require 'forwardable' module Hub # Client for the GitHub v3 API. # # First time around, user gets prompted for username/password in the shell. # Then this information is exchanged for an OAuth token which is saved in a file. # # Examples # # @api_client ||= begin # config_file = ENV['HUB_CONFIG'] || '~/.config/hub' # file_store = File.expand_path(config_file) # file_config = file_store # file_config, :app_url => '' # end class GitHubAPI attr_reader :config, :oauth_app_url # Public: Create a new API client instance # # Options: # - config: an object that implements: # - username(host) # - password(host, user) # - oauth_token(host, user) def initialize config, options @config = config @oauth_app_url = options.fetch(:app_url) @verbose = options.fetch(:verbose, false) end def verbose?() @verbose end # Fake exception type for net/http exception handling. # Necessary because net/http may or may not be loaded at the time. module Exceptions def self.===(exception) {|a| a.to_s }.include? 'Net::HTTPExceptions' end end def api_host host host = host.downcase '' == host ? '' : host end def username_via_auth_dance host host = api_host(host) config.username(host) do if block_given? yield else res = get("https://%s/user" % host) res.error! unless res.success? config.value_to_persist(['login']) end end end # Public: Fetch data for a specific repo. def repo_info project get "https://%s/repos/%s/%s" % [api_host(, project.owner,] end # Public: Determine whether a specific repo exists. def repo_exists? project repo_info(project).success? end # Public: Fork the specified repo. def fork_repo project res = post "https://%s/repos/%s/%s/forks" % [api_host(, project.owner,] res.error! unless res.success? end # Public: Create a new project. def create_repo project, options = {} is_org = project.owner.downcase != username_via_auth_dance( params = { :name =>, :private => !!options[:private] } params[:description] = options[:description] if options[:description] params[:homepage] = options[:homepage] if options[:homepage] if is_org res = post "https://%s/orgs/%s/repos" % [api_host(, project.owner], params else res = post "https://%s/user/repos" % api_host(, params end res.error! unless res.success? end # Public: Fetch info about a pull request. def pullrequest_info project, pull_id res = get "https://%s/repos/%s/%s/pulls/%d" % [api_host(, project.owner,, pull_id] res.error! unless res.success? end # Public: Fetch a pull request's patch def pullrequest_patch project, pull_id res = get "https://%s/repos/%s/%s/pulls/%d" % [api_host(, project.owner,, pull_id] do |req| req["Accept"] = "application/vnd.github.v3.patch" end res.error! unless res.success? res.body end # Public: Fetch the patch from a commit def commit_patch project, sha res = get "https://%s/repos/%s/%s/commits/%s" % [api_host(, project.owner,, sha] do |req| req["Accept"] = "application/vnd.github.v3.patch" end res.error! unless res.success? res.body end # Public: Fetch the first raw blob from a gist def gist_raw gist_id res = get("https://%s/gists/%s" % [api_host(''), gist_id]) res.error! unless res.success? raw_url =['files'].values.first['raw_url'] res = get(raw_url) do |req| req['Accept'] = 'text/plain' end res.error! unless res.success? res.body end # Returns parsed data from the new pull request. def create_pullrequest options project = options.fetch(:project) params = { :base => options.fetch(:base), :head => options.fetch(:head) } if options[:issue] params[:issue] = options[:issue] else params[:title] = options[:title] if options[:title] params[:body] = options[:body] if options[:body] end res = post "https://%s/repos/%s/%s/pulls" % [api_host(, project.owner,], params res.error! unless res.success? end def statuses project, sha res = get "https://%s/repos/%s/%s/statuses/%s" % [api_host(, project.owner,, sha] res.error! unless res.success? end # Methods for performing HTTP requests # # Requires access to a `config` object that implements: # - proxy_uri(with_ssl) # - username(host) # - password(host, user) module HttpMethods # Decorator for Net::HTTPResponse module ResponseMethods def status() code.to_i end def data?() content_type =~ /\bjson\b/ end def data() @data ||= JSON.parse(body) end def error_message?() data? and data['errors'] || data['message'] end def error_message() error_sentences || data['message'] end def success?