提交 1c3b8388 编写于 作者: J Jimmy Yih

Add some AO/CO tests and Bitmap cardinality tests.

Add more AO/CO test coverage which covers a fixed bug from v4.1.0.0. Also,
add some cardinality and domain tests on bitmap indexes and scans. Most of
these test additions are modified/inspired from Pivotal's internal testing.
上级 e1d6c54f
......@@ -741,3 +741,265 @@ select * from bm_test where a in (1,3,5);
5 | 5
(3 rows)
-- Create a heap table.
CREATE TABLE card_heap_table_w_bitmap (id INTEGER, v VARCHAR) DISTRIBUTED BY (id);
-- Insert a few rows.
INSERT INTO card_heap_table_w_bitmap (id, v) VALUES (1,
'Water molecules cling because their electrostatic charge is polarized.');
INSERT INTO card_heap_table_w_bitmap (id, v) VALUES (2,
'The first law of thermodynamics is that matter and energy can neither be created nor destroyed.');
INSERT INTO card_heap_table_w_bitmap (id, v) VALUES (3,
'The second law of thermodynamics essentially says that you cannot recycle energy.');
INSERT INTO card_heap_table_w_bitmap (id, v) VALUES (4,
'The mass of the universe is finite and static.');
INSERT INTO card_heap_table_w_bitmap (id, v) VALUES (5,
'Population is growing exponentially.');
INSERT INTO card_heap_table_w_bitmap (id, v) VALUES (6,
'What happens next?');
INSERT INTO card_heap_table_w_bitmap (id, v) VALUES (7,
'Fusion works by fusing 4 hydrogen atoms into 1 helium atom, or by fusing 2 deuterium atoms (deuterium is an isotope of hydrogen in which the nucleus contains a neutron).');
INSERT INTO card_heap_table_w_bitmap (id, v) VALUES (8,
'Give a man a fish, and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fission, and he will blow up the planet for all eternity.');
INSERT INTO card_heap_table_w_bitmap (id, v) VALUES (9,
'Mercury, lead, and cadmium -- a day ago I had me some. Now I feel really dense.');
-- Now force the values in the "v" column to use up more space.
UPDATE card_heap_table_w_bitmap SET v = v || v;
UPDATE card_heap_table_w_bitmap SET v = v || v;
UPDATE card_heap_table_w_bitmap SET v = v || v;
UPDATE card_heap_table_w_bitmap SET v = v || v;
UPDATE card_heap_table_w_bitmap SET v = v || v;
UPDATE card_heap_table_w_bitmap SET v = v || v;
UPDATE card_heap_table_w_bitmap SET v = v || v;
UPDATE card_heap_table_w_bitmap SET v = v || v;
-- Create a bitmap index.
CREATE INDEX card_heap_bitmap_idx1 ON card_heap_table_w_bitmap USING BITMAP (v);
-- Insert some more rows.
INSERT INTO card_heap_table_w_bitmap (id, v) VALUES (10,
'Rare earth metals are not the only rare metals in the earth.');
INSERT INTO card_heap_table_w_bitmap (id, v) VALUES (11,
'Who needs cinnabar when you have tuna?');
INSERT INTO card_heap_table_w_bitmap (id, v) VALUES (12,
'This drunk walk cinnabar...');
INSERT INTO card_heap_table_w_bitmap (id, v) VALUES (13,
'Hydrogen, helium, lithium.');
INSERT INTO card_heap_table_w_bitmap (id, v) VALUES (14,
'Hydrosphere, heliopause, lithosphere.');
INSERT INTO card_heap_table_w_bitmap (id, v) VALUES (15,
'Spelunking is not for the claustrophobic.');
INSERT INTO card_heap_table_w_bitmap (id, v) VALUES (16,
'Beam me up Spock. There is NO intelligent life on this planet.');
-- Add column to the table.
-- The first column will have a low cardinality but a large domain. There
-- will be only a few distinct values in this column, but the values will
-- cover a wide range (from -2147483548 to +2147483647. Note that the 16
-- existing rows will get a value of NULL for this column.
