Coca - toolbox for system refactoring and analysis

    GitHub release (latest SemVer) Build Status Maintainability codecov GitHub go.mod Go version Go

    Coca is a toolbox which is design for legacy system refactoring and analysis, includes call graph, concept analysis, api tree, design patterns suggest. Coca 是一个用于系统重构、系统迁移和系统分析的瑞士军刀。它可以分析代码中的 badsmell,行数统计,分析调用与依赖,进行 Git 分析,以及自动化重构等。

    Migration Guide (Chinese Version): 《系统重构与迁移指南

    Inspired by: newlee & Tequila

    Ant To Maven: Merry

    Refactoring Modeling:

    Refactoring Modeling

    • Languages Support
      • Java (full features)
      • Golang (support: analysis, todo, concept, git, suggest)
      • TypeScript (antlr4 performance issue)
      • Python (support: analysis, todo, concept, git, suggest)

    Features List:

    Available Commands:
      analysis    analysis code
      api         scan HTTP api from annotation
      arch        project package visualization
      bs          generate bad smell list and suggestions
      call        show call graph with specific method
      cloc        count lines of code with complexity estimation
      concept     build domain concept from source code
      count       count most refs function
      deps        evaluate dependencies
      evaluate    evaluate code situation and refactor effort
      git         analysis git commit history for revs count, summary and suggest
      help        Help about any command
      rcall       reverse call graph visualization
      refactor    auto refactor code
      suggest     find usable Design Patterns from code
      tbs         generate tests bad smell
      todo        scan all todo, and list with time
      version     version


    1. graphviz for dot file to images (such as svg, png)



    go get -u
    1. Run coca analysis
    2. Run Command


    coca analysis


    coca arch

    Android Studio Gradle DSL Module (merge header)

    command: coca arch -x "" -H true

    Gradle Demo

    Android Studio Gradle DSL Module Elements Part:

    command: coca arch -x ""

    Gradle Demo

    Find Bad Smells

    coca bs -s type

    Examples Result:

       "dataClass": [
             "File": "examples/api/",
             "BS": "dataClass"
       "lazyElement": [
             "File": "examples/api/model/",
             "BS": "lazyElement"

    Code Line Count

    coca cloc


    Language                 Files     Lines   Blanks  Comments     Code Complexity
    Go                          58     31763     7132       890    23741       2847
    Java                        44       971      208        21      742         62
    Markdown                     8       238       75         0      163          0
    Gherkin Specificati…         2        32        2        16       14          0
    Document Type Defin…         1       293       36         0      257          0
    License                      1       201       32         0      169          0
    SQL                          1         2        0         0        2          0
    SVG                          1       199        0        34      165          0
    Shell                        1         3        1         1        1          0
    XML                          1        13        0         0       13          0
    gitignore                    1        61        8         4       49          0
    Total                      119     33776     7494       966    25316       2909
    Estimated Cost to Develop $803,822
    Estimated Schedule Effort 14.120551 months
    Estimated People Required 6.743156

    Results to json

    coca cloc --by-file --format json

    Build Deps Tree

    coca call -c -r com.phodal.pholedge.

    Examples Results:

    Call Demo

    Identify Spring API

    coca api -f

    API Demo

    With Count

    coca api -r com.phodal.pholedge. -c 

    or multi package:

    coca api -r com.macro.mall.demo.controller.,com.zheng.cms.admin.,com.phodal.pholedge -c

    | SIZE | METHOD |                      URI                       |                                 CALLER                                 |
    |   36 | GET    | /aliyun/oss/policy                             | controller.OssController.policy                                        |
    |   21 | POST   | /aliyun/osscallback                            | controller.OssController.callback                                      |
    |   17 | GET    | /subject/list                                  | controller.CmsSubjectController.getList                                |
    |   17 | GET    | /esProduct/search                              |                           |
    |   17 | GET    | /order/list                                    | controller.OmsOrderController.list                                     |
    |   17 | GET    | /productAttribute/list/{cid}                   | controller.PmsProductAttributeController.getList                       |
    |   17 | GET    | /productCategory/list/{parentId}               | controller.PmsProductCategoryController.getList                        |
    |   17 | GET    | /brand/list                                    | controller.PmsBrandController.getList                                  |
    |   17 | GET    | /esProduct/search/simple                       |                           |