() Net::HTTPSuccess === self end def error_sentences data['errors'].map do |err| case err['code'] when 'custom' then err['message'] when 'missing_field' %(Missing field: "%s") % err['field'] when 'already_exists' %(Duplicate value for "%s") % err['field'] when 'invalid' %(Invalid value for "%s": "%s") % [ err['field'], err['value'] ] when 'unauthorized' %(Not allowed to change field "%s") % err['field'] end end.compact if data['errors'] end def links @links ||= self['link'].to_s.scan(/<(.+?)>; rel="(.+?)"/).inject({}) do |map, (url, rel)| map.update(rel.to_sym => URI.parse(url)) end end def next_url() links[:next] end end def get url, &block perform_request url, :Get, &block end def get_all url, &block previous_res = nil user = url.user while url res = get(url, &block) if url = res.next_url url = url.dup url.user = user end* if res.success? && previous_res previous_res = res end res end def post url, params = nil perform_request url, :Post do |req| if params req.body = JSON.dump params req['Content-Type'] = 'application/json;charset=utf-8' end yield req if block_given? req['Content-Length'] = byte_size req.body end end def byte_size str if str.respond_to? :bytesize then str.bytesize elsif str.respond_to? :length then str.length else 0 end end def post_form url, params post(url) {|req| req.set_form_data params } end def perform_request url, type url = URI.parse url unless url.respond_to? :host require 'net/https' req = Net::HTTP.const_get(type).new request_uri(url) # TODO: better naming? http = configure_connection(req, url) do |host_url| create_connection host_url end req['User-Agent'] = "Hub #{Hub::VERSION}" apply_authentication(req, url) yield req if block_given? finalize_request(req, url) begin res = http.start { http.request(req) } res.extend ResponseMethods return res rescue SocketError => err raise Context::FatalError, "error with #{type.to_s.upcase} #{url} (#{err.message})" end end def request_uri url str = url.request_uri str = '/api/v3' << str if != '' && != '' str end def configure_connection req, url url.scheme = config.protocol( url.port = 80 if url.scheme == 'http' if ENV['HUB_TEST_HOST'] req['Host'] = req['X-Original-Scheme'] = url.scheme req['X-Original-Port'] = url.port url = url.dup url.scheme = 'http', test_port = ENV['HUB_TEST_HOST'].split(':') url.port = test_port ? test_port.to_i : 80 end yield url end def apply_authentication req, url user = url.user ? CGI.unescape(url.user) : config.username( pass = config.password(, user) req.basic_auth user, pass end def finalize_request(req, url) if !req['Accept'] || req['Accept'] == '*/*' req['Accept'] = 'application/vnd.github.v3+json' end end def create_connection url use_ssl = 'https' == url.scheme proxy_args = [] if proxy = config.proxy_uri(use_ssl) proxy_args << << proxy.port if proxy.userinfo # proxy user + password proxy_args.concat proxy.userinfo.split(':', 2).map {|a| CGI.unescape a } end end http =, url.port, *proxy_args) if http.use_ssl = use_ssl # FIXME: enable SSL peer verification! http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE end return http end end module OAuth def apply_authentication req, url if req.path =~ %r{^(/api/v3)?/authorizations\b} super else user = url.user ? CGI.unescape(url.user) : config.username( token = config.oauth_token(, user) { obtain_oauth_token, user } req['Authorization'] = "token #{token}" end end def obtain_oauth_token host, user auth_url = URI.parse("https://%s@%s/authorizations" % [CGI.escape(user), host]) auth_params = { :scopes => ['repo'], :note => "hub for #{local_user}@#{local_hostname}", :note_url => oauth_app_url } res = nil two_factor_code = nil loop do res = post(auth_url, auth_params) do |req| req['X-GitHub-OTP'] = two_factor_code if two_factor_code end if res.success? break elsif res.status == 401 && res['X-GitHub-OTP'].to_s.include?('required') $stderr.puts "warning: invalid two-factor code" if two_factor_code two_factor_code = config.prompt_auth_code elsif res.status == 422 && 'already_exists' ==['errors'][0]['code'] if auth_params[:note] =~ / (\d+)$/ res.error! if $1.to_i >= 9 auth_params[:note].succ! else auth_params[:note] += ' 2' end else res.error! end end['token'] end def local_user require 'etc' Etc.getlogin end def local_hostname require 'socket' Socket.gethostname end end module GistAuth def apply_authentication(req, url) super unless == '' end end module Verbose def finalize_request(req, url) super dump_request_info(req, url) if verbose? end def perform_request(*) res = super dump_response_info(res) if verbose? res end def verbose_puts(msg) msg = "\e[36m%s\e[m" % msg if $stderr.tty? $stderr.puts msg end def dump_request_info(req, url) verbose_puts "> %s %s://%s%s" % [ req.method.to_s.upcase, url.scheme,, req.path, ] dump_headers(req, '> ') dump_body(req) end def dump_response_info(res) verbose_puts "< HTTP %s" % res.status dump_headers(res, '< ') dump_body(res) end def dump_body(obj) verbose_puts obj.body if obj.body end DUMP_HEADERS = %w[ Authorization X-GitHub-OTP Location ] def dump_headers(obj, indent) DUMP_HEADERS.each do |header| if value = obj[header] verbose_puts '%s%s: %s' % [ indent, header, value.sub(/^(basic|token) (.