ALTER TABLE card_heap_table_w_bitmap ADD COLUMN lowCardinalityHighDomain INTEGER DEFAULT NULL;
INSERT INTO card_heap_table_w_bitmap (id, v, lowCardinalityHighDomain) VALUES (
17, 'Can we stop malaria by breeding a mosquito that cannot host malaria?',
INSERT INTO card_heap_table_w_bitmap (id, v, lowCardinalityHighDomain) VALUES (
18, 'Andes, Butte, Cascades, Denali, Everest',
INSERT INTO card_heap_table_w_bitmap (id, v, lowCardinalityHighDomain) VALUES (
19, 'Sawtooth, Sierras, Sangre de Cristos',
INSERT INTO card_heap_table_w_bitmap (id, v, lowCardinalityHighDomain) VALUES (
20, 'Ganges, Brahmaputra, Indus',
INSERT INTO card_heap_table_w_bitmap (id, v, lowCardinalityHighDomain) VALUES (
21, NULL, -2147483648);
INSERT INTO card_heap_table_w_bitmap (id, v, lowCardinalityHighDomain) VALUES (
22, 'Amazon, Mad, Mississipi, Ohio, Sacramento, Merced', -2147483647);
INSERT INTO card_heap_table_w_bitmap (id, v, lowCardinalityHighDomain) VALUES (
23, 'Yellow, Red, Green, Blue Nile, White Nile, denial',
INSERT INTO card_heap_table_w_bitmap (id, v, lowCardinalityHighDomain) VALUES (24,
'Earthquake supplies: water, sleeping bag, hand sanitizer',
INSERT INTO card_heap_table_w_bitmap (id, v, lowCardinalityHighDomain) VALUES (25,
'radio, batteries, flashlight, camp stove', 2147483646);
INSERT INTO card_heap_table_w_bitmap (id, v, lowCardinalityHighDomain) VALUES (26,
'books, first aid equipment, axe, water purifier', 2147483647);
-- Insert enough rows to get us up to 10,000 rows.
INSERT INTO card_heap_table_w_bitmap (id, v, lowCardinalityHighDomain)
SELECT i, CAST(i AS VARCHAR), i % 100 FROM generate_series(27, 10000) i;
-- The following CREATE INDEX statements helps us test all of the following
-- conditions:
-- a multi-column index.
-- an index that contains columns that are also in another index.
-- a bitmap index on a column with a large domain but a small cardinality.
CREATE INDEX index2 ON card_heap_table_w_bitmap USING BITMAP (lowCardinalityHighDomain, v);
-- analyze the table
ANALYZE card_heap_table_w_bitmap;
-- Although we have 10,000 rows or more, the lowCardinalityHighDomain column
-- has only about 104 distinct values: 0-99, -2147483648, -2147483647,
-- 2147483647 and 2147483646.
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT lowCardinalityHighDomain) FROM card_heap_table_w_bitmap;
(1 row)
-- There should be 99 rows with this value.
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM card_heap_table_w_bitmap WHERE lowCardinalityHighDomain = 5;
(1 row)
-- Each of these tests a "single-sided range".
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM card_heap_table_w_bitmap WHERE lowCardinalityHighDomain < 0;
(1 row)
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM card_heap_table_w_bitmap WHERE lowCardinalityHighDomain > 100;
(1 row)
-- Select an individual row.
SELECT * FROM card_heap_table_w_bitmap WHERE lowCardinalityHighDomain = 2147483646;
id | v | lowcardinalityhighdomain
25 | radio, batteries, flashlight, camp stove | 2147483646
(1 row)
UPDATE card_heap_table_w_bitmap SET lowCardinalityHighDomain = NULL WHERE lowCardinalityHighDomain = 4;
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT lowCardinalityHighDomain) FROM card_heap_table_w_bitmap;
(1 row)
-- There should be approximately 115 NULL values (99 that we just updated,
-- and 16 original rows that got NULL when we added the column).