    Git Analysis

    coca git -t


    |                                                     ENTITYNAME                                                      | REVSCOUNT | AUTHORCOUNT |
    | build.gradle                                                                                                        |      1326 |          36 |
    | src/asciidoc/index.adoc                                                                                             |       239 |          20 |
    | build-spring-framework/resources/changelog.txt                                                                      |       187 |          10 |
    | spring-core/src/main/java/org/springframework/core/annotation/                                  |       170 |          10 |
    | spring-beans/src/main/java/org/springframework/beans/factory/support/                |       159 |          15 |
    | src/docs/asciidoc/web/webmvc.adoc                                                                                   |       121 |          24 |
    | spring-context/src/main/java/org/springframework/context/annotation/                   |       118 |           9 |
    | src/dist/changelog.txt                                                                                              |       118 |           9 |
    | spring-webmvc/src/main/java/org/springframework/web/servlet/config/annotation/       |       116 |          15 |
    | spring-beans/src/main/java/org/springframework/beans/factory/support/        |       113 |          15 |
    | spring-web/src/main/java/org/springframework/http/                                                  |       111 |          18 |
    | src/docs/asciidoc/web/webflux.adoc                                                                                  |       108 |          21 |
    | spring-core/src/main/java/org/springframework/core/annotation/                            |       107 |           9 |
    | spring-test/spring-test.gradle                                                                                      |       105 |           7 |
    | spring-webmvc/src/main/java/org/springframework/web/servlet/mvc/method/annotation/ |       105 |          13 |
    | spring-messaging/src/main/java/org/springframework/messaging/simp/stomp/         |       101 |          12 |
    | spring-web/src/main/java/org/springframework/web/client/                                           |        98 |          17 |
    | spring-webmvc/src/main/java/org/springframework/web/servlet/resource/                |        96 |          14 |
    | org.springframework.core/src/main/java/org/springframework/core/convert/                         |        93 |           4 |
    | spring-core/src/main/java/org/springframework/core/                                              |        92 |          10 |

    Concept Analyser

    coca concept

    Results Examples:

    |      WORDS       | COUNTS |
    | context          |    590 |
    | resolve          |    531 |
    | path             |    501 |
    | content          |    423 |
    | code             |    416 |
    | resource         |    373 |
    | property         |    372 |
    | session          |    364 |
    | attribute        |    349 |
    | properties       |    343 |
    | headers          |    330 |

    Count Refs

    coca count


    | REFS COUNT |                                  METHOD                                  |
    |          2 |                             |
    |          2 |                     |
    |          2 |                             |
    |          2 | com.phodal.coca.analysis.JavaCallApp.parse                               |
    |          2 |                             |
    |          2 | com.phodal.coca.analysis.JavaCallApp.parse                               |
    |          1 |                                 |
    |          1 | evolution.analysis.jv.calls.JavaCallVisitor.parseNewType                 |
    |          1 | evolution.analysis.jv.calls.JavaCallVisitor.isNotSpecialNewWord          |
    |          1 |                                 |
    |          1 |                          |
    |          1 |                       |
    |          1 |                         |
    |          1 |                               |
    |          1 |                                 |
    |          1 |                          |
    |          1 |                              |
    |          1 |                             |
    |          1 |                               |

    Reverse Call Graph

    coca rcall -c


    digraph G { 
    edge [dir="back"];
    "" -> "";
    "" -> "";

    RCall Demo

    Auto Refactor


    • rename
    • move
    • remove unused import
    • remove unused class
    coca refactor -R rename.coca -p src/main
    coca refactor -m move.config -p .


