH') && (exists($foo->{biga})));
my $biga = $foo->{biga};
my $biga2 = infix_proc($biga);
# reduced to a single val
return $biga2->[0]
if (1 == scalar(@{$biga2}));
$foo->{biga} = $biga2;
return $foo;
sub paren_proc_fn
my ($biga, $level) = @_;
my $outi = [];
while (scalar(@{$biga}))
my $tok = shift @{$biga};
if (defined($tok))
return $outi
if ($tok =~ m/^\)$/);
if ($tok =~ m/^\($/)
my $foo = paren_proc_fn($biga, $level + 1);
$tok = {};
$tok->{biga} = $foo;
push @{$outi}, $tok;
return $outi;
sub paren_proc
my $biga = shift;
my $biga2 = [];
for my $vv3 (@{$biga})
push @{$biga2}, $vv3
if (defined($vv3) && length($vv3) && ($vv3 !~ m/^\s+$/));
my $outi = paren_proc_fn($biga2, 0);
return $outi;
# parse words
sub pw1
my $txt = shift;
use Text::ParseWords;
$txt =~ s/^\s+//;
$txt =~ s/\s+$//;
my @wfoo = parse_line('[()\s+]', 'delimiters', $txt);
# my @wfoo = parse_line('\s+', 0, $txt);
# print Data::Dumper->Dump(\@wfoo);
my $biga = paren_proc(\@wfoo);
my $biga2 = infix_proc($biga);
# reduced to a single val
return $biga2->[0]
if (1 == scalar(@{$biga2}));
return $biga2;
# make partition specs
sub makespec
my ($pspec, $pps) = @_;
if ($pps->{typ} !~ /range|list/i)
print STDERR "invalid partition type: $pps->{typ}\n";
return undef;
# build the start and end for a RANGE
if ($pps->{typ} =~ m/range/i)
$pspec->{start} = {};
$pspec->{end} = {};
if (exists($pps->{range_start}))
my @foo = keys(%{$pps->{range_start}->{colh}});
$pspec->{start}->{keys} = [];
push (@{$pspec->{start}->{keys}}, @foo);
$pspec->{start}->{values} = [];
for my $jjj (@foo)
push @{$pspec->{start}->{values}},
@foo = keys(%{$pps->{range_start}->{colh_oper}});
# is inclusive if comparison operator includes "="
$pspec->{start}->{inclusive} = 0 +
($pps->{range_start}->{colh_oper}->{$foo[0]}->[0] =~ m/\=/);
if (exists($pps->{range_end}))
my @foo = keys(%{$pps->{range_end}->{colh}});
$pspec->{end}->{keys} = [];
push (@{$pspec->{end}->{keys}}, @foo);
$pspec->{end}->{values} = [];
for my $jjj (@foo)
push @{$pspec->{end}->{values}},
@foo = keys(%{$pps->{range_end}->{colh_oper}});
# is inclusive if comparison operator includes "="
$pspec->{end}->{inclusive} = 0 +
($pps->{range_end}->{colh_oper}->{$foo[0]}->[0] =~ m/\=/);
# build keys for LIST
if ($pps->{typ} =~ m/list/i)
$pspec->{start} = {};
my @foo = keys(%{$pps->{colh}});
$pspec->{start}->{keys} = [];
push (@{$pspec->{start}->{keys}}, @foo);
$pspec->{start}->{values} = [];
my $maxlen = 0;
# make sure have same number of key column values...
for my $jjj (@foo)
my $l2 = scalar(@{$pps->{colh}->{$jjj}});
if ($maxlen == 0)
$maxlen = $l2;
if ($l2 != $maxlen)
print STDERR "missing key columns: ",
Data::Dumper->Dump([$pps]), "\n";
for my $ii (0..($maxlen-1))
# interleave the key values in order,
# ie for columns a,b,c
# do values (a1,b1,c1,a2,b2,c2...)
for my $jjj (@foo)
push @{$pspec->{start}->{values}},
return $pspec;
} # end makespec
# genpartdefs: generate partition definitions. Pass 1 - generate the
# specs and sort the range partitions.
sub genpartdefs
my $reg_tabs = shift;
while (my ($kk, $vv) = each (%{$reg_tabs}))
# print "kk: $kk\n";
# print Data::Dumper->Dump([$vv]), "\n";
next unless (exists($vv->{rules}));
my $ruleh = $vv->{rules};
while (my ($kk2, $vv2) = each (%{$ruleh}))
# print " rule: $kk2\n";
# print " parent: $vv2->{parent}\n";
# print " child: $vv2->{child}\n";
# print Data::Dumper->Dump([$vv2]), "\n";
unless (exists($vv2->{parsetree}));
unless (ref($vv2->{parsetree}) eq "HASH")
print "weirdo: $kk\n";
print Data::Dumper->Dump([$vv2]),"\n";
print "skipping: $kk\n";
next unless (exists($vv2->{parsetree}->{partSpec}));
my $pps = $vv2->{parsetree}->{partSpec};
if (exists($vv->{pby}))
if ($vv->{pby}->{typ} ne $pps->{typ})
print STDERR "partition type mismatch for rule $kk2\n";
print STDERR "$vv->{pby}->{typ} vs $pps->{typ}\n";
my $pspec = { child => $vv2->{child},
childrulename => $kk2,
childruledef => $vv2->{ruledef}
$pspec = makespec($pspec, $pps);
push @{$vv->{pby}->{pspec}}, $pspec;
$vv->{pby} = {typ => $pps->{typ},
pspec => [] };
my $pspec = { child => $vv2->{child},
childrulename => $kk2,
childruledef => $vv2->{ruledef}
$pspec = makespec($pspec, $pps);
push @{$vv->{pby}->{pspec}}, $pspec;
} # end while kk2
# sort the range partitions if possible
if (exists($vv->{pby})
&& exists($vv->{pby}->{pspec})
&& ($vv->{pby}->{typ} =~ m/range/i))
my $ps = $vv->{pby}->{pspec}->[0];
my $val1;
# print "\n\n\nsorting???\n\n\n";
if (defined($ps->{start}->{values}))
$val1 = $ps->{start}->{values}->[0];
elsif (defined($ps->{end}->{values}))
$val1 = $ps->{end}->{values}->[0];
if (defined($val1))
# print "\n\n\nsorting $val1\n\n\n";
# numeric only
if ($val1 =~ m/^\d+$/)
my @foo =
sort { $a->{start}->{values}->[0] <=>
$b->{start}->{values}->[0] }
$vv->{pby}->{pspec} = \@foo;
elsif ($val1 =~ m/\:\:date$/)
my @foo =
sort { $a->{start}->{values}->[0] cmp
$b->{start}->{values}->[0] }
$vv->{pby}->{pspec} = \@foo;
elsif ($val1 =~ m/\:\:timestamp/)
my @foo =
sort { $a->{start}->{values}->[0] cmp
$b->{start}->{values}->[0] }
$vv->{pby}->{pspec} = \@foo;
if (exists($vv->{pby}))
my $p1 = 1;
for my $ps (@{$vv->{pby}->{pspec}})
# make a partition name
$ps->{name} = "p" . $p1
unless (exists($ps->{name}) &&
for my $tt (qw(start end))
unless (exists($ps->{$tt}));
# print Data::Dumper->Dump([$ps->{$tt}]), "\n";
if (exists($vv->{pby}->{keys}))