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM card_heap_table_w_bitmap WHERE lowCardinalityHighDomain IS NULL;
(1 row)
-- There should no longer be any rows with value 4.
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM card_heap_table_w_bitmap WHERE lowCardinalityHighDomain = 4;
(1 row)
-- We should have 10,000 rows now.
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM card_heap_table_w_bitmap;
(1 row)
-- This should delete 99 rows.
DELETE FROM card_heap_table_w_bitmap WHERE lowCardinalityHighDomain = 3;
-- There should be 99 records like this.
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM card_heap_table_w_bitmap WHERE lowCardinalityHighDomain = 22;
(1 row)
-- Now reduce the cardinality
DELETE FROM card_heap_table_w_bitmap WHERE lowCardinalityHighDomain > 30
AND lowCardinalityHighDomain <= 50 AND lowCardinalityHighDomain % 2 = 0;
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM card_heap_table_w_bitmap;
(1 row)
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM card_heap_table_w_bitmap WHERE lowCardinalityHighDomain < 10;
(1 row)
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM card_heap_table_w_bitmap WHERE lowCardinalityHighDomain > 100;
(1 row)
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM card_heap_table_w_bitmap WHERE lowCardinalityHighDomain IS NULL;
(1 row)
-- The number of rows updated here should be equal to the total number of rows
-- minus the number that have lowCardinalityHighDomain less than 10
-- minus the number that have lowCardinalityHighDomain greater than 100
-- minus the number that are NULL (if any).
UPDATE card_heap_table_w_bitmap SET lowCardinalityHighDomain = 200 WHERE lowCardinalityHighDomain >= 10 and lowCardinalityHighDomain <= 100;
-- Should be around 14 rows.
SELECT DISTINCT lowCardinalityHighDomain FROM card_heap_table_w_bitmap;
(14 rows)
REINDEX INDEX card_heap_bitmap_idx1;
-- Should still be around 14 rows.
SELECT DISTINCT lowCardinalityHighDomain FROM card_heap_table_w_bitmap;
(14 rows)
-- There should be 99 records like this.
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM card_heap_table_w_bitmap WHERE lowCardinalityHighDomain = 7;
(1 row)
-- There should be 7983 rows like this.
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM card_heap_table_w_bitmap WHERE lowCardinalityHighDomain = 200;
(1 row)
ALTER TABLE card_heap_table_w_bitmap RENAME COLUMN lowCardinalityHighDomain TO highCardinalityHighDomain;
-- Now add a lot more rows with few repeated values so that the
-- cardinality becomes quite high (around 50,000 distinct values)
INSERT INTO card_heap_table_w_bitmap (id, v, highCardinalityHighDomain)
SELECT i, CAST(i AS VARCHAR), i % 50000 FROM generate_series(1000001, 1050000) i;
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(highCardinalityHighDomain)) AS distinct_hchd FROM card_heap_table_w_bitmap ORDER BY distinct_hchd;
(1 row)
......@@ -358,6 +358,12 @@ select * from co where j = 2;
select i from co where j = 2;
select j,i from co where k = 'aaa' or k = 'bbb';
-- small test on a performance bug in bitmap indexes due to large tid gaps
insert into co select i, 0, 'aaaaaaa' from generate_series(1, 20) i;
insert into co select i, 1, 'aaa' from generate_series(1, 20) i;
insert into co select i, 2, 'a' from generate_series(1, 20) i;
select distinct j from co where j > -1 and j < 3 order by j;
-- Test clustering errors out
cluster co_j_cluster on co_j;
......@@ -488,7 +494,8 @@ insert into aocs_compress_results values (pg_relation_size('aocs_compress_table'