    coca evaluate

    Arduino Results:

    |              TYPE              | COUNT |         LEVEL         | TOTAL |   RATE    |
    | Nullable / Return Null         |     0 | Method                |  1615 | 0.00%     |
    | Utils                          |     7 | Class                 |   252 | 2.78%     |
    | Static Method                  |     0 | Method                |  1615 | 0.43%     |
    | Average Method Num.            |  1615 | Method/Class          |   252 |  6.408730 |
    | Method Num. Std Dev / 标准差   |  1615 | Class                 | -     |  7.344917 |
    | Average Method Length          | 13654 | Without Getter/Setter |  1100 | 12.412727 |
    | Method Length Std Dev / 标准差 |  1615 | Method                | -     | 20.047092 |

    Evaluate.json examples

    	"Nullable": {
    		"Items": [
    	"ServiceSummary": {
    		"LifecycleMap": null,
    		"ReturnTypeMap": {
    			"BookRepresentaion": [
    		"RelatedMethod": null
    	"UtilsSummary": {},
    	"Summary": {
    		"UtilsCount": 1,
    		"ClassCount": 64,
    		"MethodCount": 161,
    		"StaticMethodCount": 19


    coca todo


    |    DATE    |     AUTHOR      |            MESSAGES            |                                       FILENAME                                       | LINE |
    | 2019-12-09 | Cristian Maglie | happens on macosx, don't know  | app/src/cc/arduino/contributions/libraries/ui/ |  118 |
    |            |                 | why                            |                                                                                      |      |
    | 2019-12-09 | Cristian Maglie | Make this a method of Theme    | app/src/cc/arduino/contributions/libraries/ui/ |  233 |
    | 2019-12-09 | Cristian Maglie | Do a better job in refreshing  | app/src/cc/arduino/contributions/libraries/ui/                  |  241 |
    |            |                 | only the needed element        |                                                                                      |      |
    | 2019-12-09 | Cristian Maglie | Do a better job in refreshing  | app/src/cc/arduino/contributions/libraries/ui/                  |  273 |
    |            |                 | only the needed element        |                                                                                      |      |
    | 2019-12-09 | Cristian Maglie | Make this a method of Theme    | app/src/cc/arduino/contributions/libraries/ui/         |  149 |
    | 2019-12-09 | Cristian Maglie | happens on macosx, don't know  | app/src/cc/arduino/contributions/packages/ui/ |  183 |
    |            |                 | why                            |                                                                                      |      |
    | 2019-12-09 | Cristian Maglie | show error                     | app/src/processing/app/                                                     | 1440 |
    | 2019-12-09 | Cristian Maglie | error when importing. ignoring | app/src/processing/app/                                                     | 2423 |
    |            |                 | :(                             |                                                                                      |      |
    | 2019-12-09 | Cristian Maglie | Improve / move error handling  | app/src/processing/app/                                                   | 1541 |
    | 2019-12-09 | Cristian Maglie | Should be a Theme value?       | app/src/processing/app/                                             |   78 |
    | 2019-12-09 | Cristian Maglie | Should be a Theme value?       | app/src/processing/app/                                             |   73 |
    | 2019-12-09 | Cristian Maglie | Improve decoupling             | app/src/processing/app/                                                |  465 |


    coca suggest


    | CLASS  |     PATTERN      |             REASON             |
    | Insect | factory          | too many constructor           |
    | Bee    | factory, builder | complex constructor, too       |
    |        |                  | many constructor, too many     |
    |        |                  | parameters                     |

    Test Bad Smells

    coca tbs


    |        TYPE         |                           FILENAME                            | LINE |
    | DuplicateAssertTest | app/test/cc/arduino/i18n/ |  107 |
    | DuplicateAssertTest | app/test/cc/arduino/i18n/ |   41 |
    | DuplicateAssertTest | app/test/cc/arduino/i18n/ |   63 |
    | RedundantPrintTest  | app/test/cc/arduino/i18n/                        |   71 |
    | RedundantPrintTest  | app/test/cc/arduino/i18n/                        |   72 |
    | RedundantPrintTest  | app/test/cc/arduino/i18n/                        |   77 |
    | DuplicateAssertTest | app/test/cc/arduino/net/            |   19 |
    | DuplicateAssertTest | app/test/processing/app/macosx/  |   51 |
    | DuplicateAssertTest | app/test/processing/app/syntax/           |   41 |
    | DuplicateAssertTest | app/test/processing/app/tools/            |   57 |
    | DuplicateAssertTest | app/test/processing/app/tools/            |   83 |
    | DuplicateAssertTest | app/test/processing/app/tools/            |  109 |

