git + hub = github ================== hub is a command line tool that wraps `git` in order to extend it with extra features and commands that make working with GitHub easier. ~~~ sh $ hub clone rtomayko/tilt # expands to: $ git clone git:// ~~~ hub is best aliased as `git`, so you can type `$ git ` in the shell and get all the usual `hub` features. See "Aliasing" below. Installation ------------ Dependencies: * **git 1.7.3** or newer #### Homebrew `hub` can be installed through Homebrew: ~~~ sh $ brew install hub $ hub version git version 1.7.6 hub version 2.2.0 ~~~ #### Standalone `hub` can be easily installed as an executable. Download the latest [compiled binaries]( and put it anywhere in your executable path. #### Source To install `hub` from source, you need to have a [Go development environment]( ~~~ sh $ git clone $ cd hub # Assuming `~/bin` is in your PATH: $ ./script/build -o ~/bin/hub ~~~ Or, if you've done Go development before and your $GOPATH/bin directory is already in your PATH: ~~~ sh $ go get ~~~ Aliasing -------- Using hub feels best when it's aliased as `git`. This is not dangerous; your _normal git commands will all work_. hub merely adds some sugar. `hub alias` displays instructions for the current shell. With the `-s` flag, it outputs a script suitable for `eval`. You should place this command in your `.bash_profile` or other startup script: ~~~ sh eval "$(hub alias -s)" ~~~ ### Shell tab-completion hub repository contains tab-completion scripts for bash and zsh. These scripts complement existing completion scripts that ship with git. [Installation instructions](etc) * [hub bash completion]( * [hub zsh completion]( Meta ---- * Home: * Bugs: * Authors: ### Prior art These projects also aim to either improve git or make interacting with GitHub simpler: * [hub in Ruby]( (previous implementation) * [eg]( * [github-gem](