insert into aocs_compress_table (id, v) values (1, 'ifyouwantto99knowwhatist8329histhenkeepreadingit;;untilyou]findoutyoureyeshurtandyoustil0ldontknow103kwhatitisdoyouunderstandmeyetandifyoustillwanttoknowthenyoupleasekeepreading');
insert into aocs_compress_results values (pg_relation_size('aocs_compress_table'), pg_relation_size('aocs_compress_id_index'), pg_relation_size('aocs_compress_v_index'));
select get_ao_compression_ratio('aocs_compress_table');
-- compression ratio should be between 1.2 and 1.3
select get_ao_compression_ratio('aocs_compress_table') > 1.2 and get_ao_compression_ratio('aocs_compress_table') < 1.3;
select get_ao_distribution('aocs_compress_table');
truncate table aocs_compress_table; -- after truncate, reclaim space from the table and index
......@@ -319,6 +319,12 @@ insert into ao values (9,2,'b'), (10,2,'bb'), (11,2,'bbb'), (12,2,'bbbb'),
(13,5,'aaaaa'), (14,6,'aaaaaa'), (15,7,'aaaaaaa'), (16,8,'aaaaaaaa');
select * from ao where j = 2;
-- small test on a performance bug in bitmap indexes due to large tid gaps
insert into ao select i, 0, 'aaaaaaa' from generate_series(1, 20) i;
insert into ao select i, 1, 'aaa' from generate_series(1, 20) i;
insert into ao select i, 2, 'a' from generate_series(1, 20) i;
select distinct j from ao where j > -1 and j < 3 order by j;
-- Test clustering errors out
cluster ao_j_cluster on ao_j;
......@@ -446,7 +452,8 @@ insert into ao_compress_results values (pg_relation_size('ao_compress_table'), p
insert into ao_compress_table (id, v) values (1, 'ifyouwantto99knowwhatist8329histhenkeepreadingit;;untilyou]findoutyoureyeshurtandyoustil0ldontknow103kwhatitisdoyouunderstandmeyetandifyoustillwanttoknowthenyoupleasekeepreading');
insert into ao_compress_results values (pg_relation_size('ao_compress_table'), pg_relation_size('ao_compress_id_index'), pg_relation_size('ao_compress_v_index'));
select get_ao_compression_ratio('ao_compress_table');
-- compression ratio should be between 1.2 and 1.3
select get_ao_compression_ratio('ao_compress_table') > 1.2 and get_ao_compression_ratio('ao_compress_table') < 1.3;
select get_ao_distribution('ao_compress_table');
truncate table ao_compress_table; -- after truncate, reclaim space from the table and index
......@@ -744,6 +744,18 @@ select j,i from co where k = 'aaa' or k = 'bbb';
2 | 11
(3 rows)
-- small test on a performance bug in bitmap indexes due to large tid gaps
insert into co select i, 0, 'aaaaaaa' from generate_series(1, 20) i;
insert into co select i, 1, 'aaa' from generate_series(1, 20) i;
insert into co select i, 2, 'a' from generate_series(1, 20) i;
select distinct j from co where j > -1 and j < 3 order by j;
(3 rows)
-- Test clustering errors out
cluster co_j_cluster on co_j;
ERROR: "co_j" is an index
......@@ -974,10 +986,11 @@ create index aocs_compress_v_index on aocs_compress_table (v);
insert into aocs_compress_results values (pg_relation_size('aocs_compress_table'), pg_relation_size('aocs_compress_id_index'), pg_relation_size('aocs_compress_v_index'));
insert into aocs_compress_table (id, v) values (1, 'ifyouwantto99knowwhatist8329histhenkeepreadingit;;untilyou]findoutyoureyeshurtandyoustil0ldontknow103kwhatitisdoyouunderstandmeyetandifyoustillwanttoknowthenyoupleasekeepreading');
insert into aocs_compress_results values (pg_relation_size('aocs_compress_table'), pg_relation_size('aocs_compress_id_index'), pg_relation_size('aocs_compress_v_index'));
select get_ao_compression_ratio('aocs_compress_table');
-- compression ratio should be between 1.2 and 1.3
