package tequila import ( "" "" "sort" "strconv" "strings" ) type Relation struct { From string To string Style string } type FullGraph struct { layerIndex int nodeIndex int NodeList map[string]string RelationList map[string]*Relation } type Fan struct { Name string FanIn int FanOut int } func (f *FullGraph) MergeHeaderFile(merge func(string) string) *FullGraph { result := &FullGraph{ NodeList: make(map[string]string), RelationList: make(map[string]*Relation), } nodes := make(map[string]string) for key := range f.NodeList { mergedKey := merge(key) nodes[key] = mergedKey result.NodeList[mergedKey] = mergedKey } for key := range f.RelationList { relation := f.RelationList[key] mergedFrom := merge(relation.From) mergedTo := merge(relation.To) if mergedFrom == mergedTo { continue } mergedRelation := &Relation{ From: mergedFrom, To: mergedTo, Style: "\"solid\"", } result.RelationList[mergedRelation.From+mergedRelation.To] = mergedRelation } return result } func (f *FullGraph) SortedByFan(merge func(string) string) []*Fan { mergedGraph := f.MergeHeaderFile(merge) result := make([]*Fan, len(mergedGraph.NodeList)) index := 0 fanMap := make(map[string]*Fan) for key := range mergedGraph.NodeList { fan := &Fan{Name: key} result[index] = fan fanMap[key] = fan index++ } for key := range mergedGraph.RelationList { relation := mergedGraph.RelationList[key] fanMap[relation.From].FanOut++ fanMap[relation.To].FanIn++ } sort.Slice(result, func(i, j int) bool { return (result[i].FanIn + result[i].FanOut) > (result[j].FanIn + result[j].FanOut) }) return result } func buildLayerAttr(layer string, layerIndex int) (map[string]string, string) { layerAttr := make(map[string]string) layerAttr["label"] = "\"" + layer + "\"" layerName := "cluster" + strconv.Itoa(layerIndex) return layerAttr, layerName } func (fullGraph *FullGraph) buildRelationAttr(text string) map[string]string { attrs := make(map[string]string) attrs["label"] = "\"" + text + "\"" attrs["shape"] = "box" return attrs } func (fullGraph *FullGraph) ToDot(split string, include func(string) bool) *gographviz.Graph { graph := gographviz.NewGraph() _ = graph.SetName("G") nodeIndex := 1 layerIndex := 1 nodes := make(map[string]string) layerMap := make(map[string][]string) for nodeKey := range fullGraph.NodeList { if include(nodeKey) || include(fullGraph.NodeList[nodeKey]) { tmp := strings.Split(nodeKey, split) packageName := tmp[0] if packageName == nodeKey { packageName = "main" } if len(tmp) > 2 { packageName = strings.Join(tmp[0:len(tmp)-1], split) } if _, ok := layerMap[packageName]; !ok { layerMap[packageName] = make([]string, 0) } layerMap[packageName] = append(layerMap[packageName], nodeKey) } } for layer := range layerMap { layerAttr, layerName := buildLayerAttr(layer, layerIndex) _ = graph.AddSubGraph("G", layerName, layerAttr) layerIndex++ for _, node := range layerMap[layer] { fileName := strings.Replace(node, layer+split, "", -1) attrs := fullGraph.buildRelationAttr(fileName) _ = graph.AddNode(layerName, "node"+strconv.Itoa(nodeIndex), attrs) nodes[node] = "node" + strconv.Itoa(nodeIndex) nodeIndex++ } } cross := make(map[string]bool) // mapping from strings to ints for key := range fullGraph.RelationList { relation := fullGraph.RelationList[key] if nodes[relation.From] != "" && nodes[relation.To] != "" { fromNode := nodes[relation.From] toNode := nodes[relation.To] cross[fromNode+toNode] = true attrs := make(map[string]string) attrs["style"] = relation.Style _ = graph.AddEdge(fromNode, toNode, true, attrs) } } return graph } func (fullGraph *FullGraph) ToMapDot(trie *trie.PathTrie) *gographviz.Graph { graph := gographviz.NewGraph() _ = graph.SetName("G") nodes := make(map[string]string) fullGraph.layerIndex = 1 fullGraph.nodeIndex = 1 for _, child := range trie.Children { fullGraph.buildGraphNode("G", child, graph, nodes) } for key := range fullGraph.RelationList { relation := fullGraph.RelationList[key] if nodes[relation.From] != "" && nodes[relation.To] != "" { fromNode := nodes[relation.From] toNode := nodes[relation.To] attrs := make(map[string]string) attrs["style"] = relation.Style _ = graph.AddEdge(fromNode, toNode, true, attrs) } } return graph } func (fullGraph *FullGraph) buildGraphNode(subgraph string, current *trie.PathTrie, graph *gographviz.Graph, nodes map[string]string) { layerAttr, layerName := buildLayerAttr(current.Value, fullGraph.layerIndex) _ = graph.AddSubGraph(subgraph, layerName, layerAttr) fullGraph.layerIndex++ if len(current.Children) > 0 { for _, child := range current.Children { fullGraph.buildGraphNode(layerName, child, graph, nodes) } } else { _ = graph.AddNode(subgraph, "node"+strconv.Itoa(fullGraph.nodeIndex), fullGraph.buildRelationAttr(current.Value)) nodes[current.Value] = "node" + strconv.Itoa(fullGraph.nodeIndex) fullGraph.nodeIndex++ } } type GraphNode struct { text string children []*GraphNode } func (fullGraph *FullGraph) BuildMapTree(include func(key string) bool) *trie.PathTrie { pkgTrie := trie.NewPathTrie() for nodeKey := range fullGraph.NodeList { pkgTrie.Put(strings.ReplaceAll(nodeKey, ".", "/")) } return pkgTrie } func buildNode(arr []string, node *GraphNode) *GraphNode { if node.text == arr[0] { return node } child := &GraphNode{} if len(arr) == 1 { child.text = arr[0] node.children = append(node.children, child) } else { child.text = arr[0] graphNode := buildNode(arr[1:], child) node.children = append(node.children, graphNode) } return node }