hub(1) -- make git easier with GitHub ===================================== ## SYNOPSIS `hub` [`--noop`] [] `hub alias` [`-s`] [] `hub help` hub- ## DESCRIPTION Hub is a tool that wraps git in order to extend it with extra functionality that makes it better when working with GitHub. ## COMMANDS Available commands are split into two groups: those that are already present in git but that are extended through hub, and custom ones that hub provides. ### Extended git commands * hub-am(1): Replicate commits from a GitHub pull request locally. * hub-apply(1): Download a patch from GitHub and apply it locally. * hub-checkout(1): Check out the head of a pull request as a local branch. * hub-cherry-pick(1): Cherry-pick a commit from a fork on GitHub. * hub-clone(1): Clone a repository from GitHub. * hub-fetch(1): Add missing remotes prior to performing git fetch. * hub-init(1): Initialize a git repository and add a remote pointing to GitHub. * hub-merge(1): Merge a pull request locally with a message like the GitHub Merge Button. * hub-push(1): Push a git branch to each of the listed remotes. * hub-remote(1): Add a git remote for a GitHub repository. * hub-submodule(1): Add a git submodule for a GitHub repository. ### New commands provided by hub * hub-alias(1): Show shell instructions for wrapping git. * hub-browse(1): Open a GitHub repository in a web browser. * hub-ci-status(1): Display GitHub Status information for a commit. * hub-compare(1): Open a GitHub compare page in a web browser. * hub-create(1): Create a new repository on GitHub and add a git remote for it. * hub-delete(1): Delete a repository on GitHub. * hub-fork(1): Fork the current project on GitHub and add a git remote for it. * hub-pull-request(1): Create a GitHub pull request. * hub-pr(1): List and checkout GitHub pull requests. * hub-issue(1): List and create GitHub issues. * hub-release(1): List and create GitHub releases. * hub-sync(1): Fetch from upstream and update local branches. ## CONFIGURATION ### GitHub OAuth authentication Hub will prompt for GitHub username & password the first time it needs to access the API and exchange it for an OAuth token, which it saves in `~/.config/hub`. To avoid being prompted, use `GITHUB_USER` and `GITHUB_PASSWORD` environment variables. Alternatively, you may provide `GITHUB_TOKEN`, an access token with **repo** permissions. This will not be written to `~/.config/hub`. ### HTTPS instead of git protocol If you prefer the HTTPS protocol for git operations, you can configure hub to generate all URLs with `https:` instead of `git:` or `ssh:`: $ git config --global hub.protocol https This will affect `clone`, `fork`, `remote add` and other hub commands that expand shorthand references to GitHub repo URLs. ### GitHub Enterprise By default, hub will only work with repositories that have remotes which point to ``. GitHub Enterprise hosts need to be whitelisted to configure hub to treat such remotes same as $ git config --global --add MY.GIT.ORG The default host for commands like `init` and `clone` is still ``, but this can be affected with the `GITHUB_HOST` environment variable: $ git clone myproject ### Environment variables * `HUB_VERBOSE`: Enable verbose output from hub commands. * `HUB_CONFIG`: The file path where hub configuration is read from and stored. If `XDG_CONFIG_HOME` is present, the default is `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/hub`; otherwise it's `$HOME/.config/hub`. The configuration file is also searched for in `XDG_CONFIG_DIRS` per XDG Base Directory Specification. * `HUB_PROTOCOL`: Use one of "https|ssh|git" as preferred protocol for git clone/push. * `GITHUB_TOKEN`: OAuth token to use for GitHub API requests. ## BUGS ## AUTHORS ## SEE ALSO git(1), git-clone(1), git-remote(1), git-init(1),