select get_ao_compression_ratio('aocs_compress_table') > 1.2 and get_ao_compression_ratio('aocs_compress_table') < 1.3;
(1 row)
select get_ao_distribution('aocs_compress_table');
......@@ -691,6 +691,18 @@ select * from ao where j = 2;
10 | 2 | bb
(6 rows)
-- small test on a performance bug in bitmap indexes due to large tid gaps
insert into ao select i, 0, 'aaaaaaa' from generate_series(1, 20) i;
insert into ao select i, 1, 'aaa' from generate_series(1, 20) i;
insert into ao select i, 2, 'a' from generate_series(1, 20) i;
select distinct j from ao where j > -1 and j < 3 order by j;
(3 rows)
-- Test clustering errors out
cluster ao_j_cluster on ao_j;
ERROR: "ao_j" is an index
......@@ -954,10 +966,11 @@ create index ao_compress_v_index on ao_compress_table (v);
insert into ao_compress_results values (pg_relation_size('ao_compress_table'), pg_relation_size('ao_compress_id_index'), pg_relation_size('ao_compress_v_index'));
insert into ao_compress_table (id, v) values (1, 'ifyouwantto99knowwhatist8329histhenkeepreadingit;;untilyou]findoutyoureyeshurtandyoustil0ldontknow103kwhatitisdoyouunderstandmeyetandifyoustillwanttoknowthenyoupleasekeepreading');
insert into ao_compress_results values (pg_relation_size('ao_compress_table'), pg_relation_size('ao_compress_id_index'), pg_relation_size('ao_compress_v_index'));
select get_ao_compression_ratio('ao_compress_table');
-- compression ratio should be between 1.2 and 1.3
select get_ao_compression_ratio('ao_compress_table') > 1.2 and get_ao_compression_ratio('ao_compress_table') < 1.3;
(1 row)
select get_ao_distribution('ao_compress_table');
......@@ -109,3 +109,171 @@ set enable_indexscan=off;
set enable_bitmapscan=on;
select * from bm_test where a in (1,3,5);
-- Create a heap table.
CREATE TABLE card_heap_table_w_bitmap (id INTEGER, v VARCHAR) DISTRIBUTED BY (id);
-- Insert a few rows.
INSERT INTO card_heap_table_w_bitmap (id, v) VALUES (1,
'Water molecules cling because their electrostatic charge is polarized.');
INSERT INTO card_heap_table_w_bitmap (id, v) VALUES (2,
'The first law of thermodynamics is that matter and energy can neither be created nor destroyed.');
INSERT INTO card_heap_table_w_bitmap (id, v) VALUES (3,
'The second law of thermodynamics essentially says that you cannot recycle energy.');
INSERT INTO card_heap_table_w_bitmap (id, v) VALUES (4,
'The mass of the universe is finite and static.');
INSERT INTO card_heap_table_w_bitmap (id, v) VALUES (5,
'Population is growing exponentially.');
INSERT INTO card_heap_table_w_bitmap (id, v) VALUES (6,
'What happens next?');
INSERT INTO card_heap_table_w_bitmap (id, v) VALUES (7,
'Fusion works by fusing 4 hydrogen atoms into 1 helium atom, or by fusing 2 deuterium atoms (deuterium is an isotope of hydrogen in which the nucleus contains a neutron).');
INSERT INTO card_heap_table_w_bitmap (id, v) VALUES (8,
'Give a man a fish, and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fission, and he will blow up the planet for all eternity.');
INSERT INTO card_heap_table_w_bitmap (id, v) VALUES (9,
'Mercury, lead, and cadmium -- a day ago I had me some. Now I feel really dense.');
-- Now force the values in the "v" column to use up more space.
UPDATE card_heap_table_w_bitmap SET v = v || v;
UPDATE card_heap_table_w_bitmap SET v = v || v;
UPDATE card_heap_table_w_bitmap SET v = v || v;
UPDATE card_heap_table_w_bitmap SET v = v || v;
UPDATE card_heap_table_w_bitmap SET v = v || v;
UPDATE card_heap_table_w_bitmap SET v = v || v;
UPDATE card_heap_table_w_bitmap SET v = v || v;
UPDATE card_heap_table_w_bitmap SET v = v || v;
-- Create a bitmap index.