# test if keys match!!
if (defined($ps->{$tt}->{keys}))
if (scalar(@{$vv->{pby}->{keys}})
!= scalar(@{$ps->{$tt}->{keys}}))
print STDERR scalar(@{$vv->{pby}->{keys}}), " ",
scalar(@{$ps->{$tt}->{keys}}) , "\n";
print STDERR "key count mismatch for ",
"\nps: $tt ", Data::Dumper->Dump([$ps->{$tt}]), "\npby:",
Data::Dumper->Dump([$vv->{pby}]), "\n";
for my $jjj (0..(scalar(@{$vv->{pby}->{keys}})-1))
if ($vv->{pby}->{keys}->[$jjj] ne
print STDERR "key name mismatch for ",
"\nps: $tt ", Data::Dumper->Dump([$ps->{$tt}]), "\npby:",
Data::Dumper->Dump([$vv->{pby}]), "\n";
delete $ps->{$tt}->{keys};
$vv->{pby}->{keys} = [];
push (@{$vv->{pby}->{keys}},
if (defined($ps->{$tt}->{keys}));
delete $ps->{$tt}->{keys}
if (defined($ps->{$tt}->{keys}));
} # end for tt
} # end if pby
} # end while kk
} # end genpartdefs
# genpartdefs2: Pass 2 - fixup invalid partition specs, ie both start
# and end point to same value.
sub genpartdefs2
my $reg_tabs = shift;
my $do_fixup = 1;
my $magic_interval_fixup;
while (my ($kk, $vv) = each (%{$reg_tabs}))
if (exists($vv->{pby}))
$magic_interval_fixup = undef;
for my $psc (0..(scalar(@{$vv->{pby}->{pspec}}) - 1))
my $pspec = $vv->{pby}->{pspec}->[$psc];
if ($vv->{pby}->{typ} =~ m/range/i)
my ($v1, $v2);
my ($incex1, $incex2);
$v1 = undef;
$v2 = undef;
$v1 = $pspec->{start}->{values}->[0]
if (exists($pspec->{start}));
$v2 = $pspec->{end}->{values}->[0]
if (exists($pspec->{end}));
if (defined($v1))
$incex1 = $pspec->{start}->{inclusive} ?
if (defined($v2))
$incex2 = $pspec->{end}->{inclusive} ?
# XXX XXX: fixup the dual inclusive case if possible...
if ($do_fixup &&
($v1 eq $v2) && ($incex2 eq "INCLUSIVE")
&& ($incex2 eq $incex1))
$pspec->{singleton_range} = 1;
if ($v2 =~ m/^\d+$/)
# MPP-6662: recalculate the fixup each
# time to avoid daylight savings time
# problems for 2006-10-29, 2007-11-04
# (ie 25 hour days)
if (1)
my $pspec2 = $vv->{pby}->{pspec}->[$psc+1];
if (defined($pspec2))
my $v1_1;
$v1_1 =
if (exists($pspec2->{start}));
$magic_interval_fixup = $v1_1 - $v2;
if (defined($magic_interval_fixup))
= {values=>[$v2], inclusive=>1};
$v2 += $magic_interval_fixup;
$pspec->{end}->{values}->[0] = $v2;
$pspec->{end}->{inclusive} = 0;
$incex2 = "EXCLUSIVE";
$pspec->{end}->{magic_interval_fixup} =
delete $pspec->{singleton_range};
elsif ($v2 =~ m/\:\:date$/)
# MPP-6662: recalculate the fixup each
# time to avoid daylight savings time
# problems for 2006-10-29, 2007-11-04
# (ie 25 hour days)
if (1)
my $pspec2 = $vv->{pby}->{pspec}->[$psc+1];
if ($pspec2)
my $v1_1;
$v1_1 =
if (exists($pspec2->{start}));
# $magic_interval_fixup = $v1_1 - $v2;
my @dat2 =
($v2 =~ m(^\'(\d\d\d\d)\-(\d\d)\-(\d\d)\'));
my @dat1_1 =
($v1_1 =~ m(^\'(\d\d\d\d)\-(\d\d)\-(\d\d)\'));
print STDERR "invalid date: $v2\n"
unless (3 == scalar(@dat2));
print STDERR "invalid date: $v1_1\n"
unless (3 == scalar(@dat1_1));
my $dd1 =
$dat1_1[1] - 1,
my $dd2 =
$dat2[1] - 1,
$magic_interval_fixup = $dd1 - $dd2;
if (defined($magic_interval_fixup))
my @dat2 =
($v2 =~ m(^\'(\d\d\d\d)\-(\d\d)\-(\d\d)\'));
= {values=>[$v2], inclusive=>1};
my $t2 =
$dat2[2] ,
$dat2[1] - 1,
$dat2[0] )
+ $magic_interval_fixup;
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) =
$year += 1900;
$v2 = sprintf('\'%04d-%02d-%02d\'::date',
$year, $mon, $mday);
$incex2 = "EXCLUSIVE";
$pspec->{end}->{values}->[0] = $v2;
$pspec->{end}->{inclusive} = 0;
$pspec->{end}->{magic_interval_fixup} =
delete $pspec->{singleton_range};
# print Data::Dumper->Dump([$pspec]), "\n";
} # end for pspec
} # end genpartdefs2
# genpartdefs3: Pass 3 - add subpartitions to partition by clause
sub genpartdefs3
my $reg_tabs = shift;
while (my ($kk, $vv) = each (%{$reg_tabs}))
if (exists($vv->{pby}))
my $magic_interval_fixup;
my $good_fixup = 1;
for my $psc (0..(scalar(@{$vv->{pby}->{pspec}}) - 1))
my $pspec = $vv->{pby}->{pspec}->[$psc];
# check for subpartitions
# NOTE: {child} might be a plain tablename but
# {subpartition} is always schema.tablename
if (exists($pspec->{child}))
my $tname = $pspec->{child};
# check for schema
if ($tname !~ m/\./)
$tname = $vv->{Schema} . "." . $tname;
if (exists($reg_tabs->{$tname})
$pspec->{subpartition} = $tname;
