require 'rake/testtask' task :default => :test do |t| t.libs << 'lib' t.pattern = 'test/**/*_test.rb' t.verbose = false end desc "Launch Kicker (like autotest)" task :kicker do puts "Kicking... (ctrl+c to cancel)" exec "kicker -e rake test lib" end desc "Build a gem" task :gem => [ :gemspec, :build ] desc "Build standalone script" task :standalone => [ :test, :load_hub ] do require 'hub/standalone''hub') end desc "Build hub manual" task :build_man do sh "ron -br5 --organization=DEFUNKT --manual='Git Manual' man/*.ron" end desc "Show hub manual" task :man => :build_man do exec "man man/hub.1" end task :load_hub do $LOAD_PATH.unshift 'lib' require 'hub' end begin require 'jeweler' $LOAD_PATH.unshift 'lib' require 'hub' do |gemspec| = "git-hub" gemspec.summary = gemspec.description = "hub introduces git to GitHub" gemspec.homepage = "" gemspec.version = Hub::Version gemspec.authors = ["Chris Wanstrath"] = "" gemspec.executables = ["hub"] gemspec.post_install_message = <<-message ------------------------------------------------------------ You there! Wait, I say! ======================= If you are a heavy user of `git` on the command line you may want to install `hub` the old fashioned way. Faster startup time, you see. Check out the installation instructions at under the "Standalone" section. Cheers, defunkt ------------------------------------------------------------ message end rescue LoadError puts "Jeweler not available." puts "Install it with: gem install jeweler" end desc "Push a new version to Gemcutter" task :publish => [ :test, :gemspec, :build ] do system "git tag v#{Hub::Version}" system "git push origin v#{Hub::Version}" system "git push origin master" system "gem push pkg/git-hub-#{Hub::Version}.gem" system "git clean -fd" exec "rake pages" end desc "Publish to GitHub Pages" task :pages => [ :build_man, :check_dirty, :standalone ] do cp "man/hub.1.html html" `git checkout gh-pages` `mv hub standalone` `git add standalone*` `mv html hub.1.html` `git add hub.1.html` `git commit -m "update standalone"` `git push origin gh-pages` `git checkout master` puts :done end task :check_dirty do if !`git status`.include?('nothing to commit') abort "dirty index - not publishing!" end end