CREATE INDEX card_heap_bitmap_idx1 ON card_heap_table_w_bitmap USING BITMAP (v);
-- Insert some more rows.
INSERT INTO card_heap_table_w_bitmap (id, v) VALUES (10,
'Rare earth metals are not the only rare metals in the earth.');
INSERT INTO card_heap_table_w_bitmap (id, v) VALUES (11,
'Who needs cinnabar when you have tuna?');
INSERT INTO card_heap_table_w_bitmap (id, v) VALUES (12,
'This drunk walk cinnabar...');
INSERT INTO card_heap_table_w_bitmap (id, v) VALUES (13,
'Hydrogen, helium, lithium.');
INSERT INTO card_heap_table_w_bitmap (id, v) VALUES (14,
'Hydrosphere, heliopause, lithosphere.');
INSERT INTO card_heap_table_w_bitmap (id, v) VALUES (15,
'Spelunking is not for the claustrophobic.');
INSERT INTO card_heap_table_w_bitmap (id, v) VALUES (16,
'Beam me up Spock. There is NO intelligent life on this planet.');
-- Add column to the table.
-- The first column will have a low cardinality but a large domain. There
-- will be only a few distinct values in this column, but the values will
-- cover a wide range (from -2147483548 to +2147483647. Note that the 16
-- existing rows will get a value of NULL for this column.
ALTER TABLE card_heap_table_w_bitmap ADD COLUMN lowCardinalityHighDomain INTEGER DEFAULT NULL;
INSERT INTO card_heap_table_w_bitmap (id, v, lowCardinalityHighDomain) VALUES (
17, 'Can we stop malaria by breeding a mosquito that cannot host malaria?',
INSERT INTO card_heap_table_w_bitmap (id, v, lowCardinalityHighDomain) VALUES (
18, 'Andes, Butte, Cascades, Denali, Everest',
INSERT INTO card_heap_table_w_bitmap (id, v, lowCardinalityHighDomain) VALUES (
19, 'Sawtooth, Sierras, Sangre de Cristos',
INSERT INTO card_heap_table_w_bitmap (id, v, lowCardinalityHighDomain) VALUES (
20, 'Ganges, Brahmaputra, Indus',
INSERT INTO card_heap_table_w_bitmap (id, v, lowCardinalityHighDomain) VALUES (
21, NULL, -2147483648);
INSERT INTO card_heap_table_w_bitmap (id, v, lowCardinalityHighDomain) VALUES (
22, 'Amazon, Mad, Mississipi, Ohio, Sacramento, Merced', -2147483647);
INSERT INTO card_heap_table_w_bitmap (id, v, lowCardinalityHighDomain) VALUES (
23, 'Yellow, Red, Green, Blue Nile, White Nile, denial',
INSERT INTO card_heap_table_w_bitmap (id, v, lowCardinalityHighDomain) VALUES (24,
'Earthquake supplies: water, sleeping bag, hand sanitizer',
INSERT INTO card_heap_table_w_bitmap (id, v, lowCardinalityHighDomain) VALUES (25,
'radio, batteries, flashlight, camp stove', 2147483646);
INSERT INTO card_heap_table_w_bitmap (id, v, lowCardinalityHighDomain) VALUES (26,
'books, first aid equipment, axe, water purifier', 2147483647);
-- Insert enough rows to get us up to 10,000 rows.
INSERT INTO card_heap_table_w_bitmap (id, v, lowCardinalityHighDomain)
SELECT i, CAST(i AS VARCHAR), i % 100 FROM generate_series(27, 10000) i;
-- The following CREATE INDEX statements helps us test all of the following
-- conditions:
-- a multi-column index.
-- an index that contains columns that are also in another index.
-- a bitmap index on a column with a large domain but a small cardinality.