# mark as a subpartition so we don't create a
# separate partition definition.
$reg_tabs->{$tname}->{pby}->{is_subpartition} = 1;
if ($vv->{pby}->{typ} =~ m/range/i)
my ($v1, $v2);
my ($incex1, $incex2);
$v1 = undef;
$v2 = undef;
$v1 = $pspec->{start}->{values}->[0]
if (exists($pspec->{start}));
$v2 = $pspec->{end}->{values}->[0]
if (exists($pspec->{end}));
if (exists($pspec->{end})
&& exists($pspec->{end}->{magic_interval_fixup}))
if (defined($magic_interval_fixup))
if ($magic_interval_fixup !=
$good_fixup = 0;
$magic_interval_fixup =
} # end for my psc
if (defined($magic_interval_fixup) && $good_fixup)
$vv->{pby}->{every} = $magic_interval_fixup;
} # end if exists pby
} # end while kk vv
} # end genpartdefs3
sub typename_fixup_in
my $v1 = shift;
# XXX XXX: with/without time zone fixup
# MPP-6502, QA-271: fixup types with spaces in name
$v1 =~ s/timestamp without time zone/timestamp\_without\_time\_zone/gm;
$v1 =~ s/timestamp with time zone/timestamp\_with\_time\_zone/gm;
$v1 =~ s/time without time zone/time\_without\_time\_zone/gm;
$v1 =~ s/time with time zone/time\_with\_time\_zone/gm;
$v1 =~ s/character varying/character_varying/gm;
$v1 =~ s/double precision/double_precision/gm;
return $v1;
sub typename_fixup_out
my $v1 = shift;
$v1 =~ s/timestamp\_without\_time\_zone/timestamp without time zone/gm;
$v1 =~ s/timestamp\_with\_time\_zone/timestamp with time zone/gm;
$v1 =~ s/time\_without\_time\_zone/time without time zone/gm;
$v1 =~ s/time\_with\_time\_zone/time with time zone/gm;
$v1 =~ s/character_varying/character varying/gm;
$v1 =~ s/double_precision/double precision/gm;
return $v1;
# genpartdefs4: Pass 4 - build text and comments for partition by clause
sub genpartdefs4
my ($reg_tabs, $all_cons) = @_;
my $do_fixup = 1;
my $magic_suffix = "XnewX";
my $old_suffix = "XoldX";
while (my ($kk, $vv) = each (%{$reg_tabs}))
if (exists($vv->{pby}))
my $newname = $kk . "_" . $magic_suffix;
my $oldname = $kk . "_" . $old_suffix;
my $schema = $vv->{Schema};
my $cln_oldname = $oldname;
my $cln_name = $kk;
# MPP-6453: remove schema prefix -- not valid for RENAME
# print Data::Dumper->Dump([$vv]), "\n";
$cln_oldname =~ s/^$schema\.//;
$cln_name =~ s/^$schema\.//;
my $cln_txt = "";
my $xfr_txt = "";
my $xch_txt = "";
# use a generic token for default partition name -- fixup
# to be unique in genpartdefs5
my $mdf_txt = "ALTER TABLE $newname ADD DEFAULT PARTITION **def** ;\n";
$xfr_txt .= "INSERT INTO $newname SELECT * FROM $kk;\n";
$cln_txt .= "ALTER TABLE $kk RENAME TO $cln_oldname;\n";
if (0)
$cln_txt .= "-- NOTE: $oldname should contain no rows\n";
$cln_txt .= "-- if data remains you may need to add default partitions(s) to table $kk\n";
$cln_txt .= "select count(*) from $oldname; \n";
$cln_txt .= "ALTER TABLE $newname RENAME TO $cln_name;\n";
my $ct_txt = "CREATE TABLE $newname" . " (LIKE " . $kk . ") ";
my $pby_txt = "PARTITION BY " . uc($vv->{pby}->{typ}) . " " .
"(" . join(", ", @{$vv->{pby}->{keys}}) . ")";
my $priv_txt = "";
if (exists($vv->{owner_privs}))
$priv_txt .=
"ALTER TABLE $newname OWNER TO " .
if (exists($vv->{owner_privs}->{owner}));
if (exists($vv->{owner_privs}->{grant_regular}))
my $grant_list =
my @kl = sort(keys(%{$grant_list}));
for my $namekey (@kl)
my $acla = $grant_list->{$namekey};
if (scalar(@{$acla}))
$priv_txt .=
"\nGRANT \n " .
join(", ", @{$acla}) .
"\n ON $newname\n" .
"TO $namekey\;\n";
if (exists($vv->{owner_privs}->{grant_with_grant}))
my $grant_list =
my @kl = sort(keys(%{$grant_list}));
for my $namekey (@kl)
my $acla = $grant_list->{$namekey};
if (scalar(@{$acla}))
$priv_txt .=
"\nGRANT \n " .
join(", ", @{$acla}) .
"\n ON $newname\n" .
"TO $namekey\n" .
my $spec_txt = "(\n";
# for all partition specs
for my $psc (0..(scalar(@{$vv->{pby}->{pspec}}) - 1))
my $pspec = $vv->{pby}->{pspec}->[$psc];
if (0 != $psc)
# zero-width negative look-behind assertion: look
# for "-- NOTE: " that does not follow a comma,
# and interpose the comma betwixt the partition
# declaration and the comment
if ($spec_txt =~ m/(?<!\,)\s+\-\-\s+NOTE\:.*$/)
$spec_txt =~ s/(?<!\,)(\s+\-\-\s+NOTE\:.*$)/\,$1/;
$spec_txt .= "\n";
$spec_txt .= ",\n";
if (exists($vv->{pby}->{every}))
$spec_txt .= ' -- ' . "EVERY $vv->{pby}->{every}"
. " \n";
if (exists($pspec->{child}))
# NOTE: these magic comments are used by
# genpartdef_subtree_fixup
if (exists($pspec->{name}) && defined($pspec->{name}))
$spec_txt .= ' -- ' . $pspec->{name}
. ' derived from: (' ;
$spec_txt .= ' -- derived from: (' ;
my $tname = $pspec->{child};
# check for schema
if ($tname !~ m/\./)
$tname = $vv->{Schema} . "." . $tname;
$spec_txt .= $tname . ") \n";
if (exists($pspec->{name}) && defined($pspec->{name}))
# XXX XXX: identify the table, partition
$xch_txt .= "\n-- " . $newname . " " .
$xch_txt .= "\nALTER TABLE $tname " .
" NO INHERIT $kk ; \n";
# print Data::Dumper->Dump([$all_cons]), "\n";
# drop all existing constraints on the table
if (exists($all_cons->{$tname}))
for my $con_item (@{$all_cons->{$tname}})
my $cname = $con_item->{name};
$xch_txt .= "ALTER TABLE $tname " .
" DROP CONSTRAINT $cname ; \n";
$xch_txt .= "ALTER TABLE $newname " .
"EXCHANGE PARTITION " . $pspec->{name} .
" WITH TABLE " . $tname . "; \n";
# after the exchange, fix the inheritance
$xch_txt .= "ALTER TABLE $tname " .
" INHERIT $kk ; \n";
# fixup rule: the rule definition text is
# correct, but it is associated in the catalog
# with the relid of the original partition
# (table). Drop the rule and recreate it
# using the newly-exchanged table.
my $ruledef = "CREATE RULE " .
$pspec->{childruledef} . " ; \n";
my $rulenam = $pspec->{childrulename};
$xch_txt .= "\nDROP RULE IF EXISTS $rulenam " .
"ON $kk ; \n";
$xch_txt .= $ruledef . "\n";
# re-add all existing constraints on the table
if (exists($all_cons->{$tname}))
for my $con_item (@{$all_cons->{$tname}})
my $cname = $con_item->{name};
$xch_txt .= "ALTER TABLE $tname " .
$con_item->{src} . " ; \n";
# find all the tables that are children of this table
$vv->{pby}->{children} = []
unless (exists($vv->{pby}->{children}));
push @{$vv->{pby}->{children}}, $tname;
# build up the parent/child tree
if (exists($reg_tabs->{$tname})
&& exists($reg_tabs->{$tname}->{pby}))
$reg_tabs->{$tname}->{pby}->{parent} = $kk;
$spec_txt .= " ";
$spec_txt .= "PARTITION $pspec->{name} "
if (exists($pspec->{name}) && defined($pspec->{name}));
if ($vv->{pby}->{typ} =~ m/range/i)
my ($v1, $v2);
my ($incex1, $incex2);
$v1 = undef;
$v2 = undef;
$v1 = $pspec->{start}->{values}->[0]
if (exists($pspec->{start}));
$v2 = $pspec->{end}->{values}->[0]
if (exists($pspec->{end}));
if (defined($v1))
$v1 = typename_fixup_out($v1);
$spec_txt .= " START (" . $v1 . ") ";
$incex1 = $pspec->{start}->{inclusive} ?
$spec_txt .= $incex1;
if (defined($v2))
$v2 = typename_fixup_out($v2);
$incex2 = $pspec->{end}->{inclusive} ?