    Find unused deps

    coca  deps -p _fixtures/deps/maven_sample


    |          GROUPID          |               ARTIFACTID               |  SCOPE  |
    | org.flywaydb              | flyway-core                            |         |
    | mysql                     | mysql-connector-java                   | runtime |
    | | spring-cloud-starter-contract-verifier | test    |


    Android Studio Analysis Examples

    Call Examples


    • bad smell support
      • sort method size
      • type
        • longParameterList
        • longMethod
        • repeatedSwitches
        • complexIf
        • largeClass
        • refusedBequest
        • dataClass
    • CLOC
    • HTTP API Visualization
      • Spring Support
      • @Service Support
      • API Call Size
    • Git
    • Concept
      • words NLP
      • to domain
    • Call & rcall graph
      • Count Refs
    • AutoRefactor
      • remove unused
      • move files
    • Evaluate
      • nullable count
      • static count
      • method num /length count
    • Todo Summary
      • Todo with History & Author
    • Suggest API for Design Patterns
      • factory pattern
      • strategy
      • builder
      • cycle-deps -> adapter / agency
      • bad patterns
        • singleton
    • Evaluate API
      • Average Method Length
      • Average Class Method Count
    • Tests
      • Testable?
      • Test badsmell -> list []
        • IgnoreTest: @Ingore
        • EmptyTest: not call in test
        • RedundantPrintTest: system.out.println
        • SleepyTest: Time.sleep
        • RedundantAssertionTest: assertTrue(True)
        • UnknownTest: not assert
        • DuplicateAssertTest: assert > 5
        • TestersOnly: method only call by test
        • CrossBorderTest: test method which not in system
        • General Fixture: JUnit classes having at least one method not using the entire test fixture defined in the setUp() method
    • Arch
      • Architecture Visualization
      • Architecture Guard
        • DSL Design
    • Tech Debt from Source Code
      • auto create story
    • TBD
    • Online Code Analysis
      • WASM support
      • expose WASM API
      • GitHub search code
    • Pluggable
      • plugin support (Windows Issues)
    • Dependence Analysis
      • Deps Related Counts
      • 3rd-party analysis XML or Groovy Scripts
      • Groovy Support
        • migrate to Golang Styles
    • Story Cmd
      • Auto create refactor story
    • Clean Code Suggest
    • More CodeSmells

    Documents Todo:

    • Docs
      • Lifecycle for new projects: evaluate (cloc, bad smell, api, git, todo) -> design -> patterns (suggest) -> refactoring ()
    • Date Collections
      • monolithic
      • microservice
      • big data

    Tech Debt

    • Test for Windows
    • Duplicate Code
      • cmd/ -> user builder to refactoring


    Install Go

    brew install go


    export GOROOT=/usr/local/opt/go/libexec
    export GOPATH=$HOME/.go
    export PATH=$PATH:$GOROOT/bin:$GOPATH/bin


    git clone

    Test Frameworks

    go get
    go get


    Arch based on Tequila

    Git Analysis inspired by Code Maat

    Test bad smells inspired by Test Smell Examples

    Phodal's Idea

    @ 2019 A Phodal Huang's Idea. This code is distributed under the MPL license. See LICENSE in this directory.





    贡献者 4

    P Phodal Huang @Phodal Huang
    P Phodal Huang @Phodal Huang
    P Phodal Huang @Phodal Huang


    • Go 92.2 %
    • ANTLR 4.4 %
    • Java 2.2 %
    • TypeScript 0.8 %
    • HTML 0.3 %