feat: add showcases for elements

上级 2190c196
......@@ -77,17 +77,17 @@ coca analysis
coca arch
Examples Results 1:
Android Studio Gradle DSL Module (merge header)
![Architecture demo 2](docs/sample/ddd.svg)
command: `coca arch -x "com.android.tools.idea.gradle.dsl" -H true`
from: [https://github.com/newlee/tequila](https://github.com/newlee/tequila/tree/master/examples/step2-Java)
![Gradle Demo](showcases/android-gradle-dsl.svg)
Examples Results 2:
Android Studio Gradle DSL Module Elements Part:
![Architecture demo](docs/sample/arch.svg)
command: `coca arch -x "com.android.tools.idea.gradle.dsl.parser.elements"`
from: [https://github.com/howiehu/ddd-architecture-samples](https://github.com/howiehu/ddd-architecture-samples)
![Gradle Demo](showcases/android-gradle-elements.svg)
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