$spec_txt .= " END (" . $v2 . ") ";
$spec_txt .= $incex2;
# comment on magic_interval_fixup status...
if (exists($pspec->{singleton_range}))
$spec_txt .= " -- NOTE: could not fixup: START = END";
elsif (exists($pspec->{end}) &&
$spec_txt .= " -- NOTE: magic fixup - end was: ";
$spec_txt .= $pspec->{end}->{original}->{values}->[0];
} # end if type = range
if ($vv->{pby}->{typ} =~ m/list/i)
my $numkeys = scalar(@{$vv->{pby}->{keys}});
my @outi;
# build the values clause, subgrouping by the key counts
if ($numkeys > 1)
my @baz;
for my $v1 (@{$pspec->{start}->{values}})
$v1 = typename_fixup_out($v1);
push @baz, $v1;
while (scalar(@baz))
# print "a: ", scalar(@baz), "\n";
# split array into "numkeys" size pieces
my @foo = splice(@baz, 0, $numkeys);
# print "b: ", scalar(@baz), "\n";
push @outi, "(" . join(", ", @foo) . ")";
for my $v1 (@{$pspec->{start}->{values}})
$v1 = typename_fixup_out($v1);
push @outi, $v1;
$spec_txt .= "VALUES (" . join(", ", @outi) . ")";
} # end for pspec
$spec_txt .= "\n)";
$vv->{pby}->{ct_txt} = $ct_txt ;
$vv->{pby}->{cleanup_txt} = $cln_txt ;
$vv->{pby}->{transfer_txt} = $xfr_txt ;
$vv->{pby}->{exchange_txt} = $xch_txt ;
$vv->{pby}->{makdeflt_txt} = $mdf_txt ;
$vv->{pby}->{pby_txt} = $pby_txt ;
$vv->{pby}->{spec_txt} = $spec_txt ;
$vv->{pby}->{priv_txt} = $priv_txt ;
} # end genpartdefs4
sub genpartdef_subtree_fixup
my ($reg_tabs, $pby) = @_;
my $magic_suffix = "XnewX";
unless (exists($pby->{children})
&& !exists($pby->{did_subtree_fixup}));
my $child_pby_txt;
for my $child (@{$pby->{children}})
if (exists($reg_tabs->{$child})
&& exists($reg_tabs->{$child}->{pby}))
# recurse
if (!defined($child_pby_txt))
$child_pby_txt = $reg_tabs->{$child}->{pby}->{pby_txt};
my $c1 = $child_pby_txt;
$c1 =~ s/^partition/subpartition/i;
# add the subpartition clause...
$pby->{pby_txt} .= "\n" . $c1;
if ($reg_tabs->{$child}->{pby}->{pby_txt} ne
print STDERR "subpartition mismatch: ",
Data::Dumper->Dump([$reg_tabs->{$child}->{pby}]), "\n";
} # end if child
} # end for child
my @foo = split(/\n/, $pby->{spec_txt});
my %h_parent_def_fixup;
for my $linnum (0..(scalar(@foo)-1))
unless ($foo[$linnum] =~ m/^\s+\-\-.*\s+derived from\:/);
my @baz =
($foo[$linnum] =~ m/^\s+\-\-.*\s+derived from\:\s+\((.*)\)\s+/);
my $tname = shift @baz;
# print "\n\ngot one!! ($tname)\n\n";
next unless(exists($reg_tabs->{$tname})
&& exists($reg_tabs->{$tname}->{pby}));
my $child_spec_txt = $reg_tabs->{$tname}->{pby}->{spec_txt};
$child_spec_txt =~ s/^(\s+)partition/$1subpartition/igm;
$child_spec_txt =~ s/^ / /gm;
# fix up parens
$child_spec_txt =~ s/^\(/ \(/;
$child_spec_txt =~ s/\)$/ \)/;
my $has_comma = ($foo[$linnum+1] =~ m/\,$/);
$foo[$linnum+1] =~ s/\,$//; # remove the comma
$foo[$linnum+1] .= "\n" . $child_spec_txt;
$foo[$linnum+1] .= "," if ($has_comma);
if (1)
# handle exchange in subpartitions, and fixup ADD default
# partition
my $child_xch_txt = $reg_tabs->{$tname}->{pby}->{exchange_txt};
my $child_mdf_txt = $reg_tabs->{$tname}->{pby}->{makdeflt_txt};
my $parent = $reg_tabs->{$tname}->{pby}->{parent};
my $pname;
# find the partition name for the tablename by scanning
# all the pspecs of the parent.
for my $psc (@{$reg_tabs->{$parent}->{pby}->{pspec}})
if ($psc->{subpartition} eq $tname)
$pname = $psc->{name};
print STDERR "no partition for $tname\n "
unless (defined($pname));
my $t1 = "TABLE $tname" . "_" . $magic_suffix;
my $t2 = "TABLE $parent" . "_" . $magic_suffix .
$child_xch_txt =~ s/$t1/$t2/gm;
$child_mdf_txt =~ s/$t1/$t2/gm;
$reg_tabs->{$tname}->{pby}->{exchange_txt} =
"-- table $tname is partition $pname of $parent\n" .
$reg_tabs->{$tname}->{pby}->{makdeflt_txt} = $child_mdf_txt;
# make the parent default partition have default subpartitions
my $mdf_txt = $reg_tabs->{$parent}->{pby}->{makdeflt_txt};
my @mmm;
# don't bother if already did this for parent
@mmm = split(/(\*\*def\*\*)/, $mdf_txt)
unless (exists($h_parent_def_fixup{$parent}));
$h_parent_def_fixup{$parent} = 1;
# find the last "**def**", and add a subpartition
if (scalar(@mmm) > 2)
my $last_one = $mmm[-2] . $mmm[-1];
pop @mmm; # remove the last one (**def** plus trailing bits)
pop @mmm;
# print "l1: $last_one\n";
$last_one =~
s/\*\*def\*\*/\*\*def\*\* (default subpartition \*\*def\*\*\)/;
# print "l2: $last_one\n";
$reg_tabs->{$parent}->{pby}->{makdeflt_txt} =
join ("", @mmm) . $last_one;
unless ($pby->{exchange_txt} =~ m/^\-\-/)
# comment out exchange for parent if has children
$pby->{exchange_txt} =~ s/^/\-\- /gm;
$pby->{exchange_txt} =
"-- exchange occurs in children\n" . $pby->{exchange_txt};
$pby->{spec_txt} = join("\n", @foo);
$pby->{did_subtree_fixup} = 1;
# genpartdefs5: Pass 5 - hang the subpartition specs in the right places,
# and fixup default parttion names
sub genpartdefs5
my $reg_tabs = shift;
my $do_fixup = 1;
my %h_parent_def_fixup;
while (my ($kk, $vv) = each (%{$reg_tabs}))
if (!(defined($glob_table_exclude)) &&
# print "match0: include $kk \n";
$vv->{include} = 1;
if (defined($glob_table_include))
for my $matchup (@{$glob_table_include})
if ($kk =~ m/$matchup/)
# print "match1: $kk $matchup \n";
$vv->{include} = 1;
last l_match1;
$vv->{include} = 0
if (defined($glob_table_exclude))
for my $matchup (@{$glob_table_exclude})
if ($kk =~ m/$matchup/)
# print "match2: $kk $matchup \n";
if (defined($vv->{include}) &&
(1 == $vv->{include}))
warn "conflict between include and exclude for $kk"; }
$vv->{include} = 0;
last l_match2;
$vv->{include} = 1
if (exists($vv->{pby}))
genpartdef_subtree_fixup($reg_tabs, $vv->{pby});
# XXX XXX: make DEFAULT partition definitions
my $mdf_txt = $vv->{pby}->{makdeflt_txt};
unless ($mdf_txt =~ m/ALTER TABLE .* ADD DEFAULT PARTITION/);
my @foo =
unless (scalar(@foo));
my $tname = $foo[0];
my $defcount = 0;
if (exists($h_parent_def_fixup{$tname}))
$defcount = $h_parent_def_fixup{$tname};
