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hub: git + hub = github
git + hub = github
`hub` is a command line utility which adds GitHub knowledge to `git`.
hub is a command line tool that wraps `git` in order to extend it with extra
features and commands that make working with GitHub easier.
It can be used on its own or as a `git` wrapper.
~~~ sh
$ hub clone rtomayko/tilt
# expands to:
$ git clone git://github.com/rtomayko/tilt.git
$ hub clone rtomayko/tilt
hub is best aliased as `git`, so you can type `$ git <command>` in the shell and
get all the usual `hub` features. See "Aliasing" below.
Expands to:
$ git clone git://github.com/rtomayko/tilt.git
Wrapping `git`:
$ git clone rack/rack
Expands to:
$ git clone git://github.com/rack/rack.git
* **git 1.7.3** or newer
* **Ruby 1.8.6** or newer
hub requires you have `git` installed and in your `$PATH`. It also
requires Ruby 1.8.6+ or Ruby 1.9.1+. No other libraries necessary.
### Homebrew
Installing on OS X is easiest with Homebrew:
~~~ sh
$ brew install hub
### Standalone
`hub` is most easily installed as a standalone script:
`hub` is easily installed as a standalone script:
curl http://defunkt.io/hub/standalone -sLo ~/bin/hub &&
chmod 755 ~/bin/hub
~~~ sh
$ curl http://defunkt.io/hub/standalone -sLo ~/bin/hub &&
chmod +x ~/bin/hub
Assuming `~/bin/` is in your `$PATH`, you're ready to roll:
Assuming "~/bin/" is in your `$PATH`, you're ready to roll:
$ hub version
git version
hub version 1.1.0
### Homebrew
$ brew install hub
$ which hub
$ hub version
~~~ sh
$ hub version
git version 1.7.6
hub version 1.8.3
### RubyGems
Though not recommended, `hub` can also be installed as a RubyGem:
Though not recommended, hub can also be installed as a RubyGem:
$ gem install hub
~~~ sh
$ gem install hub
(It's not recommended for casual use because of the RubyGems startup
time. See [this gist][speed] for information.)
### Standalone via RubyGems
#### Standalone via RubyGems
$ gem install hub
$ hub hub standalone > ~/bin/hub && chmod 755 ~/bin/hub
~~~ sh
$ gem install hub
$ hub hub standalone > ~/bin/hub && chmod +x ~/bin/hub
This installs a standalone version which doesn't require RubyGems to
run, so it's faster.
### Source
You can also install from source:
$ git clone git://github.com/defunkt/hub.git
$ cd hub
$ rake install prefix=/usr/local
~~~ sh
$ git clone git://github.com/defunkt/hub.git
$ cd hub && rake install prefix=/usr/local
### Help! It's Slow!
......@@ -91,30 +97,32 @@ If #3 is slow, it may be your [GC settings][gc].
`hub` works best when it wraps `git`. This is not dangerous - your
normal git commands should all work. hub merely adds some sugar.
Typing `hub alias <shell>` will display alias instructions for
your shell. `hub alias` alone will show the known shells.
Using hub feels best when it's aliased as `git`. This is not dangerous; your
_normal git commands will all work_. hub merely adds some sugar.
For example:
`hub alias <shell>` displays alias instructions for the given shell. `hub alias`
alone will show the known shells.
$ hub alias bash
Run this in your shell to start using `hub` as `git`:
$ hub alias bash
Run this in your shell to start using `hub` as `git`:
alias git=hub
You should place this command in your `.bash_profile` or other startup
script to ensure runs on login.
The alias command can also be eval'd directly using the `-s` flag:
$ eval `hub alias -s bash`
~~~ sh
$ eval `hub alias -s bash`
Assuming you've aliased `hub` to `git`, the following commands now have
Assuming you've aliased hub as `git`, the following commands now have
### git clone
......@@ -292,10 +300,12 @@ superpowers:
> (hub man page)
GitHub Login
To get the most out of `hub`, you'll want to ensure your GitHub login
### GitHub username & token
To get the most out of hub, you'll want to ensure your GitHub login
is stored locally in your Git config or environment variables.
To test it run this:
......@@ -312,59 +322,47 @@ setup "github.token" as well. See [GitHub config guide][2] for more information.
If present, environment variables `GITHUB_USER` and `GITHUB_TOKEN` override the
values of "github.user" and "github.token".
### HTTPS insted of git protocol
If you prefer using the HTTPS protocol for GitHub repositories instead of the git
protocol for read and ssh for write, you can set "hub.protocol" to "https".
For example:
$ git clone defunkt/repl
< git clone >
~~~ sh
# default behavior
$ git clone defunkt/repl
< git clone >
$ git config --global hub.protocol https
$ git clone defunkt/repl
< https clone >
Prior Art
These projects also aim to either improve git or make interacting with
GitHub simpler:
* [eg](http://www.gnome.org/~newren/eg/)
* [github-gem](https://github.com/defunkt/github-gem)
# opt into HTTPS:
$ git config --global hub.protocol https
$ git clone defunkt/repl
< https clone >
These instructions assume that you already have `hub` installed and that
you've set it up so it wraps `git` (see "Aliasing").
These instructions assume that you already have hub installed and aliased as
`git` (see "Aliasing").
1. Clone hub:
`git clone defunkt/hub`
2. Verify that existing tests pass (see "Development dependencies"):
`rake test`
`git clone defunkt/hub && cd hub`
1. Install development dependencies:
`bundle install`
2. Verify that existing tests pass:
`bundle exec rake`
3. Create a topic branch:
`git checkout -b my_branch`
4. Make your changes – it helps a lot if you write tests first
`git checkout -b feature`
4. **Make your changes.** (It helps a lot if you write tests first.)
5. Verify that tests still pass:
`rake test`
`bundle exec rake`
6. Fork hub on GitHub (adds a remote named "YOUR_USER"):
`git fork`
7. Push to your fork:
`git push -u YOUR_USER my_branch`
`git push -u YOUR_USER feature`
8. Open a pull request describing your changes:
`git pull-request`
### Development dependencies
You will need the following libraries for development:
* [ronn](https://github.com/rtomayko/ronn) (building man pages)
* [webmock](https://github.com/bblimke/webmock)
......@@ -372,12 +370,16 @@ Meta
* Home: <https://github.com/defunkt/hub>
* Bugs: <https://github.com/defunkt/hub/issues>
* Gem: <https://rubygems.org/gems/hub>
* Authors: <https://github.com/defunkt/hub/contributors>
### Prior art
These projects also aim to either improve git or make interacting with
GitHub simpler:
* [eg](http://www.gnome.org/~newren/eg/)
* [github-gem](https://github.com/defunkt/github-gem)
[speed]: http://gist.github.com/284823
[2]: http://help.github.com/set-your-user-name-email-and-github-token/
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