$LOAD_PATH.unshift File.dirname(__FILE__) require 'helper' require 'webmock/test_unit' class HubTest < Test::Unit::TestCase include WebMock COMMANDS = [] Hub::Commands.class_eval do remove_method :command? define_method :command? do |name| COMMANDS.include?(name) end end def setup COMMANDS.replace %w[open groff] @git = Hub::Context::GIT_CONFIG.replace(Hash.new { |h, k| raise ArgumentError, "`git #{k}` not stubbed" }).update( 'config github.user' => 'tpw', 'config github.token' => 'abc123', 'config remote.origin.url' => 'git://github.com/defunkt/hub.git', 'config --bool hub.http-clone' => 'false' ) end def stub_github_user(name) @git['config github.user'] = name end def stub_repo_url(value) @git['config remote.origin.url'] = value Hub::Context::REMOTES.clear end def test_private_clone input = "clone -p rtomayko/ronn" command = "git clone git@github.com:rtomayko/ronn.git" assert_command input, command end def test_public_clone input = "clone rtomayko/ronn" command = "git clone git://github.com/rtomayko/ronn.git" assert_command input, command end def test_your_private_clone input = "clone -p resque" command = "git clone git@github.com:tpw/resque.git" assert_command input, command end def test_your_public_clone input = "clone resque" command = "git clone git://github.com/tpw/resque.git" assert_command input, command end def test_clone_with_arguments_and_path input = "clone --bare -o master -- resque" command = "git clone --bare -o master -- git://github.com/tpw/resque.git" assert_command input, command end def test_your_private_clone_fails_without_config out = hub("clone -p mustache") do stub_github_user(nil) end assert_equal "** No GitHub user set. See http://github.com/guides/local-github-config\n", out end def test_your_public_clone_fails_without_config out = hub("clone mustache") do stub_github_user(nil) end assert_equal "** No GitHub user set. See http://github.com/guides/local-github-config\n", out end def test_private_clone_left_alone input = "clone git@github.com:rtomayko/ronn.git" command = "git clone git@github.com:rtomayko/ronn.git" assert_command input, command end def test_public_clone_left_alone input = "clone git://github.com/rtomayko/ronn.git" command = "git clone git://github.com/rtomayko/ronn.git" assert_command input, command end def test_normal_public_clone_with_path input = "clone git://github.com/rtomayko/ronn.git ronn-dev" command = "git clone git://github.com/rtomayko/ronn.git ronn-dev" assert_command input, command end def test_normal_clone_from_path input = "clone ./test" command = "git clone ./test" assert_command input, command end def test_remote_origin input = "remote add origin" command = "git remote add origin git://github.com/tpw/hub.git" assert_command input, command end def test_private_remote_origin input = "remote add -p origin" command = "git remote add origin git@github.com:tpw/hub.git" assert_command input, command end def test_public_remote_origin_as_normal input = "remote add origin http://github.com/defunkt/resque.git" command = "git remote add origin http://github.com/defunkt/resque.git" assert_command input, command end def test_private_remote_origin_as_normal input = "remote add origin git@github.com:defunkt/resque.git" command = "git remote add origin git@github.com:defunkt/resque.git" assert_command input, command end def test_public_submodule input = "submodule add wycats/bundler vendor/bundler" command = "git submodule add git://github.com/wycats/bundler.git vendor/bundler" assert_command input, command end def test_private_submodule input = "submodule add -p grit vendor/grit" command = "git submodule add git@github.com:tpw/grit.git vendor/grit" assert_command input, command end def test_submodule_branch input = "submodule add -b ryppl ryppl/pip vendor/pip" command = "git submodule add -b ryppl git://github.com/ryppl/pip.git vendor/pip" assert_command input, command end def test_submodule_with_args input = "submodule -q add --bare -- grit grit" command = "git submodule -q add --bare -- git://github.com/tpw/grit.git grit" assert_command input, command end def test_private_remote input = "remote add -p rtomayko" command = "git remote add rtomayko git@github.com:rtomayko/hub.git" assert_command input, command end def test_public_remote input = "remote add rtomayko" command = "git remote add rtomayko git://github.com/rtomayko/hub.git" assert_command input, command end def test_public_remote_f input = "remote add -f rtomayko" command = "git remote add -f rtomayko git://github.com/rtomayko/hub.git" assert_command input, command end def test_named_public_remote input = "remote add origin rtomayko" command = "git remote add origin git://github.com/rtomayko/hub.git" assert_command input, command end def test_named_public_remote_f input = "remote add -f origin rtomayko" command = "git remote add -f origin git://github.com/rtomayko/hub.git" assert_command input, command end def test_private_remote_with_repo input = "remote add -p jashkenas/coffee-script" command = "git remote add jashkenas git@github.com:jashkenas/coffee-script.git" assert_command input, command end def test_public_remote_with_repo input = "remote add jashkenas/coffee-script" command = "git remote add jashkenas git://github.com/jashkenas/coffee-script.git" assert_command input, command end def test_public_remote_f_with_repo input = "remote add -f jashkenas/coffee-script" command = "git remote add -f jashkenas git://github.com/jashkenas/coffee-script.git" assert_command