$h_parent_def_fixup{$tname} = $defcount;
# replace all of the "**def**" entries with numbered
# default partition names, eg "def1"
while ($mdf_txt =~ m/\*\*def\*\*/)
my $defname = "def" . $defcount;
$mdf_txt =~ s/\*\*def\*\*/$defname/;
$vv->{pby}->{makdeflt_txt} = $mdf_txt;
$h_parent_def_fixup{$tname} = $defcount;
} # end genpartdefs5
# print the partition definitions
sub printpartdefs1
my $reg_tabs = shift;
my $phases = shift;
my @foo = sort(keys(%{$reg_tabs}));
my $phasetwo; # only set if doing EXCHANGE
for my $ph (@{$phases})
if ($ph =~ m/create/i)
elsif ($ph =~ m/mdf/i)
elsif ($ph =~ m/xfr/i)
elsif ($ph =~ m/xch/i)
# need to transfer remaining data after exchange in phase two
$phasetwo = ['XFR'];
# cleanup if necessary
if ($phases->[-1] =~ m/cln/i)
$phasetwo = ['XFR', 'CLN'];
elsif ($ph =~ m/cln/i)
# cleanup happens in phase two (if defined)
goto l_do_phasetwo
if (defined($phasetwo));
for my $kk (@foo)
my $vv = $reg_tabs->{$kk};
# print "include: $vv->{include}\n";
unless ($vv->{include});
if (exists($vv->{pby}))
if ($ph =~ m/create/i)
if (exists($vv->{pby}->{is_subpartition}))
print "\n-- table $kk is subpartition of $vv->{pby}->{parent}\n";
my $ct_txt = $vv->{pby}->{ct_txt};
my $pby_txt = $vv->{pby}->{pby_txt};
my $spec_txt = $vv->{pby}->{spec_txt};
print "\n";
print $ct_txt . "\n" . $pby_txt . "\n" . $spec_txt . ";\n";
my $priv_txt = $vv->{pby}->{priv_txt};
print "\n", $priv_txt, "\n"
if (length($priv_txt));
elsif ($ph =~ m/mdf/i)
my $mdf_txt = $vv->{pby}->{makdeflt_txt};
print "\n", $mdf_txt
# unless (exists($vv->{pby}->{is_subpartition}));
elsif ($ph =~ m/xfr/i)
my $xfr_txt = $vv->{pby}->{transfer_txt};
print "\n", $xfr_txt
unless (exists($vv->{pby}->{is_subpartition}));
elsif ($ph =~ m/xch/i)
my $xch_txt = $vv->{pby}->{exchange_txt};
print "\n", $xch_txt;
elsif ($ph =~ m/cln/i)
my $cln_txt = $vv->{pby}->{cleanup_txt};
if (exists($vv->{pby}->{is_subpartition}))
print "\n-- table $kk is subpartition of $vv->{pby}->{parent}\n";
print "\n", $cln_txt;
} # end if pby
} # end for kk (@foo)
} # end for phases
if (defined($phasetwo))
# after exchanging subpartitions, transfer remaining data from
# parent tables, and cleanup if necessary. Note that regular
# transfer/cleanup phases only run on parent tables anyway, so
# no extra work is necessary to avoid duplicate work on
# subpartitions.
print "\n-- Note: parent tables may still contain data after EXCHANGE phase.\n";
print "-- transfer remaining data... \n\n";
return printpartdefs1($reg_tabs, $phasetwo);
} # end printpartdefs1
sub printpartdefs
my $reg_tabs = shift;
my $phases = shift;
my $verzion = "unknown";
my $now = localtime;
if (q$Revision$ =~ /\d+/)
$verzion = do { my @r = (q$Revision$ =~ /\d+/g); sprintf "%d."."%02d" x $#r, @r }; # must be all one line, for MakeMaker
my $format_fix = << "EOF_formatfix";
# NOTE: define $format_fix with HERE document just to fix emacs
# indenting due to comment char in Q expression...
$verzion = $0 . " version " . $verzion . ", " . $now;
print "-- upgrade script generated by $verzion\n";
return printpartdefs1($reg_tabs, $phases);
} # end printpartdefs
sub classify_range_merge
my ($spec1, $spec2) = @_;
my $npartSpec = {};
my $specstart = {};
my $specend = {};
$npartSpec->{colh} = {};
$npartSpec->{oper} = "RANGE";
$npartSpec->{typ} = "RANGE";
$specstart->{colh} = {};
$specstart->{colh_oper} = {};
$specstart->{oper} = ();
$specend->{colh} = {};
$specstart->{colh_oper} = {};
$specend->{oper} = ();
$npartSpec->{range_start} = $specstart;
$npartSpec->{range_end} = $specend;
# print "merging...\n";
# build a copy of the range_start of spec1
while ( my ($kk, $vv) = each(%{$spec1->{range_start}->{colh}}))
$specstart->{colh}->{$kk} = []
unless (exists($specstart->{colh}->{$kk}));
$specstart->{colh_oper}->{$kk} = []
unless (exists($specstart->{colh_oper}->{$kk}));
push (@{$specstart->{colh}->{$kk}}, @{$vv});
push (@{$specstart->{colh_oper}->{$kk}},
# merge in the range_start from spec2
while ( my ($kk, $vv) = each(%{$spec2->{range_start}->{colh}}))
if (exists($specstart->{colh}->{$kk}))
print STDERR "duplicate range start specification for:\n",
Data::Dumper->Dump([$spec1]), "\n",
Data::Dumper->Dump([$spec2]), "\n";
return undef;
$specstart->{colh}->{$kk} = [];
$specstart->{colh_oper}->{$kk} = [];
push (@{$specstart->{colh}->{$kk}}, @{$vv});
push (@{$specstart->{colh_oper}->{$kk}},
# build a copy of the range_end of spec1
while ( my ($kk, $vv) = each(%{$spec1->{range_end}->{colh}}))
$specend->{colh}->{$kk} = []
unless (exists($specend->{colh}->{$kk}));
$specend->{colh_oper}->{$kk} = []
unless (exists($specend->{colh_oper}->{$kk}));
push (@{$specend->{colh}->{$kk}}, @{$vv});
push (@{$specend->{colh_oper}->{$kk}},
# merge in the range_end from spec2
while ( my ($kk, $vv) = each(%{$spec2->{range_end}->{colh}}))
if (exists($specend->{colh}->{$kk}))
print STDERR "duplicate range end specification for:\n",
Data::Dumper->Dump([$spec1]), "\n",
Data::Dumper->Dump([$spec2]), "\n";
return undef;
$specend->{colh}->{$kk} = [];
$specend->{colh_oper}->{$kk} = [];
push (@{$specend->{colh}->{$kk}}, @{$vv});
push (@{$specend->{colh_oper}->{$kk}},
return $npartSpec;
} # end classify_range_merge
sub classify_range_fixup
my $partSpec = shift;
my $npartSpec = {};
my $specstart = {};
my $specend = {};
$npartSpec->{colh} = {};
$npartSpec->{oper} = "RANGE";
$npartSpec->{typ} = "RANGE";
$specstart->{colh} = {};
$specstart->{colh_oper} = {};
$specstart->{oper} = ();
$specend->{colh} = {};
$specstart->{colh_oper} = {};
$specend->{oper} = ();
$npartSpec->{range_start} = $specstart;
$npartSpec->{range_end} = $specend;
if ($partSpec->{typ} =~ m/RANGE_START/)
while ( my ($kk, $vv) = each(%{$partSpec->{colh}}))
$specstart->{colh}->{$kk} = []
unless (exists($specstart->{colh}->{$kk}));
$specstart->{colh_oper}->{$kk} = []
unless (exists($specstart->{colh_oper}->{$kk}));