CREATE INDEX index2 ON card_heap_table_w_bitmap USING BITMAP (lowCardinalityHighDomain, v);
-- analyze the table
ANALYZE card_heap_table_w_bitmap;
-- Although we have 10,000 rows or more, the lowCardinalityHighDomain column
-- has only about 104 distinct values: 0-99, -2147483648, -2147483647,
-- 2147483647 and 2147483646.
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT lowCardinalityHighDomain) FROM card_heap_table_w_bitmap;
-- There should be 99 rows with this value.
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM card_heap_table_w_bitmap WHERE lowCardinalityHighDomain = 5;
-- Each of these tests a "single-sided range".
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM card_heap_table_w_bitmap WHERE lowCardinalityHighDomain < 0;
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM card_heap_table_w_bitmap WHERE lowCardinalityHighDomain > 100;
-- Select an individual row.
SELECT * FROM card_heap_table_w_bitmap WHERE lowCardinalityHighDomain = 2147483646;
UPDATE card_heap_table_w_bitmap SET lowCardinalityHighDomain = NULL WHERE lowCardinalityHighDomain = 4;
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT lowCardinalityHighDomain) FROM card_heap_table_w_bitmap;
-- There should be approximately 115 NULL values (99 that we just updated,
-- and 16 original rows that got NULL when we added the column).
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM card_heap_table_w_bitmap WHERE lowCardinalityHighDomain IS NULL;
-- There should no longer be any rows with value 4.
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM card_heap_table_w_bitmap WHERE lowCardinalityHighDomain = 4;
-- We should have 10,000 rows now.
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM card_heap_table_w_bitmap;
-- This should delete 99 rows.
DELETE FROM card_heap_table_w_bitmap WHERE lowCardinalityHighDomain = 3;
-- There should be 99 records like this.
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM card_heap_table_w_bitmap WHERE lowCardinalityHighDomain = 22;
-- Now reduce the cardinality
DELETE FROM card_heap_table_w_bitmap WHERE lowCardinalityHighDomain > 30
AND lowCardinalityHighDomain <= 50 AND lowCardinalityHighDomain % 2 = 0;
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM card_heap_table_w_bitmap;
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM card_heap_table_w_bitmap WHERE lowCardinalityHighDomain < 10;
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM card_heap_table_w_bitmap WHERE lowCardinalityHighDomain > 100;
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM card_heap_table_w_bitmap WHERE lowCardinalityHighDomain IS NULL;
-- The number of rows updated here should be equal to the total number of rows
-- minus the number that have lowCardinalityHighDomain less than 10
-- minus the number that have lowCardinalityHighDomain greater than 100
-- minus the number that are NULL (if any).
UPDATE card_heap_table_w_bitmap SET lowCardinalityHighDomain = 200 WHERE lowCardinalityHighDomain >= 10 and lowCardinalityHighDomain <= 100;
-- Should be around 14 rows.
SELECT DISTINCT lowCardinalityHighDomain FROM card_heap_table_w_bitmap;
REINDEX INDEX card_heap_bitmap_idx1;
-- Should still be around 14 rows.
SELECT DISTINCT lowCardinalityHighDomain FROM card_heap_table_w_bitmap;
-- There should be 99 records like this.
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM card_heap_table_w_bitmap WHERE lowCardinalityHighDomain = 7;
-- There should be 7983 rows like this.
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM card_heap_table_w_bitmap WHERE lowCardinalityHighDomain = 200;
ALTER TABLE card_heap_table_w_bitmap RENAME COLUMN lowCardinalityHighDomain TO highCardinalityHighDomain;
-- Now add a lot more rows with few repeated values so that the
-- cardinality becomes quite high (around 50,000 distinct values)
INSERT INTO card_heap_table_w_bitmap (id, v, highCardinalityHighDomain)
SELECT i, CAST(i AS VARCHAR), i % 50000 FROM generate_series(1000001, 1050000) i;
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(highCardinalityHighDomain)) AS distinct_hchd FROM card_heap_table_w_bitmap ORDER BY distinct_hchd;
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