input, command end def test_named_private_remote_with_repo input = "remote add -p origin jashkenas/coffee-script" command = "git remote add origin git@github.com:jashkenas/coffee-script.git" assert_command input, command end def test_init h = Hub("init -g") assert_equal "git init", h.command assert_equal "git remote add origin git@github.com:tpw/hub.git", h.after end def test_init_no_login out = hub("init -g") do stub_github_user(nil) end assert_equal "** No GitHub user set. See http://github.com/guides/local-github-config\n", out end def test_push_two h = Hub("push origin,staging cool-feature") assert_equal "git push origin cool-feature", h.command assert_equal "git push staging cool-feature", h.after end def test_push_more h = Hub("push origin,staging,qa cool-feature") assert_equal "git push origin cool-feature", h.command assert_equal "git push staging cool-feature; git push qa cool-feature", h.after end def test_fork stub_request(:get, "github.com/api/v2/yaml/repos/show/tpw/hub"). to_return(:status => 404) stub_request(:post, "github.com/api/v2/yaml/repos/fork/defunkt/hub").with { |req| params = Hash[*req.body.split(/[&=]/)] params == { 'login'=>'tpw', 'token'=>'abc123' } } expected = "remote add -f tpw git@github.com:tpw/hub.git\n" expected << "new remote: tpw\n" assert_equal expected, hub("fork") { ENV['GIT'] = 'echo' } end def test_fork_no_remote stub_request(:get, "github.com/api/v2/yaml/repos/show/tpw/hub"). to_return(:status => 404) stub_request(:post, "github.com/api/v2/yaml/repos/fork/defunkt/hub") assert_equal "", hub("fork --no-remote") { ENV['GIT'] = 'echo' } end def test_fork_already_exists stub_request(:get, "github.com/api/v2/yaml/repos/show/tpw/hub"). to_return(:status => 200) expected = "tpw/hub already exists on GitHub\n" expected << "remote add -f tpw git@github.com:tpw/hub.git\n" expected << "new remote: tpw\n" assert_equal expected, hub("fork") { ENV['GIT'] = 'echo' } end def test_version out = hub('--version') assert_includes "git version", out assert_includes "hub version #{Hub::Version}", out end def test_help assert_equal Hub::Commands.improved_help_text, hub("help") end def test_help_by_default assert_equal Hub::Commands.improved_help_text, hub("") end def test_help_with_pager assert_equal Hub::Commands.improved_help_text, hub("-p") end def test_help_hub help_manpage = hub("help hub") assert_includes "git + hub = github", help_manpage assert_includes "Chris Wanstrath :: chris@ozmm.org", help_manpage assert_includes <<-config, help_manpage Use git-config(1) to display the currently configured GitHub username: config end def test_help_hub_no_groff stub_available_commands() assert_equal "** Can't find groff(1)\n", hub("help hub") end def test_hub_standalone help_standalone = hub("hub standalone") assert_equal Hub::Standalone.build, help_standalone end def test_hub_compare assert_command "compare refactor", "open http://github.com/defunkt/hub/compare/refactor" end def test_hub_compare_range assert_command "compare 1.0...fix", "open http://github.com/defunkt/hub/compare/1.0...fix" end def test_hub_compare_fork assert_command "compare myfork feature", "open http://github.com/myfork/hub/compare/feature" end def test_hub_compare_private assert_command "compare -p myfork topsecret", "open https://github.com/myfork/hub/compare/topsecret" end def test_hub_compare_url assert_command "compare -u 1.0...1.1", "echo http://github.com/defunkt/hub/compare/1.0...1.1" end def test_hub_browse assert_command "browse mojombo/bert", "open http://github.com/mojombo/bert" end def test_hub_browse_url assert_command "browse -u mojombo/bert", "echo http://github.com/mojombo/bert" end def test_hub_browse_private assert_command "browse -p bmizerany/sinatra", "open https://github.com/bmizerany/sinatra" end def test_hub_browse_self assert_command "browse resque", "open http://github.com/tpw/resque" end def test_hub_browse_self_private assert_command "browse -p github", "open https://github.com/tpw/github" end def test_hub_browse_current assert_command "browse", "open http://github.com/defunkt/hub" end def test_hub_browse_current_private assert_command "browse -p", "open https://github.com/defunkt/hub" end def test_hub_browse_no_repo stub_repo_url(nil) assert_equal "Usage: hub browse [/]\n", hub("browse") end def test_custom_browser with_browser_env("custom") do assert_browser("custom") end end def test_linux_browser stub_available_commands "open", "xdg-open", "cygstart" with_browser_env(nil) do with_ruby_platform("i686-linux") do assert_browser("xdg-open") end end end def test_cygwin_browser stub_available_commands "open", "cygstart" with_browser_env(nil) do with_ruby_platform("i686-linux") do assert_browser("cygstart") end end end def test_no_browser stub_available_commands() expected = "Please set $BROWSER to a web launcher to use this command.\n" with_browser_env(nil) do with_ruby_platform("i686-linux") do assert_equal expected, hub("browse") end end end protected def stub_available_commands(*names) COMMANDS.replace names end def with_browser_env(value) browser, ENV['BROWSER'] = ENV['BROWSER'], value yield ensure ENV['BROWSER'] = browser end def assert_browser(browser) assert_command "browse", "#{browser} http://github.com/defunkt/hub" end def with_ruby_platform(value) platform = RUBY_PLATFORM Object.send(:remove_const, :RUBY_PLATFORM) Object.const_set(:RUBY_PLATFORM, value) yield ensure Object.send(:remove_const, :RUBY_PLATFORM) Object.const_set(:RUBY_PLATFORM, platform) end end