push (@{$specstart->{colh}->{$kk}}, @{$vv});
unless (1 == scalar(@{$vv}))
print STDERR "bad range start\n";
return undef;
push (@{$specstart->{colh_oper}->{$kk}}, $partSpec->{oper});
elsif ($partSpec->{typ} =~ m/RANGE_END/)
while ( my ($kk, $vv) = each(%{$partSpec->{colh}}))
$specend->{colh}->{$kk} = []
unless (exists($specend->{colh}->{$kk}));
$specend->{colh_oper}->{$kk} = []
unless (exists($specend->{colh_oper}->{$kk}));
push (@{$specend->{colh}->{$kk}}, @{$vv});
unless (1 == scalar(@{$vv}))
print STDERR "bad range end\n";
return undef;
push (@{$specend->{colh_oper}->{$kk}}, $partSpec->{oper});
print STDERR "bad range spec\n",
return undef;
return $npartSpec;
} # end classify_range_fixup
sub classify_and
my ($node, $partSpec) = @_;
if ($node->{val} =~ m/^AND$/i)
# compound list
unless (exists($node->{left})
&& exists($node->{left}->{partSpec})
&& exists($node->{right})
&& exists($node->{right}->{partSpec}))
return undef;
my $left = $node->{left};
my $right = $node->{right};
# AND of LIST must match
unless (exists($left->{partSpec}->{typ})
&& exists($right->{partSpec}->{typ}))
return undef;
if ($left->{partSpec}->{typ} ne
print STDERR "cannot match types for \n",
return undef;
if ($left->{partSpec}->{typ} eq "LIST")
$partSpec->{typ} = "LIST";
$partSpec->{oper} = "LIST";
while ( my ($kk, $vv) = each(%{$left->{partSpec}->{colh}}))
$partSpec->{colh}->{$kk} = []
unless (exists($partSpec->{colh}->{$kk}));
push (@{$partSpec->{colh}->{$kk}}, @{$vv});
while ( my ($kk, $vv) = each(%{$right->{partSpec}->{colh}}))
$partSpec->{colh}->{$kk} = []
unless (exists($partSpec->{colh}->{$kk}));
push (@{$partSpec->{colh}->{$kk}}, @{$vv});
delete $left->{partSpec};
delete $right->{partSpec};
$node->{partSpec} = $partSpec;
elsif ($left->{partSpec}->{typ} eq "RANGE")
$partSpec =
delete $left->{partSpec};
delete $right->{partSpec};
$node->{partSpec} = $partSpec;
# XXX XXX: fixme
return undef;
} # end AND
return $partSpec;
sub classify_or
my ($node, $partSpec) = @_;
if ($node->{val} =~ m/^OR$/i)
# compound list
unless (exists($node->{left})
&& exists($node->{left}->{partSpec})
&& exists($node->{right})
&& exists($node->{right}->{partSpec}))
return undef;
# OR of LIST must match
unless (exists($node->{left}->{partSpec}->{typ})
&& exists($node->{right}->{partSpec}->{typ}))
return undef;
my $left = $node->{left};
my $right = $node->{right};
if ($left->{partSpec}->{typ} ne
print STDERR "cannot match types for \n",
return undef;
if ($left->{partSpec}->{typ} ne "LIST")
print STDERR "cannot OR non-LIST types \n",
return undef;
my @l1 = sort(keys(%{$left->{partSpec}->{colh}}));
my @r1 = sort(keys(%{$right->{partSpec}->{colh}}));
if (scalar(@l1) != scalar(@r1))
print STDERR "column number disparity for \n",
return undef;
for my $col1 (@l1)
my $col2 = shift @r1;
if ($col1 ne $col2)
print STDERR "column name disparity for \n",
return undef;
} # end for
$partSpec->{typ} = "LIST";
$partSpec->{oper} = "LIST";
while ( my ($kk, $vv) = each(%{$left->{partSpec}->{colh}}))
$partSpec->{colh}->{$kk} = []
unless (exists($partSpec->{colh}->{$kk}));
push (@{$partSpec->{colh}->{$kk}}, @{$vv});
while ( my ($kk, $vv) = each(%{$right->{partSpec}->{colh}}))
$partSpec->{colh}->{$kk} = []
unless (exists($partSpec->{colh}->{$kk}));
push (@{$partSpec->{colh}->{$kk}}, @{$vv});
delete $left->{partSpec};
delete $right->{partSpec};
$node->{partSpec} = $partSpec;
} # end OR
return $partSpec;
sub classify_hash
my ($node, $partSpec) = @_;
$partSpec->{typ} = "HASH";
$partSpec->{hash_cols} = [];
$partSpec->{hash_num} = -1;
$partSpec->{hash_max} = -1;
my @foo =
($node->{where} =~
# cols % maxn + maxn = hash #
if (scalar(@foo) != 4)
print STDERR "bad hashtext function: ", $node->{where}, "\n";
return undef;
# print Data::Dumper->Dump(\@foo);
my $allcols = shift @foo;
$partSpec->{hash_num} = pop @foo;
$partSpec->{hash_max} = pop @foo;
my @cols = split(/\|\|/, $allcols);
for my $c1 (@cols)
$c1 =~ s/\:\:text//gm;
$c1 =~ s/^\s*new\.//gm;
$c1 =~ s/^\s+//gm;
$c1 =~ s/\s+$//gm;
push @{$partSpec->{hash_cols}}, $c1;
$node->{partSpec} = $partSpec;
return $partSpec;
} # end classify_hash
# classify_fn: for LIST and RANGE partitions
sub classify_fn
my ($node, $partSpec) = @_;
return undef
unless ((ref($node) eq 'HASH') && exists($node->{val}));
# print "classify_fn: ", Data::Dumper->Dump([$node]);
if (exists($node->{left})
&& (ref($node->{left}) eq 'HASH')
&& (!exists($node->{left}->{partSpec})))
my $lpartSpec = {};
$lpartSpec->{colh} = {};
$lpartSpec->{oper} = ();
$lpartSpec = classify_fn($node->{left}, $lpartSpec);
if (exists($node->{right})
&& (ref($node->{right}) eq 'HASH')
&& (!exists($node->{right}->{partSpec})))
my $lpartSpec = {};
$lpartSpec->{colh} = {};
$lpartSpec->{oper} = ();
$lpartSpec = classify_fn($node->{right}, $lpartSpec);
# print Data::Dumper->Dump([$node]), "\n";
if ($node->{val} =~ m/^(\<|\>|\=|\<\>|\<\=|\>\=)$/)
# simple list
my @foo = ($node->{val} =~ m/^(\<|\>|\=|\<\>|\<\=|\>\=)$/ );
my $oper = $foo[0];
my ($colname, $colval);
if ($node->{left} =~ m/^new\./)
$colname = $node->{left};
$colval = $node->{right};
elsif ($node->{right} =~ m/^new\./)
$colname = $node->{right};
$colval = $node->{left};
# normalize oper for colname on left
if ($colname !~ m/^\<\>/)
if ($colname =~ m/^\</)
$oper =~ s/^\</\>/;
elsif ($colname =~ m/^\>/)
$oper =~ s/^\>/\</;
# if WHERE clause in rule does not have a column name
# (eg WHERE 1=1)
print STDERR "no colname!!!\n\n";
print STDERR Data::Dumper->Dump([$node]), "\n";
$partSpec->{typ} = "UNKNOWN";
return $partSpec;
# remove the "new." prefix
$colname =~ s/^new\.//;
# weird fixup for case like : new.bb::text = 'golf'::character varying
$colname =~ s/\:\:\w+$//;
$partSpec->{colh}->{$colname} = []
unless (exists($partSpec->{colh}->{$colname}));
push @{$partSpec->{colh}->{$colname}}, $colval;
$partSpec->{oper} = $oper;