+)/i, '\1 [REDACTED]'), ] end end end end include HttpMethods include OAuth include GistAuth include Verbose # Filesystem store suitable for Configuration class FileStore extend Forwardable def_delegator :@data, :[], :get def_delegator :@data, :[]=, :set def initialize filename @filename = filename @data = {|d, host| d[host] = [] } @persist_next_change = false load if File.exist? filename end def fetch_value host, user, key entries = get(host) entries << {} if entries.empty? entry = entries.first entry.fetch(key.to_s) { value = yield raise "no value for key :#{key}" if value.nil? || value.empty? entry[key.to_s] = value save_if_needed value } end def persist_next_change! @persist_next_change = true end def save_if_needed @persist_next_change && save @persist_next_change = false end def load existing_data = @data.update yaml_load(existing_data) unless existing_data.strip.empty? end def save mkdir_p File.dirname(@filename), 'w', 0600) {|f| f << yaml_dump(@data) } end def mkdir_p(dir) dir.split('/').inject do |parent, name| d = File.join(parent, name) Dir.mkdir(d) unless File.exist?(d) d end end def yaml_load(string) hash = {} host = nil string.split("\n").each do |line| case line when /^---\s*$/, /^\s*(?:#|$)/ # ignore when /^(.+):\s*$/ host = hash[$1] = [] when /^([- ]) (.+?): (.+)/ key, value = $2, $3 host << {} if $1 == '-' host.last[key] = value.gsub(/^'|'$/, '') else raise "unsupported YAML line: #{line}" end end hash end def yaml_dump(data) yaml = ['---'] data.each do |host, values| yaml << "#{host}:" values.each do |hash| dash = '-' hash.each do |key, value| yaml << "#{dash} #{key}: #{value}" dash = ' ' end end end yaml.join("\n") end end # Provides authentication info per GitHub host such as username, password, # and API/OAuth tokens. class Configuration def initialize store @data = store # passwords are cached in memory instead of persistent store @password_cache = {} end def normalize_host host host = host.downcase '' == host ? '' : host end def username host return ENV['GITHUB_USER'] unless ENV['GITHUB_USER'].to_s.empty? host = normalize_host host @data.fetch_value(host, nil, :user) do if block_given? then yield else prompt "#{host} username" end end end def password host, user return ENV['GITHUB_PASSWORD'] unless ENV['GITHUB_PASSWORD'].to_s.empty? host = normalize_host host @password_cache["#{user}@#{host}"] ||= prompt_password host, user end def oauth_token host, user host = normalize_host(host) @data.fetch_value(host, user, :oauth_token) do value_to_persist(yield) end end def protocol host host = normalize_host host @data.fetch_value(host, nil, :protocol) { 'https' } end def value_to_persist(value = nil) @data.persist_next_change! value end def prompt what print "#{what}: " $stdin.gets.chomp rescue Interrupt puts abort end # special prompt that has hidden input def prompt_password host, user print "#{host} password for #{user} (never stored): " if $stdin.tty? password = askpass puts '' password else # in testing $stdin.gets.chomp end rescue Interrupt puts abort end def prompt_auth_code print "two-factor authentication code: " $stdin.gets.chomp rescue Interrupt puts abort end NULL = defined?(File::NULL) ? File::NULL : File.exist?('/dev/null') ? '/dev/null' : 'NUL' def askpass noecho $stdin do |input| input.gets.chomp end end def noecho io require 'io/console' io.noecho { yield io } rescue LoadError fallback_noecho io end def fallback_noecho io tty_state = `stty -g 2>#{NULL}` system 'stty raw -echo -icanon isig' if $?.success? pass = '' while char = getbyte(io) and !(char == 13 or char == 10) if char == 127 or char == 8 pass[-1,1] = '' unless pass.empty? else pass << char.chr end end pass ensure system "stty #{tty_state}" unless tty_state.empty? end def getbyte(io) if io.respond_to?(:getbyte) io.getbyte else # In Ruby <= 1.8.6, getc behaved the same io.getc end end def proxy_uri(with_ssl) env_name = "HTTP#{with_ssl ? 'S' : ''}_PROXY" if proxy = ENV[env_name] || ENV[env_name.downcase] and !proxy.empty? proxy = "http://#{proxy}" unless proxy.include? '://' URI.parse proxy end end end end end