# print Data::Dumper->Dump([$node]), "\n";
# print Data::Dumper->Dump([$partSpec]), "\n";
# equality comparison indicates a LIST partition, while
# greater than/less than comparison indicates a RANGE
# partition.
if ($oper =~ m/^\=$/)
$partSpec->{typ} = "LIST";
elsif ($oper =~ m/^(\>|\>\=)$/ )
$partSpec->{typ} = "RANGE_START";
elsif ($oper =~ m/^(\<|\<\=)$/ )
$partSpec->{typ} = "RANGE_END";
$partSpec->{typ} = "UNKNOWN";
$partSpec = classify_range_fixup($partSpec)
if ($partSpec->{typ} =~ m/^RANGE/);
$node->{partSpec} = $partSpec;
if ($node->{val} =~ m/^OR$/i)
$partSpec = classify_or($node, $partSpec);
if ($node->{val} =~ m/^AND$/i)
$partSpec = classify_and($node, $partSpec);
return $partSpec;
# classify: the top-level classifier. Parse the rewrite rules and
# determine if a RANGE or LIST partition.
sub classify
my $node = shift;
return 0
unless (exists($node->{parsetree}));
my $partSpec = {};
$partSpec->{colh} = {};
$partSpec->{oper} = ();
if ($node->{where} =~ m/^\(\(hashtext\(.*\)\s+\%\s+/i)
$partSpec = classify_hash($node, $partSpec);
$node->{parsetree}->{partSpec} = $partSpec;
$partSpec = classify_fn($node->{parsetree}, $partSpec);
# print Data::Dumper->Dump([$partSpec]);
sub prettyprintPartSpec
my $partSpec = shift;
if ($partSpec->{typ} eq "HASH")
print " Columns: (",
join(", ", @{$partSpec->{hash_cols}}), ")\n";
print " Partition Number ", $partSpec->{hash_num},
" of ", $partSpec->{hash_max}, "\n";
elsif ($partSpec->{typ} eq "LIST")
print " Columns: (",
join(", ", sort(keys(%{$partSpec->{colh}}))), ")\n";
my @foo = sort(keys(%{$partSpec->{colh}}));
my $maxn = scalar(@{$partSpec->{colh}->{$foo[0]}});
my @vals;
for my $ii (0..($maxn-1))
for my $coln (@foo)
push @vals, $partSpec->{colh}->{$coln}->[$ii];
print " Values: (",
join(", ", @vals), ")\n";
elsif ($partSpec->{typ} eq "RANGE")
my @rt = qw(range_start range_end);
for my $rtv (@rt)
if ($rtv =~ m/start/)
print " Start: \n";
print " End: \n";
my $pspec = $partSpec->{$rtv};
my @foo = sort(keys(%{$pspec->{colh}}));
my $maxn = scalar(@{$pspec->{colh}->{$foo[0]}});
for my $cnam (@foo)
print " ", $cnam, " ", $pspec->{colh_oper}->{$cnam}->[0],
" ",
$pspec->{colh}->{$cnam}->[0], "\n";
sub prettydump
my $reg_tabs = shift;
my @tabnames = sort(keys(%{$reg_tabs}));
for my $kk (@tabnames)
my $vv = $reg_tabs->{$kk};
unless (exists($vv->{rules}));
print "Table: $kk\n";
if (exists($vv->{rules}))
my @r1 = sort(keys(%{$vv->{rules}}));
for my $kk2 (@r1)
my $vv2 = $vv->{rules}->{$kk2};
unless (exists($vv2->{parsetree}));
unless (ref($vv2->{parsetree}) eq "HASH")
print "weirdo: $kk\n";
print Data::Dumper->Dump([$vv2]),"\n";
print "skipping: $kk\n";
next unless (exists($vv2->{parsetree}->{partSpec}));
print " Child: ", $vv2->{child}, "\n";
my $partSpec = $vv2->{parsetree}->{partSpec};
print " Partition Type: ", $partSpec->{typ}, "\n";
} # end prettydump
sub get_owner_privs
my $tname = shift;
my $psql_str = "psql ";
$psql_str .= $glob_connect
if (defined($glob_connect));
# describe table and get owner
$psql_str .= " -c \'\\dt $tname\'";
# print $psql_str, "\n";
my $tabdef = `$psql_str`;
# remove pre-header -- need table header
$tabdef =~ s/^\s+List of relations\s*//;
# print $tabdef, "\n";
my $rowarr = tablelizer($tabdef);
# print Data::Dumper->Dump([$rowarr]);
my $owner;
if (scalar(@{$rowarr}))
my $r1 = pop @{$rowarr};
$owner = $r1->{Owner};
my $outi = {};
$outi->{owner} = $owner;
$psql_str = "psql ";
$psql_str .= $glob_connect
if (defined($glob_connect));
# describe table and get privileges
$psql_str .= " -c \'\\dp $tname\'";
$tabdef = `$psql_str`;
# remove pre-header -- need table header
my @ttt = split(/\n/, $tabdef);
shift @ttt; # drop "Access privileges for database..."
$tabdef = join("\n", @ttt);
$rowarr = tablelizer($tabdef);
my $acl;
if (scalar(@{$rowarr}))
my $r1 = pop @{$rowarr};
$acl = $r1->{"Access privileges"};
if ($acl)
$outi->{acl} = $acl;
$acl =~ s/^\{//;
$acl =~ s/\}$//;
my @privs = split(/\,/, $acl);
my $grant_regular = {};
my $grant_with_grant = {};
for my $pr1 (@privs)
# remove any quotes
$pr1 =~ s/^\"//;
$pr1 =~ s/\"$//;
# remove the grantor
my @p2 = split(/\//, $pr1);
my $p3 = shift @p2; # first part is name/role/group = priv list
$p3 = "PUBLIC" . $p3
if ($p3 =~ m/^\=/); # change anonymous role to PUBLIC
my @name_list = split(/\=/, $p3);
my $grant_name = $name_list[0];
if ($name_list[1] =~ m/^arwdRxt$/)
$grant_regular->{$grant_name} = ["ALL PRIVILEGES"];
my @alphalist = split(//, $name_list[1]);
$grant_with_grant->{$grant_name} = []
unless (exists($grant_with_grant->{$grant_name}));
$grant_regular->{$grant_name} = []
unless (exists($grant_regular->{$grant_name}));
for my $a1 (@alphalist)
my $tt;
$tt = undef;
if ($a1 =~ m/\*/)
my $last_priv = pop @{$grant_regular->{$grant_name}};
push @{$grant_with_grant->{$grant_name}}, $last_priv;
if ($a1 =~ m/r/)
$tt = "SELECT";
elsif ($a1 =~ m/w/)
$tt = "UPDATE";
elsif ($a1 =~ m/a/)
$tt = "INSERT";
elsif ($a1 =~ m/d/)
$tt = "DELETE";
elsif ($a1 =~ m/R/)
$tt = "RULE";
elsif ($a1 =~ m/x/)
elsif ($a1 =~ m/t/)
$tt = "TRIGGER";
elsif ($a1 =~ m/X/)
$tt = "EXECUTE";
elsif ($a1 =~ m/U/)
$tt = "USAGE";
elsif ($a1 =~ m/C/)
$tt = "CREATE";
elsif ($a1 =~ m/T/)
$tt = "TEMPORARY";
# complain
push @{$grant_regular->{$grant_name}}, $tt;
} # end for alphalist
} # end if not all privs
} # end for all @privs
$outi->{grant_with_grant} = $grant_with_grant;
$outi->{grant_regular} = $grant_regular;
} # end if acl
# print Data::Dumper->Dump([$outi]);
return $outi;
} # end get_owner_privs
if (1)
my $psql_str = "psql ";
$psql_str .= $glob_connect
if (defined($glob_connect));
$psql_str .= " -c \'select * from pg_rules \' ";
# print $psql_str, "\n";
my $tabdef = `$psql_str`;
my $rowarr = tablelizer($tabdef);
# build a hash by schema.tablename of all the pg_rules
# information. Later, parse out specific partitioning rules,
# parent/child relationships, etc.
my %reg_tabs;
for my $rr (@{$rowarr})
if ($rr->{definition} =~ m/AS ON INSERT TO/i)
# NOTE: assume no duplicate INSERT rewrite rules on same table
$reg_tabs{ $rr->{schemaname} . "." . $rr->{tablename} } = $rr;
$rr->{Schema} = $rr->{schemaname};
# print Data::Dumper->Dump($rowarr),"\n";
# build hash of all constraints by schema.tablename. Each element
# contains an array of constraint names.
my %all_cons;
if (1)
$psql_str = "psql ";
$psql_str .= $glob_connect
if (defined($glob_connect));
$psql_str .= " -c \'select pcon.conname, pc.relname, " .
" pn.nspname, pcon.consrc " .
"from pg_constraint pcon, pg_class pc, pg_namespace pn " .
"where pcon.conrelid = pc.oid and pc.relnamespace = pn.oid " .
"order by pcon.conname, pn.nspname, pc.relname, pcon.consrc \' ";
# print $psql_str, "\n";
$tabdef = `$psql_str`;
$rowarr = tablelizer($tabdef);
# print Data::Dumper->Dump($rowarr),"\n";
for my $rr (@{$rowarr})
my $tname = $rr->{nspname} . "." . $rr->{relname};
my $con_item = {name => $rr->{conname}, src => $rr->{consrc}};
if (exists($all_cons{$tname}))
push @{$all_cons{$tname}}, $con_item;
$all_cons{$tname} = [$con_item];
} # end get all_cons
# for each table in pg_rules, describe it and get the rewrite
# rule, the WHERE clause for the partition rule/check constraint,
# and the child table (the target of the INSERT)
while (my ($kk, $vv) = each (%reg_tabs))
$psql_str = "psql ";
$psql_str .= $glob_connect
if (defined($glob_connect));
$psql_str .= " -c \'\\d $kk\'";
$tabdef = `$psql_str`;
$vv->{describe} = $tabdef;
unless ($tabdef =~ m/^Rules\:/m);
my $owner_privs = get_owner_privs($kk);
$vv->{owner_privs} = $owner_privs;
# print $tabdef;
# look for "Rules: " in column zero, and use it to pattern
# match remainder of describe output...
my @ruletxt = ($tabdef =~ m/\nRules\:(.*)/s);
# print $ruletxt[0], "\n";
unless (scalar(@ruletxt));
my $r1 = $ruletxt[0];
# look for next "<tag>: " in column zero, and use it to
# delimit set of all rules...
@ruletxt = split(/\n\w+((\s+\w+)*)\:/s, $r1, 2);
unless (scalar(@ruletxt));
$r1 = $ruletxt[0];
@ruletxt = split(/\n/, $r1);
# print Data::Dumper->Dump(\@ruletxt);
my $rules = {};
my $rulenam;
my $ruleitm;
for my $lin (@ruletxt)
unless (length($lin));
if ($lin =~ m/AS\s*$/)
if (defined($rulenam))
$rules->{$rulenam} = $ruleitm;
$rulenam = undef;
my @foo = ($lin =~ m/\s+(.*)\s+AS\s*$/);
unless (scalar(@foo))
print STDERR "bad line1 : $lin\n";
$rulenam = $foo[0];
$ruleitm = {};
$ruleitm->{ruledef} = $lin;
$ruleitm->{ruledef} =~ s/^\s+//;
$ruleitm->{ruledef} .= "\n" . $lin;
unless (defined($rulenam))
print STDERR "no rulename\n";
if ($lin =~ m/^\s+ON INSERT TO\s*.*$/)
my @foo = ($lin =~ m/^\s+ON INSERT TO\s+(.*)\s*$/);
unless (scalar(@foo))
print STDERR "bad line2 : $lin\n";
$ruleitm->{parent} = $foo[0];
if ($lin =~ m/^\s+WHERE.*DO INSTEAD/)
my @foo =
($lin =~ m/^\s+WHERE\s+(.*)\s+DO INSTEAD\s+INSERT\s+INTO\s+(.*)\s+\(.*$/);
unless (scalar(@foo) > 0)
print STDERR "bad line3 : $lin\n";
$ruleitm->{where} = $foo[0];
$ruleitm->{child} = $foo[1];
} # end for ruletxt
if (defined($rulenam))
$rules->{$rulenam} = $ruleitm;
$rulenam = undef;
$vv->{rules} = $rules;
# print Data::Dumper->Dump([$vv]), "\n";
} # end while each reg_tabs
# determine RANGE vs LIST tables
while (my ($kk, $vv) = each (%reg_tabs))
if (exists($vv->{rules}))
my $rr = $vv->{rules};
while (my ($kk2, $vv2) = each (%{$rr}))
# print STDERR $kk2, ":\n";
if (exists($vv2->{where}))
my ($extracted, $remainder, $txt);
$txt = $vv2->{where};
# print " where: ", $txt, "\n";
# parse words
$txt = typename_fixup_in($txt);
my $biga = pw1($txt);
$vv2->{parsetree} = $biga;
# classify the tables
# print Data::Dumper->Dump($biga);
if (0)
while (my ($kk, $vv) = each (%reg_tabs))
if (exists($vv->{rules}))
my $desc = $vv->{describe};
delete $vv->{describe};
print Data::Dumper->Dump([$vv]), "\n";
$vv->{describe} = $desc;
# print Data::Dumper->Dump([%reg_tabs]), "\n";
# generate partition definitions
# 1: generate the specs and sort the range partitions
# 2: fixup invalid partition specs, ie "point" ranges where start==end
# 3: add subpartitions to the partition by clause
# 4: build text and comments for partition by clause
genpartdefs4(\%reg_tabs, \%all_cons);
# 5: hang the subpartition specs in the right places,
# and fixup default partition names
# print Data::Dumper->Dump([%reg_tabs]), "\n";
print "\n\n\n";
if ($glob_dosql)
printpartdefs(\%reg_tabs, $glob_dosql);
print "\n\n\n";
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